Supplement 1: Toolkit Functions: What Is A Function?
Supplement 1: Toolkit Functions: What Is A Function?
Supplement 1: Toolkit Functions: What Is A Function?
What is a Function?
The natural world is full of relationships between quantities that change. When we see these
relationships, it is natural for us to ask “If I know one quantity, can I then determine the
other?” This establishes the idea of an input quantity, or independent variable, and a
corresponding output quantity, or dependent variable. From this we get the notion of a
functional relationship in which the output can be determined from the input.
For some quantities, like height and age, there are certainly relationships between these
quantities. Given a specific person and any age, it is easy enough to determine their height, but
if we tried to reverse that relationship and determine age from a given height, that would be
problematic, since most people maintain the same height for many years.
Function: A rule for a relationship between an input, or independent, quantity and an output,
or dependent, quantity in which each input value uniquely determines one output value. We
say “the output is a function of the input.”
Function Notation
The notation output = f(input) defines a function named f. This would be read “output is f of
Graphs as Functions
Oftentimes a graph of a relationship can be used to define a function. By convention, graphs are
typically created with the input quantity along the horizontal axis and the output quantity along
the vertical.
The most common graph has y on the vertical axis and x on the horizontal axis, and we say y is a
function of x, or y = f(x) when the function is named f.
Basic Toolkit Functions
In this class, we will be exploring functions – the shapes of their graphs, their unique features,
their equations, and how to solve problems with them. When learning to read, we start with the
alphabet. When learning to do arithmetic, we start with numbers. When working with functions,
it is similarly helpful to have a base set of elements to build from. We call these our “toolkit of
functions” – a set of basic named functions for which we know the graph, equation, and special
For these definitions we will use x as the input variable and f(x) as the output variable.
Toolkit Functions
Constant: f ( x) c , where c is a constant (number)
Identity: f ( x) x
Absolute Value: f ( x) x
Quadratic: f ( x) x 2
Cubic: f ( x) x 3
Reciprocal: f ( x)
Reciprocal squared: f ( x) 2
Square root: f ( x) x x
Cube root: f ( x) 3 x
You will see these toolkit functions, combinations of toolkit functions, their graphs and their
transformations frequently throughout this course. In order to successfully follow along later in
the course, it will be very helpful if you can recognize these toolkit functions and their features
quickly by name, equation, graph and basic table values.
It should be noted that not every important equation can be written as y = f(x). An example of
this is the equation of a circle:
We cannot, however solve for y as a function of x in a single equation. Circles will be further
explored at a later time, and we won’t go into more detail here.
Graphs of the Toolkit Functions
1 1
Cube root: f ( x) 3 x Reciprocal: f ( x) Reciprocal squared: f ( x)
x x2
Domain and Range
One of our main goals in mathematics is to model the real world with mathematical functions. In
doing so, it is important to keep in mind the limitations of those models we create.
This table shows a relationship between circumference and height of a tree as it grows.
While there is a strong relationship between the two, it would certainly be ridiculous to talk
about a tree with a circumference of -3 feet, or a height of 3000 feet. When we identify
limitations on the inputs and outputs of a function, we are determining the domain and range of
the function.
Inequalities can be used to describe the domain and range of the functions. This is one way to
describe intervals of input and output values, but is not the only way. Let us take a moment to
discuss notation for domain and range.
Using inequalities, such as 0 c 163 , 0 w 3.5 , and 0 h 379 imply that we are interested
in all values between the low and high values, including the high values in these examples.
However, occasionally we are interested in a specific list of numbers like the range for the price
to send letters, p = $0.44, $0.61, $0.78, or $0.95. These numbers represent a set of specific
values: {0.44, 0.61, 0.78, 0.95}
Representing values as a set, or giving instructions on how a set is built, leads us to another type
of notation to describe the domain and range.
Suppose we want to describe the values for a variable x that are 10 or greater, but less than 30.
In inequalities, we would write 10 x 30 .
When describing domains and ranges, we sometimes extend this into set-builder notation,
which would look like this: x |10 x 30 . The curly brackets {} are read as “the set of”, and
the vertical bar | is read as “such that”, so altogether we would read x |10 x 30 as “the set
of x-values such that 10 is less than or equal to x and x is less than 30.”
When describing ranges in set-builder notation, we could similarly write something like
f ( x) | 0 f ( x) 100 , or if the output had its own variable, we could use it. So for our tree
height example above, we could write for the range h | 0 h 379 . In set-builder notation, if a
domain or range is not limited, we could write t | t is a real number , or t | t , read as “the
set of t-values such that t is an element of the set of real numbers.
To combine two intervals together, using inequalities or set-builder notation we can use the word
“or”. In interval notation, we use the union symbol, , to combine two unconnected intervals
Example 3
Describe the intervals of values shown on the line graph below using set builder and interval
To describe the values, x, that lie in the intervals shown above we would say, “x is a real
number greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 3, or a real number greater than 5.”
As an inequality it is: 1 x 3 or x 5
In set builder notation: x |1 x 3 or x 5
In interval notation: [1,3] (5, )
Try it Now
Given the following interval, write its meaning in words, set builder notation, and interval
a. Values that are less than or equal to -2, or values that are greater than or equal to -1 and less
than 3
b. x | x 2 or 1 x 3
c. (, 2] [1,3)
Be careful – if the graph continues beyond the window on which we can see the graph, the
domain and range might be larger than the values we can see.
Usually a dot is used to indicate a graph stops at a certain point and an arrow is used to indicate a
graph continues beyond the window that is shown. If no dot or arrow is present, you may need
more contextual information to decide if the graph stops or continues, but usually it means the
graph still continues beyond the window shown.
Constant Function: f ( x) c
The domain here is not restricted; x can be anything. When this is the case we say the domain is
all real numbers. The outputs are limited to the constant value of the function.
Domain: (, )
Range: [c]
Since there is only one output value, we list it by itself in square brackets.
Identity Function: f ( x) x
Domain: (, )
Range: (, )
Quadratic Function: f ( x) x 2
Domain: (, )
Range: [0, )
Multiplying a negative or positive number by itself can only yield a positive output.
Cubic Function: f ( x) x3
Domain: (, )
Range: (, )
Reciprocal: f ( x)
Domain: (,0) (0, )
Range: (,0) (0, )
We cannot divide by 0 so we must exclude 0 from the domain.
One divide by any value can never be 0, so the range will not include 0.
Reciprocal squared: f ( x)
Domain: (,0) (0, )
Range: (0, )
We cannot divide by 0 so we must exclude 0 from the domain.
Cube Root: f ( x) 3 x
Domain: (, )
Range: (, )
Example 4.5
Find the domain of each function: a) f ( x) 2 x 4 b) g ( x)
6 3x
a) Since we cannot take the square root of a negative number, we need the inside of the square
root to be non-negative.
x 4 0 when x 4 .
The domain of f(x) is [4, ) .
Important Topics of this Section
Definition of a function
Input (independent variable)
Output (dependent variable)
Toolkit Functions
Definition of domain
Definition of range
Interval notation
Set builder notation
Domain and Range of toolkit functions
S.1 Exercises
b. y x3 ii. Reciprocal
e. y x2 vi. Quadratic
viii. Cubic
g. y x
h. y
2. Match each graph with its equation.
a. y x i. ii. iii.
b. y x3
c. y 3 x
d. y
iv. v. vi.
e. y x 2
y x
g. y x
h. y vii. viii.
Write the domain and range of the function using interval notation.
5. 6.
Suppose that you are holding your toy submarine under the water. You release it and it begins to
ascend. The graph models the depth of the submarine as a function of time, stopping once the
sub surfaces. What is the domain and range of the function in the graph?
9. 10.
11. f x 3 x 2 12. f x 5 x 3
13. f x 3 6 2 x 14. f x 5 10 2 x
9 6
15. f x 16. f x
x 6 x 8
3x 1 5x 3
17. f x 18. f x
4x 2 4x 1
x4 x5
19. f x 20. f x
x4 x6
x 3 x 8
21. f x 22. f x
x 9 x 22
x 8 x 9
S.1 Solutions to Exercises
5. [ ) [
11. Since the function is not defined when there is a negative number under the square root,
cannot be less than 2 (it can be equal to 2, because √ is defined). So the domain is .
Because the inputs are limited to all numbers greater than 2, the number under the square root
will always be positive, so the outputs will be limited to positive numbers. So the range is
) . In interval notation, the domain is [ ), and the range is [ ).
13. Since the function is not defined when there is a negative number under the square root,
cannot be greater than 3 (it can be equal to 3, because √ is defined). So the domain is .
Because the inputs are limited to all numbers less than 3, the number under the square root will
always be positive, and there is no way for 3 minus a positive number to equal more than three,
so the outputs can be any number less than 3. So the range is ) . In interval notation, the
domain is , and the range is ).
15. Since the function is not defined when there is division by zero, cannot equal 6. So the
domain is all real numbers except 6, or | . In interval notation, the domain is
) ).
17. Since the function is not defined when there is division by zero, cannot equal . So the
domain is all real numbers except , or | . In interval notation, the
domain is ) ).
19. Since the function is not defined when there is a negative number under the square root,
cannot be less than (it can be equal to , because √ is defined). Since the function is also
not defined when there is division by zero, also cannot equal 4. So the domain is all real
numbers less than excluding 4, or | . In interval notation, the domain is
21. It is easier to see where this function is undefined after factoring the denominator. This gives
) . It then becomes clear that the denominator is undefined when and
) )
when because they cause division by zero. Therefore, the domain is |
. In interval notation, the domain is ) ) ).