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Twentieth Edition



by the



StandardMethod of Test

Determining the Resilient Modulus of Soils and Aggregate Materials


1. SCOPE consult and establish appropriate safety T 265 Laboratory Detennina-

and health practices and determine the tion of Moisture Con-
1.1 This method covers procedures applicability of regulatory limitations tent of Soils
for preparing and testing untreated sub- prior to use. T 296 Unconsolidated, Un-
grade soils and untreated base/subbase drained Compressive
NOTE I-Test specimensand equipment
materials for determination of resilient Strength of Cohesive
described in this method may be used to
modulus (MJ under conditions repre- obtain other useful and related information Soils in Triaxial
senting a simulation of the physical con- suchas the Poisson's ratio and rutting charac- Compression
ditions and stress states of materials be- teristics of subgrade soils and base/subbase R I Standard Metric Prac-
neath flexible pavements subjected to materials. Proceduresfor obtaining these are tice Guide
moving wheel loads. not covered in this standard.
1.2 The methods describedare appli-
cable to undisturbed samples of natural
and compacted subgrade soils, and to
disturbed samplesof subgradesoils and 2. REFERENCEDDOCUMENTS
untreated base/subbaseprepared for test-
ing by compaction in the laboratory. 2.1 AASHTO Standards 3. TERMINOLOGY
1.3 In this method, stresslevels used T 88 Particle Size Analysis
for testing specimensfor resilient modu- of Soils 3.1 Untreated Granular Base and
lus are based upon the location of the T 89 Detennining the Liq- SubbaseMaterials-These include soil-
specimen within the pavement structure. uid Limit of Soils aggregatemixtures and naturally OCcqr~
Sampleslocated within the baseand sub- T 90 Detennining the Plas- ring materials. No binding or stabilizing
baseare subjected to different stresslev- tic Limit and the Plas- agentis usedto prepare untreated granu-
els as compared to those specimensthat ticity Index of Soils lar base or subbaselayers. These materi-
are from the subgrade. Generally, speci- T 99 Moisture-DensityRela- als may be classified as either Type 1
men size for testing depends upon the tions of Soils Using a or Type 2 as subsequently defmed in
type of material basedupon the gradation 2.5-kg (5.5 Ib) Ram- Sections 3.3 and 3.4.
and the plastic limit of the material as mer and a 305-mm 3.2 Subgrade-Subgrade soils are
described in a later section. (12-in.) Drop prepared and compacted before the
1.4 The value of resilient modulus T 100 Specific Gravity of placementof subbaseand/or baselayers.
determined from this procedure is a mea- Soils These materials may be classified as
sure of the elastic modulus of untreated T 180 Moisture-Density Rela- either Type I or Type 2 as subsequeptiy
baseand subbasematerials and subgrade tions of Soils Using a defmed in Sections 3.3 and 3.4.
soils recognizing certain nonlinear char- 4.54-kg (IO-lb) Ram- 3.3 Material Type l-For the pur~
acteristics. mer and a 4.57-mm posesof resilient modulus testing, Mate.
1.5 Resilient modulus values can be (18-in.) Drop rial TypeI includes all untreatedgranular
used with structural response analysis T 190 ResistanceR-Value base and subbase material and all un~
models to calculate the pavement struc- and Expansion Pres- treated subgrade soils which meet the
tural response to wheel loads, and with sure of Compacted criteria of less than 70 percent passing
pavement design procedures to design Soils the 2.OO-mm(No. 10)sieve and less than
pavement structures. T 191 Density of Soil In- 20 percentpassing the 75-~m (No. 200)
1.6 This standard may involve haz- Place by the Sand- sieve, and which have a plasticity index
ardous materials, operations, and equip- Cone Method of 10 or less. Soils classified as Type I
ment. This standard does not purport T 233 Density of Soil In- will be molded in a 150-mm diameter
to address all of the safety problems Place by Block, mold.
associated with its use. It is the responsi- Chunk. or Core Sam- 3.4 Material Type 2-For the pur-
bility of whoever uses this standard to pling pose of resilient modulus testing, Mate-

rial Type 2 includes all untreatedgranu- p max = P contact+ P cyclic 3.11 Cyclic Axial Stress (Resilient
lar base/subbaseand untreated subgrade
Stress,ScyclicJ-Cyclic (resilient) applied
soils not meeting the criteria for material 3.8 Contact Load (P contact)-Verti- axial stress.
Type 1 given above in 3.3. Thin-walled calload placed on the specimento main-
tube samples of untreated subgradesoils tain a positive contact betweenthe speci- Scyclic = P cyclic I A
fall in this Type 2 category. men cap and the specimen.
3.12 ContactStress (Scontac,}-Axial
3.5 Resilient Modulus of Untreated
Pcontact= O.lPmax
stressapplied to a test specimento main-
Materials-The modulus of an untreated tain a positive contact between the speci-
material is determined by repeatedload men cap and the specimen.
triaxial compressiontests on test speci- 3.9 Cyclic Axial Load (Resilient Ver-
mens of the untreated material samples. tical Load, PcyclicJ-Repetitive load ap- Scontact= P contactI A
Resilient modulus (MJ is the ratio of plied to a test specimen.
the amplitude of the repeatedaxial stress
P cyclic = P max -P cOntact SCOnlaC!
= O.lSmax
to the amplitude of the resultantrecover-
able axial strain. 3.13 S3is the total radial stress; that
3.10 Maximum Applied Axial Stress
3.6 Haversine-ShapedLoad Fonn- is, the applied confming pressure in the
(SmaJ-The total stress applied to the
The required load pulse form. The load triaxial chamber(minor principal stress).
sample,including the contact stressand
pulse is in the form (I-cos 6) / 2 as the cyclic (resilient) stress.
shown in Figure 1. 3.14 er is the resilient (recovered)
3.7 Maximum Applied Axial Load Smax = PmaxI A axial deformation due to Scyclic.
(P max)- The total load applied to the 3.15 Er is the resilient (recovered)
sample, including the contact and cyclic where: A = initial cross-sectionalarea axial strain due to Scyclic'
(resilient) loads. of the specimen
where L = original specimen length.

3.16 Resilient Modulus (M.) is de-

fined as Scyclic/ Er.
3.17 Load duration is the time inter-
val the specimenis subjected to a cyclic
stress (usually 0.1 s).
3.18 Cycle duration is the time inter-
val between the successive applications
of a cyclic stress(usually~1.0to 3.1 s,
dependingon type of loading device. See

4. Summaryof Method

4.1 A repeatedaxial cyclic stre$Sof

fixed magnitude, load duration (0.1 s),
and cycle duration (1.0 to 3.1 s) is ap-
plied to a cylindrical test specimen. Dur-
ing testing, the specimenis subjected to
a dynamic cyclic stress and a static-
confining stress provided by means of
a triaxial pressure chamber. The total
resilient (recoverable)axial deformation
response of the specimen is measured
and used to calculate the resilient mod-

5. Significanceand Use
*The rest period will be 0.9s for hydraulic loading
devicesand 0.9 to 3.0 s for pneumaticloadingdevices. 5.1 The resilient modulus test pro-
vides a basic relationship between stress
FIGURE1 Definition of ResilientModulusTerms and deformation of pavement materials

6.2.1 The haversine-shapedload
pulse shall confonn to Section 3.6. All
.DAD CELL preconditioning and testing shall be con-
ducted using a haversine-shaped load
13mmMINDIA FOR ~STEEl BAll pulse. The system-generated
TYPE2 SOILS 51 mmMAX wavefonn and the response wavefonn
TYPE1 SOILS shall be displayed to allow the operator
to adjustthe gains to ensure that they co-
~ incide during preconditioning and
INLET, testing.
BALLBUSHING 6.3 Load and Specimen Response
r Measuring Equipment:
6.3.1 The axial load-measuring de-
vice should be an electronic load cell 10-
SEALS cated betweenthe actuatorand the cham-
ber piston rod as shown in Figure 2. The
CAP following load-cell capacities are re-

SpecimenDia. Max. Load Req. Accuracy
(mm) Cap. (kN) (N)
71 2.2 :t4.5
TIE ROOS - 100 8.0 :t 10.0
POROUS BRONZE 152 22.24 :t22.24

BASEPLATE The aboverequirements for load ca-
, VACUUM pacity anI! accuracy are approximately
INLET linear when plotted versus specimen
cross-sectionarea.Requirementsfor load
cells used with other specimendiameters
SECTIONVIEW should be approximately on the samelin-
ear relationships.
Note: LVDT tips shaUresl on the Ir~x~lceU iller or on a 'NOT TOICALf ,
plall/bracket which is r~kj~ ,nached to Ih, trIax~1 tel IOU' .u -..,

NOTE 2-During periods of resilient mod-

FIGURE 2 Typical Triaxial Chamber with External L VDTs and Load CeO ulus testing, the load cell shall be monitored
and checkedonce every two weeks or after
every 50 resilient modulus tests with a cali-
for the structural analysis of layered transducers(L VDT) as shown in Figure2. bratedproving ring to assurethat the load cell
is operating properly. An alternative to using
pavement systems.
5.2 The resilient modulus test pro- 6.1.1 Air shall be used in the triaxial a proving ring is to insert an additional cali-
chamberas the confIning fluid. bratedload cell and independentlymeasurethe
vides a means of characterizing pave-
loadapplied by theoriginal load cell to ensure
ment construction materials, including 6.1.2 The chambershall be made of
accurateloadings. Additionally, the load cell
subgrade soils, under a variety of condi- polycarbonate,acrylic or other suitable
shall becheckedat any time if the laboratory's
tions (i.e. moisture, density, etc.) and "see through" material to facilitate the in-house QA/QC testing indicates non-com-
stress states that simulate the conditions observation of the specimen during pliance or there is a suspicion of a load-cell
in a pavementsubjectedto moving wheel testing. problem. Resilient modulus testing shall not
loads. 6.2 Loading Device-The loading be conducted if the testing systemis found to
device shall be a top-loading,closed loop, be out of calibration or if the load cell does
electrohydraulic or electropneumatic not meetthe manufacturer'stolerance require-
6. Apparatus testing machine with a function generator ments statedabove for accuracy,whichever of
which is capableof applying repeatedcy- the two is of the higher accuracy.
6.1 Triaxial Pressure Chamber- cles of haversine-shapedload pulse of the
The pressure chamberis used to contain 6.3.2 Test chamber pressures shall
following durations.
the test specimenand the confIning fluid be monitored with conventional pressure
during the test. A typical triaxial cham- gauges, manometers,or pressure trans-
ber suitable for use in resilient testing ducers accurateto 0.7 kPa.
of soils is shown in Figure 2. The defor- 6.3.3 Axial Deformation-Measur-
mation is measured externally with two ing system for all materials shall consist
of 2 L VDTs fixed to opposite sides of
spring-loaded linear variable differential
the piston rod outside the test chamberas using a micrometer with compatiblereso- 7. Preparation of Test Specimens
shown in Figure 2. Thesetwo transducers lution or a set of specially machined
shall be located equidistant from the pis- gauge blocks. Resilient modulus testing 7.1 Specimen Size-The following
ton rod and shall bear on hard, fIXed sur- shall not be conducted if the L VDTs do guidelines, based on the sieve analysis
faces which are perpendicular to the not meetthe manufacturer'stolerancere- test results, shall be used to determine
L VDT axis. Spring-loaded L VDTs are quirements for accuracy. the test specimen size.
required. The following L VDT rangesare 6.3.4 Suitable signal excitation,con- 7.1.1 Use 71-mm or 86-mm diame-
required: ditioning, and recording equipment are ter specimens for tests on undisturbed
required for simultaneous recording of cohesive specimensof Type 2 materials.
SpecimenDia. (rnm) Range(rnm) axial load and deformations. The signal For Type I materials, or compacted spec-
71 :t1 shall be clean and free of noise. Use imens of Type 2 materials, select mold
100 :t 2.5 shielded cables for connections.If a filter sizes to fabricate specimens of a mini-
152 :t6 is used, it shall have a frequency which mum diameterequal to 5 times the maxi-
cannot attenuatethe signal. The L VDTs mum particle size. If the maximum parti-
Both L VDTs shall meet the follow. shall be wired separatelyso eachL VDT cle size exceeds25 percent of the largest
ing minimumspecifications: signal can be monitored independently. mold diameter available, these particles
A minimum of 200 data points from each will be scalped.Length for all specimens
Linearity, :t 0.25 percent L VDT shall be recorded per load cycle. will be at least 2 times the diameter.
of full scale 6.4 Specimen Preparation Equip- 7.2 Undisturbed Subgrade Soil
Repeatability, :t 1 percent of ment-A variety of equipment is re- Specimens-Undisturbed subgrade soil
full scale quired to prepareundisturbedsamplesfor specimens are trimmed and prepared.
Minimum Sensitivity, 2 mv/v (AC) or testing and to obtain compacted speci- The natural moisture content (w) of the
5 mv/v (DC) mens that are representativeoffield con- tube sample shall be determined after
ditions. Use of different materials and triaxial resilient modulus testing, follow-
The above requirement for range is ap- different methods of compaction if the ing the procedure outlined in T 265, and
proximately linear when plotted vs. spec- recorded in the test report.
field requires the use of varying compac-
imen cross sectionarea.Requirementsfor 7.2.1 To be suitable for testing, a
tion techniquesin the laboratory.SeeAn-
L VDTs used with other specimen diam- specimen of sufficient length, being at
nexes AI, A2, and A3 for specimen
etersis approximately on the samelinear leasttwice the diameter of the specimen,
preparation (Annex AI), specimencom-
relationships. A digital or other type of shall be cut from the tube sample. The
paction equipment and compactionpro-
deformation measurement system with specimenshall be free from defects. Such
ceduresfor Type I (Annex A2) and Type
equivalent linearity and repeatability defects include cracks in the speci"men,
2 materials (Annex A3 or Annex A4), re-
specifications may be used in place of broken comers that cannot be repaired
spectively. during preparation, or p'tesenceof parti-
L VDTs. 6.5 Equipment for trimming test A positive contact between cles much larger than that typical for the
specimens from undisturbed thin-walled
the vertical L VDTs and the surface on material. For example, the presence of
tube samples of subgradesoils shall be plus 19.0 mm sieve stones in a fine-
which the tips of the transducersrest shall
as described in T 296. grained soil or presenceof "foreign ob-
always be maintained during the test pro--
6.6 Miscellaneous Apparatus-This jects" such as large roots, wood parti-
cedure. In addition, the two L VDTs shall
includes calipers, micrometer gauge, cles, organic material and gouges due to
be wired so that each transducercan be
steel rule calibrated to 0.5 mm, rubber gravel hanging on the edge of the tube
read and reviewed independentlyand the
membranes 025 to 0.79-mm thick, rub- constitute damagedspecimenswhich are
results averagedfor calculationpurposes.
ber a-rings, vacuum source with bubble
NOTE 3-Misalignment or dirt on the chamberand regulator,membraneexpan- 7.3 Laboratory Compacted Speci-
shaft of the transducer can cause the .'stick- der, porous stones (subgrade), porous mens-Reconstituted test specimens of
ing" of the shafts of the LVDT. The labora- bronze discs (base/subbase), scales, both Type I and Type 2 materials shall
tory technician shall depressand release each moisture content cans and report forms, be prepared to approximate the in situ
L VDT prior to each test to assure that there as required. wet density ("Yw)and moisture content
is no sticking. An acceptablecleanernubricant 6.7 SystemCalibration and.Periodic (w). These laboratory-compacted speci-
(as specified by the manufacturer)shall be ap-
plied to the transducer shafts on a regular
Checks-The entire system (transducer, mens shall be prepared for all unbound
basis. conditioning, and recording devices) granular base and subbasematerial and
shall be calibrated every two weeks or for all subgrade soils for which undis- The response of the L VDTs after every 50 resilient modulus tests turbed tube specimenscould not be ob-
shall be checked daily with the laborato- using the laboratory's in-house QAlQC tained.
ry's in-house QA/QC program. Addition- program. Daily and otherperiodic checks 7.3.1 Moisture Content-The mois-
ally. the L VDTs shall be calibrated every of the system shall also be performed in ture content of the laboratory compacted
two weeks, or after every 50 resilient accordance with the laboratory's in- specimen shall be the in situ moisture
modulus tests, whichever comes first, house QAlQC program. contentobtained in the field using T238.

If data is not available on in situ moisture 7.4 CompactionMethods and Equip- stone on the specimen,fold up the mem-
content, then refer to Section 7.3.3. The ment for Reconstituting Specimens: brane, and seal it to the top platen with
moisture content of the laboratory-com- 7.4.1 Compacting Specimens for an a-ring or some other pressure seal.
pacted specimen shall not vary by more Type 1 Materials-The general method 8.2.4 If the specimenhas been com-
than:!: 1.0 percent for Type I materials of compaction for Type I materials will pacted or stored inside a rubber mem-
or :!: 0.5 percent for Type 2 materials be that of Annex A2. brane and the porous stones and sample
from the in situ moisture content ob- 7.4.2 Compacting Specimens for are already attachedto the rubber mem-
tained. Type 2 Materials-The general method brane in place, Sections 8.2.1, 8.2.2, and
7.3.2 CompactedDensity-The den- of compaction for Type 2 materials will 8.2.3 are omitted. Instead,the .'specimen
sity of the compacted specimen shall be be that of Annex A3 or Annex A4. If it assembly" is placed on the base plate
the in-place wet density obtained in the is desiredto investigate specimendensity of the triaxial chamber.
field using T 239 or T 191. If these data gradient, the method is that of Annex 8.2.5 Connect the specimen's bot-
are not available on in situ density, then AS. tom drainage line to the vacuum source
refer to section 7.3.3. The wet density of 7.4.3 The prepared specimens shall through the medium of a bubble cham-
the laboratory-compacted specimenshall be protected from moisture change by ber. Apply a vacuumof 7 kPa. If bubbles
not vary by more than :!: 3 percent of applying the triaxial membraneand test- are present,check for leakage caused by
the in-place wet density for that layer. ing within 5 days of completion. Prior poor connections, holes in the mem-
7.3.3 If either the in situ moisture to storage, and directly after removal brane, or imperfect seals at the cap of
content or the in-place density data are from storage,weigh the specimento de- the base.The existenceof an airtight seal
not available, then use the percentageof termine if there was any moistureloss. If ensures that the membrane will remain
maximum dry density and the corre- moisture loss exceeds I percentfor Type finnly in contact with the specimen.
sponding optimum moisture content by I materials or 0.5 percent for Type 2 ma- Leakage through holes in the membrane
T 99 or T 180 as is specified by the terials, then the prepared specimen will can frequently be eliminated by coating
individual testing or transportation not be tested. However, a new specimen the surface of the membrane with liquid
will be neededto be prepared for testing. rubber latex or by using a second mem-
agency.The moisture contentof the labo-
ratory-compacted specimen shall not Material from the specimens not tested brane.
vary bY'"more than :!: 1.0 percent for may be reused. 8.2.6 When leakage has been elinli-
Type I materials or :!: 0.5 percent for nated,disconnectthe vacuum supply and
Type 2 materials from the targetmoisture place the chamber on the base plate and
8. Procedure- ResilientModulus the cover plate on the chamber. Insert
content. Also, the wet density of the
Test for Subgrade Soils the loading piston and obtain a fInn con-
laboratory compacted specimenshall not
vary by more than :!:3 percent of the nection with the load cell. Tighten the
8.1 The procedure described in this chamber tie rods fmnly.
target wet density.
sectionis used for undisturbedor labora- 8.2.7 Slide the assembly apparatus
Example: If the desired density is 1950
tory compacted specimens of subgrade into position under the axial loading de-
kg / m3 and the desired moisture content
soils. This can include specimensof 150- vice. Positioning of the chamber is ex-
is 8.0 percent for a Type I material, then
mm diameter or Type 2 specimens of tremely critical in elinlinating all possi-
a moisture content between 7.0 and 9.0
70 mm diameter. ble side forces in the piston rod. Couple
percent would be acceptable. For the
8.2 Assembly of Triaxial Cham- the loading device to the triaxial chamber
same desired moisture content and den-
ber-Specimens trimmed from undis- piston rod.
sity for a Type 2 material, acceptable turbed samples and laboratory-com- 8.3 Conduct the Resilient Modulus
moisture contents are between 7.5 and pacted specimensare placed in the triax- Test-The following steps are required
8.5 percent. Acceptable densities for ial chamberand loading apparatusin the to conduct the resilient modulus test on
either material are between.} 892 and a subgrade specimen which has been
following steps:
2009 kg/m3. 8.2.1 Placea moist porous stoneand installed in the triaxial chamber and
7.3.4 Sample Reconstitution-Re- moist paper [tIter on the top of the speci- placed under the loading frame.
constitute the specimen for Type I and men base of the triaxial chamber as 8.3.1 Open all drainage valves lead.
Type 2 materials in accordance with the shown in Figure 2. ing into the specimen to atmospheric
provisions given in Annex AI. The target 8.2.2 Carefully place the specimen pressure.This will simulate drained con-
moisture content and density to be used on the porous stone.Place the membrane ditions. Simulation of undrained condi-
in determining neededmaterial quantities on a membraneexpander,apply vacuum tions will require saturation of speci-
are given in Section 7.3. Annex Al pro-. to the membraneexpander,then carefully mens. Suchproceduresare not contained
vides guidelines for reconstituting the place the membraneon the specimenand in this method.
material to obtain a sufficient amount remove the vacuum and the membrane 8.3.2 If it is not already connected,
of material to prepare the appropriate expander.Seal the membraneto the ped- connect the air pressure supply line to
specimentype at the designated moisture estal (or bottom plate) with an O-ring the triaxial chamberand apply the speci-
content and density. After this step is or other pressureseal. fied pre-conditioning confining pressure
completed, specimen compaction can 8.2.3 Place a moist paper filter and of 41.4 kPa to the test specimen. A
begin. the top platen containing a moist porous contactstressof 10 percent :t 0.7 kPa of
TABLE 1 Testing Sequencefor Subgrade Soil why the sample did not attain adequate
Confining Max. Axial Cyclic Constant compaction. If this review does not pro-
No. of
Sequence Pressure,S) Stress Smax StressScyclic StressO.ISmax Load
vide an explanation, the material shall
No. -kPa p~ kPa p~- kPa Jsi kPa psi be refabricated and tested a second time.
If the sample again reaches 5 percent
0 41.4 6 27.6 4 24.8 3.6 2.8 .4 500-1 ()()()
total vertical permanent strain during
1 41.4 6 13.8 2 12.4 1.8 1.4 .2 100
2 41.4 6 27.6 4 24.8 3.6 2.8 .4 100 preconditioning, then the test shall be
3 41.4 6 41.4 6 37.3 5.4 4.1 .6 100 terminated and a notation added to the
4 41.4 6 55.2 8 49.7 7.2 5.5 .8 100 report form.
5 41.4 6 68.9 10 62.0 9.0 6.9 1.0 100 8.3.4 Testing Specimen-The test-
6 27.6 4 13.8 2 12.4 1.8 1.4 .2 100 ing is performed following the loading
7 27.6 4 27.6 4 24.8 3.6 2.8 .4 100 sequence shown in Table I. Begin by
8 27.6 4 41.4 6 37.3 5.4 4.1 .6 100 decreasing the maximum axial stress to
9 27.6 4 55.2 8 49.7 7.2 5.5 .8 100
13.8 kPa (SequenceNo.1, Table 1) and
27.6 4 68.9 10 62.0 9.0 6.9 1.0 100
13.8 2 1.8 1.4 set the confining pressure to 41.4 kPa.
2 13.8 12.4 .2 100
13.8 2 24.8 4 27.6 3.6 2.8 .4 100 8.3.5 Apply 100 repetitions of the
13 13.8 2 37.3 6 41.4 5.4 4.1 .6 100 corresponding cyclic axial stress using a
14 13.8 2 49.7 8 55.2 7.2 5.5 .8 100 haversine-shapedload pulse with dura-
15 13.8 2 62.0 10 68.9 9.0 6.9 1.0 100 tions as described in Section 6.2. Record
Note: Load sequences14 and 15 are not to be used for materialsdesignatedas Type 1 the average recovered deformations for
each L VDT separately for the last five
cycles on the Report Form X1.1.
the maximum applied axial stressduring test in order to recognize specimenmisplace- 8.3.6 Increase the maximum axial
each sequence number shall be main- ment and misalignment. During the precondi-
stressto 27.6 kPa (SequenceNo.2) and
tained. tioning phase, the two vertical deformation
repeat step 8.3.5 at this new stress level.
curves shall be viewed to ensurethat accept- Loads applied to the top of 8.3.7 Continue the test for the re-
able vertical deformation ratios are being
the triaxial cell piston rod must be ad- maining load sequences in Table 1 (3
measured.The vertical deformation ratio (Rv)
justed to apply stressesshown in Table is defined as Rv = Y maxlY min' where Y max to 15), recording the vertical recovered
I after accounting for a net upward or equals the larger of the two vertical deforma- deformation. If at any time the permanent
downward resultant calculated as fol- tions and Y minequals the smaller of the two strain of the sample exceeds 5 percent,
lows: vertical deformations. Every effort shall be stop the test and report the result on the
made to achieve Rv values of 1.10 or less. appropriate worksheet. "
F = (A x P) -W Acceptable Rv values are 1.30 or less. If
8.3.8 After completion of the resili-
unacceptable vertical deformations are ob-
where: ent modulus test proced~, check the
tained (i.e., Rv is greater than 1.30), then
F = ResultantForce the test shall be discontinued and specimen total vertical permanent strain that the
A = Piston Rod Cross SectionArea placement/alignment difficulties alleviated. specimen was subjected to during the
P = Confining Pressure Once acceptable vertical deformation values resilient modulus portion of the test pro-
W = Weight of piston rod and exterior- are obtained, then the test shall be continued cedure. If the total vertical permanent
to completion. It is emphasizedthat the speci- strain did not exceed 5 percent, and if
mounted specimendeformation men alignment is critical for proper resilient
measurement system strength information is desired, continue
modulus results. This note also applies to
with the quick shear test procedure (Sec-
8.3.3 Conditioning-Begin the. test Section 9.3.3.
tion 8.3.9). If the total vertical permanent
by applying a minimum of 500 repeti- strain exceeds 5 percent,the test is com-
tions of a load equivalent to a maximum The above stresssequence pleted. No additional testing is to be
axial stress of 27.6 kPa and correspond- conducted on the specimen, other than
constitutes sample conditioning, that is,
ing cyclic stress of 24.8 kPa using a in Section 8.3.11.
the elimination of the effects of the inter-
haversine-shapedload pulse with dura- 8.3.9 Quick Shear Test-Apply a
val between compactionand loading and
tions as described in Section 6.2. If the confining pressure of 27.6 kPa to the
the elimination of initial loading versus
sample is still decreasing in height at specimen. Apply a load so as to produce
reloading. This conditioning also aids in
the end of the conditioning period, stress an axial strain at a rate of 1 percent per
minimizing the effects of initially imper-
cycling shall be continued up to 1000 minute under a strain-controlled loading
fect contact betweenthe sample cap and
repetitions prior to testing as outlined in procedure. Continue loading until either
the test specimen.
sequenceNo. 0, Table 1. If the total vertical perma- (1) the load values decreasewith increas-
nent strain reaches5 percentduring con- ing strain, (2) 5 percent strain is reached
NOTE 4- The laboratory/technician shall
ditioning, the conditioning process shall or (3) the capacity of the load cell is
conduct appropriate QAlQC comparative
be terminated. For recompacted samples, reached. Data from the internally
checks of the individual deformation output
from the two vertical transducers during the a review shall be conductedof the com- mounted deformation transducer in the
.:onditioning phase of each resilient modulus paction processto identify any reason(s) actuator shaft and from the load cell shall

be used to record specimendeformation TABLE 2 Testing SequencesfOTBase/SubbaseMaterials


and loads at a maximum of 3 s intervals. Max. Axial Cyclic Stress ConstantStress

Confining No. of
8.3.10 At the completion of the Sequence Pressure,
5,J Stress Smax Scycl;c O.lSmax Load
triaxial shear test, reduce the confining No. kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi Applications
pressure to zero and remove the sample -~

0 103.4 15 103.4 15 93.1 13.5 10.3 1.5 500-1000

from the triaxial chamber.
20.7 3 20.7 3 18.6 2.7 2.1 .3 100
8.3.11 Remove the membrane from
2 20.7 3 41.4 6 37.3 5.4 4.1 .6 100
the specimen and use the entire specimen 3 20.7 3 62.1 9 55.9 8.1 6.2 .9 100
to determine moisture content in accor- 4 34.5 5 34.5 5 31.0 4.5 3.5 .5 100
dance with T 265. 5 34.5 5 68.9 10 62.0 9.0 6.9 1.0 100
8.3.12 Plot the stress-straincurve for 6 34.5 5 103.4 15 93.1 13.5 10.3 1.5 100
the specimen for the triaxial shear test 7 68.9 10 68.9 10 62.0 9.0 6.9 1.0 100
procedure. 8 68.9 10 137.9 20 124.1 18.0 13.8 2.0 100
9 68.9 10 206.8 30 186.1 27.0 20.7 3.0 100
10 103.4 15 68.9 10 62.0 9.0 6.9 1.0 100
11 103.4 15 103.4 15 93.1 13.5 10.3 1.5 100
12 103.4 15 206.8 30 186.1 27.0 20.7 3.0 100
13 137.9 20 103.4 15 93.1 13.5 10.3 1.5 100
9. Procedure-Resilient Modulus 13.8 2.0
14 137.9 20 137.9 20 124.1 18.0 100
Test for Base/SubbaseMaterials 15 137.9 20 275.8 40 248.2 36.0 27.6 4.0 100

9.1 The procedure described in this

section applies to all unbound granular applied axial stressduring eachsequence reloading. This conditioning also aids in
base and subbase materials. This can number shall be maintained. minimizing the effects of initially imper-
include specimens classified as Type I Loads applied to the top of fect contact betweenthe sample cap and
or Type 2 material. the triaxial cell piston rod must be ad- base plate and the test specimen. The
9.2 Assembly 01 the Triaxial Cham- justed to apply the stresses shown in drainagevalves should be open to atmo-
ber- \W1en compaction is completed, Table 2 after accountingfor a netupward spheric pressurethroughout the resilient
place the porous bronze disc and speci- or downward resultantcalculated as fol- modulus 1esting. This will simulate
men cap on the top surface of the speci- lows: drained conditions.Simulationof un-
men. Roll the rubber membrane off the drainedconditions will require saturation
rim of the mold and over the sample F = (A x P) -W
of specimens. Such procedures are not
cap. If the sample cap projects above contained in this method.
the rim of the mold, the membraneshall where If the total vertical perma-
be sealed tightly against the cap with F = ResultantForce nent strain reaches5 percentduring con-
the a-ring seal. If it does not, the seal A = PistonRod Cross-SectionArea ditioning, the conditioning process shall
can be applied later. Install the specimen P = ConfmingPressure be terminated. A review shall be con-
in the triaxial chamber as in Sections W = Weight of PistonRodandExterior- ductedof the compactionprocessto iden-
8.2.1 through 8.2.7. Mounted specimendefonnation tify any reason(s) why the sample did
9.2.1 Connect the chamber pressure measurementsystem not attain adequate compaction. If this
supply line and apply a confining pres-
9.3.2 Adjust the recording devices review does not provide an explanation,
sure of 103.4 kPa. the material shall be refabricated and
9.2.2 Remove the vacuum supply for the L VDTs and load cell as needed.
9.3.3 Conditioning-Set the confin- testeda secondtime. If the sample again
from the vacuum saturation inlet and
ing pressure to 103.4 kPa and apply a reaches 5 percent total vertical perma-
open the top and bottom head drainage
nent strain during preconditioning, then
ports to atmospheric pressure. minimum of 500 repetitions of a load
equivalent to a maximumaxial stressof the test shall beterminatedand a notation
9.3 Conduct the Resilient Modulus
103.4kPa and correspondingcyclic axial added to the report form.
Test-After the test specimenhas been
stressof 93.1 kPa accordingto sequence 9.3.4 Testing Specimen-The test-
prepared and placed in the loading device
0, Table 2, using a haversine-shaped load ing is performed following the loading
as described in 8.2.1, the following steps
pulse with durations as describedin Sec- sequencesin Table 2 using a haversine-
are necessary to conduct the resilient
tion 6.2. If the sample is still decreasing shaped load pulse as described above.
modulus testing:
in height at the end of the conditioning Decrease the maximum axial stress to
9.3.1 If not already done, adjust the
position of the axial loading device or period, stress cycling shall be continued 21.0 kPa and set the confining pressure
up to 1000 repetitions prior to testing. to 21.0 kPa (SequenceNo.1, Table 2).
triaxial chamber base support as neces- The above stresssequence 9.3.5 Apply 100 repetitionsof the
sary to couple the load-generationdevice
constitutes sample conditioning, that is, correspondingcyclic stressusing a hav-
piston and the triaxial chamber piston.
The triaxial chamber piston should bear the elimination of the effects of the inter- ersine-shapedload pulse with durations
val between compactionand loading and as described in Section 6.2. Record the
firmly on the load cell. A contact stress
the elimination of initial loading versus averagerecovereddeformations for each
of 10 percent :t. 7 kPa of the maximum
L VDT separately for the last five cycles These values are subsequentlyaveraged Item 8-Record the mois-
on the report form. on the data sheet. ture contentof the compactedmaterial as
9.3.6 Continue with sequenceNo.2 per Section A2.3.16 (Type I) or Sections
increasing the maximum axial stress to A3.3.12 or A4.6.3 (Type 2). Record the
41.0 kPa and repeat at this new moisture content of the material after
stress level. 11. Report the resilient modulus test as per Section
9.3.7 Continue the test for the re- 8.3.11 (Subgrade) or Section 9.3.11
maining load sequencesin Table 2 (se- 11.1 The report shall consist of the (Base / Subbase).Also, record the target
quences 3 to 15), recording the vertical following: density used for specimenrecompaction.
recovered deformation. If at any time the 11.1.1 Report Fonn XI.I Item 9-Record the results
total vertical permanent strain deforma- 11.1.2 Report Fonn Xl.2 (re- and accompanying information for the
tion exceeds 5 percent, stop the test and compacted specimens) or Report Fonn quick-shear test procedure as per Section
make a notation on the report form. Xl.3 (thinwall tube specimens). 8.3.9 (Subgrade) or 9.3.9 (Base / Sub-
9.3.8 After completion of the resili- 11.2 The following generalinfonna- base).
ent modulus test procedure, check the tion is to be recorded on all of the Report 11.3.2 Report Form Xl.3 shall be
total vertical permanent strain that the Fonns: used to record general information con-
specimen was subjected to during the 11.2.1 The specimen identification, cerning the specimen being tested. This
resilient modulus portion of the test pro- the material type (Type I or Type 2), form shall be completed only for thinwall
cedure. If the total vertical permanent and test date. tube specimens.This form shall not be
strain did not exceed 5 percent, and if 11.3 Report the following informa- used to record information for re-
strength information is desired,continue tion on the appropriate data sheet: compacted samples.
with the quick shear test procedure(Sec- 11.3.1 Report Fonn Xl.2 shall be Item 4-Record the ap-
tion 9.3.9). If the total vertical permanent used to record general infonnation con- proximate distance from the top of the
strain exceeds 5 percent, the test is com- cerning the specimenbeing tested. This subgradeto the top of the specimen (if
pleted. No additional testing is to be fonD shall be completed only for those known).
conducted on the specimen, other than specimens that are recompacted from Item 5-Record a "Y"
in Section 9.3.11. bulk samples. This fonn shall not be (Yes) or "N" (No) to denote whether the
9.3.9 Quick Shear Tests-Apply a used to record infonnation for thin wall sample reached 5 percent total vertical
confining pressure of 34.5 kPa to the tube samples. permanent strain during the precondi-
specimen. Apply a load so as to produce Item 4-Record a "Y" tioning stage of the test procedure (Sec-
an axial strain at a rate of 1 percent per (Yes) or "N" (No) to denote whether tions 8.3.3 and 9.3.3). Also, note with a
the sample reached a 5 percent total "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) whether or not
minute under a strain-controlled loading
vertical pennanent strain during the con- the sample reached a 5 percent tofal
procedure. Continue loading until either
(1) the load values decreasewith increas- ditioning stageof the testprocedure(Sec- vertical permanentstrain dlJring the test-
tions 8.3.3 and 9.3.3). Also, note with a ing sequence.Record the number of test
ing strain, (2) 5 percent strain is reached,
"Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) whether or sequencescompleted, either partially or
or (3) the capacity of the load cell is
not the sample reached 5 percent total completely, for the given sample.
reached. Data from the internally
vertical pennanent strain during the test- Item 6-Record the speci-
mounted deformation transducer in the
ing sequence.Record the numberof test men dimensions and perform the area
actuator shaft and from the load cell shall
sequencescompleted, either partially or and volume calculations. Record the
be used to record specimen deformation
completely, for the given sample. mass of the specimen.
and loads at a maximum of 3 s intervals. Item 5-Record the speci- Item 7-Record the mois-
9.3.10 At the completion of the men dimensions and perfonn the area ture content (in situ) prior to resilient
triaxial shear test, reduce the confining and volume calculations. modulus testing. Record the moisture
pressure to zero and remove the sample Item 6-Record the com- content at the completion of resilient
from the triaxial cell. paction massesas outlined in Annex A2 modulus testing as per Section 8.3.11.
9.3.11 Remove the membrane from (Type 1) or Annexes A3 or A4. (Type Record the wet and dry density of the
the specimen and use the entire sample 2). thinwall tube samples.
to determine the moisture content in ac- Item 7-Record the in situ Item 8-Record the results
cordance with AASHTO T 265. moisture content/density values used as and accompanying information for the
9.3.12 Plot the stress-straincurve for the basis for compaction of the specimen quick-shear testprocedure as per Section
the specimen for the triaxial shear test as per Sections 7.3.1 and 7.3.2. These 8.3.9 (Subgrade).
procedure. values were obtained from nuclear meth- 11.3.3 Record the test data for each
10. Calculations-Perform the cal- ods in the field. If these values are not specimen in a format similar to Report
culations to obtain resilient modulus val- available, record the optimum moisture Form X1.1 and attach with Report Form
ues using the tabular arrangementshown content, maximum dry density, and 95 X1.2 or Report Form Xl.3. The follow-
on Report Form XI.l. The resilient mod- percent maximum dry density values ing information shall be recorded on Re-
ulus value is computed for each of the used as the basis for compaction of the port Form Xl.l:
last 5 cycles of each load sequence. specimen as per Section 7.3.3. Column l-Record the

chamber confining pressure for the test- Recordthe recoverableaxial deformation Average-Compute the av-
ing sequence. Only one entry need be of the sample for each L VDT indepen- erageof the last five load cycles for each
made for the last five load cycles. This dently for each of the last five load cy- column.
entry should correspond exactly with the cles. Average the responsefrom the two Standard Deviation-Com-
confining pressurelevels shown in Table L VDTs and record this value in Column pute the standard deviation of the values
I (Subgrade) or Table 2 (BaselSubbase). 12. This value will be used to calculate for each column for the last five load Column 2-Record the the axial strain of the material. cycles using the equation: Column 13-Compute the
nominal axial cyclic stressfor the testing
axial strain for eachof the last five load
sequence. Only one entry need be made
cycles. This value is computed by divid-
for the last five load cycles. This entry
ing column 12 by the original length of
should correspond exactly with the nomi- the specimen,La which was recorded on
nal axial cyclic stress required in Table Report Form Xl.2 (recompactedspeci-
1 (Subgrade) or Table 2 (BaselSubbase). mens) or Report Form Xl.3 (thinwall Columns 4 through 9- tube specimens).
Record the actual applied loads and Column 14-Compute the
stresses for each of the last five load resilient modulus for eachof the last five
cycles as shown on the worksheet. load cycles. This value is computed by Columns 10 through 12- dividing column 8 by column 13.

ANNEX At -Sample Preparation


At.t. SCOPE 500 g for sampleswith a maximum parti- 500 g to provide material for the determi-
cle size greater than the 4.75 mm (No. nation of moisture content at the time
AI.I The following procedure pro- 4) sieve. of compaction.
vides guidelines for reconstituting the Al.l.2.1 Detennine the appropriate Wad = (W.+Was) (I+w) /100)
material to be tested so as to produce a total volume (V) of the compactedspeci-
sufficient amount of material neededto men to be prepared. The total volume where:
prepare the appropriate sample type must be based on a height of the com-
pacted specimenslightly greaterthan that Wad = Mass of sample at water content
(Type I or Type 2 sample) at the desig-
nated moisture content and density. required for resilient testing to allow for WI, g
trimming of the specimenends if neces- Was = Mass of moisture content speci-
AI.I.I Sample Conditioning-If the
sary. Compacting to a height/diameter men (usually 500 g), g
sample is damp when received from the
ratio of 2.1 to 2.2 will provide adequate WI = Water content of prepared mate-
field, dry it until it becomes friable.
Drying may be in air or by useof a drying material for this purpose. rial, percent
apparatusas long as that the temperature Al.l.2.2 Detennine the mass of Al.l.2.4 Determine the mass of
does not exceed 60°C. Then thoroughly oven-dry soil solids (W.) required to ob- water (Waw ) required to change the water
break up the aggregations in sucha man- tain the desired dry density ('Y~ and content from the existing water content,
ner as to avoid reducing the natural size moisture content (w) as follows: WI, to the desired compaction water con-
of individual particles. Moderate pres- W. = 453.59 'YdV tent, w. (See Section 7.3.3)
sure using a rubber-covered implement
to push the particles through a 4.75 rnm where: Waw = (W.+Was) [(W-WI) / 100]
(No.4) sieve has been found to be ade- W s = massof oven-dry solids,g where:
quate to break down clay lumps. 'Yd= desireddry density, lb Ift3
AI.I.2 Sample Preparation-De- V = total volume of compactedspeci- Waw = Mass of water neededto obtain
termine the moisture content (WI) of the water content, w, g
men, ft3
sample as per AASHTO T-265. The w = Desired water content of com-
mass of the moisture content specimen Al.l.2.3 Determine the mass of the pacted material, percent
shall be at least 200 g for samples with dried sample, Wad, with the moisture
content WI, required to obtain W s plus Al.l.2.5 Placea sampleof massWad
a maximum particle size smaller than
the 4.75 rom (No.4) sieve and at least an additional amount Was of at least into a mixing pan.
Al.l.2.6 Add the mass of water Al.l.2.7 Placethe mixture in a plas- and record this value on Report FonIl
(waw)neededto changethe water content tic bag. Seal the bag,place it in a second XI.2.
from WI to W, to the sample in small bag and seal it. Cure the sample for 16 Al.l.2.8 The material is now ready
amountsand mix thoroughlyafter each to 48 hours, detennine the mass of the for compaction.
addition. wet soil and containerto the nearestgram

ANNEX A2 -Vibratory Compaction of Type 1 and Type 2 Soils


A2.1. SCOPE A2.3 Procedure Detennine the total height of the top and
bottom platens and stones to the nearest
A2.1.1 Soils will be recompacted A2.3.1 For removable platens, 0.25mm.
tighten the bottom piaten into place on A2.3.3 Remove the top platen and
using a split mold and vibratory compac-
tion. Selectmold sizesto fabricate speci- the triaxial cell base. It is essential than bronze disc if used. Measure the thick-
mens of a minimum diameter equal to an airtight seal is obtained and that the ness of the rubber membrane with a
5 times the maximum particles size. If bottom plateninterfaceconstitutesa rigid micrometer.
the maximum particle size exceeds 25 body since calculations of strain assume A2.3.4 Place the rubber membrane
percent of the largest mold diameter zero movement of the bottom platen over the bottom platen and lower bronze
available, theseparticles shall be scalped. under load. disc. Securethe membraneto the bottom
Length of all specimens will be at least A2.3.2 Place the two porous stones platen using an a-ring or other means
2 times the diameter. and the top platen on the bottom platen. to obtain an airtight seal.
A2.1.2 Specimens shall be com-
pacted in 6 lifts in a split mold mo'Unted
on the base of the triaxial cell as shown
in Figure A2.1. Compaction forces are
generated by a vibratory impact hammer
without kneading action powered by air
or electricity and of sufficient size to
provide the required laboratory densities
while minimizing damageto the sample

A2.2 Apparatus
A2.2.1 A split mold, with an inside
diameter of 152 rom having a minimum
height of 381 rom (or a sufficient height
to allow guidanceof the compactionhead
for the final lift).
A2.2.2 Vibratory Compaction De-
vice- Vibratory compaction shall be
provided using electric rotary or demoli-
tion hammers with a rated input of 750
to 1250 watts and capable of 1800 to
3000 blows per minute. NcM
1:~ I.8d be...! 0.1-(0. ! 0.02')
~ '- ~ ~.
A2.2.3 The compactor head shall be
FIGURE A2.1 Typical Apparatus for Vibratory Compaction of Type 1 Untreated
at least 13-rom thick and have a diameter
of not less than 146 mm. Materials

A2.3.5 Place the split mold around the mass of wet soil, WL required for scarifying the top surface of the previous
the bottom platen and draw the mem- each layer. layer to a depthof 6.4 mm. The measured
brane up through the mold. Tighten the distance from the surface of the com-
split mold firmly in place. Exercise care WL = WI N pacted layer to the rim of the mold is
to avoid pinching the membrane. successivelyreduced by the layer thick-
A2.3.6 Stretch the membrane tightly where: ness selected in step B3.10. The final
over the rim of the mold. Apply a vac- W t = to total massof test specimen surface shall be a smooth horizontal
uum to the mold sufficient to draw the plane. As a recommended final step
membrane in contact. If wrinkles are produceappropriatedensity where porous bronze discs are used, the
Nt = numberof layers to be compacted
presentin the membrane,releasethe vac- top plate shall be placed on the sample
uum, adjust the membrane and reapply A2.3.11 Place the total required and seated with the vibrator head. If
the vacuum. The use of a porous plastic mass of soil for all lifts, Wad, into a necessary,due to degradationof the first
forming jacket line helps to ensure that mixing pan. Add the required amountof membrane, a second membrane can be
the membrane fits smoothly inside the water, Waw,and mix thoroughly. applied to the sample at the conclusion
mold. The vacuum is maintained A2.3.12 Determine the mass of the of the compaction process.
throughout the compaction procedure. wet soil and the mixing pan. A2.3.16 When the compaction pro-
A2.3.7 Measure,to the nearest0.25 A.2.3.13 Place the amount of wet cess is completed, determine the mass
mm, the inside diameter of the mem- soil, W L, into the mold. Avoid spillage. of the mixing pan and the excess soil.
brane-lined mold and the distance be- Using a spatula, draw soil away from This mass subtracted from the mass de-
tween the top of the lower porous stone the inside edge of the mold to form a termined in step A2.3.12 is the mass of
and the top of the mold. small mound at the center. the wet soil used (mass of specimen).
A2.3.8 Determine the volume, V, of A2.3.14 Insert the vibrator and vi- Verify the compaction water, W c, of the
the specimen to be prepared using the brate the soil until the distance from the excess soil using care in covering the
diameter determined in step B3.7 and a surface of the compacted layer to the pan of wetted soil during compaction to
value of height between 305 to 318 mm. rim of the mold is equal to the distance avoid drying and loss of moisture. The
A2.3.9 Detem1inethe mass of mate- moisture content of this sample shall be
measuredin stepA2.3.7 minus the thick-
rial, at).he prepared water content, to be conducted using AASHTO T 265.
nessof the layer selectedin stepA2.3.1O.
compacted into the volume, V, to obtain A2.3.17 Proceed with Section 9 of
This may requireremoval and reinsertion
this method.
the desired density. of the vibrator severaltimes until experi-
A2.3.10 For 152-mm diameter spec- ence is gained in gaging the vibration NOTE I-As an alternative for soils lack-
imens (specimen height of 305 mm) six time which is required. ing in cohesion, a mold with the membrane
layers of 50 mm per layer are required A2.3.15 Repeat steps A2.3.13 and installed and held by vacuum, as in Annex
for the compaction process. Determine A2.3.14 for each new layer after first A2, may be used.

Annex A3 -Compaction of Type 2 Soils


A3.1. SCOPE that is fIXed by the dimensions of the installed and held by vacuum, as in
mold assembly.The minimum mold di- Annex A2, may be used. Several steps
A3.1.1 This method covers the com- ametershallbe 71 rnm. Selectmold sizes are required for static compaction as fol-
paction of Type 2 soils for use in resilient to fabricate specimens of a minimum lows in Section A3.3 of this Annex and
modulus testing. diameter equal to 5 times the maximum as illustrated in Figures A3.2 to A3.6.
particles size. If the maximum particle A3.2 Apparatus-The apparatus is
A3.1.2 The general method of com-
size exceeds 25 percent of the largest as shown in Figure A3.1.
paction of Type 2 soils will be that of
static loading (a modified version of the mold diameter available, these particles
double plunger method). If testable thin- shall be scalped.Length of all specimens
walled tubes are available, specimens will be at least 2 times the diameter. A A3.3 Procedure
shall not be recompacted. typical mold assemblyis shownin Figure
A3.1.3 The process is one of com- A3.1. As an alternative for soils lacking A3.3.1 Five layers of equal mass
pacting a known massof soil to a volume in cohesion,a mold with the membrane shall be used to compact the specimens

adjustmentsshould be made after completion

of steps C3.4 and C3.5.

NOTE 2-Use of compaction by measur-

ing the plunger movements to determine that
the desiredvolume has beenreached for each
layer is an acceptable alternative to the use
of the spacerplugs.

A3.3.6 Decreasethe load to zero and

remove the assembly from the loading
A3.3.7 Remove the loading ram.
Scarify the top surface of the compacted
layer to a depth of 3.2 mm and put the
mass of wet soil, W L, for the second
layer in place and form a mound. Add
a spacer plug of the height shown in
Figure A3.3.
A3.3.8 Slowly increasethe load until
the plugs rest f"mnly against the top of
the mold end. Maintain load for a period
Nole: S.D' Specimen Diameter
of not less than one minute (Figure
All Matenal. Shall be Steinle.. Sleel A3.3).
or Aluminum (HI SlrengUl)
A3.3.9 Remove the load and flip the
mold over and remove the bottom plug
Nole: Thl. drawing Is of 0 "typicol" compocllon Hr --Dla. = 69.9 mm(2.75") keeping the top plug in place. Scarify
deYico. Dimensions moy yory due 10
ayallobility of Iho.. pious In th. laboralory the bottom surface of layer one and put
the mass of wet soil WL for the third
Spocer "Plug"
layer in place and form a mound. Ad(}
Spacer .Plug. Needed H = Dimensions as shown on a spacer ring of the height shown 'in
Figures 5 -9 or as Figure A3.4. ~
2 -100.1 mm (3.940") height manufactured by
I NOT TO SCALE I 2 -71 6 mm (2820") height laboratory to produce A3.3.10 Place the assembly in the
2-43:2mm(1:700")height 284mm(1.12"liftl)
loading machine. Increase the load
slowly until the spacerplugs fmnly con-
FIGURE A3.1 Typical Apparatus for Static Compaction of Type 2 Materials
tact the ends of the specimen mold.
Maintain this load for a period of not
less than one minute.
A3.3.11 Follow the steps presented
using this procedure.Determine the mass mold in place. By having both spacer in Figures A3.5 and A3.6 to compact
of wet soil, W L, to be used per layer plugs reach the zero volume change si- the remaining two layers.
where WL = Wt I 5. multaneously,more uniform layer densi- A3.3.12 After compaction is com-
A3.3.2 Place one of the spacerplugs ties are obtained. pleted, determine the moisture content
into the specimen mold. A3.3.5 Slowly increasethe load until of the remaining soil using AASHTO
A3.3.3 Place the mass of soil, W L, the plugs rest firmly against the mold T 265. Record this value on Report Form
determined in Step C3.1, into the speci- ends. Maintain this load for a period of Xl.2.
men mold. Using a spatula, draw the soil not less than one minute. The amount A3.3.13 Using the extrusion ram,
away from the edge of the mold to fonn of soil rebound depends on the rate of pressthe compactedsoil out of the speci-
a slight mound in the center. loading and load duration. The slower men mold and into the extrusion mold.
A3.3.4 Insert the secondplug and the rate of loading and the longer the Extrusion should be done slowly to avoid
place the assembly in the static loading load is maintained, the less the rebound impact loading the specimen.
machine. Apply a small load. Adjust the (Figure A3.2). A3.3.14 Using the extrusion mold,
position of the mold with respect to the carefully slide the specimenoff the ram,
soil mass, so that the distances from the onto a solid end platen. The platenshould
NOTE I-To obtain unifonn densities,
mold ends to the respective spacerplugs extreme care must be taken to centerthe fIrSt be circular with a diameter equal to that
are equal. Soil pressure developed by soil layer exactly between the ends of the of the specimen and have a minimum
the initial loading will serve to hold the specimen mold. Checks and any necessary thickness of 13 mm. Platens shall be of

Step 3.5 -Lift 1;

.Measure correct wet mass of soil to

use for a layer.
.Place in mold, spade.
.Insert plugs of given height.
.Double plunge until plugs are flush
with top and bottom of mold.
.Remove top plug.
.Scarify the exposed surface of Lift 1
.Proceed with next step.

Compaction plugs to be solid

cylinders of specified height
and 70.9 mm (2.79") diameter. --

FIGURE A3.2 Compaction of Type 2 Soil, Lift 1


.Measure correct wet mass of soil to
use for a layer.
.Place in mold, spade.
.Insert 71.6 mm (2.820") plug.
.Plunge until plugs are flush with top
and bottom of mold.
.Flip mold over and remove 100.1 mm
(3.940") plug, keeping the 71.6 mm
(2.820") plug in place.
.Scarify the exposed surface of Lift 1
.Proceed with next step.

71.6 mm

Lift 2

Lift 1

100.1 mm

FIGURE A3.3 Compaction of Type 2 Soil, Lift 2


Step 3.9 -Lift 3:

.Measure correct we! weight of soil to use

for a layer.
.Place in mold, spade.
.Insert 71.6 mm (2.820") plug.
.Plunge until plugs are flush with lop and
bottom of mold.
.Flip mold over and remove 71.6 mm
(2.820") plug, from the top of Lift 2,
keeping the 71.6 mm (2.820") plug
(on Lift 3) in place.
.Scarify the exposed surface of Lifl2.
.Proceed with next step.

71.6 mm

Lift 2

Lift 1

Lift 3


FIGURE A3.4 Compaction of Type 2 Soil, Lift 3


Step 3.11 -Lift 4:

.Measure correct wet weight of soil to use

for a layer.
.Place in mold, spade.
.Insert 43.2 mm (1.700") plug.
.Plunge until plugs are flush with top and
bottom of mold.
.Flip mold over and remove 71.6 mm
(2.820") plug, keeping the 43.2 mm
(1.700") plug in place.
.Scarify the exposed surface of Lift 3.
.Proceed with next step.

:;"" 43.2 mm :;:,
':., (1.700; .' ,


Lift 4

Lift 2

Lift 1

Lift 3


FIGURE A3.S Compaction of Type 2 Soil, Lift 4


.Measure correct wet weight of soil to use
for a layer.
.Place in mold, spade.
.Insert 43.2 mm (1.700") plug
.Plunge until plugs are flush with top and
bottom of mold.
.Extrude compacted sample from mold
using extruding apparatus or extrusion
.Place in rubber membrane.
.Test for Mr.

43.2 mm

Lift 4

Lift 2


Lift 3


43.2 mm

FIGURE A3.6 Compaction of Type 2 Soil, Lift 5


a material which will not absorb soil A3.3.16 Place a platen similar to the the membrane to each platen using 0-
moisture. one used in step A3.3.13 on top of the rings or other means to provide an air-
A3.3.15 Determine the mass of the specimen. tight seal.
compacted specimento the nearestgram. A3.3.17 Using a vacuummembrane A3.3.18 Proceed with Section 8 of
Measure the height and diameter to the expander,place the membrane over the this method.
nearest 0.25 ffiffi. Record these values specimen. Carefully pull the ends of the
on Report Form XI.I. membrane over the end platens. Secure

APPENDIX Xl -Report Forms

ResilientModulus of SubgradeSoilsandUntreatedBase/Subbase



Note: Repeatthe gray shadedareafor Sequences

2 to 15.

ReportFonn XI.I
ResilientModulus of SubgradeSoils andUntreatedBase/Subbase
DAm: 19_-

3. MATERIAL TYPE (Type 1 or Type 2)



TOP ---"-
NET DIAM, mm ___O-
INITIAL VOL~E, AoLo' mm3 "


IN srru WET DENSITY (NUCLEAR), kgimJ ---'---, ,.,..
--- ~~.~







ReportForm XI.2

ResilientModulusof SubgradeSoils andUntreatedBase/Subbase




3. MATERIAL TYPE (Type I or Type 2)



BOTTOM ---"-
NET DIAM. mm ---"-
INmAL LENGTH La, mm ---"-
INrrIAL AREA, Ao, mm2 "
INmAL WEIGHT, grams "-

WET DENSrrY, 'Yw'kg/m3
DRY DENSrrY, 'Yd'kg/m3 . '-




ReportForm XI.3
ANNEX A4 -Kneading Compaction of Type 2 Soils

A4.1.1 This method covers kneading T =C:::::Ip:
~ I.D.
38 mrn ~ C :.:
compaction of Type 2 soils for use in
resilient modulus testing.
A4.1.2 Specimens shall be com-
pacted in five lifts (layers) in a split mold.
Either a pneumatic manual compactor or
a hydraulic mechanical compactor pro-
vides the compactive effort. The number
of tamps per lift and the compaction
pressure are constant for all lifts. The
compaction pressure is adjusted to
achieve the required laboratory density.

Split Mold

A4.2 Significanceand Use

A4.2.1 Kneading compaction will

yield 3;.structure in Type 2 soils that is
characteristically obtained by field com-
paction methods. Thus, when compacted
dry of the optimum moisture content the BasePlate
soil structure is mostly flocculated, and
when compacted wet of optimum it is NarES
mostly dispersed.
A4.2.2 This procedure may result in 1. Mold halvesareconnectedwith 2 hoseclamps.
2. H = I.D. X 2
a gradient of soil density within the spec-
imen, which may affect the resilient FIGURE A4.1 SpecimenMold
modulus, m.. Where it is important to
achieve a uniform density in all specimen
layers, the procedure described in Annex
AS should be used. A4.3.2 Manual Compactor-A pneu- A4.3.3 Mechanical Compactor -A
matic manual compactor, as shown in hydraulic mechanical compactor capable
Figure A4.2, may be used. The volume of applying a foot pressure from 250 to
of the air reservoir shall be a minimum 2000 kPa and meeting the requirements
A4.3 Apparatus of 200 times the volume of the compactor of AASHTO T 190 may be used. When
at full piston extension. The compactor a mechanical compactoris used,the split
A4.3.1 Test SpecimenMold -A split rod shall be threadedto receive tamping mold inside diameter shall be chosen as
mold with a removable collar, as shown feet of various diameters from 13 to 19 required to work with the compactor,
in Figure A4.1, shall be used. The mini- rom. The reservoir pressureregulatorand provided that the requirementsof Section
mum mold inside diameter shall be 71 gauge shall be capable of adjusting and A4.3.1 are met.
mm. The mold shall have a minimum reading air pressure from zero to 400
inside diameter not less than 5 times kPa. Calibration shall be checked annu-
the maximum particle size. The trimmed ally using a calibrated proving ring or
length of all specimens shall be at least load cell. A4.4 ManualCompaction
2 times the diameter.
NOTE 2- This device is modeled after
the Harvard miniature compactor.A pneumat-
NOTE I-As an alternative for soils lack- ically-operated compactor is preferred to a A4.4.1 Specimen material shall be
ing in cohesion, a mold with the membrane spring-loaded compactordue to themore con- prepared in accordance with Annex AI.
installed and held by vacuum, as described sistentcompactive effort and reducedoperator If the maximum particle size exceeds 25
in Annex A2, may be used. variability. percentof the mold inside diameter, the
Gauge section. Each tamp should be applied
~ Compactor slowly with ju~t enoughforce to move
the piston approximately5-10 mm in
0 AirReservoir the compactor.

NOTE 5-Caution. The piston should not
Air be moved all the way to the end of the
Supply T compactor, as this will cause an unregulated
L force to be applied.

A4.4.6 Lightly scarify the top SUf-
face of the compacted lift to a depth of
NOTES 3 rom priOf to placing soil in the mold
fOf the next lift.
I. L = SpecimenHt. + Collar Ht. -Layer HL + 12mm. A4.4.7 Repeat A4.4.5 and A4.4.6
2. Minimum reservoirvolume= 200 X compactorvolume. until 5 lifts have been compacted. Con-
3. Minimum gaugeaccuracyis 0.5 kPa. tinue with Section A4.6.1.
4. Compactorair cylinder is rolling diaphragmtype.

FIGURE A4.2 Pneumatic Kneading Compaction System

A4.5 Mechanical Compaction

oversize particles shall be scalped. The mine the required number of tamps for
specimen will be fabricated 6 to gomm one coverage of each lift according to A4.5.1 Specimen material shall be
over height to allow trimming to a square Table A4.1. preparedand weighedin accordancewith
end. Increase the quantity of material Sections A4.4.l and A4.4..2.
prepared to allow for the trimming. A4.5.2 Adjust the foot pressure to
A4.4.2 Specimens shall be com- NOTE 4-Maintaining a databaseof com-
the level to be used in the fIrst trial.
pacted in 5 lifts of equal mass.Determine paction variables, soil types and moisture-
density conditions will assist with selection A4.5.3 Place the mass of wet soil,
the mass of soil, WL, required for each WL, for one lift in the mold. Using a
of starting air pressure to achieve the desired
lift according to: spatula, draw the soil away from the
edge of the mold to form a slight mound
WL = WT I 5 in the center.
A4.4.4 Place the mass of wet soil, A4.5.4 Apply one revolution of
where: WL. for one lift in the mold. Using a tamps to the fIrst lift (normally 5 to 7
spatula, draw the soil away from the tamps per revolution, according to
WT = total mass of test specimen to edge of the mold to form a slight mound AASHTO T 190) to achieve one cover-
produce the target density, including the in the center. age over the specimencross section.
allowance for trimming. A4.4.5 Holding the compactorverti- A4.5.5 Lightly scarify the top sur-
cally. apply the required number of face of the compacted lift to a depth of
tamps to the soil. Tamps should be dis- 3 mm prior to placing soil in the mold
NOTE 3-In most casesthe target density tributed evenly over the specimencross for the next lift.
will be detennined by field conditions. Where
this is not the case, an appropriatetarget
density can be detennined by perfonning a
laboratory moisture-density test according to TABLE A4.1 Number of Tamps for One Coverage of a Lift-Manual Procedure
the procedure of AASHTO T 99 or T 180.
Tamper Foot Diameter
Diameter 13 mm 15 mm 17 mm 19 mm

A4.4.3 Adjust the air reservoir pres- 30 22 17 14

sure to the level to be used in the flfst 44 33 26 20
trial. Thread the desired diameter tamper 62 46 36 29
foot onto the compactor piston. Deter- 137 103 80 64


A4.5.6 RepeatA4.5.3 throughA4.5.5 A4.6.2 Detennine and record the A4.6.5 If the average density differs
until 5 lifts have been compacted. massof the entire specimento the nearest from the target density by more than the
gram. Use a tabular form, as in Figure tolerance allowed in Section 7.3.2 or
A4.3, to record the data. 7.3.3, thenthe compaction pressure shall
A4.6 SpecimenTrimming and A4.6.3 Detennine and record the be adjusted to increase or decreasethe
Calculations moisture content of the remaining soil averagedensitytoward the target density.
according to AASlffO T 265. Repeat A4.4 or A4.5.
A4.6.1 Remove the collar and care- A4.6.4 Calculate and record the av-
fully screed off the specimento the top erage bulk (wet) density of the entire
NOTE 6-If a sufficient quantity of mate-
of the mold. Small depressions in the specimen,"Ys.If the averagedensity dif- rial is available, it is preferable to use new
screeded surface, caused by removal of fers from the target density by less than material for each subsequentspecimen. If the
larger particles, shall be filled with fines. the tolerance allowed in Section7.3.2 or old material is reusedthis will have an effect
Remove the split mold from the base 7.3.3, then proceed with Section 7.4.3 on the structure of subsequently compacted
and the mold halves from the specimen. of this method. specimens.



I TargetMoisture (%) I I TargetDry Density (kg/m3) I I

Mold Dimensions-marn. X ht. (mm) Mold Volume(cm) Mold Wt. (gms)

Wt. of scalpedsoil (gins)
No. Tamps per Layer
Air o(Tamper Foot Pressure(Pa)
Wt. specimen& mold (gms)
Wt. mold assembly(gins)
Wt. moist soil (gms)
Wt. dry soil (gms)
I Dry Content
Density (%)
(kg/m3) -

I Wet Density (kg/m3)

Target& SpecimenDry Density(%)
Target& SpecimenMoisture (%)

SpecimenNo. Soil Descri~tion




ANNEX AS -Obtaining a Uniform Density in Type 2 Soils

SCOPE ~ I; ~h
38mm'-1 J i. I
AS.I.I This method provides proce-
dures for measuring and minimizing or T I-IoDo-1:L ExtensionCollar
eliminating density gradients in a speci-
men of Type 2 soil for use in resilient H/36
modulus testing. [~~~~~:=~]

AS.I.2 Specimens shall be com- Recess for
pacted in five lifts (layers) in a density 1-1- Density Ring
gradient mold. Kneading compaction H
(Annex A4) shall be used. The number
of tamps per lift shall be adjusted for T
each lift to avoid imparting a density
gradient to the specimen. ~llil~ ~-L
T- H/36
Split Mold

Significanceand Use

AS.2.t A specimenfabricatedin lay-

ers, with each lift receiving equal com-
pactive effort, will typically exhibit a
density gradient with the fIrst lift com-
pactedbeing more densethan the last. To BasePlate
measurethis effect, the density gradient
mold is used to determine the density NarES
of each lift. A trial and error prpcess
I. Mold halvesareconnectedwith 2 hoseclamps.
is used to adjust the compactive effort
2. Depth of mold recessesequalsDensityRing wall thickness.
for each lift until the desired specimen
3. H = 1.0. X 2 (minimum).
density is obtained with a minimum gra- 4. Rings are machinedto tolerancespennittinginterchanging.
dient. 5. Rings havean identifying designationon theoutside.
AS.2.2 Density gradients can occur
with kneading (Annex A4), static double FIGURE AS.! Density Gradient Mold
plunger (Annex A3), or vibratory (Annex
A2) compaction methods. The density
gradient mold can be used in conjunction
with any of the three compaction meth- AS.I. This is a split mold with the inside A5.4 Procedure for Compacting
ods to measure density gradients from milled to receive 5 interchangeablesolid Specimensto Measure
top to bottom within the specimen. rings that have been permanentlynum- Density Gradients
AS.2.3 For the most accuratecharac- bered from I through 5. The ring !.D.
terization of resilient modulus, the den- shall be equal to the mold !.D. A5.4.1 Specimen material shall be
sity gradient within the test specimen The mold height and diameter shall be prepared in accordance with Annex AI.
should be minimized. The test specimen the same as is used in preparing speci- If the maximum particle size exceeds25
should have a structure that closely ap- mens for resilient modulus testing percent of the mold inside diameter, the
proximates the one that will be obtained (Annex A4). oversize particles shall be scalped. The
in field compaction. The use of kneading A5.3.2 Compactor -To measurethe specimen will be fabricated 6 to 8 mm
compaction can help to achieve the density gradient (using Section AS.4), over height to allow trimming to a square
the sametype of compactor shall beused end. Increase the quantity of material
proper structure.
as is used in preparing specimens for prepared to allow for the trimming.
resilient modulus testing, as describedin A5.4.2 Specimens shall be com-
Annex A2, A3 or A4. To minimize the pacted to the same diameter, and using
A5.3 Apparatus density gradient (using Section A5.5), the same apparatus and procedure as is
either a manual or a mechanicalkneading used in preparing specimensfor resilient
AS.J.t Density Gradient Mold -The compactor, as described in Annex A4, modulus testing, as described in Annex
density gradient mold is shown in Figure shall be used. A2, A3 or A4.

A5.4.3 Remove the collar and care- A5.4.6 Using a hacksaw or other A5.4.9 Calculate and record the av-
fully screed off the specimen to the top abrasive device, carefully cut the speci- erage bulk (wet) density of the entire
of the mold. Small depressions in the rnen into 5 pieces. Each cut should be specimen, 'Ys, and densities of each of
screeded surface, caused by removal of rnade midway betweenthe rings. Screed the 5 pieces, 'YI to 'Ys.
larger particles, shall be filled with fines. off each piece to form square ends at
Remove the split mold from the base the top and bottorn of each ring. Srnall
and the mold halves from the specimen. depressions in the screeded surface,
Leave the five rings on the specimen. caused by rernoval of larger particles, A5.4.10 If the maximum difference
A5.4.4 Determine and record the net shall be filled with fines. between the density of each individual
massof the entire specimento the nearest A5.4.7 Determine and record the net piece and the average density is 1.0 per-
gram. To do this subtract the mass of rnassof eachnumberedpiece to the near- cent or less, report the density gradient
the rings from the mass of the specimen estgram. Use a tabular form, as in Figure as being ulllform. If the maximum differ-
with rings attached. AS.2, to record the data. encebetweenthe density of each individ-
A5.4.5 Determine and record the A5.4.8 Determine and record the ual piece and the averagedensity is more
moisture content of the remaining soil rnoisture content of each nurnbered than 1.0 percent, report the density gra-
according to AASHTO T 265. piece. dient as beingnon-uniform.


I SampleNo. I I SoilDescription I. I
Target Moisture (IJ.) Target Density (kg/m3) * Air or Tamper Foot Pressure (Pa)

Was Simple Scalped? Wt. scalped soil (gms) Mold Dimensions -diarn. x ht. (mm)
Ring Volume (cm3) I ~

Wei hts
Layer **Order of Ring No. *No. of Ring Soil Water Moisture Layer PercentDifference
Position Compaction Temps (dry) (%) Dry Density BetweenAverageDensity
in Mold per Layer (kg/m3) & Layer density

* Requiredfor kneadingcompaction(AnnexA4).
** For static compaction,middle layer is usuallyfirst.
For kneadingcompaction,bottom layer is first.




AS.S Procedure for Compacting each lift in the first trial specimen in order density is non-unifonn hold the compac-
to establish that a density gradient doesexist. tion pressure constant and adjust the
Test Specimensto Achieve a
number of tamps per lift until a unifonn
Uniform Density
density gradient is achieved.

AS.S.l If the average bulk density NOTE 2-If a sufficientquantityof mate-

AS.S.I Follow the procedure in Sec- differs from the target density by more rial is available,it is preferableto use new
materialfor eachsubsequent specimen.If the
tions A5.4.1 through A5.4.9, using either than the tolerance allowed in Section old materialis reusedit will have an effect
the manual or mechanical kneading com- 7.3.2 or 7.3.3, then the compactionpres- on the structureof subsequentlycompacted
paction procedure (Annex A4). sure shall be adjusted,holding the num-
ber of tamps per lift constant,to increase
or decreasethe average density toward A5.5.4 Use the compaction pressure
the target density. RepeatA5.5.1. and number of tamps per lift thus deter-
NOTE 1-The requirement in Annex A4
that the number of tamps per lift be constant AS.S.3 After the target averageden- mined to prepare specimens for resilient
is waived. However, it is recommended that sity is achieved, check the density uni- modulus testing using the procedure in
the number of tamps per lift be constant for formity according to SectionA5.4. If the Annex A4.

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