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Constructed Wetland For Wastewater Treatment and Reuse: A Case Study of Developing Country

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International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 4, No.

1, February 2013

Constructed Wetland for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse:

A Case Study of Developing Country
Atif Mustafa

AbstractTreatment performance of a pilot-scale

constructed wetland (CW) commissioned in a developing
country was evaluated for removal efficiency of biochemical
oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total
suspended solids (TSS), ammonia-nitrogen (NH4-N),
ortho-phosphate (PO4-P), total coliforms (TC) and faecal
coliforms (FC) from pretreated domestic wastewater.
Monitoring of wetland influent and effluent was carried out for
a period of 8 months. Treatment effectiveness was evaluated
which indicated good mean removal efficiencies; BOD (50%),
COD (44%), TSS (78%), NH4-N (49%), PO4-P (52%), TC (93%)
and FC (98%).
The studied constructed wetland reduced concentrations of
all contaminants present in the pretreated wastewater. The
performance of contaminant removal varied throughout the
monitoring period. The treated effluent from the constructed
wetland can be reused for landscape irrigation. Few samples of
BOD and TSS were within the US EPA reuse limits which
shows that the constructed wetland can effectively treat the
wastewater and fulfill the reuse limits occasionally. Faecal
coliforms were not fully removed but the limits for reuse were
achieved occasionally. For developing countries like Pakistan
with limited technological advancement and energy problems,
constructed wetlands which have a zero or very low energy
requirement can be used in the treatment trains.
Index TermsConstructed wetland, developing countries,
reuse, treatment.

Conventional wastewater treatment systems comprising of
energy intensive and mechanized treatment components
require heavy investment and entail high operating costs.
Experience has shown that existing wastewater treatment
systems in most of the developing countries which were built
through funding by international donor agencies failed to
treat wastewater adequately. Reasons for inadequate
treatment include high maintenance costs, lack of local
expertise and poor governance. Compared to conventional
treatment systems, constructed wetlands are low cost, easily
operated and maintained, and have a strong prospective for
application in developing countries. Constructed wetlands
are accepted as a reliable wastewater treatment technology
and represent an appropriate solution for the treatment of
many wastewater types [1].
Comparing with conventional wastewater treatment
Manuscript received December 07, 2012; revised January 28, 2013. This
work was financially supported by NED University of Engineering and
A. Mustafa is with the Environmental Engineering Department, NED
University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi-75270, Pakistan (e-mail:,

DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2013.V4.296


systems constructed wetlands have a higher rate of biological

activity which enables conversion of many of the pollutants
that are contained in the wastewater into non-toxic by
products or essential nutrients that can be reused for
additional biological activity [2]. They have been used for
secondary and also in some cases for tertiary level treatment
and reuse. For example, they have been successfully used to
treat wastewater to meet standards developed by regulatory
Globally, most of the developing countries are
geographically located in those parts of the world that are or
will face water shortages in the near future. Moreover, the
existing water sources are contaminated because untreated
sewage and industrial wastewater is discharged into surface
waters resulting in impairment of water quality. This practice
in addition to contaminating the drinking water sources also
negatively impacts irrigation, fish production or recreation
[3]. Water pollution is one of the main menaces to public
health in developing countries. Therefore, it is important to
protect the existing water sources by treating wastewater
discharges from human activities and to reuse wastewater to
combat water scarcity.
It is important to adopt those technologies for wastewater
treatment which can adequately treat wastewater in the long
run i.e. sustainable technologies. Incorporation of high-tech
wastewater treatment systems seems irrelevant as it is
techno-economically infeasible as discussed above. The
developed countries are striving to control micropollutants
while developing countries are still struggling to control
macropollutants (organic material, nutrients and pathogens).
Constructed wetlands have shown to successfully control
organic material, nutrients and pathogens. [4] reported that
constructed wetland technology is a viable option that not
only reduces nutrients but it performs the function of
disinfection, rendering the treated wastewater a resource to
irrigate crops, playing arenas, gardens or golf courses.
Constructed wetlands are achieving prominence as an active
and low cost alternative for treatment of wastewater in both
the developed and developing world.
The rationale of this paper is to advance the use of
constructed wetland technology for wastewater treatment and
reuse in developing countries like Pakistan. The overall goal
of this paper is to assess the performance of a pilot-scale
constructed wetland through studying its treatment
performance. It will provide information on the role of these
systems for wastewater treatment and reuse. Detailed
monitoring of the wetland water quality was carried out for a
pilot-scale wetland that was designed to treat domestic and
institutional wastewater. The specific objectives are:
1) To evaluate the performance of constructed wetland;

International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2013

2) To assess the application of constructed wetland for


on, the cell of CW was loaded with settled domestic

wastewater from the campus and staff colony. Sampling
scheme was initiated after an acclimatisation period of 6

A. Experimental Site
The constructed wetland (CW) treatment system is situated
in Karachi, NED University of Engineering & Technology,
at a longitude 25 568 N and latitude 67 06 44 E. The
maximum and minimum temperatures during the study
period were 36 C and 20 C, respectively. NED wastewater
treatment plant (WWTP) treats wastewater from campus and
staff colony. The wastewater contains domestic sewage and
low flows from laboratories of various university
departments. The primary treatment consist of a settling tank,
after that the wastewater is transferred to an aeration tank and
then to a secondary settling tank. The main objective to
construct the wetland at the WWTP site is to evaluate the
performance of simple and low-cost wastewater treatment

Fig. 1. Pilot scale constructed wetland layout: (1) secondary wastewater

effluent from wastewater treatment plant to storage tank, (2) control valve, (3)
inlet pipe, (4) constructed wetland (5) outlet pipe, (6) water level control box.

B. Constructed Wetland Design

The effluent entering the CW system (cell) comes from a
WWTP which treats domestic and institutional wastewater.
The key features of this CW are horizontal surface flow
(HSF). The HSF CW was selected as this kind of system does
not have the clogging problem. The constructed wetland is
designed as a plug flow reactor and length to width ratio (L:
W) is 4:1. The cell design consists of a rectangular bed,
bordered with masonry work of 0.25 m wall and concrete
based floor to protect seepage of wastewater. The cell is 0.30
m above and 0.30 m below the ground, so no external water
enters into the cell from the natural ground surface. The
system is designed for a flow of 1 m3/d.
The design of this pilot-scale constructed wetland consists
of a bed that is rectangular in shape and is planted with
common wetland plant (Phragmites karka). Pre-treated
wastewater is fed in the storage tank placed at the influent
end of the wetland; the influent entering the CW is controlled
manually by adjusting the valve attached to the inlet pipe.
The flow between inlet and outlet is by gravity. PVC pipes at
the inlet and outlet zone are slotted to distribute and collect
the wastewater. This slotting method reduces short circuiting
in the cell and the whole bed is utilized to treat the wastewater.
The treated wastewater from the outlet zone is collected is a
small ditch walled with masonry bricks. The inlet pipe has a
diameter of 5 cm while outlet pipe diameter is 10 cm (Fig. 1).
The soil used for wetland bed was first checked that no roots
of any other plants are present. Then the cell was half filled
with the soil in such a way that wastewater will flow towards
the effluent end by making inclination of 5 degrees. The bed
was filled with water to settle the soil and facilitate the
growth of macrophytes. The main features of the constructed
wetland at NED University are presented in Table I while Fig.
1 shows the layout of CW added to the treatment train.
Young plants of Phragmites karka were collected from the
campus surroundings in late May, 2010. The plants were
transplanted the same day in the bed at a density of four
plants per square meter. The cell was filled with fresh water
so that the macrophytes adapt to the new environment. Later












Surface area

Square metre

Hydraulic retention time



Cubic metre per day


Per square metre

4 plants

C. Sampling Methods
For wastewater analysis, grab samples were collected in
plastic bottles previously washed and rinsed with distilled
water. Samples were collected after every two weeks from
the inlet and outlet of the CW. Liquid samples were tested for
pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids
(TSS), 5 days biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) at 20C,
chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia nitrogen (NH4-N)
ortho-phosphate (PO4-P), temperature, dissolved oxygen
(DO), faecal coliforms (FC), total coliforms (TC) using
American Public Health Association standards methods [5].
All samples were analysed in the laboratory of environmental
engineering department.


During the eight months monitoring period which started
in the month of September, 2010 and continued till late April
2011, samples were collected from the CW system and
analysed for each of the various physical, chemical and
microbiological parameters. Table II presents the average
inlet and outlet concentrations of each monitored parameter.
The mean pH value increased slightly between influent and
effluent; from 7.8 to 7.9. [2] reported that vegetated
free-water surface wetlands produce effluent with pH just
above neutrality.
A. Organic Matter
Fig. 2 describes the variation of the organic pollutants in
both influent and effluent concentrations during the
monitoring period. The inlet BOD concentration ranged
between 32.5-110 mg/L while that of the outlet ranged
between 13-71 mg/L (Fig. 2a). The mean inflow value for
BOD was 68.6 23.6 mg/L. The average reduction in BOD

International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2013

concentrations over the monitoring period was 50% with

mean effluent BOD5 concentration of 34 15.5 mg/L. The
inlet COD concentration ranged between 56-225 mg/L while
that of the outlet ranged between 35-95 mg/L (Fig. 2b). The
mean COD concentration decreased from 122.9 50.7 to
68.3 20.7 mg/L, achieving an average reduction of 44%.
The variability in influent BOD and COD concentration was
because of intermittent power failure resulting in closure of
wastewater treatment plant. However, performance of CW

shows that the system has a good buffer capacity and is able
to tolerate organic shock loads. There was a decrease in inlet
and outlet BOD5/COD ratio from 0.55 to 0.27 showing that
organic matter liable to biological degradation was removed
by the CW system. Forty eight percent of effluent BOD
concentrations except for the initial months and some in later
were below the threshold of 30 mg/L as set by US EPA for
wastewater reuse.

S. No.





Reduction (%)

Biochemical oxygen demand



68.6 23.6

34.0 15.5


Chemical oxygen demand



122.9 50.7

68.3 20.7


Total suspended solids



201.4 93.2

45 26.3





19.2 4.8

9.7 4.6





7.6 1.9

3.7 2.3


Total coliforms



2.1 106

8 103




1.1 10

3 103



7.8 0.7

7.9 0.4



1.7 0.6

4.5 1.2

Faecal coliforms


Dissolved oxygen


Fig. 3. TSS influent and effluent concentrations for the wetland system at
NED University.


Suspended solids are removed by physical processes such

as sedimentation, aggregation and interception. The size and
number of wetland cells also influence the removal of SS.
Greater number of cells will facilitate greater SS removal.
The CW consists of a single cell and the pretreatment of the
wastewater was disrupted intermittently because of power
failure. This may be the reason of high TSS concentrations on
some occasions.

Fig. 2. BOD (a) and COD (b) influent and effluent concentrations for the
wetland system at NED University.

B. Nutrients
The inlet NH4-Nconcentration ranged between 10-29 mg/L
(Fig. 4a) while that of the outlet ranged between 3-18 mg/L
(Fig. 4a) with mean values of 19.2 4.8 mg/L and 9.7 4.6
mg/L at the inlet and outlet, respectively (Table II). A
number of processes transfer compounds from one point to
another in wetlands like ammonification, nitrification,
denitrification, decomposition [2]. Controlling and
decreasing ammonia concentrations is a key consideration in
the design of wetland treatment systems because ammonia is
the principal form of nitrogen in wastewater and has the
potential to degrade the environment.
The reduction in ammonia-nitrogen concentration for this
study was 49%. Reference [6] conducted a study on the
performance of a full-scale constructed wetland system for
sewage treatment in China and found a 40.6% reduction in

A. Total Suspended Solids

The mean influent and effluent TSS values were 201.4
50.7 mg/L and 45.0 26.3 mg/L, respectively. TSS at the
inlet varied between 95 - 350 mg/L (Fig. 3) and at the outlet
between 13 - 92 mg/L (Fig. 3). Solids removal efficiency
ranged from 73% to 86% with an average reduction of 78%.
Fig. 3 shows variations in influent and effluent TSS. The
figure shows that influent TSS fluctuated while the effluent
TSS values were consistently low except for the initial two
months. Suspended matter is removed primarily through the
mechanism of interception and settling [2]. Thirty eight
percent of effluent SS concentrations except for the initial
months and some in later were below the threshold of 30
mg/L as set by US EPA for wastewater reuse.

International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2013

D. Suitability of Constructed Wetland Effluent for Reuse

Table III shows the number of samples that met the US
EPA reuse limits [7]. CW effluent occasionally met the reuse
limits for unrestricted urban reuse. This shows that if the CW
is properly managed, effluent can be reused for landscape
irrigation. Table IV represents the salinity (ECw) of effluent
was found to be 1.1 dS/m which shows a slight to moderate
degree of restriction on use for landscape irrigation while
total dissolved solids (TDS) value was 642.8 mg/L also
indicating slight to moderate degree of restriction. TDS
below 500 mg/L has generally no negative effects. TDS
between 500 and 1000 mg/L in irrigation water can affect
sensitive plants which are normally not used for landscaping.
Moreover, the wetland plants can be harvested and used for
various beneficial purposes.

ammonia-nitrogen concentration while for this study;

ammonia-nitrogen removal efficiencies observed were quite
low. This may be due to the development of conditions (e.g.
anaerobic) that may not be fully supporting the microbially
ammonia-nitrogen to nitrate-nitrogen.


CW effluent
US EPA Limits




16 (100)



7 (44)




5 (31)



3 (19)


Faecal Coliforms



Fig. 4. NH4-N (a) and PO4-P (b) influent and effluent concentrations for the
wetland system at NED University.

The inlet PO4-P concentration ranged between 4.5-10.2

mg/L (Fig. 4b) while that of the outlet ranged between
0.5-7.5 mg/L (Fig. 4b). Average reduction in
ortho-phosphate concentration over the monitoring period is
52% as indicated in Table II. Phosphorus removal processes
in wetlands include sorption, precipitation, biomass storage
and accretion. Sorption and biomass building have limited
phosphorus retention capacities as compared to newly
created refractory residual [2]. Characteristic of soil has an
important influence on the magnitude of phosphorus removal.
Various factors including particle size distribution influence
the ability of wetland soil to hold phosphorus. The reason for
lower phosphorus removal is the lower binding capability of
wetland soil.

Degree of Restriction on Use

Results of
this Study
















Slight to moderate


The monitoring of horizontal flow constructed wetland
shows that the general performance of the system was good
and it successfully reduced contaminants even under
fluctuating contaminant loading resulting from power
breakdown. The results indicate that if constructed wetlands
are appropriately designed and operated, they could be used
for secondary and tertiary wastewater treatment under local
conditions, successfully. Hence constructed wetlands can be
used in the treatment train to upgrade the existing
malfunctioning wastewater treatment plants, especially in
developing countries. The treated wastewater from these
wetlands can be used for landscape irrigation and also for
other beneficial uses.

C. Indicator Bacteria
The CW reduced both total and faecal coliforms. The
average removals of the analysed indicator bacteria (total
coliforms and faecal coliforms) were in the range 9399%,
showing a high efficiency of the constructed wetland system
in removing the pathogens. The concentrations of total
coliforms and faecal in the constructed wetlands is presented
in Table II. Average concentrations of total coliforms and
faecal coliforms in the influent were 2.1 106counts/100mL
and 1.1 106counts/100mL, respectively. Average effluent
concentrations were 8.0 103 and 3.0 102 for TC and FC,
respectively. Natural treatment technologies have the
potential to reduce pathogen because of natural die-off and
hostile environmental conditions [2].

The author wishes to acknowledge the support provided by
Syed Wasiuddin and Mr. Niaz Hussain of Services
Department, NED University of Engineering and
Technology for construction of wetland.


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