ABNT NBR 7482 08 Eng
ABNT NBR 7482 08 Eng
ABNT NBR 7482 08 Eng
Copy for the exclusive use of - Citra do Brasil Comércio Internacional Ltda - 01.533.912/0001-91 (Request 203078 Printed on: Nov. 27, 2009)
Second edition
Mar. 17, 2008
Valid as from
Apr. 17, 2008
© ABNT 2008
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or used by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without written permission from ABNT.
Av. Treze de Maio, 13 - 28º andar
20031-901 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Phone: + 55 21 3974-2300
Fax: + 55 21 2220-1762 abnt@abnt.org.br www.abnt.org.br
Printed in Brazil
Contents Page
Preface iv
1 Scope 1
2 Normative References 1
3 Terms and definitions 1
4 General requirements 2
4.1 Classification 2
4.2 Manufacture 2
4.2.1 Wire 2
4.2.2 Quality of the finished wire 2
4.2.3 Seams in rolls 2
4.2.4 Final treatment 3
4.2.5 Containment 3
4.2.6 Transportation and storage 3
4.3 Labeling and designation 3
4.3.1 Labeling 3
4.3.2 Designation 4
4.4 Orders 4
5 Specific requirements 4
5.1 Diameters and tolerances 4
5.2 Tests 4
5.3 Elasticity module 4
5.4 Mechanical properties 4
6 Inspection 7
6.1 Inspection procedure 7
6.2 Sampling and frequency of testing 7
6.3 Tests 7
7 Acceptance and rejection 8
The Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) is the National Forum for
Standardization. The Brazilian Standards, whose content is the responsibility of the Brazilian
Committees (ABNT / CB), Organizations for Industry Standardization (ABNT / ONS) and Special
Study Groups (ABNT / CEE), are prepared by the Study Groups (CE), comprised of
representatives from the sectors involved, which include: manufacturers, consumers and neutral
members (universities, laboratories, and others).
The ABNT Technical Documents are prepared according to the rules in the ABNT Guidelines,
Part 2.
The Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) calls attention to the possibility that
some of the elements of this document may be subject to patent rights. ABNT shall not be held
responsible for identifying any patent rights.
The ABNT NBR 7482 standard was prepared within the Brazilian Steel Committee (ABNT/CB-
28), by the Steel Logos Product Study Committee (CE-28:000.04). The first Project circulated
as National Consultation according to Call for Bid no. 07, dated July 30, 2004 to September 28,
2004, with Project number ABNT NBR 7482. The second Project circulated as National
Consultation according to bidding process no. 10, dated October 2, 2007 through December 03,
2007, with the second Project number ABNT NBR 7482.
This second edition cancels and replaces the previous edition (ABNT NBR 7482:1991), which
has been technically revised.
This Standard sets out the requirements for manufacture, ordering, supply and receipt of high
strength, circular section, cold-hardened drawn steel wire, with a smooth or notched surface, for
the reinforcement of pretension structures.
2 Normative References
The documents listed below are essential for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the editions cited are applicable. For undated references, the most recent
editions of the document are applicable (including amendments).
ABNT NBR 6004, Steel wires - Alternating bending test - Test method
ABNT NBR 6349, Wires, bars and ropes of steel for prestress armatures - Tensile test - Test
ABNT NBR 7484, Wires, bars and ropes of steel used for prestress armatures - Isothermal
relaxation tests – Test method
For the purposes of this Standard, the following terms and definitions must be used.
nominal value
numerical value that characterizes certain greatness of the product. It is not a reference for
accepting or rejecting the product
specific quantity of continuous finished steel wire, without any seams or amendments of any
kind, presented in concentric loops, forming a compact volume
amount of finished wire of the same nominal diameter and same characteristics, manufactured
under the same conditions
NOTE A supply or shipment may be deemed one or more batches or parts of them.
measurement of the maximum distance between the line joining the two ends of the sample
and the inner wire
4 General requirements
4.1 Classification
a) category (CP-145);
b) category (CP-150);
c) category (CP-160);
d) category (CP-170);
e) category (CP-175).
a) smooth - L;
b) notched - E.
NOTE The notch depth should not exceed 3.5% of the nominal diameter of the wire.
4.1.4 Numbers 145, 150, 160, 170 and 175 correspond to the minimum tensile strength
measured in kgf / mm². For the purposes of this document, 1 kgf / mm ² = 9.81 MPa.
4.2 Manufacture
4.2.1 Wire
The levels of phosphorus and sulfur must not exceed the following values:
− phosphorus : 0,020%;
− sulfur: 0,025%.
There are no specifications for other chemical elements. The chemical composition of the steel
used must guarantee that the mechanical characteristics specified herein are met by the final
The wire must be free from surface or internal flaws that impair its use.
Incorporating any kind of solder/weld in the final product, made during or after the drawing
process, is strictly prohibited. The finished wire parts that require solders/welds in order to
continue the manufacturing process must be discarded. The wires must be straightened and submitted to the appropriate heat or
thermomechanical treatment, so as to meet the requirements set forth in item 5.3 and Tables 2
and 3. The wires, when unrolled and placed on a flat and smooth surface, must not present a
bend/sag/rise above 15 cm in a 5m long sample.
4.2.5 Containment
The wire must be supplied in a tightly tied roll, with the minimum inner diameter listed in Table 1. Packaging
The type of packaging must be agreed upon and established when ordered.
Steel products for prestressing must be protected during transportation and stored against any
damage or contamination, especially against substances that may produce or cause corrosion.
4.3.1 Labeling
Each roll must be identified by an adequately resistant label, with indelible writing, that is firmly
attached, and which must contain:
c) product name:
4.3.2 Designation
EXAMPLE CP-150 RB 9 E, means wire for prestressed concrete (CP), category 150, low
relaxation (RB) and nominal diameter of 9 mm (9) notched (E).
4.4 Orders
5 Specific requirements
The standardized nominal diameters and tolerances for wires are listed in Tables 2 and 3.
5.2 Tests
The wires manufactured according to item 4.2 and inspected, sampled and tested according to
Section 6 must meet the minimum values specified as follows:
a) load at 1 % of elongation;
NOTE The notched wire must withstand two alternated folds without cracking or breaking.
The elasticity module is a function of the material. For common carbon steel, the nominal value
of the elasticity module is 205 GPa. Individual tests that result in deviations higher than 5 % in
relation to 205 GPa indicate mistakes made during testing or mistakes of a different nature;
however, this is not reason for rejecting the material tested. This module must be supplied by
manufacturer testing or obtained through testing carried out in independent laboratories.
NOTE For diverging test values within the same batch, use the test value closest to 205 GPa.
The mechanical properties of the wires with normal or low relaxation are specified in Tables 2
and 3, respectively.
Designation Nominal Diameter Nominal Mass of Minimum Minimum load at Minimum elongation Minimum number of Maximum relaxation after
b c
diameter tolerance section the breaking 1% elongation after breaking (10 x folds 1 000 h at 20 ºC for an
of the mm area nominal load diameter) initial load of 80% of the
wire mm² section kN % minimum breaking load
mm area %
kg / 1000
CP-145 RN 9 L/E 9 89.5 76.1 6
63.6 499
CP-150 RN 9 L/E 9 92.6 78.7 6
CP-150 RN 8 L/E 8 73.0 62.1 6
50.3 395
CP-160 RN 8 L/E 8 77.9 66.2 5
CP-160 RN 7 L/E 7 59.5 50.6 5
38.5 302
CP-170 RN 7 L/E 7 63.3 53.8 5
± 0.05 3 8.5
CP-150 RN 6 L/E 6 40.9 34.8 6
28.3 222
CP-175 RN 6 L/E 6 47.7 40.6 5
CP-150 RN 5 L/E 5 28.3 24.1 6
19.6 154
CP-175 RN 5 L/E 5 33.0 28.1 5
CP-150 RN 4 L/E 4 18.0 15.3 6
12.6 98.7
CP-175 RN 4 L/E 4 21.0 17.9 5
The three digits contained in the designation correspond to the minimum limit of tensile strength in kgf/mm². For the purposes of this Standard, 1 kgf/ mm ² = 9.81 MPa.
The load value at 1% elongation is deemed equivalent to a 0.2% load of permanent elongation
For notched wires, the number of alternated folds is two.
6.1.1 It is incumbent upon the manufacturer to inform the buyer of the test results by means
of a certificate.
NOTE Manufacturer test results must be available for analysis by the buyer or the buyer’s
representative for a period of at least five years.
b) batch identification;
6.1.3 The buyer may, at its discretion, verify if the characteristics specified in item 6.1.2-c)
comply with this Standard, executing the inspections or tests that the buyer deems necessary.
6.1.4 From the time the material is received, the buyer is responsible for the physical integrity
of the product during transportation, handling, storage and use in the structure.
NOTE In the event that the buyer wishes to inspect material at the plant, after said has been
submitted to routine testing, any additional testing that will be done at the manufacturer’s expense is
limited to a maximum of one sample of one specimen for every ten rolls. This Standard does not require
that a finished wire be submitted to relaxation tests.
6.1.5 It is the buyer’s responsibility to verify the physical integrity of the wires and adopt at
least one of the following procedures:
b) analyze the characteristics of the material used, using the tests already carried out by the
c) carry out quality control of the material, hiring labs accredited with the Brazilian Network of
Test Laboratories or labs at research centers and universities or colleges.
6.2.1 For the tests specified in items 6.3.1 and 6.3.2, one sample must be removed from one
roll for every 10 000 kg batch. For the batches that do not reach 10 000 kg, one single sample
must be removed.
6.2.2 The samples must not be submitted to any other kind of tensioning or heating and the
entire procedure must comply with ABNT NBR 6349.
6.3 Tests
6.3.1 The wire tensile strength test must be carried out according to ABNT NBR 6349, so as
to determine the “load-deformation” diagram, the load at 1% elongation, the breaking load, total
elongation after breaking, and the module of elasticity in all of the specimens.
6.3.2 The alternated fold test must be carried out according to ABNT NBR 6004, using
cylindrical mandrils with diameters as specified in Table 4 for the corresponding nominal
diameters of wire.
8 50
7 40
6 30
5 30
4 30
6.3.3 The wire relaxation test must be carried out according to ABNT NBR 7484, to determine
the relaxation values for an initial load equal to 80 % of the minimum specified breaking load.
7.1 The inspected, sampled and tested product, according to Section 6 will be accepted
provided that all of the results (except for the elasticity module) meet the values specified
7.2 If any specimen does not meet the values specified, a new sample made up of two
specimens must be removed from the same roll that was tested and submitted to another test.
7.2.1 If the result of the second test meets the values specified herein, the corresponding
batch must be deemed approved.
7.2.2 If the result of at least one of the specimens of the second test does not meet any of the
values specified herein (expect for the elasticity module), the corresponding roll must be
deemed rejected and all of the other rolls that make up the batch must be tested.
7.3 Product oxidation is permitted, provided that the oxidation is superficial, mild and
uniform and does not present any corrosion points located on the surface.
NOTE Usually, superficial, uniform oxidation can be removed manually, by rubbing the wires
with a rough fabric (oakum or jute) or with an abrasive plastic sponge.
7.3.1 In case of any doubt in regards to the severity of the damage caused by oxidation, the
material must be submitted to tests to corroborate its original mechanical properties.
NOTE Unless otherwise previously agreed by buyer and manufacturer, wire surface should not
contain any lubricant, oil or any other substance that may hinder its application.
7.4 The approval and employment of the product are not subject to the result of the
relaxation test, owing to its long duration. The manufacturer must provide the buyer with a
certificate from relaxation testing carried out within at most of 6 (six) months, obtained from
wires with the same designation, corroborating the ability to manufacture wires in the category
to which the steel supplied belongs, according to Tables 2 and 3. The buyer may use recent
and regular results obtained with material from the same category and manufacturer.