Vision Group On Science and Technology Call For Proposals Under VGST For Fy 2017-18
Vision Group On Science and Technology Call For Proposals Under VGST For Fy 2017-18
Vision Group On Science and Technology Call For Proposals Under VGST For Fy 2017-18
ii) Submit proposals and applications to The Consultant, VGST office #702/714 , 7 th Floor,
4th Gate, M. S. Building, Dr Ambedkar Veedhi ,Bengaluru – 560001, Karnataka.
iii) Submission of the proposals for VGST grants shall be strictly according to the VGST proposal
formats (See Annexures II, III & IV). Non-compliance to this procedure leads to rejection of
proposal(s). One hard copy of the proposal should be submitted along with the application.
iv) Soft copy of the original proposal shall also be submitted in CD in pdf and word formats.
Please send the project proposal also to the email id:
v) The Envelope containing Application Form must be super scribed in bold letters as "Application
for the VGST Grant under the scheme_____________________________"
vi) For any further details, contact VGST Office or (E-mail: or
080-22032013 .All Correspondences shall have to be made through Email.
vii) It is requested that the institution applying for VGST grant shall prepare & submit the
PROPOSAL ONLY IN THE “PRESCRIBED VGST–FORMAT” (available in VGST website:, which will facilitate quick processing and selection of the proposals.
viii) VGST grant shall not be utilized for organizing Workshops (except for FDP-Engineering)
/Seminars/ Conferences/ Construction of Building/ Orientation & Training Programmes etc.
x) The Faculty of the Ongoing Project of VGST will not be considered. (Applicable only for
CESEM, CISE, K-FIST schemes)
xi) Any proposal not adhering to the above stated requirements will not be considered for providing
VGST grant.
Annexure – I
To encourage research activities in the field of Science, Engineering and Medicine, and to
promote innovation in research.
To promote research in newly emerging and frontier areas of Science, Engineering and
Medicine including multidisciplinary fields.
To attract fresh talents in Universities and other higher educational Institutions towards
research activities.
To identify institutions which are involving in thematically based research activities in
Science, Engineering & Medical field.
To strengthen existing institutions having a cluster of scientists who could make common
use of research facility created by VGST grant.
To selectively promote the general research capability with relevance to science,
engineering and medicine taking into account capability of the host institution.
To provide special encouragement to active scientists, researchers from relatively small
and less endowed University Departments and Institutions.
K-FIST programme aims at developing and strengthening Science and Technology Infrastructure
and Laboratory Facilities required by educational institutions for imparting quality teaching and
for pursuing research activities, particularly in educational institutions offering postgraduate
courses in the State. Educational institution selected under the K-FIST programme will be
provided with grants to improve and strengthen infrastructure that would help the institution in
achieving higher academic standards. This programme is for improvement and strengthening
infrastructure facilities in the identified beneficiary Department as a whole and not for the
development of individual Faculty/Researcher.
4. Research Grants for Scientists Faculty (RGS/F)
The broad purpose of the scheme is to promote research activity among young scientists/ Faculty
(below 40 years of age as on 31st October 2017) in the State to take-up challenging R & D
activities providing grants to faculty members with innovative ideas to carry out research and
build scientific careers in their field of interest at an young age.
Seeks to encourage and reward Science, Engineering and Medicine faculty members in Colleges,
Universities and research organizations/ Institutes in the State, who have published quality
research publications in National & International journals with high impact factor.
Aims to impart knowledge in advanced and frontier technologies for engineering faculties through
organization of 4 days workshops in association with industries.
Annexure – II
Government of Karnataka
Department of Information Technology, Biotechnology & Science and Technology
(for the utilization of VGST grant)
1) VGST grant released under the CESEM/ CISEE/ K-FIST/ RGS/F) programme is primarily for
strengthening Science and Technology infrastructure facilities of the identified Department in
Universities/Colleges and other Higher Educational Institutions for quality teaching and
research. The grant shall be utilized exclusively for this purpose.
2) VGST grant under CESEM/ CISEE/ K-FIST/ RGS/F programme is to provide infrastructural
facilities for performing research work and to enhance quality teaching in higher educational
institutions. Hence, VGST grant shall not be utilized for the construction of rooms,
buildings, appointment of support staff and related expenditures.
3) While receiving the VGST grant, both the Head of institution and the Programme Co-
ordinator shall submit “AGREEMENT & DECLARATION FORM” to VGST to ensure the
effective implementation of the programme strictly in accordance with Guidelines, Terms &
Conditions of VGST.
4) Faculty member who applies for VGST grant will be considered as the “Programme Co-
Ordinator” for the CESEM/ CISEE/ K-FIST/ RGS/F programme. There is no provision for
additional or Co-Programme Co-ordinator for sanctioned VGST scheme.
5) Grantee institution has to constitute a “Purchase Committee” which includes Head of the
Institution as Chairman of the Purchase Committee with additional 4 members as indicated in
Annexure-4 of Grant Related Document. The Purchase Committee is authorized to procure
only VGST approved equipments/ items as indicated in the Budget Estimate (Non-Recurring)
(PART-A of Grant Related Document).
6) All issues, matters & procedures related to the procurement of equipment/ items etc. shall be
recorded in the “Proceedings of the Purchase Committee” (Annexure-9) duly signed by all the
5 members of the purchase committee & there shall not be any deviation in purchase/
procurement of Equipments/ items (Approved Cost) from the VGST approved Technical
Specification of the Equipment (Annexure-2) & Justification of the purchase (Annexure-3).
8) To Facilitate hassle free procurement of equipment by the Grantee Institution, VGST desires
to be flexible by permitting “Package Approval” instead of “Item-wise Approval” in
procurement procedure under Non-Recurring Expenditure. Yet, the total Non-Recurring
Expenditure shall not exceed specified percentage (80% / 90%) of the VGST Annual grant.
9) During the reappropriation process, the cost/ price of single item shall not exceed 10% to 15%
of the approved cost of the respective equipment by VGST. Further deviation is strictly not
10) It is mandatory for the grantee Institution to purchase all the equipments as indicated in the
non-recurring expenditure.
11) Grants released under the VGST scheme viz., CESEM/ CISEE/ K-FIST/ RGS/F need to be
kept in a separate savings bank account of a nationalized bank only under the head “VGST
grant” (preferably in SBM local branch). The accrued interest on the grant needs to be
reflected in Financial Status Proforma (Annexure-12) annually.
12) VGST grant shall not be utilized for organizing and attending Workshops/Seminars/
Conferences, Orientation & Training programmes by the faculty members, as well as
construction of building etc. However, grants sanctioned under FDP-Engg. is the only
approved scheme for organizing faculty development program for engineering colleges.
13) Grantee Institution shall procure only those equipments/ items for which VGST’s approval is
accorded in the Budget Estimate (both Non-Recurring & Recurring) (PART-A of Grant
Related Document). Any deviation from this will lead to withdrawal of VGST Grant and
further grant will not be released.
14) Grantee institution shall abide to follow the percentage of Expenditure sanctioned and
approved by VGST - Non-Recurring expenditures such as Equipments, Computers, Softwares
etc (80% or 90% of VGST grants) and Recurring expenditures (20% or 10% of VGST grants)
such as Chemicals, Teaching Aid, Outsourcing, Contingency, Books, Journals etc.,
15) Any payment towards Non–recurring and Recurring for Rs. 500/- and above shall be only
through A/C payee cheque / Demand Draft (DD) / online Money Transfer (RTGS).
16) Interest amount earned from the VGST grants at the end of the Financial year, cannot be
utilized without the approval of VGST.
17) VGST grant awardees has to submit PART-A of Grant Related Document to VGST for
approval of the Budget Estimate (both Non-Recurring & Recurring) only once in a given year,
which shall be as soon as the grant is received. Subsequent submissions of PART-A of Grant
Related Document for approval in the same Financial Year will not be entertained.
18) All the assets acquired from the VGST grants will be the property of the Department of the
grantee institution. A register of the permanent/semi-permanent assets acquired wholly or
partly out of this grant shall be maintained and a copy thereof furnished to this Department.
Such register / ledger of assets and accounts maintained shall be available or open to scrutiny
by Audit.
19) In order to give visibility to VGST schemes viz., CESEM/ CISEE/ K-FIST/ RGS/F the
respective bonafide Department should acknowledge and display the name board as
Catalyzed and Supported by Vision Group on Science and Technology, Dept. of Science
and Technology, Govt. of Karnataka.
20) After VGST grant utilization, the grantee Institution shall furnish PART-B & PART - C of
Grant Related Documents accompanied with Annexures 7 to 14 to VGST.
22) Release of 2nd or 3rd instalment VGST grants, if any is considered only after receiving
Utilization Certificate Certifited by the The Chartered Accountant through the head of the
institution and review of the project by the subcommittee of VGST .
23) Unutilized grant at end of the financial year shall be carried forward (if the program is
continued) or to be refunded (if the program is completed)’ whichever the case is applicable
by making entries in Financial Status Proforma (Annexure -12).
24) UC shall have to be issued by the AG empaneled Chartered Accountant, which shall also be
counter signed by both Project Co-ordinator and Head of the Institution.
25) Auditor General-Karnataka, at his discretion shall have the right to access to the book of
accounts and ledgers of the VGST Scheme (CESEM/ CISEE/ K-FIST/ RGS/F whichever is
applicable). VGST, DST, GoK may also nominate a CAG empanelled Auditor for the Audit of
account of the VGST programme.
26) After the completion of the VGST programme, the unspent grant if any shall be returned to
VGST by Cheque or DD drawn in favor of (payable at Bangalore) “Managing Director,
27) Periodic progress of the program will be monitoried at regular intervals. During the
concluding period, Programme Progress Evaluation Committee (PPEC) will visit the College/
Department for final review & inspection of the implemented VGST programme.
28) Any enquiries / clarifications by the Programme Co-ordinator / Grantee institution with
respect to implementation of VGST scheme will be entertained only through email
( Enquiries other than email will not be entertained.
29) Both grantee institution & the programme co-ordinator undertakes the responsibility of
implementing the sanctioned VGST-programme completely within the duration fixed by
VGST. In case of any delay in the implementation of the programme within the stipulated
period (either by grantee institution & the programme co-ordinator), the institution will
refund/ return the left over grant to VGST through crossed cheque or DD in favor of
“Managing Director, KSTePS” .
30) In the event of transfer/ retirement/ termination of the Programme Co-ordinator, the Head of
the Grantee Institution is authorized to nominate any other competent faculty member in the
same department to act as a programme Co-ordinator only after obtaining permission from
VGST authorities in the prescribed proforma (Refer Proforma for the Change of VGST
Programme Co-ordinator).
31) For quick follow up action from VGST, indicate Grant Related Document No. without fail in
all communications.
32) Duration of implementation of VGST programme (for the released grant) is 8 months from the
date of issue of Cheque to the grantee institution. However, VGST can insist the submission of
PART-B [Purchase Summary & other details (Annexure 7-14)] after 3 months (from the issue
of cheque) to facilitate smooth implementation of the program.
33) If any deviation or violation from the approved items/ cost and procurement procedures, VGST
reserves the right to cancel the release of next instalment of grants / ordering for recovery of grants.
1 Establishment of Centres of
Excellence in Science, Engineering 20.00 20.00 20.00
and Medicine (CESEM)
2 Establishment of Centres of
Innovative Science & Engineering 10.00 10.00 10.00
Education (CISEE)
3 Karnataka Fund for Improvement
of Science and Technology
Infrastructure in Higher 10.00 10.00 -
Educational Institutions (K-FIST)
Karnataka Fund for Improvement
of Science and Technology
Infrastructure in Higher 20.00 20.00 -
Educational Institutions (K-FIST)
4 Research Grants for scientists
Faculty (RGS/F) 5.00 - -
(For CESEM/ CISEE/ K-FIST/ (RGS/F) Programme)
1 VGST Cover Page