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Technology Technology: Gas Turbine Research

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ISSN : 0971-4413


AS TURBINES have become essential power plants of

G powerful military equipment like

aircraft, naval ships and tanks.
The required precision manu-
facturing for components
and temperature-resistant
alloys necessary for high
efficiency often makes the
construction of a simple
turbine more complicated
than piston engines.
Defence Research and Develop-
ment Organisation (DRDO) is pioneering the
design and development of aero and marine gas
turbine engines for indigenous defence applications
besides research work in the areas of aero engine sub-
systems. DRDO has also established the requisite state-of-the-
art testing and prototype manufacturing facilities for components
and full-scale engines.

Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE), Bengaluru, a constituent laboratory of DRDO, is entrusted with the
design and development of Kaveri engine which is an augmented low bypass twin spool turbofan engine of 80 kN thrust
class. The engine cycle is based on a detailed system analysis culminating into a potential power plant for the Indian Light
Combat Aircraft Tejas. The engine incorporates flat-rated characteristics to pre-empt and mitigate the thrust drop due to
high ambient intake temperature and/or high forward speed. Twin-lane full authority digital engine control with an
adequate manual backup is a salient design feature of Kaveri engine.

Kaveri engines have been tested both in normally aspirated and with limited high pressure/temperature entry
conditions for more than 1800 h. Stringent structural (safety and life) and aerodynamic tests have taken up as a prelude to
official altitude test, flying test bed trials and accelerated mission tests leading to engine certification for airworthiness.


Low Pressure and High Pressure Compressors

Three-stage axial flow low

pressure (LP) compressor has
been designed with a mass
flow rate of 78 kg/s; pressure
ratio of 3.4; isentropic
efficiency of 85 per cent; and
surge margin in excess of
20 per cent. Design validation
of LP compressor has been
done for aerodynamic and
structural tests for life and
safety and the first rotor for bird LP compressor rotor assembly HP compressor rotor assembly
impact characterisation.

Six-stage axial flow high pressure (HP) compressor has been designed for a mass flow rate of 66 kg/s; pressure ratio
of 6.4; isentropic efficiency of 85 per cent; and surge margin in excess of 23 per cent. Design methodology is based on 3-D
Navier Stokes code. Design validation of the HP compressor has been done for aerodynamic and structural tests for life
and safety.

Annular Combustor

High intensity annular combustor has been designed for combustion

efficiency greater than 99 per cent, circumferential pattern factor of
0.35 and radial pattern factor of 0.14. Design and development is based
on computational fluid dynamics (CFD), empirical relations, water
analogy, and aero-thermal tests at high pressure, high temperature and
altitude conditions besides extensive structural analysis.

Annular combustor

02 High Pressure and Low Pressure Turbines

October 09

Single-stage cooled high pressure turbine has been designed for an

isentropic efficiency of 85 per cent and a maximum turbine entry
temperature (TET) of 1700 K. Navier Stokes codes such as TASC flow and
NUMECA have been used for design and analysis. The LP turbine rotor stage
is unshrouded with an isentropic efficiency of 85 per cent.

HP turbine rotor assembly

Afterburner System

The afterburner system (an additional component

added to some jet engines, primarily those on military
supersonic aircraft) provides a thrust boost of 60 per cent
over and above maximum dry thrust at an efficiency of
90 per cent, consistent light up from sea level to 11 km
altitude and stability besides buzz and screech free
operation. The burner has been designed using CFD tools
such as FLUENT and Star-CD.

Afterburner system

Engine Gearbox

Engine gearbox (EGB) with a power rating of about

700 HP provides drive to 12 accessories of aircraft and
engine in the speed range of 5600-30000 rpm. Cast out of
aluminium alloy, the EGB weighs less than 57 kg. It has
been tested for endurance and performance under
vibration, 'g' loads, attitude, and high and low
environmental temperature conditions.

Engine gearbox

Electro-Hydro Mechanical Control Systems

Integrated nozzle actuating system (INAS)

is used for actuation and control of the fully
variable convergent-divergent (CD) exhaust
nozzle to achieve optimum engine
performance (thrust and specific fuel
October 09

consumption) throughout the flight envelope.

INAS comprises four mechanically
synchronised hydraulic actuators (each
actuator with a load carrying capacity of 50 kN)
driven by engine gearbox-mounted integrated
hydraulic power pack.

Engine jet pipe with INAS and CD nozzle


Variable Geometry (VG)

Actuating System has been
used for varying the inlet guide
vanes (IGV) and the first two
stator blade angles, which
control the air flow direction
through the high pressure
compressor for optimising the
engine performance and
enhancing the operability.

Main engine control unit

and re-heat control unit supply
the fuel to the main and re-heat
combustion systems at the
desired pressure and flow while ensuring smooth light up and acceleration of the engine.

All the electro-hydro mechanical control systems are interfaced with Kaveri digital engine control unit (KADECU) for
proper closed loop control of the engine throughout the flight envelope.

Kaveri Digital Engine Control Unit

Kaveri Digital Engine Control Unit

(KADECU) is a microprocessor-based
real-time embedded full authority
digital control system to execute the
engine control to get optimum thrust
within safety limits. Two such units have
been mounted on the Kaveri with one
under control and the other in hot
standby mode. KADECU performs
extensive built-in test and sensor data
validation to detect failure and record
off-line analysis. Real-time monitoring
allows acquisition of data from the
control units and enables the study of
04 the control system performance vis--vis
Kaveri engine digital control unit
the engine behaviour.
October 09


GTRE has set up extensive structural test facilities for structural integrity and life evaluation of various components
and sub-systems such as fan/compressor/turbine rotor discs and blades, transmission shafts, casings, piping, engine
gearbox, etc.
Cyclic spin test facility is used for
low-cycle fatigue life evaluation of
engine rotor discs and incorporates
fully automated motor-driven
system capable of providing
variable speeds. This facility
simulates various combinations of
speed and temperature.

Torsional test facility is used to Torsional test facility

Cyclic spin test facility
evaluate fatigue life of rotor shafts
under simulated torsion, axial, and temperature load conditions. The facility is capable of applying desired load profile
along with minor cycles superimposed.

Dynamic foreign body

impact test facility is used for
impact tests with simulated
bird models fired at various
speeds on rotor blades, disc
and casings. It comprises a
compressor air operated bird
gun and high-speed
photography cameras for
monitoring the tests, both
Dynamic foreign body impact test facility Full-scale power absorption test facility under static and dynamic

Full-scale power absorption test facility is used for performance and endurance testing of engine accessory gearbox
along with various Line Replaceable Units (accessories) mounted and duly loaded using water brake dynamometer.

Attitude testing is performed to

validate the design of Kaveri's
gearbox under attitude conditions
experienced during the flight,
including inverted flights also.
Gearbox internals experience both oil
starvation and oil flooding depend-
ing on attitudes. Performance 05
October 09

evaluation of the lubrication system

is the point of focus during the
subject test.
Attitude test facility Casing structural test facility

The casing structural test facility equipped with fatigue-rated actuators is used for structural integrity assessment of
engine frames, rotor-support structures, and engine-mount points. The system facilitates programming of desired load
spectrum, execution and monitoring of the tests in both static and dynamic modes.


GTRE has established in-house facilities for aero-thermodynamic performance evaluation of critical modules such
as fan, compressor, turbine, combustor, and afterburner. These facilities are equipped with extensive instrumentation
and data acquisition systems for online monitoring as well as analysis.

Compressor test facility is used to evaluate the performance of fan and compressor modules, both under design and
off- design conditions.

Combustor test facility is used for evaluation of combustor system performance, both under design and off-design
conditions of pressure, temperature and air flow.

Cold turbine test facility is used for evaluation of turbine module performance, both under design and off-design
conditions of pressure, temperature and air flow. It employs an electro-hydraulic dynamometer for power

Afterburner test rig is used for test and evaluation of scaled-down model of engine afterburner, both under
simulated screech and buzz conditions with several pilot ignition system configurations.

Compressor test facility Combustor test facility

October 09

Cold turbine test facility Afterburner test facility


GTRE has set up four engine

test cells for normally aspirated
condition and one test cell
capable of simulating inlet flight
conditions up to 0.4 Mach for
carrying out performance tests.

Test cells are designed for

normally aspirated testing
(thrust up to 20,000 kg) and
capable of carrying out engine
testing with afterburner system
(exhaust gas temperature of Engine mounted in test cell

>2000 K).

Salient Features

Acoustically attenuated vertical intake and

exhaust systems.
Roof-mounted thrust stand with off-line thrust
Data Acquisition System (DAS) with provision of
1200 channels.
Test cells for engine bleed and power off -take.
Customer bleed measuring facilities and
emergency fuel supply.

Engine test data acquisition system


GTRE has also set up extensive simulation and analysis facilities to enable design evaluation, prototyping, digital
manufacturing, optimisation and assembly integration. These facilities consist of high-end hardware, and in-house and
commercial software tools.
October 09

Computer-aided Design and Virtual Reality Laboratory

GTRE has a computer-aided design and virtual reality laboratory for carrying out designing and validation tests. 3-D
CAD modelling of Kaveri for finite element analysis, mass property calculations, assembly integrity evaluations,
automated drafting, rapid prototyping and digital assembly manuals preparation, and enhanced visual feel of the
components and virtual walkthrough of assemblies were done at this laboratory.

Computer-aided Engineering

The computer-aided engineering facility is being used for the following:

Structural design analysis of gas

turbine components using
DYNA and SAMCEF software.

Kinematic design analysis of variable

CD nozzle and compressor variable
guide vane linkage mechanisms for

Development of whole engine

model, engine static, dynamics and
blade-off simulation.

Life prediction of engine

components employing in-house
practices and material characteri-

Methodology for life extension of

aging engine components. Structural analysis of various components

Damage tolerance analysis of the gas turbine components. Design and development of composite structures.

Computational Fluid Dynamics

Computational fluid dynamics

(CFD) codes have been used
extensively for the design and
analysis of aero and marine
versions of Kaveri engine
modelling, CAD grid generation
and high performance compu-
08 ting form integral features of the
CFD and conjugate heat transfer
October 09

(CHT) analyses.

The parellel CFD software like

have been used for designing and
analysis of the engine compo-
Combustion flow analysis Turbine flow analysis
The following are the salient features of the CFD analysis:

Estimation and improvement of aerodynamic performance of all the major modules and sub-systems of the engine,
viz., fan, compressor, combustor, turbine, afterburner with CD nozzle and bypass duct.

Estimation of the liner metal temperatures of hot-end components through CHT analyses.

Estimation of the secondary air temperature rise while passing through the compressor and turbine annular disc
through CHT analyses.

3-D CAD model Computational grid Tip clearance flows


GTRE has extensive manufacturing facilities consisting of CNC systems (machining centre, EDM wire cut and
vertical turn mill centre), investment casting, electron beam welding, vacuum heat treatment, jig boring, etc. Besides,
quality assurance and inspection facilities consisting of 3-D CMM, x-ray diffraction, ultrasonic testing, non-contact 3-D
scanning system, x-ray fluorescence spectrometer, and hard bearing balancing are also being used to maintain high
standards of the products.

October 09


This scaled engineering prototype of Kaveri engine has been prepared using rapid prototyping technologies of
stereolithography and fused deposition modelling using 3-D CAD model data. The entire sequence of prototyping
activities include pre-processing, part building, post-processing, assembly and mounting.


October 09

The Kaveri Marine Gas Turbine (KMGT) engine, a derivative of Kaveri aero engine, is also being developed as a power
plant for propelling Indian naval ships. The gas generator of KMGT is derived from Kaveri aero engine, and a two-stage
free power turbine has been designed to translate the gas power into mechanical output to drive the ship propeller.
Salient Features
Output : 15 MW at ISA-SLS

Specific fuel consumption : 0.27 kg/kW-h at ISA-SLS

Fuel : Low sulphur high speed diesel (LSHSD)

Power turbine speed : 5800 rpm
TET : 1560 K (max)

KMGT engine has successfully demonstrated output

power and SFC exceeding the specification. Spin test of
power turbine disc has been carried out using dummy
blades simulating the centrifugal load. Forty hours of test
has been successfully completed at maximum rated
speed of power turbine, thereby demonstrating the
mechanical integrity of power turbine disc assembly.

Spin test facility


GTRE has implemented Product

Lifecycle Management (PLM) framework
for the design and development of Kaveri
and its derivatives. Team centre suite of
product was used for PLM implemen-
tation with customisation for product
design, configuration management,
change management, CAD management,
and programme management. High
performance computing facility (P 690)
and ESS800-based data centre from IBM
forms the core hardware infrastructure.

October 09

High performance computing facility (P 690)


Kaveri EngineSalient Features

Air mass flow : 78 kg/s

By-pass ratio : 0.2-0.24

Overall pressure ratio : 21.5

Turbine entry temperature (flat-rated) : 1487-1700 K

Maximum thrust (dry)-IRA, SL : 52 kN

Maximum thrust with afterburner-IRA, SL : 81 kN

SFC (dry) : 0.78 kg/h/kg

Maximum SFC with afterburner : 2.03 kg/h/kg

Thrust/weight ratio : 7.8

y Editorial Committee
xBE Coordinator
b + i, funskd] MslhMkWd, esVdkWQ gkml] fnYyh Dr AL Moorthy, Director, DESIDOC, Metcalfe House, Delhi
n Members
b + Mv,xnBE +v xn, b+b+ x, VV M, x< n Dr BR Gandhe, Director of Armaments, DRDO Bhavan, New Delhi
b nx BE,xnBE O xn, b+b+ x, VV M, x< n Dr Sudarshan Kumar, Director of Materials, DRDO Bhavan, New Delhi
g + BE,xnBE lh Axb < xn, b+b+ x, VV M, x< n Shri R Shankar, Director of CV&E, DRDO Bhavan, New Delhi
BEb { BE g,xnBE xB + Axb b xn, b+b+ x, VV M, x< n Cmde PK Mishra, Director of Naval Research & Development
g xVi <,F j BE YxBE cBE BE LVkWQ +vBE,b+b+ x DRDO Bhavan, New Delhi
VV M, x< n Shri Ranjit Elias, SO to SA to RM, DRDO Bhavan, New Delhi

J {nBE c-J {nBE {nBE {nBE cBE ph {hx

+ i iM xixn n{i + A BE M{i + { c
xV BE c BE
Editor-in-Chief Assoc. Editor-in-Chief Editors Editorial Assistant Printing Distribution
AL Moorthy Shashi Tyagi B Nityanand Dipti Arora SK Gupta RP Singh
Manoj Kumar Hans Kumar

Printed & published by Director, DESIDOC, on behalf of DRDO

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