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The document discusses different types of hydraulic cements including portland, blended, and special purpose cements like calcium-aluminate cements. It also discusses factors that influence cement performance and the properties of concrete made with different cements.

The document discusses portland cements, blended hydraulic cements, shrinkage-compensating expansive cements, and calcium-aluminate cements.

The water-cement ratio, curing temperature, relative humidity, and time of exposure can affect the strength and permeability of calcium-aluminate cement concretes due to conversion of the initial hydrates. The residual strength also depends on the original water-cement ratio.

ACI 225R-99

Guide to the Selection and Use of Hydraulic Cements

Reported by ACI Committee 225

Gregory S. Barger

Claude Bedard Michael S. Hammer Colin L. Lobo

Glen E. Bollin Eugene D. Hill Kenneth Mackenzie
Michael M. Chehab R. Doug Hooton Bryant Mather
James R. Clifton* Kenneth G. Kazanis Walter J. McCoy
Christopher Crouch Paul Klieger Leo M. Meyer, Jr.
Marwan A. Daye Steven H. Kosmatka James S. Pierce
George R. Dewey Jim Kuykendall Sandor Popovics
Richard D. Gaynor Bryce P. Simons


Because cement is the most active component of concrete and usually has Keywords: admixtures; blended cements; calcium-aluminate cements;
the greatest unit cost, its selection and proper use is important in obtaining cements; cement storage; chemical analysis; concretes; hydraulic cements;
the balance of properties and cost desired for a particular concrete mix- mineral admixtures; physical properties; portland cements; sampling;
ture. Selection should take into account the properties of the available selection; tests.
cements and the performance required of the concrete. This report summa-
rizes information about the composition and availability of commercial
hydraulic cements, and factors affecting their performance in concrete. CONTENTS
Following a discussion of the types of cements and a brief review of cement
chemistry, the influences of admixtures (both chemical and mineral) and Chapter 1Introduction, p. 2
the environment on cement performance are discussed. The largest part of
this report covers the influence of cement on the properties of concrete.
1.1The need for a rational approach to selecting cements
Cement storage and delivery, and the sampling and testing of hydraulic 1.2Purpose of the report
cements for conformance to specifications, are reviewed briefly.
This report will help users recognize when a readily available, general-
Chapter 2Cement types and availability, p. 3
purpose (ASTM C 150 Type I) cement will perform satisfactorily, or when
conditions require selection of a cement that meets some additional 2.1Portland and blended hydraulic cements
requirements. It will also aid cement users by providing general informa- 2.2Special-purpose cements
tion on the effects of cements on the properties of concrete. Some chemical
and physical characteristics of cement affect certain properties of concrete
in important ways. For other properties of concrete, the amount of cement Chapter 3Cement chemistry, p. 5
is more important than its characteristics. 3.1Portland cements
This report is not a treatise on cement chemistry or concrete. For those 3.2Blended hydraulic cements
who need to know more, this report provides many references to the techni-
cal literature, including ACI documents. 3.3Shrinkage-compensating expansive cements
3.4Calcium-aluminate cements
ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and
Commentaries are intended for guidance in planning, de- Chapter 4Influence of chemical and mineral
signing, executing, and inspecting construction. The Docu- admixtures and slag on the performance of
ment is intended for the use of individuals who are cements, p. 8
4.1Air-entraining admixtures
competent to evaluate the significance and limitations
of its content and recommendations and who will accept 4.2Chemical admixtures
responsibility for the application of the material it con- 4.3Mineral admixtures
tains. The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and 4.4Ground granulated blast-furnace slags
all responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall
not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom.
Reference to the Document shall not be made in contract ACI 225R-99 became effective September 7, 1999.
documents. If items found in this Document are desired Copyright 1999, American Concrete Institute.
All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any
by the Architect/Engineer to be a part of the contract doc- means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic or
mechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduc-
uments, they shall be restated in mandatory language for tion or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in
incorporation by the Architect/Engineer. writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.


Chapter 5Influence of environmental conditions may have serious consequences, imposing these requirements
on the behavior of cements, p. 11 unnecessarily is not only uneconomical but may degrade oth-
er more important performance characteristics. For example,
Chapter 6Influence of cement on properties of moderate sulfate resistance may be specified for certain plant-
concrete, p. 11
6.1Thermal cracking manufactured structural elements that require strength gain in
6.2Placeability the production process. Because the compositional variations
6.3Strength that impart sulfate resistance tend to reduce the rate of
strength gain, some compromise must be made.
6.4Volume stability
6.5Elastic properties The goal of the specifier is to provide specifications that
6.6Creep will ensure that the proper amounts and types of cement are
6.7Permeability obtained to meet the structural and durability require-
6.8Corrosion of embedded steel mentsno more, no less. Due to gaps in our knowledge, this
6.9Resistance to freezing and thawing goal is seldom, if ever, fully achieved; economies, however,
6.10Resistance to chemical attack can often be obtained with little or no decrease in perfor-
mance in service, if specifications are aimed at this goal.
6.11Resistance to high temperatures
6.12Cement-aggregate reactions For a long time, there have been virtually no economic pen-
6.13Color alties to discourage users and others from overspecifying ce-
ment characteristics. For example, even though a fully
Chapter 7Cement storage and delivery, p. 21 satisfactory ASTM C 150 Type I cement has been available,
users have often chosen to specify an ASTM C 150 Type II
Chapter 8Sampling and testing of hydraulic cement or a low-alkali cement on the basis that it could do no
cements for conformance to specifications, p. 23 harm and its special characteristics might be beneficial. They
8.1The cement mill test report have not had to worry about possible shortages of supply or
8.2Sealed silos increased cost. The effects of increased attention to pollution
8.3Cement certification abatement and energy conservation, however, are changing
8.4Quality management the availability and comparative costs of all types of cement.
This brings about a need for greater understanding of factors
Chapter 9References, p. 25 affecting cement performance than was previously necessary.
9.1Recommended references It is usually satisfactory and advisable to use a general-pur-
9.2Cited references pose cement that is readily obtainable locally. General-pur-
pose cements are described in ASTM C 150 as Type I or Type
AppendixCalcium-aluminate cements, p. 29 II, in ASTM C 595 as Type IP or IS, and in ASTM C 1157 as
Type GU. When such a cement is manufactured and used in
1.1The need for a rational approach to selecting large quantity, it is likely to be uniform and its performance
cements under local conditions will be known. A decision to obtain a
Cement paste is the binder in concrete or mortar that holds special type of cement may result in the improvement of one
the fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, or other constituents to- aspect of performance at the expense of others. For this rea-
gether in a hardened mass. The term hydraulic is associated son, a strong justification is usually needed to seek a cement
with the word cement in this document to point out to the other than a commonly available ASTM C 150 Type I or
consumer that the basic mechanism by which the hardening Type II portland cement, or corresponding blended cement.
of the concrete or mortar takes place is the reaction of the ce-
ment material with water. The word hydraulic also differen- 1.2Purpose of the report
tiates this type of cement from binder systems that are based This report summarizes current information about the
on other hardening mechanisms. composition, availability, and factors affecting the perfor-
The properties of concrete depend on the quantities and mance of commercial hydraulic cements. Although the
qualities of its constituents. Because cement is the most active amount of information given may make it appear that select-
component of concrete and usually has the greatest unit cost, ing cement for a specific purpose is complicated, this is only
its selection and proper use are important in obtaining most true in unusual circumstances.
economically the balance of properties desired for a particular The purpose of this report is to provide users with general
concrete mixture. Most cements will provide adequate levels information on cements to help them recognize when a readily
of strength and durability for general use. Some provide available general-purpose cement will perform satisfactorily
higher levels of certain properties than are needed in specific or when conditions may require selection of a special ce-
applications. For some applications, such as those requiring ment. It will also aid the cement user by providing general in-
increased resistance to sulfate attack, reduced heat evolution, formation on the effects of cements on the properties of
or use with aggregates susceptible to alkali-aggregate reac- concrete. Some chemical and physical characteristics of a ce-
tion, special requirements should be imposed in the purchase ment affect certain properties of concrete in important ways.
specifications. While failure to impose these requirements For other properties, the amount of cement is more important

Table 2.1Characteristics and consumption of Table 2.2Characteristics of blended hydraulic

portland cements* cements*
Optional % of total U.S. Blended % of total
Type* Description characteristics shipments (1995) ingredients range U.S.
I General use 1, 5 86.6 Optional shipments
General use; moderate heat Type Name Pozzolan Slag characteristics (1995)
II of hydration and moderate 1, 4, 5 Pozzolan-modified
sulfate resistance I (PM) 0 to 15 1, 2, 3
portland cement
III High-early-strength 1, 2, 3, 5 3.3 Portland-
IP 15 to 40 1, 2, 3, 5
(Not available pozzolan cement
IV Low heat of hydration 5
in U.S.) Portland-
P 15 to 40 1, 2, 4, 5 1.1
V High sulfate resistance 5, 6 2.1 pozzolan
Optional characteristics Slag-modified
I (SM) portland cement 0-25 1, 2, 3
1. Air entraining (A).
IS Portland-blast 25-70 1, 2, 3, 5
2. Moderate sulfate resistance: C3A maximum, 8%. furnace slag
3. High sulfate resistance: C3A maximum, 5%. S Slag cement 70-100 1, 5
4. Moderate heat of hydration: maximum heat of 290 kJ/kg (70 cal/g) at Type Name Optional
7 days, or sum of C3S and C3A, maximum 58%.
GU General use 6
5. Low alkali: maximum of 0.60% alkalies, expressed as Na2O equivalent.
HE High early strength 6
6. Alternative limit of sulfate resistance is based on expansion tests of Moderate sulfate
mortar bars. MS resistance 6
For cements specified in ASTM C 150.
HS High sulfate 6
% of all cement types, including masonry cement.
Reference: U.S. Cement Industry Fact Sheet, PCA, 1995. resistance
Moderate heat
MH of hydration 6
than its characteristics. The report is not a treatise on cement Low heat of
LH 6
chemistry or concrete; for those who need to know more, hydration
however, it provides references to the technical literature, in- Optional characteristics
cluding many ACI documents. 1. Air-entraining (A).
2. Moderate sulfate resistance (MS): must be made with Type II portland-
cement clinker.
CHAPTER 2CEMENT TYPES AND AVAILABILITY 3. Moderate heat of hydration (MH): maximum heat of 290 kJ/kg (70 cal/g) at
Before discussing the factors affecting cement perfor- 7 days.
mance, many types of inorganic cements will be mentioned. 4. Low heat of hydration (LH): maximum heat of 249 kJ/kg (60 cal/g) at 7 days.
The purpose is to define the scope of this report by indicating 5. Suitablilty for use with alkali-silica reactive aggregate: mortar bar expan-
sion less than 0.02% at 14 days, 0.06% at eight weeks.
those that will and will not be included, as well as indicating
6. Option R: mortar bar test for determining potential for alkali-silica reaction.
the relationships among various types of cement. *
For cements specified in ASTM C 595.

Concretes comparable to blended cement concretes may be made at the batch plant by
adding the individual components, i.e., portland cement and either or both of a poz-
2.1Portland and blended hydraulic cements zolan and slag, to the concrete mixture.

Perhaps 99% of the cement used for concrete construction These cements may be blends of pozzolans with either portland or slag-containing
cements. Certain combinations with slag cement will reduce alkali-silica reactions and
in the U.S. is either a portland cement, as specified in ASTM sulfate attack.

For use in combination with portland cement in making concrete and in combination
C 150, or a blended cement, as specified in ASTM C 595 or with hydrated lime in making masonry mortar.
C 1157. Similar specifications are published by the Ameri-
can Association of State Highway and Transportation Offi- is ground with an addition of approximately 6% calcium sul-
cials (AASHTO) such as M85 for portland cements and fate (gypsum) to form a portland cement.
M240 for blended cements, and by the Canadian Standards
Blended hydraulic cements are usually made by grinding
Association (CSA). CAN/CSA 3A5M88 portland ce-
portland-cement clinker with calcium sulfate (gypsum) and a
ments are designated as Types 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 and cor- quantity of a suitable reactive material such as granulated
respond in intended use to ASTM C 150 cement Types I, II, blast-furnace slag fly ash, silica fume, or raw or calcined nat-
III, IV, or V, whereas CAN/CSAA362 covers blended hy- ural pozzolans. They may also be made by blending the finely
draulic cements. ground ingredients.
Portland cements are manufactured by a process that be- For specification purposes, portland and blended hydrau-
gins by combining a source of lime such as limestone, a lic cements are designated by type depending on their chem-
source of silica and alumina such as clay, and a source of ical composition and properties. The availability of a given
iron oxide such as iron ore. The properly proportioned mix- type of cement may vary widely among geographical re-
ture of the raw materials is finely ground and then heated to gions. An appreciation of the relative consumption percent-
approximately 1500 C (2700 F) for the reactions that form ce- ages and commonly used descriptions of portland and
ment phases to take place. The product of the cement kiln is blended cements can be gained from the information given
known as portland-cement clinker. After cooling, the clinker in Tables 2.1 and 2.2. The use of blended cements, though

Table 2.3Miscellaneous or special purpose 2.2Special-purpose cements

cements In addition to portland and blended cements, other cements
% of total may be available for specialized uses, as shown in Table 2.3.
U.S.* cement Other cement types will only be discussed briefly here.
ASTM shipments
Type Description or purpose specification (1995) Masonry cements for use in masonry mortars are specified
White architectural in ASTM C 91, and their use is covered by ASTM C 270,
White cement
cement C 150 0.690
ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402, ACI 530R/ASCE 5/TMS 402,
Buff cement Buff architectural cement 0.008
C 150 ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602, and ACI 530.1R/ASCE 6/
Expansive cement, Expansive hydraulic
C 845 0.060 TMS 602. Plastic cements and mortar cements are also used
Type E-1 cement
in mortars and are specified in ASTM C 1328 and C 1329,
For use where rapid respectively.
Regulated-set setting and moderate- None
cement early-strength Block cements are modified portland cements manufac-
development is needed
tured to meet the needs of the concrete masonry-unit manu-
Some may
Very-early- For use where early facturing industry.
strength blended strength development is meet specifi- ||
cations of Certain portland cements manufactured under carefully
cements needed
other cements
controlled conditions give special colors, such as white or
Oil-well cements, Hydraulic cements
Types A through used for oil-well casings None 0.940 buff, that are used for architectural purposes. White cements
H, J and linings and buff cements are usually furnished to meet ASTM C 150
Masonry cement, For use in mortar for Type I or III specifications. Some other special cements, spe-
Types M, S, and N masonry, brick and block C 91 4.400
cifically oil-well and block cements, may also meet ASTM
construction, and stucco
For use in exterior stucco specifications; for example, Class G oil-well cements meet-
Plastic cement C 1328
applications ing API Specification 10 often meet the ASTM C 150 Type
Mortar cements For use in mortar for II specification.
masonry, brick, and None ||
Types M, S, and N Expansive or shrinkage-compensating cements are de-
block construction
For use in refractory, signed to expand a small amount during the first few days of
Calcium- high-early-strength, and hydration to offset the effects of later drying shrinkage. Their
None 0.090
aluminate cement moderately acid-resistant
concretes purposes are to reduce cracking resulting from drying
For use in making shrinkage, or to cause stressing of reinforcing steel. Those
Block cement concrete masonry units None 0.620
manufactured in the U.S. depend on the formation of a higher
Nonportland cement for than usual amount of ettringite during hydration of the ce-
phosphate cement use where rapid None ||
hardening is needed ment to cause the expansion. They are covered by ASTM C
% of total of all types of cement. 845. The expansive ingredient, an anhydrous calcium sul-

Although white and buff cements are not listed specifically in C 150, they may meet foaluminate, may be purchased separately. Magnesium ox-
the requirements of C 150 as indicated by the manufacturer.

Three kinds are indentified by letters K, M, and S. ide or calcium oxide may also be used as expansive agents,

These are covered by API Specification 10 for Materials and Testing for Oil-Well which are used in Europe and Japan.
Very small. Regulated-set cements are similar in composition to port-
land cements except that the clinker from which they are
presently small, is growing in response to needs for use in made contains a small quantity of fluorine. They are formu-
concrete requiring special properties, conservation of ener- lated to have unusually short setting times followed by de-
gy, and raw materials. velopment of a moderate early strength.
The term Type I/II portland cement is a frequently used and Very-early-strength blended cements are similar in com-
frequently misunderstood term. Type I/II is not an actual position to other ASTM C 595 and C 1157 blended cements,
ASTM designation and should not be used by specifiers. Type except that they are specially formulated with functional ad-
I/II does, however, denote that the cement being represented ditions (such as accelerators and superplasticizers) to pro-
has a C3A content of 8% or less and meets all of the require- vide design strengths in approximately 3 to 12 h. Regular
ments of both ASTM C 150 Type I and Type II. This is par- blended cements normally provide design strengths in 7 to
ticularly helpful to the ready-mixed concrete producer who 28 days. Very-early-strength blended cements can be used in
has limited silo storage capacity, and for whom the ability to the same application as portland and blended cement. They
inventory a single cement that meets both ASTM C 150 Type are usually used in applications where early-strength devel-
I and Type II specifications in one silo is a convenience. opment is highly beneficial, such as in repair applications.
Type II modified is another term that is frequently mis- These cements have been used in concrete for airports, in-
understood. The word modified can mean modified by dustrial plants, highways, and bridges.
such characteristics as lower alkali content, coarser fine- Portland oil-well cements are manufactured specifically for
ness, or significantly lower C3A content. When the term use in sealing spaces between oil-well casings and linings and
Type II modified is used, the purchaser should request that the surrounding rock. They are usually required to comply
the manufacturer define the modification employed to ensure with the requirements of specifications issued by the Ameri-
that the product is appropriate for the intended application. can Petroleum Institute (API). For very high-temperature

wells, less reactive, nonportland cements are sometimes Table 3.1Phases* assumed to occur in portland
used, such as mixtures of dicalcium silicate and finely cements
ground silica. Formula Name Cement abbreviation
Calcium-aluminate cements (see Appendix) are intended 3 CaO SiO2 Tricalcium silicate C3S
primarily for refractory applications and are designated as 2 CaO SiO2 Dicalcium silicate -C2S
being of low, intermediate, or high purity. The purity level 3 CaO Al2O3 Tricalcium aluminate C3A
of the calcium-aluminate cement is based upon iron content Tetracalcium
4 CaO Al2O Fe2O3 C4AF
(in the low purity) and free alumina content in the high-pu- aluminoferrite
rity cement. Low-purity calcium aluminate cements are also 2 CaO Fe2O3 Dicalcium ferrite C2F
used for concretes that are to be exposed to mild acids and MgO Magnesium oxide M
certain industrial wastes. Other possible applications are CaO Calcium oxide C
self-leveling floors, and patching and repair when very high CaSO4 2H2O
Calcium oxide
early strengths are needed. ACI 547R and ACI 547.1R pro- Gypsum,
commercial cements, the phases all contain significant quantities of impurities.
vide some additional information on these cements and Added to the clinker during grinding to control setting time.
their uses.
Other forms of calcium sulfate, specifically hemihydrate, anhydrite (Hansen and
Hunt 1949), and soluble anhydrite, are also added in some cases.
Plastic cements (ASTM C1328) are formulated for use in
mortars for stucco. They are portland cements modified by
small amounts of additives that cause the mortars made from H2O (water). To simplify the writing of formulas, these ox-
them to have flow properties that aid stucco applications. ides are written frequently as C, S, A, F, S, and H, respec-
So-called waterproof cements are portland cements inter- tively. The oxides are, with few exceptions, not actually
ground with stearic acid, or other water repellent, with the present as such, but the elements are in the forms of more
objective of imparting water repellency to concrete contain- complex phases.
ing them.
Magnesium phosphate cements are rapid-hardening, non- 3.1Portland cements
portland cements that are primarily used in highway and The main phases present in portland cements are listed in
airport pavement repairs. They may be two-part cements Table 3.1. The chemical compound phase (or family of phases)
consisting of a dry powder and a phosphoric acid liquid identified as C3S exists in clinker in the impure form known
with which the powder must be mixed, or they may be one- as alite. Alite is extremely complex and may take on six or
component products to which only water is added. seven crystal forms and contain the elements sulfur (S), sodi-
Ultrafine cements are cements of fine particle size with um (Na), potassium (K), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), and
the distribution (50% by mass) of the particles having a flourine (F) in addition as trace elements. C2S exists as belite.
mean diameter of <5 m (2 10-4 in.) and are usually com- Belite has at least five crystal forms; the different forms of
posed of blends of portland cement and ground blast-furnace belite, unlike those of alite, differ greatly in performance.
slag. These small-sized particle systems are required in geo- Both the tricalcium-aluminate phase (phases), C3A, and
technical applications and repairing relatively large cracks the ferrite phase, C4F, also exist in several different crystal
in this and other concrete applications where permeation forms with some variation in properties. The ferrite phase
grouting of fine sands, underground strength, or water con- can vary widely in composition. When the A/F ratio is less
trol in finely fractured rock formations are needed. More in- than 0.64, a ferrite solid solution of C4AF and C2F is formed.
formation on these specialty systems should be obtained The ferrites are of less importance than C3A in cements be-
from the manufacturers of the products. cause of slower hydration.
Progress has been made in the understanding of the crystal
CHAPTER 3CEMENT CHEMISTRY structures of individual portland cement phases, their rela-
Although this report is not intended to be a treatise on ce- tive proportions, and grain shapes, sizes, and distributions.
ment chemistry, it may help the reader to be reminded of This knowledge has been applied to the control of cement
some of the nomenclature and terminology used in later manufacture and prediction of properties of the finished ce-
chapters. Also, the nature of the chemical differences be- ment (Chatterjee 1979). Ono et al. (1969) and Fundal (1982)
tween the cements is discussed. More complete descriptions have developed systems for predicting strength or changes in
of the chemistry of cements can be found in Lea (1970) and strength from a microscopic determination of the size, shape,
Taylor (1990). and abundance of alite and belite crystals in clinker, and the
The principal constituents of cements, pozzolans, and distinctness of their grain boundaries. These microscopic ob-
blast furnace slags (and/or their hydration or reaction prod- servations of clinker are used to control raw mixture compo-
ucts) are phases containing the elements calcium (Ca), sili- sition and fineness, kiln conditions, and cooling rates.
con (Si), aluminum (Al), iron (Fe), oxygen (O), sulfur (S), The percentages of the phases in a portland cement, such
and hydrogen (H). Chemical analyses of these materials as those given in Table 3.2, are calculated from the oxide
usually express the amounts of these elements present as analysis of the cement using certain simplifying assump-
percentages of the oxides, CaO (lime), SiO2 (silica), Al2O3 tions. Such calculated potential phase compositions of a ce-
(alumina), Fe2O3 (ferric oxide), SO3 (sulfur trioxide), and ment only approximate the percentages actually present.

Table 3.2Chemical and phases composition and fineness of 1990s cements* (PCA 1996)
Range of chemical composition, % Range of potential phase composition, % Blaine
Type of port- Loss on fineness,
land cement SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO SO3 ignition Na2O Eq. C3S C2S C3A C4AF m2/kg
I (min - max) 18.7 - 22.0 4.7 - 6.3 1.6 - 4.4 60.6 - 60.3 0.7 - 4.2 1.8 - 4.6 0.6 - 2.9 0.11 - 1.20 40 - 63 9 - 31 6 - 14 5 - 13 300 - 421
I (mean) 20.5 5.4 2.6 63.9 2.1 3.0 1.4 0.61 54 18 10 8 369
II (min - max) 20.0 - 23.2 3.4 - 5.5 2.4 - 4.8 60.2 - 65.9 0.6 - 4.3 2.1 - 4.0 0.0 - 3.1 0.05 - 1.12 37 - 68 6 - 32 2-8 7 - 15 318 - 480
II (mean) 21.2 4.6 3.5 63.8 2.1 2.7 1.2 0.51 55 19 6 11 377
III (min - max) 18.6 - 22.2 2.8 - 6.3 1.3 - 4.9 60.6 - 65.9 0.8 - 4.8 2.5 - 4.8 0.1 - 2.3 0.14 - 1.20 46 - 71 4 - 27 0 - 13 4 - 14 390 - 644
III (mean) 20.6 4.9 2.8 63.4 2.2 3.5 1.3 0.56 55 17 9 8 548
IV (min - max) 21.5 - 22.8 3.5 - 5.3 3.7 - 5.9 62.0 - 63.4 1.0 - 3.8 1.7 - 2.5 0.9 - 1.4 0.29 - 0.42 37 - 49 27 - 36 3-4 11 - 18 319 - 362
IV (mean) 22.2 4.6 5.0 62.5 1.9 2.2 1.2 0.36 42 32 4 15 340
V (min - max) 20.3 - 23.4 2.4 - 5.5 3.2 - 6.1 61.8 - 66.3 0.6 - 4.6 1.8 - 3.6 0.4 - 1.7 0.24 - 0.76 43 - 70 11 - 31 0-5 10 - 19 275 - 430
V (mean) 21.9 3.9 4.2 63.8 2.2 2.3 1.0 0.48 54 22 4 13 373
*Values represent a summary of combined statistics; air-entraining cements are not included. Adapted from Gebhardt (1995).

Table 3.3Primary phases formed by reactions of solving rapidly and causing a protective coating of ettringite
portland cements with water to form on the C3A surfaces. A side effect of the gypsum is
Common to accelerate the hydration of the silicates.
Approximate formula Name abbreviation
3CaO 2SiO2 xH2O (x 3)
The ions or water-soluble compounds dissolved in the wa-
Calcium silicate hydrate C-S-H
ter are believed to affect the behavior of cements and their re-
6CaO Al2O3 32H2O Ettringite C6AS3H32
actions with other concrete materials such as aggregates and
6CaO Fe2O3 3SO3 32H2O Iron ettringite C6FS3H32
admixtures. Figure 3.1 is a representation of how the quanti-
4CaO Al2O3 SO3 12H2O Calcium monosulfoaluminate C4ASH12
12-hydrate ties of some of the important ions in solution might change
Ca(OH)2 Calcium hydroxide CH with time. Figure 3.2 is a companion figure indicating how
Mg(OH)2 Magnesium hydroxide MH the quantities of important cement reaction phases might
change with time. It also indicates that a reduction in the vol-
The calculation procedure, which was developed by Bogue ume of the originally water-filled pores takes place as the re-
(1955), is given in ASTM C 150. This procedure assumes actions proceed. The actual rates of the reactions and the
that chemical equilibrium is attained in the burning zone of nature and amounts of the phases formed depend on the spe-
the kiln, whereas, in fact, equilibrium is not quite reached. cific compositions and fineness of the cements; they also de-
X-ray diffraction analysis provides a more accurate repre- pend on the temperature, nature, and quantities of
sentation of phases present. Small but significant quantities admixtures present (Helmuth et al. 1995).
of other elements such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, To illustrate the relationships between cement chemistry
phosphorus, and titanium are usually present in cements and cement standards, ASTM C 150 establishes maximum
and may substitute for the various principal elements or SO3 contents ranging from 2.3% for Type V to 4.5% for
form other phases and solid solutions. Bhatty (1995) details Type III. The SO3 content for Type I cements may vary from
the effects of over 50 trace elements on the manufacture and 1.8 to 4.6% (Gebhardt 1995). Generally, the maximum per-
performance of cement. missible amount of SO3 is a function of the C3A content and
The manufacturing process can be controlled to vary the the fineness. Additional SO3 exceeding the stated maximum
relative proportions of the phases in cements and produce ce- is permitted if tests demonstrate that the expansion in water
ments with different characteristics. This is recognized in at 14 days (ASTM C 1038) is not excessive, for C 150 and
ASTM C 150. Typical phase compositions and fineness of the C 1157 cements, or that the amount of SO3 remaining in so-
five ASTM types of portland cements are given in Table 3.2. lution after 24 h of hydration is suitably low (ASTM C 265),
3.1.1 Reactions of portland cements with waterWhen which is required for ASTM C 595 cements. Careful control
portland cement and water are mixed, a series of chemical re- is exercised because SO3 not consumed in the first few days
actions begins that results in slump loss, setting, hardening, might react with any unreacted C3A at later ages to produce
evolution of the heat of hydration, and strength development. ettringite and result in destructive long-term expansion.
The overall process is referred to as cement hydration, as it The SO3 present in a cement comes principally from the
involves formation of water-containing (hydrated) phases. gypsum (CaSO4 2H2O) added during grinding, but signifi-
The primary phases that form are listed in Table 3.3. The cant amounts may also come from the clinker if high-sulfur
gypsum, or other form of calcium sulfate, that is usually in- fuel is used in the clinker burning process. SO3, from the
terground with the cement clinker is used to prevent flash set- combustion of sulfur compounds in the fuel, often forms
ting and control the setting and early hardening process, sulfites and sulfates that are less effective than the inter-
primarily by regulating the early hydration reactions of the ground gypsum in controlling the setting. The amount of
C3A (Tang 1992). It is thought to function, in part, by dis- gypsum added is established by the cement producer to opti-

Fig. 3.2Diagram illustrating formation of portland

Fig. 3.1Diagram illustrating changes with time of con- cement reaction products and reduction with time of the
centrations of ions in solution in the pore water of a port- volume of pore space in a portland cement paste.
land cement paste.
ment or grinding, or both, to make them useful as pozzolans.
mize strength, minimize drying shrinkage, and control time They include materials such as opaline cherts and shales,
of setting and slump loss. volcanic ashes, other noncrystalline materials such as diato-
maceous earths, calcined clays, and sometimes metastable
3.2Blended hydraulic cements crystalline materials such as tridymite. For additional infor-
The overall chemistry of blended hydraulic cements is mation, see ACI 232.1R.
similar to that of portland cements. Blended hydraulic ce- Silica FumeFinely divided silica-bearing residues of the
ments usually contain portland cement; in addition, the blend- silicon metal manufacturing process which possess poz-
ing ingredients contain the same major elements as portland zolanic properties when combined into hydrating hydraulic
cements, that is, calcium, silicon, aluminum, iron, and oxy- cement reactions. For additional information, see ACI 234R.
gen. Blending materials can be granulated blast-furnace 3.2.1 Reactions of blended hydraulic cements with water
slags, fly ashes, silica fumes, and raw or calcined natural The blended ingredients all react with water, or with water
pozzolans. Specification chemical and/or physical require- and calcium hydroxide, to form the major phases calcium sil-
ments of the slags or pozzolans to be used in blended hy- icate hydrates and calcium aluminate hydrates, similar to
draulic cement are described in ASTM C 595 and ASTM C those produced by the reactions of portland cement with wa-
1157. Detwiler et al. (1996) discusses the use of supplemen- ter. The rates of reaction of the materials blended with the
tary cementing materials in blended hydraulic cement. portland cement tend to be lower than those of portland ce-
ment, but allowance for this can be made in the manufacture
Blast-furnace slagsBlast-furnace slags are byproducts
of the cement and curing of the concrete to ensure suitable
from the manufacture of iron. The molten slag leaves the
performance in concrete, including strength development.
blast furnace as a liquid. If the molten slag is cooled rapidly,
Specially activated, blended hydraulic cements are available
as by quenching with water (water granulation) or with air
to provide very early high strength.
and a water spray (pelletization), it forms glassy nodules that
can be ground to form a cementitious powder. If the molten
3.3Shrinkage-compensating expansive cements
slag is cooled slowly, it forms a much less reactive, crystal- Shrinkage-compensating expansive cements are designed
line product (air-cooled slag) that is frequently crushed and to expand a small amount during the first few days of hydra-
used as aggregate. For additional information, see ACI 233R. tion. The amount of expansion is intended to approximately
Fly ashesFly ashes are the finely-divided residues from offset the amount of drying shrinkage anticipated in the con-
the combustion of powdered coal. Large quantities are ob- crete. The expansion is brought about by incorporating spe-
tained from coal-burning power plants. Fly ashes contain cific compounds such as calcium sulfoaluminate, calcium
small, spherical particles of glassy material with pozzolanic aluminate, and calcium sulfate (C4A3S, C3A, CA, C, and CS),
properties; crystalline components are also present. For ad- or other phases that, in the presence of water, react to produce
ditional information, see ACI 232.2R. a larger quantity of ettringite than is normally produced by
Natural pozzolansNatural pozzolans are naturally oc- portland cements. The production of the ettringite in the hard-
curring siliceous (or siliceous and aluminous) rocks or min- ened concrete causes the concrete to expand. This expansive
erals. Though they are usually not cementitious by reaction occurs during the first few days and is essentially
themselves, pozzolans in finely divided form will react with complete after 7 days. ASTM C 845, which describes the
the calcium hydroxide produced by cement hydration to three cements of this type, limits the increase in expansion be-
form the same compounds as are formed by the hydration of tween 7 and 28 days to 15% of the 7-day expansion.
portland cements. Natural pozzolans in their natural form To achieve the proper performance of shrinkage-compen-
are often not very active. They frequently require heat treat- sating expansive cements, the inclusion of the appropriate

amounts of reinforcing steel in the concrete is necessary. For rious problems still exist in obtaining consistent, high quality
maximum expansion, additional moisture beyond that added air-void systems in field concretes (Manning 1980).
as mixing water must be supplied during curing of the con- Chemical admixtures, principally of the water-reducing
crete to ensure that the desired amount of ettringite will be and the water-reducing and retarding varieties, are used in
produced. The use of shrinkage-compensating expansive ce- perhaps 50% of the concrete in the United States. High-range
ments is described in detail in ACI 223. water-reducing admixtures, although not presently used in a
large proportion of the concrete, are experiencing steady
3.4Calcium-aluminate cements growth. Mineral admixtures, principally fly ash, were esti-
Calcium-aluminate cements are hydraulic cements that mated to have been used in a 55% of the ready-mixed con-
principally contain phases of such ratio (CA or CA2) as to crete produced in 1989 (NRMCA 1991).
impart the necessary performance characteristics (Lea 1970;
Robson 1962). These cements, which are discussed in the 4.1Air-entraining admixtures
Appendix, are used primarily for refractory applications, but Air-entraining admixtures are surface-active agents that
they also find use in moderate acid-resistant applications, form stable air bubbles with diameters less than 1 mm (0.04 in.)
high-early-strength and quick-setting mixtures, and as part of in concrete during mixing (Klieger 1994; Mielenz et al.
the expansive component in some shrinkage-compensating 1958). The generally available admixtures are formulated to
cements. provide these small-sized bubbles rather than undesirable
larger ones. A discussion of factors affecting the performance
Potential users of calcium-aluminate cements should be
of air-entraining agents in concrete is given in ACI 212.3R
aware that conversion of the hydration products from meta-
and Whiting and Stark (1983).
stable hexagonal hydrates (CAH10) to stable cubic hydrates
Serious problems sometimes occur in obtaining consistent
(C3AH6) of lower volume may reduce strength (Robson
high-quality air-void systems in concrete under field condi-
1962). Primary causes of the conversion from metastable to
tions. Both the volume and the characteristics of the air voids
stable hydrates, with resulting loss of strength, are high wa-
are influenced by many factors, including watercementitious
ter-cement ratios (w/c), high curing and ambient tempera-
material ratio (w/cm), aggregate grading, other admixtures,
tures, and high ambient humidity. Conversion can be delayed
temperature, and, to some extent, the particular cement used.
by keeping the concrete cool and dry and by using a low w/c,
The ability to entrain air in concrete or mortar for a given ad-
but it will eventually occur. Therefore, concrete structures us-
mixture dosage is also affected by the slump or fluidity of the
ing this cement should be designed for converted strengths. In
mixture, concrete temperature, and some properties of the
most refractory applications, strength is not a major concern
aggregate, such as texture, angularity, and grading. During
and therefore conversion is not normally a major factor. The
the many years of successful use of air entrainment, the spe-
conversion of hydrates can increase permeability and result
cific influences of cements have not received as much atten-
in acceleration of the corrosion of embedded steel in struc-
tion as those of other factors. Recent trends toward concrete
tures (British Royal Commission Report).
with lower w/cm, smaller coarse aggregate, and increased
use of mineral and chemical admixtures are bringing about
CHAPTER 4INFLUENCE OF CHEMICAL AND renewed study of air entrainment, including the influence of
PERFORMANCE OF CEMENTS cement. Increasing the amount of cement or other finely di-
Chemical and mineral admixtures and ground slag have vided material in concrete decreases the amount of air en-
become essential parts of concrete technology. The effects of trained by a given amount of admixture.
admixtures on the performance of concrete are usually intri- Two characteristics of portland cement are known to influ-
cately linked to the particular cement-admixture combina- ence air entrainment. An increase in cement fineness or a de-
tions used. Although they may not be fully understood, it is crease in cement alkali content generally increases the
helpful to recognize the types of effects that may result from amount of admixture required for a given air content.
changes in cement composition. This chapter is intended to Blended hydraulic cements may require a greater quantity
provide a brief introduction to this subject. of air-entraining admixture than portland cements to produce
a given air content. Further, if fly ash is used in a blended ce-
ACI 212.3R and 212.4R contain extensive information on
ment, there may be an increased tendency for loss of air dur-
admixtures and their use. Ground granulated blast-furnace
ing mixing, transit, and placement than when portland or
slag, silica fume, raw and calcined natural pozzolans, and fly
blended cements that do not contain fly ash are used. Despite
ash are discussed in ACI 233R, 234, 232.1R, and 232.2R, re-
this loss in volume of air, the size and distribution of air
spectively. The primary purpose of this discussion is to high-
voids remain relatively unaffected (Gebler and Klieger
light those characteristics of admixtures that influence
1983). For additional information, see ACI 212.3R on air-en-
cement performance or those characteristics of cements that
training admixtures and ACI 232.2R on fly ash.
influence admixture performance. Only a few categories of
admixtures will be discussed: air-entraining; chemical (ac-
4.2Chemical admixtures
celerating, retarding, and water-reducing); and mineral. ASTM C 494 defines the types of chemical admixtures
Air-entraining admixtures are necessary in all concrete and classifies them according to their effects on portland ce-
that may freeze while critically saturated with water, but se- ment concrete as follows:

Type Description and form of SO3 in the cement, the temperature, and the com-
position and amount of admixture, all affect the performance
A Water-reducing of the cement-admixture combination (Helmuth et al. 1995).
B Retarding In general, the cement has less effect on the reduction in mix-
C Accelerating ing water than on the setting and strength gain of the cement-
D Water-reducing and retarding admixture combination. C3A and alkali contents and the
E Water-reducing and accelerating fineness vary not only among cements from different sources,
F Water-reducing, high-range but also, to a lesser degree, among samples of cement from
G Water-reducing, high-range, and retarding the same source.
The amount and form of SO3 in a cement affect the amount
The most commonly used types are A, C, D, and E. Of of a specific admixture required at the concrete temperature
these, Types A or E admixtures are generally made by the in use. Meyer and Perenchio (1979) concluded that the addi-
addition of an accelerator to a basic water-reducing and re- tion of a chemical admixture (by altering the rates of the re-
tarding material similar to a Type D admixture. Type G ad- actions in the presence of water) can upset the balance
mixtures are generally made by the addition of a retarder to between the soluble sulfate and the C3A in a portland ce-
a Type F admixture. ment. This may result in rapid loss of slump or extended set-
The behavior of chemical admixtures with cements other ting time.
than portland cements is difficult to predict. With blended To some extent, each cement-admixture combination is
cements, the behavior is determined primarily by the amount unique. The temperature and mixing time have a large effect
of portland cement present. Variations in the effectiveness on the early hydration reactions, and the specific results with
of chemical admixtures frequently make it necessary to different combinations are difficult to predict. The effects pre-
make trial mixtures simulating job materials, conditions, and viously outlined, however, are the most significant effects of
procedures. Field experience with specific combinations is cement composition on the response of admixtures. Because
also valuable. A general discussion of the effects of admix- the effects cannot be predicted with confidence, admixtures
tures with shrinkage-compensating expansive cements is should be evaluated with job materials using temperatures,
given in ACI 223. delivery times, and placing conditions expected on the job.
AcceleratorsCalcium chloride is the most widely used High-range water-reducing admixturesFor several
inorganic accelerator. Several nonchloride accelerators years, high-range water-reducing admixtures (often referred
(such as calcium formate, calcium nitrate, calcium nitrite, to colloquially as superplasticizers) have been commercially
sodium thiocyanate, and combinations of these) are com- available. They have been the subject of considerable discus-
mercially available for all applications in which the chloride sion and study. Information concerning their use is contained
content of the concrete must be limited. Organic com- in ACI SP-62, Whiting and Dziedzic (1992), ACI SP-119,
pounds, such as triethanolamine, are used in proprietary ad- and ACI SP-68. These admixtures permit considerably larger
mixtures to offset retardation, but are not normally sold water reductions than Types A, D, and E, and can be used to
separately as accelerators. produce very low w/c concretes at conventional slumps, or
Calcium chloride does react, to some extent, with the alu- flowing concretes at conventional w/c. For further informa-
minate compounds in portland cements but, at the levels re- tion on admixtures for flowing concrete, see ACI 212.4R and
quired to give significant acceleration, a considerable portion ASTM C 1017. Concretes containing these admixtures, par-
remains soluble and uncombined so that the potential for ticularly those with low slump and low w/c, may lose slump
chloride-assisted corrosion of steel reinforcement remains. and stiffen rapidly.
Water-reducing retardersACI 212.3R lists a variety of The performance characteristics of high-range water-
materials that are marketed, singly or in combination, as wa- reducing admixtures, such as retention of slump, rate of set-
ter-reducing retarders. The composition of the cementitious ting, and strength gain, seem to be related to the same cement
material in concrete can have a significant influence on the properties as those mentioned under water-reducing retard-
behavior of all chemical admixtures. Inasmuch as these ad- ers, though not always in the same way as those that influ-
mixtures affect the early stages of hydration, and are at least ence conventional water-reducing admixtures. These
partly removed from solution by the early reactions, the ce- properties are cement SO3, C3A, alkalies, and fineness.
ment phases that react most rapidly have a large influence on These properties can regulate the rate at which the early hy-
their action. The early reacting compounds include C3A and dration reactions occur.
the alkali and calcium sulfates. For more information, see Most high-range water-reducing admixtures are typically
ACI 212.3R and Klieger (1994), Mather (1994), and Cain dispersing surfactants. These chemicals adsorb onto the sur-
(1994) of ASTM STP-169C. face of cement particles and repel (disperse) other cement
Polivka and Klein (1960) studied the effectiveness of wa- particles which also have dispersent molecules adsorbed
ter-reducing retarders. Their results showed that the quantity onto their surfaces.
of admixture required to produce the desired results increases The practice of delaying the addition of the high-range
with increases in the C3A, the alkali content, and the fineness water-reducing admixture allows for the early cement grain
of the cement. The alkali content of the cement, the amount surface hydration to occur and the surfactant to adsorb onto

the top surface of the hydration products without being of the concrete. The lack of uniformity in response to air-
chemically absorbed, trapped, or hindered by the hydration entraining admixtures results from variations in the quantity
products and kept from doing the dispersing function (Ram- of carbon in the ash and possibly other organic residues from
achandran 1984). The effect of temperature is also signifi- the fuel. These problems can be largely alleviated by using a
cant with high-range water reducers and generally similar to uniform, good-quality fly ash. ACI 232.2R provides addi-
the effects observed with conventional water reducers. tional information on the use of fly ash in concrete.
Natural pozzolansNatural pozzolans can be incorporated
4.3Mineral admixtures in a concrete mixture to provide additional cementing value
Mineral admixtures and slag are finely divided inorganic because of their reactions in the presence of cement and water.
materials that may be added to concrete to modify its perfor- To increase their reactivity, natural pozzolans often need to
mance or cost. Specifications for fly ash and natural pozzolans be activated by heating for a short time at temperatures ap-
are given in ASTM C 618. Slag specifications are given in proaching 1000 C (1800 F) and by grinding. The main con-
ASTM C 989 and silica fume specifications are given in stituents of pozzolans are compounds of calcium, silicon,
ASTM C 1240. Ground limestone is a permitted addition to aluminum, iron, and oxygen. Benefits from the use of natural
portland cement during manufacture under Canadian and Eu- pozzolans in concrete can be increased strength at late ages,
ropean specifications, (CAN/CSA3-A5-M88, and ENV 197, modified color, improved durability in sulfate environments,
respectively). Mineral admixtures and slag can improve the and inhibition of alkali-aggregate reaction. Disadvantages
workability and flow properties of fresh concrete, reduce can be lower early strength, longer curing time, increased wa-
shrinkage, and improve the strength and other properties of ter requirement, and the problems of handling an additional
hardened concrete. Some can diminish the likelihood of material. As with fly ash, if sulfate resistance and reduction
sulfate attack and alkali-aggregate reaction expansion. Pig- of expansion due to alkali-silica reaction are desired, tests
ments may also be used to change the color of concrete. Ad- should be made with project-specific materials. For more in-
ditional guidance on the use of mineral admixtures is given formation, see ACI 232.1R.
in ACI 232.1R (natural pozzolans), ACI 232.2R (fly ash), Silica fumeSilica fume, as a pozzolan in concrete, is of-
and ACI 234R (silica fume). ten used to reduce permeability and increase strength. Silica
Fly ashesFly ashes are pozzolanic materials. Those with fume is a byproduct from the operation of electric arc furnaces
relatively high calcium contents are typically more reactive used to reduce high-purity quartz in the production of ele-
than those with lower calcium contents. Also, fly ashes with mental silicon and ferrosilicon alloys. Typically, silica fume
higher alkali contents are more reactive than those with lower consists of extremely fine, spherical particles of amorphous
alkali contents. Because the main elements in fly ashes are silicon dioxide. The average particle diameter may be 1/100
the same as those present in portland cements, fly ashes are that of cement, and the specific surface, as determined by a
generally compatible with portland cements. The amount of method such as the nitrogen absorption technique, BET, may
fly ash used in concrete may vary from less than 5 to more be 50 times that of typical cements.
than 40% by mass of the cement plus fly ash. The percentage Silica fume is extremely reactive with portland cements
will depend on the properties of the fly ash and cement and but, because of its high surface area, the amount used is gen-
the desired properties of the concrete. erally less than approximately 10% by mass of cement. Sili-
When improved sulfate resistance is desired, the sulfate re- ca fume has also been used to increase strength in calcium-
sistance of the combination of cement and fly ash should be aluminate cement systems. Usually, high-range water reducers
tested before use. ASTM C 1012 is an appropriate test method are used with silica fume to maintain mixing water require-
and ASTM C 618, specifies the acceptable expansion limits. ments at acceptably low levels to control drying shrinkage
The alumina in the fly ash, as well as the C3A in the cement, and improve workability.
both contribute to susceptibility to sulfate deterioration. The Because of its reactivity, silica fume can generally replace
minimum quantity of fly ash required for sulfate resistance is three to four times its mass of portland cement and maintain
variable, but it is generally accepted that the addition rate used equal compressive strength. For additional information, see
should be that which has been demonstrated to provide ade- ACI 234R.
quate sulfate resistance.
Some fly ashes are helpful in reducing the disruptive effects 4.4Ground granulated blast-furnace slags
of the alkali-aggregate reactions of some siliceous aggregates. Ground granulated blast-furnace slags are used either as a
Mortar bar expansion tests in accordance with ASTM C 441, separate cementing material added to the concrete batch, or
ASTM C 227, or concrete tests such as ASTM C 1293 as an ingredient of blended hydraulic cements. Ground gran-
should be made with the appropriate combinations of fly ulated slag has been used extensively as a separate material
ash, the potentially reactive aggregates, and the cement under in the South African ready-mixed concrete industry for many
consideration to determine whether the expansion due to the years, and it is available from at least three sources in North
alkali-aggregate reaction is adequately reduced. America. The main constituents of blast-furnace slags are
Possible problems with fly ash are irregular performance, composed of calcium, magnesium, silicon, aluminum, and
particularly in regard to air entrainment, lower early oxygen. Slags are typically combined with portland cements
strength, longer setting time, and the need for longer curing over a wide range of proportions (approximately 25 to 70%).

The performance of a given ground granulated or pellet- laboratory testing temperatures (23 C) and below, blended
ized slag depends greatly upon the characteristics of the ce- hydraulic cements may gain strength more slowly than port-
ment with which it is used. Generally, improved strength land cements of the same fineness and may require longer
performance is obtained with cements that have higher con- curing.
tents of alkali and C3A and higher fineness (Schroder and The hydration of hydraulic cements is an exothermic reac-
Vinkeloe 1969, Detwiler et al. 1996). tion and can offer the effects of temperature induced retarda-
The ASTM standard for ground granulated blast-furnace tion when these hydration reactions are accelerated. Thus, the
slags is ASTM C 989 and the Canadian standard for cemen- higher the rate of reaction of the cement, the more rapidly is
titious hydraulic slag is CSAA 23.5. Refer to ACI 233R heat produced. In thick sections of concrete, a condition can
for additional information on the use of ground granulated exist under which temperature-related cracking can occur.
blast-furnace slag in concrete. Surface cracks can develop from a steep temperature gradi-
ent between the exposed surface and interior concrete. Infor-
CHAPTER 5INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL mation on mass concreting is given in ACI 207.1R, and
CONDITIONS ON THE BEHAVIOR OF CEMENTS guidance on estimating the effects of heat generation and
The behavior of a cement in concrete is affected by the en- volume changes on the behavior of thick structures is given
vironmental conditions to which the concrete is exposed, in ACI 207.2R.
particularly during curing. Curing is the process of maintain-
ing a satisfactory moisture content and a favorable tempera- CHAPTER 6INFLUENCE OF CEMENT ON
ture in concrete during its early ages so that the desired PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE
properties are developed. Curing methods and materials are Cement should be characterized primarily on the basis of
discussed in ACI 308. The dependence of the behavior of a its effects on the performance of concrete and only second-
cement on temperature and relative humidity depends on the arily on its chemical composition. For some performance-
chemical and physical characteristics of the cement. These related properties, such as strength and volume stability,
effects are reviewed briefly to provide background for the comparatively rapid and reliable test procedures are avail-
more extensive discussion of factors affecting cement per- able. For other properties involving aspects of long-term
formance given in Chapter 6. durability, the time required for testing and the difficulties of
Hydraulic cements require water for hydration. The quan- duplicating specific environmental factors seem to require
tity of mixing water required to completely hydrate portland characterization by composition and prediction of potential
cement is a w/c of approximately 0.4 by mass, of which ap- long-term performance from the body of literature relating
proximately 0.2 is chemically combined and 0.2 fills the gel performance to composition. Therefore, proper selection of
pores; the chemically combined water cannot form gel unless cement to provide specific properties or to meet special ser-
other water is available to fill the gel pores (Philleo 1986). vice requirements can only be made if the influence of ce-
Any loss of water by evaporation, however, will reduce the ment upon individual properties of concrete is understood.
quantity of water available for hydration. Excessive loss of These influences are discussed in the following sections.
water during the early stages of hydration may result in pre-
mature termination of hydration. Such loss of water can also 6.1Thermal cracking
contribute to plastic- and drying-shrinkage cracking. Heat is liberated as cement hydrates and the amount and
The rate of reaction between cement and water can be dra- rate of heat liberation are functions of the composition and
matically affected by temperature. Hydration of most ce- fineness of the cement (Lea 1970). In general, the rate of heat
ments proceeds very slowly below approximately 4 C (40 F), liberation parallels the rate of strength increase. In most con-
but the rate increases with the temperature. A useful rule of crete construction, the heat evolved is quickly dissipated and
thumb is that the rate of reaction doubles for each 10 C (18 F) is of little concern. In structures such as large abutments,
increase in temperature and, conversely, is halved for each massive foundations, and dams, however, precautions may
10 C (18 F) decrease. According to ACI 305R, placement have to be taken to limit the temperature rise. If they are not
temperatures in excess of 35 C (95 F) can reduce long-term taken, thermal expansion may be so great that cracking will
strength gain. Lower temperatures produce higher ultimate occur later, either as the exterior of the mass cools and con-
strengths, but the rate of strength development is reduced. tracts before the interior does so, or as the whole structure
For a discussion of steam curing, see ACI 517.2R (available cools, and cracks due to the restraint imposed. Information
only as a separate). Another reference concerning high-tem- on estimating heat effects is given in ACI 207.2R, and guid-
perature curing is Hanson (1963) and Hanson et al. (1963). ance on thermal cracking is given in ACI 224R.
Fineness and chemical composition are the major charac- Information on concrete for mass structures is given in
teristics of cement that influence its rate of reaction and PCA (1987) and Bamforth (1984).
strength development in concrete. Generally, the finer the The principal phases in portland cements hydrate at differ-
portland cement, the higher its rate of reaction and early ent rates. They also yield considerably different amounts of
strength gain. Table 3.2 shows typical differences in fine- heat per unit mass hydrated (see Table 6.1). Generally speak-
ness and composition between Type III (high-early- ing, tricalcium aluminate (C3A) releases most of its heat in
strength) cements and other portland cements. At standard the first day or so and tricalcium silicate (C3S) in the first

Table 6.1Heats of complete hydration of pure Table 6.2Heats of hydration of different types of
cement compounds portland cement manufactured in the 1940s, as
Heat of hydration,
determined by ASTM C 186
Compound kJ/kg (cal/g) Heat of hydration, kJ/kg (cal/g) 21 C (70 F) storage
C3S 502 (120) cement type 3 days 7 days 28 days 3 months 1 year 6-1/2 years
C2S 259 (62) Type I 225 (61) 334 (80) 401 (96) 435 (104) 456 (109) 489 (117)
C3A 865 (207) Type II 196 (47) 255 (61) 334 (80) 368 (88) 397 (95) 410 (98)
C4AF 418 (100) Type III 314 (75) 385 (92) 422 (101) 447 (107) 477 (114) 506 (121)
CaO (free lime) 1166 (279) Type IV 171 (41) 213 (51) 276 (66) 309 (74) 339 (81) 355 (85)
Type V 184 (44) 230 (55) 309 (74) 347 (83) 380 (91) 393 (94)

Table 6.3ASTM C 186 heat of hydration for selected portland cements, cal/g
Type II (moderate
Type I cement Type II cement heat) cement Type III cement Type IV cement Type V cement
No. 7 day 28 day No. 7 day 28 day No. 7 day No. 7 day 28 day No. 7 day 28 day No. 7 day
1 82.0 16 77.7 101.4 32 67.6 36 88.0 99.0 38 60.0 41 81.5
2 85.6 17 82.6 88.8 33 65.0 37 89.0 95.0 39 57.3 42 66.5
3 81.6 18 88.7 89.4 34 54.3 40 49.7 65.5 43 79.3
4 80.2 19 88.0 35 64.7 44 80.4
5 78.4 20 73.6 45 76.1
6 88.3 90.2 21 88.5 46 61.4
7 88.2 106.1 22 77.1 89.7
8 87.7 93.5 23 87.3
9 88.9 97.7 24 81.9 100.3
10 76.4 91.7 25 88.3 99.4
11 84.4 91.7 26 86.5 96.8
12 84.4 98.5 27 79.5
13 83.5 28 79.4
14 79.5 29 80.0
15 83.0 30 80.0
31 77.6
Avg. 83.5 95.6 Avg. 82.3 95.1 Avg. 62.9 Avg. 88.5 97.0 Avg. 55.7 NM Avg. 74.2
Max. 88.9 106.1 Max. 88.7 101.4 Max. 67.6 Max. NM NM Max. 60.0 NM Max. 81.5
Min. 76.4 90.2 Min. 73.6 88.8 Min. 54.3 Min. NM NM Min. 49.7 NM Min. 61.4

week; dicalcium silicate (C2S) and calcium aluminoferrite Fineness of cement is an important factor affecting rate of
(C4AF) hydrate more slowly. heat liberation, particularly at early ages. Table 6.2 gives
The data shown in Table 6.1 are the heats evolved in the heat of hydration values for batches of various types of port-
complete hydration of a unit mass of each of the pure phases. land cement manufactured many years ago (Verbeck and
Although useful in indicating the orders of magnitude of the Foster 1950). More typical but less complete data for modern
total contributions of the individual phases to the heats of cements are given in Table 6.3. The comparison of data in
complete hydration, the figures in Table 6.1 cannot be used Table 6.2 to Table 6.3 shows the trend towards an increase in
for calculating heats of hydration of commercial portland ce- heat of hydration for modern cement (example, Type II at 7
ments for the following reasons: days = 61 cal/g in the 1940s data, while it developed approx-
imately 82 cal/g for T-II cement or 62.9 cal/g for Type II
1. The phases mixed together in a cement may hydrate at
moderate heat in modern cements [Kozmatka 1997]). The re-
very different rates from phases hydrating alone, so that un-
quirements in many construction specifications for higher
less the rates are known, the contribution of each phase at a
early strengths has predominantly been met by higher ce-
given time will not be known.
ment finenesses or changes to cement composition.
2. The phases in commercial cements are not pure; their
The heat of hydration values for the different types of ce-
crystal structures contain elements other than those indicated ment shown in Table 6.2 reflect the amounts of the various
by the simple formulas. phases present and the fineness of the cements. Fineness is
3. The high temperature reactions in the clinker manufac- a major contributor to the differences between the character-
ture may not have gone to completion; if they did not, the po- istics for Type III and Type I cements. In all cases, includ-
tential phase composition of the cement will differ from its ing Type III, cements continue to hydrate even beyond the
actual phase composition. age of 1 year. The rate of heat liberation during hydration

is related to the rate of strength gain for each of the five Cement-setting characteristicsThe setting or stiffening
types of cement. characteristics of cement are transferred directly to the con-
The data in Table 6.3 depict data based on Kosmatka crete mixture. A tendency for the mixture to stiffen prema-
(1997). turely or to rapidly lose slump directly affects placeability,
It is often assumed that blended cements have lower heats consolidation, and finishability. The normal setting or stiff-
of hydration than portland cements; depending, however, on ening characteristics will determine the time available for
the ingredients, they may have lower or roughly equal heats placement, consolidation, and finishing. Rich mixtures fre-
of hydration. The temperature-induced effects (expansion or quently set a little sooner than lean mixtures.
contraction) in a structure also depend on the mass of the The temperature of the concrete has a significant effect on
member and its age. its rate of hardening. The temperature of the cement itself has
In general, the heat of hydration of shrinkage-compensat- very little influence on the temperature of the concrete and,
ing expansive cements, as stated in ACI 223, is within the consequently, on its hardening rate. Often, a rapid loss of
range of variation of the heat of hydration of the particular slump or reduction in hardening time is considered to be
portland cements used in their manufacture. caused by the use of hot cement. As cement clinker is
ground into finished cement, energy, in the form of heat, is
6.2Placeability imparted to the finished ground cement. Dependent on the
Several characteristics of a cement may influence the efficiency of the cooling system, the cement temperatures
placeability of the concrete in which the cement is used. The may range from a low of 32 C (90 F) to a high of 77 C (170 F).
influence of the cement on placeability can be beneficial or After the cement is put into the storage silo, it takes a consid-
detrimental. Some of the factors are discussed below or in erable amount of time for the heat to dissipate. The thermal
this section. acceleration of the cement hydration, however, is controlled
Quantity of cement used in the concrete mixtureCement by the overall concrete temperature. ACI 305R (Appendix A)
is frequently the material in concrete having the smallest par- gives a formula for estimating the effect of cement tempera-
ticle size (fly ashes and silica fume, when added, may be ture on the temperature of freshly mixed concrete. When the
much smaller in particle size). The amount of cement in a temperature of each of the individual components is known, it
concrete mixture has a large effect on the plasticity and place- is estimated (in ACI 305R,) that a 1.2 C (2 F) change in aggre-
ability of the mixture. Mixtures containing small amounts of gate temperature has the same 0.6 C (1 F) change in a usually
cement (lean mixtures less than 225 kg/m3 [380 lb/yd3]) tend proportioned concrete mixture as does a 5 C (9 F) cement tem-
to be harsh and difficult to work. They are, therefore, more perature change. While cement temperature does affect the
difficult to place and finish. Mixtures containing large concrete temperature, the other components should not be
amounts of cement [rich mixtures of approximately 400 kg/m3 overlooked for their influence on the concrete temperature.
(670 lb/yd3)] tend to have more body and are more cohesive, It is important to distinguish between normal slump loss of
fluid, and workable. Unusually rich concrete mixtures (more concrete with time and the effects of a false-setting cement.
than 500 kg/m3 [840 lb/yd3]), however, tend to be undesir- Normal slump loss is gradual and more or less proportional
ably cohesive or sticky and more difficult to place. to time until there is no slump. Ordinary slump loss cannot
Cement finenessFineness of cement influences the be restored by remixing. With a severe false set, all slump
placeability, workability, and water content of a concrete may be lost in 5 or 10 min, but remixing will restore nearly all
mixture in much the same way as the amount of cement used of the original slump. This phenomenon is the result of the use
in the concrete. The overall importance of cement fineness, of some of the mixing water to rehydrate the dehydrated calci-
however, is only modest relative to the effect of the amount um sulfate phases present. A mild or moderate case of false set
of cement used. may result in only a high rate of slump loss shortly after mix-
Low cement-content mixtures tend to lack cohesion, bleed ing. False set is less affected by the temperature of the concrete
excessively, and segregate. Use of a coarsely ground cement than slump loss, which is more rapid in warmer weather. In
aggravates these tendencies. As fineness or amount of ce- some cases, false set and excessive slump loss occur together
ment used increases, the mixture becomes more cohesive. At and the problems tend to merge. In stationary plant mixers op-
the same time, the amount of water required to produce a erating with mixing times less than 1 min, increasing the mix-
given slump may decrease and the tendency to bleed and ing time will frequently alleviate false set and the associated
segregate will be reduced. At some intermediate cement early slump loss. Flash set is another phenomena associated
content, further increases in cement content make the mix- with slump loss, but is typically more severe and less recov-
ture sticky and difficult to handle and place, and the required erable. Flash set is a result of the mixing water being chemi-
water content is increased. The cement content at which the cally combined by the C3A or free lime component of cement
minimum water requirement and optimum workability oc- or fly ash in the cementitious system. This water, however, is
cur is reduced if the cement fineness is increased. not released and therefore slump is not recovered. The rate of
In concrete, other constituents such as entrained air, min- the calcium sulfate solubility in the system is the key to re-
eral and chemical admixtures, and the fine materials and ducing flash set when it is associated with the C3A phase. In-
clays in aggregates also affect workability, plasticity, and creasing of the calcium sulfate content, or increasing of the
mixing-water requirements. solubility rate of the existing calcium sulfate present during

strength contributions of C2S are dependent on extended

availability of moisture. In relatively thin sections of con-
crete that are permitted to dry at early ages, hydration stops
when the internal relative humidity falls below 80% and the
later age strength benefits of C2S may not be obtained. Floors
above grade are often examples of such concrete. Thick sec-
tions of concrete tend to retain moisture and benefit from the
long-term strength contributions of C2S. Some of these ben-
efits occur in sections of 200 mm (8 in.) thickness, but the
major effects will be in sections with thicknesses of 600 mm
(2 ft) or more, depending on the drying conditions. Most
portland cements contain from 10 to 35% C2S.
C3A contributes principally to strength at 24 h or less. The
C3A itself hydrates quickly. At the same time, its hydration
generates heat, which has a modest effect in accelerating the
Fig. 6.1Rates of strength development for concretes made hydration of the C3S and C2S. The C3A content of portland
with various types of ASTM C 150 portland cement and
subjected to continuous moist curing. (U.S. Bureau of Rec- cements ranges from 0 to 17%.
lamation Concrete Manual 1981.) C4AF makes a smaller contribution to the strength of
portland cement. It is present because it facilitates burning
the manufacture of the cement, helps to eliminate this phe- of the cement clinker and formation of the strength-produc-
nomenon. ing silicates. Typical C4AF contents for different portland
Concrete containing water-reducing or retarding admix- cements range from approximately 5 to 20%. Strength de-
tures may exhibit faster slump loss than similar concretes velopment curves for concrete made with various cement
without the admixtures. This effect is especially pronounced types are shown in Fig. 6.1.
and common with high-range water-reducing admixtures. Some of the minor components of portland cement also af-
Certain admixtures can cause significant changes in setting fect the strength. In particular, the quantity of calcium sulfate
time (Hersey 1975). is normally chosen to optimize strength and other properties
As discussed in ACI 223, shrinkage-compensating expan- under the most common conditions of curing and use.
sive cements may show somewhat greater slump loss than The loss on ignition of a cement is generally an indicator
portland cements in hot weather. of the amount of water or carbon dioxide, or both, chemically
combined with the cement. Strengths tend to decrease with
6.3Strength increasing ignition loss. Combined water in a cement may
A number of researchers have studied the possibility of have come from clinker that has been stored outside. The
predicting the compressive strength potential of portland ce- presence of combined water produces a spurious increase
ments from the chemical composition expressed either as po- (Blanks and Kennedy 1955) in the indicated air permeability
tential phases or oxides and physical characteristics such as fineness (Blaine method ASTM C 204), and to maintain the
fineness (Alexander 1972; Blaine et al. 1968; Gonnerman same actual fineness, the cement must be ground to a signif-
1934; Gonnerman and Lerch 1951; Popovics 1976). icantly higher fineness.
Cement compositionC3S, C2S, and C3A are the principal Small amounts of sodium and potassium from the fuel or
strength-producing phases in portland cement (Lea 1970; raw materials, or both, are normally present in portland ce-
Taylor 1964). The proportions of these can be varied in the ments. The effects of these on strength are not well under-
manufacturing process and can change both the early- stood. Some tests have indicated that potassium causes small
strength characteristics and the long-term strength. The fol- increases in strength in the first few days but has little effect
lowing paragraphs describe these effects for curing tempera- on later-age strength. Conversely, sodium seems to have lit-
tures between 2 and 90 C (35 and 190 F). tle effect on strength in the first few days but causes a mod-
Increasing the proportion of C3S increases strength at ages erate decrease in strength at ages greater than a month.
from 10 to 20 h through 28 days. The percentage of C3S in Magnesium oxide is usually present in portland cements
portland cements typically ranges from 35 to 70%. In the because of its unavoidable occurrence in the raw materials.
case of Type IV cements, however, C3S can be as low as 20% In the proportions usually present, it has little effect on
and C2S can be as high as 55%. (Type IV cements are now strength. ASTM C 150 limits magnesium oxide to a maxi-
very rarely made.) mum of 6.0% to avoid the possibility of unsoundness.
C2S contributes slightly to strength at ages as early as 1 or The strength gain characteristics of shrinkage-compensat-
2 days and significantly to 28-day strength. Its major effect ing expansive-cement concrete are comparable with those of
is to increase later age strengths. Increasing proportions of Type I portland-cement concretes.
C2S with proportional decreases in C3S content, however, FinenessHigher finenesses, such as are typical for high-
generally reduces 28-day strength and increases strength at early-strength cements, increase the strengths of portland ce-
ages of 45 to 60 days through 5 yr and more. The long-term ment at early ages and up to approximately 28 days. The ef-

fect is most pronounced at ages of 10 to 20 h and diminishes major cause of plastic-shrinkage cracking. The rate of evap-
as the age increases. At 2 to 3 months age, under moist-curing oration depends upon wind velocity, relative humidity, and
conditions, high-fineness cement (approximately 500 m2/kg, temperatures of the air and concrete surface (see nomograph
[2445 ft2/lb], Blaine) provides strengths approximately equal in ACI 308). Concrete constituentscement, aggregates,
to those of normal fineness (350 m2/kg, [1711.5 ft2/lb], and admixturesand their proportions are known to affect
Blaine). At ages greater than 2 to 3 months, the strengths of the bleeding, settlement, setting time, and rheological prop-
normal-fineness cements become greater than the strengths erties of the freshly mixed concrete. Attempts to relate these
of high-fineness cements if moist curing is continued so that properties to the occurrence or extent of plastic cracking,
hydration may proceed. If the cement content is held constant, however, have been largely unsuccessful (Shalon 1978).
very high fineness may increase the water requirement to such Concrete changes in volume with changes in temperature.
an extent that the early strength benefits are partially offset by The coefficient of linear thermal expansion is generally be-
the higher w/c required for workability and placement. tween 6 and 12 millionths per degree C (3 to 7 millionths per
The strength characteristics of portland cements are also degree F). The value of a particular concrete is the average
affected by the heating and cooling rate conditions in the of that of the cement paste and the aggregate, taking into ac-
kiln, the incorporation of trace elements into the crystal count their proportions (Walker et al. 1952). The coefficients
structure, and the particle size distribution. For these rea- for cement paste vary with the moisture content of the paste,
sons, there are moderate differences in cements of apparently but appear to be substantially unaffected by the type, brand,
similar composition and fineness. or other characteristics of the cement.
When compared at constant w/c by mass and comparable The amount and rate of drying shrinkage of concrete is de-
fineness, the strengths of portland cements are usually higher pendent on a large number of factors, including amount and
than the strengths of blended cements at ages of 7 days or type of aggregate, mixing-water content, presence and type
less, and lower at ages of 28 days or more. Blended cements of admixtures, proportions of ingredients, and the particular
are frequently ground finer than portland cements to make materials used. These factors are discussed in ACI 209R.
their early strengths more comparable with those of portland The aggregate restrains the relatively high shrinkage poten-
cements. tial of the cement paste; however, in some instances, high
shrinkage is encountered when the aggregate has a low mod-
6.4Volume stability ulus of elasticity, or the aggregate contains materials that
Concrete is subject to changes in volume both during the also change volume with changes in moisture content. The
setting and initial hardening process and after it has gained combined effects of unfavorable materials and practices can
significant strength (LHermite 1962). Freshly mixed con- produce concretes with drying shrinkage perhaps seven
crete is subject to volume changes from bleeding, tempera- times as large as those that could be obtained with a favor-
ture changes, cement hydration reactions, and drying. able selection of materials and practices (Powers 1959).
Bleeding is the segregation of water at the surface of con- Cements can have important effects on the drying shrink-
crete or under aggregate particles and horizontal reinforcing age of concrete. The effects are minimized if the cement is
bars due to the settlement of solid ingredients. The amount maintained at an optimum SO3 content (Alexander 1972;
of bleeding is greatly influenced by the slump, w/cm, grad- Hobbs 1977; Lerch 1946; Mardulier et al. 1967). In tests of a
ing and amount of fines in aggregates, and other variables re- large number of cements, there was no clear separation in
lating to the proportioning of the concrete. Cement shrinkage potential of different types of cement. Shrinkages
properties that tend to decrease bleeding include increased for different cements ranged from approximately 25% less
fineness, particularly increased amounts of the smallest sizes than the median value to 40 or 50% above the median. Ce-
present at the cement, increased alkali content, and increased ments with SO3 contents 0.5% less than optimum could have
C3A content (Neville 1963; Kosmatka 1994). drying shrinkages increased by 10 to 24% (Alexander 1972).
The normal cement hydration reactions occurring during Optimum SO3 increases with concrete temperature and may
setting and hardening tend to produce small changes in the increase when certain water-reducing admixtures are used
volume of the hydrating paste. Except in the case of expan- (Verbeck 1966); expansions, however, may increase with
sive cements, these volume changes have not been shown to curing temperatures above 70 C (Taylor 1997). An increase
be of significance to concrete performance. Cements that of 1.0% SO3 results in an increase of approximately 15 m2/kg
contain significantly larger-than-normal quantities of free (73 ft2/lb) in air-permeability fineness (Blaine, ASTM C 204).
lime (CaO) or periclase (MgO) may have a potential for det- This air-permeability fineness increase occurs due to the
rimental expansion due to the hydration of these phases. Ce- easier grindability of the calcium sulfate source (compared to
ments that exhibit such detrimental expansion are said to be clinker) during the cement manufacturing process. Calcium
unsound. Unsoundness is very rare in present-day commer- sulfate generates more surface area. The sulfate phase or
cial cements because a tendency to unsoundness can be de- phases in a cement may also affect the optimum SO3. Sulfate
tected readily by the autoclave expansion test, ASTM C 151, present in the clinker as alkali sulfate (for example, Na2SO4
which is carried out routinely in the testing of cements. or K2SO4 or [Na, K]2SO4, aphthitolite) behaves somewhat
Rapid evaporation of water from concrete surfaces during differently from sulfate present as interground gypsum or
and after the finishing process, but before final setting, is a other form of calcium sulfate.

6.5Elastic properties Clearly the permeability of concrete depends on the per-

The modulus of elasticity of concrete is a function of the meability of the paste as well as that of the aggregate and the
modulus of elasticity of the cement paste (that forms the con- relative proportions of each. It also depends greatly on plac-
tinuous matrix of concrete), the modulus of elasticity of the ing, finishing, and curing procedures, particularly consolida-
aggregate (the particles of which exist as inclusions within the tion (Grube 1985). Permeability of concrete to liquid water
matrix), and the volume concentrations of each. Several equa- or water vapor is not a simple function of its porosity, but de-
tions have been proposed to express the relationship. The re- pends also on the size, distribution, and continuity of the
lationship has been detailed by Hansen (1960), Counto pores in both the cement paste and the aggregates. The pores
(1964), and Popovics (1980). in cement paste are of two kinds. Gel pores, constituting ap-
Hydrated portland cement has a nearly constant modulus proximately 28% of the paste volume, are interstitial spaces
of elasticity regardless of cement composition. Thus, the between the gel particles. They are very small (between 1.5
modulus of elasticity of cement paste just as compressive and 3.0 nm [5.9 10-8 and 1.2 10-7 in.] in diameter). Cap-
strength is a function of the degree of filling of the space illary pores are larger (of the order of 1 m) and are irregu-
available to the hydration product. The greater the degree of larly distributed throughout the cement paste. Because
filling, the higher the modulus. The degree of filling increases capillary pores represent the remains of spaces that were
as the w/c decreases and the degree of hydration increases. originally filled with mixing-water, their volume can vary
For the practical range of w/c and for the ages for which the between 0 and 40%, depending on the original w/c and the
information normally is desired, the modulus of elasticity of degree of hydration.
cement paste is between 7 and 14 GPa (1 and 2 106 psi). As hydration progresses, permeability decreases. The flow
Because these values are below those of most normalweight of water through concrete is fundamentally similar to flow
aggregates and because the volume concentration of aggre- through any porous medium. Powers (1958) presented a re-
gate is usually three to four times that of cement paste, the ag- lationship between permeability and capillary porosity of ce-
gregate is usually the principal determinant of modulus of ment paste, as shown in Fig. 6.2. For pastes hydrated to the
elasticity of concrete. The minor effect of cement is to in- same degree, the permeability becomes lower, the lower the
crease the modulus of elasticity of concrete as w/cm decreases w/c. This is shown in Fig. 6.3, which presents data obtained
and degree of hydration increases, and to reduce the modulus by Powers et al. (1954) for pastes with 93% of the cement
as the volume concentration of cement paste increases. hydrated.
Air entrainment might be expected to increase the perme-
6.6Creep ability of concrete. Because air entrainment reduces mixing-
The ingredient of concrete that creeps (that is, undergoes water requirement and bleeding and improves workability,
time-dependent volume changes under sustained load) is the however, the overall effect of air entrainment will usually be
hydrated cement paste. For practical purposes, the aggregate reduced permeability.
consists of perfectly elastic inclusions that do not creep. The There is evidence from laboratory experiments that pastes
volume and stiffness of the aggregate, therefore, are impor- and concretes made with blended hydraulic cements contain-
tant parameters in determining the creep of concrete. The ing silica fume, raw or calcined natural pozzolans, fly ash, or
stiffer the aggregate, the less the creep. The property of ce- slag have lower permeabilities than comparable pastes and
ment paste that most affects creep is its porosity. Cement concretes made with portland cements (Hooton 1986;
pastes of lower porosity and lower w/cm impart lower creep McGrath and Hooton 1997). The concepts of permeability and
to the concrete. There is virtually no direct effect of cement diffusion are seldom differentiated (transport of liquid or gas
composition except that cements with gypsum contents sig- through a medium, and transport of ions through an existing
nificantly below optimum may demonstrate increased creep liquid or gas medium, respectively). A few references on these
(Neville 1959). The effect of w/c on creep was investigated subjects are: Garboczi and Bentz (1992); Martys and Ferraris
by Wagner (cited in Neville and Meyers 1964), and his work (1996); Halamickova et al. (1995). There are also electronic
has been accepted by ACI Committee 209 as the definitive publications available (http://ciks.CBT.Nist.Gov/Garboczi/).
relationship between w/c and creep. For more information on
creep, see ACI 209. 6.8Corrosion of embedded steel
Concrete that is properly proportioned, compacted, and
6.7Permeability cured, provides excellent protection against corrosion of em-
The phase composition of cement of a given fineness af- bedded steel when the cover over the steel is adequate. These
fects permeability of a paste of a given w/c at a given age only requirements are now well-defined (Lea 1970; Biczok 1964).
insofar as it influences the rate of hydration. The ultimate For corrosion to occur, water and oxygen must be avail-
porosity and permeability are unaffected (Powers et al. able at the surface of the embedded steel, and the normal
1954). For a given w/c, however, Powers et al. found that passivating alkalinity of the concrete must have been re-
coarse cements tended to produce pastes with higher porosi- duced to below approximately pH 9 (or a higher pH in the
ties than finer cements. There is also some evidence that the presence of chlorides). A drop in the pH to approximately 9
permeability of portland-cement pastes increases with the is sometimes caused by carbonation of the concrete or leach-
curing temperature (Bakker 1983; Roy and Goto 1981). ing out of the protective alkaline constituents. When the con-

Fig. 6.2Relationship between coefficient of permeability and

capillary porosity for portland cement pastes (Powers 1958).
Fig. 6.3Relationship between coefficient of permeability
and w/c for mature portland cement pastes (Powers 1954).
crete quality and cover are adequate, however, the most
likely cause of any corrosion by far is the presence of chlo- saturation is the water content below which damage from
rides. The presence of dissimilar metals embedded in con- freezing will not take place. It is usually approximately 90%
crete containing chloride is particularly conducive to rapid of the volume required to fill the capillary-sized pores in the
corrosion. concrete completely. The beneficial effects of entrainment of
For portland cements, the cement type has only a minor a proper air-void system far outweigh influences of cement
effect on the level of protection of the steel. There are reports in providing resistance to freezing and thawing. Although, as
in the literature suggesting that cements with high alkali con- shown in Table 2.1, air-entraining cement is available as an
tents have shown superior performance in chloride environ- option, when resistance to freezing and thawing is required,
ments. According to Verbeck (1968), the higher the C3A it is usually preferable to make air-entrained concrete using
content, the greater the amount of chloride ion that can be pre- an air-entraining admixture. Air-entraining cement may be
cipitated as calcium chloroaluminate, and thus be rendered in- useful where concrete is made under conditions where no
nocuous, relative to steel corrosion. For this reason, Type V quality control, particularly no means of measuring air con-
cements with their low C3A contents make concretes that are tent of freshly mixed concrete, is available.
less resistant to chloride-induced steel corrosion (Rasheeduz- The likelihood of a concrete becoming critically saturated
zafar et al. 1992). There is some evidence that, when com- with water depends, in part, on its permeability and on its air-
pared with portland cements, blended cements with void system. Thus, the effects of a cement on the resistance
substantial contents of mineral admixtures or blast-furnace of a concrete to freezing and thawing depend on the degree
slag have reduced permeabilities to chlorides (Bakker 1983; to which its characteristics affect the permeability and the
Short and Page 1982; Smolczyk 1984). Dense concrete of air-void system of the concrete.
low permeability with adequate cover and low chloride lev- As discussed earlier, permeability is reduced as hydration
els should be used to provide protection against corrosion. proceeds and therefore, as strength develops. Thus, the per-
Under severe exposure conditions, additional protection meabilities of concretes of the same age and w/c will not be
such as use of epoxy-coated reinforcement or corrosion-in- the same if the rate of strength gain, which is a function of
hibiting admixtures may be needed to enhance corrosion cement characteristics, differs among the cements. There-
protection. State-of-the-art information regarding corrosion fore, the properties of cement are important as they influence
of embedded steel in concrete is in ACI 222R. the strength and permeability of the concrete at the time of
exposure to freezing and thawing. ACI 201.2R recommends
6.9Resistance to freezing and thawing that, before severe exposure to freezing and thawing, properly
As discussed in ACI 201.2R, the vulnerability of concrete air-entrained concretes should have compressive strength of
to damage by freezing and thawing depends on whether it at least 28 MPa (4000 psi); the recommended minimum
becomes critically saturated with water. This, in turn, is a strength for moderate exposures is 21 MPa (3000 psi). This
function of the pore structure of the paste and exposure to means that a thin section of concrete containing a cement with
conditions that provide sufficient access to moisture. Critical a lower rate of strength gain (such as some Type IP and Type

Table 6.4Cement type and w/c recommendations tious material, as it relates to decreased permeability of
for normalweight concrete exposed to sulfates hardened concrete, is the single-most effective means of in-
Water solu- creasing resistance to sulfate attack (Stark 1989; Stark 1984).
able sulfate ASTM More detailed information about the response and protection
(SO4) in soil, Sulfate (SO4) cement type w/c,
Exposure % in water, ppm of blend maximum* of concretes to the various types of chemical attack is avail-
Mild 0.00 to 0.10 0 to 150 able in references listed (Czernin 1962; Eustache and Mag-
Type II, nan 1972; Fulton 1961; Hansen 1966; Kleinlogel 1960;
IP (MS), Kuenning 1966; Langelier 1936; B. Mather 1966, 1979; K.
Moderate 0.10 to 0.20 150 to 1500 IS (MS), 0.50
Type 1 + Mather 1977; Miller and Manson 1951; Neville 1963a; PCA
pozzolan 1990; Robson 1962; Taylor 1964; USBR 1981; Woods
Type V 1968; ACI 201.2R; ACI 515.1R; and ACI 548.1R).
Type II +
1500 to slag Calcium-aluminate cement may be required where con-
Severe 0.20 to 2.00 (> 60%) 0.45
10,000 crete is to be used in a particularly aggressive environment in
Type II +
pozzolan the pH range from 3.5 to 6, as calcium-aluminate cement
Type V + concretes (see Appendix) resist a number of agents that at-
pozzolan tack portland-cement concretes.
Very severe Over 2.00 Over 10,000 0.45
Type V + slag
(>60%) If a mortar is intended to be chemically resistant to a par-
A lower w/c may be necessary to prevent corrosion of embesdded items (see Section ticular solution, then the coarse aggregate used with it to of ACI 201.2R).

No special precautions needed.

make concrete should normally be similarly resistant. If an

A pozzolan that has been determined by test or service record to improve sulfate resis- ordinary (non-acid-resistant) mortar is to be used in concrete
tance when used with the type of cement to be employed in the work (see ACI 318).
exposed to acid, however, it may be advantageous to use
acid-soluble coarse aggregate, such as limestone. In this
IV cements) would generally require a longer curing period to case, the quantity of acid available to attack the mortar would
have the same resistance to freezing and thawing as one with be reduced by its attack on the sacrificial coarse aggregate.
a cement with a higher rate of strength development. Deicing chemicals such as sodium chloride and calcium
Although the importance of a proper air-void system is chloride accelerate freezing and thawing damage to non-
paramount, the reduction of permeability by use of a low w/c frost-resistant portland-cement concrete. These materials, by
and assurance of adequate hydration by proper curing are af- melting the ice and snow and suppressing the freezing point
fected by the cement. All of the influences are covered in of the water due to the increased ion concentration, tend to
ACI 201.2R. increase the degree of saturation and hence increase the like-
The influence of cement composition on resistance to lihood of damage by freezing and thawing. Entrained air is a
freezing and thawing is important in only two respects: necessary requirement for concrete to be frost resistant. So-
1. The cement may affect the strength and permeability at dium chloride, used as a deicing agent, may aggravate alkali-
the time freezing and thawing occur. silica reactions in concrete with reactive aggregates. Conse-
2. The cement may affect the air-entraining admixture quently, in climatic environments that cause deicing to be
requirements for production of a satisfactory air-void system. used in winter seasons and where summers are warm, pre-
cautions to prevent both kinds of deleterious reactions are
6.10Resistance to chemical attack appropriate.
A primary requisite for chemical resistance of concrete is
that it be made with the proper cement, cement-pozzolan 6.11Resistance to high temperatures
combination, or cement-slag combination. Another impor- If properly cured and dried, normal portland-cement con-
tant requirement is the use of a low w/c (0.40 or less; Stark cretes can withstand temperatures up to 100 C (212 F) with
1989) with thorough compaction and proper curing to pro- little loss of strength. They can also withstand temperatures
duce a dense concrete or mortar Air entrainment is frequently up to approximately 300 C (570 F) for several hours with
helpful in that it reduces w/c for a given slump (Stark 1989). only a slow loss of strength due to partial dehydration and al-
Portland-cement based concretes are generally resistant to teration of the calcium silicate hydrate. If resistance to higher
chemicals whose pH is higher than approximately 6. There temperatures is needed, the properties of both the cement and
are, however, notable exceptions and qualifying conditions. the aggregate must be considered. Portland cements are be-
Tables 2.1, 2.2.3, and 2.2 of ACI 201.2R summarize factors ing used in applications to temperatures as high as 1100 C
leading to increasing or decreasing rate of deterioration. Sul- (2000 F) with high temperature stable aggregates in noncyclic
fate attack (Table 6.4) is of special importance because of the (repeated heating and cooling) operations. For the most
widespread occurrence of sulfate in soils, seawater, ground- demanding applications, high-purity, calcium-aluminate ce-
water, and chemical process effluents. Because of the ten- ments (Appendix) are combined with selected refractory ag-
dency of high-C3A portland cements to be susceptible to gregates to produce refractory concretes suitable for use at
sulfate attack, the lower-C3A cements (Types II and V) are temperatures up to 1870 C (3400 F). ACI SP-57, ACI SP-74,
often required for concretes to be used in sulfate environ- ACI 547R, and 547.1R provide more information on refrac-
ments (Tuthill 1936). Reducing the water to total cementi- tory concretes using hydraulic-cement binders. Caution is re-

quired regarding the residual strength of concrete in Depending on the hydroxyl-ion concentration, the presence
structures that have suffered severe damage due to acciden- and proportion of reactive aggregate particles and their phys-
tal fires. A decrease in strength and toughness of ordinary ical characteristics, the w/c, and the cement in the concrete,
concrete may occur not only during the fire, but also during the product of the alkali-silica reaction may be a hydrous
and after cooling of the structure. calcium-alkali-silica gel that is expansive only to a limited
degree, or a hydrous alkali-silica gel that may imbibe water
6.12Cement-aggregate reactions and expand much more and disrupt concrete.
In dense concrete, the hydration of cement develops Although opal is not a common constituent of aggregates,
strong adhesion bonding to the surfaces of aggregate parti- it has been used extensively in research on ASR. The first ex-
cles. Where the pore fluid touches siliceous aggregate par- tensively studied case of ASR involved an aggregate called
ticles, calcium alkali-silica hydrates may form as the siliceous magnesium limestone that contained opal as its al-
bonding material. Limestone may develop strong bonding kali-reactive ingredient. Small opaline shale grains, common
by epitaxial interactions (crystal growth on other crystals in some aggregates in the middle western U.S., create small
resulting in similar structural orientation) between the cal- popouts on finished flatwork in 24 h. When all of the reactive
cium hydroxide and the limestone. These bond reactions aggregates that have affected structures are considered, more
constitute the reasons why concrete can be made to be a behave quite differently from opal than behave like it. The
monolithic material. original period of investigation of alkali-silica reaction, from
The term alkali-aggregate reactions (AAR) is used for 1940 to about 1960, focused on many examples of rapidly re-
alkali-silica reactions (ASR) and alkali-carbonate rock reac- acting aggregates, mostly from the western U.S., and led to
tions (ACR). These reactions with aggregate particles can the tentative conclusion that rapid reaction will usually take
cause fracturing and, sometimes, expansions or warping of place if the aggregate is reactive and the alkali content of the
field concrete as well as of test specimens of concrete or cement is high enough. For more information see Guide
mortar. Specifications to Concrete Subject to Alkali-Silica Reac-
Aggregate constituents readily decomposed by oxidation tion (PCA 1995). Since that time, more and more structures
in the presence of water include a number of unstable sul- containing aggregates with fairly low rates of expansive re-
fides of iron often associated with coal, lignite, and black activity have been found that were not recognized as having
shale. Their presence in aggregates may cause severe acid problems involving alkali-silica reactions until the structures
attack on concrete, and also expansive reactions due to for- were 20 to 30, or more, years old. When evaluated in mortar
mation of excessive amounts of calcium sulfoaluminate bars in accordance with ASTM C 227, many of these aggre-
(ettringite). Aggregate constituents or contaminants that hy- gates produce expansions less than the criteria suggested in
drate include anhydrite, periclase, quicklime, and portland- the Appendix to ASTM C 33 of 0.10% at 6 months. These re-
cement clinker. In sand and coarse-aggregate size ranges, active rock types include certain granite gneisses, schists,
some of these reactions may cause expansions to occur. phyllites, quartzites, argillites, and greywackes, all of which
Alkali-silica reactionsThe most important cement- contain microcrystalline and strained quartz (Dolar-Mantuani
aggregate reactions from the standpoint of potential for dam- 1983; Buck 1983).
age to mortar or concrete in service are those with alkalies. Of The use of low-alkali cements has been shown to control
these, the best-known and longest-studied is the alkali-silica many known reactive aggregates. The use of low-alkali ce-
reaction. This reaction results from the presence of pore fluids ment alone (not more than 0.60% alkali as equivalent Na2O
with pH values of 13 or higher in the pores of the concrete. [ASTM C 150]), however, has been found to not always ef-
These are generated by the interaction of minor amounts of fectively control expansion due to alkali-silica reactivity.
potassium or sodium, or both, in the cement, usually in the This situation has developed primarily with glassy or poorly
form of sulfates, during the early phase of the cement hydra- crystalline volcanic rocks of rhyolitic to andesitic composi-
tion, with the liquid phase in hydrating cement. As a result tion. Also, alkali from sources other than the cement, such as
of the removal of calcium and sulfate ions as ettringite deicer salts, fly ashes, and alkalies initially present in aggre-
forms, sodium and potassium cations and hydroxyl ions gates, may exacerbate the problem. The extent of damage to
(OH) accumulate in the liquid phase. During further hydra- the structures varies widely, probably as a result of differences
tion, the pH increases, and this renders the siliceous aggre- in concrete proportions, w/c, mean annual relative humidity,
gate particles more soluble by the alkali-hydroxide. Elevated annual precipitation, and mean annual temperature.
temperatures, as in summer seasons and hot climates, will Table 6.5 provides information on reactive substances
further suppress the calcium hydroxide solubility. found in aggregates. It indicates that rocks containing opal,
Siliceous particles of cement-particle size, (that is, poz- chalcedony, quartz, or may be reactive. It does not say
zolans and ground granulated blast-furnace slag) or finer whether the reaction will occur as a harmless modification or
(silica fume), in concrete may cause a favorable modifica- cause damage in days, months, or 1 to 50 yr after a structure
tion of an ASR, which densifies the concrete and concurrent- is built. Low-silica rocks, like most basalts and diabases,
ly exhausts the alkali-hydroxides so as to prevent deleterious limestones without siliceous inclusions, and quartz sand are
reactions with aggregate particles. usually not reactive.

Table 6.5Some reactive substances found in aggregates

Reactive substance Chemical composition Physical character
Amorphous by light microscopy; includes a
wide range of discolored cristolbalite-
Opal SiO2 nH2O tridymite stacking; micromorphology usulally
spherical when known (precious opal is made
up of spherical bodies with ordered domains)

Chalcedony SiO2 H2O and air Microcrystalline to cryptocrystalline, often

a) Microcrystalline to cryptocrystalline
Quartz SiO2 b) Crystalline but intensely strained or frac-
tured and inclusion-filled, or both
Cristobalite SiO2 Crystalline
Tridymite SiO2 Crystalline
Glass from acid to intermediate Siliceous, with smaller propor- Glass or cryptocrystalline materials as the
rocks, and their cryptocrystalline tions of Al2O3, Fe2O3, alkaline matrix of volcanic rocks or fragments in the
devitrifcation products earths, and alkalies tuffs
Siliceous, with smaller propor-
Synthetic* siliceous glasses tions of alkalies, alumina, with or Glass
without other substances
Reactive rocks
Opaline chert, chalcedonic chert, quartzose chert, opaline limestones and dolomites, cherty carbonate rocks; rhyo-
lites, dacites, andesites, and their tuffs; opaline shales; phyllites and metamorphic subgraywackes containing strained
quartz, argillites, quartzites, schists, granite gneiss, sandstones, and shales.
Synthetic glass is found in aggregates downstream from cities and towns.

To determine potential for expansive reactivity, aggregates 3. If pozzolans and blended hydraulic cements are unavail-
should be evaluated from their service records, taking into able, a low-alkali portland cement should be considered.
account the alkali contents of the cementitious materials Effectiveness of the cement alkali level should be tested by
used, whether the aggregate was used alone or in combina- the appropriate test methods or evaluation should be based
tion with other aggregate, and the exposure conditions and of on the historical field performance of those materials.
the concrete. In addition to a petrographic examination in ac- 4. The use of ASR-limiting chemical compounds (such as
cordance with procedures in ASTM C 295, the aggregate lithium) as an integral part of the cementitious materials or
should be evaluated for potential for expansive alkali-silica as an additive to the concrete has been found to provide ASR
reactivity using ASTM C 1260 or ASTM C 1293, or both. reduction (Stark 1993).
ASTM C 1260 requires 16 days to complete, and is overly se- 5. Limiting total alkali content of the concrete. See
vere with respect to anticipated performance in field struc- CAN/CSA-A23.1-M90.
tures (ASTM C 1260 Section 3.1). That is, if the aggregate is
Alkali-carbonate rock reactionsThe second category of
found to be innocuous in this test, one can be virtually certain
potentially damaging alkali-aggregate reactions is the alkali-
that it will not react deleteriously in concrete structures. If the
carbonate rock reaction. Instances of internal expansion and
aggregate produces excessive expansion in ASTM C 1260,
cracking sometimes followed by disintegration of concrete
then further information is desirable, or certain mixture pro-
made with crushed carbonate rock aggregates were described
portion precautions (such as the incorporation of pozzolans
in the 1950s and 1960s from Ontario, Virginia, and a few other
or slag) need to be taken in field concrete to avoid potential
places. The phenomenon is generally associated with rocks
for expansive reactivity. For more information see Guide
that are neither approaching pure calcium carbonate, nor pure
Specification to Concrete Subject to Alkali-Silica Reaction
dolomite, CaMg (CO3)2; rather, such rocks consist of crystals
(PCA 1995).
of the mineral dolomite in a fine-grained matrix of clay and
If potentially reactive aggregates are to be used, the pre- calcite. These rocks may react by decomposition of dolomite
ferred remedies in random order are: to form magnesium hydroxide or by reactions that also in-
1. Specify use of a pozzolan, slag, or silica fume meeting the volve swelling of the clay constituent. ASTM C 586 can be
requirements of ASTM C 618, C 989, or C 1240, respectively. used to identify carbonate rocks capable of expansive reac-
This can be accomplished either as a replacement for, or addi- tion with alkalies. Such tests should be used to supplement
tion to, the portland cement, depending on other requirements data from field service, petrographic examination, and tests of
such as strength development and economics. It should be aggregate in concrete. An ASTM method for testing the ag-
pointed out that there is a possibility of increased alkali-silica gregate in concrete has been developed (ASTM C 1105); and
reaction when small (pessimum) amounts, less than 15% by one has been adopted in Canada as CSA CAN3-A23.2-14A-
mass, of certain pozzolans are used (COE-EM 1110-2-2000). M77. Appendix B to CAN-3-A23.2-M77, Section B3.5, re-
2. Use a blended hydraulic cement meeting ASTM C 595 ferring to Test Method A23.2-14A, suggests limits on allow-
or ASTM C 1157 and invoking the optional requirement re- able expansion and notes that such expansive aggregates can
lating to alkali-silica mortar-bar expansion. generally be used safely with a low-alkali cement. ACI

201.2R suggests low-alkali cement (probably 0.4% com- one area of the concrete to another may occur when form-
bined alkali or lower). Combined alkali is normally calcu- work is removed at significantly different ages after place-
lated as Na2O + (0.658 % K2O). ment. The differences, however, will become less marked
with time. Other factors being the same, concrete surfaces
6.13Color cured by different methods or processes, such as steam-cured
The most important aspect of concrete color is usually its versus not steam-cured, are likely to exhibit color differenc-
uniformity. The exact color of a concrete, however, is some- es. These differences may or may not diminish over time de-
times important to an architect or owner for its contribution pendent upon natural weathering, chemical exposures or
to the esthetic value of a structure (Gage 1970). Variations incorporation of exposure contaminants.
in the color of concrete due to the cement may be minimized EfflorescenceEfflorescence is a deposit sometimes seen
by purchasing the cement from a single plant and by strictly on surfaces of concrete or masonry. On concrete, the depos-
adhering to uniform quality-control procedures for propor- its are generally calcium carbonate, which is not readily sol-
tioning, mixing, placing, forming, and curing the concrete. uble in water, although occasionally they contain sodium or
The color of a concrete is dependent on, among other fac- potassium sulfate or bicarbonate, which are easily dissolved
tors, the cement and other materials used. Cement color re- in water. Some of the abundant calcium hydroxide produced
flects chemical composition and processing conditions. by normal cement hydration reactions is brought to the sur-
Usually, cement colors vary from white to shades of gray face, deposited, and converted to calcium carbonate by the
and brown. Color differences are often discernible between carbon dioxide in the air (Ritchie 1960; Taylor 1964). Inci-
cements manufactured from different plants. The influence dence of efflorescence is regulated largely by the chemical
on concrete color from the variation in the color of cement composition of the concrete, the permeability and texture of
from a single plant is typically outweighed by concrete fin- the concrete surface and the rate of surface drying.
ishing and curing practices, w/cm, and use of mineral admix-
tures. White cements contain very little iron or other CHAPTER 7CEMENT STORAGE AND DELIVERY
transition metal (for example, chromium, manganese, vana- The performance of a cement in concrete can be affected
dium). Each transition metal makes its own contribution to by the conditions under which the cement has been stored
cement color. For example, experimental cements made and its handling during delivery. These effects will be re-
with unusually large quantities of chromium (but with no viewed to complete the discussions of factors affecting the
other transition metal present) are quite green. The common performance of cements. This chapter relates to the handling
grey and brownish colors of commercial cements are prima- of cement during delivery. The requirements for the protec-
rily due to the iron compounds in them; small quantities of tion of workers will also be mentioned.
other transition metals also affect the color. Concretes made StorageCement can be stored for an indefinite period of
using ground granulated iron blast-furnace slag are typically time as long as it is protected from moisture (including the
dark green initially, but this fades on oxidation and the con- moisture in the air). Storage life may be more limited in
crete typically becomes whiter than a portland-cement con- small bins under conditions where moisture might condense
crete. This is discussed in ACI 233R. Pigments are on the inside of the bins, but satisfactory storage for several
sometimes added to produce colored cements; they are cov- months is not unusual.
ered by ASTM C 979. The storage life of cement in paper bags is much more lim-
The contribution of cement color to the color of the con- ited. In damp climates or damp weather conditions, cement
crete depends on the pigments, fly ash, sand, or other fine can become lumpy in as little as 4 to 6 weeks. Special mois-
particles present. Variations in color and grading of all fine ture-resistant bags are frequently used with white portland
particles may affect concrete color uniformity. Other factors cements and some gray cements, particularly if over-water
relating to cement that may cause variations in concrete col- shipment is anticipated. Storage life in these bags is longer,
or are mixture proportions, moisture movement, curing con- but still limited.
ditions, efflorescence, and surface carbonation. Hard lumps are evidence of reaction with moisture. This
Mixture proportionsIf, as is usual, the cement is the condition is often referred to as warehouse set. One of the
main contributor to the color of concrete, the color will be- definitions given in ACI 116R is: The partial hydration of
come more intense and darker with increased cement con- cement stored for a time and exposed to atmospheric mois-
tent or decreased w/c. ture, or mechanical compaction occurring during storage.
Moisture movementMoisture movement in concrete If the lumps are screened out, the remaining cement is nor-
may affect the color of concrete as a result of changes in w/c mally satisfactory for use. Measures for minimizing the
at the surface through bleeding, absorption into form faces, likelihood of warehouse set of packaged cement include the
and loss of water or mortar through formwork joints. Ab- following:
sorption of water into the form face while the concrete is Use stock on a first-in, first-out basis.
hardening may cause darkening of the concrete. Keep storage areas dry.
Nonuniform curingConcrete that has been allowed to Store bags on pallets above ground.
dry quickly will initially be lighter in color than concrete that Store bags under a cover that will protect them from
has been kept moist. As a result, differences in color from moisture.

Soft lumps may occur in the lower bags in a high stack agglomeration and pack set. In addition to inhibiting pack
simply from the pressure of the bags above. Rolling the bags set, grinding aids prevent ball coating and increase mill effi-
a few times normally breaks up these lumps. ciency. The resulting reduction in energy cost usually offsets
Measures for minimizing the formation of hard lumps the cost of the grinding aid.
during bulk storage and during transit include the following: ASTM C 150 permits the use of grinding aids in the man-
Periodically inspect the loading hatches of bulk carriers ufacture of portland cement, provided that such materials in
for watertightness. the amounts used have been shown not to be harmful to the
Keep loading hatches closed when not in use. quality of the finished cement. This is demonstrated by tests
Compressed-air transit systems should have water traps in accordance with ASTM C 465.
and, in areas of extremely high humidity, the air lines DeliveryCement is available as a bulk powder or in pa-
should be equipped with air driers. per bags. Bulk powder is shipped using closed tanker trucks,
Storage bins should be inspected periodically for possi- covered rail hopper cars, air-unloading tank cars, covered
ble water leaks (that is, roof, hatch covers, and welded barges, or ships with closed compartments. Occasionally,
seams). bulk cement is delivered to very remote sites in large rubber
Warehouse set of a different type can occur with fresh ce- containers (approximately 1 m3 or yd3 in size).
ment in storage at the manufacturing plant. This type of ware- ContaminationMost contamination of cements occurs
house set, more appropriately called partial hydration, is during shipping and handling. It is generally caused by fail-
characterized by soft lumps (lumps that break under light fin- ure to clean trucks and railcars in which it is to be shipped.
ger pressure) and reduced flowability. This condition can de- Examples of effects that can result from contamination by
velop within a few days after production and is caused by common materials follow (Kleinlogel 1960).
chemical reaction of cement components during storage. Very small amounts of sugar and starch can cause signifi-
Once the flow has been started and the rigidity of the bulk ma- cant retardation, as can small amounts of lead, zinc, and cop-
terial broken, however, the potential for reoccurrence of the per compounds.
flow problems is practically nil. The tendency of cements to Ammonium fertilizers in cement will generate ammonia
undergo prehydration depends on several factors, including gas when the cement comes into contact with water. The
chemical composition, storage temperature, grinding temper- smell of ammonia is unpleasant, even though the amount of
ature, and the moisture available during grinding. The effect fertilizer may be small and not harmful. With ammonium
of storage on the quality of cement is generally negligible, but sulfate contamination, the sulfate content of the concrete
it can cause false setting and a slight loss in strength develop- may be increased to a level at which unsound concrete might
ment (Richartz 1973; Thiesen and Johansen 1975). result. Among other ammonium compounds, phosphates can
Pack set (sticky cement)Pack set of a cement material is cause retardation, and the nitrates could promote corrosion
evidenced by a higher than normal resistance to the initiation of reinforcing steel.
of flow. Pack set may be caused by interlocking particles, me- Contamination with dead-burned (slow reaction rate with
chanical compaction, or electrostatic attraction between parti- water) dolomite, such as is used in the manufacture of refrac-
cles. The use of an appropriate amount of processing tories, can cause popouts or even unsound concrete. Contam-
additions (complying with ASTM C 465) during the finish ination as low as 0.1% by volume of concrete can cause
grinding process can typically eliminate the occurrence of the popouts, and an increase to 0.3% can result in self-destruc-
phenomena. Most often, a relatively small amount of mechan- tion when the concrete is exposed to water (Scanlon, Con-
ical effort will overcome the resistance to flow (Grace 1977). nolly 1994).
The generally accepted explanation of pack set is that the Trace amounts of some contaminants may cause no prob-
surfaces created during grinding of portland cement clinker lems. They may be tolerable in noncritical concrete if the
have areas with unsatisfied electrical forces. The active sur- concrete sets and gains strength in a normal manner. If there
faces cause interparticle attraction resulting in agglomeration is any doubt, the contaminant should be identified to make
and pack set (Hansen and Offutt 1969; Mardulier 1961). The sure that it will not cause problems with durability or
mechanism of pack set is different from that of warehouse strength, and the concentration of it should be shown to be
set, which, as mentioned previously, is a loss of flowability minimal. Despite the fact that small amounts of some con-
caused by partial hydration of cement. taminants may be tolerable in noncritical concrete, strong ef-
Cement manufacturers have long been familiar with the forts should be exerted to prevent contamination of cement
annoying problem of pack set. In the 1940s and early 1950s, and concrete.
it was the source of frequent customer complaints. Since the Pneumatic (air) transport of portland cement can cause ce-
1960s, wide acceptance of grinding aids by cement manufac- ment particle agglomeration, which is not normally a prob-
turers has almost eliminated pack set problems. The grinding lem unless the concrete mixing time is very short (3 min or
aids are added either with the mill feed or injected directly less). This particle agglomeration may be the result of elec-
into the mill (Duda 1976). trostatic attraction, or particle hydration from water con-
Most grinding aids are substances that are adsorbed on the densed out of the compressed air or is used in the transfer of
surfaces of the cement particles and reduce the surface ener- cements, both within cement plants and terminals and in de-
gy so that no bonds remain to attract other particles and cause livery to mixers in concrete plants. The amount of aeration in

these processes is normally so small that cement properties tification or laboratory accreditation. There are several rea-
are not impaired. sons for this. First, complete tests are considered unduly
Air handling frequently increases the apparent air perme- expensive by all but a few large specifiers or purchasers.
ability (Blaine fineness) though other properties are not af- Second, few commercial testing laboratories have a suffi-
fected. A fineness test on a field sample may be 10 or 20 m2/ cient volume of cement testing to maintain an adequately
kg higher than that determined by the manufacturer during skilled staff to be able to offer competent, timely, cement-
grinding. Aeration for long periods can induce slump loss, testing services, whereas cement companies must maintain
increase water requirement, and false set. It should therefore competence in cement testing at all times. Third, it is usually
be avoided. impractical to provide sufficient cement storage capacity to
Cement in paper bags is subject to aeration. As a conse- permit completion of tests requiring many days, such as 28-
quence, false set is not uncommon in bagged cement, and day strength or heat of hydration, before the cement is used
can occur long before there is evidence of hard lumps. in concrete. As a result, almost all cement testing is done by
The top 25 to 50 mm (1 to 2 in.) layer of cement in a bulk cement manufacturers. Among purchasers, only a few large
truck or railroad car is aerated by the air above it. To mini- users, such as the Corps of Engineers and state transportation
mize this effect, cements should be transported and stored in departments, regularly test cement.
full, closed containers. A sample skimmed from the top may Tests carried out in the cement-plant laboratory are likely
show false set that is not typical of the shipment as a whole. to include chemical analysis (ASTM C 114), autoclave ex-
When the car or truck is unloaded and the top layer is mixed pansion (ASTM C 151), surface area (Blaine method
with the underlying cement, the cement usually performs ASTM C 204), mortar cube strengths (ASTM C 109), and
normally. For this reason, cement should be sampled by dig- setting time (ASTM C 191 or C 266). Some purchasers use
ging below the surface layer. surface area measurements as an indication of uniformity.
Protection of workersWorkers should protect their skin Four main approaches (with variations) are customarily
and eyes from cement and mixtures containing cement, as used for acceptance testing of cements.
cement can cause serious dermatitis and eye injuries. Skin
contact with freshly mixed cement paste, mortar, concrete, 8.1The cement mill test report
or grout should be avoided. When contact occurs, skin areas The cement producer tests the cement, generally as it is be-
should be washed promptly with water. ing placed in a silo for shipment, and furnishes a Mill Test Re-
If any cement or cement mixture gets into the eyes, they port. The significance of the test data given in a mill test
should be flushed immediately and repeatedly with water. report varies from plant to plant. In some cases, the data are
The person should get prompt medical attention. typical values that can be expected to be representative of ce-
ment shipped from a given bin or silo. In other cases, a com-
CHAPTER 8SAMPLING AND TESTING OF posite sample or series of grab samples is collected from the
HYDRAULIC CEMENTS FOR CONFORMANCE TO mill stream during the time the silo or bin is being filled, and
SPECIFICATIONS the data given in the mill test report are those obtained by test-
Preceding chapters have discussed factors affecting the ing the composite sample. The sample may also be obtained
performance of cements in concretes. To apply this knowl- during transfer, or from storage by means of a tube sampler.
edge, the user must know if the cements being purchased Because of such differences, there is usually no assurance that
meet the appropriate specifications limits and whether, with- the cement being shipped will have exactly the same physical
in the specification limits, a satisfactory degree of uniformi- and chemical characteristics as given in the mill test report. In
ty is being maintained. This chapter discusses the sampling rare instances, the mill test report may represent as much as a
and testing of cements to show their conformance to specifi- weeks production; more often, it represents production in a
cations and to indicate the magnitude of batch-to-batch vari- period of between a few hours and 2 days.
ations. It also indicates the types of information the user may The principal purpose of the mill test report is to certify that
be able to obtain from the manufacturer in the user does not the cement in question complies with ASTM specifications
conduct a sampling and testing program. (or other specifications as required by contract) and to provide
Most building codes and job specifications require cement typical test data for the cement. The purchaser relies primarily
that meets the requirements of an applicable material speci- on the mill test results, although the purchaser may occasion-
fication such as ASTM C 150, ASTM C 595, ASTM C 1157, ally take random (or systematic) samples that are held for pos-
AASHTO M 85, or AASHTO M 240 in the U.S., or the CSA sible testing if there is a change in the performance, color, or
CAN 3-A5 and CSA A 362 in Canada. The ASTM cement some other characteristic of the concrete in which the cement
specifications cite ASTM C 183 as the standard procedure was used. The purchaser may require the producers testing
for acceptance sampling and testing. laboratory to have established its credibility by participation
Although compliance with specification requirements can in the reference sample and laboratory inspection programs of
be assured by sampling and testing by the producer, the pur- the ASTM-sponsored Cement and Concrete Reference Labo-
chaser, or the purchasers representative, only a few pur- ratory that is managed by the National Institute of Standards
chasers sample or test cement. Most often, the purchaser and Technology (NIST). Another tool that can be used by the
accepts the results supplied by the producer after proper cer- purchaser to evaluate cement strength uniformity from a sin-

Table 8.1Example of a sampling and testing

location* Sample Test Frequency

1 Limestone being CO3 content 1/shift

fed to raw mill
H2O content (if wet process)
Clay being fed to
2 % finer than 75 mm (No. 200) 1/shift
raw mill
Raw mill discharge CO 3 content 2/shift
3 and blending tank H2O content 2/shift
CO3 content 2/shift
H2O content (if wet process) 2/shift
Kiln feed
4 (from blending silo % finer than 300 mm (No. 50) 2/shift
or tank) sieve
% finer than 75 mm (No. 200)
Free CaO 2/shift
5 Clinker
Complete chemical analysis 1/shift
Free CaO 1/shift
SO3 4/shift
6 Cement Fineness (air permeability) 4/shift Fig. 8.1Flowchart of a portland cement manufacturing
Complete chemical analysis 1/day operation showing points from which quality control sam-
Complete physical tests 1/day
ples might be taken by the producer.
7 Cement Retain sample for 120 days
8.4.1 Testing by the producerThe testing performed by
See Fig. 8.1.
the cement producer during various phases of the production
varies greatly in frequency, depending upon the uniformity
gle source, is ASTM C 917. The ASTM C 917 report is a sta- of the raw material, the uniformity of the fuel, particularly
tistical summary of ASTM C 109 compressive strength tests coal, and the physical plant facilities. Generally, composite
on randomly sampled shipments. samples of each cement type are analyzed for chemical and
physical properties. Upon request, the mill test report can be
furnished to the purchaser.
8.2Sealed silos
In the past, cement for special jobs was often placed in si- Figure 8.1 shows a cement manufacturing flowchart. The
los reserved for a single user. After sampling and testing by points at which quality-control samples are often taken are
the user, the silo was sealed and reserved for the users exclu- indicated by numbers. Table 8.1 shows an example of a sam-
sive use. In recent times, this practice has become rare as it pling and testing schedule.
requires special silos at the cement plant and reserved bins at Sampling point
a concrete plant. Because it is unrealistic to expect 28-day re- Each sampling point listed in Table 8.1 is described in the
sults prior to shipment and it is often difficult for a cement numbered items below. The item numbers refer to the sam-
manufacturer to provide silo storage sufficient to obtain 7- day pling locations of Table 8.1.
results prior to shipment, the quality management approach 1, 2. Sampling of the various individual raw materials that
described in the quality management section is being used are to be blended.
increasingly. 3. Checking of the ground and homogenized blend of ma-
terial for bulk chemical composition and fineness prior to
8.3Cement certification burning. This blend may be contained in one or more storage
The current trend with state transportation departments is containers and may be used directly or blended with the con-
to accept certification by the cement producer that the ce- tents of other storage containers until the desired composi-
ment complies with specifications. As will be discussed later, tion (kiln feed) is obtained prior to burning.
the cement producer has a variety of types of information 4. Sampling as the kiln feed is pumped to the kiln system
available (production and quality-control records) that may as a final check before burning.
permit him to certify conformance without much, if any, ad- 5. Samples of the kiln-fired clinker can be taken by the
ditional testing of the product as it is shipped. manufacturer. At this point, parameters such as bulk chemi-
cal composition and free lime content can be determined.
8.4Quality management Powder mount or polished section microscopic examination
Some Federal and other government agencies operate using of the clinker is routinely used for additional process quality
a cement quality management approach based on statistical control. From this information, the kiln firing system is opti-
analysis of cement company test results coupled with periodic mized and controlled as well as adjustments to the kiln feed
sampling and testing. chemical composition to accommodate the effects of kiln

dust loss and coal combustion ash. After leaving the kiln sys- information on special requirements should be available on
tem, clinker can be stored in one or more storage containers request from the producer.
prior to finish mill grinding. Clinker and calcium sulfate All tests are subject to testing variations. Larger variations
(usually gypsum) are ground in a mill to the desired fineness are usually experienced between laboratories than is ob-
and at the necessary ratio to achieve the desired total sulfate served within a single laboratory. Expected variations are
content. The finish mill product is sampled frequently dur- normally indicated under the precision and bias section of
ing grinding to determine its fineness and total sulfate con- the test method. Testing cement properly requires a qualified
tent. Meanwhile, the clinker and gypsum feeders are usually laboratory with demonstrated experience in the test methods
monitored by computer control to confirm that the proper ra- being used. This demonstration of performance can be deter-
tio of materials is being delivered to the grinding mill. mined from data derived from participation in the Cement
6. The finished product is stored in one or more storage si- and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL) sample profi-
los (typically metal or concrete) until loaded into railcars, ciency testing, internal cooperative testing, or other defined
trucks, or until bagging operations occur. and comparable quality-control programs.
7. Sampling of the finished cement can occur at the point However achieved, adequate tests of cement, as well as
where the cement is discharged from the storage container or concrete, are important. The cost of good testing and quality
along transfer lines or at the point of discharge into the final control is small compared with the cost of removal and re-
transport vehicle. Sampling can occur during or after the placement of concrete in a structure.
transport vehicle is loaded.
8.4.2 Sampling by the purchaserWhen the purchaser 9.1Recommended references
desires to sample and test the cement to verify compliance The documents of the various standards-producing organi-
with the applicable specification, sampling should be per- zations referred to in this document are listed below with
formed in accordance with ASTM C 183. The procedures their serial designation.
described in that standard are not intended for use by the pro-
ducer for quality control in manufacturing. American Association of State Highway and Transporta-
Several standard methods of sampling hydraulic cement tion Officials
are described in ASTM C 183. Cement samples may be ob- M-85 Specification for Portland Cements
tained as grab samples in one operation, or as composite M-240 Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements
samples obtained by an automatic sampling device that con- American Concrete Institute
tinuously samples a cement stream at predetermined inter- 116R Cement and Concrete Terminology
vals. Grab samples, obtained at prescribed intervals, may be 201.2R Guide to Durable Concrete
combined to provide a composite or test sample. The cement 207.1R Mass Concrete Structures
may be sampled at any of several places: 1) from the convey- 207.2R Effect of Restraint, Volume Change, and Rein-
or delivering to bulk storage; 2) during transfer of cement; 3) forcement on Cracking of Massive Concrete
from bulk storage at points of discharge; 4) from bulk stor- 209R Prediction of Creep, Shrinkage, and Tempera-
age and bulk shipment by means of a slotted tube sampler or ture Effects in Concrete Structures
sampling pipe; 5) from packaged cement by means of a tube 212.3R Chemical Admixtures for Concrete
sampler; and 6) from bulk shipment by car or truck. Depend- 212.4R Guide for the Use of High-Range Water-Reduc-
ing on where the sample is taken, the sample can represent ing Admixtures (Superplasticizers) in Concrete
cement in production, cement in storage, or cement being 222R Corrosion of Metals in Concrete
shipped. 223 Standard Practice for the Use of Shrinkage-
Samples of cement should be protected by placing them Compensating Concrete
directly in moisture-proof, airtight containers to avoid mois- 224R Control of Cracking in Concrete Structures
ture absorption and aeration. Before testing the samples 232.1R Use of Natural Pozzolans in Concrete
should be passed through a 850 m (No. 20) sieve. Caution 232.2R Use of Fly Ash in Concrete
should be used to minimize aeration of the cement. 233R Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag as a Ce-
8.4.3 Testing by purchaserThe rate of testing should de- mentitious Constituent in Concrete and Mortar
pend upon the quality history of the source. Samples for test- 234R Guide to the Use of Silica Fume in Concrete
ing, from each lot of cement, should be collected in 305R Hot Weather Concreting
accordance with the ASTM C 183 method. 308 Standard Practice for Curing Concrete
Test methods for hydraulic cements are normally the ap- 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural
propriate ASTM test methods listed in the Annual Book of Concrete
ASTM Standards. Testing by the purchaser to confirm prod- 515.1R Guide to Use of Waterproofing, Dampproofing,
uct compliance may include methods for either standard or Protective, and Decorative Barrier Systems for
optional requirements. ASTM C 150, ASTM C 1157, Concrete
ASTM C 595, and ASTM C 845 list both the standard and 517.2R Accelerated Curing of Concrete at Atmospheric
optional requirements for each type of cement. Additional PressureState-of-the-Art

547R Refractory Concrete: State-of-the-Art Report C 494 Standard Specifications for Chemical Admix-
547.1R State-of-the-Art Report: Refractory Plastics and tures for Concrete
Ramming Mixes C 586 Standard Test Method for Potential Alkali Re-
548.1R Polymers in Concrete activity of Carbonate Rocks for Concrete Ag-
SP-57 Refractory Concrete gregate (Rock Cylinder Method)
SP-62 Superplasticizers in Concrete C 595 Standard Specification for Blended Hydraulic
SP-68 Developments in the Use of Superplasticizers in Cements
Concrete C 618 Standard Specification for Fly Ash and Raw
SP-74 Monolithic Refractories or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a
SP-119 Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admix- Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement
tures in Concrete Concrete
ACI-ASCE/TMS C 845 Standard Specification for Expansive Hy-
ACI 530/ASCE 5/TMS 402 Building Code Requirements draulic Cement
for Masonry Structures C 979 Standard Specification for Pigments for Inte-
ACI 530R/ASCE 5/TMS 402 Commentary on Building grally Colored Concrete
Code Requirements for Ma- C 989 Standard Specification for Ground Blast-Fur-
sonry Structures nace Slag for Use in Concrete and Mortars
ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602 Specifications for Masonry C 1012 Standard Test Method for Length Change of
Structures Hydraulic-Cement Mortars Exposed to a Sul-
fate Solution
ACI 530.1R/ASCE 6/TMS 602Commentary on Specifica-
C 1017 Standard Specifications for Chemical Admix-
tions for Masonry Structures
tures for Use in Producing Flowing Concrete
American Petroleum Institute
C 1038 Standard Test Method for Expansion of Port-
API-10 Specifications for Materials and Testing for Well
Cements land Cement Mortar Bars Stored in Water
ASTM C 1105 Standard Test Method for Length Change of
C 33 Standard Specification for Concrete Aggre- Concrete Due to Alkali-Carbonate Rock
gates Reaction
C 91 Standard Specification for Masonry Cement C1157 Standard Performance Specification for
C 150 Standard Specification for Portland Cement Blended Hydraulic Cement
C 151 Standard Test Method for Autoclave Expan- C 1240 Standard Specification for Silica Fume for Use
sion of Portland Cement in Hydraulic-Cement Concrete and Mortar
C 183 Standard Methods of Sampling and Accep- C 1260 Standard Test Method for Potential Alkali Re-
tance of Hydraulic Cement activity of Aggregates (Mortar-Bar Method)
C 186 Standard Test Method for Heat of Hydration C 1293 Standard Test Method for concrete Aggre-
of Hydraulic Cement gates by Determination of Length Change of
C 191 Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Concrete due to Alkali-Silica Reactions
Needle C 1328 Standard Specification for Plastic (Stucco)
C 204 Test Method for Fineness of Hydraulic Ce- Cement
ment by Air Permeability Apparatus C 1329 Standard Specification for Mortar Cement
C 227 Standard Test Method for Potential Alkali Re- STP 169C Significance of Tests and Properties of Con-
activity of Cement-Aggregate Combinations crete and Concrete-Making Materials
(Mortar-Bar Method) Canadian Standards Association
C 265 Standard Test Method for Calcium Sulfate in CAN/CSA3-A 5-M88 Portland Cements
Hydrated Portland Cement Mortar CAN/CSA-A 362-M88 Blended Hydraulic Cement
C 266 Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement Paste by CAN/CSA-A 23.5-M88 Cementitious Hydraulic Slag
Gillmore Needles CAN/CSA-A 23.1-M90 Concrete Material and Methods
C 270 Standard Specification for Mortar for Unit of Concrete Construction
Masonry CAN/CSA-A 23.2-M90 Methods of Test for Concrete
C 295 Standard Practice for Petrographic Examina- European Standards
tion of Aggregates for Concrete ENV 197 Cement
C 441 Effectiveness of Mineral Admixtures or These publications may be obtained from the following
Ground Blast-Furnace Slag in Preventing Ex- organizations:
cessive Expansion of Concrete due to the Alkali- American Association of State Highway and
Silica Reaction Transportation Officials
C 465 Standard Specification for Processing Additions 444 N Capitol St NW, Suite 225
for Use in Manufacture of Hydraulic Cements Washington, DC 20001

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National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Taylor, W. H., 1990, Concrete Technology and Practice, American
Polivka, M., and Klein, A., 1960, Effect of Water-Reducing Admixtures Elsevier Publishing Co., New York.
and Set-Retarding Admixtures as Influenced by Cement Composition, Sym- Thiesen, K., and Johansen, V., 1975, Prehydration and Strength Develop-
posium on Effect of Water-Reducing Admixtures and Set-Retarding Admix- ment of Cement, Bulletin, American Ceramic Society, V. 54, pp. 787-791.
tures on Properties of Concrete, STP-266, ASTM, Philadelphia, pp. 124-139. Tuthill, L. H., 1936, Resistance of Cement to the Corrosive Action of
Popovics, S., 1976, Phenomenological Approach to the Role of C3A in Sodium Sulfate Solutions, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 33, Nov.-Dec.,
the Hardening of Portland Cement Pastes, Cement and Concrete Research, pp. 83-106.
V. 6, No. 3, pp. 343-350. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1981, Concrete Manual, Revised 8th Edi-
Popovics, S., 1980, Composite Averages for the Estimation of the Mod- tion, Denver, 1981, pp. 8-12.
uli of Elasticity of Composite Material, Proceedings, Symposium L, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, EM-1110-2-2000.
Materials Research Society Annual Meeting, Advances in Cement-Matrix Verbeck, G. J., and Foster, C. W., 1950, Long-Time Study of Cement
Composites, pp. 119-133. Performance in Concrete: Chapter 6The Heats of Hydration of the

Cements, Proceedings, ASTM, V. 50, p. 1244. Table A1Chemical composition and property
Verbeck, G. J., 1966, Cements for Elevated Curing Conditions, Port- ranges for calcium-aluminate cements
land Cement Association, RD-M184.
Verbeck, G. J., 1968, Field and Laboratory Studies of the Sulfate Resis- Low purity purity High purity
tance of Concrete, Performance of ConcreteResistance of Concrete to Al2O3, % 39 to 50 54 to 66 70 to 90
Sulfate and Other Environmental Conditions, Thorvaldson Symposium,
University of Toronto Press, pp. 113-124. Fe2O3, % 7 to 16 1 to 3 0.0 to 0.4
Walker, S.; Bloem, D. L.; and Mullen, W. G., 1952, Effects of Temper- CaO, % 35 to 42 26 to 36 9 to 28
ature Changes on Concrete as Influenced by Aggregates, ACI JOURNAL, SiO2, % 3 to 9 3 to 9 0 to 0.5
Proceedings V. 48, No. 8, Aug., pp. 661-679. Wagner surface,
140 to 180 160 to 200 >220
Whiting, D., and Dziedzic, W., 1992, Effects of Conventional and m2/kg
High-Range Water Reducers on Concrete Properties, PCA RD107T, Port- Blaine surface,
land Cement Association, Skokie, Ill. 260 to 440 320 to 1000 360 to 1150
Whiting, D., and Stark, D., 1983, Control of Air Content in Concrete, Time of setting
NCHRP Report No. 258, Transportation Research Board, Washington,
Vicat initial
D.C., 84 pp. (h:min) 3:00 to 9:00 3:00 to 9:00 0:30 to 6:00
Woods, H., 1968, Durability of Concrete Construction, Monograph No. 4, Minimum compressive strength (ASTM C 109, 50 mm [2 in.] cubes), MPa (psi)
American Concrete Institute/Iowa State University Press, Farmington
Hills, Mich., 187 pp. 1 day 24.1 (3500) 41.1 (6000) 17.2 (2500)
7 days 41.4 (6000) 58.6 (8500) 34.5 (5000)
28 days 48.3 (7000) 68.9 (10,000)
Manufacture and properties
Calcium-aluminate cements are hydraulic cements ob- Influences of admixtures
tained by pulverizing a solidified melt or clinker that con- Chemical and mineral admixtures used with portland and
sists predominantly of hydraulic calcium aluminates formed blended cements may not be satisfactory for use with calcium-
from proportioned mixtures of aluminous and calcareous ma- aluminate cements. Whereas some will behave in a similar
terials (Lea 1970; Robson 1962). They are generally divided manner, the dosages required may differ greatly. Other ad-
into three groups based on the alumina and iron oxide contents mixtures may be of little value, be harmful, or act in an op-
(see Table A.1). The cements of higher alumina content are posite fashion when used with calcium-aluminate cements.
suitable for higher temperature applications. No standard In addition, various types of calcium-aluminate cements may
specification for calcium-aluminate cements exists in the U.S. produce different results. Whenever possible, trial batches
The density of calcium-aluminate cements generally ranges should be made with the intended cement, and technical ad-
from 2.90 to 3.25 Mg/m3 (g/cc) or 180 to 203 lb/ft3. The vice should be sought from the manufacturer of the admix-
higher values reflect larger amounts of iron oxide in melted ture or the cement. ACI 547 contains a list of various generic
low-purity cements and free alumina in high-purity cements. additions and admixtures and their effects on calcium-alumi-
The loosely compacted bulk density of the powdered prod- nate cements
uct for shipping is approximately 65 to 100 lb/ft3.
Calcium-aluminate cements range in color from dark gray Influence of the environment
Curing temperatures during the first 24 h influence the
to white, depending mostly on the amount and oxidation
strength development of calcium-aluminate cements con-
state of iron oxide and the manufacturing process. The more
cretes. Temperatures below 24 C (75 F) produce a high initial
iron oxide present either as ferrous or ferric oxide, or both,
strength that will generally increase within 6 months and
in the cement, the darker the color.
then decrease, because of volume change resulting from
All three groups of high-alumina cement are manufac- phase conversion, to strength values approaching the 1-day
tured throughout the world and are commercially available strength. Initial curing temperatures above 32 C (90 F) may
in North and South America. They are considerably more provide lower 24 h strengths in calcium-aluminate cements,
expensive than portland cements, ranging from approxi- but retrogression of strength with time is minimized.
mately three to four times more for low-purity products to Curing compounds are effective in sealing the concrete
nine to 10 times more for high-purity products. Because of surface temporarily to prevent water evaporation. Curing
their high cost, intermediate- and high-purity calcium-alu- compounds should be applied as soon as possible after fin-
minate cements are rarely, if ever, used for other than refrac- ishing is complete. Fog-spray curing should begin only after
tory applications. initial set of the concrete surface.
Potential users of calcium-aluminate cements should con- Potential users of calcium-aluminate cements should ob-
tact the manufacturer of the product under consideration for tain further information on curing methods from the manu-
information on mixture proportioning, aggregate selection, facturer of the product under consideration.
handling, placing, and curing requirements. They should be
aware of the possible conversion of the hydration products Heat of hydration
from larger volume, metastable hexagonal products like The hydration of calcium-aluminate cements can produce
(CAH10) to smaller volume stable cubic products (C3AH6) large amounts of heat during the first 24 h. Provisions for dis-
resulting in strength retrogression (Robson 1962). sipating this heat should be considered, especially in thick

sections of concrete, for example, those greater than 150 mm trial waste waters. Experience has shown that concretes made
(6 in.) in thickness. with calcium-aluminate cement are more resistant to sulfate
attack than concretes made with ASTM Type V portland ce-
Setting characteristics ment. Mortars and concretes made with calcium-aluminate
Calcium-aluminate cements frequently have quite different cements and suitable aggregates are more resistant to mild
setting characteristics from portland and blended hydraulic acids and acid industrial waste liquors than those made with
cements. When tested according to standard needle penetra- portland cement. Calcium-aluminate cement has been used
tion tests (Vicat ASTM C 191, or Gillmore ASTM C 266), successfully for lining fossil fuel power plant stacks to resist
different calcium-aluminate cements provide a wide range of mild sulfurous and sulfuric acid solutions. They have also
times of setting as shown in Table A1. In addition, the period
been used in the following types of manufacturing plants to
between time of initial and final setting is generally much
resist specific aggressive agents shown (see ACI 350R):
shorter than with portland cements.
Types of plants Aggressive agents
The slump cone should not be used for determining the
workability characteristics of calcium-aluminate cements. Ammunition Nitric, sulfuric and other acids
Because some calcium-aluminate cements lose slump rather Breweries Dilute organic acids
quickly, special care may be required in mixing, handling, Corn products plants Dilute sulfurous acids, starch
placing, and finishing. Other calcium-aluminate cements re- Dairies, ice cream plants Dilute lactic acid, brine
main workable longer than many portland cements. The Milk product plants Dilute lactic acid
manufacturer of the particular product under consideration
Sugar mills and refineries Can juice, molasses
should be consulted in this regard.
Tanneries Dilute tannic acid, dilute
Strength chromic and organic acids
Calcium-aluminate cements gain much faster strength than Distilleries Dilute organic acids
portland cements (see Table A1). Although calcium-alumi- Chocolate plants Cocoa butter
nate cements can produce mortars and concretes with very Fertilizer plants Dilute ammonium sulfate
high early strengths, the strength may fall significantly at lat-
Meat packing plants Dilute organic acids, blood,
er ages if the w/c and curing temperature are not controlled
as specified. This strength loss is associated with the conver- brine
sion to the stable hydrate of the metastable calcium alumi- Wastewater plants and sewers Hydrogen sulfide and sulfuric
nate hydrates that form first, at temperatures below acid
approximately 24 C (75 F). The rate at which the conversion Water and wastewater Chemicals used in processes
occurs and its effect upon the strength (and permeability due As a general guideline, the use of calcium-aluminate ce-
to shrinkage microcracking) increases with the amount of ments for resistance to acidic solutions is limited to applica-
water available above the critical w/c, the curing temperature
tions where the pH is not less than 3.5 to 4.0. Whenever
(above approximately 30 C [86 F]), the relative humidity, and
possible, however, and particularly when a new application is
the time of exposure. The residual strength after complete
encountered, it is recommended that a trial section be installed.
conversion depends on the original w/c of the concrete. Be-
cause of the probability of conversion, the use of calcium-
aluminate cements in load-bearing concrete structures Resistance to high temperatures
should either be avoided or anticipated strength retrogression If resistance to temperatures higher than approximately
calculated when designing the structure. 300 C (570 F) is needed, the properties of both the cement
and the aggregate must be considered. For the most demand-
Resistance to chemical attack ing applications, calcium-aluminate cement is combined
Calcium-aluminate cement concretes are resistant to a num- with selected refractory aggregates to produce refractory
ber of aggressive acidic agents that attack portland cement concretes suitable for use at temperatures up to 1870 C
concretes. Calcium-aluminate cement was originally devel- (3400 F). ACI SP-57 and ACI 547R provide more information
oped to resist attack by sulfates in soil, seawater, and indus- on refractory concretes using hydraulic-cement binders.

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