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org | (800) 423-6587 | (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council




Approved February 2003

(Editorially revised January 2016)

Previously approved January 2002, January 2001, August 1966

(Previously editorially revised May 2014, November 2013, September 2012, March
2011, June 2008, June 2005)

Evaluation reports issued by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC (ICC-ES), are based upon performance features of
the International family of codes. (Some reports may also reference older code families such as the BOCA
National Codes, the Standard Codes, and the Uniform Codes.) Section 104.11 of the International Building Code
reads as follows:

The provisions of this code are not intended to prevent the installation of any materials or to
prohibit any design or method of construction not specifically prescribed by this code,
provided that any such alternative has been approved. An alternative material, design or
method of construction shall be approved where the building official finds that the proposed
design is satisfactory and complies with the intent of the provisions of this code, and that the
material, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that
prescribed in this code in quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability and safety.

This acceptance criteria has been issued to provide interested parties with guidelines for demonstrating
compliance with performance features of the codes referenced in the criteria. The criteria was developed through
a transparent process involving public hearings of the ICC-ES Evaluation Committee, and/or on-line postings
where public comment was solicited.

New acceptance criteria will only have an approved date, which is the date the document was approved by
the Evaluation Committee. When existing acceptance criteria are revised, the Evaluation Committee will decide
whether the revised document should carry only an approved date, or an approved date combined with a
compliance date. The compliance date is the date by which relevant evaluation reports must comply with the
requirements of the criteria. See the ICC-ES web site for more information on compliance dates.

If this criteria is a revised edition, a solid vertical line () in the margin within the criteria indicates a change
from the previous edition. A deletion indicator () is provided in the margin where any significant wording has
been deleted.

ICC-ES may consider alternate criteria for report approval, provided the report applicant submits data
demonstrating that the alternate criteria are at least equivalent to the criteria set forth in this document, and
otherwise demonstrate compliance with the performance features of the codes. ICC-ES retains the right to refuse
to issue or renew any evaluation report, if the applicable product, material, or method of construction is such that
either unusual care with its installation or use must be exercised for satisfactory performance, or if
malfunctioning is apt to cause injury or unreasonable damage.
NOTE: The Preface for ICC-ES acceptance criteria was revised in July 2011 to reflect changes in policy.

Acceptance criteria are developed for use solely by ICC-ES for purposes of issuing ICC-ES evaluation reports.

Copyright 2016 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved.

1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.4.4 ASTM E331-00 (2009), Standard Test Method
for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights,
1.1 Purpose: The purpose of this acceptance criteria
Doors and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure
is to establish requirements for foam plastic sheathing
Difference, ASTM International.
panels to be recognized in an ICC Evaluation Service,
LLC (ICC-ES), evaluation report under the 2015, 2012, 1.4.5 AATCC, Test Method 127-1998, Water

2009 and 2006 International Building Code (IBC) and the Resistance: Hydro Static Pressure Test, American
2015, 2012, 2009 and 2006 International Residential Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists.

Code (IRC). The bases of recognition are IBC Section
104.11 and IRC Section R104.11.
2.1 General: The following information shall be
The reason for the development of this criteria is to submitted:
establish test requirements that will permit the foam plastic
sheathing panels to be used as water-resistive barriers in 2.1.1 Product Description: Complete information
combustible construction, since the codes do not provide concerning material specifications, thickness, size and the
requirements for the material to be used in this manner. manufacturing process shall be submitted for the foam
plastic insulation. Information concerning joint treatment
1.2 Scope: materials, including manufacturer and material
1.2.1 This criteria is limited to foam plastic insulation specifications, shall be provided.
and associated joint sealing methods used on exterior 2.1.2 Installation Instructions: Installation details
walls as an alternative to the water-resistive barrier and limitations, fastening methods, joint treatments, and
specified in Section 1404.2 of the IBC and Section R703.2 face treatments.
of the IRC.
2.1.3 Packaging and Identification: A description
1.2.2 This criteria is limited to foam plastic insulation of the method of packaging and field identification of the
recognized in a current ICC-ES evaluation report showing system components. Identification provisions on the foam
compliance with Sections 3.4.1 or 3.4.3 of the ICC-ES plastic insulation and on proprietary treatment materials
Acceptance Criteria for Foam Plastic Insulation (AC12). shall include the evaluation report.
1.2.3 This criteria does not address the use of the 2.1.4 Field Preparation: A description of the
foam plastic insulation as structural sheathing, resisting in- methods of field-cutting, application and finishing.
plane or out-of-plane loadings.
2.2 Testing Laboratories: Testing laboratories shall
1.2.4 This criteria does not require reporting of the comply with Section 2.0 of the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria
water vapor transmission properties of the foam plastic for Test Reports (AC85) and Section 4.2 of the ICC-ES
insulation. Rules of Procedure for Evaluation Reports, and shall be
1.3 Definitions: accredited for the scope of tests covered by this criteria.

1.3.1 Water-resistive Barrier: For the purposes of 2.3 Test Reports: Test reports shall comply with
this criteria, the term water-resistive barrier includes AC85.
within its scope water-resistive barriers under Section 2.4 Product Sampling: Products for testing shall be
1404.2 of the IBC and Section R703.2 of the IRC. sampled in accordance with Section 3.2 of AC85. Upon
1.3.2 Foam Plastic Sheathing Panels Used as submission of initial, qualifying test data to ICC-ES, the
Weather Resistive Barrier: Foam plastic boards, sheets, manufacturer shall submit an affidavit certifying that the
or panels, when installed on an exterior wall with joint product tested is representative of the standard
sealing methods or treatments, are intended to prevent manufactured product for which recognition is being
water intrusion into the wall cavity. These products may be sought. Alternately, the manufacturer may choose to have
faced or unfaced. the product sampled independently by an accredited
inspection agency (in lieu of the affidavit).
1.3.3 Joint-sealing Treatments: Joint-sealing
treatments are tapes, or caulks, or materials that are used 3.0 TEST AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS
to seal joints that may occur between two or more edges Reports of the following tests shall be submitted:
of the foam plastic insulation.
3.1 Foam Plastic InsulationWater-resistance:
1.3.4 Joint-sealing Methods: Joint-sealing methods
3.1.1 Water-resistance testing shall be conducted on
are mechanical edge treatments of foam plastic sheathing
the foam plastic insulation for which recognition is sought.
panels such as, but not limited to tongue and groove or
ship-lapped edges. 3.1.2 Three specimens [each 8 inches (203 mm)
square] of the foam plastic insulation shall be at the
1.4 Codes and Referenced Standards:
minimum thickness and density intended for use and be
1.4.1 2015, 2012, 2009 and 2006 International faced (if facers are used) with the material for which

Building Code (IBC), International Code Council. recognition is sought.
1.4.2 2015, 2012, 2009 and 2006 International 3.1.3 The test specimens shall be weathered in

Residential Code (IRC), International Code Council. accordance with Section 3.5 of this criteria.

1.4.3 2006 International Energy Conservation Code 3.1.4 Water-resistance tests shall be conducted on
(IECC), International Code Council. the weathered specimens in accordance with AATCC Test

Method 127. Testing in accordance with AATCC Test The assemblies shall be tested without
Method 127 shall be such that the specimens shall be held exterior wall coverings. Openings or penetrations in the
at a hydrostatic head of 21.6 inches (55 cm) for a period of test assemblies are not required. When the assembly is
5 hours. tested with openings and penetrations, Section 4.2 of this
3.1.5 Conditions of Acceptance: Weathered criteria shall not apply.
specimens shall not exhibit water leakage on the The test assemblies shall be tested at a
underside of any specimen. minimum differential pressure of 6.24 psf (0.297 kN/m ).
3.2 Joint-sealing Treatments: The test assemblies shall be subjected to a
3.2.1 General: Joint-sealing treatments shall meet minimum test exposure duration of 2 hours.
the requirements of Section 3.2.2 and 3.4 of this criteria. Conditions of Acceptance: Water shall
Testing shall be conducted for each type of joint with not penetrate to the unexposed face of the foam plastic
respect to the substrate materials that form foam-to-foam insulation.
or foam-to-flashing joints.
3.5 Weathering Tests:
3.2.2 Three specimens of each joint-sealing
3.5.1 When weathering tests are required by Section
treatment are required. The test specimens shall be
3.1 or 3.2 of this criteria, specimens shall be subjected to
prepared with 3-inch-by-6-inch (76 mm by 152 mm) pieces
ultraviolet light exposure in accordance with Section 3.5.2
of the foam plastic insulation and the joint sealing
followed by accelerated aging in accordance with Section
treatments for which recognition is being sought. Each
specimen includes the two pieces of substrate materials
aligned so that the 6-inch (152 mm) edges are butt-jointed. 3.5.2 Ultraviolet Light Exposure: Samples shall be
The joint-sealing treatment is applied to the pieces along exposed to light from ultraviolet sun lamps for 210 hours
the 6 in. (152 mm) dimension of the joint. The sample joint (10 hours per day for 21 days). Ultraviolet light exposure
shall be unbacked unless recognition is sought for other shall be directed on the sample surfaces that will be
joint constructions. exposed to sunlight in normal application. Lamps and
enclosure shall be adjusted so the specimen temperature
3.2.3 The joint-sealing treatment specimens shall be
is between 135F and 140F (57C and 60C). Sunlamp
exposed to the weathering conditions of Section 3.5 of this
criteria. bulbs shall be General Electric Type H275 RUV (275 W)
or equivalent bulbs, providing UV characteristics of 5.0
3.2.4 Water-resistance tests shall be conducted on 2
W/m /nm irradiance at a wavelength of 315 to 400 nm at
the weathered specimens in accordance with AATCC Test 1 meter.
Method 127. Testing in accordance with AATCC Test
3.5.3 Accelerated Aging: The specimens shall be
Method 127 shall be such that the specimens shall be held
at a hydrostatic head of 21.6 inches (55 cm) for a period of subjected to 25 cycles of drying and soaking as follows:
5 hours. Testing shall be conducted such that the joint 1. Oven drying at 120F (49C) for three hours, with
treatment is exposed to the hydrostatic head. In the case all surfaces exposed.
of tapes, the hydrostatic head shall be positioned over
2. Immersion in room-temperature water for three
both the joint area and the interface of the tape and the
hours, with all surfaces exposed.
foam insulation.
3. After removal from the water, specimens are
3.2.5 Conditions of Acceptance: Weathered
blotted dry, then air-dried for 18 hours at a 75F 5F
specimens shall not exhibit water leakage on the
(23.8C 2.8C) room temperature, with all surfaces
underside of any specimen.
3.3 Joint-sealing Methods: Joint-sealing methods
4. Conditions of Acceptance: There shall be no
that incorporate tongue and groove, ship-lap joints or
visible delamination or blistering of the facing layer.
similar methods without treatments, shall be evaluated
Additionally specimens must be subjected to the water
using Section 3.4 of this criteria.
resistance test described in Sections 3.1 and 3.2.
3.4 Water Penetration Test of Wall Assembly:
3.4.1 General: Tests shall be conducted on a wall
4.1 A vapor retarder complying with Section 1405.3 of
assembly containing the foam plastic insulation with joint
the 2015, 2012 and 2009 IBC, Section 202 of the 2006
sealing methods or treatments applied to framing in
IECC, Section R702.7 of the 2015 and 2012 IRC, Section
accordance with IBC Section 1403.2, Exception 2, IRC
R601.3 of the 2009 IRC, or Section R318.1 of the 2006
Section R703.1.1, Exception 2, and ASTM E331, as
IRC, as applicable shall be installed on the warm-in-winter
side of the wall. Test assemblies shall be at least 4 feet
wide by 8 feet high (1219 mm by 2438 mm) in size. The 4.2 When the system has been tested in accordance
foam plastic sheathing panels as well as the joint sealing with Section 3.4 without penetrations and openings, the
treatments or methods shall be installed in the manner for evaluation report on the foam plastic insulation shall
which recognition is sought. Assemblies shall include at require the foam plastic to be specifically recognized in a
least one vertical joint representative of normal installation current ICC-ES evaluation report on a wall covering
methods. When recognition is sought for horizontal joints, system. The evaluation report on the wall covering system
assemblies shall include at least two horizontal joints. All shall provide flashing details specific to the foam plastic
joints shall be unbacked unless other specific recognition insulation, and the wall covering system incorporating the
is sought. foam plastic insulation shall be tested in accordance with

IBC Section 1403.2, Exception 2, and IRC Section IBC, Section R316.2 of the 2015, 2012 and 2009 IRC and
R703.1.1, Exception 2. Section R314.2 of the 2006 IRC. Compliance of foam
plastic is based on a current applicable evaluation report,
on the foam plastic, issued by ICC-ES; if no such report
5.1 Joint-sealing Treatment: Joint-sealing treatments exists, foam plastic shall comply with the ICC-ES
are required to be manufactured under a quality control Acceptance Criteria for Foam Plastic Insulation (AC12).
program documented in accordance with the ICC-ES
5.3 Qualifying Inspection: A qualifying inspection
Acceptance Criteria for Quality Documentation (AC10). An
shall be conducted at each manufacturing facility when
annual inspection shall be conducted at each
required by the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for
manufacturing facility in accordance with AC304.
Inspections and Inspection Agencies (AC304).
5.2 Foam Plastic: All foam plastic boards shall be
listed and labeled as set forth in Section 2603.2 of the

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