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Fundamentals of Engine Control

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Fundamentals of Aircraft Turbine Engine Control

Dr. Sanjay Garg Chief, Controls and Dynamics Branch Ph: (216) 433-2685 FAX: (216) 433-8990 email:

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

The Engine Control Problem Safety and Operational Limits Historical Engine Control Perspective Modeling and Simulation Basic Control Architecture Advanced Concepts

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

Turbofan Engine Basics

N2 LPC - Low Pressure Compressor HPC - High Pressure Compressor HPT - High Pressure Turbine LPT - Low Pressure Turbine N1 - Fan Speed N2 - Core Speed


Dual Shaft High Pressure and Low Pressure Two flow paths bypass and core Most of the thrust generated through the bypass flow Core compressed air mixed with fuel and ignited in the Combustor Two turbines extract energy from the hot air to drive the compressors Glenn Research Center
Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

Basic Engine Control Concept

Objective: Provide smooth, stable, and stall free operation of the engine via single input (PLA) with no throttle restrictions Reliable and predictable throttle movement to thrust response Issues: Thrust cannot be measured Changes in ambient condition and aircraft maneuvers cause distortion into the fan/compressor Harsh operating environment high temperatures and large vibrations Safe operation avoid stall, combustor blow out etc. Need to provide long operating life 20,000 hours Engine components degrade with usage need to have reliable performance throughout the operating life
Glenn Research Center
Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

Basic Engine Control Concept


Thrust (T) cannot be measured, use Fuel Flow WF to Control shaft speed N (or other measured variable that correlates with Thrust Pump fuel T = F(N) Accessories flow from
fuel tank

Control Throttle
Pilots power request Compute desired fuel flow Meter the computed fuel flow Inject fuel flow into combustor

Measure produced power

Valve / Actuator
Determine operating condition

Fuel nozzle
Power desired?


Control Logic

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

Environment within a gas turbine

Aerodynamic Buffeting 120 dB/Hz to 10kHz 2000+C Flame temperature - 40C ambient Cooling air at 650+C 20000+ hours Between service 40+ Bar Gas pressures

Foreign objects Birds, Ice, stones Air mass flow ~2 tonne/sec 8mm+ Shaft movement 2.8m Diameter 50 000g centrifugal acceleration >100g casing vibration to beyond 20kHz 1100+C Metal temperatures 10 000rpm 0.75m diameter

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

Operational Limits
N2 LPC - Low Pressure Compressor HPC - High Pressure Compressor HPT - High Pressure Turbine LPT - Low Pressure Turbine N1 - Fan Speed N2 - Core Speed


Structural Limits:

Maximum Fan and Core Speeds N1, N2 Maximum Turbine Blade Temperature Safety Limits: Adequate Stall Margin Compressor and Fan Lean Burner Blowout minimum fuel Operational Limit: Maximum Turbine Inlet Temperature long life

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

Fuel flow rate (Wf) or fuel ratio unit (Wf/P3)

Historical Engine Control

Safe operating region

Max. flow limit Droop slope

Required fuel flow @ steady state Min. flow limit

Proportional control gain or droop slope

Idle power

Max. power

Engine shaft speed

GE I-A (1942)

Fuel flow is the only controlled variable. - Hydro-mechanical governor. - Minimum-flow stop to prevent flame-out. - Maximum-flow schedule to prevent over-temperature Stall protection implemented by pilot following cue cards for throttle movement limitations

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

Typical Current Engine Control

Allows pilot to have full throttle movement throughout the flight envelope - There are many controlled variables we will focus on fuel flow

Engine control logic is developed using an engine model to provide guaranteed performance (minimum thrust for a throttle setting) throughout the life of the engine - FAA regulations provide a minimum rise time and maximum settling time for thrust from idle to max throttle command

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

Engine Modeling
Steady State performance obtained from cycle calculations derived from component maps obtained through detailed component modeling and component tests Corrected parameter techniques used to reduce the number of points that need to be evaluated to estimate engine performance throughout the operating envelope Dynamics modeled through inertia (the rotor speeds), combustion delays, heat soak and sink modeling etc. Computationally intensive process since it is important to maintain mass/momentum/energy balance through each component Detailed thermo-dynamic cycle decks developed and parameters adjusted to match engine test results Simplified models generated to develop and evaluate control design Glenn Research Center
Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

Engine Component Modeling Modern Turbofan Engine

Inlet Fan Ambient Conditions LPC HPC Combustor HPT

Bypass Nozzle
VBV VSV Fuel LPT Core Nozzle

Core Shaft Fan Shaft

10 20 21 13 24 30 41 48 50 70 90

Compressor/Fan Maps: PR, Corr. Flow & Efficiency as functions of Shaft Speed & R-line Turbines: Corr. Flow and Efficiency as functions of Shaft Speed & PR

Two physical states: fan speed, core speed Actuator/sensor dynamics: first-order lags Combustion delay

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

Engine Dynamic Modeling Historical Perspective

Dynamic behavior of single-shaft turbojet first studied at NACA Lewis Laboratory in 1948 The study showed that the transfer function from fuel flow to engine speed can be represented by a first order lag linear system with a time constant which is a function of the corrected fan speed: N(s)/WF(s) = K/(as+1) with a=f(N)

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

Implementing Limits for Engine Control

Wf Ps30


Limits are implemented by limiting fuel flow based on rotor speed Maximum fuel limit protects against surge/stall, over-temp, overspeed and over-pressure Minimum fuel limit protects against combustor blowout Actual limit values are generated through simulation and analytical studies

R N2

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

Typical Sensors Used for Engine Control

N1 N2 EGT Exhaust Gas Temp

P2 T2

P25 T25

Ps3 T3 WF36

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

Typical Modern FADEC Control Architecture

All regulators produce incremental fuel flow commands Structural limit regulators Fuel flow command

Thrust command

Acceleration/ Deceleration schedule The various control gains K are determined using linear engine models and regulator linear control theory Fan speed

Proportional + Integral control provides good fan speed tracking

Combustion blowout regulator

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

Control Law Design Procedure

The various control gains K are determined using linear engine models and linear control theory Proportional + Integral control provides good fan speed tracking Control gains are scheduled based on PLA and Mach number Control design evaluated throughout the envelope using a nonlinear engine simulation and implemented via software on FADEC processor Control gains are adjusted to provide desired performance based on engine ground and altitude tests and finally flight tests

Math Model

Prob Form

Control Logic


Good to Go


Spec Met? No

Hardware Testing

Software & V&V

Adjust Control Gains

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

Burst-Chop Example Inputs/Outputs

TRA (deg) Nf (rpm)

2500 2000 1500 1000

VSV pos. (deg)

Nf limit

20 15 10 5 0 10 20





0 x 10



VBV pos. (% open)

Wf/Ps30 (pph/psi)

60 40 20 0 0 10 20
Wf (pph)

2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 10 20

50 40 30 20 0 10

Phi max Phi min


Nc (rpm) T48 (R)

9000 8500 8000 7500 0

Ps30 (psia)

Nc limit

2000 1500

T48 limit

500 400 300 200 100 0

Ps30 hi limit

10 20 Time (s)


Ps30 low limit

10 20 Time (s)

10 20 Time (s)

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

Burst-Chop Example - Stall Margins

15 10 5 0 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 1000 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 6% margin stall line chop 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 100 150 200 burst 250 300 350 chop stall line burst

Fan SM









40 30


20 6% margin 10


50 40 25 20 stall line 15% margin chop burst


30 20 10 0 5 15% margin


15 10 5

10 15 Time (s)





Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch


at Lewis Field

Engine Simulation Software Packages

The following engine simulation software packages, developed in Matlab/Simulink and useful for propulsion controls and diagnostics research, are available from NASA GRC software repository MAPSS Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation Simulation of a modern fighter aircraft prototype engine with a basic research control law: C-MAPSS Commercial Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation Simulation of a modern commercial 90,000 lb thrust class turbofan engine with representative baseline control logic: C-MAPSS40k High fidelity simulation of a modern 40,000 lb thrust class turbofan engine with realistic baseline control logic:

Glenn Research Center


at Lewis Field

Model-Based Controls and Diagnostics

Actuator Commands Fuel Flow Variable Geometry Bleeds Adaptive Engine Control Selected Sensors Component Performance Estimates On-Board Model & Tracking Filter Efficiencies Flow capacities Stability margin Thrust Engine Instrumentation Pressures Fuel flow Temperatures Rotor Speeds

Actuator Positions

Sensor Sensor Estimates Validation & Fault Detection Sensor Measurements On Board

Ground Level

Ground-Based Diagnostics Fault Codes Maintenance/Inspection Advisories

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

Engine Performance Deterioration Mitigation Control

MotivationThrust-to-Throttle Relationship Changes with Degradation in Engines Under Fan Speed Control

Throttle Fan Speed


Degradationinduced shift

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

Engine Performance Deterioration Mitigation Control (EPDMC)

The proposed retrofit architecture:

Adds the following logic elements to existing FADEC: A model of the nominal throttle to desired thrust response An estimator for engine thrust based on available measurements A modifier to the Fan Speed Command based on the error between desired and estimated thrust - Since the modifier appears prior to the limit logic, the operational safety and life remains unchanged

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

EPDMC Evaluation
Thrust response for Typical Mission
With EPDMC Throttle to thrust response is maintained no uncommanded thrust asymmetry Without EPDMC

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

Active Stall Control

Detect stall precursive signals from pressure measurements. Develop high frequency actuators and injector designs. Actively stabilize rotating stall using high velocity air injection with robust control.


Rotor scoop


Compressor Stability Enhancement Using Recirculated Flow

Demonstrated significant performance improvement with an advanced high speed compressor in a compressor rig with simulated recirculating flow

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field


Provided an overview and historical perspective of engine control design The control design enables smooth and safe operation of the engine from one steady-state to another through implementation of various limits There are tremendous opportunities to improve and revolutionize aircraft engine performance through proper use of advanced control technologies

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

H. Austin Spang III and Harold Brown, Control of Jet Engines, Control Engineering Practice, Vo. 7, 1999, pp. 1043-1059 Jonathan A. DeCastro, Jonathan S. Litt, and Dean K. Frederick, A Modular Aero-Propulsion System Simulation of a Large Commercial Aircraft Engine, NASA TM 2008-215303. Jeffrey Csank, Ryan D. May, Jonathan S. Litt, and Ten-Huei Guo, Control Design for a Generic Commercial Aircraft Engine, NASA TM-2010-216811 Sanjay Garg, Propulsion Controls and Diagnostics Research in Support of NASA Aeronautics and Exploration Mission Programs, NASA TM 2011-216939.

NASA TMs are available for free download at:

Glenn Research Center

Controls and Dynamics Branch

at Lewis Field

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