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Naumenko Et Al 2021

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International Journal of Food Science

Volume 2021, Article ID 7548759, 9 pages

Research Article
The Influence of the Use of Whole Grain Flour from Sprouted
Wheat Grain on the Rheological and Microstructural Properties of
Dough and Bread

Natalia Naumenko ,1 Irina Potoroko ,1 Irina Kalinina ,1 Rinat Fatkullin ,1

and Eva Ivanisova 2
South Ural State University (National Research University), 76 Lenin Avenue, Chelyabinsk 454080, Russia
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra, Slovakia

Correspondence should be addressed to Natalia Naumenko;

Received 6 April 2021; Revised 26 June 2021; Accepted 17 July 2021; Published 28 July 2021

Academic Editor: Severino Matias de Alencar

Copyright © 2021 Natalia Naumenko et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

Whole wheat flour from sprouted wheat grain is a full-fledged raw ingredient containing essential amino acids, easily digestible
sugars, and dietary fiber, with increased digestibility and enzymatic activity. The use of this raw material in the production of
food products will contribute to the creation of products for a healthy diet of the population. This study is aimed at studying the
possibility of using whole grain flour from sprouted wheat in the production of bread and its effect on the rheological and
microstructural properties of dough and finished products. It was found that whole wheat flour from sprouted wheat grain had
an even particle size and was characterized by a uniform distribution of particles over the size range (from 53 to 209
microns—61 ± 3%); large particles from 297 to 497 microns were present in an amount of no more than 10 ± 3%. The
replacement of 20% refined flour with whole wheat flour from sprouted wheat grain resulted in better values of the farinograph
quality index (200 ± 3 mm). The bread obtained according to this recipe had a high specific volume (4:21 ± 0:62 mL.g-1) and
optimal rheological characteristics: total deformation13:7 ± 0:3 mm, plastic4:3 ± 0:3 mm, and elastic9:4 ± 0:3 mm. The study of
the microstructure of dough and bread also confirmed the established dependencies. This percentage of replacement of refined
flour with whole wheat flour from sprouted wheat grain can be recommended as the best for obtaining bread of good quality
with high rheological characteristics.

1. Introduction amino acids, including lysine, increases [3] and stimulates

the accumulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid [4], minerals
In recent years, sprouting of grain crops has been actively [5], dietary fiber [6], and phenolic compounds and increases
used to obtain new raw materials used in the manufacture antioxidant activity [7].
of food products. This is due to an increase in their nutri- The increase in enzymatic activity caused by germination
tional value and improved nutrient absorption [1]. A number can negatively affect the rheological properties of the dough
of authors indicate that products from vegetable raw mate- and the quality of the finished bread, since the germination
rials obtained using sprouted grain have a better taste, a softer process reduces the baking properties of the flour. At the
consistency, and a pronounced sweet taste [2]. It is known same time, this process is considered as a tool for improving
that the germination process activates enzymes, thereby the quality of food and increasing the functional potential of
helping to increase the digestibility of the grain. During grain health promotion [6]. This is because starch becomes more
germination, the availability of reducing sugars and free digestible; there is an increase in the bioavailability of amino
2 International Journal of Food Science

acids and, in addition, a large number of biologically active 2.3. Evaluation of the Functional Properties of Sprouted
compounds. Whole Wheat Flour
Whole grain flour is rich in vitamins, minerals, and die-
tary fiber, as all the components of the wheat grain are 2.3.1. Hagberg Falling Number (FN). The value of the drop
completely absorbed into its composition, making it a raw number (FN) was determined using the international
ingredient of high nutritional value. However, the effect of method AACC 56-81.03 with the FN 1500 system (Perten
wheat germination on the physico-chemical, rheological, Instruments, Sweden) with a flour sample size of 7 g (14%
and baking properties of flour and its microstructural of humidity) in 25 ml of water.
changes has not been properly studied in the previous works, 2.3.2. Distribution of the Average Particle Size of Flour
and it is of scientific interest. Samples Was Carried Out by Laser Dynamic Light Scattering
The aim of the study was to evaluate the possibility of on the Microtrac S3500 Device (AASS 55-40.01, 2010)
using whole grain flour from sprouted wheat in the produc-
tion of bread and its effect on the rheological and microstruc- (1) Physico-Chemical Analysis of Whole Wheat Flour. The
tural properties of dough and finished products. moisture content was determined using the international
method AACC 44-15.02. The protein content in whole wheat
2. Materials and Methods flour was calculated using the Kjeldahl micromethod [10].
The mass fraction of fat in whole wheat flour was determined
2.1. Materials. This study used a grain of soft spring white- by 30-25.01; the ash content according to AACC 08-12.01;
grain wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), a variety of Lubava, har- the total amount of starch, AACC 76-13.01; and the index
vested in 2014-2018, grown in the Ural region, Russia (grains and gluten content, AACC 38-12.02 [10]; the dough was
nongerminated). The protein content was 12:5 ± 0:3 g/100 g kneaded in accordance with the AACC 54-21.02 (2010)
in terms of humidity. method on the Farinograph-AT (Brabender, Germany).
The ingredients used to make the bread were purchased
at a market in the city of Chelyabinsk. Refined wheat flour 2.4. Rheological Properties of the Dough. For the use of whole
(RF) (gluten 30.5%, ash content 0.55) was provided by the wheat flour from sprouted wheat grain in the production of
manufacturer OOO Soyuzpishcheprom, Chelyabinsk, Rus- bread, mixtures of RF and WWF were prepared in the follow-
sia, and was used as the main raw material in the manufac- ing proportions: (a) 90 : 10, (b) 90 : 20, and (c) 70 : 30.
ture of bakery products. The rheological properties of the RF and WWF dough
Yeast and salt were purchased in the retail network of the were determined in accordance with the AACC 54-21.02
city of Chelyabinsk (pressed baking yeast Lux extra, manu- (2010) method on a Farinograph-AT (Brabender, Germany).
facturer of OOO SAF-NEVA, food salt of the highest grade,
manufacturer of OOO Russol). 2.5. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of the Dough. The
dough was prepared according to the method of Kim et al.
2.2. Production of Whole Wheat Flour from Sprouted Wheat [11], with some modifications, using Farinograph equip-
Grain (WWF) ment. The dough samples were dried on freeze-drying equip-
ment (Coolvacuum Technologies Lyomicron-55C, Spain).
2.2.1. Germination of Wheat Grain. To remove the contami- To obtain micrographs, a scanning electron microscope
nation products and foreign substances, the wheat grain was (JSM-7001F (JEOL), Japan) was used at 20 kV and a magni-
prewashed in running water at 20 ± 2°C in a fivefold repeti- fication of 1000x.
tion. The grain (500 g) was soaked in water 22 ± 2°C for 6
hours until a humidity of 35% was reached. The samples were 2.6. Test Laboratory Baking. The test laboratory baking was
then placed in germination trays, which were located in a carried out using the international method AACC 10-10.03.
temperature- and humidity-controlled chamber (SHPZ seed The recipe of the obtained samples is presented in Table 1.
germination cabinet, Russia). Germination was carried out at The amount of water was calculated based on the water
a temperature of 22 ± 2°C and a relative humidity of 95 ± 3%. absorption capacity of the flour at the rate of 650 E.F. (±
The sprouted wheat was removed from the chamber after 20) on the Brabender Farinograph equipment. The water
reaching the sprout size of 1.5-2.0 mm in more than 90% of temperature was 22 ± 2°C.
the grains; the germination time was 14:6 ± 0:8 hours [8]. The dough was divided by hand into portions of 450 g,
The sprouted wheat was dried (drying cabinet M 720, and fermentation was carried out in a controlled fermenta-
Binder, Germany) at a temperature of 35–40°C for 10 hours tion chamber (Atrepan 18/10, Italy), at 30 ± 1°C and a rela-
until the final moisture content of 8–14% was reached. tive humidity of 80% for 90 minutes. Baking was carried
out in a laboratory oven (Fin Bake II 5 D Digital, Slovenia)
2.2.2. Production of Whole Wheat Flour from Sprouted at 220°C for 20 minutes. The bread was cooled at room tem-
Wheat Grain. Whole wheat flour was obtained by milling perature and tested after 3 hours.
the grain using a Perten 3100 laboratory mill, with a fixed
speed of 20,000 revolutions per minute (Perten Instruments, 2.7. Bread Quality Assessment. The volume of bread was
Sweden), equipped with a 0.8 mm metal mesh; then, the flour determined by the seed displacement according to the
was sifted through a 0.6 mm sieve [9]. The milling time was method AACC 10-05.01, 2010. The bread was weighed, and
180 seconds until the flour with stable particle sizes was its specific volume was calculated. The moisture content of
obtained. the bread crumb was determined according to AACCI 44-
International Journal of Food Science 3

Table 1: The formulations of dough.

Bread samples
Ingredients, g
Control a b c
Refined wheat flour (RF) 1000 900 800 700
Whole wheat flour from sprouted wheat (WWF) — 100 200 300
Salt 15 15 15 15
Yeast 20 20 20 20

15.02, 2010. The deformation of the bread crumb was deter- it is possible to obtain high-quality bread only with a partial
mined in accordance with the AACC 74-09.01, 2010 method replacement of RF with WWF.
using a texturometer (Structurometer ST-2, Russia). From the According to [15], milling is one of the most important
bread samples (4 hours after baking), slices up to 25 mm thick processes for processing sprouted grain. The production of
were cut, reducing the size of the slices to 25 mm long by fixed-size flour particles is the main milling criterion used
25 mm wide, and the crust layer was removed. For the analysis, in grain processing and determines the suitability of flour
an aluminum cylindrical probe P/20 (radius 20 mm) was used, for further processing. In the production of flour, roller mills
and the following experimental parameters were used: prelim- are widely used for this purpose, but hammer mills can also
inary testing of 1.0 mm s-1, test of 1.7 mm s-1, reverse stroke of be used [15]. The processes that occur during germination
10.0 mm s-1, and compressive force of 40%. affect the biochemical changes as well as the structural
changes in the grain. As a result, the strength properties of
2.8. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of Bread. The the grains change, especially the hardness of the wheat grain
microstructure of dough and bakery products was studied and the energy spent on milling are reduced. Sprouted grains
using transmission electron microscopy (JSM-7001F (JEOL), are not recommended to be ground by classical milling, since
magnification 1000x). The samples were predried on freeze- the high plasticity of the grains reduces the yield of flour and
drying equipment (Coolvacuum Technologies Lyomicron- increases the ash content in the flour [16]. Ariyama and Khan
55C, Spain), then sputtered with platinum. (1990) studied the milling properties of sprouted and com-
mon wheat [17]. They found that the biologically active com-
2.9. Statistical Processing of Results. The studies were con- pounds in the grain are mainly located in the shell parts, so
ducted in a fivefold repetition. Grain germination, whole the production of flour by single milling for this type of grain
wheat flour production, and bread samples were carried out raw material is most preferable.
under the same conditions to ensure the accuracy of the Based on the literature [18], the process of preparing the
results. The experimental data were processed on the basis sprouted grain for milling is simple, because the grain mass is
of mathematical statistics methods using Microsoft Excel cleaned before the germination process is carried out. For dry
and MathCad. The obtained data are presented with a confi- milling, the moisture content of the sprouted grain should be
dence factor of 0.95. reduced to an optimal level (no higher than 14%). [9, 19]
expressed that the results of the milling process also strongly
3. Results and Discussion depend on the type of mill used. In our work, we used a lab-
oratory mill Perten 3100, with a fixed speed of 20,000 revolu-
3.1. The Influence of the Germination Process on the Physical tions per minute. The resulting flour was sifted through a
and Chemical Parameters of Whole Wheat Flour from 0.6 mm sieve. The milling time was 180 seconds until the
Sprouted Wheat Grain. Previously, Olaerts et al. described flour with stable particle sizes was obtained. To characterize
that the germination process leads to a significant decrease the milling process, such characteristics as the particle size
in FN, which is associated with increased activity of the distribution and the weighted average particle size were used.
alpha-amylase enzyme in wheat grain [12]. Based on the lit- The particle size distribution is a very important factor
erature [13], α-amylase is considered one of the main limit- from a technological point of view, as it affects the properties
ing factors for use in the production of bread flour from of the flour and the subsequent processing steps [20]. The
sprouted wheat grain; it is able to hydrolyze starch molecules, results showed that the crushed material obtained from
which leads to a sharp decrease in the viscosity of the dough, whole grain wheat flour (WGWF) wheat grain was character-
loss of shape stability of the products, and the production of ized mainly by a higher proportion of large particles (more
sticky crumbs. In the process of making bread, different than 209 microns) and a low proportion of small particles
batches of flour with different FN values can be mixed to pro- less than 52 microns—9 ± 3% (Figure 1).
duce high-quality bakery products. A strong influence of the germination method on the par-
In this study, the change in the FN value was determined ticle size distribution was noted; the WWF sample was char-
during the germination of wheat grain in order to control this acterized by a uniform distribution of particles over the size
process [14]. It was found experimentally that after the ger- range; large particles from 296 to 498 microns were not more
mination of the organs of the sprout and the beginning of than 10 ± 3%.
the appearance of the root system, the values of the FN index In all flour samples, the moisture content showed values
reach a value of 75 ± 10 seconds (Table 2), which means that close to 13.5%; the ash content did not change during
4 International Journal of Food Science

Table 2: Chemical composition of refined wheat flour and whole wheat flour from sprouted and nonsprouted wheat grains.

Refined wheat flour Whole grain wheat flour Whole wheat flour from sprouted wheat
Indicator name
Hagberg falling number (FN), sec. 2451 ± 102 ab 310 ± 11ab 75 ± 10ba
Weighted average particle size,
94 ± 15acb 168 ± 15ab 154 ± 15bc
Protein, (% db3) 14:3 ± 0:3dc 12:5 ± 0:3d 13:2 ± 0:3c
Gluten (% db) 26:4 ± 3:5ec 20:3 ± 2:5e 22:6 ± 2:5c
Gluten index 68:4 ± 0:2fg 62:3 ± 0:2g 73:8 ± 0:3f
Lipids (% db) 0:3 ± 0:2ch 1:8 ± 0:2h 1:7 ± 0:2c
Starch (% db) 70:6 ± 0:5fd 62:4 ± 0:4d 41:9 ± 0:3f
Moisture (%) 12:9 ± 0:3c 13:2 ± 0:4ac 13:9 ± 0:3a
Ash (% db) 0:8 ± 0:2f 2:2 ± 0:2fc 2:0 ± 0:2c
Means ± 2 standard deviation. Means in a row without a common superscript letter differ statistically (p < 0:05). 3db: dry basis.

Particle distribution, %

Particle distribution, %
Refined wheat flour (RF)
Whole grain wheat flour (WGWF)
Whole-wheat flour from sprouted wheat (WWF)

Figure 1: Profile of distributing size particles of refined wheat flour and whole wheat flour from sprouted and nonsprouted wheat grains.

germination. The slight increase in flour lipids during germi- is consistent with research by Ichinose et al., who observed
nation may be due to an increase in free lipids provided by differences in gluten quality even without detecting changes
the germination process [21]. As for the protein content rel- in proteolytic activity [23].
ative to the WGWF sample, the WWF flour sample showed The changes observed in the formation of the gluten
an increase of 0.7%. The values of the gluten index and the structure after germination may be due to the formation of
content of wet gluten in WWF flour differed significantly phenolic compounds capable of binding sulfides available
(p ≤ 0:05) from WGWF. for the formation of disulfide bridges. This is important for
WGWF flour has the lowest gluten index and the lowest the formation of the structure of gluten, and protein oxida-
wet gluten content, which can be attributed to its low gluten tion and strengthening of gluten can also occur [19, 24].
quality and low protein content in nonsprouted wheat. The
WWF sample has large gluten values. These findings are con- 3.2. Rheological Properties and Scanning Electron Microscopy
sistent with studies by Hadnadev et al., which reported simi- of the Dough. Bread manufacturers do not want to get flour
lar results, where wheat most exposed to high temperatures from wheat with a low FN, because products made from
and precipitation prior to harvest presented the highest wheat flour with a low FN value have a sticky, crumbly
values of wet gluten content [22]. The gluten index of the crumb, and a low specific volume [25]. While wheat flour
WWF sample is slightly higher than the WGWF. This change with high FN will also not produce good bread, there is a
International Journal of Food Science 5

need to add additional malted raw materials or α-amylase and pores [35]. It is possible to distinguish the presence of
tablets, in order to increase the enzymatic activity and large, medium, and small starch grains. Starch granules are
increase the volume of bread. Therefore, in further studies, clearly distinguishable, have a spherical shape, are visualized
the addition of part of the flour from the sprouted wheat on the surface, and have a similar structure.
grain was carried out by partially replacing the refined flour. In the dough samples (control and a), more fine- and
Mixtures of RF and WWF were prepared in the following medium-sized starch granules are visualized. Starch is pres-
proportions: (a) 90 : 10, (b) 90 : 20, and (c) 70 : 30. A dough ent in the form of round or elliptical grains. Individual grains
sample obtained from 100% RF was used as a control. The are slightly deformed; more often, this is observed in large
effect of replacing refined flour with whole wheat flour from starch grains. Individual starch grains have attached protein
sprouted wheat grain on the rheological characteristics of the particles, which gives them an angularity. In samples (b)
dough is presented in Table 3. and (c), swollen, significantly increased in size large starch
The control sample of the refined flour dough was char- grains with a size of 20 to 30 microns predominate.
acterized by high water absorption (61%) and fairly good sta- The protein matrix is developed in all samples somewhat
bility (8.2 min), which is typical for wheat flour with a differently. In the control sample, it is not sufficiently devel-
sufficiently strong gluten. oped; only in rare cases, several grains of medium and fine
Replacing RF with WWF resulted in a significant starch are covered with a layer of protein (Figure 1 (control)).
(p ≤ 0:05) decrease in water absorption. Pasqualone et al. in The structure is quite loose, as there are air cavities. In sample
their studies [26] point out that the use of raw materials rich (a) (Figure 1(a)), in some cases, we can consider the structure
in dietary fiber increases water absorption due to their con- of a discontinuous protein matrix, which has the form of pro-
siderable hygroscopicity. In this case, however, we must con- cesses connecting starch grains. The free globules of the pro-
sider the WGWF and the WWF as a complex system, with tein are not visible.
high enzyme activity, affecting the farinograph quality indi- In samples (b) and (c), the protein matrix is more clearly
cator. According to Dojczew and Sobczyk, the decrease in distinguishable, evenly distributed, and surrounds most of
water absorption may be mainly due to the depolymerization the starch grains, combining them. Numerous holes from
of proteins as a result of the intense activity of proteases in the formed air bubbles are visualized on the surface of the
sprouted wheat [27]. A number of authors [28–30] of the protein matrix, which indirectly confirms a more intensive
previous studies noted that the activity of proteolytic fermentation process of the dough.
enzymes increases during the germination. They (proteolytic
enzymes) hydrolyze gluten and partially break down high- 3.3. Quality of Finished Products, Rheological Properties, and
molecular-weight proteins into simple ones. These changes Scanning Electron Microscopy of Bread Crumb. The influence
significantly affect the rheological properties of the dough, of WWF on the quality of bread was evaluated by the specific
reducing its water absorption capacity. volume, humidity, and deformation characteristics of the
The dough development time increases slightly with the crumb (Table 4 and Figure 3). The use of WWF (a, b)
introduction of WWF (from 2.5 to 4.7 minutes); the dough increased the specific volume of bread. The specific volume
stability increases before replacing RF with WWF in the of bread with 10% WWF was about 7% higher than the con-
amount of 20%, and when replacing 30%, it drops sharply to trol sample and with 20% by 15%, while the introduction of
4.4 minutes, indicating a weakening of the dough as a result 30% of WWF, on the contrary, reduced this figure by 17.3%.
of the increased action of α-amylase. It can also be noted that The moisture content of all bread samples ranged from 40.2
30% of the replacement of RF with WWF led to a sharp to 41.6%; similar values were reported by Boita et al. [36].
decrease of the dough consistency and the farinograph quality The addition of WWF also had a positive effect on the
indicators. A similar trend in the dough was demonstrated deformation characteristics of the bread crumb. In samples
when soft wheat and durum wheat flour were mixed in equal (a) and (b), a slight increase in the total deformation index
portions [31]. This phenomenon may be due to differences in can be noted, while the elastic deformation also has high
the interactions between the gluten proteins from RF and values, which indicates a high recovery capacity and a well-
WWF; similar results were found for the proteins of soft wheat developed porous structure.
and gluten of durum wheat [32, 33]. This hypothesis must be Several studies have shown [37, 38] that the production
investigated further before any definitive conclusions can be of hydrolytic enzymes during germination contributes to
drawn. The replacement of 10 and 20% RF with WWF the improvement of crumb softness. In particular, α-amylase
obtained the dough with the high stability and farinograph reduces the retrogradation of amylopectin and makes the
quality indicators, which agree with the data of Marti and crumb structure more elastic [39].
his colleagues and may be associated with a nonsignificant At the same time, an excessive amount of WWF, which is
destruction of the gluten matrix by enzymes and moderate observed in the sample (c), leads to a significant increase in
action of α-amylase [34]. The microstructure of the dough the plastic deformation index, which indicates the formation
samples under study is shown in Figure 2. of a sticky, jammed crumb, and a deterioration in the quality
The structure of both the control and experimental of bread. This fact may be due to the weakening of gluten,
dough samples (a, b, c) is characterized by the presence of a which makes it difficult to retain gas in the dough and con-
large number of oval-shaped particles with a size of 5 to 30 tributes to a denser crumb.
microns, which in their characteristics correspond to starch The crumb of bread after baking can be represented as a
grains. The grain surface is smooth, without cracks, grooves, single structural system of starch, protein, and moisture
6 International Journal of Food Science

Table 3: Rheological properties of the obtained dough samples (Farinograph Test).

Quality indicator Control a b c

Water absorption, % 611 ± 0:92 abc 59:6 ± 0:4ab 58:6 ± 0:6ac 56:2 ± 0:4c
Dough development time, min 2:5 ± 0:3dcf 2:8 ± 0:5c 3:3 ± 0:3d 4:7 ± 0:3f
Dough stability, min 8:2 ± 0:3fd 10:8 ± 0:7d 11:4 ± 0:5f 4:4 ± 0:3f
Decrease of consistency after 10 min, E.F. 22 ± 1:5d 9 ± 2:5d 5 ± 2:6d 50 ± 1:9d
Decrease of consistency after 12 min, E.F. 31 ± 1:3c 16 ± 1:5c 16 ± 1:1d 99 ± 1:8d
Farinograph quality indicator, mm 136 ± 3acb 196 ± 5ab 200 ± 3ac 76 ± 4cb
Means ± 2 standard deviation. Means in a row without a common superscript letter differ statistically (p < 0:05).

Control (a)

(b) (c)

Figure 2: Images of wheat dough samples obtained using a scanning electron microscope (SEM): Control, a dough obtained from RF; a
mixture of RF and WWF in the following proportions: (a) 90 : 10; (b) 90 : 20; (c) 70 : 30.

Table 4: Results of determining the specific volume, deformation,

The control sample is characterized by the presence of a
and moisture content of bread.
single swollen structureless elastic jelly. Individual starch
Samples Specific volume (mL.g−1) Moisture (%, wb3) grains or the protein matrix are not visualized.
Control 1 2 ab 40:2 ± 0:5cd
In the crumb samples (a) and (b), the presence of small
3:66 ± 0:09
pores is visualized, bounded by the interstitial walls that
a 3:92 ± 0:40b 40:8 ± 0:7d
make up the spongy skeleton. The interstitial walls consist
b 4:21 ± 0:62ab 41:4 ± 0:5c of a solid mass of protein coagulated during baking, which
c 3:24 ± 0:09a 41:6 ± 0:9c is interspersed with swollen gelatinized starch grains, which
Means ± 2 standard deviation. Means in a row without a common are almost impossible to visually determine, since they are
superscript letter differ statistically (p < 0:05). 3wb: wet basis. closely adjacent to the mass of coagulated protein with their
entire surface, and therefore, there is no sharp, clearly visible
border between them. Also, on the surface, there is a devel-
molecules. The crumb structure of the control bread sample oped network of thin protein fibrils. It should be noted that
(Figure 4) is characterized by the presence of a single mono- the protein matrix in samples (a), (b), and (c) is more devel-
lithic protein framework, in which starch grains are com- oped, which is due to the intensification of the fermentation
pactly packed. process due to the introduction of WWF.
International Journal of Food Science 7

Total and plastic deformation (mm)

20 10
18 9

Elastic deformation (mm)

16 8
14 7
12 6
10 5
8 4
6 3
4 2
2 1
0 0
Control a b c
Total def. (mm)
Plastic def. (mm)
Elastic def. (mm)

Figure 3: Deformation characteristics of bread crumb samples. The error bars represent the standard deviation of three separate
measurements for five samples (n = 15). Sample designation: control, crumb of bread obtained from RF; (a) crumb of bread obtained from
a mixture of RF and WWF in the proportions of 90 : 10; (b) crumb of bread obtained from a mixture of RF and WWF in the proportions
of 90 : 20; (c) crumb of bread obtained from a mixture of RF and WWF in the proportions of 70 : 30.

Control (a)

(b) (c)

Figure 4: Images of bread crumb samples after 4 hours of storage obtained using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Sample designation:
control, crumb of bread obtained from RF; (a) crumb of bread obtained from a mixture of RF and WWF in the proportion of 90 : 10; (b)
crumb of bread obtained from a mixture of RF and WWF in the proportion of 90 : 20; (c) crumb of bread obtained from a mixture of RF
and WWF in the proportion of 70 : 30.
8 International Journal of Food Science

4. Conclusions [3] B. Tian, B. Xie, J. Shi et al., “Physicochemical changes of oat

seeds during germination,” Food Chemistry, vol. 119, no. 3,
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tics, as well as microscopic analysis of the samples, the opti- nobutyric acid (GABA) and other micronutrients in dehulled
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wheat flour from sprouted wheat grain was determined, tions,” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 64,
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values of the farinograph quality index (200 ± 3 mm). [5] K. Platel, S. W. Eipeson, and K. Srinivasan, “Bioaccessible min-
The bread obtained according to this recipe had a high eral content of malted finger millet (Eleusine coracana), wheat
specific volume (4:21 ± 0:62 mL.g-1) and optimal rheological (Triticum aestivum), and barley (Hordeum vulgare),” Journal
characteristics: total deformation13:7 ± 0:3 mm, plas- of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 58, no. 13,
tic4:3 ± 0:3 mm, and elastic9:4 ± 0:3 mm. The study of the pp. 8100–8103, 2010.
microstructure of dough and bread also confirmed the estab- [6] P. Koehler, G. Hartmann, H. Wieser, and M. Rychlik,
lished dependencies. “Changes of folates, dietary fiber, and proteins in wheat as
affected by germination,” Journal of Agricultural and Food
It is recommended to conduct further studies to study the
Chemistry, vol. 55, no. 12, pp. 4678–4683, 2007.
nutritional value and antioxidant activity of whole wheat
flour from sprouted wheat and the dynamics of changes dur- [7] P. V. Hung, D. W. Hatcher, and W. Barker, “Phenolic acid
composition of sprouted wheats by ultra-performance liquid
ing the baking process, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness
chromatography (UPLC) and their antioxidant activities,”
of sprouted WWF in various final products of cereals to Food Chemistry, vol. 126, no. 4, pp. 1896–1901, 2011.
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This work was supported by the Act of the Government of cochemical and functional properties of whole-wheat flour
the Russian Federation 211, Contract No. 02.A03.21.00110, and enhanced γ-aminobutyric acid accumulation by ultrasoni-
and the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for cation,” Food Chemistry, vol. 243, pp. 214–221, 2018.
young scientists (MK-3690.2021.5). [15] A. E. O. Elkhalifa and R. Bernhardt, “Some physicochemical
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