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Is16676 2017

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Hkkjrh; ekud IS 16676 : 2017

Indian Standard

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Solventless Liquid Epoxy System

for Application on Interior and
Exterior Surfaces of Steel Water
Pipeline — Specification

ICS 87.040

© BIS 2017

Hkkjrh; ekud C;wjks

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NEW DELHI-110002

December 2017 Price Group 5

Paints, Varnishes and Related Products Sectional Committee, CHD 20

This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Paints,
Varnishes and Related Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Chemical Division Council.
This standard has been developed for the product — Solventless liquid epoxy system for application on interior
and exterior surfaces of steel water pipeline. This standard provides guidance to the water industry in selecting and
evaluating liquid epoxy coatings for use in water service and sets optimum requirements for linings and coatings
used on steel water pipe. Users of this standard are advised to consider additional lining thickness for pipe that
handles water containing higher than normal levels of particulates or that operates at higher than normal velocities
and also specify the required finished coating. The specified thickness should not exceed the maximum thickness
recommended by the coating manufacturer. Consideration should be given to the ability of the coating to resist
degradation by ultraviolet light and other atmospheric and environmental conditions. It is advisable that the purchaser
should consult the manufacturer for specific conditions and limitations of this product.
In the formulation of this standard, assistance has been derived from the following publication: AWWA C210-2007
‘Liquid Epoxy Coating Systems for the Interior and Exterior of steel water Pipelines’ issued by American Water
Works Association of America.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 16676 : 2017

Indian Standard
1 SCOPE IS No. Title
1.1 This standard specifies the requirements for underground mild steel pipelines
application, method of sampling and test and handling — Code of practice (first revision)
of materials of solventless liquid epoxy system for 10500 : 2012 Drinking water — Specification
application on interior and exterior surfaces of steel (second revision)
water pipelines, installed underground or underwater, 11755 : 1986 Methods of test for the
under normal construction conditions, for corrosion determination of electrical
protection. resistance and resistivity of
insulating materials at elevated
1.2 It is suitable for application by airless spray or plural temperatures
component system machine. It is not intended for use 15337 : 2003 Coal tar based anticorrosion tape
on pipes that will be bent after coating. for protection of underground
1.3 Solventless system consists of two components; mild steel pipelines —
epoxy resin and hardener mainly amide/amines. Specification
For the purpose of this standard, the following
The standards listed hereunder contain provisions, definitions and the definitions given in IS 1303 shall
which through reference in this text, constitute apply.
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication,
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are 3.1 Applicator — the organization which undertakes
subject to revision and parties to agreements based on the task of coating application in accordance with the
this standard are encouraged to investigate the provisions of this standard.
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the 3.2 Batch — maximum quantity manufactured from
standards. the same set of raw materials under the same conditions
of manufacturing by the same manufacturer.
IS No. Title
101 Methods of sampling and test for 3.3 Batch Certificate — certificate of analysis issued
paints, varnishes and related by the manufacturer.
products: 3.4 Component — parts of primer and/or finished
(Part 1/Sec 1) : Test on liquid paints (general and coating when mixed together form epoxy coating.
1986 physical), Section 1 Sampling 3.5 Coating System — mixture of the two components
(Part 3/Sec 2) : Tests on paint film formation, in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer.
1989 Section 2 Film thickness (third
3.6 Holiday — coating discontinuity that exhibits
electrical conductivity when exposed to a specific
1070 : 1992 Reagent grade water
1303 : 1983 Glossary of terms relating to paints
3589 : 2001 Steel pipes for water and sewage 3.7 Manufacturer — organizartion responsible for
— Specification (third revision) manufacture of coating materials.
5083 : 1988 Knifing stopper (second revision) 4 TYPES
10163 (Part 1) : Recommended methods of tests
1982 for the determination of dielectric 4.1 Solventless liquid epoxy coating system is
properties of insulating materials categorised into the following two types on the basis
at frequencies above 300 MHz: of nature of the product:
Part 1 General a) Type I — Polyamide based, and
10221 : 2008 Coating and wrapping of b) Type II — Amine based.

IS 16676 : 2017

4.2 The material used in both, primer and finishing applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s
coat(s), shall be produced by the same manufacturer. recommendations. If more than one coat is applied, the
second coat shall be applied within the prescribed time
4.3 Polyamide based epoxy coating system shall be used
limits, surface conditions and temperature
for internal lining of drinking water pipeline. Drinking
recommended by the manufacturer. After application,
water shall conform to the requirements specified in
the coating shall be tested for cure in accordance with
Table 2 of Annex I when tested in accordance with the
solvent rub test prescribed in Annex H. The coating
method of test prescribed therein.
shall not exhibit colour separation, sagging, pitting,
5 FINISH flaking or cracking and also confirm to the observations
of H-4.
The material may either be in mat finish or glossy
finish, as agreed between the purchaser and the 6.5 Consistency
Insert a clean metal rod or palette knife in the original
6 REQUIREMENTS container and examine the nature of settling. The
material shall not cake hard inside the container and
6.1 Condition shall be in such condition that stirring using
mechanical device/power stirrer easily produces a
The material shall be free from lumps, skins and shall
smooth uniform paint suitable for application by
become homogeneous on stirring. The components of
appropriate method.
the epoxy coating system shall be stored in original
sealed containers under the conditions prescribed by 6.6 Keeping Properties
the manufacturer.
The material shall confirm to all the requirements
6.2 Thinning specified 6.1 to 6.5 and 6.7, when tested immediate
after expiry of shelf life period declared by the
For ease of spray coating application of the product, it
manufacturer. The material shall be stored in original
is recommended that the coating material may be
sealed container under normal atmospheric conditions.
thinned by adding thinner, as recommended by the
manufacturer. 6.7 The material shall also comply with the requirement
given in Table 1.
6.3 Application Properties
Solventless liquid epoxy coating system shall be suitable
for application by airless spray machine or plural 7.1 Packing
component machine.
Unless otherwise specified, the material shall be packed
6.4 Recoating Properties in suitable metal container in dual pack (base and
The solventless liquid epoxy coating system shall be

Table 1 Requirements of Solventless Liquid Epoxy Coating System

(Clause 6.7)
Sl Characteristic Requirement Test Method, Ref to
No. Annex of this
(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) Thickness, dry film, Min 400 micron A
ii) Electrical insulation (holidays) Passes the test B
iii) Adhesion Test
a) Tape Test Passes the test C
b) Pull off Test, Min 5 MPa D
iv) Immersion and vapour phase, 30 days No blistering, peeling or detaching of coated E
a) De-ionized water pass film from substrate
b) Sulphuric acid pass 1 percent by weight.
c) Sodium hydroxide pass 1 percent by weight
v) Abrasion Resistance, Max 125 mg F
vi) Cathodic Disbondment Test, Max 6.0 mm radius G
vii) Solvent Rub Test, Max Thickness reduction 25 percent H
viii) Drinking Water Test Passes the tests for requirements prescribed I
at Table 2 of Annex I

IS 16676 : 2017

7.2 Marking applied in accordance with manufacturer ’s

recommendations. Application by airless spray or plural
7.2.1 Each container shall be marked with the
component machine is recommended.
a) Name of the material; 10.2 Pipe Preparation
b) Manufacturer name and his recognised trade- 10.2.1 Initial Preparation
mark, if any; All dirt, contaminants, defect, irregularities shall be
c) Lead content, Max; removed prior to blasting.
d) Net mass or volume of material; 10.2.2 Blast Cleaning
e) Batch number or lot number in code or Pipe shall be blast cleaned with mineral abrasives, slag
otherwise; abrasives, steel shot or steel grit. Minimum Sa 2.5 grade
f) Month and year of manufacture; of blast to be followed (see IS 9954 and ISO 8501-1).
g) Shelf life of the material; The anchor profile depth should not be less than 50
h) A cautionary note as given below: microns.
10.2.3 Coating Application
1) Keep out of reach of children.
2) Dried film of this paint may be harmful if Material preparation shall be in accordance
eaten or chewed. with manufacturer’s recommendations.
3) This product may be harmful if swallowed Holdback for field welds
or inhaled. When pipe sections are to be joined together by field
j) Additional information—Manufacturer welding, a band, free from lining and coating, shall be
should also provide all necessary information, left on the inside and outside surfaces at the end of
instructions and recommended condition for sections. This band shall be of sufficient width as
coating application of product along with each specified by the purchaser to permit making of field
consignment of product for bulk supply or joints without damage to lining and coating. The
individual packaging as applicable. manufacturer shall be consulted for holdback width.
7.2.2 BIS Certification Marking Application temperature
The product may also be marked with the Standard Mark. Coating shall be applied when the metal temperature is
more than 3°C above the dew point temperature. The The use of the Standard Mark is governed by
temperature of the mixed coating material and the pipe
the provisions of Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986
at the time of application shall not be lower than 10°C.
and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The
Pre-heating of coating material and use of online heaters
details of conditions under which the licence for the
to heat the coating material may be done on the
use of the Standard Mark may be granted to
recommendations of the manufacturer.
manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the
Bureau of Indian Standards. Application of epoxy coating system
8 SAMPLING The solventless liquid epoxy coating system shall be
applied as per recommendations of the manufacturer.
Representative samples of the material shall drawn, as If more than one coat is applied, the second coat shall
prescribed in IS 101 (Part 1 / Sec 1). be applied within the time limits recommended by the
9 TESTS manufacturer. If the period between coats is exceeded,
a repair procedure shall be obtained from the coating
9.1 Tests shall be conducted according to the methods manufacturer and recommendations followed.
prescribed in Annexure A to I. Coating thickness
9.2 Quality of Reagents
Coating thickness shall be in the range of ± 20 percent
Unless specified otherwise, pure chemicals and distilled as per method of test prescribed in Annex A.
water (see IS 1070) shall be used. Electrical inspection
NOTE — ‘Pure chemicals’ shall mean chemical that do not
contain impurities which affect the results of analysis. After curing but prior to installation, the coating system
applied to the pipe shall be tested for holidays as per
10 COATING APPLICATION the method prescribed in Annex B. Any holiday,
indicated by the detector, shall be marked with chalk to
10.1 General
identify the area to be repaired. The entire area shall be
The solventless liquid epoxy coating system shall be subjected to electrical inspection.

IS 16676 : 2017 Adhesion test 10.3.2 Repair Inspection

After electrical inspection (see, the coated Repaired portion shall be electrically inspected using
surface is subjected to adhesion (cross-cut) test as a holiday detector as prescribed in Annex B.
prescribed in Annex C, followed by adhesion pull-off
10.4 Welded Field Joints
test as prescribed in Annex D. The frequency of test
shall be one in every ten pipes. 10.4.1 Preparation
Weld joints shall be cleaned so as to be free from mud,
10.3 Coating Repair oil, grease, welding flux, weld spatter and other foreign
10.3.1 Defective Coating contaminants. Cleaned metal surfaces of weld joints
shall be blasted or abraded using rotary abrading pads.
Coating shall be repaired as specified in The adjacent coating shall be feathered by abrading the
to coating surface for a distance of 25 mm. Surface preparation 10.4.2 Electrical Inspection
Accessible areas of pipe requiring coating repairs shall After curing, the coating system applied to welding
be cleaned to remove debris and damaged coating using joints shall be tested for holiday as prescribed in
surface grinders or other means. The adjacent coating Annex B. Holidays indicated shall be marked to identify
shall be feathered by sanding, grinding or other method. the area of repair.
Accumulated debris shall be removed by blowing with
10.5 Bedding and Trench Back-filling
contaminant free air or wiping with clean rags. Areas
not accessible for coating repair, such as interior Back-filling shall be done in a manner that avoids abrasion
surfaces of small diameter pipe, shall be reprocessed or other damage to both factory and field applied coatings.
and recoated as specified in 10.2.3. Where the trench traverses rocky ground containing hard
objects that could penetrate the protective coating, a layer Coating application
of screened earth, sand or rounded river run gravel not
The coating system shall be applied to as specified less than 150 mm thick with a maximum particle size of
in 10.2.3 on the prepared surface areas. 20 mm shall be placed in the bottom of the trench prior to
installation of the coated pipe.

[Clauses 9.1 and and Table 1, Sl No. (i)]

A-1 GENERAL is less than 27.87 m2, each 9.29 m2 should be measured.
If the structure is between 27.87 and 90.29 m2, three
Prescribes method for checking whether thickness of a
9.29 m 2 test areas shall be selected randomly and
dried film of coating on a test panel lies within the
measured. For structures exceeding 90.29 m2, three
specified limits.
9.29 m2 test areas shall be selected randomly for the
A-2 EQUIPMENT first 90.29 m2 and one test area of 9.29 m2area for each
additional 90.29 m2area or less.
Magnetically induced thickness measuring gauge.
A-3.2 Observations
Individual readings taken to get representative
A-3.1 Number of Measurements measurement shall be unrestricted, but abnormally low
or high readings shall be discarded. Spot measurements
For 9.29 m2 test area, five spots per test area (each
(average of three readings) shall be within 80 percent
spot of 3.8 cm) in diameter shall be selected. Three
of the minimum thickness and 120 percent of the
gauge readings per spot shall be taken. If the structure
maximum thickness.

IS 16676 : 2017

[Clauses 9.1,, 10.3.2 and 10.4.2 and Table 1, Sl No. (ii) ]

B-1 GENERAL in the coated surface, thereby, giving erroneous

All the lined/coated pipes shall be tested with an readings.
approved high voltage holiday detector, preferably B-2.2 While selecting test voltages, consideration
equipped with an audio visual signalling device, to should be given to the tolerance on coating thickness
indicate any faults, holes, breaks or conductive particles and voltage should be selected on the basis of maximum
in the protective coating. coating thickness likely to be encountered during testing
of a particular pipe.
B-2.1 The applied output voltage of holiday detector B-3 CALCULATION
shall have a spark discharge of thickness equal to at The testing voltage shall be calculated by using
least twice the thickness of the coating to assure following formula:
adequate inspection voltage and compensate for any Testing Voltage V = 7 900 √T ± 10 percent, where T is
variation in coating thickness. The electrode shall be the average coating thickness in mm.
passed over the coated surface at approximately half
the spark discharge distance from the coated surface B-4 RESULT
only one time at the rate of approximately 10 to Any audio visual sound or spark indicates pinhole,
20 m/min. The edge effect shall be ignored. Excessive break or presence of conductive particle.
voltage shall be avoided as it tends to induce holiday

[Clauses 9.1 and and Table 1, Sl No. (iii)(a)]


This method is used to evaluate adequacy of adhesion The surface of the substrate shall be cleaned either by
of coating to a substrate. shot or grit blasting. One coat of epoxy primer (red
oxide) shall be applied by brush / airless spray machine
C-2 APPARATUS and allowed to dry for at least 12 h. Solventless epoxy
C-2.1 Cutting Tool — Sharp razor blade, scalpel, knife coating shall be applied by brush or by airless spray in
or other cutting devices. It is of particular importance one coat or multiple coats, depending on the thickness
that the cutting edges be in good condition. required. Recoating time shall be min 12 h.
C-2.2 Cutting Guide — Steel or other hard metal C-4 PROCEDURE
straightedge to ensure straight cuts. Select an area free of blemishes and minor surface
C-2.3 Tape — Twenty five mm wide, semi-transparent imperfections. Make two cuts in the film, each about
pressure-sensitive tape with an adhesion strength of 44.6 40 mm long, that intersect near the middle with an angle
± 2.8 g/mm. The backing of the tape may consist of between 30o and 45°. Inspect the incisions for reflection
fibre-reinforced cellulose acetate, unplasticized poly of light from the metal substrate to establish that the
vinyl chloride or polyester film. coating film has been penetrated. Smooth the tape into
place by finger in the area of the incisions and then rub
C-2.4 Rubber Eraser — On the end of a pencil. firmly with the eraser on the end of a pencil.
C-2.5 Illumination — A light source is helpful in C-5 OBSERVATION
determining whether the cuts have been made through
The material shall be deemed to have passed the test if
the film to the substrate.
the coating does not separate from the substrate cleanly
and the coating remains attached to the substrate.

IS 16676 : 2017

[Clauses 9.1 and and Table 1 Sl No. (iii)(b)]

D-1 PRINCIPLE adhesive to fully cure before performing the adhesion

test. Attach the dolly to the coated surface and gently
The general pull-off test is performed by securing a
push downward to displace any excessive adhesive.
loading fixture (dolly, stud) normal (perpendicular) to
Push the dolly inward against the surface and apply tape
the surface of the coating with an adhesive. After the
across the head of the dolly.
adhesive is cured, a testing apparatus is attached to the
loading fixture and aligned to apply tension normal to D-3.5 Scoring
the test surface. The force applied to the loading fixture
is then gradually increased and monitored until either a Tape of scoring around the base of dolly prior to testing
plug of material is detached, or a specified value is is not recommend. Scoring may produce tiny factures
reached. When a plug of material is detached, the in the coating or may generate friction heat, which can
exposed surface represents the plane of limiting strength change the properties of coating and result in lower
within the system. The pull-off strength is computed adhesion values.
based on the maximum indicated load.
D-3.6 Adhesion Test
D-2 APPARATUS / INSTRUMENT Attach the adhesion tester to the dolly by rotating the
hand wheel counter clockwise to lower the jaw of the
D-2.1 Adhesion Tester
device. Slide the jaw completely under the head of the
It consists of three basic components, a hand wheel; a dolly. Position three legs of the instruments so that they
black column containing a dragging indicator pin and are sitting flat on the coated surface. Slide the dragging
scale in the middle, a base containing three legs and a indicator pin on the black column to zero by pushing it
pulling jaw at the bottom; and dollies (test pull studs). downward. Firmly hold the base of the instrument in
one hand and rotate the hand wheel anti-clockwise to
D-3 PROCEDURE raise the jaw of the device that is attached to the head
D-3.1 Preparation of Test Surface — Once test area of the dolly. The dragging indicator pin will move
is selected, it shall be free of grease, oil, dirt and water. upward on the black column as the force is increased
The area should be flat and large enough to and will hold the reading. Apply tension at moderate
accommodate the specified number of replicate tests. speed. Continue to increase tension on the head of the
dolly until (a) the minimum tension required as per the
D-3.2 Prepare of Dolly (Test Pull Stud) — The dolly purchase specification is exceeded and the test is
is a round, two sided aluminium fixture. Both sides of discontinued; (b) the maximum tension of adhesion
the dolly look the same. However, one side is sloped tester has been achieved and dolly is still attached; and
on top surface while being flat on bottom surface. As (c) the force applied by the adhesion tester causes the
the surface of the dolly is polished aluminium, roughen dolly to dislodge.
the same using a coarse sand paper.
D-3.3 Selection of Adhesive — Use 100 percent solid
epoxy adhesive. This adhesive requires curing of at least The black column near the middle of the adhesion tester
24 h at room temperature. contains two scales and a dragging indicator pin in
between. The dragging indicator pin will hold the
D-3.4 Attach the dolly to the surface. Using a wooden
reading until pushed back to zero. When the end point
stick, apply an even layer of adhesive to the entire
of the test is achieved, read the scale across the bottom
contact surface area of the dolly. Carefully remove the
of the dragging pin and record the adhesion value.
excessive adhesive by using cotton swab. Allow the

IS 16676 : 2017

[Clause 9.1 and Table 1, Sl No. (iv)]

Steel panels of dimensions (50 mm × 150 mm × the liquid and vapour phases of the fluids. If multiple
3.2 mm) shall be prepared, coated and cured as panels are placed in the same container, a distance of
prescribed in 10.2. The uncoated side and edges shall at least (25 mm) shall be maintained between panels.
be sealed with hot wax or other resistant material. The containers shall be covered, but not sealed, and
Suitable containers shall be filled to a depth of (100 allowed to stand at 27°C ± 2°C for 30 days,
mm), one with de-ionized water, one with 1 percent maintaining liquid levels as required. The panels shall
(w/v) solution of sulfuric acid and one with 1 percent be removed, rinsed, and allowed to dry for 24 h. The
(w/v) solution of sodium hydroxide. The panels shall occurrence of any blistering, peeling or disbondment
be placed in the containers to allow exposure to both shall be considered as failure in the test.

[Clause 9.1 and Table 1, Sl No. (v)]


Wheel number CS–10 or CS–17, as required, shall be Weigh the test specimen to the nearest 0.1 mg and
used. Acceptable hardness for both types of wheel is record the weight. Mount the test specimen on the
81±5 shore D. A vacuum pick-up assembly, consisting turntable. Place the CS wheel on the test film and the
of vacuum unit, variable transformer suction regulator, vacuum pick up nozzle. Set the counter and suction
nozzle with bracket attachment and connecting hose regulator. Start the vacuum pick-up and turntable of
with adaptor, shall be used. CS wheel. Subject the test specimen to abrasion for
1 000 cycles. Remove any loose abrasions remaining
F-2 PREPARATION OF TEST SPECIMEN by light brushing. Reweigh the test specimen. Repeat
Apply uniform coating of material to be tested. Specimens the test for additional test specimen.
shall be a 4" × 4" square panel with rounded corner and
¼" (6.3 mm) hole centrally located on each panel.
Prepare minimum two coated panels of the material. Weight loss is calculated by the formula, L = A – B


Mount the CS wheels on their respective flange holders. A = weight of test specimen before abrasion in
Adjust load on the wheels to 1 000 g. mg, and
B = weight of test specimen after abrasion in mg.
Condition the coated panels for at least 24 h at 27 ±
2°C and 65 ± 5 percent RH.

IS 16676 : 2017

[Clause 9.1 and Table 1, Sl No. (vi)]

G-1 APPARATUS disbondment test, two individual cells shall be made having
electrolyte concentration of sodium chloride solution, 3
G-1.1 Instrument — The instrument shall have stable
percent. A hole of 6 mm diameter shall be drilled at the
DC power unit, having controlled voltage output
centre of each cell to remove the coating material upto
between 0 and 10 V and a current capacity sufficient to
the base metal substrate as a pre-damaged area, which
supply 20 mA simultaneously to each site in circuit.
acts as a cathode. Platinum electrode shall be used as anode
The digital voltmeter shall be capable of reading up to
and reference calomel electrode shall be immersed in each
third decimal place and the maximum effective input
test cell to measure continuous potential for 28 days.
current shall not be greater than 11 A.
G-1.2 Variable resistor shall be of 5 kΩ ± 10 percent, G-4 ASSESSMENT
1 W for each test site. Remove plastics tube from each test site and wipe along
G-1.3 Flaw detector to detect any flaw like pinholes the surface of the coating using a lint free paper towel
prior to start of the test. and cathode area material. Make two parallel incisions
through the coating, 12.5 mm apart across the panel,
G-1.4 Reference electrode of saturated calomel type so as to include the pre-damaged area. The cuts should
having formed plug of diameter less than 10 mm for extend 50 mm on each side of the pre-damaged area.
measurement of voltage. Using a square ended pellet knife, insert it in the centre
G-1.5 Platinum wire of diameter 0.8 mm and 75 mm portion of the pre-damaged area, between the parallel
of length to act as anode at each site. cuts, down to the metal. Using a gentle levering action,
lift the strip of coating, if possible, with a slow peeling
G-1.6 Rigid plastic tube of 50 mm nominal bore and action and grip the coating between the blade and thumb
60 mm length at each site of coating forming the test and continue the peeling action until the coating breaks.
cell. Repeat the peeling test in the opposite direction and
G-1.7 Twist drill for making a 6 mm hole at the middle then repeat the procedure at an angle of 90° to the first
of the test cell. test. Apply one spot of phenolphthalein indicator to the
exposed metal surface at the outside edge and allow it
G-2 REAGENTS to flow towards the pre-damaged area. The purple
boundary indicates the extent of disbonding.
G-2.1 Electrolyte — Sodium chloride, 3 percent
solution (m/v). G-5 REPORTING
G-2.2 Indicator — Phenolphthalein indicator for Report the extent of disbonding as the radius in
measurement of extent of corrosion at the end of the millimetres from the edges of the pre-damaged areas.
test. Alternatively, if the coating is strongly adhering to the
steel substrate, take the average distance at which the
coating breaks as the extent of disbonding. The extent
Test samples of solventless liquid epoxy coating systems of disbonding shall not be more than 6.0 mm radius
shall be subjected to cathodic disbondment test for 28 days from the edge of the 6 mm holiday.
at –1.5 V potential and at 30 ± 5°C. For cathodic

IS 16676 : 2017

[Clause 6.4 and Table 1, Sl No. (vii)]

H-1 SAMPLE PREPARATION finger in the centre of the pad while holding excess
cloth with thumb and remaining fingers of the same
Take mild steel pipe of 6" dia and 12" length, coat the
hand. With the index finger at 45° angle to the test
same with solventless liquid epoxy system to minimum
surface, rub the rectangular test area with moderate
400 micron. Cure the pipe for minimum 15 days.
pressure, first away from operator and then back
H-2 CHEESE CLOTH towards operator. One forward and backward motion
is one double rub and should be completed in 1 s.
100 percent cotton mesh, grade 28 × 24 and size Continue rubbing the test area for 25 double rubs.
300 mm × 300 mm and contrasting in colour to the Impact the middle 125 mm of the rubbed area,
coating being evaluated. disregarding 12.5 mm at each end with fingernail.
Check for any visual changes in appearance.
Select areas on coated surface of at least 150 mm long H-4 OBSERVATIONS
on which to run the test. Clean the surface with tap Compare the rubbed area with an adjacent area which
water to remove any loose material and allow to dry. is not under test. Measure the film thickness of the
Measure dry film thickness of coating in the selected rubbed area and visually examine the cloth for
area. Mark 150 mm × 25 mm rectangular test area by indications of coating removal. The coating thickness
pencil or marker pen. Fold cotton cloth into a pad of shall not decrease by more than 25 percent of the
double thickness and saturate it to dripping wet with original film thickness. There shall be no sign of
methyl ethyl ketone. Place properly protected index blistering or any other visual defect.

[Clauses 4.3 and 9.1 and Table 1, Sl No. (viii)]

I-1 SAMPLE PREPARATION Table 2 Requirement for Drinking water

[Clause 4.3 Table 1, Sl No. (viii)]
Take mild steel pipe of 63 diameter and 123 length
and coat the same with solventless liquid epoxy system Sl Parameter Desirable Permissible
No. Limit Limit
to minimum 400 micron. Cure the same for minimum
(1) (2) (3) (4)
15 days. Wash the pipes with drinking water and dry i) pH 6.5 to 8.5 No Relaxation
the same. ii) Turbidity (NTU) 1 5
iii) Total Hardness (as 200 600
I-2 PROCEDURE CaCO3), mg/l
iv) Chloride (Cl?) mg/l 250 1 000
Pass drinking water (see IS 10500) through the pipe v) Nitrate (as NO3), mg/l 45 100
for 30 days continuously or otherwise hold drinking vi) Iron (as Fe), mg/l 0.3 1.0
water inside the coated pipe for 30 days at ambient vii) Arsenic (as As), mg/l 0.05 No Relaxation
temperature. After 30 days, collect the water and test viii) Fluoride (as F), mg/l 1.0 1.50
the same for the requirements prescribed in Table 2 as ix) Total Coliform Absent Absent
(CFU/100 ml)
per the method of test prescribed in IS 10500. x) Faecal Streptococci Absent Absent
CFU/100 ml)
xi) Odour Agreeable Agreeable
xii) Taste Agreeable Agreeable

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CHD 20 (11055).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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Published by BIS, New Delhi

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