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6 English Vi

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DATE: _______________________

Directions: Choose and write the letter of the correct answer on you answer sheet
1. The troop of scouters ________up their tents in the campsite.
a. put
b. puts
c. putting
d. putted
2. The president gave a speech, ________?
a. does he b. did he
c. doesn't he
d. didn't he
3. Put three ________of sugar in your recipe.
a. cupfuls
b. cupsful
c.. cupsfuls
d. cupful
4. Most of the boys ________seedlings in their plots.
a. plant
J. plants
c. planting
d. has planted
5. ________her children was what she always wanted to do.
a. teach
b. teaching c. taught
d. teached
6. Somebody ________down to the beach to play early in the morning.
a. run
b. runs
c. running
d. have run
7. The friend________
you invited for dinner is here.
a. which
b. whom
c. what
d. where
8. Eight pesos________
the present jeepney fare for the first four kilometers.
a. is
b. are
c. has
d. have
9. She________
research work on other endangered species living in the sea since last year.
a. does
b. has did
c. has done
d. is
10.I________ in Quezon Province for ten years.
a. lives
b. has lived c. living
d. have lived
11.1 wish I ________ a butterfly so I could get all the nectar of the flowers.
a. am
b. was
c. have
d. were
12. Cad hopes he________ interview rock singers.
a. can
b. could
c. would
d. is
13.I keep my papers in a metal box. The underline word is a/an________
a. adjective b. noun
c. adverb
d. verb I
14. My mother received ________jar.
a. porcelain, tall, one, blue, Chinese
b. one, tall, blue, Chinese, porcelain one, tall, blue, porcelain, Chinese
c. one, tall, Chinese, porcelain, blue
15. The collapse of the crest of Mt. Pinatubo created a ________ wide crater
a. three- kilometer b. three- kilometers
c. three kilometers d. three kilometer
16. I have to take remedial classes in Math________ Science.
a. besides b., beside
c. between d. from
17. Our materialistic world provides no spiritual peace among men. Which is the prepositional
phrase in this sentence?
a. materialistic world
b. spiritual peace c. among
d. among men
18. The exhausted hikers seemed tired________
a. and b. but c. or d. when
19. Which is a compound sentence?
a. Both Luisa and her brother have gone to Hong Kong
c. Lita and Amor baked
and ate the pies.
b. When I was young, my father used to play ball with me. d. Many are called but few are
20. Which is if e correct reported sentence of Carlos told Lita. "You are a very good reporter"
a. Carlos `old Lita that she was a very good reporter.
b. Carlos :old Lita that he was
a very good reporter.
c. Carl, .)s told Lita that she is a very good reporter.
d. Can s told Lita that you are
a very good reporter.
21. Something inherent in a person is inborn. The underlined word means
a. artificial b. national c. abundant d. individual
22. The flow of the traffic isn't normal . I hope the traffic enforcer will________ it.
a. normally b. normalize.c. normatic d. normal
23. I am a Filipino, I am a Filipino One nation, one thought is my fondest hope
What does the phrase 'one nation, one thought" imply?
a. blessings
b. unity
c. one country
d. one life
Directions: Read each situation. Think of the best conclusion from among those given.
24. Dangerous video games are very inviting to young people. Many get hooked on these
making them cut classes and spend precious time and money. Thus, the young are often

a. Victims of these high-tech inventions.

c. Out of school every day.
b. Successful players of modern games,
d. All of the above.
25. Video games feature fighting on combat, competition among races, or struggle between
There is always violence, indecency and fraud. All of those expose the young to _______.
a. adventure and challenge.
b. bad or negative values.c. enjoyable activities
worthwhile pastimes
Directions: Read each paragraph then give the main idea.
26. Cave people did not eat the same kind of meals we do today. They spent much time looking
for food to stay alive.
They looked for berries, seeds and roots to eat. They also. hunted fish and animals for meat.
What could cave
people think of hotdogs, pizza and ice cream?
a. Fruits, seeds and meat
b. Food treats for cave people. c. What cave people ate
d. What do we eat today
27. To tell the difference between a moth and a butterfly, one should observe them when, they
are still. Moths rest
with their wings stretched out flat, but butterflies rest with their wings pointed upwards.
Moths usually have
thicker bodies and the thick antennae of butterflies are usually thinner and end in a small
a. How moths differ from butterflies? c. Moth and butterflies are insects.
b. What a moth looks like?
d. Habits of moths and butterflies.
Which is the supporting detail in this paragraph?
28. The bird the Indians called the Thunderbird is the California condor. It is so large that with its
wings open, it may be
up to ten feet across. It weighs 25 pounds which is quite heavy for a bird. In the air, the
California condor is a
graceful glider. It can glide for miles without flapping its wings. Which is the supporting
detail in this paragraph?
a. California condor
c. It weighs 25 pounds which is
b. The bird the Indians called quite heavy for a bird. d. 'The thunderbird in California
29. Where can we find the topic sentence in this paragraph?
1Telephone, television and radio are used to send messages to other parts of the world.
2Many years ago people used birds called carrier pigeons to fly messages. 3Ofcourse,
people can carry
messages too. 4In the pioneers' days of the American West, pony express was used briefly
to carry the
mail all the way to the Pacific Coast. 5Many ways have been found. to send messages
throughout history.
a. sentence I b. sentence 2
c. sentence 3
d. sentence 5
Directions: Read the selection carefully and choose the best title.
30. We think of water as a liquid to drink when we are thirsty. Actually, there are three different
forms of water that are easy to find. When water is cooked below 32 OF (0 C), ice forms Heating
water to the boiling point 212 OF (100C) makes steam. Steam is a gas that can be seen from a
pot of boiling water.
a. Different Forms of Water
c. Water as a Liquid
b. Cooling, Boiling and Steamingd.
d. To Drink Water when Thirsty
31. Since hydrogen is highly flammable, toy balloons are no longer filled with this gas. The
underlined clause is a/an
a. effect
b. cause
c. opinion
d, exaggeration
32. The story was so heartwarming that everyone sympathized with the ugly man.
a. effect
b. cause
c. opinion
d. fact
33. Helena's mother is no systematic that she kills two birds with one stone and therefore,
finishes several jobs at the
same time. What does the underlined phrase mean?
a. Accomplishes two things at the same time
c. Aims at the birds in all woods
b. Lives from mouth-to-mouth several jobs.
d. Kills two birds before finishing
34. Ronald and his friends turned down that offer of cigarettes from the thin-faced youth.
The idiomatic expression turned down means
a. considered
b. accepted c. refused
d. agreed
35. The grade six class is planning to hold a field trip before summer vacation. What do you think
will happen?
The pupils will go on a strike because they want the field trip to be after the
The class will held several meetings to discuss the details of the trip.
All teachers will expect that the class will ask them to contribute for the field trip.

The class adviser will make sure that every pupil joining the field trip will have his or
her parents
written permission to go on the trip.
a. I and ll
b. II and IlI c. II and IV d. II, Ill and IV
36. Which group of words is correctly spelled?
a. committee, necessary, ocassion,
c. accommodate, bulletin, posession suceeded
b. bouquet, depot, debt, doubt
d. wrist, wreck, receipt, recieve
37. In which guide words does the word SWAN! belong?
a. sway swear b. swain swat
c. swim swore
d. sold solemn
38. What kind of card is this?
D95 Tropical fish: Fresh Water and Marine
1976 Aqua
Dutta, Reginald
a. author card
b. subject card
c. title card
d. card catalog
39-. The World Atlas contains the _________ of all the countries of the world.
a. plants
b. news
c. rivers
d. maps
40. Where can you find the important current and world news?
a. atlas
b. almanac c. encyclopedia
d. newspaper

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