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February 7, 2010

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Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mass w/ ashes: 8:30am & 7:30pm
Service w/ ashes: 12:00 Noon, 5:00pm

Stations of the Cross/Lunch with our Lord;

12:00 Noon with Soup Lunch
Fridays, February 19, 26, March 5, 12, 19, & 26

Stations of the Cross on Friday Evenings

February 19, 26, March 5, 13 & 26 at 7:00pm

Penitential Service w/ private confessions

Friday, March 19, 7:00pm

St. Joseph Table for the Poor

Sunday, March 14, 1:00pm-3:00pm (school gym)

FEBRUARY 7, 2010

1501 South Main Street, Lombard, IL 60148

Rectory: (630) 629-1717 Fax: (630) 705-0692
Academy: (630) 627-0640 Fax: (630) 705-0139

Page 2 February 7, 2010


Rev. Robert Schoenstene Deacon Fred Francl Deacon Wayne Storrs

630.629.1717 630.629.1717 630.629.1717

Deacon Frank Lillig Deacon Peter Robinson

630.396.6077 Coor. Pastoral Care; 630.629.1717

Rev. Peter Jarosz, Pastor


Eileen Maggiore Sherry Rochford Bill Runge

Pastoral Assoc./Adult Faith Formation Children’s Faith Formation Director of Music and Liturgy
630.396.6076; 630.396.6078; 630.396.6075;

Elaine Ward Marge Zilinsky Carol Clishem

Business Manager Religious Education/Parish Secretary Pastor’s/Parish Secretary
630.396.6073; 630.396.6074; 630.629.1717;

Jill Placey, Academy Director Lori Bhardwaj

Kindergarten Teacher Academy Secretary/Parish Finance Asst.
630.627.0640; 630.627.0640;

Karen Hanish, Pre-School Jan Waas, Pre-School Aide Michelle Iwinski, Kindergarten Aide

Tony Azzolin Maintenance

Facilities Manager Paul Sweder, Joe Iapichino
630.629.1717; Victor Mandin

Parish Offering Program

As we continue our Planned Parish Offering Program we are asked to reflect on God’s blessings in
our lives and also to commit to share these financial blessings as a way to express our love for God
and for others.

Our Planned Parish Offering Program is one very important way to express our self-giving for the
good of others and for God’s greater glory. This week, each registered household will receive a
summary letter and Declaration of Intention Card. This program will conclude next two weekends
with Commitment Sunday. Please pray about this and return your intention card in next Sunday’s
offertory collection.

Your donation aids the parish in forecasting revenue for the next year. Reflect on your spending
priorities, consider where your parish is currently placed within them, and consider making a
planned, proportionate and sacrificial gift to our offertory program. Please respond lovingly and
generously, as you are able, giving from your first fruits in gratitude to God.
February 7, 2010 Page 3

50th Anniversary Parish Appreciation

Mardi Gras Celebration
February 13; 7:30pm; Parish Life Center

As we celebrate our Jubilee year, all are invited to a Mardi Gras Party and Dance at 7:30pm on February 13. A variety
of Hors d'œuvre, snacks, desserts and beverages will be served. You are invited to bring a bottle of your favorite wine
or spirits. Archival exhibits from various organizations of our parish will be on display. Music and entertainment will be
provided by People’s Choice DJ. Please RSVP to Eileen Maggiore, 630.396.6076 or

Out of Poverty Program

“Out of Poverty” classes will be held on 8 consecutive Commemorative Bricks Proofs
Mondays, from 9:30am – 12:30 pm, starting February 22,
2010 through Monday April 5, 2010 at Catholic Charities, Commemorative brick proofs will be available those who
26 W St Charles Rd. Lombard, IL 60148. A graduation want to see and review how their message will look. If you
ceremony will take place on Monday April 12, 2010. need to make a change now is the time. The proofs will
Babysitting will be available. be at the PLC after each weekend Mass. Look for signs in
the Narthex.
Jane Tyschenko
Outreach Support Specialist
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet
630-495-8008 x2123

Reflecting on This Week’s Readings

Today we consider the call to continue the mission of Jesus by engaging in some form of ministry. The first
and the last readings are call narratives; the epistle contains a statement of the faith that undergirds our re-
sponse to our call; the psalm response celebrates the gracious goodness of God that makes all of this possi-

Our call is more than a summons to faith; it is a call to ministry. Isaiah is called in order to be sent; the fisher-
men are called in order to gather others to Jesus. So it is with us. We are called to be sent out to the world.
This call comes to us in the ordinariness of life. It will usually come to us as we wash our nets or our dishes,
as we teach or raise children, as we prepare a brief for trial or examine a patient; as we repair cars or work at
the computer. The call of God comes to us in the ordinariness of life.

We are called to proclaim the message of the resurrection by any and every means possible. Some, like
Isaiah and the disciples of Jesus, will witness in open and dramatic ways. They will teach and preach; they
will nurse the sick and care for the elderly. Others will witness in less conspicuous ways. They will insist on
fair practices in their own workplaces; they will weed out expressions of prejudice and violence so that a new
and just world can be fashioned for themselves and for their children. Called in the ordinariness of their lives,
they will witness to the death and resurrection in that very ordinariness, thus transforming everything into ex-

© Dianne Bergant CSA

Page 4 February 7, 2010

Mass Intentions
Pray for Healing
Saturday, February 6 5:00 Elizabeth Wiendzendis
St. Paul Miki and His Companions; Jean Brzezinski, Diana Crue, Peter Christoff, Roberta
First Saturday Dirschl, Joan Frichtl, Cathy Castro, Frank Nelson, John
1 Kgs 3:4-13; Mk 6:30-34
Sheehan, Denis Perry, Joan Temborius, Lorraine Wick,
Marilyn Melichar, Carmen Giacalone, Isabel Carey, Efren
Sunday, February 7 8:00 Erin Myscofski Iraola, Mary Lou LeRoy, Esther Sassi, Sam Battaglia,
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:00 Anthony Caruso Sharon Barsaloux, Robert Balteskonis, Karen Schumann,
Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; Ps 138; 1 Cor 15:1-11 12:00 Special Intention
Kevin Stellmach, Maurice Vandenbroucke, Jodie Garri-
[3-8, 11]; Lk 5:1-11
son, Jeffrey McLaughlin, Brian Millsap, Eleanor Conforti.
Please pray for all the sick in our parish, our families, our
Monday, February 8 8:30 Special Intention friends, our community.
St. Jerome Emiliani; St. Josephine
Bakhita; 1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13; Mk 6:53-56

Tuesday, February 9 8:30 William Foral Rest in Peace

1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30; Mk 7:1-13
Our condolences to the family and friends of Ed Golly
Wednesday, February 10 8:30 Erin Myscofski who passed away last week. Ed was an Usher at our
St. Scholastica 7:30am mass for many years. Eternal rest grant unto him,
1 Kgs 10:1-10; Mk 7:14-23 O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he
rest in peace. Amen.
Thursday, February 11 8:30 For the Sick
Our Lady of Lourdes
1 Kgs 11:4-13; Mk 7:24-30

Friday, February 12 8:30 Tom Carney

1 Kgs 11:29-32; 12:19; Mk 7:31-37

Saturday, February 13 5:00 Robert Zelenka

Blessed Virgin Mary
1 Kgs 12:26-32; 13:33-34; Mk 8:1-10

Sunday, February 14 8:00 Rita Smith

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:00 Andy & Helen Kodjer
Jer 17:5-8; Ps 1; 1 Cor 15:12, 16-20; 12:00 CCW Members
Lk 6:17, 20-26

Feb 13, 5:00 PM Feb 14, 8:00 AM Feb 14, 10:00 AM Feb 14, 12:00 PM

Allison Achenbaugh Rebecca Haas Zenia Calderon Brandon Beahan

Altar Server Jennifer Emmert NOT FILLED Emily Maggiore Danielle Lavedas
Kelly Zelenka Erin Matos Anna Sandei

Sandi DiSalvo June Carlson Roberta Beckman James Begale

Adrienne Forstneger Michelle Iwinski James Krupka Patricia Caruso
Joseph Iapichino Matt Novak Joseph Maka Terry Caruso
Extraordinary Minis- Joseph Maderak Sandie Novak AnneMarie Schaaf Evelyn Manicad
ter of Holy Commun- Robert Maslinski Florence Owens Mark Schaaf Oscar Manicad
ion Patricia Millsap Andrew Tuszynski Henry Sokalski Sharon Pierscionek
Roger Reeder Rick Uhart KimberlyAnn White Edward Zimmerman

Lector Richard J Clish Dolores Aikman Mark Logalbo Valeree Paras

Presider Fr John Enright Fr John Guiney Fr Bob Schoenstene Fr Bob Schoenstene

Irene Boutiette, M. Brudnicki, M. Gonzalo, E. Lay, E&O Manicad, L. Michalik, G. Doretti, S. Pierscionek,
Ministers of Care E & E Mears
February 7, 2010 Page 5

Woman's Choice Services

Pray for our Military
Woman’s Choice Services’ Finance/Fundraising Commit-
tee is looking for volunteers to help with Major Fundrais- Joseph Velasco, III, Richard Godman, III, Steven Van
ers and Grant Writing. The committee meets once a Dyke, Jeremy Guenther, Frank Minniti, Andrew DaMitz,
month and would welcome any help. Please contact Deb- Patrick J. Doran, Kevin Dollens, Jessie Blanton, Michael
bie Barnes at or Whelan, John Pierczynski, Thomas Pierczynski, Scott
contact the Lombard office at 630-261-9564 (M-F) if you Allen Petersen, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Nikita Majcen, Tom
are interested. Thank you and God Bless You. Clohessy, Benjamin Raymond, Stephanie Olson, Joshua
D. Braun, Brandon Hartmann, Jeffrey W. Erickson, Mark
Kuhar, Matthew Beifuss, Francis Beifuss, Melissa J. Ger-
tie, Lara Owczarski, Frank Wilkins III, David Jurk, Kyle
Villalobos, Douglas Wozniak, Jeff Maicke, Philip Corpuz
Village of Lombard and the Census Torralba, Robert Schroeder, Nicholas Zappa.
The 2010 Census questionnaire will be delivered to Do you have a loved one in the armed forces? Email, call,
homes in the spring. Federal and state funding to the Vil- or drop a note in the collection with their name.
lage of Lombard depends on the Census count. Please
do your part and fill out the questionnaire when it arrives
in your mail. It is only 10 questions and is estimated to
take about 10 minutes. A Few Happenings at CCW

The theme for the Census is "Census 2010: It's In Our Games, games, games, who doesn’t like to get out of the
Hands." Please do your part to complete the Census house in these winter months, enjoy the company of other
form. Thank you. parishioners and play a little Bunco? Well, CCW’s Febru-
ary meeting will be a “Bunco” evening, so plan to join us.
If you don’t know how to play, not a problem – we can
help you.

March 14, CCW has graciously accepted the responsibil-

ity for the desserts at the St. Joseph’s Table. If you want
to show off your culinary talents, please think about do-
The "Tap" Goes On: nating a treat to our dessert undertaking. Watch for de-
Called to Discipleship tails in further bulletins.
Monday, February 8
March 17 is our annual Luncheon to Honor St. Patrick in
Ballydoyle Irish Pub the Parish Life Center at 11 o’clock. This is always a
Downtown Downers Grove good time at Christ the King. Fr. Guiney has accepted
5157 Main Street, Downers Grove, IL our invitation to say a few words that day, so you know it’ll
be a fun time. So we have an idea of the amount of food
Serving Young Adults, College Age, 20's and 30's to have on hand, please call Judy at -630-629-3028 or
Attendance is free Florence at-630-792-9546 and let us know if you will
Food and Drinks Available for Purchase come to this fun-filled, parish event.
Monday Evenings Gather at 6:30...Speaker at 7:00
An afternoon with Father Bob is in the works. See up-
Jeremy Hylka...Called to Discipleship coming bulletins for time, date, location and subject. Fr.
Bob always has an interesting lecture.
Jeremy is Director of Liturgy and Youth Ministry at St.
Paul the Apostle Parish in Joliet. He has a degree in The-
CCW will have its medication collection again this year as
ology from the University of St. Francis and continued his
well as Operation Support Our Troops.
studies in youth ministry at Loyola University. His work in
the Church has included directing a youth ministry pro-
As you can see, CCW is very busy. We can use all the
gram, teaching high school theology, assisting at special
help we can get. If you are interest in joining our many
Masses, and speaking at numerous churches on various
endeavors, please e-mail and
topics Next up: March 8: Duane and Chris Wozek Finding
someone will get back to you.
the Perfect Mate
Council of Catholic Women Board
Questions? Jerry Christensen:
Or Fr. Peter:
Page 6 February 7, 2010

Christ the King Early Learning Academy

For ages 3, 4 & 5 Year Olds


STUDENT’S NAME:_______________________ GENDER:_____________

STUDENT’S ADDRESS:____________________________________________

CITY:_____________________ ZIP:__________________

HOME PHONE:__________________________________________

OPTIONAL PHONE NUMBER: ______________________


MOTHER’S MAIDEN NAME:_________________________________________

STUDENT’S FULL BIRTH DATE:_____________________

STUDENT’S SOCIAL SECURITY:_____________________

STUDENT ETHNICITY: (optional) African American_____ American Indian/Native Alaskan_____

Asian_____ Caucasian_____ Hispanic_____ Multi-Racial_____
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander_____


KINDERGARTEN______ (Full Day) PRE-SCHOOL: 4YR. (A.M.-M,W,F) _____
4YR. (A.M.-M thru F) ____
4YR. (FULL TIME)_____
3YR. (A.M.-T,TH)______
NAME OF PARISH I BELONG TO:_____________________________________
CHURCH OF BAPTISM:_________________________ FULL DATE OF BAPTISM:_____________
CHURCH OF FIRST COMMUNION:______________________
FULL DATE OF FIRST COMMUNION:_____________________



in school office)


CATE (if not baptized at Christ the King)



February 7, 2010 Page 7


March 14 St. Joseph Table
Many Thanks from CCW Board
Our plans are underway for our annual St. Joseph Table to be held
on Sunday, March 14, at 1:00 p. m. in the Christ the King Gymna- The Council of Catholic Women’s Holiday Fair
sium. This is a wonderful opportunity to share food and friendship was the most successful we’ve had and it
with the families and friends of our parishioners, families and visi- couldn’t have been such a success without
tors. We would like to share a short history of the St. Joseph Ta- bunches of help and cooperation. The CCW
ble, especially for those who are unfamiliar with or new to the Board would like to thank Father Peter, all the
event. Following is that brief description. fantastic bakers and the following volunteers
for all their support:
The table is a tradition of simple, usually meatless dishes, pre-
pared and shared with neighbors and friends. Those attending Tony Azzolin, Diane Beyer, Irene Boutiette,
offer a free-will donation and all the proceeds are given to the poor Katy Briggs, Gaetano Ciccone, Carol Clishem,
or a charitable organization. Janet Disken-Sipolt, Jennifer Emmert, Joe
Iapichino, Allison Knox, Kay Lassa, Becky
Sicilian/Italian families started this tradition. History tells us they McCarville, Abigail Mikuta, Gerry Norton, Syl-
prayed to St. Joseph to end a famine caused by drought. When via Olson, Barbara Pizzotti, Bill Runge, Lauren
their prayers were answered and it rained, the people showed Schaaf, Paul Sweder, Brandon Temesvary,
thanks to St. Joseph by sharing their precious food with the poor. Kevin Weselak, Kelly Zelenka and Marge
The menu typically included pasta, fish, eggs/omelets, bread and Zilinsky.
vegetables. The menu signified the poor who were unable to af-
ford meat during this period. Another reason for this meatless tra- Council of Catholic Women Board
dition is believed to be the fact that the feast day falls during the
Lenten season.

There are special breads baked in crosses and other Christian

shapes, which are displayed on the main table in the center of the
celebration. The main table, usually in the shape of a cross or
three-tier (to signify the Trinity), is decorated with flowers, a sam-
ple of each food item, candles and an image of St. Joseph. It is Pet Blessing
then blessed on the day of the event.
The Bellyrub Klub is hosting it's first annual
The proceeds from this year's St. Joseph Table will go to Port Min- Pet Blessing with Fr. Peter of Christ the King
istries in Chicago. This is a very worthwhile organization that pro- Parish in Lombard. All pets are welcome!!
vides food assistance, job training, medical help and community
support for one of the neediest areas of the city. Fr. Peter will also be blessing the Doggy Day-
care play area and the new Overnight Care
For our table to be a success again this year, we will need the par- Klub Houses.
ticipation of many. We will be asking for your specific commit-
ments and contributions during the next few weeks. Please be How exciting to know that your pets are being
thinking now how you might help: food donations, set up, clean watched over and cared for while you're away,
up, vendor solicitation, vendor donation pick up, just to name a few always!!
of our needs. If you have any new or gently used items for our
raffle baskets, you may bring the items to the rectory on Wednes- When: Sunday February 21st
days 1 to 4 p.m. or call Mary Ellen (see phone # below) for pick up. 2:00pm - 3:30pm

Being involved in this event has proven to be very rewarding. Plan Where: Bellyrub Klub
to attend, help if you can, come enjoy good food, fun, community, 612 E. Western Ave.
and help those in need. What a wonderful feeling you will have - Lombard, IL
we guarantee it! May St. Joseph guide and protect your family. 630-54-BELLY

For further information please call Mary Ellen Clish at 630-495-

1339 or e-mail

Father Peter, Mary Ellen Clish, St. Joseph Table Chairman, and
the St. Joseph Table Committee
Page 8 February 7, 2010

Spiritual Communion
Do you feel too busy to make time for our Lord? An Act of Spiritual Communion can help! No matter what your day is like, Je-
sus can help make it better, or at least more bearable, if you ask him for His help and guidance in prayers such as this one,
composed by St. Alphonsus Liguori in the 18th century:
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You
into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You
have already come, and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.
The best way to receive Christ is in Holy Communion at Mass. (The picture above from a 19th century holy card commemo-
rates the first Communion given out by our Lord Himself at the Last Supper.)
Yet for those times you can’t make Mass, or can’t take Communion because of an unconfessed mortal sin (for which you can
ask for and receive God’s forgiveness in the Sacrament of Penance), you can still reach out to Him by making a Spiritual Com-
munion in prayer!
St. Thomas Aquinas once defined a Spiritual Communion as “an ardent desire to receive Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament [in
Communion at Mass] and in lovingly embracing Him as if we had actually received Him.”
You can only receive the Lord in Holy Communion once a day (twice in special circumstances such when attending wedding,
funeral, or baptismal masses). However, you can make a Spiritual Communion whenever and wherever you'd like, using the
prayer given above, others like it such as the one below, or your own heartfelt thoughts.
It is an important part of Church teaching that the consecrated bread (in the form of wafers we call hosts) becomes what is
known as the Blessed Sacrament, referred to in St. Alphonsus’s prayer above.
Those hosts not used in Holy Communion at Mass are placed in a special box known as the Tabernacle to be given out later to
the sick or the dying who cannot attend Mass, and to be exposed otherwise for adoration in what is known as the Rite of Eu-
charistic Exposition and Benediction.
You can make a Spiritual Communion such as this one below during Mass, or before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, or
anywhere else where the Spirit moves you.
Oh Jesus, I turn toward the holy tabernacle where You live hidden for love of me. I love you, O my God. I cannot receive you in
Holy Communion. Come, nevertheless, and visit me with Your grace. Come spiritually into my heart. Purify it. Sanctify it. Ren-
der it like unto Your own. Amen.
Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
This last sentence is drawn from Matthew’s Gospel (Matt 8:6), in which a Roman Centurion expressed his deep faith in our
Lord’s healing powers (in this case to cure his servant rather than his soul). Jesus was quite moved by the soldier’s faith, and
healed his servant at once.
Christ might not answer us quite so instantaneously, but rest assured, He can and will respond to anyone who comes to Him in
love and humility for His Divine assistance. After all, didn’t he say in the Sermon on the Mount, concerning the power of prayer,
“Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and you shall find” (Matt 7:7)?
Indeed, our Lord loves each of us so much that he gives us great opportunities to be with Him on a daily basis. If the Pope
came to your parish, you’d probably have to elbow your way through crowds of people
to catch a glimpse of him.
And yet, think of it! You can have your own private “audience” with Christ at Mass in Holy Communion or in Spiritual Commun-
ion in front of the Blessed Sacrament! Countless Saints and theologians throughout the centuries have extolled the virtues and
great spiritual benefits we can receive from this time spent with our Lord.
Remember, however, that you can “turn toward the holy tabernacle” and receive Jesus in your heart from anywhere you might
happen to be, at any time, day or night!
You just need to approach Him with sincerity, humility and a desire to follow in His footsteps in acts of faith and charity. And
He’s delighted when we do so! The Baltimore Catechism notes that a Spiritual Communion “is an act of devotion, and one very
pleasing to God.”
St. Jean-Marie Vianney, a French priest famous for converting countless souls to Christ in his parish of Ars in the 19th century,
once said “when we feel the love of God growing cold, let us instantly make a Spiritual Communion. When we cannot go to the
church, let us turn towards the tabernacle; no wall can shut us out from the good God.” We can indeed be grateful for that!
February 7, 2010 Page 9

Jubilee Events:
Feb 13, 2010: Mardi Gras celebration (7:30 p.m.) Apr 25, 2010: Spirit of Life Concert
50th Anniversary Memories Display
May 9, 2010: May Crowning following the 10:00 mass
Mar 7-17: Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
w/ Fr Peter June 6, 2010: Feast of Corpus Christi Procession

Mar 21, 2010: Family Fun Fair Sept 18, 2010: 50th Anniversary Dinner Dance

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops + Audit 2010

Dioceses will again be audited through the USCCB Office of Child and Youth Protection in 2010.
Parish Offices will receive a copy of Chart C/D to record statistics concerning parish/school employ-
ees and volunteers. They will also be asked to provide information about supply priests. Schools and
religious education programs will report their statistics directly to the Catholic Schools Office and the
Religious Education Office. Pastors will be asked to submit a letter to Bishop Sartain certifying that
1. diocesan approved safe environment educational programs have been presented to children and
youth of the parish; 2. all parish, school and religious education employees and volunteers have un-
dergone a criminal background investigation in accord with diocesan policy, and that documentation
for such is on file at the parish; 3. all parish, school and religious education employees and volun-
teers have attended the Virtus Protecting God’s Children program, and that documentation for such
is on file at the parish.

RECORD REVIEW: One of the responsibilities of deans during their annual parish visitations is to
check parish records, including compliance with safe environment requirements. Deans review files
to make sure that documentation (background check, attendance at Protecting God’s Children and
signed acknowledgement of the Pastoral Policy Regarding Sexual Abuse of Minors and the Stan-
dards of Behavior for Those Working with Minors) is on file for all employees and volunteers.

To facilitate record review, the pastor is asked to appoint one person at the parish, Eileen Maggiore
whose duty, along with the Pastor is to make sure that records of all parish, school and religious
education employees/volunteers reflect compliance with safe environment requirements.

These are instructions from Bishop Sartain to all Pastors that I want to share with you. The staff at
Christ the King assures you that we have a safe environment not only for our children and teens but
also for the adults. We strive daily to maintain the instructions and guidelines from the Joliet dioce-
san Chancery office and the United Sates Conference of Catholic Bishops. Any questions or clarifi-
cations, please contact my designate, Eileen Maggiore, Pastoral Associate. Let us pray through the
intercession of St. Joseph, the protector of the Universal Church that He with Mary may guide and
protect the church of Christ the King. ~ Fr. Jarosz, Pastor
Page 10 February 7, 2010

Request for 2009 Year-End Stewardship of Treasure

Contribution Statement January 23/24
(drop in collection or mail - Attn: Business Office)
Will be mailed after January 30, 2010. # Registered Families 1380
Please DO NOT CALL the Parish Office
Information cannot be given or Account # Amount
requests taken over the phone
White Envelopes 390 $8,010.29
Non-envelope users $2,068.87
This week’s total $10,079.16

Street Address________________________________ Weekly Budget $13,462.00

Difference -$3,382.84
City_________________________________________ Latin America $1,435.26

Green Envelopes* 74 $2,068.87

Envelope No.________
Restricted Budget** $2,308 .00
Difference -239.13

Gold 38 $482.50
* Thank you for reaching the goal this past week!
Seniors Invited to Defer Property Taxes Let’s try to reach our goal of $2,500 weekly to bring down our debt!

Qualified senior citizens, aged 65 years and older are in-

vited to apply for the Senior Citizen Real Estate Tax De-
ferral Program. The program allows participants to defer Consider a Gift to Your Parish
property tax payment until the property is sold. The defer-
ral is treated as a loan and accrues 6 percent simple in- Direct gifts of stocks, mutual funds and other assets are
terest until paid. To qualify, the applicant's household in- simple for parishioners to make and can be very benefi-
come cannot exceed $50,000. Additionally, the property cial gifts for both the parish and the parishioner. Parish-
must be used exclusively for residential purposes. ioner can designate a stock donation as an immediate gift
OR use the donation to establish a life-benefit gift such as
The application period closes March 1, 2010. For more a Charitable Gift Annuity or a Remainder Trust.
information, contact the DuPage County Treasurer's Of-
fice at 630-407-5900 or treasurer. Donating appreciated securities to your parish can pro-
Gwen Henry, Treasurer. duce a tax-advantaged charitable deduction for the pa-
rishioner. Most securities donated to parishes are either
common stocks or mutual funds. For more information
please contact the finance council or Fr. Peter Jarosz.
Thank you for the many ways you already share your
treasure with the parish.

Protecting God’s Children Finance Council

Reporting Sexual Abuse: Sexual abuse is a sin and a

crime. Victims of sexual abuse, in addition to contacting
civil authorities, are asked to come forward in order to
receive pastoral assistance. The Church has a
responsibility to help victims of sexual abuse and to
ensure that offenders are brought to justice. Reports may
be made to any pastor or to Sister Mary Frances Seeley
at (815) 263-6467. Contact DCFS at 1-800-25-ABUSE.
January 31, 2010 Page 11




New Parishioner Registration All Masses PLC Exposition/Adoration 9am-8pm Church

Hospitality All Masses PLC Break Open the Word 10:00am ER
Archive Display All Masses PLC Knights of Columbus 7:30pm ER

SVDP Food Pantry 12:00pm ER
Prayer Group 7:00pm ER
Children’s Choir Rehearsal 4:45pm Church
Rosary and Chaplet 5:30pm Church
Teen Ensemble Rehearsal 6:30pm Church Marti Gras Celebration 7:30pm PLC


RE Classes 6:30pm Academy St. Peregrine Service 11:00am Church

Finance Committee Meeting 6:30pm ER 7th Grade Retreat 10:00am Church/PLC
Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Church

Sacraments Mass Times Rectory Hours

Monday-Friday 8:30am
Baptism: Arrangements for baptisms are
Mon: 9:00 am-3:00 pm
made by attending a preparation meeting. Sunday Obligation Tues, Wed, & Thurs: 9:00a.m.– 6:00 pm
Parish registration is a pre-requisite for attend- Saturday Vigil at 5:00pm Friday: 9:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m.
ing this meeting. Sunday at 8:00am, 10:00am,
and 12:00 Noon
First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Bulletin Articles
Confirmation: Christ the King offers Faith Sacrament of Reconciliation
Formation both in our Parish Academy, and in Saturdays: 4:00pm-4:45pm Bulletin articles are due on the previous
our Religious Education Program. And by appointment Friday in order to be published in the fol-
lowing weekend’s bulletin. Please send
Weddings: Weddings are scheduled in the St. Peregrine Devotions articles to
home parish of the bride or groom. We require Second Saturdays at 11:00am
an eight month preparation time. The church
date is set before any other commitments are Rosary and Chaplet Registration
made. Weekdays at 7:35am
Tuesdays 5:30pm On behalf of the pastoral staff, we welcome you
Anointing of the Sick: If you or one of your as a family member of Christ the King Parish. It
loved ones are in need of the Anointing of the Eucharistic Exposition is our hope and prayer that you feel at home with
Sick, please contact the rectory, or see the 1st Thursday 9:00am until 8:00pm us at weekend masses, prayer times, and parish
priest after Mass. In case of an emergency, 1st Friday at 7:00am activities. Welcome!
please call the rectory, ext 1. Other Thursdays 9:00am-8:00pm
Christ The King #512918

1501 South Main Street
Lombard, IL 60148


Bill Runge

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