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Cambridge IGCSE ™: Information and Communication Technology

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Cambridge IGCSE™


Paper 2 Document Production, Databases and Presentations February/March 2023
Maximum Mark: 70


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner Report for

Cambridge International will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge International is publishing the mark schemes for the February/March 2023 series for most
Cambridge IGCSE™, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some Cambridge O Level

This document consists of 21 printed pages.

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0417/21 Cambridge IGCSE – Mark Scheme February/March 2023
Generic Marking Principles

These general marking principles must be applied by all examiners when marking candidate answers. They should be applied alongside the
specific content of the mark scheme or generic level descriptors for a question. Each question paper and mark scheme will also comply with these
marking principles.


Marks must be awarded in line with:

• the specific content of the mark scheme or the generic level descriptors for the question
• the specific skills defined in the mark scheme or in the generic level descriptors for the question
• the standard of response required by a candidate as exemplified by the standardisation scripts.


Marks awarded are always whole marks (not half marks, or other fractions).


Marks must be awarded positively:

• marks are awarded for correct/valid answers, as defined in the mark scheme. However, credit is given for valid answers which go beyond the
scope of the syllabus and mark scheme, referring to your Team Leader as appropriate
• marks are awarded when candidates clearly demonstrate what they know and can do
• marks are not deducted for errors
• marks are not deducted for omissions
• answers should only be judged on the quality of spelling, punctuation and grammar when these features are specifically assessed by the
question as indicated by the mark scheme. The meaning, however, should be unambiguous.


Rules must be applied consistently, e.g. in situations where candidates have not followed instructions or in the application of generic level

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Marks should be awarded using the full range of marks defined in the mark scheme for the question (however; the use of the full mark range may
be limited according to the quality of the candidate responses seen).


Marks awarded are based solely on the requirements as defined in the mark scheme. Marks should not be awarded with grade thresholds or
grade descriptors in mind.

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Step Document Production Mark

1 Document saved with the file name stemnews 1 EV

2 Automated page numbers left aligned 1 Doc

Candidate name, centre number and candidate number right aligned

3 Screenshot evidence to show that the ST-subhead style has been defined 3 EV
Style name correct based on normal 1 mark
sans-serif 14 centre 1 mark
all capitals, bold single 0 9 1 mark

4 Custom style names displayed as a list in the style manager/organiser 1 EV

5 ST-title style modified to meet specified formatting. 2 EV

Style modified and based on normal 1 mark
sans-serif 36 centre bold, underline single 0 0 1 mark

6 Subtitle text entered below title Innovations in Science Education 1 Doc

7 ST-subtitle style applied to the text entered in step 6 1 Doc

8 ST-bullet style applied to specified text 1 Doc

9 ST-Subhead style applied to each subheading 1 Doc

10 Page layout changed so that the subheading Why is a STEM approach to learning important? 2 Doc
and all following text is displayed in two equally spaced columns 1 mark
with 1 centimetre spacing between the columns. 1 mark

11 A new row inserted above Chemistry 1 mark 2 Doc

This data entered into this row: Biology | 50 |40 1 mark

12 First row cells merged and the text centre aligned 1 Doc

13 ST-table style applied to the table. 2 Doc

No data wrapped and table and gridlines fit within column 1 mark
Gridlines show when printed 6-point space after the table 1 mark

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Step Document Production Mark

14 The image m23scientist.jpg imported and placed correctly 1 Doc

15 The image is reflected so that the flask is on the right. 1 Doc

16 The image is formatted so that it is 2 Doc

resized to 2 cm height with aspect ratio 1 mark
In correct paragraph aligned top of text and left margin with text wrap on 1 mark

17 Spell check and proofread the document. 1 Doc


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Step Document Production Mark

18 File m23tests.csv is imported 3 EV

the field English not imported 1 mark
Correct fields and data types used 1 mark
Registration_Code set as the primary key 1 mark

19 The files m23staff.csv and m23houses are imported 3 EV

with correct field names and data types 1 mark
The identified field set as the primary key 1 mark
second primary key set 1 mark

20 Edit a record (Freya Harris appears in report one if edited). 1 Report


21 One-to-many relationships created between the three tables 1 EV

22 A report produced which: 9 Count

Selects records where Gender is F and Science mark is 80 or more 1 mark formula
Class_Code contains 6 1 mark in EV 8
shows only the fields Family_Name, Gender Teacher_Name, Science, Maths, Computer_Science,
Design_Technology, House_Name and Class_Code in this order 1 mark
sorts the data into ascending order of Teacher_Name and then descending order of Science 1 mark
counts the number of students in the report 1 mark
has the label New science group size to the left of the number 1 mark
has a page orientation of landscape and fits on one page wide 1 mark
STEM Science Class for 2024 as a title displayed in a larger font size 1 mark
has candidate name, centre number and candidate number in the footer of the report with no other items
showing. 1 mark

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Step Document Production Mark

23 A report produced which: 11 See EV

selects records where Class code is 5C 1 mark 9
House_Name is Mars 1 mark

shows only the fields Gender, Family_Name, Given_Name, House_Name, Maths,

Computer_Science and Teacher_Name 1 mark

sorts the data into ascending order of Gender 1 mark

then ascending order of Family_Name 1 mark
has a page orientation of portrait and fits on a single page 1 mark
calculates the average Maths mark in this selection
positions this number below the Maths column 1 mark
displays this average mark with no decimal places 1 mark
displays the label Average Maths Scores to the left of this value 1 mark
has the title Year Five Test Report for Mars displayed at the top of the page 1 mark
screenshot evidence provided to show the formula used to calculate the average mark for Maths. 1 mark

24 A report exported in pdf format 1 mark 2 EV 10

with the file name YEAR 5 1 mark


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Step Document Production Mark

25 A presentation created consisting of six slides in title and bullet layout 1

26 Candidate details in same position on all slides 1

27 Slide 1 Layout title and subtitle in centre and middle with no bullet 1

28 Change layout of slide Our top performing students to a title and two place holders 1

29 Vertical bar chart created from correct data 1 mark 5

Category axis labels displayed in full 1 mark
A legend is included girls / boys 1 mark
Values on tops of bars 1 mark
Chart has correct title 1 mark

30 Chart placed on right and data from file as a table on left 1 mark 5
Format table with all gridlines visible 1 mark
Text in top row of the table formatted centre aligned 1 mark
Larger font 1 mark
Text in all rows vertically aligned 1 mark

31 Print Our top performing students slide as full page 1 mark 2

Print the slides as handouts 2 to a page 1 mark


Overall 70

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Step 1 Evidence 1
File stemnews saved in format of software 1 mark

Step 3 Evidence 2

ST-subhead style
Style name correct based on normal 1 mark
sans-serif, 14pt centre 1 mark
all capitals, bold, single Ls, 0 before, 9 after 1 mark

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Step 4 Evidence 3

Display styles:
styles in manager
ST-table and ST-bullet
ST-table and ST-bullet as
given 1 mark
1 mark

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Step 5 Evidence 4

ST-title modified, name correct, based on

normal / default 1 mark

Step 18 Evidence 5

Tests.csv imported without the field English 1 mark

All field names as given, correct data types 1 mark
Ignore English if imported No ID field
Set Registration_Code as the primary key 1 mark

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Step 19 Evidence 6

Staff table - all field names as given, correct data types 1 mark
Staff table - Class_Code set as primary key 1 mark
Houses table - all field names as given, correct data types and
correct primary key set 1 mark

Step 21 Evidence 7
Create one-to-many relationships between the three tables 1 mark

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Step 22 Evidence 8

Screenshot evidence of calculation count of records 1 mark

Step 23 Evidence 9

Screenshot evidence of calculation of average on Maths field 1 mark

Step 24 Evidence 10

File exported as PDF 1 mark

… PDF saved as YEAR 5 1 mark

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ST-title style applied to title text 1 mark ST-subtitle text entered 100% accurate 1 mark
Sans-serif, 36pt, centred, bold, underlined, single, Supplied style ST-subtitle applied 1 mark
0pt before/after

Change page layout from here to end to two columns 1 mark

Two equal columns with 1 cm space 1 mark ST-subhead style applied to 7 subheadings and match EV2 1 mark

ST-bullet style seen in EV3 and applied to correct text

(square bullets aligned to left margin serif 11pt in single line spacing) 1 mark

Footer page number left aligned, candidate details right aligned 1 mark

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Import the correct image and place in correct paragraph 1 mark

Reflect the image so that the flask is on the right 1 mark
Resize the image to 2 centimetres high with aspect ratio
maintained 1 mark
Align top of text and left margin with text wrapped 1 mark

Row 1–3 columns merged and text centred 1 mark

Insert a new row above Chemistry 1 mark
Enter data for Biology into this row 1 mark
ST-table style seen in EV3, applied to rows 2 to 9 only 1 mark
Serif, 11pt, italic, left, single, 0 before/after
No data wrapped, gridlines fit within column, 6 pt space after table 1 mark

Spellcheck and proofread the document 1 mark

Document complete/paragraphs intact, landscape, styles
retained, no widows/orphans, split list or table, columns
balanced at top, consistent spacing, no blank pages

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STEM Science Class for 2024

Family_Name Gender Teacher_Name Science Maths Computer_Science Design_Technology House_Name Class_Code
Flynn F Bostock 99 69 61 94 Neptune 6B
Abbott F Bostock 98 82 64 84 Jupiter 6B
Hammond F Bostock 93 72 83 81 Neptune 6B
Nelson F Bostock STEM92 Science Class
68 for 2024 95 -larger font size, top of93
page, fully visible 1 mark
Neptune 6B
Archer F Bostock Selects
91records where
87 Gender is
92F and Science mark is
98 80 or more 1 mark
Jupiter 6B
Hart F Bostock Class_Code
87 contains
88 6 95 92 1 mark
Mars 6B
Specified fields, correct order, headings match the data, displayed in full 1 mark
Murphy F Bostock 82 62 69 93 Jupiter 6B
Williamson F Bostock 81 80 78 69 Saturn 6B
Watts F Lean 96 70 70 60 Mars 6L
Pickering F Lean 96 79 88 64 Jupiter 6L
Howells F Lean 96 65 60 91 Saturn 6L
Kent F Lean 94 98 72 80 Neptune 6L
White F Lean 93 90 82 78 Mars 6L
Tomlinson F Lean Sort ascending91order of Teacher_Name
78 then descending order86
70 of Science 1 mark Mars 6L
Allan F Lean 89 98 84 68 Saturn 6L
Rowe F Lean 88 81 75 69 Mars 6L
Thornton F Lean 87 65 64 93 Saturn 6L
Whitehead F Lean 86 61 61 77 Jupiter 6L
Crawford F Lean 86 69 Label left of calculated value 100% accurate Saturn
89 93 1 mark 6L
Fuller F Lean 85 67 93 70 Jupiter 6L
Turnbull F Lean 85 87 93 69 Mars 6L
Connolly F Lean 84 67 87 70 Neptune 6L
Harris edited Class_Code is now 6T 1 mark
Townsend F Lean 83 90 87 69 Saturn 6L
Joyce F Lean 82 88 89 81 Mars 6L
Howarth F Lean 81 71 77 97 Neptune 6L
Robson F Lean 80 90 60 76 Mars 6L
Harris F Torville 98 99 82 61 Saturn 6T
New science group size 27
Has a page orientation of landscape and fits on one page wide 1 mark
Candidate name, centre number and candidate number Name, centre number and candidate number in page footer
with no other items showing 1 mark

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Title larger font, top of page, fully visible 1 mark

Class_Code is 5C (i.e. teacher Cook-Abbott) 1 mark
House_Name is Mars 1 mark
Specified fields, correct order, headings match the data, displayed in full 1 mark

Year Five Test Report for Mars

Gender Family_Name Given_Name House_Name Maths Computer_Science Teacher_Name
F Connor Madeleine Mars 68 79 Cook-Abbott
F Harris Harriet Mars 83 65 Cook-Abbott
F Kelly Laura Mars 65 77 Cook-Abbott
F Power Amelia Mars 91 74 Cook-Abbott
F Sykes Lydia Mars 97 75 Cook-Abbott
M Bartlett Sebastian Mars 61 79 Cook-Abbott
M Gibson Hayden Mars 62 82 Cook-Abbott
M Hall Harvey Mars 67 81 Cook-Abbott
M O'Sullivan Evan Mars 89 71 Cook-Abbott

Average Maths Score 76

Data into ascending order of Gender 1 mark

… then ascending order of Family_Name 1 mark

Average Maths mark positioned below the Maths column 1 mark

Display this value with no decimal places 1 mark
Correct label to the left of this value 1 mark
Name, centre number, candidate number

Orientation is portrait and fits on a single page 1 mark

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Vertical bar chart created as shown 1 mark

Subject names in full on category axis 1 mark
Legend to display Boys / Girls 1 mark
Values on tops of bars 1 mark
Title as shown 1 mark

Slide layout title and 2 placeholders - chart on right and table on left 1 mark
Table – text as given, all gridlines visible, no shading 1 mark
Top row centre aligned horizontally 1 mark
Top row larger font 1 mark Single slide printed 1 mark
All rows centre aligned vertically 1 mark
Rows 2-5 left aligned consistently 1 mark

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Create a presentation of six slides in title and bullet layout 1 mark

Candidate details same position on all slides 1 mark
Slide 1 layout title and subtitle no bullet and centred on slide 1 mark

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Print all slides two per page as handouts 1 mark

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