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Antennas and Wave Propagation QP

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Set No: 1

Code No: V3118/R07

III B.Tech I Semester Regular & Supplementary Examinations, November 2011

(Electronics and Communications Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) Define the terms Radiation intensity, Gain, Resolution and Beam efficiency
b) The field pattern of an antenna is given by En = (Sin/ )/
i) Plot the normalized power pattern.
ii) Estimate the main beam efficiency of the antenna.



2. a) State the Reciprocity Theorem for antennas? Prove that the Self Impedance of an
antenna in transmitting and receiving mode is same.
b) Define directivity, obtain the directivity of an isotropic antenna, short dipole and
Half-wave Dipole.


3. a) How a unidirectional pattern is obtained in an end fire array. Explain?

b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of binomial array?




4. a) Explain in detail the constructional features of helical antenna?

b) Compare the requirements and radiation characteristics of resonant and non resonant


6. a) What is Zoning? What are its advantages?

b) Discuss the applications of Horn Antenna. Sketch the sectoral horns.



5. a) Derive an expression for the gain of a 900 corner reflector.

b) Explain the principle and working of Yagi Antenna.

7. a) Explain the following:

i) Ground Wave
ii) Space Wave
iii) Surface Wave
b) Discuss the characteristics of ionospheric layer


8. A communication link is to be established between two stations using half wave-length

antenna for maximum directive gain. Transmitter power is 1 KW, frequency of operation
is 100 MHz and distance between transmitter and receiver is 100 Km. what is the
maximum power received by receiver? Explain and derive the formulas used.

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Set No: 2

Code No: V3118/R07

III B.Tech I Semester Regular & Supplementary Examinations, November 2011

(Electronics and Communications Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) As related to antennas, define and explain the following terms:
i ) Radiation Resistance ii) Effective Area
iii) Effective Length iv) Efficiency
b) Find the effective aperture of an isotropic antenna operating at a wavelength of 10-2 m,
deriving its directivity.



2. a) Give the expression for electric field due to current element. Find the distance from a
radiating element such that Radiation and Induction fields are equal with necessary
b) What is short magnetic Di-pole? How is it realized?


3. a) Derive an expression for the far field pattern of an array with n identical isotropic
point sources arranged in a line and spaced a distance d apart.
b) Explain the principle of pattern multiplication.


4. a) Sketch and explain the constructional features of Helical Antenna.

b) Sketch and explain the basic set up for V-antenna and plot the pattern.




5. a) Design Yagi Uda antenna of six elements to provide a gain of 12dB if the operating
frequency is 200MHz
b) Explain with suitable sketches perpendicular mode of radiation in helical antenna.
6. Describe the methods for measuring the below parameters for an antenna
a) Gain
b) Directivity with a neat block diagram
7. a) Write short notes on Ground wave propagation and effective of earth
b) In case of ionosphere, explain D, E&F layers.
8. a) Discuss Duct Propagation dwell on causes and effects.
b) Explain the bending of signals due to earths curvature. How is it useful for

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Set No: 3

Code No: V3118/R07

III B.Tech I Semester Regular & Supplementary Examinations, November 2011

(Electronics and Communications Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) Explain the following :
i) Normalize field pattern ii) Beam solid Angel iii) Beam Efficiency iv) Directivity
b) An antenna has a field pattern given by E ()=(Coscos2) for 00 < = < + 900
Find the following: i) HPBW
ii) Beam Width between first nulls (FNBW) [8+8]



2. a) Define the terms electrostatic field, induction field, and radiation field of an antenna
and bring out their significance.
b) sketch and compare radiation patterns of horizontal half wave dipole with those of
vertical half wave dipole
c) What are short antennas.




3. a) Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of linear arrays.

b) What is Broadside Array? Compare it with End-Fire Array
c) Write short notes on principle of pattern multiplication.



4. a) Explain the need and the configuration of a Folded Dipole Antenna. Sketch its radiation
pattern and compare its characteristics with those of simple /2 diploe.
b) List out the design relations associated with a Rhombic Antenna. What are its

5. a) With a neat sketch explain the image formation for the case of 450 corner reflector.
b) Write short notes on diffraction effects in plane sheet reflectors.
6. a) Distinguish between sectoral, pyramidal and conical horns, with neat sketches. List out
their utility and applications.
b) With neat set up, explain the absolute method of measuring the gain of an antenna.
7. a) Write short notes on
i) Ionosphere abnormalities
ii) Optimum working frequency and LUHF
b) Describe the fading of short wave broadcast signals.
8. a) What is LOS propagation? Under what conditions it can exist?
b) Explain the formation of inversion layer in the troposphere in the phenomenon of duct

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Set No: 4

Code No: V3118/R07

III B.Tech I Semester Regular & Supplementary Examinations, November 2011

(Electronics and Communications Engineering)
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) Define and explain the following terms.
i) Gain
ii) Directivity
iii) Radiation Resistance
iv) Band width
b) A source has bidirectional power pattern with a radiation intensity of U=4 Sin. Find
its directivity and HPBW sketching the pattern.



2. a) Explain how loop aerial is used for direction finding? Derive the relevant expression
for electric field intensity for loop aerial.
b) Derive an expression for radiation resistance of half wave length slot aerial using
babinets principle. Sketch the field pattern.




3. a) Derive the expression for width of principle beam for

i) Broad side array
ii) End fire array of n isotropic elements of spacing distanced between
successive elements.
b) Describe Binomial array and state its merits and demerits.


4. a) List out the relations associated with a rhombic antenna. What are its applications?
b) Discuss the merits and demerits of travelling wave antenna.


5. a) With a neat diagram describe the principle of working of pre three element Yagi Uda
b) Write short note on diffraction effects in plane sheet reflectors.

6. a) What is the principle of equality of path length? How is it applicable to horn antenna?
Obtain an expression for the directivity of pyramidal horn in terms of its aperture
b) Briefly explain the impedance measurement of a horn antenna by using slotted line
7. a) Explain the effects of D-layer in sky wave propagation.
b) Distinguish between the terms MUF, LUHF and Optimum frequency.


8. a) Establish the relations for the received field strength of LOS propagated wave at
i) Small distance
ii) Large distance
b) Describe the salient features of multi hop propagation.

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