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UDL Lesson Plan Template

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University – Level

Lesson Plan Template

This template is designed to be a flexible and modifiable guide for planning a class session.
Modify the format and add/remove/change the components as needed.
The listed strategies should prompt you to actively engage your learners.
When possible, provide them more than one strategy as options to engage, learn, and express themselves.
Lesson Outcomes
What should students know and be able to do by the end of the lesson?
Use SMARTE (specific, strategic, measurable, aligned, attainable, authentic, relevant, time-bound, equitable) to guide your work.

Contextualize the Lesson Purpose of the Lesson Rationale
Where in the program and course does this Is the purpose of this lesson to review? What relevant goals are addressed?
lesson occur? Extend? Introduce? Reteach? Why is this content important to know?
How is it relevant to students’?

Misconceptions & Proficiency Climate

What do they already know? How will you create a safe and inclusive climate?
What are the “potholes”? What are students bringing to class (emotions, conceptual knowledge, personal
challenges, prior experiences, prerequisite skills, motivation levels, interests, fears, current
proficiencies, perceptions of the discipline, of the teacher)?

Resources & Materials Pre-Reflection Post-Reflection

Technology & Digital Resources (clickers; Be comfortable with the room, technology, Consider the feedback you received and
PowerPoint; website links) and content. your observations.
Envision the lesson in your head. What worked well?
Identify and prepare for potential potholes. What notes should you keep for the next
Instructional Materials (handouts, guests) time you teach this course?
How can this lesson be revised so that it
can be even more effective?
Student Supplies (readings, index cards)

Brooke A. Howland, Ed.D. | 2020

Class Time Sequence
Set/Hook (____mins.)
Capture learners’ attention: motivate, stimulate
• Share a real-world interest, or generate questions.
problem Introduction/Purpose (___ mins.)
• Post an image Make connections among and between the
• Tell a story hook, LOs, and purpose of content.
• Open Questions Discuss the plan to work towards the LOs and
• Naïve Task how learners will demonstrate their knowledge.

Chunk #1: Pre-asses, Teach/Model, Activity/Assess, Feedback/Review (___ mins.)

Pre-assess (5 mins.)
• KWL Surface and supplement what students know.
• Four Corners Make connections among and between
• Assumption Wall content, students’ prior experiential
• Send-a-Problem knowledge, cultural backgrounds, future
• Clickers careers, and previous/ subsequent class
sessions, courses, and readings.
Teach/Model (15 mins.)
• Chunking Content Open chunk with important concepts. Learners
• Demonstrate a best remember that which comes first (primacy
process or task effect).
• Think Aloud Use multiple methods to communicate content
• Improved PPT Slides​ to help all learners reach higher levels of
Activity/Assess (5 mins.)
• Retrieval Practice Use multiple methods of student-centered
• Think-Pair-Share pedagogies to actively sustain learners’ effort
• Brain Dump and motivation; encourage equitable
participation; and check for understanding.
• Most Important
Use approaches that help all learners express
Point (MIP)
themselves fluently.
• Lecture Wrapper Feedback/Review (5)
• Weekly/Unit/ Quickly review and debrief the activity.
Module Wrapper Provide feedback.
Close the chunk.
Chunk #2+: Pre-asses, Teach/Model, Activity/Assess, Review (___ mins.)
Repeat a similar workflow.
Make transparent how each chunk relates.
Teach the last chunk with important concepts
as learners remember second best that which
comes last (recency effect).
Close (___ mins.)
Reinforce/revisit LOs.
• Minute Paper
Review key ideas.
• Muddiest Point Discuss where you’ve been; the progress made
• 3-2-1 today; and what is to come next (online)?
• RAFT Connect to a larger unit or course outcomes.
• Gots & Wants Provide multiple methods for students to
• Wikis reflect upon and self-assess their learning as
well as provide you feedback on the
• Portfolios effectiveness of the lesson.


Brooke A. Howland, Ed.D. | 2020

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