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Cheat Sheet To Fast Results

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Cheat Sheet to Fast Results

Intro to Radionics

It's all about Magical Manifestation!


"Magic", in the traditional sense of the word, is the influencing of reality through paranormal means.

A typical sorceress casts a spell by visualizing what she wants, creating symbols to represent her objective and going through a tiring ritual that energizes it (incense, chanting, slaughtering of
chickens). Such crude rituals provide energy by releasing small amounts of chi energy. Chi subsequently amplifies her thoughts and desires.

These three steps of Visualization, Symbolism and Energizing results in the manipulation of probabilities... to her favor.

Regardless of the magical discipline, whether Wicca, Voodoo, Huna, Hebrew, Gothic, Celtic, the components are the same. To influence reality, the three ingredients must be present. The lack of any
results in failure.


Today's Radionic systems are essentially modern magical innovations.

Like in traditional magic, Visualization, Symbolism and Energy are required by radionic methods to influence reality and thereby grant wishes-- so to speak.

But there's a difference in the last component of Energizing. Radionics does not derive energy from chanting, chicken slaughter and voodoo dolls. Instead, radionics relies on modern technological
discoveries (orgone generators) to amass massive surges of chi energy. An orgone generator can saturate a room with much more energy than an entire coven of trained wizards sacrificing virgins
on Beelzebub's altar. Since more energy equates to naturally faster results, powerful radionic devices can outmaneuver an entire army of alzheimeric wizards. Anyone with such a device can be a
metaphysical master almost overnight.

Remember the key to success in radionics:


Manifestation Best Practices

I used to do white sorcery (95'). Then I dabbled into pranic healing (97'). I had a smidgen of the dark arts (99'). Sometime in 2000, sigils, chaos magic and crystal meditation found me hiding
behind my Pentacles. In 2001, I wanted a shot at sex magick but lubricants here had the most unpleasant aroma.

Yesiree. I've tried my hand at an entire gaggle of magical disciplines. Joey the Flake.

My experiences were revitalizing, eye-opening and empowering. I didn't succeed at all times, but my batting average was commendable. I reaped at least three triumphs to every failure.


Except for pranic healing, I've now resigned all of the above in favor of the simplest reality re-engineering system of all: radionics.

You see, I discovered that regardless of the system used, everything boils down to


Shed away the hocus pocus, the rituals, the incense, the virgin sacrifice (not legal in all states) and this forumula burns bright and clear.

With this this formula you'll get what you want almost all the time. Pointy hat not needed.

Let me illustrate how it works in Voodoo hexing.

Remember the doll-with-pins spell? You hate somebody so much you can see him dead (Intent) and as you wish him mangled like putrid road kill, you get out your doll and stick it with AIDS infected
needles (Symbolism)... and so you keep thrusting, venting emotion, uttering choice 4 letter words (Energy).

Then it is done.

And the next day your poor target develops....


Magic will work, but not always as we expect it. It depends on how good you can visualize, symbolize and energize.

The previous case makes you wonder: why just acne? You almost developed a heart attack just attacking that doll.

The answer: low amounts of energy. Screaming like a rap artist on a drug test day doesn't exactly raise much energy. Now if you conducted that exercise in the Stonehenge with a powerful crystal in
hand, then we're rocking.

Forget the acne. He'll get warts. Inside the scrotum.

But kidding aside, let's get down to business!

Here's how to use the formula with any radionic device and garner batting averages like mine.

1) Set the mood to get you in the zone. Some people prefer sudbdued lighting with incense. Some prefer to trance out to acid rock. It's your call. Set up a private power spot with all the ambience
you need.

2) Grab your radionics device and be aware THAT THIS IS JUST A TOOL. The actual magic comes from YOU. The device simply focuses and amplifies your thoughts.

3) Close your eyes as you space out to the music/incese/lights. See clearly what you want. Feel it happening in your heart of hearts. Know that the universe is granting your desire.

4) Open your eyes and with the image and emotion burning like flame in you, make a drawing that symbolizes your intent. Nothing fancy. A few lines will do. Place it on top of the machine. Be fully
aware what it represents.

5) If the machine has dials, keypads or a computer, set those while envisioning what you want... one last time. The "rates" generated by those components combined with your drawn symbols fine
tune your brainwaves to act upon reality.

6) Tell your Higher Self: "Self, I know full well the consequences of my actions and am prepared to accept it with gratitude. I feel I am worthy of this. I know I deserve it. Let it be done." Does it
sound cooky? I find that this thoughtstream fully explodes the energy into the stratosphere. It's helped me accomplish the hardest targets in the least amount of time. You will feel a catharsis after
you say this. You will feel spent. And you will feel great!

7) Leave your room of power. Don't think about the operation. If you keep going back to "refresh" the ritual, you bind the energies to yourself. The operation will fail.

When Radionics Fails

Consider this:

You have the biggest baddest array of radionic machines.

Six RAD5's working overtime to bloat your electric bill!

You focus with the ferocity of a lioness in heat.

The symbols are all in place.

Prana is pumping into your rates and witness specimens.

You expect success.

Then you fail.

Is such a thing possible?

With six RAD5's???

Oh yes. You can still fail

Folks let's get one thing straight: radionics is all about shifting probabilities. With enough intent,
focus and energy, you can shift a probability from, say, 60% to 95%.

With 95%, does this mean immediate success? No. There's still 5% chance of failure.

Radionics can never guarantee 100% success rate all the time. As radionics shifts probabilities,
you must be on hand to seize the widening windows of opportunity. Be proactive. Affirmative
action you take boosts your chances all the more.

But there are times that no matter what you do, you can still fail. Such times include:

1) When the intent is totally unrealistic. There is no chance radionics can move a planet out of
orbit for example. You can raise probabilities from .5% to 1% with 100 RAD5s. This guarantees
100% failure.

2) When the intent is countered by millions of people. For instance, you're a wino running for
President of United Nations. How can you win when entire continents have desires for their own

3) When you believe you are unworthy of success, or you doubt success. Remember, radionics
magnifies thoughts. This includes negative thoughts!

Have realistic, attainable and measurable goals. You and your RAD5 will be happy.

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