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Q1. Briefly List Out and Explain Different Natural Effects or Phenomenon That Can Cause Global and Local Wind

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Dear Students:

Please note the solutions below provide mostly the key points in
answering the questions. That is you need to include these points to
give elaborate answers to the questions accordingly.
Q1. Briefly list out and explain different natural effects or phenomenon that can cause global and local wind
variations (8 marks)
Solar radiation
Self rotation of earth
Surface roughness
Temperature difference
Obstacle effect
Tunnel effect
Wake effect

Q2. Explain different wind measurement techniques and compare their advantages and disadvantages (4 marks)
Mechanic type: cup anemometer plus vane for direction measurement, cheap, sensitive to environment/weather
conditions, only for fix point measurement
Non-mechanical type including acoustic and laser type: detect phase change due to reflection by small particles
in the air, expensive, flexible for multiple points scanning, less sensitive for weather/icing.
Q3 Explain different considerations in selecting wind project sites (8 marks)?

Wind condition: at least on-site measurement data for evaluation

Terrain condition: smooth surface is preferred.
Soil conditions; fit for erecting wind turbines
Transportations : must be convenient for transportation (e.g. close to railway) of WTs and engineering
Grid connection point: essential to ensure produced electricity can enter into the grid and to the
customer eventually
MARINE LIFE-offshore fish and waterloos

Q4 Explain, with a sketch, the operation principle and difference between horizontal and vertical axis wind
turbines (6 marks)
Key point:

The two type turbines have different in mechanical constructions, and with advantages and disadvantages. Lift
force drive the horizontal axis turbine, while drag forces drive vertical axis turbine and therefore no yawing
needed. The drag forces can result in contradicted movements of up- and down-stream blades therefore leading
to low efficiency.

Q5 For the wind turbine blade system below

a. Sketch out the forces analysis and denote the angle of attack and pitch angle (7 marks)
b. and list out major forces applied by wind and their impacts to the wind turbine (7 marks)


Key points in drawings and answering questions:

Lift forces, drag forces, pitch angle, AOA, tangential forces, thrust/normal forces, rotation speed, wind speed,
and relative wind speed

Q6, The figure below shows the air stream tube for any wind turbine. The symbols of w and denote far
downstream and far upstream conditions. d denotes the condition at the wind turbine (actuator disc). V is the
velocity, p is the air pressure. Pd and Vd refer to the air pressure and speed just at the wind turbine blades
(actuator disc) , which the Pd+, Pd-, refer to air pressures just before and after the turbine respectively. The
wind speed induction factor at the blades is a, i.e. Vd=V(1-a). The mass flow rate at anywhere along the air
stream tube should be equal, i.e. *A*V= *Ad*Vd= *Aw*Vw, where is air density, A represents the
cross section areas of the stream tube and the air flow is incompressible therefore =w. Use the momentum
theory and Bernoullis equation etc. to prove the Berz limit for wind turbine = 0.593. Note, please give
equations in steps to ensure marks can be given, and useful equations are given in the separate sheet for your
reference. (14 marks)

Rate of change of momentum for the air flow passing through actuator disc
= (V Vw ) AdVd
According to Newtown's 2nd law, the force causing momentum change
( Pd+ Pd ) * Ad = (V Vw ) AdV (1 a )
The Bernoullis principle
V 2 + p + gh = cons tan t

Q7 Explain and compare 3 different wind turbine blade control technologies with a sketch. (8 marks). What is
the low voltage ride through capability for a DFIG wind turbine? (8 marks)
Key points;
Pitch control: continuously vary pitch angle beta to achieve either optimal energy efficiency, limit output
power/mechanical stress to the rated due to e.g. over wind speed/ grid faults, or to rapidly stopover the turbine
against e.g. hurricanes, and the pitch angle Beta is > 0.
Passive stall: mainly serve for protection purpose against over speed of wind turbine with fixed blade/pitch
angle. The beta is <0 so that when wind increase to a certain level, and the AOA becomes too large and
accordingly the lift force drastically drops or disappears. The wind turbine will slow down or can no longer
speed up further.
Active stall, mainly for protection purpose against over speed of wind turbines, vary pitch angle to negative
direction in discrete steps to achieve large AOA, i.e. so that when wind increase to certain level, and the AOA
becomes too large and accordingly the lift force drastically drops or disappears, wind turbine will slow down or
can no longer speed up further.

LVRT key point;

The capability of DFIG turbines to maintain electrical connection to the grid and continuous operation when the
grid fault happens causing a low voltage at the point of common coupling (PCC).
Q8. Explain briefly the major difference in operation between Open-Cycle OTEC and Closed-Cycle OTEC (4

Close loop OTEC

Working fluid (ammonia)-heated by seawater-expanded vapor to drive the low turbine- rest vapor from
turbine cooled by cold seawater
Major equipment: circulation pumps, evaporator (exchanger), condenser (exchanger), turbine, generator

Open loop OTEC

Working fluid: seawater-corrosions happen
Lower pressure turbine
Byproduct: fresh water

Q9. List the side benefits of OTEC systems, other than producing electricity (1.5 marks/point, max. 6 marks)
Either 4 of below with explanations
Air conditioning-through heat exchanger
Chilled-soil agriculture-cold seawater flows through underground pipes,
Aquaculture-cold water fish salmon lobster etc
Fresh water
Mining from ocean water
Q10. Point out the differences in characteristic between tidal range power and the traditional hydroelectric
power. (1.5 marks/point, max: 6 marks)
Tidal power uses the tidal changes moving in/outside the large dam at estuary of rivers to generate electricity. It
features low head water and therefore low generation of no more than 40% of the installed generating capacity,

and high costs for building up the large dam in salty water. The production is fully predicative, but with limited
locations suitable for the technology.
The traditional hydroelectric project build large dams over river path to create high water head for electricity
generation (Water large gravity potential difference before/after the dam). Production of power from river dams
typically averages 70-100% of installed capacity.

Q11. List the names of the 3 groups of devices used in ocean wave energy systems and explain, with a sketch,
the principle of operation of any one type of these ocean wave energy systems. (7 marks)
Key points:
Floats or Pitching Devices
These devices generate electricity from the bobbing or pitching action of a floating object. The object can be
mounted to a floating raft or to a device fixed on the ocean floor.

Sting ray device

Oscillating Water Columns (OWC)
These devices generate electricity from the wave-driven rise and fall of water in a cylindrical shaft. The rising
and falling water column drives air into and out of the top of the shaft, powering an air-driven turbine.

Wave Surge or Focusing Devices

One of these shoreline devices, also called "tapered channel" or "tapchan" systems, rely on a shore-mounted
structure to channel and concentrate the waves, driving them into an elevated reservoir. Water flow out of this
reservoir is used to generate electricity, using standard hydropower technologies. Where site conditions permit
construction of a large coastal reservoir without extensive blasting or dam-building, it is the most economical
wave energy device developed to date.

Q12. The tidal flow in a sea channel of China gives a maximum water flow velocity of 5.5 m/s, the tidal flow
velocity varies with time in sinusoidal matter. Now a water turbine generator is erected under the seawater of
the channel to capture the tidal current energy. Estimate the required length of each turbine blades, if average
power of the generated output has to be 100 kW. Given: Density of sea water: 1.03103 kg/m3, period between
each high tide: 12 hour 25 minutes, efficiency of the turbine: 65%, the efficiency of the turbine driven generator:
75%. You may found the equations in a separated sheet useful. (6 marks)

=1.34 m

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