Final Portfolio
Final Portfolio
Final Portfolio
outside the classroom the student teachers practice what they have learned and are
supervised by the teachers from the university, cooperating teachers and school
Practice teaching is crucial part of every student teacher’s health during time
teachers are college students teaching under the supervision of a certified teacher in
Pre-service teachers are intended to create a portfolio not only for the
This practice teaching portfolio was prepared and developed to provide and
share experiences for those who will undergo and the same undertaking. Some
classroom difficulties and problems that we had encountered are mentioned, and the
lesson that we had learned. The greatest value of this practice teaching portfolio is
that it serves as the mirror of the practice teacher for their progress and achievement
in their practice teaching. And, this practice teaching portfolio was prepared to
expose the pre – service teacher experiences so that they can use it in relating
Another purpose of this practice teaching portfolio is that assess the pre-
service teacher’s learning for the preparation in the future life in facing the real world
of teaching. The pre- service teacher must do always their best in imparting
knowledge to the students. Just love your students will be embracing you too, with
the great things you’ve done for them not only in cognitive side but also in affective
Espanola, Palawan. The fifth among six childrens of Mr. Anastacio Duayan and Mrs.
School as a fourth honor student, continued her studies as a high school student and
graduated at Abo- Abo, National High School. She also enrolled herself in Technical
Education And Skills Development Authority (TESDA) for six (6) months and earned
her NC2. Voluntered at Salve Regina School and Special Olympics Philippines (SOP)
located in Tiniguiban, Puerto, Princesa City for three (3) years where she committed
herself full time teaching students with special needs. Her love and passion to teach
chidrens is what propelled her to volunteer, for she believe that childrens like them
deserved more than what the world and people can tell, they are born for a reason
and a purpose and that they carry something deep within them which only a
process. As a future teacher, I hoped that everyone can learn and that the reasonable
expectations that will challenge all learners are well maintained. They must also be
able to express their enthusiasm for learning and see all interactions as chances to
teach and learn. Because the fundamental goal of assessment is to increase learning,
it gives students an opportunity to exhibit what they know, and for their
acknowledge that concepts are built and subject to question or revision. We must
identify and adapt to individual variances and learning styles since learners are
unique and accountable for their own learning. We must also express concern and
understanding for each learner, as well as include and optimize the participation of
students in various skills and background. Learning also requires the ability to link
information, and settings. To do so, we must look for ways to draw on the diverse
personal, social, and cultural experience, knowledge, and abilities that learners
brings to new learning. Learning is improved when students are aware of how they
think and learn (meta- cognitive), which gives them more control over their learning
as a result, we must clearly teach thinking and learning techniques as well as model
meta- cognition.
motivation in the classroom is one of the most effective strategy to speed up the
learning process. While students have their own reasons for learning, we will play a
Showing learners how the class subject matters links to their own lives and the actual
world is part of creative teaching. This can assist them in gaining a stronger sense of
purpose. I believe that getting to know our potential students and knowing about
their backgrounds will assist us in developing the most relevant lesson plans.,
Tasks, in my opinion, should be tough but doable for pupils. Students beleive
demanding enough. As a result, kids may get bored and disengaged from the
instruction. Students, on the other hand, may grow frustrated if tasks are too
allow kids to learn more. Student’s ability to learn will be hindered if they are afraid
students and giving them plenty of positive feedback. Instead of whole- class
discussions, I attempt to personalize every lesson topic and construct pair and group
exercises .
Finally, continuous reflection and review can aid in the upkeep of good
teaching standards. We should be able to reflect on and analyze oue own teaching
techniques on regular basis. We may feel “stuck” in our routines and less motivated
to educate after working for a long time. We should to strive to attend different
Higher Education in order to keep on track and learn about some of the latest trends
in education. We can also subcribe to a number of fantastic blogs that offer a variety
process. Every pupil is distinct and differs from the others. In Learning Episode 1, the
teacher must respect and treat all pupils equally, considering their differences. A
school that fosters a physically healthy environment is the type of school that I find
most favorable to studying. Teachers would be able to better supervise, inspire, and
school where they may learn in an environment that is favorable to learning. It's
opinion, a good school atmosphere is one in which rules and regulations are
implemented that are beneficial to all students. I want a school administration that
pays attention to student complaints and suggestions. As a result, both the school
and the kids will be able to form positive relationships with one another. A school
with appropriate and clean facilities for various courses and purposes is also my view
of a nice school environment. That way, students like me can experience the
futuristic feeling that motivates me to enroll in such a course. “This is how it feels to
work in a laboratory,” I'd think, among other things. For me, a healthy school
atmosphere is one in which the students' health, particularly their mental health, is
to distant learning in 2020, which is quite concerning. I wish for a school that
responds to kids' mental and emotional health in a way that encourages them to fight
A nice educational environment is also helpful for the environment. It means that we
must all consider different ways to employ recyclable materials that will help not only
the students, but also the school and the environment. This concept is also present in
clean cafeterias and canteens. Finally, a good school environment is welcoming to the
community. What I mean is that a good school that fosters positive relationships
with its community, church, government, and citizens is commendable. It's because
they've been able to establish a strong enough reputation to earn the trust of those in
the community. I am confident that this will occur, and that I will be able to study in
the school of my dreams. We must keep in mind the importance of the school
First and foremost, we are the first to observe whether the school is suitable to
learning. We must also remember that security is crucial so that students feel
comfortable within the school, knowing that no one will harm them while they
continue to learn. Because we are the ones who lead the class, children will perceive
us as a role model, thus cleanliness and order should begin with us as future
them that the setting they are in is distraction-free. It could be pollution or rubbish
that draws their focus away from their studies. Both the teacher and the student
should have access to clean, well maintained facilities. It's because if these facilities
aren't properly maintained, they will become obsolete. Students may not be able to
learn as well as they formerly did, failing to satisfy the teachers' expectations. Finally,
social, because we are forming a deep and healthy teacher-student relationship. We
must give the impression to the learner that we are as comfortable teaching them as
they are studying with us. Learning Episode 2 reminded me a lot of my past teachers
and how they taught us as I was seeing the pupils in various grade levels. As a future
teacher, I've learned that we should always pay attention to our students' most visible
traits so that we may build a learning atmosphere that is most appropriate for them,
as well as teach or behave in a positive manner. We should not teach children based
on our personal interests, but rather in a method that will benefit them the greatest
and make learning enjoyable for them. In Learning Episode 3, one thing I learnt
about indigenous peoples is that they do things differently than we do, but in a
beneficial way. It's like how we do things to give back to our parents, alma mater, and
city, but indigenous people work harder to give back to their elders and origins. It
was quite motivating to witness them; despite the disparities and persecution they
encounter from many cultures. Their approach of expressing gratitude for their
culture, identity, and roots is to study hard and serve the community that has taught
them new skills. The students' and teachers' work and life objectives are what I value
most from my virtual observation of a school with indigenous learners. I recall seeing
a documentary about one of the IP schools, and the teacher said, "Who else would
teach these pupils than them (teachers)?" They are deprived of financial support,
food, proper clothing, transportation, and it would be tragic if these students were
also denied of knowledge of their rights, which we all know. I admire how, despite
their lack of them, students strive to do their best in their daily lives to study well,
finish their studies, and graduate in order to attain their goals. I also applaud the
teachers who strive hard to give them the quality education they deserve. Regarding
Learning Episode 4, I recall the high and low achievers in our class back in Grade 10
from when I was in elementary or high school. Our teacher coped with ability gaps by
focusing on low performers on a regular basis. Our teachers would make them recite
frequently and ask them more questions in order for them to fully comprehend the
material. Our teachers would often engage in collaborative activities with students
who were both high and poor achievers. As a result, high achievers can assist low
achievers and give diverse perspectives on the subject. Low achievers might also ask
high achievers questions or seek assistance on the subject. Our teacher was effective
back then because she didn't leave any kids behind. Being approachable to my pupils
is one of the dispositions and attributes I must acquire as a future teacher to satisfy
the demands of the learners because I must create a good relationship with them so
that they will not be afraid to approach me. I also have to put myself in the shoes of a
pupil. I need to devise tactics or give things that are simple for them to comprehend.
I must not give them a difficult lesson to follow. I must not have great expectations of
my students, but rather must have reasonable expectations of them. With that, it
must lead to passionate instruction, and they will learn slowly but certainly.
passionate about the class and fully invested in students’ education. Some of my
strived to provide meaningful feedback on students’ works. Some people used words
and body language to express their passion and enthusiasm. They strived hard to
avoid being the stereotype lecturer who drones on and on, as bored as the class with
the content. They told us that they expect to learn as much from us as we do from
them, and that they would like our feedback on how to make the class better. They
always strived to remind us that they are there to help us achieve significant progress
to own the classroom. Instructors would lay out the goal of the class. The desired
outcomes, and how grades will be calculated at the start of the semester. They asked
for feedback every month through anonymous survey throughout the semester and
customized the class to meet the needs of the students. Even when students like me
are doing well with the content. I have learned that teacher should value the
opportunity to speak up and have our opinion be heard about how the class is going.
Many professors think that attending class or homework is the responsibility and
option of the students as adult. However, we must keep in mind that the students
have other legitimate duties that compete for their time. When attendance is not
required, student may choose to skip classes. If reading is never mentioned, pupils
may never get around picking up a book. I need to set high criteria for attendance
and study habits if I want my class to be truly rewarding. My third principle is that it
is vital to encourage students to collaborate and learn from one another. Icebreaker
exercises, encouraging students to learn each other’s’ names and having frequent
class discussions all help to establish environment where students feel and ease
working together. They gain the importance of communication and cooperation skills
while also engaging with the class materials. Of course, even with these three
principles in place, problems will always arise. But, remember these things helps me
create a welcoming learning environment for students so that I can conduct a class
that fosters participations. Personally, I believe that teaching will be more enjoyable
when students are involved and interested, and when they speak out, ask questions
My Daily
Anecdotal reports
Republic of the Philippines
College of Education
Aborlan, Palawan
Day One
This is our first meeting with our Cooperating Teacher. Since this our first
meeting we introduce ourselves. She just discussed her rules while we are inside her
class and also the policy and the health protocol while we are inside the campus. She
also orients her student teachers of what to do with the field study book and we
discussed the upcoming program of BELS. Our cooperating teacher assigned to
observe regularly to their online consultation weekly.
On that day, I felt excited to meet the students of grade 2 because according to
Ma’am Nur-Aina her students are active, kind and clever students.
OBSERVATION: November 18, 2021
Day Two
Thursday at 7:30 in the morning our cooperating teacher asked to help her in
checking the books of her students. We checked 9 books of the grade 5 science book
from chapter 1 until chapter 4. While checking this book some of the other students
did not answer some activities even the teacher gave the answer from their online
consultation, maybe because some of them are absent from that moment. We also
checked 8 numbers of books of grade 4 ESP book from aralin 1 to aralin 5. I observed
that some students are not good in constructing sentence even it is in Filipino
subjects. 8 books of English 4 were also checked from lesson 1 to 5, and I observed
from the answer they wrote to their books are some of them are not following the
instruction maybe they do not really understand the directions given from books
that’s why their answers did not match to what the book wants to do. In this case, I
realized that I should be more considerate in giving a score to my student and the
same time fair is also be promoted in this kind of problem especially during this time
of pandemic we should understand what they were trying to say on their answers on
OBSERVATION: November 22, 2021
Day Three
Monday at 8:00 am starts the day by the online Flag raising Ceremony leads
by the students of BELS. They started by prayer or doxology played by the teacher,
followed by flag speaks recited by one of the students from Bels, she recited it clearly.
Every student who have part in that Ceremony was successfully delivered their lines
nice and clear. I was impressed to those students who are good in pronunciation and
about the upcoming events regarding the Book Reading Day and everyone was super
excited, they talks what they were going to wear for that events. Then JJ barcarcel
requested to do zumba before they end the virtual flag raising ceremony and
OBSERVATION: November 23, 2021
Day Four
in front of our designating classroom then she came after a minutes. I really admire
I cleaned our designating classroom to start our day better. Then after that, we
decided to start answer our field study book with brainstorming with my classmates.
We also observed ESP class of ma’am NUR-AINA via google meet from 10am to 12
Then at the afternoon, my cooperating teacher asked to help her to check the
responsibility the we help our cooperating teacher and it makes me happy to help
OBSERVATION: November 25, 2021
Day Five
classroom. I start answering again my field study book, conducting an interview with
the principal.
At 5 pm, we decided to start cleaning our surrounding and leave the school.
Day six
It is my second time to attend the Virtual Flag Raising Ceremony of
Basic Education Laboratory System. At exactly 8:00 they started the ceremony in
prayer. Everyone who have part was very good in delivering their lines. I was very
amazed to the student by their confidence in doing that kind of activity, in that aged
OBSERVATION: December 02, 2021
Day seven
I went to BELS at exactly 7:44. I always go to school early to practice
Everyone is actively participated with his class. Then one student asked him what is
the English of ”pahoy” or the one stands on the rice farm, then teacher Josh
answered, it is scarecrow.
Teacher Joshua ended his class made his students super happy.
OBSERVATION: December 07, 2021
Day Eight
we removed the grasses, and watered the plant near our designating classroom.
Ma’am Nur asked to help her again to check the English book of grade 5, it
was 4 books with 2 chapters from chapter 1 to 2 and the 8 books of grade 6 with three
At the afternoon, I observed on ma’am Nur Aina consultation with her grade 5
students via google meet. The topic was about the Life cycle of plants. Everyone
actively recited what they have learned from the activity given their book.
OBSERVATION: December 09, 2021
Day Nine
At 7:18 I waited my cooperating to open our designating classroom. After she
opened it, she asked me to please removed the web in our ceiling. My classmates
arrived and they helped me to cleaned our surrounding. After that we discussed what
we are going to do to our designating room, are we going to decorate it? And when
are we going to start? How much cost we are going to contribute? So in this activity
we can help our cooperating teacher in this area and this our kind of appreciation for
We also discussed to our meeting the preparation for upcoming Reading Day
Celebration. Ma’am Nur assigned some of the classmate in every contest. Some are in
Dugtungan Pagbasa, portraying one of the book characters and we choose Jessa to
OBSERVATION: December 14, 2021
Day Ten
Starts our day in preparing ourselves for practicing our parts. We collaborate
We start having friend from the other section. We start giving ideas to what
the best to do to this activity. They suggest contributing 50 pesos for the budget in
Day Eleven
We start making our props. Some make the outline of tinker bell dress. Some
Everyone is busy doing our part. We enjoyed what are doing that time.
OBSERVATION: December 16,2021
Day Twelve
Starting to set up our props we made yesterday. We do clean our surrounding
where we are going to do our programs. I was got rushes on the day because I helped
Eventually my other classmates are very busy doing props and practicing dugtungang
make sure our presentation for tomorrow is great and will be successful.
Day Thirteen
This is what our waiting day for the celebrating of Reading Month and
Christmas party or year-end party celebration. Everyone was very excited. But tht
excitement was burn down. At 7:00 in the morning WPU posted on Facebook page
that working day was cancelled due to high level of storm. Before we read those
just be canceled the reading day but the year-end party were still continued.
We finish our day early because according to the news the storm will be landed at 1
OBSERVATION: January 03, 2022
Day Fourteen
First day of class in year 2022, happy new year everyone. I want to live my life
I just attend the virtual Flag Raising Ceremony conducting by CED and BELS.
Nothing happens it was just like before. Teachers gave an announcement to their
perspective students. reminding everyone to do the part as a student, pass all the
requirement on time. Some students of BELS requested again to do Zumba. Even the