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Water Quality Analysis & Designing of Water Treatment Plant at Lakkidi Project Report 2018

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Water Quality Analysis & Designing Of

Water Treatment Plant At

Lakkidi Project Report 2018




Environmental pollution is a global concern because of the harmful effects on public

health and the environment. The irresponsible disposal of untreated waste water in to
surface water, soil and ground water results in polluted water resources and environmental
damages such as eutrophication.Pollution prevention is most successful through reduction
or elimination of pollution at source instead of the common end of the pipe approach. The
treatment at the source is the most efficient environmental protection by avoiding the
generation of mixed waste streams and harmful emissions. In water scarce environments,
wastewater reuse and reclamation are often considered as a viable option for increased
water resources availability. Alternative water sources available include rainwater, sea and
brackish water, grey water and domestic or municipal waste water. Among these, grey
water represents the most profitable source in terms of its reliability, availability and raw
water quality. Grey water reuse has played a major role in meeting domestic and irrigation
Wastewater is simply that part of the water supply to the community or to the industry
which has been used for different purposes and has been mixed with solids either
suspended or dissolved. Wastewater is 99.9% water and 0.1% solids. The main task in
treating the wastewater is simply to remove most or all of this 0.1% of solids.
Natural processes have always cleansed water as it flowed through rivers, lakes,
streams, and wetlands. In the last several decades, systems have been constructed to use
some of these processes for water quality improvement. Constructed wetlands are now
used to improve the quality of point and nonpoint sources of water pollution, including
storm water runoff, domestic wastewater, agricultural wastewater, and coal mine drainage.
Constructed wetlands are also being used to treat petroleum refinery wastes, compost and
landfill leachates, fish pond discharges, and pre-treated industrial wastewaters, such as
those from pulp and paper mills, textile mills, and seafood processing.
Water resource development has taken place all over the world. There is tremendous
amount of pressure in protecting the water resources available in the country. Protecting
the surface water resources from wastewater pollution plays a vital role for the
development. The disposal of wastewater into the surface water bodies leads to serious

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Water Quality Analysis & Designing Of
Water Treatment Plant At
Lakkidi Project Report 2018

problems and affects the people in health aspects. Especially in the urban areas, the
pollution of domestic effluent discharges into the nearby surface water bodies created
problems for the public. There are many ways of safe disposal of Water wastewater. But
improper management of wastewater generation in the urban areas fed its own way of
getting into the surface water. Hence, the effluent discharge affects the surface water
bodies. The water quality change in the surface water bodies has also created many health
problems to the public.

Waste water may be defined as a combination of liquid or water carried waste

from residences, institution, commercial and industrial establishments, together with
ground water, surface water and storm water. It may be classified into four categories
domestic, industrial, inflow and storm water. There are various treatment processes which
include conventional and advanced treatment methods. Conventional treatment methods
include preliminary, primary, secondary & tertiary treatments. There are also many
different advanced treatment processes. Since we are adopting corporation sewage, there
is no need of any advanced treatment process.
In peri-urban areas, increasing populations, combined with increasing water
consumption and a proliferation of waterborne sanitation, create widespread wastewater
disposal problems. In many cases, wastewater is discharged locally onto open ground and
vacant plots, creating ponds of foul-smelling stagnant water. Children and others may
come into contact with polluted water, especially
as they often play in open areas where wastewater and refuse collect. There have been
several new developments in the water treatment field in the last years. Alternatives have
presented themselves for classical and conventional water treatment systems. Advance
water treatment technology includes membrane technologies which is suited to the
recycling and reuse of waste water.
“The term treatment means separation of solids and stabilization of pollutants. In
turn stabilization means the degradation of organic matter until the point at which
chemical or biological reactions stop. Treatment can also mean the removal of toxic or
otherwise dangerous substances which are likely to distort sustainable biological cycles,
even after stabilization of the organic matter.”
The design of treatment plant consists of:

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Water Quality Analysis & Designing Of
Water Treatment Plant At
Lakkidi Project Report 2018

1. Design of sewer
2. Bar screen
3. Grit chamber
4. Skimming tank
5. Primary sedimentation tank
6. Aeration tank
7. Secondary sedimentation tank

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2.1 (2015) According to him, a laboratory-scale free water surface-
flow constructed wetland was set up at the Department of Civil Engineering; Ladoke
Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) Ogbomosho, Nigeria in May 2013 to
demonstrate the performance of sand based constructed wetland, using Water Lettuce.
The experiment was carried out to demonstrate the enhanced removal efficiency for
Water Lettuce with constructed wetland in treating kitchen wastewater, from a nearby
Campus restaurant-Alata milk and honey. The nutrient removal and performance
evaluation of the constructed wetland in treatment of kitchen wastewater against
retention period of ten days was investigated. During the 10-day retention period, the
sand-based constructed wetland set up with Water Lettuce had improved the
wastewater quality significantly as it had reduced 75.66% of Turbidity, BOD5 by
83.43%, NO-3 by over 50%, 90% of SO-4 , 46.2% of Cl-and Conductivity by 46.2%
and Dissolve Oxygen by 58%. The pH increased by 23%, while the initial offensive
odour of the raw water was no more noticeable.
2.2 Mthembu (2013) According to him, constructed wetlands are designed and
engineered low-cost natural technology that has emerged as a useful technology for
wastewater treatment . They are engineered systems that are constructed to mimic
processes found in natural wastewater treatment. They exploit natural processes in
order to remove pollutants from municipal, industrial wastewater or from mine
drainage. Natural processes employed include vegetation, soil and microbial activities
to treat contaminated water. The relationship and interactions between plants and
microbial assembles attributes the importance of the performance of the wetland
systems (Vymazal, 2005). However, more characteristics that define the ability and the
potential of the constructed wetland such as construction and combination of different
systems, flow characteristics, loading rate, effect of different operational parameters
and the use of different plants need to be considered in the success of any constructed
wetland technology

2.3 Kavya S Kallimani (2015) According to her, the constructed wetlands have

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gained significance for treatment of wastewater and is considered as successful optional

for treatment system. The major components of the constructed wetland are vegetation
type, hydraulic retention time (HRT) and bed media. The main aim of the present study
was treatment of untreated wastewater from campus through horizontal subsurface flow
constructed wetland and compare the efficiency of two different plants. The pilot scale
model of horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland consists of 0.6mx0.4mx0.3m
dimensions and total wetland volume was 0.03363m3 provided with suitable outlets.
Sand and gravels were used as bed media and plants were used for experiment were
Phragmites Austrails (CW1) and Canna Indica (CW2). In this paper we are evaluated
performance of Phragmites. Austrails and Canna Indica in subsurface flow systems for
removal percentage of pollutants such as Chemical oxygen demand(COD),
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD3) ,Total solids (TS) , Total suspended solids (TSS)
Total dissolved solids (TDS) and Phosphate at different Hydraulic retention time.

2.4 Eric. A. Nelson (2008) According to him, the Savannah River National Laboratory
implemented a constructed wetland treatment system (CWTS) in 2000 to treat
industrial discharge and stormwater from the Laboratory area. Key factor for this
natural system approach was the long-term binding capacity of heavy metals
(especially copper, lead, and zinc) in the organic matter and sediments. Metal removal
has been excellent since water flow through the treatment systems began, and
performance improved with the maturation of vegetation during the first season of
growth of each systems. The objective is to stabilize metals heavy metals as sulfide
compounds in the sediments. The treatment systems were designed to reduce copper
concentration in the effluent and to allow the effluent to pass toxicity tests. Copper
removal has been excellent since water flow through the treatment systems began, and
this improved with the maturation of the vegetation during the first season of growth of
each system.

2.5 Yung-Ping Huang (2007) According to him, the study investigated the
feasibility of improving water-quality by a water-quality purification project, a large-
scale constructed wetland in southern Taiwan. The constructed wetland has filter beds
and three free water surface systems. Water-quality analyses focused on pH,
Wastewater quality improvement using constructed wetland temperature, dissolved

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Lakkidi Project Report 2018

oxygen (DO) and the pollutions of suspended solids (SS), biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD) and ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N).Both SS and BOD analyses demonstrate that
water pollution conditions were improved from heavily polluted to lightly polluted;
mean concentrations of SS and BOD were improved in the range of 8-141 mg L-1 and
3-26 mg L-1, respectively. Both DO and NH3-N analyses demonstrate that water
pollution remained heavily polluted. However, mean NH3-N concentration was
improved from 8.4 to 3.5mg L-1. Additionally, analytical results confirm that a
complex constructed wetland system achieved high and stable mean removal
efficiencies for SS, BOD and NH3-N of 81±25%, 83±15% and 61±28%, respectively.
Moreover, mean removal efficiencies of the free water systems were superior to those
of a filter bed system.


Application of river systems water to sewage treatment plant must be free of

unreasonable risks to public health. Pathogenic organisms may be present in both
wastewaters and sludge’s and their control is one of the fundamental reasons water
quality improvements using sewage treatment plant. The general case in favor of
sewage treatment plant is tied to the fact that they can operate in cold as well as warm
climates. Water can be reused which are being generated by different human based
activities. It also serves other services such as flood control, carbon sequestration or
wildlife habitat. It is effective in removing organisms and suspended solids.

1. To study the 4 sample points area near the Bharathapuzha

2. To Test of water in Bharathapuzha for different standards and designing a water

treatment plant near Lakkidi Railway gate to treat that water for further use

3. To treat the unclean water mainly used by the local residents for irrigation and
bathing to drinking water standard thus making the water useful for domestic purposes

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Water Treatment Plant At
Lakkidi Project Report 2018




The area that we are to be studied is located near by Bharathapuzha consecutively at 4

points The point were the water treatment plant is going to be designed is near Lakkidi
railway gate in Lakkidi Perur panchayath . Lakkidi Perur is a large village located in
Ottapalam Taluka.With total population of 19,459 people out of which there are 9286
males and 10173 females.
The river water is used by the local residents living near by the lakkidi railway gate
having a population of 843 peoples. Since the water cannot be used for domestic purpose
like cooking, drinking .
Due to the overflow of this river over the bunds in rainy season it creates an unclean and
unhealthy situation to the surrounding areas. As a remedy to eliminate these social
problem we have to be conduct a detailed study on the waste water discharged to the river
and suggest a remedial water treatment plant
The analysis of water of the source is done to determine the various impurities
present in it. On the basis of these impurities, the treatment plant will be designed.
Therefore, the analysis of water is very necessary before designing any water supply
scheme. Similarly after the treatment of water, its analysis is again done to ascertain that
water has been purified or not. Treated water before supply to the public is checked for its
quality whether it fulfils the requirements of the standards laid down by the public health
As the quality of source of water varies daily and in every season, it is necessary
that the water samples for analysis should be collected frequently and over a long period
of time. According to the quality of water it should be treated. Physical tests, chemical
tests and biological tests are the tests which are done during water analysis.

Sampling is the first stage towards the sewage analysis. The mode of sampling
adopted is having great significance in determining the reliability of test results obtained.

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In our case, the quality as well as quantity of the sewage is frequently varying and
therefore we can’t rely on sampling at a single instant. Hence composite sampling has
been adopted.

Here, equal volumes of 350 ml were taken in a plastic beaker from the drains. The
sampling frequency was 2 days of 5 hrs for the drain of residential area and 4 hrs for
other drains. The samples were taken from morning 8.30 to evening 6.30.They were then
mixed together to form the composite sample and make up to 1 liter.


The sewage samples were analysed in order to find out parameters which includes
colour, odour, turbidity, pH, total solids, total hardness, chlorides, residual free chlorine,
sulphide, total solids, dissolved oxygen, acidity, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical
oxygen demand and E-coli test. The test details and results obtained were given below.


The colour of water is usually due to the presence of organic matter in colloidal
condition, but sometimes it also due to the mineral and dissolved organic and inorganic
impurities. Before testing the colour of the water, first of all total suspended matter
should be removed from the water by centrifugal force. After this the colour of the water
is compared with standard colour or colour discs. The colour produced by one milligram
of platinum in a liter of distilled water has been fixed as the unit of one colour. The
permissible colour for domestic water is 20ppm on platinum cobalt scale. The colour in
water is not harmful but it is objectionable.


It indicates whether the sewage is fresh or stale. Stale sewage has offensive odour
of hydrogen sulphide and other sulphur compounds. As the foul smell starts coming
immediately after the sewage becomes stale or septic, the odour readily helps in
ascertaining the condition of sewage. Fresh wastewater is practically odourless. But,
however in 3 to 4 hrs; it becomes stale with all oxygen present in waste water being
practically exhausted
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Lakkidi Project Report 2018


Turbidity is a direct measure of the total solids present in the sewage. Normally
the sewage is turbid resembling dirty dish water or waste water from baths having other
floating matter pieces of paper, plastics, oils and greases, vegetable debris, fruit skins
soaps etc. Removal of these materials produces water that is aesthetically acceptable and
that can be disinfected properly. Turbidity removal becomes necessary if we are adopting
solar disinfection. If the turbidity is very high, chemical coagulation has to be done with a
detention period of 2-6 hrs.

No specification has been made regarding the turbidity limit of public sewers. For
potable water, turbidity should be in the range 5 –10 NTU. Here, the turbidity is
measured using the turbidimeter.


pH is very important in every phase of engineering practice. In sewage and

industrial waste treatment employing biological processes, pH must be controlled within
the range favorable to the particular organisms involved. Also in chemical coagulation,
the coagulant to be used depends on the pH range of the sewage sample.

In public sewers the permissible range of pH specified is 5.5 – 9. (As per IS-
10500-1991for potable water, it is 6.5-8.5).

The pH is found out in different ways including electrometric method, using pH

paper and by adding indicators.


Hardness of water is an important consideration in determining the suitability for

domestic and industrial uses. It is used as a basis for recommending the need for domestic

IS-10500-1991 specifies permissible limit for hardness as 600 mg/l of CaCO3.

Hardness may vary from zero to a few hundreds of mg/l depending on the source and
treatment to which the water has been subjected.

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Water Treatment Plant At
Lakkidi Project Report 2018

The chloride content normally increases along with the metal content. The solvent
power of water dissolves chlorides from topsoil and deeper formations. Agricultural,
industrial and domestic wastes are also sources of chlorides in water. The human excreta
and urine contains large amount of chloride. So, the presence of excess chloride in water
indicates the possibility of contamination of water by sewage. They also interfere in the
determination of COD.

IS-10500-1991 specifies the permissible limit of chloride content as 1000mg/l.

Here, the value is small.


The chlorine remains as residual in the treated water for the sake of safety against
pathogenic bacterias. Residual chlorine is determined by the Starch-Iodide test or
Ortotolodin test. In starch-iodide test, potassium iodide and starch solutions are added to
the sample of water due to which blue colour is formed. On the addition of orthotolodine
solution if yellow colour is formed it indicates the presence of residual chlorine in the

The residual chlorine should remain between 0.5ppm to 0.2ppm in the water so
that it remains safe against pathogenic bacteria.


Its presence in waste water comes from decomposition of organic matter,

industrial wastes, and from bacterial reduction of sulphate. H2S causes odour nuisance,
and is highly toxic. It attacks metals directly and indirectly causing corrosion as it is
oxidized to sulphuric acid biologically. Dissolved H2S is toxic to fish and other aquatic
organisms. The permissible limit of sulphide is .02mg/lit.

Total Solids

Sewage normally contains very small amount of solids in relation to the huge
quantity of water (99.99%). It only contains about 0.05 to 0.1percent of total solids.
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Lakkidi Project Report 2018

Solids present in the sewage may be in any of the four forms:

 Suspended solids
 Dissolved solids
 Colloidal solids
 Settleable solids

Suspended solids are those solids which remain floating in sewage. Dissolved
solids remain dissolved in sewage just as salt in water. Colloidal solids are finely divided
solids remaining either in suspension or in solution. Settleable solids are that portion of
the solids that settles out, if the sewage is allowed to remain undisturbed for suitable time.

Total solids are considered to be the sum of dissolved and suspended solids.
Settleable solids are of importance in the case of design of sedimentation tanks. The
suspended and volatile solids determinations are used to evaluate the effectiveness of
waste water treatment plants.

The specified limits for suspended and dissolved solids in public sewers are
600mg/l and 2100mg/l respectively. Dissolved solids up to 500mg/l generally make it
suitable for domestic use. Water with higher content up to 1000mg/l is also acceptable.

Here, the suspended solids are found out by passing a measured quantity of
sample through a filter paper. The dissolved solids are found out from the turbidimeter.
The values obtained are given below.

Dissolved Oxygen

The determination of dissolved oxygen present in sewage is very important,

because while discharging the treated sewage into some river streams, it is necessary to
ensure at least 4ppm of D.O. in it, as otherwise fishes are likely to be killed, creating
nuisance near the vicinity of disposal.

The D.O. test performed on sewage before treatment helps in indicating the
condition of sewage. Only very fresh sewage contains some dissolved oxygen which is
soon depleted by anaerobic decomposition. Also the dissolved oxygen in fresh sewage
depends on the temperature. If the temperature is more the D.O. content will be less. The
solubility of oxygen in sewage is 95% of that in distilled water.

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Lakkidi Project Report 2018

The dissolved oxygen range for public sewers is not specifically mentioned. As
per IS 2296 -1982, the drinking water source should contain a DO level more than 6 mg/l
if disinfection is only used. The drinking water source should contain DO level more than
4 mg/l if conventional treatment and disinfection is used. Specification for DO level for
outdoor bathing source is 5mg/l.

The D.O content is determined by the Winkler’s method which is an oxidation-

reduction process carried out chemically to liberate iodine in amount equivalent to the
quantity of the dissolved oxygen originally present. The results obtained are given below.


For chemical examination Acidity test was done, Acidity of water is its
quantitative capacity to react with strong base to designated pH. Acidity depends on end
point pH or indicator used. Dissolved CO2 is usually the major acidic component of
unpolluted surface water.

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

The BOD is a measure of the oxygen required to oxidise the organic matter
present in a sample, through the action of micro-organisms contained in a sample of
wastewater. The BOD may be defined as the oxygen required for the microorganisms to
carry out biological decomposition of dissolved solids or organic matter in the wastewater
under aerobic conditions at standard temperature. If sufficient oxygen is available in
waste water, the useful aerobic bacteria will flourish and cause the aerobic biological
decomposition of waste water, which will continue until oxidation is completed. The
amount of oxygen consumed in this process is the BOD. Polluted water will continue to
absorb oxygen for many months, and it is not practically feasible to determine this
ultimate oxygen demand. The BOD should be less than 350mg/l

Mg/l of BOD = 616mg/l

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

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Water Treatment Plant At
Lakkidi Project Report 2018

The chemical oxygen demand is widely used as a means of measuring the

pollution strength of domestic and industrial wastes. The test allows measurement of a
waste in terms of oxygen required for oxidation to CO2 and water. In conjunction with the
BOD test, the COD test is helpful in indicating toxic conditions and the presence of
biologically resistant organic substances. The test is widely used in operation of treatment
facilities because of the speed with which results can be obtained. The COD is
determined by performing a laboratory test on the given water with a strong oxidant like
dichromate solution; and the theoretical computations of COD are only performed on
water solutions prepared with the known amounts of specific organic compounds in
laboratory situations to compare the theoretical and test results, and to establish the
limitation of the test procedure.

In order to perform this test a known quantity of waste water is mixed with a
known quantity of standard solution of potassium dichromate, and the mixture is heated.
The organic matter is oxidized by K2Cr2O7. The resulting solution is titrated, and the
oxygen used in oxidizing the waste water is determined.

Mg/l COD = 1813mg/l

The COD should be less than 250mg/lit if it is to be discharged in to inland
surface water. Hence the obtained value is all right for the above purpose.

E-Coli Test

There are two tests for E-coli, first is presumptive and second confirmative. In the
presumptive test definite amount of diluted sample of the water in standard fermentation
tubes containing lactose broth as culture medium is kept in incubator at 37⁰C for 24 to 48
hours. If some gas is produced in the fermentation tube, it indicates the presence of E-
coli, if not vice-versa.


The sullage treatment can be done in different ways. Treatment processes are often
classified as

 Preliminary treatment
 Primary treatment

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Lakkidi Project Report 2018

 Secondary treatment
 Completed final treatment

Preliminary treatment.

It consists solely in separating the floating materials and also the heavy settle able organic
solids. It also helps in removing the oils and grease from the sewage. This reduces the
BOD by about 15-30%. The processes used are screening for the removing floating
papers, rags, clothes etc. grit chambers for removal of grit and sand and skimming tank
for removing oils and grease.

Primary Treatment

It consists in removing large suspended organic solids. This is usually accomplished by

sedimentation in settling basins. Sometimes the preliminary as well as primary treatments
are classified together under primary treatment.

The liquid effluent from primary treatment often contains a large amount of suspended
organic material, and has a high BOD. The organic solids, which are separated out in the
sedimentation tanks are often stabilized by anaerobic decomposition in digestion tanks or
are incinerated. The residue is used for landfills or soil conditioners.

Secondary Treatment

It involves further treatment of the effluent, coming from the primary sedimentation tank.
This is accomplished through biological decomposition of organic matter, which can be
carried out either under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. In these biological units bacteria
will decompose the fine organic matter, to produce clearer effluent.

The treatment reactors, in which the organic matter is decomposed by aerobic

bacteria is called aerobic biological units; and may consist of

 Filters
 Aeration tanks
 Oxidation ponds and aeration lagoons

The treatment unit in which the organic matter is destroyed and decomposed by anaerobic
bacteria is called anaerobic biological units and may consist of
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Water Treatment Plant At
Lakkidi Project Report 2018

 Anaerobic lagoons
 Septic tanks
 Imhoff tanks

The effluent from the secondary treatment unit will usually contain little BOD (5 to 10%
of the original), and may even contain several milligram per liter of DO.

Final Treatment

This consists in removing the organic load left after the secondary treatment, and
particularly to kill the pathogenic bacteria. This treatment is normally carried out by
chlorination. The chlorine dosage is determined based on the sewage strength. Generally
in sewage water, the chlorination is carried out only if the situation necessitates the
disinfection process and it occurs when

1. The sewage is to be reused

2. Disposing river stream water is used for meeting household purposes.

The types of units employed in sewage treatment, their functions and efficiencies are
listed in the table below.


The details of, scope, objectives, methodology of the project and the need for waste
water treatment using sewage treatment are discussed in this report.


1.Eric. A. Nelson "sewage Treatement Systems For Water Quality Improvement"
Proceedings of 2010 south carolina water resourcesconference,held oct:13-14 (2015) "Wastewater Treatment Using Constructed Wetland With
Water Lettuce (Pistia Stratiotes)" International Journal of Chemical
3.Yung-Ping Huang,Wen-Chien Kuo, Cheng-Haw Lee,1," River Water- Quality
Improvement Using A Large-Scale sewage treatment In Southern Taiwan "J.
Environ. Eng. Manage (2007)

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Lakkidi Project Report 2018

4.Ashutosh Kumar Choudary,Satish Kumar,Chhaya Sharma,Praveen Kumar (2011)

“Performance of constructed sewage plant for the treatment of pulp and paper

5. ]A.W.Jokerst,L.A.Roesner,S.E.Sharvelle ation of grey water reuse utilizing a

constructed treatment system

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Lakkidi Project Report 2018

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