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Highlights-It and Marks-It Strategy (Day 1)

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Kaylie Quimby 1

Highlights-It and Marks-It Strategy (Day 1)

Subject: Word Study Activity: Identifying Main Ideas & Key Details Setting: 4th Grade General Education
Date: 3-6-2017 # of Students: 5 Time: 11:55 am-12:25 pm (30 minutes total)
Statement of Objective: Objectives: Accommodations
*Observable/Measurable (A, B, C, D) - Highlight key information SWBAT (students
*GLCE/IEP -Identify main ideas and related details will be able to)
-Use during reading strategies objectives are
written on the
SWBAT: (Students will be able to independently use the whiteboard
Highlights-It and Marks-It strategies to find the main ideas and (Multisensory
key details in a text with 90% accuracy.) support)

Materials: - Pencil, ELMO ELMO will be used

*Prepared and organized - New partner as visual support.
*Available for all - Meet at the carpet
- Copies of text
- Highlights-It & Marks-It Cue Cards

Opening: Transition: 1-2-3 eyes on me, 1-2 eyes on you! SWBAT will be
*Gain attention/motivate - Tell students where to meet & what written on board as
*Activate prior knowledge supplies to bring. visual support &
Link/relate; assess; prepare for future reference.
new learning (e.g. vocabulary) 1) SWBAT (active participation)
*State goals/set purpose - I say- you say
Explain task: why, what, how,
and when for strategies
*Clear directions 2) Ticket to Success: Students can independently use the
Time: 5-8 minutes Highlights-It and Marks-It Strategies to find the main ideas and
key details in a text with 90% accuracy.

3) Welcome students, Preview Lesson, Introduce strategies

Presentation: 1) Set goals for today. (Goal Setting) ELMO (visual

Teacher: support)
*Variety of learning (T/S, S/S, S/T) 2) Why do we highlight & mark while we read? (activate
*Organizational framework background knowledge)
Construct, clarify, and link - Discuss purpose of each
concepts in a meaningful context Provided many
** When to use Mark It and Note it! Strategy visual, verbal, and
*Present visually, verbally, - When you need to remember key ideas &
kinesthetically, kinesthetic
details for a test, quiz, report, or experiment supports. (SWBAT,
Real world (e.g. LESH) - When you are reading to get information
*Model and think aloud to make visible use of cue cards,
from a text for later use directions in
Language practices/processes - When you are gathering info from
Learning strategies and powerpoint, whole
several different sources and need to quickly group and partner
adaptations (how, when and remember what key information you have marked
why) discussions)
and noted
Organization, relationships, and - When you are reading difficult material
clues where we dont have a lot of background knowledge
*Transfer of control or experience.
Students explain, justify, clarify,
*Clear directions 3) Whats difficult about highlighting a text? (activate
*Check for understanding background knowledge)
Appropriate feedback: praise,
prompt 4) Preview Lesson & Introduce Highlights-It and Marks-It
Probe/question (in ZPD) Strategies
Assess/error drill Today Im going to explain and model Highlights-It and Marks-It
Monitor and adjust instruction Strategies. Im going to show you how to highlight and markup
Students: text. Have you ever seen how college students and adults
*Participation highlight text? (show example) What do you notice about this
Overt and active text? (activate background knowledge)
Instructional dialogue, think - Not every word is highlighted- words are
aloud, explain, justify, highlighted
evaluate, etc. - Words are written in margins
Guided Practice: - Important ideas are highlighted
*Activity related to - Questions are recorded in margins
Kaylie Quimby 2

presentation/objectives - Vocabulary words are highlighted

*Active student participation Skilled readers highlight text, they mark important details and
Provide rationale for assignment make notes on the text. When they go back to study the ideas,
Multi-sensory and real world the highlighted sections of the text will help them know where to
Instructional dialogue focus their attention and what they need to study. Were going
*Transfer of control to learn how to highlight the text and make notes. This is what
Students explain, justify, clarify, good readers do. This will help you study for tests later in life.
think aloud
*Check for understanding 5) Introduce and Describe Highlighting Strategy
Ensure high success rate Today were going to learn how to highlight a text. When you
Appropriate feedback: praise, highlight and markup text, you use all the strategies youve
prompt, Probe/question (in already used. You highlight and circle the Main Ideas, highlight
ZPD) important details about the Main Ideas, write your questions and
Individual Practice: ideas in the margins using a special key.
*Assess/error drill
*Monitor and adjust instruction
*Management/monitoring The Highlights-It strategy cue cards are designed to help you
Scan, circulate, assess, support, remember the highlighting strategies you can use while you
praise read and study. After the next few days, you can use the
Time: 10-15 minutes Highlights-It cue cards when you read informational text. It will
help you identify what is important to learn and know. Using the
Highlights-It strategy can help you become a better reader or
writer. (Memorize it/ Self-Instructions)

To map a text and take notes, there are three steps:

1) Main Ideas
- Circle & highlight main idea or subtopic
- Highlight and circle main idea if it is directly
stated in the text.
- If it is not stated, were going to infer the
main idea and write in the margins.
2) Details
- Highlight 2-3 details that support each main
3) Mark-It! Make Notes and Use symbols
- Record thoughts in the margins. Use a key
and symbols to help us make notes on the text.
- ?- where we have questions or confusions.
- PK- Ideas connected to our prior
- CL- What we want to clarify
- C- Connect to self, text or world
- P- Predict
- S-Summarize
- I- Imagery
- D- Detail
- MI- Main Idea
- ****- Key Point
Informal assessment:
- Teacher scans group for active participation
& direction following.
- Ask students to justify their answer.
- Hand on head or thumb up when read to
move on.
- Thumb up to check for understanding

Positive behavior reinforcements:

- Panther Pride slips, reinforcement of
desired behaviors, praise.

- Partner work
- Large group instruction
- Independent work

Closing: 1) Informal assessment:

*Adequate time - Why are we learning the Highlights-It and
Kaylie Quimby 3

*Students summarize content and Marks-It strategy?

accomplishments - What were the goals of the lesson today?
*Assess/identify new goals - How can we make sure we are reaching
*Link to future learning our SWBAT goal each day?

Time: 8-10 minutes

1. Was my feedback for students positive and specific?
2. Did I leave enough time to have an adequate closing for my lesson?
3. Did I make sure everyone was actively participating throughout todays lesson?
4. Were my students able to identify what our goal was for the lesson during the closing?
5. Were my directions clear and direct?
6. Did my use of technology enhance my lesson? Why or why not?

Debrief strategy:
1. What are the strategies in the Highlights-It and Marks-It cue card?
2. What do you think is the purpose of the Highlights-It and Marks-It strategies?
3. What are the advantages of using the Highlights-It and Marks-It strategies?
4. How can you use the Highlights-It and Marks-It strategies when you are reading?
5. How do the Highlights-It and Marks-It strategies help you think about the topic(s)?
6. In what other classes might you use the Highlights-It and Marks-It strategies?
7. When would you not use the Highlights-It and Marks-It strategies?
8. Do you have any questions?

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