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An Example of the Usage of the Tufte-Handout Style1 1

Inspired by Edward R. Tufte!

The Tufte-LATEX Developers

February 16, 2017

This document describes the Tufte handout LATEX document style. It

also provides examples and comments on the styles use. Only a brief
overview is presented here; for a complete reference, see the sample

The Tufte-LATEX document classes define a style similar to the style

Edward Tufte uses in his books and handouts. Tuftes style is known
for its extensive use of sidenotes, tight integration of graphics with
text, and well-set typography. This document aims to be at once a
demonstration of the features of the Tufte-LATEX document classes
and a style guide to their use.

Page Layout

This style provides a- and b-heads (that is, \section and \subsection),
demonstrated above.
The Tufte-LATEX classes will emit an error if you try to use
\subsubsection and smaller headings.

In his later books,2 Tufte starts each section with a bit of vertical 2
Edward R. Tufte. Beautiful Evidence.
space, a non-indented paragraph, and sets the first few words of the Graphics Press, LLC, first edition, May
2006. ISBN 0-9613921-7-7
sentence in small caps. To accomplish this using this style, use the
\newthought command:

\newthought{In his later books}, Tufte starts...

One of the most prominent and distinctive features of this style is
the extensive use of sidenotes. There is a wide margin to provide
ample room for sidenotes and small figures. Any \footnotes will au-
tomatically be converted to sidenotes.3 If youd like to place ancillary 3
This is a sidenote that was entered
information in the margin without the sidenote mark (the superscript using the \footnote command.

number), you can use the \marginnote command. This is a margin note. Notice that there
The specification of the \sidenote command is: isnt a number preceding the note, and
there is no number in the main text
\sidenote[hnumberi][hoffseti]{Sidenote text.}
where this note was written.

Both the hnumberi and hoffseti arguments are optional. If you pro-
vide a hnumberi argument, then that number will be used as the
an example of the usage of the tufte-handout style 2

sidenote number. It will change of the number of the current side-

note only and will not affect the numbering sequence of subsequent
Sometimes a sidenote may run over the top of other text or graph-
ics in the margin space. If this happens, you can adjust the vertical
position of the sidenote by providing a dimension in the hoffseti argu-
ment. Some examples of valid dimensions are:
1.0in 2.54cm 254mm 6\baselineskip

If the dimension is positive it will push the sidenote down the page;
if the dimension is negative, it will move the sidenote up the page.
While both the hnumberi and hoffseti arguments are optional, they
must be provided in order. To adjust the vertical position of the side-
note while leaving the sidenote number alone, use the following
\sidenote[][hoffseti]{Sidenote text.}

The empty brackets tell the \sidenote command to use the default
sidenote number.
If you only want to change the sidenote number, however, you may
completely omit the hoffseti argument:
\sidenote[hnumberi]{Sidenote text.}

The \marginnote command has a similar offset argument:

\marginnote[hoffseti]{Margin note text.}

References are placed alongside their citations as sidenotes, as well.
This can be accomplished using the normal \cite command.4 4
The first paragraph of this document
The complete list of references may also be printed automatically includes a citation.

by using the \bibliography command. (See the end of this document

for an example.) If you do not want to print a bibliography at the end
of your document, use the \nobibliography command in its place.
To enter multiple citations at one location,5 you can provide a list 5
Edward R. Tufte. Beautiful Evidence.
of keys separated by commas and the same optional vertical offset Graphics Press, LLC, first edition,
May 2006. ISBN 0-9613921-7-7; and
argument: \cite{Tufte2006,Tufte1990}. Edward R. Tufte. Envisioning Infor-
mation. Graphics Press, Cheshire,
\cite[hoffseti]{bibkey1,bibkey2,. . . } Connecticut, 1990. ISBN 0-9613921-1-8

Figures and Tables

Images and graphics play an integral role in Tuftes work. In addition

to the standard figure and tabular environments, this style provides
special figure and table environments for full-width floats.
an example of the usage of the tufte-handout style 3

Full pagewidth figures and tables may be placed in figure* or

table* environments. To place figures or tables in the margin, use the
marginfigure or margintable environments as follows (see figure 1):
\caption{This is a margin figure.} 1
\end{marginfigure} 0 1
y 0
The marginfigure and margintable environments accept an optional 1 x
Figure 1: This is a margin figure. The
parameter hoffseti that adjusts the vertical position of the figure or
helix is defined by x = cos(2z),
table. See the Sidenotes section above for examples. The specifica- y = sin(2z), and z = [0, 2.7]. The
tions are: figure was drawn using Asymptote


Figure 2 is an example of the figure* environment and figure 3 is

an example of the normal figure environment.

Figure 2: This graph shows y = sin x

from about x = [10, 10]. Notice that this
figure takes up the full page width.
n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4 n=5

Figure 3: Hilbert curves of various

degrees n. Notice that this figure only
takes up the main textblock width.

Table 1 shows table created with the booktabs package. Notice the
lack of vertical rulesthey serve only to clutter the tables data.

Full-width text blocks

In addition to the new float types, there is a fullwidth environment that

stretches across the main text block and the sidenotes area.
an example of the usage of the tufte-handout style 4

Table 1: Here are the dimensions of

Margin Length
the various margins used in the Tufte-
Paper width 81/2 inches handout class.

Paper height 11 inches

Textblock width 61/2 inches
Textblock/sidenote gutter 3/8 inches

Sidenote width 2 inches

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut purus elit, vestibulum ut, placerat ac, adipiscing vitae, felis. Curabitur
dictum gravida mauris. Nam arcu libero, nonummy eget, consectetuer id, vulputate a, magna. Donec vehicula augue eu neque.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ut leo. Cras viverra metus
rhoncus sem. Nulla et lectus vestibulum urna fringilla ultrices. Phasellus eu tellus sit amet tortor gravida placerat. Integer sapien
est, iaculis in, pretium quis, viverra ac, nunc. Praesent eget sem vel leo ultrices bibendum. Aenean faucibus. Morbi dolor nulla,
malesuada eu, pulvinar at, mollis ac, nulla. Curabitur auctor semper nulla. Donec varius orci eget risus. Duis nibh mi, congue eu,
accumsan eleifend, sagittis quis, diam. Duis eget orci sit amet orci dignissim rutrum.


If the Palatino, Helvetica, and Bera Mono typefaces are installed, this
style will use them automatically. Otherwise, well fall back on the
Computer Modern typefaces.

This document class includes two new commands and some im-
provements on existing commands for letterspacing.
When setting strings of A L L C A P S or small caps, the letter-
spacingthat is, the spacing between the lettersshould be in-
creased slightly.6 The \allcaps command has proper letterspacing 6
Robert Bringhurst. The Elements of
for strings of F U L L C A P I T A L L E T T E R S , and the \smallcaps Typography. Hartley & Marks, 3.1
edition, 2005. ISBN 0-88179-205-5
command has letterspacing for small capital letters. These
commands will also automatically convert the case of the text to
upper- or lowercase, respectively.
The \textsc command has also been redefined to include let-
terspacing. The case of the \textsc argument is left as is, however.
This allows one to use both uppercase and lowercase letters: The
Initial Letters Of The Words In This Sentence Are Capi-
an example of the usage of the tufte-handout style 5


To install the Tufte-LATEX classes, simply drop the following files into
the same directory as your .tex file:

More Documentation

For more documentation on the Tufte-LATEX document classes (includ-

ing commands not mentioned in this handout), please see the sample


The website for the Tufte-LATEX packages is located at http://code. On our website, youll find links to our
svn repository, mailing lists, bug tracker, and documentation.


Robert Bringhurst. The Elements of Typography. Hartley & Marks, 3.1

edition, 2005. ISBN 0-88179-205-5.

Edward R. Tufte. Envisioning Information. Graphics Press, Cheshire,

Connecticut, 1990. ISBN 0-9613921-1-8.

Edward R. Tufte. Beautiful Evidence. Graphics Press, LLC, first edition,

May 2006. ISBN 0-9613921-7-7.

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