Man ! Know Thyself. 2.
Man ! Know Thyself. 2.
Man ! Know Thyself. 2.
(Self- Realisation.)
V. M. Upadhyaya.
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Man! Know thyself
The author has put a heart full effort to point out this pathless path.
His exposure to western systems of learning will help the reader in
understanding the depth of the subject. His language is easy and at the
same time deep.
Upanishad. The Vedas are probably the most ancient literature of the
world, and the Upanishad is the end potion of the Vedas. Upanishad
means sitting under the feet of the master and hence it has to be
understood with commitment and humility.
Swami Sukhabodhananda
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achievements are the sources of happiness. Activities are not done for
activities sake. They are only a means to an end. Whether means should
justify the end or end should justify the means is a legal and moral or
ethical problem. Happiness through satisfaction is the end of all activities.
Those activities which end in achievement appear to be the means of
happiness. Though happiness seems to depend on activities, it does not.
Happiness does not necessarily follow activities. Activities are motivated
by the desire for happiness. Because external objects are believed to be
the sources of happiness men run after the objects and engage
themselves in hoarding things. Mistaking objects for happiness people are
entangled in the tedious job of securing and protecting the things
hoarded. Property brings responsibility with it. Responsibility begets and
There are people who find a little time even in the middle of
their busy quotidian duties to seek satisfaction in searching answers to
the problems regarding the value and meaning of life as a whole. To a
considerable extent the history of mankind is the history of his search for
the solace in life and solace in death. Wonderfully enough all people
think in a particular way because perhaps they cant help it. The pursuit
for the realization of the ultimate truth by man has been unending not
because of the nullity of the truth but because of the way of thought he
adopted to discern the Reality. The wise thinkers all over the world have
proclaimed form time to time whatever they believed to be true, but it
resulted only in increasing the number of creeds and sects which already
existed. Philosophers and thinkers poured out postulates and theories
only to be nullified by the successors. Some agnostics ventured to
promulgate that the search for the ultimate reality is a futile endeavor as
ultimate reality is a mirage. In spite of their sincerity, prudence, open
mindedness and intellectual maturity the failures and frustrations are the
results of the method of thinking they adopted.
Reality. In the Taittiriya Upanishat the disciple who realized the soul
exclaimed with ecstasy, `` I have realized that the Braham or the soul is
the absolute happiness. The Brahadaranyaka
Upanishat announces,
This is the greatest happiness that a man can have. So, beyond doubt,
the Vedic sages had realized the unbounded happiness. Mercifully they
had arranged for the continuity of the flow of that knowledge form mind
to mind hoping to bring salvation to every one who care
to listens to
them. Every one may raise his eyebrow if I say that the technique that
the Vedic sages adopted is not to be found in any books or with any
thinkers of the world. This technique is found hidden in the Upanishats.
Shankaracharya says in his comments on the Brahma Sootra, The
knowledge of the soul as the ultimate reality cannot be had except from
the Upanishats. (Brahma Sootra Bhashya.1-1-4-4).
Manthana. I have discussed the matter in greater detail. This book is not
the translation of my Kannada books.
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V. M. Upadhyaya.
Phone: 08385-266349.
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B.G. ----------------------Bhagavadgita.
B.S. ----------------------Brahmasootra.
Br.U. --------------------Brahadaranyaka Upanishat.
C.U. ---------------------Chandogya Upanishat.
K.U. ------------------- -Kataka Upanishat.
Ke.U. -------------------Kena Upanishat.
M.U.---------------------Mandukya Upanishat.
M.K. -------------------Mandukya Karika.
Mu.U. -----------------Mundaka Upanishat.
P.U. -------------------Prashna Upanihst.
P.Y. -------------------Patanjala Yogasootra.
Sh.Br.-----------------Shatapata Brahmana.
Sh.U.-----------------Shwetashvatara Upanishat.
B. =Shankara Bhashya. e.g. K.B= Kataka Upanishat,
Shankara Bhashya.
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Once Socrates,
paid a visit to the temple of god Delphi in Greece. There, the inscription
Man! Know thyself. attracted his attention and then on that became the
chief problem of his enquiry, ignoring the scientific enquiry into the
external world. He says, ``I
which he earns his bread, or the domestic and social events which
concern him in his struggle for existence. An active man feels no
necessity, and so thinks, has no time for spiritual meditation. Man
absorbed in duties of immediate urgency feels not the goad to discern
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withstanding its
features of seductive beauty, glory and sublimity, is not all. To those who
seek consolation, philosophy appears to be something too high or too
fanciful to be of any practical value. Mans awareness of his innermost,
undying desire for ``Solace in life and solace in death, as Schopenhauer
puts it, does not enable him to escape from its haunting.
We all think and do not doubt our ability to think. But, why do we
things and events that we come across, but not about our thoughts. If
answer you, yes, to the question, `Do all think in the same way? you
may object strongly. But I am helpless. I am told that there can be only
two types of thinking; one is the way that all men think and the other is
the way that perhaps no one thinks or no one knows. Of these two
types of thinking let me call the first, popular and every mans way as
`World centre habit. I call it a habit because we are habituated to think
that way. It is so much habitual that we can think in no other way.
Common man in the streets, merchants, politicians, lawyers, doctors,
scientists and even philosophers think the same way. Men, other than
the students of philosophy, do not differentiate perception, reason,
thinking, knowledge and conception etc. from one another, as a rule. As
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we are going to deal with thought, to help you understand easily and
seeker after wisdom. But still the term philosophy does not become any
more precise. The important thing is to note that philosophy seeks
immoral. Homeric religion was polytheistic and Zeus was the chief of
Mans first response was to the outer world and only afterwards he
became reflective about his inner life. The beginning of Greek speculation
is essentially cosmogonic.
to be explained according to natural stuff only. According to Thales (624550 B.C.), the world arises from water and returns into it again. For
Empedocles (490-430B.C) said that fire, water, air and earth were the
Aneximander(611-547 B.C), argued that earth, water, air and fire cannot
be the ultimate stuff of the universe because they have opposite
characters. For example, fire burns and water dampens. For him the
primary matter was `boundless something. Pythagoras (580-500 B.C.)
speculated that there is a central fire around which the earth, the sun,
the moon and the five planets move. Anaxagoras (500-428B.C), fell upon
a new idea of `Nous, a quasi-psyche or mind. Nous is quite different in
kind and opposite of the countless mixed elements of Empidocles,
composing the universe. Nous is pure, thin, unmixed and simple. It is
self moved and all other corporeal elements are set in motion by Nous.
Democritus (460-360.B.C) put forth the theory of `atoms. Leukippus
unfolded the theory of atoms. He says that all atoms are indivisible,
invisible and countless in number. They differ from one another only in
shape and size. For the atoms, weight is really a function of size. Some
of the atomists were of the opinion that even human soul is made up of
fire atoms. Perhaps this seems to be the root of modern atomic theory.
This is the beginning of explaining the `known, or the external world.
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Socrates did not want to enquire into the external world like
his predecessors as he had decided to enquire into himself. The
Sophists by that time had laid down the maxim knowledge is perception.
Sophists had concluded that perception can give only relative knowledge,
for perception differs from person to person and even with the same
person at different moments. Hence the maxim of the Sophists was
Homo mensura, i.e. man is the measure of all things. In other words,
what appears to me is true for me and what appears to you is true for
you. According to Socrates, the fundamental mistake of the sophists was
that they denied the role which reason played in the formation of
knowledge and morality. The sophists did not distinguish between reason
and perception, and reason and feeling. So the sophists came to support
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Therefore, it holds that sense experience does not constitute, but serves
an occasion for the experience of intellect, whose innate ideas constitute
knowledge. So the sense experience serves only an opportunity for the
play of intellect and its innate ideas. While Empiricism holds that mind is
passive with regard to simple ideas, Rationalism supposes mind to be
active, both in obtaining self evident innate ideas and in constituting
knowledge. According to Kant, innate ideas or truths are `Universal,
because they follow from common mental constitution of all human
thinkers as thinkers. Kant says mind gives its own laws and without
these laws it cannot think at all. Therefore mind cannot help noting these
very laws which it gives to things, whilst thinking about them.
Skepticism is halt in the progress. But the belief of man in his capacity
to do every thing pushes him forward. Brave mans failure provides an
opportunist a chance of his success. For thousands of years man has
been thinking in order to solve many of his problems. He penetrated the
a thing of
which we have no
and sentiments. Feeling may be warm and comforting, but its weakness
is latent. It is fleeting, unstable and relative and sometimes may prove
treacherous. So we can say that the belief is the language of the heart,
whereas, knowledge is the language of mind or wisdom.
You are taught that you can see a flower or other objects
only if the light reflected from the surface of the objects penetrates into
your open eyes. This is to say that our sensory organs are the gate
ways for the external objects to reach our mind. This is what the
physical science describes. Perhaps this is the experience of every man
that when our mind is absorbed in some important thought we do not
notice the presence of objects before our open eyes.
that mind should reach the object if we are to be aware of their being.
Light can reach only the retina, but not our mind. Sound and taste etc.
cannot reach our mind. External objects, penetrating through our body to
reach the mind which is believed to be in the body, is a thing that we
cannot explain.
So it is a call of
reason to undertake anew the most difficult of all its task, namely, that of
self knowledge, and institute a tribunal which will assure to reason its
lawful claims. So Emmanuel Kant (1724-1804) says that instead of the
mind approaching the objects, we have to assume that the objects must
approach the mind to be known at all. Reason must approach nature not
as a pupil but as a judge. We have to assume that the mind lays down
certain conditions for the objects to become the objects of knowledge.
Unless they confirm to these preconditions, they will not be objects for
human knowledge. These preconditions for the objects are the two forms
space as
an objective
receptacle, existing in its own right. Newton says that space or time is
really objective, existing outside human mind. If the idea of space or time
were derived empirically, then it could be imagined to be non-existing as
in the case with colour, taste, smell etc., or even having not colour, taste
and smell etc, at all. But we can never think of an object not to have
spatial characters at all. Leibnitz holds that space or time is not an
objective receptacle, but is an appearance and is relative. For him, there
could be no space or time as real. But Kant argues that if there were no
notion of space for the beginning, then certainly there could be no
Kant says that we are not in space and time, but space and
time are in us.
This paradox simply means that space and time are the
subjective form of perceiving any object for all human beings. Because
they are subjective in the same way for all human beings, therefore, they
are truly objective. Ordinarily, in the terminology of commonsense realism
and science `objective is that which is free from any subjective
involvement that is, in the cognition of which no desire, passion, or any
other condition of the subject or the knower should enter. For Kant,
`objective means that which is the same for me is for you and all at all
times and space. In this sense, space and time are objective, for they
are the public and the same for all. He says that objectivity is the
universal validity. A dream all men dream together, and which all men
must dream, is not a dream, but a reality. Whatever we perceive we
colour them, modify and transform them by spacing them and timing
them. Without doing this we cannot perceive them at all. But what things,
apart from our modes of perceiving them are in themselves, we have no
means of knowledge. Might be that objects are really spaced and timed
or, might be they are not at all in space and time. A fish can know what
life is in water, but it cannot know what life in any other media could be.
We dont know how angels and Gods perceive objects.
We only know
this much that we perceive objects only by spacing and timing them. In
this world of phenomena scientific knowledge is possible. Every body
perceives objects in the same way and must perceive them in space and
time. Illusion like seeing a rope as snake can disappear after being
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transcendentally ideal. This means that space and time are real for
practical concerns of life, but they are not real absolutely. So far as the
world of science and commonsense are concerned, they would be
experienced alike as spatially and temporarily real. But in the final
analyses they are simply subjective forms of knowing.
It is through sense
senses or the sensory organs that we have. Secondly, we can guess the
existence of something by logical thinking, as in the case of gravity. We
are also aware of hunger, anger, joy and the like, and it is called feeling.
Though some persons are said to have intuitive knowledge, we can
leave it aside as it is not with in the experience of common man and it
all depends upon the belief.
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We have
different religions in India and of them the three, the Vedic religion, the
Jainism and the Buddhism are remarkable. All of these religions have
their own philosophies as their back bone.
the nature of
challenging, than the study of the nature outside. Though brain varies
from person to person, the same cannot be said with regard to mind. If
the mind too varied we could not have the criterion to consolidate all
men and group mankind.
and gestures, all appear to think and understand in the same way.
mean all are equal in their way of understanding, though they differ in
expression. Feelings, emotion, desire, ambition, hate, anger, pride, sense
of beauty, are all common factors all over the world. A study of history
and literature supports
weak, white, black, wise, good etc. I am living in this locality. My name
is such and such. My friends are good and my enemies are ill natured. I
am born on such and such date and my age is this. I love my family
and they like me. This world is big and beautiful. The light of the sun,
the moon and the stars make me happy. I wish to do such and such
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works and earn a lot of money and my fame would spread far and wide.
I like to do such adventures at which the others would gasp with
wonder. I am told that death is inevitable and hence before death knocks
at my door I wish to make all my dreams a reality. There may be or
may not be rebirth, but to me this life is real. Before departing this world
I would do such works that would bring peace and prosperity to a lot
and that would make the people drop their tears when my body is laid
to rest. And so on.
And the second one is, My stay here is temporary one. An analysis of
the first stimuli, namely, I am a visitor to this world could reveal the
following understandings: This world is there for millions and trillions of
years of its own accord. How did it come to be we know not. Scientists
are pouring theories after theories trying to explain the origin of it. But
every new theory gains popularity by denying its preceding ones. None
of them is final and satisfactory. We agree that man was not man
millions of years ago because great men like Darwin and Dalton said so.
To those who know not, or have no faith in rebirth, this life here in this
world is an accident. And to them, who believe in rebirth, this life is the
occasion resulted out of their righteous or wrongful activities in the past
lives, to reap as they saw. Some of them are taught to worry as to how
to escape from the vicious circle of birth and rebirth. To escape from
rebirth is to escape from visiting this world again. Any way, this life is
understood to be a visit to this world irrespective of man`s belief or
disbelief in rebirth. To all, their visit begins with birth and ends in death.
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Men may come and men may go but the world goes on for ever. From
this it is clear that the world is a permanent entity and man`s life here is
temporary. Mans temporary stay here begins with his body coming to
this world out of the womb as all of us agree. This agreement of ours
exclusively reveals our conviction, I am this body. So the implication of
the statement, I am a visitor to this world is, I am this body.
forced to stay here for some time. This implies that I am something
other than this body. Of these two views we are sure of the first one i.e.
I am this body and remain obfuscated with regard to the second one.
This means that man has the knowledge of his being the body and the
ignorance of what he is other than the body. Man is not ignorant of his
knowledge, and has no knowledge of his nescience.
Till now I have been using the word `knowledge to express the
`idea of I am this body and My stay in this world. In the previous
chapter difference between knowledge and belief was made clear.
Bearing that in mind, we have to consider the appropriateness of the
word, knowledge, in this context. Do we have sufficient evidence, and are
we not left with doubts, while using the sentence I am the body? We
are certainly ambivalent. One says one is tall, strong, and white and so
on, as well as ones body is full of pain, too fat, too weak etc. When a
man remarks, `my body is too fat, it reveals his awareness of his being
some thing other than his body. The presence of this ambiguity in
expression provides strong evidence against the legitimacy of using the
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After all what difference do you notice between body and food?
Plants are the food of animals, and the dead bodies of the animals
become food of plants. Bodies of birds, insects, and small animals are
the food of some other types of insects, birds and animals. Outside
bodies are food and food inside is body. One body is the food of
another body. Food and body are two different points in their cyclic
movement. Parasites live on other living bodies. Five elements, earth,
water, air, fire and space make up all the bodies and there can be no
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body with out these constituents. If this is the teaching of the Upanishats,
present day scientists say that every thing in nature is made up of
fundamental elements. Biodegradation is a process which makes the
body return to its elementary stage. Our inability to notice the slowest
movement of the hour stick in a watch could not be a proof, even to
ourselves, of its immobility. So also our failure to notice the incessant
change taking place in the body is not an unerring evidence to prove I
am what I was ten years ago. In spite of all these changes in the body,
`Iness remains the same. If you ask the people, whose hands or legs
are amputated, they could only say that their hand and legs are
amputated, but none of them would say `he or `she was amputated. It
is because he never ceases to feel his indivisible entity. So identifying
your self with your body may not be called true knowledge, and we may
rightly call it a belief, that too for the time being only.
We cannot define mind with the ease with which we define body as
mind is a conglomeration of ideas, reason, memory, knowledge, doubt,
decision, guess, belief and the like. Physical science does not define
mind as it does not deal with it. Psychologists definition of mind is more
or less an explanation of behavior. More over, they do not say what
mind is made of. But, The Chandogya Upanishat says, In taken food
(and drink), is decomposed during digestion and the solid form of which
is excreted in the form of wastes, the finer form transforms itself into
muscles and the finest form becomes mind. #$
+ .+ 4 8 9+# :. #(C.U.6-5-1.) We
are told by the great physicists and chemists that there is nothing
constant in the universe, in whichever state a thing may be, solid, liquid
or gas, and so
the change is the nature of things, mind which is the finest form of
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Even in this
condition if the patient is said to be living, who could it be? Before birth
a child cannot think anything. Could you imagine an unthinking mind?
Not to speak of a brain, but mind.
make a man lifeless, neither the presence of mind can make a living
person. It may be clear by now that man is neither his body nor his
mind. If a man is not his body, in the beginning it was supposed, then
he could be his mind, but both the factors are falsified now. Now say
who are you?
I expect that it could make you jump to the conclusion that you are
Prana,-< Jeeva- or life or vital energy, as may be called. So long
one respires one is believed to be alive. Respiration is the fundamental
activity that causes all other physical and mental activities in the body.
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Life means the period between birth and death. It also means the
active force that makes those forms of matter(animals and plants) that
grow through feedings and produce new young forms
like themselves,
different from all other matter ( stone, machine, object etc,). Self means
a person with his own nature, character, abilities etc. Soul means the
part of a person that is not the body and is thought not to die. These
definitions are taken from Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.
For sake of convenience, here after, let us consider the word life equal
to Jeeva or Prana and soul to Atman Please note carefully the
difference between the definitions of life and soul. ` Iness
person is denoted by the word Jeeva, and this we may call life or ego.
Perhaps the last resort to identify is the soul. We say that we
have a soul not because it is our own discovery or even experience but
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cannot say that a particular medicine is the final and the only remedy to
a particular disease, we cannot deny different truths applicable to a
particular thing. Reverse the truth, and there will be a newer truth; and
that explains and exemplifies the true freedom of thought.
For the time being, for purpose of inquiry, let us grant the soul its
being. We have already seen that body is not and cannot be the soul,
but still they are seen to be together. So we can at the most presume a
relationship between the two. For any kind of relation to be established
two different things are a necessity as the related things can never be
one and the same. This necessitates to guess a beginning and an end
of relation. Logically, whatever begins must end and whatever ends must
have begun. As it is everybodys knowledge that the relation between the
body and the soul ends in death, there is nothing wrong in presupposing
the beginning of it at a time. That means to say that if the relation ends
in death it must have a beginning also. But before continuing our inquiry
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Soul itself
cannot walk, talk, think, and work. Some are of the opinion that body is
the instrument of the soul, but not without opposition. Any way this
bilateral relationship is not perpetual and is bound to terminate. Neither
body nor soul singly makes a man.
cells, which passes on and controls the nature, character etc. of a cell or
young animal. Each type of animal has a certain number of these, fixed
for that type. Chromosomes are of two types i.e. X and Y. Human cells
consists of twenty three pairs of chromosomes, normally. In female cells
X chromosomes exist in pairs and in male cells singly. After the union of
the male and female, X chromosome will produce a female when
combined with a Y chromosome.
cells, and after union of male and female, will produce a male when
combined with an X chromosome.
origin of soul or its entry into the body. If we analyse the act of entering,
it is known that only a physical body can
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find a way out from this tight corner we may argue in favour of division
of the soul at the end of copulation from the parental bodies. In this
case we have to grant the improbable union of two souls emerging from
male and female to make a whole, or the survival of one of the two.
More over greater difficulty arises in accusing the soul, which is not
material, of dividing itself like a physical cell.
You might have observed the planting of the cut pieces of the
plants and creepers like rose, pepper, vanilla etc.
grow and in their turn will be cut and planted in other places. When
such plant is cut into pieces what happens to its soul? As soul cannot
be divided like a physical thing we can see only two pieces of plants but
cannot even imagine two pieces of soul. One can cut a plant but not
soul. Still, we see both the plants growing separately, and none of them
can be claimed lifeless. We cannot even postulate the entry of a new life
into the cut piece of the plant supposing that the act of cutting and
separating would have made the life abandon it making room for the new
one to enter, because the same circumstance which causes one to
desert cannot be conducive to invite and foster the other. Advancement
of scientific knowledge enabled the scientists to make tissue culture and
clawning successful. Here only a tissue or a particle of a living body is
made to grow differently, but a soul is not created newly. We can
conclude that the starting point of the combination of the body and
individual soul cannot be fixed. Now one can question the indivisibility of
the soul which has been the basis of our logical arguments. Indivisibility,
immortality and non duality of the soul, being the very foundation of the
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theme of the Upanishats, every Upanishat with all prudence and sincerity
tries to enlighten us the same unchanging absolute reality. These
examples can be noted. Atman is all pervasive and the inner most part
of all the things. @A @
# (Sh.U.6-11.)This soul is the all
experiencing and all including. BC @
(Whatever is seen and heard here) That all is Atman. @
(Br.U.2-4-6.) He (soul) is in all and out side all and is never
born. C#C (M.U.2-1-2.) Before the beginning of this creation,
all was one called Sat or Atman. I J (C.U.6-2-1.)
Atman is spread every where like the sky or space. @L
8 (Sh.Br.10-6-3-2.)
Our inability to trace the origin of the individual soul is the logical
out come of commonsense reasoning. The Upanishats support this view
as they declare the beginninglessness of the soul in clear words like,
logic and philosophy. I do not dispute, but can only say that all men are
mortal but not the soul. Still, I do not expect that this simple statement
may not quench the thirst for knowledge of the thoughtful readers. One
may ask, Is not man mortal? Have we not seen people dying? Animals,
birds and plants are subject to death; otherwise earth would be left with
no place to live in for the new-borns. Some would even think that
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their condolence, when a king dies, The king is dead; and long live the
king. I let you think over the matter, for the time being.
The death of a
knowledge of every
Hindu. The Christianity upholds the continuity of the soul after death till
the day of the judgment though it does not approve rebirth. To them,
soul is that part of the person that is not the body and is thought not to
die. Moreover, if the death means the death of the soul, who will be left
to go to the heaven or hell? Perhaps all religions speak of hell and
heaven as the next abode of man, wherein he would be either rewarded
or punished according to his bad or good works he does here in this
life. Belief in other worlds supports the perpetuity
of soul.
The comment that the soul or Atman survives death could provide
a chance to some for identifying `Iness with soul, and to have the
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Neither `no nor `yes could satisfy even the answerer, let
alone the listener. `No could mean he is only the body which perishes,
and `yes could mean he is the soul which survives death but of which
he is not sure for lack of experience. Knowledge halts to tread where
uncertainty prevails. It is ripe time to understand what death is. To be
perish. Growth also is a partial and slow death. Both growth and death
are simultaneous, contemporaneous, continuous, slow and invisible.
we cant claim every part of our present body to be the same as it was
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every sentence spoken by us just since this morning? No. May we recall
the report of an incident we heard of sentence by sentence?
No. We
the same as we were or our mind being the same as it was is simply a
treachery. Not only that, we speak of mental maturity which no one has
by birth. Along with the age both body and mind grow. Growth means
accumulation of new components. Though the components continuously
change, the whole pretends to be the unchanging one. This trick induces
us to ignore the
every one.
the case of `Iness or the soul, which is said to be the bearer of sin and
virtue as it is said to enjoy the heavens or suffer the hells. It is the
belief of religious people that the causes of our pleasure and pain in this
life are the results our activities in the previous lives. Pleasures and
pains come and go, that means the fruits of the past actions are
experienced here continuously. So the bearer of sin and virtue is also
undergoing changes, but still is believed to be the same. To say that a
whole remains unchanged in spite of the change of all its components is
not a paradox, but nonsense. A whole cannot be the same whole even
after confiscating or replacing all its components. The components make
a whole. Apart from the components a whole has no separate existence
of its own. New information refreshes knowledge. The knowledge of
`Iness in the body or mind is our own knowledge and that knowledge
which is not eradicated even by this explanation, is a true and nurtured
be a mans soul different from all others, and continues to live and will
either be rewarded or punished as the case may be. Different hells and
heavens are described in scriptures. Of course, that is a matter of belief.
It is not our own knowledge. My problem is can a man, after death, be
a man? Can a woman, after death, be a woman? Can child, after death,
be a child only, or could it grow into a man or woman? Can a person
have the knowledge of the language which was his mother tongue before
previous to death?
case the soul is neither a physical nor a cerebral entity. A mango, which
is denied of all its physical qualities like, length, breadth, weight, colour,
taste, smell etc. cannot have an existence at all. In the same way a man
bereft of all the physical qualities can have no physical existence at all.
The mind bereft of all its qualities like, knowledge, thought, reason,
emotion, decision, wish, etc. cannot be imagined to have an existence
because the total of all these qualities is the mind. Even if there be a
soul, its being cannot be acknowledged apart from physical or mental
qualities. How can we be assured of the existence of a soul after death
without mental qualities like memory, thought, reasoning etc? Soul or
anything which is devoid of physical and mental qualities can neither be
perceived nor be inferred. If someone says soul can continue to live
apart from these qualities, we may grant the statement a status of belief
but not of knowledge for lack of evidence. Moreover, even if the soul
continues to be after death, how can we differentiate one from the other,
when all others are in the same naked state? I used the words `bare
The scriptures proclaim that good doers go to heaven and the bad
doers to hell. Still worse are bound to find rebirth in lower animals.
Animals and other lower spices are exempt from the fruits of sin or
otherwise as they have no moral codes. Does it mean the life of an
animal is a platform to suffer? Let it be. Different religions proclaim the
existence of hells and heavens and the followers of those religions are
believed to go to those heavens or hells as the case may be. Hells and
heavens are not on earth. In other words, are there different hells and
heavens for the people of different religions? Where does a convert go?
Is he not bound by the codes of the earlier religion?
He is not free to
We may take into account one more possibility of soul having some
form after death. The scriptures describe the journey of the soul to hell
or heaven wherein it is obliged to enjoy reward or suffer punishment as
a result of its activities before death. This means, we may assume, to
say that soul has a form finer than that of the mind and that will be its
individuality at that time. We may call that form, for the sake of
convenience, the bearer of vices - and virtues -T
. is the result
of prohibited or sinful doings, and
An action is
At this juncture one may raise a doubt like this: Man is born of
man only and a tiger of tiger, but not of a man. If there could be no
individuality of soul after death or before birth, we need not wonder if a
lizard is born of a man. The understanding behind this type of thought is
that soul continues its individuality even after death.
made clear that soul after death cannot have any kind of individuality.
still doubt persists, let us examine the other problems that follow this
belief. It is natural to mourn the death of a person or a pet.
ceremonies are held to wish the soul rest in peace, or even a better life
after death. In this world we see innumerable spices of life. The only
criterion to divide them into groups is their body. The same criterion
cannot hold good to the souls devoid of bodies to discriminate one from
the other either before birth or after death. Whatever the belief may be,
we have no reason to presume individuality to soul after death. When a
man dies it is natural to think that a man is dead and his life has come
to an end. I do not think the soul continues to live with individuality. All
individual souls become one after death, as they were before birth. We
assume plurality of souls only between birth and death, considering the
bodies only. Death means only the end of the activities of the body and
mind, as a whole. When a man or animal dies, I think, the soul is freed
from the bondage of body and mind.
Yes, life is bondage. Life means the duration between birth and
death. So life is bondage to the soul. Denial of freedom is bondage, and
the soul is denied of its pristine glory of limitlessness during life time.
Satisfaction or the pacification of sense organs is a matter of biochemical
activity which is concerned with the physic of man. Some are of the
opinion that pain, dissatisfaction and fear etc, are the causes of
sufferings and these sufferings are said to be the bondage. But life is
not brimming with sufferings only; it is a mixture of both pleasure and
pain. The fear of the possible ending of the pleasure is again a suffering
or unhappiness. So wise men say that happiness is the disguise of
unhappiness. All such thoughts may turn one to a pessimist. To a
pessimist whole life is bondage. Revolving round the cycle of birth and
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death is bondage, is also the opinion of some others. But I do not agree
with these ideas. The true meaning of the bondage is the limitation of
the pristine glory of the limitlessness or oneness of the soul. Man has to
come out of his basic ignorance to realise his original pure state and
that is salvation. That is the achievement man has to do and the same
is suggested in the inscription at Delphi.
made things, the very fact that it is planned and set to work by a mind
proves that it has a will behind it. A will and an external force are the
indirect causes of all the automatic actions. Still, the use of the word
`automatic makes us believe that it has no connection whatsoever with
man and his will, as a result of mistaking. There is nothing automatic in
the world, or still better, every movement in nature is automatic. This
makes some thinkers to presuppose the necessity and existence of a
power to motivate and regulate each and every activity in nature. When
Darwin and Dalton published their theories, many theistic minds were
forced to convert into atheistic. The theorists did not explain what nature
means, in `natural selection. In the Middle Ages religion was ruling and
guiding mans thoughts in western world. It seems that many believe
religion to have an independent objective existence.
Now a days
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Neither religion nor science has yet taught man who he really is.
They have been teaching man all other things but left the fundamental
necessity unfulfilled. Man, being ignorant of himself or his reality, claims
to discover many truths concerning outside world. Believers are not in
less number, because all are sailing in the same boat. Knowledge has
come to mean what one teaches others to believe. Think of it, and we
have no way out. This exhaustion may result in fixing man in a hopeless
condition and could raise the question, ``what is the necessity of finding
the ultimate reality? Of course, some may be happy with what they eat
and where the sleep. But there are others spurred by the inner urge to
solve the problem, ``Man! Know thyself, and find pleasure in accepting
that challenge; and in them mankind marks a hero or a leader.
Commoners follow, but leaders do not follow the followers.
Some may
ask for a proof for the being of the inner urge in man to solve the said
problem, because none is seem to speak of such inner urge in him. The
doubt is genuine. Unless man is taught, he has no means to know it,
because of mans nescience of his true nature, he fails to understand
Psychology says that the first instinct in living beings is `to live. Sex is
the next instinct. Fondness of life is the desire to perpetuate his living,
so no one likes death. Instinct to live longer means
at death.
`Brahma and after death return to it only. During life time that Brahma is
the `Iness in every one. But this `Iness is not pure as it is expressed
as a mixture of physical body and mind. It is like looking through
coloured glasses; single soul expressed through different coloured glasses
appear being besmeared with those colours only. Its purity cannot be
perceived in life. So every `I is Brahma or soul in its naked state.
Naked soul does not appear, and what appears is only the covering or
sheaths on that nude purity. What appears is not real and the real does
not appear. It is simple to understand that Jeeva or life is nothing but
impure soul or Brahma or better, Brahma is or life devoid of all
impurities. What we call knowledge is impure consciousness; and pure
consciousness is knowledge devoid of all impurities.
We shall go deeper
into this mater in a later stage, and for the time being about the
condition of soul after death, let us see what Chandogya
says. There, a father will not be a father, a mother not a mother, people
will not be people, Gods not Gods, the Veda not the Veda, a thief not
a thief,he is not followed by his sin or good works.
++ 8--------
# (B.U.4-3-22.)
A father here will not be a father after death because he is freed
from all worldly and family relationships which are the outcomes of, and
restricted to his body only. A mother will not
thief will not be a thief. Father and mother are the examples to show
bodily relations. Thief suggests of mind and its works like, greed, sense
observe three things herein this mantra. After death the soul is denied of
all its physical attributes like father, mother, sister, friend, political and
social status etc. Secondly, with the example of the thief, all mental
attributes are denied. The negation of the impact of sin etc. suggests the
freedom from the bondage of even moral and religious codes. This soul
is not blemished by sin and it has no old age, no death, no sorrow, no
hunger and no thirst. V
(C.U.8-7-1.) This is intact from all worldly things and happenings.
his subjects recognize, honour and obey him. History tells us of many
stories of dethroning kings. Our fundamental responsibility is to search
and realise the real `I devoid of all attributes. This is the implication of
the warning Know thyself. Even after all these explanation it is not
improbable to have a doubt as to how the pristine stat of life could be.
In olden days people who believed in religions were satisfied with the
answer God, Brahma, Paramatma, soul etc. now a days people would
seek satisfaction with the answer, energy, basic force, strange strength,
special power etc. It all belongs to individual beliefs and the impact of
their previous knowledge.
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Whatever answer you think of to the question, who are you?, they
are all wrong because you are not your body, mind, life and even the
bearer of sin and virtue. You are not your name, designation, work, post,
power, job, relation etc. This is the method of negation. In Sanskrit it is
called not this, not this. 8 8 (Br.U.4-4-22.) We may call this litotes.
With an example we can understand this method. Out of five hundred
and fifty books in your home library, suppose, your friend wishes to
borrow a particular book. How can your friend tell you which book he
wants? The simple and
wants. You may select that book from the heap and lend him. Your
friend also may use litotes, in which he goes on telling you the names of
five hundred and forty nine books to tell you they are not what he wants.
To select the book of his choice you ought to find out the name of the
book which he did not mention. This litotes is not practicable in our daily
affairs as it is laborious and tedious. We can point out the desired thing
by its name. This method is used by some parents and teachers as it
gives mental exercise.
The litotes is the best method rightly used in the Upanishats to find
out, Who am I. The Upanishats use this method only as no other
method is suitable for their purpose. We can perceive a sensible thing
and recognise them with the help of the perceivable qualities they have.
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should be done by me only. I can deny the reality of the whole world,
but not the reality of my own existence. This undeniable reality is not
only in me, it is invariably present in every one and every thing, and to
every one it appears beyond doubts as `I. With every one this I is
common and fundamental. In its naked form it is one only. Unless we
realise the singularity of this `I we cannot escape from the pangs of
bondage. This singular limitless reality is experienced by every one but
for the coverage of body and mind. To speak of it we all use the word
`I. You cannot use any other word. Our ignorance of this singularity of
our soul makes us believe that we are limited to this body, mind, etc.
Realisation means the realisation of the singularity of our soul. Body,
mind, life, prana, bearer of sin etc. are the attributes of this soul. There
is no my soul, your soul, his soul, her soul and its soul, as the soul is
one and the same. It cannot be spoken of through words, and mind
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satisfy yourselves by making a list of the causes which create the fear of
death. It is all your assumption. But the Upanishats tell the intrinsic value
of death. Mans knowledge of his being the body and ignorance of his
being the soul jointly create the fear of death. Man claims to be his body
fundamentally. He sees men and animals dying and naturally concludes
that they are mortal. His love of his body is unequalled. Throughout his
life he has been with his body and has had no chance of living without
it and perhaps this
body. Pain or pleasure, caused to the body is felt by him. Every time he
feels he is at pain or pleasure. He beautifies it and enjoys its look
before the mirror everyday. Whenever he remembers that death destroys
the body, it means to him his own destruction and he never wants to be
destroyed. By death he means self destruction. So for man fear of death
means his own annihilation. This is quite against the natural and
But mans helplessness against death makes him sad and fearful. This
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greatest sadness and unavoidable fear are the result of mans knowledge
of his being the body.
The sky is one only, indivisible and it makes the sky all pervasive
and omnipresent. To be simple, sky offers countability to things. To make
the things countable is to give them individuality. Individuality means
being separate from others. Separation is a spatial condition. Even the
minute known things are encompassed by the space. So we say that
space determines things. We cannot even imagine the absence of the
sky or space. There is nothing inside or outside the sky and so it is all
pervasive and omnipresent. Limited things exist in the unlimited sky. The
sky is unlimited because it is not a structure composed of parts. The
soul is all pervasive and permanent like the sky. @L 8
(Sh.Br.10-6-2.) It is only a comparison and the sky cannot be the soul.
As we cannot deny the existence of the sky so we cannot deny the
existence of the soul also. The sky is not a subject to any of our sense
organs. In spite of it we cannot say that we do not know it. Who can
imagine the birth and death of the sky? It is not born and so it is
immortal. The soul is also immortal because it is not born. Time does
not restrict the sky and so also it does not restrict the soul. Life, but not
soul, is restricted by time. An actor may enact different characters, but
he is constantly conscious of himself. Enacting is a mental activity but
the experience of being is consciousness. All of us are conscious of our
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Man does not know that he is the soul, but he knows that he is
the body. Nature of immortal soul is taken to be that of the body and
nature of mortal body is taken to be that of the soul. The knowledge of
the mortality of the body and the consciousness of the immortality of the
soul are mistaken to each other. He believes himself to be the body and
hopes the body to be immortal which is impossible. He knows that his
hopes will not be fulfilled and that makes him sad. As the soul though
he is immortal but ignorantly by death of the body he means the death
of the soul. The mistaken mortality is the cause of the fear. The pure
consciousness is immortal and the body is mortal. He wants to assign
the nature of pure consciousness (immortality) to the body, but it is not
possible. He transfers the nature of the body (mortality) on the soul and
does not cause fear but uncertainty is the cause of fear. Immortality of
the body and the mortality of the soul are unreal and mortality of the
body and the immortality of the soul are real. Mans knowledge of his
being the body and the consciousness of his being the soul together
build confusion, and as a result he finds a mutual transfer of the
qualities of the soul and the body. He wants the body which is subject
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Man does not need to escape from death; but he needs only to
escape from the fear of death. Death as such does not make us suffer
because we dont have the experience of it. We suffer not death, but we
suffer the fear of death. Death of the body may be an objective reality,
but fear is not an objective reality. Fear can never be outside the mind.
Where there is knowledge there can be no fear. Fear dictates only the
reign of doubts and ignorance. We need not exile death to make
ourselves brave. Get rid of nescience, and there will be bravery. There
could be no peaceful coexistence of knowledge with fear and ignorance
with bravery. Doubts and ignorance beget cowardice. Fear of death is
more horrible than death itself. Ignorance is more dangerous than fear
because it is the cause of fear. We cannot throw out fear from our mind.
To overcome fear is to eradicate ignorance. Ignorance is not a material
thing to be thrown off or destroyed. Ignorance is fundamentally an idea
or group of ideas. Idea means a picture or image in mind. On a big wall
different pictures can be drawn, pasted or removed. The pictures hide the
wall to their extent. The pictures when drawn or pasted on the wall gain
the vertical standing ability of the wall and hide the true colour of the
wall. The onlookers see only pictures but not the wall. Mind is like a
bare wall without colours, pictures and figures. The images of the
external objects in the mind are the pictures of things. The pictures are
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not permanent like the wall. They can be drawn, pasted and removed or
erased. Learning is equal to drawing or pasting pictures on the wall.
Whether willful or not, learning draws pictures on the mind. The pictures
or the images so acquired will be the properties of the mind. The
pictures do not have independent existence apart from mind. But the
mind is not the picture and the pictures are not mind. Knowledge is an
idea, and an idea is a picture drawn on mind. So the ideas become the
properties of the mind. Hence we say `my idea, `my knowledge. These
Knowledge can be acquired, but not the mind. To learn means to acquire
knowledge. Acquisition of knowledge is a continuous process and equally
continuous is the process of forgetting. Some knowledge may last long
and some others may be transient. The present knowledge is called the
personality or individuality.
time of the examination or, after the examination? If you were the
interviewer, could the result be otherwise? Orators, lawyers, teachers,
preachers, doctors and even anyone may have the same experience.
Now it may be clear that individuality is not constant because it is
nothing but the knowledge expressed at a given time.
save the body immediately changes into the decision of cremating it.
Love for that body is turned into fear. It is all mind-made. Imagination,
more than fact, causes greater fear. To imagine means to draw
player, who knew that he was an ordinary player, and was obliged to
obey the leader, now begins to believe himself a leader. He wants to do
better works for the good of the team and orders others to do as he
wishes expecting them to obey him. Now think of the pictures he created
in his mind. First his picture in him was that of an ordinary player and
that made him obey the then leader. After the election, he removed or
erased the old picture and drew a new picture of a leader in his mind
and that makes him a real leader with all the required qualities which
were not exhibited in earlier days. He works according to the visible
picture. Unemployed persons worry because of the picture of the
unemployed person in their mind. When they get a job, the picture of the
employed person gives them the satisfaction. When unemployed, they
hate and dislike their own pictures. Some desperately kick the jobs and
start self employment willfully. Not the objective reality but the subjective
image makes proud. Usually, we require or depend on some incidents or
persons to bring about a change in ourselves. But none draws pictures
in our mind. Pictures of social or political status may depend on
concurrent situations. But we can draw our own good, honest, truthful,
lovable, orthodox, benevolent, benign pictures independently. Reformers of
criminal persons help them to have a good picture of their own in their
minds. Educated and wise people can change their pictures into better
ones in themselves without waiting for others to help. We know the story
of a cruel and notorious robber Angulimala, consciously changing himself
into a faithful follower of the Buddha. These examples and explanations
can help us to replace our picture of being a body by a picture of being
the soul. If we achieve this successfully that will be the end of all
not need to bother the changing conditions of the body. We can make
ourselves free from death. The only way to achieve this is logical
reasoning. Emotions and beliefs betray us. Chandogya Upanishat teaches
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centre habit - #b
is the World
clear to the learned readers in the beginning only that these are my own
coinages only for my purpose of explanation,
across these words anywhere.
was already given in the first chapter and I find no need to elucidate it
again. As it is the natural way of thought no man can think otherwise. I
sincerely tried to convince the readers the true nature of soul in this
World centre habit of thought, of which the readers are aware of. The
name World centre habit is my own choice to illustrate the natural way
of thought. The Mundakopanishat calls it Peoples knowledge <
c (Mu.U.2-2-1)
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cannot help to understand the soul. The soul is that Which cannot be
made to appear through the words and which cannot be realised by
had realised the absolute reality, expressed their difficulty in making their
disciples to realise it in these words:
this knowledge to the disciples. . j a$ . (K.U.13.) It does not mean that they were ignorant of the means to impart. It
only describes the difficulty they faced in imparting their knowledge by
means of words, and to the disciples who had the habit of world centre
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may be, language and world centre habit cannot help them, because the
soul is indescribable and unimaginable. To overcome this difficulty, the
Vedic sages discovered a new method and called it The knowledge
The best
knowledge. l. c (Mu.U.2-2-1.)
name it, Soul centre technique, or
Before embarking on an
Bare experience.
thought, I like to make it clear to the readers that this Soul centre
technique- #b#
was founded by
the Vedic sages as an instrument to fulfill their purpose. You cannot see
this method in any books of the world or any thinker of the world. It is
solely Vedic and only the Upanishats make use of this technique.
Language is a media which transfers ideas from one mind to another.
Ideas are images of objects in the mind. We may say that knowledge is
a group of ideas. Transformation of ides in their true form solely depends
on the clarity and exactness of language. Even a person, who has
extraordinary mastery over the language, cannot make a person, who has
never visited the Himalayan Mountains, to feel the frightening cold of
day-to-day business. But for the sages who had decided to make their
disciples to experience exactly what they had experienced, the language
was of no use. The knowledge of
the listeners by helping them to recall the images of things in their mind.
The experiences earned by other sensory organs can also be made to
recall to a limited extent. There ends the capacity of the language.
People who are immersed in their daily bread and work do not
doubt the reality of the things they use or of the world as a whole. They
are not interested to know how the world came into being or would it
come to an end one day or the other. Though there may be an inner
urge to know such things, they may not find an opportunity to think
about it or they may not be able to meet a suitable person who could
enlighten them. But there are some who do not wish to rest until they
find answers to such questions. In the first chapter we have seen
different opinions expressed by many wise men in the matter. We have
noticed the gradual growth of the ideas in the course of time. But it is
unfortunate that none could give a final and undeniable answer to the
fundamental questions about the world. We can see two groups of
thinkers. One group holds that the outside world is real and the other,
the mind is real. None claims to solve the problem without opposition. In
spite of their wisdom and sincerity none could tell what the ultimate
reality is. Theories after theories are poured out only to be disproved by
the next theorists. Man and world are two problems not yet solved by
anyone. The fundamental question is what the self is, and its correlate,
the non self. In other words, who am I? And what is the world that I
perceive? Is this duality worth examining? Should we accept it as real
and be content?
and death can hardly satisfy the intellectual and emotional cravings of
human mind. A naive pluralism would be the last word in philosophy.
Pluralism explains nothing and reveals nothing, and condemns the higher
philosophical efforts as destined to end in despair. Still there is the
underlying human instinct, working incessantly in all men, forcing us to
rise above the limitations of the phenomenal view, to rise to the unity
behind the appearance. The Vedic sages had determined the ultimate
reality because they had followed a method different from that of the
other wise men of the world. If so, what could be the difference between
their ways of thought? All other wise men thought according to the world
centre habit but the Vedic sages used soul centre technique. It is a
technique, but not knowledge. While the others followed the natural way
of thought, the sages broke down the bondage of nature which restricted
and goaded the others by its laws.
they are bound by the limitations natural to the waking state. All men
have three states, waking, dream and sleep. Only waking does not make
a full man.
The people who neglect the two states, and depend only on
waking, cannot escape from the limitations of the waking state and this
limits their freedom of thought. Being limited, prejudiced and partial
they pass on judgments regarding truth which can only be a partial truth.
While permanent reality is conceded to the waking state by them dream
is dismissed as a mere phantasmagoria. As to sleep any philosopher has
not yet attached any real significance except as it many be necessary to
health. The spiritualists indeed refer to a sub-consciousness functioning in
mesmeric or hypnotic sleep and the mediums are supposed to behave as
if they have temporarily lost their individual identity, easily assuming
individuality suggested. Physical science and psychology may advance
revealing layer after layer of consciousness in the same person, either
active or passive, even in hypnotic sleep but the aim is to only explain
the phenomena of waking life and not to discover its ultimate basis. The
Vedic sages knew that these endeavours are futile as they proceed from
a fundamental error that underlies them, and that is the waking life is
the only reality. The essence of world centre habit or natural way of
thinking is that life seen or experienced in the waking state is the only
reality. This conviction has two fundamental beliefs and they are, only
waking state is real and the world as appears is real. Man cannot get rid
of himself from the clutches of these two convictions. As long as you
believe that the world is real you cannot understand the reality about it.
However much wise man may be, unknowingly he is bound by these
limitations and he is only able to think being limited and guided by these
two convictions. His thoughts are blindfolded and he gropes to search
the reality which is out of his reach. He is not aware that his thought
system is tethered to a peg of waking state which does not monopolize
reality. The peg to which he is tethered is the world and the rope which
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binds him and limits his movements is the waking state. This is the
bondage of man. All the philosophers, thinkers, scientists, artists and
even common men are tethered by nature. Their capacity to think is
restricted by the length of the rope, that is waking state, and they cannot
go out of the circumference to encounter reality. It is a misfortune that
though the inscription at Delphi advises man to know himself, it does not
teach him how to know it or it might have lost. The same Know thyself
is the gist of the teachings of the Vedas and fortunately the Upanishats
which are the last parts of the Vedas tell us of the way how to achieve
consciousness manifests itself as the ego and the non ego in the other
two states. Every integral part of the waking experience, the ego and the
non ego every object perceived or conceived, subtle or gross, small or
great is pure consciousness in its entirety, and is reality itself , since
unreality cannot exist. No object in the world, no ego can exist apart
from pure consciousness. The intellectual separation of the world from
the pure consciousness reduces the world to mere nothing. Subject and
object being correlates are equally real and eternal concomitants. They
are dissolved into undifferentiated unity in the pure consciousness or
soul, from which they originate, into which they are absorbed every day
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The senses
knowledge of concrete life, what does not enter through them is liable to
be discarded as dreamy and unreal. But this is a delusion. The senses
are external organs and as such they are rightly relied on to prove the
reality of only objective things.
and so it
perceive, conceive, infer, postulate and argue in their waking state and
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their perception, conception and inference are limited to the waking state
only. They completely ignore dream and sleep as they did not seem to
be of any value to them. This negligence miserably disabled them to
catch hold of the truth either of the soul or of the world. This is the
fundamental error which disabled them to discover the absolute reality in
spite of their prudence, vigilance, sincerity and unmatched intellectual
abilities. In the technique of examining the three states this error does
not creep in. In this technique we examine the three states one by one
and compare and contrast them to discover the hidden reality from which
nothing in the world and no experience can escape. Every thing that is
supposed to be and all types of experiences are included in this method
which makes it impossible to deny it as nothing is left out of its
and so they are real. I infer also. The objects give me pleasure and pain
and so they are real. The world outside me with all its plurality is true; I
talk, listen, work, think and also deal with family and friends. Our
relationships are real. My business and jobs help me to earn a living. I
do, I think, I experience joy and sadness and all this is real. I am
conscious of past, present and future and all my works are related to the
time. I never felt that there could be other states more real than this.
The objects of the world are independent of me and I am independent of
them. Both are real. There could be a real world other than this. This is
not like a dream in which things and experiences are not real. More than
all this, I am living here and so I cannot doubt this waking state. This
could be the summary of the explanation of the waking state.
him he is awake while he dreams. The second statement is, `this is the
waking state and he is sure to give the same statement if he is asked,
what state it is, while he dreams. He cannot tell that it is a dream. The
next, in a waking state he says that he is conscious of himself and at
the same time conscious of the outer world. In dream also he ought to
be conscious of himself and of the outside objects without which he
could have no experiences at all. Next he says in waking state his being
is real, and he can never think of his being unreal in his dream.
In his
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waking state he says the objects are true because he perceives them
and he could never dream of anything if he does not perceive anything
which appears to be real. In waking state he says that the objects are
real because they are outside him. If the objects do not appear to be
outside he could not perceive them at all, even in the dream. The
objects of perception can never be inside the perceiver. In waking state
he infers, he says. Inference is possible in dream also. Outside objects
give him pleasure and pain in waking state. The causes of pleasure and
pain he experiences in his dream ought to be the outside objects only.
Talking, listening, moving, enjoyment, suffering, thought and work are not
monopolized by waking state, leaving no room for them in dream. It is
not impossible to have family and friends in dreams as in waking. He
cannot say that the relation he has with others in dream is false, as
unconscious of time and space? No. His feeling that there could be no
other state more real than the waking, while he is awake, will be the
same while he dreams, as it is his waking state at that time. Mutual
independence of himself and the external world cannot be denied in
dream also. To a dreamer +V$@, the external objects are as real as
he himself is. He who thinks he is alive in his waking state cannot think
otherwise in his dream as there can be no dead dreamer and a dreamer
can never doubt his own existence. The remark that the objects and
experiences of a dream are not real is the remark of a waking person
and not of a dreamer.
further on the remarks on dream state, let us find out whether these
statements are justifiable. The appearance of a snake in a rope is an
illusion. Illusion is a condition of seeing things wrongly. It is seeing a
thing not as really it is. Illusion is seeing one thing in the place of
another. When illusion disappears, the seer sees the other thing which
did not appear before. So illusion is mistaking one thing for another. The
sight of the later real thing judges the sight of the former thing unreal
and so the former experience is proved to be unreal and so an illusion.
We do not see any real thing in place of dream things when the dream
is gone. So the remark that the dream is an illusion is preposterous.
dream equal dreams. Throughout a season a person does not dream the
same dream or the season cannot influence all to see the same dream.
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which they get a first class? Do you hope all the frustrated lovers
celebrate their wedding in their dreams?
dream to make his opponent fall on his back? So these hypotheses may
refer to daydreamers but not dreamers. Some are of the opinion that
dreams are the mysterious arrangements wrought by nature to bring
about a balance in an individual. It may mean that it is the work of
nature which makes a poor a rich man, a patient a healthy man, a
defeated a winner in their dreams. Can we call it a perfect balance
unless rich are made poor, winners defeated, a doctor a patient and a
real life find solutions in their dreams, is a worthy point that may be
applied to ourselves and find answers as to how many of our unsolved
problems are solved in our dreams to relieve us in our waking state. If
this be true, no problems could have been left unsolved in the world
which is still bustling with problems and difficulties. Shall we advise the
scientists and other men of intellect who spend years and years worrying
their heads over the multifarious problems to just sleep and dream? Is a
hunger stricken man sure to have a dinner at that night in his dream? It
is not impossible for a person who has had dined to his fill to find
himself hungry and thirsty in his dream. Do we hope every sinner to be
a saint in his dream?
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in his book
of one night? No. First of all, we cannot recollect the full dream or all
the dreams the next day. Largely all dreams cannot be recollected; the
most part of the dream is forgotten within a few minutes after waking.
Secondly, we cannot translate many experiences of dream into language,
for mysterious and abnormal things and events are general in dreams.
The psychologists believe that there are two parts or rooms in the
mind, one conscious and the other unconscious state. Of all our
experiences which are important and could be of frequent use in the
future are made to enter into the conscious state and the unimportant
and those which could be of rare use in the future find shelter in
subconscious state. Suppressed desires, hushed up feelings, censored
impulses are thrown into the subconscious state it is said. The contents
of the subconscious mind find no chance to come out in waking state
and so they appear in the form of dreams, but in disguise. This is an
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that enables
on plain facts. And more over, they are the results of misinterpretations
of the dream. Dreaming about the dream cannot make the dream a
reality. These are the results of the daydreams of the enthusiast thinkers
in their waking state. All these discussions on waking state and dream
state were based on commonsense. This is the Peoples knowledge.
Next we may see what the Upanishat says about them.
but still the most important one, deals mainly with the three states,
waking, dream and sleep and with rare technique wonderfully opens the
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gateway to the knowledge of the soul. The mantras are so compact with
meanings that we cannot understand the secrets hidden in them without
an authoritative commentary which only could decode them. Fortunately
enough Acharya
In each
state we have a body limited to that state only, consisting hands, legs,
head, mouth, eyes, ears, waist, urinary organ and life. Five sense organs
are common to both the states. Working limbs like hands, legs etc are
common to both the states. In both the states we have minds, wisdom,
thoughts, feelings, emotions etc. Five types of vital energy or breathing
called < are to be found in both the states. In waking state we enjoy
gross objects i.e. real objects of the world. But in dream the enjoyment
is said to be divided because our sense organs do not come into direct
contact with real objects. Waking state is said to be the first step as we
have to start our enquiry from this state only. As the dream is not given
primary importance from the waking point of view it is considered to be
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the second step. This explanation is given to suit the people with world
ecntre habit.
only and sleep does not depend on its duration to be a sleep. No dream
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can be a sleep and sleep cannot be a dream. Then how can a dream
be in sleep? Wherever it is, dream is dream only. None can have the
experience of being awake in sleep. We do not sleep in the middle of
dream or waking. We do not awake in the middle of dream as waking
means the end of dream. We cannot be awake in the middle of sleep.
So it is clear that no state can enter into another as the states are not
create relationship among the states which are not at all related and
A books
objects they exist neither in any place nor in space and hence they are
temporal relations, must be incidents. But the states themselves are not
incidents or events though incidents may occur in the two states, dream
and waking. So, to establish a reasonable temporal relation among the
three states we are not left with any right, logical, legitimate way.
the other? Do we travel at all, at least? No. How do we move from state
to another? We do not know. Do we really move? We dont have such
experiences. Is it possible to pass on from one state to another without
movement? Are we really shifted from one state to another? Are we at
least conscious of passing from one state to another? We can answer all
these questions only if the three states are spatially and temporally
different form one another. We dont find any answers to these questions
only because the states are not different. They are not different means
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they are not three. They are not separable spatially means they are one.
They are not separable temporally means they are one. But our prejudice
makes us to have them three. Are there really three states or only one?
What is that one? To whom they are three, and to whom they are not
the states. Therefore, obviously one can suppose that something must be
wrong either with these arguments or with our won understanding of the
states. We shall try to find out whether there is any justification in our
usual statements like, I went to bed at ten p.m. yesterday, and woke up
at six oclock this morning. After lunch I slept at two oclock and woke
up at five in the afternoon, and dreamt a beautiful and pleasing dream in
the middle. A common time zone is a prerequisite for any event to be
connected with others and explained sensibly. With an example we shall
make it clear. On a Sunday, that being the holiday, you may say that
you woke up at seven, had your breakfast at nine, went to market and
purchased vegetables and other things at ten, and after returning home
had your lunch at one oclock, went to sleep at two p.m. and woke up at
five in the evening, and in the middle had a pleasant dream. All these
events seem to happen one after another on a common time zone of
whatsoever. I advise you to have a blank paper and pencil and draw a
horizontal straight line on the paper and graduate the line so as to show
every hour of that day from morning six oclock to eight in the evening.
On that line, now you have fourteen marks on equal length each
representing every hour of the day. Mark the above described incidents
in their respective places above the line. At the second mark at seven in
the morning you woke up and at the fourth mark i.e. nine a.m. you had
your breakfast and so on. You had your lunch and at ninth mark, i.e.
two oclock you slept. You woke up at twelfth mark which shows five in
the evening. As long as you were awake from seven to two hours, your
narration holds good. The events of the day tally with the marks on the
graduated line. You slept at ninth mark, that is two oclock, and then as
you say you had a pleasant dream. Are you sure exactly at what time
that dream started? No. How long were you in (deep) sleep before the
commencement of that dream? Even after the dream you might have
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slept for some time before you woke up at twelfth mark that is five in
the evening. The dream might not have begun immediately after you put
your head on the pillow. Some time must have been elapsed between
the starting of the sleep and the commencement of that pleasant dream.
You cannot decide the length of that duration as you were not conscious
of time in your sleep. Now let us have the pleasure of enjoying that
sweet dream.
his way Narada felt thirsty and wished to quench his thirst. Drinking
some water from a cool pool he rested under the shade of a tree for
some time as he was tired. There he dreamt. In his dream Narada felt
that he was unmarried (in real life also he was unmarried) and felt a
strong urge for immediate marriage. (This could not have happened in
his real life as he is a renowned celibate and led austere life) He met a
charming girl and fell in love with her. After a little enticing he succeeded
in marrying her. The couple led a happy conjugal life enjoying all sorts of
comforts and luxuries. In due course some children were born of them.
The children grew up and got married. Narada lived with his children and
grandchildren for some time. Narada became old and decrepit; fell
seriously ill and had a fear of immanent death and that made him
awake. It is not impossible or improbable to have such dreams either in
day time or at night. Imagine you had that same dream on that Sunday.
Your dream gives you the experience of having spent forty or fifty years
of time. You yourself cannot deny your experience of living for such a
length of time in the course of dream. While dreaming you cannot deny
the truths of any thing you see or experience. You dont even remember
that you had a waking state just a little while before the dream began
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and even you cannot think of the waking state that awaits you soon after
the dream. Nothing under the sun proves you that it is a dream while in
dream. How did it become possible for you to have the experience of
such a length of time in between two and five hours of that Sunday?
Only after waking you could calculate the time you had slept or dreamt
to be three hours. Seven hours of that Sunday, from seven to two, must
be your own experience. After you woke up you believe to experience
the same Sunday duration. You believe that the duration of that Sunday
continues to spread after five oclock as it is your waking time. You have
two different experiences of time, one of waking, and the other of dream.
After awaking you simply brush aside your experience of having spent
years of time in your dream as mere illusion or false. While dreaming
every experience was your own and for you they were no less than
reality. You had no memory of you waking state. Remember, you are
already told that dream is not an illusion with good reasons. Seeing a
thing in the place of another is an illusion. The real thing does not
appear as long as the illusion continues and the experience of illusion
ceases only on looking the real thing. One thing when appears like
another thing becomes an illusion. It is mistaking one thing for another.
A dream cannot be a mistaken thing for the real thing doesnt appear
when the dream is gone. So, on that ground you cannot dismiss your
dream as an illusion.
If the dream is not an illusion, then it is false, you may add. Have
you ever seen a false thing like a dog, a tree, a car, a pen, a river, or
a child? There cant be a false dog or a false car. A statement of a thief
that he has not snapped the chain of a woman may be false. A sons
statement that he has not picked up the money from his fathers pocket
may be false. Objects and incidents can never be false. Only the
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pictures given through the words can be false like, black fire, horns of
rabbit, sweet pepper, proboscis of a lion etc. which never exist. The false
things cannot be seen or experienced by any sense organs. Even a
snake in the place of a rope cannot be false. However transient the
experiences may be, the experienced things cannot be labeled as false.
Your calling the dream a false is a mere misuse of the word.
If you are convinced that dream is neither illusion and nor false,
you cannot justify your negligence in taking into consideration your own
true experience of the duration of the dream so as to include it in the
duration of that Sunday. What makes you to accept one experience to
be true and discard the other to be not equivalent to it? To escape from
this problem you may decide to include the dream duration into that of
that Sunday. Suppose you are narrating the dream to your friend on that
Sunday about seven in the evening.
dream duration
but also the three hours of duration between two and five, as you were
not conscious of your waking time sense of that day in sleep. Then from
seven in the morning to seven in the evening of that Sunday you have
the experience of only nine hours but not of twelve hours. Now you can
understand what happens if you try to connect two states.
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egg, milk, change their states into a flower, a boy, a hen, and curds, but
these things do not go back to their previous states.
become a bud, a chicken an egg, a man a child, curds milk etc. These
states do not repeat also. But the waking, dream and sleep keep
repeating. Independency of states can be realised in this way. The three
states by their nature are different from one another and naturally they
are not related. Our efforts to establish relations among the states are
sure to create
cannot divide the states into two or three as they are not divided by time
or space. So the conception of three states is only a misconception.
Page 90 of 140
the two.
its effect on your feeling, emotion and activities like crying, running and
sweating. Though you cannot see the dream tiger in waking, you are
able to recollect its picture and your feelings. Out of waking view and
dream view, practise to judge the dream experiences from dream
perspective only instead of waking view, though you are awake. With this
mental preparation, we can proceed.
and that world was perceivable to you. The perception of the objects of
the world was possible only through the sensory organs of that body and
this makes clear that that body had sensory organs. The limbs of that
body were useful for different desired activities like swimming, running,
talking and eating. You were alive at that time and you never felt that
you were dead or lifeless during dream. A mind was also present in
dream with all its activities like thought, imagination, feeling, reasoning,
doubt, decision etc. During the dream your walk, talk, run, and all the
activities were consciously done, and more than all this you yourself
were the doer, thinker, enjoyer and sufferer because none else could be
there to do them on your behalf.
land, and all through your eyes only, like you do in waking. You touched,
tasted, smelt, and heard the objects and realised their experiences just
Page 92 of 140
So what
was a waking state at one time became a dream in your waking state.
Only after the dream, in waking state you labeled it a dream. So dream
is a dream from the point of view of waking state only and otherwise
dream is a waking state.
Experiences are natural and true, but our prejudiced mind betrays
us. Experiences show the truth but mind tells a lie. When you recollect a
dream in your waking, your experience of the dream does not allow you
to deny it , but your mind being prejudiced forces you to say contrary to
Page 93 of 140
time. In
experience of your own may lead you conclude that your existence in
dream is understandable as distinct from body, mind etc. You cannot
deny or disown that experience of being.
reliable whereas the mind often deceives. Waking and dream are not
different, and there is no difference in their nature. Whether you consider
them to be two or one or the same in your mundane affairs, we must be
apt to treat them one and the same as long as we continue our scrutiny.
Bare experience makes no difference between the two. Upanishat declare
that they are perfectly equal and really one. Mandukya
Upanishat in its
one only. +V l + C
@ (M.K.2-5.)
Page 94 of 140
two states sleep and dream. From three states we have stepped down to
two states now.
As we are left with only two states now, the difference between
them may be made clear. As one is sleep and the other is dream, we
can say that what is not dream is sleep, and what is not sleep is dream.
The qualities of dream cannot be the qualities of sleep. We can easily
make a list of the qualities of dream. First of all we are conscious of
ourselves, our body with all the limbs and sense organs, mind with all its
capacities of feeling, reasoning etc. We have a sense of living and we
know that we are living. We have a will to do or not to do works. We
live in a world which is out side. The world is full of natural things and
man made ones also. All types of people, animals, birds etc are
perceivable. We have emotions and feelings. We work and get tired. We
need rest to refresh ourselves. Sleep is that which has none of these
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progress, success, world family and many such words are getting
success on one side in making men and women to forget their natural
on the
them to conceive
tell upon his physical and mental health. Man has come to believe that
he is nothing more and nothing less than his waking state. In many
places the tranquil night, a gift of nature, which is the abode of sleep, is
holed with piercing light and made to roar with sounds and turbulent
activities, to vanquish sleep where night groans and sleep grizzles. This
could be the modern untold definition of sleep.
in waking state,
+a < s
Consciousness and objects are two different things, but whether they are
independent, is a question we should try to find answer. You cannot
show any object to be free from the connection with or independent of
your consciousness. Can you tell me a thing which is not in your thought
or an incident which you dont remember?
idea you name you must be conscious of it, other wise you may not
speak of it. So consciousness, awareness and experience cannot be with
out objects. You cannot be sure of the existence of any thing which is
not connected with your mind.
passion, fear etc. are also common. We cannot say that one does not
desire in dream. The Vedic sages were not of common wisdom. So the
meaning of this is not as superficial as it appears to be. With one word
`dream they refer to the two states as they did not make any difference
between dream and waking. The objects of experience must be outside
and the word dream refers to the perception of these outside objects. A
desired thing may or may not be perceived which means it may or may
not have existence. None can perceive a non existent thing. So the word
desire refers to all
words dream and desire are to be taken for perception and conception
respectively. Mind creates pictures and images too of its own accord. In
sleep mind does not create anything and so we do not see any thing.
As things are not created in sleep the possibility of perceiving uncreated
things does not arise.
Sleep is bare experience or pure consciousness. Sleep is not
`nothingness or zero. After the sleep in waking we say that we have a
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being the witness of the sleep how shall I be able to remark the
goodness or soundness of the sleep? No one can say that he has not
experienced sleep.
are there in sleep but we do not know that we are there. We did not
know that we were there and we do know that we were there. The
common man says that sleep is a state of nothingness by which he
means his absence in sleep and from a common man we cannot expect
anything more. But we may enquire whether his statement that he was
not in the sleep is credible. Without being a witness to the sleep how
can he
good sleep. Was the waking man asleep an hour ago? A waking man
can never sleep. If you say that waking man sleeps, by that you mean
that there is a man in every man apart from his waking state and that
man sleeps. Let me agree with you for the time being and if I ask what
the waking man was doing when the other man was sleeping, what can
you answer? Then there is dream. What was the waking man doing
when the other man was dreaming? What may be the dreamer +V$@
doing when the waking man is awake? What could be the other two
doing when the other man sleeps? Tell me truly, at all time do you feel
singularity or plurality? None can feel he is more then one. Our
experience or feeling of singularity is an undeniable truth.
experiencer and the thing experienced are different from each other. The
dream and waking states are called the states of duality. Appearance of
duality or plurality is itself a staete. (The divided) mind becomes one
with the soul in sleep. w +u 8 (P.U.4-2.)
there is no duality as the knowledge or mind
In sleep
and waking sheds its duality and becomes one in sleep. This is the
meaning of the word `knowledge solidified. We cannot say that there is
no knower in sleep, but there may not be knowledge and the known.
Neither the knowledge nor the known can exist independent of the
knower. With an example let me make it easy. You see things through
your eyes. Whatever things are before your eyes you may see them. If
all the things are removed you cannot see anything. But it does not
mean that your easy have no capacity to see. Or, imagine that you are
sitting in a complete dark room. You cannot see any thing there because
there is no light. Not seeing the things must not mean the absence of
your eyes.
dream nor waking state can occur. It also reveals the secret that which
is the single in sleep, has the capacity of being divided into two in other
two states. All these are nothing but soul.
@ (C.U.7-25-2. In
other words, what appears to be divided into two in other two states the
same becomes one, without any remainder, in sleep. The objects in
dream and waking are countable because not only they are separate and
plural but also because the countables are not the one who counts. This
duality is the foundation of the edifice of plurality. As duality and plurality
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cannot exist in sleep of which they are emerged, the sleep is hailed to
be the indivisible single.
enjoy is strictly limited by both these factors. Apart from these, our
circumstances, mood and leisure also influence our enjoyment. Every
pleasure has one or the other flaws. Unavoidable dependency on the
pleasurable things cannot make the pleasure independent and flawless.
Apart from this, the economists
person who has no cars gets the highest satisfaction and pleasure when
he affords one. The second, third and fourth cars, if he buys, will not
give him the same amount of pleasure which the first one gave. Not only
that the satisfaction he derives from each car goes on diminishing with
increase in their numbers. So, in dream and waking states we cannot
have the pleasure to our fill. The pleasure that we have in sleep is
complete and flawless and we are pleased our fill to such an extent that
there is nothing in us except pleasure. Not only that, no difference can
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We all desire to have what we like and when we get them we feel
contented. Whatever we get in dream or in waking our contentment is
limited only as in the case with pleasure. Nothing can make us so
contented as not to make us aspire for any other things. But the
happiness is contaminated in other two states sleep is the only state left
for pure happiness and the mind makes it possible by vanishing itself.
The absence of mind is true tranquility. So it is said that tranquility is the
only experience in sleep.
consciousness, happiness, pleasure and the like could not perhaps satisfy
the doubting readers as they cannot make out who experiences, who
enjoys etc. The Upanishat in its next word, energy, proposes to make it
clear. Happiness, pleasure etc. do not have independent entity. When the
mind is said to be non existent in sleep, who else could be there to
know or experience or to enjoy etc. is the new problem. Since the sleep
is not the state of nothingness and the possibility of the presence of
Page 105 of 140
the secrecy of
lenses and vitreous humour. The light reflected on the retina causes
electrical impulses and they reach the oxipetal lobe through optic nerves,
optic chiasma, optic tract, lateral geneculate body and optic radiation. In
Page 107 of 140
impulses in nerves last for only a millionth of second. But the patterns
they produced remain. Neurons have the ability to recollect or reproduce
the duplication of these patterns. This is called memory. The instruments
like MRI and PET have enabled the scientists to observe the forming of
thoughts, fear and pain etc. causing red light in limbic system.
searching for the existence of sky in the cup with a very strong
electronic microscope and declaring at the end that the sky is not
present in the cup. Some are of the opinion that matter and energy or
the combination of inert things in them produces consciousness. Even the
Charvakas of ancient India had put forth the same kind of theory
regarding the soul. The theory that the oscillation of neurons and
electronic waves cause consciousness proves its failure in the example of
sleep where they do not exist and in spite of their non-existence
consciousness exists without which man cannot have the experience of
sleep at all. Experience of sleep is the proof of consciousness during
sleep. Immediately after the death of a person, even when there is some
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temperature in the body, though heart and lungs stop working, the corpse
cannot be conscious of the mourning with tears and uproars around it.
Though ears and eyes are open they do not work. You may satisfy
yourselves by saying that the neurons stop working and that makes man
unconscious. But you may not deny the existence of neurons or the
patterns created by the neurons at that time in that body. Mere existence
of neurons cannot create consciousness or electricity in a body. As
neurons themselves are not consciousness, and have no capacity of self
movement, some other thing must be there to force them to work; and
they are at work not of their own accord as they cannot stop their
activity whenever they like. They are subordinate to some other factor
which the biologists do not know. Neuron may produce electric patterns
which could create knowledge of various things according to the designs
of the patterns. But the neurons do not produce consciousness and they
themselves are not self conscious. Even the electricity which is created
in the body is neither self conscious nor conscious of other things.
awareness of his being other than the body, the activities of his mind
and even the presence of awareness in him. Unknowingly he reveals his
awareness of his being different from his body, mind etc. in his
statement like `my body, `my mind etc. As long as he is awake he
cannot wither all these things even if tries to do so because it is the
nature of mind to have one thing or the other in it. Mind cannot be
empty even in dream as dream is nothing but waking at
in these two states mind has two fold awareness; one of the outside
In the other
objects and ideas, that means pure energy converts itself into different
forms of energy and matter which make objects. Before the creation of
the world every thing was Sat (pure energy)or Atman,
the undivided
waking state for it should have been lying on the bed unconsciously.
When the dream body was moving, speaking, working, playing, enjoying
or experiencing many things, the present body must have been at rest,
inactive and inert on the bed. The mind which was at work in dream
could not be the one of your waking state as it could not be working
then and must have been unconscious and inert. Your family, friends,
village or town or the locality you find yourself in dream may not be
those of your waking state. Even unmarried persons may have their
spouse and children in dreams. Job, expertise, wealth, poverty, property,
power, status, name, fame etc of your waking state are not sure to
follow you into your dream. To be short, the world of dream is altogether
a different one; and the strange thing is that the dream world includes
dream body, dream mind, and a dreamer +V$@ of its own, and this
you are not that dreamer. Yes you are not the dreamer because the
body, mind and the world of dream are different from yours. You may
not tally your attributes in dream experiences with those of yours in
waking state as shown in your list.
in the sky, against the law of physics, like a bird enjoying the greenery
of the landscape beneath without doubting the possibility. A rich man
may in his dream curse his poverty and fate that made him beg and
suffer insults. A beggar becoming a king in his dream is a popular story.
All these possibilities show that the mind and the body of the dream are
absolutely separate. So the body of the waking state never enters into
the dream and those of dream can never come down to waking state.
Though a person experiences his assassination in dream he is not found
dead on his bed. Generally people do not bother about such things after
their dreams. Even tough in every dream your location and circumstances
keep changing and none of them is that of your waking state you
continue to believe that you dreamt not one but all the dreams. In spite
of all these discrepancies between real you with your real world and your
dream body, mind, experiences and the whole dream, your belief that
you yourself dreamt the dream is pitiably treacherous. If these logical
arguments do not shake your belief, try to establish justification in
peoples behaviour in your waking state in the following examples. A
person who gives birth to a child in dream does not agree that she is
the mother of that child in the waking state. If one sees the death of
ones child in dream that will not make the one lament over the death of
ones child in waking state. A person who lends money to his friend in
dream does not persuade his friend for repayment in his waking state
and we cannot expect that friend to repay the money; and if he had
person commits in dream he does not repent in his waking state and he
in not punished for it also. The alms a person gives to the needy in
dream are not believed to bring him good fortune in his waking. None is
punished for the crimes done in dreams in the waking state. It is a
paradox that you do not agree that you yourself were in the dream and
at the same time you say that experiences like joy and sorrow of the
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dream are
enemy in your dream, and do you repent your sin in waking state? Or
do you feel relieved of the troubles from your enemy in your waking
state? But still how do you say that that was your experience? Body and
mind appeared in the dream
waking state. Does it not show that you have two separate sets of body
and mind, one for the dream and the other for the waking state? Not
only two sets of body and mind, if you are sincere and vigilant enough
you understand that for every dream you have a separate body and
mind. Nay, you were not even the experiencer, for your behaviour in
contradictory to say that you experienced the dream even when your
body and mind were not in that dream? To be sincere, you must admit
that you have at least two different personalities or individualities,
ignoring different dreams, one of your waking and the other of the
dream. Even though all people have such experiences almost every day
people do not express it for short of or for fault in reasoning. People
never mind their own mind. Temporarily we can conclude that there are
two in every one, one in the waking state and the other in the dream
(ignoring many dreams). Ponder over this calmly and be sincere to you
own experience at dreams to realise the truth in this reality. Beware of
your prejudice which is likely to spring up and betray.
which should
mean the person in his waking state, with special attention. To be true to
your experience, your entire personality in the dream is completely
independent from that of your waking state. For this reason for a crime
Page 115 of 140
The answer,
the awake
is real is not less incorrect than the `dreamer is real. Both of them are
equally real in their own states and equally indescribable in the other
which you believe the real world. In waking state you are not responsible
or answerable to any speech or act of the dreamer. Now to you, you
mean waking you only. If you say that you dream, or can dream, it
means that you dream when you are awake. Nothing could be more
absurd than this statement. Dream and waking are not concomitants and
contemporaneous. Men say that they dream, the Upanishat declares that
it is peoples knowledge. Now you may be convinced how hollow and
shallow is peoples knowledge.
You may agree with this. But all is not well. I help you
remember that you are always single in dream as well as in waking and
never feel duality or plurality. Denying the singularity in all states could
not be less difficult than refuting the appearing duality in waking state
while recollecting a dream. You cannot deny the existence of either the
dreamer +V$@ or the awake Jx$@ still on this basis you cannot say
that you in waking state are not the dreamer for one cannot recollect
anothers experiences. While you narrate your dream you recollect all the
objects, individuals, locations, events and experiences of the dreamer in
your waking state. This singularity forbids accepting the duality. The
difference in body, mind, location and acquittal of the awake from the
fruits of the good or bad deeds of the dreamer forbids accepting the
singularity and denying duality. Man! Who are you, is not the only
question, how many are you, follows it.
In sleep one
states it nothing but non ego. In this sense sleep is the seed of the
other two states. Sleep is potential.
the dream (also waking) comes out like a seedling or a chicken should
not be entertained as it can only be the `peoples knowledge. The word
`change has its inherent meanings like chemical change, physical
change, biological change etc. which are not meant when the word is
used in the sentence, `sleep changes into dream and waking. It is like
the change of a golden or silver cup into a plate in which there is
change in form only and not in substance. Cups and plates are none
other than gold. In the same way sleep wholly changes into either dream
or waking. Mathematically one cannot become two and two one. But
Adwaita Vedanta does not bother about
declaration, one becomes two and then it leads to plurality .We know
one is there in two without which it cannot be two at all, and one is
inseparable from the two. One does not depend on two for
existence (to be one) but the same cannot be said of two. In two there
are no twos but two ones and in duality there must be singles as two
singles make a duel. Sleep is single and dream (and waking) is duality.
In dream duality exists in the form of the knower - and the known . The first single in the duality is the knower and the second single
is the known, and together they make a duel. None of them without the
other can make a duality or dream. The existence and the appearance of
dream mean the presence of the knower and the known together.
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Though they appear to be two, they are dependent on each other and
only this mutual dependency makes each exist. Any one of them can
never exist in the absence of the other. Each gives meaning to the other
and the two together make a different meaning i.e. dream. Each gives
the other its value and together they become a valuable. The meaning or
value they together establish is dream (also waking state). In duality or
dream one has no meaning or value independent of the other. I wish to
draw your attention to a note worthy thing in the duality. The duality in
dream and waking states is only the knower and the known. What all the
knower knows is known only and this makes it known that even the
body, mind and the ego or `I all should be understood as known only
as the knower knows all of them. The knower continues to be a knower
so long as he knows the knowable but in the absence of knowable he
ceases to be a knower. Even if the knower ceases to be a knower the
capacity to know is not nullified. In the absence of known knower may
cease to be a knower, but the potentiality to know is not vanquished.
That is the pure knowledge which does not consist knowable.
knowable gives the knower the status of `a knower. And the knowable
becomes known only when it is known by the knower. Without the
presence of knowable and without the act of knowing it, a knower cannot
be called a knower at all.
soul. y
known makes the pure energy a knower and the knower makes the pure
energy a known. In dream both the knower and the known are present
and this presence of duality makes it a dream. The duality, ego and non
ego, that appears in the two states is resulted by the movements of the
mind. J J c +# (M.K.4-7.)
energy is not divided into knower and the known. This makes it clear
that sleep is not ` a nothing or `a zero or nullity but it is every thing or
you may say `latent everything. In it (sleep) all the worlds take shelter
and none can overpower it. + z{ | #8 L a
Energy or consciousness or
awareness in pure form is nothing but sleep. It may be clear now for
knowing nothing in sleep. Though we experience nothing in sleep, we
cannot deny our own existence and our knowledge during sleep because
we know that we know nothing during sleep. The sleeper experiences
V +
(M.U.B.7). As knower of all states we are
in sleep. You do not sleep and cannot sleep as we have already seen
that your individuality ends with the beginning of sleep. With all your
Page 122 of 140
body and mind present you cannot sleep because their presence must
make it either dream or waking state. Reality in its fullest extent is sleep
and you are that `absolute reality. Every attempt you make to deny this
is bound to enlighten you the very reality. You are nothing but the
unborn, immutable and immortal absolute reality. When you realize this
you will be free from all sorrows, pains, sufferings and fears. Death
becomes pickle like to him who realizes this state,
(K.U.1-2-25.) says the Upanishat. To the emperor Janaka who realized
this state the Upoanishat confirred absolute fearlessness in these words.
O Janka! You have achieved absolute fearlessness.
<V$ (Br.U.4-2-4.
men (who have this erudition) are not born and will not die.
} L (K.U.1-2-18.)
does not change itself into any other states; I mean no real physical,
chemical or material changes take place.
in different states but not the pure consciousness does. As sleep is bare
experience it is beyond the jurisdiction of states. The energy we and the
scientists speak of is neither self conscious nor conscious of any other
things. Pure energy is still out of our reach. But Adwaita Vedanta
declares that sleep itself is pure energy. In this sense sleep is bare
experience and energy in its pristine state. So Goudapada says sleep is
not aware of truth or untruth. Though all beings go to this soul (sleep)
they do not understand it because they are overpowered by nescience.
@ < @m# BC #8
Q < ~| (C.U.83-27.) As sleep is duality denied, and where one only exists, whatever is,
is truth only and truth is seconded by none which could prove to be
disappears and when he becomes one with happiness in sleep and does
not dream that (there he) is the soul. That is the Brahma and that is the
state of immortality and absolute fearlessness. a
V +
<# +V 8
BC8 (C.U.8-11-1.)
therefore one is not dead in sleep. As you are truly this bare experience,
in your ultimate reality you can never experience your absence. In sleep
you are not conscious of your body and mind etc. as they are not you;
still you were in your ultimate reality which is
consciousness, and you cannot deny the existence of that pure energy in
your waking state as the denial would mean self negation. Till now you,
as all human beings, were accustomed to think that you are only your
waking states because
attentive to it. To you, you meant the total of the consecutive waking
states only as your thoughts were controlled and guided by that
conviction. Your waking state invariably accompanies this mundane world
and the world means whatever you know in your waking state. Your
waking state and the world that you see are concomitants. The reality
and the longevity of this world are commensurable with the duration of
your waking state. This world appears, and so makes you believe that it
exists, only so long as you are awake. In dream and sleep you do not
experience this world, but still your existence continues and never
ceases. You can experience the non existence of this world but not your
own nonexistence. This transiency of the world proves your permanency.
As long as you believe that this world is permanent you consider yourself
to be transient. From the point of view of a passenger in a moving train
all outside objects seem to move, but not his train; but for the passenger
standing on the platform the train moves but not he. Sense of motion is
relative. It is an irony that you believe that the world is permanent in
which every one believes the world to be permanent which is composed
of such individuals; and you believe that you are temporary relative to
the world which is composed of the individuals who believe that they are
transient relative to the world of which they are parts; conviction of your
own transience appears true to you because you believe the world which
is a whole made of such transient parts to be permanent. To be short,
your assumed mortality is a byproduct of your belief in the permanency
of the world. This is the natural way of thought and this is called
`peoples knowledge- <
of your permanency, now think that you are static and the world moves.
I call this the Soul centre technique- #b # . I call it a technique
because you need to inculcate it a new abandoning your old habit of
world centre habit. You know habit is the second nature and to give up
a habit is much more difficult than acquiring one. This is called The
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The centre of
the circle, being a point, has no dimensions and all the patterns or
figures which have dimensions emerge from it and the denial of
dimensions make them nothing but a point. Let the sleep be the point
and the dream and waking the circles or figures.
seems to be constant and you appear to be coming into it and going out
of it. By birth we mean coming into the world and death means going
out of the world. See what happens when you apply soul centre
technique. Remember a dream you dreamt which must have appeared in
the middle of your sleep as you are accustomed to say. At the end of
your waking state the sleep must have begun. After a considerable time
the dream starts and continues for some time and at the end of the
dream the sleep starts again or some time you would be awakened.
Dream is followed by and preceded by sleep. When you dream it is not
less real to you than the waking state as it appears to you in your
Page 126 of 140
has disappeared. Where does the waking state exist when you dream a
dream? You are accustomed to explain that while you dream, this world
(of waking) will be here only and it needs not disappear. When you are
awake, why dont you say that the dream world is there only? They
should equally be true but your partiality confounds you. Moreover, your
going out of your waking sate to dream and returning into it may not be
equal to your exit from and entering into a room, a house, a village or a
town. Through which door or road do you enter and exit from dream? If
you were asked in your dream about the existence of this waking world
your answer could never be different from the one in your waking state
about the dream. Both dream and waking are followed and preceded by
sleep. You say that your dream appeared in the middle of sleep because
it is followed and preceded by sleep. Is not your waking state followed
and preceded by sleep? But you never say that your waking state
appears in the middle of the sleep. What difference do you find between
the appearances of the two states? No difference can be found. You are
sure of the appearance and disappearance of the dream in the middle of
sleep, but what refrains
authority you have granted undue reality to the waking state and this self
imposed restriction prevents you to accept the reality as it is. Dream and
waking states are not contemporaneous and none of them is permanent.
Both have beginning
this by saying that the end of waking state is the beginning of sleep and
the beginning of dream or waking is the end of sleep. This is peoples
knowledge. But let me ask you first, Who witnesses the commencement
of the dream? May a dreamer +V$@ notice the beginning of the
dream and understand that the dream is beginning?
waking individual see the starting of a dream? Not at all. Who witnesses
the ending of dream, the dreamer or the waking person?
Do they
Nights and
ultimate knower. The two states appear like the grains coming
V +
<c +
with the grains. Sleep is static and immutable and the two states emerge
and merge into sleep. If you understand sleep to be the sleep you
may not understand how dream and waking can emerge from and vanish
into sleep. Sleep is not sleep but it is bare experience and or pristine
waking states. The Veda calls it the soul. Before the creation nothing
existed and nothing exists in sleep and this similarity proves that sleep is
the pre-creation state.
V A $! 8 @ (M.U.B.3.)
middle and the end of the stat and, a state must include
the end of the waking state, and as it is also out of the reach of the
dream mind, the sleep or the soul must be the only witness. Soul
witnesses both the states along with the dreamer or the awake Jx$@ .
Sleep is the embodiment of energy and knowledge and that is why it is
justly declared to be the witness of the two states. That there is no
absence of knowledge in any state is the proof for the reality and
omnipresence of the knowledge. @
Al c +~+
or a plane cannot see the whole ship or plane but if stands out of the
ship or plane he can see them wholly. In the same way either the
dreamer or the waking person cannot see the whole states as long as
they are in the states, not only that they cannot see the whole states at
any time as they cannot move out of their respective states. Can we
imagine a dreamer +V$@ going out of the dream and the waking
person moving out of the waking state? No. Though the soul or sleep
witnesses the rise and set of
+V$@ and the awake it has neither beginning nor end. Who else can
see the beginning and end of the sleep? No one can see. So, it is
beginning less, endless and so unlimited, permanent and immortal. I
hope to give a vivid description of the three states and reveal more
secrets in my next book.
There the world does not exist. The night of the waking
person may be the day to a dreamer. An hour of the waking man can
be forty years to a dreamer. Waking state has two fundamental features,
objects and space which are limited to that state only and the time
resulting from the movements of objects in space cannot transcend that
state. The objects and space of dream are limited to that state and the
related time cannot trespass the other states. Dream and waking states
cannot exist without space, matter, and time. To be true, a state,
whichever it may be, is nothing more than the trinity of space, objects,
and time. Space, object, and time make a state and any one of them
cannot exist without the other two. So dream and waking states are not
in time and space, but time and space are in dream and waking. As a
state means a trinity of matter, space and time, sleep is not a state as it
has none of them. Therefore time is not in sleep and sleep is not in
time. So sleep is declared to be beyond time. That (the soul or sleep)
which is beyond past, present and future times is nothing but Omkara.
pristine state. The real you are the soul. So sleep is not sleep in its
usual meaning but it is the ultimate reality. Whereas the other two states
are bound by their limitations, the soul is beyond their reach and
limitations as soul is boundless. Your thinking ability is a byproduct of
Page 133 of 140
your waking state and that which is the creation of the waking state
cannot lead you out of that state of which it is a part because a part
cannot over power the whole. As mans thoughts are produced, regulated
and limited by waking state it is natural to think himself as a part of the
state only and no man can be successful in understanding what he really
is. The same is true with dream also. This is the paradigm #
of a state. Reality is not restricted to, and cannot be a creation of,
waking state which itself is not absolutely real. Reality is not in any
state. A state is a modified and polarized
could understand what the absolute reality is but how did they come to
know it is a matter of curiosity. Every fool believes that he is wise but
the wise men know what he is.
that our knowledge is nothing but ignorance. The truth of that statement
may reveal itself to you now. Though I like to tell you something more
concerning the ultimate reality, hoping to do it in my next book, now I
like to tell you who you really are.
equally private as they are experienced by you only and none else, or
equally public following your feeling during the actual experience.
you wake up, you say that you had a sound sleep as if it was your own
experiences as the others may not have any knowledge of them. Can
you say the same with regard to your sleep? No. Sleep is not your
private experience and property because you do not and cannot sleep.
Sleep is not your experience. How can you say that you slept a sound
sleep? You did not exist in sleep at all. To say my sleep, your sleep, his
sleep, her sleep, and a hibernating bears sleep is meaningless because
none exists in sleep and so none experiences sleep. Sleep is nobodys
property; it is only one, the ultimate one. Everybodys experience of
dream and waking may differ from those of others, but the experiences
of sleep are equal to all. Individuality dissolves in sleep, so sleep cannot
be experienced by any individual. Therefore in sleep all become one with
sleep and there exists nothing but pristine soul. The soul cannot become
an individual , but all individuals are ultimately only soul which is the
absolute reality. O dear one, though all beings emerge from Sat (pristine
energy or sleep) they do not understand that they have come from it.
I < 8Ia 8IVa 8 (C.U.6-9-2.)
out of its own accord. In spite of your attempt to stop them they are
sure to continue. Your `will fails to stop them. Though they are not
willful activities, you cannot escape from involving with them. Only your
firm decision and an expert guide may lead you to your destination. You
may hear your mind speaking with out stop.
that you willfully talk but when you try to sit silently you cannot do so.
Though you shut your mouth your mind continues to talk. In spite of your
will to stop you cannot. Try to silent it to its fullest extent. The inner
sounds, more than the outer sound, annoy and retard your silence.
Tranquilize your mind. I tell you it requires steady and regular practice
for a long time.
recollect your experience of sleep. But do not sleep. Sit erect. The most
important thing is to see that no images or sounds are entertained.
Imagine that you are in sleep. By that unlimited peace you be overtaken.
Just before the start of dream your sleep must have been like this only.
Your dream should have emerged from that silent total vacancy and
before dissolving into the same must have appeared for a period. Just
before and after the dream, you were that complete tranquility. That is
the undeniable reality whereas the dream is nothing but a fleeting
appearance. Then think of the waking state which also is followed and
preceded by the same silent total vacancy. If you become successful in
tranquilizing your mind to its fullest extent, then there will be no mind at
all but still you will be there in your pristine form i.e. pure energy and
pure knowledge or bare experience. This is called Mindlessness.
BC m8
is true with
dream also. The dream world is the concomitant of your dream. Both of
worlds could appear like the full moon in the sky. You are intact
All beings and things that appear or exist in either dream or waking
states are his creations only. He causes not only dream and waking but
also states like childhood, teenage, manhood, old age and all states of
all things. Though He is not bound by time, He creates time in dream
and waking states. He is the almighty. The Veda not simply advises to
know thyself; it also enlightens you by initiating You are That, and
that here means the soul. The Chandogya Upanishat assures you with
these words Thou art That. $ (C.U.6-8-6.)
realized the soul exclaimed
There is no
The readers are advised to read part 3. And 4 also.