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The Oaks - June 2010

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Riverton First United Methodist Church JUNE 1, 2009

Pastor’s Letter rate conclusion that I have given in to a negative atti-

tude. I am looking for, and finding, faults instead of
I was driving along one of these recent spring days, no- My complaining makes things worse for others around
ticing the unpredictability of the weather. It had been me too. They have to listen and put up with me. That
cool the day before, but this day was hot, a reminder of gives them something to complain about. And so the spi-
the many hot, humid days of summer yet to come. “I ral continues. Negative thoughts and words give rise to
don’t like hot weather,” I thought to myself. Then I got to the same in others, who infect their realms of influence
thinking about the other alternative—the days when with more of the same. So the complaints abound and
snow and ice are all around and the temperature drops the everyday blessings of life are taken for granted and
way down. Every winter I say it to myself, “I don’t like ignored.
cold weather.” I finally concluded that “I just don’t like
weather, I guess.” The truth is that I do have many blessings. On
the day it was too hot to suit me, I had widows
I was wrong of course. Upon further reflection, in my car I could open and get a fresh breeze,
or perhaps by the nudging of the Spirit, I came while riding to the air conditioned building
to realize that my real problem was not with the which was my destination on that particular trip.
hot weather. My real problem was not weather- On the days I remembered when it was too
related at all. It wasn’t so much that I disliked cold for my taste; I had warm clothes and
the weather. It was something I liked, rather heated buildings to spend my time in. it just
than disliked, that was my problem. I like to complain! seems to come naturally to us humans to complain.
The weather only gives me opportunity to exercise that
natural tendency. I notice, however, that I am not alone So what can we do about it? First, be aware. Notice that
in this tendency. It is common to all humans. We think, we are falling into a pattern of complaint. Second, stop.
and say, how much better it would be if this or that detail We can control our mouths, with practice. Finally, get
were changed about our circumstances. Instead of ap- help. Our best source of help is from God, the, the giver
preciating how things are, we look at how they are not, of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17). My prayer
and complain about the difference. Reality is that our cir- for myself and all you other human beings is that the
cumstances are never perfect, but they could always be Holy Spirit will help us with this challenge this month: to
worse. And sometimes by complaining we actually make complain less and count our blessing more. I want to be
them worse. We make them worse for ourselves be- able to say with St. Paul, “I have learned to be content
cause we give our minds over to a negative attitude. As whatever the circumstances.” (Philippians 4:11)
soon as I start complaining about how hot it is today, I
am reminded that sometimes it’s too cold, and I don’t
like that either. And as noted above, it leads my reason- Pastor Jonathan Dixon
ing toward wrong conclusions, instead of the more accu-

A warm fellowship of Christians in the Riverton
Our mission is to draw people into relationship
area, growing in numbers and spiritual stature,
with Christ and the church and to lovingly
with facilities and programs to do ministry in the
challenge them to spiritual growth.
name of Christ, for generations to come.
Vacation Bible School
June 13th-17th, 2010
**Suppers are at 5:00 PM nightly at St. James Church
Sunday is a potluck; Monday and Wednesday we are to prepare the meal.
**Decorating the scenery June 7 and 9th at 7:00 PM
and Saturday the 12th at 10 AM.
**Sign up on the clipboard for buying supplies for the crafts, snacks or Games or
cookies for the Thursday finale, when it goes around.
** Please speak with Nadine M. or Ellen D. if you would like to help in any way.

Beckey, Kim June 4
Armbruster, Jack June 5
The United Methodist Men will be teach-
Logsdon, Leigh Anne June 5
Patsy Skaggs June 7
ing the Sunday School classes for the
Skaggs, Patsy June 5 month of June to give the leadership of
Cox, Linda June 7 the Christian Education a summer break.
Carriker, Ken June 12 A THANKS goes out to
Hallford, Violet June 12 these wonderful men!!!
Julian Doranne June 12
Greenwood , Kelsy June 13
Warren, Colin June 13
Pearson, Carries June 16
Pugh, Michael June 18
Scott & Shawn Binion June 3, 2006
Kresse, Marilyn June 20 Ron & Cheryl Armintrout June 7, 1970
Pantier, Scott June 20 Mike & Barb Lucas June 12, 1976

Todd, Majorie June 20

Carriker, Sarah June 26
Upton, Marion June 26 Forget when an event
Pearson, Brett June 27 is happening?
Logsdon, Cindy June 28
Check the OAKS Online at
Schermerhorn, Darlene June 30
The United Methodist Women Will Meet:

Tuesday June 8th at 7:00 PM.

Program will be given by Nadine MacKenzie. Hostesses: are

Sharon Stricsh and Hope McKenzie

We welcome all the ladies of the Church. Please come join us.

Come See Us At The Hall.

P.S. We still have Pecans left, pieces $7.00 halves $8.00. Call Rose
Hughes 629-9565, Barbara Rhodes 629-9247, Doris Lamkey
629-9556, Bonnie Klaves 629-9794—or—any
member. We also still have Chili for $5.00 per qt.

Here Ye! Here Ye! Here Ye!

Thanks to all who came and had fun, fun and more laughs
at the first 3D evening; “Drama, Ditties and Din-
ner” that was held on Friday eve-
ning May 21st. It was great fun!!
Thanks to the worship committee
for all the effort and planning. Thanks for the suggestion –
whoever put that in the suggestion box at the back of the
June 2009
1 Tuesday
2 Wednesday Annual Conference in Peoria
3 Thursday Annual Conference in Peoria
4 Friday Annual Conference in Peoria
Annual Conference in Peoria, 12:00 PM Reception for Thomas graduates, at Up-
5 Saturday
tons’ House on Lincoln
9:30 Worship, Including a Healing Service, 10:30 Sunday School, with U M Men
6 Sunday teaching Children’s classes, 11:30 AM High School Youth, 6:00 PM Junior High
7 Monday 7:00 PM Board of Trustees, Also 7:00 PM, VBS Decorating for Scenery
8 Tuesday 7:00 PM United Methodist Women
9 Wednesday 7:00 PM VBS Decorating
10 Thursday
11 Friday
12 Saturday 7:30 AM United Methodist Men, 10:00 AM VBS Decorating
9:30 AM Worship, 10:30 AM Sunday School, with U M Men teaching, 2:30 – 4:30
PM reception for Supt. Jerry King at Illiopolis UMC, 5:00 PM Potluck Meal for VBS
13 Sunday
at St. James Catholic Church, 6 – 8:30 PM Vacation Bible School with St. James
14 Monday 6 – 8:30 PM Vacation Bible School with St. James Church
15 Tuesday 6 – 8:30 PM Vacation Bible School with St. James Church
16 Wednesday 6 – 8:30 PM Vacation Bible School with St. James Church
17 Thursday 6 – 8:30 PM Vacation Bible School with St. James Church
18 Friday
19 Saturday

Father’s Day, 9:30 AM Worship, 10: 30 AM Sunday School. With U M Men teach-
20 Sunday
ing, 11:30 AM High School Youth, 6:00 PM Junior High Youth

21 Monday
22 Tuesday
23 Wednesday
24 Thursday
25 Friday
26 Saturday
27 Sunday 9:30 AM Worship, 10:30 AM Sunday School with U M Men teaching
28 Monday
29 Tuesday
30 Wednesday
Saint James Catholic Church and Riverton First
United Methodist Church announce our Annual --
Vacation Bible School.

!!!!!! It is HERO HEADQUARTERS !!!!!!

June 13-17, 2010

The evenings start with Supper at 5:00.

The opening at St. James at 6:00.

The daily program ends at 8:30.

Classes, openings and closings, music and crafts are on the St. James site
with games and snacks at the United Methodist site.

Thursday Evening program for the parents and friends is at 7:45. Cookies
will be served at this time.

Sign up now to help your kids to get to know Heroes from the Bible that

To get a registration form see either the St. James church or the United
Methodist office. 629-9270, 629-9270 or 691-7676.

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429 East Lincoln Street
Non-Profit Org
PO Box 440
Riverton, IL 62561
Permit #4
Riverton, IL
Phone: (217) 629-9721 62561
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WWW.RIVERTONFIRSTUMC.ORG Deadline for next issue is
Sunday, June 16, 2009
E-mail articles to

Looking Ahead † November 7, United Methodist Men Sunday

† November 21, 6:00 PM Community Thanksgiving

† June 2 – 5, Annual Conference in Peoria. Service

† June 13-17, Vacation Bible School † November 25, Thanksgiving

† June 20, Father’s Day † November 27, Hanging of the Greens

† July 4, Independence Sunday † November 28, Advent Begins

† September 12, United Methodist Women Sunday † December 24, 10:00, Christmas Eve Candle Light
† October 23, Chili / Soup Supper and Bazaar

† October 31, Trunk-er-Treat

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