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Phinma Coc Activity Sheet: PSY 001 - General Psychology Day 04

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PSY 001 General Psychology











Activity Title:
Learning Target/s:

Answer the review questions/exercises.
1. What is the difference between non-conscious and unconscious?
2. What are the different areas of skills?
3. What are the three states of consciousness?

Concept Notes
Copy concept notes here. You may use the back page, if necessary.
Traditional Definition of Intelligence:
- cognitive capacity people are born with and it can be measured
- cognitive ability to learn from experience, to reason well, to remember important information and to
agree with the demands of daily life
Howard Gardners definition of intelligence:
- skills that make it possible to solve problems
- potential for finding or creating solutions for problems

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PSY 001 General Psychology



Name: _______________________________

Activity 4.1: Discover Your Multiple Intelligences


Check the statements that apply to you on the spaces before the sentences. Count the number of
checkmarks in each category and write the total number. Circle the number of checkmarks you
have on the scale at the lower part of the box.

Linguistic Intelligence
____ Books are important to me.
____ I can hear words in my head before I read,
speak, or write them down.
____ I get more out of listening to an audiotape or
the radio than I do from television or films.
____ I enjoy word games like Scrabble, Anagrams
or Password.
____ I enjoy entertaining others or myself with
tongue twisters, nonsense rhymes or puns.
____ Other people sometimes have to stop and ask
me to explain the meaning of the words I use.
____ English, social studies, history are easier for
me in school than math and science.
____ When I travel, I pay more attention to the
words written on billboards than to the scenery.
____ My conversation includes frequent reference
to things Ive read or heard.
____ Ive written something recently that I was
particularly proud of or that earned me recognition
from others.
____ TOTAL
Rank your LINGUISTIC Intelligence.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
____ I can double or triple a cooking recipe or
carpentry measurements without having to put it all
down on paper.
____ Math and/or science were among my favorite
subjects in school.
____ I beat my friends in chess, checkers, Go or other
strategy games.
____ I like to set up little what if experiments. (For
example, What if I double the amount of water I
give to a rose bush each week?)
____ Ive got a mind that sometimes works like a
____ I wonder a lot about how certain things work.
____ I believe that most things have a rational
____ I sometimes think in clear, abstract, wordless,
imageless, concepts.
____ I like finding logical flaws in things that people
say and do at home and at work.
____ I feel more comfortable when something has
been measured, categorized, analysed or quantified in
some way.
____ TOTAL
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Spatial Intelligence
____ I often see clear visual images when I close my

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
____ I engage in at least one sport or physical activity on a
regular basis.

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PSY 001 General Psychology

Name: _______________________________
____ I am sensitive to color.
____ I have a camera or a camcorder that I use to record
what I see around me.
____ I enjoy solving jigsaw puzzles, mazes or other
visual puzzles.
____ I have vivid dreams at night.
____ I can generally find my way around unfamiliar
____ I like to draw or doodle.
____ Geometry was easier for me than algebra in school.
____ I can comfortably imagine how something might
appear if it were looked down upon from directly above
in a birds eye view.
____ I prefer looking at a reading material that is heavily
____ TOTAL
Rank your SPATIAL Intelligence.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


____ I find it difficult to sit still for long periods of time.

____ I like working with my hands at some concrete activity
such as sewing, weaving, carving, carpentry, model-building
or a similar task.
____ My best ideas often come to me when Im out for a long
walk, a jog, or some other kinds of physical activity.
____ I often like to spend my free time outdoors.
____ I frequently use hand gestures or other forms of body
language when conversing with someone.
____ I need to touch things in order to learn more about
____ I enjoy daredevil amusement rides, or similar thrilling
____ I would describe myself as well-coordinated.
____ I need to practice a new skill by doing it rather than
simply reading about it or seeing a video that describes it.
____ TOTAL
Rank your BODILY-KINESTHETIC Intelligence.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Musical Intelligence
____ I have a good singing voice.
____ I can tell when a musical note is off-key.
____ I frequently listen to musical selections on radio,
audiotapes or CDs.
____ I play a musical instrument.
____ My life would be boring if there was no music in it.
____ I catch myself sometimes walking down a street
with a television jingle or other tune running through my
____ I can easily keep time to a piece of music with a
simple percussion instrument.
____ I know the tunes to many different songs or musical
____ If I hear a music selection once or twice, I am
usually able to sing it back fairly accurately.
____ I often make tapping sounds or single little melodies
while working, studying, or learning something new.
____ TOTAL
Rank your MUSICAL Intelligence.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Interpersonal Intelligence
____ Im considered an individual that people come to for
advice and counsel.
____ I prefer sports like badminton, volleyball, or softball to
solo sports such as swimming or jogging.
____ When Ive got a problem, Im more likely to seek out
another person for help than to work it out on my own.
____ I have at least three close friends.
____ I prefer social pastimes like Monopoly or Bridge to
individual recreations such as video games or Solitaire.
____ I enjoy the challenge of teaching another person or
group of people what I know how to do.
____ I consider myself a leader (or others have called me
____ I feel comfortable in the midst of a crowd.
____ I like to get involved in social activities connected to
my work, church or community.
____ I would rather spend my evenings at a lively party than
at home alone.
____ TOTAL
Rank your INTERPERSONAL Intelligence.

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PSY 001 General Psychology



Name: _______________________________

Intrapersonal Intelligence
____ I like to spend time along to meditate, reflect, or
think about important life questions.
____ I have attended counselling sessions or personal
growth seminars to learn more about myself.
____ I have unique thoughts about things that others
dont seem to understand.
____ I consider myself to be a strong-willed or
fiercely independent.
____ I see myself as a loner (or others see me that
____ I have a special hobby or interest that I keep
pretty much to myself.
____ I have some important goals in life that I think
about on a regular basis.
____ I would prefer to spend a weekend alone in a tent
in the woods than at a fancy resort with lots of people
____ I keep a personal diary or journal that records
events of my inner life.
____ I am self-employed or have at least seriously
thought about starting my own business.

2 3

4 5

6 7

8 9


Naturalistic Intelligence
____ My sensory skills --- sight, sound, taste, smell, touch
- are keen.
____ I like to be outside and/or like outdoor activities like
gardening, nature walks, or field trips gears towards
observing nature and natural phenomena.
____ I am deeply interested in animals and/or plants.
____ I keep, have collected and /or created collections,
scrapbooks, logs or journals about natural objects.
____ I am aware and concerned about the environment
and of endangered species.
____ I easily learn characteristics, names, categorization
and data about objects or species found in the natural
____ I notice things in the environment that others often
____ I remember things about animals and/or plants.
____ I categorize things from the natural world.
____ I am very interested in television shows, videos,
books or objects from or about nature, science or animals.

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PSY 001 General Psychology



Name: _______________________________
____ TOTAL
____ TOTAL
Rank your NATURALISTIC Intelligence.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rank your INTRAPERSONAL Intelligence.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. What kind of intelligence you got the highest score? _________________________________

2. What kind of intelligence you got the lowest score? _________________________________
3. Do you agree with the result? __________
4. Do you like to improve the kind of intelligence where you got the lower scores? __________
5. What are your plans to improve them? _________________________________________________

Activity 4.2: Interest Survey

Let the students read and understand the direction before doing the activity.
Directions: Complete the following sentences briefly and honestly.
1. The types of TV programs I prefer are_______________________________________________________
because ____________________________________________________________________________.
2. My favourite activity or subject in school is ____________________________________________________
My least favourite activity or subject in school is________________________________________________
3. My first choice about what to do when I have free time at home is __________________________________.
4. My hobbies are __________________________________________________________________________.
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PSY 001 General Psychology



Name: _______________________________
5. The career(s) I think might be suitable for me when I finish college is _______________________________.
6. My favourite games are ___________________________________________________________________
7. The three things that I do best in school are ____________________________________________________.
8. I would like to learn more about ____________________________________________________________.
9. Outside of school, my favorite activity is______________________________________________________.
10. The clubs organizations or private lessons that I participated in are ________________________________.
11. My favorite sport is _____________________________________________________________________.
12. If I could choose between watching television, playing video games or using the computer, I would choose
______________________ because_____________________________________________________.
13. I have travelled to _______________________________________________________________________.
If I could pick a place to travel to, I would choose _____________________________________________.
14. Some of the chores and responsibilities that I have at home are
15. Something about me that I like to share with other people _______________________________________.

Explore Section
Harvey's Mini EI Quiz
This short assessment will give you some flavor of emotional intelligence. It is not meant to be a serious test of your
emotional functioning. Have fun with it.
Note: When answering the questions please stay focused on what the question asks. Because of the way the questions are
set up it is easy to answer the opposite way from what you intended.
Possible Answers
1 - Seldom true or not true of me

- Seldom true of me

- Sometimes true of me

- Often true of me

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PSY 001 General Psychology



Name: _______________________________

- Very often true or true of me


When I have a strong emotional reaction I am usually able to relate it to anexperience from my past. ___


I have no difficulty asking for what I want.



The people that I chose spend time with are supportive of me and my goals.



I am satisfied with what I have achieved in life.



I rely upon my own judgment in making decisions.



I am able to understand why others feel the way they do.



In conversations I often ask others about themselves and their world.



I believe that helping others is an important part of life.



Solving problems comes easily to me.


10. Understanding the way others see things is easy for me.


11. I adapt easily to change


12. I rarely let pressure get to me.


13. I rarely speak or act without thinking things through.


14. Most of the time it feels great to be alive.


15. I expect things to get better in the future.


Add up your numbers from all of your answers.

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PSY 001 General Psychology



Name: _______________________________

60-75: Congratulations, indications are that you are doing very well, up into the high end of the emotional
intelligence scale. You know yourself well and have developed healthy, sustaining relationships with others. You
are usually happy, optimistic and feel quite good about what you have accomplished in your life. Because you
already have a solid base, your potential to develop to an even higher level using EI is excellent.

45-59: Your scores indicate that you are doing fairly well. Your self-awareness and relationships with others are
above average. You have achievements you are proud of, are generally are in a good mood, and see the world in
a positive way. There is still room for improvement in all areas and there are times when you feel you are
capable of doing/achieving more than you have. By diligently using EI tools you are able to get even more from

30-44: Your scores indicate that you are struggling somewhat with how you feel, about yourself and your

relationships with others. You are aware of this and are likely open to making some changes. The good news is
that you can make very significant changes by diligently practicing new positive EI behaviors.

15-29: Give yourself credit for answering honestly. Your results indicate that your life is a difficult struggle in a

number of areas. The good news isthat you are able to make significant changes to your life if you are willing to
do what is required. There are countless stories of people who have made drastic changes despite coming from a
difficult place. You will find that once you start seeing changes resulting from your efforts you will begin feeling
much more positive about your life.

Complete the statement below.
The important lesson/s I learned today is/are

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PSY 001 General Psychology



Name: _______________________________
Reminder: If you have other concerns or need time to discuss the topic, please feel free to consult your teacher.


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