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Soldiers of Fortune


Standard Operating Procedures


We are a U.S. Mercenary unit that follows a code of conduct common. We pride ourselves in superior
teamwork, communication, and battle readiness. As a mercenary unit, we are free to engage or build
alliances with ANY MilSim unit within the community.


There is a ZERO tolerance policy for intentional team killing. We are a courteous platoon and will not
accept those who do not represent SOF with utmost pride and respect.
If found that a member is acting in a childish manor, or not representing SOF as intended by its
leaders, disciplinary action WILL be taken including possible discharge from the unit.


1. MUST be courteous
2. Must have all maps or be a Premium member
3. Must play in a party with at least 1 (leader) for a minimum of 8 games
4. MUST download LINE Chat for platoon communication on smart phone or tablet
5. Must be an ACTIVE player 1 DAY PER WEEK unless approved
6. Must apply or accept invite to platoon within 48hrs of approval
7. CANNOT be a member of ANY OTHER platoon simultaneously
8. MUST be at least 18*
*Applicants that are age 15-17 must be approved by HQ on an individual basis including
maturity, communication and play style.
( under 15 not eligible )
9. Read the Standard Operating Procedures (S.O.P.)
10. Approval at commanding officers discretion based on above criteria

v Rules and Regulations

The following lists the rules and regulations for the Soldiers Of Fortune Gaming Community.
If members are found breaking any of the rules, you will be subjected to disciplinary action.

1. All orders from a higher ranking member will be followed without any delay.

2. At all times team members will hold military bearing during the period of time which an officer or
distinguished guest is present from another perspective Community at all times.

3. All enlisted members are exempt from any command/order given by affiliates of other clan/milsim
factions during the period of time when present. {There is no requirement to follow foreign orders}
*Unless ordered to by a CO.
*When participating you are to never accept commands that would jeopardize the well being of yourself or
your teammates.

4. Under no circumstance will a derogatory remark be tolerated within and outside of Community between
two or more members or different or same teams. I.E. there is no tolerance for racism, sexism, religious
slander, or ridicule of sexual orientation.
5. It is mandatory that enlisted members with access to LINE App engage in communications with the
remainder of the Community. Those who do not have The LINE App, are expected to obtain this
application effective immediately unless impossible to do so.

6. The LINE App is reserved for enlisted members only and also is intended strictly for the use of official
team business only.
*Unless ordered otherwise by a CO, these coms are strictly used for only Community matters.

7. Distractions or disruptions of the Community progress or activity such as non-enlisted personnel, friends,
family, disruptive background noise, faulty mics, or anything deemed disturbing to the functioning of
anything Community related by a NCO or CO/XO, is expected to be removed personally or by host of
certain event.

8. You are not, under any circumstances, allowed to contact another clan/milsim or MLG community while
currently serving as a member of Soldiers Of Fortune, unless granted by CO or your individual rank being
*You are not to communicate, however, if you have been perused to engage in activity you are only allowed
to engage by stating this law as a rebuttal and resume your absence from their presence once done.

9. During the period of an official or formal event involving any and all Units that an individual may find
themselves under the influence of a any substance, which distorts proper functioning and results in
belligerents, that member is to immediately dismiss and remove their person from all formal clan/milsim
activity until sobriety has been achieved NO MATTER THE RANK.

10. Under no circumstances are you to ever explain, show, or teach another person within the clan/milsim
faction unless they are an enlisted/graduated member of SOF.
*The only exception are those with authorization from a CO which can only be conducted within an SOF
server with SOF COs Present or within an alli server with COs present as well as a security details.

11. All orders received from XOs and COs supersede any and all orders issued out by any COs and NCOs
by the higher ranking CO/XO.

12. The Commanding Officer, if absolutely necessary, reserves the right to declare a new law/rule based off
any apparent necessity that needs attending to.
* must conduct the decision with a formal meeting with at least two other COs and gain the majority vote to
pass the law/rule in question.

13. All rules and regulations will be followed. Upon reading these conditions/rules/laws/regulations you
hereby have accepted and agreed to the terms and conditions along with any changes that may follow.
Infraction or violation of any of these rules and laws will result in military disciplinary action effective
immediately by the disciplinary committee.

14. Never, shall any exception--except for those stated--be made for the violation/infraction of these laws.
And under no circumstance are these laws to be changed unless authorized so by the Commanding Officer
and the Executive Officer. Furthermore, it is every members priority/responsibility/obligation to uphold the
sanctity of these clan/milsim laws; anything less is unacceptable.


o Party and Game Chat Etiquette

Parties will consist of members and players who are in the same game.
In party there will be a maximum of 6 players allowed to stay in party chat while the rest will
switch to game chat to communicate with their assigned squad. This eliminates confusion
and excess chatter during battles. Commanding Officers have priority control of a party.
Communication shall be focused on gameplay, and battle info relayed in a clear manor
keeping excess chatter to an absolute minimum while in game.
At no time shall a member be using excessive vulgarity that may be offensive to others.
Any member who does not follow these guidelines may be removed from the party, and
corrective action taken.

o Social Media
While using social media platforms while representing SOF such as LINE Chat, Facebook,
Xbox Messenger, etc., members MUST conduct themselves in a polite friendly manor
Do NOT clutter the chats with photos, memes, or other unrelated business.
At no time shall a member be using excessive vulgarity that may be offensive to others.
Any member, who does not follow these guidelines, will be warned with potential corrective
action taken.


o Infantry - ground troops of multiple classes deployed anywhere that is needed to hold down an
objective. These troops are restricted to small non armored insertion vehicles,
(jeeps,bikes,quads etc)
Ground troops ARE permitted to fly transport chopper, or jump in a bomber or attack plane
for insertion

o Armor - consist of tanks, LAVs, Mobile AA. Drivers and gunners are paired together as a
permanent squad and will run and train together. Primary objective anti armor and troop

o Air All air vehicles available. Provide close air support for infantry and used as anti air

o Special Forces Elite tactical unit appointed by commanding officers for covert operations
work, including missions to destroy enemy AA or emplacement objectives such as beacons,
mortar tubes and sniper nests. Free reign of the map

o Reserves- Designed as a pool of members with a secondary MOS, for commanders to call up
when the active duty roster is short for a match. Reservist can "try-out" for an active duty spot
in another company when a slot opens up. The Company Commander has discretion of who is
on their active duty roster. Reservists are assigned an active duty company when an opening
is available and the company commander approves. Reservist may become active duty, if they
play more than the members holding the current active duty slot. All assignments and rank are
at commanding officers discretion.

o SOF Website

o SOF Members Only Page (hidden from public)

o Facebook Page- SOF Battlefield

o United States Army Rank Structure

o BF4 Battlelog Platoon Page

SOF Command
United States Mercenary Force

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