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Astm C 1850 - 17

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: C1850 − 17

Standard Guide for

Improved Laboratory Accelerated Tests to Predict the
Weathering and for Use in Developing Protocols to Predict
the Design Life of Building Sealant Systems1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1850; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 3.2.2 building sealant system component—a part of a build-

1.1 This guide describes the steps for developing improved ing sealant system that may include a combination of building
laboratory accelerated weathering tests for predicting the materials, such as cladding, substrates or the sealant.
natural weathering effects on building sealant systems and for 3.2.3 building sealant system material—a material that may
using those tests in development of methods for design life be used in a building sealant system.
prediction of the systems. 3.2.4 critical performance characteristic(s)—a property, or
1.2 This guide outlines a systematic approach to develop- group of properties, of a building sealant system that must be
ment of laboratory accelerated weathering tests of building maintained above a certain minimum level.
sealant systems including the identification of needed 3.2.5 degradation mechanism—the chemical reactions in-
information, the development of accelerated tests, the applica- duced in a building component or material by one or more
tion of data, and the reporting of results. degradation factors resulting in changes in one or more of the
1.3 This international standard was developed in accor- critical performance characteristics.
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- 3.2.6 incompatibility factor—any of the group of degrada-
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the tion factors that result from detrimental chemical and physical
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom- interactions between building components or materials.
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical 3.2.7 in-service test—a test in which building components
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. or materials are exposed to degradation factors under in-service
2. Referenced Documents conditions.
3.2.8 performance criterion—a quantitative statement of a
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 level of properties for a selected characteristic of a component
C717 Terminology of Building Seals and Sealants or material needed to ensure compliance with a functional
G113 Terminology Relating to Natural and Artificial Weath- requirement.
ering Tests of Nonmetallic Materials
3.2.9 property measurement test—a test for measuring one
3. Terminology or more properties of building components or materials.
3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this guide, 3.2.10 load stress factor—any degradation factors that result
refer to Terminologies C717 and G113. from externally applied sustained or periodic mechanical loads.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 3.2.11 use factor—any factor that affects the material as a
3.2.1 biological degradation factor—degradation factors di- result of the design of the system, installation and maintenance
rectly associated with living organisms, including procedures, normal wear and tear, and user abuse. (Example:
microorganisms, fungi, and bacteria. abrasion of foot traffic.)
3.2.12 weathering factors—any degradation factors associ-
ated with the natural environment, including radiation,
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C24 on Building Seals
temperature, rain and other forms of water, freezing and
and Sealants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C24.20 on General
Test Methods. thawing.
Current edition approved March 15, 2017. Published April 2017. DOI: 10.1520/
C1850-17. 4. Significance and Use
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
4.1 This guide is intended to serve as a reference of
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on recommended methodology for users developing relevant,
the ASTM website. reliable and valid tests for predicting natural weathering effects

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

C1850 − 17
and for use in developing methods to determine design life of on sealants and for use in development of methods for
building sealant systems through the use of accelerated test estimating design life (see Fig. 1 for a flow chart).
protocols. The proposed standard corrects for some of the
deficiencies of existing laboratory accelerated tests of sealants. 6. Scope
4.2 The development of accelerated weathering tests ca- 6.1 The scope describes the intentions of the test and the
pable of being used in protocols to reliably and accurately degradation factors that should be included.
predict the long-term in-service performance of building seal-
ant systems have limitations due to: I–Problem Definition
4.2.1 The external factors that affect functional properties,
7. Definition of In-Service Performance Characteristic
which are numerous and require effort to quantify, so that many
Requirements and Criteria
existing accelerated procedures do not include all factors of
importance, and 7.1 The critical performance characteristic criteria define
4.2.2 The sealant specimens are often tested in configura- the minimum acceptable levels of in-service functional prop-
tions different from those used in-service. erties stated in terms of absolute values or changes from the
initial test.
5. Procedure
5.1 This guide describes a recommended sequence of steps 8. Characterization of the Sealant
for users to follow for developing laboratory accelerated 8.1 Characterize the sealant system in terms of composition,
weathering tests for predicting the effects of natural weathering critical performance characteristics, and physical properties the

FIG. 1 Recommended Steps for Developing Improved Artificial Accelerated Weathering Tests to Predict Natural Weathering Effects and
for Use in Developing Protocols for Predicting Design Life

C1850 − 17
changes of which will serve as degradation indicators, the TABLE 1 Degradation Factors Affecting the Design Life of
range and type of degradation factors to which the sealant Sealant Systems
responds, and all possible types of degradation and mecha- Weathering Factors
Radiation Solar Nuclear Thermal
nisms by which the degradation factors induce changes in the Temperature Cycles
critical performance properties. Water
8.1.1 Critical Performance Characteristics and Properties: Solid (such as snow, ice)
Liquid (such as rain, condensation, standing water) Properties used as measures of degradation must be Vapor (such as high relative humidity)
the same as or directly linked to the critical performance Mechanical Movements
characteristic. Fig. 2 provides a matrix for use in identifying Normal Air Constituents Oxygen and ozone Carbon dioxide
Air Contaminants
properties that indicate degradation. Gases (such as oxides of nitrogen and sulfur) The Vertical Axis of the Matrix—An alphabetical Mists (such as aerosols, salt, acids, and alkalies dissolved in water)
letter is used in the matrix to designate individual building Particulates (such as sand, dust, dirt)
elements and interfaces as part of a building sealant system. Wind
For example, a wall element may include an exterior coating Biological Factors Microorganisms Fungi
(A), an exterior substrate (B), a structural member (C), Bacteria
insulation (D), an interior substrate (E), and an interior coating Static strain of seasonal cycles
(F). The interfaces between each pair of materials can then be Dynamic strain of daily cycles
designated, for example, A-B, B-C, A-C, etc. Stress Factors, sustained or periodic
Physical action of water, as rain, hail, sleet, and snow Consider the characteristics of the sealant and Physical action of wind
interfaces with other building components in the evaluation. Combination of physical action of water and wind
Fig. 2 lists changes in properties that may be useful as Movement due to other factors
Incompatibility Factors
measures of degradation. These include both visual changes Chemical
(chalking, crazing, cracking, checking, flaking, scaling, blister- Physical
ing) and instrumentally measurable changes (color, gloss, Use Factors
Design of system
tensile modulus, etc.). Installation and maintenance procedures
8.1.2 Type and Range of Degradation Factors: Normal wear and tear Identify the type of degradation factors to which the Abuse by the user

sealant will be exposed in-service and their range. A list of

common degradation factors is presented in Table 1. This list is
not exhaustive and other possible important factors should be
sought in each specific case. thermal expansion coefficients of rigidly connected dissimilar Quantitative information on weathering factors is materials that can be estimated.
available from published weather and climatological data. Use factors include the design of the system, instal-
These data will usually be sufficient to indicate the ranges of lation and maintenance procedures, normal wear and tear and
intensities to which the component or material will be exposed abuse.
in-service. Biological, incompatibility, and use factors and their Stress factors consist of sustained stress, developed range of in-service intensity can be difficult to quantify but
from seasonal changes, and periodic stress, such as daily upper limits of common in-service conditions can usually be
temperature or moisture variation. The intensities of stress estimated from a technical assessment and engineering judg-
factors can be estimated. ment. Consider each of the degradation factors that the sealant Chemical and Physical Incompatibility between Dis- may experience in-service within the given building system in
similar Materials—This includes stress caused by the different designing the assessment protocol.

FIG. 2 Example of a Matrix for Identifying Observable Changes of Sealants

C1850 − 17
8.1.3 Postulation of Types of Degradation—This step of the warm, moist locations; chemical incompatibility may only be
characterization procedure requires the user to propose pos- important as long as liquid water is present between the joined
sible types of degradation by which the identified degradation materials; physical incompatibility may not be important
factors can induce changes in the critical performance proper- unless there are large temperature changes. The effects of
ties of the sealant system. incompatibility factors can, therefore, usually be evaluated
along with tests to determine the effect of weathering factors.
9. Postulations Regarding Accelerated Aging Tests
12.4 Use factors are not usually included in accelerated
9.1 Once the information from Sections 7 and 8 has been aging tests. Installation and maintenance practices are assumed
obtained, postulations are made regarding specific procedures to be provided as recommended by the manufacturer, and
for accelerating the degradation using the identified degrada- intentional abuse is usually considered to be beyond the scope
tion factors. For example, if thermal degradation is identified as of test methods. Although use factors are not often included in
a possible degradation factor then it may be postulated that this accelerated aging tests, they can affect the sealant functional
type of factor can be accelerated by exposure to temperatures life and should be evaluated if deemed critical.
higher than those expected in-service. Users are cautioned that
applying extreme levels of stress to accelerate the rate of III–Testing
degradation may activate mechanisms and induce changes that
are not predictive of in-service degradation. The postulates that 13. Scope
are made in this step lay the groundwork for designing 13.1 The purposes of this procedure are to design and
preliminary accelerated tests. conduct new or improved accelerated tests to determine the
relationships between the degradation rates and the exposure
10. Definition of Performance Requirements conditions; to design and perform tests under in-service con-
10.1 Define performance requirements of the sealant. The ditions to confirm that the types of degradation induced by
performance statements should be qualitative summaries of the accelerated aging tests are similar to those observed in-service;
information obtained in Sections 8 and 9 that describe the and to measure the rates at which properties change in-service.
intention of the test.
14. Design of Tests
14.1 Long-term In-Service Tests—Long-term in-service
11. Scope: tests are necessary to validate the degradation factors of
importance for the sealant. These tests may be actual in-service
11.1 Pre-testing contributes to the user knowledge of the
tests of a model or mock-up system or exposure of selected
primary degradation factors leading to property changes It can
materials at outdoor weathering sites. It is essential to design
be used to show that rapid changes in the properties of the
the in-service tests so that all factors of importance are
sealant can be induced by exposure to high levels of the
considered. Where possible, the tests should permit the most
degradation factors. Information obtained from pre-testing
important type of degradation to be identified in a relatively
includes indications of (1) property changes that are likely to
short period of time; however, information obtained during
be useful as degradation indicators, (2) the order of importance
longer exposures is also needed to aid in relating the rates of
of the degradation factors, (3) the intensities of degradation
change in laboratory tests to those in the in-service tests. The
factors needed to induce rapid property changes.
intensity or magnitude of the degradation factors should be
12. Design of Pre-Tests measured during the tests
12.1 Pre-tests should be designed based on the information 14.2 Laboratory Accelerated Tests:
obtained in Sections 8, 9, and 10. The tests should provide for 14.2.1 The goal of laboratory accelerated testing is to
various properties to be measured before and after exposure provide a relatively rapid means of measuring the rate of
testing to determine which properties provide the most reliable property changes typical of those that occur in long-term
and consistent degradation indicators. Also, evaluate the deg- in-service use. These tests should normally be designed from
radation factors identified in Section 8, to which the building information obtained in pre-tests. In general, the intensity of
sealant system will be exposed in-service, to determine the degradation factors in these tests will be less than in the
most important factors. pre-tests to reduce the likelihood of causing degradation by
mechanisms that do not occur in-service. The properties
12.2 The intensity of weathering and other stress factors measured before and after testing should be those that have
used in pre-tests can be used in accordance with the quantita- been identified as directly related to the sealant’s critical
tive ranges identified in Section 8. Weather and climatological performance characteristics. All important degradation factors
data for the most extreme climates in which the sealant may be should be included in the exposure conditions.
used normally form the basis for the intensities of these factors 14.2.2 The potential of synergism should always be borne in
in the pre-tests. Calculated sustained stress and periodic stress mind in the development of accelerated tests. For example, the
can be used. combined effects of weathering factors, such as solar radiation,
12.3 Biological and incompatibility factors may not be temperature, applied strain and moisture, may be greater than
important unless combined with high levels of weathering the sum of the effects of the individual factors. The intensity or
factors. For example, fungi and bacteria are most active in magnitude of the degradation factors in the accelerated aging

C1850 − 17
test should be measured to aid in determining the effects of must be able to process quantitative data about the degradation
increased intensity and in relating the rates of change in the factors in calculations of the rate of change during the test
in-service and accelerated aging tests. period.
14.3 Comparison of Types of Degradation—Compare the 17. Definition of Performance Criteria for Estimating
types of degradation obtained in the accelerated aging tests and Design Life
in the in-service tests. If the initial accelerated tests do not
induce types of degradation representative of in-service 17.1 User performance criteria that define quantitative mini-
degradation, alter the design of the accelerated tests taking into mum acceptable levels of performance.
account the information obtained in Parts I and II (see loop in
18. Estimates of Design Life or Comparison of Relative
Fig. 1).
IV–Application of Data and Reporting of Conclusions 18.1 The expected design life of the sealant can be esti-
mated based on the information in Section 16 for comparing
15. Scope
the rates of change in the laboratory accelerated and the
15.1 This procedure covers application of the data and in-service tests. However, this method has several limitations:
reporting of results of procedures in Parts I, II, and III. The (1) It is not applicable to sealants that have long term resistance
applications include (1) estimation of design life based on to weathering because changes to properties under in-service
comparison of rates of change in the laboratory accelerated test conditions must be measurable within a reasonable exposure
versus the in-service test, and (2) comparison of the relative time, and (2) the relative rates of change by the two types of
durability of a number of sealants. tests may depend on the stage of degradation of the sealant.
The rates should be compared when the degradation is at the
16. Development of Mathematical Models for Comparing
same stage in each of the tests, but the relative rates can change
Rates of Changes
with progression of degradation. Therefore, studies are re-
16.1 After establishing that the type of degradation induced quired to verify the applicability of the method for different
by the accelerated tests are the same as those observed types of sealants. An alternative to estimating design life is to
in-service, compare the rates of change of properties in the two compare the relative degradation rates of a number of compo-
tests. For the simplest case, where degradation proceeds at a nents or materials that have been tested in a similar manner.
constant rate, determine the acceleration factor, K, as follows: Such comparisons are often made to rank components or
K 5 R AT ⁄R (1) materials in terms of expected long-term performance.
where: 19. Report of Data
RAT = rate of change obtained from the accelerated aging 19.1 A report summarizing the findings of the analysis in
test, and Parts I, II, III, and IV should be prepared. The report is
RLT = rate of change obtained from the long-term in-service particularly important to others who attempt to use the tests or
test. understand the rationale for procedures or assumptions. For
16.1.1 However, the relationship between the results of the this reason, state assumptions made and give reference to
two tests is seldom as simple. For nonlinear relationships, works that have directly affected decisions. It is suggested that
mathematical modeling may be necessary to establish a satis- the report include the elements described in Parts I, II, III, and
factory relationship between the rates of change. Such models IV.

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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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