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(NOODLE) Sung & Stone (2004) - Characterization of Legume Starches and Their Noodle Quality

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Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp.

25-32 (2004)



Wen-Chieh Sung* and Martha Stone**

Key words: starch noodle, mung bean, chick pea, pinto bean.

Physicochemical properties of starches isolated from Colorado
grown legumes (chick peas, peanut beans, and pinto beans) were
studied to find a feasible, less expensive source for making starch
noodles. Surfactants, monoglycerides of fatty acids and sodium
stearoyl lactylate at 0.5% of starch weight, were also combined with
raw starch to prepare starch noodles. Cooking qualities of pinto bean
and peanut bean starches were inferior to those of mung bean and/or
chick pea starch noodles. Although mung bean starch is used commercially for making starch noodles, functional characteristics and
sensory results on chick pea starch noodles show that chick peas are
suitable sources for starch noodle manufacturing. Addition of surfactants did not improve cooking qualities of starch noodles. Mung bean
starches showed the type C pattern starch and no pasting peak in its
viscoamylogram. Starches of mung bean noodle do not leach into
cooking water before they gelatinize to form a gel network-like

Oriental starch noodles are composed of starch
and water. It is generally believed that the ideal raw
material for starch noodles is mung bean starch [4]. Lii
et al. [6] suggested that an ideal starch for starch noodle
manufacturing should have high amylose content with a
high iodine affinity value (6 to 7%), restricted swelling,
and a C-type Brabender viscosity pattern.
Lii and Chang [7] reported that starch noodles
prepared from red bean starches were fairly high in
quality, but red bean starches were not as good as mung
bean starches for starch noodle manufacturing. Red
bean starches had restricted swelling and a C-type
Brabender viscoamylograms, but the iodine affinity
(4.83%) from red beans was not as high as that of mung
Paper Submitted 10/07/03, Accepted 12/15/03. Author for Correspondence:
Wen-Chieh Sung. E-mail:
*Assistant Professor, Department of Hotel and Restaurant Management,
Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, Tainan, Taiwan 717, R.O.C.
**Professor, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Colorado
State University, Fort Collins, CO, U.S.A.

bean starch (6.0 to 7.5%) [7]. Starch noodles were

prepared from pigeonpea and compared with mung bean
starch noodles by Singh et al. [16], there was no difference in size or shape between pigeonpea and mung bean
starch granules. They reported cooked pigeonpea starch
noodles and mung bean starch noodles had similar
sensory results [16]. Chang and Lii [3] compared the
quality of starch noodles made from starches extracted
from mung beans, sweet potatoes, cassava, and canna.
All starch noodles made from tuber starches showed
lower eating quality (sensory scores) than those of
mung bean starch noodles [3].
Mestres et al. [11] indicated that amylose-based
crystallites of mung bean starch, which were resistant to
boiling water and strongly linked to one another by
junction zones, could function as the network of wheat
gluten in gluten-free mung bean vermicelli. The specific function of the amylose network could explain
why gluten-free mung bean starch vermicelli, made
with amylose content over 30%, did not fall into short
segments during cooking [11]. Xu and Seib [17] conjectured that cooked starch noodles were composed of
micelles, paracrystalline fringe and filler mass phases.
The micelle phase is highly organized retrograded segment of amylose molecules, which is resistant to acid
and enzymes. The paracrystalline fringe is a less organized zone and can be attacked by acid and -amylase
but not by isoamylase [17]. The filler mass or amorphous zone is most prominent zone in the cooked starch
noodles, which are poorly organized and are accessible
to all hydrolytic enzymes and acids. The filler mass
helps bind adjacent two micelles by forming nonparallel
double helical junction zones among the filler mass
[17]. Mohri [12] reported that fatty acid esters were
effective in decreasing viscosity and adhesive force of
starch to promote the separation of frozen starch noodles.
This study attempted to link physicochemical properties of starch isolated from Colorado grown crops to
find a feasible starch source for making starch noodles.
Addition of selected surfactants, monoglycerides of
concentrated glyceryl monostearate or sodium stearoyl
lactylate, into starch noodle formulas also was evaluated.

Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1 (2004)


dure of iodimetric determination of amylose [15].

Starch Noodle Preparation
Isolation of Starch
Chick peas (Cicer arietinum L.), pinto beans
(Phaseolus vulgaris), peanut beans (Phaseolus
vulgaris L.), and mung bean (P. vulgaris) were grown at
the Agricultural Experiment Station of the Department
of Soil and Crop Sciences, Colorado State University, in
1997. Bean and pea starches were isolated by the
Medcalf and Gilles method [10] with slight modifications. Starch yield (%) was calculated as dry starch
weight divided by original legume weight 100.
Proximate Composition of Starches
Moisture, ash, crude protein and crude fat were
measured according to AACC [1] procedures 44-16, 0812, 46-13, and 30-10.
Physicochemical Properties of Starches
Amylograph viscosity of various starches was measured in duplicate using a Brabender Instrument (C.W.
Brabender Instruments, Inc., South Hackensack, New
Jersey) Visco/Amylo/Graph. A 9% starch suspension
of 40.5 grams starch and 450 mL distilled water was
heated from 30C to 90 at a controlled rate of 1.5C per
minute, held at 90C for 60 minutes, and then cooled
at a rate of 1.5C to 50C. Viscosity was recorded
in Brabender Units (B.U.). Solubility and swelling
power of various starches were evaluated at temperatures of 60, 70, 80, and 90C following the method of
Leach et al. [5]. Water binding capacities of starches
were evaluated by the procedure of Medcalf and Gilles

Starch noodles were prepared by the method of

Chen [4]. Surfactants, monoglycerides of concentrated
glyceryl monostearate (MG) (Eastman Chemical
Company, Kingsport, TN) and sodium stearoyl lactylate
(SSL)(ICI Canada Inc., Branford, Ontario) at 0.5% of
starch weight were also added to mung bean starches to
make starch noodles. Strength of dry starch noodles
was tested with the TA.XT2 Texture Analyzer (Texture
Technologies Corp., Scarsdale, NY) with a Warner
Bratzler steel blade.
Cooked weight was determined by weighing the
rinsed cooked starch noodles and dividing by the dry
sample weight after 30 minutes cooking. Cooking
losses were determined by the methods of Lii and Chang
Firmness of cooked starch noodles was measured
as force by compression with the TA.XT2 Texture
Analyzer. A special pasta blade and plate (probe TA47) was used to imitate the action of a tooth. Two
strands of cooked samples were tested after 30 minutes
cooking. Calibration distance for the blade was 6.0 mm
and test distance was 5.7 mm with a test speed of 1.0
mm/sec. The slope of force versus time (g/sec.) was
converted to units of firmness (g/mm). Three firmness
measurements were made per sample.
Scanning Electron Microscopy Studies of Starch Noodles

Dry starch samples were dehydrated at 110C in an

air-oven for 2 hours, then mounted on stubs and shadowed with 15 nm gold-palladium (60:40) at Hummer
sputter coater (Technics EMS, Inc., Spring, VA).
Samples of legume starches were observed by Philips
Scanning Electron Microscopy 505 at an acceleration
voltage of 20 Kev and the images were captured by
computer with a standard scale bar at three locations per

All uncooked starch noodles were prepared with a

pasta maker (Popeil Pasta Products, Inc., Beverly Hills,
CA). Dough was extruded directly into boiling water
and heated for 5 seconds. Starch noodles were immediately transferred to cold water and kept for 3 minutes
before being placed in the freezer (10C) for 24 hours.
Starch noodles were dried in a Food Dehydrator Model
# 7020 at a temperature range of 30 to 50C for 8 hours
after removed from the freezer. Starch noodles were
then frozen with liquid nitrogen, and water was removed from specimens by vacuum drying with a Speed
Vac SC 100 (Savant Instruments, Inc., Farmingdale,
NY) attached to a Precision Vacuum Pump Model DDC
195 (Precision Scientific Inc., Chicago, IL) to dehydrate at a low drying rate for 6 hours at 0.1 microbar.
Specimens were prepared and observed at the same
condition as mentioned in starch samples.

Iodine Affinity of Various Legume Starches

Sensory Evaluation of Starch Noodles

The percentage of iodine affinity of various legume starches was determined according to the proce-

Commercial mung bean starch noodles and three

types of legume starch noodles (100% mung bean starch,

Particle Size of Various Legume Starches

W.C. Sung & M. Stone: Characterization of Legume Starches and Their Noodle Quality

50% mung bean starch and 50% chick pea starch, 100%
chick pea starch) were evaluated by 30 consumers.
Starch noodle preparation followed the method of Chen
[4] for making mung bean starch noodles with some
modifications. Starch noodle samples and commercial
mung bean starch noodles used as reference samples
were cooked for 30 minutes. Thirty male and female
students between the ages of 18 and 30 who were
enrolled in a sensory evaluation course evaluated the
Panelists were instructed to evaluate how much
they liked appearance, texture, and overall acceptability
of starch noodles on a hedonic scale. The same group of
panelists also ranked four starch noodle samples for
degree of liking of appearance, texture, and overall
Statistical Analysis
A randomized complete block design was used
with four types of legume starches representing treatment levels in three replications per treatment. Data
were analyzed by analysis of variance programs using
Statistical Analysis System [14]. Pearson correlation
coefficients were used to determine the relationship
between factors (solubility, swelling power, water binding capacity, iodine affinity, firmness, cooked weight,
and solid loss of cooked samples). Hedonic scores
obtained from sensory evaluation were statistically
evaluated by analysis of variance with the Statistical
Analysis System [14]. Rank totals required for significance at the 5% level (p<0.05) were obtained from
Appendix: Table I-1 in Principles of Sensory Evaluation of Food [2]. Least squares means were used to
identify differences between treatments at a 5% significance level.

Lineback and Ke [9]. They re-screened and washed the

residual pulp to increase starch yield in the soaked chick
pea flour, but the protein content of chick pea starch
(0.94%) was higher than the starch used in this research
(0.80% protein). Yields of legume starches isolated
from the wet mill method were lower than that of the
method isolated from legume flours. Crude protein,
crude fat, and ash content were not significantly different between various legume starches.
Physicochemical Characteristics of Legume Starches Pasting Behaviors
Viscoamylograms of various legume starches (9%)
are shown in Figure 1. The Brabender curve of mung
bean starches revealed no pasting peak. The viscosity
of mung bean starch continued to increase to a fairly
high viscosity during heating and held for 60 minutes
at 90C. Mung bean starch granules did not swell as
much as the other starches. A high-swelling starch
upon heating, such as waxy starches, will swell dramatically and then the internal bonding forces become
weak and fragile with heating to 90C and holding for
60 minutes. This phenomenon could be seen with a high
pasting peak followed by extensive rapid thinning during cooking [8]. Mung bean starch is a restrictedswelling starch [8], and its viscoamylogram exhibits a
restricted-swelling type Brabender viscosity curve. The
restricted-swelling property may be due to the cross
linkages within the starch granules. Therefore, there
is no pasting peak for mung bean starches and the
Brabender curve remains consistently high and increases
with further cooking. All other starches were highly
restricted-swelling starches. Their starch granules did
not swell sufficiently to give a viscous paste during
cooking with water. This may be due to very high


Chemical Composition
Starch yields and proximate composition of various legume starches are listed in Table 1. Insoluble
particles and bran of peanut bean and pinto bean were
difficult to remove from the slurry, and some stayed
mixed with starch after centrifugation. Naivikul and
DAppolonia [13] reported the amounts of starch recovered from pinto bean and mung bean flours were 38.3%
and 34.5%, respectively. Sodium hydroxide solution
(0.016N) and 70% ethanol was employed to enhance the
isolation of starch [13]. They obtained starch from
flour, which had lower protein content (mean = 0.34%)
than our results (mean = 1.00%). Yield of chick pea
starch from chick pea flour was 40% as reported by


Fig. 1. Brabender viscoamylographs of various legume starches

Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1 (2004)


Table 1. Starch yielda and proximate analysis of various legume starchesb

Starch sample
Mung bean
Chick pea
Peanut bean
Pinto bean



Crude fat







All values are a mean of 3 replications.

All values are a mean of 3 replications and 3 samples per replication.
Mean values with the same letter in the same column are not significantly different.

Table 2. Water binding capacitiesa of various legume starches

Mung bean
Chick pea
Peanut bean
Pinto bean

Crude protein

Table 3. Solubilitya of various legume starches at different


Water binding capacity

% Solubility at



All values are a mean of 3 replications with 3 sub-samples

per replication.
Mean values with the same letter in the same column are
not significantly different.

amounts of amylose content or extensive cross-linkage

between polymers. The 9% suspension of peanut bean
starch showed no swelling and little change in viscosity
during heating to 90C, holding for 60 minutes, or
cooling from 90C at a rate of 1.5C per minute to 50C
(Figure 1).
The Brabender viscoamylogram of pinto bean
starch showed a restricted type of swelling and contained no pasting peak on Brabender pasting profile [13]
but mung bean starch gave much higher viscosity on a
Brabender pasting curve than pinto bean starch.
Lineback and Ke [9] reported Brabender viscoamylogram of chick pea starch was characterized by its
resistance to swelling and fragmentation during heating.
The Brabender viscoamylogram of chick pea starch
curves were similar to those of starch produced from
chemically cross-linked starches [9].
Water Binding Capacity, Swelling Power, Solubility and
Iodine Affinity of Legume Starches
Results of water binding capacity for legume
starches at 20C are listed in Table 2. Mung bean starch
had significantly lower water binding capacity than all
other starch samples (p < 0.05). Solubility data for
various legume starches at different temperatures are







Mung bean
Chick pea
Peanut bean
Pinto bean



All values are a mean of 3 replications with 3 sub-samples

per replication.
Mean values with the same letter in the same column are not
significantly different.

presented in Table 3. Starch solubility of mung bean

and chick pea increased with increasing temperatures
then decreased after further increasing temperature to
90C. A possible reason for the decrease in solubility
with increasing temperature in mung bean and chick pea
starch samples is that gelatinized starch can prevent
leaching of soluble material into water. Peanut bean
and pinto bean starch solubility continued to increase
with increased temperature. This could indicate that
both peanut bean and pinto bean starches are not gelatinized completely under these test conditions.
Therefore, both starch samples continued to dissolve
into water. Peanut bean and pinto bean starch granules
did not swell sufficiently to give a viscous paste during
cooking in water. These results are confirmed with the
curves from the Brabender Viscoamylograph (Figure
Values for swelling power at different temperatures are listed in Table 4. In general, swelling power
increased with increasing temperatures for all legume
starches. Swelling powers of mung bean starch and
chick pea starch were not significantly different at
90C, and they were higher (p < 0.05) than those of

W.C. Sung & M. Stone: Characterization of Legume Starches and Their Noodle Quality


Table 4. Swelling powersa of various legume starches at different temperatures

Swelling power at







Mung bean
Chick pea
Peanut bean
Pinto bean



All values are a mean of 3 replications with 3 sub-samples

per replication.
Mean values with the same letter in the same column are not
significantly different.

peanut bean and pinto bean starches. Pinto bean starch

generally had lower swelling power from 60C to 90C
than the other legume starches.
Figure 2 shows scanning electron microscopy of
various legume starches. Table 5 lists the iodine affinity and particle sizes of various legume starches. Chang
and Lii (3) reported the size of mung bean starch granules ranged from 28.3 15.6 m to 26.5 16.8 m and
its gelatinization temperature range was 62-67-73C.
They reported iodine affinity and amylose content of
mung bean starches showed the type C pattern and no
pasting peak [3]. Its viscosity in Brabender Viscoamylogram was stable during heating and showed a high
setback on cooling [3]. The diameter width ranged
from 16 to 28 m, while diameter length ranged from 16
to 48 m and 12 to 32 m for the pinto bean and mung
bean starches, respectively [3]. Lineback and Ke [9]
reported chick pea starch granule size ranges from large
oval-shape (17 to 29 m) to small spherical shape (6 to
7 m).
Mung bean starch had significantly (p < 0.05)

Fig. 2. Scanning electron microscopy of various legume starches

( 1,250).

lower iodine affinity than all the other starches. Lineback

and Ke [9] reported the values of 6.08% for whole starch
of chick pea. Their results agreed with the amylograms
produced in the current study. Mung bean starch is a
restricted-swelling starch, but all other starches are
highly restricted-swelling starches. Starch granules of
chick pea, peanut bean, and pinto bean starches did not
swell sufficiently to give a viscous paste during cooking
in water (Figure 1). This is due to higher amounts of
amylose in those starches than mung bean starch.
Naivikul and DAppolonia [13] reported pinto bean
starch contained higher amylose (25.8%) than amylose
of mung bean starch (19.5%). The average granule size
of peanut bean and pinto bean starches is larger (p <
0.05) than mung bean and chick pea starches (Table 5).
No large differences in size and shape of chick pea and

Table 5. Iodine affinitya and particle size of various legume starchesb


% Iodine affinity

Mung bean


Chick pea


Peanut bean


Pinto bean


Granule shape
Irregular (oval/
round bean-shaped)
Irregular (oval/
round bean-shaped)
Irregular (oval/
round bean-shaped)
Irregular (oval/
round bean-shaped)

Length and width range (m)

Mean of length and width (m)



All values are a mean of 3 replications with 3 sub-samples per replication.

All values are a mean of 1 replication with 50 granule counts.
Mean values with the same letter in the same column are not significantly different.

Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 12, No. 1 (2004)


Table 6. Strengtha of various dry starch noodles and functional characteristics of 30 minutes cookingb starch noodles

Starch noodle
Mung bean starch
Chick pea starch
Pinto bean starch
Mung bean starch + MG
Mung bean starch + SSL

Strength (g)

% Cooked weight

% Cooking loss

Firmness (g/mm)





All values are a mean of 3 replications with 30 sub-samples per replication.

All values are a mean of 3 replications with 3 sub-samples per replication.
Mean values with the same letter in the same column are not significantly different.

respectively. Nevertheless, solubility of legume starch

at 90C is negatively correlated (p < 0.05) with swelling
power of legume starches at that same temperature (r =
-0.96). Starches generally had higher solubility at
90C, and starches also had low swelling power at that
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of Starch Noodles

Fig. 3. Surfaces of starch noodles made from various legume starches

(SEM, 326).

mung bean starch granules were observed (Table 5).

Correlation analysis showed iodine affinity of legume
starches was positively related to solubility of starch at
90C (r = 0.6). It indicates that starches having a higher
iodine affinity will have higher solubility and lower
swelling power at 90C. Because pinto bean starch is a
highly restricted-swelling starch, and it contains higher
amounts of amylose than mung bean starch, the amylose
of starch granules leaches into cooking water before it
gelatinizes. These factors may contribute to high solid
losses in cooked pinto bean starch noodles. Water
binding capacity was positively correlated with solubility of starch at 90C (r = 0.43), swelling power of starch
at 60C (r = 0.41), iodine affinity of starch (r = 0.58),
and firmness (p < 0.05) of cooked starch noodles (r =
0.55). Solubility of legume starches at 60 and 70C was
highly correlated (p < 0.05) to swelling power of legume
starches at 60C (r = 0.51) and at 70C (r = 0.97),

Figure 3 shows surfaces of starch noodles made

from various legume starches extruded directly into
boiling water and heated for 5 seconds. There are still
some starch granules within the gelatinized starch network of mung bean starch noodles. This indicates only
mung bean starches do not leach into cooking water
before they gelatinize. All other legume starches did
not swell sufficiently under these conditions to give a
viscous paste and leach into water. This may be caused
by higher solubility of those starch noodles than mung
bean starch noodles. Mestres et al. [11] reported that
birefringent filamentous structures were detected within
mung bean starch vermicelli, but no intact starch granules were observed. The X-ray diffraction pattern of
mung bean starch vermicelli was typical of B-type.
Chang and Lii [3] observed a gel network-like structure
of mung bean starch noodle by scanning electron
microscopy. Canna starch noodles showed some holes
in cross sections of the gel network-like structure [3].
Cassava and sweet potato starch noodles only showed a
pasty structure under SEM [3].
Cooking Quality of Starch Noodles
Dry starch noodle strength and functional characteristics of cooked starch noodles are presented in Table
6. The strength of dry pinto bean starch noodles was
weaker (p < 0.05) than the other starch noodles, indicating weak binding forces between pinto bean starches.
Pinto bean starch noodles had the highest cooking losses
when compared to other starch noodles (Table 6). This

W.C. Sung & M. Stone: Characterization of Legume Starches and Their Noodle Quality


Table 7. Mean valuea hedonic scoresb for legume starch noodles




Commercial mung bean starch noodles

100% mung bean starch noodles
50% mung bean starch, 50% chick pea starch noodles
100% chick pea starch noodles



Overall acceptability



Mean values (27 panelists) with the same grouping letter are not significantly different.
Scale: 1 = Like extremely; 2 = Like very much; 3 = Like slightly; 4 = Neither like nor dislike; 5 = Dislike slightly; 6 = Dislike
very much; 7 = Dislike extremely.

Table 8. Total scorea for rankingb test for legume starch noodles

Commercial mung bean starch noodles
100% mung bean starch noodles
50% mung bean starch, 50% chick pea starch noodles
100% chick pea starch noodles



Overall acceptability



Total scores < 41: like significant better; total scores > 64 liked significant less.
Based on: 1 = like best; 4 = like least.
Twenty-one panelists for evaluation.

could be related to their high iodine affinity and their

highly restricted-swelling property. The addition of
surfactants, monoglycerides of concentrated glyceryl
monosterate (MG) and sodium stearoyl lactylate (SSL),
increased cooking losses and cooked weights of starch
noodles but produced noodles which were not different
to the mung bean starch noodles used as a control.
Addition of surfactants did not improve the cooking
qualities of starch noodles under the conditions of this
study. Firmness of cooked starch noodles was negatively correlated (r = -0.64) to cooked weight of starch
noodles (p < 0.05). Noodles with highest cooked weight
were also softest. Texture of starch noodles made from
highly restricted-swelling starches was slightly firmer
than texture of mung bean starch noodles (Table 6).
Correlation analysis revealed that solid losses of
cooked starch noodles were positively correlated (p <
0.05 and r = 0.90) to solubility of legume starch at 90C,
but negatively correlated (r = -0.59) to solubility of
legume starch at 70C. This suggests that legume
starches have high solubility at 70C and low solubility
at 90C and its starch noodles will have low solid losses
during 30 minute cooking. Solid loss of starch noodles
is negatively correlated to swelling power (r = -0.56) of
legume starches at all test temperatures (p < 0.05).
Higher swelling power of starch ingredients produced

lower solid losses in starch noodle products.

Sensory Evaluation
Table 7 shows mean hedonic scores from 27 panelists for appearance, texture, and overall acceptability
of legume starch noodles. Although panelists showed a
trend to prefer chick pea starch noodles in appearance,
texture and overall acceptability, there was no statistical differences between those samples and the mung
bean starch noodles. Table 8 shows total scores in a
ranking test by 21 panelists. Results showed panelists
liked the texture and overall acceptability of mung bean
or chick pea starch noodles better than the commercial
starch noodles (p < 0.05). Appearance of chick pea
starch noodles was liked more than other noodles, but
differences were not significant from other samples.
Mung bean starch noodles had significantly better overall acceptability (p < 0.05).
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