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Defusing Words List

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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller

Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47

Defusing Words
Recently Defined Defusing Words

Gratitude (defined 11/11/16)

Hubristic (added 12/25/15, defined by Dr. Bina Bakshi )
Genesa Crystal (defined 08/19/15)
Serendipity (defined 07/18/15)

Defusing Words help to defuse situations, emotions, etc.

A number of Defusing Words are found in the Hawaiian healing technique Hooponopono.

Defusing Words are also part of the Hooponopono Essence Technique in the Healing Energy
Vibrations vial available at:

Defusing Words can be mixed and matched with Switchwords.

I give much appreciation and many thanks to all the beautiful, sharing, caring people at the Ya
hoo Switchwordsgroup
and the
Facebook Switchwords Group
for leading me on this ever more intriguing journey of discovery, for you have helped in
development of this dynamic and growing Defusing Words list.

Defusing Words Quick List

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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47

Click on Defusing Word to see definition.

Red Defusing Words have additional articles linked to them.

Blue Bonnet

Blue Goo
Blue Iris
Buck Up

Carpe Diem
Cedar Pine Chips

Chewing Gum
Coconut Tree
Cogito Ergo Sum

Dancing Cane


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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47



Genesa Crystal
Good News

Green Maple Leaf

Healing Fern
Holy Basil (Tulsi)


Ice Blue

Kentucky Coffeetree
Lemon Drop
Light Switch

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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47


Merry Go Round
Mirrored Reflection
Oompa Loompa


Picnic Basket
Pie Crust
Piggy Bank

Pillar of the Peace of I

Praying Mantis


Santa Claus
Sei Hei Ki


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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47



Sweet Violets
Teapot Whistle
Tiger Lily

Vanilla Bean Pod


Defusing Words Definitions

(Click on Red-colored Defusing Words to read more about them.)

Effects and/or

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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47


Amoeba defuses over-stepping boundaries. No matter what our motivation is for helping others, when


Ashoka defuses stalemate. Brings new perspective to that which seems at an impasse resulting in a mo

Blue Bonnet

Blue Bonnet is about defusing illness and healing with grace and ease. Blue Bonnet is about removing d

Blue Goo

Blue Goo is for defusing and removing contrary and uninvited energies from relationships. At times outs

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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47

Blue Iris

Blue Iris is about defusing and clearing communication channels with Source. Blue is the color of comm


Bluebell is for defusing and releasing stagnant negative emotions, and old ways of thinking. Bluebell he

Buck Up

Buck Up is for defusing and releasing feeling incapable, overwhelm, weakness and reeling against. Buc


Butterfly is about defusing and shedding old beliefs that no longer serve us, allowing us to smoothly tran


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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47

Bypass is for defusing need to participate in unwelcome situations.

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem (kahr-pey dee-uhm) is for defusing and releasing grief, despair and lackluster in the life exp

Cedar Pine Chips

Cedar Pine Chips helps defuse and release tension, release the need to control life and the feeling that


Cherries is for defusing the perspective of lack, victim, suspicion, and resistance. Cherries helps us see

Chewing Gum

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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47

Chewing Gum is to defuse and release pressure, tension and stress. When one is feeling pressure, tens


Chocolate is about defusing and erasing violent tendencies and creating miracles.

Chocolate is about

Coconut Tree

Coconut Tree defuses lack of purpose. See life as a whole instead of individual parts. Realize that each

Cogito Ergo Sum

Cogito Ergo Sum is for defusing and releasing old beliefs no longer serving us. Cogito Ergo Sum transla


Connect/Contact is for defusing loneliness and lack of communication. Connect/Contact brings two or m

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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47


Curry is about defusing pain and inflammation. Curry is about reconnecting with joyful memories to help

Dancing Cane

Dancing Cane is about catching the negative bits and pieces, sweeping them away and filling the spaces


Use Dewdrop for defusing negative emotions. Use Dewdrop to quell fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, etc


Dolphin is for accepting, defusing and releasing intense negative emotions. In holding onto intense nega

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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47


Dove is about defusing self-loathing, letting go of mourning that which is in the past, allowing bygones to


Dragonfly is for defusing friction and discord. Dragonfly is for creating prosperity and harmony. Dragonf


Encore is for defusing anxiety, pressure and stress. An Encore allows you to sit back and relax a little lo


Fade is for defusing and releasing worries, negative emotions or anything you wish to remove from your


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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47

Fleur-de-lis (pronounced "flur-duh-leez") is for defusing and releasing memories of bloodshed, of consta


Use Flypaper for defusing relationship issues. When negative energy enters love, family or any other pe


Fountain is for defusing lack, opening one to abundance. Fountain helps one to connect to Source, as a

Genesa Crystal

Genesa Crystal is for defusing and releasing atmospheric negativity and heaviness, allowing for cleansin


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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47

Ginger is for defusing chronic inflammatory thoughts and irritations. Ginger helps defuse and release re

Good News

Good News is for defusing lethargy, boredom and negative focuses. Good News gives a wonderful exci


Gratitude is for defusing condemnation, disapproval, judgmental and blame. In Gratitude we give ackno

Green Maple Leaf

Green Maple Leaf is for defusing deep depression, feeling unloved, unappreciated, uncared for, and fee


Harmony is for defusing discord, cacophony, and conflict. In Harmony there is comfort and calming. Ha

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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47

Healing Fern

Healing Fern is for defusing and releasingfesteringworries, frustrations, anger and anxiety, causing ulce

Holy Basil (Tulsi)

Holy Basil is for defusing stress and fatigue. Holy Basil helps restore and balance the immune system.


Home is for defusing insecurity, loneliness, apartness, longing and fear. Home helps one center in peac

Home is where the HEART is.


Honey is for defusing bitter anger and resentment. Honey softly surrounds, engulfs and permeates, swe

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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47


Honeysuckle is for defusing anxiety. Anxiety comes from looking to the future through the filters of nega


place of knowing that all is well.

derstanding of the life one leads.

love, and fill the world with love.


Hubristic is for defusing and releasing repeated negative patterns. Hubristic helps stop the loop of relear


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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47

Humble is for defusing arrogance and false pride. Humble is for quieting the tyrannical ego, allowing for

Ice Blue

Use Ice Blue for defusing pain. Whenever you are hurt - a cut, a burn, have any pain - think or say Ice B


Idea is for defusing and releasing inertia, dreariness and arduous routines. Idea brings a powerful focus


Jelly is for defusing rigid thinking and concrete thoughts. Jelly allows for shifting of ideas. Jelly helps giv


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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47

Kaleidoscope is for defusing monotony and drudgery, Cinderella Syndrome (fear of independence) and i

Kentucky Coffeetree

Kentucky Coffeetree is about defusing and releasing negative energy and judgment. The Kentucky Coff

Lemon Drop

Use Lemon Drop for defusing and melting problems away. Just as when a candy Lemon Drop melts, its

Light Switch

Light Switch is about defusing negatives and turning on the positive. Consider the Light Switch as an illu

Feeling anger and resentment, need for revenge? Defuse those feelings with forgiveness. To achieve fo

This puts illumination on forgiveness, which in turn helps defuse anger, resentment and the need for rev


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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47

Manhattan is for defusing confusion, frustration and overwhelm in a chaotic and/or busy environment. M


Mercury is for defusing fragmented feelings. Mercury, when fragmented pulls itself quickly and easily bac

Merry Go Round

Merry Go Round is for defusing and releasing boredom and single perspectives. As a Merry Go Round

Mirrored Reflection

Mirrored Reflection is for defusing harsh judgment and criticism of others, which creates barriers betwee

Oompa Loompa

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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47

Oompa Loompa is for defusing need for rigid adherence to conventional behavior. This opens one to ha


Ozone is for defusing careless regard for Nature including wilderness and domestic living things. Ozone


Pear is about defusing a sense of lack, allowing you to flow with abundance. Green Pears picked and ke


Peppermint is for defusing anger, irritability, inflammation and pain. Peppermint is cooling and soothing.

Peppermint also binds with heavy metals, helping to remove them from the body. Heavy metal toxicity ca


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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47

Phoenix is for defusing trauma, confusion, and overwhelm due to sudden, unexpected changes. Phoenix

Picnic Basket

Picnic Basket is for defusing the habit of having fun only when the works all done. Picnic Basket suppor

Pie Crust

Pie Crust is for defusing apartness, separatism, judgment. A Pie Crust often holds together many varyin

Piggy Bank

Piggy Bank is for defusing reckless spending, frittering and squandering, opening one to retaining reserv

Pillar of the Peace of I

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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47

Pillar of the Peace of I is about getting away from and defusing negative energy and finding balance and


Popcorn is for defusing tense group situations. Popcorn supports releasing confrontation energy and cre

Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis is for defusing anger, stress, anxiety, fear, and all negative emotions. Praying Mantis is a


Qualified is for defusing and releasing dissatisfaction, disparity and feeling unaccomplished. Qualified h


Raindrops is about defusing suppressed toxic emotions, polluting thoughts and associated poor behavio

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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47


Raspberry is for defusing unforgiveness, taking things personally and overreacting. Raspberry is for def


Rock is about defusing social and racial bigotry, bias and prejudice. Rock is about bringing solidarity an


Roses is about defusing fear, apathy, resignation, apartness and imbalances with love, caring and beaut


Sandbox is for defusing frustrations and irritability when plans go awry. Sandbox supports seeing from d

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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47

Santa Claus

Santa Claus is for defusing selfishness, thoughtlessness, self-centered, vain and egotistical behaviors. S

Sei Hei Ki

Sei Hei Ki (pronunciation: say-hay-key) is for defusing and releasing addictions and negative energies.


Serendipity is for defusing and releasing serious tensions associated with trying to find answers to impor


Snowflake is for defusing and releasing the need to be like everyone else. Each Snowflake is uniquely o


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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47

Soup is for defusing dissatisfaction with current circumstances. There may not be enough to go around r


Stardust is for defusing ignorance of the Universal Life Cycle and our interconnectedness with each othe


Strawberry is about dissolving and defusing love pain. A Strawberry is shaped very similar to a heart. S


Submit is for defusing and releasing need to push against your strengths. Submit is a choice fashioned o


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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47

Sunbeam is for defusing dark cold feelings. Sunbeam brings light and warmth wherever it goes, defusin


Sunflower is about dissolving and defusing blocks created by past memories, beliefs and rules limiting o

Sweet Violets

Sweet Violets is for defusing insomnia, fear, worries, stress and anger. Sweet Violets helps one to let go

Teapot Whistle

Teapot Whistle is about defusing and releasing stresses of the day. Teapot Whistle helps create a time

Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily helps defuse and release cravings and addictions. Tiger Lily helps with grounding, with seeing

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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47


Umbrella is for defusing vulnerability and feeling exposed. An Umbrella protects one from unwanted exp

Vanilla Bean Pod

Vanilla Bean Pod helps defuse and release sexual tensions, allowing for freedom of expression. Vanilla


Venus is for defusing disparity

alwaysin love relationships,
be used
the names
of the
two partners
for repair
the se


Warrior helps defuse suppressed thoughts relating to victimhood and loss of self-worth. Warrior helps o

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Defusing Words List

Written by Kat Miller
Sunday, 10 April 2016 17:00 - Last Updated Friday, 11 November 2016 15:47


Wisdom is for defusing anarchy and chaos. Wisdom brings order and appropriate action. Wisdom allow


Zeal is for defusing apathy, indifference and lethargy. Zeal brings passion and enthusiasm into the curre

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