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A Field Visit Report On Knowledge and Practice On Water and Sanitation Hygiene

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A Field Visit Report on

Knowledge and Practice on

Water and Sanitation Hygiene

Submitted to
Department of Public Health
Little Buddha College of Health Science, Min-Bhawan, Kathmandu
(Purbanchal University)

Submitted by: Group B

Niskar Sharma
Anuska Karki
Rashmi Shrestha
Bharat Tharu
Dashrath kumar Yadav

BPH Second year/Third semester

Little Buddha College of Health Science
Min-Bhawan, Kathmandu
A Field Visit Report on
Knowledge and Practice on
Water and Sanitation Hygiene

In partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the

Bachelor degree of Public Health

Submitted to
Department of Public Health
Little Buddha College of Health Science Min-bhawan, Kathmandu
Purbanchal University

Submitted by :Group B
Niskar Sharma
Anuska Karki
Rashmi Shrestha
Bharat Tharu
Dashrath kumar Yadav

BPH Second year/Third semester

Little Buddha College of Health Science
Min-Bhawan, Kathmandu

This is to certify that “Group B” has conducted this Field Visit entitled " A Field
Visit Report on Knowledge and Practice on WASH” under our guidance and
This Field Visit report is submitted for partial fulfilment of the requirement for the
degree of Bachelor of Public Health from Little Buddha College of Health Science
Min-Bhawan Kathmandu Purbanchal University, Nepal.

This field Visit report has been accepted and recommended for final approval.

Field Visit Report Approved By

Mr. Pramod Chaudhary
Field Visit Supervisor

This Field Visit Report has been approved [ ]

………………… ……………….
Internal Examiner External Examiner
Date.................................. Date.........................
This is to certify that “Group B” has conducted this Field Visit entitled “A Field
Visit Report on Knowledge and Practice on WASH under our guidance and

This Field Visit report is submitted for partial fulfilment of the requirement for the
degree of Bachelor of Public Health from Little Buddha College of Health Science
Min-Bhawan Kathmandu Purbanchal University, Nepal. This Field Visit report has
been accepted and recommended for final approval.

Field Visit Report Approved By

Mr. Janak Thapa
Head Of Department

This Field visit Report has been approved [ ]

We have taken efforts in the preparation of this report. However, it would not have
been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals. We would
like to extend our sincere thanks to all of them.

For their guidance and constant supervision as well as for granting us the
opportunity of field visit to Saakhu village of Kathmandu District, We were highly
indebted to Managing Director, Mr.Khum Bahadur Basnet and the entire
Department of Public Health and Head of the Department Mr. Janak Kumar

We would like to express our gratitude towards our supervisor Mr. Pramod
Chaudhary and our lecturer Mr. Raj Sangraula for their guidance, support and
appreciable contribution during the completion of this report.

We would like to express our special gratitude and thanks to all participants who
had co-operated and given us such a valuable time for us while collecting data.

Our thanks and appreciations also go to our seniors & colleageous for their
valuable support & co-operation.

BPH 6th batch
3rd Semester
Chapter I


Water sanitation and hygiene is a key input for the achievement of universal primary
education and reduction in child mortality (Goal 2 & 4) and is directly linked to the
eradication of poverty and hunger, the empowerment in maternal health and the reduction of
diseases (Goals 1, 3, 5 & 6).

Inadequate access to safe water and sanitation services, coupled with poor hygiene practices,
kills and sickness thousands of people every day and opportunities for thousands more.
(UNICEF 2009)

In context of our country WASH is still a global issue as many diseases related to it
particularly in the region of south Asia has not been very encouraging. A fact sheet on the
International Year of Sanitation states that nearly 2.6 billion people including a billion
children lack access to effective sanitary facilities resulting in avoidable infant mortality. In
our region, nearly a billion people are without effective sanitation facilities. This is a major
challenge and will require an all-out effect by each and every community.

In many are causing the maximum number of at nearly 2.6 billion people including a billion
children lack access to effective sanitary facilities resulting in avoidable infant mortality. In
our region, nearly a billion people are without effective sanitation services.

According to DoHS survey, 113 death of children U-5 years of age has been reported due to
diarrheal diseases resulting from poor sanitation, hygiene and impure drinking water in the
fiscal year 2063/2064 in Nepal.
General objectives
The objectives of the study will be to determine knowledge and practices of secondary school
children on WASH.

Specific objectives

• To determine the knowledge of secondary school students on water, sanitation and

• To assess the practice of secondary school students towards water, sanitation and

Study Design
This study was completed in 1 day. The visit was in Sankhu village, Kathmandu district
on 2073-05-22 .
Study site and its justification
The study was focused on government school. The preventive measures seems from the early
stage of life which the students follows in their life which is taught by their parents as well as in
their school.

Study population and unit of analysis

The study population will be secondary school level

Study variables
Dependent variables
Knowledge and practices on water, sanitation and hygiene.

Independent variable
Age, Ethnicity, parents occupation, parents education, family size, training of family members
on health, newspaper, radio, television, social values, tradition, religion.

Sampling techniques
Total 20 students were taken through census methods.

Data collection tools and techniques

Self-administrating questionnaire set.

Self-administered questionnaire and guiding them all to fill.

Pretesting of data collection tools

Similar school setting was chosen and question was asked to modify the omission and error on
the basis of their suggestion.
Ethical consideration
Verbal consent of the respondents was taken prior to data collection.

All participants/respondents was assured of utmost confidentiality.

Inclusion and Exclusion

Inclusion: School children of secondary level was taken.

Exclusion: Students who do not give consent.

• Findings
Demographic Findings:

A total of 20 childrens were participated in the study, the mean age of respondents was 14.8 yrs.
Most of them follow Hindu i.e. 80%, & Buddhist i.e. 20%. Majority of the study clients were
Janjati i.e. 75%, Brahmin & Chhetri i.e.25%.

Questionnaire Findings:

1) All of case have knowledge on WASH i.e. 100%.

2) 70% of Children heard about bathing, cutting nails & brushing teeth. 20% children heard
about cleaning clothes and 10% cleaning house environment.


Bathing, Cutting Nails &

brushng teeth
Cleaning Clothes
Cleaning house environment

3) All of case knows the sources of water i.e. 100%.

4) 60% heard about River,30% Tap water and 10% underground water as a source of water.

5) 50% uses water as a drinking purpose, 30% use water for bathing and 20% as cooking
Uses of Water

Drnking purpose

6) 80% knows Diarrhoea as a water related disease, 10% knows about Jaundice & 10% Typhoid
and others.

7) 80% of case know about wholesome water, 20% doesn't know it.
8) 70% of case think safe water as a clear water, 20% think free from micro-organisms & 10%
think it as a colourless.

Safe Water

Clear water
Free from micro-organisms

9) 98% of case knows about water purification.

10) 80% know filter method, 15% knows boiling method & 5% disinfection method.
Method of purification


11) 60% filters the water, 30% boil water & 10% disinfect the water.

12) All of the cases knows about Sanitation.

13) 90% of case use toilet everyday. 10% don't use everyday.

14) 85% use toilet for prevention of disease, 10% use for sanitation of environment, 5% use to
free from smell.

15) 60% dump the unwanted waste of households, 35% burn and 5% throw in water.

16) 45% regard personal hygiene as bathing, 20% as a washing, 5% cutting nails, 5% combing
hair, 25% regard all as a personal hygiene.

17) 70% of them bath every saturday , 10 % bath daily & 20% doesnot bath daily.

18) 70% of children heard about WASH from school, 20% from home & 10% heard from TV/

19) 75% of student had received training on WASH, 25% hadn't.

20) 60% of children had received training on WASH from school, 20% from local club, 10%
from NGO/INGO and 10% by others.

Most of the children has a basic knowledge and practice on WASH. Many of them has got
WASH training from school, loal clubs, NGO/INGOs and various medias.But some of the
children from low economic background still lack the knowledge on WASH.


Government should focus on the childrens from low socio-economic background in the field of
WASH. Different NGO/INGOs should also be targeting the childrens of rural and remote areas
in the WASH programs.

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