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Newsletter - 2010 June

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Saint Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church


June 2010 Newsletter


The Rt. Rev. William O. Gregg will be with us Tuesdays – Healing & Intercessory Prayer,
on June 6th to lead the liturgical celebration of 11:00 a.m.
our 30th Anniversary. (Note: Morning Worship June 2 - MANNA – (First Wednesday of each
will begin at 10:00 a.m.) As part of that month - See Mercedes Herdrich for info on
celebration we will be welcoming two persons, how you can help)
Jeremy Ragland and Caroline Attayek, who June6 - 30thAnniversaryCelebration:
desire to be baptized into the fellowship of Confirmation/Baptism with Bishop Gregg at
Christ. Lori Fischler will confirm her baptismal Morning Worship Service 10:00 a.m./ to be
vows in a commitment of life-long service and followed by a picnic at Johnson’s Point 12:30
faith during the same service. We ask that you p.m.
pray for these persons as they prepare for a life June 20 – Fathers Day
of commitment to the Christian faith. Plan to June 20 – Last performance by choir until
join us in that all-day celebration, both here at September
the church and at Johnson’s Point for the picnic June 21, 7:00 p.m. - Vestry Meeting – (Third
part of the celebration that follows. Monday of each Month) All Are Welcome!
June 27 – Deadline for newsletter articles –
send to:
Following the 30th Anniversary Worship Service,
we will continue our celebration at West Side June 6 - Pentecost 2, Proper 5 – Bishop Gregg,
Park, Johnson’s Point on Lake Auman. Lunch Celebrant, Fr. Thompson, & Fr. Brown,
will be BBQ, hot dogs, hamburgers, various Concelebrants, and Deacon Burgess
salads, and soft drinks. Also, there will be live June 13 – Pentecost 3, Proper 6 – Fr. Brown
music, and pontoon rides. June 20 – Pentecost 4, Proper 7 – Fr. Thompson
June 27 – Pentecost 5, Proper 8 – Fr. Brown
Johnson’s Point has three gazebos, with picnic
tables and benches, restroom facilities, and a
gorgeous view.

Bring your appetite and a lawn chair. The

picnic starts at 12:30 p.m.


Jessie Mackay’s 3rd Annual Art Show is

underway at the St. Mary Magdalene Gallery.
The proceeds are to benefit the children and
students of Bishop Stanway Primary School
and the Msalate Theological College, Brenda was born in Aulander, North Carolina,
Tanzania. Tally and Jessie will be on their and has four siblings. Bob hails from
way to Tanzania in July to begin their Philadelphia and also has four siblings. Bob has
summer mission there. a daughter and a son, and Brenda and Bob have
twin sons, now married with one child each, and
Thank you! From Jessie: (TAKEN FROM another on the way. One of Bob’s grandchildren
TALLY’S AND JESSIE’S BLOG) will soon present them with a Great Grandchild. I want to thank
everyone who helped with the art show! - My Robert and Brenda will soon celebrate thirty nine
friend, Tally, who has to be the best PR person years of marriage.
around, St. Mary Magdalene Church, and
especially Tim and Carol and their crew of Their years of working in the textile industry
helpers who made it not only a feast for the eyes, took them to many places in North Carolina and
but the stomach as well. I ate grapes all day long other southern states. They moved to
for two days! The food and wine…were Massachusetts and then to up-state New York,
wonderful. where Bob started his textile career, and where
they now own a textile mill.
We want to especially thank the clergy for their
support: Bishop Gregg, Father Craig Lister who North Carolina called to them when Bob retired,
came from Sanford, and Fathers Bob and Fred. I but Brenda, who had begun to work for a
thank Fr. John too for the donation. railroad, was hired to work out of Jacksonville,
Florida. There was a lot of commuting for
(Visit the above mentioned website for more awhile, and finally Brenda was hired to work for
information on this special ministry.) the A.C.W. railroad, the one that passes through
Seven Lakes, with the head office in Star.

They were advised to check out Seven Lakes for

a home and they fell in love with our village.
When they discovered St. Mary Magdalene they
were sold. They came from other Christian
traditions and have been Episcopalians since
their years in Asheville. Wherever they have
Robert and Brenda been since then, they have been very active
members of Episcopal Churches, Brenda serving
GETTING TO KNOW BOB AND BRENDA as warden, and Bob making himself available to
BROOKS do anything and everything. .

The North Carolina textile industries brought The St. Mary Magdalene family welcomes Bob
Bob and Brenda together when they both worked and Brenda Brooks. We are grateful for their
for a subsidiary of Pepperell Textiles. Bob was presence among us.
an assistant in the start up of a mill in Ahoskie,
North Carolina, located in the northeastern part Carol
of our state. Brenda worked in the accounting

One day an elephant saw a duplication is made. Every week, Sunday

hummingbird lying on its back with its after Sunday (and for other services, too) this
tiny feet up in the air. operation has been faithfully executed by one
“What are you doing?” asked the of those behind the scenes people. Her name is
elephant. Phyllis Rondello. Phyllis has joyfully
The hummingbird replied, “I accomplished this ministry of administration
heard that the sky might fall today, for over three years now and has done a great
and so I am ready to help hold it up, job. We owe her a debt of gratitude for her
should it fall.” dedication and perseverance. Tell her how
The elephant laughed cruelly. much you appreciate her effort when you see
“Do you really think,” he said, “that her next Sunday.
those tiny feet could help hold up the Thank you, Phyllis.
The hummingbird kept his feet Another tireless worker off stage is Grace
up in the air, intent on his purpose, as Kirkpatrick who picks up where Phyllis leaves
he replied, “Not alone. But each must off. Each week it is Grace who gets the Master
do what he can. And this is what I can copy from Phyllis, comes to the church office,
do.” makes 60 copies, cuts them, folds each one,
puts the inserts in them, and then leaves them
-copied ready for the ushers to distribute to you on
Sunday mornings. Grace has been quietly
doing her part in making your church a
better, welcoming place for years. We thank
you, Grace.


Be kind, for everyone you meet is

KUDOS & COMMENDATIONS carrying a heavy burden.
Fr. Bob Brown Plato
Many people work tirelessly but invisibly to ########
make the church operate smoothly and in
good order. One of those people is the one Articles for the July Newsletter may be sent to
who assembles the Sunday Bulletin you use Phyllis Olson at
during the Eucharist each week. Information
needs to be gathered from several sources;
Alice for music, the clergy for
announcements, consulting the schedule of
liturgical ministers and lectors, and flower
arrangement donors. Selecting and St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church
transferring the picture or graphic for the 1145 Seven Lakes Drive, Seven Lakes, NC
PO Address: Box 4546 West End, NC 27376
cover is also needed. Next comes typing and 910-673-0356
arranging the text and proofreading the entire
document. Then printing a Master copy for A mission of the Episcopal Diocese of NC

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