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Animal Experimentation. Scientific Conference

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The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Republic of Moldova

The Department of Education, Youth and Sport mun. Bli

Mihai Eminescu Theoretical Lyceum

Scientific research project

Animal Experimentation in the
English speaking countries
Form IX

Gaitur Cristina
Tarlapan Livia

ntific adviser:
Mienin Nadejda

Bli 2012

Table of contents

2. Objectives2
3. Public Opinion Poll.....2
4. A short history of animal testing.....4
5. The degree of involvement of English speaking countries in
trials of animals.......5
6. Cosmetics testing....5
7. How to Spot an Animal Testing Company.....8
8. The Black List.....9
9. The White List....9
10. Supermarket Assortment research.....10
11. Research Methods.....11
12. Conclusion.....11
13. Bibliography.

Animals have the right to freedom from fear,

pain and suffering whether in the name of science
or sport, fashion or food, exhibition or service
Peter Singer

An animals eyes have the power to speak a great language. Animals are the
most sincere, innocent creatures in the whole world. It is enough to look at such
beings, like a cat, a bird, a dog and your heart will be full of emotions. They are
like people: they can be pleased and happy, but they can also suffer and cry. The
matter is that animals give us so much, and we, being careless, take all from them.
Really, do we have the right to exploit them? Do we have the right to torture them
and steal their lives? The answer is: certainly no. No economic or medical gain can
justify such a cruel and cynical exploitation of our animal cousins. Although we all
suppose this thing, we continue to make them suffer, to destroy their lives.
Each of us dreams to be forever young and beautiful. Nowadays the price of
our beauty and youth to a large extent is paid by innocent, unoffending animals.
Animal experimentations are cruel and widely used to develop new medicines,
cosmetics and to test the safety of other products. The majority of experiments
cause pain to the animals involved or reduce their quality of life in other ways. It is
unbelievable how many animals die every day from all these cruel experiments.
Imagine, you as usual go to a shop and buy toothpaste, creams, shower gels,
shampoo; you put them into your bag and go home. Then, you use them and when
you run out of them, you will buy other products. We are sure that you dont think
about the composition of those products. Still, a bottle of shower gel was obtained
as a result of testing its components on mice; your toothpaste was also tested on a
rabbit or a monkey Unfortunately, this is true. Now, can you use these products,
knowing that behind them is hidden a cruel reality: pain or death of animals?
Dear audience, we cant remain silent, we must stop this violence.
We made this project with the hope to make you aware of the real situation of
animal experimentation and to convince you to refuse from using products tested
on animals.


English-speaking countries have a leading position in the world regarding the

aspects of human rights and freedoms. So, we were interested to research their
attitude to the question of animal experimentation.

To research public awareness and attitude towards the subject of
animal experimentation.
To outline the history of animal testing in the world.
To find out the extent of involvement of English-speaking countries in trials
of animals.
To research the history of development of famous cosmetic companies for
the purpose of finding out if they have ever tested their products on animals;
To make a Black List including animal testing companies
To investigate the assortment of local supermarkets in order to define how

many Black List companies are represented there.

Public opinion poll:

We decided to begin our research with the examination of the level of public
awareness of the subject in our school and of our peers attitude towards animal
For this purpose, we organized an opinion poll among our schoolmates: pupils
of the 9th form. 127 pupils answered the following questions:
1 Do you know that animals suffer from experiments for producing new
medicines and cosmetics?

Are you for or against it?

Do you know any companies that test their products on animals?
Do you know any other ways for testing new products?
What do you feel when you use products which were tested on animals?

We processed the answers and reflected the general picture which we received
in the following diagrams:


Do you know that animals suffer from experiments for producing new medicines?

Yes 31%


Are you for or against animals' cruelty?





Do you know any companies that test their products on animals?




Do you see any other ways for testing new products?



No, but believe there are11%
some There are, but too expensive ones
Growing fake human cells

On plants

-3What do you
feel when using products tested on animals?
Havent't thought about it


31% for the sake of science

Think they suffer
Do not use such products14%

Feel guilty, feel



Unfortunately, based on the diagrams we can draw a conclusion that most of

our schoolmates are indifferent to the problem of animal experimentation and dont
know much about it. Still, there is a sparkle of some interest in the matter and
compassion to suffering animals. It encourages us to continue our research. It is
also important to mention a way of testing new products which was suggested in
some answers to question 4 of the poll. It is using fake or artificially grown human
cells. This method is already being used in science.

A short history of animal testing:

The earliest references to animal testing are found in the writings of the
Greeks in the 2nd and the 4th centuries BC.
Aristotle and Erasistratus were among the first to perform experiments on
living animals. Galen, a physician in the 2nd century (Rome) dissected pigs and
goats, and is known as the father of vivisection. Avenzoar, an Arabic physician in
12th century (Moorish Spain) who also practiced dissection, introduced animal
testing as an experimental method of testing surgical procedures before applying
them to human patients.
Dogs were used for isolation of insulin in 1922 and revolutionized the
treatment of diabetes. On the 3rd of November 1937 in Russia dogs were launched
to orbit the earth to test the conditions before peoples flight. The ability of humans
to change the genetics of animals took a large step forward in 1974 when Rudolf
Jaenisch was able to produce the first transgenic mammal, by integrating DNA

from SV40 virus into the genome of mice. This genetic research progressed rapidly
and, in 1996 the research team at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh produced Dolly


sheep - the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell.

Our investigation showed us that more than 12.1 million types of vertebrates
have been used in experimentation.

The degree of involvement of English speaking

countries in trials of animals.
We know that the validity of the question of animal experimentation is being
debated in the world. Some countries forbid it by law; the others encourage it and
make a clear profit of it. We wanted to see the English speaking countries position
in this regard. The following diagram demonstrates to what extent the Englishspeaking countries are involved in trials of animals.
The use of animal experimentation in the world



New Zeeland, Australia, Canada

Other countries


It is evident that the UK and the USA are among the biggest exploiters of
animals in the whole world. The majority of the laboratories for tests on animals
are situated in the USA or the UK.
In some countries, for example, in France, it is banned to test new products on
animals; thats why world-famous companies from such countries have their
laboratories in the countries where it is permissible to do tests.

Cosmetics Testing:

Cosmetics testing on animals are particularly controversial. Such tests are still
conducted. They involve general toxicity, eye and skin irritancy, photo toxicity
(toxicity triggered by ultraviolet light) and mutagenicity.

-5Our exploratory research led us to the conclusion that there are lots of worldfamous companies throughout the world (like LOreal, Dove, Pantene, Colgate and
others) which have laboratories for testing on animals in the USA or UK. We
thoroughly studied the history of their development, but here we present only short
information about some of them:
Oral-B is a brand of oral hygiene products, including toothbrushes,
toothpastes, mouthwashes and dental floss. The B in Oral-B stands for "Brush".
Oral-B was created in 1945 by Dr. Robert Huston a dentist who created the first
Oral-B toothbrush with its soft, end-rounded nylon bristles. It isnt widely
announced, but their laboratory for testing on animals is situated in California,
Tide (Alo or Ace in some countries) is the brand-name of a popular laundry
detergent manufactured by Procter & Gamble, first marketed in its present form in
1949. The original Tide laundry detergent was a synthetic designed specifically for
heavy-duty, machine cleaning (an advance over the milder cleaning capabilities of
"FeWA" and "Dreft"). Tide was first introduced in U.S. test markets in 1946 as the
world's first heavy-duty detergent, with nation-wide distribution accomplished in
1949. Many components of detergents are tested on mice, especially for the
reaction on their skins.
Persil is a company producing laundry detergent currently and was originally
made by Henkel & Cie; which is now also licensed for manufacture, distribution,
and marketing in several countries. Persil is known to have used products tested on
Sunsilk is a hair care brand, primarily aimed at women, produced by the
Unilever group, which is now considered the world's leading company in hair
conditioning and the second largest in shampoo making. Sunsilk is Unilevers

leading hair care brand, and ranks as one of the Anglo-Dutch conglomerate's
billion dollar brands". Sunsilk shampoos, conditioners and other hair care
products are sold in 69 countries worldwide. Although this company hasnt special
laboratories, Sunsilk states that the company provides tests on animals in order to
avoid diseases.

-6Gillette has been at the heart of mens grooming for over 100 years. Each day,
more than 600 million men around the world trust their faces and skin to Gillettes
innovative razors and shaving products. Gillette Fusion ProSeries Thermal Scrub
was tested on frogs skins to try the sensibility of the product. It has many
laboratories for animal experimentation especially in Canada and Alaska.
Domestos was first produced in 1929 by Wilfred Handley, an industrial
chemist from the North East of England. In 1961, the company was acquired
by Lever Brothers. It is a household cleaning range which contains bleach and is
manufactured by Unilever. Its power is due to its high availability of chlorine,
whose composition was tested on cats and rats.
Avon brings beauty to the lives of women all over the world. The worlds
largest direct seller and a leading beauty company, Avon has more than $11 billion
in annual revenue. Its product line includes beauty, fashion and home products,
with such well-recognized brand names as Avon Color, ANEW, Skin-SoSoft, Advance Techniques and Avon Naturals. Although currently Avon products
are known not to use animal experimentation, some ingredients used in creating
Avon cosmetics were previously tested on animals.
During our research we were happy to find out that there are also companies
which do not use animal trials. Here is some information about them.
Bourjois cosmetics originated in Paris, France. It is one of the oldest French
cosmetics companies that is still in existence today.
Bourjois cosmetics are determined to remember their heritage and Alexandre
Bourjois's reputation for high quality and new concepts in makeup. This is one of
the fewest companies which do not test on animals.

Clarins was founded in 1954 in France by Jacques Courtin-Clarins.

Originally, the company specialized solely in skin care products. In 1972, the
company established an international group, arranging distribution contracts to
market their products outside of France. In 1981 the company launched its first
outlet in the United States.

-7Clarins products are plant-based, so theyre a great pick for the ingredient

-conscious among us. Their resident ethno-botanists travel around the world in
search of powerful healing plants, which are then brought to their labs in Paris for
development and eventually turned into the products we love.
Nivea is a global skin- and body-care brand that is owned by
the German company Beiersdorf. The company was founded on March 28, 1882
by pharmacist Carl Paul Beiersdorf. During the 1980s, the Nivea brand expanded
into a wider global market. Nivea is known for using perfume in their products and
never testing them on animals.

How to spot an animal testing company:

Many cosmetics companies misleadingly claim their products are not tested
on animals but are not so keen to admit that they still use animal-tested
ingredients. In these crude poisoning tests, chemicals are force-fed to animals,
injected into them, dripped into their eyes and rubbed into their raw skin. Here is
an overview that explains how to recognize the companies that try to give the
impression they are cruelty-free, when they're not!
Cosmetics companies can, broadly speaking, be divided into three categories
with regard to their animal testing policies.
They tend to be larger companies and often have a raft of different cosmetic
brands, for example 'Dove' and 'Organics' are Unilever brands. 'Herbal Essences'
and 'Max Factor' are P&G brands. 'Garnier' and 'Lancme' are L'Oreal brands, the

Body Shop are now owned by L'Oreal too. So rule number one is always look to
see who the parent company is.
The second category are cosmetics companies that tend not to test on animals
themselves but continue to buy, use and benefit financially from chemical
ingredients that have recently been tested on animals by their suppliers.
Most of them are very clever at deceiving the public with the claims they
make about animal testing.
The final category consists of companies that adhere to a Fixed Cut Off Date
scheme. This means that the company will not buy or use ingredients that have
been tested on animals by themselves or their suppliers after a set date (e.g. 1995).

-8This is the only method by which manufacturers can send a clear message to
their suppliers and the rest of the industry that the company is not prepared to
profit from animal tested ingredients. Most animal testing for cosmetics takes place
on "new to the world" chemicals. There are already thousands of chemicals with a
proven safety record available.

The Black List:

When analyzing the information from lots of different sites and investigating
the history of world famous companies, we made up a list of those which test their
products on poor, innocent animals.
This list includes such companies as:
Axe (Unilever)

Oral B




Calvin Klein




Helene Curtis


Herbal Essences

Procter & Gamble

Clean & Clear



Johnson & Johnson



Jif and Jim


Cover Girl

Domestos and Frish





Max Factor





The White List:

Conversely, we created another list. This one includes the names of
companies which do NOT test their products on animals:
Beverly Hills Formula






Crown House



Mary Kay

Elisabeth French

Mediterranean SPA

Este Lauder

Montagne Jeneusse

Green Mama



Yves Rocher

Supermarket assortment research:

We have been very curious how many black and white list companies are
represented in our supermarkets, and investigated products of some of the biggest
shops in Bli.
First we investigated the assortment of Fourchette. To begin with, we asked
its employee to show us cosmetics products; we followed him and began to list the
companies whose products were sold. We found products both from the companies
that were in the Black and in the White lists. We obtained the following result:
around 61,25% of all cosmetic and laundry products sold in Fourchette are tested
on animals. This result disappointed us, but we continued our investigation in
another big shop Fidesco. After our analysis we found out that 57,8% of
products are tested on animals. Afterward, we examined Green Hills. We
explored all the cosmetics and laundry products offered there and counted that 71,3
% of all products were tested on animals.
Analyzing the statistics, we made up some diagrams based on the numbers the
searches gave us.


Not tested





Green Hills

It allows us to draw a conclusion that there are more cosmetics and laundry
products of companies which use animal tests than those which dont. We also
calculated how much of the production tested on animals was produced by
American or British companies or by the ones from other countries who have
laboratories in the UK or the USA. The following diagram shows this correlation.

Products tested on animals offered in local supermarket

The USA and the UK


Other countries

So, you see, it is a considerable number. That is why we demand you to stop
buying these products!

Research Methods:
In writing our scientific paper we used exploratory research which helped
structure and identify the problems in the studied domain and constructive
research which helped develop solutions to the problems. We used opinion poll
a survey of opinion by questioning a section of the community, the students of the
9th grade of our lyceum as a research method. It included collecting, describing,
analyzing the data and drawing conclusions on the studied subject.

In conclusion we want to say that our project was made with the aim TO
PRICE animals are forced to pay for our pleasure.
We also followed the purpose to discover how many products sold in our
country are tested on animals in the laboratories of English speaking countries.

Now, taking in consideration all the information we collected, we know which

companies act inhuman and which ones are worth our respect.


We ourselves will refuse from buying products tested on animals and we

appeal to the others to follow our example.
Besides, in our opinion poll there was mentioned a solution to the problem:
another way of product probation which consists in testing all components and
products on artificially grown cells. So we hope that in a short time animals
sufferings will end in all the countries of the world.

Duciac Margareta, Gsc Maria, Pupils Book. English for
Success, form IX. Chiinu, 2010

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