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Name ___________________________________Sec ___Roll No.

PERIODIC TEST-I [2023-2024]

Time: 1 ½ Hrs. Maximum Marks:40

1. The Question Paper contains questions from LITERATURE
and WRITING sections.
2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.
1 The following paragraph has not been edited. There is an error in 1x4=4
each line. Write both the incorrect answer and the correct answer.

L1 Smoking is a bad habit. It spoil not only the lungs but

L2 also the liver of the smokers. In a beginning it is just

L3 a casual try and by and by one get gripped in it.

L4 It becomes a compulsive habits, which a person is not able to get

free from.

2 Fill in the blanks with one word only from the given options. 1x4=4
Everybody should have an aim or an ambition in life. There are,
however, some persons who do not plan (a) ------------careers. (b)
___________ have no aim in life. (c) ___________ who have no
aim in life are a ship without a rudder or an envelope (d)---------an
a. i) there ii) their iii) those iv) these
b. i) They ii) The iii) He iv) She
c. i) These ii) Those iii) When iv) Whom
d. i) with ii) without iii) within iv) out

Page 1 of 4
3 Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that
follow. (a &b MCQ, choose the most appropriate option)

A “She stood at the crossing and waited long, 1x4=4

Alone, uncared for, amid the throng”

a Who is she?
i) woman
ii) old, poor, gray woman
iii) old woman
iv) lady

b What was she doing?

i) She was waiting for her grandson
ii) She was waiting to cross the road
iii) She was standing still
iv) None of the above

c What is her condition?

d What does the word ‘throng’ mean here?

4 Answer the following short questions in 30-40 words only. Attempt 2x4=8
any 4 out of 5.

a Briefly describe the grandmother’s behaviour when she was ill.

b Who helped the old woman and why?

c What did the zookeeper tell Grandfather about the behaviour of the
tiger in the zoo?

d Why did not the narrator make a favourable impression on the head

e Briefly describe the village school. What subjects did the priest
teach the students?

Page 2 of 4
5 Answer the following questions in 100-120 words. Attempt any 2 5x2=10
out of 3.

a Describe the relationship between the author and his grandmother.

b Discuss the instances which prove that Timothy had become a

dangerous tiger.

c How can you say that the narrator was a man of perseverance? Give
examples in support of your answer.

6 Write a descriptive paragraph, in about 80 words, about your 4x1=4

favourite place.

7 1. You are Jane / Jack, a student of Modern school, Mumbai. Write a 6x1=6
letter to the Principal seeking leave for attending your cousin’s
wedding ceremony in Delhi. (100-150 words)

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Page 4 of 4
Name ___________________________________Sec ___Roll No.___
PERIODIC TEST-I [2023-2024]

Time: 1 ½ Hrs. Maximum Marks:40

General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains questions from
2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for
each part.
1. Read all the lines in this passage carefully. There is an
error in each line. Find and write the errors and
corrections in two separate columns: (Do not copy the
questions.) 1×4=4
(i) According to food experts, dark chocolate contain 70%
(ii) It is know to have several health benefits.
(iii) For example, eating dark chocolate helps one’s feel happy.
(iv) Also, they contains very little sugar and hence is healthier
than milk chocolate.

Page 1 of 4
2. Choose the right options to fill in the blanks with suitable
words:(Do not copy the questions) 1×4=4
(i) Richard Edwards was born ____ 25 March, 1525.
a) in b) at c) near d) on
(ii) Everybody ______ about Albert Einstein.
a) seen b) knows c) saw d) knew
(iii) This was Mrs Sen’s _____ challenging task.
a) most b) hardly c) more d) many
(iv) Harry _____ too many apples last evening.
a) has b) eat c) have d) had
3. Read the following extract and answer the questions that
follow using directions in brackets: (Do not copy the
questions.) 1×4=4
“The woman was old and ragged and gray
And bent with the chill of the Winter’s day.
The street was wet with a recent snow
And the woman’s feet were aged and slow.”
(i) Where have the above given lines been taken from? (Answer
in brief.)
(ii) Which season does the second line suggest? (Answer in
(iii) Why was the street wet? (Choose the correct option.)
a. Because of water leakage from a nearby pipeline.
b. Because of the overflowing drains.
c. Because of the recent snowfall.
d. Because of spillage from a water tanker.

Page 2 of 4
(iv) What does the word ‘ragged’ mean in the above given lines?
(Choose the correct option.)
a. Rugs and carpets used to cover the floor
b. Wearing torn clothes
c. Wearing new, shiny clothes
d. To drag something
4. Answer any 4 out of the following five questions in about
30 to 40 words each: (Do not copy the questions.) 2×4=8
(i) Why was the grandmother disturbed when she learnt that the
author was being given music lessons at school?
(ii) Why was the old woman ‘afraid to stir’ and cross the road?
(iii) Where was the tiger cub hiding when Grandfather found
(iv) What did the narrator resolve to do when he reached the
Hampton Institute?
(v) Who broke the bread crumbs for the sparrows when they
came to mourn grandmother’s death?
5. Answer any 2 out of the following three questions in 100-
120 words each :( Do not copy the questions.) 5×2=10
(i) How did the grandmother look after the author in the
(ii) Who were Timothy’s two companions? Discuss some of the
instances which prove that Timothy had become a dangerous

Page 3 of 4
(iii) What was the narrator’s reaction on seeing the Hampton
Institute for the first time? Why did he not make a favourable
impression on the head teacher?
6. Describe a memorable experience with your friends or
family in 80-100 words. 4
7. Write an application to the principal of your school
requesting him/her to issue a new school library card as you
have lost the original one, providing necessary details in
100-150 words. 6

Page 4 of 4
Name ___________________________________Sec ___Roll No.___
PERIODIC TEST-I [2023-2024]

Time: 1 ½ Hrs. Maximum Marks:40

General instructions:
(i) All the questions are compulsory.
(ii) This question paper is divided into five sections: A, B,
C, D and E.
(iii) In Section A, questions no. 1 to 9 are MCQs.
(iv) In Section B, Questions no 10 and 11 are case based
questions carrying 4 marks each with sub-parts.
(v) In Section C, questions no. 12 to 14 are very short
answer type questions, carrying 2 marks each.
(vi) In Section D, questions no. 15 to 18 are short answer
type questions, carrying 3 marks each.
(vii) In Section E, question no. 19 is long answer type
question, carrying 5 marks.
1 −2 1 1
A rational number between and 𝑖𝑠
3 4
5 −5 5 −5
(a) (b) (𝑐) (d)
12 12 24 24

2. The value of {(5−1 × 3−1 )−1 ÷ 6−1 } 𝑖𝑠 1

5 −5
(a) (b) (𝑐 ) 90 (d) 9
2 2

3. −10
The sum of two rational numbers is −3. If one of them is then 1
the other one is
−13 −19 1 13
(𝑎 )
(b) (𝑐) (d)
3 3 3

Page 1 of 4
4. −16 1
The product of two numbers is . If one of the numbers is
, the other is
−2 8 32 −8
(a) (b) (𝑐) (d)
5 15 75 3

5. 0.000367 × 104 in usual form is 1

(a) 3.67 (b) 36.7 (c) 0.367 (d) 0.0367

6. Which of the following numbers is not a perfect square? 1

(a) 529 (b) 961 (c) 1024 (d) 1222

7. The largest number of 3 digits which is a perfect square is 1

(a) 999 (b) 100 ( c) 961 (d) 969

8. (0.8)3 = ? 1
(a) 51.2 (b) 5.12 (c) 0.512 (d) none of these

9 1
√ =?
−2 −8 7 8
(a) (b) (𝑐) (d)
9 9 9 9


10. 1
Amit earns Rs 32000 per month. He spends of his income on
3 5
food; of the remainder on house rent and of the remainder on
10 21
the education of children.
(a) How much money he spent on food? 1
(b) How much money he spent on house rent? 1
(c) How much money he spent on the education?

(d) How much money is still left with him?

Page 2 of 4
11. Our school wants to give 15 prizes to its students on the values of
discipline, politeness and punctuality. If the number of prizes for
politeness is five-sixth of the prizes of discipline and the number
of prizes for punctuality is four-fifth that of number of prizes of
politeness then
(i) Find the number of prizes for discipline. 2
(ii) Find the total number of prizes for politeness and
punctuality. 2


12. Mass of earth is (5.97 × 1024 )𝑘𝑔 and mass of moon is (7.35 × 2
1022 )𝑘𝑔. what is the total mass of the two?
If 52𝑥+1 ÷ 25 = 125, 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑥.

13. By what least number should 7623 be multiplied to get a perfect 2


14. Find the smallest number by which 8788 must be divided so that 2
the quotient is a perfect cube.


15. 1 1 3
Rita had Rs 300. She spent of her money on notebooks and of
3 4
the remainder on stationery items. How much money is left with

16. 1 −1 3
By what number should ( ) be multiplied so that the product is
−5 −1
( ) ?

17. Find the value of (47)3 by short-cut method. 3

Page 3 of 4
18. 𝑦+6 𝑦−3 5𝑦−4 3
𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑣𝑒: + =
4 5 8
(𝑚−1) (𝑚−2)
Solve: 𝑚 − =1−
2 3


19. The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 15. If the number 5
formed by reversing the digits is less than the original number by
27, find the number.
The denominator of a rational number is greater than its numerator
by 3. If 3 is subtracted from the numerator and 2 is added to its
denominator, the new number becomes . Find the original

Page 4 of 4
Name _________________________Sec ___Roll No.___
PERIODIC TEST-I [2023-2024]

Time: 1 ½ Hrs. Maximum Marks:40

General Instructions:
i) This question paper contains 19 questions and all the questions
are compulsory. However internal choices are provided.
ii) Questions 01 to 09 are MCQ based questions carrying one
marks each.
iii) Questions 10 to 11 are Case Based Questions (CBQ) carrying
four marks in total.
iv) Questions 12 to 14 are two-marker SA type questions.
v) Questions 15 to 18 are three-marker SA type questions.
vi) Question 19 is a five-marker LA type question.
7 4
Q1) What shall be added to to get − ? (1)
12 5
17 17 7 7
a) b) − c) d) −
20 20 20 20

2 −3
Q2) The value of ( ) is =? (1)
8 25 125 2
a) − b) c) d) −
125 4 8 5

Q3) √0.9 × √1.6 = ? (1)

a) 0.12 b) 1.2 c) 0.75 d) 12

Page 1 of 4
3 64
Q4) √ =? (1)
4 4 8 8
a) b) c) d)
9 7 7 21

Q5) The product of two rational number is − . If one of the number
is then the other one is ? (1)
2 2 3 3
a) − b) c) d) −
3 3 2 2

Q6) (2−5 ÷ 2−2 ) = ? (1)

1 1 1 1
a) b) − c) − d)
128 128 8 8

Q7) √1764 = ? (1)

a) 42 b) 48 c) 52 d) 18

Q8)(𝑎 + 𝑏)3 = ? (1)

a) 𝑎3 + 3𝑎2 𝑏 + 3𝑎𝑏 2 + 𝑏3 b) 𝑎 + 3𝑎 𝑏 + 3𝑎 𝑏 + 𝑏3
3 3 2 2 3

c) 𝑎3 + 4𝑎2 𝑏 + 4𝑎𝑏 2 + 𝑏3 d) 3𝑎3 + 3𝑎𝑏 2 + 3𝑎2 𝑏 + 3𝑏3

2 1
Q9) A rational Number between − and is : (1)
3 4
5 5 5 5
a) b) − c) d) −
12 12 24 24

7 𝑡ℎ
Q10) Tanu is reading an English Novel. After she reads ( ) of the
book, She finds 40 pages are left to read.
a) How many total pages does the Novel have? (2)
7 𝑡ℎ
b) How many pages did Tanu read when she completed ( ) of
the book? (1)
7 𝑡ℎ
c) If Tanu completed the reading the ( ) of the book in 70
minutes, Then how much total time will she need to read the
entire book ? (1)

Page 2 of 4
Q11) Rakhi’s Mother is four times as old as Rakhi. After 5 years, her
mother will be three times as old as she will be then.
a) Find the present age of Rakhi? (2)
b) Find the present age of Rakhi’s Mother? (1)
c) What will be the age of Rakhi’s Mother, when Rakhi is 30 years
old? (1)

3 2
Q12) Evaluate: {(− ) } =? (2)
3 −2 4 −3
Evaluate: ( ) ×( ) =?
8 5

Q13) Show that 6292 is not a perfect square. (2)

Q14) What is the smallest number by which 1600 must be divided so

that the quotient is a perfect cube ? (2)

Q15) Amit earns Rs. 32000 per month. He spends of his income on
3 5
food; of the remainder on house rent and of the remainder on
10 21
the education of children. How much money is still left with him?

4 4 4 −7 4 2𝑥−1
Q16) Find the value of 𝑥: ( ) × ( ) =( ) (3)
9 9 9
5 −4 5 −5 5 3𝑥
Find the value of 𝑥: ( ) ×( ) =( )
3 3 3

Q17) The smallest number by which 8,788 must be divided so that the
quotient is a perfect cube. (3)

Page 3 of 4
Q18) If 10 be added to four times a certain number, the result is five
less than the five times the number. Find the number? (3)

Q19) Solve: (5)

The distance between two stations is 425 km. Two trains start
simultaneously from these stations on parallel tracks to cross each
other. The speed of one of them is greater than that of the other by 5 km/h.
If the distance between the two trains after 3 hours of their start is 20
km, find the speed of each train.

The length of a rectangle exceeds it's breadth by 7cm. If the length is
decreased by 4cm and the breadth is increased by 3cm, the area of the
new rectangle is the same as the area of the original rectangle. Find
the length and the breadth of the original rectangle?


Page 4 of 4
Name ___________________________________Sec ___Roll No.___
PERIODIC TEST-I [2023-2024]

Time: 1 ½ Hrs. Maximum Marks:40

General Instructions:
i All questions are compulsory.
ii The question paper contains 3 sections and 22 questions.
iii Section A has 10 questions of 1 mark each. Section B has 06
questions of 2 marks each. Section C has 6 questions of 3 marks
1. Which of the following indicates correct formula of Pressure? 1
a) Force/Area b) Area/Force
c) Force/Mass d)Mass/Force

2. Which of the following is an example of Inexhaustible Natural 1

a)Sunlight b) Coal c)Petroleum d)Natural gas

3. The machine used for cutting matured crops is called- 1

a)Harvester b)Silos c) Hoe d) Plough

4. What is Force? 1

5. What are non-contact forces? Give an example. 1

6. What do you mean by Exhaustible Natural resources? 1

7. What are fossil Fuels? 1

8. What are kharif crops? Give one example. 1

Page 1 of 2
9. Name two fertilizers. 1

10. What are the advantages of using seed drill for sowing seeds? 1


11. What happen to the net force when two different forces acts on 2
an object in the
i) Same direction
ii) Opposite direction

12. What is friction? Why is friction necessary? 2

13. What is Coal tar? Mention atleast two uses of Coal tar. 2

14. Mention two advantages of CNG as a fuel. 2

15. If a handful of seeds are given to you, how would you separate 2
healthy seeds from damaged seeds?

16. Explain how soil gets affected by continuous planting of crops in 2

a field.


17 What is an electrostatic force? Explain with an example. 3

18. Enlist any three effects of force which may be seen when it is 3
applied on an object.

19. How can one save petrol and diesel according to PCRA? 3

20. Mention atleast three constituents of Petroleum and its uses. 3

21. Differentiate between fertilizers and manures. 3

22. Describe any one modern method of irrigation that saves water. 3

Page 2 of 2
Name ___________________________________Sec ___Roll No.___
PERIODIC TEST-I [2023-2024]

Time: 1 ½ Hrs. Maximum Marks:40

General Instructions:
(i) There are 22 questions in all. All questions are
(ii) This question paper has 3 sections: Section A, Section
B and Section C.
(iii) All the sections are compulsory.
(iv) Section A contains 10 questions, 3 MCQ and 7 VSA
type of 1 mark each. Section B contains 6 questions
of 2 marks each and Section C contains 6 questions of
3 marks each.

1. Force acting on per unit area is called 1
(a) non-contact forces
(b) contact forces
(c) force
(d) pressure
2. Which of the following is used to manufacture steel? 1
(a) coke
(b) coal gas
(c) coal tar
(d) bitumen
3. The process of loosening of the soil is called 1
(a) tilling
(b) spraying
(c) harvesting
(d) weeding
4. What do you mean by muscular force? 1
Page 1 of 2
5. What happens when two forces act on an object in the opposite 1
6. What is carbonisation? 1
7. Write two uses of paraffin wax. 1
8. What is threshing? 1
9. Define pesticides. 1
10. Define Kharif crops with one example. 1

11. Define state of motion. 2
12. Differentiate between contact and non-contact forces with an 2
example of each.
13. Why coal and petroleum are called fossil fuels? 2
14. Write two advantages of using CNG as fuel. 2
15. Explain how soil gets affected by the continuous plantation of 2
crops in a field.
16. Describe briefly two methods of irrigation which conserve water. 2

17. What are the effects of force? 3
18. (i) Define pressure. 3
(ii) Explain why porters place a round piece cloth on their heads to
carry heavy loads?
19. (i) Why is petroleum called ‘Black Gold’? 3
(ii) How is coal gas obtained?
20. Explain why fossil fuels are exhaustible natural resources. 3
21. Explain how fertilizers are different from manure.(Write atleast 3 3
22. What is crop rotation? Describe with proper examples. 3

Page 2 of 2
Name ___________________________________Sec ___Roll No.___
PERIODIC TEST-I [2023-2024]

Time: 1 ½ Hrs. Maximum Marks:40




Q1. The British East India Company started minting coins from the 1
mid ----------------_century .

a) 18th
b) 19th
c) 17th
d) 16th

Q2. The President nominates ___________members to the Rajya 1


a) 16
b) 12
c) 20
d) 18

Page 1 of 4
Q3. ___________ became the summer capital of the British Raj by the 1
latter half of the 19th century .

Q4. The ___________ is considered as an introduction and the soul 1

of the Indian Constitution .

Q5. The ___________ selects the members of the Council of 1

Ministers who are formally appointed by the President .

Q6. Who wrote the book ‘ The History of British India ? ’ 1

Q7. Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly ? 1

Q8. What is Universal Adult Franchise ? 2

Q9. What is the importance of history ? 3

Q10. Mention any four features of a Parliamentary government . 4

Q11. How was Indian history divided by James Mill ? Name any four 2+2
newspapers of the British era .
Q12 Which of the following is a natural resource? 1
a) Mining
b) Car
c) Agriculture
d) diamond
Q13 The east and the south east part of India are frequently affected by 1
___________ .
a) earthquake
b) landslide
c) drought
d) cyclone

Page 2 of 4
Q14 Name the semi liquid layer of the earth below the earth’s crust. 1
a) fault
b) mantle
c) core
d) lithosphere

Q15 __________ is a technique or skill of proper or judicious use of 1


Q16 The magnitude and the intensity of an earthquake is determined 1

by the use of a scale, called _____________ .________

Q17 Define human resource. 1

Q18 Name some natural hazards 1

Q19 Distinguish between renewable and non renewable resources 2

Q20. Discuss the role of the teachers and students in reducing disaster 3

Q21. Name any two states which are rich in minerals . 1+3
Mention the impact of over utilization of resources on the eco

Q22. List two do’s and two don’ts in the event of an earthquake. 2+2

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Page 4 of 4
Name ___________________________________Sec ___Roll No.___
PERIODIC TEST-I [2023-2024]

Time: 1 ½ Hrs. Maximum Marks:40


General Instructions:
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. There are 22 questions in total.
3. Section- A consists questions from history and civics, Section-B
consists questions from geography and disaster management.
1 In the question given below, there are two statements marked as 1
Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the
correct option.
Assertion (A): History tells us how our society, culture ideas and
beliefs have evolved over ages.
Reason (R): It is the study of changes that occur in the society over
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is the correct explanation of A.
c. A is correct but R is wrong.
d. A is wrong but R is correct.

2 The law-making body of a country is known as 1

a. The Parliament
b. Constituent assembly
c. Upper House
d. Government

3 Rennel prepared the correct map of the Indian subcontinent and named 1
it as _____________________.
4 Every citizen of India who is ____________________ years of age 1
can be a voter.
Page 1 of 4
5 Prime Minister of India is appointed by ___________________. 1

6 What do you mean by History? 1

7 What is Universal Adult Franchise? 1

8 State any two differences between the government in pre- 2

independence era and present government?

9 What were the major features of the book “The History of British 3
India” written by James Mill?

10 Explain the major features of the Constitution of India. 4

11 Who is known as ‘Father of Geography’? How was Indian history 4

divided by James Mill?

12 In the question given below, there are two statements marked as 1

Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the
correct option.
Assertion (A): Resources are vital for human survival, development
and maintaining the quality of life.
Reason(R) Resources are the gift of nature
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is correct but R is wrong.
d. A is wrong but R is correct.
13 The potential loss to an in individual, community or place because of a 1
disaster, is known as
a. First responders
b. Vulnerability
c. Disaster management
d. Tsunami

Page 2 of 4
14 Which of the following statement is incorrect? 1
a. Modified Mercalli scale measures the magnitude of an
b. Tectonic plates float over mantle.
c. Earthquakes are natural phenomena.
d. The solid surface of the earth is known as the crust.

15 _________________ means development should take place without 1

damaging the environment and development in the present should not
compromise with the needs of the future generations.

16 The cracks or fractures which occur in the earth’s crust due to internal 1
movements are known as _________________.

17 What are resources? 1

18 What do you mean by disaster management? 1

19 Distinguish between renewable and non- renewable resources. 2

20 Describe the role of the teachers and students in reducing disaster risk. 3

21 What is resource planning? Mention the impact of over utilisation of 4

resources on the ecosystem.

22 Mention any two do’s and don’ts in case of tremors of an earthquake. 4

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PT -1 2023-24 SET-A



प्रश्न 1- आशय स्पष्ट कीजिए – 5

जिहग ,बं दी और चारण

गा रहे हैं कीजति गायन

छोड़कर मैदान भागी , तारकों की फौि सारी ।

आ रही रजि की सिारी ।

प्रश्न -2 – एक िाक्य में उत्तर जिखिए – 1X5=5

क – यज्ञ का आयोिन जकसने जकया था ?

ि –जिता से जिदा िे कर नजचकेता कहााँ गया ?

ग – सबसे भयानक ज्वर कौन है ?

घ –ईश्वर ने सभी को क्या बनाया है ?

ङ – नयी जकरण से क्या सिा हुआ है ?

प्रश्न 3- संजिप्त उत्तर जिखिए – 2X4=8

क –यमराि ने आत्मा के बारे में क्या बताया ?

ि – िे िक ने अच्छे जमत्र की क्या –क्या जिशे षताएाँ बताई हैं ?

ग –शैशि अिस्था में िुष्प की शोभा कैसी होती है ?

घ –यमराि ने नजचकेता से तीन ही िर मााँ गने के जिए क्यों कहा ?

प्रश्न 4- शब्दाथि जििो – 1X4=4

कुसुम , प्रिोभन , अनुसंधान , मधुि

प्रश्न 5- क –हल्कू क्या िरीदने के जिए मुन्नी से िैसे मााँ ग रहा था ? 2X2-4

ि – हल्कू रात में सोने िेत िर क्यों नहीं िाना चाहता था ?

प्रश्न 6 – क – जिंग बदजिए – 3

जिब्बा , मािी , िठान

ि – िचन बदजिए – 3

सभा , जतजथ , चादर

ग –भाििाचक संज्ञा बनाइए – 3

दे ि , सेिक , मिदू र

घ – जििोम जिखिए – 3

अल्प , एक , उत्थान

ङ – ियाि यिाची शब्द जिखिए – 2

दास , नाि

PT-1 EXAMS 2023-24 SET-B




सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर लिखिए -

प्रश् 1-आशय स्पष्ट कीलिए – 5

सों गलि का गु प्त प्रभाव हमारे आचरण पर बड़ा भारी पड़िा है ।

प्रश् 2-एक वाक्य में उत्तर दीलिए – 1X5=5

क –मकदू लिया का बादशाह कौि था ?

ि –लवश्वासपात्र लमत्र िीवि के लिए क्या है ?

ग –भौोंरे फूि के पास लकस लिए मोंडरािे िगिे हैं ?

घ-िलचकेिा िे यमराि से लकििे वर मााँ गे ?

ङ –कलव िे िारनों की उपमा लकससे दी है ?

प्रश् 3- सोंलिप्त उत्तर लिखिए – 2X4=8

क -लमत्रिा करिे समय हमें क्या सावधािी बरििी चालहए ?

ि –पाठ के आधार पर िलचकेिा के चररत्र की प्रमुि लवशे षिाएाँ लििन ।

ग – रलव की सवारी के स्वागि में रथ और पथ कैसे सिे हैं ?

घ –शै शव अवस्था में पु ष्प की शनभा कैसी हनिी है ?

4- शब्दाथथ लिखिए – 1X4=4

अिुचर ,लिराकार ,अविलि ,िु ब्ध

प्रश् 5 –क –हल्कू की कौि –सी चीज़ िािवर चर गए ? 2X2=4

ि –“पू स की राि” कहािी के अोंि में हल्कू क्यनों प्रसन्न हन गया ?

प्रश् 6-क – लिों ग बदलिए – 3

िनटा ,भगवाि ,सुि

ि- वचि बदलिए – 3

दरवािा , लवलध , सड़क

ग- भाववाचक सों ज्ञा बिाइए – 3

शत्रु , िे िक , राष्टर

घ – लविनम शब्द लिखिए – 3

लिया , चर , अिु ग्रह

ङ – पयाथ यवाची शब्द लिखिए – 2

कुबेर , लबििी
Name _______________________________Sec ___Roll No.___
PERIODIC TEST-I [2023-2024]

Time: 1 ½ Hrs. Maximum Marks:40


সাধারণ নির্দেনিকা ঃ -

• এই প্রশ্নপত্রে দুটি PART রত্রেত্রে – A এবং B ।

• প্রশ্নপত্রের নিত্রদে শ অিুসাত্রর উত্তর লেখ ।
• প্রশ্নপেটির পূর্মাি
ে 40 এবং 5 টি পৃষ্ঠা রত্রেত্রে ।


অিুর্েদটি পর্ে িীর্ের প্রর্ের উত্তর লেখ ।

১।গরম চা লরত্রখ নদত্রে ঠাণ্ডা হত্রে যাে;িকিত্রক োে লোহার বত্রেরও

উত্তাপ ঘণ্টাখাত্রিক পত্রর চত্রে যাে ।নকন্তু শরীত্ররর উত্তাপ বরাবরই বাইত্ররর
উত্তাপ অত্রপক্ষা লবশী –বরাবরই ৯৮ নিনি ফাত্ররিহাইি ।নকেুত্রেই কত্রম িা
–বাইত্ররর খুব কিকত্রি ঠাণ্ডার সমেও িা ।নবজ্ঞাত্রির নিেম অিুসাত্রর
বাইত্ররর চানরনদক অত্রপক্ষা লকাি পদার্ ে যনদ লবশী উত্তপ্ত হে, লো লসই
উত্তপ্ত পদার্ ে লর্ত্রক োত্রপর নবনকরর্ হত্রে র্াত্রক, যেক্ষর্ পযন্ত
ে িা ঐ
পদার্ ে োর উত্তাপ হানরত্রে বাইত্ররর মত্রো সমাি হত্রে যাে ।নবজ্ঞাত্রির যনদ
এই নিেম হে লো শরীর োর োপ কীভাত্রব বজাে রাখত্রে ?একিা জ্বেন্ত
চুনি োর োপ বজাে রাখত্রে পাত্রর, যনদ বরাবর োত্রে ইন্ধত্রির লযাগাি
লদওো হে ।প্রার্ীত্রদহ একিা জ্বেন্ত চুনির মে ।ত্রদহ লর্ত্রক লযমি োপ
কমত্রে,নভেত্রর লেমি অহরহ োত্রপর উদ্ভব হত্রে ক্ষনেপূরর্ হত্রে যাে ।

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সাধারণ প্রে ঃ - 1x4=4

ক । শরীত্ররর উত্তাপ সবদা

ে কে র্াত্রক ?

( ৪০ / ৯৮ / ৫০ ) নিনি ফাত্ররিহাইি

খ ।োত্রপর নবনকরর্ কখি হে ?

( যনদ পদার্ ে লবনশ উত্তপ্ত হে / যনদ পদার্ ে ঠাণ্ডা র্াত্রক / যনদ পদার্ ে
ভারী হে )

গ । জ্বেন্ত চুনিত্রে োপ বজাে র্াত্রক কীভাত্রব ?

( আগুি জ্বাোত্রিা হত্রে / ইন্ধত্রির লজাগাি নদত্রে / লজাত্রর হাওো

নদত্রে )

ঘ ।নবপরীে শব্দ লেখ – নিেম

( অনিেম / নিেনমে / নিেম-কািুি )

২ । সটিক উত্তরটি নির্ােি

ে কর । ( লে লকাি ২ টি ) 1X2=2

ক । নিিঃ + নেদ্র= সনন্ধযুক্ত করত্রে হত্রব-( নেদ্র / নিনেদ্র / নিশ্ছিদ্র ) ।

খ । দুগমে –এর সনন্ধ নবত্রেদ করত্রে হত্রব-( দু + গম /দুিঃ +গম/দু +


গ । লোমাে আর লদখা যাে িা,েু নম লযি __________ ( অমাবসযার

চাাঁদ / অগাধ জত্রের মাে / অধচন্দ্র
ে )।

৩ ।সটিক উত্তরটি নির্ােি

ে কর । ( লে লকাি ৩ টি ) 1X3=3

ক । ‘ রাজনষ ে ’ কানহনিত্রে লেখা হত্রেত্রে –( দুই ভাইত্রের কর্া / দুই

রাজকুমারীর কর্া / এক অসাধু বযবসােী –এর কর্া )।

Page 2 of 6
খ । মহারাজ িক্ষে রাত্রের সত্রে লবড়াত্রে নগত্রেনেত্রেি ( গো-েীত্ররর /
লগাদাবরী -েীত্ররর / লগামেী- েীত্ররর ) নিজেি অরত্রর্য ।

গ ।( ত্রেপুরার / পত্রিমবত্রের / নবহার ) রাত্রজযর রাজ পনরবাত্ররর কানহনি

নিত্রে ‘রাজনষ’ে উপিযাস রনচে হত্রেত্রে ।

ঘ । লগানবন্দমানিকয নেত্রেি ( প্রজািুরঞ্জক / লেোচারী /

লভাগনবোসপরাের্ ) রাজা ।

৪ । ।সটিক উত্তরটি নির্ােি

ে কর । ( লে লকাি ৩ টি ) 1X3=3

ক । হঠাৎ একিা লসারত্রগাে, উন্মত্ত মািুত্রষর ( উিাস / সন্ত্রাস /

নচৎকার )।

খ । মাত্রির কর্াে ( শেরুোর সুর / আত্মীেোর সুর / বন্ধুত্রের সুর )

গ । ‘ আদাব ’ গত্রে উনিনখে িদীর িাম হে (গো / বুনড়গো /

গাত্রেে ) ।

ঘ ।‘আদাব’ গেটি নেত্রখত্রেি( নশবরাম চক্রবেী / আশাপূর্া ে লদবী /

সমত্ররশ বসু )।


৫ । িীর্ের প্রেগুনের উত্তর লেখ ।( লে লকাি ৮ টি ) 1X8=8

ক । িভির- এর সনন্ধনবত্রেদ করত্রে নক হত্রব?

খ । নিিঃ + লেজ =?

গ । সনন্ধ নবত্রেদ কর - িীরব

ঘ । ভািঃ + কর = সনন্ধযুক্ত কর ।

ঙ । যত্রশাোভ –এর সনন্ধ নবত্রেদ কর ।

Page 3 of 6
চ । সটঠক বাগধারা বনসত্রে শূিযস্থাি পূরর্ কর।

নবিা টিনকত্রি লেত্রি চত্রড় লস ৫০০ িাকা _________ নদে ।

ে । বাগধারাটি বাত্রকয প্রত্রোগ কর । লঘাড়ার নিম

জ ।বাগধারাটির অর্ ে লেখ । আকাশকুসুম

ি । ‘অত্রন্ধর যটি’ –এর অর্ ে নেত্রখ বাত্রকয প্রত্রোগ কর ।

ঞ । বাগধারাটি েরনচে বাত্রকয প্রত্রোগ কর । উত্তম-মধযম

৬ । প্রর্ের উত্তর লেখ । 2+2+1=5

ক ।ত্রগানবন্দমানর্কয ও িক্ষে রাত্রের সম্পকে কী ? লগানবন্দমানিকয

িক্ষেত্রক গভীর বত্রির মত্রধয লবড়াত্রে নিত্রে লগত্রেি লকি?পৃনর্বীত্রে কাত্রক
সনেযকাত্ররর রাজা বো যাে ?


খ । “েখি িক্ষে রাত্রের গা েমেম কনরত্রে োনগে”- লকি োাঁর গা

েমেম করনেে ? এই সমে ও স্থাত্রির বর্িা
ে দাও ।িক্ষে রাে লক ?

৭ । প্রর্ের উত্তর লেখ । 5x1=5

ক। ভাাঁড়ুদত্ত ও লমত্রোনি কী ধরত্রির মািুষ ? লস কাত্রক সত্রে নিত্রে ও

নক নিত্রে বাজাত্রর নগত্রেনেে ? ভাাঁড়ুদত্ত নক সনেযই রাজপুুষ নেে ?


খ । ‘ভাাঁড়ুদত্রত্তর লবসানে’ কনবোটি কার লেখা ? লকাি কাবয লর্ত্রক

কাবযাংশটি গৃহীে হত্রেত্রে ? হাি লর্ত্রক ত্রজনিস নিত্রে নিত্রে ভাাঁড়ু লকার্াে

Page 4 of 6
আিত্রক লগে ? লিামনির কাত্রে মাে নিত্রে ভাাঁড়ু কীরকম নবপত্রদ পত্রড়নেে

৮ । প্রর্ের উত্তর লেখ । 5X1=5

ক । “ হঠাৎ িাস্টনবিিা একিু িত্রড় উঠে ”-িাস্টনবত্রির দুই পাত্রশর দুটি

প্রার্ীর পনরচে দাও ।িাস্টনবি িত্রড় ওঠার পত্রর নক লদখা লগে?


খ ।“ ভুেুম িা ভাই এই রাত্রের কর্া ”- কার লেখা লকার্া লর্ত্রক লিওো

হত্রেত্রে? লসই রাত্রে নক ঘিিা ঘত্রিনেে ো সংত্রক্ষত্রপ লেখ ।

৯ । প্রদত্ত অংিটির ভার্সম্প্রসারণ কর । 5X1=5

“ লমঘ লদত্রখ লকউ কনরসত্রি ভে

আড়াত্রে োর সূয ে হাত্রস ”


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Name _______________________________ Sec _____ Roll No. ____


PERIODIC TEST – 1 [2023-2024]
TIME : 1½ Hrs. Maximum Marks : 40
Îà‹à¹o [>샢[ÅA¡à -
&Òü šøÅ¥šìy ƒå[i¡ SECTION ¹ìÚìá - A & B.
yû¡³à>åÎàì¹ * šøìÅ¥¹ šàÅ«¢¤t¢¡ã [>샢Š">åÎàì¹ l¡üv¡¹ ìºìJà¡ú
1) [>³¥[º[Jt¡ ">åìZáƒ[i¡ šìØl¡ ÎìU ëƒ*Úà šøÅ¥P¡[º¹ Î[k¡A¡ l¡üv¡¹[i¡ [>¤¢àW¡>
A¡ì¹à - 1×4=4
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Page 1 of 4
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³ìt¡à δšƒ "\¢> A¡¹ìt¡ Ò줡ú
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(K) ët¡à³àÚ "๠ëƒJà ™àÚ >à - tå¡[³ ë™> -
(") "³à¤Î¸à¹ Wò¡àƒ ("à) "Kà‹ \캹 ³àá
(Òü) "àìB¡º P¡Øl¡æ³ (#) i¡>A¡ >Øl¡à¡ú
3) Î[k¡A¡ l¡üv¡¹[i¡ [>¤¢àW¡> A¡ì¹à (ë™ ëA¡àì>à [t¡>[i¡) - 1×3=3
(A¡) ‘ëA¡à=àÚ ™àÒü¤ ¤[ºÚà [ƒ>’ - ¤v¡û¡à ëA¡ ?
(") ¹Qåš[t¡ ("à) ¤àÎå샤
(Òü) >Û¡y ¹àÚ (#) ëKà[¤@ƒ ³à[oA¡¸ú
(J) ëKà[¤@ƒ ³à[oA¡¸, >Û¡y ¹àìÚ¹ δšìA¢¡ ëA¡ Òìº> -
(") ë\¸Ë¡ °àt¡à ("à) A¡[>Ë¡ °àt¡à
(Òü) [št¡à (#) šåy¡ú
(K) ‘¹Qåš[t¡¹ A¡àá ÒÒüìt¡ ƒèì¹ =à[A¡*’ - ëA¡ &A¡=à ¤ìº[áìº> ?
(") >Û¡y ¹àÚ ("à) ¹Qåš[t¡ [>ì\Òü
(Òü) ëKà[¤@ƒ ³à[oA¡¸ (#) ëA¡à>[i¡Òü >Ú¡ú
Page 2 of 4
(Q) ‘¹à\[È¢’ A¡à[Ò>ã[i¡¹ ëºJA¡ Òìº> -
(") Ò¹šøÎàƒ ÅàÑ|ã ("à) #Å«¹W¡@ƒø [¤ƒ¸àÎàK¹
(Òü) ¹¤ã@ƒø>à= k¡àA塹 (#) "àìÅàA¡ P¡Ò¡ú
4) Î[k¡A¡ l¡üv¡¹[i¡ [>¤¢àW¡> A¡ì¹à (ë™ ëA¡àì>à [t¡>[i¡) - 1×3=3
(A¡) Òk¡à; &A¡i¡à ëÎà¹ìKàº, l¡ü@µv¡ ³à>åìȹ -
(") l¡üÀàÎ ("à) \Ú‹Œ[> (Òü) Δ|àÎ (#) [W¡;A¡à¹ú
(J) ³à[c¡¹ A¡=àÚ -
(") Åyç¡t¡à¹ Îå¹ ("à) ¤Þêå¡ì⫹ Îå¹
(Òü) "àuãÚt¡à¹ Îå¹ (#) [¤Å«àÎ Qàt¡ìA¡¹ Îå¹ú
(K) ÅÒì¹ A¡t¡ ‹à¹à \à[¹ ÒìÚ[Ạ?
(") 144 ‹à¹à ("à) 145 ‹à¹à (Òü) 150 ‹à¹à (#) 190 ‹à¹à¡ú
(Q) ëºàA¡i¡à¹ ë\ƒ ëƒìJ A¡à¹ KºàÚ Îì@ƒÒ óå¡ìi¡ l¡üìk¡ìá ?
(") A¡à³à¹Åàºà¹ ³\åì¹¹ ("à) A¡à¹Jà>๠³\åì¹¹
(Òü) Îåt¡àA¡º ³\åì¹¹ (#) W¡àÈ㹡ú
5) [>³¥[º[Jt¡ šøÅ¥P¡[º¹ l¡üv¡¹ ƒà* (ë™ ëA¡àì>à "ài¡[i¡) - 1×8=8
(A¡) Î[Þê¡ A¡ì¹à -
(") [Ź + yào ("à) [>ÆW¡Ú (Òü) "t¡– + &¤
(#) t¡š– + ¤> (l¡ü) ƒåÑ‚
(J) ¤àK‹à¹à ëºìJà -
(") "àk¡àì¹à ³àìÎ ¤á¹ ("à) l¡üv¡³ - ³‹¸³
(Òü) i¡>A¡ >Øl¡à (#) Wò¡à샹 Òài¡
(l¡ü) "ìÞ꡹ ™[Ê¡
6) ë™ ëA¡àì>à &A¡[i¡ šøìÅ¥¹ l¡üv¡¹ ƒà* - 5×1=5
(A¡) ‘‘¹à\à ¤[ºìº>, ƒòàØl¡à*’’ - ëA¡, A¡J> A¡àìA¡ &A¡=à ¤[º[áìº> ?
ëA¡à=àÚ [t¡[> &A¡=à ¤ìº[áìº> ? ëA¡> ¤ìº[áìº> ? ™àìA¡ ¤ìº[áìº>
t¡à¹ šø[t¡[yû¡Úà A¡ã ÒìÚ[Ạ?
Page 3 of 4
(J) ‘‘ë™Jàì> &Òü ¹ìv¡û¡¹ [¤@ƒå š[Øl¡ì¤ ëÎJàì> "ºìÛ¡¸ °àtõ¡ì⫹ ¤Þê¡>
[Å[=º ÒÒüÚà ™àÒü줡ú’’ - ¤v¡û¡à ëA¡ ? A¡J>, A¡à¹ l¡üì„ìŸ [t¡[> &Òü
l¡ü[v¡û¡ A¡ì¹[áìº> ? ëA¡> A¡ì¹[áìº> ?
7) ë™ ëA¡àì>à &A¡[i¡ šøìÅ¥¹ l¡üv¡¹ ƒà* - 5×1=5
(A¡) ‘®ò¡àØl¡æƒìv¡¹ ë¤Îà[t¡’ - A¡[¤t¡àÚ ëÎA¡à캹 ë™ Î³à\[W¡y óå¡ìi¡ l¡üìk¡ìá t¡à
Î}ìÛ¡ìš "àìºàW¡>à A¡ì¹à¡ú
(J) ‘‘®ò¡àØl¡æ ¤× ºðà šàÚ’’ - A¡J> ëA¡> ®ò¡àØl¡æ Jå¤ ºðà ëšìÚ[Ạ? ºðà
ëšìÚ ëÎ A¡ã A¡ì¹[Ạ?
8) ë™ ëA¡àì>à &A¡[i¡ šøìÅ¥¹ l¡üv¡¹ ƒà* - 5×1=5
(A¡) ‘‘Òk¡à; l¡àС[¤>i¡à &A¡iå¡ >ìØl¡ l¡ük¡º¡ú’’ - A¡à¹ ëºJà, ëA¡à> K쿹
"}Å? A¡à샹 ÎìU A¡à샹 ƒàUà W¡º[ạú l¡àС[¤>i¡à >ìØl¡ *k¡à¹ šì¹ A¡ã
ëƒJà ëKº ?
(J) ‘‘š[¹W¡Ú ѬãA¡à¹ A¡¹ìt¡ l¡ü®¡ìÚÒü >à¹à\¡ú’’ - l¡ü®¡ìÚ ¤ºìt¡ A¡à샹 A¡=à
¤ºà ÒìÚìá ? ëA¡> t¡à¹à š[¹W¡Ú [ƒ[ZẠ>à ? Kì¿ ëA¡à> >ƒã¹ l¡üìÀJ
"àìá ?
9) ë™ ëA¡àì>à &A¡[i¡ šøìÅ¥¹ l¡üv¡¹ ƒà* - 5×1=5
(A¡) ‘‘">¸àÚ ë™ A¡ì¹ "๠">¸àÚ ë™ ÎìÒ,
t¡¤ Qõoà ë™> t¡àì¹ tõ¡oγ ƒìÒ¡ú’’
(J) ‘‘[¤v¡ Òìt¡ [W¡v¡ ¤ìØl¡à¡ú’’


Page 4 of 4


PT – 1 (2023 – 2024)
TIME: 1 ½ Hrs. CLASS – VIII FM - 40

सर्वेषाम ् प्रश्नानाम ् उत्तराणि लिखत

1. अधोलिणखतम ् गद्ाांशम ् पठित्र्वा प्रश्नान उत्तरत - (Reade the passage
and write the answer) 5
भारतर्वषष: उत्सर्वानाां दे श: । अत्र बहर्व: उत्सर्वा: भर्वन्तत ्े भारती्ाां
सांस्कृततां प्राचीनकािात ् अद् ्ार्वत ् समज्
ु जीर्व्न्तत । उत्सर्वा:
मानर्वमनस: उदात्तां भार्वां प्रकट्न्तत । उत्सर्वै: मानर्व: नर्वम ् उत्साहां ,
जागतृ तां नर्वोल्िासां र्वा प्राप्नोतत । र्वस्तुत: मानर्व: उत्सर्वप्रप्र्: प्रािी
भर्वतत । ्दा तस्् जीर्वने ककमप्रप सख
ु म्ां क्षिम ् आ्ातत, तदा सः
स्र्वानतदस्् प्रकटीकरिम ् उत्सर्वानाां माध््मेन करोतत । एते अस्माकां
जीर्वनां रसम्ां कुर्वषन्तत।
(I) एकपदे न उत्तरत । ½ X2=1
(क) उत्सर्वा: कस्् उदात्तां भार्वां प्रकट्न्तत ?
(ख) मानर्व: कीदृश: प्रािी भर्वतत ?
(II) पूर्व
ण ाक्येर् उत्तरत । 1X2=2
(क) उत्सर्वै: मानर्व: ककां ककां प्राप्नोतत ?
(ख) मानर्व: स्र्वानतदस्् प्रकटीकरिां कथां करोतत ?
(III) भाषिक कायणम ् । 1X2=2
(क) ‘नर्वोल्िासम ्’ अस्् सन्तधच्छे द: अन्स्त ।
(i)नर्व+ओल्िासम ् (ii)नर्वो+िासम ् (iii) नर्व+उल्िासम ्
(ख) ‘करोतत’ इतत कि्ापदस्् कताष कः ?
(i)सः (ii)र्वस्तुत: (iii)उत्सर्व:
2. शैक्षिकयात्राहे तो: धनप्रेिर्ाय षपतरं प्रतत पत्रम ् मंजि
ू ा पदै : परू यत।
½ x10=5
आदरिी् प्रपतम ृ होद्!
सादरां प्रिामा: ।
अत्र कुशिां (i) ------------। सप्रर्वन्ां तनर्वेदनलमदां ्त ् मम (ii) ---------
परीक्षा ह््: एर्व समाप्ता। मम (iii) ---------- शोभनातन अभर्वन ्। मम
(iv) ---------- एकस््ा: शैक्षक्षक-्ात्रा्ा: आ्ोजनां (v) ----------। एषा
्ात्रा ठदल्िीन्स्थतां सुप्रलसदधम ् अक्षरधाममन्तदरां (vi) ---------- आ्ोन्जता
अन्स्त । ्ात्राव्््ाथषम ् दप्रर्वशतां (vii) ---------- भर्वान ् ्थाशीघ्रां प्रेष्तु ।
शेषां सर्वं (viii) ---------। गह
ृ े सर्वेभ््: ्था्ोग््ां प्रिामा:
ृ रि्ो: (ix) --------- सादरां प्रिामा: अस्तु ।
भर्वदी्: (x) ------- पत्र
ु :
मांजूषा - {द्रष्टुम ्, कृतम ्, प्रर्वद्ाि्ेन, उत्तरपत्राणि, अधषर्वाप्रषषकी,
रुप््काणि, आज्ञाकारी, तत्रास्तु, कुशिम ्, मम )
3. एकपदे न उत्तरं लिखत । 1X4=4
(क) लसांहस्् नाम ककम ् ?
(ख) लसांह: कन्स्मन ् सम्े गुहा्ा: समीपे आगत: ?
(ग) गह
ु ा्ा: स्र्वामी क: आसीत ् ?
(घ) हस्तपादाठदका: कि्ा: केषाां न प्रर्वतषतते ?
4. अधोलिखखतान ् प्रश्नान ् पूर्व
ण ाक्येन उत्तरत । 1X4=4
(क)र्वस्त्रपुटके केषाम ् आर्वश््क्ता न भप्रर्वष््तत ?
(ख)प्राचीनकािे प्रर्वद्ा कथां गह्
ृ ते स्म ?
ृ ािाां कतषनां कथां त्ूनताां ्ास््तत ?
(घ)र्व्ां कस््ाां ठदलश अग्रेसराम: ?
5. रे खाङ्ककतातन पदातन आधत्ृ य प्रश्न तनमाणर्ं कुरुत । 1X4=4
(क) गुर्ा: गुिज्ञेषु गुिा: भर्वन्तत ।
(ख) तस्् मूर्ध्नण ततष्िन्तत र्वा्सा: ।
(ग) िब्ु धस्य ्श: नश््तत ।
(घ) मधुमक्षिका माधु्म
ष ेर्व जन्तत।
6. कोष्ठकप्रदत्तेिु पदे िु चतुर्थी प्रयुज्य ररक्तस्र्थानातन पूरयत। 1x4=4
(क) अहां ---------- र्वस्त्राणि ददालम। (तनधषन)
(ख) रमेश: ---------- अिम ् । (सुरेश)
(ग) -------- पुस्तकां दे ठह । (छात्र)
(घ) -------- पिनां रोचते । (िता)
7. सर्धधधषवच्छे दं कुरुत । 1X4=4
(क) तािपत्रोपरर = ------- + ------ (ख) इतत+ अन्ो: = -----------
(ग) दे र्वाि्: = ------- + ------ (घ) ममैकता = ------ + ------
8. षविोमपदातन योजयत । 1X4=4
(क)पुरत: (i)साहस:
(ख)स्र्वकी्म ् (ii)आगमनम ्
(ग)भीतत: (iii)परकी्म ्
(घ)गमनम ् (iv)पष्ृ ित:
9. अधोलिखखत- तद्भव- शब्दानां कृते संस्कृतपदातन लिखत। ½X4=2
(क) िोभी ---------- (ख) ततनका -----------
(ग) कड़र्वा ---------- (घ) मधम
ु क्खी -----------
10. ‘अस्मद’ र्वा ‘्ुष्मद’ शब्दरूपम ् लिखत । 4
PERIODIC TEST – 1 [2023 – 2024) SET - B
TIME: 1 ½ Hours CLASS - VIII Maximum Marks -40

निर्दे षा: -
सर्वेषाम ् प्रश्िािाम ् उत्तराणि लिखत

1.अधोलिणखतम ् गद्यान्शम ् पठित्र्वा प्रश्िाि ् उत्तरत-

जगनत िािा प्राणिि: सन्न्त | लसिंह: ,सपाा:, गर्दर्ाा:,उिूकााः मीिा: इत्यार्दयाः |
तेभ्याः मािर्व: श्रेष्ि: अन्तत | यत: साः बुन्दर्दयुक्त: वर्वद्यायुक्त: च अन्तत |
मािर्व: वर्वद्याम ् प्राप्य धिम ् अजायनत | तेि धिेि सुखसाधिम ् सिंग्रहम ् करोनत|
परिं सख
ु िं प्राप्तम
ु ् आिन्र्दम ् प्राप्तम
ु ् च एतेषािं साधिािाम ् आर्वश्यकता ि अन्तत |
ु म ् तु सर्दा मािर्वतय अन्ताः करिे नतष्िनत एर्व |
1. एक पदे न उत्तरत - 1X2=2
(क) वर्वद्याम ् प्राप्य िराः ककम ् अजायनत ?
(ख) सख
ु साधिािाम ् सिंग्रहम ् काः करोनत ?
2. पूर्ण वाक्येन उत्तरत – 1X1=1
मािर्वतय अन्ताः करिे काः नतष्िनत ?
3. भाषिक कायणम ् - 1X2=2
(क) ‘अजायनत’ इनत कियापर्दतय कता त पर्दम ् ककम ् ?
(a)वर्वद्याम ् (b)मािर्व: (c)धिम ् (d)प्राप्य
(ख) ‘र्द:ु खम ्’ इनत पर्दतय वर्विोमपर्दम ् ककम ् ?
(a) सर्दा (b) सख
ु म ् (c) धिम ् (d) जगनत
2.ममत्रम ् प्रतत मिखितम ् वर्ाणपन पत्रम ् मंजूिायााः साहाय्येन पूरयत –½ X10=5
(1) -------------------------
ठर्दिािंकाः - 08-07-2023
वप्रय लमत्र रमि
(2) ------------- , |
अत्र कुशिम ् (3) ---------- | तर्व पत्रम ् पठित्र्वा अहिं अनत (4) ---------- अन्तम|
यत ् र्र्वाि ्(5)---------- प्रथम ् तथािम ् (6) ----------- |एतत ् तर्व (7) ---------एर्व
फिम ् अन्तत | मम ् (8) ---------- तर्वीकरोतु | तर्वगह
त े (9 )----------- मम ् प्रिाम
निर्वेर्दयतु |
तर्व अलर्न्िम ् लमत्रम ् |
(10) -----------।
मिंजूषा –[ पररश्रमतय, परीक्षायाम ्, र्वारािसीत:, सर्वेभ्याः ,िमतते
,तत्राततु ,प्रसन्ि: ,र्वधाापिम ् ,प्राप्तर्वाि ् ,सक्षम: ]
3. एकपदे न उत्तरम ् मिित – 1X4=4
(क) गुहाया: तर्वामी काः आसीत ् ?
(ख) लसिंहतय िाम ककम ् ?
(ग) गुहा केि प्रनतदर्वनितम ् ?
(घ) लसिंह: कन्तमि ् समये गह
ु ाया: समीपे आगताः ?

4. पूर्व
ण ाक्येन उत्तरत। 1X4=4
(क) प्राचीन कािे षवद्या कथं गह्
ृ यते स्म?
(ि) वयं कस्यां ददमि अग्रेसराम:?
(ग) िरनिर: कुत्र प्रततवसतत स्म?
(घ) िग
ृ ाि: कुत्र पिातयत: ?
5. रे िांककत पदातन आर्त्ृ य प्रश्न तनमाणर्म ् कुरुत – 1X4=4
(क)क्षुर्ातणाः लसिंह: कुत्रावप आहारिं ि प्राप्तर्वाि ् ?
(ख)दधर्पुच्छ: िाम शग
त ाि: गुहायााः तर्वामी आसीत ्।
(ग)एषा गह
ु ा स्वाममन: सर्दा आह्र्वाििं करोनत।
(घ)र्यसन्त्रततमिसािं हस्तपादाददकााः किया ि प्रर्वतान्ते।
6. सन्धर् षवच्छे दम ् कुरुत - 1X4=4
(क) सूयोर्दय: -----------+---------------|
(ख) ठहमािय: -----------+---------------|
(ग) यद्यवप ------------+--------------|
(घ) एकैक: -----------+---------------|
7. अर्ोमिखितेिु वाक्येिु कतप
ण ृ दम ् कियापदम ् च धचत्वा मिित – 1X4=4
वाक्यातन कताण किया
(क) निगि
ुा म ् प्राप्य र्र्वन्न्त र्दोषा: ---------- ---------
(ख) गुिज्ञेषु गुिा: र्र्वन्न्त ----------- ---------
(ग) मधम
ु क्षक्षका माधय
ु म
ा ् जियेत ् ------------ ---------
(घ) वपशुितय मैत्री यश: िाशयनत ----------- ----------
8. तद्भव िब्दानां कृते संस्कृत पदातन मिित – ½ X4=2
(1) कड़र्वा = ----------------
(2) िोर्ी = ----------------
(3) मधुमक्खी = ----------------
(4) नतिका = ----------------
9. अव्ययपदातन धचत्वा ररक्तस्थानपूततणम ् कुरुत - 1X4=4
(क) षवद्यां ---------- जीर्वििं र्वथ
त ा |
(ख) ग्रामिं --------- र्वक्ष
त ा: सन्न्त |
(ग) सत्यिं ---------- जयते |
(घ) स: यथा चचिंतयनत ---------- आचरनत |
(तथा, वर्विा, पररत:, एर्व)

10. ‘यष्ु मद्’ वा ‘अस्मद्’ िब्द रूपम ् मिित | 4X1=4

Name: ____________________________ Sec: ____ Roll No. ____
PERIODIC TEST – 1 : [2023-2024]
Time: 1 Hr. Maximum Marks: 40
General Instructions:
 All questions are compulsory.
 All questions carry 1 mark each.
1. Which of the following cables is usually used in a WAN?
a. Coaxial b. Fibre Optic
c. Twisted Pair Cables d. All of these
2. Which of the following is used for sharing files in a wireless network?
a. Switch b. Cables c. Wi-Fi d. none
3. Which network uses a single length of a transmission medium, which
is normally a coaxial cable?
a. Bus b. Ring c. Star d. none
4. Which of the following is not a type of computer network?
a. LAN b. MAN c. KAN d. none
5. A ____ is a computer network that covers a large geographical area.
a. LAN b. MAN c. WAN d. none
6. A ____ is used to convert or “modulate” an analog signal to digital and
vice versa.
a. HUB b. SWITCH c. MODEM d. none
7. In ____ topology, each node is connected to two other computers, one
on each side, to form a closed ring-like structure.
a. Mesh b. Ring c. Tree d. none
8. In ____ topology, a root node is connected to two or more sub-level
nodes that are further connected hierarchically to other sub-level
a. Mesh b. Ring c. Tree d. none
9. In ____ topology, each node is connected with every other node in the
a. Mesh b. Ring c. Tree d. none
10. A ____ is a hardware device that connects two different networks for
sending data.
a. Hub b. Router c. Modem d. none
Page 1 of 4
11. PAN stands for ____.
a. Personal Area Network b. Power Area Network
c. Point Area Network d. none
12. ____ is a computer network that can cover an entire city.
a. LAN b. MAN c. WAN d. none
13. ____ signals are physical data that change smoothly from one value to
the next.
a. Analog b. Digital c. Both (a) & (b) d. none
14. ____ data are a type of data that change from one value to the other in
a step-by-step sequence.
a. Analog b. Digital c. Both (a) & (b) d. none
15. ____ Waves are used for transmission in AM & FM radios.
a. Radio b. Micro c. Infrared d. none
16. ____ Waves are used TV distribution & mobile phone communication.
a. Radio b. Micro c. Infrared d. none
17. ____ Waves are used in wireless mouse, TV remotes, etc.
a. Radio b. Micro c. Infrared d. none
18. The frequency of ____ waves ranges from 3 kHz to 1 GHz.
a. Radio b. Micro c. Infrared d. none
19. The frequency of ____ waves ranges from 1 GHz to 300 GHz.
a. Radio b. Micro c. Infrared d. none
20. The frequency of ____ waves ranges from 300 GHz to 400 THz.
a. Radio b. Micro c. Infrared d. none
21. What acts as a warehouse of data?
a. Reports b. Database c. Files d. none
22. Which of the database objects are used to store data in the form of
rows and columns?
a. Reports b. Forms c. Tables d. none
23. Which term is also often used for columns?
a. Field b. Row c. Record d. none
24. Which of the following software packages is suitable for database
a. Word b. Excel c. Access d. none
25. Which of the database objects are used to display data in a printable
format from a table or a query?
a. Reports b. Forms c. Queries d. none
26. Data ____ means duplication of data.
a. Redundancy b. Consistency c. Sharing d. none

Page 2 of 4
27. Data ____ refers to managing data across different tables of a
a. Redundancy b. Consistency c. Sharing d. none
28. A ____ gives the user another way of looking at the data in the
a. Report b. Form c. Query d. none
29. A system that supports the organizing of data is called ____.
a. DBMS b. DB c. DBM d. none
30. The Design view is divided into ____ parts.
a. two b. three c. four d. none
31. A ____ key is a field in a table whose values uniquely identify each
record in a table.
a. secondary b. primary c. super d. none
32. ____ are used to search and display data from one or more tables.
a. Reports b. Forms c. Queries d. none
33. ____ are used to enter data into tables.
a. Reports b. Forms c. Queries d. none
34. ____ are used to organize and present your data in an easily readable
and attractive format.
a. Reports b. Forms c. Queries d. none
35. The form wizard option is available in the ____ tab.
a. New b. Create c. Design d. none
36. How many primary key can a table have?
a. one b. two c. three d. none
37. Queries can be generated using ____ and ____.
a. Design, Wizard b. Datasheet, Design
c. Form, Wizard d. none
38. You can select ____ button to move all the fields to the form section.
a. >> b. << c. > d. none
39. A ____ does not allow null values or duplicate values.
a. secondary key b. primary key c. super key d. none
40. The Report Wizard option is available in the ____ tab.
a. New b. Create c. Design d. none


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NAME: _______SEC: ROLL NO_____
PERIODIC TEST-I [2023-2024]

Time: 1Hrs. Maximum Marks:40

General Instructions:

 All questions are compulsory.



1. Which of the following is not a type of computer network ? 1
a)LAN b)MAN c)WAN d) KAN

2. __________ is computer network that can cover an entire 1

a)LAN b)MAN c)WAN d) KAN

3. A _________ is used to convert an analog signal to 1

digital signal and vice versa.
a) Modem b)Switch c) Hub d) Cables

4. _______is a computer network that covers a large 1

geographical area such as a city, a country or many
countries ,
a)LAN b)MAN c)WAN d) PAN

5. ________ is a hardware device that connects two 1

different networks for sending data.
a)Router b) Switch c) Hub d) LAN

Page 1 of 6
6. ___________ topology each node is connected to 1
two other computers, one on each side to from a
closed ring like structure.
a) Ring b)Bus c) Star d) Mesh
7. _________ topology ,each node is connected to a 1
central node that is a switch or a hub using cables.
a) Ring b)Bus c) Star d) Tree

8. Each computer in a network is called a _________. 1

a) Node b)Tablet c) CPU d)Router

9. A _________ network is a network that uses cables to 1

connect the different devices such as laptops,
computers and printer.
a)Wired b) Wireless c) Node d) Modem

10. The layout/pattern in which various computers are 1

connected to form a network is called its
a)Topology b)Node c)Flowchart d) Diagram

11. Which network uses a single length of a transmission 1

medium, which is normally a coaxial cable?
a)Bus b)Ring c)Star d)Mesh

12. _________ topology each node is connected with 1

every other node in the network.
a)Bus b)Ring c)Star d)Mesh

13. A __________ is used in a WAN to extend the signal 1

over a distance?
a) Repeater b)Hub c) Switch d) Node

14. The frequency of _________ waves is 300GHz to 400 1

a)Infrared b)Micro
c)Radio d) All of these

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15. ___________ are a type of electro-magnetic waves 1
that are used for long distance communication.
a) Radio Waves b) Wi-Fi c) Wi-Max d) LAN

16. Which of the following is used for sharing files in a 1

wireless network ?
a) Switch b)Cables c) Wi-Fi d)Hub

17. The frequency of _________ waves is 1GHz to 300 1

a)Infrared b)Micro
c)Radio d) All of these

18. The frequency of _________ waves is 3kHz to 1 GHz. 1

a)Infrared b)Micro
c)Radio d) All of these

19. A _________ is a device that acts as a common 1

connection point for a number of computers in a LAN.

a) Modem b)Switch c) Hub d) Cables

20. A computer lab of a school is an example of ________ 1

a)LAN b)MAN c)WAN d) PAN

21. Which of the following software packages is suitable 1

for database application?
a) word b)Excel
c)Access d)PowerPoint

22. Which of the database objects are used to store data in 1

the form of rows and columns?
a)Tables b)Forms
c)Query d)Report

Page 3 of 6
23. Which of the database objects are used to display data 1
in a printable format from a table or query?
a)Queries b)Forms
c)Reports d)Tables

24. What act as a warehouse of data? 1

a)Files b)Reports
c)Excel d)Database

25. Which term is also often used for columns? 1

a)Field b)Row
c)Record d)None of these

26. _____________ is a relational database management 1

a)Access b)Word
c)PowerPoint d)Notepad

27. In __________ view, the table is shown as a grid of 1

rows and column.
a)Datasheet b)Design
c)Normal d)None of these

28. _________ is a collection of raw or unorganised facts 1

that needs to be processed to make it meaningful and
a)Data b)Information
c)Forms d)None of these

29. The data is processed organised and structured in a 1

specific way to make it meaningful and useful, it is
called _____________.
a)Data b)Information
c)Forms d)None of these

30. A _________ like spreadsheet software uses rows and 1

columns to present the data.
a)Table b)Form c)Query d)Report

Page 4 of 6
31. Which of the following feature is used to display the 1
a)Query b)Reports
c)Forms d)None of these

32. Queries can be generated using_________ and 1

a)Design, Wizard
b)Datasheet, Design
c)Form, Wizard
d)None of these

33. To create a form, _______________ option is used. 1

a)Form Design b)Form Wizard
c)Database d)Both (a) & (b)

34. The Query Wizard option is available in 1

____________ tab.
a)Create b)Design
c)Database Tools d)None

35. A __________ key is a field in a table whose values 1

uniquely identify each record in a table.
a)Primary b)Candidate
c)Alter d)None of these

36. Select the Form Wizard option from the Forms section 1
in the ________ tab.
a)Create b)Next
c)Update d)None of these

37. __________ are used to enter data into tables. 1

a)Forms b)Query
c)Report d) None of these

38. _______________ allows you to create queries in two 1

ways: using query Design and using Query Wizard.
a)Ms-Access b)Ms-Word
c)Ms-Excel d) None of these
Page 5 of 6
39. ______________ are used to search and display data 1
from one or more tables.
a)Forms b)Query
c)Report d) None of these

40. __________ are used to organize and present your 1

data in an easily readable and attractive format.
a)Forms b)Query
c)Report d) None of these

Page 6 of 6
NAME__________________________SEC_________ROLL NO._________
PERIODIC TEST-I (2023 – 2024)
Time: 40 mins. Maximum marks:30

General Instructions:
All questions are compulsory.
Select and write one most appropriate response out of the four
options given.

1. Who said that the history of the world is the history of a few 1
persons who had faith in themselves?
(a)Swami Sachchidananda (b)Swami Balavadrananda
(c)Swami Vivekananda (d)Swami Swarupananda

2. What is very natural when we face new challenges in our day-to- 1

day life?
(a)fear (b)courage (c)over confidence (d)complex

3. Faith does not depend upon _______,it is something that is there 1

from before.
(a)interaction (b)experience (c)conversation (d)relation

4. The _____of failure before venturing into something new,may 1

hold people back and bring images of doubt in their minds.
(a)result (b)fear (c)choice (d)decision

5. At the onset of trek, Ananya had a mixed feeling of ________ 1

and fear.
(a)jealousy (b)tension (c)pleasure (d)anger

Page 1 of 6
6. According to Ananya’s mother, what are the two qualities Ananya 1
should have developed in order to be successful in any new
(a)inner strength and belief (b)inner strength and pleasure
(c)punctuality and accountability (d)truthfulness and honesty

7. We have to get into the risk zone to find _______ and 1

accomplishments in life.
(a) (b)success (c)results (d)none of these

8. The Holy Quran says,”God helps those who_______.” 1

(a)persevere (b)work without effort (c)rest (d)none of these

9. Not giving up is one of the hallmarks of _______. 1

(a)innocence (b)greatness (c)despair (d)love

10. To persevere,it is necessary that we are________________. 1

(a)watching TV (b)all united
(c)faithful to ourselves (d)always playing

11. “Strength does not come from physical capacity,it comes from 1
the indomitable will.”This was said by which great leader?
(a)Netaji (b)Swamiji (c)Gandhiji (d)Nehruji

12. What should be under control to achieve great goals? 1

(a)Mind (b)Heart (c)Soul (d)Hands

13. How can a fickle mind be brought under control, according to 1

Lord Krishna?
(a) By playing indoor games
(b) By playing outdoor games
(c) By the force of constant practice and detachment
(d) By singing

Page 2 of 6
14. What is the best formula to succeed? 1
(a) Conduct group study sessions
(b) Combination of single-minded pursuit and relentless effort
(c) To do rote learning
(d) To play games

15. Fruits of ________ are not only the sweetest but also the most 1
enduring. Complete the sentence.
(a)hardwork (b)sluggishness
(c)laziness (d)inactivity

16. Name the person who put up an act of heroism during the terrible 1
earthquake on 26th January 2001.
(a)Rani Laxmi Bai (b)Krimali Joshi
(c)Lal Bahadur Shastri (d)Mangal Pandey

17. Name that quality which is not only confined to the situations of 1
catastrophe but it is something that is essential in our day to day
(a)courage (b) will power (c) management (d)weakness

18. In the modern life we are constantly seeking: 1

(a) Material Wealth
(b) Pleasure
(c) Power
(d) All of these

19. Every religion and culture of this world has mentioned about the 1
presence of some superior power in the universe. What is this
power called?
(a) avtar (b)God (c)spirit (d)demon
20. What should be faith in God combined with? 1
(a) humility and serenity (b) love and respect
(c) humility and care (d)humility and love

Page 3 of 6
21. In order to be creative what do we need to be? 1
(a) Innovative (b)firm
(c)serious (d)brooding

22. Name an attitude which needs to be cultivated and nurtured with 1

patience to bear the fruit.
(a)attention (b)creativity
(c) acceptance (d)assertion

23. Which desire is present in each one of us? 1

(a)desire to be the richest person in the world
(b)desire to shine in life
(c)desire to be recognised and accepted by others
(d)desire to get a mouthful and relax

24. How can you establish your own identity? 1

(a)you have to develop your talents,inner strength and conviction
(b)you have to be casually completing your work
(c)you have to work day and night to achieve success
(d)you have to complete your assignment

25. What is perhaps the greatest thing we fear? 1

(a)to be haunted by ghosts
(b)isolation and not to be included in anything
(c)the loss of close ones
(d)demise of ownself

26. When Vishal refused to go out with his friends to watch a late 1
night movie, they called him a coward and refused to talk to him.
Then how did he feel?
(c)miserable and isolated
(d)miserable and isolated but convinced that he had done the
right thing

Page 4 of 6
27. Accountability means that whatever you do and whichever 1
decision you take
(a)you and your family are responsible for it
(b)you and your friends are responsible for it
(c)you alone are responsible for it
(d)every one is responsible for it

28. Arijeet,a student of class 8,was a very good boy with self esteem 1
and good principles.One day his friends offered him a
cigarette.When he refused,they challenged him.What would he
(i)accept their offer because he wanted to taste it
(ii)accept their offer because his friends might no longer include
him in their group
(iii)refuse to take the challenge as he knew that smoking had its
ill effects
(iv)refuse as he liked to act according to his own belief and not
be compelled by others
(a)ii (b)iii (c)iii and iv (d)iv

29. What are the two wings with which a person may fly to the 1
kingdom of God?
(a)humility and faith
(b)humility and love
(c)faith and belief
(d)belief and honesty
30. Fear can keep a man out of danger,but what can support him in 1

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Page 6 of 6
NAME_________________SEC_________ROLL NO._________
PERIODIC TEST-I (2023 – 2024)
Time: 40 mins. Maximum marks:30
General Instructions:
(i)There are 30 MCQs in all. All questions are compulsory.
(ii)Each MCQ carries 1 mark.
1. According to the story in chapter ‘Seeking Identity’ Vishal 1
was sent to a hostel in
a) Delhi
b) Darjeeling
c) Dehradun
d) Dooars
2. Vishal’s classmates refused to speak to him because 1
a) He did not give them his birthday cake
b) He refused to slip out of the hostel at night to watch a late-
night movie
c) He fought with them
d) He was sick

Page 1 of 8
3. Most teenagers act according to the wishes of their friends 1
because they-
a) Fear to be left out alone and isolated
b) Fear that their friends would make fun of them
c) Both (a) and (b) options
d) They do not have a wish of their own

4. Being ‘accountable’ means 1

a) Taking responsibility of one’s own actions and decisions
b) Learning accountancy
c) Being isolated
d) Being selfish

5. Creativity is 1
a) To be innovative
b) To explore limitless possibilities
c) Both (a) and (b) options
d) None of the above
6. Edward Jenner is called 1
a) The father of the nation
b) The father of vaccination
c) The father of ayurveda
d) The father of surgery

Page 2 of 8
7. Who is an atheist? 1
a) One who does not believe in the existence of God
b) One who believes in God
c) One who disrespects humanity
d) One who explores the existence of God

8. Our ancestors worshipped 1

a) Books
b) Nature
c) Medicines
d) Knowledge

9. Faith in God does not mean 1

a) We can stop working and forget about doing our duties
b) We should worship him
c) We need to be humble
d) We need to be helpful
10. No one can look 1
In the mirror
At the sky
Into the future
At the clouds
Page 3 of 8
11. Which natural calamity occurred in Gujarat on 26th January 1
a) Flood
b) Earthquake
c) Forest fire
d) Tsunami

12. On the day of the natural calamity, Krimali Joshi had 1

a) A photoshoot
b) An interview for a job as a salesgirl
c) An interview for a job as an airhostess
d) A journey to a pilgrimage
13. Which building and in which place, was affected in the 1
natural calamity of Gujarat in the chapter ‘Courage-Grace
Under Pressure’?
Mangalam apartments of Bhuj
Matribhumi apartments of Nepal
Krimali Joshi apartments of Bhuj
Kanchan Joshi apartments of Nepal
14. In the chapter ‘Courage-Grace Under Pressure”-the baby 1
was wrapped in which one of these to save her?
a) Packet
b) Blanket
c) Straw
d) Life jacket

15. What should one have during a catastrophe for survival? 1

Page 4 of 8
a) Fear
b) Anger
c) Courage
d) Sadness

16. Which is closest in meaning to the word ‘persevere’? 1

a) Persistent effort against all difficulties
b) Lethargy
c) Indifference
d) Idleness

17. What qualities are essential to persevere in life? 1

a) Strong will and determination
b) Patience and fortitude
c) Courage and diligence
d) All of the above

18. To develop one’s power of concentration, one needs to: 1

a) Do some simple exercises like recalling important points of
something you have read
b) Avoid distractions while doing the task at hand
c) Set a definite goal of what one wants to achieve
d) All of the above answers.
19. The word ‘inculcate’ means- 1

Page 5 of 8
a) Instill
b) Ignorance
c) Confusion
d) Disorder

20. In 1796, Jenner inoculated a healthy boy with- 1

a) Smallpox from dead patients
b) Cowpox from sores of cowpox infected dairy maid
c) Cholera germs
d) COVID germs

21. God has been called ‘omniscient’ because He is- 1

a) All- seeing
b) All- knowing
c) Knowledgeable
d) All of these

22. Lord Krishna said to Arjuna that a restless mind can be 1

brought under control by-
a) Watching games
b) The force of constant practice and detachment
c) Watching boxing
d) Enjoying parties
23. To succeed the best formula is- 1

Page 6 of 8
a) To give up the idea of doing hard work
b) To stop persistent effort
c) To fear and lose hope
d) To do single-minded pursuit and relentless effort.

24. In the chapter ‘Faith in Oneself’, Ananya was a girl with- 1

a) Low self confidence
b) Over confidence
c) A fearless mind
d) None of the above
25. During the trekking expedition, where was Ananya and her 1
friends divided into groups?
a) Dense forests
b) Base groups
c) Branch lane
d) End point
26. Where did Ananya go on a trekking expedition in the 1
chapter ‘Faith in Oneself’?
a) Vindhyachal mountain
b) Ooty
c) Chota Nagpur Plateau
d) Himalayan range
27. Meaning of fortitude is- 1
a) Courage

Page 7 of 8
b) Endurance
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these

28. In which of these is a flood light used? 1

Stage and stadium
Study room and stage
Bedroom and bathroom
Autorickshaw and car
29. Edward Jenner observed that dairy maids who suffered 1
from cowpox were---------------- to smallpox. Fill in the
blank with the appropriate word.
d)None of these
30. Complete the sentence by filling in the blank. 1
She was her husband’s …………in murdering a rich old
a) Accomplice
b) Yearn
c) Distinct
d) Phenomenon

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