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Combating Desertification: What Makes The Desert Beautiful Is That Somewhere It Hides A Well'

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The document discusses desertification, which is the degradation of land in dry areas. It occurs in places with low rainfall, especially in Africa and Asia. Some key causes include overgrazing, over-cultivation, climate change and human activities.

Desertification is the degradation of land in dry areas caused by various factors, including climatic variations and human activities. It occurs in dryland areas that receive less than 250-500mm of rainfall per year, especially in Africa, Asia, and Australia.

The causes of desertification include overgrazing, over-cultivation, climate change, and human activities like deforestation. The consequences are the decline of arable land, loss of biodiversity, increased poverty and hunger as food production decreases.

What makes the desert beautiful

is that somewhere it hides a well

The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery
By Development Education Department, Concern Worldwide

Written by Fran Brady
Acknowledgements: Thanks to Pat Meaney, AGTI, for his support throughout
the development of the resource, and to Michael Doorly, Concern; thanks to
all the teachers for their support and encouragement at the AGTI Conference
and to MaryAnne Fogarty, Colm Regan, Ger Dunphy, Pascal Gray and Lucy
Deering for their feedback and advice.
Cover pic: Dead Acacia trees, Namib Desert, Namibia, Africa.
Photo: Getty Images
Inside Cover pic: Mohammed Idris drawing water from a
covered well in Embulday, Anseba, Southern Eritrea.
Photo: Danny Rowan/Concern
Introduction 2
Objectives 2
Disturbing Facts 2
Section 1 3
What is Desertication? 3
Where does Desertication occur? 3
What causes Desertication? 4
Question Sheet 8
Section 2 9
What are the consequences of Desertication? 9
What can be done about Desertication? 9
Question Sheet 13
Section 3 15
Biodiversity 15
Soil Saving 15
What can we do? 17
Question Sheet 18
Web Links - Further Information 19
Answers 20
The earths soil is disappearing at an alarming rate. A thin layer of soil takes
centuries to develop but can be blown or washed away in a few seasons.
Desertication is a major concern because of the link between dryland
degradation and a decline in food production.
This Resource explores the denition of desertication; where it occurs; the causes,
consequences and solutions and what we ourselves can do to alleviate some of the
It revisits the Convention to Combat Desertication and how it interlinks with the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change and with the Convention on Biological Diversity all
three Conventions were born out of the 1992 Earth Summit.
It concentrates mainly on the Sahel and Sub-Saharan Africa with some brief illustrations from
other areas.
The resource pack has been written for Geography teachers and both their Leaving and Junior
Certicate Students.
It includes student Worksheets and answers.
It aims to complement the units on Geo-Ecology; Global Interdependence; The Dynamics of
Population; and Patterns and Processes in the Physical Environment (II) External Forces.
For the Junior Certicate Curriculum the resource is very relevant to: Primary Economic Activity;
Economic Inequality; Climate and Natural Resources; Population Distribution, Diversity and
Change and the Mali story.
To raise awareness of the problem of desertication.
To show how desertication is a major impediment to the attainment of the Millennium
Development Goals.
To provide teachers with a solid educational foundation on the theme of desertication.
To encourage teachers and students to act locally to combat desertication.
To demonstrate that desertication, although a serious problem, can be tackled.
FRIGHTENING FACTS In Nigeria, overgrazing
and over-cultivating are
converting 351,000
hectares of land into
desert each year.
250,000 hectares
are being lost each
year in Niger through
desertication. This is
equivalent to an area
about the same size
as Luxembourg.
The Worldwatch Institute
estimates that the earth's
landmasses are losing as
much as 24 billion tons
of topsoil every year.
One third of the
worlds land is
covered by dryland
70% of the 5.2 billion
hectares used for
agriculture around
the world are already
and drought affect
approximately one billion
people and 25 % of the
earths total land surface.
Human activity puts 6
billion tons of carbon
dioxide (CO2) into the
atmosphere each year.
The 2002 drought in
Australia was the worst
in more than a century,
blowing away millions
of tons of productive
topsoil in dust storms and
crippling crop production
and exports.
During the 1960s there
were 16 climate-related
disasters. During the
1990s there were 70.
The ve warmest years
over the last century
occurred in the last eight
years. The warmest year
was 2005, then 1998,
2002, 2003 and 2004.
More than 8000
tree species, 10%
of the worlds total,
are threatened with
What is desertication?
Desertication is dened by the United Nations as
land degradation in arid, semi-arid and sub-humid
areas resulting from various factors including climatic
variations and human activities.
Using the ratio of mean annual precipitation to mean
annual potential evapo-transpiration, the world is
divided into aridity zones.
Arid, semi-arid and sub-humid areas are referred to
as drylands and are dened by:
Low rainfall that is infrequent, irregular
and unpredictable
Soil that is low in organic matter
Lack of water for consumption
These characteristics make drylands vulnerable
to erosion. The agents of erosion are water and
wind and these remove the topsoil rst. Once this
nutrient-rich layer of topsoil is gone, few plants grow
in the soil. This loss of the biological potential of land
is called desertication.
The link between desertication and hunger and
poverty means that urgent solutions to this global
problem must be found. If desertication is not
stopped and reversed, per capita food yields in many
affected areas will continue to decline.
Where does desertication occur?
The worlds drylands are mainly found in:
two belts centred on the Tropics of Cancer
and Capricorn
the North American Great Plains and parts of
Central Asia which are both in the rain shadow
of mountains
some European countries, particularly those
near the Mediterranean
More than 110 countries have drylands
potentially at risk.
The impacts of desertication vary from place to
place. Although the United States has the highest
percentage of drylands at 74%, Sub-Saharan
Africa, because of its dependence on land, is
more deeply affected.
In Kenya, around 80% of the land surface is
threatened by desertication. In 2005, Concern,
in partnership with the Diocese of Malindi,
Kenya, provided seed and technical support
to 2,129 farm households who were severely
affected by drought.

After completing this section students will have explored;
the concept of desertication
the main areas where desertication occurs
the main causes of desertication
the indirect causes of desertication
Per capita food production
Source: WRI, UNEP, UNDP and WB 1998
index numbers 1961=100
1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995
Small whirlwinds add to erosion and soil degradation,
Damot Weyde, Dec 2002
Photo: Pieternella Pieterse
A nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself. President Franklin D. Roosevelt
The Dust Bowl disaster in the states of Kansas,
Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, and New Mexico
which lasted throughout the 1930s caused
immense hardship then. Farming communities faced
depopulation, and farming families faced starvation.
John Steinbecks novel The Grapes of Wrath, is set
against the background of Dustbowl Oklahoma and
Californian migrant life.
Highway 66 is the main migrant roadthe path of
a people in ight, refugees from dust and shrinking
landfrom the deserts slow northward invasion
from the oods that bring no richness to the land
Deserts expand and shrink with changes
in rainfall. Satellite imagery has shown that the
vegetation boundary south of the Sahara can move
by up to 200 km when a wet year is followed by a
dry one, and vice versa. This gives some hope that
with favourable climatic and land-use conditions
some degraded land could be revived.
What causes desertication?
Desertication is due mainly to climate variability and
unsustainable human activities.
Human activities
Four human activities which are signicant
contributory factors in the process of
desertication are
1. overgrazing which removes vegetation cover;
2. overcultivation which exhausts the soil;
3. deforestation which destroys the trees that
protect the soil; and
4. poorly drained irrigation systems which
turn croplands salty.
1. Cause: Overgrazing
When soil is stripped of its vegetation and
compacted by excessive numbers of cattle, it
loses its ability to support plant growth and to
hold moisture. In dryland pastoral economies,
large numbers of stock build up during periods of
above-average rainfall, too many to be supported
through a drought. By the time dryland pastures are
overgrazed to a stage that threatens regeneration,
prices for livestock usually have decreased because
of a saturated market.
Some African nations view nomadic pastoralism as a
backward system and promote sedentary farming.
In Eritrea the land-tenure system was insecure
making the promotion of agro-forestry and other farm
activities unviable.
Under the 1994 Land Reform Proclamation*,
the Eritrean Government now distributes land to
the villagers who get usufruct rights to a piece
of land for their lifetime. However the interests of
the pastoralists have been overlooked because
when a system of enclosure becomes widespread
the nomadic pastoralists become hemmed in by
sedentary farmers.
2. Cause: Over-cultivation
Dryland crop farmers have a tendency after a period
of good years to extend their cropping onto more
marginal lands, which are only suitable for grazing.
This places nomadic pastoralists at a disadvantage.
In Nigeria, overgrazing and over-cultivating are
converting 351,000 hectares of grassland and
cropland into desert each year. The conict between
farmers and herders in Nigeria is a struggle for
Resource Pack
Geography 4/5
Aridity Zone
Dry Sub-Humid
EarthTrends World Resources Institute. 2006.
* The Eritrean approach: Land tenure legislation promulgated in 1994 reects a strong policy of gender equality. The right of ownership
of all land in Eritrea is the exclusive right of the government. Every Eritrean citizen, whose main source of income is the land, qualies
automatically for land regardless of sex, religion or marital status; individual holdings are registered and lifetime usufructory title-deeds
issued. Source: Proclamation to Reform the System of Land Tenure in Eritrea, No. 58/1994.
3. Cause: Deforestation
In Niger, the exploitation of trees for fuel has proved
more lucrative than traditional agricultural activities.
Firewood destined for Zinder town is collected up to
200 km away.
Deforestation leads to a loss of fertility through soil
erosion and runoff. The soils become shallow and
of low fertility and the water-holding capacity of the
soil decreases. This also results in rivers ooding
excessively after a downpour, but quickly running dry.
82% of the total energy used in the Sahel

from wood. As the supply decreases rural people
who used to enrich farmlands with animal manure
now use the manure for fuel. This is causing
impoverishment of soil resources.
The Sahel is the semiarid ecological zone between
the Sahara and the savanna lands to the south and
includes parts of Mauritania, Senegal, Mali, Burkina
Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Sudan and Ethiopia.
Eritrea is a very poor country. For centuries, the
natural ora of Eritrea have been important to the
local communities as a source of fuelwood, wood
for house construction, fruits, food and medicines.
Wars, recurrent droughts, mismanagement during
colonial rule, and, more recently, over-exploitation by
the local people have resulted in a huge decrease in
these resources.
The largest share of forest exploitation now lies with
tree cutting for fuelwood, followed by timber cutting
for construction poles. A typical traditional highlands
home (Hidmos) takes about100 poles for its
construction, that means the felling of 100 live trees.
Forest and bush res are another problem. These
res prevent the natural regeneration of trees and
they can spread into the nearby forest or woodland.
Fire is used:
to clear additional land for cultivation
to chase wildlife away from livestock
to clear grasslands before the rainy season
so as to encourage the growth of palatable
green grass
Every minute of every day an estimated 26 hectares
of forests, roughly the size of 37 Croke Parks, is
lost worldwide due to agricultural pressure, road
building, forest res and illegal logging.
4. Cause: Irrigation systems
Salinization occurs in irrigated cropping systems
when evaporation removes the water from
waterlogged soils and leaves increasing salt levels in
the soil. This build up of salts makes soil less fertile.
Indirect causes of desertication
5. Indirect cause: Loss of traditional knowledge
The loss, or non-application, of indigenous
knowledge has resulted in land degradation in many
countries. In the past the inhabitants of drylands
responded exibly to climate conditions.
The driest lands were reserved for nomadic
Rainfed crops were cultivated where there was
more than 350-400mm of rainfall.
Different crops were sown to reduce risk of a
complete crop failure.
Pastoralists and sedentary farmers had a
symbiotic relationship bartering meat and milk
for cereal and legumes.

Indigenous Knowledge
The Mongolian tribes had a gentle ecological
presence. They kept large herds of goats, sheep and
horses, but they understood the fragility of their
land which was vulnerable to sun, wind and drought.
They preserved the grass by moving their herds
regularly, allowing the grazed areas time to recover.
Oases, forests and areas of xed sand formed
natural barriers against the deserts.
In the 19th century the Qing Dynasty rulers
encouraged Han farmers to settle in the region and
plough up areas of grassland for the cultivation of
grain. The inux continued and Mongolians now
account for only about 20 per cent of the population.
The rising numbers of people and animals, and the
shift from nomadic pastoralism to agriculture, led
to an increased demand for water and the cutting
down of the forests for rewood.
6. Indirect cause: Cash Crops
The need for foreign exchange to pay debts meant
that the bartering system was no longer an adequate
economic system. This led to an increase in cash
crops. The increased cultivation of cash crops for
export has resulted in:
the expansion of cropping onto marginal land.
a tendency towards monoculture - which
lowers agricultural biodiversity and causes soil
degradation. In the twentieth century 75% of
all agricultural plants cultivated by previous
generations became extinct.
an inexible response to climate conditions due
to production schedules of large corporations.
short-term exploitation of local resources which
often leaves little prot at the community level for
caring for the land.
Cash crops are not conned to food crops.
Flower farms and other non-food crops, such as
cotton, also exploit land where food could grow.
They can block the migration routes of
pastoralists and access to natural resources.
Flowers are a water-hungry crop, a large ower
company consuming as much water as 20,000
In Niger peanut exports increased rapidly until
1970 but then declined due to lower prices and
the appearance of a disease. Millet cultivation
replaced peanuts. Now the land used for millet
cultivation has become barren sand dunes.
250,000 hectares are being lost each year in
Niger through desertication.
Niger is a low-income, food-decit country, and
ranked 176th out of 177 countries in the United
Nations Development Programmes Human
Development Index (HDI) 2004.
In the Mediterranean region intensive olive
cultivation is degrading the soil. Up to 80 million tons
of topsoil is lost every year from olive plantations
in the Spanish region of Andalucia alone. The olive
subsidy is an example of an EU farm subsidy, which
can harm rather than enhance the environment.
Over-exploitation of soil happens through:
Crops cultivated in areas at high risk from drought
The reduction of fallow

Inadequate crop rotation
Crops being cultivated along a downward
sloping face rather than following the natural
contour lines

Fallowing is a practice of allowing a eld to rest
between cropping. A natural ground cover can
protect, fertilize and improve the structure of the
soil and can be grazed on by livestock and then
ploughed back into soil.
Crop rotation is the practice of growing a series
of dissimilar crops in the same space in sequential
seasons. Crop rotation balances the fertility
demands of various crops to avoid excessive
depletion of soil nutrients. Crop rotation can also
improve soil structure and fertility by alternating
deep-rooted and shallow-rooted plants.
7. Indirect cause: Poverty
Desertication is both a cause and a consequence
of poverty. Poor people often farm degraded land
that is unable to meet their needs. Their poverty
gives them little choice but to extract what they can
from the scarce resources available to them, even
though this degrades the land further. When the land
becomes too degraded, these poor people are often
forced into internal and cross-border migrations,
which can further strain the environment and cause
social and political tensions.
Ko Annan explained Nowhere is the problem of
desertication more acute than in Sub-Saharan
Africa, where the number of environmental refugees
is expected to rise to 25 million in the next 20 years.
8. Indirect cause: Population growth
In the Chapter on The Dynamics of Populations some
interesting facts on population can be seen. Total global
population in 1960 was 3 billion. By 2004 the gure had
more than doubled 6.4 billion.
Africa had only 7% of the population in 1930.
By 2004 it had 15%.
The population of the Sahel increased from 274 to
628 million between 1968 and 1998 with the rural
population growth being 2% and the urban population
growth being 5%.
One of the consequences of desertication in
Kenya is a constant ow of rural poor to Nairobi.
The population of Nairobi has grown by 800%
from 350,000 in 1963 to 2,818,000 in 2005 (National
Geographic September 2005).
Population growth combined with bad land
management can lead to desertication. People cut
down trees for fuel and try to get as much food as
they can from decreasing arable land.
A decline in population can also result in
desertication since there may not be enough people
to manage the land in a sustainable way.
Resource Pack
Geography 6/7

A study of the semi-arid Machatos district in Kenya
revealed that, despite an almost six-fold increase in
the population between 1930 and 1990, the Akamba
people succeeded in increasing productivity on
both a per hectare and a per capita basis, while
controlling and even reversing the degradation of
natural resources. This was achieved through farmer
led innovations in terrace construction.
Population pressure can be indirect:
growing urban populations place demands
on food production in rural areas
the cultivation of cash crops for export have
the same effect
In Kenya, 80% of the land is affected by
desertication, and there is a constant ow of rural
poor into Nairobi. Yet there is constant ow of
heavily packaged Mange Tout coming all the way
from Kenya to Irish supermarkets.
9. Indirect cause: Gender Bias
Men have disproportionate access to land and
credit. They are encouraged, through development
strategies, to plant cash crops for income-often on
land on which women had formerly grown food.
Gender bias keeps population growth rates high,
because it denies women routes to economic
security other than childbearing.
Jodi L. Jacobson, Worldwatch Initiative
Dorothy Kalenga (aged 9) with food produced under a Concern
programme, Angola. Photo: Danny Rowan/Concern
Through Concerns Food Security programme
in Angola, womens groups who grow crops for
consumption are provided with seeds, training
and advice.
Climatic factors
Human activity puts 6 million tons of carbon dioxide
(CO2) into the atmosphere each year that is one tonne
for each person on the planet. Irelands rate of CO2
emissions is 10 tons for every person in the country.
The ve warmest years over the last century
occurred in the last eight years The warmest was
2005, then 1998, 2002, 2003 and 2004.
Snow cover is down 10% in the last 40 years.
Global warming brought about by increasing
greenhouse gas* levels in the atmosphere is
expected to increase the variability of weather
conditions. Greenhouse gases act like a blanket
around the planet, stopping energy escaping from
the Earths surface and atmosphere.
A decrease in the amount of rainfall in
drylands would make more land vulnerable to
High temperatures, combined with low rainfall,
lead to the drying up of water resources and
to droughts.
Crops and natural vegetation grow poorly in times
of drought, forcing people to crop and graze the
land more to compensate for lower yields. This
destroys vegetation even further.
Lloyd Timberlake, author of Africa in Crisis,
stated, Africa has taken too much from its land.
It has overdrawn its environmental accounts,
and the result for much of the continent has been
environmental bankruptcy.
Variations in global near-surface land temperature
Source: Hadley Centre
Temperature variation in degrees C
1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
* The main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen oxide. Carbon dioxide is produced by the burning of fossil fuels,
such as coal, oil and wood, and by changes in land use such as the clearance of forests.
1) Briey describe desertication.

2) Locate the main areas in the world where drylands are found.

3) How many countries have drylands which are potentially at risk?
4) What are the main causes of desertication?

5) List three major causes of forest exploitation in Eritrea.

6) Identify the role of climatic conditions in the process of desertication.

7) How much rainfall is necessary for the cultivation of rain-fed crops?

8) What is salinization?

9) Explain the practice of fallowing.

10) In the past the inhabitants of drylands learned to respond exibly to climate variations.
Explain how they did this in two sentences.

11) List one reason for desertication in Spain and Italy.

12) Name one factor which led to an increase of cash crops in areas vulnerable to desertication.

13) Desertication is both a cause and a consequence of poverty.
In two or three sentences give reasons for this statement.

14) Explain how erosion and droughts are serious threats to water availability.

Ethiopia. Photo: David Conachy, Sunday Independent.
Resource Pack
Geography 8/9
What are the consequences of
The consequences of desertication are mostly
borne by the worlds poorest and most vulnerable
people. Desertication contributes to food insecurity,
water scarcity, economic hardship and social and
political unrest.
24 billion tons of topsoil lost every year
Decline in Food Production
Unattained Millennium Development Goals
Flash Floods
Economic Loss
Loss of Cultural Identity
Loss of topsoil results in a decline in food. A
decline in food production results in Hunger,
Poverty and Migration.
The persistence of Hunger, Poverty and
Migration is an obstacle to the attainment of
the Millennium Goals the rst one being the
eradication of extreme hunger and hunger.
The eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
which range from halving extreme poverty to halting
the spread of HIV & AIDS and providing universal
primary education, by the target date of 2015 form
an agreed blueprint to meet the needs of the worlds
Loss of water Without trees and vegetation
occasional ash oods carry the soil away leading
to downstream ooding. The surface water is
then rapidly lost through evaporation and rivers
and lakes disappear. The evaporation combined
with sedimentation in lakes, rivers, and reservoirs
means a loss of water as well as a loss of the soil
displaced there.
Economic Loss At the global level, it is estimated
that the annual income foregone in the areas
immediately affected by desertication amounts to
approximately US$ 42 billion each year.
Loss of cultural identity and difcult living
conditions for migrants undermines social stability.
In Africa, many people have become internally
displaced or forced to migrate to other countries.
In the 1930s the same situation arose for the
Californian migrants.
What can be done about
The human community faces an array of choices
about the quality of our lives and the state of the
global environment. Each of those choices will
help to determine what kind of world our children
and grandchildren will live in.
Ko Annan, UN Secretary General.
Measures to combat desertication should have
human and social objectives. Here is a checklist of
how to achieve more sustainable land-uses.
Raising awareness of the problem
Planting indigenous trees and shrubs
Developing sustainable agricultural practices
Using renewable energy
Mobilizing and involving people
Empowering women
Developing rural markets
Solution: Raising awareness of the problem
Convention to Combat Desertication
The Convention to Combat Desertication was
adopted on 17 June 1994 and in commemoration of
this event World Day to Combat Desertication and
Drought, is observed every year on 17 June.
The purpose of the World Day is to raise awareness
of desertication and to encourage actions that
would remedy some of the consequences of
desertication and prevent further degradation
and loss of soil and water. At the 2002 World
Summit on Sustainable Development, the
Convention to Combat Desertication was
singled out as a key instrument for poverty
eradication in dryland rural areas.

After completing this section students will have explored;
some of the consequences of desertication
what can be done about desertication through looking at different solutions
seven approaches for combating desertication and achieving more sustainable land-uses
the Convention for Combating Desertication; the World Day to Combat Desertication
and Drought
* Nitrogen-xing bacteria (Rhizobium) attach to the roots of legumes. The plant supplies carbon compounds to the bacteria, and the
bacteria convert nitrogen (N2) from air into a form the plant host can use.
** Alleycropping is the inter-cropping of trees and crops simultaneously. The deep roots of the trees minimize below-ground competition
with crops, enabling these systems to be ecologically sound and economically viable.
The degradation of drylands is hindering efforts to
overcome poverty and hunger and if not reversed
will impede the attainment of the Millennium
Development Goals.
The declaration of 2006 as the International Year
of Deserts and Desertication (IYDD) highlighted
the concern about desertication. All countries
were encouraged to undertake special initiatives
to mark the Year and through these efforts to raise
awareness of desertication.
The International Film Festival entitled Desert Nights
- Tales from the Desert in Rome in December 2006 is
an example of one such awarenessraising initiative.
Solution: Planting and protecting indigenous
trees and shrubs
The benet of trees is enormous when it comes
to preventing desertication or restoring already
degraded land.
The rst step in halting desertication is usually the
planting of trees to:
stabilise the soil
protect it from excessive sunshine, strong winds
and the progression of sand
intercept the rainfall and protect the soil from
splash erosion
retain moisture and help local recycling of rainfall
water trickles down through the canopy and is
absorbed by the humus layer
replenish soil nutrients
absorb carbon dioxide
The over-exploitation of indigenous trees and the
introduction of non-native species can lead to
ecological disturbance.
Indigenous trees and plants have special adaptations
to local situations and benet local wildlife. In Ireland,
for example, the Oak tree can host up to 400 different
insects and it is the climax vegetation in the Irish
oakwood ecosystem. The introduction of Rhodendrum
has upset this balance in some native oakwoods. In
drylands woody desert trees, such as acacias, evade
drought by shedding their leaves as the dry season
sets in. Many dryland species have deep taproots that
explore deep underground water layers and many are
leguminous* species which improve soil fertility.
Regeneration of endangered indigenous species
is important. One method of encouraging natural
regeneration is through the establishment of
temporary enclosures. It is essential that this plan
is in harmony with the wishes of the users. Another
method is the establishment of seed or gene banks,
places where seeds are stored for short-term use in
farming or for long-term preservation.
When attempts to introduce exotic species into
Tunisia as a way of improving degraded soil were
unsuccessful attention turned to indigenous pastoral
plants. A gene bank of indigenous arid and desert
rangeland plant species was created in the Arid
Regions Institute in Tunisia in 1986. This gene bank
has been included within the national programmes to
combat desertication and the national programmes
for biodiversity.
Community Forests
The objective of community forestry is to meet the
needs of people in a way that is sustainable by
making forest products available to them. Local
people gain rights to use and manage the forest
for their own benet. The community projects can
also include roadside planting, and planting around
homesteads, schools, hospitals, churches, mosques,
sacred areas, parks and riverbanks. The involvement
of schools helps to raise awareness of tree planting.
Trees and shrubs while playing an important role in
improving soils, protecting watersheds, reducing
salinisation and modifying climate are also producing
food and high-value forest products for local
In Gambia the communities benets from 85%
of forest revenues and the Forestry Department
receives 15% which is reinvested through National
Forestry Fund.
In a Concern programme in Afghanistan 132,428
trees were distributed protecting about 800,000
square metres of land. 30,339 fruit trees provided
food and livelihoods.
Solution: Developing sustainable
agricultural practices
By increasing the number of trees in agricultural
areas, farmers live in harmony with their environment.
The land benets from the farmers presence and
the farmers benet from their own control of
Agroforestry is a practice which integrates high-value
multi-purpose trees and shrubs into farming systems.
Agroforestry systems include alleycropping**,
windbreaks, riparian buffer strips, and forest farming.
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Geography 10/11
Diversion ditch
The trees shelter land and livestock, provide wildlife
habitat and control soil erosion. Leguminous species
improve soil fertility, fruit trees provide nutrition, trees,
like the Acacia Senegal, provide gum and medicine
and different palatable trees provide fodder.
Riparian buffer zones are areas of forested
land adjacent to streams, rivers, marshes or
shoreline, which help to prevent erosion and
sedimentation. They also keep the river cool
and this helps to lessen evaporation.
Trees that are fed to or browsed by animals should
provide protein, vitamins and mineral elements which
are frequently lacking in grassland pastures during the
dry season. The prosopsis species which are highly
drought resistant has pods which are rich in protein
and make good livestock fodder.
Bunding, contour bunding and terracing are
techniques for halting erosion. With bunding grids
of earth mounds enclose areas of land, preventing
runoff and allowing rainwater to percolate down to
replenish the water table and preserving what is left
of the topsoil. Physical structures, such as bunds,
should be complemented by other approaches such
as the use of manure and rotation with leguminous
crops to enhance the fertility of the soil.
Contour ridges: eld layout
Examples of contour bunding for tree planting
from Baringo District, Kenya.
Contour bunds for trees
In Eritrea Concerns activities to conserve soil and
water include terracing, construction of gully checks
and support for nursery and forestry.
Solution: Using alternative sources of energy
Sustainable energy use means ensuring enough energy
supply for present and future generations, while at
the same time protecting the environment. This can
be done by using renewable sources of energy, and by
being more careful about energy use.
Fast-growing, drought-and salt-tolerant, and with
remarkable coppicing

power, prosopsis is a natural
fuelwood in arid and semi-arid areas. The wood has
been called wooden anthracite, because of its high
heat content. The pressure on natural vegetation
cover can be reduced through the development of
alternative sources of energy and through improving
the efciency of existing energy use. Improved ovens
with slow-burning wood are one way to save energy.
In Eritrea Concern promoted the use of fuel saving
stoves, known as mogogos.
Coppicing is the art of cutting of trees and shrubs
to ground level allowing vigorous regrowth and a
sustainable supply of timber for future generations.
Solution: Mobilizing and involving people
The Convention stresses that people who suffer the
impact of desertication, and who best understand
the ecosystems in which they live, must be involved
in decisions about how to restore damaged land and
prevent further degradation.
The Convention calls for the building of partnerships
comprising affected populations and their
representatives, the national government, and
bilateral and multilateral donors. The purpose of
the partnerships is to develop National Action
Programmes to tackle the problem of desertication.
The Convention states that traditional and local
technologies and know-how should be protected.
Local populations should benet directly from any
commercial use of their techniques.
Over the years local populations in Africa have
developed techniques for managing soil and
water, domesticating plants and animals, and for
forecasting the weather. Technical innovations are
often brought in from more humid environments
without regard for the equilibrium of dryland
Drylands comprise a wide variety of biophysical,
economic and social settings. Therefore different
sets of remedies to combat desertication will be
needed for the different conditions. Action plans
should give priority to the application of existing
knowledge to local situations
Solution: Empowering women
Millennium Development Goal 3 is to promote
gender equality and empower women. Ireland is
committed to contributing to reaching the goal.
For Irish Aid, the goal of promoting gender equality
is now recognised as a core priority for all
development interventions.
Women in subsistence economies are the major
suppliers of food, fuel, and water for their families,
and yet their access to land is declining. Investing
in women is the best way to increase food security,
reduce population growth and relieve pressure on
the environment.
Empowering women is vital for sustainable natural
resource development. Efforts are needed to train more
women in forestry and natural resource activities in
order to enhance their participation at all levels - from
grassroots to international policy.
Solution: Development of local crops and
rural markets
The convention proposes the promotion of
drought-resistant and salt-resistant crops and the
development of rural markets. Attention should be
paid to local plants whether they have already been
domesticated or not. It is important to grow a wide
variety of plants that are suited to local conditions.
Bio-diversity of crops helps to ensure both healthy
soil and food-security. Organic growing should also
be encouraged as this system reduces the damage
to the land and alleviates some of the negative
impacts of monocropping.
Local markets are needed to encourage local trade
and the production of local goods, both agricultural
and non-agricultural. An emphasis on the export
of unprocessed commodities has a detrimental
effect on local economics. If this situation could be
changed more income could be earned without so
much damage to the soil.
As part of Concerns Livelihoods Programmes in
both the Democratic Republic of Congo and
Sierra Leone access to markets has been improved
through the provision and rehabilitation of bridges
and feeder roads.
National Action Programmes should give particular
attention to protecting lands not yet degraded, and
devise early drought-warning systems.
Paulo Vitorino plants potatoes with seed
supplied by Concern, Angola.
Photo: Pieternella Pieterse/Concern
Resource Pack
Geography 12/13
1) List three benets of trees in combating desertication.

2) Explain in three sentences how trees help to retain moisture in an area.

3) What is agroforestry?

4) Describe in one or two sentences

Riparian forest buffers

5) Explain the structure of contour bunding and its benets.

6) List two reasons why the empowerment and training of women is important in the ght
against desertication.

7) Why are different solutions to combat desertication needed in different areas?

8) What two characteristics are important in food plants in drylands areas?

Open Questions
9) Were you already aware that desertication was a major global problem?
10) Have you read or heard about desertication in the media?
11) If Yes did the images or language help you to understand the issue more fully?
Explain answer in two or three sentences.

Traditional dress, Ethiopia.
Photo: David Conachy, Sunday Independent 14/15
Biodiversity and cultural richness
in Drylands
Biological diversity includes countless plants that feed
and heal people, crop varieties and aquatic species with
specic nutritional characteristics, livestock species
adapted to harsh environments, insects and birds that
pollinate elds and micro-organisms that regenerate
agricultural soils.
Wangari Muta Maathai, Kenyas Green Militant,
stressed that if we want to save the environment we
should protect the people rst, because human beings
are part of biological diversity.
In Africa, environmentalists have focused on the
conservation of endangered animals and plants
while taking little account of the needs of poor
people. Conservation efforts on protected area
systems have often been resisted by local people
whose livelihoods have been threatened.
People from nomadic and pastoral cultures who
live in drylands use wild species and plants for
food, decoration and medicine. Dryland populations
have developed traditional systems of land care
in order to benet from biodiversity without
destroying resources.
Protect Biodiversity in Drylands
The theme for the observance of International Day for
Biological Diversity 2006 was Protect Biodiversity
in Drylands. The choice of this theme highlights the
links between these two environmental issues.
Desertication as an issue does not stand in isolation
but is related to changes in climate, biodiversity
conservation and the need for sustainable forest and
water resource management.
Deforestation is a cause of desertication and of
loss of bio-diversity and a signicant contributory
factor in global warming.
Desertication and land degradation affects global
climate change through soil and vegetation losses.
Desertication threatens the rich diversity of plant
and animal life found in dryland ecosystems.
Trees and vegetation - which are included
in biodiversity - are essential for the removal
of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and
therefore help to regulate climate change.
Environmental approaches for combating
desertication, conserving biodiversity and
mitigating climate change are linked in many ways.
Reforestation to reclaim degraded land helps to
preserve bio-diversity and to mitigate climate change
through absorbing carbon dioxide. To achieve holistic
earth-care, countries should promote interrelated
action plans for implementing the three closely
linked conventions which grew out of the 1992
Earth Summit:
the Convention to Combat Desertication (CDD)
the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Haiti is a typical case of a fragile ecosystem, subject to
both desertication and drought. The island of Haiti
possesses one of the highest biodiversity indices in the
tropics and is known to have a great variety of species
and ecosystems.
Soil saving around the world
The Eden Foundation is a Scandinavian NGO
working on re-vegetation projects in the Sahel area.
Edens solution to desertication is for farmers to
stabilise their environment by intercropping edible
perennials in their elds. Polyculture, the planting of
a variety of crops, enables better distribution of land
resources and limits soil exhaustion.
Tamil Nadu, South India
Two million forest, nut and fruit trees, hedges, and
shrubs were planted in Auroville, in Tamil Nadu,
South India. Auroville, an international community,
was established in 1968 on a severely eroded
plateau. In 1968 the plateau reected in microcosm
the larger global problem. Over-exploitation and lack
of restorative care threatened the lands ability to
grow plants. Severely deforested, overgrazed and
overcultivated, the land was subject to erosion. Both
wind and rain contributed to heavy topsoil erosion.
The monsoons would wash over the barren land,
carrying topsoil to the ocean and creating deep
ravines and gullies.

After completing this section students will have explored;
how desertication links with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change and with the Convention on Biological Diversity
soil saving initiatives carried out around the world
vegetation of the dune ecosystem an Irish study
what can we do about desertication?
Mali is a landlocked country, at the southern edge of
the Sahara desert. For generations, farmers in Mali
protected their gardens with hedges of Jatropha
curcas, or physic nut, which is not eaten by animals
and therefore protects the foodcrops as a living
fence. As well as controlling animal access, the
living fences reduce wind erosion and, if planted
parallel to slopes, also help to control water erosion.
The fences slow surface runoff during downpours
resulting in more water penetrating into the soil and
boosting harvests. The plants roots anchor the soil.

By using locally produced Jatropha oil as fuel
and lubrication oil, some of the cash outow from
the village can be stopped. Traditionally, rural
women used Jatropha curcas for medicine and
soap production. The soap is sold in local markets
and nearby towns, increasing their possibilities of
earning income with local resources. The residual
presscake after the oil has been extracted is used
to fertilise the soil.
html &
Uganda is a very poor country where life expectancy
is just 47.3 years compared to Irelands life
expectancy rate of 77.7 years. Uganda largely
depends on rainfed agriculture and, is therefore,
vulnerable to droughts and their effects. In Uganda
District Steering Committees for Combating
Desertication were established. These Steering
Committees coordinate the activities of the
NAP process and provide technical support to
local community initiatives being undertaken in
collaboration with NGOs and CBOs.
The Manyara ranch managed by the Tanzania
Land Conservation Trust is working on reconciling
pastoralism with wildlife conservation by using the
ranch as a wildlife corridor for seasonal migrations,
thus promoting sustainable land use through
livestock rearing, wildlife conservation and other
land uses.
The Dunes are an ecosystem in Ireland which
have some similarities to drylands
Ireland, has not escaped land degradation. So far it
has escaped desertication because of its temperate
climate. One Irish ecosystem worth studying in relation
to drylands is the dunes.
The plants found on dunes have characteristics
similar to those needed in dryland habitats. They
to be able to germinate at the smallest
opportunity in a very poor environment
to survive in a salt laden environment
to survive the drying effect of wind
to bind sand in the earliest stage of dune
to stabilise the dunes as they reach several
to fertilise and add humus to the mature dunes
Marram grass reproduces itself like an ear of corn.
Every time it is covered over by sand it sprouts new
roots further up. This multi-storey root system is an
excellent aid to dune building.
Left to right: Marram Grass at Dollymount Dunes, Sea Buckthorn at
Dollymount Dunes, Photos: Fran Brady.
Sea Buckthorn has often been introduced onto
dunes to help stabilise them. It has nitrogen xing
root nodules and so can thrive even on nutrient-poor
young dunes. Sea buckthorn is very invasive and can
exclude most other vegetation.
Other leguminous plants common in the semi-xed
dunes include red clover (Trifolium pratense L.),
white clover, Birds Foot Trefoil Lotus corniculatus
and Restharrow Ononis repens.
Red clover and White clover are short-lived perennial
legumes which are very common in Ireland. They lack
sufcient drought tolerance to survive prolonged
dry spells.
Left to right: Red Clover at Dollymount Dunes, Birdsfoot Trefoil
Dollymount Dunes, Photos: Fran Brady.
Resource Pack
Geography 16/17
What can we do?
Although Ireland is not subject to desertication,
because of its temperate climate, desertication
is a global issue which is relevant to all of us.
We can all
Make everyday choices for a more
sustainable lifestyle
Mobilise for environmental and social justice
Sustainable Living
Sustainable living means that people living on the
planet should leave the environment in as good,
or better condition than we found it for future
Reduce our Energy Use
Irelands rate of CO
emissions is 10 tonnes for
every person in the country. That is ten times the
global average of one tonne for every person.
Simple activities can make a big difference.
walking or cycling short distances
switching off lights
only boiling as much water as you need
lowering the central heating thermostat by just
1C reduces energy use by 10%
waiting until the washing machine is
full to turn it on
buying local food
The global food system is dependent on petroleum,
which has limited sources and its uncontrolled use is
also leading to global warming.
The average meal in America travels 2400 kilometres
from eld to fork. How far does our food travel?
We can check the labels. Fossil fuel is needed to
transport our food.
There are many more activities which you or your
friends or family may already be doing. We can all
share our tips for sustainability and we can also visit
Sustain Soil
Keep soil covered with vegetation.
Grow some food. This will relieve the pressure
on distant lands and also save energy needed to
transport food over thousands of kilometres.
Landscape areas with a mix of wildowers, herbs,
and other forms of vegetation natural to the area.
Set up a compost bin. The compost can be used
when growing food and owers.
Disturb as little soil as possible, and save
and replace topsoil removed during any
construction work.
Sustainable Forests
Irish society has a role to play in putting a halt to
destructive deforestation. We can all reduce our
demand for paper through simple steps such as
writing, or printing, on both sides of the paper or
reusing gift wrapping paper and envelopes. It takes
17 trees to make a tonne of paper.
Architects, local authorities, construction
companies, woodwork teachers, joineries and D.I.Y
enthusiasts can insist on wood-based products from
independently certied forests.
The Forest Stewardship Council is an international
non-prot organisation founded in 1993 to support
environmentally appropriate, socially benecial
and economically viable use of the worlds forests.
All products carrying the FSC logo have been
independently certied as coming from forests
that meet internationally recognised FSC Principles
and Criteria. For more information please contact
Just Forests:
or 046-9737545
Reduce Water Waste
The amount of water used by one person in Ireland
per day is 150-250 litres, only 2 litres of which are
used for drinking. The amount of water used by one
person in Kenya per day is 4 litres. In Africa, women
spend a large part of everyday carrying water over
great distances. Visit for practical
ways to reduce water use everyday at home, at
school at work or in the garden.
Help Preserve Biodiversity
Plant trees and take care of them.
Reduce use of wood and paper products, recycle
paper, and buy recycled paper products.
Only buy wood products that have been certied
as having been grown in a sustainable manner.
Help rehabilitate or restore a degraded area of
forest or grassland near your home.
Mobilise for environmental and social justice
The Comhlamh Trade Justice Group campaigns
aim to mobilise public pressure on our Irish and
European trade and development representatives
to make trade fair for poorer countries. Visit to nd
out about ways you can help.
1) What is described as Malis living hedge?

2) Describe how the living hedges are both environmentally and economically benecial to the local people.

3) If you want to save the environment you should protect the people rst. List 2 reasons for this statement.

4) What is meant by leguminous plants?

5) Name two leguminous plants that help in the development of mature dunes.

6) Name any leguminous plants used in agricultural situations.

7) Why would red and white clover not be so suitable in dryland areas?

8) Identify two trends that happen during wet years and that can contribute to the process
of desertication.

9) Explain how desertication threatens the well-being of people.

10 How does desertication hinder the attainment millennium goals?

11) In Africa, there is growing recognition that indigenous knowledge makes a valuable contribution to
land and agricultural systems. In one sentence explain indigenous knowledge.

12 Is there a place for this type of knowledge in the contemporary ght against desertication?

13) What is community or social forestry?

Resource Pack
Geography 18/19
Here are some links to help you nd out more about
Combating Desertication
This site has very useful information on the Convention to Combat Desertication and on the
International Year of Deserts and Desertication.
2) World Environment Day Inspiring ideas
The World Environment Day theme selected for 5
June 2006 was Deserts and Desertication and
the slogan was Dont Desert Drylands! The slogan emphasizes the importance of protecting drylands,
which cover more than 40% of the planets land area. This web site includes Inspiring Ideas from
around the World.
3) The Eden Foundation
The Eden Foundation founded in 1985 in Sweden is active in Tanout, Niger, since 1987. This site
gives a very informative description of desertication in Sahel. It includes diagrams, pictures and
reports on fallen crop yields.
4) World Agroforestry
This site is very useful for describing the benets of Agroforestry and it also has a description of
agroforestry in Sahel.
5) WWF
WWF conserves endangered species, protects threatened habitats and addresses global threats.
We nd long-term solutions that benet both people and nature. This web page within the site
illustrates how intensive olive growing is leading to desertication in Europe.
Land degradation is a serious problem throughout Africa, threatening economic and physical survival.
This site looks at the key issues including escalating soil erosion, declining fertility, salinization, soil
compaction, agrochemical pollution and desertication. It also shows the decline in per capita food
production in Africa.
7) Our Planet
Desertication is both a cause and a consequence of poverty. This site looks at the poverty, food
insecurity and the social and economic hardship caused by desertication.
8) Jatropha
This site shows how the Jatropha System creates a positive reciprocity between raw material /
energy production and environment / food production and gives further insight into the living
hedges described in Mali.
9) Dustbowl Disaster
This site gives a good description of the Dustbowl disaster in US in the 1930s.
1) Desertication is the degradation of lands in dry areas which results in the lowering of the biological and food producing potential of these lands.
2) The worlds drylands are mainly found in two belts centred on the Tropics of Cancer and the Tropics of Capricorn. Other dryland areas include
the North American Great Plains and parts of Central Asia which are in the rain shadow of mountains.
3) Worldwide more than 110 countries have drylands potentially at risk of desertication.
4) Desertication is caused mainly by unsustainable land-use practices, such as overcultivation, overgrazing, deforestation, and poor irrigation.
5) The principal causes of deforestatation in Eritrea are tree cutting for fuelwood, tree felling for construction poles for the traditional highlands
home (Hidmos) and forest and bush res.
6) Desertication is found mostly in areas where there is low and erratic rainfall. Low rainfall leads to drought and drought, through causing a
decrease in vegetation yield forces people to overexploit their land to survive.
7) The cultivation of rainfed crops needs more than 350-400mm of rainfall.
8) Salinisation is a form of desertication which occurs in irrigated cropping systems when evaporation removes the water from waterlogged soils
and leaves increasing salt levels in the soil.
9) Fallowing is a practice of allowing a eld to rest between cropping. A natural ground cover can protect, fertilize and improve the structure of the
soil and can be grazed on by livestock and then ploughed back into soil.
10) They were sensitive to the capacity of the land and grew crops only where the rainfall was adequate and reserved the driest lands for nomadic
herding. A variety of crops were grown in case of crop failure.
11) Intensive olive cultivation is degrading the soil across the Mediterranean region. Up to 80 million tonnes of topsoil is lost every year from olive
plantations in the Spanish region of Andalucia alone.
12) The need for foreign exchange.
13) The need for survival compels poor people to farm in a way that can do long-term damage to the environment. When the land becomes too
degraded to produce food, they are often forced into internal and cross-border migrations.
14) Soil erosion causes the soils to become shallow and of low fertility and the water-holding capacity of the soil decreases. Rivers ood
excessively during occasional intense rainfalls. The surface water is rapidly lost through evaporation and rivers and lakes disappear. Degraded
land may cause downstream ooding, sedimentation in rivers and lakes, and siltation of reservoirs and navigation channels.
1) Trees stabilise and protect the soil, shade it from excessive sunshine and strong winds, retain moisture and replenish soil nutrients with
fallen leaves.
2) The tree canopy intercepts the rainfall; and the water that trickles down through the canopy is absorbed by the humus, permitting local recycling
of the rainfall. By shading the soil from excessive sunshine trees prevent excessive evaporation.
3) Agroforestry is a practice which integrates high-value multi-purpose trees and shrubs into farming systems.
4) Alleycropping is the inter-cropping of trees and crops simultaneously. The deep roots of the chosen trees minimize below-ground competition
with crops, enabling these systems to be agro-ecologically sound and economically viable.
Riparian forest buffers are areas of forested land adjacent to streams, rivers, marshes or shoreline. Riparian buffers are a rivers best protection
against erosion, pollution and sedimentation.
5) Interlocking grids of earth mounds enclose areas of land, preventing runoff and allowing rainwater to percolate down to replenish the water table
and preserving what is left of the topsoil.
6) Women in developing countries do much of the work on the land and are often most affected by desertication. Empowering women is vital for
sustainable natural resource development.
7) Drylands comprise a wide variety of biophysical, economic and social settings.
8) Drought-resistance and salt-resistance.
1) Farmers in Mali have protected their gardens with hedges of Jatropha curcas, or physic nut, which is not eaten by animals and therefore protects
the foodcrops as a living fence.
2) The fences reduce wind erosion and help to control water erosion. They act as buffers to slow surface runoff resulting in more water penetrating
into the soil and boosting harvests. The community has locally produced Jatropha oil, medicine which brings in income and saves outow of
cash. The residual presscake after the oil has been extracted is used to fertilise the soil.
3) In Africa, environmentalists have often focused on the conservation of endangered animals, plants and trees taking little account of the needs
of the poor people. Conservation efforts on protected area systems have often been resisted by local people whose livelihoods have been
jeopardised. People can be allies of the conservationists, but for this to come about we have to focus much more on sustainable use, rather than
on conservation for its own sake.
4) Nitrogen-xing bacteria form symbiotic associations with the roots of legumes. The plant supplies simple carbon compounds to the bacteria, and
the bacteria convert nitrogen (N2) from air into a form the plant host can use. When leaves or roots from the host plant decompose, soil nitrogen
increases in the surrounding area.
5 Birds foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) and Restharrow, Kidney Vetch and members of the clover family.
6) Red clover (Trifolium pratense L) and White Clover are popular in agricultural situations.
7) The are not drought-tolerant.
8) In dryland pastoral economies, large numbers of stock build up during runs of good years, too many to be supported through a drought.
Dryland farmers have a tendency after a period of good years to extend their cropping onto more marginal lands and this decreases the range
for pastoralists.
9) The most obvious impact of desertication is a decline in food. Crops and natural vegetation grow poorly, forcing people to crop and graze the
land more to compensate for lower yields. This destroys vegetation even further and this can lead to hunger and poverty.
10) The eight Millennium Development Goals range from halving extreme poverty to providing universal primary education, by the target date of
2015. Desertication hinders the attainment of at least two of these goals: goal one - eradicate extreme poverty and hunger and goal seven
ensure environmental sustainability.
11) Over the years local populations in Africa developed techniques for managing soil and water, domesticating plants and animals, and for
forecasting the weather
12) The Convention states that traditional and local technologies and know-how should be protected. Local populations should benet directly from
any commercial use of their techniques.
13) The objective of community forestry is to meet the needs of the people in a way that is sustainable by making forest products available to them.
Community forests can ensure that local people gain more secure rights to use and manage the forest for their own benet. This can provide a
strong incentive for them to protect the forest in the long term.
Resource Pack
Geography 20
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t: 01 417 77 33 / 087 797 36 36

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