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Ph.D./M.Sc. (Engg.) by Research Degree Examination, April/May 2014

Antenna Theory and Design
Time: 3 hrs.

Max. Marks:100
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions.

a. Explain radiation pattern of an antenna.

b. Define directivity and gain and establish the relation between them.
c. Write short notes on radiation efficiency.

(07 Marks)
(07 Marks)
(06 Marks)

a. With the neat sketch, explain Yagi-Uda antenna.

b. Explain microstrip antenna with its advantages.

(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)

a. Derive an expression for array factor for n-point sources with same amplitude, inphase,
separated by distance of /2 meters. Draw the radiation pattern also.
(10 Marks)
b. Write short notes on:
Pattern multiplication
Feeding technique.
(10 Marks)

a. Explain the design consideration of the monofiler axial mode helical antennas with the
(10 Marks)
b. Explain the general characteristic of lag-periodic antenna with the sketch.
(05 Marks)
c. Determine the cutoff frequencies and bandpass of a lag periodic dipole array with a design
factor of .7. Ten dipoles are used in the structure, the smallest having a dimension l/2 equal
to 0.3m.
(05 Marks)

a. Explain the working of a parabolic, reflector antenna with a neat sketch.

b. Explain the concept of dual reflector antenna.

(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)

Write short notes on:

a. Woodward-Lawson sampling method.
b. Taylor-line source method.

(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)

a. Derive the expression for Pocklingtons integral equation.

b. Explain with mathematical steps Kirchoffs networking equations.

(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)

a. Give the explanation for the optics wedge diffraction theory.

b. Explain the mechanism of radiation by a monopole on a finite ground plane.

(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)


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