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Task I - Trend Graphs Charts

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In this type of question, you have to write about a graph or chart that shows changes over a given period of
time. The time period will be stated in the graph summary given in the question.

- Trend Graphs & Charts

ocus on trend graphs & charts .
• • • Bradly Outdoor Wear - - Ski and Snow Wear - Hiking Kit

question, you have to write 4.00

or chart that· shows changes
riod of time. The time period
.,,... .,,... , "
....... -- -- -- -- --
n the graph summary given in
:3 3.00

a: ...............
mple question:
s data for annual sales rev-
r for three outdoor clothing ::::,
I- 1.00 ..................
2004 to 2014. Summarise
by selecting and reporting the ....
and make comparisons where 0.00 '--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - '
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

The graph show data for annual sales revenue or turnover for three outdoor clothing companies from 2004
to 2014. Summarize
k, we recommend the information
that you structure by selecting and
your trend-graph/chart reporting
writing the main features, and make comparisons
task as follows:
where relevant. Function
The graph shows information relating to how much money three outdoor clothing companies generated from
sales over a ten-year time period from 2004 to 2014.
The most striking trend is that of the sales growth of Hiking Hit. In 2004, the company had the lowest turnover,
while in 2014 it led the way in this area. Similarly significant was the rate of decline in turnover of Bradley
Outdoor Wear. At the outset, it had the second highest level of turnover, but ended in last place, having
suffered a significant drop in sales revenue. Ski and Snow Wear, on the other hand, enjoyed fairly steady sales
at an answer for the example question:
revenue, though it did drop from first position in 2004 to second position at the end of 2014.
Taking a closer look at the performance of the individual companies and starting with Hiking Hit, in 2004 it
had a turnover of approximately $1.5 million. From then on, sales revenue rose steadily until 2006. It then
ws information relatingquite
remained to howflatmuch
when outdoor clothing
turnover companies
began generated
steadily from sales
increasing year over a
by year again until, in 2014,
eriod from 2004 to 2014.
approximately $3.4 million was generated.
ng trend is that of the sales growth of Hiking Kit. In 2004, the company had the lowest turnover, while in 2014
n this area. withsignificant
Similarly regard wasto Bradley
the rate Outdoor
of decline Wear, thisofcompany’s
in turnover figures
Bradly Outdoor Wear.were theoutset,
At the most itdisappointing. In 2004, it
highest level around
of turnover, $2 million
but ended in turnover.
in last place, For the
having suffered next twodrop
a significant years, therevenue.
in sales company registered a slight increase
Ski and
the other hand, enjoyed fairly steady sales revenue, though it did drop from first position in 2004 to second
before turnover flattened out in 2007. From then on, turnover fell, with the sharpest fall in 2010. By the end
end of 2014.
ook at the 2014, turnover of thehad decreased
individual to around
companies $1 million.
and starting with Hiking Kit, in 2004 it had a turnover of
In contrast, Ski and Snow Wear performed fairly Itconsistently.
$1 .5 million. From then on, sales revenue rose steadily until 2006. then remainedIn 2004,
quite flat it generated
until 2008, around $3 million in
began steadily increasing year by year again until, in 2014, approximately $3.4 million was generated.
turnover. Thereafter, turnover rose steadily for two years before gradually falling back to just under $3 million
rd to Bradly Outdoo Wear, this company's figures were the most disappointing. In 2004, it generated around
in 2014.
nover. For the next two ars, the company registered a slight increase before turnover flattened out in 2007.
urnover fell, words)
with the sharpe fall in 20 I 0. By the end of 2014, turnover had decreased to around $ I million.
and SnowUSEFUL
performe · ly(1)
consistently. In 2004, it generated around $3 million in turnover.
over rose steadily for two years befo adually falling back to just under $3 million in 2014. E
Trend Verb/adjective Noun




increase an increase
grow a growth
rise a rise
climb an upward trend
go up an upturn
surge a surge/an upsurge
jump a jump
leap a leap
to take off
shoot up
decrease a decrease
fall a fall
drop a drop
decline a decline
go down a downturn
a downward trend
plunge a plunge
slump a slump
crash a crash
dip a dip

remain stable/static/constant a plateau/plateaux (pl)

stay at the same level
fluctuate a fluctuation
to be erratic


peak (at)
reach a peak (of)

bottom out
reach a low point of

level off

level out


Direction Verbs Nouns

Rose (to) A rise

Increased (to) An increase
Went up (to) Growth
Climbed (to) An upward trend
Boomed A boom (a dramatic rise)

Fell (to)
Declined (to) A decrease
Decreased (to) A decline
Dipped (to) A fall
Dropped (to) A drop
Went down (to) A slump (a dramatic fall)
Slumped (to) A reduction
Reduced (to)

The Language of Describing Trends: Verbs

(El Put the verbs in the box in the correct column in the table.

Go up Go up a lot Go down Go down a lot

crash decline decrease dip Levelled out (at)
drop fall grow increase Did not change
jump plummet plunge rise Remained stable (at) A levelling out
reduce rocket shoot up soar Remained steady (at) No change
Stayed constant (at)
Maintained the same level
The following verbs are also useful to know:

Fluctuated (around)
Peaked (at) RECOVER
Stood at (we use this phrase to A fluctuation
focus on a particular point, before Reached a peak (of)
we mention the movement, for Reached at plateau (at)
In the first year, unemployment
The Language of Describing Trends: stood at _____)
Describing the Degree of Change
We can Adjectives
also use suitable adverbs to intensify verbs. For example: Adverbs
Profits increased = Profits went up
dramatic dramatically
Profits increased dramatically = Profits went up a lot
sharp sharply
Adverb synonyms of a lot include:
dramatically, considerably,
enormous significantly. substantially. remarkably enormously
steep steeply
(Fl The substantial
following are also useful adverbs to learn. Write the adverbs substantially
in the box under the correct graph .
considerable considerably
consistently gradually negligibly steadily steeply sharply slowly slightly
significant significantly
marked markedly
moderate moderately
(ll (2)
slight slightly
minimal minimally
Describing the Speed of Change
Adjectives Adverbs
rapid rapidly
quick quickly
swift swiftly
sudden suddenly
steady steadily
gradual gradually
slow slowly
Expressing Approximation
We use words to express approximation when the point we are trying to describe is between milestones on

Go up Go up a lot Go down Go down a lot
crash decline decrease dip
drop fall grow increase
jump plummet plunge rise
the graph. rocket shoot up soar
just under well under roughly approximately
about just over well over nearly
The following verbs are also useful to know:
The Introduction: Paraphrase
Exercise 1: Paraphrase the following graph descriptions to form suitable introductory paragraphs.
1. The graph shows data about the annual profits of three gyms in London from
FLUCTUATE 2003 to 2008.

2. The chart shows information about the annual sales of three US bakeries from 2003 to 2008.
3. The table shows data about the average annual earnings for three different job types from 2003 to 2008.
The Language of Describing Trends: Adverbs
We can also use suitable adverbs to intensify verbs. For example:
The Language of Describing Trends: Adverbs
Profits increased = Profits went up
We can
Profits also use
increased adverbs=toProfits
dramatically intensify
went verbs.
up a lot For example:
Profit increased = Profit went up
Adverb synonyms of a lot include:
Profit increased
dramatically, dramatically
considerably, = Profit
significantly. went remarkably
substantially. up a lot/ dramatically/ considerably/ significantly/ substantially/
(Fl 2: are also useful adverbs to learn. Write the adverbs in the box under the correct graph .
The following
A. Write the adverbs in the box under each correct graph.
consistently gradually
consistently gradually negligibly
negligibly steadily steeply
steadily steeply
slowly slowly slightly

(ll (2)

B. Match the sentences a-d to the line graphs below. Then write the adverbs in the correct place in the
dramatically gradually marginally markedly moderately modestly
noticeably progressively sharply significantly slightly steadily

a. The number rose c. The numbers soared

b. The number dropped d. The numbers plunged
1. _________ 7. _________
2. _________ 8. _________
3. _________ 9. _________
4. _________ 10. _________
5. _________ 11. _________
6. _________ 12. _________

ally • marginally • markedly • moderately • modestly
sively • sharply • significantly • slightly • steadily b

. c The numbers soared .

pped. d The numbers plunged.
bout 1
8 a c
dverbs in
12 d

w to match theLanguage of Describing
adverbs in bold in a and b. Trends: Nouns & Adjectives
tuated wildly. b The numbers varied gently.
The number of researchers c in Mexico rose dramatically to a high of 242.
There was a rise in the number of researchers to a high of 242.
Exercise 4: Rewrite the sentences below, using the alternative
Include adverbs orpattern.
adverbial phrases in
The consumption of chocolate fell steadily from 1990 to 2000.
Task 1 answers in order
è There was d a steady fall in the consumption of chocolate
to show from 1990 to 2000.
that you can
evaluate the data given.
below. Which sentence è The hasten-year
the pattern period
verb from 1990
+ adverb andto 2000 witnessed a steady fall in the consumption of chocolate.
Make sure that the adverb
n there is/was + adjective + noun?
è The consumption of chocolate experienced you achoose
steady fall from 1990 to 2000.
searchers in Mexico rose dramatically to a high of 242. (matches) with an
1. Spice exports from Africa fluctuated wildly over appropriate the period.verb, e.g.
matic rise in the number of researchers to a high of 242.
à The numbers soared
s below à Technique
using the alternative pattern. modestly dramatically.
Include adverbs or
rs increasedà steadilyadverbial from 47 in in2003 to over double that
Task 1 answers in order
2. The development of new products fell gradually during 2000.
to show that you can
à evaluate the data given.
t falland
in Poland's numbers
Make to 226
sure that in 2007.
the adverb
you choose collocates
of 242. à (matches) with an
of 242. 3. There hasdrop
6 we can see a steep beenverb, e.g.
noticeable decrease
numbers in research investment since 1980.
to 179.
The numbers soared
à modestly dramatically.
à ending at a total of 183.
very slightly,
ble that
ion about4. The purchases of tickets dropped significantly last month.
one sentence à Technique
the pattern à If you find it difficult to work with the numbers in a table, draw a very rough
ne sentence line graph of the information first to help you visualize it. Alternatively put a
ore179. small 'up' ?' 'down' "' or arrow after each number in the table
5. On the comparing
Internet, the it to number of sites
the preceding rose
number, to significantly.
help you see the trend.

6. There was a sudden decrease in the sale of mangos in the last three months.
he numbers àin a table, draw a very rough
o help youà visualize it. Alternatively put a
arrow after each number in the table
mber, to helpàyou see the trend.
7. At the theme park, there were very slight fluctuations in the number of visitors between January and March.
8. There were gradual declines in sugar and pepper imports.

9. The quality of food in supermarkets has increased slowly over the last 3 years.
10. The number of air travelers fluctuated remarkably during the third quarter of 2013.
11. In Turkey numbers increased steadily from 47 in 2003 to over double that in 2007.
12. There was a slight fall in Poland’s numbers to 226 in 2007.
13. From 2005 to 2006 we can see a steep drop in Mexican numbers to 179.
àDescribing Future Trends
14. Finallythethey
Sometimes, rose
figures wevery slightly,with
are presented ending at a or
in a graph total
relate to a future time period. In such cases,

we must change our tenses accordingly.

For practice, let's look at the example question again. Now the time period has been changed to relate to the future.

The graph shows data about predicted annual sales revenue or turnover for three outdoor clothing companies from 2018 to
2028. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features , and make comparisons where relevant.
Making Future Predictions
- - • Bradly Outdoor Wear - - Ski and Snow Wear - Hiking Kit
When answering questions like this, either use
(a) the future tense with will or
3.50 (b) is predicted to and is expected to.
:3 3.00

--- Do not use a mixture of both (a) and (b) tense
er: ............
2.00 Let's look at the year 2018, for example.
·······... With option (a), we could say: Bradly Outdoor
::::, ···········-... Wear's revenue will be about $2 million.
1- 1.00 ..........
With option (b), we could say: Bradly Outdoor
...> 0.50 Wear 's revenue is predicted/expected to be about
0.00 ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ $2 million.
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028


Exercise 5: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense and form
(J) All the figures in this question are the same as in the first graph we looked at in this section. The difference is that
the time period has changed. Rewrite the model answer given below using the future tense with will where

The most striking trend is that of the sales growth of Hiking Kit. In 2018, the company (1) will have the lowest turnover,
while in 2028 it (2) (lead) the way in this area. Similarly significant (3) (be)
the rate of decline in turnover of Bradly Outdoor Wear. It (4) (begin) the period with the second
highest level of turnover, but (5) (end) in last place, having suffered a significant drop in sales

revenue. Ski and Snow Wear, on the other hand, (6) (enjoy) fairly steady sales revenue, though 7
it (7) (drop) from first position in 2018 to second position at the end of 2028.

Taking a closer look at the performance of the individual companies and starting with Hiking Kit, in 2018 it
(J) All the figures in this question are the same as in the first graph we looked at in this section. The difference is that
the time period has changed. Rewrite the model answer given below using the future tense with will where

The most striking trend is that of the sales growth of Hiking Kit. In 2018, the company (1) will have the lowest turnover,
while in 2028 it (2) (lead) the way in this area. Similarly significant (3) (be)
the rate of decline in turnover of Bradly Outdoor Wear. It (4) (begin) the period with the second
highest level of turnover, but (5) (end) in last place, having suffered a significant drop in sales
revenue. Ski and Snow Wear, on the other hand, (6) (enjoy) fairly steady sales revenue, though
it (7) (drop) from first position in 2018 to second position at the end of 2028.

Taking a closer look at the performance of the individual companies and starting with Hiking Kit, in 2018 it
(8) (have) a turnover of approximately $1.5 million. From then on, sales revenue
(9) (rise) steadily until 2020. It (10) (remain) quite flat until
2022, when turnover (11) (begin) steadily increasing year by year again until, in 2028,
approximately $3.4 million (12) (generate).
he key trends to Bradly
patterns you Outdoor
can seeWear,
in thethis company's
graph figures (13)
and answer (be) the most disappointing.
In 2018, it (14)
(generate) around $2 million in turnover. For the next two years, the company
the key trends or patterns you can see in the graph and answer
lines show(15) (register) a slight increase before turnover (16) Technique
an upward trend overall?
When writing about (flatten out) in 2021.
s. graphs, look at the visual E
arelines From then on, turnover (17)
downward? When
(fall), with the sharpest fall writing
in 2024. about
By the end of 2028, turnover 0
ny show an upward trend overall? information overall without )

(18) graphs, look at the visual

ny are downward?higher and/or consistently
(decrease)lower in general?
to around $1 million. focusing on the details.
information overall without
ee any patterns higher
consistently by comparing the start andlower
and/or consistently end points shown?
in general? You will usually be able
focusing on the details.
is type of In contrast,
graph beenSki and
and Wear
a diagram or pie (perform) fairly consistently.
chart? 2018,orit four
to identify Inthree (20)
see any patterns by comparing the start and end points shown? You will usually be able
(generate) around $3 million in turnover. Thereafter, turnover (21) main trends or patterns.(rise) steadily for two years
of graph to identify three or four
am and been
answerusedtheand not a diagram or pie chart?
before gradually falling back to just under $3 million in 2028. Circle or draw arrows on
main trends or patterns.
time do you haveand
to complete thequestions.
task? the graph to highlight the
exam task below answer the Circle or draw arrows on
key features and patterns.
do you need to write?
ch time do you have to complete the task? the graph to highlight the
Consider: upward and
ny wordsYou should
do you needspend about 20 minutes on this task.
to write?
key features and patterns.
downward movements, IIDIIIIII
d about 20 minutes on this task. Consider: upward and
The graph shows the percentage of 15 year olds withhighest low literacy
and lowest(reading and writing) levels in four
ws the
end percentage
about 20 minutesofon15this
y ear olds with low literacy
task. points and the start and
the information
Summarize the
by selecting and reporting
end points for themain
highest and the
lowest features, and make comparisons
hows thewhere
relevant. 15 y ear olds with low literacy points and the start and
of information shown.
selecting and reporting the mainfeatures,
d writing) levels infour countries. Summarize the and make end points for the range
here Write at least 150 words.
relevant. Identifying key trends
of information shown.
by selecting and reporting the mainfeatures, and make will help you structure
0where 1. How
words.relevant.many lines show an upward trend overall? Identifying key trends
your writing.
150 words.
2. How many are downward? will help you structure
your writing.
3. Is any line consistently higher and/ or consistently lower in general?
el text below. Match paragraphs a-d with summaries 1-4.
4. Can you see any patterns by comparing the start and end points shown?
odel text
verview _ below.
5. _ _ Match
Why paragraphs
has this type of a-d with
graph summaries
been used 1-4.
oldsa with
diagram or pie levels
low literacy chart?
30-,-- -- - - -- -- - -- ----------,
main __
upward _
trends _ __ 15 year olds with low literacy levels
30-,-- -- - - -- -- - -- ----------,
s main
the mainupward trends
downward __
trend __ __
s the
on main downward
describing trend _ __
data set __
tion describing
provides data set
information __the
es of 15 year olds in four European
h provides information about the
over a period of nine years.
ates of 15 year olds in four European
wo clear trends visible. Only one
s over a period of nine years.
enmark, experienced a slight fall
e two clear trends visible. Only one
racy levels, as numbers dropped 2000 2003 2006 2009
Denmark, experienced a slight fall
from around 17 per cent in 2000 2000b 2003 2006 2009
iteracy levels, as numbers dropped
ent in 2009. This minor dip
ly from around 17 per cent in 2000
ss gave Denmark the lowest - b Austri a - Denmark
cent in 2009. This minor dip
overall by the end of the period - - Irelan d a
less gave Denmark the lowest Austri - Sweden
ge overall by the end of the period - Irelan d Sweden
, in the majority of countries the
of children with low literacy levels increased, the biggest rise being
ly, in the majority of countries the
Austria. This country had the highest number of children with weak
on of children with low literacy levels increased, the biggest rise being
oughout the period, except in the year 2000 where, at 15 per cent, the
n Austria. This country had the highest number of children with weak
ere approximately 2 per cent lower than those in Denmark. However, by
hroughout the period, except in the year 2000 where, at 15 per cent, the
ian numbers had reached just over 20 per cent and rose again more steeply
were approximately 2 per cent lower than those in Denmark. However, by
f around 27 per cent in 2009. Ireland and Sweden both saw steady upward
strian numbers had reached just over 20 per cent and rose again more steeply
heir totals, beginning with around 11 per cent and 13 per cent respectively
of around 27 per cent in 2009. Ireland and Sweden both saw steady upward
at a similar percentage of 17 per cent.
their totals, beginning with around 11 per cent and 13 per cent respectively
with the exception of Denmark, the percentage of 15 year olds with literacy
ng at a similar percentage of 17 per cent.
enerally went up. The difference between the countries was relatively low 8
e, with the exception of Denmark, the percentage of 15 year olds with literacy
nging from around 11 per cent to 17 per cent, but this difference grew and
s generally went up. The difference between the countries was relatively low
anned from approximately 15 per cent to over 27 per cent.
ranging from around 11 per cent to 17 per cent, but this difference grew and

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