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Generic Lesson Plan Form

Subject: Writing Activity: 4th Grade D.O.L. and Topic Writing Setting: Resource Room # of Students: 2

Statement of Objective: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.2.C Accommodations

*Observable/Measurable (A,B,C,D)
*GLCE/IEP Link ideas within categories of information using words and -presented orally at the
phrases (e.g., another, for example, also, because). beginning of lesson, On
smartboard (read by
Learning Target: I can state a topic and use supporting details and
follow-up details to link back to the topic.
Materials: -Smart Notebook Slides
*Prepared and organized
*Available for all -DOL strips
-teacher pointer
-topic cards
-Paragraph writing slips (Topic, supporting detail, follow-up,
supporting detail, and follow-up)
-cards for game
Opening: 1. Welcome students (ask about their weekend) and establish -Student ownership to
*Gain attention/motivate be teacher for the day
*Activate prior knowledge teacher for the day
~link/relate; assess; prepare for new 2. D.O.L sentence: -Ask other student to
learning (e.g. vocabulary) explain or restate
- Teacher reads sentence, “You are looking for ___ errors”
*State goals/set purpose reason to increase
~explain task: why, what, how, and when - Call “teacher” to make the first correction on the board: engagement
for strategies “What did you do? Why?”
*Clear directions -Kinesthetic movements
- Repeat until all errors are corrected with key words
- Reveal corrected sentence to see if all errors were caught
3. Learning target: Student read (participate in hand movements)
Presentation: 4. Paragraph explanation and criteria: student “teacher” decides how -Kinesthetic movements
Teacher: with key words
*Variety of learning (T/S, S/S, S/T) to read it and how to do the hand signals with the group
*Organizational framework 5. Paragraph writing together
~construct, clarify, and link concepts in a
meaningful context
-Draw a topic and come up with a topic sentence all together -Tactile and visual parts
*Present visually, verbally, kinesthetically, (teacher take notes on the slip) of paragraph with topic
real world (e.g. LESH) -Have the student “Teacher” come up with the first notes so that the
*Model and think aloud to make visible students can remember
~language practices/processes
supporting detail and follow-up detail what was already says
~learning strategies and adaptations (how, -Have the other student come up with the second detail and and make sure that it
when and why) follow-up links back to topic
~organization, relationships, and clues
*Transfer of control -Ask: Do both of the details link back to topic? (manipulate
~students explain, justify, clarify, etc. slips to check) -Auditory and
*Clear directions Kinesthetic reading of
*Check for understanding
-Read paragraph aloud all together with movements for paragraph with hand
~appropriate feedback: praise, prompt capitalization and punctuation signals
probe/question (in ZPD) -Allow for 5 quick rounds of war when finished
~assess/error drill
~monitor and adjust instruction 6. Quick topic sentences and one detail with follow-up for practice
Students: -Students take turn drawing a topic card and coming up with
*Participation a topic sentence and one detail with a follow-up (hand
~overt and active
~instructional dialogue, think aloud, signals)
explain, justify, evaluate, etc. -2 rounds of war between each topic
Guided Practice:
*Activity related to presentation/objectives
*Active student participation
~provide rationale for assignment
~multi-sensory and real world
~instructional dialogue
*Transfer of control
~students explain, justify, clarify, think
*Check for understanding
~ensure high success rate
~appropriate feedback: praise, prompt,
Generic Lesson Plan Form

probe/question (in ZPD)

Individual Practice:
~assess/error drill
~monitor and adjust instruction
~scan, circulate, assess, support, praise
Closing: “You were able to link two supporting details and follow-up details -Time for students to
*Adequate time express how much they
*Students summarize content and back to the topic sentence to create a paragraph. Soon we will be understand or are
accomplishments looking at adding a concluding sentence on to complete it. How are feeling about the task
*Assess/identify new goals
*Link to future learning
you feeling about creating paragraphs on a given topic?”


1. Was my feedback for student positive and specific?

2. Did I reduce distractions throughout the lesson?
3. Were my corrections non-intrusive and appropriate?
4. Did I provide adequate prompting and rephrasing of difficult tasks?
5. What could I improve for next time?

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