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3rd MATH - 6

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I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is the amount deducted from the original 10. It always comes with the percent symbol.
price. a. principal c. percentage
a. commission c. principal b. rate d. time
b. discount d. interest
11. If you open up an octagon and add one
2. 24/8 = N/17 Find the missing element in more side, what kind of polygon will it
the proportion. become?
a. 51 c. 28 a. decagon c. nonagon
b. 39 d. 94 b. octagon d. dodecagon

3. Mm got 80% of 60 items correct in a Math 12. Thirty percent of forty pupils say Math is
test. How many did he get? their favorite subject. How many like Math?
a. 54 c. 48 What is missing?
b. 14 d. 12 a. base c. rate
b. percentage d. discount
4. Identify the polygon.
13. It is the quantity which is a part of the
a. undecagon c. dodecagon total number.
b. nonagon d. decagon a. commission c. principal
b. rate d. percentage
5. What kind of angle is
shown? 14. Rename 3/5 as percent.
a. reflex c. right a. 60% c. 30%
b. acute d. obtuse b. 20% d. 50%

6. Anne bought a book marked ₱250 for only 15. MangElo’s fishpond, where he grows
₱175 at a book sale. What was the rate of tilapia, is in the shape of a trapezoid. Its
discount? upper base is 7 m, while its lower base is 9 m.
a. 10% c. 25% What is the area of the fishpond if its height is
b. 20% d. 30% 4 m?
a. 28 sq. m c. 32 sq. m
7. 46%, 56%, 51%, 61%, 56%, _____, _____, b. 20 sq. m d. 64 sq. m
_____. Study the series of rates. What are the
next three numbers? 16. What do two equal ratios form?
a. 66%, 61%, 71% c. 41%, 51%, 56% a. percentage c. proportion
b. 71%, 76%, 81% d. 36%, 41%, 51% b. commission d. sum

8. What is the ratio of 17. Tuition fee is increased by 25% since five
the years. If the tuition fee then was ₱5 000, how
leaves to the flowers? much is the tuition fee now?
a. 15 : 6 c. 2 : 1 a. ₱6 250 c. ₱5 025
b. 3 : 6 d. 1 : 2 b. ₱5 400 d. ₱1 250
9. Which polygon is congruent to
the 18. It is the comparison of two quantities.
polygon at the left? a. whole number c. decimal
b. graph d. ratio
a. c.
19. 36 is 20% of N.
What is N?
b. d. a. 73 c. 192
b. 180 d. 97

20. Minda bought a set of dinner plates 28. Aside from colon, what else can be used
marked ₱1 500 but with a 45% discount. How to write ratios?
much did she pay for the set? a. quotation mark c. fraction line
What is the hidden question? b. period d. hyphen
a. What is the tag price?
b. How much did she pay for the set? 29. Arnel borrowed ₱75 000 from a bank that
c. How much is the discount? charges 6% interest per month. If the bank
d. What is the rate of discount? deducts the interest from the loan, how
much did Arnel receive on his loan?
21. A box contains 320 marbles. Ten percent What operations should be used?
of the marbles are red. How many are red a. multiplication and division
marbles? b. addition and subtraction
a. 32 c. 27 c. multiplication and subtraction
b. 10 d. 45 d. addition and division

22. It is the amount earned for the use of 30. One hundred fifty out of 375 intermediate
money. pupils registered as members of the Math
a. principal c. interest Club. What percent of the pupils are
b. discount d. commission members of the Math Club?
a. 40% c. 20%
23. If you put together two right triangles, b. 25% d. 70%
such that their union will have four right
angles, what polygon will it form? 31. To make sweetened ‘langka’, Melody
a. heptagon c. quadrilateral uses 6 cups sugar for 14 cups of ‘langka’. If
c. octagon d. nonagon she has 35 cups of ‘langka’, how much sugar
does she need?
24. Miss Curtis wants to buy a can of What is the number sentence?
pineapple juice marked ₱95. How much will a. 14 : 6 : : N : 35 c. 6 : 35 : : 14 : N
she save if she buys it during a sale offering b. 6 : 14 : : N : 35 d. N : 6 : : 14 : 35
5% off on all prices?
What is asked in the problem? 32. It means per hundred or hundredths. It is a
a. the discount on ₱95 at 5% ratio which compares a number with 100.
b. the interest of ₱95 at 5% a. proportion c. fraction
c. the cost of 5 cans of pineapple juice b. percent d. decimal
d. the price of all the items in the store
33. A car worth ₱978 000 is to be paid within a
25. A pair of leather shoes was on sale and year with zero interest. How much is the
was given a discount of ₱450 at 30%. What monthly installment?
was the original price of the shoes? a. ₱81 500 c. ₱14 200
a. ₱1 350 c. ₱2 000 b. ₱97 800 d. ₱58 600
b. ₱3 150 d. ₱1 500

34. Nicetas makes flowers out of colored

papers. For every two pieces of colored
paper, she makes eleven flowers. What are
the two quantities being compared?
26. Brunei has a population of 357 thousand. a. flowers and papers c. Nicetas and
This is about 50% of the population of Ilocos papers
Sur. What is the population of Ilocos Sur? b. papers and two d. Nicetas and
a. 178.5 thousand c. 200 thousand flowers
b. 357 thousand d. 714 thousand
35. N% of 95 is 19. What is N?
27. To put up a grocery store, Mr. and Mrs. a. percentage c. base
Manzano borrowed one million at a rate of b. ratio d. rate
18% per year for three years. What is the total
they will pay in the bank?
What is the number sentence? 36. What kind
a. ₱1 000 000 + [(₱1 000 000 x 0.18 ) x 3] of triangle according to side is shown?
b. (₱1 000 000 / 18 x 3 ) a. acute c. isosceles
c. ₱1 000 000 - [(₱1 000 000 x 0.18 ) x 3] b. obtuse d. scalene
d. ₱1 000 000 - ( 0.18 x 3 )

37. 48 is 75% of what number? 46.Erich used 9 eggs for 4 omelets. How many
a. 64 c. 54 eggs will she need for 12 omelets?
b. 92 d. 78 a. 36 c. 13
b. 4 d. 27
38. Two hundred fifty pupils were in the list of
NEAT examinees. On the day of the 47. Mellany got 7 correct answers for every 10
examination, only 98% of the pupils took the items. How many did she get in 60 items?
test. How many were absent? a. 17 c. 42
a. 5 c. 7 b. 70 d. 18
b. 245 d. 152
48. Mr. and Mrs. Montes spend 65% of their
39. There are 357 pupils in a local elementary monthly salaries for food. Mr. Montes earns
school. Of this number, 289 watched a ₱6 450 while his wife earns ₱5 150. How much
school play. What percent of the pupils of their monthly salaries go to their other
watched the play? expenses?
What is the number sentence? a. ₱7 540 c. ₱11 600
a. 357 - 289 = N c. ( 289 x 100 ) / 357 b. ₱957.50 d. ₱4 060
b. 289 ÷ 357 x 100 = N d. ( 289 + 357 ) x 100 49. 27 out of 45 pupils are boys. What percent
=N are girls?
40. A midnight sale is on at a big department a. 40% c. 60%
store. A pair of denim pants with a tag price b. 33% d. 18%
of ₱975 is sold at 20% discount. How much will
Edu pay for the pair of pants? 50. Julia made a loan from their cooperative.
In the number sentence ₱975 - (₱975 x ₱2 400 was deducted from the principal as
0.20 ) = ₱780, what is₱780? yearly interest. At the interest rate of 8% per
a. rate of discount c. principal annum, how much was her loan?
b. discounted price d. tag price a. ₱19 200 c. ₱30 000
b. ₱3 000 d. ₱24 000
41. Mr. Aclan was able to harvest 67% of his
crops. What percent was not harvested? 51. What kind of polygon is a five-pointed
a. 24% c. 33% star?
b. 43% d. 76% a. decagon c. quadrilateral
d. pentagon d. heptagon
42. Arnel deposited ₱4 500 in a bank. After
one year, his account became ₱4 950. What 52. Which set of ratios form a proportion?
was the rate of interest? a. 3 : 5 : : 6 : 11 c. 15 : 2 : : 7 : 1
a. 10% c. 3% b. 24 : 10 : : 15 : 5 d. 4 : 9 : : 8 : 18
b. 12.5% d. 4.5%

53. 25% out of the 300 pupils of Tiquiwan

43. How many squares do Elementary School did not join the field trip.
you see? How many joined?
a. 75 c. 275
b. 325 d. 225

a. 7 c. 10 54. Manuelo deposited ₱7 200 in a bank.

b. 8 d. 11 After one year, the amount of interest
recorded on his passbook was ₱115.20. What
44. The area of a parallelogram is 36 dm2. If was the rate of interest?
the base measures 9 dm, what is its height? In the number sentence ₱7 200 x N% =
a. 45 dm c. 4 dm ₱115.20, what is ₱7 200?
b. 27 dm d. 324 dm a. principal c. discount
b. commission d. interest
45. The Grade VI class harvested 18 kilograms
of radish in the garden. If 9 kilograms were 55. These are lines that do not meet.
sold, what percent of the harvest was not a. parallel lines c. intersecting lines
sold? b. perpendicular lines d. deadlines
a. 9% c. 20%
b. 25% d. 50%

56.Gol receives a commission of 6% on all his
sales. What is his commission on a sale of 59.
₱12 100?
What are given? Which is most likely the measure of the
a. 6% commission, ₱12 100 sales angle at the left?
b. ₱12 100 commission, 6% sales a. 152⁰ c. 96⁰
c. 6% commission, ₱12 000 sales b. 320⁰ d. 225⁰
d. 60% commission, ₱12 100 sales
60. Miss Guino received a ₱15 250
57. It is formed by two rays with a common commission from her sale of a second-hand
end point. car. If the rate of commission is 16%, how
a. angle c. polygon much was the car?
b. fraction d. line a. ₱95 312.50 c. ₱12 810
b. ₱244 000 d. ₱56 320
58. A pair of shoes cost ₱2 450 at a 20%
discount. What is its original price?
a. ₱12 250 c. ₱4 900
b. ₱24 990 d. ₱3 062.50
Good luck!!!! 

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Teacher- 1

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