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AFM998-T 90511 0800 Englisch

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Mobile Grinding, Crushing and Mixing

AFM 998-T / 998QT

Issue No.: 90511e (08/00)

Th. Buschhoff GmbH & Co. Postfach 1351 59203 Ahlen/Westf.

Tel. 0 23 82/80 84-0. Fax 0 23 82/80 84-21 e-mail: Internet: http//
Table of1 Contents

1 General ........................................................................... 4
1.1 Preface................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Copyright................................................................................................ 4

2 General Safety Instructions ......................................... 5

2.1 Warnings and Symbols .......................................................................... 5
2.2 Principle; Use as Intended ..................................................................... 5
2.3 Measures of Organisation ...................................................................... 6
2.4 Selection of Personnel and Qualification; General Duties ..................... 7
2.5 Safety Instructions for Particular Situations ........................................... 8
2.6 Special Risks........................................................................................ 11
2.6.1 Power .............................................................................................................. 11
2.6.2 Gas, Dust, Steam, Smoke ............................................................................... 11
2.6.3 Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems .................................................................. 11
2.6.4 Noise ............................................................................................................... 12
2.6.5 Oils, Greases and Other Chemicals ................................................................ 12

3 Signs and Symbols ..................................................... 13

3.1 Arrangement of Equipment, Warning and Instruction Signs ................ 13
3.2 Descriptions of the signs ...................................................................... 14

Technical Characteristics ............................................... 19

4.1 Weights and Dimensions ..................................................................... 19
4.1.1 Dimensions of Mounted Equipment: ................................................................ 19
4.1.2 Total Weight of Mounted Equipment:............................................................... 19
4.1.3 Axle load from Mounted Equipment:................................................................ 19
4.2 Drive Scheme....................................................................................... 20
4.3 Characteristics of Individual Components............................................ 21

5 Plant Description......................................................... 22
5.1 Overview .............................................................................................. 22
5.1.1 Plant - Left Side ............................................................................................... 22
5.1.2 Plant - Right side ............................................................................................. 23
5.1.3 Plant - Rear Side ............................................................................................. 24
5.1.4 Control Panel ................................................................................................... 25

1 General
5.2 Description of Important Components ..................................................26
5.2.1 Motor, Cooler, Air Filter, Coupling, Geared Pumps ......................................... 26
5.2.2 Blower with Accessories ................................................................................. 27
5.2.3 Suction Line, Magnet, Mill ............................................................................... 28
5.2.4 Total separator, Star Feeder, Crusher ............................................................ 29
5.2.5 Double Screw, Long Screw, Discharge Gate .................................................. 30
5.2.6 Hydraulic System ............................................................................................ 31
5.2.7 Electrical Operation......................................................................................... 32

6 Function and Operation ..............................................33

6.1 Jobs......................................................................................................33
6.1.1 Grinding .......................................................................................................... 33
6.1.2 Crushing.......................................................................................................... 33
6.1.3 Suction without Grinding/Crushing .................................................................. 33
6.1.4 Mixing.............................................................................................................. 34
6.1.5 Discharge ........................................................................................................ 34
6.2 Operation..............................................................................................34
6.2.1 Driving on Public Roads .................................................................................. 34
6.2.2 Setting up the Plant......................................................................................... 35
6.2.3 Starting and Stopping the Motor...................................................................... 35
6.2.4 Grinding, Crushing, Mixing .............................................................................. 36
6.2.5 Component Feed ............................................................................................ 36
6.2.6 Discharge ........................................................................................................ 37
6.3 Exhaust air deccontamination with the separator.................................38

7 Maintenance .................................................................40
7.1 Instructions ...........................................................................................40
7.2 Maintenance Works..............................................................................42
7.2.1 Motor, Cooling, Air Intake................................................................................ 42
7.2.2 Flexible Coupling............................................................................................. 45
7.2.3 Rotary Piston Blower, Safety Valves, Double Silencer.................................... 45
7.2.4 HF 92 Hammer Mill, Magnet ........................................................................... 46
7.2.5 Total separator, star feeder ............................................................................. 47
7.2.6 GQ60 Grain Crusher ....................................................................................... 48
7.2.7 Weigh Mixer, Weighing Facility ....................................................................... 49
7.2.8 Discharge Gate ............................................................................................... 49
7.3 V Belts ..................................................................................................50
7.3.1 Crusher ........................................................................................................... 50
7.3.2 V Belts of Rotary Blower ................................................................................. 50
7.3.3 Other V belts ................................................................................................... 50
7.4 Lubrication of Anti-Friction Bearings.....................................................51
7.5 Hydraulic System .................................................................................52
7.6 Circuit Diagram.....................................................................................56
7.7 Maintenance Schedule.........................................................................58

1 General
8 List of Important Spare Parts..................................... 59
8.1 V Belts.................................................................................................. 59
8.2 Remote Manipulating Equipment ......................................................... 59
8.3 Anti-Friction Bearings........................................................................... 60
8.4 Gaskets and Transition Hoses ............................................................. 61
8.5 Suction and Pressure lines .................................................................. 61
8.6 HF 92 Hammer Mill .............................................................................. 62
8.7 WM 30 Weigh Mixer............................................................................. 63
8.8 Grain crucher GQ 60............................................................................ 63
8.9 Other Spare Parts ................................................................................ 63

9 Additional Equipment ................................................. 64

9.1 Soy Oil Dosing Unit .............................................................................. 64
9.2 Lift-and-Tilt Mechanism for Bags : ....................................................... 65
9.3 Central lubrication for lubricating grease NLG 2 .................................. 65

10 Appendix ...................................................................... 66
10.1 Mercedes Benz Diesel Engine Manufacturer.................................... 66
10.2 Aerzener Maschinenfabrik Rotary Piston Blower Manufacturer........ 66

1 General
1 General
1.1 Preface
These operating instructions shall help the user to familiarise with the equipment and to
use it for its intended purposes.
The operating instructions include important instructions on how to safely, properly and
economically run the plant. Observing them helps to avoid dangers, to reduce repair costs
and stoppage times, and to increase the equipments lifetime and reliability.
These operating instructions must be added by existing, relevant national regulations for
accident prevention and environmental protection.
The operating instructions must always be handy at the place of use of the equipment.
Any person working with or on the equipment has to study and to observe this operating
instructions, particularly the chapters on:
operation including setting-up, fault detection and elimination, elimination of failures,
equipment care, disposal of consumables;
maintenance (care, inspection, repairs);
Illustrations and information contained in these operating instructions are subject to
technical changes in the sense of technical development and improvement of the
Beside these operating instructions and regulations for accident prevention as valid in the
users country and at the place of use it is also required to observe applicable technical
rules for safe and proper work.

1.2 Copyright
The copyright of these operating instructions remain with the
Maschinenfabrik Th. Buschhoff GmbH u. Co.
These operating instructions are intended to be used by the erecting, operating and
supervising personnel. They include regulations and drawing of technical kind and neither
the instructions as a whole nor parts of them may be duplicated, published, or intimated to
foreign parties.

2 General Safety Instructions
2 General Safety Instructions
2.1 Warnings and Symbols
These operating instructions include the following markings to emphasise information of
particular significance:
Notice special information regarding the economic use of the plant.

Attention special information and/or instructions/prohibitions to avoid damages.

Danger Information and/or instructions/prohibitions to avoid injuries to people or

extensive damages to the equipment.

2.2 Principle; Use as Intended

The equipment was manufactured according to the latest state of technical development
and approved safety regulations. Notwithstanding that, using the equipment may cause
danger to life and limb of the user or other people, or damages to the equipment itself or to
other material assets.

Make sure that the equipment is only used in technically perfect condition and for the
intended purpose, and be conscious about safety and dangers involved. Always consider
the operating instructions. Instantly eliminate disturbances which may reduce the
equipments safety.

The plant shall be used only to produce concentrated feed from dry grain and other bulk
feed components of similar grain size and residual moisture. Any other or extended use,
such as grinding in permanent operation, is not considered to be a kind of use as
intended. Any damage resulting therefrom is not within the manufacturers liability, but at
the users sole risk.
Use as intended includes consideration of the operating instructions, and observation of
inspection and maintenance regulations, as well.

2 General Safety Instructions
2.3 Measures of Organisation
Keep these operating instructions handy at the place of use of the plant.

In addition to these operating instructions, follow the general, legal and other relevant
regulations for accident prevention and environmental protection. Give instructions
regarding particular duties.
These duties may include, for example, behaviour on handling dangerous materials,
wearing of protective clothing, or instructions regarding road traffic.

Make sure that the personnel working with the machine studied the operating instructions -
particularly the chapters on safety instructions - before starting a job. Doing so in the
course of work is too late. This is of particular significance for people working with the plant
only occasionally, for example, in connection with set-up or maintenance works.

Now and then check whether the personnel works correctly with regard to safety and
dangers involved in their jobs, observing the operating instructions.

The personnel must not wear open, long hair, loose clothing and the like, because there
may be a danger of getting injured by getting caught on the equipment.

So far as necessary or regulated, wear personal protective means.

Observe all labelled safety instructions and messages of danger of the plant.

Keep all safety instructions and messages of danger at the machine in complete and
legible condition.

If the equipment or its operating behaviour shows any changes concerning its safety, put it
instantly out of operation and inform the concerned person or body.

Without the manufacturers permission, do not perform any changes, additions or
modifications of the equipment which might impair its safety. That applies to mounting and
setting of safety equipment and valves, and welding of load-bearing parts, as well.

2 General Safety Instructions
Spare parts must meet the technical requirements as defined by the manufacturer. This is
always guaranteed using original spare parts.

Change hydraulic hoses in appropriate intervals, even when defects impairing safety
cannot yet be revealed.

Observe intervals of regular checks and inspections as demanded or indicated in the
operating instructions.

The execution of maintenance works requires appropriate workshop equipment.
2.4 Selection of Personnel and Qualification; General Duties
Only reliable personnel is authorised to work on/with the plant. Also observe the legal
minimum age.

Assign only trained or instructed personnel. Clearly define authorisations for operation,
setting-up, maintenance and repair.

Make sure that only authorised personnel works with the machine.

Define the operators responsibility, also with regard to road traffic, and give him the right
to refuse to fulfil third parties instructions being contrary to safety.

Personnel which is being instructed should be allowed to work with the plant only under
supervision by an experienced person.

Electrical works on the plant may only be executed by an electrician, or by instructed
personnel under leadership and supervision by an electrician according to the regulations
for electrical works.

Works on drive, brake assembly, steering and hydraulic equipment may only be executed
by trained specialists.

2 General Safety Instructions
2.5 Safety Instructions for Particular Situations
2.5.1 Normal Operation
Avoid any activity which might be contrary to safety
Before starting the work, familiarise with the surroundings of the working place. To these
surroundings belong, for example, obstacles in working and traffic area, carrying capacity
of the ground, and required securing measures in areas of public traffic.
Take action that the equipment is only used in safe and functioning condition.
Use the equipment only if all protective and safety devices, such as removable protectors,
emergency-off devices and noise dampers are existing and functioning.
At least once per day, check the equipment for visible damages and defects. Having found
such, immediately put the equipment out of operation and secure it, if required.
In case of failures, instantly put the equipment out of operation and secure it. Have defects
eliminated immediately.
During switching on and off, watch the control indicators, as demanded by the operating
Before starting/switching the plant on make sure that nobody is endangered by the starting
Before moving the plant and/or starting working, check the function of brakes, steering,
signal and lighting equipment.
Before moving the plant, check the accident-safe arrangement of the accessories.
On moving on public roads, tracks and squares, observe the road traffic regulations and, if
need be, make the equipment fit for public traffic before.
Always use the lamps at darkness and insufficient visibility.

2 General Safety Instructions
Passengers may only be carried sitting on the appropriate passenger seats.
On passing underpassings, bridges, tunnels, overhead lines etc. take care for sufficient
Avoid everything what might impair the plants stability.
In case of steep slopes, adapt the vehicles speed accordingly. Never change to the lower
gear when driving the slope, but always before.
Before leaving the drivers cabin, always secure the vehicle against unintended motion and
unauthorised use.

2.5.2 Special Jobs during the Use of the Plant, Maintenance and Defect
Elimination; Disposals
Observe all set-up, maintenance, inspection activities and dates including replacements of
parts and assemblies, as stipulated in the operating instructions. These jobs me be
performed only by specialised personnel.
For all works concerning operation, adaptation of processing teqchnique, set-up or setting
of the equipment and its safety devices, as well as inspection, maintenance and repairs,
perform the switching-on and -off procedures as per operating instructions, and follow the
instructions for maintenance works.
If the plant is switched off completely for maintenance and repair works, secure it against
unintended switching-on by removing the key.
Perform maintenance and repair works only with the plant standing on an even and load-
bearing base and being secured against unintended motion or falling-over.
On replacement, parts and assemblies must be fastened carefully to the hoisting tackle so
that any danger is excluded. Use only suitable and technically safe hoisting tackle and
load take-ups of sufficient bearing capacity. Do not work or stay under suspended loads.
Fastening of loads and guiding of crane drivers may be done only by qualified personnel.
The guide must be visible to the crane driver or be in verbal contact with him.

2 General Safety Instructions
For overhead erection works use only intended or other safe climbing facilities and working
platforms. Do not use equipment parts to climb up. For maintenance works on higher
altitudes, take protective measures against tumbling.
All handles, steps, railings, pedestals, platforms, ladders etc. must free from
contamination, snow and ice.
At the beginning of maintenance and repair works, clean the equipment, especially
connectors and screwings, from oil, fuel and preserving agents. Do not use aggressive
cleansing agents. Use only non-fluffy tissues.
Prior to the cleaning of the equipment using water, high-pressure cleaning or other
cleansing agents, cover all openings into which water, steam and cleansing agents must
not enter for purposes of safety and function. Electrical parts are endangered most of all.
Completely remove the coverings after cleaning.
After cleaning, check all fuel, motor oil and hydraulic oil pipings for leakages, loose
connections, abrasions and damages. Rectify damages immediately.
Always retighten screwed connection which had to be opened for maintenance and repair
If safety facilities must be unmounted for set-up, maintenance and repair purposes, they
must be remounted and checked immediately after completion of these works.
Take care the all used consumables and replacement parts are disposed in a safe and
environmentally friendly way.

2 General Safety Instructions
2.6 Special Risks
2.6.1 Power
Use only original fuses of the required amperage. On power supply failures instantly switch
the plant off.
Works on the electrical installation or means of operation may be executed only by an
electrician, or by instructed personnel under leadership and supervision by an electrician
according to the regulations for electrical works.
Check the electrical equipment in regular intervals. Instantly rectify defects, such as loose
connections or burnt cables.

2.6.2 Gas, Dust, Steam, Smoke
Use combustion engines only in sufficiently ventilated rooms. Before starting them in
closed rooms, make sure that sufficient ventilation is provided.
Observe the regulations for the particular place of use.
Perform welding, cutting and grinding works on the equipment only with explicit
permission, i.e., if there is no risk of fire or explosion.
Before welding, cutting and grinding, clean the equipment and the surrounding area from
dust and inflammable materials and provide sufficient ventilation (danger of explosion!).
Disconnect battery cables before starting welding.

2.6.3 Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems
Works on hydraulic equipment may only be executed by people with special knowledge
and experience in hydraulics.
Regularly check all pipings, hoses and screwings for leakages and all visible damages.
Instantly eliminate damages. Escaping oil may lead to injuries and fire.
System sections and pressure lines (hydraulic system, compressed-air system) must be
depressurised before starting the repair works.
Hydraulic and pneumatic pipings must be laid carefully. Avoid misconnections. Armatures,
length and quality of hoses must meet the requirements.

2 General Safety Instructions
2.6.4 Noise
Noise protection means of the machine must be on during operation.
Wear ear protectors, because a noise level of about 89 dB(A) occurs temporarily during
grinding and crushing.

2.6.5 Oils, Greases and Other Chemicals
On handling oils, greases and other chemicals, observe the applicable safety regulations.
Take care on handling hot consumables (risk of burning)!

3 Signs and Symbols
3 Signs and Symbols
Attention Immediately replace damaged or illegible sings!

3.1 Arrangement of Equipment, Warning and Instruction Signs

3 4 (3x) 7 4 8 6 5 4 8 1,2

9 10 6 22 16 17,20,21 14 15 18 12 13 19

3 Signs and Symbols
3.2 Descriptions of the signs
Note The machine signs of the Diesel engine and the rotary piston blower (no. 1
and 2) are described in the corresponding operating instructions.

Sign 3:

Sign 4: Sign 5:

Do not open or remove protective Pressure tank is under gas and oil pressure.
device when motor is running. Strictly follow operating instructions for
removal and repair.

Sign 6:
Do not stay in the working range of
the equipment.

3 Signs and Symbols
Sign 7:

Main switch

Sign 8:

On failure, mixer,
component screws
and star feeder can
be stopped by ball cock.

Sign 9:

Screw discharge

Sign 10:

Gate discharge

3 Signs and Symbols

Sign 12: Sign 13:

Read and follow operating instructions. Before starting any repair and maintenance,
switch motor off and remove key.

Sign 14:

Reduce motor speed of
full mixer only to clicking-in

3 Signs and Symbols
Sign 15:

Nominal speed Open

Motor speed Regulator

Idle run Closed

Crushing Screw discharge

Mill flap Pressure flap

Grinding Gate discharge


Crusher gap

Small Not applicable for AFM998-T

Sign 16:

Lift Crushing

Lift/tilt mechnsm Roller position

Lower Grinding

3 Signs and Symbols
Sign 17:

Motor STOP

Sign 18:
FULL horn motor working double screw gate suction tare
indictr. start projectors screw discharge discharge relief

Sign 19:

Sign 20: Sign 21:

Oil pressure Oil pressure

mixer crucher

Sign 22:

Rotational speed double screw

4 Technical Characteristics
4 Technical Characteristics
4.1 Weights and Dimensions
4.1.1 Dimensions of Mounted Equipment:

2100 850
Freiraum fr Mhle

700 2400 2100 400

Freiraum fr

4.1.2 Total Weight of Mounted Equipment:

(without additional equipment and mixed-material)
AFM 998-T: 5900 kg
AFM 998 Q-T: 7100 kg

4.1.3 Axle load from Mounted Equipment:

(without additional equipment and mixed-material)

AFM 998-T AFM 998 Q-T

Wheel base Front axle rear axle Front axle rear axle

3.560 mm 1.040 kg 4.860 kg 1.250 kg 5.850 kg

3.675 mm 1.000 kg 4.900 kg 1.200 kg 5.900 kg

4.025 mm 920 kg 4.980 kg 1.100 kg 6.000 kg

4.250 mm 870 kg 5.030 kg 1.050 kg 6.050 kg

4.425 mm 830 kg 5.070 kg 1.000 kg 6.100 kg

4 Technical Characteristics
4.2 Drive Scheme
The AFM 998 and AFM 998Q grinding, crushing and mixing plants are mounted on trucks.
Hammer mill, grain crusher, rotary piston blower, single-geared pump and the motor-
flanged double-geared pump are driven by an OM 441A Mercedes Benz diesel engine.
The double-geared pump drives the hydraulic motors of mixer screw, star feeder,
component screws and double screw. The motors of the long discharge screw and of the
discharge gate, as well as the hydraulic cylinders of the long discharge screw, grain
crusher and suction relief are driven by the single-geared pump.

MB engine
OM 441A
2100 rpm

hammer mill blower grain crusher single pump double pump

HF92 GM 35 S GQ60 11 cm 19 cm + 11cm
2100 rpm 2400 rpm ca. 570 rpm 28 l/min 50 + 29 l/min

weigh mixer component screw

hydromotor hydromotor OMS 100
OMTW 250 290 rpm
200 rpm

star feeder ZS351

hydromotor OMS250
32 rpm

Total separator double screw

Floor scraper, hydromotor
Scavenging device OMS 80
2 rpm 0 - 620 rpm

long screw gate DS282 grain crusher long screw lift/tilt suction
mechnsm relief
Motor OMS80 Motor OMR200 roller variation lifting/lowering lifting/lowering
ca. 800 rpm 55 rpm

4 Technical Characteristics
4.3 Characteristics of Individual Components
Drive water-cooled OM 441A V6 Mercedes-Benz diesel engine
capacity: 190 kW at 2100 rpm

Blower GM 35-S Aerzener rotary piston blower for bulk lorries

speed: 2400 rpm

Suction line line diameter: 100 mm

maximum length: 40 m

Mill HF 92 hammer mill with 40 hard-metal hammers,

two screen baskets and two screens
grinding capacity: up to 10 14 t/h

Crusher GQ 60 grain crusher with two driven, chequered rollers

crushing capacity: up to 10 14 t/h

Mixer WM 30 weigh mixer; intake capacity: 3 tons

at a bulk weight of 550 kg/cbm

Pneumatic DS282 discharge gate with both-sidedly pivoted star feeder

discharge line diameter: 100 mm
maximum length: 40 m
discharge time: 7 to 12 min

Screw slewable, vertically adjustable screw

discharge length: 4,5 m, extendible by 2 m
slewing range: 250
hydraulic vertical adjustment: 0-60 (angle of incline)
vertical adjustment directly at the screw or from the operators cabin
discharge time: 7 to 10 min

5 Plant Description
5 Plant Description
5.1 Overview
5.1.1 Plant - Left Side

motor oil filter Preliminary filter suction line Total separator blow-off- weigh double
for OM441A with suction relief to blower via star feeder pipe mixer screw

main HF92 oil drain suction relief pressure suction line long screw DS282 dis-
switch mill screw with bypass for silencer with magnet charge gate
scavenging air

5 Plant Description
5.1.2 Plant - Right side

Weigher with WM 30 weigh Total separator Preliminary filter with

remote display mixer suction relief valve

tilting operators Runback filter for hydraulic Crucher with air intake
mechanism platform hydraulics tank feeder hood for MB-engine

5 Plant Description
5.1.3 Plant - Rear Side

discharge gate weigh mixer capacity: Weigher with Sensing hose trays
ventilation 3 tons remote display elements

suction line pressure line inlet- Tilting Hydraulikc valves Control panel
discharge gate mechanism

5 Plant Description
5.1.4 Control Panel

underpressure manometer overpressure manometer rev counter

fuel tank

motor oil pressure

water temperature

hours of operation counter

ignition lock

sev trigger switches

(refer to chapter 5.11)

operation pressure of mixer

shut-off pull switch

crushing pressure

motor regulator mill flap pressure crushing-roller

speed flap gap (0.2-1.2mm)

5 Plant Description
5.2 Description of Important Components
5.2.1 Motor, Cooler, Air Filter, Coupling, Geared Pumps

waste-gas turboloader

double geared pump

PNA200 flexible coupling

flexible motor bearing

motor oil motor oil dipstick OM441A MB motor

filter filling nozzle

PICLON compound filter


contamination indicator

compensating tank of cooler

water refill opening

5 Plant Description
5.2.2 Blower with Accessories
Pipeline from suction
relief to blower

blade rotary piston blower

GM 35-S

Two oil refill screw

two sight glasses

for oil level

waste gas silencer

blow-off elbow

Total separator

Pipe bend D120 in front of


Suction relief with bypass for

scavenging air

left-sided roof with


Motor-silencer Pipeline to blower

5 Plant Description
5.2.3 Suction Line, Magnet, Mill

mill inlet


Sunction standpipe

suction line D 120 mm

HF92 mill inlet

pockets for foreign matters

magnet with VA plate

HF92 hammer mill

mill flap

rear casing lid

hammer bolt caps and

opening for hammer bolts

SN314 upright bearing

2x self-aligning roller
bearing 23314

tool box

5 Plant Description
5.2.4 Total separator, Star Feeder, Crusher
Total separator

Preliminary filter with

suction relief valve

additional hydraulic tank

ZS351 star feeder

overflow protector

gap adjustment

Illustration without
ascending ladder

left crusher side with power

belt drive

flat wedges for

gap adjustment

tensioning roller of
power belt

gap adjustment

hydraulic cylinder
for crusher rolle

four-groove servo-drive
for flexible roller

5 Plant Description
5.2.5 Double Screw, Long Screw, Discharge Gate
drive of double screw

double screw

outlet flap

hose 205Dx250

inlet protector

lock of long screw

slewing ring

DS282 discharge gate

long screw

inlet of long screw

hoisting cylinder for lifting

of long screw

suction line

blow-in side of discharge gate

DS282 discharge gate

5 Plant Description
5.2.6 Hydraulic System
Hydraulic Pumps: Additional Tank:

pump 1 pump 2 pump 3 filling nozzle with level indicator

(50 l) (29 l) (28 l) ventilation filter
Hydraulic Control Block (5-fold):

suction relief tilting mechanism long screw GQ60 grain screw discharge
lifting / lowering lifting / lowering crusher gate discharge

5 Plant Description
5.2.7 Electrical Operation

mixer FULL horn motor working double screw gate suction Taring of the
indicator start projector screw discharge discharge relief weigher
Explanations of the flip switches:
red Mixer FULL indicator
The acoustic alarm of the mixer FULL indicator can be disabled here

green Horn
For reasons of safety, it should be pressed prior to any motor start..

yellow Motor starter

For reasons of safety, the equipment can only be started if this button and the
key are manipulated simultaneously. The charge control is integrated in this

green Working projector

red Double screw

green Long discharge screw

green Discharge gate

Switch to manipulate the discharge gate. It operates the suction relief , as well,
in order to safe the rotary piston blower against overload.

green Suction relief

The suction relief must be disabled here by hand. In any case, that must be
done before opening the bottom flap. Moreover, the sucking-in process can be
stopped here, if required.

The control lamp lights when the suction relief was enabled automatically
(mixer stoppage, gate discharge).

red Taring of the weigher

6 Function and Operation
6 Function and Operation
6.1 Jobs
The plant can be used to suck in, grind, crush, mix grain and other feed components, and
to convey them into feed silos.

6.1.1 Grinding
By means of an air flow generated by the rotary piston blower, the grinding stock is sucked
into the hammer mill, ground there, and discharged as crushed grain via a cyclone with
following ZS 351 star feeder. It falls through the opened crushing rollers onto two screw
feeders which convey the finished stock to the weigh mixer.
The blower sucks the air through the total-separator. In this way, the meal dust is
separated and conveyed to the weigh mixer. On the pressure side, the air is led off upward
through a pressure silencer and a change-over flap (pressure flap).

6.1.2 Crushing
Before starting crushing, the crushing rollers have to be moved together hydraulically. To
achieve a good crushing quality, a hydraulic pretensioning pressure of approx 140 bar has
proven worthwhile. A pressure tank serves for uniform pretensioning pressure and allows
the front roller to get out of the way of foreign matters.
The grain is sucked into the mill through the mill flap with the grinding chamber being
passed by, and is directly conveyed by cyclone and star feeder into the crusher. A
replaceable guide plate serves for uniform grain distribution to the crushing rollers.
The feeding hood between star feeder and crusher is equipped with an overflow protector
for automatic control of the intake quantity. A mechanism for gap variation is located here,
as well.
The finished material falls directly into the feeder screws which convey it to the weigh
The air is led of, as described in chapter 6.1.1.

6.1.3 Suction without Grinding/Crushing

Loose feed components to be added without grinding and crushing can be sucked in and
conveyed directly to the weigh mixer, passing mill (mill flap in CRUSHING position) and
crusher (roller position in GRINDING position) by.

6 Function and Operation
6.1.4 Mixing
Mixer screw and component screws, which serve to feed the mixer from the bottom side,
are running continuously. While sucked-in feed is fed from the front side, bagged material
can simultaneously be added from the rear side using the hydraulic tilting device.
The component bin includes a mixer outlet from which mixed-material samples can be
The current mixer filling level is indicated by a remote display. The FULL condition of the
mixer is signalised by horn.
Notice In case of failures, both mixer screw and feeding screws can be disabled
by ball cocks.
6.1.5 Discharge
The mixer can be discharged pneumatically or by screws. The mixed material is
discharged from the mixer by a double screw and is passed either to the pneumatic
discharge gate or to the slewable, vertically adjustable, long screw conveyor. Here it is
possible to adjust the discharge capacity by changing the speed of the discharging double
screw conveyor.

6.2 Operation
6.2.1 Driving on Public Roads

Attention Follow the truck manufacturers instructions.

Before starting driving on public roads, make sure that all hoses, pipes and accessories
are resting properly in their holders and trays.
The slewable, long screw conveyor must have been lowered to its tray, and be secured
against unintended slewing.
All protective devices, doors and hoods must be closed accurately.
Drive only with lowered tilting mechanism and lifted outrigger.

Attention Drive on public roads only with completely discharged plant. Crushing
and mixing plants are self-propelled machines and must not be used as
means of transport on public roads.

6 Function and Operation
6.2.2 Setting up the Plant
Check and, if required, replace screens of the hammer mill.
Lay hoses or pipelines of the suction line from the mill to the suction point.
Connect the upright suction pipe to the suction line.
Open the false-air flap of the upright suction line at least at one third, or even more in
case of short suction lines.
Fully open the regulator at the control panel.
Set the pressure flap for SCREW DISCHARDE so that the blower air can escape
upward on the pressure side.
6.2.3 Starting and Stopping the Motor

Attention Follow the motor manufacturers instructions.

Starting the Motor:
Attention Start the motor only with idle-run speed.

Insert the key and turn it into right

direction. The control lamp must light.

Bring the speed regulation into

IDLE RUN position and use the horn to
give a short warning signal.

To start, turn the key to the right and

press the starter button.

Check the control indicators.

Stopping the Motor:

Attention Do not stop the motor abruptly under full load, but let the temperature
compensation run idly another approx three minutes.

Pull the motor switch out until the motor has stopped.
Push the motor switch in again; the control lamps must light up.
Remove the key.

6 Function and Operation
6.2.4 Grinding, Crushing, Mixing

Notice In order to guarantee effective function of the entire plant, it must stand
on an even surface during operation.

Adjust both mill flap and pressure flap for the desired function.
For grinding, the rollers must have been moved apart.
For crushing, the rollers must be moved together, applying a hydraulic pressure of
approx 140 bar; the crushing gap must have been adjusted before.

Notice Recommended crushing gap between the rollers:

barley and the like: approx 0.2 mm
maize and the like: approx 1.2 mm

Adjust the motor speed.

Notice recommended speeds for individual jobs:

grinding: 2.100 rpm
crushing: approx 2.000 rpm

Grinding and crushing are started by closing the suction relief and the regulating flap.

Attention Do not overstress motor and blower during grinding and crushing
(maximum 0.5 bar underpressure). During plant run, stay near the
plant to be able to instantly stop it in case of failure.

Readjust the intake quantity by means of the false-air flap in the upright suction pipe or
at the control panel during operation and after change of the type of grain.

Notice In order to guarantee optimal suction conveyance, false air should, if

possible, only be added at the upright suction pipe.

Having received the desired final quantity, lift the upright suction pipe and discharge
the suction line.

6.2.5 Component Feed

During the grinding and crushing process, bagged feed components can be added from
the rear side.
Move out the outrigger of the tilting mechanism.
Put the bag on the tilting mechanism and lift it by manipulating the appropriate control

Danger On lifting and lowering the tilting mechanism, make sure that no people
are staying in its working area.

6 Function and Operation
6.2.6 Discharge

Attention With full mixer, the motor speeds may be reduced only to the click-in
position (approximately in central position of the speed transmitter) in
order not to overstress the hydraulic system.

After completion of mixing, move to the discharge point.

Danger Since the centre of gravity of a full mixer is shifted upward and the plants
safety against overturning is affected, utmost care must be taken when
changing its position. Screw discharge

Danger Care must be taken that no people are staying in the slewing range of the
long screw conveyor.

With running motor, lift the long screw

conveyor from its tray, slew it toward the
dumping point, and lock it. In case of power
failure, the appropriate control valve can also
be operated using the emergency control
facility underneath the control panel.
Select a motor speed of approx 1.600 to
1.800 rpm.
Bring the controller of the double screw into
the "0" position.
Start the screws by manipulating the
appropriate trigger switches.
Step by step increase the speed of the
double screw, taking care that jammings
between the double screw and the long
screw are avoided.

Notice With the recommended speeds and an angle of incline of approx 30 to

45, the capacity of the slewable, long screw is in correspondence with
that of the double screw. If the long screw is adjusted steeper, the double
screws capacity must be reduced accordingly.
If the discharge is performed with lower speed, the discharge capacity
must be reduced even at a small angle of incline, as well (for example,
for bagging).

6 Function and Operation Pneumatic Discharge

Attention Starting the pneumatic discharge will automatically open the pressure
relief. This is to guarantee that the running blower is not stressed by
additional underpressure.

Lay the pressure line to the finished feed silo or blow-off cyclone.
Change the pressure flaps position to gate discharge
Change the double screws discharge flap to gate discharge.
Select a motor speed of approx 1600 rpm.
Bring the controller of the double screw into the " 0 " position.
Start both the discharge gate and double screw by manipulating the appropriate trigger
switches and step by step increase the speed of the double screw until having
achieved an overpressure of 0.8 bar maximum in the conveying line.

Notice The best discharge efficiency can only be attained with good silo
Flexible silos should be equipped with an additional ventilation, as well,
because otherwise they might get damaged during pneumatic charge.
Furthermore, care must be taken that the ventilating hose of the
discharge gate is not jammed.

6.3 Exhaust air deccontamination with the separator

Notice In order to achieve a perfect separation of the sucked materials, all

separating devices have to be tight.

The total separator separates the conveying air from the goods to be conveyed. The
conveyed goods are discharged without any pressure via a star feeder sluice that is
mounted beneath the total separator. The cleaned conveying air is transferred via a
pressure sound absorber and a change-over flap (pressure flap) to the blow-off pipe or to
the blow-through sluice.
The separator is divided into a separating chamber and a chamber for cleaned air lying
above. The chambers are separated by filter tubes with supporting basket. Furthermore a
cyclone is integrated in the total separator.
In the middle of the separator, there is a drive shaft which moves the scavenging device
and the floor scraper. The drive shaft is driven via a chain drive and a worm gear from the
star feeder sluice. The drive is protected from bigger mechanical damages via a sliding

6 Function and Operation
Total separator

*Chamber for cleaned air

*Scavenging device

*Separating chamber

Preliminary filter with suction relief


Mounting dover for separator

*Floor scraper

Star feeder

Ascending ladder

The components marked with * are not

shown. The positioning lines correspond with
the mountinng height.

Function of the separator:

In the cyclone the conveyed good are discharged to the bottom. The air which is loaded
with dust flows into the separation chamber and from there into the chamber for cleaned
air through the filter tubes. The dust is deposited on the outsides of the filter tubes. The
cleaned conveying air is transferred to the blow-out pipe or to the blow-through sluice.
In order to have a constant and perfect filtering, the filter tubes are automatically cleaned
during the course of operation. By the rotating scavenging device, the filters are closed for
a short time with a slide seal in the chamber for cleaned air and treated with scavenging
air which is sucked from the surrounding air. During this process, the dust on the filter
tubes falls onto the bottom of the total separator.
On the bottom of the separator, a bottom scraper is rotating which conveys the conveyed
goods into the star feeder sluice via a hopper.
Continuous cleaning of the filter and cleaning of the filter with increased
scavenging air:
In case of a continuous cleaning of the filter, the scavenging air is sucked off in each
phase of the operation by a bypass of the suction relief. The ball valve mounted in the
bypass should be opened at approximately one third. The sucked scavenging air
quantity is sufficient for the cleaning of the filter.
An increased scavenging air quantity, sucked by the opened suction relief, can be used
for cleaning the filter during the emptying process of the mixer.
If the mixer is emptied by the blow-through sluice, the suction relief is automatically
If the mixer is emptied by the auger, the suction relief can be manually opened on the
operating device for the time of emptying.
Notice The ball valve in the bypass of the suction relief should be open at
approximately one third.

7 Maintenance
7 Maintenance
7.1 Instructions
Attention For all maintenance works, observe the general safety instructions, as
laid out in chapter 2.

Before the Inspection and

Maintenance Secure the drive against unintended or
unauthorised starting, for example, by
interrupting the power supply by means of
battery main switch, or removing the key from
the key switch.
Never use the main battery switch, or
disconnect the battery when the motor is

Preconditions for all inspection and maintenance works are maximum cleanliness and
reasonable planning. Clean the components to be worked on before commencing the
work. The cleansing agent to be used depends on the component to be cleaned. For
example, do not use solvents or pressurised steam for rubber or electrical parts. In cases
of dismantling, carefully close all open holes, connectors, casings etc. in a suitable way to
avoid dust entering. At longer stoppages, secure all unmounted parts against rust,
contamination and damage.
In any case, but especially for the hydraulic system, use only non-fluffy tissues for

Attention Do not change the rated pressure of pressure limiting valves without the
manufacturers explicit permission.

Check and Exchange of Oil

The plant must be in horizontal position.
Perform the oil exchange always with operation-warm equipment, because warm oil drains
out better. Suspended particles contained in the warm oil, such as oil coal and abrasions,
settle in the oil sump after certain stoppage time of the equipment. They will not drain out
when the oil is cold. Clean the oil dip stick only using a non-fluffy tissue.

Danger Danger of burning due to uncontrolledly draining lubricating or hydraulic


Visible Losses of Oil

In case of visible losses of oil, check the oil level in shorter intervals, refill if required, find
and eliminate the reason.

7 Maintenance
Oils, Greases and Hydraulic Oils
In case that the current type of oil or grease is to be changed for technical or any other
reason, use only recommended types and viscosity.
All filter elements and cartridges must be renewed after the required periods, unless
cleaning is explicitly allowed.
All filters were carefully designed for the equipment. Trouble-free operation and long
lifetime of motor and hydraulic devices are achieved only if original parts are used.
Sealing Elements
Take care for sealing elements on dismantling, for example, of lids and closing screws.
Before remounting, carefully check and, if possible, renew all sealing elements. On
erection, pay attention to their correct seat.
Sealing Surfaces
They must be cleaned before assembly. After completion of assembly, check the
connecting point for leakages.
Screwings and Pipelines
Retighten leaking screwings only in pressureless condition. Do not repair, but replace
damaged pipes. Immediately replace hydraulic hoses as soon as damages or fluid
penetration get visible.
Immediately eliminate leakages of the piping system.
Fastening and Securing Elements
Before reuse, check and, if need be, renew all fastening and securing elements, such as
screws, nuts, lock washers, washers etc..
Screwed Connections
All contact surfaces must be even and free of paint, grease, acid, dirt and rust.
Clean all lubricating nipples and lubricate as scheduled.
Regularly grease all metallic, blank equipment parts to avoid damages by corrosion.

7 Maintenance
Marking of Parts
Replace defective parts in time to avoid major damages. To simplify the assembly, mark
the dismantled parts in their correct sequence.
Replacement Devices
The service intervals of replacement devices are the same as of the replaced ones.
After the Maintenance
Attention After completion of all works, properly relocate all protective devices.

Subject the equipment to a function test.

On removing oil, grease, cleansing agents or oil-containing parts, such as filters, observe
the regulations for environmental protection.

7.2 Maintenance Works

7.2.1 Motor, Cooling, Air Intake

Maintenance works on the motor must be

executed as per its attached operating
instructions. Service works are due as for
service group II.
The motor casing underneath the motor is
designed as a drawer; it can be removed to
the right so that the motor is accessible from
below, too.
The oil drain screw protrudes out of the motor
casing. It is located on the left side between
mill and vehicle frame.
For more details on oil exchange, refer to the
next page.

motor oil double filters

7 Maintenance
Maintenance of the Upright Motor Oil Double Filters
In case of improper assembly of the filters (fig 1),
oil may run through the oil return hole (fig 2) into
the oil pan, what may result in oil pressure drop.
Therefore, observe the following rules for repair
and maintenance works:
1. Clean filter head and filter bowls from outside.
The ring gap between filter hat and filter bowls
must be free from dirt.
2. Open the fastening screws of the filter bowls by
3 to 4 turns. Take care that the filter bowls will
Fig 1: Motor oil double filters shift on opening the fastening screws, because
otherwise the oil would not drain out.
3. After approx 1 min, completely open the
screws, remove and clean the filter bowls.
4. Replace and grease or oil the rubber gaskets.
Renew the gaskets of the fastening screws,
5. Carefully clean and grease or oil resting and
sealing surfaces in the filter head.
6. Shift new filter inserts over the central pipe,
rearrange the filter bowls, and press them with
your hand onto their resting surface in the filter
7. Finally tighten the fastening screws, applying a
Fig 2: Oil return hole (1)
tightening torque of 40 Nm.

Danger Danger of burning by hot cooling water. Cautiously open the filler cap of
the cooling-water tank.
Cooling water is refilled via a compensating
tank. The tank is equipped with a 400 mm
long overflow pipe to always provide the
required air volume. Water hoses and hose
clamps must be checked constantly for
leakages and damages. In case of cooler
contamination, it should be cleaned by both-
sided blowing-through of the cooler
segments. The use of abrasive tools, such as
wire brushes, is not allowed. In case of
particularly heavy contamination, unmount the
cooler for cleaning.
refill opening compensating tank

For further instructions on coolants, anti-freezes etc., refer to the operating

instructions of the motor.

7 Maintenance
Air Intake
Attention Perform all maintenance works on the air intake system with stopped
motor. Do not start the motor with removed filter cartridge.
The system is equipped with a PICLON compound filter (dry
filter). Beside main filter cartridge and safety cartridge, it
includes a dust collector and a service indicator with click-in
mechanism (also refer to illustration at chapter 5.5).
The dust collector must be emptied from time to time. The
intervals depend on the dust development. However, it must
be emptied at the latest when it is half-full.
For that, open both clamps, remove the dust collector, open
the cap and empty the vessel.
Locate the cap onto the vessel in such a way that the
recesses in the cap edge meshes with the bosses of the
vessel. Locate the vessel so that the marking arrow points

Attention The marking arrow must point upward.

Cartridge service is due when the service indicator has clicked

in (red marking is visible when motor is off). After having
completed the service, the red marking must be clicked out by
pressing the reset button. After that, the service indicator is
reset button Cartridge active again.
service is due

The most secure, fastest and cleanest way of cartridge service is replacement of the
exhausted main filter cartridge. During service of the main filter cartridge, the safety
cartridge remains in the filter casing. After removal of the cartridge, clean the filter casing,
particularly the sealing surface of the filter cartridge, using a wet cleaning tissue.
Attention Do not allow dust penetration into the clean-air line to the motor.
The safety cartridge must not be cleaned and reused, but be replaced:
after five service cycles of the main cartridge; the number of service cycles
(replacement or cleaning of the main cartridge) must be indicated in the marking fields
on the safety cartridge;
not later than after two years of use;
if the service indicator responds again immediately after completed service of the main
if the main cartridge is defective.
If required, the filter cartridge can be cleaned by blowing-through or rinsing. It must be
replaced after the third cleaning, but not later than after two years of use.
For more details on how to check and clean the filters, refer to the operating
instructions of the motor.

7 Maintenance
7.2.2 Flexible Coupling
The flexible Periflex PNA 200 shaft coupling serves to trap rotary vibrations from the
motor, and to compensate moving.

225R shaft ring

mill-sided clamping ring

screws of mill-sided clamping ring

motor-sided clamping ring

screws of motor-sided clamping ring; located

inside and only accessible through the mill-
sided clamping ring

The 225 R shaft ring is a wearing part and must be replaced from time to time. To replace
the ring, open the screws and remove the clamping rings. The motor-sided clamping ring
is located near the diesel engine; the clamping screws are inside the ring and can be
accessed only through the bore in the mill-sided clamping ring (special tools come with the
equipment). Since the ring is open at a point of its periphery, it can be removed after
having opened the clamping rings.
Arrange the new ring in such a way that the gap between the cut surfaces is as small as
possible. Tighten the screws applying a torque of 55 Nm. Always tighten two screws which
are located opposite one another. Since the rubber settles after the initial tightening,
retighten the screws at a later time.

7.2.3 Rotary Piston Blower, Safety Valves, Double Silencer

Refer to illustrations at chapter 5.6
All maintenance works on rotary blower, as well as under- and overpressure valves must
be performed following the attached operating instructions by AERZENER.
For lubrication must be used an synthetic motoroil as Aral High Tronic SAE 5W-40, Esso
Ultron SAE 5W-40, Shell Helix Ultra SAE 5W-30 or Mobil 1 SAE 0W-40.
The underpressure valve opens at an underpressure of 0.55 bar, whereas the
overpressure valve opens at 0.8 bar. These maximum pressures must not be exceeded.
Pressure excesses result in impermissibly high temperatures.

7 Maintenance
7.2.4 HF 92 Hammer Mill, Magnet
Refer to illustrations at chapter 5.7
A magnet to separate metallic parts is located in front of the hammer mill inlet.
Furthermore, a fan to trap bigger foreign matters is located above the magnet. Daily
checking and cleaning protects the mill against damages to hammers and screens.
Hammers, screens and screen holders are wearing parts and must be checked regularly.
The 40 hard-metal hammers must easily move on the hammer bolt. Blocked hammers can
be unblocked by moving them to and fro. To change the hammers, remove both the
hammer bolt caps from the mill housing, disengage the hammer bolts in the rotor and pull
them laterally out of the mill so that the hammers come out one after the other.

Attention On assembling take care that equal numbers of hammers and spacing
bushes are mounted on the opposite impact bolts, because otherwise
unbalances would occur.

To change the screens, remove both lids, unfasten the screen baskets and pull the
screens out. After removal of a screen half, one can access the stone catch pan which
must be cleaned regularly.

Notice Wearing of screens is heavier at the hole edges located opposite to the
running direction. In case of efficiency reduction, the screens should be

7 Maintenance
7.2.5 Total separator, star feeder

Notice In order to achieve a perfect separation of the sucked materials, all

separating devices have to be tight.

In the separator, filter tubes are mounted. Any leakage or dirt accumulation will have a
negative influence on the separator function. If there is a particularly high quantity of dust
particles in the exhaust air, the filter tubes have to be checked. Defective filter tubes have
to be exchanged.
Dismantle filter tubes:
Open the hood of the separator
Unscrew the scavenging device
Release the screws of the filter hood and remove the hood
Remove the nose pieces
Take out the filter tubes with support basket

Hood of total separator

Hood for cyclone

Filter hood

Scavenging device

Slide seal

Slide seal

Nose pieces

Sliding clutch:
A sliding clutch is mounted between the star feeder and the separator. The sliding clutch
protects the drive from bigger mechanical damages and is integrated in the chain wheel on
the drive side of the worm gear drive. If the scavenging device and the bottom scraper are
not continuously taken during normal load, the sliding clutch has to be adjusted again or
the friction lining has to be renewed.
Chain drive:
The star feeder is equipped with a chain drive which has to be checked in regular intervals.
If the suction performance is decreasing, the star feeder is worn out. In this case the
complete star feeder has to be exchanged.

7 Maintenance
7.2.6 GQ60 Grain Crusher
Refer to illustrations at chapter 5.8

Membrane vessel: Safety valve:

Danger Since the crusher is equipped with a membrane tank, the previously
adjusted crushing pressure of approx 140 bar is still available in the
hydraulic system after the plant was stopped.

Therefore, the pressure must be relived before starting working on the hydraulic
system or performing any erection works on the crusher. With running plant, this is
possible by moving the rollers apart, whereas with stopped plant, the pressure can only be
relieved by opening the safety valve (at the return filter).
On the storage container, it is forbidden to perform any welding, soldering or other
mechanical work. Inexpert repairs may cause heavy accidents!
The gap between the crushing rollers is modified on both sides by means of flat
wedges. The standard setting for a minimum gap of 0.2 mm is executed on manufacturing
in the manufacturers premises. This minimum gap can be modified by changing the liner
plates between wedge and bearing casing. Two liner plates (thickness 0.2 mm) fall under
the scope of delivery, further ones of different thickness can be ordered from the
manufacturer (for item Nos., refer to chapter 8.8).
Significant efficiency reduction indicates that the intake edges are worn out too much. The
entire grain crusher is of symmetric design, and a rotation of the crusher leads to a change
of direction of rotation so that the less worn-out edges help to reachieve higher efficiency.
For removal of the crusher, remove the drives and separating members, and the sealing
frame underneath the crusher, as well. Using suited hoisting machinery, relieve the load
on the legs of the crusher before removing them.
Attention The grain crusher (without drive) has a weight of approx 900 kg. Use
only hoisting machinery of appropriate carrying capacity.

7 Maintenance
7.2.7 Weigh Mixer, Weighing Facility
The distance between mixer blade and
container wall is important for the function of the
mixer. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly
check the mixer setting. At the narrowest point,
the distance should be approx 10 mm.
In case of heavy wearing, the mixer plates must
be replaced.

To guarantee perfect component mixing it is necessary that the inner walls of the mixer are
smooth. Therefore, coat formations must be removed immediately.

7.2.8 Discharge Gate

Refer to illustration at chapter 5.9
The ventilating hose which runs from the discharge gate upward to the mixer must be
cleaned once per week. Further maintenance works are not required.
In case that the discharge gate gets blocked by a foreign matter, it is necessary to remove
the cleaning lid and the intake pipe above the gate and to clean the intake. If one cannot
eliminate the failure, the gate must be unmounted and dismantled.
If the discharge gate is worn out or leaking due to damage by foreign matters, it must be
replaced, but both gate drive and pipeline are reused.

7 Maintenance
7.3 V Belts
Constant checking and, if need be, correction of the belt tensioning, particularly during the
initial 50 hours of operation, is strictly required.
Only exact belt tensioning guarantees a long lifetime.
Heavy vibrations and noisy run are indicating inadequate pretensioning.
In case that one or more V belts of a multi-belt drive fail, one must change the complete
set of belts. V belts of different brands must not form a set of belts.

7.3.1 Crusher
The five-groove main drive (power belt) from the motor to the crusher is pretensioned by
means of a back-tensioning roller. Constant pretensioning is achieved by means of 2
tensioning springs so that retensioning is not required.
The four-groove drive of the flexible roller must be pretensioned rigidly by means of a
tensioning roller.

7.3.2 V Belts of Rotary Blower

The two-groove tensioning pulley is tensioned

by means of a ROSTA tensing member. To
retension, slightly open screw A, hold the
tensioning member casing by means of a
wrench and turn in desired direction. Finally
retighten screw A.

7.3.3 Other V belts

The V belts of the right-sided component screw are tensioned using an ROSTA tensioning
member, as well. The drive of the double screw is equipped with a rigid back-tensioning
roller, whereas the belt drive of the long screw is tensioned by shifting the hydraulic motor.
The V belt of the Mercedes Benz diesel engine is tensioned by the generator. Therefore,
the bottom of the motor casing must be pulled out to the right.
The V belts required for the entire plant are listed at chapter 8.1.

7 Maintenance
7.4 Lubrication of Anti-Friction Bearings
Lubricate the gear rim of the motor impeller as per the Mercedes Benz operating
Further lubricating points are at the mill, grain crusher with distributor plate and overflow
protector, blower tensioning roller, component screws and slewing ring of the long screw.
All other bearings are equipped with permanent lubrication.
For lubrication, all types of lithium soap grease as per DIN 51825 K3-N or K2-N are suited
Lubrication Scheme:
gear rim of blower tensioning roller distributor plate overflow protector
MB engine 20gr/200Bh 20gr/200Bh 20gr/200Bh

HF92 hammermill GQ60 grain crusher component screws slewing ring

30gr/100Bh 30gr/100Bh 20gr/200Bh 30gr/200Bh

Abbreviations used:
gr = grease quantity in grams per grease cup
Bh = hours of operation

For central lubrication as special accessory see chapter 9.3

7 Maintenance
7.5 Hydraulic System
Refer to illustrations at chapter 5.10
The function of the hydraulic system is shown in the attached hydraulic diagram.
Notice Poor maintenance and insufficient cleanliness are known to be the main
reasons of damages to the hydraulic system; therefore, strictly follow the
instructions given below.

The hydraulic system includes an oil tank below the hose tray and a somewhat higher
located additional tank with level indicator and filling nozzle with tank ventilation. The entire
hydraulic system holds approx 150 litres of hydraulic oil.
Attention Never let the motor run with empty hydraulic tank.

The first replacement of return filter must be performed after approx 50 hours of
In the course of further oil changes being due every approx 2000 hours of operation,
the oil filter must be replaced, as well. In the time between the oil changes, the filter has
to be replaced immediately if the visual indicator shows excessive contamination.
The filling nozzle of the additional tank includes a ventilation filter (refer to page 5.10). It
must be replaced as soon as the contamination indicator shows a pressure difference of
0.5 bar.
Attention Daily check the visual contamination indicators with the equipment
having operating temperature.

As hydraulic medium, use hydraulic oil HLP VG 46 (ISO).

After every oil change of the hydraulic system or equipment failure, the plant must be
ventilated in the following sequence:
Before starting the diesel engine, stop the hydraulic motors of weigh feeder, star feeder
and component crews.
Let the plant run idly for some minutes.
Move out the hydraulic cylinders of tilting mechanism and long screw.
Restart the initially stopped motor.
Finally, check the oil level and refill probably missing oil. Strictly maintain the demanded oil
level (middle of the sight glass in cold condition):
Danger In case that air is in the suction hoses between oil tank and double-
geared pump, immediately stop all hydraulic consumers. Otherwise, the
pumps cannot suck up the oil and will run dry.

Hydraulic Diagram:
(AFM998Q with 5-fold PVG 32 Control Block)

1 = pump 1 (5o l) 6 = component srews (OMS 100)

2 = pump 2 (29 l) 7 = double screw (OMS 80)

3 = pump 3 (26 l) 8 = discharge gate (OMR 200)

4 = weight mixer (OMTW 250) 9 = long screw (OMS 80)

5 = starfeeder (OMS 250)

7 Maintenance

7 Maintenance
Hydraulic Diagram of GQ60 Grain Crusher:

7 Maintenance
Hydraulic Diagram of the Lift-and-Tilt Mechanism:

hoisting cylinder

tilting cylinder

Lowering lifting

7 Maintenance
7.6 Circuit Diagram

7 Maintenance
Legend of Circuit Diagram:
B1 remote thermometer transmitter (water temperature)
B2 oil pressure transmitter
B3 tank level transmitter

F1 resistor of instruments(8 Ampere)

F2 resistors of instrument and dash lighting (8 Ampere)
F3 resistor of working projectors (8 Ampere)
F4 resistor of horn (8 Ampere)
F5 resistor of starter relay (8 Ampere)
F6 resistor of hydraulic valves control circuit (8 Ampere)
F7 resistor oil cooler (8 Ampere)
F8 resistor weigher with remote display (8 Ampere)

G1 generator
G2 battery

H instrument and dash lighting

H1 control light of mixer FULL indicator
H3 charge control light
H4 control light of working projectors
H5 control light of double screw
H6 control light of long screw
H7 control light of discharge gate
H8 control light of suction relief
H20 horn

K1 motor start relay

M1 starter

P1 cooling-water temperature indicator

P2 oil pressure indicator
P3 tank level indicator
P4 rev counter
P5 hours of operation counter

Q1 battery main switch (mechanical)

Q2 operating switch

S1 switch for mixer FULL indication OFF

S2 horn push-button
S3 start push-button
S4 working projectors switch
S5 double-screw switch
S6 long-screw switch
S7 discharge gate switch
S8 suction relief switch
S11.1 key switch for lowering of the long screw
S12.1 key switch for lifting of the long screw
S11.2 key switch for lowering of the long screw (drivers cabin)
S12.2 key switch for lifting of the long screw (drivers cabin)

7 Maintenance
7.7 Maintenance Schedule

hours of operation /interval item to be checked / instruction for maintenance

after 30 to 50 hours maintenance of motor as per MB instructions
change hydraulic return filter
check hydraulic lines and retighten screwings
retighten screws

every 50 hours check and retension V belts

every 100 hours relubricate as per lubricating schedule

every 200 hours relubricate as per lubricating schedule

maintenance of motor as per MB instructions
maintenance of blower as per AERZENER

every 2000 hours change hydraulic oil including filter

daily clean magnet of mill intake

cleans screen of subseparator
check cooling-water level
check motor oil level
check contamination indicator of air filter
check contamination indicator of hydraulic aeration

weekly check function of under- and overpressure valves

check resp readjust crusher roller gap
check and clean suction line and separating members
check motor and hydraulic system for leakages
check motor oil and hydraulic oil hoses for abrasions
check blower oil level (two sight glasses)

monthly clean exhaust hose of discharge gate

during every screen change check screens, screen holders and hammers for

Maintenance of truck, Mercedes Benz diesel engine and rotary piston blower must
be performed as per the manufacturers instructions.

8 List of Important Spare Parts
8 List of Important Spare Parts
Notice This list is only an overview of the most frequently required spare parts.
All these parts are included in the complete spare parts list.

8.1 V Belts
Drive V belt
Profile Effective length Quantity Item No.
grain crusher SPB 3750 mm (Kraftband) 1 86169002

SPB 1900 mm 4 86131900

rotary piston blower 2-XPB 2780 mm 1 86169006

(XPB 2800 mm 2 86142800)

component screws XPA 1082 mm 3 86141082

double screws XPA 1007 mm 3 86141007

long screw SPA 882 mm 3 86120882

hydraulic pump 3 XPB 1250 mm 1 86141250

OM 441A diesel engine XPA 1575 mm 1 86141750

8.2 Remote Manipulating Equipment

Unit Designation Item No.
motor speed MFB transmission cable, 4500 mm long 84275002
cable for shut-off 84276002

mill flap MFB transmission cable, 5500 mm long 84275007

mill regulator flap MFB transmission cable, 4400 mm long 84275001

crushing gap variation MFB transmission cable, 2900 mm long 84275005

pressure flap MFB transmission cable, 3300 mm long 84275004

locking of long screw MFB transmission cable, 1300 mm long 84275006

8 List of Important Spare Parts
8.3 Anti-Friction Bearings

Unit Anti-friction bearing Item No Quantity

HF 92 hammer mill self-aligning ball bearing 2314 81023140 0

self-aligning ball bearing 22314 81200017 2

(since 3/99 one; since 5/00 two)

upright bearing casing SN 314 81401314 2

tensioning roller of blower grooved ball bearing 6003 81060030 1

grooved ball bearing 6004 81060040 1

WM 30 weigh mixer

lever arm self-aligning ball bearing 2307 81023070 4

lever arm steering grooved ball bearing 6200-2RS 81062001 2

component screw, rear Fafnir bearing PMNE 25 81500045 1

component screw, front Fafnir tension bearing 81500049 2


Fafnir bearing casing ME 08 81500050 2

GQ 60grain crusher

crushing roller bearing self-aligning roller bearing 81200016 4


tensioning roller of power belt grooved ball bearing 6306-2RS 81063061 2

tensioing roller of 4-groove drive grooved ball bearing 6306-2RS 81063061 2

gap adjustment cam roller KR22 81600010 1

Total separator Fafnir bearing GE 25 KRRB CC 81500043 1

Fafnir bearing RASE 30 81500056 1

ZS 351 rotary feeder grooved ball bearing 6208-2RS 81062081 1

grooved ball bearing 6308-2RS 81063081 1

DS 282 discharge gate bearing RAE 30 NPP 81500080 2

double screw Fafnir bearing RR 25 81500015 4

long screw Fafnir bearing PMNE 25 81500045 1

tilting mechanism Fafnir bearing RR 35 81500017 2

8 List of Important Spare Parts
8.4 Gaskets and Transition Hoses
Designation Item No.
rubber gasket of front housing lid HF 92 13390016

rubber gasket of front housing lid HF 92 13392007

rubber gasket of pressure flap 15160044

gasket of discharge flap of double screw 15170118

gasket of AFM 992/Q pressure silencer 15170151

gasket above ZS 351star feeder 15500744

hose 205 x 250 long between double screw and long screw and between double screw 86006021
and discharge gate

8.5 Suction and Pressure lines

Designation Item No.
elbow in front of total-separator 15500721

fan for foreign matters 15170188

Discharge gate DS 282 in replacement 53026-1

Bowex coupling for DS 282 53026023

star feeder ZS 351 in replacement 53040

Aluminium-Lametta for pressure sound absorber (16 kg) 86010010

Filter for total-separator 110 x 680 lg 86601003

Friction lining for sliding clutch size1 Ruflex 2TF 25D H7 (Drive totel-separator) 84042061

Roller ring ISO 08 with 30 teeth for chain drive on the star feeder sluice 84011045

8 List of Important Spare Parts
8.6 HF 92 Hammer Mill
Designation Item No. Quantity
hammer bolt with recess 25 mm from end for HF 90/92 13390002 4

hammer bolt with recess 66 mm from end for HF 90/92 13390003 4

lower screen holder for HF 90/92 13390026 2

upper screen holder for HF 90/92 13390027 2

hard-metal hammer 13410012 40

spacing bush 20,5 x 30 x 4 83073001 approx 40

spacing bush 20,5 x 30 x 10 83073003 approx 40

round-hole screens 243 mm x 1230 mm for HF 90/92:

3 mm punching 13390035

3.5 mm punching 13390036

4 mm punching 13390030

4.5 mm punching 13390031

5 mm punching 13390032

6 mm punching 13390033

8 mm punching 13390034

wire screens 243 mm x 1230 mm for HF90/92:

mesh width 3.15 mm 13390050

mesh width 3.55 mm 13390051

mesh width 4.0 mm 13390052

mesh width 5.0 mm 13390053

mesh width 6.0 mm 13390054

8 List of Important Spare Parts
8.7 WM 30 Weigh Mixer
Designation Item No. Quantity
mixer blade 205 mm long 15170315 1

mixer blade 260 mm long 15170316 1

flexible coupling, size 16, bore32 mm for component screw 84041001 1

pointer weigher 300 kg (Sonderausstattung) 85101300 1

tensioning springs for pointer weigher 300 kg (Sonderausstattung) 85101301 1

8.8 Grain crucher GQ 60

Designation Item No. Quantity
GQ 60 crushing rollers, D 350 mm 14960001 2

carrier ring for GQ 60 14960024 4

flat wedge with bores 14960004 2

flat wedge with threads 14960005 2

liner plate for gap adjustment, 5 mm thick 14960007

liner plate for gap adjustment, 0.2 mm thick 14960007-1

liner plate for gap adjustment, 0.5 mm thick 14960007-2

liner plate for gap adjustment, 0.7 mm thick 14960007-3

liner plate for gap adjustment, 1 mm thick 14960007-4

liner plate for gap adjustment, 2 mm thick 14960007-5

laminated ring FK 6 ASD 140 81304402 8

V ring V 80 S 86311080 4

hydraulic cylinder 50/20-100 85032207 4

membrane tank 0.75 litres 85037020 1

8.9 Other Spare Parts

Designation Item No. Quantity
shaft ring 225 R for flexible coupling (refer to chapter 7.6) 84042032 1

filter element for OM441A PICLON compound filter 85012032 1

safety filter element for OM441A compound filter 85012033 1

motor oil filter for OM 441A 85014120 2

hydraulic return filter 85034011 1

hydraulic ventilation filter 85034016 1

pinion for pointer weigher 85101202 1

gear rack for pointer weigher 85101204 1

9 Additional Equipment
9 Additional Equipment
9.1 Soy Oil Dosing Unit
The soy oil dosing unit includes a measuring
vessel and an optional soy oil tank. The
measuring vessel holds 40 l and is located
above the upper hose tray. A 300 l soy oil
tank can be mounted underneath the hose
tray, and a 250 l soy oil tank, centrally behind
the rear axle.
The measuring vessel is connected with the
suction line by a hose. By means of the
underpressure for sucking-in of the grain, soy
oil and other fluids can be drawn into the
measuring vessel. The vessel content is
indicated by a scale.
The fluid dosed to the measuring vessel runs
by its own gravity into the component bin and
is mixed with the crushed material which
rotates at the sampling nozzle, and is fed by
the right-sided component screw to the mixer.
Beside the tanks, the equipment includes
pipelines and shut-off cocks, as well.

300 l soy oil tank 40 l measuring

Flow Diagram:

9 Additional Equipment
9.2 Lift-and-Tilt Mechanism for Bags :

The through of the tilting mechanism is

resting in slide rails and can be lowered to
the ground by means of an additional
hydraulic cylinder, or be lifted with the bag
by 40 cm. Only after that, tilting is

Changing from lifting to tilting and vice-

versa is performed internally by means of a
pressure sequence circuit. The operator
must only operate the way valve.

The lift-and-tile mechanism can be added

at a later time!

9.3 Central lubrication for lubricating grease NLG 2

The following parts belong to the central

lubrication device: a lever grease press, two
progressive distributors and lines to eleven
places for lubrication.
They will supply the roller bearings of the
hammer mill, the grain crusher, the
component auger and the slewing rim.
The lubrication has to be carried out once a
day at idle-running speed. Two or three
strokes guarantee an optimum supply of
If the grease cartridge is changed (400gr
Grease NLGI-Class 2), it has to be paid
highest attention to cleanness ,
furthermore leak tests of the lines have to
be made every day.

10 Appendix
10 Appendix
10.1 Mercedes Benz Diesel Engine Manufacturer
Operating instruction of OM 441A engine
Maintenance log book of the OM 441A engine
Data sheet of the supplied OM 441A engine
Service of OM 441A engine
Excerpt from the consumables instruction

10.2 Aerzener Maschinenfabrik Rotary Piston Blower

Operating instruction of bulk lorry blower GM 35-S


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