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Design and Construction of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

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Saudi Journal of Engineering and Technology ISSN 2415-6272 (Print)

Scholars Middle East Publishers ISSN 2415-6264 (Online)
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Research Article

Design and Construction of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Ogunoh Chika C1, Ezemmuo Daniel T2, Ani Moses C3
Building Services Engineering, South Bank University, London1
Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra State, Nigeria

*Corresponding Author:
Ogunoh Chika C

Abstract: Increasing demand in energy facilitated the need of clean energy such as wind energy. Residences, buildings
and commercial sites needs more power, but also continuous power. Important facilities such as wireless or radio sets
requires small amount of energy, but with a continuous supply. This project was done to design and construct a vertical
axis wind turbine for small scale use. After an introduction about the historical background of wind turbine, the report
deals with a more accurate analysis of the main type of vertical axis wind turbine, showing their characteristics,
advantages and disadvantages, differences between vertical axis wind turbine and horizontal axis wind turbine and their
operations. The parameter of the wind turbines was discussed and the generators (stator) that can be used to connect the
wind mill to the electricity grid are reported as well. Several statistics are also presented, in order to explain how the
development of the wind energy in Nigeria. Results from trials shows that as the speed increases, there is increase in
voltage and this in turn implies a watt change at different speeds. This also implies that when there is high wind, there is
a higher rpm. The turbine fulfilled all specifications such as efficiency above 80%, 33Watt output power and likewise the
capacity is adequate for its purpose and was proven to be efficient in generation of current.
Keywords: Turbine, wind, electricity, power, energy, fossil fuel and natural gas.

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY phenomenon related to the movement of air masses

In the time of increasing energy consumption caused primarily by the differential solar heating of the
and diminishing natural resources, it is necessary to earth's surface. Wind is a classical example of a
generate energy in a way that is renewable and climate stochastic variable; due to this stochastic nature, wind
friendly. Energy has a major impact on every aspect of energy cannot be controlled, but can be managed. This
our socio-economic life; it plays a vital role in the is because wind power is available only when the wind
economic, social and political development of our speed is above a certain threshold.
nation. Despite the abundance of energy resources in
Nigeria, the country is still in short supply of electrical A wind turbine is a rotating machine that
power. Only about 40% of the nation’s over 140 million converts kinetic energy of wind into mechanical energy
has access to grid electricity. Even the electricity supply which in turn can be converted into electricity Wind.
to the consumers that are connected to the grid is Wind turbines are classified into horizontal axis wind
erratic. There is therefore the need to harness renewable turbine (HAWT) and vertical axis wind turbine
energy potential (such as wind, solar etc.) for reliable (VAWT). The main difference between these two is the
power supply in this country. Also the concern about orientation of the rotational axis. The advantage of
global warming and continued apprehensions about having a vertical axis wind turbine of rotation is that it
nuclear power around the world should drive us into can absorb wind in all direction without the need for
strong demand for wind generation. The main yaw mechanism. The blades do not require to be
advantages of electricity generation from renewable pitched to compensate for fluctuations in wind speed,
energy sources, such as wind, are the absence of these factors makes the VAWT simpler to build and
harmful emissions, very clean and almost infinite maintain than the HAWT, however, the VAWT are
availability of wind that is converted into electricity. generally less noisy than the HAWT and therefore
Wind generation has been described to be one of the makes it environmental friendly.
mature and cost effective resources among different
renewable energy technologies. Wind is a natural
Ogunoh Chika C et al.; Saudi J. Eng. Technol.; Vol-2, Iss-2(Feb, 2017):65-72
Although the construction of wind turbines are the study is to enhance the design system of a wind
not universally welcome due to the negative visual turbine in order to create and to easily harness most
impact and the effect on wildlife but it remains one of efficiently wind power energy.
the largest forms of green energy used in the world
The wind has been used as an energy source
AIM AND THE OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY for a very long time for example in sailing boats. The
The aim of this project is to design and first windmills were used by the Persians approximately
construct a micro scale vertical axis wind turbine for 900 AD.
generation of electric current. However, the objective of

Fig-1: Basic VAWT Configurations

These first windmills were vertical axis wind recognizable for their many blades and typically
turbines. During the middle Ages horizontal axis situated on a farm [1]. Charles Brush, (1888) was one of
windmills were built in Europe and used for mechanical the people who first attempts to generate electricity by
tasks such as pumping water or grinding grain. These using the wind was made in the United States. Among
were the classical four bladed windmills that had a the most important early turbines was the turbine
yawing system and were mounted on a big structure. developed by Marcellus Jacobs. Jacobs’ turbine had
These windmills lost popularity after the industrial three airfoil shaped blades, battery storage and a wind
revolution. At about the same time water pumping wane keeping the turbine facing the wind.
windmills became popular in the United States,

Fig-2: A Sandia turbine with 34 m diameter

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During the 20th century the horizontal axis turbines, (see Fig. 2), which proved to be quite efficient
wind turbines continued to evolve, which resulted in and reliable [3]. However, according to a report from
bigger and more advanced turbines, leading to the Sandia National Laboratories (USA), the VAWTs fell
modern horizontal axis wind turbines [1]. Vertical axis victims to the poor wind energy market in the USA.
wind turbines have been developed in parallel with The last of the Sandia VAWTs was dismantled in 1997
HAWTs, but with less financial support and less after cracks had been found in its foundation. In the
interest. Savonius, (1922) invented the Savonius 80’s the American company Flow wind commercialized
turbine, (see Fig. 1). Darrieus, [2] patented his idea to the Darrieus turbine and built several wind farms [4],
have a vertical axis wind turbine with straight or bent (see Fig. 3). The machines worked efficiently but had
lifting blades. During the 70’s and 80’s vertical axis problems with fatigue of the blades, which were
machines came back into focus when both Canada and designed to flex [5]. More than 500 commercial
the United States built several prototypes of Darrieus VAWTs were operating in California in the mid 80’s.

Fig-3: A Flow wind farm

The Eole, a 96 meters tall Darrieus turbine invention). In the United Kingdom the H-rotor was
built in 1986, is the largest VAWT ever constructed investigated by a research team led by Peter Musgrove.
with a rated maximum power of 3.8 MW [6]. The North The biggest H-rotor built in the U.K. was a 500 kW
American Darrieus turbines used in the 80’s mostly had machine, which was designed in 1989 (Mays and
induction generators with gearboxes. However, the Eole Morgan, 1989). This machine had a gearbox and an
had a direct driven generator with a diameter of 12 induction generator inside the top of the tower. One of
meters. It produced 12 GWh of electric energy during the machines had blades that could be folded in high
the five years it was running and reached power levels wind speeds, (see Fig. 4). In the 90’s the German
of up to 2.7 MW. The machine was shut down in 1993 company Heidelberg Motor GmbH worked with
due to failure of the bottom bearing. development of H-rotors and they built several 300 kW
prototypes. These turbines had direct driven generators
The straight-bladed VAWT was also an with large diameters. In some turbines the generator
invention included in the original Darrieus patent [2]. was placed on top of the tower, and in some turbines the
This turbine is usually referred to as the straight-bladed generator was situated on the ground. From this short
Darrieus turbine or the H-rotor, but has also been called historical review it is clear that the first windmill was a
giromill or cycloturbine (different concepts of the same VAWT but that later HAWTs received most attention.

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Fig-4: To the left is an H-rotor developed in the U.K. and to the right is one of the Heidelberg rotors

REVIEW OF PROJECT ON VERTICAL AXIS rotation of the motor is directing the current through the
MICRO WIND TURBINE printed wires by a magnetic field of permanent
Murat, 2003 design and construct a project on magnets. The printed motor has guided magnetic fields
Vertical Axis Micro Wind Turbine. This study was so that the power produced is very efficient. Like all
done to investigate the design and development of the DC motors this machine has a commutator to take the
vertical axis micro wind turbines. The contribution of current out through two wires.
counter rotating impellers with a freely rotating
generator to produce energy was investigated. From the These motors can produce about the same
analysis, Solid works, Mathcad and Abacus CAE amount of electricity as motorcycle alternators with
programs were used to design and to analyze the similar rotational speeds, while they have far less inertia
Vertical Axis Micro Wind Turbine. Possible due to small weight. Because of their small dimensions
developments were considered. Heuristic method was and small inertias which are less than motorcycle
used to complete the task of design of a vertical axis alternators and also their highly efficient power output.
micro wind turbine. It was imagined that the task has The Shafts which are the easiest components to
been completed and all the targets were reached. The manufacture and design, so that they were required to
main consideration of the wind turbine was its counter be designed in connection with other components such
rotating blades that reduce the inertia and increase the as impellers, slip rings, frames etc. However, their basic
relative speed of the motor shaft. It must have a frame cross sections need to be chosen. As all the components
to hold the bearings and two identical counter rotating have inner diameter to fit on a shaft, the outer shape of
blade components such as Savonius or Darrieus blade the shaft was chosen as round. Possible round shapes
types, etc. these two blade components are to be for shafts can be suggested as; solid shaft and hollow
connected to two different shafts. Then, the torque shaft.
should be gathered through a generator whose stator is
connected to one of the shafts while the rotor is However, using a hollow shaft limits the
connected to the other shaft. As the two separate shafts possibilities of connections and fits, so that a solid shaft
are connected to the generator, the power has to be which will also have higher inertia but also higher
transmitted by a slip ring to a battery tank, the grid or strength will be used in the final design. In addition,
the experimental measurement devices. In the assembly solid shaft will be machined to create steps as so that
process, there are 7 points of interest to be concerned the bearings will be fitted easily to the ends.
with; degrees of freedom (movement), material
differentiation, product and establishment (replace In this research, it was revealed that using a
ability) considerations, differentiation of functions, counter rotating wind turbine with a freely rotating
particular functional conditions and design generator can produce higher amounts of power than
considerations. All these points are examined during the common wind generators. Even though the power
complete concept design process. The generator used output of counter rotating vertical axis micro wind
for the project was the Printed DC motors which are a turbine was 6 times higher than the total of the two
kind of improved axial flux permanent magnet (AFPM) separate wheels‟ power outputs it has to be due to the
machines. They are also known as Printed Circuit power curve of the generator which indicates that
(PCB) or "Pancake" Motors. Printed DC motors have increasing rotation speeds the output increases
very thin structure because the wires are placed on a drastically in the beginning.
thin disk and the magnets are relatively small, the

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Ogunoh Chika C et al.; Saudi J. Eng. Technol.; Vol-2, Iss-2(Feb, 2017):65-72
However, the machine couldn’t reach the construction process easier and suitable for locally
design speed of the generator which would have given manufactured open hardware wind power applications.
better information as it was assumed that the speed Using these lay down designs as a basic platform, along
increase in the motor with counter rotating ability with some simple theoretical equations, the generator
would be only two times less than if we had single ones. can be designed and manufactured according to the
Therefore the power output could be estimated nominal power needed, in any small scale application.
proportional to that ratio. In this chapter, a description of these basic theoretical
concepts and construction methods is presented.
In small scale residential or rural applications, WIND TURBINE DESIGN PARAMETERS
the use of small wind turbines for the production of The wind turbine parameters considered in the
electricity is a common practice, when connection to design process are:
the grid is not an option or when favorable feed in  Swept area
tariffs exist. Small wind turbines have a wide range of  Wind Power and power coefficient
nominal power values reaching up to 88 kW and  Tip speed ratio
frequently use permanent magnets to produce the  Number of blades
generator’s excitation field. The use of permanent
magnets in a coreless axial flux generator makes the

Table 1: Choice of Components

S/N Components Material selected
1 Stator coil Copper
2 Hub Galvanized steel
3 Blade Aluminum
4 Magnetic disk Mild steel
5 Stator casting Epoxy
6 Magnet Neodymium
7 Spindle Mild steel

RESULT OF THE DESIGNED VERTICAL AXIS small scale use like charging of batteries, lightening of
WIND TURBINE electric bulb etc. The turbine is made up of four parts,
The performance of the machine was namely the stator, hub, magnetic disk and the blade
satisfactory during the preliminary tests. Voltage was (Figure 5).
generated accordingly. The machine can be applied for

Fig-5: vertical axis wind turbine

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Ogunoh Chika C et al.; Saudi J. Eng. Technol.; Vol-2, Iss-2(Feb, 2017):65-72
The assembling of parts and component of this which in turn rotates the two magnetic disks i.e. the
vertical axis wind turbine started with the various magnet. This creates an electrical field that is made into
sequence of operation and fabrication processes such as Alternating current (AC). The AC current can be
winding of the of the coil, casting of the stator, converted to direct current (DC) using uncontrolled
machining the magnetic disk, machining of the hub, diode rectifier with a voltage regulator to stabilize the
fabrication of the blades, machining of the spindle and voltage from the wind turbine. The DC can be used to
final assembling and testing. The stator was casted charge a volt battery, after fully charged the DC can be
using epoxy resin which is use to glue the copper coils, converted into AC using an inverter. AC is the type of
the stator consist nine copper coil and three terminals. current a typical household outlet uses. Then, the AC
The copper winding of the stator is 75turns per double current runs to either your home or a power plant for
coils. The stator forms a circular shape of outer distribution across several neighborhoods.
diameter of 430mm and Inner diameter of 160mm
(center of the stator). The hub of height 240mm which PERFORMANCE TEST AND EVALUATION
was made from galvanizes steel pipe of diameter 82mm For the test, the following equipment and
for the outer diameter and 80mm for the inner diameter material were used:
and welded to the small sheet metal (circular) of 1. Stop watch
thickness 2mm of radius 55mm. The magnetic disks 2. Multi meter
when coupled with the stator forms the generator. It's a 3. Diode rectifier (D.C converter)
two circular metal plate of 322mm diameter and 5mm 4. Calculator
thickness with magnets on it. The magnetic disks when 5. Voltage regulator
coupled with the stator forms the generator.. The 25mm 6. Led light
x 50mm x 10mm Neodymium magnet (NdFeB) grade 7. Bread board
N50 is arranged round on the two magnetic disks plate 8. Recording materials (paper and pen)
in north and south orientation. The magnetic disks
wit0h the 12magnets on each plate are mounted on rotor TEST PROCEDURE
such that the each magnetic plate is facing each other so The first step involved measurement of the
that the required magnetic circuit can be created. speed of the turbine blade in rev/min. This was
achieved by the rotation of the wind blade at different
The blade being one of the components of the wind speed. A stop watch was also used to determine
rotor was fabricated using lighter aluminum pan/sheet the time in seconds after each revolution of the wind
which allows for easy rotation by the wind. The frame turbine blade.
of the blade was made from flat bar and square rod.
Each blade consists of three square rod of height The second step was to determine the amount
800mm each and three flat bar of 440mm. The flat bar of EMF (volt) and amount of current generated by the
was used to form the curved part of the blade and was turbine. This was achieved by connection of the diode
welded to the square rod. rectifier to the stator terminal which was then connected
to the voltage regulator for stable voltage
TURBINE The multi-meter was used to measure the
The first step to be taken in the operation of voltage and the current output.
the wind turbine is when wind turns turbine blades,

Table 2: Result of Performance Test

S/N RPM Emf (volt) DC CURRENT (A)
1 0 0 0
2 45 6 3.3
3 55 8 2.5
4 60 9.5 2.1
5 70 11 1.82
6 80 12 1.67
7 90 13 1.54

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Fig-6: Graph of Electromotive Force against Revolution Per Minute

DISCUSSION ON THE PERFORMANCE TESTS speed increases, there is increase in voltage and this in
From the graph above, the speed of the turbine turn implies a watt change at different speeds. This also
was gotten by running it with an electric motor and the implies that when there is high wind, there is a higher
rpm was taken and the voltage output was taken with a rpm.
multimeter. From the graph also, we find out that as the

Table 3: Bill of Materials

1 Neodymium Magnet 30 pcs 2,000 60,000
2 Copper Wire 5kg 1,100 5,500
3 Spindle 1pcs 1,500 1,500
4 Sheet Metal 2pcs 1,500 3,000
5 Aluminium Sheet 2500 X 2500mm 1,800 1,800
6 Rivet 30pcs 10 300
7 Galvanized pipe 1pcs 300 300
8 Epoxy Resin 2Cans 8,000 16,000
9 Flat Bar 2pcs 650 1,300
10 Square Rod 3pcs 400 1,200
11 Pole 3pcs 1,000 3,000
12 Screw, nut, washer 2,200
13 TOTAL 96,100

CONCLUSIONS there is no cost for fueling. The turbine is mainly for

In the world today, most machines are small scale use, operation and maintenance. Result of
designed with the aim of limiting greenhouse gas the test shows that the turbine has an efficiency of 80%.
emissions which is a major cause of climate change. The turbine capacity is adequate for its purpose and has
Non-renewable source of energy looks to be slowly been proven to be efficient in generation of current.
losing its dominance. Through innovative ideas in
technology, renewable sources of energy have been In recommendation, the federal government
tapped to provide this clean energy. should embark on the project of wind turbine which
helps to solve the problem of global warming and still
By using this clean source of renewable source produces electric power.
of energy, not only will it reduce the money spent on
electricity bills but also help our planet recover from the REFERENCES
effects of pollution and therefore reduce emission of 1. Manwell, J. F., McGowan, J. G., & Rogers, A. L.
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fabricated and tested to meet the challenge of Shaft Transverse to take Flow of Current’’ US
environmental pollution and low cost of operation since Patent NO. 1.835.018,

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3. Peace, S. (2004). Another Approach to Wind.
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4. Smith, D. R. (1987). The Wind Farm at Altamont
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(2001). the history and state of the art of variable-
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