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Animal Testing Essay

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The key takeaways are that animal testing is considered unethical and inhumane as it subjects animals to painful experiments and most animals die at the end of the tests. Alternatives to animal testing such as cell cultures and computer models are proposed.

The arguments against animal testing are that it is unethical as it violates animals' rights and subjects them to physical and psychological suffering. Animal testing is also considered unreliable as diseases induced in animals are not identical to human diseases.

Some of the alternatives proposed to animal testing are cell cultures, safety tests on raw materials, computer models, and using human volunteers or blood samples to test for reactions instead of using live animals.

Camila Rodríguez Polanco



Topic: Animal Testing.

Posture: against.
Thesis: Animal testing is a waste of time and money, as it is costly, unethical,
and inhumane, besides, they are alternative testing methods.
Introduction: Animal testing refers to procedures performed on live animals to
research basic biology and diseases, evaluate the efficacy of new drugs, testing
human health and environmental safety of consumer and industrial products
as cosmetics, medicines, detergents, among others.
Argument 1: animal testing is unethical.

Argument 2: animal research is not completely reliable.

Counterargument: animal experimentation has no alternative as it is necessary

for scientific development.

Argument 3: alternatives to animal testing.

Conclusion: In conclusion, animal experimentation ought to be eliminated

worldwide, as it causes both physical and psychological suffering in animals.
Peer Questions
Edited by Camila Rodríguez Polanco Writer’s name Caterina Novello

1. Does it have a title? Is it “catchy”? Is it connected with the topic? Write
it here. Yes, it is catchy and connected with the topic. Genetically Modified
Organism: Transgenics Crops.
2. Is the thesis statement clearly identified? Underline it.
Yes, it is.
3. Does the thesis statement contain the author’s posture on the subject?
Yes, it does.
4. Is there an introduction? Does it give a clear idea of what the writer will
write about?
Yes, there is an introduction.
Yes, the introduction gives a clear idea of the posture of the writer.
5. Does the first sentence of the introduction catch the reader’s attention?
Yes, it does.
6. Are there parts of the introduction that are unclear? If so, underline
them, and put a question mark next to the passage that you did not
No, everything in the introduction is clear.


7. Is the body of the essay organized with ideas separated into paragraphs
with a smooth transition sentence at the end of each one?
Yes, the body of the essay is organized with ideas separated into paragraphs
with a smooth transition sentence at the end of each one.
8. Does each body paragraph have a topic sentence?
Yes, it does.
9. Are transition words used accordingly and throughout the whole essay?
10. Does the essay contain persuasive language and strong vocabulary?
Yes, by reading it, people can be convinced that what is written is correct.
11. Are there any words (verbs, adjectives, nouns, etc.) that could be
substituted for other words because they are too repetitive, not strong
enough to persuade, or simply incorrectly used?
I would substitute the word transgenic, as it is repeated several times.
12. Does the essay contain facts (citations) that support the claims made?
Are bibliographical references accordingly included at the end, and in
APA style?
Yes, it does.

13. Are the main points addressed in the essay restated in the conclusion,
and in a way that gives the sense of completion of the text?
14. Are bibliographical references placed at the end under the title
REFERENCES (NOT Bibliography) and in APA style?
15. What did you like the most about this essay? What would you do to
improve it?
What I really like about this essay is how easily the ideas are explained for a
better understanding of them.

Animal testing

Animal testing refers to procedures performed on live animals to research basic

biology and diseases, evaluate the efficacy of new drugs, testing human health and
environmental safety of consumer and industrial products such as cosmetics, medicines,
detergents, among others. All procedures performed on animals can cause distress, pain,
physical and psychological suffering. Therefore, most of the animals die at the end of
these experiments, but some are reused in subsequent tests. It is estimated that every
year more than 115 million, are used worldwide in laboratory experiments. Among
these creatures, we can mention rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, etc. However, because
only a small proportion of countries collect and publish data on the use of animals for
testing and research, the exact number is unknown. Animal testing is a waste of time
and money, as it is costly, unethical, and inhumane, besides, they are alternative testing

Animal research is unethical. These living beings are exploited in laboratories

and cosmetics companies around the world. Currently, these practices are prohibited in
several countries, especially in Mexico, since the worldwide animal protection
organization, “Humane Society International”, welcomed the decision of the Republic
of Mexico to prohibit these experiments. The reality is that the pain, suffering, and
death of these animals are not worth the possible human "benefits". First of all, the
rights of these creatures are violated when they are used in research. Tom Regan,
professor of philosophy at North Carolina State University, states, "Animals have a
basic moral right to respectful treatment .... This inherent value is not respected when
animals are reduced to mere tools in a scientific experiment." Humans and animals can
feel, think, and experience pain; thus, animals deserve the same respect. As mentioned
above, animals are subjected to very painful physical and psychological tests, which can
be lethal, and their rights are violated because they are given no choice. This makes this
research highly unethical.
This research is not completely reliable. Most animal experiments do not
contribute to improving human health, and the value of the role of animal
experimentation in most medical advances is questionable. Diseases that are artificially
induced in animals in a laboratory, whether mice or monkeys are never identical to
those that occur naturally in humans. As a consequence, because animal species differ
biologically from one another, animal experiments are even more unlikely to produce
results that are correctly interpreted and applied to the human condition in a meaningful
way. As a case in point, over the years, specialists have cured cancer in mice, but it
simply hasn't worked in humans. In addition, scientists at the Scripps Research Institute
in California in 2015 created a vaccine against AIDS, which worked in monkeys, but
not in humans. This is not uncommon in laboratories, as therapeutic development is an
extremely costly, complex, and time-consuming process. The average time from target
discovery to approval of a new drug is about 14 years. The failure rate during this
process exceeds 95 percent, and the cost per successful drug can be $1 billion or more.
Because experimenters rarely publish the results of failed animal studies, other scientists
and the public do not have immediate access to information about the ineffectiveness of
animal experimentation.
Although many people are not in favor of animal experimentation, legally all
drugs must be tested on animals to ensure their safety before they can be used in
humans. Therefore, until there is a cell that can be studied individually and can exhibit
human-like responses, animals are necessary. However, I disagree with this, because
there are currently several brands that have animal cruelty-free products that do not
cause any negative consequences in humans. Especially, we have the case of brands
such as Urban Decay, which is one of the best quality brands in the makeup market,
NYX Cosmetics, Too Faced, Dove, Garnier, among many other products. They can use
different methods to ensure the quality and safety of a certain product in humans,
among which are: cell cultures, safety tests on raw materials, computer models, and
even human volunteers. Another alternative method is to use blood samples with which
possible reactions to a compound can be measured. All to avoid the chain of cruelty that
torments animals in laboratories.
In conclusion, animal experimentation ought to be eliminated worldwide, as it
causes both physical and psychological suffering in animals. Laboratories should
gradually introduce alternatives to this practice. Therefore, strict laws should be put in
place to ensure that this no longer takes place. Animals should be treated with respect
and dignity, and this right is not realized when this type of research is carried out. Once
this happens, the world would surely become a much more ethical place to live in.

Humane Society International. (2021, 2 September). “Mexico bans cosmetic testing on

animals”. Retrieve from:


Regan, T. (s. f.). Save the animals: Stop animal testing. Lone Star College. Retrieve


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