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The document discusses various occult teachings and spells from Islamic and Indonesian traditions.

The document is a compilation of occult knowledge from diverse Islamic sources in Indonesia, including elements of Indonesian shamanism and Kejawen traditions. It is presented for educational purposes.

The document discusses occult teachings from the Islamic occult tradition (Ilmu Al-Hikmah) as well as elements of Indonesian shamanism and Kejawen traditions.

Spells That Work

Deciphered by (Amitiel)

Table of Contents
General Instructions
Develop the Power Punch of Moses
Opening the Third Eye
Occult Healing of Afflictions
Magickal Shield #1
Magickal Shield #2
Hizbul Autaad
Develop the Occult Ability to Detect Treasures
Magickal Assistance from Three Spirits
Increasing Psychic Sensitivity
Protection of One's Home with the Throne Verse
Acquiring Occult Knowledge
Invulnerability to Fire
Making Angelic Contacts
To Communicate with the Power Inherent Within an Occult
Removing the Power of Psychic and Physical Implants of Those
Having Difficulty Dying
Removing the Effects of Psychic Attack or Black Magick
Kulhu Geni Mantra
Kulhu Durdah Mantra
Kulhu Sungsang Mantra
Kulhu Sepuh Kulhu Balik Mantra
Love-Mantra Disenchanter
To Instill Harmony in the Family
To Force a Thief to Return Stolen Goods
Acquiring Psychic Energy
Invulnerability to Bullets
General Invulnerability Against Sharp Weapons
To Shapeshift
To Understand the Language of Animals
To Open Locks Without Keys
Acquisition of Wealth
Cleansing Oneself from Karmic Stains (Sins)
Ilmu Aji Kawibawa--Develop a Powerful Presence
The present work is a compilation of occult knowledge acquired
from diverse sources of the
Ilmu Al-Hikmah, or the Islamic occult tradition here in
Indonesia. The majority of these
teachings represent the legacy left to us by the spiritual Islamic
adepts of the Middle East.
Elements of Indonesian Shamanism and Kejawen may also be
found in the occult knowledge
presented in this ebook and others of these series. The latter
tradition is one of the other major
occult streams to be found in the island of Java.
Most of the occult teachings of the exercises, rituals, rites,
spells, etc., to be found in these series
of ebooks have been gathered from the numerous
metaphysical Islamic lodges here in
Indonesia. Not all of these are spiritually oriented, some are
decidedly "black" in nature. We
trust that the readers of these ebooks are spiritually mature
and will not use or apply these
teachings for any negative purposes. We present them basically
for educational purposes and as
literary curios. We hold no responsibility for their misuse or
This paper is especially directed to the seasoned-practitioner of
magick, as the various keys to
making them work will not be explained herein. The keys may
be discovered through personal
search, study, contemplation and experimentation. It is said
that by simply possessing the keys
any system of magick may be successfully applied. The
compiler believes that the practitioner
of these teachings would have a good percentage of success in
their application with the
appropriate knowledge at hand.
The occult practitioner with years of experience to his credit will
find this and other
compilations of this series to be extremely valuable. The fact
that the prayers and mantras are in
Arabic should not deter the magician from practicing them.
Sincerity and seriousness in the
work would open up doors of literal and spiritual understanding.
One does not have to be a
Muslim to work Islamic magick--it is initially sufficient to live the
spiritual precepts and truths
as to be found in all religions. We can devote ourselves to the
Deity using any language as
media--fundamentalism and fanaticism should not be part of
any occult student's attempt to
reach out to the Divine Omneity. Understanding Arabic and the
meaning of the prayers, though,
would be beneficial. The reader ought to keep in mind that the
pure concentrated intent of the
magician is a powerful factor in making these rites work.

General Instructions
Perform all occult exercises and disciplines in a clean, quiet
room or in a retreat especially
consecrated for occult/metaphysical work. There should be
enough ventilation in the room. All
work should be done on the floor or ground, on a suitable
carpet chosen for the purpose.
Practice deep breathing for 7-7-7 counts--inhale 7 counts, hold
for 7 counts, and then exhale for
another 7 counts. While holding the breath imagine energy
accumulating in the psychic center
below the navel. The exact location is about three-finger
breadth beneath the navel. Generally,
the occult exercises and rites should be preceded by this
breathing practice. One of the keys to
occult development and a successful performance of a rite is
the amount of psychic energy we
accumulate and channel. Breathing exercises are just one of
the many systems of psychic energy
Before performing any occult rite, a spiritual cleansing or holy
wash is necessary to rid oneself
of psychic toxins and dross matter. There are many occult rites
designed for this purpose, but
the simplest technique is just to visualize a flood of brilliant
white light pouring over you while
you shower. Imagine all of the psychic dirt from your physical
and etheric body as being
washed down the drain. Recite a simple personal prayer while
showering. In the Name of the
Almighty, and your true Self, request the angelic intelligences
to transform yourself to an
immaculate state.
Fasting is generally required during, and several days prior to
the conducting of the exercises or
rites. Fast from dawn to dusk, consuming no meat and eating
nothing with any taste--for
instance, just plain rice or bread. This fasting method is called
"mutih" by Javanese occultists.
You may break your fast at dusk and may eat several meals
outside of the designated fasting
period. This fasting is quite strenuous but essential to
conditioning the physical-etheric body
towards interaction with higher forces and as a fit receptacle for
the generated or invoked forces
to dwell.
Believe and have faith in the efficacy of the occult work and
exercises, for the right mental and
spiritual attitude open psychic portals to the infinite realms.
Have faith in your Creator most of
all. Conduct prayers often and have a strong focus upon the
exercises and rites. Do not be
distracted by frivolous matters. The spiritual life aids in
attunements with cosmic forces.
Physical and etheric purity only gives one access to the
astral/etheric realms. Mental and
emotional purity transforms us into a vessel of light fit to
receive the Holy Spirit. Obey the
precepts of the Spirit and the Cosmic laws as these will pave
the way for the quantum leap to
the next level of evolution.
Meditate often so as to acquire the skill needed to slip into an
altered state of consciousness. In
the name of your true Self, request the angelic forces through
decrees, prayers and invocations,
to open-up the spiritual centers in your etheric body.

Develop the Power Punch of Moses

The purpose of this martial occult exercise is to develop a
powerful lethal punch that may be
thrown at close-range or from a distance. The aim is also to
develop invulnerability against
launched physical strikes and punches against oneself. The
power-punch developed through this
exercise is powerful and may be fatal to the one receiving it. Do
not use it unless forced to.
The method :
1) Sit comfortably in the lotus or semi-lotus fashion on your
carpet. Cross-legged, tailor-fashion
is also permissible. Calm your mental and emotional bodies.
2) Conduct the breathing exercises as taught in the "General
Instructions" section, but use the
verse below as a counter. Inhale and recite mentally the verse
9x. Recite for another 9x while
holding the breath, and while exhaling. Continue with this for
several cycles. The verse :
3) After the above breathing exercise recite the following prayer
"O Allah, O God Almighty, the All-Powerful, bless your servant
with the power-punch of
Moses. Let it be present, present, present within the body and
soul of thy servant forever.
Amen" 3x.
4) Extend both of your arms in front of you. Then contract your
arms and pull them in gradually
to your sides while inhaling for 7 counts. While in this position,
hold the breath for another 7
counts and focus on the center below the navel. As you exhale,
imagine power flowing to one of
your arms (while contracted and hand in a fist.) At the same
time throw a punch into the air with
that arm, as hard and forcibly as possible.
5) Repeat No.2--4 for 7 more times. Do this exercise for 7
consecutive days and regularly after
The power developed within you as a result of this exercise will
cause an attacking aggressor to
fall unconscious as a result of your power-punch. For throwing a
punch at long-range,
commence by reciting mentally a short prayer :
"O Allah, thy servant requests the power of the distant punch of
Moses to strike . . . (state
Next focus upon the object from a distance and without
blinking. Inhale and hold the breath
while imagining power flowing into the active arm. Then strike
out with a shout as you exhale.
These exercise will also cause you to become invulnerable
against punches. Recite a personal
prayer to the Almighty to acquire invulnerability. Then inhale
slowly and hold the breath while
mentally reciting the Divine Names below 9 times :
After the recitation, release the breath slowly while imagining
the power flowing to every part,
to every cell of your body. You might want to practice this

Opening the Third Eye

The benefits of this exercise is that after mastering it you will
be able to communicate with the
jinns and khodams. You will be able to befriends with virtuous
jinn spirits and have the ability
to see auras. Communication and perception of the power and
the familiar spirit of magickal
objects will also be made possible.
Note: malicious jinns may be overcome with the verse from
Yaasin 82 :
"Innamaa amruhuu idzaa araddaa syaian ayyakuulalahuu kun
For opening the third eye, conduct the following rite regularly :
1) Fast for 7 days from dawn to dusk, and consuming nothing
with taste. See General
Instructions. Begin the fast on a Thursday and ending on the
following Thursday.
2) During the 7 day fast, every night, if you are a muslim, do 2
rakaat of prayers. After the first
rakaat, recite the Al Fatihah verse followed by the Al Kafirrun
verse. After the second rakaat,
recite the Al Fatihah verse followed by Alam Nasyoh. If you are
a non-muslim, first offer a
general prayer to the Deity followed by the Al Fatehah verse, Al
Kafirrun, Al Fatehah, and
Alam Nasyoh. For the verses, see below.
3) After the above prayers continue with the recitation of :
"Yaa Allohu Yaa Bathiinu" 333x
4) While doing the recitation, breathe rhythmically. Close your
eyes and with full concentration,
focus upon a point between the eyebrows in the third-eye area.
5) By the seventh day, or even before that, if you have done
the rite correctly with full
concentration upon the point between the eyebrows, you will
perceive a certain light or even
more which may be of any color--red, green, blue, yellow and
white. These colors represent
your inner desires and emotional content. Focus upon the white
light until it is clear and
augments in size. It is within this light that you will perceive the
unusual inner realms or
magickal planes--worlds that you have not known before!
The Al Fatehah verse :
"Al-hamdulillahi rabbil 'aalamiin, ar-rahmaani ar-rahiim
"Maaliki yaumid diin, Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaaka nasta 'iin.
"Ihdinash Shiraathal Mustaqiim.
"Shiraathal Ladziina an'amta alaihim.
"Ghairil Maghduubi Alaihim Walaadh Dhaaliin.
The Al Kafirrun verse :
"Qul yaa ayyuhal kaafiruun,
"laa a'budu maa ta'buduun,
"wa laa antum 'aabiduuna maa a'bud,
"wa laa ana 'aabiduuna maa 'abadtum,
"wa laa antum 'aabiduuna maa a'bud,
"lakum dinukum wa liya diin"
The Alam Nasyoh verse (also called Al-Insyirroh) :
"Alam nasyoh laka shodroka,
"wa wadho'naa 'anka wizrok,
"alladzii anqodho zhohrok,
"wa rofa'naa laka dzikrok,
"fa inna ma'al 'usri yusron,
"inna ma'al 'usri yusroo,
"fa idzaa faroghta fanshob,
"wa ilaa robbika far-ghobb."
The power gained from this rite is the ability to be invisible in
the eyes of aggressors and
enemies. You will still be visible to those who have no evil
intentions towards you.
1) Fast for 3 days from dawn to dusk (See General Instructions).
Begin fasting on a Thursday
and ending on Saturday.
2) During the 3 day fast, every night, if you are a muslim, do 2
rakaat of prayers. After the first
rakaat, recite the Al Fatihah verse followed by the Al Kafirrun
verse. After the second rakaat,
recite the Al Fatihah verse followed by Alam Nasyoh. If you are
a non-muslim, first offer a
general prayer to the Deity followed by the Al Fatehah verse, Al
Kafirrun, Al Fatehah, and
Alam Nasyoh. For the verses, see above in previous section.
3) Continue with the following prayer :
"O Allah, thy servant requests your blessings that s/he may
master this art of invisibility with
4) Then recite the following 100x :
"Laa tudriikuhul abshooru wa huwayudriikul abshooro wa huwal
lathiful khobir." 100x
Whenever you are in the presence of aggressors and wish to
become invisible simply recite the
verse of point 4 three times while holding the breath and
stamping the left foot on the ground
three times. Do this while focusing without blinking upon the
people you wish to be invisible to.
Then release the breath and do what you will. If it pleases Allah,
you will not be seen by them.

Occult Healing of Afflictions

If it pleases God, this occult therapy will heal all sorts of
illnesses in the body.
The method :
Take a hard-boiled egg, a piece of bread, or any food and recite
over it the occult prayer below 3
times, then give it to the afflicted person to consume. With this
magickal rite of healing, by the
mercy and love of God, the ailment shall vanish.
The prayer :
"Bismillahir-rohmaanir-rohiim, bismillaahil-kaafii bismillahil
ma'aafii bismillaahil khairal
asmaa'i bismillaahil ma'aanii bismillaahi robbis-samaai wal-
ardhi bismillahi kalaanun kaalaa
bismillahil-ladzii laa yadlurru ma'asmihi syaiun fil ardli walaa fis-
samaa'i wahu

Magickal Shield #1
The following rite forms a magickal shield surrounding one's
body. It empowers the
etheric/physical body with a certain force causing it to be
impervious to sharp weapons at a time
when it is required. It improves one's reflexes and is useful
when one is attacked by aggressors.
Other types of magickal powers lying dormant within us are
also awakened by the power of this
simple ritual. The prayer in this magickal rite is called the "Ibnu
Alwan prayer."
The method:
1) Fast for three days in succession from dawn to dusk, Tuesday
to Thursday.
2) During the three-day fast recite the Ibnu Alwan prayer 100
times each session. Minimum one
session per day.
3) On the last day (Thursday), repeat the recitation 1000 times
between midnight and 6 a.m. in
the morning.
4) After the three day rite, recite 3 times every day after the
obligatory prayers.
If it pleases the Most High, after performing this rite one would
possess a magickal shield.
The Ibnu Alwan prayer
"Allahumma ibna 'alwan yaa sayyidisy-syaih muhyiddin abdal
qaadiril jiilaani haadir haadir
haadir laa yamuut laa yamut laa yamut illaa bi idznillaahi laa
haulaa walaa quwwata illaa
billaahil 'aliyyil 'aadhiim."

Magickal Shield #2
This is another rite that builds a magickal iron shirt upon one's
body. With these rites one's body
could withstand the onslaught of the blows and strikes of all
sorts of blades and sharp weapons:
knives, swords, machete, etc. This is all by God's grace.
The method :
1) Fast for seven days, from dawn to dusk. During the seven-
day fast, recite seven times the
prayer below after the obligatory prayers.
2) After the seven days are up, make it a regular practice to
recite the same prayer three times
after the obligatory prayers.
3) When one is faced with an aggressor wielding a weapon,
recite the prayer mentally or
verbally over and over.
The prayer:
"Allaahumma salliimnaa buumi walmundhiiri walkanuuni
walbunduuqi wassilaahi wanahwihaa
muddata hayaa tinaa, allaahumaj-'al kulla maa ashaabanaa
minal-hadiido maa'an saailan
wamin-ghairihi habaa an mantsuuraa."

Hizbul Autaad
This prayer rite was handed to us by Syaikh Abdul Qadir al-
Jailany. He was an eminent Sufi
and is considered to be the saint of all saints. The prayer has
many benefits, among which is the
formation of a magickal shield, protection against danger and
calamities, prosperity, etc.
The method:
1) Recite the following Hisbul Autaad prayer three times a day,
every day on a routine basis.
The best time to do this is at midnight or before dawn.
"Allahul-kaafi rabbunal-kaafi qashadnal-kaafii wajadnal-kaafii, li
kullin kaafii rabbunal-kaafii
wa ni'mal-kaafii alhamduliilaah. Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal wakiil
wa ni'mal-maulaa wa
ni'man-nashiir.Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal wakiil wa ni'mal-maulaa
wa ni'man-nashiir. Wa
kafallaahul-mu'miniinal-qitaal, wa kafallaahul-mu'miniinal-
qitaal, wa
kafallaahul-mu'miniinal-qitaal, Amiin amiin amiin amiin amiin ya
robbal 'alamiin."

Develop the Occult Ability to Detect Treasures

After the obligatory prayers, recite "Dhoohirun" for a minimum
of 100 times with full
concentration. Do this every day. After constant practice, one
would eventually gain the ability
to see occult objects or things hidden from view such as buried

Magickal Assistance from Three Spirits

The rite below will help one acquire magickal aid from three
spirit intelligences. Their names
being Syam'un, Zaitu, and Malimun or Yasma'un. Constantly
invoke their names and they will
come to offer their aid whenever you are in need. Also draw the
diagrams below of the three
names above on a piece of white virgin paper or cloth and carry
it with you.

Increasing Psychic Sensitivity

You may improve your psychic sensitivity by reciting the
following every day, 1012 times each
"Samii'um Bashir."
When one's psychic senses and nervous system has been
sensitized to a certain degree one
would be able to
Sense the magickal worlds.
Know what lies in another's heart.
Know of the conversations of spirits
Perceive beyond the limitations of the physical senses
Detect the presence of treasures, minerals, water, etc.

Protection of One's Home with the Throne Verse

One of the methods of protecting one's home against negative
entities and intruders is the
recitation of the Throne verse 21x at every corner of the abode,
over a handful of dry soil in
your hand. Then sprinkle the soil outside encircling the house.
The Throne verse :
"Allahu laa ilaaha illaa huwal hayyul qayyuumu, laa ta
'khudzuhu sinatuw walaa nauum, lahuu
maa fissamaa waati wa maa fil ardhi man dzalladzii yasyfa'u
'indahuuillaa bi idznihii
ya'lamu'maa baina aidiihim wamaa khalfahum. Walaa
yuhitshuuna bisyai-im min 'ilmihi illaa
bimaa syaa-a wasi'a kursiyyuhus samaawaati wal ardha walaa
yauuduhuu hifzhuhumaa
wahuwal 'aliyyul 'azhiim."

Acquiring Occult Knowledge

To receive information or magickal knowledge from the inner
planes, recite the following 812
"Yaa Khobir."
By reciting the Beautiful Name of God above, a spiritual being
will convey to you occult
If you would like to see or acquire special information regarding
something through occult
means then recite 9 times before sleeping the verse below:
"Alaa ya'lamu man kholaq, wa huwal-lathiiful-khobir."

Invulnerability to Fire
If you desire to withstand the flame, recite the following on an
everyday basis after the
obligatory prayers :
"Yaa 'Afuwwu." 100x
Recite the above with full concentration.

Making Angelic Contacts

If you would like to contact angels do the following:
1) Fast for three days from dawn to dusk, starting on a Tuesday
and ending on Thursday
2) During the three-day fast, after each of the 5 obligatory
prayers, recite the following 4277
"As-Salaamu, As-samii'u, As-sarii'u."
If it pleases God, you will establish a contact with angelic
presences on the last night.
To Communicate with the Power Inherent Within an
Occult Object
In order to communicate with the familiar or power associated
with a magickal object, perform
the following rite at night :
1) Take a shower with the intention of cleansing yourself not
only physically, but spiritually as
2) After the obligatory prayers, recite the following Beautiful
Divine Name of God for a total of
1000 times:
"Yaa Wahhabu."
3) Next, offer-up a prayer to God expressing your intent.
4) Then lie down supine with your head to the north and legs to
the south, turn your head to face
the west.
5) Place the mystical object in front of your face and fall asleep.

Removing the Power of Psychic and Physical Implants of

Those Having Difficulty Dying
There are many cases of those possessing familiars, and
psychic/physical implants who have
trouble making the transition during the dying process. To assist
such individuals, the following
may be recited in their presence for 100 times or more:
"Yaa 'Afuwwu."

Removing the Effects of Psychic Attack or Black Magick

To heal someone affected by psychic attack or black magick, do
the following:
1) Have at hand 3 packets of salt.
2) Recite over the salt the following mantric verse 66 times:
"Mazjalin Bazjalin."
3) Place the salt in a large vessel of water. Then have the
patient use this water to shower. Do
this everyday for a week.

Kulhu Geni Mantra

This mantra is useful to control or threaten the negative
magickal forces surrounding us.
Recite once and the hand of the spirit will be severed.
Recite twice and the right shoulder of the spirit will dislocate.
Recite three times and the spirit will feel his body
Recite four times and the spirit's body will be destroyed.
Recite five times over some water and sprinkle it over someone
who is possessed. This
will get rid of the molesting spirit.
Recite six times to neutralize a haunted place or area.
Recite seven times to heal a sick person.
The Mantra:
"Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Kulhu Allahu ahad, kun fayakuun,
maasya Allahu Qoodiran abadan

Kulhu Durdah Mantra

When disturbed in the night by creatures, whether physical or
non-physical, recite the Kulhu
Durdah mantra:
"Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Kulhu Durdah, balekno, sato mara
sato mati, janma mara janma
mati, setan mara setan mati, buta mara buta mati, antu mara
antu mati, eblis mara eblis mati,
maling mara maling mati, sedya ala sedya mati, saking
pitulunganing allah, lailahaillallohu
Muhammadarrosullulloh sallallohualaihi wasallam."

Kulhu Sungsang Mantra

When recited every morning and evening 7 times, this mantra
results in the following benefits:
Cause fear in the hearts of negative spirits such as bad jin,
trolls, etc.
Forms a shield around one against black magic and psychic
Cleanses a haunted place of negative vibrations.
"Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Kulhu sungsang, sang rajah iman
kedudungku, Malaikat jibril
tetekenku, tinuntun kanjeng nabi Muhammad, Lailahaillallaahu
alaihi wasallam, agung."
Kulhu Sepuh Kulhu Balik Mantra
When recited 3 times, the mantra below wards-off all forms of
psychic attack.
"Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Kulhu balik, bolak-balik tansah
kuwalak walik, panujumu luput
balik kena kang nuju belaka, balekna, balekna, balekna, balika
marang sira, Lailahaillallohu
Muhammadarrosullulloh sallallohu alaihi wasallam."

Love-Mantra Disenchanter
To break love spells or disenchant someone affected by love
philters or potions, recite the
mantra below over a glass of water 3 or 7 times, and then let
the patient drink the water.
"Bismillaahi Allahumma ya fattah ya muhith ya muhith ya ya
muhith ya sulthon ya sulthon ya
laailahaillallohu Muhammadarrosullulloh. Tulak tunggal, tulak
tunggal, tulak tunggal, nuju
luput kang tinuju kena kang nuju iya baliya, ya baliya, ya baliya
muhammadarrosullullah ora ingsun kuasa tulak ing gambar lan
tulak ing bubuk lan tulak, teka
tulak, teka tulak ambalika marang kang dursila ya
laailahaillallahu marang kang dursila ya
laailahaillallahu Muhammadarrosullullahu sallalloohu alaihi

To Instill Harmony in the Family

When the conditions in your home are inharmonious, do the
1) Take a jar of water and recite over it, "Almikidah" 7 times.
2) Then let the members of your family drink this consecrated

To Force a Thief to Return Stolen Goods

The following method forces a thief to feel certain pangs and
will consequently, have the urge
to return the goods that he stole:
1) Collect some dirt or dust from the ground where the thief
2) Fry the dirt in a saucepan on a big flame.
3) Feel in your heart that you are frying the thief.

Acquiring Psychic Energy

There are many methods for acquiring psychic energy. This is
just one of them.
Practice this once a day for 30-60 minutes.
1) Sit in the lotus position or on a chair with feet on the floor
and hands on the lap. The spine
should be straight. Relax. Use loose clothings for this.
2) Inhale slowly and smoothly while reciting mentally,
"Lailaahaillallah." Hold your breath for
awhile and then exhale while reciting, also mentally,
"Muhammaddarrasullullah." Do this 25
3) Repeat the inhaling and exhaling for another 33 times, but
recite "Allah" on the inhale and
"Huu" on the exhale.
4) Then recite over and over "Allah" while you inhale, hold your
breath, and exhale. Focus
within. Feel the inner vibrations all over your head and body.

Invulnerability to Bullets
With this rite you shall be invulnerable to bullets, if it pleases
Method :
1) At midnight sharp on every Thursday conduct 2 rakaats of
prayer. If you are a non-muslim,
just offer a general prayer to the Deity.
2) Then recite the following 777x :
"Ta 'azzaztu birobbil 'izzati wala jabaruut, wa tawakkaltu 'alal
hayyil ladzii laa yamuutu.
"Syaahatil wujuuh, syaahatil wujuuh, syahatil wujuuh.
"Wa 'amatil abshooru, wa 'amatil abshooru, wa'amatil
"tawakkaltu 'alal waahidil qohhaar.
"Wa laa haula wa laa quwwata illaa billaahil 'aliyyil 'azhiim."
The rite above should be done regularly every Thursday night.
When the power is acquired
through this rite, all bullets or arrows shot at you shall drop
before reaching their target.

General Invulnerability Against Sharp Weapons

This rite develops a general invulnerability towards weapons. It
is to be conducted routinely
everyday before dawn.
Method :
1) Recite the following prayers as gifts to the Prophet and Abdul
Qadir Al Jailani :
"Ilaa hadhrotin nabiyyil mushthofaa shollallaahu 'alaihi wa
sallam, wa ilaa arwaahi aalihi wa
'itrotihi wa azwaajihi wa dzurriyyatihi, syai-un lillahi lahumul
The recite the Al Fatehah verse :
"Al-hamdulillahi rabbil 'aalamiin, ar-rahmaani ar-rahiim
"Maaliki yaumid diin, Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaaka nasta 'iin.
"Ihdinash Shiraathal Mustaqiim.
"Shiraathal Ladziina an'amta alaihim.
"Ghairil Maghduubi Alaihim Walaadh Dhaaliin.
Continue with :
"Khushuushon ilaa ruuhi sayyidinaa wa maulaanaa sulthoonil
auliyaa-i asy syaikhi 'abdil qoodir
al jailaanii, syai-un lilaahi lahul faatihah."
Again recite the Al Fatehah verse above, after which continue
with the following prayer :
"Allahul kaafi, robbunal kaafi, qoshodnal kaafi, wajadnal kaafi,
likulli kaafi, kalafaanal kaafi,
wa ni'mal kaafi.
"Alhamdu lilaahi, hasbunallaahi wa ni'mal wakiil, ni'mal maulaa
wa ni'man nashiir." 3x
"Wa kafallaahul mu'miniinal qitaal." 4x
"Aamin." 5x
"Yaa robbal 'aalamiin."

To Shapeshift
The rite below gives one the power to shapeshift into any
1) Recite the Divine Name below 12,000 times every day for
several years and you will advance
in your spiritual degree and be able to change your shape at
"Ya Waritsu."
While doing this rite obey the spiritual precepts.

To Understand the Language of Animals

This rite will give you the power to understand the language of
animals of land and air, and
what lies in the human heart. It is to be conducted every day--
the mantra recited day and night
for as many times as possible and for several months. This
should be done while one is in
spiritual retreat.
The mantra :
"Yaa Roqiib."

To Open Locks Without Keys

This rite gives one the power to open locks with a single prayer
Method :
1) Fast from dawn to dusk (See General Instructions) for seven
consecutive days.
2) On the seventh day, recite the following prayer 333 times :
"Wallaahu mim warooihim, bal huwa qur-aanum majiidun, fii
lauhim mahfuuzh." 333x
Later on, when you wish to use the power, hold the lock and
recite the prayer verse 3 times
mentally while holding the breath.

Acquisition of Wealth
If you wish to acquire wealth conduct this rite for 40
consecutive Fridays (every Friday for 40
weeks), or even more if you are so inclined. You must
not leave out one day or you will have to
start all over again. Always live in accord with spiritual
precepts. Do not miss out on your
general prayers. Consume only that which is
permissable. The rite consists of reciting the
following Divine Name for the whole day and night :
"Ya Ghoniiu."

Cleansing Oneself from Karmic Stains (Sins)

Cleansing oneself from karmic stains or sins, their record and
effect, is a necessary step towards
advancing oneself spiritually. Purity of the inner dross
accumulated in the inner recesses of our
subconsciousness also has an effect of improving and
prolonging our lives. By conducting the
rite below one would in time acquire signs of Allah's mercy and
one would be redeemed from
the darkness and gain entry into the Divine Light.
The rite:
1) Recite every day for 2,000 times the Divine Name below :
"Ya Afuwwu."

Ilmu Aji Kawibawa--Develop a Powerful Presence

With the Aji Kawibawa power you shall acquire a powerful mien
and become someone as
though with authority. An unlimited magickal force will be
stored inside of you. Your eyes and
voice will be full of power. People might feel your force as
overpowering and obey your
command. They would cower under your gaze. If you should
shout at someone, he might
become deaf and dumb. This power is expecially useful to
dominate or intimidate aggressors.
The method of the rite :
1) Fast from dawn to dusk for 7 days , and consuming no-meat,
animal products or rice.
2) During the fasting period, recite before dawn and after dusk
the prayer below 77 times. After
the 7-day fasting period recite the mantra three times a day at
any hour, but preferably at dawn
or dusk.
The Prayer :
"Asyhadu al laa ilaaha il lallaah, wa asyhadu anna
muhammadar rasuulullaah.
"Naruddu bikal a'daa-a min kulli wijhatin, wa bil ismi narmiihim
minal bu'di bisy syatat."
"Fa anta rajaaii yaa ilaahii waasayyidii, fa farriq lamiimal jaisyi
in ramaa bii ghalat." 77x

Pronunciation Guide to the Mantras/Prayers/Chants

A = Ah as in father
C = Ch as in choose
E = a as in pay
G = Gh as in grape
I = ee as in tree
U = oo as in tool
Letters not mentioned are pronounced as in the English

Instead of reciting invocations more than 108x as some

invocations require this but anything over 108
repetitions is time consuming. So I have provided a key
to all these mantras that should be said at the end of
the mantra 3 times.



Pronounced ^yode hay var hay^

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