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Multiple Intelligence Survey Test

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Name: ___________________________________________ Period: _____________ Date: ____________

Multiple Intelligences Survey

Adapted from W. McKenzie (1999), Performance Learning Systems (2003), and D. Lazear (2003)

Note: This is not a test - it is a snapshot in time of YOUR perceived MI preferences.

Part I: Beside each statement place a zero or a one to indicate how much you identify with the
description. For example, if you strongly identify with the statement, place a one (1) next to it; if
you do not identify with it, place a zero (0) next to it.
Section 1 - Naturalist
_____ I have always been interested in plants, animals,
and the world around me
_____ Ecological issues are important to me
_____ Classification helps me make sense of new data
_____ I enjoy having plants growing in my living space
and know what they need to flourish
_____ I believe preserving our National Parks is
_____ I am aware of characteristics of plants and
animals that many people dont even see.
_____ Animals are important in my life
_____ My home has a recycling system in place
_____ I enjoy studying biology, botany and/or zoology
_____ I take pleasure being out in nature
_____ TOTAL for Section 1

Section 3 Logical, Mathematical

_____ I am known for being neat and orderly
_____ Step-by-step directions are a big help
_____ Problem solving comes easily to me
_____ I get easily frustrated with disorganized people
_____ I can complete calculations quickly in my head
_____ Logic puzzles are fun
_____ I can't begin an assignment until I have all my
"ducks in a row"
_____ I enjoy using the computer, especially to
organize data I can analyze and interpret
_____ I enjoy troubleshooting something that isn't
working properly
_____ I prefer precise distances (tenths of miles) and
uncluttered navigational directions
_____ TOTAL for Section 3

Section 2 Musical, Rhythmic

_____ I easily pick up on patterns and rhymes.
_____ I have sensitive hearing and often hear sounds
around me that other dont
_____ I enjoy making music and often have a tune or
melody running through my mind
_____ I am aware of music in sounds and voices
around me; pitch, duration, rhythm, etc.
_____ I respond to the cadence (rhythmic sequence)
of poetry
_____ I use the rhythm and inflection of words to help
me learn and recall vocabulary
_____ Concentration is difficult for me if there is
background noise
_____ Listening to sounds in nature can be very
_____ Musicals are more engaging to me than dramatic
_____ I remember things by putting them in a rhyme
_____ TOTAL for Section 2
Section 4 - Visual, Spatial
_____ Rearranging a room and redecorating are fun for
_____ I enjoy creating my own works of art
_____ I remember better using graphic organizers
_____ I have a heightened sense of color, pattern, and
_____ Charts, graphs and tables help me interpret
_____ I am naturally orientated in the space around me
and good at knowing where I am
_____ I can recall things as mental pictures
_____ I am good at reading maps and blueprints
_____ I can visualize three-dimensional (3D) objects
and rotate them in my mind
_____ I can visualize ideas in my mind
_____ TOTAL for Section 4

Section 5 - Interpersonal
_____ I learn best talking and interacting with others
_____ I enjoy informal chat and serious discussion
_____ The more people the better
_____ I often serve as a leader among peers and
_____ I sense others feeling easily and often do so
intentionally to communicate better
_____ Study groups are very productive for me
_____ I am a team player
_____ I have been told that I am people person
_____ I belong to more than three clubs or
_____ I dislike working alone
_____ TOTAL for Section 5

Section 7 Verbal, Linguistic

_____ I spell well
_____ I enjoy reading books, magazines and web sites
in my free time
_____ I keep a journal
_____ I have a good vocabulary and enjoy all things
associated with words
_____ Taking notes helps me remember and
_____ I am able to write clearly and enjoy doing so
_____ It is easy for me to explain my ideas to others
_____ I write for pleasure
_____ I enjoy word-based humor and joke, like puns,
tongue twisters, etc.
_____ I enjoy public speaking and participating in
_____ TOTAL for Section 7

Section 6 Bodily, Kinesthetic

_____ I learn best by doing, as in hand-on activities,
role-playing, etc.
_____ I enjoy making things with my hands
_____ I am good at sports; I am well coordinated and
always have been
_____ When I talk, I often use gestures and nonverbal cues to emphasize what I am communicating
_____ Demonstrating is better than explaining
_____ when I read, I enjoy and remember actionpacked content best
_____ I like working with tools
_____ Inactivity can make me more tired than being
very busy
_____ Hands-on activities are fun
_____ I live an active lifestyle
_____ TOTAL for Section 6
Section 8 - Intrapersonal
_____ I am aware of my internal thought processes,
feelings, strengths, and weaknesses
_____ I spend quite a bit of time in thought, I have a
private, inner world.
_____ I am keenly aware of my moral beliefs
_____ I learn best when I have an emotional
attachment to the subject
_____ Fairness is important to me
_____ Social justice issues interest me
_____ I finder personal reflection not only meaningful,
but important to my well-being
_____ I need to know why I should do something
before I agree to do it
_____ When I believe in something I give more effort
towards it
_____ If I am able to choose, I prefer to work on
projects alone. I am self-motivated
_____ TOTAL for Section 8

Part II
Now carry forward your total from each section and multiply by 10 below:

Total Forward



Part III
Now plot your scores on the bar graph provided. Fill in the title, too!
TITLE: ________________________________s Multiple Intelligences Survey period _____



Mathematical (3)



Kinesthetic (6)



Part IV
Section Key:
1 - Naturalist Intelligence: Learns and works best through involvement with the natural world.
2 - Musical, Rhythmic Intelligence: Learns and works best through hearing, sound, sound patterns, rhythm, and
tonal pattern.
3 - Logical, Mathematical Intelligence: (Logic and numbers) Learns and works best through the process of seeking
and discovering patterns and through the logic of problem-solving
4 - Visual, Spatial Intelligence: (Images and space) Learns and works best through external and internal sight (via
the minds eye).
5 - Interpersonal Intelligence: (Aware of others feelings) Learns and works best through interpersonal
communication, teamwork, and collaboration. (Are people persons.)
6 - Bodily, Kinesthetic Intelligence: (Body movement control) Learns and work best through physical movement and
7 - Verbal, Linguistic Intelligence: (Words and language) Learns and works best using the written, spoken, and read
aspects of language.
8 - Intrapersonal Intelligence: (Self aware) Learns and works best through introspection, metacognition (awareness
of your own learning process), and self-reflection.

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