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Values Education (Research Paper)

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The document discusses the importance of values education and its impact on students' lives. It aims to determine the effects of values education on students at Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science-Technology High School.

The purpose of the study is to determine or to know the effects of Values Education on the everyday lives of students of Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science- Technology High School. It also aims to help the students develop and improve their knowledge about Values Education.

Values education is a process of teaching and learning about ideals that society deems important. It influences behavior and attitude and builds qualities like humility, strength and honesty. It relays social, moral, integrity, character and spirituality.


This research paper is composed with facts, information and book/internet

sources that we gathered. We, the Group 10 Researchers would like to express our
deepest appreciation to our English 10 teacher, Mrs. Charlie I. Soriano for giving us
opportunity to conduct a research paper. We would like to thank her for inspiring us,
giving us guidance in all outputs that we have done.
We would like to thank our beloved parents, who supported us from the
beginning until we finished this book.
We also like to thank also our reviser, Ms. Lai Dayanghirang for revising and
improving our research paper and for giving us helpful information that helps us to
complete this book.
Also, we like to thank the people who answered all the survey. Without them our
research paper wouldnt be complete.
Lastly, we would like to thank our Lord God for giving us strength, wisdom and

-The Researchers

Values Education has a big impact in all students; values influences all aspects
of school life. It determines what students learn, how they learn and the way they learn.
It influences all actions and decisions of school, not only in classroom but in the wider
community. Values Education involves strategies that assists students to explore,
discuss, analyze and act in the context of their learning and their interaction with others.
The purpose if this study is to determine or to know the effects of Values
Education on the everyday lives of students of Don Alejandro Roces Sr. ScienceTechnology High School. This study involves the effect of values education in students,
survey forms for the students. This study aims to help the students develop and improve
their knowledge about Values Education.

Chapter 1
Change is constant.
In the 21st century, together with the improving technology, students do not give
much importance to their Values Education subject. In line with this, they will skip that
class and in result, they would not know a single lesson. Because of this, many students
are entering school without basic values education. All of the people know that
technology and education are partners to teach the students easily. The Department of
Education imprinted module in the different subjects for the K-12 curriculum. Even all of
the students had a module, they chose to download the digital module so that they will
not carry books but they will pick out their phone and play games. Values Education has
never been out of style. It is very relevant in almost all the fields concerning human
In this study, the researchers will find out why Values Education is important and
the impact of Values Education to every student. The purpose of the study is to provide
a sound and informed basis from which improved values education can be developed
and promoted in all schools. The researchers will also find out the causes and effects of

Background of the Study

Values Education is a process of teaching and learning about the ideals that a
society deems important (Department of Education, Science and Training 2005; Lovat &
Toomey 2007; Robb 2008). Values Education is used to influence the behavior and
attitude of the students. Arweck and Nesbitt state that values-based education can be
seen as a kind of tool-kit for children and young people as well as adults in thinking
about the values in their lives, applying them in dealing with relationships and social
situations, and shaping attitudes towards others, property, and social structures. While
Milson and Mehlig state that character education is commonly defined as the process
of developing in students an understanding of, commitment to, and tendency to behave
in accordance with core ethical values.
Values based education relay social, moral, integrity, character, spirituality etc.
It builds the qualities of humility, strength and honesty in a person. They become better
subject of a country. People with high ethical values will never cheat others and will
never think badly. People are taught to co-operate with each other. They make their life
happier and work hard to make other happy. But nowadays students do not know then
real meaning and importance of Values Education, according to Department of
Education, University of Lucknow, Lucknow 226007, Uttar Pradesh, in near future if
we failed to incorporate the essential value based Education in our children, the whole
meaning of education will be lost in this materialistic world.

Objective of the Study

The main objective of this is to know the Impact of Values Education on the
everyday lives of students. This will be achieved thorough the following specific
1. To inspire students to develop their personality and social values based on the
principles of Values Education.
2. To develop character in human personality with purity in consciousness, peace of

mind and prosperity in mind.

To promote high Values Education.
To make every student aware of his rights and responsibilities.
To enable schools to develop, demonstrate current practice in Values Education.
To raise awareness through Values Education.

Conceptual Framework
A research might want to know if there is any research evidence to support the
claims of Living Values Education. Basically a University in Australia (2004)
conducted its own research which proved that there is a great impact in the students
The best example was the student performance and behavior in the classroom.
Nowadays, students tend to be rude to values teacher or educator thus, they think
that the subject was easy and they are taking it for granted so as a result most
students cut classes because of boredom, they do not participate anymore because
they are thinking that the subject is boring and useless and also most students think
that values teachers or educators are nice so it is okay not to participate. In this case,
the educator was taken for granted. They think that Values Education is not that
important like the other subjects they have.
So below is the illustration of the Independent and Dependent Variables of the
Impact of Values Education on everyday lives of students. Here are the reasons and
the outcomes of the said study.

Independent and Dependent Variable

Independent Variable

Students understand the lessons

well due to an effective way of
teaching and a well-trained

Dependent Variable
Students behavior

The students are showing respect

because they are well educated.

Students cut classes because the subject

itself is boring and so as the educator.

Students thought that the subject was

easy and they know it already.

Students took the subject and educator

for granted.

Students tend to use the subject as free

time since they dont want to prioritize it.

Final Notes
Positive stories from educators as well as educator evaluations have been
collected from teachers implementing Living Values Education Program around the
world. The most frequent themes noted in the reports are positive changes in teacherstudent and student-student relationships both inside and outside the classroom.
Educators note an increase in respect, caring, cooperation, motivation, confidence and
the ability to solve conflicts on the part of the students. Aggressive behaviors decline as
positive social skills and respect increase. LVEP helps educators create caring, valuesbased atmospheres for quality learning.

Statement of the Problem

Most of the students of Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science- Technology High
School do not make efforts to their subject Values Education or Edukasyon sa
Pagpapakatao. It seems like they do not prioritize it because they thought having values
education as their subject is terrible, boring and most of all, not helpful in their lives.
Also, they think that Values Education is just a minor subject that they do not have to
make time to review when it comes to periodical test and long test. They do not see
Values Education as a helpful one because they do not take it seriously. The purpose if
this study is to determine how Values Education affects students behavior. The need for
the value education in todays context cannot be overemphasized. The attitude of
todays young generation made the researchers think twice that the implementation of
values and moral education is a must for the youth. Even the behavior of the youth
towards the elders in discourteous ways is really worrisome. Values Education are
implemented in every school, but deis student know how to deal with it? If Values
Education can help us build our own selves, make good decision in our life it develops
emotional intelligence by sharing our feelings and lastly it strengthens the spiritual
aspects of a persons life. The Values Education has an important part in our studies,
because success in life does not always rely on academics. But in our generation right
now it viewed that other students do not take Values Education seriously.

Stating the Hypothesis

In this part, it will tackle about the hypotheses of the researchers (Group # 10).
The researchers hypothesized that if the students of Roces High School take the
Values Subject solemnly and if they study hard for it, their marks in the said subject will
get higher and the pupils might change their perspective in life.
On the other hand, if the students of Roces High School do not take the Values
Subject seriously or by not focusing on the teacher and instead they make noise with
his/her classmate, their marks will get lower; their lives might be in the wrong path.
By over estimating their skills and talents, the students always thought they will
pass the test in Values because some of the pupils it is so easy to guess the word.

Significance of the Study

This study is done by the Grade 10 students of Don Alejandro Roces Sr.
Science- Technology High School to find out if the subject Values Education or
Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao is important.
Benefitting the study are the various sectors:

The Students
The direct recipients of this research are the students who lack interests in their
values subject and the ones who think that values education do not really matter in their
lives. To become upstanding members of the school, they need to know the proper way
to treat other people through Values Education.

The Teachers
This will be beneficial to the teachers to understand the behavior of the students
in their class and why do most of the students learn nothing even if they did their best
as their teacher and to know their duty to impact values education to their students.

The Parents
For the parents to understand why their children do receive a low grade in values
education. And also to know the effects of Values Education in their children.


Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study is about the Impact of Values Education on the everyday lives of
students of Roces High School. Values Education has a big impact in every student, but
in this generation, values education is a big problem in their mind specially in school.
Values Education programs are proactive approaches to improve discipline in the
schools, but do they make a difference? Values Education is really
important, past or present generations. It is good if values education is carried forward
from the school to all levels. The sad part I that it is not taken seriously. Students are not
at all interested and hardly pay attention to this subject. (Rishabh Auroras, BBm) Values
Education is very important for everyone as it explains what value each individual has to
inculcate. It may sound very boring and unwanted but the values that are put into us by
the teachers from an integral part of our lives. The main thing is to have an unperturbed
conscience. These classes also act like a reminder to be sure that we have the right
thinking and to bring back to track our thoughts.
This study directly involves students, teachers, and parents. This study aims to
deepen our knowledge about values education in our generation. The teachers who are
the source of inspiration of the students, and parents who will help us to understand
more about values education.
The researchers set a survey to the students (high school) of Roces High School
to know how many students take values education seriously, and how many students
take it seriously.


Definition of Terms
For clearer understanding of the terms used in this study, below are their meanings:
Academic subject- The term core academic subjects means English, reading or
language arts, mathematics, science, foreign languages, civics and government,
economics, arts, history, and geography. The academic subjects taught at various types
of general-education schools, the areas of specialization at specialized educational
institutions, and the interrelationships and sequence of the study are determined by the
Beneficial- The definition of beneficial is something that has a positive effect or
achieves a good result.
Core ethical values- Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and
citizenship are six core ethical values. Using core ethical values as the basis for the
ethical thinking can help detect situations where we focus so hard on upholding one
value that we sacrifice another eg we are loyal to friends and so do not always tell the
truth about their actions.
Dependent variables- The values that result from the independent variables.
Emotional intelligence(EL)- The ability to manage emotions, including the ability to
regulate your own emotions, and the ability to cheer up or calm down another person. Is
the ability of individuals to recognize their own and other peoples emotions, to
discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and to use
emotional information to guide thinking and behavior?


Essential value- is an ethical and philosophic property. It is the ethical or philosophic

value that an object has in itself or for its own sake, as an intrinsic property. An object
with intrinsic value may be regarded as an end or (in Kantian terminology) end-in-itself.
Other names for intrinsic value are terminal value, essential value.
Impart- It means to pass on, transmit, or bestow. If you share this with your study
partner, you are imparting your new wisdom.
Independent Variable- The values that can be changed in a given model or equation.
They provide the input which is modified by the model to change the output.
LVEP- Living Values Educational Program started as an outreach programme for the
Brahma Kumaris religious organization, called Sharing Our Values for a Better World in
1995. Reated primarily by a Brahma Kumari adherent Diane Tillman, with other Brahma
Kumari followers as co-authors, Living Values was born out of an earlier Brahma Kumari
international publicity campaign called, Global Cooperation for a Better World.
Materialistic- excessively concerned with physical comforts or the acquisition of wealth
and material possessions, rather than with spiritual, intellectual, or cultural values. A
way of thinking that gives too much importance to material possessions rather than to
spiritual or intellectual things.
Negligibly- so small, trifling, or unimportant as to be not worth considering;
Unprioritized- past removal of an item from a list of priorities, duw to a degrading of an
items importance or need to be completed. NOT prioritize.


Chapter 2
Review and Literature
Values Education is a subject taken by students from elementary to High School.
Sometimes, students still take this still college; depending on the course theyre taking.
Through the years of being a student, its not possible for one to not prioritize the Major
subject rather than the minor ones. But on their list of priorities, a lot may have the same
least important subject and that is Values Education. Based from the Department of
Education, students question the importance of the said subject. Teachers form different
schools are continuously reporting regarding their students attitude towards then
subject itself. Some are complaining about the lack of interest of the pupil and the
behavior they are showing in the class. Students are found cutting classes, doing
unrelated things and usage of gadgets such as tablets, mobile phones, cameras etc.
were observed. This shows an act of disrespecting and improper manners which
challenged the teachers to discipline their students more and be their role model. The
main reason why this subject is taught basically for 12 years in school is to help mold
the students traits or characteristics or improve it at least. In this research paper, the
researcher is going to give brief information and facts as to why students misbehave
during the subject of Values Education. We hope that this could be a big help to those
who face a problem regarding this matter. This chapter is all about the review and


Historical Overview
Brief Historical Background of Values Education in the Philippines.
Based on Eric Agustine, for the past few years the most popular traditional
approaches used in teaching Values Education are values clarification (Raths, et. Al.
1966), cognitive development approach (Kohlberg, 1984) and character education
(Lickona, 1991).
In the pre-colonial times the Philippines has no formal politics, religions, laws, but
only informal ones. Philippines native or the Filipinos value diplomatic skills in order to
maintain peaceful co-existence with their neighboring communities, as well as, survival
skills like hunting, farming and fishing.
In Spanish colonial era the Spaniards for practically 4 centuries made the Filipino
complacent being their vassals for Spain. Spaniards were dominant in making the
Indios, the Spaniards used this for Filipinos during those colonial years submissive
using the Catholic religion and salvation. Filipinos value the prevailing religious system
by being subservient to the Spanish religious and even economic and political
In the American Occupation, little did the Filipinos realize that, immediately after
the Spaniards left the Philippine shores, the Americans were later became their
masters. The Americans established new political structures, socio-economic ideologies
and most importantly, schools across the Philippine islands as their most effective
methods of appeasing restless Filipino natives. American teachers taught Filipinos how
to read and write using the English language, American National Anthem, American
history and geography, American heroes, etc. The school subjects that concerned moral


education consist of civics, good manners and right conduct or the GMRC, and
character education whereas religious instruction became optional. Some of the Filipino
values during the era are: freedom to choose ones religion, submissive reverence to
accepted authorities, self-reliance, patriotism, loyalty, autonomy, and national unity.
In the Japanese era, the Japanese introduces the Far East Asian Co-Prosperity
Sphere of the FEACS. Philippine public school buildings and educational materials were
destroyed and then the Japanese established their schools for those who want to have
education. These were devastating effects to the social values of the Filipinos
considering that they also suffered the conquerors brutalities because of its ultranationalism and culture. However, Filipinos were adamant in fighting with the American
until the end of the war. There was consequently massive rebuilding not only of political
leadership, infrastructure, but also the values of the nation wrecked by the war.
In the Martial Law period, educational development Act of 1972 mandated the
maximum contribution towards the attainment of national goals such as economic
advancement, heightened national consciousness, moral progress, and promotion of
desirable cultural values. However, the 14 years of authoritarianism and repressions
under the Martial Law, there was a failure to restore the failing public educational
system. While in the post-martial period it was the 1986 EDSA Revolution that inspired
many Filipinos to place premium in liberty, respect for human rights, peace, and justice.
The 1987 Philippine constitution stipulates theoretically free public education for all
Filipinos (Doyle, 2005) wherein all schools should inculcate nationalism and patriotism,
appreciation of the roles of national heroes in historical development, respect for human
rights and duties of citizenship, strengthen ethical and spiritual values, foster love of


humanity, encourage creative and critical thinking, development of personal discipline

and moral character, promotion of vocational efficiency, and broadening of scientific and
technological knowledge [Article XIV Section 3 (2)].
On the other hand, seven of the subjects (that is Filipino, Social Studies, English,
Math, Science, Practical Arts, and Youth Development Training) at the secondary school
were instrumental in teaching values to students. Approaches the strategies used were,
as follows: direct teaching, indirect approach, modular approach, values clarification,
values integration, and other approaches used in the elementary school level. At ye
tertiary level, there is no prescribed VE for undergraduate students except in curriculum
of the Bachelor in Secondary Education major in VE (subjects range from Philippine
value system, desirable and preferred beliefs/values, and values orientation/
adaptation /modification). The teaching approaches and strategies used are similar to
those used in the elementary and secondary levels, and the various methods used are
observation, conceptual analysis, case studies, and so forth. However, 50 years after
the said congress report above, population, urbanization, demands for more social
services, and so forth were still problems and issues confronting the Filipino people and
have direct effect to the value/belief systems.
In the Contemporary Period, DepEd envisions itself as a globally recognized
institution whose national goals are social justice, freedom, prosperity and unity when
Filipinos are God-Loving and functionally literate individuals (Nueva, n.d.). Definitively,
even DepEds various regional and division levels sense of purpose are essentially the
same: a region/ division that is God-loving/God-centered, transforming/value-driven,


holistic/systematic, as well as, highly technological. This will ensure the delivery of
quality basic education services for completely sustainable development.
Values Education is included in the elementary level as Good Moral and Right
Conduct (GMRC), as Homeroom Guidance, and Values Education, which is integrated
across subject areas in the secondary level. For the new K-12 program, Values
Education will be a separate subject in the junior years of secondary schooling.
At present, DepEd has taken the bold stride for a K to 12 education, which
formerly is one of the shortest worldwide (Clark, 2004) as recommended by past reports
due to the quality and state of education decades ago. According Turban and Catalan
(2912), There were educational issues and concerns confronting the nation such as the
role of education in national development and globalization, unresponsive curriculum to
Filipinos basic needs, and improper monitoring of constantly implemented educational
programs/reforms. Moreover, students international competitiveness in the global
community such that programs, facilities, instructional materials, and strategies must be
aligned with international accreditation standards.
DepEds K-12 program, or the addition of 2 more years, is a clear sign of the
alignment of the countrys basic education to the globalization requirements. However,
there are still accompanying issues (e.g., limited budgetary appropriations, poor
facilities, errors in textbooks contents, and a lot more) that should be taken into
imminent considerations because of its impact on later years of our graduates
employability competencies. There are educational reforms that did not transform such
as the Bridge Program (Bautista, Bernardo, Ocampo, 2008), wherein after its one year
of implementation, it has been suddenly, stopped without due to notice to all concerned,


especially, among students who had to repeat grade 6 to enter high school. these
problems and issues in education beget problems after problems (Trewby, 2007).

Importance of Values Education

Teachers are only given 1-hour time and twice a week in teaching Values
Education. It means that students are only given this kind of schedule to learn in their
values subject. Nowadays students tend to skip their class in this subject. Some
teachers are putting more emphasis on marks obtained by students rather than
evaluating them as a whole whether they are ready to face ups and downs of life or not.
And other parents are choosing the school which is better and high in academic
subjects, neglecting the other aspects of education.
Values Education is important to help prepare the students to face the many
opportunities and unknown dangers that are in today's society. Teenagers these days
get exposed to literally thousands of negative influences through the media and their
peers every day, add to this the sad fact that parents are spending less time with their
children. Students need to know how to handle these pressures and values education
will give them the tools that they need. Teaching values education is more important
than ever. As parents and educators, they are childrens biggest and number one
influences; and it is our responsibility to teach the proper values education so that they
may grow up to be caring, confident and respectful adults. Building character education
and proper values education also helps them to interact properly with their teachers and
fellow students, turning their classroom into a better learning environment. Values
Education is being taught and included in all levels because it plays a very important
role for students to become successful in their own choice of careers. Values are both


caught and taught values are caught by children as much as they are taughtwhich
further emphasizes the fact that we must provide and be a good example for our youth
nowadays. Without values and respect, it could negatively impact the students sense of
right from wrong. Students spent a majority of their time at school; teachers are tasked
with the job of helping students to see that values are not only an important part of the
educational process but also to their overall development as an individual. Values
Education taught for them to become upstanding members of their communities, they
need to know the proper way to treat other people, and these are the things that they
learn and understand through values education. Values Education has a big impact in
every student. Current education system which is shorn of the teaching and inculcation
of the values system has miserably failed. Education must not be merely academic and
abstract. Values education equips the children to cope adequately with life. Values
Education helps us find ourselves and it gives us additional knowledge about life that
we could use someday.


Review and Prescription and Attitudes

Students throughout the population face the same needs, the same challenges,
and the same realities in their lives. Perhaps more privileged youngsters have been
able to struggle with them better because they've had more nurturing, better role
models, wider opportunities, and so forth. (Steve Johnson)
I think a lot of people are afraid of the kind society we're becoming. Oftentimes,
they think there's some significant difference between kids today and kids "like we
were," and they believe things are deteriorating.
I'm not sure things are deteriorating, but we're all often startled by the world we
see. Some people find it easy to blame the schools and say, "The problem is based on
character defects, and the schools should teach character." Others say it's about
parents and the need for them to take their jobs more seriously.
I think we've almost lost interest in raising children in this society, and a good
deal of our problem comes from that. Kids today spend more time with their peers and
less time with adults than has ever been true in history. The result is that kids socialize
one another.
If we want to have more impact on our children's values, we have to be willing to
devote more time to them. I remember the myth of the one-minute manager and that


somehow you could apply this to parenting. But it's not about quality time; it's about
The interest in character education is very much from parents and schools
feeling that they're not doing a good enough job and asking, "How can we better
influence the kind of people that our kids become?" (Steve Johnson).

Chapter 3
This chapter discusses the methodology that is used in this study. This chapter
tackled the Research Design, Respondents of the study, Research Instruments,
Validation of the Instruments, and Procedure. This research study was conducted based
on the methodology. This methodology plays an important part in implementing this
research study accordingly. The details of the methodology are explained in details in
this chapter.


Research Design
This was a multi-case study of the impact of values education on everyday lives
of students of Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science-Technology High School. Case study
research, according to (Department of Education, Science and Training 2005; Lovat &
Toomey 2007; Robb 2008), the underlying aim is for students not only to understand the
values, but also to reflect them in their attitudes and behavior, and contribute to society
through good citizenship and ethical practice. This study dealt with what is the impact
of values education on everyday lives of students. This research described what is/are
the impact of values education on everyday lives of students and how they can share it
to other and how they can use it in their lives. Case study research is similar to historical
research except that it can include direct observations and systematic interviews that
are usually not available in historical research. This research included both. In summary,
this research attempted to describe what is the impact of values education on everyday
lives of students.
Just like at the classroom level, school level, and community level. Based
on (Department of Education, Science and Training 2005; Lovat & Toomey 2007; Robb
2008), at the classroom level students engage in a variety of activities designed to make
them more aware of certain values and how they apply to everyday life in and out of
school. The activities range from discussions based on moral dilemmas through to
philosophical activities such as Socratic circles, to the analysis of media and
communication to reveal underlying value messages. There were several examples
where classes from the same cluster of schools were involved in an explicit values


education curriculum and related pedagogy. For example, senior primary students were
engaged in lessons that aimed to explore a particular value in terms of its meaning, its
relative importance to different people and how it might be enacted in day-to-day life.
This necessitated the use of values analysis, a strategy consistent with critical
pedagogy through the processes of reflection and evaluation involved (Wink 2011).
While on the school level, values are taught directly and indirectly as a result of school
history, background or religious affiliation. This will obviously influence the shape of the
curriculum and the pedagogy at the classroom level. For example, St Aloysius College
is a school for boys from years 3 to 12 in northern Sydney, run by the Jesuit order. The
College aspires to the formation of their students in the Ignatian tradition of education,
producing students who combine spiritual maturity and academic excellence and
rounded social and physical development: men of competence, conscience and
compassion (St Aloysius College 2007). The Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm
(IPP) aims to transform the way people think, act and live in the world. The most
marked manifestation of the IPP at the school is a strong commitment to service
learning. Service learning is a significant part of values education as students critically
explore and enact values in a real life setting (Knight 1998). All students at St Aloysius
College are required to participate in service learning through activities ranging from
fundraising for local charities to cultural immersions in other countries such as the
Philippines. These particular initiatives are invaluable and exemplify the Jesuit tradition
of forming people who are thoughtful and respectful of the needs of others, and who are
not afraid to act on values related to this such as compassion, understanding and


integrity. Then, at the community level values are explored as a result of interaction with
the wider community or other schools.
Service learning is, of course, also an example of how values education
works at the community level as well as being a school level activity. There are other
ways in which schools and their communities can interlink to provide values education
experiences. The Interschool Harmony Committee (IHC) provides an example of how
several schools and their communities have joined forces to provide dynamic and
engaging values education. The IHC was the brainchild of Mohammad Mokachar,
Director of Al Zahra College, who formed the group in 2003. It comprises two Islamic
schools, two Catholic schools and four state schools in southern Sydney. This group of
schools have explored core values such as respect, understanding and inclusion
through combined interschool activities. The students have in the past produced public
drama performances and even a commercially published childrens book. The
book, Going Bush by acclaimed author Nadia Wheatley (2007), was based on what the
students learned about these values in relation to harmonic relationships between
different communities and respect for the local environment and its Aboriginal
custodians. The book has since been awarded several prizes, including the 2008
Wilderness Society Environment Award for Children's Literature and the CBCA Picture
Book of the Year Award from the same year. This is a fine example of how values
education at the community level can yield tangible results which in turn may benefit a
far wider community, national and international. In 2007 staff members from seven
member schools participated in a professional development program about the various
methodologies used in values education. Strategies included discussion of moral


dilemmas, values analysis and structured inquiry (the latter two being relatively new
strategies for the teachers). Over the following six weeks the teachers tried out these
strategies in their classrooms. Their work was presented at a follow-up professional
development session, which this time included parents and other members of the
community as a participative audience. The seven schools later held a formal concert
for members of all their school communities. Each school presented a dramatic
performance that demonstrated certain values in action. For example, students from
one school demonstrated the values of care and compassion in a slow-motion action
sequence where the leader in a running race sees a competitor fall and abandons their
place to help the fallen athlete. Students from all the schools then combined to perform
a play about respect and responsibility. For the very proud students this was a great
opportunity to work with one another again and demonstrate what they had learned
together to a wider audience. For the community audience (which also included
representatives from school systems and ethnic associations) it was a chance to see
how values education could bring people from different backgrounds together and work
on common goals.
This study focused on the Impacts of values education on everyday lives
of students at the classroom level, school level, and community level. Even though most
students of Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science-Technology High School did not take
values education seriously we can encourage them to take it seriously because it has
an impact to us in our everyday lives as a student.


Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are the students of Don Alejandro Roces Sr.
Science-Technology High School from grade 7 to grade 10 students and some college
students who are former students of the Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science-Technology
High School.
They were the ones who are knowledgeable enough to answer the problems posed
in the present study. They answered the questionnaire that the researchers gave them
which supplies the information that the researchers need.


Research Instruments
To provide and gathered as much informative and relative evaluation descriptive
method was used. The main tool used in this study was the researchers prepared
questioners that the respondents are the students of Don Alejandro Roces Sr. ScienceTechnology High School. This draft of questioners was drags out based on the
researchers previous studies, informations, readings, books and internet sources. The
questioners were used as the main data-gathering instrument for this study. The first
part is about the profile of the respondents such as name, year & section, age, and
gender. The second part is the questions that need to be answered by the student.


Year & Section:



1. Do you take your Values Subject seriously? Why?

2. Do you skip class in your Values Subject? Why?

3. On a scale of 1-10, how interested are you in your Values Subject?
Not Interested



4. Rank 1-5 reasons why students tend to skip class in their Values Subject.
Not interested
Waste of time
Because of the teacher
Least prioritize subject
The subject itself is boring

Others, specify
5. How do you find Values Education as a subject?




6. What do you usually do during your Values Subject?

Having a conversation with your friends
Doing your requirements in other subject
Attend class and listen attentively
Other actions:

7. On a scale of 1-10 how important Values Education for you? Why?

8. Do you experience difficulties in outliving your personal values and to apply this
properly? Why?


Validation of the Instruments

The instrument used to collect data are made by the researchers. The
researchers have conducted a pilot study to test the instrument which includes the
survey researchers made and ask some students of Don Alejandro Roces Sr. ScienceTechnology High School from students Grade 7 to Grade 10 and some former students
of the said school.


The title proposed by the researchers was approved, revised, and rechecked by
the researchers reviser to maintain the accordance to the topic of the research. The
survey questioners that aims to drag out proper responses on the objectives of this
study. Survey questioners made by the researchers was presented to analyzed and
checked by our English/Research Adviser to ensure the credibility of the responses.
Date gathered from the survey forms were checked, analyzed and tabulated by
the researchers and we found out that the impact of values education on the everyday
lives of students of Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science-Technology High School.


Chapter 4
Presentation, Analysis, Interpretation and Survey Results
This chapter provided the gathered data and the researchers analysis and
interpretation of the results of the distributed surveys in Don Alejandro Roces Sr.
Science- Technology High School. The data were presented in a clear and concise
form, most which used graphs and tables. The purpose of this study was to identify or to
know the Impact of values education on the everyday lives of students of DARSSTHS.
This chapter contains the analysis, presentation and interpretation of the findings
resulting from this study. This part of the study shall be discussing the findings based on
the self-administered questionnaire provided by the researcher group #10.


Presentation, analysis, interpretation of data

A total of 60 questioners distributed to different year levels, only 51 questioners
were completed and the remaining 9 were missing, or not returned.

Respondents ages


















This table shows the age categories in our survey who took part in achieving the
questionnaires. The percentage in this table shows that the portion of questionnaires to
different groups was in no way influenced by bias. It is a true reflection of the
researchers fairness in the distribution of questionnaires.

Gender of respondents













This table shows that the 64.70% were female respondents and the 35.30% were
male respondents.

QUESTION 1: Do you take your Values Subject seriously?



















The table and the graph shows that out of 51 respondents only 29.41% said that
they ALWAYS take values education seriously, and only 3.92% said that they NEVER
take values education seriously. The majority of the respondents do not take values
education as a subject seriously. SOMETIMES has 34 respondents giving 66.67%.

QUESTION 2: Do you skip class in your Values Subject?






















The table and the graph shows that over half of the students respondents, the 35
respondents has 68.62% said that they NEVER try to ditch class in their values
education subject. The remaining 16 students respondents has a percentage of 31.37%
said that SOMETIMES they tried to cut class. And no one answered ALWAYS.

QUESTION 3: On a scale of 1-10, how interested are you in your Values Subject?



















4% 2%8%






The table and graph shows that out of 51 students respondents 1.96% said that
values education is not interesting, while the 25.49% said that values education is a little
bit interesting subject. And only 3.92% said that values subject is interesting.

QUESTION 4: Rank 1-5 reasons why students tend to skip class in their Values












51 100%








51 100%









51 100%








51 100%

Waste of
Because of
the teacher


The subject
itself is








51 100%


The table and the graph shows the ranking of why students tend to skip class in their
values subject the most reason why students tend to skip class in because it is least
prioritize it has 37.25%, while the second reason was because of the teacher itself it has
25.49%, the third reason was the subject itself is boring it has 35.29%, the fourth reason
was waste of time it has 35.29%. And the last reason is they are not interested to learn
in this subject it has 39.21%.

QUESTION 5: How do you find Values Education as a subject?

























The table and the graph shows that out of 51 students respondents 31 respondents that
has 60.78% said that values education as a subject is boring, while 14 respondents that
has 27.45% said that values education as a subject is fun. The 8 respondents that has
13.79% said that values education as a subject is exciting, and the 5 respondents that
has 9.80% said other thought about how they find values education as a subject.

QUESTION 6: What do you usually do during your Values Subject?





Having a conversation with









your friends
Doing your requirements in
other subject
Attend class and listen
Other actions








The table and the graph shows the things that are mostly doing by the students
in their class in values education. Out of 51 students respondents 27 respondents that
has 32.14% doing their requirements in their other subjects. The 26 respondents has
30.95% is having a conversation with their friends, while the 15 respondents that has
17.38% is attending their class and listening attentively everyday. The 14 respondents
that has 16.67% is eating in their values education subject. And the remaining 2
respondents that has 2.38% said other things they were doing while in their values



On a scale of 1-10 how important Values Education for you?





















2% 4%







Out of 51 students respondents only 10 respondents that has 19.61% said that
Values Education is important. While 11 respondents that has 21.57% are still confuse


about the importance of Values Education in their lives. And only 1 respondent confess
that Values Education is not important in everyones life.


Do you experience difficulties in outliving your personal values and

to apply this properly?





















The table and the graph explains that out of 51 students respondents, 41
respondents that has 80.39% said that they SOMETIMES experience difficulties in
outliving their personal values in life. While 2 respondents that has 3.92% said that they
ALWAYS experience difficulties in outliving their personal values in life. And the
remaining 9 respondents that has 17.65% said that they NEVER experience any
difficulties in outliving their personal values in life.

Survey Result
58.98% of the students respondents made a decision that Values Education
SOMETIMES has an impact in their daily lives. And the minority of 41.02% said that
Values Education ALWAYS have an impact on their daily lives.
Their decision and their answers also differ because of the maturity of their actions
and mind. Some students did not take values education seriously because they did not
prioritize it and because of the teacher and the teachers teaching method that tend
them to cut class. Even some students did not attempt to cut class, their presence and
focus is not with the subject and also to the teacher but instead it is in their seatmates
and in their requirements in other subjects. That result them for having a difficulty in
outliving their personal values in life. With the survey result we found out that 4 out of 10
students take values seriously and the remaining 6 are still undecided about the impact
of values education in their lives.


Chapter 5
The topic, the problem, the Impact of Values Education on the Everyday lives of
students of Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science-Technology High School is nearly finished
and have solutions to it.
The previous chapter is all about the conducted survey, the tallied and graphed
data and results from all the questionnaires answered by 51 students (current students
and alumni) of Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science-Technology High School.
Summarizing, writing a conclusion, and recommendation of a research is very
important so that people will understand its impact.
In this chapter, it will tackle about the Summary of Findings, Conclusion and
Recommendation on how can the students of Don Alejandro Roces Sr. ScienceTechnology High School outlive Values Education in their lives.


Summary of Findins
The dominant purpose of this study was to distinguish the Impact of Values
Education in everyday lives of students of Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science-Technology
High School. To grasp the goal, it became required to reach some important goals.
Defining what Values Education means and the impact of it in the daily lives of students
in Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science-Technology High School was highly recognized
during the literature overview. To have a complete and reliable research, it was so very
significant to build a friendship and have a communication between the leader and
her/his co-researchers. Once these fundamental steps were accomplished, this
research was able to go further.
There were 2 versions of survey made and given to students of Don Alejandro
Roces Sr. Science-Technology High School. The first one is the digital form (a soft copy)
and the other one is printed (hard copy) of the prepared survey. Those surveys can only
be answered by all the students of Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science-Technology High
All the respondents were made to answer an 8-questioned survey about the
Impact of Values Subject of the school. They were asked to rate how interested they
were in Values Education, rank the reasons why students ditch class during Values
Subject and gave their opinions how they find the Values Education as a subject. After
the researchers conducted the survey, only 51 hard copies were returned. The 9
remaining forms were missing or misplaced. Using these surveys, informations were


collected and correlated to the research problem given in the first chapter of the
At last, the listed hypothesis was now all clear.

The students of Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science-Technology High School tend

to not take Values Education seriously.

If the teacher is boring, students also assumed that the subject is also boring

resulting them to ignore the teacher and rather talk to his/her seatmates.
According to the gathered opinion and ideas from the students of the school, they

do not apply or just involve Values Education negligibly.

They were not able to correlate the Values Education in the everyday life. Some
of them do not know how to live with it every single day and how to prioritize it.


The age and the gender of the respondents can be the factors why some
students have difficulty in outliving their personal values. In the gathered date, some
student who ages 16-17 years old answered the questioners truly and without the
opinion of other people. In Values Education, we dont just learn the essential
etiquettes in everyday lives but it also teaches us the limitations we should set
regarding our free will. Values Education is like an introductory course in psychology
and I think that is everyone should take seriously (Zara loayon).
Many students sometimes ditch their class in Values Subject. The main reason
why they cut their classes is because this is their least prioritize subject that they do
not have to save some time to make review for the long test and periodical exam.
Some students cut class if the topic is boring and so as the teacher. Even students
attend in their values class, they still not take it seriously; talking with their
seatmates, doing other requirements etc.
The respondents of the researchers survey were not all serious. It proves that
the students in the school are having some difficulties in outliving Values in their
daily lives. It also exposed that the practices of the mentors of the subject lacked in
preparation and the parents that was the first teacher of their child also lacked in
disciplining their children. There was no significant difference between the mentor
and the parents, they were both have responsibilities to change the students to be a
good citizen of the Philippine Republic.


Students these day gets exposed to the negative effects of technology like
playing games and social media sites. Add to the sad facts, the parents spending
less time with their children because of work-related pressure.
We should encourage each and every one of us to be a good citizen of our


We recommend this research book to the students who are still confuse about
the Impact of Values education in their lives. Values Education has a big part in our life
that can help us for the better future. This research paper helps to learn, know and
discover more about Values Education. By knowing or exploring the Impact of Values
Education we the students will overcome all the difficulties that we are facing right now.
Students attention should be focused on the ethical dimensions of stories, the
moral aspects of history, and applying the moral of a story to the students own life.
The following recommendation can help the student to be more active in Values

To take Values Education seriously, every school should have a program; that

tackled Values Education.

Understanding. Accepting other peoples differences and being aware of other.
Showing Respect. Treating others fair and with consideration and regard.
Inclusion and trust. Being included and including others, listening to one
anothers thoughts and feelings actively, and creating a climate of mutual

Proper guidance for all the students, for them to feel that everyone around them
is giving care about what they feel.


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