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ICSE Board Class X English Language Board Paper 2011

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ICSE X | English

Board Paper 2011

ICSE Board
Class X English Language
Board Paper 2011
Total time: 2 hrs

Max Marks: 80

Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Attempt all four questions.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions in brackets [].
You are advised to spend not more than 35 minutes in answering Question 1
and 20 minutes in answer Question 2
Question 1
(Do not spend more than 35 minutes on this question.)
Write a composition (350-400 words) on any one of the following:
(a) Private tuitions are a necessary evil. Give your views either for or against this statement.
(b) Write an original story entitled: Lost and Found.
(c) Relate a special incident or experience in your life which you still recall with happiness.
(d) Childrens Day is celebrated in your school every year. Write what you particularly liked about
this years celebration. What did you learn from the efforts of those who planned and
organised the function? How did you express your gratitude to them?
(e) Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of what it suggests
to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions
from it; however, that must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition.

ICSE X | English
Board Paper 2011

Question 2
(Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question.)
Select one of the following:
(a) Write a letter to the local Municipal Corporation complaining about the malaria epidemic in
your city. State the causes and suggest ways to deal with the problem.
(b) You have just acquired an unusual pet. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about it.
Given details about the care you have to take in looking after and feeding the pet.
Question 3
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
I rested for a moment at the door of Anand Bhavan, on Market Road, where coffee drinkers and
tiffin eaters at their tables sat transfixed uttering low moans on seeing me. I wanted to assure
them, Dont fear, I am not out to trouble you. Eat your tiffin in please dont mind me..... you, nearest
to me, hugging the cash box, you are craven with fear, afraid even to breathe. Go on, count the
cash, if thats your pleasure.
I just want to watch, thats all ...... If my tail trails down to the street, if I am blocking your
threshold: it is because, I, m told, I m eleven feet tip tail. I cant help it. I m not out to kill ..... I m too
full found a green pasture teeming with food on the way. Wont need any for several days to
come, wont stir, not until feel hungry again. Tigers attack only when they feel hungry, unlike
human beings who slaughter one another without purpose or hunger.
To the great delight of children, schools were being hurriedly closed. Children of all ages and size
were running helter-skelter screaming joyously, No school, on school Tiger, tiger! They were
shouting and laughing and even enjoyed being scared. They seemed to welcome me. I felt like
joining them, and bounded away from the restaurant door and trotted along with them, at which
they gleefully cried, The tiger is coming to eat us; let us back to the school!
I followed them through their school gate while they ran up and shut themselves in the school hall
securely. I ascended the steps of the school, saw an open door at the far end of a veranda, and
walked in. It happened to be the headmasters room, I believe, as I noticed a very dignified man
jumping on his table and heaving himself up into an attic. I walked in and flung myself on the cool
floor, having a partiality for cool stone floors, with my head under the large desk which gave me
the feeling of being back in the Mempi cave.......
As I drowsed, I was aware of cautious steps and hushed voices all around. I was in no mood to
bother about anything. All I wanted was a little moment of sleep; the daylight was dazzling. In half
sleep I heard the doors of the room being shut and bolted and locked. I didnt care. I slept. [25]
While I slept a great deal of consultation was going on. I learnt about later through my master,
who was in the crowd the crowd which had gathered after making sure that I had properly
locked up - and was watching. The headmaster seems to have remarked some days later, Never
dreamt in my wildest mood that Id have to yield my place to a tiger......, A wag had retorted, Might
be one way of maintaining better discipline among the boys.
Now that this brute is safely locked up, we must decide. began a teacher.
At this moment my master pushed his way through the crowds and admonished, Never use the
words beast or brute. Theyre ugly words coined by humans in their arrogance. The human
being thinks all other creatures are bests. Awful word!.

ICSE X | English
Board Paper 2011

Given the meaning of each of the following words or phrases as used in the passage.
One word answers or short phrases will be accepted.
(i) transfixed (line 2)
(ii) helter-skelter (line 13)
(iii) admonished (line 36)

Answer the following questions briefly in your own words.

What reassurance did the tiger give the coffee drinkers?
In what way are tigers different from human beings?
Why were the children delighted?
What did the headmaster say some days later?
What was the wags response?
Which sentences tell us that the tigers owner had great respect for the tiger?



In not more than 60 words describe the tigers activities from the time it followed the school
children till it slept.
(ii) Give a title to your summary in 3 (c). Given a reason to justify your choice.
Question 4
(a) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets
Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order the word or phrase
appropriate to the blank space.
(0) We were not ________ (allow) to talk during the lecture.
Answer: allowed.
The children (1) ________ (sit) in a neat circle and (2) ________ (begin) (3) ________ (copy) their
multiplication tables. Most (4) _________ (scratch) in the dirt with sticks they had (5) __________
(bring) for that purpose. The more fortunate (6) __________ (has) slate boards that they (7) __________
(write) on with sticks (8) __________ (dip) in a mixture of mud and water.
(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:
(i) He congratulated me ______________ my great achievement.
(ii) The poor man is afflicted ___________ arthritis.
(iii) She is blind ____________ the faults of her husband.
(iv) The boss had many complaints ____________ Shyam.
(v) You must prepare ___________ the examination.
(vi) She is not aware ___________ the danger.
(vii) Ravi was accurate __________ his calculations.
(viii) They hid the money __________ the carpet.



Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or
(i) The minister was wise. The king did not trust him.
(ii) We reached the port. The storm came on.

ICSE X | English
Board Paper 2011
(iii) One should not borrow money. One should not lend money.
(iv) She will win the prize. She deserves it.


(d) Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make
other changes that many be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each
(i) This horse is better trained than yours.
(Begin : your ..........................)
(iii) The children will sit out in the garden, if the weather is cool.
(Begin : The children wont
(iv) The thief ran so fast that the police could not catch him.
(Rewrite using : too.)
(v) Her attitude often annoys me.
(Rewrite using : annoyance ............................)
(vi) The child disappeared as soon as the bus stopped.
(Begin : Hardly .......................)
(vii) There is no success without effort.
(Begin: Whenever ...............................)
(vii) Please teach me to cycle she asked her brother. (Rewrite in indirect form ...............................)
(viii) The peasants regarded him as a thief and called him a villain.
(End : ............. the peasants)

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