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Learning Plan (CFC) - Kino

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SY 2016-2017
Inclusive Dates: October 27, 2016
October 26, 2016
GR. LEVEL: Alexander Diaz FSC



Christ is Risen and Will Come Again
The students will appreciate
Christs passion and death and
their meaning for Filipino Christian
The students will have a deeper
understanding of the resurrection
and ascension, the climax of our
Lords Paschal Mystery.

Enduring Understanding
The students will discover that
Christ freely embraced suffering

The students will be able to answer
Strive to integrate Gospel
paradoxical questions on the
perspectives and values in the
mystery of Christs Paschal
conduct of their daily lives;
Mystery and formulate a profound
reflection questions in relation to
forms disciples and citizens,
their current context.
prophets and professionals, who
bring the transforming power of
the Gospel to bear on culture and
on every human endeavor in order
to realize Gods kingdom of truth,
justice, love and peace.
Essential Question/s
The pupils will keep considering the
following questions:

Transfer Goal/s:
independently use their learning


and death for our redemption from

The students will realize that
Christs resurrection is the heart of
our Catholic faith.

Why did Jesus accept the cup of

sufferings and death on the cross?
How do the sufferings of Christ
save us?
How does Christs saving love
redeem us?
What is the meaning and salvific
importance of Christs
How did the Risen Christ show his
presence on the word?

The students will know
The students will be skilled at
a. Recall the events happened
a. Demonstrate appreciation
in the passion and death of
and thankfulness towards
Christs salvific surrendering
b. State the representation of
of self.
the cross in the New
b. Show humility and
dependence to God.
c. Describe how Christ
c. Exercise strength and power
accepted suffering and death
for good and not for selfish
on the cross.
or evil purpose



better show their obedience, love and

respect to God and to others.
The pupils will be able to manifest
Synthesize and reflect on the passion,
death and resurrection of Christ.

Catechism for Filipino Catholics

A. Introduction (Review/Drill/Others)
1. Video Clip Viewing: Official trailer of The Son of God. (
This video clip will introduce the life of Jesus illustrated in an overview.
2. Processing
Say: Jesus is the center of the Catholic faith; it is through Him that we have something
we believe in. This short trailer gave us a glimpse on the life of the greatest person
lived on Earth.
B. Motivation
3. Say: In Mark 10:45 Jesus said to his disciples, The Son of Man has come not to be
saved but to serve - to give his life in ransom for the many.
4. Video Clip Viewing: An excerpt from the movie Passion of Christ will be shown
particularly the sufferings and death of Christ.
5. Say: From the video, we saw how painful was the suffering of Christ. He freely submitted
himself to this kind of suffering for the redemption of our sins. The question is, how
exactly does His death saved us from our sins?
6. Say: Today, we will talk about the climax of the Paschal mystery of Christ, His Death.
Can anyone tell me the meaning of Paschal Mystery?
7. Say: Excellent! Paschal came from the Hebrew word, Pesach and Greek word
Pascha. Literally it means passing over. It is actually the Feast of the Passover. Let us
recall the origin of the Passover through this video (an excerpt from the prince of


8. Say: Christ is the New Testaments version of the Paschal lamb of which through His
blood, we are saved.
C. Presentation
9. Passion and Death
Passion and death have a special meaning for Filipino Christian life. For suffering
and death are two inescapable realities which every human person has to face.

Cross remains for many today as a scandal. For Christians, it is a symbol of
salvation. Along with other paradox in the bible, this is among them.
Say: Can you give me an example of a biblical paradox?
Whoever would preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake
and that of the Gospel will save it (Mk 8:35)

Context: Filipinos have a lot of devotions and traditions related to the death of
Padre Nazareno Filipinos easily relate to this image of Christ primarily because
of they depict themselves in the suffering God.
Santo Entierro During Good Friday, Filipinos in the provinces worship the burial
image of Christ. (Let us watch this clip.)
Flagellantes This is also a practice in the Philippines although the church
regulates practice of physical mortification.
The Creed Immediately following the account of the birth of Christ is the line:
was crucified, died and was buried, and descended to the dead.


Five Actions of Christ under Five General Themes

a. Cross, symbol of saving Love (1 Cor 15:3 and Eph 3:18-19)
We are saved by the perfect self-giving love for his Father and for us.
The Cross is the transformation of suffering and weakness through
active, total self-giving love.
b. Christs View of His Own Suffering and Death His death is the saving
power of God in Jesus free self-sacrifice
Christ viewed His passion and death into two forms:
I. As His Mission (Luke 21:42)
Following the OT Prophets (Is 53:4-6)
c. Characteristics of Christs Suffering and Death
I. Redemptive
Jesus saw his passion and death as redemptive in reference with
Mk 10:45, Jn 13:1, Jn 15:13, Mt 26:28 and Jn 19:36
Church traditions Church prayer in the 5th Easter Preface
From Sin he died to expiate our sins. Jesus redeems sinner in two
He removes their subjective guilt
Repairs the objective moral harm
For Us Christ, one of us, could take upon himself the sin of the world
(Jn 1:29). Christ died for us means two things:
Because of our human sinfulness
To overcome sin and its effects
It is true that Christ acted on our behalf but is sacrifice does not
make our own sacrifice unnecessary. Rather it makes them as
saving realities.
Profound Effects of Christs Death
Universal, Eschatological, Empowering Salvation

Universal Christ died for ALL (2 Cor 5:14-15)

Christs Cross stands a symbol of redeeming love. The
horizontal bar stretches Christs arms to embrace the
whole world of human suffering, while the vertical column
points toward his heavenly Father.
Eschatological Christ died that those who follow him will
receive eternal life in the age to come.
Grace, empowering us so that our actions will have
saving power
The essence of the New Testament theology of salvation in
Christ can be sketched in four truths:
Jesus Christ is the savior of the world
He has won for us sinners objective redemption
He did this in loving obedience to his Fathers will and love
for us
He calls us to personal interior repentance, that is
subjective redemption
Two ways of summarizing Christ as Savior also help us in
relating to the wider perspective of our Faith:
Focusing on the blood of Jesus blood was highly
symbolic even from the Old Testament (Passover and
Covenant at Sanai)
In the NT, blood means three things: (1) bring life, (2)
cleansing us from all sins, (3) creating a new Covenant

Relate our basic human yearnings for life (God the

Father), for meaning (God the Son) and for loving

fellowship (Holy Spirit) to the Triune God.
Radical Conversion



What is the experience of this salvation that Christ call us to?

We can illustrate this in four Filipino types. We experience our
sinfulness in our inability:
It is Christ who reveals that God is their loving Father (to trust
God), (free from servile fear of God)
Christ saves them by revealing their inner goodness (accept
ourselves), (free from self-doubt)
Christ liberates them by calling them to turn toward being a
man/woman-for-others (relate positively to others), (free from
negative relationships with others)
Christ gave the example of rejecting these temptations (control
our basic drives toward riches, reputation and power), (free
from our own greed for riches, reputation and power)
Jesus was the Sacrament of Gods loving presence and power.
How does the saving power of the free Jesus touch ordinary
Filipino Catholics today. Christ comes to us:
In his inspired word of the bible
In his saving symbolic acts, the Sacraments
In the community of his disciples, the People of God
In his Holy Spirit, indwelling within us in grace


Christs Descent to the Dead

Died and was buried
Christs salvific work on behalf of the just who had died before his

All who are saved are redeemed by Christs Passion and Death
Jesus, the Son of God-made-man, is the first born of the dead.

Integration of Christ Has Died

The love of the crucified Christ becomes the norm, the source, the means, and
the final goal of all CHRISTIAN MORALITY.
If a man wishes to come after me, he must deny his very self, take up his cross,
and follow in my steps.


BREAK (15 Min)

D. Motivation (Christ is Risen and Will Come Again)

Video Clip Viewing: An excerpt from the movie Passion of Christ will be shown
particularly the resurrection. (
Say: From the video, we saw the fulfilment of the prophecy and the mission of
Christ, the resurrection. This time, after discussing the Passion and Death of Christ, let
us move on to the story of Resurrection.
E. Presentation (Christ is Risen and Will Come Again)
Without Christ risen from the dead, there would be no Christian Faith
Filipino Easter Traditions
a. Salubong
b. Buhusan
Importance and Nature of the Resurrection
a. Salvific Importance
If Christ was not raised, your faith is worthless. (1 Cor 15:17)


His resurrection confirmed everything Christ had done and taught

Through his Resurrection, Christ fulfilled the Old Testament prophesies promising a
Savior for all the world.
Resurrection confirmed Jesus divinity
Resurrection brought us a share in the new life (as adopted sons of the father in
the Holy Spirit)
The risen Christ is the principle and source of our future resurrection (1 Cor 15:22)
Christs resurrection is the central event of Gods whole plan of salvation.

b. Nature of the Resurrection

i. As passage: an event in human history Christs resurrection is both historical and
As the glorified life of the Risen Christ; and he transcended the bodily limit of
time and space
As effected by the Blessed Trinity
Jesus presence was especially felt in three areas:
(1) Doctrine - teachings
(2) Morals moral exhortations of the Pauline Epistles
(3) Worship Baptism and the Eucharist
c. The Resurrection and the Empty Tomb
The tradition of the empty tomb does not prove anything. But when linked to the
Risen Christs appearance, it is confirmatory of the Resurrection
Christs Ascension
Jesus to Mary Magdalene, I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God
and your God. (Jn 20:17)
Lifted up mentioned several times in the Gospel of John
- Christs exaltation, sovereign authority and power over creation and all

A saving event for us It is much better for you that I go If I go, I will send the Paraclete
to you. (Jn 8:28)

Basic truth about Ascension:

a. Ascension marks Jesus exaltation into the heavenly realm of His Father.
b. He draws everyone to himself (Jn 12:32)
c. He lives forever to make intercession
d. As Head of the Church, He gives us hope of one day entering glory with him.
Christ will Come Again
The Mystery of Faith: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.
Basic truths of Parousia (Coming):
a. The Risen Christ as the Son of Man will come to judge the living and the dead
b. Christs second coming will be unmistakable (accompanied by unprecedented
signs on the heavens and on earth.
c. No one knows the coming of Christ
d. Be constantly on watch (thief, virgins, etc)
e. The time of salvation has already come
F. Closing/Synthesis
a. A reflection question will be drawn from the report.


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