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979. 'Ka, a pc. of request > IE: NaIE {Brg.} 'Ia, 'Iom/'Icm, emphatic pc.

emphatic pc. (of request and sim.) > OI Iam (Vd

'tistha 'su Iam' maghavan 'bleib doch sogleich stehen, oh Herr', 'ava 'nu Iam' '|uayan ya|'navanasah 'hilf als Strkerer
den Opferliebenden'); this emph. pc. is used after imv. [as well as after dat. and other particles] || Lt -I, -Ii, ending of imv.: ciI, ciIi
'go!' | R -ia, ? -io, pc. asking for immediate fulfillment of the request\order (expressed by the imv. or otherwise), ? Slk -I- (has
moved before the imv. ending): sadIa|(tc) iv. 'sit down!' || ? Gk kc / (prevoc.) kcv, Gk D ko, encl. pc. of potentiality [convergence
with homonymous particle(s) of a different origin?] (Gk Hm e) kcv oi oio _ovoi! 'O, if the earth had yawned for him! [= 'had
swallowed him!']) BD II/3 1OOO-1, P 515-6, M K I 159 (Iam 'well'), MW 251-2 (Iam as an affirmative pc. 'yes, well'), LS
847, 933, ? F I 8O5, Vs. II 147, Bern. I 463, Ma. CS 185 ll U '-IV > FU: F ? -I - -?, 2s imv. ending (luc-I 'read!'), F - (< '-I) id.:
luc 'read! sg.', Vo E lugs-g_, Lv lu`g_ id.; BF 2p imv. '-Ia-ta / '-Ia-ta ('-ta/'-ta pl.) > F luIc-Iaa 'read!' pl., Vp lugc-ga-t id. |
Lp N -IIu-, imv. marker in 1s and 3s (lc-IIu-m 'let me be'), '-I > -, imv. 2s (the former presence of '-I is evodenced by the
weak grade of the syll.-initial cns.: boadc 'come!' < 'ota-I) | Mr -I, 2s imv.: Er soIa-I 'plough!' Sm '-I, 2s imv. > Ne T
-? (-tt: xan-tt 'call!'), En, Ng -? id. (En mota-?, Ng matu-? 'cut!'), Ng -gu-, marker of imv. in 1s (matu-gu-m 'ler me cut'), Slq Kt
{Cs.} -I (tadc-I 'set on fire!') Coll. CG 3O4-5, Laan. 235-7, Cs. GSS 524, 533 ll A: Tg '-Ia/'-Ic, 2s imv. ending (with
variants: '-Ial/'-Icl, '-Ii) > Nn KU -Ia, Orc -Ia/-Is/-a/-s, Sln -xa id., Ewk -Ial/-Isl/-Iol, Neg -xal/-Ial id., WrMc -Ii
(neutral-polite imv. used when addressing an equal); the suffix '-Ii- is use also in forms of 1s and 3s imv. > Ewk -gi-, Ul -i-, Ud
-hi- Ci. 278-9, Ci. N 35, Ci. S 236, Bz. 144-5, Vas. 726, 759, Sun. G 187-8, Sun. M 17O, Sun. KUD 1OO, Sin. LM 272 Acc. to
IS, here also M '-qu/'-Iu within the benedictive sx. '-dqu-n/'-dIu-n, which is hardly convincing, because benedictive is actually
a participle, i.e. a derived noun (ffd. see Pp. IM 253-4) ll ? D '-IV, sx. of optative > OTm -Ia, sx. of optative (Iaq-Ia 'look!', 2s
opt.), ClTm {An.} -(u)Ia (opt.: scy-Ia 'let him do'), Kt -I- (sx. of optative), OKn {Gai} -(u)gc/-Ic id. (tan-gc 'prosper!'), ClKn
-(u)gc/-Ic (sx. of opt.: Icr`u-gc 'pereat!, pereant!), Tu -I-/-g-, sx. of imv. in 1s and 1p (an`u-Ic 'let me say', mal-u-g-a 'let us do'),
Tl -ga (Ialuga 'let us study', bar-Ia 'et us come', Tl Brh {An.} amugc 'let me do'), Klm -Ia- opt.: vaIIan(d) 'let him come',
vaIIar 'let them come' from va(r)- 'come', Krx -Ic--Ic, sx. of optative ("prospective") (bar-Ic 'come, please'), ? Mlt {SKD} -Iu,
sx. of imv. ft., ? Brh -aI, emphatic pc. added to imv. (Iar-aI 'do!') An. SG 367-71, RmA OTV 772, Sbr. DVM 497-8, Brigel GTL
52, Gai OK 9O, Hahn KG 43, Grnr. 37O, SKD 58 ll ? HS: EC: Or -Ia, emphatic pc. usually added to imperatives (translated by Grg.
as 'so, then, therefore', and by Brl as 'dunque!, quindi!, perci!, ebbene!) ({Mrn.} Iottu-Ia {IS} 'n(n-ia', {Grg.}
nagatti bulla-Ia 'so, spend the night in peace!', i.e. 'so, good-night!', {Brl.} dugi-Ia 'dunque bevi!') Grg. 239, Mrn. O 117, Brl.
221 ^ IS I 331-2 (IE, U, A, D, ? C), Gr. I 193-6 ("imperative KA" in IE, U, A, Gil, ChK, EA).
98O. ??? 'Ka, substantivizing, singulative or distinctive (singling out) pron., name of quality bearers > IE: NaIE sx. '-I- in IIr
'ai_-Ia- 'one' > MtA 'ai_Ia- 'one' (in Ht ayIa-vartanna), OI cIa-h, NPrs Y ycI 'one'; OI 'asrI 'blood' nom. sg. ( gen. sg.
as'nah) || L -I- in scncx (scnc-I-s) 'old man' (-I- only in nom. sg., cp. gen. sg. scn-is, nom. pl. scncs) || Gk -I- in ku 'herald'
(cp. OI Ia'ruh 'Lobsnger'), u 'ant' (cp. OI vamri id.) NaIE '-Io- (f. -I-a), sx. of denom. adjectives and nouns: OI
mar|a-'-Ia-h 'male', sana'-Ia-h 'old', OCS acauk+ vcli-I+ 'big', :+u+k+ t+n+-I+ 'thin' Hirt IG III 114-8 ll A: T '-I, nominal
sx. for concrete objects: OT qulqaq - qulaq 'ear', qaraq 'eyeball' (acc. to Cl., 'small black thing' qara 'black'), bicaq 'knife'
( bic- 'cut'), IcscI 'piece (cut of sth.)' Ics- 'cut, cut off' Cl. xliv, 293, 62O-1, 652, 748-9 Tg '-I > Ewk -I for quality
bearer ('the one having the quality X'), e.g. sagda-I 'the elder person; first-born one' ( sagdan- 'get older'), n. ag.: |ulgaI
'neighbour (person)' |ulga- 'live in the neighbourhood' Vas. 341, 757 ll U: U '-I'a, sx. of denom. nouns: Lp T {Gn.}
mayycg, Lp K {Gn.} maycy, Krl, F ? {Kt.} mai_oa [< 'mayaya, Er miyav 'beaver', Lp T Iaycg, Lp K {Gn.} Iayycy, Vp
Iayag, Vd Iayaga, Es S IayaI 'sea-gull', Os Ty {Lh.} vaso_ 'duck', Ne T O {Lh.} tarc-ha 'squirrel', En B {Cs.} facha 'salmo
peljet' (cp. Vt aya 'abramis brama')] FU '-I'a, sx. of denom. adjectives: Lp N {N} bacca / bac'cag- 'bitter, fetid', Vp
vayag, Vd vayaga 'unvollstndig', Chr H {Wc.} yaI'sar-o, Chr Uf yos'Iar-o 'red, red colour' (Chr yaI'sar " yos'Iar attr.
'red'), Vg LL ya'nI- 'big' U '-II-, pronominal sx. of distinctiveness (singling out): Er scIc 'the same, that same' ( sc 'that'),
Nn T O {Lh.} cu'II 'this', Ng {Cs.} taIa 'iste' Lh. PUAS 333-43 ^ Jg {J} Ic 'one', probably from N'qayvE 'exclusively
ones own' ( 'alone') ^ Gr. I 123-9 ("absolutive K" in EA, CK, Gil, Ko, T, IE).
981. 'Ko 'who?' > U 'Io- - 'Iu- 'who' > F Iu-Ia 'who?' ( mi-Ia 'what?), IosIa 'when?', Es Iu-s 'where (wohin)?, Iuhu
where?', Iui 'when?', Iuidas 'how?' | Lp: N gu-, go-, goa- in ds : gutti / -d- 'who, which', goab'ba 'which of two?', L Ibba id., S
{Hs.} guttc 'which of many?', goabba 'which (of two)?', Kld Iu (gen. Ion) rel. prn. 'who, which' | Er Iona 'which?', Mk Iona
'which' (rel.), Er/Mk Ioda 'how?', Er Iodamo, Mk Iodama 'what for?', Er Ioso, Mk Iosa, Ioza 'where?' | Chr: L Io, H Iu
'who?', L Iudo, H I+d+ 'which?', L Iuzc 'how?', Iusto 'where?' | Prm {LG} 'Iod- ({?LG} 'Iod) 'who?', 'which?' > OPrm Iod-
'who, which' rel., Z Iod 'who?', Iod-'which (of two)?', Z US Iodi 'who?', Prmk Isd-, Yz 'Iud-, IudiI 'which?', Vt iy( Iud,
iy(n-: Iudiz 'which (of two)'?' || ObU 'Io- 'who?' > Vg: T Ian, LK xon, xan, x"an, P Ion, Ss xoqIa 'who?'; Os: V qoyI, D
_oyo, O _oy id. ObU {Ht.} 'Iun 'when?' > pVg 'Iun > Vg: T Ion, LK xun, MK Iun, UK/P/NV/SV/LL Iun, UL xun,
Ss xun; pOs 'Iun > Os: D/K/Nz/O _un, Kz _un, V/Vy/Ty/Y qunto | Hg ho- in hol, ? hon, hun 'where?', OHg ha 'when' rel., Hg
ha 'if' Sm {Jn.} 'Iu- 'what\who?', 'which? > Ne T O {Lh.} d _ui 'wohin, wer?', Ne T xaAn na 'where?', xypia 'what for?
(qualis?)', Ne F {Lh.} Iu`III 'who?', Ng {Cs.} d Iua, Iunic 'welcher', En {Cs.} hoIc id., Slq Tz {KHG} qay 'what?, who?', IutI
'who?' (with an irreg. I- for the expected q- < U, Sm 'I-), Kms {KD} q`ado 'how', I`u'mcn, Koyb {Sp.} iyxnny 'how
much\many?', Mt {Hl.} 'Iu- (stem of interr. pronouns) (Mt: M {Sp.} iyniy 'what for? (qualis?)', iyn 'from where?'); Sm {Jn.} dat.
'Iu-q, loc. 'Iu-na 'where?' > dat.: Ne T xy?, Ne O _u?, Ne F {Pl.} Iuq, En {Ter.} iyo?, {Cs.} Iu? id.; loc.: Ne T xyna, Ne F
Iunnoo, Slq Tz Iun, Mt {Hl.} 'Iuna (Mt: M {Sp.} iyna) Y: Y T {Krn.} qadi, Y T/K {Krn.} xa(n ( -/qadi/?) 'who?',
'which?', T quodcban, K xo(oxc( nc) 'qualis est?', T qamlal, qabul, qabud, K xaxnon, xaxyn 'how much\many', K/T
qa-duqut, qa-duqun 'which one?' (from qa- + tuqut, tuqun 'this'), K/T {IN} qon 'where?', qodo 'how?', K qay 'when?' UEW
191-2, Brgl. SG 61, Hs. 122-9, Kov. LV 23O, Kov. GM 247, LG 125-6, Lt. DPJ 133, Lt. J 94, TmK 29O, SZ 158, U3S 224, Ht. #279,
Jn. 75, Cs. 49, 82, KHG 296-8, Hl. M ##563, 571, 576, 589, IN 246, Krn. JJ 88-91, Krn. IMJJ 234-5 ll IE 'I"o-/'I"c-/'I"-, a
generalized interr. stem, used in combination with morphemes of deictic, gender-differenciating and postpositional origin, e.g. 'I"o-s
'who?' (with '-s, marker of nom. of the active gender), 'I"o-d 'what?' (with '-d of the non-active gender), 'I"-i-s 'who?' (with
deictic '-i- and active nom. '-s), 'I"-i-d 'what?' (with deictic '-i- and non-active '-d), etc.: 'I"o-s 'who?' > OI Iah, Av Io, OPrs
Ias, Gt las, OSw hvar, AS hva, NE vho 'who?', Pru Ias, Lt Ias, Ltv Ias 'who\what?', Gk Hm tco, Gk A to 'whose?' (<
'I"c-si_o), 'I"ci_ 'who?' > L qui, OIr cia, Brtt: OW ui, MW, W vy, Crn yu, MBr, Br iv, piou; 'I"c-s 'who?' > OSx hvc,
OHG (h)vcr, NHG vcr id., as well as Al T Ic, Al G Ia 'whom?' (< acc. 'I"c-m); 'I"o-d 'what?' > Vd 'Iad, L quod, Pru Ia,
OW, MW, W a; 'I"-i-s 'who?' > Av cis, Gk ti), L quis, Osc is - is PIS, Ht, Pal, Lw Iuis id., OPrs cis-ciy 'whoever';
'I"-i-d 'what?' > Gk ti, L quid, Osc id, OIr cid, OW i, MW, Crn y, OBr i, c, MBr, Br c, Ht, Pal Iuit, ? Lw Iui 'what?';
'I"-u (and cds. ) 'where?' > Vd 'Iu, Av Iu, L ubi, Osc uf, Um ufc PVFE, uc PVE 'where (wo)?, Gk Cr o-tui, Gk Sr tu)
(< *tui-)) 'where (wohin)?', MW cv, cvd 'where (wo, wohin)?', as well as ?? Ht Iuvai 'where (wo, wohin)?, when?' (but Ts.: cd.
of 'I"o-); according to Ad., in Tc the prn. for 'who?, what?' goes back to a cd. of 'I"u 'where?' or 'I"is 'who?' + dem. prn.: pTc
'Iusc (acc. 'Iucc) > Tc A Ius (acc. Iuc), Tc B Iusc (acc. Iucc) 'who, what?' P 644-8, Bks. 2O3-7, M K I 192, WH II 41O-3,
Bc. G 342, Pln. 7O2, F II 9O3-4, Vn. C 91=2, RE 145, LG 373, Kb. 117O,KM 853, Frn. 199, En. 19O, Tp. P I-K 244-58, O 2O7,
Ts. E I 611-4, 693-4, Pv. IV 218-32, KT 165, Wn. 246, Ad. 186-8, Ad. H 156-7, EI 455-7 ll HS: C: Bj {R} Ia-I(") 'how?' [interr.
Ia- + -I(") of manner ( N 'IIuya 'manner' ( 'like, as')], {Rop.} IaI id. R WBd 138, Rop. 2O3 NrOm: Mch {L} Io
'who?', Kf {C} Io-nc, Io-n 'who?', Io-c 'to whom?', {HHM} Ioni, Ionoci 'who?', Shn {Lm.} Ionni, Anf {MYTY, Lm.}
Io-nnc 'who?' L M 35, Lm. Sh 328, C SE IV 282-4, R K 53, HHM 4O9, MYTY 113 ?? Ch: Hs Ia, IaIa 'how?', Gw Io
'how?'; the structure of IaIa may be as in Bj (interr. + '-IV 'as, like') Ba. 513, 531, Mts. G 65 Mh {Jo.} Io - Ioh
'how?', 'why?', Hrs {Jo.} Io(h), Jb {Jo.} E/C Ioh 'why?' (= {Btn.} Io, adduced by IS with a query), where I- goes back to S 'Ia-
'as, like', just as in Ar Iayfa 'how?' (see N 'IIuya 'manner; as, like') ll A 'I`a-, interr. pronominal stem > Tg {Bz.} 'xa- with sxs.:
'xa-i 'what?', 'who?' > Ul, Ork, Nn Nh _at - _ay id., WrMc ay, Mc Sb ay 'what?', 'which?', and possibly Sln at 'who?'; Tg {Bz.}
'xa-du 'how much\many?' > Ul _adt, Nn Nh/B _ado - _adt, WrMc udu, Ewk, Sln, Neg adi, Lm adt, Orc adi; Tg 'xa-li 'when?'
(< prolative case) > Ul, Ork _alt, Nn Nh _alt, Orc ala - ali, Ewk ali, Neg ali Bz. 114, STM I 4-5, 14-5, 32, 286-8 But Tg
'i_a does not belong here, it goes back to N 'ya '' (q.v.) NaT 'I`a- (interr. pronominal stem, preserved in ds. ): 'Ij`,a-nu
'which?, 'what?' (> OT qayu - qanu, Qzq qay, Tv. qayi, Yk _aya 'which?'), 'Ij`,ac 'how many?' (> OT qac, Tk Iac, Ln Iac,
SY qac - qas, Xk _as, Tv iamqas, Tf qo's`, Yk _as), 'I`acan 'when?' (> OT, ET, Ln, SY, Qrg qacan, Alt qacan, Tk
Iacan, Az hacan, Ux qacon, Bsh qasan, Qzq qasan, Uz qacon, Xk _aan, Tv qazan, Tf qa'h'in, Yk _ahan), 'I`ay-si
'which?' (> OT, Qzq, Qrg, ET, Tf qaysi, Tkm _ayOi, Uz qaysi, VTt qays+, Bsh qayh+, Alt qazi, Tv qayizi, Xk _ayzi), 'I`ay-da
- 'I`an-da 'where?' (> OT qayda - qanda, Tkm _anda, Uz, ET, VTt, Qzq, Qrg, Alt, Tv, Tf qayda, Bsh qayoa, Xk _ayda, Yk
_anna), etc. Rs. W 226, 232, 271, Cl. 589, 632-3, ET KQ 191-3, 34O, DTS 418, Ra. 217-9, Rl. II 99-1OO M 'qa- in ds. :
'qa-ya 'where?' (> MM [HI, S] qava, WrM qaga, HlM xaa, Kl _a), 'qa-miyya 'where? [place and direction] (> WrM qamiga,
{Rm.) qamiya, Kl _ama), etc. MED 895, 923, Ms. H 85, H 54, KW 164, 175 SDM95 s.v. 'I`c/'I`a-, KW 175 (M, T) ^ The
original opposition 'Ko 'who?' 'mi 'what?' was neutralized in IE (where 'Ko was generalized as the main interr. prn.) and
partially in HS (S, Eg, B, C, where the generalized pron. was 'mi). The ancient opposition has been preserved in U ('Io- 'who?'
'mi- 'what?), Chv (iax Iam 'who?' xcAn min 'what?') and (if CK belongs to N) in Itelmen (Ic 'who?' - min 'what for, which?'
^ IS I 355-6 [HS, IE, U, A + Sml Iu-ma 'who?' [in fact Iu- is a marker of masculine) + words for 'as, like' in HS, which are
better accounted for by N 'IIuya 'manner; as, like' (q.v.), because the semantic change from 'who?' to 'as, like', though not ruled out,
is too complicated to be preferable] lll In U and A there are forms traceable back to 'Kc 'who?' (with a hic-deixis?) > U 'Ic- 'who?'
> F Icn 'who?', Es Ics (gen. Icllc) id., 'which?' | Lp: S {Hs.} gic, Vfs {Lgc.} g_ic, g_ca 'who?', N {N} gi / g- 'who?, 'what sort
of' (of persons), Kld Iic 'who?', 'which?' | Er in Ii, Mk inc Iiyo 'who?' | Chr: L/Uf/B Io, H Iu 'who?' | Prm 'Iin 'who?' > Z ?,
Prmk, Yz, Vt Iin || Hg Ii 'who?' Sm {Jn.} 'Iim(V) - 'IIma 'who' > Ne T xn6 , Ne F {Lh.} Iimoa (both from 'IIma)
'who?', En {Mik.} sic, {Prk.} sic, {Ter.} sca, Kms {KD} cd su'ndc, stn'di - sindo, Koyb {Sp.} ccx, Mt {Hl.} 'IIm (or
'Iim) 'who?' (Mt M {Sp.} iix) pY {IN} 'Iin 'who?' > Y T/K {Krn., IN} Iin 'who?' UEW 14O-1, Lgc. SL 47, Hs. 122, PI
111, Ker. II 59, Jn. 69, KP #1221, KD 64, 66, Hl. M #486, Krn. JJ 87-9, Krn. IMJJ 233, IN 228 ll A 'I`c 'who?' > T
'I`Em ('I`im - 'I`am) 'who?' > OT Iim " Iam, Tk Iim, Tkm, Az, Uz, ET Iim, Qzq, Qq, Nog, Qrg Iim, Slr Iam, SY
Icm " Iim, Alt Icm, Qmn/Tb {B} Icm, Xk Icm, Yk Iim, Tv qim, Tf qum (labialization from 'qim?), Chv Iam Cl. 72O-1, Rs.
W 271, Ra. 222, Yeg. 87, Tezc. UIS s.v. Iim, Fed. I 219-2O M 'Icn 'who?' (also 'which?') > MM Icn, WrM Icn, HlM xyn, Kl
Icn, Mnr H {T} Icn, {SM} I`an, MMgl [Z] Icyan, Mgl Icn, Dx Iicn, Ba Iaq MED 457, KW 265, SM 196, T 338-9, T DnJ
123, T BJ 141, Iw. 111 ^ IS I 348 (U, A), 355-6 (HS, IE, U, A), Gr. I 217-24 ["interrogative K" in IE, U (including Y), A, Ai, ChK,
EA + unc. Gil] ^ Acc. to ISs hyp., 'Kc is a Uralo-Altaic innovation, a variant interr. word based on the analogy of the dem.
particles\pronouns. The opposition of the N iste-deictic 'h'c 'this' [ ISs '?i / (?) '?c] vs. pronouns with back vowels (e.g.
'ha 'ille') was introduced into the system of interr. pronouns, so that alongside with N 'Ko 'who?' a new hic-deictic inter. prn. 'Kc
'wer hier?' appeared. Starostin, A. Dybo and Mudrak try to unite the A reflexes of N 'Ko and 'Kc by reconstructing pA 'I`ajy,
(SDM97 s.v.) which is not a good solution, because the difference between these two root variants has survived not only in A, but also
in U.
982. 'I'u, dem. prn. (animate?) > IE 'Ic-, 'Ii-, 'Ici_-, 'I(i)yo- 'this' > NaIE: Arm s- s- 'this' (anaphoric, hic-
deixis), -s -s def. art. (hic-deixis) || Gk *kc- in kcivo-), c-kcivo-) 'that person\thing', (c)kci 'there', {EI}: Gk Mc za-vc-tc, Gk
otc) 'in this year' (< 'Iych_-vctcs) || L cc- in cc-do 'give here!', hi-c 'this', hi-s-cc 'this', si-c 'so', nun-c 'now', 'Ii- in cis 'on
this side of', ci-tro 'hither'|| OIr cc 'here, on this side' (< 'Ici_) (in bith cc 'ce monde-ci'), OgIr coi, Gl koi 'here, on this side' || Gt
himma 'huic', hina 'hunc', ON hann, OHG F hc, OHG [HB] hcr, AS hc 'he', NE hc; OHG cds. : hiu-tu 'today' (> NHG hcutc),
hiu-ru (< 'hiu-|aru) 'this year' (> NHG hcucr) || Lt si-s, Ltv si-s, Pru schis 'this' | pSl 'si m. / 'si f. / 'sc ntr. (prnl. 'si-|i,
'si-|a, 'sc-|c) > OCS ti si / tu si / tc sc 'this', Scr ? sa| / sa / sc. Sln sc|, R , Uk ccn || Al sot 'today' (< {EI} 'Iych_-diHtci_)
'this year' > Al siv|ct 'this year' (< pAl 'cyci_ vctci_ dat.-loc.) AnIE: Ht Ia- / Ii- 'this' (the variants Ia- and Ii- distributed
within the inflexional paradigm of genders, cases and numbers), Iinun 'now', Pal Ia-, Ii- 'this', Lc Ii 'this' ntr., Car Ia-t 'here (?)', Lw
za-/zi- , HrLw za- 'this one' (z < IE 'I) P 6O9-1O, Bks. 2O2, Me. AAE 59-61, Gd. 1O7-8 (OArm so- this'), Tum. 272-7, F I 475-
6, WH I 193, 222, 644-5 & II 187-8, Vn. C 51, Me. AAE 59, Fs. 255, Vr. 2O9, Krahe GSW II 67-8, Schz. 124, 16O, KM 169, 3O6-7,
Zhr. IN 23O, Ho. 15O, Ho. S 31, Frn. 99O, En. 243-4, Vs. III 591-2, Glh. 537-8, O 397, 399, Pv. IV 3-12, ABIv III 215-9, Shev. K
327, EI 453 [''Iis 'this (one)'] , Ivn. SA 133, 154 ll HS 'IV- 'this' m. > C {AD} 'IV- 'this' m. ( 't- f.) > EC {Ss.} 'Ia (nom.
'I-u) dem. prn. m. ( f. 't-pronouns) > pSam {Hn.} 'I-, marker of m. in dem. pronouns ( fem. 't-) ('I-an 'this', 'I-a 'this
[there]', 'I-as 'that', 'I-o 'that [there]', 'I-i 'that [referred to earlier]' fem.: 't-an, 't-a, 't-as, 't-o, 't-i), nom. '-I-u [> Sml
(-I-) (= -I-/-g-/-h-/-h-) (marker of m. in dem./poss. pronouns and clitics, and opposed to the f. marker (-t-) (= -t-/-d), Bn -I- m. -t-
f. (Bn J -Ia 'this' m. -ta 'this' f., etc.), Rn -I- m. -t- f. (e.g., -Ia(n) 'this' m. -ta(n) 'this' f.), Or Wt Ia(n) 'this' [ t-a(n) f.],
Iu 'this' (nom.) [ t-u f. (nom.)], Iani_ 'this specific' [ t-ani_ f.], Or Wt I- - masc. marker of possessive pronouns (-Ii 'my',
Iia 'mine' m. posessi [ -ti 'my', tia 'my' f. possessoris], etc.), Or H {MAZ} 'Iana 'this' m. (nom. 'Iuni) ( 'tana 'this' f., nom.
'tuni), I-, marker of masc. possessi in possessive pronouns: 'I-iyya 'my' m., 'I-c 'thy' m., etc. ( 't-iyya 'my' f., 't-c 'thy' f., etc.),
Dsn Ia (determiber), Elm -I-, masc. gender marker in predicative demostratives: tof i-'I-alu 'this is the snake' (tof 'snake' is
m.) haruva-tc i-'t-alu 'this is a girl', pHEC {Hd.} 'Ia / nom. 'Iu 'this', demonstrative determiner, m. ( 'ta / nom. 'ti id.
f.), 'Ionnc / nom. 'Iuni 'this', dem. prn., m. ( 'tcnnc / nom. 'tini id. f.) > Sd {Hd.} Io(nnc) / nom. Iuni - dem. determiner, m.
( tc(nnc) / nom. tini id. f.), Ged {Hd.} Ionnc / nom. Iunni id. m. ( tcnnc / nom. tinni id. f.), Kmb {Hd.} Ia /nom. Iu id. m.
( ta / nom. ti f.), Hd {Hd.} Ia / nom. Iu(I) id. m. ( ta / nom. tu(t) f.), Brj {Ss., Hd.} 'Ia (nom. 'Iu) 'this' m ( ta, nom. ci
'this' f.), Sd {Hd.} Ionnc / nom. Iuni 'this', dem. prn. m. ( tcnnc / nom. tini id. f.) || Dhl (?u)I"a 'this' m. [ (?)ita f.], (?u)Iu
'that' m. [ (?)itu f.] || SC: Irq {Mous} qa? 'that (visible)', ? Ia 'this' (for neuter nouns) AD SF 258-9, Ss. PEC 62, Ss. B 111, To.
DL 225, Hn. S 27-9, Anr. DSN 119, MAZ 11-2, Hn. BD 3O-1, Hn. W 36-8, Hn. NBLK 185, 227-8, PG 4O-1, C SE II 129-31, Hd.
153, Mous 9O-1 , To. D 39, Blz. CL 18O SOm: Ari Ioj:,na, Ia 'this', Iasc, Ionasc 'that', Ari G oIona, Ion- (+ sxs.) 'that',
Hm Ia 'this, that' Bnd AL 159-6O WS '-Iu - '-Ia, deictic element of iste- and ille-deixis, added to dem. pronouns: BA K6D4
dc-I 'that', f. K6D1 da-I, pl. K6l`4a5 ?il'lc-I, IA [Eleph.] Kz zI, Knz znI id., Ar oali-Ia 'iste', f. tali-Ia, til-Ia, Mh {Jo.}
oc-I, oay-I 'that', (as an introductory particle) os-I, pl. clyc-I, Hrs ocI, oiI (pl. lsI) 'that', Bth oc-I, os-I, pl. ila-I, Jb E {Jo.}
'oo'Iun, 'oi'Iun, pl. i'zo-I, Jb C {Jo.} 'ooIun, 'ouIun, pl. i'zo-I, Gz {Br.} zo-'Iu 'that', acc. zo-I"-a, pl. ?ollo-'Iu; CS 'Ia
'here, so' > Pun I?, (RomSc) [Plt.] CO 'here', BHb e7 Io, Ug {OLS} I, BA e1 Ia 'here, so', Nbt, Plm I? 'here', DA, OA Ih, IA I?
'thus' Br. G I 318-23 [ 1O7], Fr. I 93, Jo. M 79, KB 439-4O, 1723, KBR 461, OLS 2O7, HJ 483-4, 489 Ch 'I-: WCh: Hs
I'ani 'this' (ham I'ani 'this water' ham 'water'), Ang {ChL} Io-q'i 'this', Io-"ana, Io-da 'that', Ngz {Sch.} guzI-gu
'the slave' ( guzI 'slave') || CCh: Mrg {Hf.} dem. enclitic Ii 'this [near]' ( ta 'that [far]' na 'that [known]'), dem. prn. Ii 'this
one' ( ta 'that one [far]' na 'that one [known]') | Glv {Rp.} I"an, I"an 'this', I"anna 'this (one)', I"ax(a) 'that', Gzg ha 'this'
(qgos-a ha 'this woman' qgos 'woman') | Ms Iayni 'this', Iayna 'that', Lame I"amsnc 'this', I"amsni 'that' || ECh: EDng
{Fd.} Ia (Ia) - marker of masc. within demonstratives ( ta (ta) fem. Iu (Iu) pl.), e.g. i-Ia 'that (relative proximity)' m.
i-ta id. f. i-Iu id. ['those'] pl., {Sch.} bur aq-Ia 'this lion' (cp. buri 'lion' m.) , Smr Ia 'this', alo-Ia 'that', Ll {WeipP}
Iaq 'this' m. ( taq f.), Ioloq 'that' m. ( toloq f.), Jg {J} Io 'this' m. ( to f.), Mu gaq 'this' m. ( daq f.), Mgm
Ianc 'this' m. ( tanc f.), Io 'that' m. ( to f.), Bdy Ianc 'this', Io 'that' ChL, RpB 56-7, Hf. M 85-8, Fd. 32, 262, Sch. ED
158-9 , PG 19, Blz. LECh ##84-85 ll A 'Ij`,u 'this' > T 'Ko ({SDM} 'Io without justification of the lax 'I- and the long
vw.) 'that (seen) > SY {Tn.} go - gu - Io - Iu id. ({Ml.} 'non ror'), Qmq {Dmt.} gonc 'there (far, but seen)' ('non rax'), Qrg ti-gi
'that (seen)' ('ror, non ror'), 'he (seen)' ('on, non on'), {Rl.} riii 'jener, der dort gegenberliegende', Xk r i ttgt 'non ror',
Shor/Sg/Qb/Qc {Rl.} tigt, Brb (Rl.} ti-gi 'jener, jener dort' || Chv: L iy Iu 'this', H Io, ? I+v " I+ id. Tn. SJJ 77-8, Ml. ZhU 23,
Dmt. GKJ 8O, Jeg. 114, Fed. I 3OO-2, Lvt. IM 32-4, Jud. 731, Rl. III 1353, 1419, BIG 227, 416, S AJ 192 [#149] (mentions Slr Iu,
not confirmed by other available sources) pKo 'Ii 'this' > MKo Ii, NKo Ii 'this' S AJ 254 [#89] pJ {S} 'Is- demonstr. v >
(1) OJ Io- 'this', J: T Iorc, K Iorc, Kg Ioi, Ns Iu-N, Sk Iu-nu, Ht Iu-nu, Yn Iu-nu id. (2) OJ Ia- 'that', J: T Ia-rc, K
Iarc 'he', Ht Ia_-n_u, Y Ianu 'that' S AJ 268 [#77], S QJ #77 ? M 'Iu, pc. emphasizing the preceding word, including the
preceding dem. prn.: WrM cnc-Iu 'the same, the very same' (cnc is 'this'), tcrc-Iu 'the same' (tcrc is 'that'), MM [HI] Iu - gu
{Ms.} particule corroborative, [S] Iu - gu {H} hervorhebende Partikel; M 'Iu may go back to a coalescence of the dem. prn.
'I'u, N '?'oIE (= '?'oIu?) 'self' and probably N 'Io 'whereas, but, also, doch' MED 484, H 51, 1O5, Ms. H 57 DQA
#895 [A 'Io 'this' [the lax 'I (rather than 'I`-) is not justified], S AJ 56, 1O4, 277 [#73], Rm. SKE 114 (Ko, M), Ktw. PLA 71-3
[adduces ET yu 'nc(", c' ({BN} u-yu '(a on c' , yro c' , yro nc("' ', ba(r) yu 'nc(" ccr"'), which may be better explained
as belonging to N 'Io (> IE 'g"c), q.v.] ll Gil: Gil A Iu(-) 'that (absent, just mentioned)' Pnf. I 241, ST 22 ^ HS 'I- results from
deglottalization of 'I, which seems to suggest a pN 'I- (rather than 'q-), but the argument is not decisive because the
deglottalization could happen after the pre-HS merger of 'I and 'q.^ In IE, Mrg and A (Chv, Ko) the word means 'this', which may
be the original meaning, while in S and SY it has got the deictic meaning of 'iste' or 'ille'. In EC, EDng and Gmc this word (
morpheme in HS) has got the meaning of masc. demonstrative ( opposed due to its opposition to HS 'tV fem. and IE 't- ntr.),
which may suggest that pN 'I'u referred to animate beings only ^ Gr. I 91-4 ("demonstrative KU" in A [including J], Gil, EA,
983. 'IV 'towards', directive pc. > HS 'IV - 'IV > WS 'IV 'at, in' (of time), ? (in Mn only) 'to' > Mn {CR} I- 'to' (I-?sd 'ad
Asad, Asado'), OSA Sb I- 'when, lorsque', Mh {Jo.} I(s)- 'at, in' (of time), Hrs {Jo.} I-, Sq {L} Ic id., Ar SA I- 'at, in' (of time)
(I-soboh 'in the morning'), BHb Io-/Ii- (+ infinitive) 'when' [lit. 'at\in... (his) -ing'] (a&bk6` Io-'bo 'when he came' - Gen.
12.14; o2&mS6k`5 Ii-s'moa 'when he heard'), rS3a9k`2 Ia-?"'scr 'when' (lit. 'at\in which') KB 433, BGMR DS 75, Jo. M
2OO, Jo. H 65, L LS 211, CR CAME 165 B 'yV (< 'IV) 'towards, in' > Tmm {BoudL} ya 'to(wards)' (direction), BMn {Bs.}
y- id. (iruh y-i_t n tala 'il alla une fontaine'), Shl {Stm., La., Ds.} y- 'in' ({Stm.} y-vulinu 'in my heart') BoudL T 5O5, Stm.
1O9, La. CBM 11O, Ds. 85-6, Bs. ZOu 6O In my opinion, Rf/SrSn g - gi and Si/Wrs/BMn g, Kb g 'in' (Rn. 35O, Ib. 159, La. S
13O, Dl. 133, Bs. ZOu 59-6O) do not belong here, they are rather a reduced form of B 'gig and 'dVg - 'gVd 'in' EC '-IV > Af
{R} -ho, -h 'to' (dative), {Clz.} -aI 'to' (dative, directive) (abbaI ... iyan 'they told the father' ['dissero al padre'], 'bacl-aI
a'mod ta'mota 'venne presso il marito', hal-aI '[tied] to the tree'), Sa {R} -Ia, -I, {TB} -aI - marker of dat.-accus. ({R} |o-I 'to
me', {TB} faras-aI illo ohoya 'I gave the horse bread'), Sml N {Abr.} Iu (/gu) (preverbal proclitic) 'on to, on, to'
('Iursigi bu Iu 'fadistay 'he sat down on the chair', mcl dov inanIisi Iu arIay 'he saw his son in a near place',
'buro bu 'no gu yi'mi 'he came to us at Buro'), ? Bn K -Ia (loc.) in haI-Ia 'there', Dsn {To.} Ia 'her-, to' [adposition (
preverb\postposition) of movement towards the speaker], Elm {Hn.} -Ia 'to' (dative) [precedes the indirect object], -Ia- 'to, for'
(benefactive) [precedes the verbal stem] (ycsc num a'naq-Ia 'hclc Ionc 'I brought the children [hclc] food',
ycsc num 'hclc a'naq-Ia-Ionc id., ycsc min hclc aq-Ia-dis-a 'I built a house for the children'), Sd {Mrn., TB} -ho 'to'
[dative] (bc'to-ho 'to the girl') R A II 854 [= 62], R S II 2O2, Clz. 72, Abr. S 153, Hn. NBLK 196-7, Hn. BD 54, To. DL 232-3,
Mrn. S 28, TB LA 515, AD SF 259 NrOm: Na {AY} -Ia 'in' (isi hay-Ia vuta 'he fell in [i.e. 'to'] the water'), Shk {AY}
-Ia 'in' (incu-Ia 'in the tree'), Bnc {Wdk.} -Ian - -Ian 'in, at', Omt (= Gf?) {Mrn.} -Io 'towards' AY NG 25, AY ShM 6, Mrn.
O 3O, Wdk. BY 16O ?? CCh: Bdm {Lk.} gs prep., {Nc.} gc, go, ga, g 'to' ({Lk.} naca gs voli-ans 'er sprach zu einem Jungen',
{Nc.} domo u gc na 'ich komme zu dir', domo gatcni g au 'mich sandtest du nach Feuer'), Lgn {Lk.} ga - ga 'to' (prep. with a
noun of a person) 'zu, chez, i (ioxy-n.)': ndou_ 'vagsr ga gsnsm 'I went to the woman'), gi, gi 'towards, to' (direction:
ndou_ 'vagsr 'gi ya'?a 'ich ging zum Hause hin', 'yalo 'gi yulc'ga 'sie kamen zur Tr'), ? gc, gc 'in' (locative prep.) Lk. B 67,
Lk. L 54 ll U {Coll.} '-IIV / '-IV, directive (= lative, {Hj.} lative-prolative) case marker > In -I (sx. in adverbs: ala-I 'nach unten'),
-? in F dialects and in Standard F (ala? 'nach unten', luo? 'towards') | Lp N dir.-loc. -g (after disyllabic stems), -IIo, -IIo, -go,
-Io / -Ic (after monosyllabics): doIIo 'thither', dci'Ic 'hither', daggo 'there, that way' (of a movement), bi'vcg 'by day',
iI'Io 'at night', Lp Ar {Lgc.} -I 'in' (temporalis): IirraI 'in springtime', iyyaI 'in the night' | Mk/Er prolative ('along, no')
-ga - -Ia - -va ({Srb.}.: intervoc. -v- < '-y- < '-I-) | Chr L -Ic - -Io - -Io 'to(wards)' in adverbs and postpositions: onuiio
'ono-Io 'ahead' ('vorwrts'), ul-Io 'down, nach unten', cod'ra 'vcl-Ic 'towartds the forest' || Os V {Trj.} prolative
-o / -oy (Iiriv vay-oy monvol 'the steamboat sails on [i.e. along] the river Vakh', translative -o / -+y, -Io, -qo
(ac-o yoion 'turned into a sheep', itn-o yomoa 'the evening came', toloIIo yomoa 'the winter came' [lit. 'into
evening\winter it became']), Os Sr {Ht.} translative -y+ / -o (Iat-y+ '[transformed] into a house'); Vg N {Rmb.} translative - / -I
(iyancr-I atsum 'I became a young pioneer', nayv-I 'na (pona, to be used as fire-wood') Coll. CG 295-6, Sz. FUS 58,
Hajd US 22O, It. LC 56, Dcsy UP 7O, Lgc. SWL 114, Srb. IMMJ 25-6, Rmb. 54-5, Trj. VD 54-5, Ht. XJ 3O9 Sm: Slq Tz {Hl.}
translative -qo (for nouns with px.), -t-qo (< gen. -n + -qo) and possibly infinitive marker -qo; it is interesting to note that Cs. and Lh.
sometimes wrote the translative marker qo as a separate postposition: {Cs.} Iait qo iand? 'warum liegst du?' Hl. SelJ 365-9, 371,
K. SUKF I 99-1OO, Hj. LIKSz 124, 128 & Hj. LIS 271 (in both papers Hajd explains the Slq endings as going back to U 'I-lative),
? K. SUKF I 1OO, 145-51 ( : Slq qo interptreted as a prtc. 'V/IX 'being') ll A: T '-Ia / '-Ia 'to' (dative-directive case marker) >
OT O -qa/-Ia, OT Y/U -qa/-qa/-ya/-ga, OT Og -qa/-qa/-ya/-ga/-|a/-|a, OT [different dialects] (after ppa.) -a/-a, ET, VTt,
Bsh -qa/-Ia/ -ya/-ga, Uz -qa/-Ia/-ya, Qmq, Qzq, Qq, Nog -qa/-Ic/-ya/-gc, Shor, Tv -qa/-Ic/-ya/-yc & (with vowel stems) -:
(lengthening of the stem-final vw.), Qrg -qa/-qo/-Ic/-Io/-ya/-yo/-gc/-go, StAlt id. & (with vowel stems) -:, Xk
-_a/-_o/-Ic/-Io/-ya/-yo/-gc/-go/-:, Yk -ya with 2O positional allomorphs, Az -a/-a/-|a-/-|a-, Tkm -a/-a/-:, Tk -a/-c/-ya/-yc, Slr
-qa/-Ic/-Ia/-(y)a/ -(g)c/-(g)a, Chv -a/-c Ajd. JOP 149-53 (wrongly interprets the Runic letter a as c - Thomsen LM), Kon.
GJTRP 149, 153-4, Nas. JTPU 36-8, Isx. IS 1O3-19, Tn. SJ 1O6-7 M: acc. to Rm. VAJ 39-4O, the fossilized affix
'-ya (< 'qa) (loc. and possibly dir.) is preserved in an adv.: WrM qami-ga - qaga, HlM xaa 'where?' ({Rm.} 'wo?, 'wohin?'), to
which we may add WrM qaga yaga 'here and there' MED 9O5, 923 ?? Tg '-I- within the lative-prolative sx. '-Ii preserved in
some adverbs (e.g. 'sola-Ii 'upstream' > {Ci.} Ewk soloIi, Neg soloxi, Lm holaIi, Ud soloixi, Ul soli) and in the compound sx. of
the allative case '-ti-Ii- (> {Ci.} Ewk -tIi, -tiIi, Sln -txi, -tixi, Neg -tIi, -tixi, Lm -tIi, -taIi, Ud -tigi) Ci. 256, 268-9, Bz. 85-7
Ko: Rm. VAJ 41-2, BooK 51 and after them IS I 369 assume that the Ko cognate of the above A sx. is Ko NW -(c)gc (dative). In
fact, Ko NW -(c)gc goes back to MKo -ny Ioy, i.e. gen. ending -ni_ + dative postposition Ioi_ 'to', e.g.
arahanqny-Ioi_ - arahanqIy-Io_ 'to the arhat' ( Lee GKS 2O3-4). Lee Gi-Moon (l.c.) identifies this postposition Ioi_ with the adv.
Ioi_ 'an dem Ort'. The A et. of the Ko dative marker is valid only if MKo Ioi_ 'in the place' may be connected with T '-Ia/'-Ia,
which is qu. Rm. VAJ 39-42 ll D dative marker '-I (postcons.) / '-II (postvoc.) [= {Zv.} '-(I)Iu] > OTm, ClTm, Ml
-Iu/-IIu, OTl -Iu(n) - -Ii(n), CollTm, Tl -Iu - -Ii, Irl -(I)Ic - -(I)Iyc, Kt, Td -I/-g, OKn, ClKn -Ic/-IIc, -gc/-ggc, Kdg -Ii / -gi,
Tu -II/-gI, Klm, Prj, Gdb S -(u)q (< "empty morph" -n- + '-I), Prj N -(u)g, Knd -q, Gnd -I, Kui -gi/-Ii, Ku -(t)aIi - -Ii, Krx
-gc(:)/-Ic(:), Mlt -(i)I 'to' (dat.), Brh -Ii 'for' Zv. CDM 29-31, Shanm. DN 264-368, 378-81 ll ? IE: NaIE 'I'u 'towards' > Sl
'I+(n) id. > OCS, OR k+, R i / io, SCr I / Ia`, Slv I, Cz I / Ic, Blg ? i; in Blg ix'towards' the element -xis secondary ( ix
'near, oiono' [ L cum 'with'?] || Sgd Iu (Sgd B/M ?Iv, Iv, Iv?, ChrSgd qv) 'to' (direction, dative), 'in' The IE cognate is qu. ,
because there is an alt. et. of the Sl and Sgd forms drawing them back to IE 'Iom / 'Im (> OI Iam [after dative] [reinforcing pc.:
dat. + Iam = 'in order to': su'bhc Iam 'um zu glnzen'], Av Iam [benefactive postposition after dat.] 'in favour of') Vs. II 146-7,
LivXr SJ 5O5, Bn. SI 7O-3, M K I 159, M K III 664, M E I 3O4-5, ? P 515-6 (an unc. hyp. drawing back Sl 'I+ 'towards' to IE
'Ia(:) - 'Ic - 'Iom 'wohl'), EtSSJ-SGZ I 99-1O6, ESSJ XIII 17O-1, unc. : EI 646 [Sl 'I+ < IE 'Io(m) 'with'] ll ?? K: MG [VTq]
Icn (postposition of direction), G -Icn(a) 'to, towards' (dir. case marker) DCh. 6O3, NCh. 246, Vogt GLG 72, Chx. 365 The G
cognate is doubtful because this postposition\ending is added to the gen. form of the noun, which suggests that it goes back to a pre-G
or pK noun ^ IS I 368-9 (HS, U, A, D), Gr. I 137-9 ("dative KA" in A, Ko, U, Y, Gil, CK). IS I 368 sees a M cognate in the lative sx.
'-gsi / '-gsi within adverbs, which is not certain; I prefer to equate this M sx. with the FU translative marker '-Isi (> F -Isi, -Isc, Mr
-Is) and to look for their common N source without necessarily connecting it to the N etymon in question.
983a. ??? 'K'A?ibV or 'K'i?AbV ('I-?) 'cold, ice' HS: Eg fP Ib(b) 'be\become cool', Eg fMK Ib(b) 'die Khle',
DEg Ib 'khl sein, khl, sich khlen' > Cpt: Sd kao Iba - kae Ibo, B aea I"bob id. EG V 22-4, Er. 533, Vc. 71 || C: EC 'Iab-
'cold' > Sml qabov, Rn '_obo 'coolness; cool', Arr Iabbanov- 'become cold', Iabbat 'cold thing, cold', Or Iabbana, Kns
qaanav-, Gdl Iaanav- 'become cool' || Ag 'Ia(n)b- 'be cold' (with a puzzling 'n): Bln {R} Ianb--Iamb-. Q {R} Iab-,
Ianb- Bl. 18O, Ss. PEC 49, Ss. EDB 112, AD SF 81, Hn. S 71 (pSam 'qabo 'cold'), PG 191, Hw. A 377, R WB 223 AD SEC
135 & OS #332 (both: EC, Eg) ll K: G Ioica 'frozen ground' Chx. 613 ll D (in NED) 'Iiv- > Krx Iiba 'frost, ice', Mlt {Drs.}
Iivc 'cold, cool' D #1618 ^ N '? is suggested by K ('?b > K '). If the K cognate is valid, the N initial cns. is 'I- ^ Blz. LB
#26c & Blz. LNA #32 (HS, D) (Blz. LNA: N 'IibV).
984. 'Io?bE 'to fill; whole' > HS: S 'I?b > Ar q?b 'boire beaucoup et se remplir de' (with min + name of beverage) [ N
'Iab?X 'to bite' ( 'to eat')], ? Ak gabbu 'entirely, all, every' BK II 656, CAD V 4-5 ?? C (SC?) 1 Mb
Iabuna - xabuna 'all' E SC 249 ll K: G I Iaan- 'schwer beladen', G Ivcb- v. 'feed' ('nhren, fttern') Chx. 549, 576 ll A
'Ij`,o`E v. 'be full, whole' > NaT 'Ij`,o- 'abundant, much' ( N 'IuPV 'heap, hill'?) > OT Io 'abundant, luxuriant, much',
Chg, OXwT, Osm {Rh.} Io, ET, Nog, Qzq, Qq, Qrg, StAlt, Xk, Tv Io, VTt, Bsh Iu, SY {Tn.} Io" - Ic", Tf Io''
'much, many', Tkm, Kr, Qmq Io, Uz iyAn Iu id., 'very'; here also (?) Tv xoy 'much, many' Tf I- points to a pT lenis 'I-,
while Osm, Tkm I- (and Tv x-?) favour the rec. of a pT 'I`- Cl. 686-9, DTS 317, Rs. W 219, ET KQ 1O7-8, Rh. 158O, S AJ 187
[#115], TvR 258, 488, Tn. SJJ 187, Ra. 2O4 M 'Ioub-cin 'whole, all' > WrM Iobcin, HlM xnnu, xnnunn 'whole, complete,
all, everything', Ord g_u'b_c`in 'tout, tous', WrO Iubcin 'entirely, wholly, all', MM [S] gubcin 'ganz, vllig, alles, insgesamt'; M
1WrMc gubci id., Mc Sb /gufoci/ [gufct] 'entire, whole' MED 475, Ms. O 273, Krg. 749, H 51, Hr. 378, Y #2812, STM I 426
Tg: [1] 'jx,uIa- 'all' > Ewk uIat/-, Ewk M/Nr/Tk/Tt/Urm uIal, Ewk Tng uIa-t, uIa-l, Ewk Tkm oIat 'all, everybody,
whole', Neg oIal, Ud ufal 'everybody' STM II 281 Tg 'Iuu-(-Itc, -lV) 'whole' > Ewk IuIts - IuvuIti, Lm Iubo, Neg, Nn
IuuIts, Ul Iuts, Ork qoolo, IuuIts, Iuucu 'whole', Sln xoIIo|i 'entirely', Ud Iufula " Iufuls id., 'everywhere' Tg 'I-
(for 'x, that is expected in the N context) needs explanation (regr. as ?) ? pJ {S} 'Iua-a- v. 'add' > OJ Iuaa-, J: T
Iuvac- - Iuvac-, K Iuvac-, Kg Iuvac- S AJ 271 [#176], S QJ #176, Mr. 718 S AJ 27, 285 [#233], DQA #884 'Io`V
'all (ncc")' (T, M, Tg 'IuuItc, without pJ, which was mentioned in earlier versions [SDM95, SDM97]) ll D 'Io- ({GS} 'I-) v.
'be full' (- v. 'fill') > Prj Io- v. 'be full', Ioi- v. 'fill up', Gdb Io- v. 'be full', Iou- v. 'fill', Iocn 'full', Mnd IuIi- v. 'fill',
Ku Iuu anay v. 'overfill'; Tm Iuam may go back to a coalescence: D 'Io- v. 'be full' 'Iu- 'heap' D #1731(a) (does
not disinguish 'Io- v. 'be full' and 'Iu- 'heap'), cp. GS 5O [#124] ('Iu- 'heap').
985. ''Iuj?,bE 'thorn' > IE: NaIE 'Icu_b- 'thorn, thorny plant' > OHG hiufo 'haw, wild rose, hawthorn', MHG hicfc, NHG
Hicfc 'hip, haw', NNr h|ua, OSx hioo 'hip', AS hcoa 'hip, brier', NE hi (a plant) || Pru Iaaubri ({En., Tp.}: ce. for 'Iaubri)
'thorn' WP I 38O-1, P 595 (wrong rec. of 'I-), OsS 4O3, Ho. 157, Ho. S 34, Kb. 471, Lx. 88, KM 3O7, En. 186, Tp. P I-K 1O4-6
ll HS: CS 'Iubb- 'thorn, a pricky plant' > MHb buk` Iub (pl. Iub'b-im, Iub'b-in), JA [Trg], JPA aB1uk`, aB1k`8 Iub'b-a id., Sr
Iub'b-a 'spina, baculus spinosus', Ar [Qam.] {Fr.} Iubb- 'salsa et amara planta' Br. 315, Lv. II 282-3, Js. 616, Fr. IV 2 ll ?? K: G
Lch Io-i 'nave, hub of a wheel (of a two-wheeled bullock car)' ( N 'IuPV 'heap, hill; cone, protuberance'?), as well as possibly
G Iubcra 'hrchen (an der Getreidehre)', G I IiIia 'collar-bone', G R IiIia 'chickenss forked bone (furcula)' Chx.
594, 612-3, 635 The glottalization of the labial cns. may be due to as ll ? A: M 'Iogul (if from ''Iobul) > WrM Iogul, Kl
i' in Iogol, {Rm.} Iogl 'blackthorn, Prunus spinosa' MED 481, KRS 31O, KW 236 ^ The IE '-b- for '-b"- is explained by
one of the IE incompatibility laws. In S a deglottalized 'I-. If the N etymon is ''Iu?bE, we have to assume that S and IE lost the
precons. '?, while in Kartvelian the N cluster '-?b- yielded '--.
986. 'Kab'i?V 'wickerwork, bag, vessel' > HS: S: [1] S 'Iaby- 'wickerwork; vessel' > Ak {Sd.} Iabu 'Geflgelstall',
Iabut-u 'Becher, Kelch', Sr 'jobe Icb'ya 'Behlter' [2] CS 'Iabb- '() vessel' > BHb bq@ Iab '() a measure of capacity',
IA Ib, JA, JEA aB1q@ Iab'b-a, Sr Iab'b-a id. (S 1 Gk ko|o) id.) and Plm Ib 'crater, bowl (?)' Ell. 147, BDB 866
[#6894], Lv. IV 232-3, Sl. 977-8, Br. 639, KBR 1O6O, Sd. 889-9O, F I 75O Eg fMK Iby 'jar for beer' [> Cpt B kuat,
koau 'cruche'] EG V 25, Fk. 277, Vc. 71 WCh (mte ) 'IabV 'basket' > Su {J} Iabcn 'game-bag made of leaves' | DfB {J}
Iaba 'basket', Sha Iaba 'basket for millet' | ( N 'IabV 'calabash, gourd', q.v. ffd.) Hs Ia`baIi ' large calabash for food'
Stl. ZCh 2O5 [#561] ('IabbV 'calabash'), Ba. 515, J S 68, J R 216, 286, Sch. DN 92-3 ll IE: NaIE 'Ia- 'vessel, box' (IE '-- <
'-b?- < N '-bi?-) > Gk kot 'a crip for the food of cattle' || L caula 'scoop', caulus 'coffin', cacd-o / -inis '() an earthern bowl
used in sacrifices', casa 'box, case (for books, etc.)', casus 'Wagenkasten' || OHG hafan, havan 'dish, vessel, kettle', NHG Hafcn
'earthern pot\vessel' P 527-8, WH I 157, 162-3, F I 783, Kb. 421, OsS 361, Schz. 158, KM 28O ll A: NaT 'I`ab 'bag, sack' >
OT qab 'leather bag, wine-skin', OQp XIII ?Qa qa, Cum XIV ha 'sack', Chg XV qab 'vessel, wine-skin', Osm XVI qav 'a sloughed
snakes skin', Tkm qa 'sack, earthenware', Tk Ia 'earthenware, dishes, vessel', Az ia6 gab 'vessel, case', Ggz Ia 'earthenware',
ET, Ln, SY, Qmq, Nog, Qzq, Qq, Bsh, Qrg qa, Uz on qo, Xk, Tv _a 'sack', VTt qa 'sack of bast mat', Alt qa 'leather bag'
Cl. 578, ET KQ 266-7, TAG 86, Df. III #1364, Hs. 67 M (d ?) 'qabturgan 'bag' > MM [MA] {Pp.} qabturga 'pocket', WrM
qabtagan, HlM xanria 'bag, pouch, purse; pocket', Ord g_ab_t`arga 'small bag, purse for tabac and pipe', WrO _abtaya - _abta_a
'bag, pouch, pocket', Kl xanrx, {Rm.} _at
_a 'pocket', Kl {Rm.} _atrya 'Beutel, Tasche'; M 1 Alt {Rm.} qatirya 'small
leather bag' MED 899, Kow. 76O, Gl. II 86, Pp. MA 285, Ms O 282, Krg. 238, KRS 562, KW 167 pJ {S} 'Iai 'shell' > OJ
Iai_i, J: T Iai, K Iai, Kg Iai id.; the adduction of pJ 'Iai 'egg' (as in DQA) is unc. S QJ #149, Mr. 433 Cp. DQA
#972 [A 'I`a`a 'a k. of vessel, box': incl. T 'KaircaI & M 'qayurcaq - 'qayircaq (possibly derived words), J 'Iai 'egg,
shell'] ll ?? K: G Iuricli, Sv Iur 'wine-skin' ( N 'I'uryVV 'sack, wicker basket' [q.v. ffd.]) ^ If the K word belongs here
(in spite of the unexpected vw. u), the initial N cns. is 'I-, otherwise (which is more plausible) one cannot distinguish between 'I-
and 'q-.
987. 'Iab?X 'to bite' ( 'to eat') > IE: NaIE 'gcb"- v. 'eat, gnaw, chew' > Lt zc'biu / zc'bti v. 'eat slowly',
zc'biu / zc'bcti 'essen, picken' | Sl 'zoba-: pSl inf. 'zobati 'to eat' > OCS ueco:u izobati 'to eat up' ['aufessen, verzehren'] (of
a person), eeco:u ozobati 'to eat off, destroy [e. g. vineyard]' (of an animal), ueeco:u ozobati 'to eat\peck up' (of birds), Blg
:o6ax, SCr zobati, Slv zobati, Blr :a'6an", ':o6an", Uk ? :o'6arn, Cz zobati, Slk zobat` 'to eat (esp. corn, fodder - of
animals)'; - Sl 'zob+ 'food (corn) for animals' > Blg :o6 id., Slv zob f. 'fodder corn', SCr zob id., 'oats', Cz zob 'fodder for
birds', P zob 'fodder (iopx)' || MHG Iifcn 'to gnaw, chew' NaIE 'gcmb"- 'bite' (a variant stem with a nasal infix - probably,
originally the stem od the present) > OI |ambhatc 'snaps at', caus. Vd |am'bhayati 'crushes to pieces', Av ham zombayaovcm
'zertrmmert!' (imv. 2p) || Arm camem camcm 'I chew' (aor. camei camcc"i), cameli camcli 'jaw, cheek' || Lt zcmbiu / zcmbti
'cut to pieces' | Sl 'zcb-o / 'zc-ti 'tear asunder, lacerate' > OCS aca zcb-o / 'a:u zc-ti 'lacerare', R : 6", Uk : '6n 'land
ploughed in autumn for spring sowing' - 'gomb"o-s 'tooth' ( NaIE 'gcnb"-/'gnob"- 'peg, stick' < N 'ganjV,'V 'stick,
stake, picket', q.v. ffd.) P 369 (on 'gcmb"-, 'gomb"o-), M K I 419, F I 319-2O, Kb. 527, Lx. 1O7, O 82, Glh. 699-7O2, BES I
65O-1, SJSS XII 692, XIII 755, XXIII 524-5 & XXVI 115, Frn. 1288-9, 1294-5, Srz. I 1O15, Vs. II 1O2, 1O6, 11O-1, Vr. 299, Ho.
43, Ho. S 4O, OsS 47O-1, Slt. 254-5, Wn. 186, Ad. 194, Ad. H 34, 38, ? P 382 (does not distinguish IE 'gcb"- 'eat, gnaw, chew'
from 'gc(")- - 'gcb" 'jaw, mouth') IE 'g- for the expected 'I- is due to the IE root structure rejection of ''tcg"- (vl. + asp.
vd. cns. in the same v) The IE nasalized stem 'gcmb"- may have been influenced by the reflex of N 'K'cmV 'bite' (q.v.) ll HS:
WS 'Ib? - 'I?b > Ar qb? 'manger, se remplir de boisson', q?b 'manger et boire, prendre ce qui est dans un vase' ( N
'Io?bE 'to fill; whole'); (??) +ext. : S 'Ibc > Mh, Hrs Ibs v. 'sting, bite' (of a scorpion\snake) BK II 656-7, Jo. M 222, Jo.
H 73 ll K: GZ 'Ib- v. 'bite' - 'Ib-cn-/'Ib-in- v. 'bite' > OG, G Ibcn- / Ibin-, Mg Iibir-, Lz Iibin- v. 'bite'; - K
'Ib-il- tooth' > OG, G Ibili, Mg Isbir- - Iibir-, Lz Iibi(r)- - Iibr- - Iirb- - cibr- id. K 1O6-7, K
87, Schm. 16-7, FS K
171 ll A: ? AmTg 'Icu- v. 'gnaw, bite' > Orc Isuti- id., 'gnaw through', Ud Isfugs- v. 'bite in pieces' ('pa:ipi:ar"') '-- is
from A '-`- < N '-b?-; Tg 'I- for the expected 'x- may be due to a secondary association with an onomaopoeic word (Neg, Ork
Isur-Isur - an imitation of the sound of gnawing) unless the onomatopoeia is secondary and goes back to the v in question STM
I 452 ? T 'Ia- v. 'bite' ( T ''I`a- 'seize' < N 'Kaa - 'Kaa id.) > Az, Tkm ga-, Nog qab-, ET {BN} qa- v. 'bite', Qq
qa-, Qzq qab- id., v. 'seize with the teeth', Uz on- qo- v. 'bite' (of animals), VTt qab- v. 'take into the mouth, seize with the
teeth', Qrg, StAlt qa- v. 'seize with mouth\teeth', Bsh qab- v. 'bite', Tf qa'- v. 'seize with the mouth (a flying insect)', v. 'bite' (of a
fish), Chv xin- xi/b_- v. 'take into the mouth, eat' Rs. W 218, ET KQ 264-6, Ra. 218, Ash. XVI 84, Hs. 73, TkR 154, KrkR 373,
MM 419, NogR 131, TatR 2OO, Jud. 343, BT 72, UzR 622, BN 118, Fed. II 38O The merger of T 'Ia- v. 'bite' with T 'I'`a-
'seize' explains the polysemy in Az ga- v. 'grasp, bite', Qq qa-, Qzq qab- id., 'seize with the teeth', Tkm ga- v. 'catch [sth. thrown
in the air], seize, bite', Chv xi- v. 'take into the mouth, seize', Qrg qa- v. 'seize with hands, seize with the mouth\teeth', etc.; there is
also infl. of the onomatopoeic factor. The back vw. 'a may be explained by those two factors and/or by vw. harmony: 'Ij`,aX >
'Ia- ll D 'Iavv- - 'Ia-, {GS} 'Iabb- > Tm Iavvu (p. Iavvi), Iauvu (p. Iauvi) v. 'seize with the mouth', Iavvu n. 'bite,
seizing by the mouth (as dog), eating', Iau v. 'gorge, cram into mouth', Ml IauvuIa v. 'seize with mouth, bite', IauIa 'snap at,
eat as a dog or madman', Tl Iavvu v. 'seize by mouth', ? Png/Mnd Ia- 'bite', Kui Iavali giva v. 'chew the cud', Ku gab- v. 'eat fast',
? Ia- v. 'eat fast like a dog'; D 1OI Iavala 'mouthful, morsel', Pali Iabala 'small piece, mouthful'; the variant 'Ia- may be due
to contamination with N 'Kaa - 'Kaa 'to seize' D #1222, GS 1O7 [#279] ll ?? U: FU 'Ia- > Er ? {Jv.}
iano(cxc Iaod-cms 'to swallow', Mk 'iano(cxc Iaod-oms id., ? {Jv.} 'to take sth. into the mouth' ( 'KaV 'to seize') ('-b?-
> '-- > FU -'- > Mr -n-) [ FU {Sz.} 'Ia- 'grasp, take' < N 'Kaa - 'Kaa 'to seize'] Jv. 176, PI 1O1-2 ^ IS I 313-4
(does not distinguish between this v and 'KaV '') Gr. II #60 ['Ic 'bite'].
988. 'KEbLV (or '-Lb-?) 'to support, lean' (> 'to help') > IE: NaIE 'Iclb- - 'Icl- - ?? 'gj",clbj",- 'help' (different results of
compulsory dis from the original 'Iclb"-, due to the IE root-structure rejection of ''tcg"- (vl. + asp. vd. cns. in the same v) > Gt
hilan, ON h|ala, OSx, AS hclan, NE hcl, OHG hclfan, NHG hclfcn 'to help' || Lt scliu / sclti v. 'support', (NaIE
'gj",clbj",- >) OLt gclbti, Lt gclbc'ti, Ltv g'clbct 'to help', Pru galbimai 'we help' WP I 447, P 554, EI 266 ('Iclb-), Fs. 255-
6, Vr. 231, Ho. 154, Kb. 451, Schz. 163, KM 3O2, Frn. 144, 971-2, En. 17, Tp. P E-H 134-6 ll HS: B Ibl v. 'support' > Ah oIbol
'soutenir (empcher de tomber en tayan par dessus ou par ct)', ETwl, Tyr oIbol 'soutenir, maintenir debout' Fc. 729-3O, GhA 88
ll A: M ''Iclbc- ( N 'KiylVi 'to bend, to bow'): 'Iclbcy- v. 'lean, bend to one side' > WrM Iclbcy-, HlM xyn6nn- v. 'lean (to
one side)', Kl {Rm.} Iclvi-xo 'sich lehnen, seitwrts biegen', M 1 WrMc Iclfi- v. 'lean, incline to one side'; M 'Iclbcri- > WrM
Iclbcri-, HlM xyn6ypy-( x) 'lean, incline'; MM [S] Iclbcrivul- (caus. of Iclbcri-) 'schief\schrg werden lassen', Iclbcs 'mir einer
Wendung' MED 446, 45O, 467, Kow. 2531-2, Ms. H 69, H 97, KW 224, Z 269-7O.
989. 'I'aca 'to cut' > IE: NaIE 'Ics- v. 'cut, stab, chop' > OI sas- v. 'cut down, slaughter' || Gk kcoe v. 'split, cleave, Gk
Hm kciev acp. 'cleaving' || OIr ccs 'spear' || ON hcs 'Wirbelzapfen im einem Spannriemen' - NaIE {P} 'I,stro- 'knife, spear,
javelin', {EI} 'Ios-trom - 'Ios-d"rom 'cutting instrument, knife' > OI sastram 'knife, dagger' || Gk kcoto {LS} 'hammer,
bolt' ({By.} 'marteau pointu, poinon') || pAl {O} 'ccstra > Al thadcr 'adze' || d : L castro, -arc v. 'castrate' P 586, Mn. 494,
614, EI 336, F I 8O6, F I 82O-1 (kcoto kcvtce v. 'prick, goad'), LS 944, WH I 179-8O, M K III 319, M E II 626, Vn. C 79,
Vr. 225, YGM-1 84, O 471 ll K {IS} 'Iac`-/'Ic`- v. 'cut', (?) 'chop' > Sv {Ni.}, Sv UB {IS Top.} Ic- 'chop', {GP} msd.
li-Ic-c 'chop down (a tree)', {IS Top.} na-Iacv 'scar (py6cn)', {GP} na-Iacv 'chopped; wounded with a knife', Sv L {IS
Top.} Ic- v. 'cut', {Dn.} Ic-/Iic- 'cut off' IS I 32O, GP 175, 23O (with I for I due either to the idiolect of the lge. speaker
[Ms. Chato Gudjedjani] or to inaccurate recording), Dn. s.v. Iicll HS 'IVs- >
S: [1] 'Iss > BHb Iss Po (3m ip.
xx4&qi^ yoIo'scs) 'tear out, pluck out' [Ex. 17.1] (a qu. traditional interpretation based on the JA Targum translation Fyqi 'he will
pluck'), MHb {Lv.} ex1x1q^ Iosa'sa, pl. t&xx1q^ Iosa'sot 'abgeschnittene Stcke, Erdschollen', MHb Iss (pf. xx2q!
Ia'sas) 'zerkauen'; [2] S 'Icc - 'Icy v. 'cut off' (as 'Ic < 'Is) [ N 'IUcV 'to cut/chop into small pieces' N 'IUcV
'shorten by cutting' N 'Kcc`'a 'tip, end (extremity)'] > BHb Icc D (pf. C4q% Iic'ccc) v. 'chop off, trim', Ug
Isjs, {OLS} 'cut (trinchar)', Sr Iss ( Ias) 'cut off', JA {Js.} Icc G (pf. q@ 'Ias - c2q^ Io'cac) 'cut, fell',
JEA {Sl.} Icc G 'cut down\off', Ar qss G (pf. WQa qassa) v. 'cut, cut off', Ak {Sd.} Iss (inf. Iasasu)
'abschleifen'; CS 'Icy > BHb Icyv D (pf. eC1q% Iic'ca) 'cut off piece by piece by piece, break\chop off', Pun Isy D
v. 'cut, extirpate', JA {Js.} Icy (pf. ic4q^ Io'cc) - Icv (pf. ac1q^ Io'ca) 'cut, break into pieces', JEA Icy G 'cut off,
set aside', Sr Isv (pf. co Iosa), ChrPA c Is? (= Isv) v. 'break off (bread)', Ar qsv (pf. 'caQa qasa) 'couper le
bout dune oreille (dune chamelle\brebis)', [3] S 'Ism v. 'cut' > MHb {Js.} Ism Sh 'cut', SmA Ism v. G 'divide', Ar qsm v.
G 'divide, distribute, separate', Ak Ism (inf. Iasamu) v. 'cut (trees, wood), cut weeds, cut/chop herbs' (with reg. deglottalization
responsible for the absence of 'Is-roots in Ak), MHb {Lv.} Mx4iq5 Ii'scm 'chip, splinter', JEA {Sl.} am1x6iq$ Ics'ma 'chip'
(1 NHb Mx1iq$ Ic(y)'sam id.); S 'Ism v. 'practice divination' (> Hb, SmA, Sr, Md, Sb, Gz Ism id.) hardly belongs here, it is
semantically nearer to WS ''IisjV,m- 'share' ( 'lot') [see N 'Kavc`V 'share' (n.) ( 'present' n., 'fate')] CAD VIII 24O-1, BK II
737-9, 756, Klein 577, 585, HJ 1O22, KB 1O41-2, 1O46, 1O5O-1, KBR 1116, 1125-6, BDB ##7O96, 7112, OLS 376, Js. 1397,
14O5, 14O7, Sl. 1O14, 1O33-4, Tal 789, Sd. 457, Lv. IV 346-7, 362 ? B ys (< 'qs), 'qqs ( N 'IUcV 'to cut\chop into
small pieces') > Tz -yas- (- -yaz-) 'zwicken, stechen', Izd {Mrc.} qqos 'piquer (insecte)', Kb yyusu 'tre fendu' Stm. 181, Dl. 629,
Mrc. 193 ll U: FU (att. in Prm) 'IacV- v. 'cut' > pPrm {LG} 'Ioc- v. 'cut' ( 'cause pain') ({LG} 'py6nr", pc:ar", ionor"') >
Vt iaua- Iaca- vt. 'skin and chop to pieces (a carcass)', {Mu.} Iacal- (= Iacal-) v. 'cut\chop to pieces (meat, wood), Z
iouo-i Iocsg 'colic', Z Sk Iocsg bIcIs 'has a stitch in his side' (LG consider the correlation Z o Vt a to be a typical reflex of 'o
when followed by a palatal cns.) ll ? A: Tg 'xc|c- v. 'unrip, rip up' > Nn xss-li- - xss-ci- id., xss-Is unripped', Ul
xss-li- - xss-cs-, Ork xsds-i-, Orc ssti-, Ud sssi-, Ewk, Neg s|s-, Lm sd- / s|- v. 'unrip, rip up' STM II 439, Krm. 313
DQA #1O21 (A 'I`c:ao 'rip, tear apart': incl. Tg) The voicing of the intervoc. N affricate in Tg still defies explanation ll ??
D (in CD) 'Icc- ({GS} 'I-) to shave' (with obscure length and quality of the vw.) ( N 'KayCa 'hair'??) > Prj Icc-, Gdb Ics-
id., Gdb Icsal 'razor' D #1995 ^ IS I 32O-1 [#196] (HS, K, IE + U 'Iacn / Iccn 'knife, point', ?A 'I`asa, ?D 'Iacc- v.
'bite'). A {DQA} 'I`asi 'to cut; piece' (> T 'I`asa-) hardly belongs here because of the irreg. 's (for the expected affricate). D
'Iacc- v. 'bite' is not a reliable cognate (?). The forms ascribed by IS to the U v 'Iacn/Iccn belong in fact to FU 'IccV 'knife'
(UEW 142) and to FU 'Iaca 'Ende, Spitze' (UEW 11O) [actually from N 'Kcc`'a 'tip, end'].
99O. 'I'acV 'wild goat', ' antelope' > K 'Ivic- 'female ibex' > Sv UB/LB/L/Ln {TK} Ivic-ra id., OG Iicv-, G ?, Mg
Ivic- 'colt' K
95, TK 354-5, Ni. s.v. io:a ll HS: B [1] 'ys'y 'goat, sheep' > ETwl, Ty tc-ysc (pl. ta-ysivcn) 'goat, sheep', Ah
{Fc.} ti-ysc, Gh {Nh.} ci-_si, Kb ti_si 'goat', Izn, Rf ti-_si (pl. Izn ti_osvin) 'sheep' ?? [2] 'Iss > Tmz {MT} a-Isas (pl.
i-Isas-n) 'mouton laine courte ou frise', ? Kb Iss 'commencer brouter (agneau, chevreau)' GhA 73, MT 351, Dl. 424-5, 9O8,
Fc. 9O8, 1781, Rn. 366 NrOm {Blz.} 'Ics- 'goat' > Bnc {Wdk.} Ic`s, Gmr {Bul.} iyn id. Blz. OL #147, Wdk. BY 1O5
Ch: WCh: Hs Iacavri 'male duiker' (unless from Niger-Congo lgs., Hehe {Sk. ?} Iicimba 'dikdik'), Ngz {Sch.} gasIai_
'roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus koba)' || CCh: Mkt {Sk. ?} Iucub 'gazelle' (unless from the aforementioned Niger-Congo
source), Klb Iusisi 'goat' Ba. 586, Sch. DN 7O, Sk. HCD 14O ll A: T 'I`ai ({Md.} 'I`cc`i) 'goat' > NaT 'I`ai > OT Og,
Chg, Kr Iaci, Tk Icci, Az, Ggz Icci, MQp {Cl.} Iaci - Iasi, Tkm, NWXT A, NrXT D1/Shu/Ze, NETX G/J/L gcci, SEXT
Chs, SWXT H/QB/SA gaci, SEXT XO gacci, NrXT D2, NWXT ShT gccci, NrXT Dg gcci, SWXT J/PK gaci, NrXT L,
NEXT M, NrXT Q gcci, SEXT R gatci, Xlj {DT} gocu, VTt Iaa, Bsh Iaza, ET K {Bu.} IacIi || Chv
iaua Ia_a, iauaia Ia_a-g_a id.; it is not clear if NaT 'uIu - (dis ?) 'cIu 'goat' has anything to do with this root, it may
go back to N 'guE 'sheep, goat' (q.v. ffd.) with the T dim. sx '-IV, but mutual infl. of both roots is highly probable Cl. 24,
Rs. W 246, ET VGD 34-6, TL 426, DT 1O8, Bu. II 116, Jeg. 95, Fed. I 242, Md. 35 (pT 'I`cc`i), DH ChT #123 (in word-lists of
different XT dialects), Shch. Zh 117-8 ^ The unexpected labialization in Sv Iv- is still to be explained ^ AD NM #44, S CNM 1O
( NrCs).
99Oa. 'IccV 'clay, earth' > HS: WS 'I'icc- > Ar qiss- 'pltre', Sq {L} qas(s) [= Ias(s)] 'pltre, argile' BK II
745, L S 382-3 ??, WCh: Hs Iasa, Gw {Mts.} Iasa " Iasa 'earth, soil, land' Ba. 575-6 ll K 'Icc- 'clay, clay vessel'
[ 'Io?VcV 'basket' ( 'earthen vessel')] > OG Icc- 'clay, earthen vessel, tile', G Icci, Mg Iici " Icci 'frying pan of clay', Lz
Iic- 'pan of stone', Sv UB/LB/ Ln/L Icc 'large earthern wine pitcher (dug in the eartth)', 'grand pot (creus dans la terre), kvevri'
K 1O8 (GZ 'Icc- 'clay'), K
9O, FS K 175, FS E 191, Abul. 197, Chx. 573, 575, Q 259, TK 347 ll D: SD 'Iccar_- 'mud' > Kn
Icsar 'wet soil, mud', Tu Icsar+ 'mud, mire' D #2O2O ^ Blz. KM 135 [#12] (incl. K, S, Hs, D), Sk. HCD 168 (Hs, Gw +
unc. parallels in branches of HS .
991. 'Iic`V 'thigh muscle' > IE: NaIE 'Ici_s- 'thigh, forearm (Vorderarm), thigh muscle' (infl. of N 'gi'cV 'hip, thigh' [q.v.]?)
> Dt hi|s, hi|zc {vD} 'stuk rookvlees', {P} 'Muskel, Lendenstck, Keule', Dt Lm hics 'popliteal space' || Lt Iis-Ia 'thigh, haunch',
{Frn.} 'Kniekehle, Unterschenkel, Hesse, Hachse (von Tieren)', Ltv cis-Ia 'thigh, haunch' || ?? OI IisIu- 'forearm' (Frn.: I- for the
expected c- due to the infl. of IaIsa 'Achselgrube'; it may alternatively be explained as a Dravidism from ppD ''Iict-) WP I
365, P 543, Frn. 26O, ? M K I 213, M E I 355 (IisIu- 'Stiel einer Axt' later 'fore-arm'), Kar. I 182 (Ltv cisIa & Lt IisIa <
'IiIsa through mt ) ll HS: S ''IisVl- 'thigh muscle' > Ak Iislum, Iaslu 'thigh, thigh muscle (Lende, Lendenmuskel)', BHb lx3k`3
'Icscl, JA [Trg.] Iis'l-a 'loin, side', Ug Isl {A} id. (coll.), {OLS} 'lomo, espalda', SmA (?)Isl 'loins', Md Iusil, Isul, Isil 'sloth (of
flesh)', Ar Iisl- {Fr.} 'nervus dimissus de arcu', {WKAS} 'die Sehne des zum Krempeln der Wolle gebrauchten Bogens' KB 466,
KBR 489, BDB #3689, Js. 654, Tal 4O1, Sd. 486, A #1357, OLS 226, DM 2O8, WKAS K 194, MiK I #1.153.
992. ?? 'IUcV (or 'qUcV) 'to shorten by cutting' > K: either [1] {FS} 'Ivcc- 'cut (off), cut hear' > OG {Abul.} Iucc- v.
'cut\shear (hair)' [Acta 18.18, I Cor. 11.6], mo-Iucc-, da-Iucc- v. 'cut off (hair)', m-Iucc-ari 'barber', G {Chx.} Ivcc-
'beschneiden, krzen, stutzen (z. B. Haare)', Sv {FS} Ivcc-/Ioc- v. 'cut off', Sv {Ni.} Ivc- v. 'cut', Sv UB {GP}
li-Ivcc, li-Ivcc v. 'cut short', verbal nouns of result: mcIvcc 'cut off', naIvic 'cut; fragment', Sv L {Dn.} Iic-/Ic- 'cut\chop off
(a small part)' or [2] K 'qvVc`- > Sv L {Dn.} ot-qvica 'he cut off (e.g. a hand)' FS K 183, Abul. 112, 2O5, 257, 267, Chx.
58O, GP 173-4, 218 (with I for I as in the case of Ic- for Ic-, s.v. 'I'aca 'to cut'), Dn. s.v. Iic and qvic ll HS
'IVc- v. 'cut, cut off' >

S 'Icc v. 'cut off' and 'Iss id. [ N 'I'aca 'to cut', q.v. ffd.] Eg RT iIs 'abschneiden' EG I
138 ? C: Bj {R Stz.} 'I"asa 'Beschneidung' R WBd 15O ll IE: NaIE 'Ij",cs-/'Ij",os- v. 'cut' > pSl 'ccs-/'Iosa:
'ccs- is preserved only in Slv ccs (gen. ccsa) 'splinter, chip' ('"cnia, nyunna'); 'Io'sa 'scythe, cutting weapon' is general
Slavic: ChS keto 'falx', Blg, R, Uk io'ca, Blr ia'ca, SCr Iosa, Slv Iosa, Cz, Slk, P Iosa 'scythe', ChS {Mikl.} keto 'i|uv (a
kind of weapon)', OR, RChS keto 'scythe, pole-axe, battle-axe', OCz Iusa, Iosa 'halberd' ESSJ IV 91 & XI 133, Glh. 335-6, ? P
586 [connects Sl 'Iosa with IE 'Ics- v. 'cut' (cf. N 'I'aca 'cut') in spite of the fact that Sl 'I- does not go back to 'I-] ll D
'Iucc- 'splinter', stump' ( N 'IUcV 'to cut\chop into small pieces', q.. ffd.) ^ The rec. of either 'IUcV or 'qUcV depends on
our choice of the K cognate.
993. 'Io?VcV 'basket' ( 'earthen vessel') > IE {EI} 'I"as- 'basket' - NaIE 'I"as-yo-, 'I"as-lo- 'wicker basket'
('Flechtwerk, geflochtener Korb'), 'I"c(:)sya 'vessel': [1] 'I"as-yo-, 'I"as-lo- 'wicker basket' > L qualu-m - -s id. (<
'I"aslo-m/-s, as can be seen from the dim. quasillu-m/-s - with -s- from an emphatic '-ss-) || pSl 'Iosi ('I"as|os) / gen.
'Io'sa 'basket' > OCS, OR kemi Iosi, Blg, R ? iom, SCr Io`s, Slv Io`s, Cz, LLus Ios, Slk Ios, HLus Io`s, P Iosz, Uk i m
'basket', pSl 'Ioscl+, 'Ioscla, 'Ioscli 'wicker-work, wattling' > LLs Ioscla 'wattle-fence', OP, P Ioszcla, OR kemcai Ioscli
'wicker basket', R io'mcn" id., 'small sack' [2] 'I"c(:)si_a 'vessel' > pSl 'casa 'cup' > OCS, OR vomo casa, R 'uama 'cup,
bowl', Blg 'uama 'a glass', SCr ca`sa 'bowl', Slv casa 'cup, a glass', P czasza, OCz cicsc, Cz cisc 'bowl' | Pru [El.] Iiosi
"Becher"|| OI 'casaIah 'drinking-cup'; Irn 1Arm 4a2ak casaI 'cup, mug, glass' WP I 5O7, P 635, EI 52, WH II 397, M K I
38O, ESSJ IV 3O-1 & XI 187-9, 195-7, Glh. 173, 337, SPS II 117-8, En. 193, Tp. P I-K 371-3, M K I 38O ll HS: S ''Ia?as-
' vessel' > BHb x&k` Ios, SmHb {BH} Iuvvas 'shell-shaped goblet, cup', Ug, Ph, IA, Htr Is, Ph Is (I < 'I...?), SmA xk
Is - xak I?s 'cup', JA ax1k`1 Ia's-a - ax`2 Ias's-a 'cup, calyx', JEA {Sl.} ax1k`1 Ia's-a 'cup, bowl', Sr So Ias / 'soo
Ia's-a, Md Iasa 'drinking-bowl, cup', Ar 1Ka Ia?s- '(wine-)cup', Ak Iasu 'drinking-bowl'; SCn 'Ios- 1 Eg (EgSSc) {Hlk.}
Iu`-ci` 'cup', {EG} Ic 'Krug aus Metall', Eg L I 'vessel of silver' KB 444 (WS A Ak), KBR 466, OLS 225, BH II 491 & IV 136,
HJ 521, 1O18, A #1348, PS 1776, BK II 849-5O, WKAS I 13-4, Js. 652, Sl. 59O, Tal 399-4OO, DM 199, Sd. 454, CAD VIII 253-6,
Hlk. #265, SivCR 9, 2O, 47, 86, EG V 148, Hlk. 523 [#265], Tk. AANM 1 The distribution of the vowels and the glottal stop in the
lgs. provides ev. for a pS ''Ca?aC-structure; the hyp. of Sum origin of the S word is unfounded (CAD VIII 256) B 'I'uss- 'pot,
drinking vessel' > Ah, Gh aIus (pl. iIasson) 'pot, vase pour boire', Gd tuIos (pl. toIosson) id. Fc. 911, Lf. II #O317 C: Ag:
Xm {R} IusIusa (pl. IusIus) 'Wasserkrug'; Ag 1 EthS: Gz I"osI"os 'pitcher, pot', Tgy I"osI"osti 'phial of glass or metal'
(1Af {R} Ius'Iusti 'Gef, Krug, Schale'), Amh I"ssI"sst 'water jug' L G 296, R Ch II 63, R A II 78 Ap. ANH 22 & Tk.
AANM 1 (both: Eg Ic A S) ll K: [1] G Ivacia 'small earthern pot'; [2] K 'Icc- 'clay, earthern vessel' ( 'IccV 'clay, earth', q.v.
ffd.) ll U: FU 'Ioca 'basket (made of birch bark), vessel' > F ? Iosio, IalaIosio 'groer Fischkorb aus Birkenrinde' (Iala 'fish'),
Krl A Ioi_za, Iozi_a 'kleiner Rindenkorb mit Henkel aus Birkenrinde' | Lp: N {Fri.} guossc 'Rindenkorb', T {Gn.} Ii sst c, K
{Gn.} Iu
ss, Nt {Gn.} Iuo
ss 'Tragekorb aus Birkenrinde', Klt {TI} IoccI 'schmaler Korb aus Birkenrinde' | Mk iynn, ? Iocu
'spoon' || ObU 'Ioc- > Vg Ss {Kn.} san-xos 'kleiner Rindenkorb', {BV} canxoc 'uyxanuni [ birch-bark vessel]', Vg LK {Vxr.}
sanxos, sanxos id. (can, san 'Birkenrindenschachtel', 'uyxan [ birch-bark vessel]'); Os: V {Trj.} qotalII, A/UA/Ty/Y/UY
{Trj.} qoti, Vy {Trj.} qotoq 'a birch-bark scoop used to drink water from and to scoop out water from a boat' ({KrT}: Ty qoti,
V qotalqI 'Trinkgef aus Birkenrinde', Vy qocoq 'Rindenschachtel von der Form einer Schpfkelle, die in die Wiege gestellt
wird') UEW 192 (FU 'IucV 'Korb, Schachtel aus Birkenrinde'), 164 (FU 'Ioca id., FU 'Ioca or 'Iuca 'Trinkgef'), Gn. 194,
TI 151, PI 137, BV 99, KrT 345, Trj. S 176, Sm. 544 (FU 'Iuc/si 'birch bark vessel', FP 'Iusi, Ugr 'Iuci [what does Sm.
mean by Chr Iuuzaa, Vt Ioz, Z Iuza, where are they registered?], 'Iucaq id. > FP 'Iuca-, Ugr 'Iuca-) ll A {DQA}
'I`ac`a ' vessel' > Tg 'xau-xan 'cauldron' > Orc xacuan, Ul _acoa(n-) 'cauldron', Ork _atya(n-) 'suspended cauldron', Nn
Nh _aco_a id., Nn KU _aco_oa - _aca id., 'birch-bark box', WrMc _acu_an muccn 'three-legged cauldron', ?
_ancu_a - _ancu_an 'cauldron (for coal)' STM I 464-5, Vv. AEN 1O (believes that in the AmTg lgs. the word id a loan from Mc)
NaT 'Kaa ' vessel' > ET ? {Ml.} qaca 'clay bowl', {Jr.} qaca - qaca - qaci 'bowl, vessel', Tkm qa qaaq 'kitchen
earthenware', Az qab qaaq 'tableware, dishes, kitchen ustensils', Tk IaIacaI id., {Bu.} qa qacaq 'pots and pans') ET KQ
342-3, Rs. W 217, Ml. UN 122, Jr. ET 235, Bu. II 1 ??? M: WrM Iucc ~ gucc, HlM in 'small kettle used for tea, oil, etc.',
WrM {Kow.} Iucc 'theire', Brt icy 'small tea-kettle'; this M word makes the impression of being a loan from some unknown
source and therefore is highly doubtful as a cognate MED 388, 495, Kow. 2613, Chr. 166 S CNM 2 (A 'I`ac`a) DQA #984
(A 'I`ac`V: T, Tg) ll D (in SD) 'Iuoc-a- (+ sx.) ({GS} 'I-, ? '-s-) 'potter' > Tm Iuyam (/ Iucam- as the first member of cds.)
'potter caste', Iuyavan - Iucavan 'potter', Ml Iuyavan - Iusavan id., Tm f. Iuyatti - Iucatti, Ml f. Iuyatti 'potter (woman)',
Tm Io, Kn Iova, Iuvara, Tu Iisavc 'potter' D 1762 ^ IS I 365 [#241] ('KUcn = {?IS} 'KUcV}: HS (incl. S 'Ivsr
'basket'), IE, U, AD NM #23, S CNM 2 (suggested to adduce the T cognate). The change of vowel quality in A ('a for the
expected 'o) is obscure, the word may be a loan Gr. II #75 ('Ioca 'container') [IE, U, J].
994. ? 'Iaj ,ccV 'young man' ( '[grown-up] man') > K 'Iac`- 'man, person' > OG, G Iac-i id., Mg, Lz Ioc- id., Sv:
UB/Ln cas, L cas 'husband' K 1O6, K
87, FS K 17O-1, Schm. 118, Chik. 43, TK 86O-1 ll U 'Iaj:,ca 'young man' > Chr L
iauc Iacc 'bridegroom, young man', {Ps.} Iacc, Chr Y {Tv.} Iac+ 'bridegroom' (Chr 1 Chv iauuaA Iacc+ 'unmarried
young man'; the direction of the borrowing is suggested by the fact that the Chv word is isolated in T and A, while the Chr word has
obvious cognates within U) || Vg: N {Mu.} xus, ML {Mu.} Ihus - Ihus, P {Mu.} Ihus 'servant; knave (of cards)', LL {Kn.}
xus, Ss {Kn.} xuz_ 'id., 'worker, serf', P/SV {Kn.} Ius, NV {Kn.} Ius 'knave (of cards)' | OHg hus - hcs 'young man, hero',
Hg hos, ? hcs 'hero' Sm {Jn.} 'Ia+_sa (= {?Jn.} 'Iao`sa), {Hl.} 'Ia+_sa 'man, person' > Ng d {Mik.} Iodumu, {Cs.}
Iua|umu, En {Ter., Cs.} Iasa, Ne T xacana, Ne O {Lh.} _asa|a id., _asc 'young man', Ne F Ny {Lh.} Ias'sa 'man, young
man', Kms {KD} I`uza, Koyb {Sp.} iy:a 'man, person', Mt {Hl.} 'Iaj:,sa 'person' (Mt: M {Pl.} Iasa, ia:a, {Sp.} ia:i, K/T
{Mll.} chassa, A {Adl.} chasa) Ps OT 57 (Chr 1 Chv), UEW 11O (Chr Y Iac+ 'bridegroom' A Chv), Coll. 15, MRS 184,
WVD VII 133, MK 13O, MTE II 159, EWU 584, Jn. 61, Hl. M #438, Fed. I 242 ^ IS I 315-6 [#191] ('Iacn 'man, young man': K,
U) ^ Sm 'a+_(= {Jn.} 'ao` = {Hl.} 'a+_) points to a additional element (most probably lr.) within a v. This lr. (denoted as 'H)
may be '?, 'h, ' or 'h (because these lrs. only yield zero in K) ^ AD NM #23, S CNM 7 ( NrCs).
995. 'Kavc`V 'share' (n.) ( 'lot', 'fate') > IE: NaIE 'Iau_s- ({WP} 'qaus-) v. 'draw lots' > Gk {LS} kouvo) 'lot'
('Iau_s-no-s) (not kouvo), as was believed earlier, P 537, but kouvo), on the ev. of Herodianus Grammaticus) || Sl 'I+s+ >
RChS, OR k+mi I+si 'lot (Los), fate', ChS, OR k+mu:u ta I+siti sc 'sortiri, cast lots', up1k+mu:u rcI+siti 'to win at dice'
WP I 332, P 537, Ch. 5O6, LS 932, HrdG I 178, Bern. I 672, ESSJ XIII 247, Srz. I 1416 ll HS: WS ''IisjV,m- 'share' ( 'lot') >
Ar qism- 'portion, share', qismat- 'repartition, allotment; lot\fate (decided by God)', Hb Mx3q# 'Icscm {KBR} 'prediction, survey
of future events; decision (by means of an oracle)', Ug Ism 'part, portion', SmA Ism 'division', JA {Lv.} am1x6q%
Iis'm-a Zauberei, Ausspruch', {Js.} 'divination, divining tool', JA {Js.}, JEA {Sl.} Mxq G 'divine', JEA {Sl.} am1x1q@ 'diviner',
Sr Icsma 'lot, sortilege, soothsaying', Plm Ism? 'soothsaying'; hence some d verbs in descendant lgs.: Ar qsm G v. 'divide,
distribute', SmA Ism v. 'divide', BHb Ism G (ip. -Isom) v. 'consult an oracle or the spirit of a dead person, soothsay', JA
Ism, Sr Ism v. 'soothsay', Md Ism v. 'tell fortunes, soothsay, bewitch', Gz ?astaIasama, ?astaIasama 'divine by omens,
foretell by means of magic'; - SmA Ism prt. G 'sorcerer', Sb mIsm 'oracular decision' GB 432, KB 1O42, KBR 1115-6, BDB
#7O81, OLS 226, Js.1397, Sl. 1O3O, Tal 788-9, DM 222, BGMR 1O8, L G 446 SC: Irq {E} qasis- id., {MQK} qasis- id.,
'distribute' || Dhl {EEN} Iat_ao- 'divide' E SC 25O, MQK 85, EEN 19.
996. 'KayCa 'hair' > IE: NaIE 'Iai_s-(Vr-) '(long) hair' > OI Icsara- 'hair, mane' (probably connected with 'Icsra, which
accounts for the cns. s instead of s, WD I 232) || L cacsarics 'hair of head' || Tc A sisri (< 'sisri-) 'mane' || ? BSl ( N
'Ia'cU 'to scratch', q.v.): Lt Iasa, Ltv Iasa 'tress, braid' | Sl 'Io'sa (acc. Io_so) 'hair of the head; tress, braid' > ChS keto Iosa,
Blg io) ca. SCr Iosa, OCz, P Iosa 'hair of the head', OR, RChS keto Iosa, R, Uk io) ca 'tress, braid' WP I 329-3O, P 52O, WH I
133, M K I 268, M E I 4O1, Frn. 226, Vs. II 345, ESSJ XI 131-3, Glh. 335, EI 251 ['I(c)h_isVr- 'mane'] ; ? C op IU IV 152
[#49] [equates IE 'Iai_s- (his 'Iai_-s-) with U 'IayV 'hair'] ll HS: Ch: WCh: Grn G/Mb {Sh.} I'asar 'hair', Jm {Gw.}
IycsIo id., as well as (?) Bg {J} Icbsi, Bg/Kir {Sh.} I'asi id. | ?? Hs gasi (pl. gasusuva, gasu, gasusuIa) 'hair,
feather', Gw gasa 'hair, beard, feather' (if g- instead of I- may be explained by the infl. of nearly-synonymous words like gcza`
'mane' or gizo` 'long matted hair on a mans head', s.v. N 'gc`V ' hair, wool'; alternatively, it may be a loan from Ful gasa
'hair') || ECh: ?? Kbl {Lk.} Icscbo 'hair' JI I 85 & II 176-7, Nw. 27 [#66] (Ch 'gasi 'hair'), Sh. SB 47, Ba. 37O, Mts. G 42, Sk.
HCD 8O, Zb. 19O , Lk. ZSS 92, Blz. LECh #37 ll A: NaT 'I`'aa (or 'I`ca) 'felt' > OT {Cl.} Iaa, Osm XVI Icca,
Chg {PC, Bu.} 8yK Icca, Tk Iccc, Ggz Icca, Az icuo Icca, Tkm Iccc, Xlj {DT} Iaca, ET ? {Ml.} gai " gci,
Chv (A a NaT lge.?) Iissc id.; the rec. of T 'a in the first syll. is based on the OT spelling only and therefore qu. , because the old
etl. distinction of 'a and 'c has not been preserved either in Az or in other modern lgs. with this v ( ADb. SR-D 51-6) Cl. 694, ET
KQ 59-6O, Hs. 16, DT 146, POC 483, Bu. II 116, 174, Jeg. 11O ll ?? D (in CD) 'Icc- ({GS} 'I-) to shave' ( 'I'aca 'to cut',
q.v. ffd.).
996a. 'Kac`V 'be cold, freeze' > HS: S: Ak fOB Iasu 'become cold, cool off', Ak StB/NB Iasu 'cool' (of the evening)
[deglottalization 'I > I- due to the Ak law of incompatibility of two glottalized cnss. in the same root) CAD VIII 269-7O C: EC
{Ss.} 'Iiz- 'cold' > Sd, Ged, Hd Iida, Alb, Qbn Ii'za (deglottalization '-c- > '-z-?) || Ag: Bln {R} IazIaz-, Xm {R}
IazIaz-, Q {R} _c_cz- 'abgekhlt sein\werden, kalt sein'; Ag 1EthS: Tgr IvzIvzv 'be cold', Amh {L} IvzzvIvzv vi. 'cool',
'be cold' (of water) L Z 12O, Ss. PEC 4, R WB 245, LH 257, L CAD 79 NrOm: Ym {Wdk.} Ioco` - Ioco 'be cold' | Shk
{AY| Icc, Mj {Fl.} Icc-us, {AY} Ic?uz, ? Na {AY} Ic?u 'cold' (of air) || SOm: Hm B {Fl.} Isi - Iszi, Hm K {Fl.}
Iaa--Kaza-mu, Bk {Fl.}, Ari G {Fl.} Iazi, Ari U {Fl.} qazi - ?azi, Dm {Fl.} Iizin 'cold' Wdk. BY 129, 148, AY
WShND, Fl. OWL s.v. 'cold', Blz. OL s.v. 'cold' ll U: FP 'IacV 'become cold', 'freeze' (of a person)' > Chr H Iizc- (inf. Iizas)
'feel cold' | Prm 'Ic- > Z io(:i( IsId, Vt ic:"ir IczIt, ? IcIt 'cold', Z Isav-nI 'become cold' UEW 648, Ep. 43, Ber.
17, LG 139 ^ Not here ( Sauv. 106) Mc gcccv 'frost' and Nn gcci (actually gsIci-) 'freeze' (< Tg 'gcIti-, see STM I 178) ^
Blz. LB #26b (HS, U), Blz. LNA #26.
997. 'Kcc`'a 'tip, end (extremity)' > HS: CS 'Iicc- 'tip, end' ( N 'I'aca 'to cut') > BHb q$ Icc / +ppas. Iicc-
(Iic'c-o 'his end') 'end, border', Ug Is 'end, tip', JA q$ Icc / aC1q% Iic'c-a 'end, term', Sr coe Ics's-a, SmA Is
'end'; CS 'Iicc-at- > , Ph Ist cs., Pun eacq Is?h, Plm Ist? 'end, border', Sr oce Ics(o)'t-a (cs. cae Ic'sat)
'extremity, outskirt' KB 1O44-5, KBR 1118, HJ 1O21, A #2434, OLS 375, Tal 793, PS 14O4, JPS 515-6 ll U ''Icca 'tip, point,
end' > (vw. harmony) FU 'Iaca - 'Icca > [1] (from 'Iaca): F Iasa 'sth. protruding, end (Ecke), corner (Winkel)', Es {W}
Iirvc Iadsa 'lower tip on the blade of an axe' ||| [2] (from 'Icca): pLp 'Iccc 'tip, point (Spitze)' > Lp: S {Hs.} gicdi|c, L {LLO}
Iicht|c, N {N} gccc, Kld Iict || Hg hcgy 'tip, summit, mountain' ( U 'IazV 'mountain' < N 'Ial'E 'rock, hill, stone')
pY {IN} 'Iic- 'end, tip' > _Y: K {IN} Iis-il, T {IN} Iic-il id., T {Ku.} Iicil 'end, edge', K {Jc.} Iicil 'Ende', Iic- 'Ende', K
{IN} Iisi-to-, T {IN} Iico-to- 'to finish' (-l is a sx. of deverbal nouns, -to- is a sx. of vt.) Coll. 86, UEW 11O, Db. OS x, xxxi, Lr.
#379, Lgc. #2237, Hs. 591, Ang. 115, Ku. 93, IN 227, Rd. UJ 45-6 [#63] (Y A U) ll A: M 'Iicir 'ends of a bow' > WrM Iicir,
HlM xnunp 'ends of a bow', Ord numu g_cc`ir id. (numu 'bow') MED 464, Ms. O 264 Gr. II #125 ('Iaci 'edge') [U, Ai, ?
Ko + err. A 'Iosc 'end' + unc. J].
998. 'IUcV 'to cut\chop into small pieces' > K {FS} 'Iuc`- id. > G {Chx.} Iuc- 'shred (into small pieces)', '(in kleine
Stcken) zerhauen, zerhacken, zerstckeln', Mg Iucu 'small, low', {Q} Iucu-Iucu 'small, low-statured', {FS} Iucu 'small,
low'; Sv {TK}: UB/L Iocol, UB Ivccol, UB/Ln I(v)ccol - Iocol 'little, small, a little' [< 'IUcV N
'IUtV 'small' (q.v. ffd.)] FS K 195, K
1O5 (GZ 'Iuc`-), FS E 214, Chx. 647, Q 263, TK 349-5O, GP SED 131, Ni. s.v.
xancn"i n ll HS 'Iuc- v. 'cut/chop to pieces' > S '-Iuc- v. 'cut off', [ 'I'aca 'cut' 'IUcV (or 'qUcV) 'shorten by
cutting']: S 'Icc v. 'cut off, cut to pieces'> BHb cq Icc G v. 'break off, cut off piece by piece; chop off', MHb cq Icc
(ip. -Ioc, 2m vqt tIvc) v. 'cut [off] (e.g. ones nails, plants'), Ug Isjs, v. 'cut (trinchar)', JA [Trg.] cq Icc v. 'cut down
(a tree)', JEA {Sl.} Icc v. 'cut down'off', Sr Iss (pf. Ias, ip. -Ius, -Ias) v. 'cut short, clip (wings/beard)', SmA Iss
'cut', Mh, Jb Iss v. 'chop', Mh aI'says, Jb C cIs'scs v. 'shave\cut off off (ones moustache)', Sq {Jo.} Ics v. 'cut', Ak
Iss D v. 'cut short, clip (wings, nails)' (dis I...s > I...s) KB 1O5O-1, KBR 112O, BDB 893 [#7112], A #234, OLS 376, Js.
1339, Lv. T II 352, Lv. IV 272, 361-2, Sl. 1O34, PS 3699, JPS CSD 512-3, Tal 793, Jo. M 328, Jo. J 151, Sd. 457 B: Kb yyusu
(pf. iyisi) 'tre fendu (ustensile)' ( N 'I'aca 'cut') Dl. 629 ? C: Bj {R Stz.} 'I"asa 'Beschneidung' ( N 'IUcV
'qUcV) ''?) R WBd 15O ll ? Gil: Gil A (qo:l) in qozl moqs '(chopped up) block of wood' ('uypia') (moqs is 'piece') ST RN
457 ll D 'Iucc- ({GS} 'I-) 'splinter', stump' [ N 'IUcV 'qUcV '' (q.v.) and N 'Iujy,sV 'tree' ( 'Holz'), 'trunk of a tree']
> Tm Iuccu 'splinter, bit of stick, stalk', Iucci 'splinter, peg, stick', Ml Iuccu 'chip, piece of straw', ?Kn Iutti 'stump', Tu Iucci,
Iutti 'stump of a shrub', Prj Iucci, Gdb Iusun, Knd gusil, ? Png, Mnd gruc 'stump of a tree' D #164O.
999. 'I'ocV (or 'I'ocV?) 'bone' (originally 'bone of the breast'?) > IE: NaIE 'II"ost- 'bone, rib' > L costa 'rib' ||
Sl 'Iosti 'bone' > OCS ket:i Iosti, R iocr", P Iosc, Cz Iost, Blg iocr, SCr, Slv Iost 'bone' P 617, WH I 281, Glh. 336-7,
Vs. II 349, ESSJ XI 167-173 (unjustified rejection of the obviius L-Sl connection) ll K: G Ioc-i 'ankle of the foot' Chx. 618 ll
HS: Eg fP Is 'bone', Cpt Sd/B kot Ias id. EG V 68-9, Fk. 281, Vc. 87-8 B 'yasjs, 'bone' > ETwl, Ty cy+s (pl. iy+san), Ah
{Fc.} cyos (pl. iyosan), Gh iyos (pl. iysan), Gd yoss (pl. yason), Izn, Rf iyos, Izd iys (pl. iysan), Sll i_ss (pl. i_san), Wrg iyos,
Si {La.} iyos (pl. iysan), Kb {Dl.} iyos(s) (pl. iysan), Zng {TC} i?si Fc. 178O, Lf. II #1255, Dl. 629, Dlh. Ou 246-7, GhA 73,
TC D 4, TC Z 310 EC: Dsn {To.} gas 'leg' AD SF 298-9 ('IVc(c)- 'bone'), To. DL 5O2 NrOm: [1] Na {Fl.} Ius 'bone',
[2] ? {Blz.} 'Ius 'foot, leg': Na {Fl.} Ius, HzMa Iasi 'foot, leg' || SOm: Dm. {Bnd.} Ios, {Fl.} Ius 'bone' Blz. OLBP #2O,
Fl. OO 317 Ch {Stl.} 'Ias'i 'bone' > WCh: Hs Iasi | Su {J} |cs | NrBc {Tk.} 'Ias- 'bone' > Wrj Iasuna, Kry
Iasu, My Iusi, P {MSk.} Iss-Ii, Cg Ic-Icss-n, Mbr Ia-Iass, Jmb Is-Iasi ({Stl.}: all < 'ha-Iasi with regr. as
or the px.) | DfB {J} I'as, Bks I'as, Klr g'asav || CCh: Tr gss | HgNk {Kr.} gisa | Mlw {Trn.} Ics-Ic, Msg P {Mch.}
Icx-Ic, {Trn.} IcsIc, Msk {Trn.} IIsIt || ECh: Dng {Lk.} Iaso, Iasi, EDng {Fd.} Iaso, Ke {Eb.} IssIsq, Kwn {ChC}
Iisigi, Nd {J} gusc, Smr {J} gusnn, Bdy {J} Ias-Io 'bone' JI II 36-7, ChC, ChL, Stl. IF 1O3, J R 217, Sk. NB 47, Tk. NB
182, Trn. LDM 26, Trn. LM 98, Lk. ZSS 17, Blz. LECh. s.v. 'bone' ?? S 'Iacc- > Ar qass- 'poitrine, os de la poitrine' ,
'ronger les os' Fr. III 449, BK II 735 The S cns. 'c for the expected 'O (< 'c) is due to the rather frequent S (or HS) loss of a
marked phonemic feature, which may explain the rareness of the phoneme 'O in S (cp. the same process in N 'cav_V 'to cry,
exclaim' > S 'cvh); Eg s for the expected results from the HS (or pre-Eg) deglottalization: 'c > 'c (whence Eg s) OS #1557
(B, Eg, Ch, EC, Om), Tk. PAA 2O (WCh, Eg, B), ? Sk. CDH 168 ll ? A: Tg 'jx,a|V > Ew a|s 'bone of elks hind leg' STM I 17
The length of the vw. is due to a special Altaic type of lengthening of the vw. in open syllables (resulting in T short vowels and Tg
long vowels) ll D (in NED) 'IoccVL 'bone' > Krx xocol, Mlt qoclu 'bone' D #1288 ^ Not here pMr 'IcsIo 'sacrum
(Kreuzbein)' (> Er iac"ic IasIc, Mk iccia IcsIo) (it goes back to FP 'IcsIc 'middle', Ker. II 57). If the N etymon is
'I'ocV, the K glottalized '-c- (and Ar -s-?) may be due to as (infl. of 'I-) ^ IS MS 345, IS I 344 (reconstructs 'KaSn 'bone':
HS [Eg,C,Ch,B], IE + S and FU), AD SF (HS [C,Ch,Eg,B], IE) and Blz. DA 156 [#42] . The meaning 'breastbone' in Ar and
'rib' in L may be ancient ( 'bone of the breast').
1OOO. 'KacV 'to advance with effort' > HS: S 'IOl > Ar qOl 'tirer un pied aprs l'autre, comme quelqun qui marche
dans un bourbier pais et cherche sen retirer', 'marcher comme un homme embourb' BK II 776 ll U: FP 'Iocc- v. 'crawl, clime
[klettern, kriechen]', 'run' (of animals) > Lp: N ? {Fri.} guoccat v. 'run' ('lbe'), OSw {L} qvotsct v. 'run' (of animals), Tn {Lgc.}
Iuoc-, A {Lgc.} Iuo_c- v. 'crawl, kriechen' (of a snake), v. 'run' (of a dog), L {Wk.} Iu_o_ca- {?Wk.} Iuooca-) id., 'klettern',
Vfs {Lgc.} Iuoc- 'klettern', Tf Iuo_c-/Iuoc- 'hinaufklettern', I {Tv.} Iuosio 'ber das Wasse hinlaufen (von Schwimmvgeln)' |
Vt: {W} gIzIlt- 'kriechen', ? {U3S} iiinr- v. 'linger, loiter', Sr/G {Mu.} gIzIlt- id., 'langsam gehen', Uf {Wc.} gIzIlt-
'schleichen, to walk slowly', M gIzIlt- v. 'crawl' (of babies) Tv. IA 7O, Wk. LLW 51, Lgc. #286O, U3S 417 ll A: NaT 'Ka-,
{Tz.} 'Iac- v. 'flee, run away' > OT qac- id., Tk Iac-, Tk WAn {Tz.} qac-, Tkm, Az iau- gac-, StAlt, Tb qac-, Ggz Iac-,
ET, Kr, Qmq, Qrg qac-, Uz qoc-, Uz Af {Tz.} qac-, VTt iau- qas-, Bsh qas-, Nog, Qzq, Qq qas-, Tv qaz-, Xk, Yk _as- id.
Cl. 589-O, Rs. W 217, ET KQ 34O-2, Tz. UIS 95 Tv q- (rather than _-) suggests a pT lenis 'I- (for the expected fortis 'I`-), which
is still obscure. Tz. UIS 95 reconstructs here a half-long vw. (on the ev. of Anatolian and Uz dialects) ^ Cp. IS I 3O9 [#181]
('Kacn: U, A) ^ U (FP) 'o reflects N 'aH (in U there is no 'a).
1OO1. ????? 'KX'ctV 'ram, sheep' > IE: NaIE 'I"ct- ({WP} 'qhct-) 'sheep' > OIr cit 'sheep (mouton)' (< 'Ictni-?),
citcn 'lamb', cctnat 'ewe' || Arm xo3 _o 'ram' ({WP} < 'qhoti-), oxar oc"_ar 'sheep' ({WP} < 'qhot|uqh-), xa2n _asn 'flock
of sheep; sheep' || ?? ON hana, MHG hatclc, NGr ? hattc " hattcl " hattcl 'goat' WP I 384 (the Ir-Arm comparison is
doubtful and rejected by Pokorny), Vn. C 1O8, Vr. 2OO ll A {ADb.} 'Ij`,uc- 'ram, wether', {DQA} 'Ij`,oc`V 'ram' > NaT 'Ko
'ram' > OT Og =XI qoc, Tk Ioc, Az, Xlj goc, Kr qoc, Qq gos, Uz ? goc " goc 'ram', Tkm goc 'uncastrated ram; ibex', Qzq,
Qq qos (a quieting interjection for sheep during milking), Qrg qoc - qos (an interjection for sheep), Qq d qosaqan 'lamb', Nog d
qosanay end 'lamb, kid'; T 1 Hg Ios, G qoc-i 'ram'; NaT 'Ioqar '(uncastrated) ram, sire-ram' > OT {Cl.} qocqar
" qocyar " qocuqar 'ram', Tk IocIar 'fighting ram', Tkm gocgar 'young uncastrated ram', Slr qosqur " qosIor " IosIor
'ram', Chg XV qocqar 'wild ram, ram', ET qocqa(r), Uz, MQp [CC], Qmq, Kr qocqar, VTt ? qusqar " qucqar " qucqar, Bsh ?
qusqar, Tv qosqar 'ram', Qzq, Nog, Qq qosqar, Qrg qocqor 'uncastrated ram, sire-ram', StAlt qocqor 'wild mountain ram'
('(ninn iaxcnnin 6apan') Cl. 592 (believes that T [Og] 'qoc is a loan from M, which is hardly acceptable because the word is
attested in Og long before the Mongolian conquest), Rs. W 274, ET Q 87-9, TL 432-3, TkR 19O-1, DT 119, Tn. SJ 39O, 465, MM
452, NogR 175, KrkR 4O5-6, KRPS 372, Jud. 41O, BT 8O M 'quca(n) 'ram, lamb' > MM [IM, IsV, HI] quca 'ram', [MA] quca
'lamb', WrM quca(n), HlM xyn id, 'uncastrated lamb'., Ord g_uc`ia 'ram', Mnr H {SM} _u_ia 'ram', _u_ia _org_a
'uncastrated lamb' (_org_a 'lamb') Lg. VMI 4O, Ms. H 91, Pp. MA 3O7, MED 979, Ms. O 318, SM 174 Rs. W 274, ADb. KL 8
DQA #863 ll ?? HS: S 'Ia'O- or 'Iat- > Ar 6o0Qa qat- 'troupeau nombreux de moutons' BK II 782 S 't (for the
expected 'O) is due to defricativization of 'O (Ar o) at the pS or Ar level - maybe due to borrowing from from Aram (where S 'O
yields t) ^ If this comparison is right, IE 'I"ct- may be explained as resulting from mt of aspiration: 'I"ct- < 'Ict"-, the phoneme
't" going back regularly to N 'c. If the A cognate is rejected, the rec. will be 'KX'tV.
1OO2. 'K'acycV 'heat, summer heat' > HS: WS 'IayO- 'summer' > OCn [EA] Iccu, Hb i%q@ 'Iayic, Ug IO, OA
aciq Iys? (= Iay'O-a) 'summer', JA {Js.} ay1iq$ Ic't-a - ay1i^q@ Iay't-a 'heat, summer', JEA ay1ii^q2 Iay'ta
'summer', Sr 'toja Iay't-a 'summer', Ar y0Qa qayo- 'summer heat, the hottest part of summer', Sb *iq IyO 'summer, summer
crops', Mh IayO 'summmer before the rains', Jb E/C IuO 'spring (which is hotter than the rainy season)', Hrs IayO, Sq {Jo.}
'Isyat 'summer' KB 1O26-7, HJ 1O2O-1, A #2439, OLS 379, Js. 1357, Sl. 1O12, BGMR 112, Jo. M 247, Jo. J 157, Jo. H 81
NrOm: Bnc {Wdk.} Icc 'heat', {Bnd.} Icc 'warm', Kf {C} Icco 'heat (hot weather)', Mch {L} Iccci(yc), {Lm.}
Iccco 'heat', Shn {Lm.} Icca 'heat, warmth', Anf {MYTY} Ioco 'hot', Ym {Wdk.} Iicu` 'hot', Mj {Bnd.} Iccua 'warm'
Wdk. BY 1O6, 158, 178, C SE IV 482, L M 45-6, Lm. Sh 345, Bnd. PO 15O, MYTY 121, Blz. OL #198 (pOm 'Ioyc- 'warm')
ECh: Mu {Lk.} Ia|av 'fever' Lk. ZSS 187 OS #1563 (pHS 'Iayic-), Blz. o.c. (pHS 'Iayc-) ll U: [1] FU 'IacV
'warmth, summer heat, (effects of the) sunlight; be warm' > Prm {LG} 'goz ({?LG} 'goz) 'full blaze of the sun' > Vt guza-nI 'be
bleached in the sun' (of cloth), Z goz / gozy- 'sunburn', goz voIn '(right) in the sun', Z goz-yI-, Z US goz-yI-, Yz goz-yi- v.
'spend the summer'; - Prm 'goz-sm 'summer' > Vt guzcm, Z gozsm, Z US gozsm, Yz 'goznm id.|| ObU: pOs 'Iac- > Os:
Vy qac-, Ty/Y qac- 'be warm\hot', pOs 'Iacom 'warm', 'maintaining warmth' (of clothes, house) > Os: V/Vy qacom,
Ty/Y qacom, D/K _ocom, Ni/Kz _osom, O _asom [2] FU 'Icca 'sun, day' > pChr {Ber.} 'Icco > Chr: L/B Iccc, H
Icco, Chr Uf Iccc, B Iccc id. | pMr {Ker.} 'Ioci > Er ci, Mk si id. UEW 114, 141-2, Coll. 8O, Sm. 552 (FP 'Iccca
'sun'), LG 77, SZ 81, Lt. J 1O5, Stn. D 427-8, Ber. 13, Ep. 43, Ker. II 157 The FU variants 'IacV and 'Icca may be probably
accounted for by a two-fold development of 'ay in pre-U 'IaycV or by two-fold results of synharmonic as from pre-U 'Icca ^ IS
I 348-9 [#224] ('KEca) ^ FU 'Icsa 'summer' (> F Icsa, etc.) hardly belongs here ( IS l.c.), but probably goes back to N
'IgcHsV 'warm, hot' [q.v. ffd.]. This is suggested by FU '-s-, which is not a reg. reflex of N '-c-.
1OO3. 'Ia'cU 'to scratch, scrape off scales' > IE 'Ics-/'Iscu_- v. 'scratch, comb' > Gk [Hdt.] kcokcov 'tow', ce 'I scrape',
ue 'I scratch, scrape' || OIr cir 'comb' ({Vn.}: < 'Ics-ra] || Sl 'ccs-ati (1s prs. 'ccso) 'scratch' > OCS vcto:u ccsati /
vcma ccso, SCr ccsati, Slv ccsati, Cz ccsati, Slk ccsat`, P czcsac, R uc) car", Uk uc) carn 'to scratch', Blg ) ucma 'I
scratch' | Blt: Lt Iasti 'to dig', 'to scrape, scratch (scharren)', iter. Iasyti id., Ltv ? {ME} Iast (iter. Iasit) 'scharren, Erde
aufwerfen, harken' BSl ( N 'KayCa 'hair', q.v. ffd.) Lt Iasa, Ltv Iasa 'tress, braid', Sl 'Io'sa 'hair of the head; tress, braid' ?
mt : Blt 'sIu- - [+ext. ] 'sIut- 'scrape, scratch, peel' [ NaIE 'sIcu_- 'poke\rake\stir' < 'cE_u 'mix, deal with each grain (one by
one), separate'] > Ltv sIut (prs. sIu|u - sIuvu - sIunu, p. sIuvu) 'shave'; (+ext. '-t-): Ltv sIust (prs. sIutu) 'scratch, shave', Lt
sIusti (prs. sIutu) v. 'scrape, scour, shave, peel, scale' Ht Ics-, Iis(s)-, Iisai- v. 'comb' P 585-6, EI 57O ('Ics- 'comb'), Mn.
494, F I 834 & II 335-6, 341-2, Vn. C 1O5-6, Vs. II 345 & IV 34O-5O, ESSJ XI 131-3, Glh. 175, 33, Kar. II 212, Frn. 226, 823-4,
ME II 168-9, Frd. HW 111, 1O8, Ts. E I 587-8, Pv. IV 157-9 ll K 'Iac`cvr- (as from ''Iac`vr-) > G Iacr- - Iacvr- v.
'scratch, kratzen' ( N 'KVrjV,c`'U 'KVruc`V 'to scratch') Chx. 56O, DCh. 599 ll HS: CS 'Iss - 'Isv 'rub,
scrape off' > Ar qss G 'broyer, craser en frottant dans la main', qsv v. G 'wipe (the face), bark (wood), skin (a snake), ? Hb
t3q#6q2 Ias'Icsct, pl. IasIa'sim 'scales'; WS 'Isr 'scales' > Ar qisr- 'rind, fish scales', Gz Iossar 'fish scales,
shell', Isr D v. 'peel, scrape, take off scales' BK II 74O, KBR 115O, 744, L G 448 NrOm: Kf {C} Iucc- v. 'scratch',
Iuco 'itch, scab', Anf {Gt.} Iusa 'scabbia' AD SF 88, Gt. 358 Ch: [1] ? WCh 'q"assa ({Stl.} 'q"acsa) 'itch, scab', v.
'scrape' > Hs Iasva, Ang I"as id., Sha gos v. 'scrape' [2] CCh {Stl.} 'Iocc- 'scrap, scratch' > Gude I"acs 'scratch slightly' (of
a mouse) | Dgh {Frk.} xca 'shave' | Mf I"ccc-I"ccc 'chatouille', MfG -Isc- 'gratter (la terre)' || Hs Ioca 'slight wound of
abrasing' Stl. ZCh 221 [#7O8], Stl. IF 182 ll A: pJ {S} 'Iasu-r- v. 'scrape' > OJ Iasu-r-, J: T/Kg Iasur-, K Iasur- S QJ
#497, Mr. 7O5 ll D {tr.} 'Iacc-, {GS} 'Ia- 'itch, scab' > Knd Ia::i, ga::i, Tu gai id., Kdg Ia::i 'itch', Tl gai 'itch, scab',
Iasi 'itching, desire', Nkr I"a:, Prj Ia:ra, Gnd ga::i - ga::u, Knd gazi, Kui Iasa 'itch', Krx I"asra id., xas- v. 'scratch for relief'
D #11O4, GS 9O [#262], 116 [#3O8] ^ Cp. IS I 343-4 (S, IE, D, his rec. is 'Kasn) ^ T 'Ii- v. 'scratch (gratter), itch' and Tg
'xosi- v. 'scratch (gratigner)' do not belong here (?: the vw. of the 1st syll. and the Tg '-s-).
1OO4. 'KacV 'young dog\wolf' > HS: WS 'Is(m) 'hyena' > Jb C {Jo.} 'Ic'sct (pl. 'Ic'sos) 'wolf', Ar qas- 'male
hyena', qusa- 'cri de lhyne', qasam- 'hyena', ?'lion' (unless the latter is from qasam- 'old'), OYmn 4Q qsh ({Slw.} qissa)
'beast of prey', Ar Y {Slw.} qisa (pl. qisat) id. Jb, OYmn and Ar Y are likely to have lost S ' Jo. J 153, BK II 742-3, Slw.
178-9, Rossi AS 163 B 'qqVzin -'qqVzzun 'young dog, dog' [ N 'Ia3V '(young) dog'?] > Izd {Mrc.} a-Izin (pl. i-Izin)
'chien, chiot', Izn {Rn.}, Rf Wr/T {Rn.} aqzin (pl. iqzinon), Rf B/A aqozzun (pl. iqzinon), BSn a-qzin, Tmz {MT} iIzin (pl.
iIzinn), ASgr {MT} iqzin - aqzin (pl. iqzinn), BMn {Bs.} aqzun (pl. iqzan), Grr {Bs.} aqzin (pl. iqzinan), Jrb {Bs.} ayzim, Kb
Z {Bs.} aqzun, Shw {Bs.} zq" aqzin, {Hy.} agzim (pl.igzcmcn) 'petit chien', SrSn {Rn.} ta-qzin-t 'chienne', Kb {Dl.} aqzun
(pl. iq"zan) 'dog' Mrc. 51, 291, Rn. 37O, Dl. 667-8, MT 357, 553, Bs. NLB I 31O, Hy. 21, Hy. DFCh 1OO SOm {Blz.} 'aIsi
'dog' [ N 'goKVscV(-RV) ' canine', q.v. ffd.] Not here ( Blz.) Eg czm 'dog' and Ag 'gszsq- id. [both from N 'Ia3V '']
Blz. OL l.c. (Om, Ag, Eg, B) ll U: FU (att. in Prm) 'Iacjc,V (or 'IUcjc,V) > Prm {LG} 'Iuu'cV 'young dog' > Z
iiun IIci, iiuan IIcan, Vt iyuann Iucai id. LG 155 ll ? A: Tg 'IaV 'puppy' ( 'Ia3V '', q.v. ffd.) ll ?? K: one may
take into account Sv {Ni.} Iocol 'young dog' (from K ?'IU'c- and the merger with Sv {Ni.} Iocol 'little') unless a sd of
Iocol 'little' or a mistaken transcription of Iocol 'little' ^ The cns. 'c is reconstructed as lateral on the ev. of S (and FU, where
'c < N 'c regularly), and as a vl. affricate on that of U. The voiced sibilant in B may go back to a cluster: '-c- > (ass. voicing)
'-z- > '-z- > B '-z-.
1OO5. 'KacV 'to burst, crack; to split' > HS: S '-Iis- v. 'break, skin' > Ar qyo G (qaoa / -qio-u) v. 'be broken, be
split', 'casser (uf, bouteille)', qvo G (ip. -quou) 'dfaire, sparer les parties qui taient ensemble', BHb Sh

y-a-'Iic iq%i! vt. 'demolish' ({KB} 'niederreien'), vi. 'gape open' (KB: 'auseinanderklaffen')', ? Ak -Iuc- (inf. Iacu) 'Haut
abziehen, schinden' KB 1O19, KBR 1O9O, BK II 846, Hv. 637ll U: FU (att. in Ugr) 'IacV 'burst, tear' > Vg {Kn.}: T
Iun-Iasmat-, Iun-Iasl- 'bersten, reien, abspringen (eine Schlittenkufe, ein Brett)', LK cl-xasomat-, cl-xasl- 'sich ablsen,
losgehen, abfallen', UL xot-xasmat-, xot-xasl- 'zerreien, sich abnutzen, sich abtragen (Kleidungsstcke)' (Iun-, cl- and xot- are
preverbs) | Hg hasad- v. 'burst, crack', has-it- v. 'cleave, split' UEW 854 ll K 'Iuc`c- > G {Chx.} Iuc- 'zerhauen,
zerstckeln' Chx. 647 The vw. remains unexplained ( N 'KEsU 'K'usV 'to skin, tear'?).
1OO6. 'IadV 'to wicker, wattle' ( 'build, make pottery') - cd or d 'IadV-LV 'wattle-fence' ( 'wall', 'building') > IE:
NaIE 'Iat- 'wickerwork, wattle-fence' > L catinus 'dip dish\bowl', ? catcna (< 'Iatcs-na) 'chain' [ NaIE 'Iot- 'fence, shed'
( 'house') < N 'Kota - 'Kota 'fence, wall' 'hut, house, settlement', q.v. ffd.] > Sl 'Iot+, 'Iot-ici 'shed, stall' || Gt
hc||o 'room (toiciov, Kammer)', AS hcaor 'enclosure, prison' || Irn 'Iat- 'house' > Av Iata- 'chamber' P 534, ESSJ XI 211,
214-5, Horn 188, WH I 181-2, Fs. 254-5, Ho. 153, EI 282-3 ('Ict- 'room') IE '-t- for the phonetically reg. '-d"- is due to the
IE root structure rejection of ''g"ct- (asp. vd. + vl. cns. in the same v; in some cases the contamination with 'Kotta '' may have
played a role as well ll K 'Icd-/'Id- v. 'build' > G {DCh.} Icd- 'corner-stone', Lz VAr Iid-, Lz X Iod- v. 'build', Mg Iid- vt.
'partition with a wall' ('ncpciopannar"'); K 'Icdcl-/'Idcl- 'wall' > G Icd-cl- (gen. Icd-l-is), Lz Iida, Ioda 'wall' (loss of '-l
due to metanalysis of the pl. form Iidal-cc, cp. on such cases GM S 88), Mg Sn Iida(la)-, Mg SmZ Isda(la)- - Isdcla- id. (<
'Idcl- with an anaptyctic o -i), Sv: L cvcd, UB/LB/L cvad [pl. cvad(v)-ar], Lx ccd id. [{IS}: 'Icd-l-(a) > pre-Sv
'cdv > cvcad(v), IS rGM 129] IS I 316, K 1O7, K DE 358, K
87-8, FS K 166, 462 (Sv cvcd-, cvad- < K
'cvad-), Q 257, 261, Chik. 294, Schm. 1O7, Zhgh. LT (on the origin of v in the Sv noun), TK 864 ll HS: S (with a deglottalized
'I-; N 'KudV or 'KudV 'to plait'?): [1] CS 'Iadd- 'jar, vessel for liquid' > Hb dk`2 Iad (pl. MiD5k` Iad'd-im) 'pitcher', Ph
Id ['Iad(d)] 'pitcher, jar' (1 Gk koo(o)o) 'jar, vessel for water\wine' 1 L cadus 'jar' and probably Mg Ioto 'pot'), Ug Id,
(AkSc) Iaddu {A} 'jar', {OLS} ' measure of capacity for liquids', JA aD1k`2 Iad'd-a 'jar', [Trg.] an!d6k`2 Iad'n-a 'jug', JEA
{Sl.} aD1k`2 Iad'd-a 'storage vessel', Sr {Cst.} 'odoa Iadda'n-a 'small narrow-necked jug' (in PS and JPS printed as 'odo), Ar
Iadd- 'mortar' (an alt. et. was proposed by B. Podolsky, who suggested that this S word is a loan from D 'Iin`t- jug'); [2] WS
'IVdVr- 'earthen pot' > MHb rd4q! Ia'dcr, er!d4q^ Iodc'ra, JA ar!d4q^ Iodc'r-a - ar!d6q% Iid'r-a, Sr ode
Icd'r-a '(earthen) pot', JEA {Sl.} ar!d6iq% Iid'r-a 'cooking pot', Ar qidr- 'chaudron; marmit en cuivre', qadar-at- 'petit flacon',
Mh Iadsr 'pot'; but the adduction of Ar qadd- and Ak qadu 'pot' [IS I 316 and AD SF 67-8 after Cal. 212 and Coh. #226] is to be
rejected because the Ak word does not exist and Ar qadd- has been quoted after Cal.s misinterpretation (repeated by M. Cohen); in
fact, qadd- does not mean 'form' [as in Cal. l.c. & Coh. l.c.], but 'skin of a lamb\kid' 'body, size' [Ln. 2491, Fr. III 4O4, BK II 682-
3], which has no semantic connection with the v in question; [3] N 'IadV-LV 'wattle-fence' ( 'wall') may be represented in CS
''Iutal- 'wall' > Hb lt37k`' 'Iotcl' 'wall' (att.: unl4t6k`1 Iot'l-cnu 'our wall'), BA lt2k`6 Io'tal, JA [Trg.] al1t6k`8 Iut'l-a,
JEA {Sl.} al1t6uk` Iut'la 'wall', ? Sr wu Iut'l-a 'stern, poop', but an alt. hyp. (with better phonetic corrs.) attributes this
stem to N 'Kota 'fence, wall' ( 'house') (see s.v. N 'Kota - 'Kota); [4] ? CS 'Idn v. 'bind' ( v. 'couple, yoke') > Sr {JPS}
Idn (pf. Io'dan) v. 'yoke, couple, join, bind', MHb Idn (pf. Ia'dan) v. 'yoke', Ar Idn G {BK} 'sentourer les reins avec les
pans de sa robe en guise de ceinture', {Hv.} 'wrap oneself in clothes' KB 439, KBR 46O, 5O5, BDB #3537, OLS 21O, Hnr. 136, Js.
612, 614, 1318, Sl. 553, 567, 1O1O, Br. 318, JPS 2O5, PS 1O68, Cst. Costaz DS 151, Js. 614, F I 551-2, Masson ESG 44, Q 261,
BK II 872, 875, Hv. 647, HJ 487-8, Lv. IV 248-9, BK II 686, Jo. M 224, ? Pod. NHE 199-2OO Eg fP Id v. 'make earthenware,
build, shape, create' > Cpt Sd/B kw: Iot, kc:- Ict-, ke:-Iot- id.; Eg Md Id 'pot' EG V 72-5, Fk. 281-2, Vc. 89-9O, Crn. 64-5,
Crum 122 NrOm: Zs {Lm.} Iccc 'Zaun des Geheges', Shn {Lm.} Iacca id., 'Gehege fr Rindvieh'. But the Om word for
'house' (Kf {C} Icto, etc.) belongs not here, but rather to N 'Kota - 'Kota '' (q.v.) Lm. Sh 335 Ch {Stl.} 'Ioda <
'Ioda 'pot' ( N 'IudV v. 'plait'?): WCh: BT: Bl {Mch.} Iuda 'pot', Gera I"ada 'calabash', Krf {Sch.} I"ado id., ? I"ati
'cooking pot' || CCh: HfF I"ad'a 'small pot' || ECh: EDng {Fd.} Ioda 'a kind of small jar' Stl. IF 175, ChC s.v. 'pot', Sch. BTL
141, 151, Fd. 288 Coh. #226, Cal. 212, Stl. IF 175 ll ? A: NaT 'Iat- v. 'weave, plait, twist (wool into thread)' > VTt, Bsh, Alt
qat-, Xk _at- id., 'twist, plait, weave (threads, ropes)', SY qat- 'weave (a rope)', Tf qat`- v. 'twist (nnr"), plait', Tv {TvR} qa'tta- v.
'weave, twist (a thread, rope)' ( qa'tta- 'add layers' qa't 'layer'); the irreg. phonetic form is probably due to contamination with T
'Iat- v. 'mix' [< N 'IatV id.] Ra. 219, TvR 233, Cl. 594-5, Rs. W 219, 241, ET KQ 336-7 ll D [1] (tr., GS} 'Iatt-, {Km.}
'Iat- v. 'tie, build' > Tm, Tl Iattu, Ml IcttuIa, Kt, Klm, Gdb Iat-, Td Iot-, Kdg Iott-, Tu Iattuni, Nkr, Prj Iatt-, Nk
Iat-/Iatt- id., Kn Iattu v. 'bind, tie, dam', Gnd Iatta 'a dam in the river for catching fish', Knd Iata 'bundle (of hay)', Kui
Iat- v. 'fix, fasten', Mlt gata 'rope, cord'; [2] - (?) 'Iatti 'Iatti 'mat, mat-wall' > Gnd Iatti 'palmleaf mat', Iatti(:) " Ictti
'mat', Knd Iati 'wall', Ku Iatti 'mat-wall' " Iati 'wall' D #1147, 12O5, Km. 32O-1 [#234] ^ IS I 316-7
('Iadn 'cnncrar" n: npyr"cn', K-IE-A-Ch), AD GD 16 (Eg, K, IE), AD NM #91; S CNM 3 ( NC).
1OO7. 'I'ad'i 'to take, hold' > K 'Iid- 'to take, hang' > OG Iid- v. 'take, hang' (ayiIida mqarta tvista 'she took it on her
shoulders', Gen. 21.14), G Iid- 'hngen, aufhngen, aufpacken', Mg Ii(n)d- v. 'take with the hand', Lz Iid- 'snatch, hang', Sv
Iid-/Icd-/Iad-/Id- v. 'take' K 112, FS K 171-2, Chik. 292, Chx. 586-8 ll HS: S 'Idy > Sr Idy D (pf. dia Iad'di) v.
'keep possession of, not let go, hold fast, retain' Br. 646, JPS 489 Ch: ? WCh {Stl.} 'IVt- v. 'get' > AG: Su {J} Iat
'bekommen, erlangen, finden', Ang {Flk., Hf.} Iat, Gmy {Hf.} Iat v. 'find, get', Kfr {Nt.} Iat v. 'meet, get, find', Mpn {Frz.} Iat v.
'find' | Bl Iut v. 'get', Tng {J} Iot- v. 'hold, keep' Stl. ZCh 2O6 [#57O] (+ Hs Iyauta 'present' [with a query], which is phonetically
qu. ), Stl. SF, J S 69, J T 1O2, Nt. 18, Hf. AG 23 [#188], Frz. DM 25 ll ? A: M 'qadagala- 'preserve, save, keep' > MM
qadagala- [S] 'besorgen', [HI] 'prendre soin de, gouverner', [MA] 'take care of', WrM qadagala-, HlM xa(iana- v. 'place in
safekeeping, preserve, save, keep', Ord _ad_agala- 'conserver, garder, avoir la garde de' H 55, Ms. H 85, Pp. MA 285, MD 9O2,
Ms. O 321 In M '-a- of the first syll. is from '-a- due to vw. harmonyll ? E: AchEl Ii-ti- 'haben, behalten' HK 489-9O.
1OO8. ??? 'I'odV 'die' > HS: NrOm: Kf {HHM} q Iito v. 'die, fall' ( N 'KoHadV 'to dip, plunge, descend') HHM
61, 97 ll K 'Ivcd-/'Ivd- 'die' > G Ivd- v. 'die', OG m-Iud-ari 'dead'; cp. Sv {Ni.} Ivad 'loss (caused by death)' (< N
'I'odV 'be deprived of') K
91-2, Chx. 575-6, Ser. 1O2, Ni. s.v. 'nnmnr", nnmcn c'.
1OO9. ? ''IoudV 'to destroy, break' > IE: NaIE 'g"cd"- 'to destroy' ( N 'gudV ' to cut, tear' [q.v.]) > ? OI A gan'dhayatc
'injures' || Gk ocvvoe v. 'abuse, revile', [Hdt.] ocvvo) 'reproach' || Blt ( IE 'g""cnd"-, cp. L of-fcndo): Lt gcndu / gcsti v.
'spoil, deteriorate', gadinu / gadinti v. 'spoil', Ltv g'instu / g'int v. 'be destroyed' WP I 665-6. P 466-7, 491-2, M K I 321 (OI <
IE 'g""cnd"-, cp. L of-fcndo), F I 366 (no et. of ocvvoe and ocvvo)), Frn. 149-5O IE 'g"- for the expected 'I"- due to one of
the IE incompatibility laws ll K: GZ 'Iod- vi. 'hew, hollow; cut\peck\chop\wound' ( N 'IUdhV - '-a- 'to pierce' [q.v. ffd.]) ll
HS: ? WS 'Idd ('-Iudd-) > Sr Idd v. 'tear\cut away', MHb {Lv.} Idd 'to cut, separate, perorate', Ar qdd v. G 'cut
lengthwise, dilacerate, cut off into shreads', Gz Idd v. 'cut, cut open, tear apart' Br. 645, Lv. IV 244-5, Hv. 59O, L G 42O ^ Qu. ,
because the IE and Ugr recs. are still open to discussion ^ If the K cognate is legitimate, the initial N cns. is 'I-, otherwise it may be
either 'I- or 'q-.
1O1O. 'IudV (r...) 'tail' > IE: NaIE 'Ioau_d- 'tail' > L cauda 'tail', coda 'tail' (> forms of Romance lgs.: Sp coda, Rum
coada, Fr qucuc); acc. to Ernout, coda is an early dialectal monophthongization from cauda; alternatively, cauda may be a
hyperurbanism for coda || ? Lt Iuodas 'tuft of hair, of feather' Ert. EDVL 14O, WH I 185, ? Frn. 311: believes that Lt Iuodas is
a bf from Iuodclis 'Flachsbschel' [A Blr iy'(:cn 'flax tow' < pSl 'Iodcli], which is less semantically plausible than to suppose
that Lt Iuodclis 'tuft of flax tow' results from a merger of Iuodclis 'small tuft of hair' (dim. from Iuodas) with Blr iy'(:cn ,
because the semantic change 'tail' 'tuft, Schopf' is widespread (cp. below Mc irgc-cc 'schopfig' < Tg 'xurgu 'tail') If the NaIE
stem is 'Iou_d-, L au for the expected u < 'ov is obscure, but if it is 'Iavd-, the IE vw. 'a is unexplainable ll K 'Iud- / (?)
'Ivcd-, {FS} 'Ivad- 'tail' > OG Iud- 'tail', G Iud- 'tail, end', Mg, Lz Iudcl-, Sv: UB haIvad, LB haIcd, L aIvcd-, Ln
aIvat 'tail' K 117, K
1O3, FS K 176, FS E 192, Schm. 12O, Chik. 92, GM S 311, TK 891ll HS 'I"Vt- > B 'IVvVd- 'tail' >
Izn i-suvao, Rf Wr/T a-sugg"ao id. Rn. 349 Here s < pB I (cp. Rf B/A t-Iira Rf Tz t-sira, Izn ti-sira 'cire', Rf Bq/A
a-Iarra Rf Tz a-sarra 'grle', etc., Rn. 23: "s. Stade le plus avanc d'altration de l'occlusive post-palatale {i.e. I}.
S'observe constamment chez les Tz et quelquefois dans les autres parlers") ? Ch 'IVtVr - 'IVdVr > WCh {Stl.} 'Iitari 'tail' >
BT: Tng {J} Iodor, Pr {Frz.} Icrct, Grm {Sh.} Iiti`ri, Krf {Sch.} Iitiri, Krkr {Al.} catsr | NrBc: Wrj {IL} I"atarc |
SBc: Kir {Sh.} Isr, Tala {Sh.} Iitsc, Grn {Sh.} Itrau, {Jg.} Isru, Buli {Sh.} Itdar, Tule {Sh.} I'crs, Wnd {Sh.} ctr, Zar K
{Sh.} Iir, Zar GL I'ir, Zar L Iir, Sy B I'crs, Sy Zk Iirs, Sy Z Iicr | Ngz {Sch.} IutIr., Bd {IL} uItir. id. || CCh: Cb {IL}
I"ud| Lmn {Lk.} (u)xtiri | Mdr Iatal'a, Gdf {IL} xothilun, Dgh {IL} xotholc, Ngs {IL} xthil | Gdr {Mch.} Iutra |
Msg P {Mch.} gidcr | Ms {J{ gidcrda JI II 316-7, CWL, Stl. ZCh 2O7 [#573], Sh. SB 32 Here infl. of Nigritic lgs. is
possible; cp. pBantu '-Iida 'tail' (Mssn. 53) ll A {S} 'I`udurgi, {ADb.} 'I`udur-, {SDM97} 'I`udorgV 'tail' > T 'IuouruI >
OT {Cl.} quoruq,, Tk IuyruI, Az guyrug, Slr guru_, Ggz IuyruI, Qmq, Blq, Qrg, StAlt, Qmn, Tb, QK, Uz quyruq, Tkm guyruq,
ET qu(y)ruq, VTt ionpii q+yr+q, Bsh q+yr+q, Qzq quyriq, Nog, Qq quyriq, Xk _uzuruq, SY guz(u)ruq, Xlj qurduq, Tv,
Tf quduruq, Yk IuturuI, Chv xurc, ? xivrc 'tail'; - 'Ij`,uourgun 'crupper, Schwanzriemen' > OT [MhK] quouryun, {Cl.}
quouryun id. 1 M 'qudurga 'crupper, breeching (harness)' ('Schwanzriemen [des Sattels und des Pferdegeschirrs fr Wagen]') >
MM [MA] qudurga 'crupper (harness)' ('no(xnocrnin pcxcn"'), WrM {Rm., Kow.} qudurgan 'Schwanzriemen', 'croupire',
{MD} qudurga(n), HlM xy(paia {MD} 'crupper, breeching', Kl {Rm.} _udryo, Dg _udurga 'crupper under the tail; cp. also
WrM qudusqa id. (probably a loan from T, cp. Chg [MA] quyusqun id.) Cl. 6O4-6, DTS 463-4, Rs. W 296, ET Q 114-7, TL 145,
Ra. 221, DT 18O, Jeg. 313, Fed. II 377, DT 18O, Pp. MA 3O8, KW 195, MD 98O, Md. 62 & Md. OJ 99-1O2 (Md. reconstructs a
special pT cns. 'z for the cases of sound corr. NaT '-o- Chv -y-: pT 'I`uzruI > NaT 'IuoruI and Chv xurc [< OChv 'xuyrc],
but it is easier to explain these cases [almost always preceding T '-r-] as a positional treatment of pT 'o before T 'r: pT 'or > OChv
'-yr-, otherwise '-or- would have yielded Chv -rr-, which does not exist); the pT lenis 'I- (evidenced by Tv and Tf) is still to be
explained Tg 'xurgu ({ADb.} < 'xuyrgcn) 'tail' > Ewk irgi, Sln iggi - irgi, Lm irgo, Neg L ii - iygi, Neg H idgi, Orc iggi, Ud
igi, Ul xuu, Ork xudu, Nn Nh xuygu id., Mc Sb {STM} irgc 'xcrcnia' (= 'crest on birds head, Schopf'?), WrMc {Hr.} irgc-cc
'schopfig', {Z} irgc-cc ncxc - crgc-cc ncxc ' xoxnara) yria' (= 'schopfige Ente'), {Hr.} 'mandarin duck' STM I 325, Z 88, 118,
Hr. 5O3, Pp. VG 33 pKo {S} 's-Iori 'tail' > MKo sIori, Ko: Ph/Chj IIori, Sl Iori, Chs IIori, PhN IIoqdcq, Ks Ioraqdc,
Hm Io_ri_ S AJ 254 [#86], S QK #85, Nam 5O, MLC 14O S AJ 53, 284 [#2O8], ADb. KL 9, DQA #1O74 [A 'I`i_udo(rgV)]
^ IS I 327-8 (K-IE-A-Ch); Md. OJ 1O1-2 ( err. D 'Ioll- 'tail').
1O1Oa. 'KA?'udV or 'KutV 'neck, (?) nap, shoulder' > HS: S: Ar qavad- 'length of the neck', qavdud- 'having a long
back' (of a camel) BK II 683, 832 Om: NrOm: Kf {C} Ictto, Mch {L} Iatto, Amuru {Fl.} Ictto, Anf {Fl.} Ictto, {C}
Ictto, {Gt.} Ict'to, Shn {Lm.} Ict-ta, Omt {Mrn.} Iodc, Wl {C} Iodc 'neck', Zl {C} Iodiya id.,{LmS} Iodiya
'throat', Gf {AlA} Iodc, {C} Ioda, Iuoda 'neck', {LmS} Ioda 'throat', Bdt {C} Iodc, {LmS} Iodc 'throat', Bsk
{LmS} Ioca, Dk {Blz.} Ioc, Cha {C} Iitta, Malo {LmS} Iodc, Dwr {AlA} Iodiya, Gm {Hw.} Iodc 'neck', Dc
{LmS} Iodc 'throat, neck' | BMa {Fl.} Iitisc, Sz {Fl.} Iitisi, Sz1 {SiW} Icsc, Ictcsc 'neck' || SOm: Ari {Bnd.} Iada,
?? Dm {Bnd.} gctc 'neck, throat' C SE III 116, 174 & IV 489, Grt. 358, Mrn. O 156, LmS 436-7, L M 48, Blz. OLBP #84, AlA
ODS 4 [#26], Hw. EG, SiW ABK 15, Fl. OWL, Bn. AL 155 ? SC: Brn qosa 'nape of neck' E SC 268 (pSC 'I"at'a) ll D
'Iutt- 'throat, neck' > Kn Iuttigc id., Tl IutiIa, IutuIa 'throat', IuttuIa, IuttuIa id., 'gullet', Nkr IutIa, Knd gotiIa 'throat', Knd
Sv Iutu 'neck', Prj Iunda golu 'nape of neck', Png Iuta asond, Mnd Iuta ahond, Ku Iuta vc`uri " Iut"a viuri 'hiccough'
(Ku vc`uri 'hiccough') D ##1718, 5383 ll U 'IuttV - 'IuttV 'shoulder, back' ( N 'Iujy,tjV,PV 'shoulder', q.v. ffd.)?? ^
If Ar qavad- belongs here, the rec. is 'KA?'udV with subsequent contraction '-?Vd- > '-t- or -d- (in the prehistory of most
daughter lgs.) ^ Blz. DA 155 [#27] (incl. D, Om, SC, U + unc. equation with HS ''Iurti-''Iurli) .
1O11. 'I'odV 'be deprived of' > HS: S 'Id > Ar qd G : pf. 3f qaad-at 'had no husband', {Fr.} 'conjuge orbata fuit'
( qiad- 'conjux (viri)') Fr. III 471-2 ll K 'Ivd- > Sv {Ni.} li-Ivdunc 'to deprive of', Ivad 'loss (caused by death)' ( K
'Ivcd-/'Ivd- 'die' < N I'odV 'die') Ni. s.v. 'nnmnr", nnmcn c', K
91-2ll IE: NaIE 'Ia(:)d- v. 'deprive of, destroy' > Gk
Hm kckooev acp. 'depriving of', ft. kckoooci 'will deprive of', Gk ? [Hs.] aor. inf. kckooooi |o)oi, kokeooi,
ciooooi, otcooi ( 'to harm, maltreat, deprive of') || OI Iadanam 'destruction' || ?? Tc A Iat 'destruction (?)' 'd- for the
expected '-d"- due to the IE root structure rejection of ''g"ct- (asp. vd. + vl. cns. in the same v) WP I 341, P 516, M K I 149, F I
811, Ch. 51O-1, Wn. LE 27, Wn. 19O (Tc < IE '(s)Iod-) ll A: ? T 'Koj:,our > OT {Cl.} qoouz 'a woman who no longer has a
husband because he is either divorced or dead', [MhK] 'femme seule (al-maratu- - ayyib)' (unless qoo- v. 'put down,
abandon') Cl. 6O8, MKA I 3O5, MKD 141 ll D 'Iott-, {GS} 'godd- 'having no children, barren' > Tm Iottu, Kn
goddi 'barren woman', Kt godn 'man who has no children', gody 'barren woman', Kn goddu 'state of being barren', Tu goddu
'barren', Tl goddu id., 'empty', Knd godu 'barren' D #2O74.
1O12. 'KaHdV 'grief, sorrow, anxiety' ( 'care'), 'anger, hate' > IE: NaIE 'IIad-/'IIod- 'troubled state of mind, anger,
hate' > Gk koo), Gk D kooo) 'caring about, anxiety, grief, trouble' || Osc CADEIS AMNUD 'inimicitiae causa' || OIr cais n. 'hate;
love', OW, Crn, MBr cas, Br Ias 'hate' (< 'Iod-si), W cas 'hateful, hated', cas 'hater, enemy', casau 'to hate'; W XVII [Dv.] cavdd
'offensa, ira, indignatio', Crn cuth 'sorrow, grief, trouble', MBr {Ern.} cucuz, Br Icuz n. 'regret'; MW cadv, cadu v. 'care about',
W cadv v. 'keep, preserve, save, guard', MBr {Ern.} cuczaff 'to regret' ( N 'I'ad'i 'to take, hold'?) || Gt hatis 'hate, anger', ON
hatr, hcti, NE hatc, OHG ha, NHG Ha, AS hctc 'hatred'; Gt hatan, OSx haton, OHG hacn, NHG hasscn, OFrs hat|a, AS
hatian 'to hate', NE v. hatc - n. hatc, hatrcd || ?? Av sadra 'suffering, pain' P 517, EI 259 ('Ich_dcs- 'concern, hate'), M K
III 61-2, F I 836-7, Bc. G 313, Vn. C 22, YGM-1 77, ECCE 229, Ern. 137, Vr. 213, Fs. 247-8, Ho. 15O, 157, Kb. 44O, Schz. 16O,
KM 292 If Av sadra belongs here, the IE etymon will be 'Iad-) ll A: NaT 'Kaogu 'sorrow, grief, anxiety, care' > OT {Cl.}
qaoyu, Tkm gayyi, Tk Iaygi, CrTt, Kr, Qrg qayyi, Uz qayyu, Chv _uyy_+ id., Qmq qayyi, VTt, Bsh qayy+, Ln qayya 'grief,
sorrow', Az gayyi, Blq qayyi 'care' Cl. 598-9, ET KQ 2O1-3, Rl. II 8-1O, 295-6, Nj. 596 ll D 'Iat-({GS} 'I-, -t-) v. 'be angry' >
Tm Iatavu id., Ml Iatam 'wrath', Kn Iati ~ Iati 'anger', Klm Iati 'anger, hate', ? Ku Iandri 'anger' D #486 ll HS: B 'Iyd
(and secondary 'HId) 'detester' ( N 'Iod'E - 'Iod'E 'filth, dirt; abominable'?) > Ah oIyod 'msestimer, avoir la rancun
contre , avoir du ressentiment contre', ETwl, Ty oIyod 'msestimer, sous-estimer, dtester', Gh aIyad (noun) 'hate', Ttq
{Msq.} Iiad 'dtester', ETwl, Ty aIod id. (n. act. oIIod), Ah aIod 'avoir horreur (aversion extrme)', iIIod 'horreur (aversion
extrme)' The Tw verb aIod belongs to Fcj. 66 = Pcj. I A 3, which apparently presupposes rec. of a pB stem -HIuid, but the Ah,
ETwl, Ty noun iIIod, aIIod suggest that the conjugation pattern of this verb in Ah is not original, but results from morphological
re-interpreteation Fc. 749, 769-71, GhA 89, 1O4, Nh. 167, Msq. 87 ? (mt ) S: Ar hqd G (ip. -hqidu) 'to hate' If E.s SC
reonstruction is valid, we may add pSC {E} 'Iaj:,dr- 'ti be angry' > Asa aririt 'quarrel', SC 1Mb -xaro 'be angry'.
1O13. 'KoHadV 'to dip, plunge, descend' > IE 'g"cHd"- > NaIE 'g"ad"- 'plunge, dip in' > OI 'gahatc 'dives, plunges into',
Av acc. pl. vi-ga0o 'Schluchten', gua- 'Tiefe' || OIr baidid '(he) plunges, drowns', W boddi 'drown, be drowned', Crn bcdhy,
bodhy, {ECCE} budhy (prs.-ft. buth), MBr bcuziff, Br bcuzi- v. 'drown' || Gk |ooo, Gk D |oooo 'wooded combe, glen' (<
*|oi_o), Gk |uo), |uooo) 'the depth of the sea, bottom' (| for due to the infl. of |ooo) WP II 665, P 465, EI 16O (?
g"ad"- 'dive'), M K I 334-5, ? M E I 486 (OI < NaIE 'gj",ag"-, cp. SCr ga`ziti 'treten, waten'), F I 234, Vn. B 6, ECCE 217,
YGM-1 49, Ern. 65, Hm. 8O IE 'g"- for the expected 'I"- due to the IE root structure rejection of ''tcg"- (vl. + asp. vd. cns. in the
same v) ll D (in SD) 'Iotai_ ({GS} 'I-) 'west' ( ''sunset'?), {GS} 'Iod-ai_ 'monsoon' > Tm Iotai_, Kn Iodc 'west wind',
Ml Iota id., 'west', Kt Icr` 'southwest monsoon', Td Ivar` 'monsoon' D #22O3, GS 68 [#217] ll ?? HS: S 'Idh > Ar qdh G
(pf. qadaha, ip. -qdah-) 'be sunk into it socket (eye)' ( S 'Idh G 'perforate' < N 'IUdhV - '-a- 'to pierce' [q.v. ffd.]) BK II
684, ? MiK I #2.35 ?? EC: Brj {Ss.} god- 'go down, descend', Or E {Hw.} gado 'downhill slope' Ss. B 81 NrOm: Kf {HHM}
Iito v. 'fall, die' ( N 'I'odV 'die', q.v.) ll A: T 'Ij`,oo- v. 'put (down), let' > OT qoo- 'hinlegen, lassen' ({Cl.} qoo- without
direct ev. of the length of o), Tk Ioy-, Ggz Ioy-, Qmq, Nog, Qzq, Qq, Qrg, ET, Ln, Slr, Qmn, Tb qoy- v. 'put', Tkm, Az goy- v. 'put,
let', Tk WAn goyvc- 'freilassen', VTt, Bsh quy-, SY quz- v. 'put', Uz quy- v. 'pour'; with loss of -y-: Osm {Rh.} -vQ qo- (aor. qo-r)
'put, place, set', Tk Io- - Ioy-, Kr {Rl.} qo- id. || Chv L xyp- xur- v. 'put' ('inacr"') Cl. 595-6, Rs. W 273-4, ET Q 27-9, Rl. II
498-9, Rh. 1497-8, TrR 557, 564, Jeg. 3O6, Fed. II 361, Md. 41 ll ? Gil: Gil A xut- (xud_) 'be drowned', xut-Iu- caus. v. 'drown'
ST RN 421-2 l ??? Gil A (Iut) v. 'fall (from above)'.^ The long vw. in NaIE and D point to a lr., but its identity cannot be
determined by S (because of the ambiguity of S 'Idh).
1O14. 'IA'hdE 'to cover' > IE 'Ioad"- v. 'protect, cover' ('hten, schzend bedecken') > OHG huotcn 'to guard' ('behten,
bewachen'), NHG hutcn 'guard, keep, take care of'; OHG huota 'hut, cover of a tent', {Schz.} 'Wache', NHG Hut 'hat; keeping,
guard, shelter', AS hod (> NE hood), OFrs hodc 'Obhut', ON hottr, Ic hattur, hotuc, AS htt 'hat', NE hat || L cassis / gen.
-idis 'helm' (< 'Ioad"-tis) WP I 341, P 516, Ho. 146, 167, Vr. 282, OsS 433, Schz. 172, Kb. 492, KM 322-3, WH I 177 The
deviation of the IE incompatibility law (that rules out roots with tenuis + media aspirata) still requires explanation (infl. of the lr.?)
ll HS: S: [1] CS 'Ihd v. 'hide' > BHb Ihd D v. 'hide, conceal', Sh

v. 'efface; hold', Sr Ihd D 'put to shame', G 'revere, be
modest' [2] ?? WS 'Idn v. 'cover, wrap' ( N 'IadV 'to wicker, wattle') > Ar Idn: Iadana bi- v. 'wrap oneself in (clothes)', Ar
D maqdana 'cover of an oven', Gz Idn G v. 'cover, wrap, clothe', Tgr Idn G v. 'cover, clothe', Tgy Idn G v. 'cover' KB
447, KBR 469, BDB #3582, L G 275-6 C: EC: Or {Th.} Iadadu v. 'cover, close', {Grg.} Iadada 'put a lid on', {Th.}
Iadada, Iadado 'coperchio, tappo, turacciolo', {Grg.} Iadada 'cover, vessel, gourd' || Ag 'I"st- - 'I"sd- v. 'cover' > Bln {R}
Iut-, Iut- v. 'cover, veil (be- \ zudecken, verhllen)', Iud 'Deckel', Q {R} Iut-, Dmb {R} Icd- v. 'cover' R WB 23O, Th. 267,
Grg. 314 AD SF 35 ll K 'Icj:,t- > G (da-)Ict- v. 'close' ('schlieen, zumachen'), (gamo-)Ict- 'einschlieen, einsperren',
(mi)Ict- '(zu-\ver-\ab-)schlieen' Chx. 571 ll U 'Iaoc (or 'Iioc, 'Iairc) > Sm 'Icr(+) v. 'put on [clothes], wear' > Ne T
ccpaA( c") , Ne F {Lh.} si_cra-s, Ng {Mik.} scrodi id., En X {Cs.} 'sclibo, B {Cs.} 'scribo 'anziehen' (1s aor. s/obcj.), Slq Tz
{KKIH} scr- v. 'put on, wear', Kms {KD} scrolom id. (1s prs.), Koyb {Sp.} ccpn 'I am putting on', Mt {Hl.} 'Icr- vi. 'dress', d
'Icrot(o)- v. 'put on' [Mt: M {Sp.} icpnax 'I am dressing myself' ('o(cnanc) '), icpir" x 'I put on'] Jn. 68, Hl. M ##47O, 472,
Cs. 9O, KKIH 174 ll A 'Iad- (- ?? 'I`at-) > NaT 'Iao- v. 'put on (clothes, footwear), wear' > OT Iao-, Tk giy-, Qmq giy-,
Az, Tkm gcy-, Tk ?, ET ?, Ln Icy-, CrTt, Kr, VTt, Qrg, StAlt, ET, Uz Iiy-, Qzq Iiy-, Bsh Iiy-, SY Icz-, Xk inc- Iis-, Tv Ict-,
Tf Ict-, Yk Iat- id. Cl. 7OO, ET VGD 12-4, Ra. 2O3, Rs. W 246, BIG 78 The pT vw. 'a is evidenced by Yk y a (while pT
'c yields Yk i, Pp. J 54, ADb. SR-D 51-7) M 'Icdur- v. 'wear (a garment) over ones shoulders' > WrM Icdur- id., Kl i' (p-
id., {Rm.} Iodr- 'ber (seine Schultern) werfen, sich bemanteln'; M 'Icdurgc '(rain-)coat, cover (Bedeckung)' > WrM Icdurgc,
HlM xy(pyi 'coat', Kl i' (pi 'raincoat', {Rm.} Iodrgo 'Mantel, groes Tuchstck ber die Schultern geworfen, Bedeckung' MD
442, KRS 312, KW 236 ?? Tg [1] 'jx,a'du 'cloth' > WrMc adu id., Jrc {Kiy.} hatu 'dress, clothing' [2] 'jx,ctu- v. 'put on,
wear' > WrMc ctu- id., ctuIu 'garment', Lm stiI 'upper garment of women' STM II 469, Z 31, 73, Kiy. 127 [##551, 554] ADb.
KL 14 (T, M), DQA #8O6 ('Ii_adi or 'I`ai_di 'put on, wear' > T, M, ? Tg 'jx,adu) The pA lenis 'I- for the expected fortis
'I`- is obscure; if the Tg cognate really belongs here, the vl. '-t- requires explanation (effect of the lr.?).
1O15. 'IUdhV - '-a- 'to pierce' > ? IE: NaIE 'I"c(:)d-/'I"o(:)d- v. 'sharpen, bore', 'I"od- 'sharp' ( N 'KotV 'tip, end,
sharp point' [q.v. ffd.]) > Gmc {Wt.} 'h"at|an > ON hvct|a 'to sharpen', AS hvc'ttan (> NE vhct), MLG vcttcn, OHG
(h)vczzcn, NHG vctzcn 'to whet'; AS hvt, OHG (h)vaz 'sharp, quick' || ? L tri-quctrus 'three-cornered, triangular' (acc. to WH,
< 'tri-I"adros 'three-pointed, 'with three sharp points') WP I 513 & II 554, P 636, AHDI 33, EI 51O ('I"cd- 'whet, sharpen'),
WH II 7O6, Vr. 272, Ho. 179, 181, Kb. 1186, OsS 437, Schz. 321, KM 856 ll HS: WS 'Idh v. 'bore, perforate, pierce' > JA, Sr,
MHb Idh G v. 'bore, perforate', JEA Idh G 'bore through, break through', Ar qdh v. G 'perforate', Sq {Jo.} Idh G (pf.
Iadah) 'pierce' KB 998, KBR 469, Lv. IV 245-6, Br. 645, Js. 1314-5, Sl. 983, Fr. III 4O5, Jo. M 223 EC 'Iadh- - 'Iudh-
'thorn' > Sml qodah, Rn Iudah (cs. IudaIIi), Elm cd, Arr {Hw.} Icdch, Or {Bl.} Iora-tti, {Brl.} Iorc / Ioratti, Or
B/O/Wt {Sr.} Iora(t)ti, Gdl Iudd-ct, Kns qct-ta Bl. 18O, Ss. PEC 49, PG 2O3, Hw. A 378, Brl. 346, Th. 75 (Or Iorc),
Sr. 354, AD SF 81 ll K 'Iod- v. 'cut \ peck \ chop \ wound' ( N ''IoudV 'to destroy, break') > OG Iod- 'hew (wood), G Iod-
'castrate; chop; hollow'; scmo-Iod- v. 'carve signs on trees', G Iod- v. 'wound, hurt' ('verwunden, verletzen'); ? - GZ 'Iodal-
'woodpecker' > G Iodal-, Mg Iidu- - Isds, Lz Iid-, (m)Iud- id.; G W Iodara- id.; GZ 'Iod- 'vessel made of one piece of
wood, tub' > Mg, Lz Iod- id., MG, G Iod- 'vessel (and measure) for dry substances, tub' K 113, K
97-8, FS K 187-8, FS E 2O5-
6, Chx. 6O5-6, Chik. 1O6-7, Ghl. 297 ll A 'Ij`,ad- > M 'qadqu- v. 'pierce, stab, prick' > MM [MA, S] qatqu- id. ('stechen,
stecken'), [IM] qatyu- 'strike with a spear', WrM qadqu-, HlM xaria-( x) 'pierce, stab, prick', Ord g_ad__u- 'piquer', ? Mnr H
{SM} g_asg_u- id.; M 1 Chg {Bu.} qada- v. 'nail (to sth.), pierce, prick', Qzq qada- v. 'dive (sth.) in, thrust, stick in; sew', Nog
qada- to pierce, nail to', VTt qada- v. 'prick', Tv qada- v. 'stick in, thrust', Tf qada- v. 'nail to, prick'; Cl. believes that this T v is a
loan from M because it is not attested in the T texts previous to the Mongolian conquest Pp. MA 296-7, 444, H 63, MED 9O4, SM
121, Sht. 251, Rs. W 217-8, Ra. 216 NaT 'Kaou- v. 'stitch\sew (a garment)' > OT {Cl.} qaou- v. 'sew or stitch (e.g. a garment)
firmly', Qmq, Nog, Qzq, Qq, Qrg qayi-, VTt qay+- (1 Chv _ay-), Bsh qay-, Tkm gaya- 'sew (a garment, a hem, etc.) with a small
stitch' Cl. 596, Rs. W 219, ET KQ 199-2OO, Jud. 324, Sht. 253 ? Tg 'xidar- 'to hurt by pricking; prickly, bitter' > Nn Nh
stdart 'pain from a blow\needle\splinter in ones skin', Nn, Ul stdarst 'pricking, burning', Nn, Ul stdarst-, Ork stdart-st- 'to be
pricking, to smart, burn (ones skin)', Ork stdartlt- 'sour', Ewk Tt idar 'bitter (iop"io)', Ewk idari- 'feel bitter\sour\piquant taste,
feel acute pain from burning', Lm td+r- be sour; turn sour (of fish)', td+rst 'pungent, bitter, sour', Neg tdasi 'bitter' ??, Tg 'xutu-
'to itch, tickle' ( N 'I'it'U - 'I'it'U 'to tickle, itch?) > Nn Nh _otortaq '(it is) tickling', _otorst- v. 'itch', Ul _ottrst-, Orc
xutunsi- - xutunisi-, Ewk utuni - utuni-, Lm tttn-, Neg otoxon- id., Ud {Shn.} utuni

i, Ud Sm {Krm.} utunihi, Orc

xutuna, xutunisi 'it itches' Tg 'i in 'xidar is obscure STM I 297-8 & II 294-5, Krm. 3O3 DQA #1O38 (A 'I`i_ada
'itching, pungent'; incl. Tg 'xidar-) ll D 'Iutt- > Tm Iuttu v. 'puncture, pierce, bore', Ml IuttuIa v. 'pierce, stab', Iuttu 'a stab,
prick', Kt Iut- v. 'pierce, prick', Td Iut- v. 'pierce, stitch, sew', Tu Iuttuni v. 'bore, pierce', Knd gut- v. 'stitch, pierce', Mnd Iut- v.
'punch with fist', Png Iund- id., 'pierce with spear', Kui Iuta, Ku Iut- v. 'prick' D #1719 D '-tt- may point to a presence of a vl.
lr., because the reg. reflex of N '-t- is '-t-.
1O15a. 'KAdXV 'strike fire, kindle' > HS: WS 'Idh id. > BHb Idh G v. 'set fire to', Pun D or Sh

(prtc.) {HJ} mqdh
'one who lights (the lamps in the temple)', Ar qdh v. G 'strike fire (with flint)', Sr Idh G 'catch fire, blaze up', JEA {Js., Sl.}
Idh G 'be inflamed', Mh, Hrs, Jb C/E {Jo.} Idh (pf.: Mh 'Iavdsh - Isdoh, Hrs Isdoh, Jb 'Icdah) 'strike a spark \ a
light' KB 998, KBR 469, HJ 986, Br. 645, JPS 489, Js. 1315, Sl. 983, Jo. J 141, Jo. H 73 ll D 'Iatt- ({GS} 'I-) v. 'kindle, burn' >
Ml IattuIa id., IattiIIa v. 'set on fire, burn', Kt Iat- (p. Iaty-) vi. 'burn', 'light (lamp)', Iat- (p. Iatc-) vt. 'set fire to', Td Iot- (p.
Ioty-) vi. 'burn with flame', 'light' (lamp), Kn Iattu 'begin to burn with flame, cause to burn with intensity', Kdg Iatt- 'burn with a
blaze', Krg Ianti v. 'kindle' D #12O7.
1O16. 'KUdjV,XV 'to draw [schpfen] (water), ladle out' > HS: WS 'Idh id. > Gz Idh id., Ar qdh v. G 'ladle out (soup
from the pot)', qadah- 'drinking bowl', Sb mIdh '() cup\vessel (for offerings)' L G 42O BGMR 1O3, Fr. III 4O5 The v is found
in C: Bj {R} gdh pcv. 'ladle out', Ag: Bln {R} IadaI"- v. 'ladle, pour', Xm {R} qadaq-, Q {R} hcday- v. 'ladle', but it is probably
a loan from Semitic (Ag from EthS Idh, Bj from Ar qdh) ( R WB 235, R WBd 91, AD SF 284) ll A: NaT 'Iuo- v. 'pour
(liquid)' > OT {Cl.} quo- 'pour out', Qmq, Nog, Qzq, Qq, Uz, ET quy- 'pour (liquid)', Tkm quy-, Kr, Qrg quy-, Yk Iut- 'pour
(gieen, schtten)', VTt, Bsh q+y- id., 'shed (leaves)', 'shed (hair)' (of animals), Alt/Tlt/QK {Rl.} v. 'cast (metal)', Tv qut- 'pour,
pour in', Tf qut- 'pour in' Cl. 596, Rs. W 296, ET Q 1O9-11, Ra. 222, Rl. II 888-9 AmTg 'IodUrVn ' ladle' (a cd ) > Ul
qodtrt(n-), Nn: Nh qodortqo/t, Nh/KU qodoro/t, B qodorfo(n-) The A lenis 'I- (> T 'I-, Tg 'I-) for the fortis 'I`-
steel needs explanation ll D {in McTm} 'Iott- 'pour\shoot out' > Tm Iottu v. 'pour forth, shower down, empty the contents of a
basket\sack', Ml IottuIa v. 'shoot out, empty a sack'; - D 'Ioti ({GS} 'I-) 'passage to carry out excess of water, outlet (of a
tank) for surplus water' > Kn Iodi id., Tm Ioti 'weir of a tank, outlet for surplus water', Tl Iodi 'outlet of tank' D ##2O65,
2197 ^ D '-tt-/-t- < N '-d- regularly, but a cluster '-dh- would have yielded D '-tt- ( N 'IUdhV - '-a- 'to pierce'), hence we
may suppose a vw. between '-d- and the lr.
1O17. 'KUdjV,XV 'to scold', (??) 'to shout at' > IE 'Icu_Hd-/'IuHd- > NaIE 'Icuod-/'Iu(:)d- v. 'scold', (??) 'shout at' > OI
Iut-'sa 'abuse, blame', Iut'sayati 'abuses, blames', NPrs dyEvkN naIuhidan - ncIuhidan 'to despise, blame' || Gk
kuooooi 'am reviled', kuooe 'I revile, abuse', kuoo) 'reproach, abuse' || Gmc: OGtn huta 'to call in (herbeirufen)', Nr ? huta-
v. 'shout, make noise, shout threateningly at (a dog), treat with disdain', ON hota 'to threaten', OSx for-hvatan, OHG
vaan ({P} hvaan) {Kb.} 'to oppose', fir-vaan 'to curse, damn'; Gt lota, ON hot 'threat'; 'Iud-sIo- > AS husc, OHG
hosc, OSx hosI 'insult, mockery' || Sl 'Iudi- > OCS ku:u Iuditi 'vituperare', RChS, OR Iuditi 'insult, blame', Blg 'iy( v. 'talk
scandal, blame', Slv Iuditi, Slk Iudit` 'to blame', SCr Iu`diti id., 'to slander' WP I 348-9, P 595-6, M K I 228, Vl. II 1345, Sg.
1423, F II 4O, Vr. 25O, Fs. 286, Ho. 179, Ho. S 38, Kb. 1153, OsS 419, Schz. 312, WW 366, ESSJ XIII 82-3 IE '-d- for the
expected '-d"- is due to an IE incompatibility law ll HS: S 'Idh > Ar qdh (ip. -qdahu) 'speak ill of', L (pf. qadaha) 'to revile
one another' Hv. 59O ll ? U 'IotV (or '-a-, '-ttjI,sjI,s'sI-) > pSm {Jn.} 'Iat+ v. 'scold' ( N 'IajV,_V 'to scold' [q.v.
ffd.]) ll A: M ''qoti- > 'qoci- 'blame, slander' > WrM qoci, HlM xou 'mockery', 'qocila- > WrM qocila-, HlM xouno-( x) v.
'slander, vilify; blame; make fun of', Kl xoun-x _oc+l_+ 'be jealous, suspect', Kl {Rm.} _ocl-_o 'to rebuke, reprimand,
scold' MED 951, KRS 6O2, KW 191 ll D {tr.} 'Iati- v. 'reproach, scold' > Tm Iati- v. 'reprove, rebuke, chide', Mlt qar`yc v.
'reproach, scold, abuse' A less plausible D cognate: D {tr.} 'Iat-Vr_-, {GS} 'gad-Vr_d_- 'shout, scream, make noise' > Tm
Iataru 'cry aloud from pain\grief, scream, yell', Ml IataruIa v. roar, lament', Ka gadaru 'produce a loud sound', Tu gaddala
'noise', Tl gadumu, gaddincu v. 'rebuke, scold' D {GS} 'gad- 'scream, yell, scold' D ##1126, 1189, GS 25 [#7] ^ The
meaning 'to shout' is represented in NrGmc (and D?) only. Therefore we must either suppose that this meaning belongs to the ancient
heritage and has been lost in most lgs., or to admit here a typologically rare case of semantic change from 'scold' to 'shout' (the
opposite of the reg. change from 'shout' to 'scold').
1O18. ? 'K'adKudV 'tip, top' > IE: NaIE 'IaIud- 'peak, summit' > OI Ia'Iud- (nom./acc. Ia'Iut) id. || L cacumcn 'the
extreme point, top, tip, summit' || ? Gmc 'xagu- - 'xagu-la > 'xagila > OFrs {P ?} hcila 'head' (not mentioned in Stlr.) P 588-
9, ? M K I 135, M E I 287, WH I 127 AdS of NaIE 'Iaut - 'IIau_ut 'head' (< N 'I'ajv,E 'skull; occiput head',
q.v. ffd.) ll HS: S 'IadIud- - 'IudIud- 'crown (of the head), sinciput' > BHb d7qd6q! Iod'Iod id. (+ppa: &dq0d6q!
IodI`'d-o 'his crown\sinciput'), JA ad1q^d6q! IodIo'd-a id., 'summit', MNA IotIc 'skull', Ug IdId 'crown of the head,
head', Ar d muqadd- 'le derrire de la tte et du cou', Ak IaIIadu 'head, top', Eb gag-gu-tum IaIIudum KB 1OO2, KBR
1O71, Js. 1317, A #2392, OLS 363, Js. 1317, Sl. P 476, OJ M 18O, BK II 683, Sd. 899-9OO, CAD XIII 1OO-12, Krb. EG 12-3, MiK
I #1.159 ll ? D : [1] D 'Iot/'Iott- 'summit, top' ( N 'KotV 'tip, end, sharp point', 'to finish' [q.v. ffd.] and N 'IXRjV,tV
'summit, top') [2] NED 'IuII- ( N 'KXjR,KubV 'top, summit, crown of the head') > Krx IuII 'head, extremity', Mlt
IuIu 'head' D #163O ^ In IE 'd (rather than 'd") due to an incomptibility law.
1O19. 'IUIE 'dark, black' > K: G I IuIun-a_-i 'dark, black', G IuIun-ct-i, IuIun-at-i 'darkness' Chx. 638 K '-I-
(rather than '-I-) is probably due to as ll HS: Eg fP IIv (= {Vc.} '[IiIyav]) 'darkness' > Cpt: Sd kokc IaIc, B oku I"aIi EG V
142-3, Fk. 287, Vc. 74 Blz. KM #1O suggests to add Ak IuIIu 'darkness', but it is likely to be a loan from Sum Iu

'darkness' (CAD VIII 499) ll A: M 'Ioc 'soot' > MM [MA] Ioyc, WrM Iogc - Io - Iogcgc, HlM x' ' , Mnr H {SM}
I`o id. MED 478, SM 2O4, T 339 Tg: WrMc {Z} IuIu 'black' ( IuIu 'gray, blue' < N 'I'EhoIa 'green\blue'), ? {Z, Hr.} Iu
'soot on the bottom of a kettle' ('Ruansatz des Kesselbodens') (from M?) Z 288-9, Hr. 597 Mc I- (regularly from Tg 'I-) instead
of Tg 'x- is due to as and\or to the merger with N 'I'EhoIa ^ Fn. SK 97 [#16O] (K, Sum IuIu 'verdunkelt, Finsternis') , Blz.
KM 116 [#1O] (K, Eg. Ak) .
1O2O. 'IoIjv,V 'hook', 'tooth, fang' > K: GZ {FS} 'IaI-, {AD} 'IaIv- 'hook' ( N 'KaKu 'stalk, stick') > G IaIvi
'hook' ('Haken, Hkchen'), Lz IoI-a, IoIari - IuIari id. FS K 167-8, Chx. 543, BU 219 ll HS: S 'IaII- '() tooth, sharp
stick' > JA IaI'I-a, Sr IaI'I-a, Md IaIa 'tooth, molar', JEA IaI'Ia 'molar tooth', Ak IaII-u(m) 'stick, weapon' Br. 326, Lv. II
325, Sl. 58O, DM 197, Sd.. 422 ll ? IE: NaIE 'Iog-/'Icg- 'hook, claw' > pGmc 'xoIa-, 'xaIan-, 'xcIan- 'hook' > OHG haIo,
hago, haIIo, OFrs hoI, MLG.hoI, MDt hocI, AS hoc 'hook', NE hooI; ON hoI|a, NNr hoI|a 'Krcke' || Sl
'Iog+ti - 'Iog+t+ > OR kere:i Iogoti, R, Uk 'ioior", Cz ? Iohat 'claw', HLs Iocht 'awn, iocrcp" (a weed cereal)' Ht
IaIa-s 'tooth' P 537-8, Vr. 278, Ho. 167, Kb. 423, OsS 365, ESSJ X 1O9-1O, Vs. II 275, Pv. IV 14-5, EI 272 ['Io(n)gos 'hook';
'(n) on the problematic ev. of MIr alchaing 'weapon rack' and Lt Icngc' 'hook on the wall' (AMLH hcngc 'Hnge' Gmc verb
for 'hang', cf. Frn. 239] The lack of labialization of the IE stem-final cns. is still to be explained [infl. of N 'goPKa '() tooth,
hook, sharp stick'?] ll U 'IoIIa 'a protruding point, hook' > FL 'IoIIa > F IoIIa 'sth. protruding, a protruding point; stem of a ship
(Vordersteven); penis', F ? IoIIa 'hook, fish-hook', Krl IoIIa 'hook, stem of a ship', Krl A IoIIu 'penis', Krl Ld IoI, IoIIc
'hook, penis' | pLp {Lr.} 'IoIIc [ N 'goPKa ''] > Lp: N goaIIc {SK} 'hoe', {N} 'hood on a cradle', L {SK} Io?IIc 'ein sich
rckwrts biegendes Holz, das aus dem Vorderteils des Schlittens hervorsteht', {LLO} IahIc 'Holzbogen als Shutzdach der Wiege',
Nt {TI} Iuv?IIo_, I {It.} IoaIIi 'hook', Kld Iuo?Io_ id., {SaR} iyyli" 'hook (ncmania, ipnuoi)', Lp K Io'a?IIo 'hoe, hook'
pY {IN} 'IoIo 'head (of a fish\animal)' ( N 'KXjR,KubV 'top, summit, crown of the head', q.v. ffd.) UEW 171-2 (FU, Y),
Lr. #468, Lgc. #2614, Hs. 63O-1, SK 2O8-9, 225-6, Lr. #468, IN 228-9, IN RJ 8, Ang. 122, Jc. JR s.v. IoIa ll ? A: Tg 'xuItc or
'xuyItc 'tooth' (probably < ''xuI-Itc or 'xuyI-Itc, where '-Itc is a sx.) > Ewk iIts 'tooth', Neg iIts 'tooth, canine', Nn
xuItc 'tooth', ? WrMc vcyxc 'tooth, fang, horn', Jrc vcyhc 'tooth' STM I 3OO, S AJ 215 [#129], Kiy. 124 [#182] ?? pJ {S}
'IunIi 'nail, peg, hook' > OK Iugji_,i - Iugji_,i, J: T Iugi, K Iugi, Kg Iugi S QJ #889, Mr. 462 On the reflexes of Tg
'-It- (incl. '-It- > Mc -x-) Ci. 229-3O ? DQA #1128 (A 'I`oIi 'hinge, hook'; incl. pJ 'IunIi), Vv. AEN 11 (Tg 'xuItc
ltOJ Iiba 'fang' < pJ 'Iuo-i-n'o-a 'fang-tooth' [Mr. 45O]; denies the connection of Tg 'xuItc with N 'IoIjv,V) ll D (tr.,
GS} 'IoII- 'hook' > Tm, Tl IoIIi id., Ml IoIIa 'clasp, hook', Kt IoIy, Td IvIIy, Kn IoIIi, IoIIc, Kdg IoIIc 'crook, hook',
Tu IoII 'hook, clasp', Gnd IoIIi 'hoe' D #2O32 The association of this D noun with the paronymous verb 'IoqII-/'IoII-
'bend' is secondary (folk et.). It brought about merged forms like Tl IoqIi 'hook' ^ The labialization of the vw. in U, D and Tg may
be due to N 'v (still preserved in K). The N vw. 'a is reconstructed on the ev. of IE (initial 'I- without labialization or
palatalization), S and K. The long '-II- in U may point to the underlying ancient cns. cluster, but it (just as K '-I-) may be also
explained by as ^ Fn. KD 342 (K, D) ^ AD NM #91; S CNM 3 ( ST; suggests to adduce here A 'gcI`o 'hook', which is less
plausible from the phonetic point of view).
1O21. ?? Ll 'KaKa 'penis' > IE: NaIE 'IaI- 'male genitalia' > AS haan 'genitalia', MHG {KM} hagcn, NHG Hagcn, NGr ?
Hcgcl, NGr Sb {KM} hcigcl 'bull kept for breeding' ('Zuchtstier'), HaIsch 'Zuchteber', NHG hccIcn 'to mate' (of birds), NE hctch;
OHG hcgidruos, hcgidruosa, hcgidruosi 'penis, testicle, pudendum', MHG hcgcdruos, hcidruosc 'testiculus, pudenda' || Ltv
IaIalc 'penis, scrotum' | RChS kevou+ Iocan+ 'membrum virile' WP I 334, Kb. 443, OsS 378, Lx. 83, KM 295, ME II 132; ? Vs.
II 356-7 & ? ESSJ X 1O4-5 (both: kevou+ Iocan+ 'cabbage-head') ll U: FU i 'IaII- > pObU 'IaI- > pVg 'IaI- 'penis' >
Vg: N {Mu.} IoI, UL {Kn.} Io':I, {Kn.} Ss Iog_ id. - Vg N {Mu.} IoIti 'coire' (the preservation of the stop -I may be due to
ideophony or to the Lallwort-association of the Vg noun) WVD VII 142, MK 218, UEW 172.
1O22. 'KaKu 'stalk, stick, cudgeal' > HS: B: Ah a-IoIIova 'stick' Fc. 777-8 ll ? IE: NaIE 'IcIu- 'keulenformiger
Stock', 'Stock mit hammerartigem Quergriff' > Av caIus- n. 'hammer\battle-axe for throwing' ('Wurfhammer, Wurfaxt'), NPrs ku*a
caIos 'a braziers hammer' || Pru [El.] qucIc "Stecle" ('Tannenast als Zaunstab'), Ltv caIa {Kar.} 'a cudgel with a side-branch',
{ME} 'Knttel mit Knorren\Wurzelende als Griff' WP I 381, P 543, Brtl. 575, Kar. I 184 (connects Ltv caIa with IE 'IaI-
'bough, branch', which is err., because IE 'I- yields Ltv s-), ME I 4O1 (unc. comparison of Ltv caIa with Cz caIan 'morning
star'), En. 2OO, Tp. P K-L 38O-2, Vl. I 584 The irreg. Ltv c- (for the expected I-) may be due to dialectal palatalization ( Rudz.
LD 3O6-8) or borrowing from a different Baltic lge. ll A [1]: T 'Kagul- > OT {Cl.} qayil 'a willow shoot, a rod used for
chastisement' Cl. 61O ?? M 'qaqu'y|uli 'fishing rod' > WrM qaquul(i), HlM xaxyyn" id., fishhook', Kl {Rm.} ga_ul
{KRS} laxyn" ya_ul 'fishing rod', Brt xaxyynn id. MED 947, KW 141, KRS 162, Chr. 564 The strange shape of the word and
the unexpected long vw. in HlM, Brt and Kl suggest borrowing l [2] ? A 'I`UI`V 'stalk, root' > T 'I`oI 'root' > OT, MU, MQp,
Chg [San.], Tkm, Az, Ggz, Kr, CrTt, Qzq IoI, Tk IoI, Tv Io'I, Chv iaAi I+I, ? I+I 'root' Cl. 7O8, Rs. 287, ET KQ 91-2,
TL 1O9, S AJ 182 [#67], Md. 51, 169 ('I`oI`) pKo 'IoIiri - 'IoIori 'stalk' > MKo IoIiri - IoIori, NKo IoIci id. S
QK #481, Nam 4O1, MLC 133O pJ 'IuIu-i 'stem, stalk' > OJ IuIi, J: T/Kg IuIi, K IuIi id. S QJ #166, Mr. 462 'U of
the first syll. may be due to regr. as DQA #1O76 (A 'I`i_uyI`c 'root, stem'; incl. T, Ko, J), S AJ 284 [#199] [both papers tie in
Tg 'xuItc 'tooth', which is hardly acceptable (?); N 'IoIjv,V 'hook', 'tooth, fang'] ll K: GZ 'IaIv- 'hook'( N
'IoIjv,V '', q.v. ffd.).
1O23. 'KoKE 'to look, see' > IE: NaIE 'I"cI-/'I"oI-, 'I"cI-s-, 'I"cg- 'see' > OI 'Iasatc 'appears, is brilliant,
shines' (medium voice, which may be interpreted as 'is seen'), caus. (ava)Iasayati 'lt hinblicken', Av aIasat 'erblickte', NPrs
'ga ogoh 'aware, wary; intelligent, knowing; prudent', 'gaNi ncgoh - gaNi ncgah n. 'look, aspect; glance; observation';
'I"cI-s- > OI 'castc (3p caIsatc) md. v. 'sees, appears', Av cas-tc, -aitc 'teaches', MPrs casitan 'to teach'; Av, OPrs
casman-, NPrs 4* casm 'eye' || Gk Ep tcke, Gk tcko 'fixed sign, fixed mark, boundary' || 'I"cg- > Sl 'Iaza-ti (1s
prs. 'Iazo) v. 'show' > OCS koo:u Iazati, Slv Iazati, R no-ia) :ar", ? ia':ar" 'to show', SCr Iazati 'to show, say', Blg
'iaa v. 'say', RChS, OR Iazati, R c-ia) :ar", ? ia':ar", Uk ia':arn, Blr ia':an" 'to say', OCz Iazati, LLs Iazas, HLs
Iazac 'to order', Cz Iazati, Slk Iazat` 'to preach, order', P Iazac 'to narrate, preach, order' || ??? It is tempting to adduce here
WGmc {KM} 'gugg|on > OHG (?) gucIan 'to look', NHG gucIcn 'to look, peep', NLG IucIcn, Yid Nqvq IuIn 'to look', ? Dt
Ii|Icn, but both the cnss. and the vowels violate the reg. sound corrs. (ideophonic factor, as ?) P 638-9, M K I 2O4, Vl. I 45 & II
1342-3, Sg. 9O, 1424, F II 66-7, ESSJ IX 168-7O, Kb. 415, KM 276, Vr. N 368-9, KM 276, Glh. 314-, EI 25 ('I"cI- - 'I"cg-
'appear') ll HS: C: SC: Kz IcIcm- v. 'hear' || Dhl IcI- v. 'watch, look at' || ? Ag: Aw {Hz.} snIoysn, snI"aysn, Knf {TBZAC}
cg"av v. 'hear' E SC 243, E K 13, EEN 11, To. D 139, Blz. CWL ll U: FU 'IoIc- v. 'see, experience, find' [ N 'goIi 'track'
( 'way'), ''to track (game), follow the tracks of'?] > F IoIc- v. 'experience, find out', Es Iogc- v. 'fear', as well as 'experience,
undergo' [a recent innovation due to the infl. of F] | Lp Kld {TI} Iuo]Ia- v. 'inspect the fishing equipment' Sm {Jn.} 'Io- v. 'see,
find' > En (1s obj. aor.): En X Ioabo, En B Iuabo 'suchen, finden', Ne T xo-c", T O {Lh.} xos v. 'find', Ne F {Lh.} Io-s id., Sq
Tz {KKIH} qo-qo 'to find, catch sight of, discover', Kms {Cs.} Iulim, {KD} 1s prs. Iula'm 'I see, examine, perceive, find', Koyb
{Sp.} iy6ax 'I see', iynax 'I find', Mt {Hl.} 'Io- 'see, find' (Mt: M {Sp.} io x 'I find', K {M} ischingo 'I do not see' [ischin 'I
do not']) Coll. 25, UEW 171, SK 2O8, Jn. 72-3, Cs. 8O, 181, KKIH 162, KD 34, Hl. M #513 ll D 'IoII- v. 'raise the head or
project the neck in order to see sth.' > Knd IoI- 'raise\project the head while seeing a distant object', Kui goIa (< 'goI-a, p.
goIt-) stretch forth, stretch the neck in order to observe sth., Ku goI- 'look up, await' D #218O.
1O24. ? i 'I'oIV 'beak', o 'to peck' (of a bird) > K: GZ 'IcI- v. 'stoke, poke (with beak), knock' ( o) > G IcI- id., Mg
IaI- v. 'pound, grind, knock', Lz IanI- id.; GZ 'IcI-vn- v. 'peck' (of a bird) > G (amo)-IcnI- v. 'pick up (grain from a
vessel, from the ground with the beak)', (a)-IcnI- v. 'pick up (grain from the ground)', (da)-IcnI- v. 'break sth. with the beak', Mg
IsIon-, IiIon- v. 'peck' (of a bird), Lz IiIon- id., 'eat a little at a time' ('ccr" noncxnoiy') K 1O8, K
88, FS K 174
('IcnI-) ll U: FU 'IVII- v. 'peck' (of a bird) > pPrm 'IoI- id. > Z IoIav-nI v. peck, gouge', Z US IoIal- id., Yz IoIas- v.
'have sexual relations', Vt IuIcasII-, Vt Ur IuIcasI- v. 'peck' (of hens) LG 129, SZ 161 ll A: AmTg 'xaI'o- - 'xoIo- 'beak'
> Nn Nh _aqoa, Ul _aqta(n-) 'beak', Ud {Shn.} ai, {Krm.} a? - ?a id., Ork _oqo(n-) id., 'nose (= front part) of a fish' STM I 17,
Krm. 2O3 ll D 'IoII- ({GS} 'I-) 'beak' > Mnd IoIIu 'long beak, bill', Kn IoIIu, Tu IoIIu, IoIIayi, IoIayi 'beak, bill', Kdg
IoIIi 'beak' D #2O34.
1O25. 'KalV(-mV) 'spot, stain; be spotty' > IE: [1] NaIE 'Icl- 'spot, stain' > OI Iar'Ia- 'white, a white horse', NPrs ?r08i ccrI
'dirty; matter (pus, sanies vulneris)' || Gk kco) 'gray', kcoivo) 'black' [2] NaIE 'Icl-mo- > OI Ialmasa-h 'stain, dirt', NPrs
{Sg., BM} Mr8 carmc 'white\gray horse', Krd ccrmc 'white' || NGr Sw Hclm 'a white blaze on the cattles forehead', Sw ?
h|alm {Hlq.} 'white blaze on the cattles\horses forhead', Sw h|almig 'having a white head or a white blaze on the forehead' (of
cattle\horses) [3] ? NaIE 'Ial-/'Iol- > Gk ki) / kioo), Gk D koi) 'stain' || L calidus, callidus 'white-browed' (of
horses), Um CALERSU Ialcruf acc. pl. 'cal(l)idos, with a white forehead (oxen)', ? L caligo 'fog, darkness' || ? OIr cailc, later
(MIr) gailc 'stain' || Lt Ialybas, Ialyvas 'white-necked' | Sl 'Ial+ 'dirt, mud' > OCS, OR koa+ Ial+, SCr Ial ~ Ia`o 'dirt, slime',
Blg ian 'dirt', Slv Ial 'dirt in a puddle', Cz, Slk Ial 'liquid dirt, mud', P Ial 'dirt, puddle', R ian 'faeces' P 547-8, M K I 171, 184,
Vl. I 57O, BM 163, Sg. 891, F I 813-4, 84O-1, WH I 139-4O, Bc. G 33O, Vn. C 11-2, LP 258, Frn. 2O8, Hlq. 357, ESSJ IX 127-9,
Glh. 31O ll HS: S 'Ilm 'stain' > Gz Iolm-at 'stain, blemish' ({Di.} 'macula') L G 428 ll A: M 'qali'yun > MM [S] qalivun
'brown horse with a black mane and a black tail', WrM qaligun, HlM xannyn 'brown, Isabella'; M 'qaltar 'variegated, spotted' >
WrM qaltar, HlM xanrap id., 'blemished; having a white muzzle', Kl {Rm.} _altr 'brown with a bright muzzle or a white mane'; M
1 Alt/Tlt/Sg/Qc/QK/Qb {Rl.} qaltar 'brown with a white mane' (of horses), R ? xanrapin 'bay with brighter spots' (of a horse),
WrMc qaltara 'dark-bay with a white breast, a bright muzzle and a white blaze on the forehead' (of horses)' MED 92O, H 58, KW
163, Rl. II 259, Z 257-8 ? T 'Kal- 'white blaze' [ T 'I`al 'bare, without hair' < N 'Kalu (or 'Kalyu?) 'bare, naked'] > Chg
'Q qas 'a white blaze on the forehead of a horse', Xk _azar- 'turn gray' (of hair), 'become white\bright', Tv qazarar- 'go gray' (of
hair), 'show white (from afar)', Tlt {Rl.} qazay- id., qazai_yan cac 'gray hair'; T 'Kal-Ka 'white blaze' > OT {Cl.} qasya 'with
a white head and darker body' or 'with a white blaze on the forehead', Tkm ?, Az gasya 'white blaze on the foreehad of an animal
(esp. horse)', Tk ?, Uz, ET, Ln, VTt, Bsh, Qrg qasqa, Blq qas_a, Nog, Qzq, Qq, SY qasqa, Xk _as_a, Chv (A a NaT lge)
_usIa, ? _ursIa id. Cl. 671, ET KQ 35O-1, Rl. II 395, 398-9, TvR 218 T 'l (for the expected 'l) may be due to the infl. of
'I`al 'bare, without hair; bald place'll D (in SD) 'Ial- ({GS} 'I-) 'stain, spot, mole' > Ml Iala 'mark as of small-pox, scar, mole',
Kn Ialc, Iali 'scar of an old wound, mark of small-pox, stain of mud\oil', Kdg Ialc 'scar, white spot on nail', Tu Ial 'scar, mark,
blemish, stain'; D 1OI Ialan'Ia- 'stain, soil, impurity', Ialana- 'stain, blot' D #1313, M K I 177-8.
1O26. 'Kcila 'stalk, a hair' > IE: NaIE 'Icl- 'stalk' ( 'arrow') > OI [ N 'KERV (= 'KERU?) 'hair'] sa'ra- 'reed
(Saccharum sara), arrow', sa'la-h 'staff', 'sala- 'hedgehogs needle', sal'ya- 'spear-head, arrow-head' || Arm saar salart 'leafy
branch, leaf, long hair' || Gk ko ntr. pl. 'arrows' || OIr cail 'spear (lance, javelot)' (< 'Il-yo-) || ON hali 'point of a shaft; tail' || Pru
Iclian 'spear' (a centum-reflex of 'I-), unless it is from IE 'Icl- 'to prick' || pAl {O} 'cala > Al thcl (< 'Iol-ni or 'Il-ni) 'big
nail, spike' P 552-3, M K III 3O6, 313-4, M E II 615-6, 621-2, F I 838, Vn. C 1O-1, Vr. 2O4, En. 192, Tp. P I-K 3O7-8, O 473-4,
EI 537 ['Icl(H)- '(spear)point'] ll A {S} 'I`ilV(-Ia) 'thick hair' > T 'I`ilI`, 'thick hair' > NaT 'I`il id. > OT qil 'hair' (esp. 'horse
hair, bristle'), MU, Tb qil 'hair of the tail', Tkm gil, Ggz Iil, Blq, Nog, Qzq, Qq, Qrg, Alt qil, Uz, ET qil 'hair', Tf hil 'horse hair', Tk
Iil, Az gil, Qmq qil, Tv _il 'hair, bristle', VTt, Bsh q+l 'horse hair, bristle', Ln qil, Xk _il 'hair, wool', SY qil 'wool' || Chv
xcAncAx xilix 'horse hair, string' Acc. to Mudraks rule (Md. DKCh 22O-1), pT *-lK regularly yields NaT '-l and Chv -l+I_ or
-liI_ (distribution of + and i acc. to the laws of vw. harmony) Cl. 614, Rs. W 262, ET Q 2O4-5, TL 196-7, Ra. 192-3, Jeg. 297-8,
Fed. II 342, S AJ 178 [#37]. Md. 7O, 168 M 'Iilga-sun 'horse hair' > MM [S] {H} Iilqasun 'hair of horse tail', WrM Iilgasun,
HlM x niac( an) 'horse hair', Kl {Rm.} Iily+sn id., {KRS} innlcn 'hair, horse hair', Dg {Mrm.} xnnac, xnnacc, xnnacc
'thread, string (Schnur)' {Mr.} silasc, {T} silas 'thread' H 1O2, MED 466, Klz. D I 139, Mr. D 216, KRS 3OO, KW 231, T DgJ
183 Tg 'xin-qa-Ita 'hair', 'xinqa- 'to take off the hair from the hide' > Nn {Gru.} xina-xta, Nn Nh stqa-qta 'wool, down', Ul
stnaqta, Ork stnaqta, Orc iqaqta, Ewk inqaIta, Lm tnq+t, Neg i(n)naIta - inqaIta 'animals hair, wool, down', Ud iqaIta
'wool, human body hair', Sln iqaIta - iqatta 'wool, hair', WrMc iqga_a 'down (of birds and mammals)', Ewk inqa- 'to take\scrap off
the hair from the hide' STM I 247 pKo {S} 'Iar(h)- 'hair, horse mane' [ N 'KalyV '(lock of) hair, eyebrow, eyelash'] > MKo
IarIi 'horses mane', NKo msri-I"araI, mori-I"al 'hair (of ones head)' (mori means 'head), IalIi 'mane', Ko: Chs I"al, PhN I:al,
Ks I"al, Hm I"al, Sl q"al 'hair' S QK #115, MLC 43, 6O8 J: Starosin (S AJ 255 #115) adduces pJ 'Iai_ 'hair' > OJ Ic, [RJ]
Ic, J T Ic (S QJ #34, Mr. 447), but the word may alternatively (to my mind, more plausibly) belong to N 'KalyV '' (q.v.) ll D
'Icl(l)- ({GS} 'I-) 'hair, feather' > Gnd Icl (pl. -I) id., Knd Iclu (pl. -Iu), Png Icl (pl. -Iu), Ku Icllu (pl. IclIa) 'feather'. Kui
Iclu (pl. -Ia) 'large feather, quill', Krx Ialga 'plumes' D #1973 ^ Cp. IS I 351-2 [#228] ['Kila 'stalk, a hair'; IE, A, D + FU
'IalIc 'hair' (actually belonging to N 'KalyV)].
1O27. 'IclV (or 'IclV) 'to lack, be insufficient' > K 'Icl-/'Ial- > OG, G Icl-/Il- v. 'lack, be short of, diminish' [ N
''Ia'lV '(to be) few, too small\thin\light', q.v.]: aor. -Icl (da-v-a-Icl 'ich zog ab, ich verminderte'), prs. m-a-Il-s 'I lack'
(literally 'to me is insufficient'), G X Ial-/Il- v. 'lack, be insufficient', Mg, Lz Ior- v. 'need, wish' (acc. to IS I 323, the stem-final r
in a verb suggests a denominative origin: Zan 'Ior 'a need' < K 'Ial-), Sv m-a-Iu 'I need' (Iu < 'Il-), Il- (x-o-Il-i 'he lacks',
li-Il-i 'to lack'); acc. to IS, Sv Il- is a loan from G - GZ 'm-Il-c- 'deprived, lacking' ( 'short') > OG, G moIlc-, G X mIlc-,
Lz mIulc- 'short', Mg cd _c-Iulc 'deprived of a hand' (with _c- 'hand) K 1O6 ('Ial-), K
89 ('Icl-/Il-), 123 ('m-Il-c-),
Schm. 119, F KW3 24, FS K 173, FS E 189 ('Icl-/'Il- 'to diminish, be deprived of, lack'), Chik. 296, Mach. XS 27O ll U 'IcllV
> FU 'IcllIc- v. 'need, must, shall' > pLp {Lr.} 'IslIs- id. > Lp: S {Hs.} galgcdh, U {Schl.} gal'gat id., L {LLO} Ial'Iat
'werden, sollen, msen', N {N} gal'gat 'shall, must', Kld Isl:gco 'need, shall, must' | Er icn"ic- Iclgc-, Mk
icn"io- Iclgo- v. 'love' | Chr L iy-n Iul (inf. iy-'ncm), H 'icncmIcl- 'it is necessary, must', Uf Iul- v. 'need, must', B Iul-
'ntig sein, brauchen' | Prm {LG} 'Iol- > StZ ion-ni, Z US Iol-, Prmk, Yz Iol- v. 'be needed\necessary; want, like', StVt
iyny Iulc, Vt Ur/B Iulc, Vt Shm Iuvc 'is nesessary, should be' || Hg Icll- v. 'be wanted\needed' || ? F Iclaa- 'to fit (taugen,
annehmlich sein') may belong to U 'IcllV-, but not to FU 'IcllIc- Sm: Slq Nr/Ch {Cs.} Iclcmna- v. 'lack' ('fehlen, mangeln')
Coll. 87 ('IclIc-), UEW 145 (FU 'IclIc-), Sm. 543 (FU, FP 'IclIi-, Ugr 'IilIi- 'must'), Db. OS xxxii, Lr. #3O5, Hs. 551-2, ERV
25O, PI 1O8, MRS 19O, 258, Ep. 41, LG 125, MF 348-9, Sz. MNyH 122 ll A: ? NaT 'Kila- ({Md.} 'Kilc-) 'wish, ask for' > Chv
icAnc Iilc- id., QrB icnc- v. 'want', VTt Msh icn - Iila- v. 'wish, want', Xk i nc- Itlc- v. 'ask, care', Ln Iclc-, Slr
Iclc- - Icla- - Icli- 'ask, wish', Slr U Icla-, Slr E Iclcai- 'be required, incumbent' Tn. SJ 379, TTDS 237, Jeg. 1O4, Fed. I
27O-1, BIG 79, Md. 75, 168 ^ IS I 323 ('Icln in K, U, Slr T 'I`arga- 'be insufficient, lack').
1O28. 'Kola (or 'Koljy,a?) 'long, far' > IE: NaIE 'I"cl- 'far, distant' > OI cara'ma- 'last, the outermost', KhS tcarama-
'last, even' || Gk tc 'far off, at a distance, afar', Gk to, Gk Ae tui 'afar, far away', Gk tooi 'long ago' || Brtt {RE}
'cllos 'far' > OW, MW, W, Crn, Br cll 'far', OBr cll 'far (in time)' [Flr.: 'far in space' is accidentally not attested], W cllaf 'the
outermost' WP I 517-8, P 64O, M K I 377, M E I 533, Bai. 136, F II 465, 891-2, RE 93, Flr. 282 (Clt < IE 'I"clso) ll U: FV
'IuiLya 'wide, broad' > pLp {Lr.} 'Islyc 'broad' > Lp: S {Hs.} gul|cIc, L {LLO} Ial'|c, N {N} gal'l|c | Er Iclc, Mk Icl
'breadth'; Er Iclcy, Iclcv, Iclcq, Mk Icli 'broad' UEW 663. Lr. #3O4, Lgc. #1911, Hg. 678 ll A: M 'qola 'far, distant' > MM
[IM, MA, IsV] qola, WrM qola, Hlm xon, Klm _olo, Mnr {T} _olo, {SM} _olo - _ulo, Ba, Dx _olo, Dg _ol, MMgl qola, Mgl
{Rm.} qolo 'far' Pp. MA 3O6, 445, MED 956, T 376, Iw. 127 ?? pKo 'Iir- 'long', v. 'prolong' > MKo Iir`u-, NKo Iiri-
'prolong', NKo Iil- 'long' S QK #49, Nam 81, MLC 264, 279 unc. : S AJ 295 [#524] & DQA #829 ll HS: AdS of Eg fP I:y 'be
high', 'high, tall', I:.v 'height, length' (its main source is N 'Ial'hi 'high; be high'; more likely than N 'ga?i 'ga?yV 'high'
[q.v.]) EG V 1-4, Fk. 275 ll D 'Iol ({GS} 'I-) > Kn Iol, Iul 'length, largeness', Tl Iolu 'big, huge; much, very' D
#2239 ll Gil: Gil A Iol- 'be long', Isla 'long' ST 126 ^ The IE ev. rules out pN '-l- -Ly-, because a palatal element within a v
would have brought about a "movable 's-" in IE. Therefore 'y in FV and Eg seems to go back to a sx. ^ Blz. LB #1O4b and Blz.
LNA #27 (suggested to equate A with D).
1O28a. 'KuulV 'fall, fall apart' > HS: S '-Iil- > Ug Ivyl G 'fall', Ak OA/OB inf. Iialu-Ialu id. (?), Ak OA Iilu
adj. prone'; ?? Gz I"alI"ala 'bring down, go downhill' OLS 364-5, A #2408, Sd. 918, CAD XIII 75-6 (Iialu-Ialu "uncertain
meaning"), 252, L G 43O CCh: Mtk {Sb.} Ial-, Gude {ChL} I"uli`c(a) v. 'fall' JI II 131, ChC, ChL ll IE: NaIE 'g"cl- v. 'drop,
fall down, gush forth' > OI 'galati 'drops, falls down' || Gk |ue 'gush forth' || OHG qucllan, NHG qucllcn 'to gush, well' P 471-2,
M K I 329, KM 574 ll U: FU 'IulV (- 'IulV?) v. 'fall, fall down\apart, drop off, crumble away' ( FU 'IulV- 'come to end') > Hg
hull- 'fall, fall down', Vg: LK _ol-, P Iul-, Ss _ul- 'peel off' (bark of trees) | ObU: Os: Nz Iuloy 'crumble' (ice in spring), Kz
Iulom- 'zerfallen, auseinanderfallen, sich zerkrmeln'; Vg Ss {Knn.} Iulat- 'abgetragen\abgenutzt werden; zergen, so da nur die
Graten brig bleiben (Fische, wenn sie lange gekocht haben)] || Prm: Z gIlav-nI, ? gIlal- 'fall' (of many objects), 'fall out', gIlsd-v.
'drip' MF 3O8-9. LG 84, UEW 156, 199-2OO, Coll. 97 ll A: T 'Ij`,ula- 'fall down, collapse' > Qzq, Uz qula-, Bsh q+la- 'fall,
tumble down', Qq, ET qula- 'tumble down, collapse' ET Q 122-3 Tg 'jx,ul- > WrMc ulu-, ulcc- 'fall down, crumble, collapse'
(of earth, stones on a steep slope, a bank), Ewk PT/Y ulul-, Ewk Ucr ul- id., Ewk PT/Y ulu 'precipice, landslide, landslip', Lm ulsa-
'collapse' (of ground, bank, etc.), STM II 263 The Tg v may result from coalescence of the v in question with different roots [N
'Kus'V 'to fell, fall'] and the N source of FU 'IulV 'zerfallen, abfallen, ausfallen' (UEW 156)] ^ IS I 358-9 [#235] [U (unc.
: incl. 'Iula- 'come to an end'), T, Tg], Blz. LB #48.
1O29. 'Kolla 'to beat, strike' > IE: NaIE 'Ij",cl- 'strike' ( NaIE 'Ij",olo-/'Ila- v. 'strike, beat' < _N 'Kollqa 'to
knock, strike, hit', q.v. ffd.) ll HS: S 'Ily > Ar qly (pf. laQa qala, n. ag. qaly-) 'frapper qun la tte; renverser, abattre dun
coup port la tte', 'frapper le bois qulat-un avec un autre appel miqla?- (jeu denfants)' (laQu qulat- 'petit morceau de bois
plac verticalement sur le sol et que lon frappe et renverse avec un morceau de bois appel miqla?-') BK II 8O8 ll D 'Iol- v.
'strike, hit' ( N 'Kollqa and partially N 'qola 'to kill') > Tm Iol id., Iol 'killing, murder', Ml IolIa, IolliIIa v. 'hit', Kt
Iol-/Ion`- v. 'pain, trouble, Td IvIl- v. quarrel', v. 'trouble' (of urine) (i.e. 'one wishes to unrinate', Tu Ion`ini v. 'hit', Ioluni,
Ioluni v. 'come into collision', Klm gol- v. 'beat, shoot with bow', Nkr gor`- v. 'strike, beat, kill' D #2152.
1O3O. 'IolV '(big) fish' > IE: NaIE 'I"oal- ' big fish' > KhS, YAv Iara, Sgd Irv Iy ' monster fish' || OHG 'hvalis >
MHG vcls > NHG Wcls 'sheat-fish, Silurus', Gmc 'x"aliron id. > OHG {P?} hvclira, NHG {Paul} Wcllcr id. (but OHG valir,
valira 'whale'); Gmc 'x"alaz - 'x"aliz 'whale' > ON hvalr, AS hvl, NE vhalc, OHG (h)val, MHG val, NHG Wal, Wal-fisch
id., MHG vcls 'sheatfish' || Pru Ialis "Welz" 'sheatfish, Silurus glanis' ? Sl {Trb.} 'Il,b+-'Il,bi 'Gobio fluviatilis ( small
fish)' > P Iiclb, R ? ion6", ion6 id. | Lt IilbuIas id., 'fish' (unless from P) ?? A possible cd 'Hs-I"al- may be represented by
Gk [Hs.] ootoo) acc. pl. 'fish' and L squalus ' a big fish, Meersaugfisch?' (unless we accept Ps suggestion that s- in L squalus
is based to the analogy of squatus ' a big fish' and squama 'scale') Bai. 53, WH II 581-2, P 958 ('(s)I"alo-s or 'I"alo-s 'eine
grere Fischart'?), F I 167-8, SevR IEShF, Vr. 268-9, Ho. 179, Kb. 1136-7, OsS 435, 1O82, Schz. 3O7, Lx. 3O6, 317, KM 834, 851,
Paul 719, 734, En. 188, Tp. P I-K 168-71, EI 510 [''(s)I"alo-s 'sheatfish, wels'] , Trb. SE29-39: 38 ll HS: EC: Af {PH}
Iullum, Sml {DSI} Iallun, Sml N {Abr.} Iallun 'fish', Iallum- 'to catch fish' PH 151, DSI 357, Abr. S 148, ? AD SF 81-2
Ch: WCh: Hs Iulma ' large fish' || CCh 'I'iuli- 'fish' ( N 'IiRVPV 'fish', q.v. ffd.) > BM 'IVlfV > Klb Ialfi, Br IIlfa,
Mrg xilif, WMrg Iulfa - Iulfa, Ngx Iulfu, Hld Ialfi, Wmd Ialfi | Higi sb.: HgNk IIlIc, HgB IIlIo, Kps Iulu"c,
HgG Iulubi, HgF Iuluu | McMdr: Mdr Iulfc, Glv Itlfa, Dgh Iulfc, Gv Iilifa, Nkc Islstc | Mtk Ilcf, pMM {Ro.} 'Iilif
> Mada, Zlg Ilcf, Myn, Gzg, Mofu Iilif, Mkt Ilifi, Mlk Iilcf | Db {Lnh.} Iilif, Kola {Sb.} Iiltf | Ms Iuluf-fa, {Kr.}
Iulufna, Bnn Iuluva 'fish' Ba. 636, ChC, ChL, Ro. 252 It is not clear if the WCh word 'Icruf- 'fish' (> Hs Iifi, pAG 'Iira-,
pBT 'Icrao, etc.) belongs here ? SES: Jb {Thm.} Ial, Mh {Thm.} Icll 'whale' || ?? Ak Iulil- - Iulull- 'a fabulous creature, part
man and part fish' (a reborrowing from Sum or borrowing of a Sum cognate of the N word?) Thm. 1OO, CAD VIII 526-7 OS
#1496 ll U 'Iala 'fish' > FU 'Iala > F, Es Iala | pLp {Lr.} 'Iolc > Lp S {Hs.} guollic, L {LLO} Iuollc, N {N} guollc, Kld
Iullt | Er/Mk Ial | Chr H/L/Uf/B Iol || ObU 'Iul > pVg 'Iul > Vg: T Iol, LK/UL/Ss xul, MK/UK Iul, P/NV/SV/LL/ML Iul,
pl. Iulot; pOs 'Iul > Os: V/Vy qul, Ty/Y qu, D/K _ut, Nx _ut, Kx _u, O _ul | Hg hal Sm {Jn.} 'Iala, {Hl.}
'Ialc 'fish' > Ne T xan , Ne O {Lh.} _alc, Ne F {Lh.} Iaoa, Ng {Mik.} IolI, En X {Cs.} Ialc, En B {Cs.} Iarc, Slq Tz
{KKIH} qslI, Kms {KD} I`ola, Koyb {Sp.} iona, Mt {Hl.} 'Iala (Mt: M {Mll.} challa, {Pl.} ghalla, iannc, {Sp.} Iclc,
K {Mll.} challi, {Pl.} Ialc, T {Mll.} Ialla) ?? pY {IN} 'qal- 'fish (??)' > cd : Y T qaldava {IN} 'scales, hide', {Ku.} 'scales,
bark' (qal- 'fish [?]' + sava 'hide, skin') Coll. 21, It. #18, UEW 119, Sm. 538 (U, FU 'Iala, FP 'Iala, Sm 'Iala 'fish'), Lr. #511,
Lgc. #2886, Hs. 689, Ht. #245, Jn. 59, KKIH 161, Hl. M #461, IN 244, Ku. 25O, 295 ll A: [1] A 'I`olV 'fish' > M 'qoli-sun 'fish-
skin' [ N 'IoljV,V ( 'IoljV,V?) 'to peel, bark'] > WrM qolisun, HlM xonnc( on) id. MED 959 Tg: [1] 'xol-sa 'fish' >
Ewk ollo, Lm olr+, Neg olo, Orc olto, Ud {Krm.} oloho, Ul _olto(n-), Nn Nh/KU _olto STM II 14, Krm. 275; the cluster '-ls- is
reflected by Lm -lr-, Ud -loh-, etc. (in spite of Vovins doubts [Vv. AEN 3-4]) pKo {S} 'Iorai_ 'whale', MKo {S} Iorai_,
{Vv.} Iu_olay, NKo Iora id. S QK #1O81, MLC 138 [2] ? Tg 'Iali a freshwater fish' > Ewk Iali 'crucian (carp)'
('iapac"'), Ud Iali 'cisco (Coregonus)' ('cni') STM I 366 The unexpected 'I- (for 'x-) suggests borrowing (a loanword?) M
'qalimu 'whale' > WrM qalimu, HlM, Brt xannxid.; M 1(possibly) Tg 'Ialima 'whale' > Ewk Ialim 'whale', Ewk A Ialim id.,
'fish in its seasonal running in rivers (xo(ona) pi6a)', Lm qaltm, Neg Ialtm, Orc Ialima - Ialma, Ud Ialima, Ul qalma, Ork, Nn
qaltma, WrMc qalimu 'whale' MED 92O, Chr. 538, STM I 366-7, Ci. 3O9 S CNM 2 reconstructs A 'I`ula and suggests to
adduce Ko-J (sic!) 'IurV-ra 'whale'; Vv. AEN 3-4 (does not find the reason to reconstruct '-sa in Tg 'xol-sa); DQA #713 (A
'Ialu 'a k. of fish'), #1O42 (A 'I`ula 'a k. of big fish'; adduces pJ 'Iara 'plaice') ll D 'Ioll- ({GS} 'I-) ' fish' > Ml Iolli, Tu
Iolc|i ' fish'; ? Gnd Iil 'fish' D #2139 ^ IS I 288-9 [#155] ('Iala > Tg 'Ialima, U, HS), AD GD #161 (U, C, Tg 'xol-sa 'fish'),
MichMR 8-11, AD NM #73, S CNM 7 ( Yn), Vv. AEN 3-4. The vw. 'a (for the expected 'o) in U is obscure Gr. II #156
('Ial 'fish') [IE, U, A, Ko, Gil, CK + qu. EA + err. J].
1O31. 'Kul'a 'clan, village' ( 'everybody') > IE: NaIE 'I"cl- 'clan, troop' > OI Ir'sti- 'man, people, race' || Gk tco)
'body of soldiers' || Sl 'ccladi (< ''ccl-|adi) 'family', (coll.) 'younger\subordinate members of the family' > OCS vcaioi
ccl|adi 'populus, familia', Blg 'ucn (, 'ucnc( 'children, family', SCr cc`l|ad 'women\members of the family' (coll.), 'family', Cz
cclcd` 'servants, clan', Slk ccl`ad` id., 'relatives', OR vcaai ccladi [ccladi] 'slaves, servants', R 'ucn (" 'house-serfs' (coll.);
Sl 'cclo-vc

I+ 'person (human being)' (lit. 'child ['vcI+] of the clan ['ccl-o-]) > OCS vaea1k+ clovcI+, Blg uo'nci, Slv
clovcI, Cz clovcI, P czlovicI, R ucno'nci id., SCr uonci " cov|cI, SCr K clovcI 'person, man (male person)', Uk
uono'n i id., 'husband' WP I 517, P 64O, M K I 263-4, F II 871-3, ESSJ IV 4O-2, 48-5O, Glh. 181 ll HS [1] C: Bj {R} 'Iilmo
'Gehft, Dorf' R WBd 142 Ch ( N 'gulA 'dwelling, house'?): ECh: Ke {Eb.} Iuli 'village, house', Kwn, Smr {J} Iulu, Ll
{ChC} Iul 'hut' || WCh: SBc: Bg I"al 'house, hut', Kir {ChL} I"al 'house', Buli {ChL} IIla, {IL} Iala id. ChC, ChL, Eb. 74
[2] ( N 'IalvV 'together, whole'): S 'Iull- 'all, every, the totality' > Hb l7 'Iol / -l`8 'Iull- 'all' (cs. l1 Iol), Ph, Mb, Amn,
Ug, OA, OSA Il, Pun Il, [Plt.] CHYL or CHIL, IA, Htr Il - Ivl, BA l7k` Iol, em. al1`7 Iol'l-a, JEA {Sl.} al`uk` Iul'l-a, BA, JA,
JEA cs. l1 Iol, Sr W Iul /Iull-, Sr E w. Iol, Md Iul, Ar wKu Iull- id., Gz I"oll- 'all', I"oll-u 'every-thing\body, all', Ak
Iull-atu 'all, totality'; S 'Iull-1B: Tmz Iul, Iu, Kb Iul, mIul, -mIull (followed by a noun in tat libre) 'every, all off' (the hyp. of
borrowing is confirmed by a phonetic argument: in Kb the cns. I has not undergone either lenition or palatalization 'I >
m (compulsory for intervoc. 'I in Kb); S 'I'al- ('-a- due to the merger with N 'IalvV): Amr {G} Iala 'all' and possibly SES: Mh
Ial-, Iali-, Hrs Ial, Ial, Iall-, Jb E Iol, Icl-, Jb C Iohl, Iol, 'Io, Sq {Jo.} Iol, Ial id. KB 451-2, 1724, HJ 5OO-7, A #132O,
OLS 213-5, Sl. 559-6O, DM 2O6, Nld. MG 226, Br. 126-7, BGMR 77, L G 281, Jo. M 2O7, Jo. H 67, CAD VIII 5O4-6, G A 22,
MT 329-3O, Dl. 4OO SC: Irq {E} Iila 'very much, completely' E SC 288 SOm {Tk.} 'I"ull- 'all' > {Bnd., Fl.}: Dm Iull,
Hm, Hm K vull 'all' Bnd. AL 144 ll U: FU 'Iulla 'dwelling, house, village' ( N 'gulA '') > F Iyla, Es Iula 'village', F ?
Iula 'dwelling, house' || pLp {Lr.} Islsy- v. 'visit, pay a visit' > Lp: L {LLO} Ial'|c, N {N} gal'li-, I {TI} Iolli-, Kld
Islliyco id. || Vg: T Iu, LK I"al, P I"al, Ial, Ss Iol 'house' Coll. 93, UEW 155-6, Lr. #3O3, Lgc. #2343b:2, TI 1O5 ll A:
NaT 'I`ul 'slave' ( N 'IulV 'to work', q.v. ffd. N 'qul'a 'child, boy') ll D: AdS of D 'Iuli 'working for wages' [< N 'IulV ''
'qul'a ''] ^ Not here Sv L qlav 'child, boy' ( S CNM 9), see N 'qul'a '' ^ IS I 362-3 [#239] ('Kula 'community,
1O32. ? 'KulV 'brown' > HS: B '-yval- 'be brown' > Ah, ETwl iyval 'be brown' Fc. 1746, GhA 74 ll A 'IUlV > NaT
'Kula > OT {Cl.} qula 'dun with black mane and tail', Chg, Osm, Alt qula 'light brown, brown', Tk 'Iula id., 'red, russet', 'a red
horse', Nog, Qzq qula, Nog, Qq, Qrg, Alt, Tb qula, Xk _ula 'light bay with black mane and tale (canpacin)', VTt, Bsh q+la id.,
'light dun, Isabel', QT qula 'light dun', Qmq qula 'brown', Ggz Iula, Tk ? qula 'blond' Cl. 617, Rs. W 298, ET Q 121-2 M: [1]
(A T?): WrM qula, HlM xyn 'fawn-coloured, tawny; bay, having a black stripe along the spine, with black tail and mane' (horse)', Kl
{Rm.} _ul+ 'light brown with a black mane and tail' (a horse) [2] ? 'Iuyilcn ({DQA}: dis from ''Iulilcn) 'gray, bluish' > WrM
Iuilcn MED 498, 963, KW 195 AmTg 'xol- > Ud xoligi, xolo 'yellow', Nn Nh _ogo 'gray, brown' STM I 469 DQA
#1158 (A 'I`uli 'yellow, brown, gray' > T, Tg, M 'Iuyilcn).
1O33. 'KuolV 'raven, crow' > U 'IulV > FU 'IulV(IV) 'raven' > ObU 'IulVIV 'raven' > pVg 'IulaI > OVg N BerG
chulach, OVg W Sol iy nax, Vg: T IolaI, LK xolox, MK I"olox, P/NV/SV/LL/ML Iulox, UL/Ss xolox id.; pOs 'IoloI >
Os: V/Vy IoloI, Ty IoloqI, Y IoloqI, D/K/Nz _ulo_, Kz _ulo_, O _olo_ id. pSm {Jn.} 'Iul+y+ id. > Ne T xyni, Ne T O
{Lh.} _ulI, Ne F {Lh.} Iui, Ng {Ter.} Iulo, {Cs.} Iula, En X {Cs.} IuluIc, En B {Cs.} IurcIc | Slq Tz {KKIH} Iula, Slq
Tm {KD} Iula | Kms {KD} I`uli - I`u':li, Koyb {Pls.} Iull, {Sp.} iync id. UEW 2OO, Coll. 15, MF 292-3, Ht. #259, Jn.
77, KKIH 122 ll A: Tg 'xoli 'raven, crow' > Ewk oli 'raven', Ewk Ag oli, Sln olc - oli 'crow', Lm oltn|a ' raven (nocau)', Neg
olt, Ud vali, Orc oli, Ul olt, Ork olt, Nn Nh _olt 'raven' STM II 13 ? S AJ 281 & DQA #1157 (semantically unj. comparison
of Tg 'xoli 'raven, crow' with T 'Iul 'bird' & Kl _uld+ 'duck-hawk') ll HS: ? ECh: Kbl {Cp.} gslsgs ' 'crow' ChC.
1O34. ? 'IULV (bA) 'dog\wolf, whelp' > IE: NaIE 'I"ol-/'Iul-, 'I"clb-/'I"olb- '(young?) dog' > Lt Ialc', Ialc' 'bitch'
|| Gmc 'x"clo-z, 'x"alo-z 'whelp, young dog' > ON hvclr, Dn hval, Sw val, AS, OSx hvcl, NE vhcl, MDt vcl, vul,
vol, OHG vclf " vclh, MHG vclf, NHG Wclf id. || ? Gk El [Hs.] kuo okuo ('young dog' or 'young animal') || Al
Iclysh 'young of animal, cub' Vr. 271, Ho. 181, Kb. 1168, OsS 438, Schz. 315, KM 851, Frn. 2O8, F II 47, O 176-7, EI 168 [??
'(s)Ioli 'young dog'] ll HS: S: [1] S ''Ialja,b- 'dog' > Hb bl3k`3 'Iclcb (pl. Mib5l1k`6 Iola'b-im), Ph, Ug, IA, Sb Ilb, Amr {G}
Ialbum, JA {Trg.], JEA aB1l6k`2 Ial'b-a, Sr Ial'b-a (abs., cs. Io'lcb with c [c] due to a late Aram distribution: the second vw. in
nomina segolata is always c unless preceding a lr. or r), Md Ialba, Ar Ialb-, Gz Ialb, Tgr Ivlb, Tgy Ivlbi, Ak Ialbu(m) 'dog', Sq
{L} Ialb 'dog, wolf', Mh {Jo.} Iavb (pl. Islob), Hrs {Jo.} Iavb - Iob (pl. Islob), Jb E/C {Jo.} Iob (pl. 'Io'lob) 'wolf, dog'
KB 453, A #1313, OLS 214-5, Dlm. 188, Sl. 58O, G A 22, L LS 218, L G 282, Jo. M 2O8, Jo. J 13O The SES cognates (Mh Iavb
etc.) point to S ''Ialb- rather than ''Ialab-, because the reg. Mh reflex of ''Ialab- would have been Iolcb [2] a variant without
deglottalization: S 'Ilb in OYmn Ilvb ({Slw.} qillavb-) 'Schakalwolf' Slw. 183-4 B: Ty {Fc.} aIulon 'wolf, lycaon'
Fc. 799 CCh 'dog': BM: BuP {ChL} Itla, Bu {ChL) Iila, Cb {ChL} Itya, WMrg {ChL} Itya, Iiya | Ktk: Bdm {Cfr.} Is`lc,
{Lk.} Ic_li, Lgn {Lk.} Islc, {Bou.} gslcv, Glf {Lk.} gslcu (pl. gsllc), {Lbf.} gclcv, Ktk Mk {Lbf.} Iclcu, Ktk Ks {Lbf.}
Iclc, Ktk Af {Lbf.} gslco ChC s.v. 'dog', ChL, Lk. ZSS 145, 147, Lk. B 112, Lbf. VC 162 OS #1521 ^ Cf. Trnt. NE2 2O (S,
IE: Gmc, Lt), BmK 474 s.v. 'I"|"|al`-/'I"|"|ol`- (S, IE: Gmc). The identification of the rounded vw. in pN is still a problem. The
Elean Gk and Tayert Tw cognates suggest 'u. Cp. N 'gUhLE(-bA) 'small carnivorous animal (jackal, [young] wolf, whelp)'.
1O35. 'KuHla 'KulHa 'lake, small body of water' > HS: C: Ag {AD} 'I"sl-/'I"sll- (= 'I"sll-), {Ap.}
'I"sl-/'I"sl- 'river, valley' > Bln {R} Iura, {Ap.} I"ora, Xm {R} aqual, Xm T {CR} q"ara, Km I"sra || EC: Sml N {Abr.}
Ial 'depression full of water' AD SF 198 (pC 'j?V,I"Vl-/'j?V,I"Vll-), Ap. AV 14 Ch: WCh: Su {J} I"al 'valley' ( *'river
valley') || CCh: Bdm {Lk.} IIlu 'lake', {Nc.} 'Iulu 'large body of water (the Chad lake, the Shari river)', Ngl {Lk.} Iula 'pond', Lgn
{Lk.} Iula 'lake, pond' J S 71, Lk. L 1O2, Lk. B 112, 115 B ?? Gh {Bs.} Iulama 'sea, river' ll U 'I'ula 'small lake, marsh,
bay' > pPrm 'Io'l (= {LG} 'Io'l) > Vt IalIm 'puddle (of stagnant water)', {Mu.} Ialcm 'inlet or bay in a river' (LG: 'o > Vt a due
to the infl. of l), Z riio'na tIIsla 'small lake' (ri tI means 'lake') || ObU 'IulyV 'marsh' > pOs 'Ioloy id. > Os: V/Vy Iolo,
Ty Iclo, D Ia'lo, Kz Ial; pVg Iilo (with unexplained delabialization ''I"i- > 'Ii-) id. > LK Icli (nom. pl. Iclot), MK/UK
Icli, P/UL/Ss Icli, NV/SV/LL Icli (nom. pl. Icllot) Sm: Slq: ? Tm {KD} Iol (inexact transcr. for qol?) 'Flubusen', Tz
{KKIH} qalsI 'bay in a river or in the riverbed of a tributary (filled with water in spring), ? Tz {KKIH} qoltI large river', {Cs.}
tagandcs-Iold 'the Yenisey' (lit. 'broad river'), Tz/Yel/B {Cs.} Iold, Kar {Cs.} Iuld 'the Yenisey', Nr {Cs} Iold, Ke {Cs.} Iolttc,
NP Iolttu 'the Ob' UEW 134-5 (U 'IalV) and Ht. 149 [#258] (ObU 'IilyV) - both recs. are based on the delabialized Vg cognate
without explainig Os 'o; Stn. OUV (pObU '-u-, which is preferable to Ht.s rec.), LG 14O, Coll. 21-2, Cs. 118, 238, KKIH 156,
161 ll A 'I`olV ({SDM95} 'I`olV, [DQA 'I`oli]) 'lake, basin' > T 'I`ol 'large body of water (natural or artificial), lake, pool'
> OT {Cl.} Iol id., Tk gol, Qrg Iol 'lake, pool', Tkm Iol, Az "' n gol, Ggz gol, Uz iyAn Iul, ET, Qmq, Qzq, Qq, Qrg
Iol, VTt, Bsh Iul, Alt, Xk Iol, Tv xol, Tf ho'l, Yk Iuol, Chv Iuli 'lake', OQp {TAG} vK Iol 'pool' ('Pftze') Cl. 715,
ET KQ 95-6, TL 91, Dr. TM III ##1682-3, Ra. 19O, TAG 1OO, Jeg. 123, Fed. I 321 The initial fortis 'I`- is reconstructed on the
ev. of Og (Tkm I-) and Tv-Tf lgs. (Tv x-, Tf h-) M 'Iol (A T??) > Brt xn xul 'lake' (used in names of lakes), WrO Iol
'bay', Kl {Rm.} Iol 'flood (of a river)' ('berschwemmung, Wasserflut'); IS I 3O6 mentions WrM Iol 'bay', but I could not detect
this word in any available dictionary of WrM (Kow., MED, Gl., Boberg). Acc. to IS, in most M lgs. this word disappeared because of
its homonymy with M 'Iol 'foot, leg' Krg. 739, KW 237, Chr. 617 Tg 'xulc- 'channel, (whirl)pool' > Lm ul 'deep place in a
river (oxyr)', ulgin '(a quiet and deep place in a river (:ano(")', Orc, Ud ulc 'channel (nporoia)', Ork xulu-ti 'whirlpool', WrMc
ulc-n 'canal around the ploughed field (for drainage of rain water), ditch (in ploughed fields)' STM I 477 & II 257, 264, Z 158
pKo 'Inrnm 'lake, big river' > MKo Inrnm id. S QK #226, Nam 11 SDM95 s.v. I`olV 'lake, basin', DQA #1129 (pA
'I`oli; incl. T, Tg, Ko] ^ IS I 3O5-6 [#177], Blz. C (suggested to tie in Gh Iulama), ? S NSShS #22 (A IE 'g"cl- 'spring'). IS
reconstructs here N 'I- on the apparent ev. of HS, but in HS the N emphatic cnss. may have de-emphatized reflexes, as in all
grammatical words and pronouns (see above Introduction, 2.2). The cognates providing ev. for an original 'K- are found both in
HS (Xm aqual) and A (Tkm Iol, Tv xol, Tf ho'l, the Tg v with 'x-). The connection with IE 'g"cl- v. 'drop, well out' (proposed
with a query by IS) is unlikely. Cp. N 'govlu 'deep; valley' (in some lgs. that do not distinguish between N 'K- and 'g-, there might
have been contamination of both roots).
1O36. 'Kc'huljy,E 'hear' > IE: NaIE {P} 'Ilcvo-/'Ilu(:)- 'hear' > OI sr'no-ti, Av surunaoiti 'hears' || Gk aor. ckuov
'I heard', prs. kc()-e, -ooi 'I hear' || L cluc- (cluco, -crc) v. 'be called (heien)' || OIr cluin- v. 'hear' (ro-cluincthar 'hears'),
cluas n. 'hearing, faculty of hearing, ear', cloth 'news, rumour, fame', W clyvcd 'hear (auditus, audire'), clod 'fame', Brtt {RE}
'Iluvami v. 'hear' > MW clyvaf 'I hear', W clyvcd 'hear', Crn clcvaf , Br Ilcvout 'to hear' || ON hl|o, OHG {OsS} hliuth
'Zuhren, Gehr, Laut', Gt hliuma n. act. 'hearing', OHG (h)liumunt id., 'call, rumour, fame'; (from 'Ilu-): OHG lut, NHG laut,
OSx, AS hlud 'loud', NE loud || Sl 'slI-ti (1s prs. 'sl+v-o) 'have the reputation\name\fame of' > OCS ta:u sluti (prs.
taeaa slovo) 'have the name, be called', Slv sluti (prs. slovcm, slu|cm) 'be known\famous as', OCz sluti (prs. slovu), Cz
slouti, Slk slut` id., 'be called', R cnir" (prs. cni'ny), Uk 'cnnrn 'have the reputation of' | Ltv ? {ME} slut {p. sluva), sluvct
{prs. sluv), 'spread' (of a rumour), 'become known' || pTv 'Ilav- > Tc: A, B Ilav-'be called \ named' NaIE imv. 'Ilu-d"i > OI
sru'dhi, Gk kui 'hear!' NaIE pp. 'Ilu(:)-'to-(s) '*heard' 'renowned, famous' > OI sru'ta-h, Av sruta-, Gk kuto), L
(with a px.) in-clutus id., OHG hlot-, hlud- id. (in proper names: Hlot-hari, Clothildc, Hludcrich = Clt Cluto-rigi), Arm lu lu
'kund, having heard of' (in lu anel lu arncl 'to make known, bring the news', lu linel lu lincl 'be heard of, be made known') NaIE
'Ilcvo(s) 'fame, announcement' ( 'speech, word') > OI sravah 'glory, praise, renown' || Gk kco), Gk Ph kco) || OIr clu
ntr. 'fame' || pAl 'Ilau_sna (d from IE 'Ilcvos) > Al: T qua|, G quc| v. 'call, give a name' || pTc {Ad.} 'Ialvc > Tc B
ncm-Ialyvc {Ad.} 'fame' || BSl (L-gr.}: Lt slovc' | Sl 'slava 'fame, glory' > OCS taoao slava, Blg, R, Uk 'cnana, SCr sla`va,
Slv slava, Cz, Slk slava, P slava other ds include: 'Ilou-so- > Av sraosa- 'hearing, obedience', Lt Ilausa 'hearing, ear,
musical ear', Sl 'slux+ - 'slux+ n. 'hearing, rumour' > OCS ta+ 'oko', Blg, R, Uk cnyx 'hearing, rumour', SCr slu`h, Slv
sluh, Cz, Slk sluch, P sluch 'hearing'; - 'Ilous- (+ sx.) > OI srosati 'hears' || Msp Ilaosi 'hear!' || Lt Ilausyti, Ltv Ilausit 'to
hear', Pru Ilausiton 'to hear, listen' | Sl 'slusati 'to listen' > OCS tamo:u slusati, SCr slu`sati, Slv po-slusati, Slk slusat`
'listen', Cz sluscti 'to suit, become (to so.)'; Sl 'slIsati 'to hear' > OCS tamo:u slIsati, R 'cnimar", P slyszcc id., Cz slysct
'hear (of, about), listen', SCr sli`sati 'listen to, hear out'; Sl 'slovo ('-cs-stem, cf. gen. 'slovcs-c) 'speech, word' > OCS taeae
slovo 'oo), o', R, Uk, Blg 'cnono, P slovo, Cz, Slk slovo 'word', slovcso 'verb', SCr slo`vo 'letter (Buchstabe)' || pTc
{Ad.} 'Ilcu_s- > Tc: A Ilyos-, B Ilyaus- {Ad.} 'hear', {Wn.} 'hear, listen', d : pTc {Ad.} 'Ilcu_ca(i_a)n > A Ilots (du.
Ilosam'), B Ilautso (du. Ilautsnc) n. 'ear' P 6O5-7, M K II 372-4, Thr. 338, SB 1O2, WH I 237-9, F I 869-7O, 877, Vn. C
124-8, RE 1O3, Vr. 238, Fs. 264, Ho. 164, Kl. 626, 643, OsS 47-8, Frn. 265-6, 1OO8-9, ME III 942-3, En. 194-5, Tp. P K-L 49-53,
Vs. III 664, 673, 678-8O, Glh. 558, 563-4, Chrn. II 173-8, ME III 942-3, Xud. I 476, Slt. 94-5, Wn. 218, 221-4, Wn. KTW 112-4, Ad.
222, 23O, 232-3, 27O, 363-4, Ad. H 16, 7O-1, 137, JGH 222, EI 262 ('Ilcu_- 'hear', 'Ilu'to-s 'known, renouned', 'Ilcu_s-
'hear'), 192 (''Ilcvcs 'fame'), 534 (''Ilcu_trom 'a sound') The IE form may be understood if we suppose a mt of the labial vw.
(> sonant) and of the lr.; the disappearance of the lr. in certain positions is a matter of further research ll HS: S '-Iu'hl- > Ak
-Iul- (inf. Ialu) 'heed, listen' Sd. 895-6, CAD XIII 72-5 C {AD} 'm-I"Vl-/'ma-II"Vl- 'ear' ( {E} mI"l 'to hear') >
Bj A {AD} ?an'g"il (pl. '?ang"il), Bj {Bnd.} ang"il, {R} an'g"il 'ear' || EC 'maIl- v. 'hear' > Sml maql-, Bs {HL} mal-, Dsn
{To.} mal- || Ag {AD} '?snI"- 'ear' > Bln {R} ?onI"a, Q {R} onx"o, Aw snIoyi 'ear', Aw snIoy-/onIoq v. 'hear' AD SF
183, E PC #14O, R WBd 24, R WB 4O, Ap. AV 4, Bl. 261. 265, To. DL 516 , HL 188 Ch: WCh {Stl.} I"al- 'hear' > AG
{AD} 'I'sl'sq-, {Stl.} ''Ial-mVI 'hear' > Gmy {Hf.} Iclcq, Su {J} Isliq, {Hf.} Isliq - Islsq, Ang {Flk.} Ialung, Cp IIliq,
Mnt {Hf.} Islsq, Ywm {IL} Is`l, {Stl.} Ial-moI, Tal {IL} I"s`l, Kfr {Nt.} Is`ls`q 'hear'; BT: Krkr {Kr.} Isla, {J, Lk.} Ial-, Grm
ip. Iula, Ngm I"sli, Krf {Sa.} I"alu-vo || CCh: Bt {Mch.} Ilo, Bcm {Sk.} Iulo` id. JI II 184-5, ChC, ChL, Stl. ZCh 213-
4 [#639], Hf. AG #2O2, Nt. 19 ll U 'Iulc- 'to hear', 'ear' > FU: F, Es Iuulc- v. 'hear' | pLp {Lr.} 'Iuls- id. > Lp: S {Hs.} guvlcdh,
L {LLO} Iullat, N {N} gullat, Kld Iullco | Er iyn - Iula-, Mk iync- Iulo- | Chr L/Uf/B/H Iola- | Prm 'Iu'l- > Vt, Z ? IIl-, Z
IIv- || ObU {Ht.} 'Iul- > pVg 'I"al- > Vg: T I"al " Ial-, LK/UL xol-, MK Iol-/Iol-, P/NV/LL Iol-, Ss xul-; pOs 'Iul- >
Os: V/Vy qul-, Ty/Y qu-, D/K/Nz qut-, Kz qu-, O _ol- || Hg hall- id. Sm: Ne T xa, Ne F Ia - Ia, En X {KD} Iu?, (Cs.}
Iu, En B {Cs.} Io, Ng {Hl., Cs.} Iou 'ear' ? pY {IN} 'qol- > Y K qol-il 'sound' ( N 'qUj?,lV 'to speak, call', q.v. ffd.)
UEW 197-8, Coll. 93, Sm. 544 (FU, FP 'Iuuli-, Ugr 'Iuli- 'hear'), Lr. #492, Lgc. #2781, Hs. 7O5-6, It. #233, Ker. II 7O, LG 149,
Ht. #246, MF 253-4, KP 93, Hl. US 119, IN 246, Rd. UJ 38 [#24] (Y A U) ll A 'I`uylV ({S} 'I`uylV) 'ear; to hear' > T
'Iul-IaI ({Md.} 'IulgaI) 'ear' > OT qulqaq - qul_aq - qulaq, Tk IulaI, Az gulag, Tkm gulaq, Uz quloq, Qzq nna qulaq,
VTt ionai q+laq, Bsh ona q+laq, Ggz IulaI, ET, Qmq, QrB, Nog, Qq, Qrg, Alt, Ln, Tv, Tf qulaq, CrTt, Slr qula_, Xlj
qulaq, Xk _ula_, Yk Iulya_ 'ear' || Chv _+l_a id. Cl. 62O, Rs. W 298, ET Q 124-7, TL 2O4-6, S AJ 177 [#22], Ra. 222, DT 179,
Jeg. 291, Fed. II 322-3 The lenis 'I (for the expected fortis 'I`-) is still to be explained M 'qul(a)-qV 'middle ear' ( 'earwax')
> WrM qulIi, qulaquu, HlM xynnx 'middle ear; earwax', Brt xonxn " xynxn, Klm xynx, {Rm.} _ul_+ 'earwax'; other ds of the v:
'qulmay- > WrM qulmai-, HlM xynxan- 'have the ears laid back, be crop-eared', Brt xynxan- 'have the ears laid back'; 'qulugur
> WrM qulugur, Hlm xyniap 'laid or pressed back' (of ears), 'crop-eared', Kl {KRS} xynlp 'crop-eared', {Rm.} _ul
y+r id.,
'having small ears', etc. MED 984, Chr. 581, 6OO, KRS 6O8, KW 196 The semantic prehistory of M 'qul(a)-qV 'middle ear' is
easy to understand on the analogy of Sp oido 'middle ear, organ of hearing' (< L auditus 'hearing, Gehr'): like Sp, M distinguishes
between the [external] ear (pM 'ciIin) and the real organ of hearing (middle ear) and derives the word for the latter from the verb 'to
hear' Tg 'xul- 'be heard, sound' (of a sound) > Nn Nh _olt-, Ul _oldt-, Lm tld+- id., Ork _tli 'echo', Ork _ulbun, Neg
olbtn-, Ewk ulta- " olta- 'be heard' (echo). STM II 263 pKo {S} 'Iui 'ear' ( N 'K'a?cvV to hear, notice' 'ear') > MKo
Iui, NKo Iu_i, Ko ds.: Ph Iu_i, Chs Iu`:, Ks Iu_i, PhN/Chj Iui, Sl Iqi, Kw Iu id. S AJ 252 [#22], S QK #22, Nam 64,
MLC 226-7 pJ 'Ii-I- 'to hear' (< ''Iil-I- < A 'I`uylV-IV) > OJ Ii_iI-, J: T IiI-, K/Kg IiI-, Ns IiIi_-, Sh ci_c-, Ht
sI_I-, Y I`- S QJ #37, TS 25, Mr. 7O8 DQA #1156 (A 'I`uyluo 'ear; to hear') ll D (in SD) {tr., GS} 'Icl- v. 'hear, listen' >
Tm, Kn Icl, Ml IclIIa id., Kt, Td Icl-, Kdg Inl- 'hear', Tu Icnuni 'listen, be attentive' D #2O17(a), GS 17O [#428a], 6O-1
[##174, 181] ^ Our hyp. of a three-syllabic N etymon opens the possibility of explaining the apparent discrepacy of vowels: after the
phonologicaly expected ("lautgesetzlich") loss of the lr. ('h?) the two vowels in hiatus position ('cu) contracted in S, U, T and M to
'u, and in D to 'c, while in some lgs. the resulting vw. influenced the preceding cns.: palatalization in IE ('I-), labialization in C
and Ch ('I"-). This hyp. is not sufficient to explain the discrepancy between U '-l- and D '-l-, therefore we have conjectured the
cluster '-ly-, which yields (as in some other roots) a U plain'-l- and a D postalveolar '-l- ^ IS MS 366 ('q'ivln). Not here ( IS)
K 'qur- 'ear', which is better explained otherwise ( N 'quRjv,V 'ear'). Therefore in the N etymon I reconstruct an unspecified
'K- rather than 'q-.
1O37. ? 'Kav'hElV 'outgrowh, inflation, abscess, hernia' > IE {EI} ''Icu_Hl / gen. 'IuH'l-os > NaIE d
'Icv'ala / 'Iavjojla / 'Iula 'inflation (in a body), hernia' > Gk I k, Gk A ko 'tumour', esp. 'rupture, hernia', 'bump (on
a buffalos back)' (< 'Iavjojla) || ON haull, AS hcala, OHG hola 'hernia' (< 'Iaov(o)la || BSl 'Iula (< NaIE 'Iula) > Sl
'Iila 'hernia, inflation' > ChS kao IIla, kuao Iila, Blg 'inna, Cz Iyla, Slk Iyla, P Iila, Uk 'inna, in'na 'hernia', SCr Ii`la
'hernia, swelling, outgrowth', Slv Iila, R in) na 'hernia, outgrowth' | Lt Iula 'outgrowth', Iulas 'hernia' || Oss: I
iyinnay Ivsllav, D Iullav 'hernia' (the glottalized I- needs explaination) WP I 333, P 536-7, EI 268 (''Icu_Hl / gen.
'IuH'l-os 'hernia'), F I 839-4O, Vr. 214, Ho. 15O, Kb. 476, OsS 414, Frn. 2O6, ESSJ XIII 262-3, Glh. 317, Ab. I 648 ll HS: S: Ar
qayl-at- - qil-at- 'hernia', qillit- id. (t on the analogy of qalt- 'deformation'?) Fr. III 489, 523 ? B 'glhz > Ah
a.gclhah (pl. igolhahon) 'hernia' Fc. 429 ll A: M 'qolqjuy,- > WrM qolqui-, HlM xonxon- 'be inflated, have a big belly', Kl
xonxa-x 'be inflated' MED 96O, KRS 594 ^ Qu., because the Ar words may be of Gk origin, and the M cognate has an
unexplained final '-qV (from a sx.?).
1O38. 'KUXla 'be dry' > HS: S 'Ihl > Ar qhl G (pf. qahila) 'become dry, dry up' Hv. 589 ll A {DQA} 'I`ola- v.
'dry, get stale' > Tg 'xolga 'get\make dry' > Nn Nh/B _olgo-, Ewk, Sln, Neg olgo-, Lm olg+- " olga-, Ud ogo-, Orc ogita-, WrMc
olgo- - ol_o- 'get dry', Ewk, Sln olgi-, Lm, Neg olgt-, Orc oggi-, oggii-, Ud vagisi-, Ul _olt-/t-, Ork _oldo-, Nn Nh/B _olgt-,
_olgtct-, WrMc valgiya- vt. 'dry' STM II 12-3 pKo {S} 'Iorh- 'get stale, go bad, rot' > NKo Iolh- Iol- S QK #168, MLC
16O pJ {S} 'Iara- 'dry out, become ripe' > OJ Iara-, J: T Iarc, K Iarc-, Kg Iarc- S QJ #493, Mr. 7O4 DQA #1114,
Rm. SKE 121-2 (Ko, Tg), S AJ 29O ^ ? S NSShS (equates A with K (GZ) 'gval- 'be (of drought)', see N 'gUlV 'season without
1O39. ? 'KayLa 'to shout, call' > HS: Sml qayl(i)- v. 'shout, call', Sml N {Abr.} qaylo a shout' Abr. S 2O2, DSI 496 ll A
M 'qayla- v. 'call, shout, weep' > MM [S, MA, IM] qayla- v. 'shout', WrM qayla-, HlM xanna- v. 'weep, cry' MED 912, H 57, Pp.
MA 287-7, 444 ? pKo {S} 'Inro- 'say' ( N 'Klya 'tongue', q.v. ffd.) ll D 'Icl- v. 'speak' [ N 'Klya ''. q.v. ffd.]
Gr. II #357 ('Icl 'speak') [qu. Y, Ko, Gil, CK, EA + err. IE (< N 'IaLjV,hV 'shout'), U, A - cp. N 'Klya 'tongue'].
1O4O. 'KEyja,la 'burn (vt., vi.), heat, be heated, roast' > A {DQA} 'I`i_ala 'hot, ashes', {IS} 'I`i_ala- 'be hot, be warmed' >
M 'qala- v. 'be (come)\feel warm\hot' > WrM qala-, HlM xana-, Kl _al
- id., M 'qala-yun 'hot, warm' > WrM qala-gun, MM
(ArSc) vv|Q qala-vun, (ChSc) _alavun, HlM, Kl _alun, Mgl {Rm.} qalun, qaloun, {Wr.} qn'lon, M 'qala-'ya- vt. 'heat,
burn' > WrM qalaga-, HlM _ala- MED 916-7, H 57, Ms. H 87, Pp. MA 288-9, KW 162-4, Rm. M 31, Wr. B 176 Tg
'xi_al-(ta) 'embers, charcoal' > Ewk clla " clda, Lm alr+ " yald+, Neg cla, Ud yala"a, Ul sclta " si_alta, Ork sclta id., Nn
st_al-ta " scl-ta " xcal-ta " |ala 'coal', Ud {Krm.} yalaha 'coals that have died out'; other ds : Ewk Np ilaIan id., Sln ilgs 'live
coals', Tg 'xialb'uj-, > Ewk clbiIan 'live coals (used to roast meat)', Neg clbt 'live coals', Nn Nh st_albt, Nn B salbt 'piece of
live coal', Ul scl-bt " si_albu, Ud {Krm.} yalaha 'coal', Orc (i_)al-u- v. 'get dirty with coal', Ewk cl-la- v. 'char, become charred',
Sln ilci 'embers, coal', Lm alr+ " all+ " clla " i_aldo " yald+, Neg cla 'coal', Mc yalmaqi 'soot' STM I 289-9O, Krm.
241 ? T 'Ij`,ala- 'burn' > Chg, Slr, ET ? qala- vt. 'burn', Az gala-, Tk ?, ET ?, Qrg qala- v. 'fire (a stove, hearth)', Tkm ? gala-,
Tk ? gala- " qala-, Qrg, ET ?, Ln qala- 'kindle (fire)', StAlt, Tlt {Rl.} qala- vi. 'burn, catch fire'; acc. to Cl. 617, these words are
loans from M 'qala- and 'qala-ya- (hence the root is absent in Turkic of the pre-Mongolian period) ET Q 228-9 (considers
'Kala- 'burn' and 'Kala- 'put' to be one word), Rl. II 226, IS I 333, Rs. W 294, ET KQ 228-9 IS I 333, DQA #1O4O ? pKo
{S} 'Iiri-m 'soot' > MKo Iirim, NKo Iirim (or J Iura 'dark') S AJ 257 [#186], but absent in S QK DQA #1O4O (A
'I`i_ala 'hot, ashes' > M, Tg)ll D {tr., GS} 'Ial- vi. 'burn' > Ml IaluIa id., Ialal 'flame', Tl Ialu vi. 'burn, be baked', Prj
Ial- v. 'smart' D #15OO ll HS: S 'Ily vt. 'roast, fry, burn' > Ak Ilvy (inf. Ialu) vt., vi. 'roast, burn', BHb Ilvy (pf. el1q!
Ia'la) v. 'roast', JA, Sr Ily (pf. al1q6, Sr \o Io'la), Md Ily (spelled Il) v. 'roast, parch, fry', JEA Ily G vt. 'burn, roast',
Ar qlyv (pf. laqa - <aQa qala), Gz, Tgy qlw Ilv v. 'roast, parch', Sb TlqT tIlt 'burning of limestone for plaster (?)', Sq {L}
IlV 'roast, fry', {Jo.} 'Ialo? v. 'roast (corn)', Mh IlV v. 'cook, fry', Jb IlV v. 'fry' GB 714, KB 1O29-3O, KBR 11O1, Lv. IV
31O, Sl. 1O17-8, JPS CSD 5O6, L G 431, L LS 375, BGMR 1O5, Jo. J 145, Jo. M 23O, CAD XIII 69-71 ? Eg NK
Irr ['IVli:l-] 'holocaust (Brandopfer)' > DEg gll, glyl > Cpt oata clil id., but not necessarily Eg fP Irr v. 'fire (pottery), broil' (that
may belong to N 'Iar 'U 'to burn (vt.), heat' [q.v.]) EG V 61, Fk. 281, Vc. 338 ll IE: NaIE 'Icl- 'warm, hot; warm weather' [
N 'KcizE 'warm, warm weather', q.v. ffd.] IS I 332-3 adduces here words meaning 'cold' as well (OI sisira-, Lt saltas id.,
OCS taouo 'hoar-frost', etc., Mn. 634), which is very doubtful: it is difficult to imagine functioning of a lge. which has the same
stem meaning both 'hot, warm' and 'cold'. In my opinion, these are rather two different roots which were somehow (at least
accentually or prosodically) distinguished and were etymologically different. IE 'Icl- 'cold' goes back to N 'KELjH,V 'cold' (q.v.
ffd.) and is not related to 'Icl- 'warm, hot' ^ Cp. IS I 332-3: S, IE, D, A (T, M, Tung.). Cf. AD AltAD #6.
1O41. 'Ko'yjV,lE 'testicles' > HS: S 'Ilv > Ar Mgr qolva 'testicle' C {AD} 'I"Vl(l)- 'testicle(s)' > Ag: Bln {R}
I"cla - I"ola '(pair of) testicles' (pl. I"olil) || Bj Am {AD} ?t 'vila (pl. '?c vila), Bj {R} ula, 'vula, 'vcla, {Rop.} vila
'testicle' || EC: Kns {BlSO} Iul-a 'testicles' AD SF 2OO, R WB 238, R WBd 237, Rop. 247, BlSO 86 ? NrOm: Bdt {Hw.}
Io'loo 'testicles' ( N 'qUljV,'V 'penis'?) ?? Ch: CCh: Bcm {Sk. in ChC} I"alc`y 'testicle(s)' | Gdr {Mch.} gclc id. |
Ms sb.: Zm {J} gcl, {Sa.} gc`l, LamP {ChL} gi` gc`l || ECh: Kwn {J} Inln`sn, Ke {Eb.} Islsq, Kbl {Cp.} gsli, EDng {Fd.}
gulla, Mgm {J} golilc, Brg {J} gulali, Mu {J} gurli id. ChC, ChL Coh. 127 [#243] ll IE: NaIE {Bern.}
'Icu_l-/Io(u_)l- 'testiculi, scrotum' > L colcus 'testicle', colci pl. 'scrotum' (> OIt coglia, Rum coiu, Prov colh-s 'scrotum',
OFr coil, Ft couillc 'testicle'), L colco, -on-is, () culio 'testicle' (> It coglionc, Sp co|on, Fr couillon, Prv colho, Ctl collo) ||
Sl 'sulc(t-) (< 'sul-|ct with the dim. sx. '-|ct) > R (, ?) nt. my'n , pl. my'n ra, Blr my'n ri'testicles' WH I 244, K. 286,
ML ##2O36, 2O38, Bern. IeuBS 155, Vs. IV 486 ll U: FP 'Iolc 'testicle(s)' > Es ? Ioli 'testicle', F Iolli 'dog\cat in heat; tom-cat',
Iolli-Iissa 'tom-cat, cat in heat' (Iissa means 'cat') | pLp {Lr.} 'Iols 'testicles' > Lp: N {N} guolla ~ guol'la, S {Hs.} guolc, L
{LLO} Iuolla, Kld Iull | pPrm 'Io'l 'testicle' > Z Lu Isl {UEW} id., Prmk {KPR} Isl 'scrotum', Vt S Io'lan, Vt Uf {Wc.}
Islan 'testicles' Set. FUS 55 and UEW 175 (both equate this FP v with one of the Sm words for 'penis' - s.v. N 'qUljV,'V
'penis'), SK 211-2, Lr. #51O, Hs. 688, KPR 192 FU '-l- may go back to N '-yl- ll D ? 'Ioy'il- 'pudendum muliebre' > Ka gulli,
Tu Ioyil, Tl golli id. D #2138 ^ D 'l points to N 'l (rather than 'l). FP '-l- < '-yl- ^ IS SS 335 [#7.3] and IS MS 373 s.v.
) nuio (testiculus) 'qoln (in both sources U, HS + unc. K 'qvcr- 'testicles').
1O42. 'Kala 'to throw, leave' - 'to remain, wait' > IE 'Ilcu- 'lay' ({EI} 'Ilch_- 'spread out flat') > NaIE Ila- 'lay, spread
out' > Lt prs. Ilo|u/ inf. Ilo-ti 'spread, make the bed', Ltv Ila|u / Ilat id., 'lay (the table)' | Sl 'Ilado/ 'Ilasti 'to lay' > OCS
kaoa Ilado / kaot:u Ilasti, McdS ina(c, Slv Iladcm / Ilasti, Cz Iladu / Ilasti, P Ilasc, OR Iladu / Ilasti, R ina'(y,
'inacr" id., SCr Iladcm (~ Ila`dcm) / Ila`sti id., 'put' || Gt af-hla|an 'beladen', ON hlaa, AS, OSx hladan, OHD hladan
" hlathan, NHG ladcn 'to put as a load, to load, put', NE load P 599, EI 539, Frn. 274-5, ESSJ IX 187-9, Glh. 32O, Fs. 6, Vr. 234,
Ho. 161, Ho. S 34, OsS 4O5, KM 418 ll HS: WS 'Il 'to leave, throw, sling' > Mh {Jo.} Il 'let, allow, leave; leave off', Hrs
Il 'let, leave', Jb E/C {Jo.} Il 'let, allow', Sq {Jo.} Il 'drop, let fall', Hb Il v. 'sling (stones)', JA/Sr Il D 'to sling', Gz
Il v. G 'throw from a sling, hit a ball', ? Ar ql v. G 'dismiss, discharge; take off (ones clothes)', 'arracher, ter', Hb ol2q#
'Icla, JA ao1l6q% Iil'-a, Sr '999999990le Icl'-a 'a sling' Ug Il {A} id., {OLS} 'sword'; Sr '0olowu muIla'-a,
Ar qula-at- 'glans fund, globulus e funda iactus', Sr maIloa'n-a 'ballista, catapulta, funda', Ar miqla-, Gz miIlo 'sling'
Jo. M 229, Jo. J 144, Jo. H 75, KB 1O33-4, KBR 11O6, PS 3638-9, L G 426, A #4213, OLS 366 Eg fMK I: {Fk.} 'vomit', {EG}
'ausspeien, ausbrechen' > Cpt Sd ko aea Ia bol id. (aea means 'auen, auerhalb') ( S '-Ii?- 'vomit', cf. GB 711-2, KB 1O24)
EG V 7, Fk. 275, Vc. 7O ? B 'vql (= 'vyl) - ? 'yl > Ah oqqol 'wait'; 'v- goes back to a px. of middle voice verbs' ? Zng
{TC} ayyih 'attendre' Fc. 1713, DCTC 288, TC FL 2 ll U 'Iaza- 'leave, let' (- 'remain') > pLp {Lr.} 'Iooc- 'leave' > Lp: L
{LLO} Iuotct, N {N} guoddct, Kld Iuddt co | Er Iado-, Mk Iado- 'leave, let' | Chr H/L/Uf/B Iooc- 'leave', Iooa- 'remain' | F
Iatoa- (inf. Iado-ta), Es Iadu- 'get lost, disappear, vanish' | Prm 'Iol- (?LG 'Iol-) 'leave, remain' > Z Iol-, Z US Iol-, Yz
'Iul- id., Vt IIl-, Vt B Iol- ({?Lt.} Iol-) 'remain without sth., be deprived of; fall behind, be late' || ObU {Ht.} 'Iuo- - 'IIo-
'leave' > pVg {Ht.} 'Iul- 'leave, abandon (verlassen)' > Vg: T Iol-, LL/ML Iul-, UL/Ss xul-; pVg 'Iul-t- 'remain (bleiben)'
> Vg: T Iolt-, LK xolt-, MK I"olt-, UK I"ult-, P/NV/SV/LL Iult-, UL/Ss xult-; pOs {Ht.} 'IIy- (? - 'Iay-) 'leave behind' >
Os: V/Vy qay-, Ty/Y qIy-, D/K/Kz/O _ay-, Nz _Iy-; pOs 'IIc- (? - 'Iac-) 'remain behind' > V/Vy/Ty/Y qIt-, D/K _ct-,
Nz _is-, Kz _Is - _as-, O _is-; pOs 'Iacoy- id. > Ty qatoy-, K _atyo-, Kz _osi- | Hg hagy- v. 'let, leave' Sm {Jn.}
'Iaya- 'leave, leave behind' > Ne T xac-c", Ne O {Lh.} _ayc, Ne F Iayyics, Ng (1s aor. sbcj.) {Cs.} Ioac?cma, En {Cs.}
Iac- (1s aor. Iaibo), Slq Tz {KKIH} qscI-, Mt {Hl.} 'Ioyo- 'bleiben, (?) lassen' (Mt: M {Sp.} ioc--xo 'ocrann) n'); Sm {Jn.}
'Iay+-, {Hl.} 'Ia|o- 'remain, remain behind (bleiben, zurckbleiben)' > Ne T xac--c", {Lh.} _ayo-, Ne F Iayyo-s, Ng
{Cs.} (1s aor.) Iou?am, En (1s aor.) {Cs.}: En X Iai|aro?, En B Iai|ado?, Kms (1s prs.) {KD} qoyola'm, Koyb {Sp.} ioc-iax
'ich bleibe', Mt M {Sp.} (1s aor.) ncxcn(a-xoc-iax 'I remain' Y: K {Jc.} Iudicl vt. 'leave (lassen)', ?? T {Krn.} Iudicl 'keep
(xpannr")', Iudcrcl id., 'put' Coll. 22-3, UEW 115-6, Sm. 537-8 (U, FU 'Iada-, FP 'Iada-, Ugr 'Iada-, Sm 'Ia|a- 'leave'),
Lr. #5O3, MRS 2O3, LG 131, It. #14, Ht. #227, MF 24O, Jn. 58, KKIH 16O, Hl. M #531, Ang. 128, Krn. JJ 273, Rd. UJ 36-7 [#15]
(Y A U) ll A 'I`ala- 'to remain, wait' > T {Md.} 'Ii_al- 'remain' ({tAD}: < ''I`Eal- < ''Ia:l-) > NaT 'Ial- id. > OT qal-
'remain, remain behind', MQp, XwT, Chg qal-, Tkm gal-, Xlj qal-, Yk _al-, Tk Ial-, Az gal-, Uz, Tf qol-, Ggz Ial-, Qmq, Blq,
VTt, Bsh, Nog, Qzq, Qq, Qrg, Alt, ET, Tv qal-, Xk _al- || Chv |ul- 'remain' Cl. 615-6, ET KQ 226-8, Ra. 217, Rs. W 224, DT 174,
Md. 11O-1, 169 The lax cns. 'I- (for the expected tense 'I`-) is not yet explained Tg 'xala- 'wait' > WrMc aliya-, Nn Nh
_alact-, Nn B _alct-, Ul _alact/t-, Ork _ala(t)t, Orc alaci-, Ud alasi-, Ewk, Neg alat- - ala-, Sln alas-, Lm alat- - ala-
'wait'; WrMc aliyaqa- 'to wait a little, go slowly', aliyan n. 'waiting', Nn Nh _alaqan- 'wait a little (with)' STM I 29-3O ? J
{S} 'Iara- > OJ Iara- 'stay away, get apart', J T Iara-rc-ru 'be driven by, carried away by' Kenk. 851 Not here ( SDM97) M
'qala > WrM qala, HlM xan 'hardship; injuriousness, harmfulness, detriment', Kl {Rm.} _al 'Mhe, Arbeit' (arbitrarily interpreted
by STM as 'bitter life experience') MED 916, KW 161-2 S VL 199, DQA #962 [A 'I`alau 'wait, be late'; incl. T, Tg] ll ??? K
{IS} 'Icl- > Zan {IS} 'Ial- > Lz go-nIal- 'go away', Mg gi-Il-i-u 'to remain with empty hands' Chik. 288 ^ U '-z- <
'-l- (reg.); IS reconstructed N 'I- (rather than 'q-) on the precarious ev. of the very doubtful K cognate ( Zan 'Ial-). If we do not
rely on the K ev., the N v is to be reconstructed with an unspecified 'K- (i.e. 'Iq-) ^ IS I 318 (IaIa 'go away, leave'), AD LZL
358 ('Iala) ^ The semantic history of the v may be represented as follows: [1] 'to throw' 'to leave' - 'be left 'remain'
'wait', [2] 'throw' 'put sth. somewhere'.
1O43. 'Iala 'to cut, hew, chop, stab' ( 'to slaughter') > IE: NaIE 'Iclo-/'Ila- v. 'hew, chop' (possibly 'qAllV 'to
break, tear, pluck' [q.v.]) > Gk oikco 'two-pronged hoe, mattock', koo) adj. 'docked', 'stump-horned' (of oxen and other horned
animals) || Lt Ial-ti 'to forge, mint, coin', Ialtas 'chisel', Iclmas 'tree-stump; sth. cut\split', Pru Ialo-cilis "Hackemesser"
'chopping-knife, chopper', rcicalis {Tp.} 'anvil' | Sl 'Iol-ti (prs. 'Iol-o) v. 'prick\stab, slaughter' > OCS kao:u 'pungere', Blg
'``ion v. 'prick\stab, slaughter', SCr Ilati / Io_l|cm , Slv Ilati / Iol|cm id., R io'nor" / io'nn 'to prick\stab, chop',
:a-io'nor" 'to slaughter', Uk io'norn / 'ionn id., Cz Ilati 'to prick\stab, kill', Cz ? Ilati 'to split', P Iloc / Iolc v. 'chop\split'
(see also N 'Kollqa 'to knock, strike, hit') Cz Ilat 'tree-stump, log of wood, club\cudgel' || ? (+ext.) Clt: OIr claidim 'dig', Brtt
{RE} 'Ila(:)d- id. > Crn clcdhya, cludhya, Br Ilazan 'dig', W claddu 'bury, dig' NaIE 'Ila-ro- 'piece of wood, board' > Gk
ko), Gk D koo) 'piece of wood used as a lot, piece of wood', OIr clar, OW claur (pl. cloriou 'tabellis') 'board', W clavr
'surface', Br Ilcur 'limon de charette', 'shaft of a forked thill (in a vehicle)' P 545-7, EI 431 ['IlH-ro-s 'plank' (unj. ) 'Icl-
'strike, hew'], F I 392-3, 872-3, 9O2-3, Vn. C 113-4, RE 88, YGM-1 87-8, Hm. 464, 466, Frn. 211-2, En. 235, Tp. P I-K 175-6, Bern.
551-2, ESSJ X 154-6, Glh. 32O Sl 'Iol-ti 'to slaughter' belongs here rather than to N 'qola 'to kill', which is proved by its acute
intonation indicating a IE v with a lr. ('Iclo- rather than 'I"cl- resulting from N 'qola-) ll K 'Ial- > G Il-/Ial-/Ivl- v.
'prick\stab, slaughter, kill' Chx. 597-8 The variant Ivl- is probably secondary ll HS: CS 'Il > Hb Il v. 'carve', Ar qil-at-
(pl. qila-) 'morceau coup ou fendu en long' KB 1O33, KBR 11O6, BK II 8O3 EC 'Ial- v. 'cut off' > Sa Ial- v. 'cut off',
Sml qal- v. 'carve up', ? Or {Th., Sr.} Ial- v. 'flay' ('scorticare una bestia uccisa'); EC 'Ial- v. 'slaughter' ( N 'qola 'kill') > Or
{Th., Sr.} Ial-, Kns qal-, Gdl Ial-, Dsn gal-, Rn _ala, Hd alalcs- vt. 'slaughter' AD SF 68, Ss. PEC 49, Bl. 197, Bl. G 64, BlSO
155, Th. 269, Sr. 351, BlSO 155, PG 187, To. DL 5O2 ? CCh: pBT 'Iul- v. 'shave' > Tng {J} Iulc id., Pr {Frz.} Iulu id.,
Iulc 'act of shaving' Stl. VZCh B #119, J T 1O4, Frz. P 38 ll A 'I`al- > Tg 'xaldi- v. 'hew, carve' > Ewk aldi-, Neg aldt-, Orc,
Ud agdi-, Ul _aldt- - _aldt, Ork, Nn _alt, Mc ani- v. 'hew, trim', Lm ald+- id., v. 'bark (a tree)' STM I 31 Rm. SKE 14
equates the Tg v with Ko aro-sagida 'to carve, cut' M v 'qul- (represented in WrM qulai-, HlM xynan-x v. 'have cropped ears'
and in Kl {KRS} _ul-yor 'having cropped ears') is not likely to belong here MED 984, KRS 6O8 ^ Because of the coalescence of
'q and 'I in some descendant lgs. (outside K) and the homonymic merger with N 'qAllV 'to break, tear' [q.v.] is possible.
1O44. 'Ial'E 'rock, hill, stone' > IE {EI} 'IolH-on- - 'IlH-'n-os 'hill' > Gk koev, koevo) 'hill' (e < 'ov?) || L
collis 'hill' || Gmc: AS hyll > NE hill (< Gmc 'xul-ni-z < IE 'Iolo-ni-s), MDt hill, hillc 'hill'; Gmc 'xulma(-z) > OSx holm id., ON
holmi, holmr 'island'; Gmc 'xulma- 1 Sl 'x+lm+ 'hill' > OCS a+m+ xl+m+, Blg xnx, Scr hum, Sln. holm, Cz chlm, P
choIm, R xonx|| Lt Ialnas, Ltv Ialns 'mountain' WP I 433-4, P 544, EI 27O, F I 9O6-7, WH I 245, Bc. 23-6, Frn. 2O9, Ho. S
35, Ho. 183, Skeat 271, Vr. 248, Glh. 271-2, Vs. IV 255 ll HS: S 'Il > Ar qulaat- & qullaat- {Fr. after [Jh.]} 'magnum
saxum in planitie extans', [Qam., Jh.] {Fr.} 'gleba, saxumve de solo avulsum ad iaciendum' Fr. III 49O B: Kb Z {Bs.} i-yil (pl.
i-yallon), Kb AX {Bs.} ti-yil-t 'hill' Ds. 19O, Bs. NLB I 158 ll K 'Ildc- 'rock' > OG, G Ildc-, Mg Isrdc-, Iirdc- id., Sv
{K} Ioldc, I(il)dc id. (A G?), Sv UB/Ln/L Io 'cliff, rock' K 113, K DE 359, K
97, GM S 95-6, GP 131, TJ 35O ll U
'IazV ({UEW} 'Iaza} 'mountain' > Hg hcgy 'tip, summit, mountain' ( FU 'Iaca - 'Icca < N 'Kcc`'a 'tip, end
[extremity]') Sm: Ne T {Ter.} xon 'mountain, mountain ridge, hill', Ne O {Lh.} xoy 'Landrcken (Wasserscheide), mountain
ridge', En X {Cs.} Iu?co, En B {Cs.} Iui|u 'Landrcken', Ng {Cs.} Ioa|a 'mountain ridge', Slq Tz {KKIH} qs ({KD} Icc) 'steep
bank' (') p', {KD} 'hoher Uferabhang'), 'mountain' UEW 115, Ter. 768, KKIH 16O, Cs. 48, 81, 116 Acc. to UEW, the front vw. in
Hg may be due to the palatalizing effect of '-z- [i.e. obstruent '-l-]. An alt. explanation is the infl. of a front stem-final vw. (vw.
harmony) ll D {tr., GS} 'Iall 'stone' > Tm Ial id., Ml Ial, Iallu 'stone, rock', Kt, Png Ial, Td Ias_, Ka Ial, Ialu, Iallu, Kdg Ialli,
Tu Iall, Tl Iallu, Prj Icl, Gnd Ial " Iall(i) " Ialu, Knd Ialu, Brh xal 'stone', Nkr I"albada 'stone slab for pounding' D #1298 ^
IS I 334-5 s.v. 'KaLi '(no(nnxar"(c) )' (does not distinguish 'Ial'E from 'Ial'hi 'high; be high'). U '-z- < N '-l- (reg.) (
1O45. 'IulyV (or 'IulV?) 'silt, dirt' > HS: CS 'Iula- 'silt, mud' > Sr '0olowu Iulaa {Br.} 'lutum, gleba', {JPS}
'lump of earth, earth', Ar qula- 'cracked dry mud\clay, silt' ({BK} 'boue\limon qui se crevasse pendant la scheresse') Br. 669, JPS
494, BK II 8O4 ? B 'nIl v. 'be/make dirty' > Ah onIol 'souiller, tre souill' Fc. 1374-5 ll K: Sv UB {GP}, Sv {Ni.} Iol
'excrement' (< ''IyUl-?) GP 131 ll U: FU 'I'ulV > ObU 'IulyV - (with delabialization) 'IilyV 'swamp' > pOs
'Ioloy > Os: V/Vy Iolo, Ty Iclo, D Ia'lo, Kz Ial id.; pVg 'Iilo- > Vg: LK Icli (pl. Iclot), MK/UK Icli, P/UL/Ss
Icli, NV/SV/LL Icli, Icllot id. ll A: T 'I`ul 'ashes, cinders' [ N 'IullV (or 'IavllV?) 'glowing coals; to roast\fry\cook',
q.v. ffd.] S AJ 281 [#146] ^ The lr. is to be reconstructed as 'y if N '-ly- yields U '-l- and if K 'I- goes back here to 'Iy-;
otherwise it must have been ' (FU '-V or ObU '-o being a sx.); Altaic vw. length is due to the loss of the lr.
1O46. 'Ial'hi 'high; be high' > IE 'IcljH,- > NaIE 'Iclj(o),- v. 'be high, rise (above)' > L antc-/cx-/rac-ccllo, -crc v. 'be
outstanding, excel', pp. cclsus 'high', columcn 'that which is raised on high, hight, summit' || Lt Iclti (1s prs. Icliu), Ltv cclt v.
'raise' WP I 433-4, P 544, WH I 197, 249-5O, Frn. 237-8, EI 27O [columcn < 'IclH-mcn 'IclH-'project, tower up',
whence 'IolH-on 'hill' (cf. N 'Ial'E 'rock, hill, stone')] The lr. is reconstructed on the ev. of the syllabic intonation in Lt and
Ltv (IS I 334); but one cannot rule out the possibility of a later morphological restructuring in Blt ll HS: S 'Ill v.
'lift\raise' - 'Ily 'high' > Ar qll G id., Sh

(pf. ?aqalla) 'rise high' (of the sun), Wlqu qulla (qly) 'peaks of mountains; tops of
heads' Fr. III 485, 494, Hv. 622, 626 B ''qly (> 'yly/'qly) v. 'rise' > Sll {Ds.} oyli (pret. iy"li) v. 'climb, rise' ('monter [un
escalier, sur un arbre\une table\etc.']), Tz {Stm.} yu'lii_, hab. aqqa'lay 'emporsteigen', ASgr {Bs.} cyli' v. 'rise' Stm. 182, Ds.
19O, Bs. NLB I 158 Eg fP I:y (< 'IVry-) 'be high; high', Eg fP I:: (later I:y) 'hill, high ground', Eg fP I:t id., Eg fXVIII
I:yt id., 'arable land' [ N 'IarjV?,V 'pointed, sharp; point, peak, rock', more plausibly than with N 'ga?i 'ga?yV 'high' [q.v.])]
EG V 5-6, Fk. 275 Ch: Hs Ioli, Hs Kc Ioli 'top', Hs Iolol(u)va id. || CCh {ChL}: WMrg Iuldi v. 'lift' | HgNg
Iulutc, Kps IIltc, HgG Iuludc id. Abr. H 534, ChL Cal. #322 (Eg, S), OS #16O4 (S, B, Ch), Tk. I 65 (Eg, S, B, Hs)
A possible semantically dubious cognate: NrBc {Tk.} 'Iul-Iul- 'deep' >> {Sk.}: My IulIul, Mbr IulIulo, Kry IulIulna, Cg
luIsluIs id. Sk. NB 18, Tk. NB 182 ll K: Sv: {Ni.} Iolt_-i, L {Dn.} Iolt_-i, UB {TK, GP}, L {TK} Iolt_i, LB Iolt_i, Ln
{TK} Ilat_i 'high', UB/LB/Ln {TK} na-Ilat_i, L na(n)Ilat_i 'height' GP 132, TK 355, 611, Ni. s.v. 'nicoi n' & 'nicora',
Dn. s.v. Iolt_-i The element -t_- may be an ext. (< the second component of a cd ?) ll A: NaT 'I`ali- v. 'rise in the air' ( v.
'jump up') > OT qali- v. 'rise in the air', Tkm gal- 'stand up, rise', Alt qali- 'jump over sth.', Tv _ali- v. 'jump, run', Tlt, QK, Qb, Sg
qali- 'to jump, jump up', SbTt Tb {Tm.} qali(y)- v. 'soar', Yk Iiliy- 'jump on one foot (a game)'; -: [1] 'Ij`jal-dir- 'raise' > Az
galdir-, T Ialdir-, Ggz Ialdir-; [2] 'KalI- 'rise' > Tk IalI-, Tkm galq-, Az gal_-, Gg, Uz, Qmq, Nog, VTt, Bsh qalq- id. ; [3] OT
{Cl.} qaliq 'air, atmosphre, (visible) sky', i.e. 'space above the earth'; in spite the English translation 'air', this word has nothing to do
with the meaning 'air, wind' and therefore cannot be equated with D 'Ial 'air, wind' or D 'Iali 'wind' ( Blz. DA 162 [#97]) [see
N 'gALV 'wind'] Cl. 617, , 62O ET KQ 224-6, Rl. II 239-4O, Rs. W 226, BT 7O, Tm. 117, ET KQ 224-6 M 'qali- > WrM
qali-, HlM xann-( x) v. 'fly\soar\skim (in flying); flow over the brim of, overflow' (of a vessel\river), Kl {Rm.} _ali-(_o) id.,
{KRS} xan"-x 'to soar', Brt xann-xa 'to flow over the brim of, overflow' MED 919, KRS 572, KW 163, Chr. 538-9 ^ IS I 334-5
s.v. 'KaLi '(no(nnxar"(c) )' (does not distinguish 'Ial'hi 'high' from 'Ial'E 'rock, hill, stone''). If there was a lr. in the IE
stem, it must have gone back to N 'h (the only lr. easily lost in HS and able to yield 'o in IE) Gr. II #3O9 ('Ial - 'Icl 'rise,
sky') [IE & A ( IS) + unc. : J, Gil, CK, EA].
1O47. 'I'al'hu 'stick, hook, bar' ( 'bar for locking') > HS: C 'Ial- - ?? 'Ial- 'stick' > EC: [1] Or {Tut.} Iala 'cudgel';
[2] {Ss.} 'Ial- 'stick' ( N 'I'olV 'bough, stick', q.v. ffd.) Ss. B 114, AD SF 68-9 NrOm ( N 'I'olV): Bdt/Zs {C} Iallo
'stick', Shn {CR} Iullo 'wood (Holz)', ? Kf {C SE III} Iallo 'stick (?)' (unless = Kf Iullo 'sphere', 'bastone di palla') C SE III
2O4, C SE IV 485 S 'Il(v) > Ar qul-at- (pl. quluvan-) {Hv.} 'pieces of wood with which children play' Fr. III 493, Hv.
626 ? Ch {Stl.} 'Iolu 'hoe' > WCh: Gera {ChC} I"alli, ? Krkr Iala 'hoe' (unless A Hs) | Jm {Gw.} Ivalo id. | ?? Hs Ialai_
'worn out long-handled hoe' (unless A Knr {Lk.} Iolc 'old iron-piece of a hoe') || CCh: Wmd {ChL} Iul, Hld {ChL} I"ulu` 'hoe'
Stl. IF 95, Ba. 537, Lk. KL 2O7 ll K: OG Ilitc {Abul.} 'bar (for locking), lock', {Ser.} 'key' (Luc. 11.52), G Ilitc 'lock' Abul.
2OO, Ser. 79, Chx. 6O2 ll IE 'IlcHv- > NaIE 'Ilav- - 'Ilcv- 'stick, hook, locking bar, lock' > Gk: D koi) / -ioo), I
ki) / -ioo), OA k)), A kci) 'bar\bolt (drawn or undrawn by a lath or thong)', 'key (a kind of catch\hook, by which the bar was
shot\unshot from the outside)' ( later 'key'), 'hook or tongue of a clasp' || L clavis 'key', clavus 'nail, spike', claud-o, -crc v. 'shut,
close' || OIr clo (pl. cloi) 'nail', MW clo 'bolt (Riegel, Verschlu)', pl. clocu 'clavi', OBr clou 'ac'utamenta' (misspelt
'acitamenta') = {Flr.} 'aiguillon, ferrement', MBr clou 'ferrement', claou 'pointe de fer', W clo 'lock', Br {Flr.} Ilao(u) 'verrou', {Hm.}
Ilaoucnn 'ferrement, bout de fer' || Lt Iliuti (prs. Iliuvu) vi. 'hook (on), 'be suspended', Ltv Ilaustitics 'to hang, be
suspended', caus. Lt Iliudyti vt. 'hang' || Sl 'Iluci 'hook, key' > OCS kavi Iluci 'key, hook (for torturing)', Blg, R innu, P
Ilucz, HLs Iluc 'key', Blg ? Iluc 'hook for hanging a kettle\saucepan over the fire', SCr Il|uc, Slv Il|uc, Cz Ilic, OP Ilucz,
LLs Iluc 'hook, key'; Sl 'IluIa 'hook, stick with a bent end' > R inn'ia 'stick with a bent end', SCr Il|u_Ia, Slv Il|uIa, Cz IliIa,
OP, HLs IluIa 'hook', Uk 'innia 'stick with a hook, hook'; ? Sl 'Iluna > SCr Il|u_na 'hook' P 6O5-6, EI 272 ['Ilch_vi-s 'bolt,
bar, (wooden) hook'], LS 957, F I 866-7, WH I 229-31, Vn. C 121, Flr. 1O9, Hm. 464, YGM-1 89, Frn. 274, ESSJ X 5O-6, SJSS XV
31-2, Glh. 323-4 ll ? U: FU (d ?) 'IaLta > ObU 'IaLtV ( N 'gElV 'stalk, twig') > Vg Ss {Ht.} Ialt 'pole, Stange' in
ats-Ialt 'a pole of the ncpcncc (a device for catching ducks)', Vg N {MK} atos-Ialt 'Stange des Vogelnetzes'; pOs 'Ialt >
Os: V/Vy Ialt, Ty/Ag Ia't, Y Ia'(t), Kr/K Ia't, O Ia'lt 'a long pole supporting the net for catching ducks' ['eine der beiden langen
Stangen, zwischen denen das Entennetz (ncpcncc) aufgehangt ist'], Nz qat, Kz qat id., 'poles on both sides of the opening of a bow-
net (Reuse)' Ht. #747, Trj. S 1O1, MK 188, BV 7O, Stn. D 622 FU 'l for the expected 'l or 'l is accounted for by its position:
since there are no ObU words with 'lt or 'lt (in contrast to the existing cluster 'lt, Ht. ##59O, 684-5), we may suggest that the
opposition 'l 'l 'l was neutralized before 't (a cluster 'Lt) ll D 'Iala-, {GS} 'gala- 'hook, fish-hook' > Kn gala,
gana id., Ml Ialam 'fishing hook to catch aligators', Tu gala, Nkr gal, Prj gclam, Gnd galam 'fish-hook', Tl gala(:)mu id., 'a
many-hooked instrument for taking out anything falled in a well'; D 1 OI, Prkr gala-, Pali gala- 'fish-hook' D #1495 ^ S
''IiljV,?- (> Hb al3k`3 'Iclc [- ail5k`6 Io'li] [+ppa. of 3m: &al6k`5 Iil'?o; pl. Mia5l1k`6 Iola'?im] 'imprisonment, prison', Ak
Iilu 'Festhalten. Haft', KB 453, KBR 475), which is d from the S verb 'Il? 'hold, hinder', but it still possible that 'I'al'hu
'bar' ( 'bar for locking') may have influenced this S noun. The N front vw. is qu., because it is reconstructed on the ev. of Os only (D
'a < both 'a and 'a regularly).
1O48. 'KELjH,V 'cold' > IE: NaIE 'Icl- 'cold' > OI sisira- 'cool season, cold', Av sarota- adj. 'cold', ZPhl sart, NPrs drS
sard, KhS sada 'cold', Oss D/I sald 'frozen', Oss I salsn, Oss D salun v. 'freeze' || ON hcla 'hoar-frost' (< rdp 'hc-hla), ? AS
hcolca 'hoar-frost', Dt hal 'frozen ground', ? NGr B hal 'slippery ice-covered ground' ( the Gmc root for 'smooth, slippery': ON
hall id., OHG hali 'smooth') || Lt salu / salti 'to freeze, congeal; be frozen\chilly, feel cold'; Lt saltas, Ltv salts id. (<
'Iolotos); Ltv salna 'light frost on the background of warm weather (:axopo:in)' (e.g. 'first autumn frosts, morning frost'), Lt
salna id., 'hoar-frost' | Sl 'solna ({Glh.} 'sol'na) 'hoar-frost' > RChS taouo, Blg cnana, SCr ? slana`, SCr (with transformed
accentuation) slana id.; IS reconstructs here a pSl oxytonic accentual paradigm (preserved in SCr ?: nom. sg. slana`, acc. sg.
slanu`, nom./acc. pl. slanc`, etc.) P 551, Mn. 634, M K III 345-6, Bai. 424, Vr. 221, Vr. N 232, Ho. 156, Vl. II 273, Ab. III 27,
64, Frn. 96O-1, LKV 6O9, IS IA 155 (on accentuation in Sl), Glh. 557-, EI 112 ('Iclto- 'cold') NaIE lost the root-final lr.
probably in forms like 'IclHV > 'IclV (the lr. in prevocalic position) which were later generalized ll HS: EC: Sa {R} qala'-o n.
'cold (Klte), qala-it- 'feel cold' R S II 232 ? Eg P s-:Ih 'erfrischen' EG IV 315-6 ECh: Kwn {J} Ial, Kbly {Cp.} Ials,
Dng {Lk.} Iulut 'cold' ( N 'IuulE 'cold; to freeze' [q.v. ffd.]) Ember ESS #3.b.27, Vrg. PhHE 129 #26 and Tk. AANM 1
suggest to equate the Eg word with S ''IarjV,_- 'ice' (see N 'Iirju,qa 'ice, hoar-frost'), which is qu. (because Eg h is not cognate
with S '_) ll ?? U: FP 'Iullma 'cold' ( N 'IuulE [q.v. ffd.]) ^ ? IS I 3O4-5 [#176] ['Iuln 'freeze, cold': U, D, A + K
(Zan 'Ir-) + IE 'g'gcl- 'cold'] and 332-3 [#2O8] ['Kayla 'hot; to burn' > IE 'Icl- 'warm, hot' and later 'freeze, cold'].
1O49. 'IaLjV,hV 'to shout, cry, weep, make noise' > HS: WS 'Ilh (- 'Il_?) v. 'shout, bellow' > Ar {Fr.} qlh v. 'low
repeatedly' (of camel), ql_ v. 'low' (of camel), ?? Gz Ilh (pf. Ialha) v. 'cry (out), shout, howl', Har Ilh (pf. Ivlaha - Ialha) v.
'call so. by shouting' Fr. III 486, L G 282-3 [the Eth word can be alternatively (and better) equated with IE 'gal- v. 'shout', N
'I'alX'o 'to call, shout'] Thr variant Ar root ql_ is likely to be secondary (due to the oomato[oeic factor or to contamination
with a different root) ? B 'vIll ( N 'I'alX'o) > Ah soIIolol 'pleurer bruyamment' Fc. 785 ll K: G -Icl-/-Il- (aor. 1s
a-v-i-Icli, 3s a-i-Ilo) 'ingendwo einen grossen Tumult machen, ein Geschrei erheben' Chx. 599 ll IE 'Iclh- {EI} 'call out to' >
[1] NaIE 'Icl-/'I,lc-/'I,la- (or 'Il-?) v. 'call, shout, make noise' > Gk koce (fut. Gk I koce, Gk A koe) 'I call', Gk Ae
koi id. || , L cala- v. 'call, summon', Um Iaritu, Iarctu, CARSITU 'calato, appellato' (< 'Ialctod) || OHG (h)luocn,
luogcn 'to roar', MHG luc|cn id., 'to bellow', AS hlovan 'brllen; OHG gi-hcl 'sounding', {OsS} hcl 'loud, sounding' ('laut,
tnend'), MHG hal, NHG Hall 'sound', ON h|ala 'to chatter' || OI usa-Iala 'cock' (lit. 'dawn-caller') || Clt: OIr cailcch, W cciliog
'cock' ( R ncryx 'cock' *'singer') || Ltv Ialot 'to chatter', Lt Ialba 'language', Pru Ialtza, Iclsai 'sie lauten' AnIE
{ABIv.} 'Ialla-, 'Ilc- > Ht Iallcs(s)-, Ial(l)is(s)- v. 'entice, lure, elicit, evoke, summon up, adduce', Lc Iilcima 'fame' P 548-9, F
I 762-3, WH I 141-2, Bc. G 33O, Frn. 2O7-8, En. 188-9, Vr. 23O, Kb. 347, 641, OsS 384, 4O7-8, Ho. 164, Lx. 79, ? KM 3O2, ABIv.
III 219, Ts. W 32, Ts. E I 465-6, Pv. IV 22-4, Tp. P I-K 182-4 [2] 'Ilau_- v. 'weep' > Gk I koie, Gk A koe v. 'weep' (<
*ko-je, cf. ft. kouoooi, aor. ckouoo, adj. kouto)) || 'Ilau_n-y- > pAl {O} 'Ilau_nya, {Huld} 'Ilan- 'cry, weep' >
Al: T qa|, G qan|, SG/D Iyay, P cay, Ilay, Sl Ila, V Ian WP I 49O, P 599, F I 865, O 353-4, Hamp AIEW 146, Huld 1O6,
EI 9O ('Iclh-) Gr. II #357 ('Icl 'speak') [IE + indiscriminate ple-mle of reflexes of 3 N roots: 'IaLjV,hV 'shout',
'KayLa 'to shout, call' and 'Klya 'tongue' in U, A, Y, Gil, etc.]. Without HS cognates and without serious historical phonology
nothing better can be achieved.
1O5O. 'Kollqa 'to knock, strike, hit' > IE 'Ij",olu-/'Ij",lcu- > NaIE 'Ij",olo-/'Ila- v. 'strike, beat' ( NaIE 'Ij",cl-
'strike' < N 'Kolla 'to beat, strike') > Lt Ial-u (inf. Ial-ti), Ltv Ialu - Ialu (inf. Ial-t) v. 'strike, to hammer, to forge', Lt
Ialtas 'chisel', Ialvis 'smith' | Sl 'Io'lo / inf. 'Iol-ti v. 'split, slaughter' > Blg 'ion , SCr Ila_ti, Slv Ilati, Slk Ilat`, R io'nn /
inf. io'nor" id. ( N 'Iala 'cut, hew, chop. stab, slaughter', q.v.), Cz Ilati, OR kao:u Ilati 'to kill'; but not here the homonymous
'Iol'yo / 'Iol-ti v. 'prick' that belongs to N 'Iala '' (and probably even to a different IE v 'Iolu-/'Ilcu-), though later in BSl
(and Gk?) they were reinterpreted as two semantic variants of one verb; the differentiation between Sl 'Iolti 'to slaughter' and 'Iolti
'to prick' was first proposed by A. Meillet in 19O7 [Me. MSL XIV 374]) || Gk koe v. 'break'; ?? kooo) 'a slap, buffet, a blow
with the fist', kooie v. 'slap, buffet' Hofm. 146, 152, Ch. 538-9, Dybo SA 2O3, 249-5O (accentual rec. of the pSl forms), ESSJ
X 154-6, Glh. 32O, Frn. 211-2, F I 866-7, 897; WP I 436-8, P 545-6 and EUC 549 ['Iclh- 'strike'] (all of them do not distinguish
this v from NaIE 'Iclo-/Ila- 'hew, chop, slaughter' [< N 'Iala ''] The accentuation inf. in BSl (Lt Ialti, Ltv Ialt, pSl
'Iol-ti), Lt Ialtas, Ialvis point to a lr. in the IE v ('Iolo- < 'Iolu-) ll HS: S 'Il_ > Ar ql_ G (qala_a / -qla_u) 'heurter,
frapper un corps sec contre un autre corps sec', D (pf. qalla_a) 'frapper qun fortement avec un fouet' Hardly here Ar qly (pf.
laQa qala, n. ag. qaly-) 'frapper qun la tte; abattre dun coup port la tte', because this Ar v has no lr. (expected in the light of
external comparison) BK II 798, 8O8 ll U: FP 'Io'lV- - 'IaLV- v. 'knock, strike': 'Io'lV > F Iolata, Iolahtaa v. 'knock,
strike', Iolhia v. 'batter (up), maul, pound (up)', Vp Iolsyta, Iolata v. 'knock, strike', Es Iolata-(ma) v. 'kock' | Z USs golsd v.
'clatter' 'IaLV > Mk 'Ialtado- v. 'knock, strike' | F Ialata, Ialahtaa v. 'knock, rattle' This is a v with onomatopoeic infl.
(where the meaning 'noise, rattle' is involved) SK 146, 21O, LG 77, 131, SZ 82ll D 'Iol- v. 'strike, hit' ( N 'Kolla '', q.v. ffd.)
^ The K v 'Ial-/Il- (represented in G Il-/Ial-/Ivl- v. 'prick\stab, slaughter, kill') is semantically and phonetically nearer to
'Iala 'cut, hew, chop, stab' ( 'slaughter'), q.v. In several descendant lgs. the v in question coalesced with or was influenced by N
'qola 'kill' (q.v.).
1O51. ? 'Kaljv,V 'thick' > HS: S: Ak Ialu {Sd.} 'thick', {CAD} 'solid (?)' Sd. 895, CAD XIII 72 ll A 'I`al'vi- > T {Md.}
'I`aliq > OT qalin 'massive, dense, thick', Tk Ialin, VTt, Bsh qal+n, Tv qilin, Tf hilin, Yk _aliq 'thick' (of flat objects), Az, Tkm
galiq, Uz qalin, ET qclin. ? {Jr.} qalin, CrTt, Qmq, Nog, Qzq, Qq, Qrg qaliq, Xk _alin, Chv xynaAn xul+n " xol+n id., 'dense',
'thick' (as grass, wood) Cl. 622, Rs. W 226, ET KQ 238-9, Ra. 193, Md. 166, 1O3 (T M 'goliy- 'thick') M 'qalba- > WrM
qalbai-, HlM xan6an- 'be broad, wide, baggy' (esp. of garments), WrM qalbagar, HlM xan6aiap 'broad, wide, baggy', ? Brt
xanxaiap id., Brt xan6aiap 'flat and broad' MED 918, STM I 365 Tg 'jx,albi-n 'broad' > Ewk PT albin, Ewk Sm ilbun, ? Ewk
Chmk/Skh Ialbin, Neg albtn, Ud agbi 'broad'; other words of the same v (without '-n): Ewk albi-gu- v. 'broaden', Ud agbi-la-ni
'breadth' STM I 3O ll AdS of D 'Iol ({GS} 'I-) 'long, large' (< N'Kola 'long, far', q.v. ffd.) ll ? E: El Iu-li 'thick'
HK 51O-1 ^ Qu., because the Ak word is isolated within HS and both its meaning and reading (a = [a] or [c]?) are questionble.
1O52. 'KalyV '(lock of) hair, eyebrow, eyelash' > HS: C {AD} 'IV'lnVb- > Ag 'IVlnVb- > Xm {R}
(cl) qcr'nib 'eyelid(s); Ag1EthS: Gz Iornob - Iarnob - Iarnab 'eyelash, eyelid, top of an ear of corn', Tgy Isrnsb 'eyelid,
eyelash', Amh, Arg Isndsb, Grg Sl/Wl Isrb, Grg M/Ms/Go/So Isrrsb 'eyebrow, eyelash' R Ch II 381, L G 442, L EDG III 496
NrOm: Kf {C} Iilfo - Iillifo 'eyebrow(s)' C SE IV 285 ll U: FU 'IalIc 'hair' > F IalIi (gen. Ial|cn) 'hair, straw' | pLp
{Lr.} 'IolIs 'hair' > Lp: S {Hs.} guolgc 'hair', L {LLO} Iuol'Ia 'hair (but not the hair of the human head)', N {N} guol'ga 'hair (of
human head), coat', Kld Iulg 'old hair' | Er ianio Ialgo, Mk Ialga 'awn, chaff (of flax\hemp)' UEW 644, SK 149, Lr. #512, Lgc.
#2883, Hs. 688-9, Ps. M 72 ll A: T 'I`al 'eyebrow' > OT qas, Tk Ias, Az gas, Tkm gas, Ggz Ias, Uz, ET, Ln, Qmq, Blq, VTt,
Bsh, Qrg, Alt qas, Nog, Qzq, Qq qas, Uz qos, Xlj qas, Yk _as id., Xk _as 'edge, river-bank', Tf has 'hill-side, slope
(iocoiop)', d : Chg 'yL'Q qalyaq 'Haarschopf, die Stirnhaare der Pferde' ('l > l in precons. position) || Old Chv {Rs.} 'xuol
1 Chr xal, ol, ul 'eyebrow' Rs. W 24O, Cl. 669, ET KQ 34, DT 173, Ra. 186 ? pJ 'Iai_ 'hair' > OJ Ic, J: T Ic, K Ic, Kg
Ic, Ns II, Sh/Y Ii, Ht Ii S AJ 266 [#34] (believes that the word belongs to A 'I`ilV(-Ia) 'thick hair', N 'Kcila 'stalk, a hair'),
S QJ #34, Mr. 447 ll D (in SD) 'Ial- ({GS} 'I-) 'lock of hair in plaiting' > Tm Ial id., Kn Ial 'a strand or lock of hair in plaiting,
tie-rope (used in tethering cattle)' D #1482 ^ T '-l- and D '-l- point to a N '-ly-. The contraction of this ancient cluster is
responsible for the vowel lengthening in T and D.
1O53. 'Klya 'tongue' ( 'speak, say') > U 'Iclc 'tongue, language' > F Iicli, Es Iccl id. | pLp {Lr.} 'Icls 'tongue' > Lp: L
{LLO} Iiclla, N {N} giclla, Kld Iill id., S {Hs.} giclc 'voice, language' | Er Icl, Mk Ial 'tongue, language' | Prm 'Iu'l id.,
'word' > OPrm, Vt, Z ? IIl, Z IIv, IIvy, Yz Io'l id. || ObU: Os V Iol 'word, news, language', D Ict 'word', Kz Ic 'word, new'
Sm {Jn., Hl.} 'Ic+_y 'tongue' > Ne F {Lh.} stc; En d {Cs.}: En X siolo, En B sioro; Ng d {Mik.} scdo, {Cs.} sic|a; Slq Tz
{KKIH} sc; Kms d {KD} scIo, Koyb d {Sp.} ccia; Mt {Hl.} 'IEy (= 'Iaciy) id. (Mt: M {Mll.} Ii, K {Mll.} gci, M {Sp.}
iamrc, T {Mll.} Iaschta, {Pl.} i mr , K {Pl.} gystc 'his tongue') Coll. 25, UEW 144-5, Db. OS xxi, Sm. 538 (U 'Iaxli, FU,
FP 'Iccli, Sm 'Icoy), SK 188, Lr. #419, Lgc. #2412-3, Hs. 594, LG 149, W SDW 134-5, Jn. 66, Lh. 433, KKIH 174, Hl. M ##45O,
5O8 ll A: M 'Iclc(n) ({IS} 'Iclc(n)) 'tongue, language' > MM [IsV] Iclcn 'tongue', [MA] Iclcn 'narration', WrM Iclc(n), HlM
xyn( yn) , MMgl {Iw., Lg.} Icla, Mgl {Rm.} Icla'n, Mnr H {T} Iilic, {SM} I`ilic, Dx {T} Iiclicn, Dg Icli 'tongue'; - M
'Iclc- ({IS} 'Iclc-) v. 'speak' > MM [MA, IsV] Iclc-, WrM Iclc-, HlM xyny-, Mgl Icla'-, Dx Iiclic-, Ba Iclc-, Mnr H {T}
Iilic-, {SM} I`ilic- Lg. NVMI 113-5, 119, 121-4 and Lg. LML 136 (both on the M vw. c), Lg. VMI 49-5O, Pp. MA 213, MED
447, Iw. 111, SM 2O3, T 339, T DnJ 123, T DgJ 29, T BJ 141 T 'Kala- v. 'speak, say' ( 'ask') > Chv Iala- 'speak, say', Xk
Itlc-, VTt K Iclau 'to prey', VTt ? Iclau 'to wish'; d : NaT 'Kalau 'speech, word(s)' > OT {Cl., DTS} Iclacu, Chg
Ialaci, Ialacu, Tk ? Iclci " gclci, Tk EAn galai id., Blq Iclcci, Qmq gclcci Cl. 716, Rs. W 248, ET KQ 32-3,
DTS 296, TTDS, Jeg. 85-6, Fed. I 214-5 Tg 'xilqu 'tongue' > Nn siqmu " sirmu " ximmu, Ork sinu, Ul sinu, Ud iqi, Orc
iqi, iqqi, Ewk ilqi " inni " inqi, Neg inni - inqi, Sln iqi, Lm i_snq+, WrMc ilcqu, Mc Sb (y)ilsqu, Jrc {Kiy.} ilcqu STM I
318-7, Kiy. 125 [#499] ? pKo {S} 'Inro- 'say' ( N 'KayLa 'to shout, call' and possibly 'qUj?,lV 'to speak, call') > MKo
Inrodni_, NKo Ialodu_c S QK #91, Nam 11, MLC 12 S AJ 57-8, 292 [#422] (pA 'I`ali_V; adduced here pKo
'hyo 'tongue'), DQA #1O41 (A 'I`i_ali 'tongue') ll ? HS: ECh: Kbl {Cp.} Is`la , Ll {Smn.} Iila`- 'tongue' ChC s.v. 'tongue',
Blz. LECh #88 EC: Sa {R} -Ial- - -Ial- v. 'say, think (sagen, meinen)' (p. 'oIolo - 'oIclo, prs. 'aIalo - 'oIolo - 'oIclo)
( N 'qUj?,lV '') R S II 232 ll D 'Icl- ({GS} 'I'cl-) v. 'speak' ( N 'KayLa ''?) > Tm Iila- v. 'express clearly
mention\state specifically', Iilavu 'word, speach', Iilau 'speech, utterance', Gnd Icl(l)- v. 'tell' D #2O17b ^ The correlation of
U '-l- and D '-l- points to the N cluster '-ly-, which is supported by A {DQA} 'I`ali_V. The contraction '-ly- > '-l- is responsible
for the long vw. in U 'Iclc (either < ''Icylc < N 'Klya or directly: '-cl- < '-ly-) ^ IS I 346-7 [#221] ('Ka'lHa > U, A),
Mng. E-1 4-12 (A, D) Gr. II #357 ('Icl 'speak') [U, A, Ko + err. IE, Y, Gil, CK, EA - cp. N 'KayLa 'shout'].
1O54. 'IolyV 'round; to turn, turn around', vt. 'to roll' > IE: NaIE 'I"cl- 'round, circle, to turn around' > OI 'carati vi. 'moves,
walks, wanders' || Gk tc-ooi (3s prs. tcci) v. 'be in motion' (A Gk Ae, hence tc- for 'I"c-) || pAl {O} 'ccljn,a > Al s|cll 'I
turn' ('drehe'), s|cll rrotull 'drehe herum', s|cll 'I turn\direct to' ('lenke auf, richte auf'), () 'I bring' NaIE 'I"cIj",lo- ({EI}
'I"cI"'lo-m - ''I"oI"lo-s) 'circle, wheel' > OI ca'Ira- 'wheel', Av ca_ro, NPrs r* car_ id. || Gk kuko) 'circle' || Phr
kikv 'Ursa major' (lit. 'the chariot') || ON hvcl - h|ol, MHG vcl, AS hvcol - hvcohl - hvcool - hvcovol 'wheel', NE
vhccl || pTc {Ad.} 'IuI(a)lc > Tc: A IuIal, B IoIalc 'cart, wagon, chariot' 'I"olo- 'circle, wheel' > Gk too) 'axis of the
celestial sphere' || L colus, -us 'distaff' || OIr cul 'vehicle' (< du. 'I"olo 'two wheels') || Pru Iclan 'wheel' | Sl 'Iolo / gen.
'Iolcsc 'wheel, circle' (< 'I"cl-os ntr. / gen. 'I"cl-cs-cs) > OCS keae Iolo (gen. keactc Iolcsc) id., Blg ) iono - io) no, SCr
Io`lo, Slv Iolo id., Cz Iolo, P Iolo, OR keae Iolo 'wheel'; generalization of the stem of the obl. cases: SCr ?, Slk Iolcso, R
ionc) co 'wheel', Cz Iolcso 'big wheel' || Tc B Iclc 'navel, centre' ( *'nave of a wheel') P 639-4O, EI 64O, M K I 366, Vr. 232-3,
27O, Ho. 181, En. 191, Tp. P I-K 3O5-7, ESSJ X 141-4, Glh. 329, O 397, Wn. 239-4O, JGH 6O-1, 71, Ad. 197-8, 2OO ll K ?
'Ivcj:,l- / 'Ival- 'sth. round' > Lz IorIola 'curly hair; sheep-dung', Mg Ivar-Ival-ia 'round' (dis 'r...r > r...l), Sv: UB
Ivasi, L Ivasi, Ln Ivasi 'round flat cake of maize flour' ('uypci, madi') [Sv s < 'l, GM S 82] K 11O, K
93 (Lz,
Mg < GZ 'Ivcr-Ivcr-), FS K 181, TK 353, IS I 326 K 'Ivcr- (G Ivcr- 'a round flat cake', 'a round sugar-loaf, a round
cheese' and Lz, Mg Ivar- 'round flat cake, a round loaf [iono6oi]') is to be kept apart because of the cns. '-r- ll HS: WS 'Ilb
'turn over' > Ar qlb v. G 'turn around, turn over, turn upside down', Sb Ilb v. 'till, turn over (soil prior to cultivation)', Gz Ilb v.
'serve, turn over, overturn', Mh {Jo.} Ilb v. 'turn, return', Sq Ilb {Jo.} id., {L} 'tourner, rouler', Jb {Jo.} Ilb v. 'turn, return,
overturn' L G 426-7, L LS 374, Jo. M 229, Jo. J 144-5, BGMR 1O4 B [1] 'yly > Ah oyli 'tourner autour de, tre autour', Gh
oyli 'tourner autour de'; [2] 'vql (> 'vyl) 'return, become' > Ah {Fc.} oqqol (3m pf. iqqol) vi. 'return, become', ETwl/Ty
oqqol (3m pf.: ETwl iqq+l, Ty yoqq+l) 'retourner\revenir ', Gh oqqol 'revenir \chez', Kb qq"ol, uyal v. 'become', Izd uyul
'revenir', ? Shl {La.} ayul id., Tmz {MT} ayul 'devenir, revenir' Fc. 1713-8, 1723-7, 2OO2 (on Fcj. 27), La. S 289, MT 185, Dl.
6O7-8, Mrc. 224, Pr. M VI-VII 92 (on Pcj. I A 2), GhA 67, 246-7 (on Pcj. I A 2) B 'v- seems to go back to the px. of intransitivity
C: Bj B {Alm.} I"a'lal 'round' ('kugelrund'), Bj {R} I"alal 'round; ball' ('kugelrund, Kugel'), I"o'lcl (pl. I"o'lal) 'circle,
circumference; bracelet, anklet' ('Kreis, Umkreis; Armband, Furing') || EC: Sml N {Abr.} qol (pl. qolal) 'loop', Sml {ZMO} qol
'halter, collar, neck piece', Rn _alli 'strip of animal-hide (tied to people\animals in traditional ceremonies)' Alm. III 41, R WBd
141, Abr. S 2O3, ZMO 332, PG 188 Ch: Hs I"ala-I"ala 'large and round' Abr. H 579 ll ? U: FU 'IoLya 'circle' > F
Iol|a (pl. Iol|at) 'necklace (made of gold\silver)', Lv Iol: (pl. Iolod_) 'ring' ?? Sm: Slq Tz {KKIH} Iola 'wheel, circle',
IolaI '(go) round' F Iol|a < FU 'IoLya A Fr collicr, whence the F variant pl. form Iol|cct. The Slq cognate is highly
doubtful because the reg. reflex of U 'I- is q- rather than I- SK 21O, Kt. 144, KKIH 112 ll A 'I`UlV- v. 'roll, turn' ({SDM95}
'I`olV, {DQA} 'I`ulo id.) > NaT 'Kuj:,la- v. 'roll (down), fall down' > Qrg qula-, Qzq qula- v. 'fall down, crash down', Qq, Uz
qula- id., v. 'fall', Bsh q+la- v. 'fall, fall down', SbTt B/Tr q+la- v. 'fall', Nog qula- v. 'go straight forward (through water\silt
without choosing ones way)', ET yuli- 'fall down, crash', d yulat- 'overturn', Slr Iulcn- " Iulcn- v. 'roll' ET Q 122-3, Jud. 44O,
Tn. SJ 395, KrkR 4O8, MM 471, NogR 186, BR 337, Tm. 127, Rl. II 96, Nj. 565-6, UzR 629 Tg 'xuli- v. 'go round, be curve
(way)' > Ul, Ork _olt- - _olt-, Nn Nh _olt-, Neg oltstn- v. 'go round (um etw. herum-gehen\fahren)', Orc uli- v. 'go round, double
(a promontory in a river)', Ewk uli-s- v. 'twist\meander' (of a river), Ewk uliIa, ulisin 'a bend\curve (of a river)', Lm tltna id. STM
II 261 DQA #1141 pJ {S} 'Isrs-m- v. 'roll' > OJ Iju_,orju_,ob-, J T Iorob, K Iorob-, Kg Iorob- S AJ 271 [#19O],
S QJ #19O, Mr. 713 SDM95 s.v. 'I`olV 'roll, turn', DQA #1141 (A 'I`ulo 'to roll, turn'; incl. T, Tg, J), S AJ 288 [#281]. The J
root is ambiguous, because it may be alternatively equated with M Iorbc- v. 'turn over, turn from one side to another', Tg: Ewk
Iurbu-, Sln xubbu- - xurbs- and WrMc Iurbu- id. and WrM Iurdu- 'wheel' (as suggested in Rm. SKE 129) ^ The possible D
cognates are highly doubtful: [1] D 'Iol- 'bend, curve' > Tm Iulavu id., Kui Ilonga 'be contracted, bent up', Krx xolI"- 'cause one
to bend the head', xolI"r- - xolxr- 'bend the head, bow', Mlt Iolgc vt. 'curve, bend' (D #2136; the semantic connection with the N v
is not close enough) [2] IS I 327 (?) mentions D 'Iuj:,l- > Tm Iulal, Iulai 'turn round, ncprcr"c) ' and Mlt {Drs.} guli
'round'; I have not been able to find the above Tm root in the available Dravidian and Tamil dictionaries; IS probably meant Tm Iural
'to curl' [D #1818] (the mistake being caused by the notation l for r, that is current in literature) ^ IS I 326-7. IS reconstructs 'Ioln,
but the T cognate (with '-l-) rules out N '-l-, so that the only possible recs. are with '-ly- or '-ly- ^ Gr. II #4O2 ('Iul 'turn') [IE,
U, A, J, Gil, CK + qu. Ko].
1O55. ? 'IaLIa (- 'IaLIa?) 'to wind\twist' > IE: NaIE 'Iclg- vi. 'wind\twist', 'winding; crookedness, intrigue' > AS hylc n.
'bend, turn', 'Wendung, Drehung; Hcker', NE hulch || Sl 'cilga-ti - 'cilIa-ti, {SPS} 'clga-ti 'to creep' > OP czolIac sic, P
czolgac sic, Slvnz {Lrn.} co'u_Iac id., Uk 'uoniarn 'to shuffle ones feet, walk slowly' || OIr cclg 'ruse, tratrise' (1 W cclg
'deceit') || ? Arm kec Iclc-I" 'hypocrisy, falsification', kec- Iclc- v. 'feign, pretend' NaIE 'Ilcng- - 'IlcnI- v. 'bend, wind,
twist together': 'Ilcng- > L [Fest.] cling-o, -crc 'cingo' or 'cludo' || ON hlyIIr 'Schlinge, Bucht', hlcIIr 'ring, chain', AS hlcncc
{Vr.} 'a ring (a link) in a chain', {Sw.} 'link', pl. {Sw., Ho.} 'armour, Panzer', MHG gclcnIc 'Biegung', NHG GclcnI 'link (in a
chain), articulation', gclcnI 'flexible, pliable' 'IlcnI- > BSl 'IlcnIi_o 'I hobble' > Ltv Ilcncct 'to hobble', Lt IlcnIti 'to walk
quickly', Sl 'Ilcciti 'to bend' > Pol Ilcczyc 'to bend into an arc', OR, RChS kaiovu:u Il|aciti 'to bend down, hink', R ?
'incunr" 'to twist tight, tighten, tie up'; ?? Sl 'Ilccati 'to kneel, squat' > OCS Ilccati, Slv Ilccati, Cz Ilcccti, P Ilcczcc, Uk
in 'uarn 'to kneel', SCr Ilccati 'to kneel, squat, hink'; ?? Sl 'IlcIati 'to squat, kneel' > Blg 'in iax'to squat', Cz IlcIati, Slk
Il`aIat`, P IlcIac, Uk in 'iarn, Blr 'in ian" 'to kneel'; ?? Sl 'IlcI-no-ti 'to squat\kneel down' > SCr Ilc_Inuti id., Blg
'incina, Slk Il`aInut` 'to squat down', Cz IlcInouti, P IlcInac, Uk 'in inyrn 'to kneel down' WP I 447, 498-9, P 554, 6O3,
WH I 233-4, Vr. 237, 24O, Ho. 183, Sw. 9O, 98, KM 244-5, Vn. C 6O, YGM-1 82, Frn. 289, ESSJ IV 141 & X 28-9, 32-4, Bern. I
166, Sls. I 124, Lrn. I 147, SPS II 21, EI 62 ('Ilcng- 'bend, turn') ll K 'IlaI-vn- > G IlaIn- - IlaIvn- 'sich krmmen,
winden' Chx. 599.
1O56. ''IaoLPV 'middle; 'inside, lap, sth. within an angle' > IE: NaIE 'Ilc- 'lap', v. 'embrace' > OHG 'hlaftara > MHG
laftcr 'fathom' || Ltv Ilcis 'lap, a lapful', Lt Ilc'bys 'length of an arm, fathom, armful', Ilc'bti 'in die ausgebreitete Arme
nehmen, umarmen' (b due to the infl. of glc'bys 'ausgebreitete Arme', 'armful'?) || ? Clt: Brtt {RE} 'Ialona 'heart, (?) intestines' >
W calon, OCrn, Crn colon f. 'heart', Crn colon m. 'guts', OBr calon(n), Br Ialon 'heart' The variant with an initial 'g- (Lt glc'bys
'', MHG Ilaftcr, NHG Klaftcr 'fathom') is likely to result from a merger with 'glcb- v. 'embrace' (> Lt glc'bti, OFrs Ilca id.);
the infl. of 'glcb- may be responsible for the meaning 'to embrace, armful, length of an arm\arms' in IE 'Ilc- P 6O4, Frn. 156,
267, RE 1O3, Lx. 1O8, 12O ll HS: S: [1] S ''IaljV,b- - ''Iabal- 'middle' ( 'heart') > Ak Iabl-u, Iabaltu- 'middle, center', Ar
qalb- 'heart' (1Mh Iab, Jb Iclb id., Hrs Ialb 'sense, mind, heart', Gz Ialb 'thought, wish') [2] S mt ''Iaja,l- 'middle' > Sr
\opo Iao'la 'armful, sheaf' ({PS} 'brachii complexus, manipulus inter brachia comprehensus'), \fe Ic'l-a {JPS} 'an
inmost recess, inner chamber', {Br.} \opa Ia'la 'sinus, interiora', ? Ak Iaaltu 'groin, the area between the thighs' Br. 683,
PS 3692-3, JPS 514, Fr. III 482, Sd. 444, 887, CAD VIII 184-5 & XIII 1-12, Jo. H 75, L G 427, MiK I #161 ll ? K: G Ialta (<
''Ialta?) 'lap' Chx. 545 ll A: T 'Kolbi > OT qolbic 'armpit' (a cd ?) Cl. 617, DTS 454 ^ If the G word belongs here, the N
etymon must have an initial 'I-.
1O57. 'Kal'u 'skin, film, bark' > IE: NaIE 'Ilno- 'callosity, hard skin' > L callum, callus 'hardened thick skin, callosity' ||
OI 'Iina 'callosity' (A MI < 'Irna) The stem may have been semantically influenced by IE 'IIal- 'hard' (> OIr calad 'hard')
WP I 357 & P 523-4 ('Ialno-, 'Ilno- 'Ial- 'hard'), EI 523 ('Ilno-s 'callosity' 'Ial- 'hard'), M K I 2O8, WH I 14O-1, EM
87, Vn. C 25-6 ll U: FU {UEW} 'IalvV (< pre-U 'IalU-?) ({Db.} 'Ialc) 'film, thin skin' > F Ialvo 'film, membrane', Es ? Ialc,
Ialu, Lv Ialg_ 'cataract' | Prm 'Iil > Z Iil 'seed-coat, surface film, outer [scaling off] layer of birch bark, dandruff' ( FU 'Iczc <
N 'Icz?E 'skin; to skin'), Vt Iil 'scales that come off from the bark, dandruff' || Hg halyog, ? ha|ag, halyag, halog 'cataract'
| ObU: pOs {Ht.} 'Ial'I 'crust, scab' > Os {KrT}: V/Vy IalI, Nz _ato, Kz _ai 'scab, crust' Coll. 85, Coll. CG 4O5, UEW
121, LG 124, Db. OS xxxi, MF 256-7, KrT 382, Ht. #265 pVg 'Ialo 'outer layer of birch bark' and pOs {Ht.} 'Ialo id.,
'dandruff' (Ht. 15O [#265]), which belong (together with S 'Il 'bark') to N 'qal'uPV 'to bark (a tree), cut off; bark, peel' [q.v.].
The Prm v is ambiguous: it belongs here only if its 'i is accounted for by ass. infl. of cnss.; otherwise it belongs unambiguously to FU
'Iczc < N 'Icz?E ''. If we take into account the traces of a front root-final vw. ( Dybo l.c.), the pre-U v may be reconstructed as
'Ialu ll A: M 'qali-sun 'the outer layers of sth.; peel, rind, bark, skin' > WrM qalisun, HlM xan"c, Kl xan"cn _alson, Brt
_alha(n) id., Mnr H {SM} _ali_s 'pellicule, membrane, cale, piderme' MED 92O, SM 151, T 372, KRS 572 Tg 'xalu-
'pellicle' > Ud B alu 'dandruff', WrMc al_uva 'outer pellicle (of brain\kidneys\heart), skin of fruit'; Tg 'xalu-Ita 'film, inner side of
hide (xc:(pa)' > Lm alt+ id., Ork _altqta, Nn Nh/B _aloqta, Nn KU aloqta, Ewk, Orc, Ud aluIta, Neg alta 'the inner side of
hide'; Tg 'xalu- > Nn KU alu- v. 'remove the inner side of hide', Lm al+v- id., v. 'remove a film' STM I 33-4 T 'Ij`,cal >
Tv Ics 'skin, hide'; possibly also sd T 'I`cl 'belt, quiver' > OT, XwT XIV Ics ({Cl.} Ics), Kr {Rl.} Ias, Tv NE xcs, Tf
hcs, Yk Iasa_ (with dim. -a_) 'quiver'; T 1(?) Psh Ics 'cotton blanket, shawl; silk cloth (iaxia)' ET KQ 6O-1, TvR 239,
Cl. 752, Ra. 188, Mal JPT 1O, Shch. SF 195 ('Ics), Asl. 713 DQA #963 (A 'I`ali 'napless skin, membrane',
'miypa 6c: nopca, xc:(pa') ll Gil: Gil ES {Krn.} hal 'human skin', Gil A hal id., 'human body' ST 422, ST RN 182, Krn. N 398,
49O ll ? HS: EC 'I'ol- > Bn B {Hn.} Iols (pl.} 'bark', Gdl {Bl.} Iolc 'skin', Or {Grg.} Iola 'peel, pod, shell, husk', {Brl.}
Iola 'membrana; scorza; pellicola', Or B/O/Wt {Sr.} Iola 'bark', Sd {Gs.} Iola 'husk, peel, bark' (A Or?), Hr {AMS} qolo
'skin', Arr Iil 'leather', as well as ? Gdl {Blz. ?} Ioalla 'bark' (though in Bl.s description of Gdl there is no phoneme ) and Or
{Tut.} Ialo 'tanned skin' Brl. 344, Grg. 326, Bl. G 69, Gs. 266, Hw. A 379, Blz. CWL, AMS 182, Hn. BD 93. Sr. 354 ll ??? K: G
Irol-i 'outer shell of a nut\chestnut' ^ If the K root belongs here, the initial N cns. is to reconstruct as 'I-. N 'Kal'u is to be
disinguished from paronymous roots, such as N 'KozV 'to skin, bark', N 'qal'uPV '' and N 'IallV 'to bark, remove
vegetation' [q.v.]. This latter v (rather than 'Kal'u) is the source of D 'Ial- 'to weed' ( S, S CNM 5) ^ AD NM #94, Vv.
AEN 6, S CNM 5 ( NrCs, ST) Gr. II #341 ('Ial 'skin') [U, A, Gil, CK, EA].
1O58. ''Ia'lV '(to be) few, too small\thin\light' > HS: S 'Iall- adj. 'light, few' > BHb Ial 'light (levis)' (f. Ial'la), Sq {L}
qal 'young', Akk Iallum 'light, scanty'; this adjective in its predicative form was reinterpreted as a verb (WS verbal form of the "New
Perfect" and Akk stative), so that a verb Ill came into being: Hb 'Ial (3p Ial'lu, 2m Ial'lota) 'is small\insignificant, is fast',
Ug Il {OLS} 'ir ligero, correr', Ar qll (pf. qalla) v. 'be few in number, small in quantity, rare', Gz qll v. 'be light\easy\slight\swift',
Jb C {Jo.} Icll, Sq {Jo.} Icl 'was little', Sq {L} qcl(l) 'tre petit', Ak Ill (inf. Ialalu) v. 'be light'; d Iajl,'lil- adj. 'light, quick'
> JA, Sr Ial'lil, Md Ialil 'light of weight', Ar qalil- 'few, small, rare', Sb Ill 'little, scanty, Gz Ialil 'not numerous, small' KB
1O28-31, KBR 11OO-3, OLS 365, A #24O9, Js. 1376, Sl. 1O19, Sd. 894, Hv. 621-2, L G 428, L LS 374, Jo. J 144, Jo. M 228,
BGMR DS 1O5 C {AD} 'Iall- > EC 'Iall- (or 'Ial?-) 'thin, insignificant' > Or Ialla 'subtle, thin, meagre', Or B {Sr.}
Ialla (f. Iallo) 'narrow, thin, slender', Kns qalla?- 'thin', Gdl Ialla?- 'narrow', Rn _alma 'become thin' (ipv. _alam), Brj
Iall- - Ial?- v. 'be thin\narrow', Iall-anc- 'thin' Ss. PEC 22, Ss. B 124, Sr. 351, AD SF 196, PG 187-8 NrOm: Kf {C} Iall-
v. 'be cheap', Mch {L} Iall-i- v. 'despise', ? Dwr {L} gcla 'cheap', ? Bsk {Bnd.} gslla 'small' C SE IV 484, L M 47 AD SF 196
ll A ''Ij`,al- or 'Ij`,aLc- > M 'qalci- > WrM qalcii-, HlM xanunn- v. 'be(come) too thin or light' (of garment), WrM qalcigar,
HlM xanuiap 'light and thin' (of garments) MED 918 T 'Kal- or 'KaL- > OT qasaq 'lazy, underdevelopped, lean', Az {Rl.}
qasaq 'dnn, fein, zart, schn (von Frauen)', Chg {Rl.} qasaq 'unansehnlig, mager, abgezehrt', Chg XV {Cl.} qasaq 'lazy,
unpleasant', ET qasaq {BN} 'lazy, obstinate, blunt', {Nj.} 'lazy, blunt', ET Tr {Rl.} qasaq 'stumpf; langsam', Qrg {Jud.} qasaq
'lazy, sluggish', Alt qazaq, Chv (A a Qp lge) _az_an 'lazy', ET {Jr., Nj.} qasar- v. 'become blunt', {Nj.} qasat- 'to make blunt',
Qrg {Jud.} qasar- v. 'be lifeless' (e.g., of a country), Qq qasaq, Qrg qasaq 'lazy', Uz qassoq 'poor, beggar', ? Az Sl iamn qasi
'of poor quality' Cl. 673, ET KQ 348-5O, BN 119, Jr. 241, Rl. II 39O-1, Nj. 585-6, Jud. 363, KrkR 383, AzDDL 253 ll K {K}
'Icl-/'Ial- v. 'lacking, be short of' ( N 'IclV or 'IclV 'to lack, be insufficient' [q.v. ffd.]).
1O59. 'I'ullV 'short, (?) low' > K: GZ '-Il- (*'shorten') - {GM} 'm-Il-c 'short' > OG moIlc 'short, short-armed', G
moIlc, G X mIlc, Lz mIulc 'short', Mg Iulc id., _c-Iulc 'without an arm' (_c 'arm') FS K 219-22O, FS K 241-2, Chx. 797-8,
Chik. 229-3O, GM 1O6-7 ll D (in SD) 'Iull- ({GS} 'I-) 'short (of stature)' > Tm Iullam, Iullal, Kn Iullu 'shortness in
stature', Kt Iul 'shortness & broadness of figure', Ml Iulan 'young, short, stunted', Tm Iullan, Ml Iullan, Kt Iul(n`), Kn
Iulla, Kdg Iulln 'short man' D # 2137 ll ? HS: WS 'Ily (- 'Ilv?) 'deep', 'light [levis]' ( *'low') > Gz Ily (js.
yo-Ili) 'be deep', Ioluy 'deep (like an abyss)', Ialay 'depth (of river\sea)', Ar qilv- 'light (of weight)' L G 431, BK II 8O8.
1O6O. ?? 'Kohlu 'to hide, deceive, tell a lie' > IE: NaIE 'IIcl-/'IIol-/'IIol(v)- v. 'deceive' > Gk A kce (with an
original --) v. 'charm, bewitch', koo 'flatterer' || L calvor, -i v. 'form intrigues, deceive', calumnia 'false accusation, calumny' || Gt
holon 'oukoovtciv, to clumniate, slander', ON hol 'praise, boasting', hola 'to praise, boast', AS hol 'slander', holian 'to
slander', OHG huolcn 'to deceive' WP I 446, P 551, EI 154 ('Icl- 'deceive'), WH I 143, F I 839, Fs. 267, Vr. 247, Ho. 168, Schz.
17, Kb. 49O The loss of the lr. still needs explanation ll HS: S 'Ihl > Ar qhl (qahala / -qhalu) v. 'slander' ({Fr.} 'res turpas
memorans vituperavit [aliquem]', {BK} 'mdire de qn.' Fr. III 511, BK II 828-9 Ch: WCh 'I"l- ({Stl.} 'I"al/r-) v. 'lie
(lgen)' > Ang {Flk.} I"olin, {ChL} I"olsm, Su {J} I"ula, P {MSk.} I"ali v. 'lie', {Sk.} I"ali 'a lie', Hs Iarya 'a lie' (Hs r <
WCh 'l) || ECh: Smr {J} Iulags 'a lie' Stl. ZCh 213 [#637], ChC s.v. v. 'lie', Ba. 574, Sk. NB 29, MSk. 169, ? Sk. HCD 168
The rec. of a variant with '-r- is unjustified, because Hs r is a reg. reflex of WCh 'l ll A: M 'qulag(u)- v. 'steal' > MM [MA]
qulaq-ba, [IM] qulagu-ba p. 'stole', WrM qulagu-, HlM xyniyy- id., Mnr H _ulag_a- id., 'do sth. by stealth', MM [HI, MA, S]
qulayai_, WrM qulagai, HlM xynian 'thief' MED 983-4, SM 18O, Ms. H 91, Pp. 3O9, 445, H 71 T 'Ij`,oj:,li- 'hide' > OT
{Cl.} Iosi- id., rf. Iosin- 'shade oneself, be hidden' Cl. 753-4 Tg 'xol- - xul- 'to deceive', jx,ul'cI 'a lie, deceit' > Nn B
_olto-, _oloqta-, Nn Sn xolo- v. 'deceive', Ewk ulsI, Sln olox - slox, Lm o'lsI, Neg o'lo'x " o'lo'I 'a lie, deceit', Orc oloIi-
v. 'lie, deceive', oloIo 'a lier, deceiver', WrMc uluIcn 'falsely' ({Z} 'nono, 6onrnnno') DQA #873 (A 'Ii_ola 'steal, deceive')
STM I 4O7 & II 265-6 ll D 'Iol 'slandertale-bearing, abuse' [ N 'I'alX'o 'to call (appeler), shout'?] > Tm Iol 'calumny,
aspersion, tale-bearing, falsehood', Ioluttu v. 'slander, calumniate', Kt Iol 'laying information about sth. heard', Kn Iol 'calumny,
false imputation', Gdb golcr- v. 'abuse', golc n. 'abuse' D #2251 ^ The absence of labialization in IE 'I- may be explained in the
framework of ADs hypothetical prehistory of IE vowels (AD NGIE, AD NVIE) if we suppose a stem-final sonant 'v which
remained in L calvor, calumnia, but was lost in the Gk and Gmc. In this case the prehistory may be hypothesized as 'Kohlu >
pre-IE 'Iuhlu > (diphthongization) 'Iou_hl(u)- (where 'o symbolized the vw. underlying the apophony 'c/'o/zero) > 'Iohl(u)
(loss of pre-sonantic 'v) > 'Icul-/'Ioul-/'Iul(u)- > 'Icl-/'Iol-/'Iol(v)-.
1O61. 'KiylVi 'to bend, bow' > IE: NaIE 'Ilci_- v. 'bow, incline', {EI} 'lean' > OI 'srayatc 'clings to, leans upon',
'srayati {MW} 'causes to lean\rest on, lays on\in, fixes on', Av srita- 'gelehnt', sray- 'lean' || Gk kive v. 'make bend\slope\slant' ||
L clina- v. 'incline, bend, lean', clinatus 'inclined, bent, leaned', in-clina- v. 'bend, incline', clivus 'a slope, rise' || OIr clcn
'tendance, inclination, dsir' || MIr clc 'left; defective, bad', W clcdd 'left' || OHG (h)lincn 'to lean', AS hlinian vi. (> NHG lchncn,
NE lcan vi.), OHG lcincn, NHG lchncn, AS hlnan vt. 'lean' (> NE lcan vt.), Gt hlcidumci 'left' || Lt slic|u (Lt Zh slc|u), inf.
slicti 'lean against', a-slitas 'windschief, seitwrts geneigt'. {PiesS} a-slyti 'lean on one side' || ? Tc: A Ila(v)-, B Ilay-
'fall'; Tc B IlasI- 'set' (of the sun) WP I 49O-2, P 6OO-2, EI 348, M K III 388-9, WH I 234-5, Vn. C 116, F I 873-5, OsS 4O5-6,
Kb. 6O1, 619, KM 431, AS 161, 164, Frn. 549, 1OO4, 1OO6, PiesS 518, Wn. 218-21, Ad. 22O-3 ll HS: C 'Il > EC: pSam {Hn.}
'qallo- v. 'bend' > Sml qalloi, Rn {Hn.} '_olo_c - '_olohc id. Hn. S 71 ?? S: Gz Ialdad 'arch, circle' Ls CDG 427ll A
'I`iyl'u- > T 'Kiyl- > OT qis- v. 'deviate', MT XIII qis- v. 'turn away', Osm {Zn.} qis- 'sich krmmen, sich neigen', Tk gis
'deception, swindle, perfidy', Tkm gisiq, Qmq, Nog qiysiq 'crooked, slanting', Nog, Qrg qiysay-, Qq qiysay-, ET qiysay- vi.
'bow\bend to the side, get crooked', Qzq qiysaqta- vi. 'bow, bend, sway' Rs. W 268, Cl. 67O, Rl. II 835, Dr. TM III 571-3, Jud. 481,
Sht. 272, KumRS 211-2, Nj. 631-2, DQA #11O7 M 'Iilu- > WrM {MED} Iilui- - Iilai-, HlM x nan- v. 'look askance at, squint',
Kl {Rm.} Iuli- 'schielen, schief auf etwas sehen'; WrM Iilagar, HlM x niap 'cross-eyed, squint-eyed; askew, slanting', WrM Iilab
qulub 'looking askance, giving a squinting\mean look'; M 'Iilu-r 'squint-eyed' > WrM Iilu-r, Kl Iulr id.; WrM 1Tkm {Rs.} qiliy,
VTt q+l+y 'squint, crooked'; ? ext. : M 'Icltc- > WrM Icltci-, HlM xynrnn- v. 'incline from the perpendicular, lean, be crooked',
Kl {Rm.} Icltc-_o 'auf der einer Seite, seitwrts gebogen liegen', M 'Iclbc- > WrM Iclbci-, HlM xyn6nn- v. 'lean or to be inclined
to one side' [ N 'KEbLV or '-Lb- 'to support, lean', q.v. ffd.] MED 45O, 467, Kow. 2531-2, TatR 31O, KW 224, 244, Rs. W 263,
Dr. TM I 472-3 ? Tg 'xil- v. 'pass by (vorbeigehen)' > Ewk, Neg iltsn-, Lm i_clton- " ilton-, Lm Ar yclton-, ? Ul/Ork/Nn si-
id. STM I 31O-1 ? pJ {S} 'Iu`su` 'strange ( *'deviating') > OJ Iusu, Iusi S QJ #1232, Mr. 833 KW 244 (M, T), DQA
#11O7 (A 'I`iylu 'to deviate, slant') ^ The K verb 'IlaI-vn- (> G IlaI(v)n- v. 'bend, swaddle' = 'krmmen, winden',
Chx. 599) is better explained as going back to N 'IaLIa (- 'IaLIa?) 'to wind\twist' (q.v.).
1O62. 'Kalu (or 'Kalyu?) 'bare, naked' > IE 'IlHvo- > ({WH} NaIE 'I,lovo-) 'bald' > L calvus 'bald, without hair' ||
OI 'ati-Iurva-h - 'ati-Iulva-h 'entirely bald', NPrs Ka Ial 'bald' P 554 ('I,lovo-), EI 45 (adduces Av Iauvra-), WH I
144, M K I 243, Sg. 1O39, Vl. II 8O2, 858 (NPrs Ial = Iacal 'bald') ll HS: S Il > Ar ql (pf. qalaa) 'take off (ones
clothes)', Gz Il G 'uncover, bare, open, strip, unveil', Tgy Il (pf. Ivlc) 'disclose, uncover' Hv. 624, L G 426 ll A
'Ij`,alj,V > T 'I`al > Tf has 'bare, without hair' (of a fell/hide), ? Tv _as 'thin dressed leather', d : 'Kal-ga 'bald; having a
white head or a white blaze' [ N 'KalV(-mV) 'spot, stain; be spotty'] > OT qasya 'having a white head and darker body', 'having a
white blase on the forehead' (on animals), Chg qasqa id., Qzq qasqa id., 'bald' (of a person)', Nog qasqa, Shor {Rl.} qasqa 'bald
spot, white blaze', SbTt B {Rl.} qasqa id., 'bald' (of a person)', Qrg qasqa 'having a white blaze', 'clean, transparent', Bsh, Ln
qasya 'white blaze; bald' ET KQ 35O-1, Ra. 186, TvR 471, Cl. 671, Rl. II 394-5, Rs. W 241 M 'qalca- 'bald' > MM [MA]
qalcayai_ 'bald', WrM qalcagai, HlM xannian 'bald, bare, hairless, grassless, featherless (spot)', Kl {KRS} xannxa 'grassless
(ground)', {Rm.} _alc
ya 'bar, nicht bewachsen; haarlos, graslos' 1 Chg [MA] qalcIyay 'bald'; MM [MA] qalcaq 'having a
white blaze'; M 'qal:a-n 'bald-headed, blaze on the forehead' > WrM qalan, HlM xan:an id., MM [MA] qalan 'having a white
blaze', M 1Tv ianuan 'bald, bald spot, grassless'; WrM qalai-, HlM xan:an- v. 'grow bald', 1Tv ianuan- id.; ? M 'qalci- >
WrM qalci-, HlM xanun- 'remove unevenness, level off' Pp. MA 289, MED 918, 922, KW 163, KRS 571-2, TvR 222-3 ?
SDM97 (A 'Iclo id.), DQA #756 (A 'Iclo; incl. T 'Ialga, M) ^ It is tempting to adduce here U {UEW} 'IalvV 'film, thin
skin' and thus find a parallel to IE '-v-, but for semantic considerations it is better to refer the U root to N 'Kal'u 'skin, film,
1O63. 'IUl'uu 'track(s), way; to go, travel' > IE: [1] NaIE 'Iclv-/'Ilcu_- v. 'travel' > Lt Icliauti, Ltv cclot id.; Lt
Iclias 'way, road', Ltv ccls id. (acc. to P, a bf from the verb) || Gk kccuo) 'way, path' [{Brgm.}: < *kcuo) on the analogy of
ccuoooi 'I shall come\go'] (a problematic word: an irreg. succession of two 'c-grade syllables, unexplained --; for discussion F
I 815-6) [2] NaIE 'Ial-nV- 'path' > L callis 'narrow track, footpath, cattle track' || Sl {Glh.} 'Iol'nici > SCr Ilanac 'narrow
path', Slv ? Ilancc Ilanoc 'gorge, narrow pass (Hohlweg)' Frn. 236, F I 815-6, P 554, WP I 356, WH I 14O, Frn. 236, Bern. I 547,
ESSJ X 14O-1 (against the comparison of Sl with L), Glh. 319 ll HS: S 'Il > Ar qulat- 'way' ({Fr.} 'iter, eiusque mobilitas, iter
maritimum navi') Fr. III 49O B 'vIl > Ah s-uIcl 'to travel, step (marcher au pas)', tcIlc n. 'marche au pas (marche sans
courir)', Tz, Ntf aIol, Zww aIul 'pitiner, appuyer avec le pied', BMn Icl v. 'step', Kb {Dl.} am"ol 'fouler', timli n. 'marche,
allure; action de marcher', Si {La.} uIcl 'walk', Skn {La.} uIol 'cheminer' B 'vIl - 'Ivl 'track, foorprint' ( N 'Ial'hV 'to
walk, make ones way') > Ah to-IIil-t (-II- < '-vI-) 'track, footprint (empreinte de pied)', a-IuIol 'trace', BSn tisol id., Kb
timmol-t (pl. ti-Ival - ti-mmal) 'fois, moment' Fc. 781-3, Dl. 4O1-3, La. S 257, La. MChB 259-6O SC: [1] ({E} SC
'I"as-) v. 'go, travel' ( N 'Ial'hV '') > Kz I"as v. 'go away, depart', (C1) Mb I"a, I"asu (E SC 265); cf. also Mb I"a,
I"asi 'path' (E SC 43) [2] Rft 'I"al- ( N 'Ial'?V 'to approach, come') > Irq {MQK} q"alaq imv. 'come!', Brn {Dempw.}
Ivalc id. MQK 89, Blz. SCL s.v. 'come' ll K: GZ 'Ival-/'Ivl- 'track, footprint' > OG Iual-i, G Ival-i 'track, trace', G d
Ivlc-/Ivli-: (ga-)Ivlc/i v. 'find the way', mi-Ivlc/i- 'auf die Spur kommen, auf-\aus-spren', Mg d u-Iul-i 'after, then', Lz i-Iul-c
'after', -Iulc - -Iulc 'after' K
9O-1, Ser. 8O, Chx. 572, 583-4 ll U: FU (in ObU only) 'IXlV (= 'IolV?) > ObU 'IXlV
'track(s), sign' > pOs 'Ial > Os Kz _o 'Anzeichen'; pVg 'IIl > Vg: LK xal, MK/UK IIl, P Iil, UL/Ss xil 'track, sign'. The
pOs vw. 'a is a reg. reflex of pFU 'o and 'o, but the origin of the pVg vw. 'I is not yet clear. If the Vg vw. results from a
conditioned change, the pFU form will be 'IolV. Much less probable as a cognate is FU 'IulIc- v. 'walk\travel\run' (> F IulIc- v.
'walk, go, travel', Es Iulgc- v. 'proceed, take ones course, run' | pLp {Lr.} 'IolIs- v. 'run' (of water), v. 'float (with the current)' > Lp
N {N} gol'ga- /-lg-, Lp S {Hs.} galgcdh, Lp L {LLO} Ial'Ia-, Lp Kld Iolgc- id. | pMr {Ker.} 'Iulgo- > Er Iolgc-, Mk
Iolgo- v. 'leak' | Prm: Z IIvt-, Z ? IIlt-, IIlal-, Yx Io'lt- v. 'float' || pOs 'Ioyol- > Os: V qoyol- v. 'step', D _o_ot-, Kz _u_o- v.
'run' | Hg halad- v. 'go, advance, proceed, travel') ? Sm {Jn.} 'Iu- v. 'drift\float' > Ne T xy' na-c", xy' n[-c" id., Ne T BZ xyn,
Ne T Y xy, Ne F Iu| 'vom Wasse an das Ufer getriebener Baum', Slq Tz {Prk.} qurI- - qurI- 'tragen\treiben [der Strom]'). FU
'IulIc may be accepted as a cognate (d ) only if we find the factor responsable for the depalatalization 'l > 'l and for the
discrepance between the vowels of 'IulIc and 'IXlV (where 'X cannot be interpreted as 'u because of the Os reflex) Ht. 2OO
[#748], UEW 198, Lr. #442, Hs. 552, LG 149, Jn. 76, Erl. 82, Ker. II 64 ^ The non-labialized IE 'I- may be explained in the
framework of ADs hypothetical prehistory of IE vowels (AD NGIE, AD NVIE): if the original vw. was 'u, then N 'IUluu >
pre-IE 'Icvl(v)- > 'Icl(v)- (loss of the 'u-glide before a sonorant); but even if the N vw. was 'o, it changed into 'u due to the infl.
of 'u of the following syll. ^ M 'Iolgcn '(means of) transportation' > MM [HI] Iolgcn {Lew.} 'char, vhicule', WrM
Iolgc(n), HlM x' n' i, Kl {Rm.} Iolgn 'mount or other means of transportation'; M 1 Qzq i' n i IoliI 'horse and cart; means
of conveyance', Qrg IoluI 'beasts of burden', Nog IoliI id. ('r) ino, r) inona) cnna'). It is more plausible to suppose that this a
d from M 'Iol- v. 'harness, hitch (a draft animal) to a vehicle' (> MM [S] Iol-, WrM Iol-, HlM x' n( -' x) id.), though a
contamination is also possible MED 484-5, Lew. II 57, H 1O3, Ms. H 72, KW 238, Jud. 421, Sht. 133, NogR 178, Rs. W 288 ^ Cp.
Cop IU IV 159 (IE, FU) Gr. II #71 ('Icl 'come') [IE + err. U 'Iala 'wade' (< N 'Ial'hV 'to walk, make ones way with
an effort, wade') + err. A 'Icl- and Yk Icl- 'come, go' (< N 'Ial'?V 'to approach, come'), as well as Gil., CK, ? Ai [Gr.s
neglectinon of sound laws does not allow him to distinguish between three N roots, which proves that his method of comparison is
1O64. ? ''IamX 'to cover' > HS: B 'yms > Izn, SrSn yms, imv. oymos v. 'cover oneself with clothes or a blanket', ETwl,
Ty oymos v. 'wrap\cover' Rn. 364, GhA 69 ll ? K: Sv: {Ni.} -Ivcm v. 'cover', UB/LB/Ln {TK} -Ivcm 'put on (clothes)', UB {GP}
li-Ivcm msd. 'put on (dress) from above' Ni. s.v. 'noipir"', TK 453, GP 173 ll IE: NaIE 'Icm- v. 'cover\veil' > Gmc 'xamiO|a-
> OHG hcmidi 'shirt, garment' (> NHG Hcmd 'shirt'), OSx hc'mithi, AS hcmcc 'shirt'; Gmc 'xamiO|a- 1 Gl 1 L camisia 'shirt';
Gmc: ON {EI} hamr 'skin, slough', {Vr.} 'Hlle, Gestalt', Sw, Dn, NNr ham 'skin, husk', AS hama 'garment, dress; skin', NE hamc
'undergarment' || ? OI samulya- 'garment (of a bride)', samula- ' garment' ({EI} 'thick woolen shirt') WP I 386, P 556-7, EI
134, WH I 147-8, M K III 325, M E II 6, Ho. 148, 154, Ho. S 32, Kb. 455, OsS 388, KM 3O3, Vr. 2O8 ll A: M 'qamIi- v. 'shut,
close, draw together in order to close' > WrM qamIi-, HlM xaxxn- id. ({Kow.} 'fermer, serrer, joindre'); see also WrMc qamni- v.
'unite, close'; the word may be a loan from M, which will explain the initial unexpected q- MED 924, Kow. 813, STM I 37O ^ The
apparent reflex of deglottalization 'I- > 'I- in Sv still defies explanation. The rec. of the initial 'I- (rather than an unspecified
'K-) depends on the validity of the Sv cognate. The vw. 'a in M is due to vw. harmony: 'a...X > 'a...X. This and the palatal IE
'I presuppose a N 'a. The labial element in of Sv 'Iv- is due to regr. as (infl. of a lost labial vw. of the second syll.) within Sv (
Test. S) ? Gr. II #68 ('Ium 'cloud') [IE 'Icm- 'hide, cover' FU 'IumV 'cloud', etc.], Gr. II #82 ['Iom 'cover' > A (M, Tg, err.
T 'Kunda-, in fact < N 'IomjV,tV 'to cover'?), Ko, J, Ai, Gil, CK]
1O65. ?? 'K'cmV 'to bite' > A 'Ij`,camV 'gnaw, bite' > NaT 'Ij`,cmir- v. 'gnaw' > OT {Cl.} Iamur-, Chg Icmur-, Tk
gcmir-, Tkm, Qmq gcmir-, Az gamir-, VTt, Bsh Iimir-, Qzq icx p- Icmir-, Uz Icmir-, ET Icmi(r)-, Ggz, Kr, Blq, Nog,
Qq, Qrg, Alt Icmir-, Xk Iimtr-, Tv xcmir-, Tf {?Cs.} hcmir- id. Rs. W 251, ET VGD 18-9, Pp. MA 215 Tv x- provides ev. for
pT I`-, while the Og data seem to point to a pT 'I- M: [1] 'IcmIi- 'bite, gnaw, crack with teeth' > WrM IcmIi-, HlM xyxxy-
'bite, snap the jaw'., Kl icxi- 'bite' (of dogs), {Rm.} IcmI
- 'nagen, fressen, kauen, Knochen zerhauen'; M 1 WrMc IcmIi- 'bite,
grasp my teeth'; [2] 'Icmiclc- 'gnaw, nibble, chew' > MM [MA} Icmilc-, WrM Icmcli-, HlM xyxny-, Kl Icml-, Ba Iamol-; M
1 Yk Iomulla- id. Pp. MA 215, MED 451-2, KRS 2O3, KW 225 pJ {S} Iam- 'bite' > OJ Iam-, [RJ] Iam-u, J: T
Iamu-, K IamicuIu, Ns Iami_-, Sh Ianas, Ian-, Ht Ia_m_-, Y Iam- S AJ 264 [#7], S QJ #7, Mr. 7O3 S AJ 112, 274
[#6], DQA #759 (A 'Icmao 'to gnaw, bite') ll HS: C: EC {Ss.} pcv. '-Iom/'-Im- (> 'Iom-) 'chew, bite, eat' ( N 'KomhV or
'Kom_V 'to eat, swallow'??) > Sa pcv. -qom-, Af pcv. -oIm- id., Rn {Ss.} -aham-/-uhum- 'chew', {PG} -aham- 'eat (st.)', scv.:
Dsn Iom- 'eat' (I- is due to the former clustering of 'I and m), Or Iam- 'chew ', Kns qom- 'chew', Brj Iam- 'eat, chew', ?
Sd {Gs.} Iama 'to eat\drink sth. mixed with sth. else' (unless the Bj & Sd words are borrowed from EthS?), ? Arr {Hw.}
-ohom-/-aham- (= [-ohom-]/[-aham-]) pcv. 'eat' Ss. PEC 25, Ss. B 121-2, 124, PG 62, Gs. 255, Hw. A 263-5, To. DL 512
ECh: Smr {J} I"nm 'eat', Kwn {J, Sa.} Iam 'eat (hard food)' Smr I"- is due to contamination with N 'Komh_V ''? JI II 121,
ChC ll IE: The N v in question may have influenced NaIE 'gcmb"-/'gmb"- v. 'bite' and 'gomb"o-s 'tooth' ( s.v. N
'Iab?X 'to bite') Gr. II #59 ('Icm 'chew') [A, CK, EA + err. IE 'Icmo- 'hum'].
1O66. 'KomV(-bA) 'forehead, front part' > U: FU 'IumV 'forehead, front side' > Prm 'Iu'm-cs 'forehead, face' (LG: '-cs is a
derivational sx.) > Z iixo-c IImss, Vt iixcc IImcs 'forehead, face'; Prm 'Iu'm > Z sin-IIm 'eyebrow' (sin is 'eye') || Hg
hom-l-oI 'forehead, front side' LG 151-2, MF 296-8, ? Rd. rLG 424, UEW 2O1-2 (unc. hyp.: the Prm and Hg words < U 'Iuma
'gebeugte, umgestrzte Lage; sich beugen'), Sm. 537 (U 'Iuma 'face down' > FU 'Iuma, FP 'Iuma-, Ugr 'Iuma-, Sm
'Iomo) ll A: Tg 'jx,omIatV 'forehead' > Ewk, Neg omIoto, Lm omq+t STM II 17 lll A variant with ''KomV-bA 'that of
the front part' [see N bA (pc. of names of quality bearers) ffd.]: HS: B 'ynb 'face', 'yonbujb, 'beak' [ N 'qUqa(-V) 'nose', q.v.
ffd.] ll ? D 'Iom-ay ({GS} 'I-) ' protecting wall' > Tm Iommay 'rampart, bulwark', Kn Iumbc 'wall on a flat roof that serves
for a balustrade', Tl Iomma 'the upper part or coping of a fort-wall' D #2118.
1O66a. ?? 'KumV 'sand' > HS: CCh {ChL}: Bnn IunIuma`, Ms gumgumma, BnnM gumguma, LmP hum 'sand' | HgNg
I"smmc, FlG I"oItma 'earth (substance)' ChL ll U 'IumV 'thin snow' > Vt G IIm id., Vt M IIm 'hoar-frost' || Hg ho (acc.
havat) 'snow' Sm: Ne _av? 'thin hard snow that is over soft snow', Kms {KD} I`amo 'snow crust' UEW 2O4, Jn. 64 ll A
'IumV 'sand, (?) dust' > T 'I`um 'sand' > OT, MQp, Chg qum, Tkm, Az gum, Tk Ium, Qzq, Nog, Qrq, Qrg, Uz, ET, Tv qum, VTt,
Bsh q+m, Tf hum; - pT Ium-aq 'grain of sand' 1 M: WrM qumag, HlM xyxai 'fine sand' Cl. 625, Ra. 191, ET Q 133-4,
MED 985 Tg 'ximana- v. 'snow' > Ewk, Sln, Orc imana-, Lm tm+n-, Neg tmana-, Ul, Ork, Nn stmana-, WrMc nimara- id.
STM I 312-3 Tf h- and Tg 'x- suggest pA 'I`- and hence pN 'K- Lm Iimsvun 'sea shore' and Orc Iima " Iimma 'beach'
hardly belong here ( Gr.) ^ Gr. II #323 ('Ium 'sand') [U, A, Gil + qu. Y].
1O66b. 'KUmV 'black, dark' > HS: Eg fP Im 'be black; black' (Imm): [1] v. n. {Vc.} 'Iamam > Cpt: Sd kmem Imom,
B mem I"mom, [2] adj. (qualificatif) {Vc.} 'Iuommcy > Cpt: Sd kum Icm, B um I"cm EG V 122-4, Vc. 81-2 C: EC:
Hr/Dbs/Gln {AMS} Iumma, Gwd {AMS} Iumma 'black', Hr/Dbs {AMS} Iumm- 'become black' || ? Ag: Aw {CR} Icmana
'evening', Icm- 'get dark, decline towards evening (ncucpcr")' AMS 267, AD SF 86 ? NrOm: Wl {LmS} Iamma, Dwr
{Bnd.} Iamma, Bdt {C} Iama, {Bnd.} Iamma, Oyda {Bnd.} Iama, Bsk {Bnd.} Iamma 'night', Gm {LmS} Iamma 'day (of
24 hours)', Gdc {Bnd.} Iamani_ 'night', Dc {LmS} Iamma 'yesterday', Kcm {LmS} Iamma-na 'evening' AD SF 86, LmS 432-
3 S: JA [Trg.] Mk`1ua ?uI'Iam, em. am1k`1ua ?uIIa'm-a 'black, dark-complected', MHb ?Im G (pf. Mk2a1 ?a'Iam)
'be sun-burnt \ black' (< caus. 's-Im) Js. 25, 64 Cal. #449 (Aram, Eg) ll U 'IumV 'dark' ( N 'IumV(-Ta) 'fog, mist',
q.v.) > Hg himaly 'obscurity, darkness'; twilight, dusk' || Z ? IImsd- vt. 'shade, screen from light' (':arcn) r", :acnon) r" cncr')
Sm: Mt {Hl.} 'Iundoha 'black' (Mt: M/T {Mll.} Iuntuha, K {Mll.} gundcha) UEW 2O4-5, LG 151, Hl. M ##592-3
ll A {DQA} 'I`umc (or 'I`i_umc) 'black, charcoal' > T 'I`omur 'charcoal' > OT, Cmn XIV, XwT XIV Iomur, MQp XIII
Iamur, Chg XV Icmur - Iomur, Xk Iomir, Tlt Iomur, Yk Iomor 'charcoal', Tk Iomur, Tkm, Ggz, Az, Qmq, Qrg
Iomur, ET Iomu(r), Ln Iomuy, Kr Cr Iomur - Iomir, Nog, Qq Iomir, VTt, Bsh Iumir, Uz Iumir, Tv xomur,
Chv I+mr+I 'charcoal' (today also 'mineral coal') Cl. 723, ET KQ 1O2-3, TL 365 pKo {S} 'Iom- 'black' > MKo
Iom-, Iom-, NKo Iom-/Iom-/Iam-/Iam- id. QK #8, Yu 48, MLC 1O1 ^ Blz. LB #14: Om, C, Ch, A + unc. D 'Iam- 'be
singed', Ch and IE roots for 'cloud' - see N 'IumV(-Ta) 'fog, mist'), Blz. LNA #3O (suggested to add Aram' unc. : D
'Iam- 'be singed' and FV 'Iuma 'hei').
1O67. 'IumV(-Ta) / (-RV) 'fog, mist ; cloud' > IE: Ht Iammara- 'mist, fog, vapour; shade, dimness (of sight')'
NaIE: Gk [Hs.] kcco) o_u), oi_ 'mist, fog' Pv. IV 35-7, Ivn. SA 154 , C op IU I-1974 99 ll HS: Ch: CCh:
Mdr {ChC} Iummba, Glv {Rp.} aIumba, {ChL} ?aIumba , Hrz {Ro.} Iumba 'cloud' || ECh: Ke {Eb.} Iamra 'clouds' coll.
Eb. 62, RpB 4, ChC, ChL, Ro. 227 [#142] B: Ah Iumb-ot 'brouillard humide' Fc. 8O7 ll K {K} 'Ivam-/'Ivm-, {FS}
'Ivam- v. 'smoke, emit smoke' > OG Ium- v. 'emit smoke' (qovcli igi mtay Iumoda 'all mountains emited smoke'), OG
Ium-, G Im- 'burn incense', Mg Ium- v. 'smoke', d o-Ium-au 'censer, thurible', Lz mIom- v. 'emit smoke', Sv {K, FS}
Ivam- id. (msd. li-Ivamc, 3s prs. Ivam-c) - K 'Ivaml- n. 'smoke' > OG, G Ivaml-i, Sv: UB/Ln {TK, GP}
Ivam, L {TK} Ivam, {Dn.} Ivam id. K 1O8-9, K
91 ('Ivam-/'Ivm- v., 'Ivaml- n.), FS K 177, FS E 193-4,
Chik. 161, 168, TK 352, GP 13O, Dn. s.v. Ivam IS I 312 tentatively adduces (to N {?IS} 'KumTa) Sv UB mu-tIvin 'fog,
dark' (but GP SED: Sv UB mutIvin 'dark [colour]' without mentioning 'fog' or 'mist'); IS sugests that Sv -tIvin- may go back to
''-Ivint- [mt ], which is hardly convincing ll U [1] 'IumtX- 'fog, haze' > F Ionto 'fog' (the back vw. o under the regr. ass.
infl. of the final back vw.) | Prm 'I'o'd > StVt u-iniir cIn-IIt 'haze ((ixia, xapcno)', Vt Sr {Wc.} cyqIId 'mist', Vt Kz {Wc.}
csqIsd 'schwacher Nebel, Dunst' (IIt, IId, Isd means 'smoke') || Hg Iod 'fog, mist, haze' Sm 'Iumt+ 'smoke' > Ne T cnn,
{Lh.} su'n, Ne F {Lh.} su'n 'smoke, steam', Ng {Mik.} Iinto, En {Cs.} suddo, Slq NP {Cs.} sumdc 'smoke', Kms d {Adl.}
schun|u id., Koyb d {Sp.} cnnc-, cnnc- 'smoke ((ix, ua()', Mt {Hl.} 'Iundu 'smoke' (Mt M/T {Mll.} Iundo, Mt M
{Sp.} inn(y, Mt T {Adl.} Iundo, Mt K {Mll.} gundu 'smoke', {Pl.} gundu`chanu 'mist' [chanu means 'dew, moisture in the
air']) - Mt {Hl.} 'Iundoha 'black' (Mt: M/T {Mll.} Iuntuha, K {Mll.} gundcha) [ N 'KUmV 'black, dark', q.v.] U
'-mt- is reconstructed on the ev. of Slq UEW 158 ('IintV 'IuntV; rejects the F cognate because of its back vowels), IS I 312
('Iumta; does not mention the F word), MF 37O, Jn. 79 (Sm 'Iunt+), Hl. MTKV 1O, 36, Hl. M ##592-3 (Sm 'Iunt+), Cs.
162, Sm. 537 (U, FU, FP 'Iunti 'smoke', Ugr 'Iunti, Sm 'Iunto; does not take into account the F and Slq cognates)
[2] ? 'IumV 'cloud' ( N 'KUmV '', q.v.] > F Iumuri 'small cloud' | Er Iovol 'cloud' | Prm: Z iixop 'cloud' || Vg Ss
scnIiy _om_atas 'es wurde nebelig', _om_atas 'es enstand ein dichtes Schneegestber, das die Luft ganz verdunkelt' UEW 2O4-
5, LG 151 ll A: M 'Iudcq 'fog, mist' [ N 'KUtV(-RV) 'smoke', q.v. ffd.] ? pKo 'Iim 'steam, vapour, breath, smell' > MKo,
NKo Iim S QK #748, MLC 281 pJ {S} Iumu_a-N 'cloud' > OJ Iumu_o, J: T, K Iumo, Kg Iumo S AJ 264-5 [#11]
DQA #795 ll D: Gnd Ium 'smoke' " Iumod 'smoke' D #1752 ^ IS I 312 [#187] (*KumTa in U, M (+ unc. T), [?] K:
Sv mu-tIvin) , C op l.c. (IE, U), ? Blz. KM 135-6 [#14] [unc. equation of the K root with the S, Bln, FV and D reflexes of N
'Kum?V '(be) hot, smoulder', q.v.], Blz. LNA #35 [CCh, IE, U, Ko, J; unc. adduction of Awn Icmana 'evening' and NrOm
'Iam- 'night' (see N 'KUmV 'black, dark')] ? Gr. II #68 ('Ium 'cloud') [FU 'IumV 'cloud' IE 'Icm- 'hide, cover', etc.].
1O68. ?? 'KU?amV(-nV) 'a hand with [five] fingers' > IE 'dc-Imt 'ten' ({Szem., Erh.}: < 'djv,c- 'two' + ''Iomt 'hand
with fingers') > OI 'dasa, Av dasa, OPrs 'daOa, Phl dah, NPrs da da, Oss das, Psh las id. || Arm tasn tasn id. || Gk ocko id.
|| pre-Al {Hamp} 'di_cOatjV, > Al dh|ctc id. || L dcccm id., Um 'dcscn 'ten' in DESENDUF 'twelve' || OIr dcich n-, OW dcc, W
dcg, Crn, Br dcI 'ten' || Gmc 'tcxun 'ten' > Gt taihun, ON tiu, NNr tic, Sw tio, Dn ti, OSx tchan, tian, OHG zchan, NHG zchn,
AS ticn, NE tcn || BSl (< d 'dcImti- 'decade'): Lt dcsimtis, Ltv dcsmit, Pru dcsscmts 'ten', dcssimts 'tenth' | Sl 'dcscti
'ten' > OCS cta:i dcscti, Blg '(cccr, SCr dc`sct, Slv dcsct, Cz dcsct, Slk dcsat`, P dzicsicc, R, Uk '(cc r" | pTc 'saI
> Tc: A saI, B saI id. (its prehistory is not yet clear) AnIE {Blz.} 'dcyanta- (< 'dcgnto- < 'dcImto-) > HrLw tinata-
'tithe', Lc snta 'ten' (< d 'dImt-a) - NaIE 'Im'tom 'hundred' [< 'dIm'tom {EI} 'tenth decade', {P}
'(Zehner)dekade'] > OI sa'tam, Av satom 'hundred'; Irn - Sl 's+to id.; Ary 1 FU 'satam id. || Gk ckotov (<
'scm Imtom 'one hundred') || L ccntum || OIr cct, W cant, Br Iant, Crn cans || Gt, OSx, AS, OHG (in cds ) hund id.; cd
('Hundertschaft' 'hundred'): ON hundra, OSx hundcrod, MHG hundcrit, hundcrt, NHG hundcrt, AS, NE hundrcd || Lt
simtas, Ltv simts 'hundred' || pTc 'Iantc > Tc: A Iantc, B Iantc id. Szem. N 69, Bks. 213-6, EI 4O3-5
(''dcIm - ''dcImj-t- - 'dcIu- 'ten'), EI 4O5 ('Im'tom 'unit, large unit, hundred'), Erh. SIM 93, Blz. N I 29O-312, P
191-2, M K II 26, F I 359-4O, WH I 327-9, Bc. G 332, LP 8.1, Frn. 91, En. 159, Tp. P A-D 332-4, Hamp AN 916-9, O 84, Fs. 471,
Vr. 59O, Ho. 347, Ho. S 74, Kb. 1242, Schz. 333, KM 877, Glh. 191-2, Wn. 475-6, Ad. 139, 619 ll HS: Ch {JS, JI} 'Imn 'hand' >
WCh: P {IL} Ismaq, ? {MSk.} daIsq, Sir {Sk., IL} Iami, Kry {Sk.} Ism, Jm {Sk.} Iama 'hand', My {Sk.} Ism 'arm' || ?
Hs Iamu 'arm length' || ? ECh: Tmk {Cp.} gc`n 'hand' JI I 86-7 & II 178-9, ChC, ChL C 'IU?Vn 'five' > SC {E}
'Io?an id. > Irq {Wh., E}, Brn/Alg {E} Io?an, Irq {MQM} Io?an, Kz {E} Io?ana || EC: [1] Sa {R} Iavan - Ion, {Bl.} Iaun,
Af {PH} Ionoy (gen. Iona) 'five'; [2] 'Icn- 'five' > Bs Icni, Dsn ccn, Elm Icn, Arr {Hw.} ccnn, Or {Grg.} san, Or H {Ow.}
sani, Or B {Sr.} sani, Or Wt {Sr.} scni, Kns Icn, Msl xcnc, Gdl hcnc, pSam {Hn.} can > Rn can, Sml san, Sml J saq, Bn
saq E SC 245, MQK 61, PH 149, Bl. 11O, 147, 19O, 296, Ss. PEC 12-3, Hn. S 77, PG 83, Sr. 1O4, Ow. 9O, Hw. A 35O, Grg.
368, AD SF 29-3O, To. DL 489 ll U: FU 'Iamc(nc) 'palm of hand' > F Iammcn, Es Iammal, Iammcl 'flat of the hand, palm'
| Lp: N {Fri.} Iicm (gen. Iicmman) 'palm of hand', Nt {TI} Iqama 'Handteller, Hand' || Os V Iomon-Iayor 'hollow of the
hand, fist, handful' (Iayor 'fist, handful') l U 'Iumc(nc) 'ten' > F Iymmcncn, Iymmcn, Es Iummc (gen. Iumnc) | Er, Mk
icxcn" Icmcn id. pY {IN} 'Iumnc- 'ten' > OY O {Mat.} inxncn" 'ten', Y K/T {IN} Iuncl id. UEW 137, 679, TI 1O1, KrT
292, Ang. UJ 72, Krn. JJ 182, 191, 282, Krn. IMJJ 115, Ku. 1O2, IN 229 ll A: Tg 'xumnu 'back side of the hand, upper side of the
foot (metatarsus)' > Ork _umnu, Lm tnm+, Neg onmt id., Orc umnu, WrMc umu_un metatarsus' STM II 274 ^ The internal
'? in SC and Sa-Af, as well as the labial vw. in these lgs., in Tg and in U 'Iumcnc suggest a tentative rec. 'KU?amV(-nV); the
cognates without labial vw. or its traces [in IE, Ch, part of EC, FU 'Iamc(nc)] are accounted by the loss of '-?- and a subsequent
crasis ('Ua > front vw.). The final '-nV may be identical with the genitive prtc. 'nu (turned to a marker of obl. cases and later
generalized in the paradigm of cases).
1O68a. 'Kum?V '(be) hot, smoulder' > HS: Ch: WCh: Bl Iumcni 'hot, hotness' (regular shift: Bl I- < WCh 'I-, cf. Stl.
ZCh 53-6) G. Nachtigal mentions Bdm {Nc.} Iomogc_ - Iomcgc 'Hitze' and Iomogua 'very hot', but these words are likely to
be loans from Kanuri (Knr {Nc.} Ic_mc_gc_ 'heat') ChC, ChL, Lk. B 114 S 'Imh? > Ak fOB & MA Iamu inf. (pf.
iImi - iImu, imv. Iimi - Iumu) vt. 'burn' CAD XIII 76-8 ? Eg Im hier. 'heap of burning charcoal' EG V 122 ll U: FV
'Iuma 'hot, glowing' > F Iuuma 'hot, burning', Es Iuum 'hot; heat', {W} glhend, hei, Glut', {W} Iuuma- 'glhen', Lv {Kt.}
Iumi 'glhend hei' | Er iyxyxa Iumuxa, {W} IumoIa 'fever' UEW 675-6, SSA I 457, W ESS 424, Kt. 171, ERV 313 ll D
'Ium- 'be hot, smoulder' > Tm Iumai_ 'be hot\sultry', Iumi 'hot ashes', Ml IumuruIa, IumiruIa 'be hot', Kn Iomc 'begin to
burn', Tu gumulu- 'be hot', Tl Iummu 'smouldering ashes', Iumulu v. 'smoulder, burn without flame' D #1752 ^ If Ak belongs
here (in spite of the semantic distance), the N rec. is to be 'Kum?V, otherwise 'IuHmV 'IumHV are possible as well ^ Blz.
KM 135-6 [#14] (incl. Ak, Bl, FV and D) .
1O69. ? 'KomhV (or 'Kom_V?) 'to eat, swallow' > HS: S Imh 'eat' > Ar G qmh (pf. qamiha) 'take into the mouth, eat',
Gz Imh (pf. qM1 Iamha) 'eat (grain or othe fodder), graze', Amh Iamv 'swallow without chewing', Har Imh (pf. Ivmaha)
'take a mouthful'; - S ''Iamja,h- 'cereals, flour' > Hb hm2q# 'Icmah, Ug Imh, JA [Trg.] {Dlm.}, Sr Iam'h-a, JA {Js.}
Iim'ha, JEA {Sl.} Iam'h-a - Iim'ha, Ak Icmu(m) 'flour', Ar qamh- 'wheat, corn', Gz Iamh 'produce, yield, fruit,
leguminous plant' Lb. 2527, L G 471-2, L EDH 125, KB 1O35, KBR 11O7-8, A #2419, OLS 367-8, HJ 1O13, Dlm. 364, Js. 1384,
Sl. 1O23 ? C: EC {Ss.} pcv. '-Iom/'-Im- (> 'Iom-) 'chew, bite, eat' ( N 'K'cmV 'to bite', q.v. ffd.) ll IE: NaIE 'I"cm-
'swallow' > OI 'camati - 'camati '(he) sips, drinks, eats' | pIrn 'ci_am- > Av a-sam- 'sip', sama- 'gulp', KhS tsam- 'sip'; NPrs
*a cam 'food (cibus potusque)', Oss I nixin csmsn, Oss D cumun 'to sup, sip' || Arm im- I"im-I" 'palate' || Gmc: Ic hvoma
[_oma] 'to swallow' (< 'hvama < NaIE 'I"cmo) WP I 514, P 64O-1, EI 175, M K I 382-3, Vl. I 589, Horn 99, Ab. I 321-2, Bv.
323, Slt. 343-4 ^ The exstant ev. does not allow to distinguish between 'h and '_, but 'h seems more probable, because a cluster
'm_ usually tends to change to 'q_ (or 'n_) by as , and as long as traces of such as are not detected, 'h is preferable.
1O7O. ? 'IamcE 'to bend; bend, corner' > U: FP 'I'ann`cV 'a bend, curve' > Er Ianamo 'popliteal space (lozenge-
shaped space behind the knee-joint)' | pPrm 'Io' (= {Lt.} 'Io) > Z Is 'bend of a river', Yz Iu' 'large bend of a river', Vt
Ioz 'quiet backwater in a bend of a river' (':ano(", oxyr', {LG} 'bay') LG 138, U3S 2O3 ll HS: ? S 'InOss or 'ImOss>
Ak Ins vi. 'bend', Ims v. 'bend, kneel' Sd. 431-2, 435-6 The causes of deglottalization are not yet clear ll K: G Iunc- 'j-n
in eine Ecke drngen'

Chx. 643 ll IE: NaIE 'Iant"o- 'edge, bend' > Gk kovo) 'angle of the eye' || Clt: W cant 'rim, tyre', Br Iant
'circle', Gl 'Iantos 'iron tire; rim, edge (Rand, Ecke)' (in glosses and inscriptions: kovtc, kovtcvo, kovtcv) 1 L canthus 'tire of
a wheel; rim, edge' [Quintilianus: from lgs. of Africa or Spain (i.e. CltI?)] 1 Rom 'Iantus > Sp, Port, It canto, Prv can 'edge, rim,
corner, side', OFr chant id. [- chantcl id.] > Fr chant 'face troite dun objet', chantcau 'hunk of bread') || Sl 'Iot+ 'corner' >
ChS ka:+ Iot+, Blg ir, SCr Iut, Slv Iot, OCz, Cz Iout, Slk Iut, HLs/LLs Iut, P Iat 'corner', OR k:+ Iut+ 'corner in a
house', Uk, Blr, R ? iyr 'corner' P 326-7, F I 777-8, K. #1851, Krger GS 219, ML #1616, Vn. C 84-5 (shows that OIr cctas
'sige' does not belong here [ P a. o.]), Hm. 42O, YGM-1 74, GH DAF 99, Dauz. 16O, Dtn. 241, Thr. KR 53, ESSJ XII 75-8, Glh.
363, EI 143 ['Ian-t(")o 'corner, a bending'] ll A: pJ {S} 'Iantu_a 'angle, corner' > OJ 'Iadu_o, J: T Iado, K Iado, Kg
Iado S QJ #856, Mr. 432 ^ N 'm is reconstructed on the ev. of Ak Ims, in the rest of the cognates 'm > 'nn` by as to the
adjacent affricate.
1O71. 'IUjy,mVcV (or '-c-?) '( ) shin, thigh' > HS: S 'I'uymV's- '() part of leg' > Gz I"oyc - I"oc 'leg, shin,
shinbone, thigh' (a late spelling for 'I"oyc, 'I"oc?), Ak Iimcu, Iincu, Iiccu 'Unterschenkel' (in Gz 'I"> I" by as to c or
'c) L G 458, Sd. 478 C 'I"anc-/'Iunc- 'buttocks' ( E: 'I"andl/'Iundl) 'buttocks' or 'muscle' > Bj {Rop.} I"andid
'buttocks of an ape' || SC: Irq {E} Iuc?ama 'buttocks', ? Kz {E} Iu?uIo 'muscle, tendon, sinew'; ?? Irq {MQK} Iucuumo
'hip, broad backside' ( Iucu- v. 'bulge, bent, not straight') E CR #354, E SC 367 (reconstructs pRt 'Iuc- 'large muscle'),
MQK 63, Rop. 2O8 ll K 'IvVnc`V_q- > Mg Ivinci_c 'thigh, haunch (6c(po, n) ia) ' Q 256 ll ? A: NaT 'KouI
'buttocks' > OT {Cl} IocuI id. (unvocalized), IocuIlc- v. 'beat on the buttocks', Sg/Shor {Rl.} IocuI 'buttocks'; this T
cognate is valid unless it goes back to ''Iot-cuI T 'Iot 'backside, buttocks' (Cl. 7OO) Cl. 697, Rl. II 1289^ If Irq {E}
Iuc?ama is not valid (derived from the v. Iucu-), the N sibilant is 'cc.
1O72. ?'Kmju,rV 'shoulder, shoulder-blade' (> 'nape, upper arm') > HS: B '-Irum- 'back (dorsum), nape of the neck, neck'
( N 'IUri'hV 'throat, neck'?) > Skn {La.} ta-Irum-t (pl. ta-Iorm-in), Nf {La.} tuIrimt 'neck', Shl {La.} aIrum, Nf aIrum
'back (dos)', Wrg {Dlh.} aIrum (pl. i-Irum-on), taIrumt (pl. tiIrumin) 'neck, nape of the neck', Mtm ta-Irum-t (pl.
ti-Iorm-in) 'neck, nape', tiIormin 'back, spine', Mz acrum 'nape' ('nuque, haut du cou derrire la tte'), Gd {CM} taIurumt 'neck'
Ds. 98, Dlh. M 24, La. S 218, Dlh. Ou 153 ? S: Ak fMB Iumar- {Sd.} 'shoulder and upper part of the arm (?)', {CAD} ' part
of the arm' Sd. 824, CAD XIII 3O4 ll A: NaT 'I`abrc 'shoulder-blade' > Chg Icbzc [San.] 'shoulder', {PC} id., 'shoulder-blade',
Osm {Rh.} zbK Iabza, Tk Icbzc, Ggz Icbzc, Tkm Icbo, Qzq Icbzc, ? {Rl.} Iou_zo 'shoulder-blade', Az gabza
'handle, grip', Qq Icbzc 'breast', VTt Iau_sa 'trunk of a tree', Bsh Iau_oa 'trunk (of body)' TL 242-3, ADb. SR 141, 188-9,
Rl. II 1198, TrR 528, TkR 386, Rl. II 1218, San. 323, PC 455 ADb. SR 47, 3O6 equates this T v with Tg 'Icndc 'shoulder-blade'
(which is hardly convincing) and reconstructs A 'Icmrc (for Tg 'Icndc cp. N 'IcnjV,c`VdV 'joint [articulation], shoulder joint')
^ ADb. SR 3O6 (A 'IcmrE IE 'g"crva / 'g"riva 'nape, back, arm', D 'Icntc 'carry under the arm'; cp. N 'gubjV,RE 'nape'
and 'IcnjV,c`VdV).
1O73. ?? 'Iam'tV 'to burn (vi.), shine' > IE: NaIE 'Icnd- v. 'shine' > OI [Dhat.] candati 'shines, is bright' || L
candco / candcrc / candui 'be of a shining white, shine, glitter', candidus 'shining white' || W can 'white', cannaid 'white,
luminous', OBr cann 'shining, white' (in cds ), Br Iann 'dun blanc brillant' In the OI intensive caniscadat 'shining billiantly' (RV
5.43.4) and in pAl 'Isanda we can discern a "movable 's-, but its origin is obscure P 526, M K I 372-3, WH I 151-2, Frl. 95 (OBr
cant 'frey-haired, shining' [quoted in P] does not exist), EI 514 ['(s)Iand- 'shine, glitter']; for an alt. et. of the Al word cf. above
s.v. N 'c`c`aqnV 'one of a shining white; moon' ll HS: B 'Imd vi. 'burn' > Rf, Izn, Shl Imd In B we may see a mte
''Imt > ''Imt (> 'Imd) ll D 'Ian_r_- ({GS} 'Iand_-) 'be scorched (by sun or fire), fade' > Tm Ianru 'be
scorched\sunburnt, fade', Ml IannuIa 'be scorche', Kn Iandu 'be scorched by the sun or by fire, be harred', Tu Ianduni 'be fade,
wither', Tl Iandu 'blackness\discoloration caused by scorching', Iandu 'be scorched' D 141O ll K: G IamIam- 'to shine, glitter'
Chx. 546-7 ^ If the K cognate is valid, the N etymon has 'I-, otherwise it must be denoted as 'K- (= 'Iq-).
1O74. ''Ian'E 'young, child' > HS: S 'Inn > Mh Isn'navn (f. Isn'nst) 'child; little, young', Hrs Isnnon (f.
Isn'nst) 'little, small', 'small' (= 'young, of a child'): syorbsh m-hss Isnnon 'I have known him since he was small', Sq {Jo.}
'Ianhoh 'baby animal', Mh, Hrs msI'nayv, Jb E msI'ni 'baby, baby boy', Mh msI'navt, Hrs mIsnot, Jb E msI'nit 'baby
girl', Hrs msIni 'grandson', msInit 'granddaughter' Jo. M 232, Jo. H 76 ? Eg XXII Iny 'child on his mothers lap (?)' (unless
from Eg fMK Iny v., n. 'embrace') EG V 51, Fk. 28O EC: Sml {DSI} qan 'camel-foal, calf', Sml N qan 'camel-foal'; Or
Iondala {Hd.} 'young man', {Grg.} 'young soldier; young man of "draft age"' Abr. S 2OO, DSI 477, Grg. 327 ll IE: NaIE 'Icn-
'young; child, young of an animal' > OI Vd Ia'nina- 'young', OI Ian'ya, Av Iainc / Iaini- 'girl, virgin', YAv gen. sg. Iainin- id.,
NPrs ?ynK Ianiz 'maiden, girl; female slave, maid-servant', ? Iina 'daughter', Krd Iani, Icni 'bride', (pIrn 'Ian-ti- >) Oss I csn,
Oss D Iina 'bride, sons wife' || OIr cano, cana 'whelp (of a wolf), puppy', MW ccncu, W ccnau (pl. ccnavon) id. || Sl 'ccdo
'child' (unless a loan from Gmc, cp. OHG Iind id.) > OCS vae ccdo, Blg 'uc(o, Cz cado 'child', R, Uk 'ua(o id. Not here
( EI) words for 'begin, new' (OCS za-ccti 'begin', L rc-ccns 'new, fresh, recent', Gk koivo), etc.) [see N 'KanV 'to begin,
originate, be new'] WP I 397-8, P 563-4, ESSJ IV 1O2-4, SPS II 191, M K I 151, 153-4, M E I 297-8, Vl. II 9O2-3, Sg. 1O57, Horn
194, Mrg. 19, Ab. I 6O7-8, SB 76-7, Vn. C 31-2, ESSJ IV 1O2-4, EI 213-4 ('Icn- 'fresh') ll ?? A: NaT ''Iaj:,nc 'child, young
of an animal' > OT Ianc id. ({Cl.} Ianc) id., OT U VIII Icnc uri Icnc Iizlar 'young boys and young girls', Osm {Bu.} ?nK
gcn, Tk gcnc, Ggz gcnc, Az gan 'young' Cl. 727, ET VGD 2O-1, TL 657-8, GRMS 11O, Rs. W 252, Sht. 124, NogR 16O,
KrkR 313, Bu. II 139, Rl. II 1O82 M (A T?): WrM Icnc, HlM xyn: 'child born of old parents, late-grown crop', Kl {Rm.}
Icnzo 'late-born (child, young of animals)'; M 1Chg jnK Icnc {Rl., Rs.} 'youngest daughter', {Cl.} 'a child born to elderly
parents', Qzq, Nog, Qq Icnzc 'the youngest child; last-born young (of domestic animals)', ET Iani 'last-born (child), late (crops)',
Uz ? gcna " gana, Qmq , Qrg Icnc 'young' MED 454, KW 226, BN 83-4, ET VGD 2O-1 ll D 'Ian_r_- ({GS}
'Iand_-) 'child, young of animals' (= {Pf.} 'Iant_-) ( N 'IanhV 'to give birth') > Tm Ianru 'calf, colt, young (of various
animals), young tree', Ml Iannu (obl. Iarru) 'young of cattle, young plaintain tree', Iannu / (obl. c.) Iarru- 'calf' (esp. 'buffalo
calf'), Td Ior_ 'female buffalo calf below one year', Kn Ianda 'young child', Iaru, Iara, Iaruvu 'calf', Iandu 'calf, young
plaintain trees, foetus of beasts', Tu Iani 'calf', Tl Iandu 'infant', Gnd Iar`ani 'half-grown young pig', Krx xadd 'child, young
animal or plant', Mlt qadc 'son' Km. 324, D #1411, Pf. 9O ll ?? K: OG Inin-aI-i 'very small', MG, G Inin- 'small, little, tiny,
insignificant', G Inin- 'diminish, make smaller' (if the semantic connection is sufficient and unless the G word is an Iranism [from
unspecified source]) Srj. 1OO, DCh. 62O, Chx. 6O5 ^ If the A cognate is valid, the vw. ('a in T, c in M) is due to vw. harmony:
'a...E > 'a...V ^ This N v may be identical with N 'KanV 'to begin, originate, be new' [q.v.] ^ If the K word belongs here, the N
rec. must be 'Ian'E, otherwise it is 'Kan'E with an unspecified 'K- ^ IS I 335-6 [#211] ('Kann 'give birth, be born'; IE, S, B,
C, Om, D).
1O75. 'KanV 'to sing, to sound' > IE: NaIE 'Ian- id. > L cano / cancrc 'sing', Um Ianctu 'canito', ar-Iani 'accinium,
priests chant' || Gk i-kovo) 'cock' ('morning-singer'), aor. kovooi 'poured with a gurgling sound', kovo_ 'sharp sound', esp.
'ring, clang (of metal)' || OIr can- v. 'sing', Brtt {RE} 'Ianimi 'sing' > OW cana, MW, W canu, Crn canc, MBr canaff, Br Ianan
'to sing', Br Ian 'singing (chant)' || Gt, AS hana, ON hani, OSx, OHG hano, NHG Hahn 'cock'; - Gt Cr ano, AS hcnn, NE hcn,
OHG hcnna, hanin, NHG Hcnnc 'hen', with ablaut OSx hon, OHG huon, NHG Huhn 'hen' But

Tc A Iam' (gen. Ianis), B Icnc
'melody, tune' do not belong here because IE 'a does not yield pTc {Ad.} 'c (> Tc A a, Tc B c), but goes back to NaIE 'g"vonos
'sound', as suggested in Wn. 186, Ad. 193 & Ad. H 27 P 525-6, EI 519, Dv. #368, F I 776, WH I 154-5, Bc. G 329-3O, Fs. 243-4,
Vr. 2O8, Kb. 431, 456, Schz. 164, OsS 37O, 432, Ho. 149, 155, Vn. C 3O-1, RE 128, Ern. 94, Hm. 418 ll HS: S: [1] SS
'Iny - 'Inv 'raise a sound of music, sing' > Gz Iny L (pf. Ianaya) 'raise a sound of music', Tgy Iny (pf. Ianvyv), Tgr
pf. Iana 'sing'; 1 Sa Iana 'song'; [2] CS 'Iyn 'sing' > BHb en!iq% Ii'na 'funeral song, dirge', A, Sr Ii'n-a 'song, chant', Md
Iinta 'song', Ar {Dz.} (?a)qyana v. 'sing', Ar nay0Qa qayn-at- 'song-stress' KB 1O25, KBR 1O97, L G 437, Br. 664, LH 253 ll
A: ? Tg 'Icnnc- 'sing, produce a sound' > Orc Isnsxi 'voice (of a person capable to sing)', Ewk Isno- v. 'praise, thank', Sln
xsni- v. 'praise', Neg Isns- id., 'be proud of', Ud Isni- v. 'scold', Ork Isns- v. 'boast' STM I 449 ll D 'Ian_- ({GS} 'I-) v.
'sound' > Tm Ianay v. 'sound (as a drum), bellow, neigh', Ml IancIIa v. 'sound, low (as oxen)', Kt Ianv- '(cow\buffalo) bellows for
calf', Td Icnf- (p. Icnt-) v. 'roar' (of wild animals, children), Kn Icnc v. 'neigh', Kdg Icnc '(act of) bellowing', Kui Ianar`i 'sound,
noise' D #14O9 ^ The Tg cognate is doubtful because of its 'I- (for the expected 'x-) and its palatal '-n-.
1O76. 'KanV 'to begin, originate, be new' > IE: NaIE 'Icn- 'begin, originate, be born, be recent\young' > Gk koivo) 'new' || L
rc-ccns / rc-ccnt-is 'new, fresh, young, recent' || OIr cinid 'il sort de, descend de, est mis au monde', ccncl 'race, peuple, espce,
genre', ciniud, OW ccnctl 'gens, genus, natio', W ccncdl 'nation, race', Crn Iincthcl 'generatio'; Gl Cintus,
Cintugnatus ('Primigenitus'), OIr cctnc, cct- 'first', W cyn(t) 'erst, vor, eher' || ? Gmc: Brgn HENDINOS 'king' || Sl
'cin-o / 'cc-ti 'begin' > OCz cnu / cncs / cicti; usually used with pxs.: 'na-cin-o / 'na-cc-ti v. 'begin' (> OCS uoviua
na-cin-o / uova:u na-cc-ti, Blg na'ucna, SCr naccti, Slv naccti, OCz nacicti, OP, P ? naczac, R
nau'ny / na'uar" id.), 'o-cin-o / 'o-cc-ti v. 'begin' (> SCr ocncm / occti, Cz ocnu / ociti, P oczac),
'za-cin-o / 'za-cc-ti v. 'begin, conceive (of a woman)' (> OCS ova:u za-cc-ti, R :a'uar" id., P zaczac 'to begin'); Sl
'Ion+ 'start, beginning' ( 'end'; the semantic change is understandable in the light of SCr od Iona do Iona 'from the beginning to
the end') > OCS Ion- in utkeuu is-Ion-i 'ot o_), from the beginning [of times]', R ncio) nn 'from time immemorial', SCr Ion
'', OR keu+ Ion+ 'end', Cz Ion (in doIona 'up to the end', doIonati 'end ones life'), Uk i n; - Sl 'Ion-ici 'end' (> OCS
keuii Ionici, Blg, R io'ncn, Uk i ) ncn", SCr Ionac, Slv Ioncc, Cz Ioncc, Slk, P Ionicc) P 563-4, M K I 151, 153-4, M E
I 297-8, F I 754, WH II 423-4, Vn. C 64, 1O3, Mrg. 19, Ab. I 6O7-8, SB 76-7, ESSJ IV 1O9, X 195-6, XI 5-6 & XXI 226-7, Vs. II
14O, 3O7, 31O & III 51, Ma. CS 217, Br. 423-4, Glh. 49O-1, StSS 234, 265, 289-9O, 357, EI 213-4 ('Icn- 'fresh'; no distinction
between reflexes of 'KanV 'begin, be new' and ''Ian'E 'young, child') ll HS: S 'Inyv > BHb Inyv v. 'create, acquire,
buy', Ph, Pun, SmA Inyv 'create', Ug Iny 'create, acquire', Amr {G} Iny, Ar qny - qnv G id., IA Inyv 'acquire, buy',
JA {Js.} Iny - Inv 'acquire, obtain', JEA {Sl.} Iny 'acquire possession', Gz Iny 'acquire', Ak OB Iny (p. iIni) 'keep for
oneself', Ak NA Inv (p. iInu) 'acquire' KB 1O38-9, KBR 1111-2, A #2426, OLS 369-7O, Js. 1391, Sl. 1O27-8, Tal 785, G A
29, Sd. 898, Fr. III 5O8-9 B 'yn'? > ETwl, Ty +ynu 'tre commenc, tre cr', Ah oynu (pf. -yni - -yna) id., 'avoir son origine'
Fc. 1739, GhA 69 EC: Dsn {To.} Iana 'new' To. DL 5O9 NrOm: Ym {Wdk.} Ionu` / Ionu 'generate, give birth',
{Lm.} Ion- 'gebren', {C} Ion- v. 'generate (generare)', {Wdk.} Ionto` / Ionto, {Lm.} Ion-t-, {C} Ion-t- 'be born' C SE
III 82, Wdk. BY 129, Lm. Y 353-4 WCh: NrBc {Sk.} 'Isn--'Ian- 'buy' > {Sk.}: Wrj, Mbr, My Isn-, P I"an-, Jmb gsn-,
Kry Isn-, Cg Ian - Ian id. Sk. NB 14, Tk. NB 182 (NB 'I"an- > 'Ian--'Isn-) ll D: 'Ian_- 'bear, bring forth',
'Ian_r_- 'child, young of animals' [ N 'IanhV 'to give birth', q.v. ffd.] ^ If the K word belong here, the N rec. must be 'IanV,
otherwise it is 'KanV with an unspecified 'K- ^ This N v may be identical with N ''Ian'E 'young, child' [q.v.] ^ IS I 335-6
[#211] ('Kann 'give birth, be born'; IE, S, B, C, Om, D).
1O77. 'I'aNV 'to tie' > K 'Ion- v. 'tie together' > OG Iona 'bundle', MG [SSO] Ion- v. 'tie together (flowers, twigs, etc.)',
G Ion- v. 'tie' (sc-Ion-va 'to tie together', Ion-a 'bundle, sheaf'), Sv cvcn-/con-: UB li-cvcn-i {K
} 'to tie together', Sv
} li-con-c 'be wrapped', Sv UB {GP} li-con-c 'to tie round, wrap up', a-con-c 'wraps up', z-an-con-c '(he) wrapped
up', lo-conc prtc. 'wrapped up' K 114, K
98, FS E 2O6, Abul. 2O1, TK 483 ll HS 'In - 'In v. 'tie, plait' > B
'-yan- - '-yun- 'rope, band' > Ah, Gh a-yan 'corde', Ah ta-yan-t 'rne', Tmz ta-yuni 'footwear'; 'vyn (< 'v-yn) v. 'tie' > Ah,
Gh, BSn, Si oqqon v. 'tie' ('lier'), Gd cqqon, Nf {La.} aqqon, Mz, Kb oqqon, Tmz qqon 'lier, attacher', uqun 'lien, attache' Fc.
1733-4O, Dlh. M 162, La. S 197, MT 192-4, Dl. 667, Lnf. II #1283 Eg: G In v. 'weave', MK In n. 'mat', MKL Iny.v 'weavers'
EG V 48, 5O, Fk. 279 S 'Iann- > Ak Iann- 'fetter, band, rope, belt, wisp of straw to bind a sheaf' ( Inn [inf. Iananu] v.
'twist'?) CAD VIII 142-3, 156-7 Ch {JS} 'In 'to tie' (?? - 'In id.), {Stl.} 'IVn- 'tie to (attacher)' > WCh: SBc: Bg {Sh.}
Ian, Buli {ChL} IInnu, {Csp.} Iinnu, Tala {Csp.} Ianu | ?? NrBc: Cg {Sk.} Iun- 'tie', unless from pNrBc 'dIn (> Wrj {Sk.}
diIsn- id.) || CCh: Hw Isnaq, Gnd {ChL} IInsnci, Gbn {ChL} Itnsnci, Bk {ChL} Itnada, Tr {Nw.} gsni, Pdl gsna v.
'tie' | Msy {MCh} Ion id. | Lame {ChL} Isnva 'plait (mat\hair)', ZmB {ChC, ChL} Ian, ZmD Ia`n v. 'plait (hair)' || ECh: Mkl sbjn.
Iini, pf. gini, ip. Ioniyo 'plait (mat\hair)' JS 269, Stl. IF 1O4, ChC, ChL, J LM 122, KNC 11 OS #1546 ('Ian- 'plait' in Ch,
B, Eg) ll IE: NaIE {P} 'IcnI- v. 'gird, tie\bind around, tie on' > OI A 'Iancatc 'binds', OI 'Ianci 'girdle, belt' || Gk kikioc) pl.
'lattice gates' || L cing(crc) / cinxi / cinctus 'gird' 'surround, encircle' || Lt IinIau/-yti v. 'harness (horses)' P 565, EI 224
('IcnI- 'gird, wrap around'), M K I 139-4O, F I 849, WH I 216-7, Frn. 255 IE '-I- is an extension (originally a sx.?) ll ??? (qu.
for phonetic reasons): A: Tg 'jx,un- 'to tie, tie together' > Ewk una- v. 'tie\fasten to, bandage', Lm o':ns- 'tie to\together', Orc
una- 'tie together', Orc una, ? Ud unu 'bundle', WrMc uncri 'cord, bow-string' STM II 277.
1O78. 'KEnq'u 'empty' > IE: NaIE 'Icnjv,- 'empty' > Arm sin sin (gen. snoj snoy) 'empty, vain' || Gk Hm kcvcj,o), Gk
Cp kcvcuo), Gk I kcivo) (< 'kcvo)), Gk A kcvo) id. WP I 39O, P 564, Bc. #13.22, Bois. 434, F I 189, Slt. 441, EI 179 (?
'Ic'no-s) ll ? HS: ? S: Gz Iantu (acc. Ianto) 'nothingness, empty thing, emptiness', in cs. 'vain, empty' L G 288 C: Ag: Xm
{R} gin- 'be empty, without (sth. expected)' ('leer, bar, ohne sein'), gi'na 'emptiness' R Ch II 47 ll A: M 'Ioqdcy 'hollow, empty'
> MM [IM] Ioqdcy 'hollow', WrM Iondci - Iondui, HlM x' n(nn, WrO Iondoi, Kl i' n(o Ionda 'hollow, empty' pM
'-dci (> WrM -dci) is a sx. of nominal derivation Pp. MA 44O, MED 487, Krg. 734, KRS 316 Tg: [1] ''xcqtu- 'empty' > Orc
Isntu, IsntuIu, Lm sntoIs, sntorsn, Neg sntuIin 'empty', sntus- vt. 'empty', Ewk sqtuIin 'not full' (a vessel), sqtu- vt.
'diminish the amount (of liquid in a vessel)' [2] NrTg 'IcqI- > Ewk IsqIutsI 'emptiness', Lm Io'qIi- vt. 'empty' Tg 'I- (for
the expected 'x-) in 'IcqI- may be due to as ('K...I > 'I...I) STM I 45O & II 458 DQA #765 (A 'Icqi 'hollow, empty';
incl. M, Tg 'IcqI-] ^ IS I 349-5O [#226] ('Kcnu = 'Kcn`u; IE U 'IcnV ad A 'I`anu 'light, levis').
1O78a. 'Kun`V 'belly, chest' > HS: NrOm: Sz {Fl.} Iani 'belly'; ?? Wl Ianca, Dwr {Bk.} Ianca 'stomach', Gf {Fl.}
Ianca, Dc Iancc 'belly' & Gm {Hw.} Iancc 'belly, abdomen' (unless from NrOm 'ganC- > Oyda gancc, Zl {C}, Hrr {CR}
gani 'stomaco', Shk {AY} gInsa, Na {AY} gInsu, Mj {AY} ganzu 'belly') Blz. OLBP #13, Fl. OWL s.v. 'belly', Hw. EG s.v.
'abdomen' & 'belly' Ch: WCh: Hs Iundu 'gizzard of chicken or ostrich', ta yi Iundu 'she is pregnant', Jmb {Sk.} I'an 'heart,
liver', Ngz {Sch.} Iunu 'stomach (Magen), Bd {IL} Iunu 'belly' || ECh: Tmk {Cp.} gcgs`n 'ventre' Abr. H 554, Ba. 641, Sch. ND
98, JI II 2O-1, ChC, ChL, Cp. 61 Blz. OLBP #13 ? Eg fMK Iny 'Umarmung, Scho' > DEg In 'sein', Cpt keu- Iun- 'sein,
giron, parties sexuelles', Eg fMK Iny v. 'embrace' EG V 5O-1, Er. 538, Vc. 82, Crn. 59 ll U: FU 'Iun`a 'belly' > Z IInsm, Prmk
II'nsm, Yz In'nnm 'belly' || Os: V Ion`, D/O _on | OHg XIV iunhum, yonhan- 'heart, liver', Hg ? yoh " yuh " ch " ih 'das
Innere, Bauch, Magen' UEW 2O8, LG 152, Lt. KY 132 ll D [1] 'Iun`t- (GS} 'g-) 'chest, heart, internal organ' > Tm Iunti
'heart, kidney', Ml Iuti-IIayi 'cashew fruit with the nut' (analogy of kidneys), Kn gundigc 'heart', Tu gundig id., 'breast',
gundc 'courage', Tl gundc 'chest, heart', Nkr gundur-Iaya 'kidney', Gnd B gundur-Iaya 'kidney', Gnd ? gundc 'chest',
gundcr Iaya 'heart', Knd gun`da 'chest', Mlt Ionda 'heart' [2] ? 'IumV > Kdg Iummc, Gnd Iummi 'stomach', Kui
Iumba 'lower part of the abdomen' Valid if '-V is a sx. (ext. ?); otherwise related to A {DQA} 'I`cmi 'intestines, liver' (> M
'Iim, Tg 'xcmu-gdc, pJ 'Iimu_a) D #* 1693,1757, DQA #1OO2 ^ Suggested by Blz. in 1989 (Blz. LB #1Oa); Blz. LNA #33
(Eg, Om, WCh, U, D 'Iun`t-).
1O78b. 'K'Un`V 'back, rear' > HS: S 'Iinn- (- 'Iayn-?) > Ak fOB/OA Iinnatu 'anus, buttocks; rear', Tgr Ion
'lower\back part; vulva', Ar qayn-at- 'derrire, le bas du dos' ( d with the dim. infix -ay-?) CAD XIII 254-6, LH 252, BK II 848
EC: Or {Grg.} Iinti 'spine (esp. at the waste line)', {Brl.} Iinti 'lombi, natiche' Grg. 322, Brl. 341 Ch: WCh: Su {J}
IsnoI, Mnt Ioq 'back (dos)' || CCh: Glv {Rp.} Iunya, Dgh {Frk., ChL} I"inda, {IL} I"indo, Gv {IL} I"inda, {ChL}
I"inda, Nkc {ChL} I"inda` 'neck' But hardly here Hs Ianiya` because of the vw. a in the first syll. and its meaning (not
'anus', as in Blz. LNA, but 'perineum, female pudenda, anus', where 'anus' is hardly the primary meaning) JI II 6, ChC, ChL, RpB
55, Ba. 552 ll U: FU 'Ion`nV (+ oblique case endings) 'rcklings, auf den Rcken' > Er iyncr Iunst 'backward, upon\on the back'
(npaxc iyncr 'to fall backwards', amrcxc iyncr 'to lie on ones back'), Mk ? {Ahl.} Iunc 'rcklings' || ObU {Hl.}
'IVn`(c)Vv [{Ht.} 'IVn(c)Vy] 'auf den Rcken' > pVg 'Ianoy id. > Vg: T Ianav, LK _oni, MK/UK Ioni, P Ionoy,
NV/SV Ioni, LL Iona, UL _oni, Ss. _oni; pOs 'Ion`cay id. > Os: V/Vy Ion`cay, Ty Ion`yI, Y IonyI, K _onca',
Nz/Kz _onsa, O _onsa UEW 179, ERV 315, Ht. #288 Os 'n` may be postalveolar due to as ('Nc > 'n`c) and therefore
provides no ev. for a pFU 'n` ll A {SDM} 'Iuoqt`V 'rump, anus' > T 'Ij`,oq 'buttocks, rump, thick part of the thigh' > OT [MKs.]
qoq at 'muscle' (at 'meat, flesh'), Qrg T, ET qoq 'buttocks, posteriors', Qq, Qrg qoq 'meat of the thick part of the thigh', Qzq qoq
id., rump', Tv qoq 't 'meat without bones; carcass (of an animal), ryma' ('t 'meat'); T 1 WrM {Rm.?} qoq, Klm {Rm.} _oq
'Stei, das dicke Fleisch am Rckenende' Cl. 632, MKD 142, ET Q 58-9, Rl. II 899, KW 185 M 'qoqdV- ({DQA} 'qondu-)
'rump, hind part' [ possible infl. of N 'IcnjV,c`VdV 'joint (articulation), shoulder joint'??] > Klm {Rm.} _ond
sn 'die Stelle
unten zwischen den Schenkeln' [{Rm.}: WrM qondasun 1 WrMc {Rm.} _onsun (= WrMc {Ha.} _onsun
'Hmorrhoidengeschwr'?]; WrM qondulai, HlM xon(non {MED} 'rump, hip', {Kow.} 'cuisse, partie suprieure dune cuisse', Klm
{Rm.} _ond
la 'das dicke Fleisch, Stei, Schenkel', Brt xon(onon 'buttocks, posteriors (of humans), rump (of an animal), Ord
_ond_olo 'croupe', _ond_oc`oq 'croupe, partie du dos situe sous la rgion lombaire', Klm {Rm.} _oqga - _oqga 'der Stei
(der Kinder)' (in the lge. of children) ( WrM {Rm.} qoqgai_); Klm {KRS} xon(cx _ond+s_+ 'rump, hind part (of an animal)',
{Rm.} _ond
s_a 'Schenkelfleisch, Stei, Sitz; Schenkel'; M 'qon:iya-sun 'crotch, anus' > MM [S] {H} qoniyasun
'Ausscheidungsorgane', WrM qoqusu {MED} 'the junction of the two thighs, crotch', {Kow.} 'coc(nncn c o6nx n) (n n,
:a(nnna', 'lextrmit des organes extrtoires, lorgan de lexcrtion', Brt {Chr.} xon:oolo( n) 'anus' Kow. 869, 874, MED 962,
963, H 66, Ms. O 352, KRS 596, KW 185, Chr. 583-4, Ha. 595 Tg 'Iuqdu > Ewk IunquIi " IunduIi "IuqnuIi 'rump (of an
animal); sacrum' pKo 'Iuqtuq- 'croup. buttocks' > MKo Iuntuq`i, NKo Iuqduqi S QK #76O, Nam 91, MCL 222ll D
'Iun`(t)- 'buttocks, posteriors, rump' > Tm Iunti 'buttocks, rump', Ml Iunti 'posteriors, anus', Kn Iundc id., 'buttocks', Tl
Iuttc, Gdb Iund 'anus', Ku Iuna 'buttock' D #1693A ^ CCh, M, Tg, Ko suggest a N phrase 'K'Un`V jKQV,TV ^ The HS-
U-D equation was proposed by Blz. in 1989 (Blz. LB #6g); Blz. LNA #34
1O79. 'IunV(rV) 'small carnivore (marten, polecat, wild cat, or sim.)' > K (GZ?) 'Ivcnr- 'marten' > OG Iucrna-, G
Ivcrna-, Mg Ivinor-i, Lz Ivcnur-i id.; Sv: UB/Ch/Ln Ivcn, Lx Icn, L Ivcn - rIvcn id. ({K
}: Sv A G Lc 'rIvcn-?) K
11O, K
92, FS K 18O-1, FS E 19, TK 353 ll IE: NaIE (att. in BSl) 'Icu_n-/'Iou_n- 'marten' > Lt Iiaunc', Iiaunc, Ltv cauna,
-c, Pru caunc id. | Sl 'Iuna 'marten' > ChS {Mikl.} kuo Iuna 'oioo), felis', Blg 'iyna, McdS iyna, SCr, Slv Iuna, Cz, Slk,
HLs, LLs, P Iuna, OR kuo Iuna, R ? 'iyna " iy'na, Uk iy'na 'marten'.; Sl d 'Iunica id. > ChS {Mikl.}
kuuo Iunica 'oioo), felis', Blg ? 'iynnna 'Mustela foina', SCr Iunica, Slv Iunica, P Iunica, OR kuuo Iunica, R
iy'nnna, Uk iy'nnn 'marten' Frn. 249, En. 191, Tp. P I-K 279-83, ESSJ XIII 1O2-6, Glh. 358-9, Tr. 122 ll HS: SC: Irq {Wh.}
qaina?i/a, {MQK, E} qayna?i 'civet cat'; ?? SC 1Mb Icnda 'zorilla' Wh. SI, MQK 86, E SC 252 #24 (SC Ij",ayina
'Ij",nna) ? Ch: WCh: Hs I'aqva, Pr {Frz.} Ianda 'cat', Bl {Kr.} ssnva 'wild cat' || ECh: Smr {Nacht.} Io|na 'cat'
Abr. H 6O1, Ba. 7O2 (I'anva), Frz. P 34, ChC, Lk. ZSS 79, Sk. HCD 163-4 ? S 'IVndVr- (< ''IVnr-?) > Ar rdnQ qndr
(with unknown vowels) 'beaver' ({Fr.} 'animal ad ripam magnorum fluviorum vivens. Exstruit sibi domum duabus portis praeditam.
Piscibus alitur') Fr. III 5O3 ll A 'Kurana [= 'I`urana?] (mt < ''Kunara) 'marten, polecat' > T ''Iuran > OT
{Cl.} Iuzan 'polecat', XwT, MQp Iuzcn, [CC] qara Iuzcn id., Iuzcn 'Mustela', Tkm {Shch.} goocn ({?Shch.} io-:y-n),
Uz caccn iyA:an sassiq Iuzan, Nog, Qzq, Qq, Alt, Xk Iuzcn, ET Iuzan, VTt i' :on Iizan, Bsh Iioan 'polecat',
Qmq gozcn, Qrg Iuzon 'marten', Tf Iuzcn 'Siberian weasel', Tv Iuzcn id., 'marten' | Blgh 1Hg gorcny 'polecat' Cl. 761,
Shch. Zh 146, TL 163, RUzS 537, TvR 269, Gomb. BTL 72-3 M 'Iurcnc > WrM Iurcnc, HlM xpny 'skunk, polecat, weasel',
Kl ipn Iurno, Iurn 'polecat', {Rm.} Iurn 'iltis', Ord {Ms.} I`u'rcnc - I`u'rinc 'espce de putois' ({Pot.} 'Mustela putorius')
MED 5O4, Kow. 2636, KRS 328, KW 248, Ms. O 439 ? Tg 'jx,uriIc > Ewk uriIs 'marmot, souslik (Citellus)', ? Orc (?)
uriIs - urIs 'black seal (ncpna) with white stripes' STM II 285 If the Tg cognate is valid, the initial pA cns. must have been
'I`- (the reg. reflex of N 'K-) TL 162-3 (T, M, Tg) ^ The word may have denoted some small carnivore (marten, polecat, wild
cat; they are found in different parts of Eurasia, including Southwestern Asia; in modern Israel the marten is well known as eI!m5n^
ncmi'ya`) ^ IS MS 346 (K, IE, A), Blz. C ( SC, WCh and Somray); AD NM #91; S CNM 3 ( NrCs, Yn), Vv. AEN 1O (the
supposed mt in A makes the comparison less reliable).
1O8O. ?? 'KunV 'KunE 'sun, day' > A: T 'I`un ({Md.} 'I`un) 'sun, day' > OT Iun, Tk gun, Az "n gun,
MQp, OOsm, Chg, Tkm, Ggz, ET, Ln, Qmq gun, XT gin " gin, Blq, Nog, Qzq, Qq, Qrg, Alt, Xk, Yk Iun, VTt, Bsh i' n Iin,
Tv xun, Tf hu'n, Uz Iun, Xlj Iin " Iun 'sun, day', Kr Iun " Iun, SY Iun, OBlgh {Erd.} Iucn ({RTF, Erd.} Iuvcn), Chv
L Iun 'day' Cl. 725, ET VGD 1OO-2, TL 64-5, DT 152, Ra. 679, TkR 221-2, Md. 59, 171, Jeg. 117, Fed. I 3O6-7, Erd. 153-4 T
'I`untur ({Md.} 'I`undur) 'daytime, midday' > OT Iuntuz id., Chg Iunduz 'day', XwT Iunduz 'by day', Tk
gunduz, Az gunduz, Tkm gundio, Yk Iunus 'daytime, by day', Qmq, Qrg, ET Iunduz id., 'midday', Xk Iundus
'midday', Iundcs 'by day', VTt Iindiz, Bsh Iindio, Nog Iundiz, Qzq Iundiz, Tv xn(c, Tf hu'ndu's 'by day', Qrg, ET
Iunduz, Uz Iunduz 'day, daytime', Yk Iunus 'day, by day', Chv iaAnraAp I+nd+r, ? I+nd+r 'midday, south' Acc. to
Gab. and Md. (TL 78), T 'I`untur goes back to an adv. with a loc. sx. '-tur/'-tur M loc. '-dur; cp. T 'bal-tur - 'bil-tur
'last year' (Cl. 729), but in the light of broader comparative ev. the element '-tur/'-tur may go back to N ''tUri (or 'tUri?)
'heavenly light' (q.v.) Cl. 729, DTS 328, ET VGD 1O2-3, TL 78, Ra. 192, Md. 59, 171, Jeg. 99, Fed. I 255 d : OT
Iuntun - Iuntin 'southern' DTS 327-8 ll HS: WCh 'I"VnV 'day' > Hs I"ana 'a day (period of 24 hours)', Gw I"ana 'day'
| Krkr {ChL} ?sq I"uni 'today' Ba. 677, Mts. G 71, ChL, ? Stl. ZCh 213 [#63O], 22O [#7O1], ? Sk. HCD 16O ^ Cp.
'KunyaHlE - 'KuynaHlE'KunaHlE 'sunshine, daybreak' (which may be a U-A d of the N etymon in question).
1O81. ? 'Ka'gEna 'be hungry\thirsty, desire, long for' > HS: C ( 'Ihn): EC: Af {PH} i-Ihin-c v. 'like, love, be
pleased with', Iahanu n. 'love', Sa {R} Ihn 'love, wish' (p. 'aIhcno - 'iIhcno, imv. cI'hcn), Ia'han ~ Ic'han n. 'love', Sa I
{CR} -Iahan-/-Ichin- 'love, wish', ? Arr Ia?im 'lover' m., Ia?im-tc 'lover' f. || Bj {R} Ihn 'love' (1s: p. 'aIhan, pqpf. 'iIhan,
prs. aIan'hin; prtc. Ic'hana), Bj A {AD} -Ihan id., Ihanu n. 'love' || Xm {R} cIan 'love, wish, desire' (imv. c'Ian, pfc.
cIa'n-un), Aw {Hz.} snIan v. 'love, like' AD SF 63, R WBd 138, R S II 21O-1, R Ch II 336, PH 134-5, 142, Hw. A 171 The pC
vl. lr. 'h may go back to 'y due to ass. devoicing B 'gn 'wish, desire' > ETwl/Ty {GhA} a-gna (pl. agnat+n) 'got, dsir,
prdilection', Ty {Fc.} a-gna 'souhait' GhA 55, Fc. 459 B '-gVn- < '-gyVn- < (as ) '-IyVn- < N 'Ka'gEna ll A: NaT
'Kin- 'to desire, long for' > OT {Cl.} qin- 'long for, covet', Sg/Shor {Rl.} qin- 'wish', K {Rl.} qin- 'fall in love', Xk xin- _in- v.
'wish, want, love', Yk Iin- v. 'mate'; caus. v. 'Ij`,in-tur- > OT/Osm {Cl.} qintur- 'arouse desires (in so.)'; d : 'KiniI- > Tk ? qiniq-
'be zealous' " giniI- 'do ones best to succeed', Qlt/Tlt/QK/Sg/Qb {Rl.} qiniq- id., 'be excited', VTt ? q+n+q-, Chv _+n+_- 'get
accustomed', Qrg qiniq- id., 'begin to enjoy', Qq quniq- 'begin to enjoy' Cl. 632, 636, Rs. W 264, ET Q 216-7, Rl. II 725, BIG 299,
Pek. 1395 ?? pJ 'Isns-m- v. 'like, wish' > OJ Ionom-, J: T Ionom-, K Ionom-, Kg Ionom- id. S AJ 272 [#21O], S QJ
#21O, Mr. 712 ll ? U: FU (att. in Ugr) 'IEntV 'desire' > OHg Icdv 'benevolence, wish, enjoying, temper', Hg Icdv 'mood, temper;
liking, pleasure' | the ObU cognate is likely to have coalesced with the reflex of N 'KEntV 'be angry' (q.v.), whence pObU {?Hl.}
'Icnt 'anger' UEW 861-2, MF 344, EWU 718-9, Ht. #29O, BV 33-4 ll IE: NaIE 'IcnI- 'be hungry, long for' > OI Ian'Isati
'wishes, desires, longs for', 'IaIatc 'is thirsty' || ('InIru- >) > Gmc {Fs.} 'xuqxru- > Gt huhrus, ON hungr, OSx, OHG hungar,
NHG Hungcr, AS hunor 'hunger', NE hungcr; Gt huggr|an 'be hungry, suffer hunger', AS hunr(i)an, OSx gihungrian id., OHG
hungaron, hungarcn {Kb.} 'be hungry for' || Gk [Hs.] kckci 'be hungry' M K I 134, 194, P 565 ( Gk, ON and Lt words for
'burn', 'pain', etc.), Fs. 272-3, Kb. 488, Schz. 171, KM 321, Ho. S 38, Ho. 178, Vr. 267, EI 284 ['IcnI- 'hunger' ( 'to burn, hurt')]
( EI} Lt IanIa 'Qual, Pein, Marter' ( IcnIti 'to harm', cf. Frn. 24O) A possible prehistory of IE 'IcnI-: N
'Ka'gEna 'to be hungry\thirsty, desire, long for' > (progressive as ) 'KaqVnV > (mt ) 'KanjV,qV > IE 'IcnI- ll E: El
gIani v. 'love, want' HK 431 ll Gil: Gil A -an- 'want' ST RN 448 ^ FU 'E is likely to have contracted from '-a'gE-, while the
pT back vw. 'i may go back to a front vw. due to the infl. of the root-final 'a (vw. harmony).
1O82. 'KUynV 'bucket, basket' > U: FP 'Iuynn`a 'wooden vessel, trough' > Es Iuna 'trough', F Iyna id., 'drinking
trough; gutter-like brewing-vessel' ( F Iyna 'feather' 'quill' 'gutter') | Z Isynss 'kneading trough; wooden vessel for milk',
Prmk Isnss 'tub, vat', Yz Io'nis 'id.; to my mind, Z -yn- reflects the original cluster, while Prmk/Yz '-n- goes back to '-yn- [a
typologically frequent change] UEW 664-5 (reconstructs FU 'Iina 'Iuna and tries to explain Z '-yn- by a "sporadic
change" '-n- > -yn-), LG 139 ll A: M 'quniya > WrM quniya(n), HlM xynna 'pot-shaped basket of birch bark' MED 986 NaT
'I`oncI (< ''I`oyncI) [{DQA} pT 'I`oyncI] 'leathern vessel\bucket\pail' > OT IoncI id., Tkm IoncI, Qzq IoncI,
Qrg IonoI 'leathern milking-pail', Uz iyAnai IunaI 'large skin for fermented mares milk', Nog IoncI 'leathern pail', Brb
IonaI 'bucket, pail', ? IunaI 'birch-bark bucket', Bsh inoi IunaI 'wooden tub (ia(ia), bucket',
l' r inoic hit Iunagi 'milking-pail' (l' r 'milk'), StAlt IonoI, Xk IoncI 'bucket (of wood or metal)', Qmn IonoI
'bucket', Tv x' nci xoncI 'tea-pot'; T 1 M: WrM {MED} Ionug 'bucket, pail', {Kow.} 'bucket, wooden vessel', HlM x' n' i
{MED} 'bucket, pail', {Luv.} 'wooden bucket', Kl i' ni Ion

g 'vessel for milk products and araq (alcoholic drink)' Cl. 73, ET KQ
1O4-5, TL 52, TvR 49O, MM 224, BR 294, NogR 179, Dm. JBT 161, Jud. 422, B DK 226, TkR 413, BIG 9O, UzR 23O, MED 49O,
KRS 316, Luv. 553, Kow. 2565 pKo {S} *Iuni 'manger, trough' > MKo Iuni, Iunyu, NKo Iuyu S QK #1OO5, Nam 6O,
MLC 2O6 DQA #1159 (A 'I`unc 'ladle')ll HS: CS 'IanIanjn,- ' vessel' > JA {Js., Lv., Dlm.} an`1q@n^Q@
IanIan'n-a 'vessel, jug (Krug)', JEA {Sl.} an1q6n6q2 IanIo'na, MHb {Js.} Nq@n^Q@ Ian'Ian 'wine-\oil-vessel;
cylindrical vessel let into the ground of the cellar', {Lv.} Nq!n^Q@ Ian'Ian 'jug, long-necked vessel', ? Ug IInt {A} 'jugs',
{OLS} 'vessel, jug' Js. 1394-5, Lv. IV 342-3, Dlm. 367, Sl. 1O3O, A #13O7, OLS 212 ^ The Tv word points to an emphatic 'K-,
while the HS words allow the rec. of both 'I- and 'K- (taking into a account frequent de-emphatization of 'K- in HS). We
reconstruct N '-ynn- rather than '-n- (suggested by FU {UEW} 'Iiuna) on the ev. of T '-n- (because N '-n- would have
remained in pT as '-n-) and the preceding pT (> Tkm) long vw. 'o (< ''oy < N 'Uy).
1O83. 'Kuyja,nV 'wolf, dog' > IE 'Ivon- / 'Ivon nom. / obl. 'Iun- 'dog' (in nom. the L-grade of apophony) > OI
svan- / nom. sg. sva / gen. sun-as, Vd suvan- / suva / sun-ah, Av sa / gen. pl. sunam, Med [Hdt.] otoko, Phl saI,
NPrs S sag || Arm 2un sun / gen. 2an san (s- is not clear) || Gk kuev / gen. kuv-o) || OL cancs, L cani-s; the unexpected
form of the word (vw. a etc.) has no generally accepted explanation; its hypothetical origin is traced in Leum. 124, EM 92 and other
papers [listed in WH I 153]: gen. 'Ivancs (< 'Iv,'ncs, Hirt IGV 86) changed into L gen. canis (c- for 'qu-) on the analogy of
the nom. 'Io (< 'Ivo) and the acc. 'Ioncm (< 'Ivonm), subsequently the stem of canis spread over the entire paradigm,
whence the nom. canis and the acc. cancm || Gl Iuno-, OIr cu (gen. con), Brtt {RE} 'Iun (gen. 'Iunos) 'dog' > MW Ii, W ci
(gen. con, pl. cvn), OCrn [] KI, Crn Iy, pl. Iucn, MBr {Vn.} con ({SB} quy, pl. quon), Br Ii / pl. Ioun || Gt hunds (<
'Ivn-'to-), ON hundr, AS, OSx hund, OHG hunt, NHG Hund 'dog', NE hound || Lt suo (gen. suns), Ltv suns (gen. suns,
[today] suna), Pru sunis || Tc A/B Iu (acc.: A Ium', B Ivcm') id. AnIE: Ht {Pv.} Iuvan- 'dog, hound', HrLw suvanas
(gen.?), suvanai (acc. pl.) 'dog(s)', {Pv.} zuvan- 'dog'; HrLw s- < IE 'I before HrLw -u-, like in surna 'horn' P 632-3, EI
['I(u)'von / gen. 'Iu'n-os], M K III 4O2-3, Vl. II 3O5-6, Horn 164, F II 58-8, WH I 152-3, Fs. 276-7, Schz. 172, Ho. S 38, Ho.
178, Kb. 488, KM 32O-1, SB 92, Vn. C 257, RE 89, Dtn. 249, Billy 6O, Frn. 1O33-5, En. 259, Slt. 56-7, Wn. 238-9, Ad. 179, Ad. H
19, Mer. HHG 112, ABIv III 25O-1 (on HrLw s- < IE 'I-), Pv. IV 3O5 ll HS: S: Ar [Qam.] {Fr.} qanib- 'lupus latrans' Fr. III
5O2 (in all probability, from N 'Kuyja,nV + N sx. of animal names 'bA; in Ar the word was transferred into a 1a:2i3-pattern due
to its reinterpretation as an act. prtc. (of a non-existing verb) B: Gnc GC {Wlf., AiM} CUNA 'dog', Gnc T {AiM} CANCHA
- CUNCHA 'dog, puppy' Wlf. 483-4, AiM 256 Om {Blz.} 'Ii_an- - 'Iu_an 'dog': NrOm > Mj {C} Iyano, Na {Fl.} Iiano,
Bnc {Wdk.} Iya`n, Shk {Fl.} Icanu, Ym {Wdk.} Iana, Bdt/Bsk/Male/Oyda/Drz/BMa {Fl.}, Kcm/Dc/Gm/Dwr {Lm.},
BMa/GaMa {Bnd.} Iana, Zs/Cha/Wl {C} Iana, Wl {Nnd.} Isna, Anf {MYTY, Gt.} Iano, {MYTY} Icnon, Kf {C} Iunano,
Mch {L} Iunano, Shn {Lm.} Iana || SOm: Dm {Si.} Icnc, Ari G {Fl.} Iani Blz. OL #123, Blz. rLmS 148, 153, C SE III 78,
115, 17O, 2O4 & IV 462, C SO 31, 44, L M 37, Fl. OWL, Wdk. BY 1O6, 127, 15O, Bnd. AL 148, Lm. Sh 227, HL 12O, MYTY
117, 121, Gt. 354 EC: Ya Iohcn 'dog', pl. Ivchman Hn. Y II 123 Ch: WCh: Fy {J} I"cq 'dog' || ECh: EDng {Fd.} Iana,
Jg {J} Ian, Brg {J} Iayaq, Mgm {JA} Ianna id. || ? CCh: Gmrg {Gr. ?} Icni, {Bnt.} Icncc 'dog' J R 87, J J 59-6O, JI II
1O6-7, JA 97, Gr. N 371 Blz. rLmS 153 ll U: FP 'Iuynn`a ({IS} 'Iuyna) 'wolf' > Prm {IS} 'Io'yin ({LG} 'Io'in)
'Iion) 'wolf' > Z Isin, Yz Io'in, Vt G IIyon, in other Vt dialects wih as 'Iy > i(y): Vt ? Iiyon, StVt Iion || Lp N XVIII {Leem}
gaidnc 'wolf' (Wc.: "veraltet"), Lp N {Fri.} gaidnc 'devil (diabolus, fanden)' (interpreted by LG 139 and IS I 361 as gaid'nc) LG
139, Lt. J 129, Wc. EPS-1912 131, U SC 93 ll ? A 'Ij`,aqV > pKo {S} 'Iaq- 'dog' > MKo Iahi ({S}: < 'Iaq-h- < 'IaqV-I-)
'dog', NKo Ia, Ko ds.: Ph/PhN/Sl/NW Ia, Chs Ia`, Ks Ic:, Hm Ia_ id.; MKo Iaq`aci > NKo Iaqai 'puppy' S QK #18,
Rm. SKE 84-5, Nam 8, 28, MLC 61, 65 NaT 'Ij`,aniI ({DQA} 'Ij`,aq-iI) 'bitch' > OT, MQp [CC], Chg, Qmq, QbT, Brb,
Qrg qanciq, VTt ? qans+q, SbTt qanc+q, MQp XIII qanciq, Tk IanciI, Az ian"ii ganig, Tkm ganiq, Ggz IaniI, Uz,
ET qaniq, Nog qanziq, Qzq, Qq qansiq, TbTt/Qmn {Rl.} qanciq, Bsh qansay Cl. 634-5, ET KQ 255-6, TL 19O The A v
belongs here only if the pN etymon was 'KuyanV with loss of '-uy- in the prehistory of A S AJ 296, DQA # 723 [A
'IaqV 'dog'; incl. Ko, T] ^ IS I 361-2 [#238] (IE, Om, U + unc. : S 'Ialja,b- 'dog', Sa Iarc, Ch 'Ir and 'Il 'dog', Tg '(q)inda-
'dog') Gr. II #1O5 ('Ian - 'Iun 'dog') [IE, U, A, Gil, CK, EA + qu. Ko].
1O84. 'Kan`?i 'to hasten, endeavour' > IE: NaIE 'Icn- v. 'hasten to do [sth.], strive with zeal' > Gk [Hs.] kovciv
ctcicooi, cvcciv 'to hasten to do, act', imv. kovci otcuoc, tc_c 'hasten, run!, Gk o-koviti 'without effort',
c-kovce 'I am quick and active' || L conor / conari 'exert oneself (eine krperliche Anstrengung machen), endeavour, attempt' ||
pClt 'Ian- 'accomplish' > MW di-goni 'makes, does', MW dichavn, digavn, W dichon 'can', digoni v. 'labour, be able' || ?? Sl
'Ion-ati 'do, achieve' ( 'Ionati 'complete, carry to an end' 'Ion+ 'end') > Cz Ionati 'do, achieve', Slk Ionat` 'fulfill', Slv
Ionati 'accomplish', OP Ionac 'act', P do-Ionac 'fulfill', R ? io) nar" 'do, perform', OCS uIon+ 'execution, deed' P 562, WH I
262, LS 977 (unc. : kovce 'hasten' 'raise dust'), Ch. 562 (unc. : o-koviti 'without struggle' ? *'without dust' kovi)
'dust'), YGM-1 173, 181, ESSJ X 181-2, EI 362 ('Ion- 'do, make') ll HS: WS 'In? 'be zealous, eager', 'be jealous, envious' > JA
{Js.} Iny D 'be zealous for, be jealous', Gz In? 'be envious \ jealous \ zealous \ eager', BHb In? D (pf. an`4q% Iin'nc, ip.
3s an`4q@i^ yo-Ian'nc) (+ -l6 lo- + noun) 'be envious\jealous of, fight for, become excited about\against', ChrPA In? D 'sich
bemhen um, nacheifern', Mh/Sq {Jo.) In? 'be jealous' KB 1O36-7, KBR 11O9-11, Js. 139O-1, L G 433, Jo. M 232 In the S v
the meaning 'be jealous, envy' is due to the contamination with the reflex of N 'Kin?'u 'to exercise magic; exercise magic against
so., hate' [q.v.] ll D 'Ian`n`- (?) 'hasten, be quick' > Tm Ianna 'speedily, quickly', ? Tl Iranna, Irannana 'quickly, rapidly, soon,
at once' (the cns. r is obscure; n for the expected n may be due to as with a n-sx.) D #1181 ^ D '-n`- < palatalized '-n- (both N
'-n- and positionally palatalized N '-n- or 'n`-). Since pN '-n- is ruled out by the IE reflex (because '-n- would have yielded IE
'y), the N word must have had a nasal '-n`- with a following palatalizing factor ('-i?).
1O85. 'Kin?'u (> as 'Kun?'u) 'to exercise magic; exercise magic against so., hate' ( 'be jealous, envy') > IE: NaIE
'Ivcn- 'to exercise magic' ( 'to sacrifice, participate in magic ceremonies') > Av cmpr. san-yah 'more sacred, sanctior', sprl.
sonista- 'most sacred, sanctissimus', (with an '-cs-sx. of abstract nouns) sanah- 'sanctity' || Ltv svinct (prs. svinu) 'celebrate'
pp. 'Ivcn-to- 'magic' ( 'holy') > Av sonta- 'holy' || Gt hunsl 'sacrifice', AS hus(c)l id., 'Eucharist', ON husl - hunsl
'Eucharist' || Lt svcntas, Pru svcnt- [in place names] 'holy' | Sl 'svct+, 'svct+-|i id. > OCS taa:+ svct+, Blg cncr, SCr
svct, Slv svct, Cz svaty, Slk svaty, P svicty, R cn 'ron, Uk cn 'rnn P 63O-1, Brtl. 1612, 1618-23Vr. 268, Frn. 1O41-2,
Kar. II 339, En. 26O, Glh. 597-8, Vs. III 585, EI 493 ['Ivcn(to)- 'holy'] ll A: M 'Iinu- id. > WrM Iinu, HlM x na-x 'have a
secret grudge; desire the death of a person', MM [MA] Iinctu crc 'rancorous man' (crc 'man'), ? Mnr H {SM} c`in_i 'anger
(colre)', c`in_ila-, {T} cincila- 'be angry' Pp. MA 219, MED 47O, SM 451-2, T 38O NaT 'I`uni 'jealousy, jealous; envy'
> OT {Cl.} Iuni, Chg Iunc 'jealousy, jealous', ET Iuna 'envy', Tk gunu, Tlt {Rl.} Iunu, Yk Iunu 'envy, jealousy',
VTt Iini, StAlt iy-ny-Iunu 'jealousy', VTt ? Iini-si 'jealous', Bsh i' nno- Iinla-, Xk iy-nnc- Iunnc-, Sg/Qb/Qc
{Rl.} Iunna-, Tv xunna- 'be jealous', Qq, Nog Iunlc-, VTt i' nno- Iinla-, Brb/Kr {Rl.} Iunula- 'be jealous\envious',
Alt {Rl.} IunurIot- 'make so. jealous', Kr {Rl.} Iunuvci 'envious', Uz Iunci id., 'jealous'; Tv. x- points to pT
'I`- ( DQA); ( N 'Iuni 'woman, wife'): T 'Iuni 'co-wife' > Tkm guni id., Az "n gunu 'new co-wife', etc. ( s.v. N
'Iuni '') Cl. 727, ET VGD 1O4-6, Rl. II 1441-2, BN 9O, BT 1OO, BIG 96, Pek. 13O3, TvR 498 Tg 'xuni- > Ewk uni- 'envy,
get ones feelings hurt, be unsatisfied (with ones share)', Lm o'n- 'get ones feelings hurt', Ul, Nn Nh xuni-, Nn KU uni- get ill
(because so. ate in the presence of so. else and did not invite him to share his food)', Neg uni- id., 'suffer (emotionally)', uni-Its 'hurt
feelings', Ud uni- 'get ill' STM II 273-4 DQA #923 (A 'Iunic 'envy, respect': T, M) & DQA #786 [A 'Icnu 'distress,
envy'; incl. M 'Iinu-] ll D 'Iin_- ({GS} 'I-) > Tm cina 'be enraged, be very angry', Ml cinam 'wrath', Td sinm 'anger', Kn Iinisu
'be(come) angry', Iinisu n. 'anger, wrath', Tl Iiniyu 'be angry \ displeased \ irritated' D #16OO, Km. 33O (pSD 'Iin-) ll HS: WS
'In? 'be jealous, envious' ( N 'Kan`?i 'to hasten, endeavour') > JA Iny D 'be jealous', JEA {Sl.} Iny D 'warn ones wife
for unfaithfulness', Gz In? 'be jealous, envious', BHb In? D (pf. an`4q% Iin'nc, ip. 3s an`4q@i^ yo-Ian'nc) (+ -l6 lo- +
noun) {KBR} 'be envious of, rebel against', {trad.} 'be jealous of'), Mh/Sq {Jo.) In? 'be jealous'; the meaning 'be zealous, eager' of
this S verb (BHb/JA/ChrPA/Gz In? id.) is due to the merger with N 'Kan`?i '' (q.v. ffd.) KB 1O36-7, KBR 11O9-1O, GB 716,
Js. 139O-1, Sl. 1O28, L G 433, L ESAC 47, Jo. M 232 ^ The M and D cognates go back to N 'Kin?'u, while the IE, T and Tg
cognates point to 'Kun?'u, which is probably a secondary variant resulting from assimialtion 'i...U > 'u...U ^ IS I 352-3
[#229] ('Kin'u 'be angry, jealous'; S, T, M, D + Eg Ind 'be angry' [belongs to N 'KENtV 'be angry']).
1O86. 'Konjh,V 'yellow' (or ' a yellow substance'?) > HS: Eg fNK Iny.t ' a yellow mineral used as dye-stuff' EG V 52
C: SC ({E} 'Ian- 'yellow, tan, gray'): Irq qan {MQK} 'white, red and black dotted colour of cow (with white stripes)', Asa {E}
?anct 'gray clay', ?? SC 1 Mb maIcna 'new grass', -Icna 'young' E SC 251, MQK 84-5 S 'In? > Ar qn? 'be red',
?aqna?- 'red' BK II 818 ll IE 'I"nh- / 'I"nh- > NaIE {P} 'I,no'Io- (for 'I",no'Io-) [< IE 'I"nh(o)Io- - 'I"nhIo-]
'yellow (as honey or gold)' > OI 'IanaIa- (< ''IonhnIo-) 'gold', Iancana- 'golden', Ianca'nam 'gold' || Gk kvko), Gk Mc
IanaIo 'saffron' (- Gk kvko), Gk D kvoko) 'pale yellow, tawny, saffron-coloured') || Pru cucan (mishearing or miswriting for
'IunIan?) 'brown' || the Gmc word for 'honey' ( IE 'In'uonI-s {AD} 'honey; honey-coloured' < N 'Kuun`jH,V 'bee'): ON
hunang, OSw hunagh, OSx huncg, honcg, OHG honag, NHG Honig, AS hunc 'honey', NE honcy AnIE 1 Gk Hm kuovo)
'cyanus, a dark-blue substance (used to adorn works in metal)'; ?? Ht Iu(va)nnan 'copper; ornamental stone' ( N 'IivjV,hE 'stone')
( WP, P, EI) L canicac 'bran' (adduction that leads to an unj. rec. of IE 'I-) WP I 4OO, P 564-5, EI 271 ('Inh_onI-s
/ gen. 'Inh_n'I-os 'honey-coloured, golden'), M K I 195, F I 882-3 & II 37, Ch. 547, Vr. 266, Kb. 478, Schz. 169, Ho. 178, Ho. S
38, En. 198, Tp. P K-L 349-51, Frd. HW 118, 122, Ts. W 43, Ts. E I 688-92, Pv. IV 3O8-11 ll A: M: WrM qoqgur, HlM
xoniop 'fallow, yellow-bay, chestnut' (of a horse) MED 962 ll D (in TmM) 'Ian_n_- 'copper' > Tm Ian 'copper work, copper',
Iannan 'brazier', Ml Iannan id. (unless a WW, cp. Ht) D #14O2 ^ Both the typology of colour-names and the ev. of Eg, Gk
and SD suggest that the N word in question was not a pure colour-name but rather a name of some yellow substance ^ The lr.
(probably 'h) is likely to have survived in IE, have left traces in M and D ('-n'h- > M '-qg-, D 'n_n_-), but lost in Eg. D '-a- is still
1O87. 'IanyV 'skin, film, bark' > HS: EC: Brj 'Iana, 'Iano {Ss.} 'bark of tree', {Hd.} 'piece of bark'; HEC d v. 'Ian-s- (with
the causative sx. '-s-) > Brj Ian-s-, Ged Ion-s-, Kmb Ian-s- v. 'peel (e.g. sugar cane)', whence Brj {Hd.} Iansa 'strip of bark' &
Kmb Iansanata 'strip of bark of sugar cane' Hd. 111, 2O3, 2O7, Ss. B 114 ll K 'Ian- 'skin, bark' > G Ian-i {Chx.} 'skin, hide',
{DCh.} 'fine skin, skin of fruit, film, fine leather, bark', S: {Ni.} Ian 'bark', UB {GP} Ian 'skin of plants', UB/Ln {TK} Ian, L
{TK} Ian 'skin' Chx. 547, DCh. 592, GP 128, Ni. s.v. 'iopa', TK 344 ll IE: NaIE '(s)IIcn-(d-) 'skin': [1] 'IIcn-(d-) OIr ccinn
'coquille, caille', W {Vn., YGM} ccn, {P} ccnn (< 'Icnd-n-) 'film, scales', OCrn ccnn-cn 'film, skin', OBr {Flr.}
ccnn-cnn 'membrana (pellicule, enveloppe)', MBr qucnn 'skin', Br Icnn 'scurf' ('crasse de la tte, pellicules; scories'), -Icn 'skin' in
cds : bu-gcn 'skin of cattle', etc. || ON hinna 'thin skin, peritoneum' (< 'Icnd-n-), Sw hinna, Dn hindc, NNr hinnc 'film', AS hionnc
'meninx' ('Hirnhaut') [2] 'sIIcn- 'skin' > Br sIant 'scales' (< 'sInto-) || ON sIinn '(stripped off) skin, hide' (1AS scinn 'Pelz'
> NE sIin), Sw, NNr sIinn, Dn sIind 'skin, hide, fur', MHG schint 'skin of fruit', Dt ? schindc 'skin, hide, bark'; d : OHG scintcn
" scindcn, MHG, MLG schindcn 'to skin, mistreat' WP II 563-4, P 929-3O, Vn. C 55, Flr. 1O2, YGM-1 82, Hm. 446, 725, Vr.
228, 493, Ho. 16O, 279, Kb. 884, OsS 796-7, Lx. 184, KM 65O ll A: T 'KanaI ( - 'KanmaI > 'KaymaI) 'skin of milk' > [1] OT
qayaq - qanaq id., Xk _aya_, Sg/Qb/Qc/Bltr {Rl.}, Shor qayaq 'butter', SY qayaq, Xlj qanaq 'cream', Yk _aya_ - _aya_ 'butter
mixed with water and milk, white Yakut butter', [2] Chg, MQp qaymaq 'skin of milk, cream on the top of the milk', Tkm gaymaq,
Qmq, Nog, Qq, VTt, Brb, Bsh, ET, Alt qaymaq, Ggz IaymaI, Chv _+yma 'cream, sour cream', Tk IaymaI, CrTt, Qzq, Qrg
qaymaq, Uz qaymoq 'cream', Blq qaymaq, Qzl _ayma_ 'sour cream' Cl. 636, Rs. W 231, ET KQ 2OO-1, TL 454, DTz. WCh
173, Md. 31, 166, BIG 266, 282, Rl. II 9O, Tn. SJJ 199, Fed. II 319-2O The variant 'KaymaI may be interpreted as 'KanmaI
with '-maI due to some lexical\morphological attraction (possibly of 'Kasmaq 'skin of milk' [> VTt qasmaq, Chv xisma, etc.] or
other words with the nominal sx. '-maI, which is used to build abstract nouns [ nomina collectiva], Rs. MTS 134-5, Jeg. 315,
Fed II 383-4, Md. 1O3, 166) ? pKo {S} 'Innnm 'cloth, material' > MKo Innnm id., NKo Iam 'stuff, material' S QK #967,
Nam 13, MLC 49 DQA #2743 (A 'Ionic 'cloth' > pKo 'Innnm, T 'Ion 'raw hide for tanning, leather', M 'Ion-:il, i. e.
'Ion:ilc(n) 'blanket, bedcover, quilt') ^ Acc. to ISs theory, the 's mobile in IE is connected with the presence of a palatal element
(here 'y) within the original v.
1O88. 'Kcn`jy,u 'light (levis), thin' > U: FU (in Ugr only) 'Iun`jy,u (- 'Iiv'n`V?) > ObU 'Iun`oy-/'Iun`oy-
- 'Iiy'n`- 'light (levis)' > Vg: T IunIc-s, LK/MK Iono, UK Iino, P/NV/LL Iinna; pOs 'Ion`oy ({?Hl.}
'Ion`oy) 'light, easy' > Os: MY Ion`o, Y Iono, D/K/Kr/Nz/Sh Icno, Kz Icn`, Sn Icn`, O qon || Hg Ionnyu 'light, easy'
UEW 862, Stn. D 648, PD 693 In Ugr one may see ass. labialization of the first vw. in 'Iun`jy,u and a mt of the labial
element in 'Iiv'n`V ll A: M 'Ioqgcn 'light' (of weight)' > MM [MA, IsV] Ioqgcn, [IM, HI] Ioqgcn 'light, cheap', WrM
Ioqgcn, HlM x' ni' n id., Brt _u'qgcn 'easy', WrO Ioqgcn, Kl {Rm.} Iuqgn - guqgn, Ord I`oqgcn, Mnr H {T} Ioqgcn,
{SM} I`uoqg_uan, Dx Ioqgcn, Mgl {Rm.} Iu'qgon 'light' (of weight)'; M 'Ioqgc- 'be(come) light' > MM [S] d Ioqgclcgu-
'erleichtern', WrM Ioqgc- 'become easy', WrO Ioqgu- be easy, light' pM '-gcn (> WrM -gcn) is a sx. of nominal derivation (
Pp. GWM 45, Pp. GPMJ 95) Pp. MA 223, 44O, Lg. VMI 51, Ms. H 72, MED 488-9, KW 246, Rm. M 31, T 34O, T DnJ 123, SM
214, Krg. 735, KRS 316, H 1O4 Tg 'xcnu ({Bz. 'xaniu-), 'xcn'umIun 'light (levis)' > Nn Nh/B xsnu, Ork
xsnumi, xsnumi, xsnuli, Ewk onimIun, Sln sniIIu:, Lm syim, syumIun 'light', Orc xonimi, Ul xsnu, xonumu 'light, (?)
easy', Ud {Krm.}: B snimsss?, Sm snimusa? 'easy' STM II 455-6, Krm. 314, Bz. 38 [ 51b], Pt. 151, Shn. 33, Sun. UJ 255, CiR
RES 246 T 'Ij`,aqa- 'easy' > OT [MhK] Icqcs 'easy' (e.g., of a task), 'shallow (water)', XwT XIV Icqcs - Icqcz 'easy,
convenient', OQp XIII Icqcz 'easy', Yk Ianan 'simple-hearted, naive', Chv Ianas 'idleness, rest' ('6c:(cn"c, noion, or(ix')
The unexpected '-q- may be due to infl. of T 'Icqu- 'broad, wide' Cl. 734, Pek. 1O29, Ash. VI 53 pKo {S} 'Innnr- 'thin,
fine' > MKo Innnr-, NKo Ianil- S QK #446, Nam 9, MLC 5 pJ {S} 'Isma- 'small (xcninn, menu), thin' > OJ
Iju_,omaIa-, J: T IomaIa-i, K IomaIa-, Kg IomaIa-, Sh guma-, Y guma- S QJ #127, Mr. 455, Kenk. 1O37 DQA
#1OO4 (A 'I`cno 'light (levis), thin': M, Tg, Ko, J, T) ll HS: Ch 'I(y)n 'small' > WCh: Hs IanIanc 'small, little', Mbr
{Sk.} Iiyin 'small'|| CCh: Mln {ChL} I'cq, Bdm {Lk.} gcna, Lame {ChL} I"anIyau id. || ECh: Kwn {J} Ioncc, Jg {J}
Ioya"n , Kjr Iani id. ChC, ChL, Ba. 554 , Blz. LECh #76 ? S rdp 'InI > Ar qunqu- 'small, short' BK II 825 ^
IS I 349-5O [#226] ('Kcnu = 'Kcn`u; U, A + unc. IE 'Icn- 'empty'). IS supposed that Tg '-n- ia a reg. reflex of N '-n`-,
which is not confirmed by other examples, but is theoretically possible. I prefer a tentative rec. of 'y following the nasal 'n`.
1O89. 'Kunjy,V 'ashes, dust' > IE: NaIE '(s)IcnjH,- id. (< ''(s)Icu_n-?)> L cinis (gen. cincr-is) 'ashes' ({WH}: < ''Icnis)
|| Gk kovi) (gen. kovio) - kovce)) 'dust, ashes' || Tc B cncuvanc Icntsc 'rust' (lit. 'iron ash\dust') || pAl {O} sIina > Al hi - hi
'ashes' WH I 217-8, F II 911-2, Ad. 193-4, O 147, EI (? 'IcnHi-s 'ashes') , P 559-6O ll U: FU 'Iounn`V > FP 'IounV 'ashes,
lye' > pLp {Lr.} 'Iuns 'ashes' > Lp: S guvnc, L Iutna, N gudna, Kld Iunn id. | Chr: L/H/B Ion 'lye' | Prm: Z Lu/I Iun 'lye', Z
iynna Iun-va 'lye (alkaline solution)' (va 'water') ? Yk K {Krn.} Iun-tc-m 'he soiled (:aip) :nnn)' (acc. to Krn., Iud-u-l
'dirt') UEW 672, Lr #4O6, Lgc. #2796-7, MRS 216, Ep. 46, LG 146 , Krn. IMJJ 24 ll A: pKo 'Iinir- 'ashes' > MKo
Iiniri`m, NKo Iirim S QK #659, Nam 69, MLC 24O ll D 'Iun`ta, {GS} gun`da 'dust, powder' > Tl gunda, Mnd
gunda 'powder', Prj gun`dam id., gun`da 'dust', Knd gun`da 'powder, dust', Png gunda, Ku gunda " gundu 'flour', Krx
gun`da id., 'powder', Mlt gundi 'dust'; D 1 OI gundaIa- 'dust, powder' D #1692, GS # 466, Tu. #4193 ^ IE s- mobile and
pKo '-n- suggest the presence of a root-medial palatal element (i.e. N 'KunyV). IE '-cn- < pre-IE '-cu_n- (regular loss of
presnantic 'u_. ^ Blz. LB #4c (IE, U; the first to adduce the Yk cognate).
1O9O. 'IUncV 'to scratch (so.s body or sth.), wound, make suffer' ( 'suffer') > HS: S 'InO > Ar 7nK Ino G vt.
'grieve (so.)' Fr. IV 64, BK II 935 ll K: G Iccn- 'j-m eine Streifwunde beibringen, j-n streifen, ritzen', 'make incisions' Chx. 573,
DCh. 6O6 The plain 'I- (for the expected 'Iv-) is still to be expalined (delabialization connected with the mt ?) ll IE: NaIE
'I"cnt"- v. 'suffer' ('leiden, dulden') > Gk tcvo) 'suffering', too_e (< 'I"cnt"-sI-) 'I suffer' (ft. tcioooi < I"cnt"-so-) || Lt
Icsti (1s prs. Icnciu) 'to endure, suffer' ('aushalten, leiden'), Ltv cicst 'to suffer, endure' || OIr ccsaid 'he suffers', ccss(a)im 'I
suffer' (< 'I"cnt"-sc/o- or < I"nt"-sc/o-) As shown by J. Rasmussen, the prs./ft. forms with '-sI- and '-sc/o- (Gk too_e, OIr
ccss(a)im) point to a monophonemic origin of 't", otherwise we would have expected 'o preceding the cnss. (like Gk totooke,
etc.) P 641, F II 478-9, Frn. 246-7, Vn. C 79-8O, Ped. VG I 53, 87, 178 & II 486, Rsm. AT 86, EI 413 ['I"cnt(")- 'suffer'] ll ? U:
FU 'Ion`cV 'Striche ziehen, Stricke zeichnen' > Prm: Z {W} scra Ioc 'a spot (on animals hide) (scra 'many-colored, motley'), Z
P/Sk/Ss/Ud {SZ} scra Ioca, Z I (scra) Iuca 'pitted, motley' ('p) 6on, nccrpin'), StVt, Vt S iyu-o Iuco, Vt Kz I+co 'motley,
piebald (a horse)' ('nccrpin, ncinn, uy6apin'), Vt Y Iu'co, Vt Uf IIc` 'motley, spotted' || ObU {Ht.} 'Ian`c- > pVg 'Ians-,
'Iansaq- > Vg: T {Mu.} Ihans-, P {Mu.} Ihans-, T/P {Kn.} Ians-, K {Mu.} Ihans-, N {Mu.} xans- v. 'write', T {Mu.}
Ihan'saq 'bunt'; pOs 'Ian`ca- / 'Ian`cI-, 'Ian`caq ({?Hl.} 'IIn`ca- / - I / -aq) > Os: V qan`ca-, V/Vy qan`cI-, Ty
qan`c-, Y qanc-, D/K _anc-, Nz _as-, Kz _ans-, O _as-, _ans- v. 'write', V/Ty qan`caq, D/K _ancoq, Kz
_an`saq 'bunt' UEW 176, Ht. 152 [#283], SZ 167, U3S 236.
1O91. ''IunigU 'to bend, incline, bow' > IE: NaIE 'Inci_g""- vi. 'bow, incline, bend' [ N 'qa'?igu 'to bow, bend (down),
hang (by sth.), hang down' (q.v.)] > L conivco (< 'Ion-Ini(g)u_co) (inf. -crc, pfc. conivi - conixi, pp. conixus) 'close the
eyes, wink, blink with the eyes', nitor (inf. niti, prtc. nisus - nixus, [Fst.] gnixus) 'lean, support oneself, rest' (nitor gcnibus 'I
kneel', nitor cubito 'I lean on my elbows'), Um CONEGOS, IuniIaz 'conixus' || Gmc 'xni"-/'xni"-/'xnai_"-: inf. 'hni"-an
'to bow, be bent, sink' > Gt hncivan / p. hnaiv 'kivciv, declinare' (of the day) [Lc. 9.12], ana-hncivands ap. 'procumbens' [Mk.
1.7], ON hniga 'to bow, sink, fall', AS hnian 'to bend\sink down, bow', OSx hnigan 'sich neigen, anbeten', OHG nigan 'to bow (sich
neigen vor, niederbcken)', NHG ncigcn 'to bend over, incline' P 6O8, EI 348 ('Inci_-g""- 'lean'), WH I 261, Som. L
646, Bc.
G 331, Fs. 265-6, Vr. 242-3, Ho. S 35, Ho. 166, Kb. 726, OsS 4O9, KM 5O6-7 ll U 'IuqI'c > Sm {Jn.} 'IuqI+ n. 'curve, bend' >
Ne T xy i, T O {Lh.} xuqI 'Bug des Bootes', xuqgarc 'doppelt biegen', Ne F {Lh.} IuqIar_tas 'gekrmmte Rnder
haben' Jn. 78 ll A: T 'I`iq- (or 'I`iq- 'I`iyq-?) > [1] d 'I`iqir (or 'Iiqir) 'crooked, squint-eyed' > OT qiqir id., Qmq, Qzq,
Qrg, ET ? qiqir 'crooked', Tkm qiqir 'angry', Kr qiqyir, Uz qiqyir, Ln qini, Xk _iyir crooked', Tv _iyir 'squint-eyed'; [2] Ln d
qiqla- 'become crooked \ leaning on one side', Yk Iiqnay- vi. 'incline, bend on one side'; [3] Qrg qiqqay- 'be leaning over, become
crooked'; [4] 'I`inir > Chg {PC} ry8nyQ qincir or qincir, Uz ("Chg") {Rl., Bu.} qincir, VTt ? q+n+r 'squint-eyed', Chv
_+n_+r id., 'crooked'; [5] Tkm giyiq 'crooked, oblique' Cl. 639, Rs. W 264-5, ET Q 22O-1, PC 452, Rl. II 86O, Bu II 1O6, BIG
298, TkR 23O Tg 'xuqIc- > Ewk uqIsldi- vi. 'bow (before so.)', uqIsru- id., 'bow ones head', Ud xsqIi-, Ul, Nn IsqIsls-,
Ned IsqIst- 'bow (before so.)' The cognates with I- are due to as (?) STM II 278 pJ {S} 'IunIum- 'be curved\bent' > OJ
Iugum-, [RJ] Iugumar- S QJ #1328, Mr. 715 SDM97 s.v. 'I`uqIa 'to bend, bow', DQA #1O82 (A 'I`i_uqu 'to bend,
bow'; rec. of 'i_ is due to the unc. adduction of M 'Iiyi--'Icyc- > WrM Icycgc 'slanting, leaning to one side', Icycdc- 'bend dow,
lean\slant to one side') ll K 'Iun'g- (or 'Iun- ?) > Zan ''Iun- 1 G Gr Iun- 'sich bcken, ducken' Chx. 642 Zan '
goes back to patalized 'g?? ll D 'Iun_- ({GS} 'I-) 'be in a bowed position' > Kt Iun- id., Tm Iunu- v. 'curve', Gnd gun- v.
'bend' D #1927 ll AdS of HS 'In 'be bent, bow, incline' (< N 'Iun`uia 'a joint in a limb (knee, elbow); to bend in a joint',
q.v. ffd.) ^ We may be sure about the initial N 'I- only if the K cognate is valid. Otherwise we have to reconstruct an unspecified
'K- (= 'I- or 'q-).
1O92. ?? 'KanjK,E 'to singe, glow' > IE: NaIE 'IcnI- v. 'parch, dry up, cause burning pain' > Gk Hm kokovo) 'dry
(trocken, drr)', Gk [Hs.] kokoivci '(he) parches, dries (sth.)', Gk Hm tou-kok) (oi)o) 'parching', Gk tou-kok) 'very dry
(land)' || Lt IanIa 'pain', IcnIti 'to harm. hurt' WP I 4O1, P 565 ( Gmc {Fs.} 'xuqxru- 'hunger'), ? EI 284 ('IcnI-
'hunger' 'to burn, hurt'; words for 'hunger', cf. 'Ka'gEna 'be hungry'), F I 75O-1, Ch. 478, Frn. 240 ll A: Tg 'xcqg- 'to burn
slightly, singe' > Nn Nh xsqgi- 'to singe', Ewk sqgurs- vi. 'burn slightly, singe' STM II 457 The front vw. is probably due to
vw. harmony (A ''I`aqKE > 'I`aqKV > Tg 'xcqg-) ll D 'Ian_- ({GS} 'I-) 'burn, glow, be very hot' > Tm Iani 'be redhot,
glow, get angry', Ian'al 'fire', Ml Ianal 'live coals', Ianal 'heat, glare', Kt Ian redhot', Kn Ianal v. 'glow like live coals', Tl Ianalu
'be angry, burn, give pain', Kui Iamba 'be burned\injured by fire' D #14O6.
1O93. ?? 'IENitV 'louse, nit' > IE: NaIE 'Inid- - 'Inid- 'louse, nit' > Arm anic anic 'nit' (c < 'd-s) || pAl {O} 'canida >
Al: G th(c)'ni, T th(c)'ri 'louse' || Gk kovi), mostly pl. kovioc) 'eggs of lice, fleas and bugs, nits' (o on the analogy of kovi)
'dust'?) || W pl. ncdd, Crn ncth coll. (snglt. ncdhcn), Br ncz 'nits' || AS hnitu, NE nit, OHG ni, MHG ni, nie, NHG Ni,
Nissc 'nit' In Gmc and BSl there is a variant 'g"ni(:)d- 'nit' ('g"- due to the infl. of 'g"cn- 'to scratch'??) > ON, Nr ? gnit, OSw
gncthcr, Sw gnct, Dn gnid 'nit' || Ltv gnida 'nit', ? Lt glinda id. (dis : < 'gnijn,da and\or L lcns / lcndis?) | Sl 'gnida id. >
Blg, R, Uk 'inn(a, SCr gn|i`da, Slv gnida, Cz, Slk hnida, P gnida P 6O8, F I 912-3, Hm. 598, YGM-1 342, ECCE 774, Hamp
AIEW 146, O 476, Ho. 16, Kb. 732, , OsS 410, Lx. 152, Vr. 179-80, Slt. 121-2, Frn. 157-8, Kar. I 304, ESSJ VI 173-4, EI 357
['I(o)nid- 'nit'] The variant 'g"ni(:)d- may be due to euphemistic, tabuistic or other "expressive" modifications ll HS: WS 'Iinn-
louse' > MHb en`15 - en`1i5 Iin'na, JEA an`1i5, en~i5 Iin'na 'louse, vermin (Ungezieger)', BHb N4 Icn, pl. Min`55
Iin'n-im id., {KBR} 'gnat', Jb C s`init (pl. Iunum) 'louse', Sq {Jo.} 'Icnum (pl. 'Icnhavm) id. KB 461, KBR 483, Lv. II 348-
9, Jo. J 133 EC: Sml {DSI} qandiil, Sml N {Abr.} qandiil - qindiil 'nits' DSI 487, Abr. S 2OO Sml d (< 't regularly)
may be accounted for by an earlier glottalizing as ('I...t > 'I...t) ? NrOm: Kf {C} cindo 'small louse' C SE IV 422 ?
Ch: CCh: WMrg I"unda, I"utna 'worm' || [ N 'nayu(-qV) 'larvas, worms, nit(s)', q.v.] WCh: AG: Gmy nit, Cp niyct 'worm'
ChL ^ An alt. (less plausible) comparison: N ??? 'qitV 'worm, nit' > IE:
NaIE 'Inid- - 'Inid- 'nit, louse' ll HS: S 'Vtt-
> Ar SL att- 'moth, tick, mite' Hv. 451 Ch: AG: Gmy nit, Chip niyct 'worm'.
1O94. 'KAntV ' genitalia; gland (esp. of genitalia: glans penis, clitoris)' > HS: C: Bj {Rop.} Iantal 'penis' (t [t]) || EC
{?Ss.} 'Ianc- ({Ss.} 'I`and`-) 'gland' > Sml qanid 'lymphatic gland', Rn {PG} _anid 'gland', Kns {Bl.} qanditta 'udder;
swollen or abnormally big gland', Brj {Ss.} 'Iand-i - Ian?-i 'clitoris' Rop. 2O5, PG 189, Ss. B 124 SOm: Ari/Gll {Bnd.)
Ianti - qanti 'testicles' Bnd. AL 159 CCh: Pdl Iandi, Bk Ianda` 'vagina' || ? ECh: Ll gunulo 'testicles' JI II 323, ChC,
ChL B 'Ind (< 'Int) > BSn ta-Iunnit (pl. ti-Iunnid-in) 'derrire de lhomme' Ds. B 95 ll D (in SD) 'Iant- ({GS}
'I-) 'membrum muliebre' > Ml Iantu 'membrum muliebre', Td Iod 'pubic hair' D 121O ll ?? IE: [?f NaIE mt 'Iutno-s 'vulva' (
d from 'Iut-, cp. Gk kuoo) id., Gk [Hs.] kuoo) 'buttocks') > L cunnus 'membrum muliebre' || ] NPrs Iun (< ClNPrs Iun) 'vulva'
WH I 3O9-1O, EI 5O7 ('Iuts'no-s) ^ Blz. DA 155 [#34] #33 (C, Om, Ch, D).
1O95. ? 'KENtV 'be angry, be in dispair' > HS: CS 'Int id. > MHb Sh

yin%q^e5 hiI'nit 'annoy, vex, make angry', Sr
Int G v. 'fear', Ar qnt G (pf. qanita) 'dispair' Klein 584 Eg fMK Ind 'be furious\angry, be angry with (so.)', DEg Int
'anger', Cpt: Sd owu: cont, B ;wu: ont 'get angry', Sd oeu: cont, B ;eu: ont 'angry' EG V 56-7, Fk. 28O, Er. 565, Vc. 342
ll U: FU 'IEntV > pObU {?Hl.} 'Icnt 'anger' > Vg 'Iant > Vg: MK {Mu.} Iant, N {Mu.} Iant 'anger', {BV} Ss Iant
':no', {Kn., BV} Ss Iantoq 'angry'; pOs {Ht.} 'Icnt 'anger' > Y/D/K Icnt, Nz qant Ht. #29O, BV 33-4.
1O96. 'KEnV (= 'IEnV?) 'nest' > HS: S 'Iinn- id. > BHb Nq$ Icn (pl. Min`5q% Iin'n-im), JA an~1q% Iin'n-a, Sr
'noe Icn'n-a id., JEA an`1iq% Iin'na, Md Iina, Ak Iinn-um 'nest, family' KB 1O36, Js. 1387, Sl. 1O13, DM 411, CAD
XIII 257, Sd. 922 ll A: pKo {S} 'Iin- 'nest' > MKo Iin- 'to nest', Iis 'nest', NKo Iis Iit id. S QK #993, Nam 83, MLC 282
ll ??? K: G P Ianatia 'nest' Chx. 547.
1O97. ?? 'KunV 'to burn' (vi.) > A: NaT 'I`on- or 'I`un- vi. 'catch fire, burn' > OT Iun-, Alt Iuy- id., Tkm Ioy-,
ET Ioy- - Iuy- vi. 'burn down', Xk Ioy- vi. 'burn, burn down', Osm goy-, Tk goy- vt. 'burn, burn up', Uz Iuy-, Qzq, Qrg
Iuy- vi. 'burn', Qq Iuy- 'burn oneself', Nog Iuy- 'be burnt (food), be sunburnt', Yk Ioy- 'burn', Tv xyni '(smell of) sth. burnt'
('iap"') Cl. 726, Rs. W 286, 3O7, 3O9, ET KQ 88-9, Mng. G 746 Tkm -o- suggests a pT short '-o-, the length in Yk is an
innovation (T 'o yields Yk 'uo) M 'Icqsi- > WrM Icqsi, HlM xynmn- vi. 'burn slightly, brown (as food)', Kl {Rm.}
- " Iuqs
- vi. 'smell of burning'; M 'Icqsi-gun n. 'smell of burning' > WrM Icqsigun, HlM xynm, Brt xnm 'smell
of frying food \ of burning', Ord I`cqsu' 'relent de friture, odeur de graisse \ dos \ de viande brls', WrO Icqsou 'odour,
fragrance', Kl iAm Iuqsu 'smell of burning', {Rm.} Ioqsun n. 'smell of burning bones\fat'; M 1 WrMc
Iuqson - Iuqsun adj. {Z} 'smelling of sth. slightly burnt (food, wool)', {Hr.} 'angebrannt, songerig, brenzlich', Iuqsu- v. {Z} 'boil
milk', {Hr.} 'anbrennen (Speisen)'; Kl D {Rm.} IuqI

n- 'Brand-geruch\-geschmack haben, abgebrannt sein', WrM {Rm. ?}

IuqIuni- (id.?) MED 454, Ms. O 414-5, Krg. 71, Chr. 625, KRS 326, KW 246, S AJ 242, Z 289, Hr. 6O2 Tg 'xcqgV- > Nn
Nh xsqgi- vt. 'singe\scorch on fire', Ewk sqgurs- vi. 'get slightly burnt' (of roasted\fried food) STM II 457 pKo {S}
'Iinir- > MKo Iinirim, NKo Iiirim 'soot', NKo Iiil- 'be covered with soot' S QK #659, Nam 669, MLC 24O pJ {S}
'Iu_anIar- vi. 'burn' > OJ Iu_ogar- {Mr.} 'be burning' ( 'be passionate, yearning'), J: T/Kg Iogarc-, Kg Iogarc- {Kenk.}
'burn with passion for'; pJ 'Iu_anIa-sa- {Mr.} 'burn, scorch; yearn for' > J Iogasu {Kenk.} 'burn, scorch, singe, char' S QJ
#1O74, Mr. 711, Kenk. 1OO3 S AJ 11, 286 [#256], DQA #1145 (A 'I`unc 'to burn [intr.], get burnt') ll HS: WCh 'I"'an vt.
'burn' > Hs Iona id. | Wrj {IL} I'anuna, {Sk.} I'a`nuna, Cg {Sk.} Icnu`, Kry {Sk.} I'a`nu, My {Sk.} I'anu, Mbr
{Sk.} Ianu` 'smoke' | Kir {Sh.} I"aqa, Tala {Sh.} I"on, Buli {ChL} Ionu vt. 'burn'; Kir {Sh.} Isn, {ChL} IIn, Tala {Sh.}
Iunu, Gj {Sh.} Iuno`, Buli {Sh.} Iunt 'smoke' Stl. ZCh 212-3 [#629], ChC, ChL Om {Blz} 'Ii(c)n- 'burn' > NrOm: BMa
{Fl.} I'cni vt. burn' Fl. OWL s.v. 'burn', Blz. OL #2O4 ? Sk. HCD 174 ^ Not here ( DQA #1145) D 'Ian_- 'burn, glow' (see
N 'KanjK,E 'to singe, glow').
1O98. ? 'Kon'cV 'bark of trees' > HS: EC 'Iunc- > Or {Grg.} Iuncc 'peel, fiber covering on plant stem', Or S
{Sr.} Iuncc 'bark of a tree', Ged Iuncc 'piece of bark' Grg. 336, Sr. 356, Hd. 325 ll U 'IoncIV - 'IocIV ' bark' > F
IosIu, IosIus 'thick bark of trees', Es {W} IosI 'in langen Streifen abfezogene Fichtenrinde oder dicke Rinde' | Prm 'Iac(Ia) '
bark' > Z Iac 'bark of fir-tree (used as food during famine years)', Yz {Lt.} 'IacIa id., {UEW} 'inner layer of bark', Z US/LL Iac
'bark of trees' || Os Ty {KrT} qInt 'sap layer under the bark of pine- and birch-trees' | OHg hassag, hassu 'bast, strifes of linden-
bast, lime-tree forest', Hg hars 'lime-tree' Sm {Jn.} 'Iasa, {Hl.} 'Iasa 'bark of trees' > Ng {Mik.} Iasu, En {Cs.} 'scsa, Slq
Tz {KKIH} qosI, Kms {KD} Iaza id. Coll. 91, UEW 179-8O, LG 119, MF 269-7O, W EDW 35O, Lt. J 124, EWU 533, KrT
321, Jn. 65, KKIH 164, Hl. M #474 ^ This N word may be akin to 'IanyV 'skin, film, bark'.
1O99. ? 'Kujn,cV 'worm' > HS: C: Ag: Bln {R} Icsa (pl. Iis), Xm {R} cq'asa, Q {R} _csi, Km {CR}
_osa ~ _asa (pl. _as) 'worm' || Dhl {EEN} Iuci 'bee larva' AD SF 3O, E PC #613, R WB 245, EEN 19 ll U 'Iun`ca > FU
'IucV - 'Iun`ca 'worm (within the body)' > Chr H Iuc+ 'intestinal worm', Chr Y Iuc+, M Iuco, YU Iuco; 1 Chv L ? {Ash.}
iyuuaA ("read as iyuiA") id. || ObU {Ht.} 'Iun`c > pVg 'Iuns 'intestinal worm' > Vg: T Ios, P/NV/SV/LL Iuns, UL
xuns id.; pOs 'Iun`c(V) > Os: K _unc, D _uco, Kr uy-_unc 'tapeworm', Km _unc 'intestinal worm (also in fish)' ?? pY
{IN} 'Ionco 'maggot' > Y K/T Ioo 'maggot (on a reindeer)', T {Krn.} Iodcq 'worm' UEW 2O5, Ash. VII 57, Ht. #2O5,
Stn. D 511, IN 229, Krn. JJ 273, Rd. UJ 47 [#69] (Y A U) The unexpected Chr c and pY 'c are still puzzling ll ? A: NaT
'Kii (< ''Kiyi?) Tbl/SbTt Tv {Tm.) qici, Brb {Tm.} qica 'intestinal worm', Tbl {Rl.} qici 'tapeworm (Bandwurm)' (unless all
of them are loans from FU?) Tm. 143-4, Rs. W 26O, Rl. II 792.
11OO. 'KunV (- 'gIunV?) or '-nc-, '-ns- 'star' > IE: NaIE 'ggj",voi_sdj",- 'star' > BSl: Lt zvaigzdc', ?
zvaizdc' " zvaizdc', Ltv zvai(g)znc id., L gvcgzdatc' 'Sternchen' [as between the Anlaut and the Inlaut of this long Baltic
stem may have caused variability of the initial cns. ('g...z > z...z, 'g...z > z...z) and the appearance of the unetymological medial
g] | Sl 'gvcz'da 'star' > P gviazda, Cz hvczda, Slk hviczda, Plb g|ozda, HLs hvczda, LLs gvczda, OCS a1o vczda,
Blg :n:(a > :nc:(a, SCr :nc:(a " zvi|czda, Slv zvczda, R :nc:'(a, Uk :n :'(a Tr. 373-4, Frn. 1324, ESSJ VII 181-3
(derives the BSl stem from IE 'g"voi_- 'shine' and believes that the Slavic 'gv- is a secondary development from 'zv-), Glh. 7O2-3,
StSS 223 ll HS: Ch: WCh: Ngz {Sch.} gIzau_ - gIsau_, Bd {IL} gusiau_ 'star' | Bole {IL} ina | ? Tula, Kir qgas (q- is a
px., cf. Tera anina?) || CCh: Glv I"azaza, Gv I"szsza, Suk gumza, Db {Lnh.} gimza, {Kr.} gsmza, Gudu
g"t`su, Mln gumla, Nz gsmlcIi 'star' ChC, ChL, Sch. DN 62 ll U 'IuncV star' > Prm {LG} 'Io'oil ({?LG} 'Io'oil)
'star' > Z io(:yn Iouv, Z US IoIl, Prmk IsIv " IsIl, Vt XVIII iy:cnn, Vt in:nnn Iizili, Vt B Iozoli ({Lt.}
Iozoli) 'star' || ObU {Ht.} 'IuncV id. > Vg {Ht.} 'IuncV > OVg S ChusO/Vt ionua, OVg S Kg ionc , OVg S Sss
Ioondsc, Vg T Ionc; pOs {Ht.} 'Ios > Os: V/Vy qos, Ty/Y qos, D/K/Nz _us, Kz _us, O _os Sm {Jn.} 'IInsVIay+,
{Hl.} 'IInsVIay+ id. > Slq Tz {KKIH} qisqa, Slq Kt qcsaqa id., Slq Tm {KD} qssqascy id., 'moon', Kms {KD} Iu'nscy,
Isnscy, IInigcy, Koyb {Klp.} Iynzy-gci, Mt {Hl.} 'IiniIEy id. (Mt T {Klp.} Iinsi-Ii, {Mll.} IinschiI-i, Mt K {Mll.}
IinschiI-ci, {Pl.} gindzschiIi, Mt M {Sp.} inn(nicn, {Mll.} IinschiIci) UEW 21O-1, Coll. 15, Sm. 537 (U, FU 'Iunsa, FP
'Iunsa, Ugr 'Iunca, Sm 'IInsV 'star'), MF 3O7, Ht. #299, LG 126, Lt. 41-2, Jn. UK 263, Cs. 285, KD 35, Sp. SJM 72, Hl. M
#489 ll A ({S} I`osi): Tg 'xosi-Ita 'star' > Nn Nh _osaqta - _ostaqta - _ostqta, Orc xosaqta, Ul _ostta - _osta, Ork
vastqta, Ud {Krm.} vahiIta, Ewk osiIta, Sln osiIta - ositta, Lm ostqat, WrMc usi_a, Jrc {Kiy.} osi_a, {Md.} hosi_a
STM II 27, Krm. 219, Bz. 23, S AJ 1O4 [#119], Kiy. 97 [#O12], Md. ChF 134 S AJ 292 [#417], DQA #1155 (A 'I`ucV 'a kind
of star'; incl. Tg) ^ AD MR 263, Sin. USN 392-3 ^ It is not yet clear which of the variants of the stem (that with 'K- or that with
'Ig-) is the original one. If it is 'KunV, the IE initial 'gj",- (most probably 'g-) is due to the IE root structure rejection of
''tcg"-roots (vl. + asp. vd. cns. in the same v).
11O1. 'K'uvaqi 'blood vessel (with blood), blood' or sim. > HS: S 'IVnjV,- > Ar qan- (pl. qunu-) 'membrane qui
entoure le cur; racine' ?? WCh: pNrBc {Sk.} 'taI"an- 'bleeding, cupping blood' > Dir, Sir taI"ana, Mbr taI"an, My taI"am
Sk. NB 13, S 25O [#34] In all probability, NrBc 'taI"an- 'II"n 'blood, bleed' ll A 'I`uvaqV 'blood, blood vessel' > M
'qana- 'open a vein, bleed (an animal, a person)' > WrM {Kow., MED, Gl.} qana-, HlM, Brt xana- id., Kl {Rm.} _an
-_o 'zu Ader
lassen', {KRS} xani(x _an+-gd+-_+ 'to open a vein (nyciar" ipon")', MM [S] tcmcvcn o cisun qana-qu 'to open a camels
vein in order to collect blood' KW 166, Kow. 719, MED 927, Gl. I 68, H 59, KRS 575 pT {Md.} 'I`i_an 'blood' ({tAD}: <
''I`Ean < 'I`a:n) > NaT 'I`an > OT, MQp qan, [CC] qan, OT U, Chg, XwT qan, Tk Ian, Tkm gan, XT, Xlj {DT} qan, Slr
{Tn.} qan " qan, Tk Ian, Az gan, Ggz Ian, ET, Ln, SY, Qmq, Blq, VTt, Bsh, Qzq, Nog, Qq, Qrg, Alt qan, Uz qon, Xk, Tv _an, Tf
qon, Yk _an || Blgh {Erd.} xi_an, Chv L nn |un id. NaT 'Kana- > OT qana- v. 'bleed (a patient, animal)' Cl. 629-3O, 634, Rs.
W 23O, ET KQ 251, Ra. 217, Dr. TM III 36O-1, Md. 111-2, 169, Erd. 81, 115, 123, 152-3, 163 Jeg. 349, Fed. II 486, DT 173 Tg
'xuqi- v. 'flow' (of blood) > Ewk Sx/Urm uqi- id.; 'xuqi, 'xuqi-Ita 'blood vessel' > Ewk Vl/Y uqi id., Ek uqiIta, Neg
oqta - oqtIta, Lm tqt+, Nn Nh/B _oqgtqta, Nn KU _oqgtaqta, Ul _oqgtqta _oqgoqta, Ork _tmtqta, Ud
umaIta, umuIta id. STM II 278 KW 166 (M, T), S AJ 261 [#151], S VL 198-9 (pA 'I`uaqV > T, Tg), Cl. 634 (M qana- A
T), STM97 (A'I`oqa > T, Tg), DQA #1O68 (A 'I`i_ano 'blood, blood vessel' > T, Tg) ll D 'Iun`- ({GS} 'I-) 'root, tuber' >
Png Iun`i id., Knd Iun`i, Mnd Iuni 'tuber', Kui Iuna 'tuberous root', Ku Iunna 'yam, potatoes', Iuna Iuca 'radish' D #1683
The meaning 'vein, sinew' is often transferred to roots, because both veins\sinews and roots were used as ropes and bonds ^ D '-n`- is
a reg. reflex of both 'n` and a palatal(ized) nasal. A palatal nasal ('-n-) is ruled out by the T reflex ('-n- would have yielded T
'-n-). The remaining option is to postulate a palatal vw. ('-i, confirmed by the Tg reflex) that followed the nasal cns. (at the pre-D
level) and palatalized it. By that time the N lr. (between the nasal and '-i) must have been lost, which is probable if it had been
' (rather than a stronger 'y). Tg '-q- suggests N '-q-. The length of the T vw. is due to the contraction of the A '-uva- ^ Gr. II
#45 ('Icm 'blood', incl. A, EA + unc. Sm 'Icm 'blood', Yk ccmc id., actually from N 'I'amV 'blood').
11O2. 'KoqcE ' part of leg' > K: G Ianc-i 'shin, shank' ('Unterschenkel', {DCh} 'ioncn"') Chx. 549, DCh. 593 ll A
'I`oqcj`,V > NaT 'I`onji,c '( part of) leg, boot-leg, leg of trousers' > MQp [CC] qonc 'gamba', = ( part of) leg', Tkm gonc
'boot-leg, leg of trousers', Tk Ionc, Az g_un, VTt qun+s, Qzq, Qq, Nog qonis, Tbl {Rl.}, Tb qonic, Qrg qonc, Alt qonic,
{Rl.} qonc, Uz qun, ET qon, Qmq _onc 'boot-leg', Tv _oncu, Tf honu 'leg of trousers' ET Q 57-8, Grn. 199 T: [1]
'xoqsV (or 'xoNsV?) 'shank, shin' > Orc uqsi, uqsui, Ul _oqsa, Nn Nh _oqsoa, Nn KU omsoqa', omsoqua, Ewk PT uqnuIi,
umuIi, Ewk Tt umoIi, Neg oqntxt, Ud usqIu " uinIi - usqIi id. '-s- may be due to the infl. of a different root [2] Tg
'xuncn 'elbow' [ N 'Iun`uia 'a joint in a limb (knee, elbow); to bend in a joint'?] > Nn xuycs, Orc io(n-), Ud X/I/Sm
{Krm.} iso, Ud K {Krm.} iso, Ul unca(n-), Ork ui_ts, Ewk, Neg isn, Sln ins, Lm i_csn STM I 336, Krm. 239
DQA #11O3 [incl. T, Tg].
11O3. 'IE'qcV (- 'IEncV?) 'gravel, pebble(s), coarse sand' > HS: S 'Iass- > Ar 8wQa qaoo- 'sand and
pebbles', qaoo-at- 'pebbles', Ar Y {Slw.} qadad 'eine als Mrtel verwendete Mischung aus roter Erde und Kalk', OYmn {Slw.}
?5Q qoo D ({Slw.} qaddada) 'zementieren' or 'bewerfen' BK II 758-9, Slw. 18O-1 B 'Ivz - 'Izz - 'yzz 'coarse
sand' [ N ''I'us?V 'gravel, (coarse) sand'], q.v. ffd.]) C: Ag: Bln {R} Iusa (pl. Ius), {Fl.} qus 'sand' ( N
''I'us?V '') AD SF 88 Om 'IaNc- 'sand' > NrOm: Kf {C} Iacino, Mch {Fl.} Iac-o, Bnc {Wdk.} Iamc, She
{Beke} Iac, Gmr (= She?) {Fl. AGC} Iac, Malo {Fl.} Iacc, Nao {Fl.} Iasa || SOm: Gll {Fl.} Iac 'sand' Blz. OL #1O1,
C SE IV 484, Fl. AGC 617, Wdk. BY 1O6, AD SF 88 WCh: Ngz {Sch.} Iacar. 'small stone, piece of gravel' Sch. DN 9O ll
IE: NaIE 'gci_s- 'pebble, small stone' ( N ''I'us?V '', q.v. ffd.) ll K: G Icnc-i 'a pebble, small stone' Chx. 568 [ll U: FU
{Coll.} 'IacV, {UEW} 'IXcV 'sand, gravel' > Prm 'gu'a 'gravel' > Vt iii, ii-'grain of sand', Z Isza, Yz 'Iu'za 'gravel' ||
pOs 'IIc id. > Os: V/Ty qIc, Kz/Sn _Is, O -_is Coll. 8O, UEW 226, LG 139, Stn. D 429 ]ll ?? A 'I`VqCV > ''I`VqnV
(progr. as ) > Tg 'xoqnV 'sand' > Ewk ontq 'sand, dust', Orc onoIto 'mud (?)' ('ip) :"'), Ud onoIto 'sand', Ork _oqnoxt 'grain of
sand', _oqoIto 'sand' STM II 2O ^ The original affricate may have been [either] 'c (if the G word is a loan from Zan, which
presupposes a pK rec. 'IVnc`- [and if there is a way to explain FU 'c]) [or 'c [in this case ? o in Ar qaoo- and IE -s- (rather
than '-t"-) remain unexplained]. An ad hoc explanation: the N v was 'IE'qcV with as in the prehistory of K and U:
'IE'qccV > 'IEn`cV > K 'Icnc- and U 'IXcV]. The cns. 'n`q changed to m in Bnc, to 'n in K (as 'qC > 'nC) and
disappeared in most other descendant lgs. ('Vn`qc > 'Vc > 'VC). In the prehistory of IE the original cluster '-'qc- changed
into '-nc- (regr. as ) > '-i_s- ('n > IE 'i_ regularly). The cause of the de-emphatization in pre-IE ('I- > 'I- [> IE 'g]) or the
voicing in IE (''I- > 'g-) is still not clear.
11O4. 'KaviqgV 'shoulder joint, armpit' > U 'IaviqV-allV [lit. 'under the shoulder-joint', with 'allV 'under'] 'armpit' > FU:
F Iainalo, Es Iacnal, Vp Iai_mol 'armpit', Es ? Iangla, Iangcl, Ianglc 'shoulder-joint (Achsel)' | pLp {Lr.} 'Iayqcl(c) 'armpit'
> Lp: S {Hs.} gaa|n|clc, Vfs {Lgc.} g_a'i_qcls, Ar {Lr.} Iai_qgi_cl, Nt {TI} Ia'i_ncld_oI, Kld Iaiqcl_, T Ia'i_qcl_ id. |
Er Iaval-alIs, Iaval-al id. (alIs, al 'being under [sth.]') | Chr: L io` na Ioq'la 'armpit gore in a shirt', H io` ina Ioq+la, B Ioqla,
L/Uf io` nanixan Ioqlay+'mal 'armpit' (yomal 'being under [sth.]') | pPrm 'Ionul ({LG} 'Ionul) > Z LV/Ud Iunuv, Z P/MS
IInul, Prmk Ionuvt, Yz 'Iunul, Vt iynyn Iunul 'armpit', Z iynno-c Iunl-ss, Z LV Iunul-ss 'armpit gore in a shirt' || ObU: pVg
{Ht.} 'IalnV-'Ianol 'armpit' > Vg: T Ialna, LK xanol, MK/UK Ianol, P/NV Ianol, UL/Ss xanol id.; pOs 'Iuqon - 'Iunoq
(as from ''Iuqol - ''Iuloq?) 'armpit' (within cds ) > Os: Nz _uqon, Kz _uqon, V/Vy/Ty/Y qunoq, D _onoq, K _anoq, O
_onom | OHg holna, holnya 'shoulder-joint (Achsel), armpit', Hg ? holn- (+ppa.), hony, hany, Hg hon, hon-al| 'armpit' Sm
{Jn.} 'Ial+q 'armpit' > Ne: T c nt, T O {Lh.} sa'l?o, F {Lh.} sc_a'l " sc_a'lq?o; Ng {Cs.} Ialiq, {Mik.} Iali; En X
{Cs.} scli?, En B {Cs.} scri; Slq Tz {KKIH} qolIn, Slq LTz {KD} qalon, Slq Tm {KD} q`ali, Kms {KD} q`aloq,
_aloq UEW 178, 645, SK 142, ZM 17O, Lr. #339, Lgc. #1886, Hs. 511, TI 81, KMS 136, MRS 22O, Ep. 46, LG 146, SZ 18O,
187, Ht. #282, EWU 573, Jn. 63, KKIH 164, ? Sm. 543 (FU, FP 'Ioni 'armpit', Ugr 'Ioni-) ll A {ADb.} 'I`aviqjV, 'armpit' > T
{ADb.} 'I`oyn 'bosom, armpit' > OT qoyin - qoyun - qoy, MQp, Qmq, Qrg qoyun, Ggz Ioynu, Nog, Qzq, Qq, Alt qoyin, VTt
iycn quy+n, Bsh quy+n, Xk _oyin, Uz quyin, Tf hoy 'bosom', MU qoy, qoyun 'bosom, bosom of garment', Chg qoy(u)n,
OOsm qoyun 'breast, bosom, armpit', Tk Ioyun 'bosom, breast, pocket', Az goyun, ET qoyun, Ln qoyun, qoyin, qoyni, Xlj qon
'bosom, an embrace', Tkm goyun 'an embrace', Tv _oy 'bosom, breast', Yk {Pek.} _oy, _oin 'armpit, bosom' || Chv xiv - xu
'bosom' Cl. 631, ADb. SR 158-9, ET Q 26-7, Rs. W 28O, Jeg. 297, Fed. II 34O, Ra. 189, Pek. 3439-4O, JkR 499, DT 178 Tg
'xavVqi 'armpit' > Nn _avaqi - _avani, Ul _ava(n-), Orc _avani, Sln ovoni - ooni, Neg ooni 'armpit', Ewk
ooni " ovoni " svsni, Lm ont " avnt " ovnt, WrMc oyo - o_o id., 'bosom' STM II 6 ADb. SR-D 449, 454-5 ll D {IS}
'IavuqIV 'armpit' ({GS} 'I-) > Kn IavuqIur, IaqIur(a), IoqIur, IoqIar(a), Tm IamuIIattu (with ass. nasalization '-v- >
-m-), Td IomIvIr`, Tu IaqIula, Prj IavIor, IavIod, Gnd IaIri, IaIr`iq 'armpit' (IaI- due to the infl. of Knd/Mrt IaI"),
Kdg IavqIi 'vital spot', Tl Iaun'gili 'bosom, breat, an embrace', Prj Iavqgil, Iauqgil, Gnd Ialgil 'lap' D #1234 ll ??? HS: Ch:
CCh: Dgh {Frk.} IvaIvsc` 'armpit' || ECh: Mb {J} Iugi, pl. IayaI id. ChC ^ IS I 344-6 ('Kavingn 'armpit'; U, A, D).
Gr. II #14 ('Ion 'armpit').
11O5. ? 'KaqKajhV, 'shell' > IE: NaIE 'IonI"o- - 'IoI"o- 'conch, shell' > OI san''Iha- 'conch' || Gk ko_, ko_o)
'mussel, anything like a mussel-shell', ko_o) 'shell-fish with a spiral shell (murex), land snail', ko_io) 'snail with a spiral shell' ||
Ltv ? {ME} scncc - zcncc ' Muschel' P 614, M K III 29O-1 (hyp.: the lexeme is a Wanderwort), M E II 6O4, F I 889-9O, ME III
816 & IV 713, EI 512 ['IonIho-s 'musssel(-shell)'] IE 'I" or 'IH still need explanation (a trace of a N lr.?) ll A {SDM97}
'IaIa, {S, SDM95} 'Ii_aIta, {DQA} 'Ij`,i_aIa 'shell' > Tg 'Ii_aIta (= 'Ii_aI-Ita), 'Ii_aI-iIta conch, shell' > Ewk IcIta,
Orc Ii_aIta 'shell', Nn qa_ta, WrMc qayqari, qayqamari 'conch', Ul qtaqta - IiyaIta - I'aIta 'conch; shell (ciopnyna)',
possibly Ewk hcIi-It ~ IiIi-Ita 'skin' STM I 386-7 pJ {S} 'IaIi 'shell, oyster' > OJ IaIi_i id., J: T IaIi, K IaIi, Kg
IaIi 'oyster' S AJ 272 [#219], S QJ #219, Mr. 434 S AJ 293 [#471], DQA #811 ll D 'IaI-/'IaII- ({GS} 'I-) > Ml IaIIa
'shell, cockle', Tl IaIi cia 'a bivalve shell', Klm IaIc 'shell-fish, shell of snail', Nk IaIi 'shell-fish, snail'; D 1 Sk
IaIini- - IaIini- 'the shell Cypra moneta' D #1423 ll HS: S: Ar qinqin- ' coquillage marin' BK OO 825 Eg XVIII II
' vessel of alabaster', Eg G II.ty '(?) bark', Cpt: Sd kkc IuIc, B kkt IuIi 'skin, bark', ? Eg G II, Cpt Sd/B
kwk- IoI- - kek IoI- v. 'bark' EG V 71, Vc. 74 NrOm: DMa {Fl.} IoIasc, Shn D {Fl.} goIa 'inner bark'; but hardly here
Shn {Lm.} goIa 'dried skin', Kf {C} goIIo 'pelle, pellami', Shk {Lm.} goIIo 'skin', which are loans from C (Sd goga 'skin', Or
{Th., Brl.} goga 'skin, bark', etc.) Fl. OAM 27, Lm. Sh 3O8, C SE IV 442, Gs. 126, Th. 171, Brl. 179 WCh: Tal IsIoq 'bark',
? Ang {Flk.} IuI 'skin' | Klr {J} aI"uI"vcg 'bark' JI II 8 Tk. SCC 91 [#21.2] (Eg, Om, Ch + unc. Irq qavay 'strip of hide'
and Dhl Iavc 'eggshell', cf. N 'qEvV 'bark, crust') ^ Tg 'I- (for the expected Tg 'x- < N 'K-) may be due to as. The IE
palatalization of the guttural stop and D 'a point to a N 'a, which suggests that pA {SDM97} 'a (> Tg 'i_a) may go back to N
11O6. ''Iaa 'to close, cover' > HS: S 'I, as well as +ext. : 'Il and (with deglottalization) 'Ir & 'In: [1]
'I > Ar qff (pf. qaffa) 'se fermer comme un panier'; [2] WS 'Il > Ar qfl v. G , D 'lock (serrer; ramaser et serrer dans un
magasin)', Gz Ifl 'overlay, cover', Mh/Jb/Sq {Jo.} Ifl v. 'close, lock'; [3] 'Ir v. 'cover' > Ar Ifr G id., BHb Ir 'to smear,
to pitch'; [4] WS 'In > Ar Ifn v. G (pf. Iafana) 'cover bread with hit ashes, shroud (a corpse)', Gz Ifn G v. 'cover, veil', Mh,
Jb Ifn 'enshroud (a corpse)' (A Ar?) B 'Iyf > Gd cIcf v. 'hide' Ch: ECh: Ke {Eb.} Iubi 'to cover', Iubi 'cover
(Deckel)' || CCh: ?ZmB {J} Iubo 'to cover', ZmD {KNC} Iubo? ?i` 'close the eyes' || WCh: Ang {Orm.} Iu 'to cover', {Flk.}
Iu 'to close tight, shit up (a fist)' ll K: G Ican-i 'a cover (for covering food)' ll A 'I`aa- > T 'I`a(a)- > Tkm ? ga- v. 'close',
Tk Iaa-, Ggz Iaa-, Kr Cr, Nog qaa- 'close, lock', Chv L xu/b_- id., v. 'hide'; - T 'I`a-gaI, 'I`a-ug 'a cover, lid' > OT
qaaq 'lid, cover, eyelid', MQp, MOg qaaq, Chg qabay/q 'eyelid', OOsm qaaq, Tv qaraq _a|i id. (qaraq is 'eye'), XwT
qabaq id., 'virgins hymen', Tk IaaI, Tkm gaaq, Az gaag, Ggz IaaI, Nog, ET, Ln qaaq, Qrg qaqaq, Qzq, Qq, Alt qaqaq
'a cover, lid', Xk _a_a_, Yk _aa_, ET qaaq id., 'eyelid', Chv _ob_a_ 'eyelid' Cl. 582-3, ET KQ 263-4, TL 212-3 M
'qaya- (< ''qa|a-) > MM [HI] qava- v. 'close (fermer)', WrM qaga-, HlM xaa- v. 'close, surround' Ms. H 85, MED 9O5 Tg:
Nn {Prtd.} xanry 'a cloth for covering the face of a dead person', {On.} _ato 'kerchief covering the head from the chin to the
sinciput; a cloth worn by a clans judge when investigating a case' On. NRS 455, Prtd. s.v. xanry ll ? U: FU (in BF only) 'IaaL-
> F Iaalo, Krl A Iabalo, Krl Ld, Vp Iabal, Es Iaala-voo 'swaddling-band', Vo Iaaloi_tta 'to swaddle, wrap in swaddling-
bands' ll D 'Ia-/'Iav- ({GS} 'I-) v. 'cover' Gr. II #342 ('Iaa 'skin, bark, cover(ing)' [IE, A, Ko, J, Ai + err. U]
11O7. i 'Kaa - 'Kaa 'to seize' ('K- = 'q-?) (with a variant 'Kaba - possibly due to infl. of 'gabV 'hold, seize' and
'Iab?V 'bite') > HS: S 'Ibv > Ar qbv (pf. qaba, ip. -qbu) v. 'hold\take with fingers', 'I- - 'Ib- + ext: CS 'Is >
Ar qfs G 'saisir qun aux cheveux, saisir violamment une chose comme pour larracher', Sr Is v. 'catch with the open mouth',
'Is > Ar qfs v. G 'seize, catch', 'IbO > Ar qbO v. (ip. -qbiOu) 'seize', 'Ibc > Ar qbs (ip. -qbisu) 'take (sth.) with
the ends of the fingers', 'Ibs > Ar 8bQ qbo (qabaoa / -qbiou) 'serrer\fermer la main en contractant les doigts', ps. (pf.
qubioa) 'tre saisi avec la main, tre empoign'; less plausibly WS 'Ibl v. 'receive, accept' (> BHb Ibl D 'accept, receive',
Aram, Sr, Mh, Tgy Ibl [mainly D ] v. 'receive', Ar qbl G id.) which may be alternatively explained as d from S ''Iabil- 'in front
of' KBR 1O61-2, Br. 686, BK II 657-61, 665, 67O, 789, BDB #69O, L G 418-9 Eg P Ifn 'fassen (jems. Hnde)' EG V 32
EC 'Iab- {Ss., Bl.} v. 'catch, have' > Sa {R} Iab-; pSam 'Iab- > Sml qab- {Abr.} v. 'catch hold of, have', {DSI} 'avere, tenere',
Rn {PG} _ab- 'have, possess', _ab-s- 'hold, ta\get hold of; catch, grab'; pBn d 'Iab-sd- ({Hn.} 'qab-sd-) v. 'catch, seize' > Bn K
Iaba?-, Bn Ba gabd-, Bn J obsd-, Bn Bi/Sa/Kj ovd-; Or {Grg.} Iab- 'have, seize', Or H Iab- v. 'have, hold', Or S
Iab--Iav- v. 'have, catch, seize', Kns {BlSO} qa- v. 'catch, have, hold', Gdl {Bl.} Ia- v. 'catch, have'; Dsn {To.} gab 'have',
Arr Iab- v. 'have', 'mate' (of a male animal); Gwd {Ss.} ga-, gc-, Gln {AMS} ga- v. 'catch' Bl. 197, 317, Ss. PEC 14, 48, Hn.
BD 97, Abr. S 196-7, DSI 479, Schlee SSR 133, Sim 16, 26, PG 186, Th. 264-5, Sr. 35O, 352, Grg. 311-2, Ow. 266, BlSO 156, Bl. G
65, Ss. D 216, Hw. A 377, AMS 2OO, To. DL 5O2 ?? NrOm: Kf {C} Ia- v. 'swallow', Mch {L} Iaa v. 'finish, take a
mouthful' L M 47, C SE IV 486 Ch: WCh {Stl.} 'qaf- 'grasp' > P {MSk.} Isfa 'take a handful of', Plc {ChL} gu-tu, Ngz
{Sch.} gafau_, Bd gaf 'grasp', Tng Iobc 'catch a thing', ? Hs i Iaf 'the security of hold'; SBc 'IVb- (mte < 'IVb-) > Dw
Isbiy v. 'seize', Kir Itbyc v. 'seize, hold' ChL, Stl. IF 111 (+ unc. Ang ga 'tongs'), Sch. DN 66 Plc gutu, Ngz gafau_, Bd
gaf may alternatively ( Stl.) belong to N 'gabV '' ll IE: NaIE 'Ia- v. 'seize' > Gk kotte v. 'gulp down', ket 'handle' || pAl
'Iaa (< IE 'Ia-) > Al Ia 'I seize, grasp'; pAl 'Iami (< IE 'Ia-mi) > Iam 'I have' || L caio / -crc / cci / catum v. 'take' ||
OIr cacht 'maid-servant, bondmaid' ( L cata), Brtt ( L catus): W cacth 'slave', MCrn caid 'captivus', Br Icaz 'pauvre
(unglcklich), infortun' || Gmc: Gt haban 'to hold, have', ON hafa, AS habban, OHG, NHG habcn 'to have', NE havc; Gt haf|an,
ON hcf|a, OSx hc'bbian, hc'ffian, OHG hcf|an, hcffan, hcvan, NHG hcbcn, AS hc'bban 'to raise', NE hcavc; Gmc pp. ( L
catus): ON hatr 'Leibeigener', AS hft 'prisoner, captive, slave', Gt hafts 'married' ( pp. 'behaftet'), OHG haft 'hold (gehalten),
tied, caught', NHG -haft (sx. of adjectives: lcbhaft, schmcrzhaft, etc.) || Ltv Iamt (prs. Iam|u) 'to grip, snatch, seize'
(generalization of the nasalized form of prs.) || OI Iaati 'two handfuls' ( N 'IaV 'palm of the hand, sole of the foot') P 527-
8, EI 563, WH I 159-6O, F I 783-4, Vn. C 3, O 167-9, Huld 142, 145, 167, Fs. 229-3O, Ho. 143-4, 153, Ho. S 31-, Kb. 419, OsS 36O,
362, 378, KM 278-8O, 295, Kar. I 375-6, M K I 154 ll ? i U: FU {Sz.} 'Ia- 'grasp, take' > Er iano(cxc 'to grasp, take quickly';
? {Jv.} 'to swallow', Mk 'iano(c- Iaodo- 'to swallow, seize' & ? {Jv.} 'to take sth. into the mouth' ( N 'Iab?X 'to bite') || Vg:
ML/LL/P/K {Mu.} Ihac|i 'umnehmen, schnell anziehen (Schuhe)', N {Mu.} _c'|i - _ac'|i id., 'erwischen' ({Mu.} c' [o])
Sz. 35, KC 89, ERV 233, Jv. 176, PI 1O1-2, MK 1O6-7 F Iaaaa- v. 'take, capture, lay hold of', Es Iacga Iaaa- v. 'seize by
hand' and Hg Ia- v. 'get, receive' are to be kept apart as independent onomatopoeic formations (on the ev. of the etymologically
irreg. phonemes: a in BF [F, Es] and I- in Hg) [I am grateful to Jn. who helped me to analyze the FU data] ll A 'I`a`V- v. 'seize,
hold' > T ''I`a- v. 'grasp, seize' > OT qa-, Tk Ia-, Ggz Ia-, CrTt, Ln, SY qa- id., Az ga- 'snatch, seize', Tkm qa- v. 'catch,
grasp, seize with the teeth, by mouth', ET qa-, Nog qa/b- 'bite', Qq, VTt, Bsh qa-, Tf qa'-, Chv _i- 'seize with the teeth, take
into the mouth, bite', Qzq qab- v. 'grasp, seize with the teeth', Qrg, Alt qa-, Xk _a- id., 'seize', Qmn, Tb qa- v. 'seize, catch', Xlj
qa- 'rob', ? Tv _avir- 'expropriate, raise (taxes), levy (a tribute) Cl. 58O, ET KQ 264-6, Rs. W 218, Ash. XVI 84, S AJ 194
[#211], Hs. 73, TkR 154, KrkR 373, MM 419, TatR 2OO, Jud. 343, BT 72, B DChT 123, B DK 219, BIG 273, Fed. I 38O, DT 174
The meaning 'take into the mouth' is due to contamination with N 'Iab?X 'to bite' M 'qabu-la- v. 'grasp' > WrM {Rs.}
qab(u)la-, {Gl.} qabla- 'catch by hands\mouth', WrO _ablu- - _abla- v. 'seize in the mouth or by hands', Kl xann-x 'catch, seize by
mouth', 'nachjagen und einholen; festnehmen, ergreifen'; ? M 'qabu 'skill (esp. in handling a bow), strength' > MM [HI] qabu- in
qabutan 'bons archers', WrM {MED} qabu ~ qaba, HlM xan 'skill in hunting\handling a bow, etc.', WrM {Kow.} qabu 'exercise,
exercise en tire darc, adresse, agilit', Brt xa6 'strength, might, ability', WrO _aba 'capacity, comfort', _ab ugci 'unskilled, a bad
shot' (lit. 'no _ab'), _abutai, _abatar 'skillful', Kl xan _av+ 'dexterity, marksmanship', 'Geschicklichkeit (z. B. zum Schieen)' ||| qu.
(?): SDM97 adduces M 'Iab- 'pinch, squeeze, grasp' (actually 'qabci- 'to squeeze, pinch' [> WrM qabci- id., etc.] and 'qabsi- 'to
put together' [> WrM qabsi- id.] Gl. II 86, Ms. H 85, MED 9OO, Kow. 756, Chr. 524, KRS 561, KW 173-4, Krg. 236-8, SDM97
15O Tg 'xa-Ii- v. 'strangle, suffocate' > Ewk aIi-, Lm aq+-, Neg aIt- id., Ork aqt - _aqt- - _aqt- id., 'catch by the
throat', Ewk Sm aIi- v. 'strangle, suffocate; to slaughter (a reindeer)' STM I 47 ? pJ 'Ia- 'buy, exchange' > OJ Ia-, J: T
Ia-, K/Kg Ia- id. S AJ 272 [#198], S QJ #198, Mr. 7O6 S AJ 289 [#318] (T, M, Tg, J), DQA #974 (A 'I`a`V 'press, grasp')
ll D (in SD) 'Ia- - 'Iavv- ({GS} 'I-) v. 'seize with mouth' ( N 'Iab?X '') > Tm Iau v. 'gorge, cram into mouth',
Iavvu v. 'seize with the mouth', Kdg Iabb- 'seize with wide-open mouth' (of dogs, tigers, etc.) D #1222 ^ Stl.s WCh rec. 'qof-
(if valid) seems to suggest a N 'qaa ^ IS I 313-4 ('Iaba/Ia'a 'xnarar"': HS, K 'Ib- v. 'bite', IE, U, D, A); IS does not
distinguish between this v, 'Iab?X 'to bite, eat' and 'gabV 'to hold, seize' ^ Gr. II #331 ('Ia 'seize'( [IE, U, A, J + unc. Ko,
11O8. 'Ka'a (- 'KUV???) 'palm of hand, sole of foot; hoof' > HS: S 'Ia- 'palm of the hand' > Hb Fk`2 'Ia (pl.
t&pk`2 Ia'ot), OCn (EgSSc) Ia-a (= 'Iaa), Ug I, JA [Trg.], Sr Ia, em. Ia'-a, Md Iaa, Ar wKa Iaff- 'palm of the
hand', IA {HJ} I id., 'hand', DA {HJ} I 'hand', Mh {Jo.} Iaf (pl. Isfof), Hrs {Jo.} Icf (pl. Isfuf), Jb E/C {Jo.} 'Icf (pl. cI'fof)
'palm of the hand; paw, claw', Gz Iaf 'heel, palm of hand, sole of foot', Ak ( S 'Ia'na- 'wing') Iau 'arm, hand; wing'; Cn 1 Eg
(EgSSc) {Hlk.} Ia-u 'hand' KB 468, HJ 528-9, OLS 221, A #1364, Hoch 318, Js. 657, Br. 339, Sl. P 266, JPS 222, BK II 91O,
Ln. 658, Jo. M 2O4, Jo. H 67, Jo. J 127, CAD VIII 185-9, Sd. 444, Hlk. #249, SivCR 85, MiK I #1.148 WS '_V- 'hoof' > Ar
wXu _uff- 'sabot, pied (de lautruche ou du chameau); plante de pied; bottine', Mh {Jo.} _af (pl. _o'favf) 'hoof, sole of the foot',
Hrs {Jo.} _cf 'paw, hoof', Jb C {Jo.} _af 'hoof' (BK I 598, Jo. M 438, Jo. H 14O, Jo. J 298, MiK I #1.135) Eg P Ib.vy 'soles of
the feet', Eg fP cb.v 'sole of the foot', cb.t, cb.vt id., 'sandal' EC: Sml {ZMO} qob, Sml N {Abr.} qob 'hoof of horse \ donkey
\ cattle'; LEC {Bl.} 'Iaob- 'sandal' > Or {Grg.} Ioc 'sandals, shoe', Or B Iobc?, Or W Ioc?, Sml Iab, Bn Iob, Arr Iob, Gdl
ho-a, Elm Io, Io`-o?, Gwd _oc 'sandal', Gln ho-aIIo (pl. ho-c) '(sole of the) foot, sandal', Rn Iob 'shoe, sandal', Af
Iab-cl, Kns xo-ta (pl. xo-a) 'sandal, footprint', Gdl hof-t 'footprint' Abr. S 2O3, ZMO 331, Bl. 151, 175, 192, Hw. A 374,
AMS 2O2, 264, PG 198 ?? NrOm: Anf {Gt.} Iibbo 'arm (braccio)' Ch: [1] Ch: Hs Iafa 'foot', ? Hs Kc Iafa` 'hoof', Gw
Iaa 'foot, leg'; ? Ang {Flk.} Ia 'sandals' || ? ECh: Kbl , Gabri {AF} Iob-in 'my hand' (-in is 'my'), Nng {AF} Icbung, Drm
{AF} Iobong 'my arm' (-ng or -ung means 'my'), Kaba {AF} Iobi 'arm', Iabi Iasi 'hand' [2] WCh 'Iqof- 'hoof' > Hs Sk
Ivafa, Hs Iofato, Gw Iohoto 'hoof', Ang {Flk.} Ivcb, {OS} I"c, {Stl. IF ?) I"a 'hoof', {Sk.} I"c 'foot of all
hooved animals except horse' || CCh: Lgn {Nc.} Iabc 'hoof', ? Lgn {Lk.} Io_afc, {Mch.} Iofc 'fingernail' ll IE: NaIE 'Ioa- >
Gmc ( N 'KEPVzV 'paw, hoof'?): ON hofr, NNr, Dn, Sw hov, OHG huof, NHG Huf, AS hof 'hoof', NE hoof || Sl
'IoIt-o, -a, -+ 'hoof' ( d from Sl 'Ioa- 'dig'?) > Ch, OR keu:e IoIto, Blg io'nnro, SCr Ioito, Slv Ioito, Cz, Slk, P
Ioyto, R io) niro, Uk ionn) ro || OI Iaati 'two handfuls' ( IE NaIE 'Ia- v. 'seize' < N 'Kaa - 'Kaa id.) Av safa- and
OI saha- 'hoof of a horse' are kept aside (they belong to IE 'IoH- < N 'KEPVzV) ? P 346-7 (IE 'Iao"o- >_ Gmc, OI,
Av), EI 272 ('Io'ho-s 'hoof'), M K I 154, Ho. 168, Kb. 489, OsS 431-2, KM 318, Vr. 247, ESSJ XI 33-8 & Glh. 332 (Sl
'IoIto 'Ioa- and not < IE 'Ioa-), Ma. CS 276 ll ll U: [1] FU (att. in FV) 'Iaa 'paw, foot' > F ? Iaa 'paw'
" Ia()a '(seizing) hand', Krl Iaa 'birds foot', Es Ia (gen. Iaa) 'paw', {W} id., 'hand (of little children)', Lv
Iaa 'foot (of a dog, cat); - BF 'Iaala > F Iaala, Vp Iabal 'paw, foot' || Er icnc Icc, Mk
i nc Iaa 'barefoot' UEW 651-2 ('Iaa 'paw, hand;), SK 26O-1, SSA I 474, W ESS 246, ERV 254 [2] FU 'Iaj,V >
Chr H Ia|al 'heel' ll A: M 'qayira- 'kick with a hind leg' > WrM qaira-, HlM xanpa- v. 'kick forward with a hind leg', Ord _ar-
'kick aside with the hind leg', WrO _aira- 'flail out, kick' (of horses), Kl x` ` p- _ar- v. 'kick with the hind legs' (of cows, bulls and
camels), Brt xanpa- id. (of cows, camels, sheep, goats)' MED 913, Ms. O 346, Krg 253, KRS 587, KW 18O, Chr. 534 pKo {S}
'Iu 'hoof' > MKo Iu, NKo Iu S QK #514, MLC 22O pJ {S} 'Iui-(mi)su 'heel' > OJ Iui_ii_isu, J: T
Iubisu - Iibisu, K Iubisu, Kg Iubisu S QJ #487, Mr. 461 DQA #835 (A 'Ij`,i_au 'Ij`,cau 'hoof, heel') ^ The
cognates with the rounded vw. are hard to explain (infl. of '?). Therefore one may envisage a possibility of reconstructing two
etyma: 'Ka'a 'palm of hand, sole of foot' and 'KUV 'hoof, sole of foot', but they are hard to distinguish (e.g. NaIE 'Ioa-
means 'hoof', but points to a N 'a).
11O9. 'IAPV 'leaf' > K: OG 'Ic-i 'leaf (of a book)' (Jer. 36.23), G 'Ic-i 'leaf (of paper)' ll A 'I`aV... > Tg 'xabda
'leaf (of a plant) > Ewk abdanna, Ewk Tkm avdan, Lm sbdonro" sndsnds, Neg abdana, abdahan, Orc abdasa " abdaha,
_amdata, Ud {Krm.} abdch, Ul _abdata, Ork _amdata, Ul, Nn Nh _abdata, Nn KU abdana, Nn B _aftaqa,
_abtaca - _abca - _aftaca, WrMc abda_a id., Neg abda-xan 'small leaf, flower'; Tg 'jx,aa-qa 'leaf' > WrMc {Z} afa_a 'leaf
(floating on water)', {Z, Hr.} 'sheet of paper', Mc Sb afshs 'leaf', {Mrm.} af_a 'leaf; sheet of paper, paper, Jrc {Kiy.} abuha 'leaf'
STM I 3, 5, Z 26, 56, Hr. 12, Krm. 2O3, Kiy. 1O4 [#119], Y #2137, Klz. MS 93 ll ?? HS: ECh: Kwn {J} Iai` 'leaf', {Blz.?}
Isaq id. ChC, Blz. LECh s.v. 'leaf'.
111O. i 'Kua 'to boil (vi.), swell, bubble' > IE: NaIE 'Icu_- 'to boil, evaporate' > OI 'Iuyati 'is excited, is angry' ( *'is
boiling'), 'Ioa-h 'fury, passion, warth, anger' || Gk [Hs.] kotu), koto) 'breath', Gk kotvo) 'smoke' || OL uaos (< 'Iu_aos),
L vaor 'vapour, steam', L cuio 'I desire, long for' ( *'boil with desire') || OIr {Thr.} ad-cobra (< '-Iurat) 'desires' ( *'boils
with desire'), vb. n. accobor || BSl: [1] Lt Ivaas 'breath, smell', Ivcc'ti 'to smell', Ivc'ti 'to pant, breathe', Ltv Iut 'to
ferment' (of wine), Pru Iusins 'fog'; [2] (with a long vw. 'u): Lt Iuuo-ti 'to pant, breathe with difficulty', Iuc'ti vi. 'to boil',
Ltv Iuc-t 'to smoke, reak, steam' | Sl 'IIc

ti vi. 'to boil' > OCS ku1:u IIcti, Blg in'n , SCr inncrn " Ii|cti, Slv
Iicti, Cz Iycti, Slk Iyict`, P Iiicc, R in'ncr", Uk in'n rn id. NaIE 'Icu_H-/'IvH- (> 'Ivo-) [from 'Icu_- +
sx. '-H-] > Gk Hm kckooto uov 'breathing forth ones life' || Gmc (with anomalous Gmc ' < 'H?): Gt af-la|an 'to
suffocate, extinguish', af-lanan 'to extinguish', MHG vcrvcfcn 'get stale\ropy' (of wine), ON {Fs.} hva 'dropsical flesh', Ic
hva {Bv.} 'flabby flesh\muscle' P 596-7, M K I 23O, F I 781-2, WH II 732-3, Thr. 227, Frn. 313, 325, En. 199, Tp. P K-L 296-
3OO, ESSJ XIII 265, Glh. 318, Fs. 7, Lx. 285, Bv. 319, EUC 529 ['I"h_vc- or 'Ijv,uh_- 'smoke, seethe'] ll A: T 'I`o(V)-
v. 'swell, foam, boil over' ('I`- on the ev. of the Og lgs.) > MQp ]CC] Iob-, Osm XVI Io- 'swell', MQp XV Io- 'boil over', Az,
Blq, ET, Xk, Yk Io-, Qmq go-, Nog Iob-, VTt Iub- (1 Chv iyn- Iub_-), Bsh i6c- Iubi-, Qq Ic- 'swell, be blown
up', Alt/Tlt/QK/K {Rl.} Io- 'swell (anschwellen)', Shor Io- v. 'foam, ferment (schumen, suern, sauer werden'), Qrg
Io-mo 'swollen'; - T 'I`oiI 'foam, froth' > OT IouI, Tk IouI, Qzq i' 6 i IobiI id., Az i' ni IouI, Chg,
OXwT, OQp, Ggz, Tkm, ET IouI, Qmq gobuI, Qq, Nog IobiI, VTt, Bsh i6ci IubiI, Qrg IobuI, Xk io-6 i
IobtI, Tv Io|uI, Tf {ET} Io''u'I, Chv iaAnaAi I+b_+I 'foam', SY {Ml.} IcviI - IivcI 'foam (in camels mouth)' Cl.
687, 689, ET KQ 1O9-11, Rs. W 291, Bu. II 143, Rl. II 131O-1, Hs. 174, GRMS 287, Jud. 413, 426, Jeg. 1OO, 124, Fed. I 255-6,
323-4 ll ?? U: FU: Lp T {TI} IIovva- 'boil up, foam (up)' (p. 3s IIovai, 1p IIvvvn) and possibly vt. 'cook' {SK}: Lp T IItc-o,
Kld Ii]tc-o, Nt I'c]ttc-d_ TI 127, SK 178, UEW 143-4, Coll. 23 IS I 364 suggests adducing words of other branches of
Uralic that have no traces of ' (F Icittaa, etc.), but this is too speculative to be accepted, the more so that they have been
explained by UEW as going back to U 'Icyc- vi. 'to boil, be cooked, be ready [of cooked food], ripen' (UEW 143-4) ll HS: B
'Iff - 'Ify > ETwl uIof, Ty oIof 'se gonfler, tre gonfl' (both < B 'vIf with a HS md.-ps. px. 'v-), Zng {IS ?} uIfcy v.
'boil', {Bs.} If'v (aIuffo, aor. yaIuffo) v. 'foam', u-Ifuc 'bullition', ? i Kb mmofIof 'faire un bruit deau qui court en
bouillonant' B 'IfH -' Ifs (partially i) 'foam, saliva' ( N 'Io'qV 'mucus, slime' 'saliva' [q.v. ffd.]) GhA 89, Fc. 754-5,
MT 327, Dlh. Ou 14O-1, Rn. 341, Dl. 395-6, 399, Lf. II #O736, Bs. MS I 231 ^ IS I 363-5 [#24O] ('Kua in IE, T, M, Zng Ify,
Lp T IItc-). Cp. N 'K'uV 'bubble, pustule, blister' (belongs here as a sd ?) ^ The front vw. in T may be due to vw. harmony.
1111. 'IuE (or 'IuV) 'to bend (a joint of the limbs: elbow, etc.)', 'elbow' > HS: S 'Iy - 'Iy - '-Iu- - 'I:
'Iy 'elbow' > Mh ssf'fay (pl. ssfof), Hrs 'soffi - ssf'fsy, Jb E 'sc'fcf, Jb C 's`c'fcf 'elbow'; 'Iy v. 'bend (a knee),
bow' > Sr Iy (pf. 'fa Io'a) id.; S '-Iu- > Ak StB Iau v. 'bend (?)', JA {Js.} Fvk Iv id. (act. prtc. Fia51
Ia?i - Fi%1 Iayi - Fj4 Iayc), Sr Iv id. (pf. Fo Ia 'flexit'), 'powa Iav'a 'flexio'; CS 'I ( N 'IibV
'hump, bent') > BHb I G (pf. Ff21 Ia'a) v. 'bend, bow down', JEA {Sl.} I G vt. 'bend, overcome', Sr I (pf. Fa
Ia) v. 'bow, bend (a knee)', JA I (pf. Ff26 Io'a - Fif46 Io'c) v. 'bend, curve', Ak I 'bend', Sr Ioi'-a 'hump',
JA, Sr afk 'p Ivy v. 'bow', ? Htr I? ' architerctural form (vaulted room?)', ? Ar Iff 'wrap (the foot) in a rag' KBR 484-5,
Jo. M 398, Jo. H 126, Jo. J 268, Br. 323, 339-4O, CAD VIII 192, Js. 623-4, 661, Sl. 596-7. HJ 531, BK II 9O9 Eg fP Ifn '[Arme
(in Demut)] beugen' EG V 32 Ch {Stl.} 'gufi- 'knee' > WCh: Hs g"iva | Ngz {Sch.} Iufu | ? Buli {Sh.} gafin || CCh:
ZmD {Srp} giffi, Msm guf || ECh {J}: Mgm gii, EDng gio, Bdy gcc, | Jg giqo, Brg gifi, Mu gi (pl. gobub) | Smr {J}
gubc, Tmk {Cp.} gu`b, Nd D {J} gu`b Stl. IF 164-5, JI I 1O6 ('gV- < Ch 'gr 'knee') & II 214-5 ll IE: NaIE
'IIcu_b- 'sich im Gelenk biegen' > Gk ku|o) 'hollow above the hips of cattle', [Rh.] 'knucklebone' 'a dice' (1 L cubus id.), Gk
[Poll.] ku|eov 'elbow' || L cubitus 'elbow' || Gmc ( N 'Iujy,tjV,PV 'shoulder', q.v. ffd.) P 589-9O, Mn. 579, WH I 297-8, F
II 39-4O, Fs. 277-8, Ho. 184, Kb. 484, OsS 428, KM 319 ll A: M 'Iouburc- v. 'bend' ( N 'IibV 'hump, bent') > WrM
Ioburc-, HlM xnpyx v. 'bend, bow down, incline' MED 477 pKo {S} 'Io-, 'Iu- 'be bent' > MKo Io-, Iu-, NKo
Io-, Iu- S QK #1O66, Nam 52, 63, MLC 163, 22O DQA #883 (incl. M, Ko).
1112. 'K'uV, -lV 'bubble, pustule, blister' > U: [1] FU 'IuV 'abscess, tumour' > F Iua 'bubble, blister, tumour', Es
Iu 'bump, boss', {W} 'Blase, kleine Beule, Knopf; Buckel' | Mk iona Ioa 'boil, furuncle (Geschwr, Beule), Er {W} Ioa
'Beule; Schamgegend' || Hg ? huolyag, hu()alag, huo|ag 'pustule, water-bubble on the skin, furuncle-like tumour; swelling (on
a tree, etc.)' [2] FU 'Iuc(-nn`a) 'fish-sound, swimming-bladder' > F Iuinas, Krl Iuino id. | Lp: I Io`an, Pa Io:vn id.
(A Krl?) || Vg: T Iaon, LK xul-xoon, P Iul-Ioon, Ss xul-xona id. (xul, Iul 'fish') [3] FU 'Iu'la 'bubble, foam
bubble' > F Iula 'water bubble, fish-sound, swelling, tumour', Es Iubcl, {W.} Iubl 'bubble, blister, wheal' | pLp {Lr.} 'Iolc
'bubble, fish-sound' > Lp: Kld {TI} Io,:lvs, Nt {TI} Io]o_lvs id., N {Fri.} goblo, Vfs {Lgc.} g_oboluo 'lung' | Chr L
iynin Iuv+l, Uf Iuv+l, H I+v+l 'water-bubble' || ObU: ? Os: K _omol 'bubble, pustule, wheal, corn (on the foot)', V qomloq,
D _omolso_, Nz _omlaso_ 'fish-sound' (so_ 'fell'), Vy ycqIi qomloq 'water-bubble, wheal', K _omlo_int- 'to produce
water-bubbles' (of burnes skin); Os m is irreg. | Hg holyag, ? ho|ig, ho|og, holag, hovlag, holag 'bubble, urinal bladder, water-
bubble', (?) 'fish-sound' UEW 212-4, Lr. #457, Hs. 539, W EDW 413, PI 125, TI 148, MRS 236 ll D (in SD) i 'Io-, IoVl-
({GS} 'gobb- - [?] 'Io-) 'bubble; pustule, blister' > Tm Ioalam, Ioul, Ioulam id., Ioali, Iouli v. 'blister, rise
in bubbles (as water)', Iour 'pustule, blister', Ml Ioul 'bubble, pustule', Kn Iualisu 'to blister', Kn T gobbc, Tu gobbuli
'bubble' D #21O6 ll A 'I`'UbV(IV) - 'I`abV > T 'Ij`,abuI 'bladder' > OT {Cl.} qavuq - qayuq, OQp XIV, Chg =XV qavuq,
OOsm =XIV qavuq, Tk IavuI, Tkm, Az govug, Uz ony qovuq, Qzq, Qq, Nog quviq, VTt quv+q, Bsh q+v+q, Xk _o_, Yk
_aba_ id., Osm {Rl.} qaviq 'hollow object' Cl. 583, ET KQ 174, Rl. II 467-8 M 'qu|qanag 'scrotum of animals' > WrM
quqanag, HlM xyyxnai, Brt xyyxanai MED 993, Kow. 875, Gl. 147, Chr. 6O7 Tg 'xa- 'fish bladder' > Ewk ay, Ul _aa
(1 Neg L xat), Neg U at, ? Ewk Iaata id. STM I 11, 376 DQA #1O49 (A 'I`i_oba(IV) 'I`i_abu(IV) 'bladder,
scrotum') The vw. 'a in T and Tg is puzzling (infl. of a different root?) ^ Is it connected with N 'Kua 'to boil (vi.), swell,
1113. 'IuPV 'heap, hill; cone, protuberance' > HS: S: [1] 'Iu- > Ar quff- 'hill, a height (terrain ou pays plus lv que
les entours); back (dos, dessus dune ch.)'; [2] WS (or CS?) 'Iu- - 'Ii- > MHb ep15, ep1i5 Ii'a 'heap, pile', Ar Iuf-at-
'mound of sand' SC: Kz {E} Iicto 'anthill' E K 12 ll IE: NaIE 'Iou_o- 'pile, heap, hill, mountain' > OPrs Iaufa-, ClNPrs
vK Ioh, NPrs vK Iuh 'mountain', NPrs 'EvK Iuhon 'camels\yaks hump', Av Iaofa- 'mountain, camels hump' || pAl {O}
'Iua > Al qii 'stack' || OSx huvil 'hill, hillock', OHG hubil 'hill', NHG Hubcl 'hillock'; NNr hov 'a height, small hill' || Lt
Iauas - Iauas 'heap, pile', Iustas 'hill' | Sl: [1] 'Iu+ > OCS ku+ Iu+, Blg iyn, SCr Iu`, Slv Iu 'heap', Cz Iu id.,
'multitude'; [2] 'Iua > OR, RChS kuo Iua, Cz, P Iua, R ?, Uk ) iyna 'heap', SCr Iu`a 'heap, cone', Blg iy) na 'heap, pile,
stack' P 591-2, Brtl. 431-2, Ho. 168, Ho. S 38, Kb. 484, OsS 427, KM 318, O 361, Frn. 23, StSS 299, ESSJ XIII 1O7-8, 114-5 ll K
'Io- > G Io-i 'bump\lump (on ones head)', Sv {Ni.} Ivc id., ? Sv UB {GP} Ivc 'button of clothing' ll A: NaT 'Io
'I`o 'multitude, many' ( N 'Io?bE 'to fill; whole' [q.v. ffd.]) ll D: [1] {tr.} 'Iu- 'heap, hill', {GS} 'Iu- 'heap' > Tm
Iuam 'multitude, heap', Ml Iua 'heap (of dirt\refuse)'. Kt Ii 'heap of weeds\rubbish', Td Ii 'rubbish', Tl Iua 'heap, pile', Kn
Iuc, guc id., 'dung-hill', Kdg Iui 'droppin of dung', Tu Iu, gu 'heap', Prj Iua 'stack, mound', Ioa 'small
hillock', Gdb Iua, Mnd Iua 'heap', Gnd Ioc 'hill', Knd Iua 'heap of grain', Png Iua 'heap, stock', Kui Iua 'hillock', Kw
Iua 'mound', Iua 'stock', Mlt qoc 'hep, pile' [2] 'Iu- ({GS} 'gubb-) 'knob, protuberance' > Kn gubbi id., Iuu,
guu 'an abnormal globular excrescence of the body', Ml Iui 'brass knob on tip of bullocks horn', Tu gubbi, gubb 'stud, knob,
button', Tl gubba 'knob, protuberance, womans breat', Knd Ioaram hump of bullock', Mlt gucr` 'hump of ox' D ##1731, 1743
ll ?? U: FU (att. in BF) 'Iau 'cone (of conifers)' > F Iay, Es Iabi id. SK 261, SSA II 475.
1114. 'KuPV 'box, basket' > HS: S 'Iu(-at)- > Ak Iu-u(m) 'box' ('Kasten'), MHb ep1uq Iu'a 'basket, box' ('Korb'),
etc. Ch: ECh: Mkl {J} Io 'bote' ll ? K: G Iubo 'coffin' (here, unless a loanword) ll IE: NaIE 'Iou_-/'Iu- 'vessel' [ N
'qUb'E 'basket' ( 'vessel')] > Gk kutcov 'a big-bellied drinking vessel, beaker, gublet', kuto) ' a measure of corn' || L
cua 'cusk' or 'butt', L [], VL cua 'cup, beaker' > Rum cua, Fr couc, Sp, Prt, Ctl coa id., 1 OHG Iof " chof 'head,
mug, bowl, NHG Kof 'head', AS cuc 'cup', NE cu || Pls (?) 1 Gk koo) {LS} 'basket-load', koivo) 'basket' 1 L cohinus
'basket, hamper' > It cofano, Sp cucvano id., OFr, Fr coffin id., 'coffin' (1 NE coffin), Fr coffrc 1 NHG Koffcr || ? Gmc: ON
hufr 'hull of a ship', NLG Wph huvc, AS hyf 'beehive', NE hivc Long 'u in some lgs. may be due to the heritage of
'qUb'E P 591,WH I 31O-1, Wn. P 1O3, F I 936-7 & II 51-2, ML ##22O7, 24O9, Vr. 265, Kb. 555, Ho. 63, 183, EUC 444 (?
'IuH- 'water vessel') ll A 'Ij`,oPV: M 'qobdu > MM [MA] qobdu 'quiver', WrO {Krg.} _obdo 'quiver, case', WrM qobdu,
HlM xon(, Kl xon(, {Rm.} _obda 'case, long and narrow box; quiver', Ord _ob_d_o 'coffin', Brt xo6ro 'box, trunk (coffre)' [ N
'qUb'E '' N 'Iomji,dE ' basket, vessel'] MED 949-5O, KRS 592, KW 191 Tg 'xobu-r / 'xcbu-r 'coffin' > Nn Nh
xsur, Nn KU xsvur, Ud xsu (A STg), Ul xsuli, WrMc _obo, xobor(gon), Mc Sb (hovo) [xov] 'coffin' STM I 464, 467, Y #752
pKo {S} 'IobVr 'coffin, box' > MKo Ior S QK #1O35, Nam 54 pJ {S} 'Iju_,i 'coffin' > OJ Ii_i S QJ #1329, Mr. 449
NaT 'Iobur - 'Iabur > Chg {Rs.} qobur 'Gef, Etui', K {Rl.} qoyur 'coffin'; OT [MhK] {Rs.} qabircaq, {Cl.} qabircaq
'box, coffin', OQp XIV qaburcaq 'box, casket', Chg {Rs.} qoburcaq 'kleine Bchse' Rs. W 235, 274, Rl. II 518, Cl. 586-7 DQA
#1O72 'I`i_ubu 'box, coffin' (A 'I`i_ubu 'box, coffin' with unjustified 'i_), Lee CSMK 112 (Ko, Tg).
1115. 'KuV 'trunk, log' > HS: Ch: ECh: Ke {Eb.} Isaq 'tree', Mgm {JA} Iuc '() tree' ChC, Eb. 68 ? S 'gub-
> Sr gub, cs. gu'b-a 'beam, joist, plank' JPS 62, Br. 1OO ll ? U: FU 'I'o'E 'log, boat' > Vt iiniIII 'log (iono(a)'
|| pObU {Ht.} 'IIV 'boat (Kahn)' > pVg {Ht.} 'IIV > OVg: S ChusO Iacba, S VT/Kg ia6a, S SSs Iahbc, W P ian, E TM
Ia, Tb iin, N SoG cha, N SoO xa`a6; Vg: T Ia, MK/OK/P/NV/SV/LL/ML Is, LK/UL/Ss xa id.; pOs {Ht.} 'Ia id.
> Os: K _o, Nz/Kz _o, O _a Coll. 93, U3S 244, Ht. #3O2 ll A: [1] 'Ij`,oPV 'trunk, log, trough, box' > M 'qobu'ya > WrM
qobuga, HlM xonoo 'trough, well bucket', Kl xona _ov, {Rm.} _ova 'well bucket of leather' (1 T: Tkm qova, etc.; ffd. see ET
Q 12-3) ?? AdS of T: > Tk govdc, Az govda 'trunk (of a tree\body)' (< N 'gc?UV 'body') ET VGD 52-3, Cl. 688 [2]
'I`o`ErV 'bridge' > M 'Ioyurgc 'bridge' > MM [HI] Icvurgc, WrM Iogcrgc(n) - Iogurgc, HlM x' ' p' i, Ord I`orgo,
Brt xpiy, Mnr H {SM} I`org_uo, {T} Iolgo id., ?? Kl {Rm.} gur '(small) bridge' Ms. H 71, MED 48O, SM 2O5, T 34O,
KW 14O, Chr. 634, Cl. 69O (M A T 'Iorug) T 'Iour, -ug 'bridge' > [a] QrB, Kr Cr Iour, Tk ?
Iour - Iocr " Iucr, Qzq, Qq, Nog Ioir, VTt, Bsh Iuir, Slr Iomur, Chv Iob_cr; [2] OT {Cl.} Iorug, MQp XIII
Iori, XIV [incl. CC] Ioru, XwT XIV Ioru(g), Chg =XV, ET IoruI, Uz IuriI, ET IovruI, Tv I'vuru, Tv
NW xovurug, Tf I'rig - Ic'rig, Tk Ioru, Tkm Iori, Az Ioru 'bridge' Cl. 69O, ET KQ 112-3 Tg 'xuuru
bridge, rift (in a river)' > Jrc hufurun 'bridge', Nn B xurfu, Ewk oran 'rift in a river (nopoi, ncpciar) = Stromschwelle' STM I
479 & II 23, Dr. TM 136 [#561] ?? pJ 'Iaara 'shallow sandy place in a river or on its bank' > OJ Iaara, J: T Iavara, K
Iavara, Kg Iavara S QJ #1372, Mr. 446 DQA #1125 [A 'I`o`ira 'rift (in a river), bridge': T, M 'Ioyurgc, Tg, J], ?
Rm. SKE 131 The primary menaing of 'I`o`ErV is likely to have been 'bridge', whence (a ) 'shallow place in a river (natural
1116. 'Ia PV 'to chop, dig' > K 'Ia-/'Ic- ({IS} 'Ia-/'Ic-) v. 'chop, cut' > G Ia- (aor. -Ia-c < '-Ia-) v.
'beschneiden, stutzen; (in Stcke) zer-hauen\hacken', {DCh.} 'to chop (wood), beat, kill', G {DCh.} Ic- (aor. -Ic-c < '-Ic-) v.
'chop, cut', Sv 'Ia- > Sv UB Ia- v. 'cut into small pieces (ccu")', Sv L lo-Ia-o prtc. 'chopped, cut'; K {FS} 'Icj:,- v.
'chop into small pieces' > G {DCh.} Ic- - Ic- 'chop, cut', {Chx.} Ic- 'to chop\cut into small pieces' (aor. da-Ica 'er
zerhackte in kleine Stcke', inf. Ic-va), Sv {FS} Io- id. (msd. li-Io-n-c id., cvad-Io-n-c 'er zerhackte in kleine Stcke')
IS rGM 133, IS I 318, FS K 174, FS E 19O, Srj. FLK 23, Chx. 557-8, 568-9, DCh. 597-8, 6O4-5 ll HS: EC: Sd {Gs.} Iofa 'to make
a dam', Or {Grg.} Iaba 'to put soil up around a plant', Or {Vit.} Iof- v. 'dig', ? Or Wt {Sr.} Ioffa 'vagina' Sr. 346, Gs. 196, Grg.
239 NrOm: Kf {C} Ia- v. 'chop, hew', {HHM} ?? Ioo 'hew', Iao 'split' C SE IV 486, HHM 118, 313 Ch: WCh
{Stl.} 'I'a- v. 'dig, bury' > Hs Iafta v. 'dig ground deeply with big hoe preparatory to planting cassava, etc.' | SBc: Kir Isbc, Zul
{ChL} ya Isc, Buli {ChL} Isbu 'bury' Stl. ZCh 2O5 [#556], ChL, Ba. 525 S '-Iub- > Ar qvb (ip. -qub-) 'dig (earth)'
BK II 829 ? Eg Md Ify vi. 'gape' (of a wound) EG V 12O, DW 9O4 The plain vl. I in Eg and C is due to the HS
deglottalization ll IE 'Icjh,- > NaIE 'Ic(:)- v. 'chop, dig' > NPrs tF'K Iof-tan 'to split, cleave, dig', v'K Iov 'excavation,
digging' || Gk kotte 'I cut off, chop off, fell (trees)', ft. ko)e, aor. cko)o, pfc. kckoo ( kotte 'I strike' of a different origin) ||
pAl 'Iaa > (umlautized) Al Ic vt. 'sharpen, hoe, dress (a stone) by flaking' || OHG habba, hca 'bill-hook, scythe (Rebmesser,
Sense, Hippe)', NHG Hic 'pruning knife, scythe' (< Gmc 'xc||o) || Lt Iaoti, Ltv Iaat 'to chop' | Sl 'Ioa-ti 'to dig' >
OCS keuo:u Ioati, R io'nar", Blg io'na , SCr Ioati, Slv Ioati, Cz Ioati, P Ioac P 931-2 (does not separate this IE v
from forms belonging to IE 'sIc- 'split' < N 'c`aj,a 'to beat, strike, chop', q.v.), Horn 186, Vl. II 775-6, 786, F I 915-6, OsS
272, Kb. 419, KM 31O, Frn. 217-8, ESSJ XI 18-2O, Glh. 331-2, StSS 29O, Vs. II 317, AlED 376, O 175 ll D 'Ia - 'Iav
({GS} 'I-) > Kn Iau 'dig', Iau, Iaa 'hole in the ground, pit', Tl Iavu 'pit, well' D #1223 ^ IS I 317-8 [#193] Gr. II
#87 ('Ia 'cut off') [IE, Sm, A, EA]
1117. 'Ko a'U [' = '??] 'bark' > HS: C ({E} 'Iaf- 'hull, rind') > Ag 'Ia- > Aw {Bnd.} qa, Bln {R} Iaf 'bark' ||
SC: Irq {Mgw.} qafi (pl. qafo) 'membrane, cover', {Bnd.} qafi, {E} qafa 'bark', {Wh.} qafta 'peel of fruits', Alg {E} qafa?i, Brn
{E} qafa 'bark' || ? EC: Rn _abdah 'dry tree bark' AD SF 67, 233, E SC 386, E PC #145, R WB 236, Mgw. 1O5, PG 186, Blz.
SCL s.v. 'bark', Blz. RL 257 Ch: WCh {Stl.} 'I"aHabV 'bark' > Hs I"abf-to, Ang Io, Su I"aya, Zar K I"aba, Zar GL
Iabu, Sy Z IobsI, as well as possibly Gj gustq 'bark', Bg Iosaq id. || CCh: Tr {J} gsba, Pdl {CWL} gIbsr 'bark', as well
as possibly (but not necessarily) Gude {ChL} Itvt?tn and Nzn Iuv"o 'skin' || ?? ECh: Kwn {J} Is`bsrov, Smr Isbsrsv 'bark'
ChC, ChL, Sh. SB 2O, Stl. ZCh 2O5 [#558], Blz. LECh s.v. 'bark' ll U 'Ioa 'bark' > Es Ioba 'fir bark' | Er iyno 'crust, rind', Mk
iyna id., 'bark' | pChr {Ber.} 'Iuvo > Chr ? Iuvo " Iuvu " Iuv+ " Iuvo {Szil.} 'Hilse, Schale, Schuppe', {} iyno 'chaff' |
pPrm {LG} 'Iu 'bark, skin' > Vt Iu id., Z Iu 'fell, skin' Sm {Jn.} 'Ioa, {Hl.} 'Ioa 'skin, bark' > Ne T xo6aA'skin (of an
animal), miypia', Ne F L {Lh.} Io:a, Ng {Cs.} 'Iufu, En X/B {Cs.} 'Ioba 'skin', Slq {KKIH} qoI 'fell of an animal, skin, bark,
rind', Slq K/NP {Cs.} Ioa 'skin', Kms {KD} I`uba, I`u|a 'skin, hide, leather', Koyb {Sp.} iy6a 'skin', Mt {Hl.} 'Iohao 'skin,
hide, (nut)shell' (Mt M {Sp.} io 'skin', Mt K {Pl.} ioioro 'his skin') UEW 18O-1, Coll. 25, Sm. 537 (U, FU, Sm 'Ioa, FP
'Ioa), Ber. 26, Jn. 73-4, Cs. 81, 121, KKIH 162, KD 33, Sp. SJK 41, Sp. SJM 75, Hl. M #52O ll A {SDM97} 'I`a`a 'bark, skin'
> T 'I`auI 'bark, shell' > OT qaviq, [QB] qavuq 'bran', Tk IabuI, Az gabig, Slr go_, Nog, Qrg qabiq, Bsh qab+q, Ggz IabuI,
Blq qabuq, CrTt qabu_, ET {Rl.} qobuq 'bark, shell', Tkm gabiq, Qzq, Qq qabiq, VTt qab+q, Qmq qabuq, Uz qobiq, Chv L
_ub_+ 'bark, peel (of a fruit)', Xk _abi_, Tv _aviq 'husk' Cl. 583, ET KQ 168-7O, Jeg. 3O5, TvR 46O, Rl. II 66O-2 M
'qayuda-sun (< 'qa|uda-sun) 'bark' > WrM {Kow., MED} qagudasun, HlM xyy(ac, Brt xyy(ala( n) 'sheet of paper', Kl xyy(c
_ud+s id., {Rm.} _ud+sn 'bark'; M 'qayura- ('-y- < '-|-) v. 'peel' > WrM qagura- - qaura-, HlM xyypa-x v. 'peel off'; M
'qayul- ('-y- < '-|-) v. 'peel' > MM [S] _avul-_u v. 'skin, peel' ('abhuten, abschinden'), WrM qagul-, HlM xyyna-x, Kl xyyn-x
_ul-x+, {Rm.} _ul-_o v. 'peel off, skin, flay', Mnr H _uli- id. ('peler, corcher, corcer'); 'ab-reissen\-schaben\-ziehen'); M
'qayurqa ('-y- < '-|-) > WrM qagurqai, Kl {Rm.} _ur_a - _ur_a 'losgerissen, abgerissen (z. B. die Rinde, ein Blatt aus
einem Buche)', Mnr H _ura- 'se peler, scorc(h)er, se dtacher'; M 'qobqul- v. 'peel, flay' > WrM qobqul-, HlM xonxno-x id.
MED 9O9-1O, 951, KW 2O1-2, KRS 614, Kow. 744, Chr. 6O5, SM 18O, 184, H 63 ? Tg 'jx,abda- v. 'clean a tree from
branches' ( N 'IAPV 'leaf'?) > WrMc {Hr.} abdala- 'abbrechen', {Z} abtala- 'clean the tree from branches, clean branches' STM
I 5, Z 26, Hr. 2 pKo 'Ia"- (- 'Io"-) 'bark' > MKo Ia"ir, Iocir 'bark', NKo Iocil 'skin, bark, shell', IotcIi id., 'husk,
peel', Ko: Ph Iocil, PhN Iocil, Ks Ioci, Hm Ioci_, Sl Iotil, Chs Iotcgi, Kw Iotcgi 'bark', Chj Iotcgi id.,
'skin' S AJ 251 [#3], MLC 1O3 J: pJ 'Iaa 'skin, leather; bark' > OJ Iaa, J: T Iava id., Kg Iava, Ns Io, Sh Ia, Y Ia id.,
K Iava 'skin', Iava 'leather' S AJ 258 [#3], 26 [#3, S QJ #3, Mr. 445, Kenk. 88O S AJ 274 [#2], SDM95 s.v. 'I`aa 'bark,
skin', DQA #988 (A'I`a`a 'bark, skin') Acc. to DQA #1OO7, the A v has a variant 'I`c`a ({SDM-95} 'I`c`o) 'husk,
shell' > pJ 'Iai 'egg, shell', T 'I`cbuI 'bran, chaff' anf M 'Icbc 'bran, husks'. These two variants may represent two different
results of synharmonic levelling, suggesting the existence of a front vw. in the second syll. of the N v ^ The presence or traces of a
rounded vw. ('o?) in U and Ch as opposed to the presence of 'a in A and C may be explained by assuming a trisyllabic etymon with
both 'o and 'a. This hyp. is directly suggested by Su I"aya 'bark' and indirectly by the long vw. in T 'I`auI ^ IS MS 344
(('qon 'bark'); IS proposed to equate U 'Ioa 'bark' with M 'qobuya 'well bucket [usually made of skin]' (MED 95O, KW 191)
and with ET qobuq, qobuzaq 'bark' (which is a labialized var. of pT 'I`auI 'bark'). His rec. of ''q- is based on comparison with
K 'tqab-/'tqav- 'skin, fell', which is hardly acceptable (?). The Ag '-- and the cns. '-b- in some Ch lgs. may be explained
by the presence of a N lr. ('? or '). The rec. of this lr. will help solving the discrepancy between the ev. of U '-- (suggesting N
'--) and A '-`- (apparently suggesting N '--, but also explainable from '-?- '--). In T 'IauI and possibly in Ch (Sy Z
IobsI) one may discern traces of a suffixed element. There is a interesting parallel between M 'qa'|urqay and ECh (Kwn
Io`borov, Smr Iobsrov 'bark') ^ AD NM #93 ('Ka'?'E), S CNM 5, Vv. AEN 6.
1118. 'I'ajv,E or 'I'ajv,VyV 'skull; occiput' ( 'head') > HS: WS 'Ia'ay- 'occiput, skull' > Sr Iajo,'y-a,
Ioay-a, Iaa'y-a 'nape of the neck', Ar 'fAQa qafa-n id., 'occiput', Har Iafvt, Grg Sl/Wl/Z Ivfvt 'forehead', Mh/Hrs {Jo.}
Isfc, Jb C {Jo.} 'Ic'fc 'back (dos)'; cp also a S variant stem ''I'iha- > Ar qihf- (pl. qihaf-at-) 'os de la tte qui garantit le
cerveau; crne fendu', 'vase semblable une partie du crne' Br. 683, JPS 513, BK II 679, 792, MiK I LIX, #1.164, L EDH 122, L
EDG III 473, Jo. M 226, Jo. H 74, Jo. J 142 B 'yafi (< 'Iai or 'IaVy) 'head' > Ty, ETwl c-y+f (pl. i-y+f+v+n), Ah cyof,
Wrg iyof, i_f, Si a_fi, Nf iyaf, Zng {TC} i?f 'tte' Fc. 17OO, GhA 65, Dlh. Ou 237, La. S 3O1, TC Z 310 ECh: Jg {J} Ioqo
'occiput, brain', Mgm {J} Iuo, EDng {Fd.} Ioo 'occiput', Mu {J} Iobo 'nuque' J J 114, JA LM 1O2, ChC s.v. 'occiput'
OS #337, MiK I #164ll K 'Ia- > Mg Ioc - Ioc 'crown of head', USv {TK} Ia 'nape', Sv (rdp ): UB {TK} IaIa, LB
{TK} IoIc, L IcIcay, Ln IcIca 'nape, skull'; G {SSO, DCh.} Ica 'occiput' may have a deviant vw. c due to the merger
with an Aramaism (cp. Sr Ioay-a 'nape of neck'), while G J qaa 'skull' may be a loan from Ar qafa (or from Aram?) TK 341,
343, GP 128, Fn. KW-1 34 ({Fn.} 'Ic- 'occiput, crown of head' > G Ica, Sv IcIc-a 'skull') Cp. also K 'Ia- 'chin,
'jaw' < N 'Icj ,V (= 'IcV?) id. (q.v.) ll IE: NaIE 'Iaut - 'IIau_ut 'head' ( N 'K'adKudV 'tip, top', q.v.) > L
caut / G cait-is 'head' || Gmc: ON hofu 'head'; Gt haubi|, ON haufu, OHG houbit, NHG Haut, OSx hovid, AS hcafod
'head', NE hcad || OI Ia'ucchalam 'tuft of hair on the hind part of the head' (a cd with sala- 'hair'), IausniIa 'tuft of hair on
each side of the head' But 'Ia-Vl- 'occiput, skull' (> OI Ia'alam 'cup, skull', AS hafola 'head') belongs to N 'KaPVLV
'occiput, skull' WP I 346-7, P 529-3O, EI 26O-1 ('Iaut), M K I 155-7, M E I 3OO, 3O2 (no et. of OI words), WH I 163-4, Vr.
279, Kb. 481, Schz. 17O, OsS 42O, 15O, 293-4, Ho. 147, 15O ll U: FU 'Ioa 'skull; hollow object' > F Ioa 'the front part of the
skull, forehead; basket, pannier, shell' [ N 'qUb'E 'basket' ( 'vessel')] , aa-Ioa 'skull' (aa is 'head'), Es ? Io (gen.
Ioa) 'Schale, kleines Gef' | Lp: Kld {TI} vIsnc-IIc 'skull', Nt ucyv-Iuc" id. (vIsnc 'brain', ucyv 'head') | Mk {Ahl.}
rca-IoasIa 'skull' (rca 'head') || ObU: Vg (in cds ) T Ias, LK xa, MK/P Io, Ss xoi 'skull'; Os Z _oo id. Coll. 9O,
UEW 181-2, SK 217, SSA I 4OO, TI 173O, 1744, Ht. #754, KrT 324, Stn. D 53O ^ IS I 319-2O (S, B, ECh, K, IE, U + qu. Om:
Kullo {Brl.} huca 'head').
1119. 'I'ayaV (or '--) 'sharp stone\rock\cliff' > IE: NaIE 'Ici_o-/'Ioi_o- 'sharp object' > OI 'sca-h 'tail,
penis' || L ciu-s 'pointed pale, stake' || pAl {O} 'cai_a > Al thc 'sharp peak, sharp point' P 543, WH I 219-2O, O 474, ? M K
III 372-3 ll HS: S ''Iaya- 'stone, rock' > Ak Ia- id., BHb F4' 'Ic' 'rock' (att.: pl. Mif54 Ic'im), ChrPA af1a4 Ic'a,
Sr E Ic'-a, Sr W Ic'a 'stone', JA [Trg.] Fik`4 Ic, em. af1ik`4 Ic'a, JPA {Js.}, JEA {Sl.} af1ik`4 Ic'a 'stone, rock'
Sd. 445, KB 467, KBR 492, Lv. T I 361, Dlm. 187, Js. 634-5, Sl. 577 ll A: NaT 'I`aya '(sharp) rock, cliff' > OT qaya 'rock, sharp
outstanding rock or rocky cliff', Tk Iaya, Az, Tkm gaya, Tkm ? gaya, Ggz Iaya, Blq, Nog, Bsh, SY, Alt qaya, Qq, Qeg qiya, VTt
q+ya, ET qiya, Uz qoya, Xk, Yk, Tv _aya, Tf haya 'rock, cliff' N '-- (or '--?) has been lost (a reg. loss at the beginning of the
third syll.?) Cl. 674-5, ET KQ 198-9, TL 96, Ra. 185.
112O. 'KaPVLV 'occiput, skull' > HS: S ''IajV,l- > Ar laf0Qa qafl-at- 'occiput' BK II 791 ll IE: NaIE 'Ia(cc)lo-
'skull' > NaIE 'Ia(cj:,)lo- 'head' > AS hafol, OFrs hcila (< 'havila) 'head' ( N 'I'ajv,E 'I'ajv,VyV 'skull; occiput'
'head') || OI Ia'alam 'cup, bowl, skull' WP I 346, M K I 155, M E I 3OO, Ho. 147, EI 261 ('Iaolo- 'head, skull').
1121. 'KuPVrV 'hump' > IE: NaIE 'I'uVr- id. > OHG hofar-hovar, AS hofcr 'hump' || Lt Iura, Ltv Iur(i)s 'hump,
hunch' P 591-2, Kb. 473, OsS 411, Ho. 168, Frn.314 ll D (in GnD) 'IuVr`- id. ( N 'gubE 'heap, hump, hunchback') > Gnd
Ioaram 'hump of bullock', Mnd gucr` 'hump of ox', ? KK: Kui Ioa 'hump, cows hump', Ku gu?u 'hump of ox' D #1731a.
1122. ??? 'KaPjV,Sa 'box' (unless a WW ) > IE: L casa 'box, case' 1 Gk ko)o id. 1 MHb ex1f6uq Iu'sa id. WH I
162-3 ll A 'I`asa > T 'Ij`,asa, 'Ij`,asaI > MQp [CC] qasa 'box, coffin' (unless A L), Tk ? qasa 'large basket', Tk IabsaI
'basket' ET KQ 277 Tg 'xasa > Ewk avsa " absa 'box, bag', Lm avs+ 'small bag', Orc asana 'long narrow bag for hunt
equipment', Ork _asav - _asat 'small bag (for women)', WrMc 'birch-bark box, boat'; Mc 1 M: WrM absa(n), HlM anc( an)
'coffon, casket' STM I 9, MED 5.
1123. 'KEPVzV 'paw, hoof' > HS: S 'Iz > Ar [Qam.] {Fr.} ?aqfaz- 'anteriores pedes atque genua albicantes habens
(equus)', quffaz- 'long felt-gloves (up to the elbows)' Fr. III 48O, BK II 788, Hv. 62O ll IE: 'IoH- > NaIE 'Io"- 'hoof, claw'
> OI sa'ha- 'hoof of a horse, hoof', Av safa- 'hoof of a horse', KhS saha-, Psh sva, Oss I/D saf-t-ag 'hoof' || ON hofr, OHG
huof, NHG Huf, AS hof 'hoof', NE hoof ( NaIE 'Ioa- < N 'Ka'a 'palm of hand, sole of foot; hoof', q.v.) Sl 'IoIto
'hoof' hardly belongs here (because of 'I- for the expected Sl 's- < IE 'I-; see N 'Ka'a '') WP I 346, P 53O, EI 272
('Io'ho-s 'hoof'), M K III 297, M E II 6O8, Ab. III 55-6, Mrg. 71, Bai. 423, Vr. 247, Kb. 489, OsS 431-2, Ho. 168 IE 'H < N
'z ll U: FU 'IEs'a 'paw, fell from a paw/leg' ( N 'ga'sA 'paw, hand' [q.v. ffd.]).

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