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Basic principles of fishing gear design and

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1 author:
M R Boopendranath
Central Institute of Fisheries Technology

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Chapter 11

Basic Principles of Fishing Gear Design

and Classification
M.R. Boopendranath
Central institute of Fisheries Technology
CIFT Junction, P.O. Matsyapuri, Cochin 682 029.



Fishing gears vary greatly in their structure, materials used and principles of capture process and
methods of operation. Fishermen may use several fishing gears and methods appropriate for the
species and environmental and ground conditions. Several systems of classification of fishing
gears have been developed based on the principles of capture, design and technical features and
operational methods. Fishing gears whether primitive or sophisticated use five mechanisms in the
capture process viz., gilling and tangling (e.g. gill nets and trammel nets), trapping (e.g. traps,
pound nets), filtering (e.g. trawls, seines and other net fishing systems), hooking and spearing
(e.g. hook and line, harpoons) and pumping (e.g. fish pumps) (Fridman, 1986; Hameed and
Boopendranth, 2000). Among the great variety of harvesting systems available around the world,
the most significant in commercial fisheries are purse seines and trawls, followed by lines, gill
nets and entangling nets and traps.


Classification of fishing gears

Fishing gears are either passive like gill nets and entangling nets, hook and line and traps or
active like trawls, seines and troll line. Active fishing systems are generally energy intensive and
more productive than passive gears. Based on the degree of selectivity, the fishing gears are more
selective like gill nets, hook and line and traps or less selective like trawls, seines and entangling
nets. Depending on the sector in which they are used, there are small-scale or artisanal fishing


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

gears covering a wide variety of traditional low energy systems of fish capture, and large-scale
industrial mechanised fishing systems including purse seining, trawling and automated long
lining. Based on the water bodies in which they used there are inland fishing gears, including
riverine, estuarine and reservoir gears, and marine fishing gears. Based on the area of operation,
there are coastal, offshore and deep sea fishing gears and depending on the fishing position in the
water column there are pelagic, midwater and demersal or bottom fishing gears.
Most widely used systems of classification are based on the principles of fish capture, historical
development and structural differences. Brandt (1959) grouped the fishing gear and methods into
13 categories viz., fishing without gear, wounding gear, stupefying methods, line fishing, fish
traps, traps for jumping fish, bag nets with fixed mouth, dragged gear, seine nets, surrounding
nets, dip or lift nets, falling nets and gill nets and tangle nets. In the International Standard
Statistical System of Classification adopted by FAO for fishery statistics fishing gears are
grouped into fourteen categories according principles of capture and sub-grouped according
structure of the fishing gear, leaving scope for further additions in future. Primary categories
include surrounding nets, seine nets, trawls, dredges, lift nets, falling gear, gill nets and
entangling nets, traps, hooks and lines, grappling and wounding gear, harvesting machines,
miscellaneous gear, recreational gear and gear not known or not specified (Nedlec, 1982)(Table
1). Major categories of fishing gears are categorised as (i) active, (ii) passive and (iii) other
miscellaneous fishing gears.


Active fishing gears

Fishing gears such as surrounding nets, seine nets, trawls, dredges, pole and line, jigging
lines, lift nets and falling gear that are actively operated, comes under this category.
2.1.1 Surrounding nets
Surrounding nets are roughly rectangular walls of netting rigged with floats and sinkers
which after detection of the presence of fish are cast to encircle the fish school.
Surrounding nets are generally operated in the surface layers.
Purse seines
Purse seines are the predominant type of surrounding nets, in which the bottom of the net
is closed after encircling the fish school, by a purse line which prevent fish from escaping
downwards by diving (Fig. 1). Based on the number of vessels used in operation there are
one-boat and two purse seines. Based on the target species there are anchovy purse seine,
sardine purse seine, mackerel purse seine, cod purse seine and tuna purse seine. Based on
the scale of operations there are small, medium and large purse seines. Surrounding net
without purse line like lampara net are operated in small scale sector (Fig. 2).

Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

Fig. 1 Purse seine

Fig. 2 Lampara net

2.1.2 Seine nets

Seine net is a long wall of netting with or with out a bag, supported by floats and sinkers,
which are operated by surrounding areas of water with potential catch. The net is operated by
ropes attached to the end of wings which are used for hauling and for herding the fish. They are
usually operated in the coastal or shallow waters where bottom and/or surface act as natural
Seines which are operated from the boat are called boat seines. Danish seine is a well
known boat seine (Fig. 2.3). Danish seine operated on the bottom from a single boat, consists of a
bag and wings attached to long ropes set in water so as to cover a large area in order to herd the
fishes therein into the net mouth. Seines operated from the shore are called shore seine or beach
seine (Fig. 4). An example is Rampani net operated in south-west India.

Fig. 3. Danish seine

Fig. 4. Beach seine

2.1.3 Trawls
Trawl nets are conical bag nets with two wings and a codend where catch is
concentrated, operated by towing from one or two boats.

Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

Table 1: International Standard Statistical Classification of

Gear Categories

Fishing Gear


With purse lines (purse seiners)
One boat operated purse seines
Two boats operated purse seines
Without purse lines
Beach seines
Boat seines
Danish seines
Scottish seines
Pair seines
Seine nets (not specified)
Bottom trawls
Beam trawls
Otter trawls
Pair trawls
Nephrops trawl
Shrimp trawl
Bottom trawls (not specified)
Midwater trawls
Otter trawls
Pair trawls
Shrimp trawls (not specified)
Otter twin trawls
Trawls (not specified)
Pair trawls (not specified)
Other trawls (not specified)
Boat dredges
Hand dredges






Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

Portable lift nets
Boat-operated lift nets
Shore-operated stationery lift nets
Lift nets (not specified)
Cast nets
Falling gear (not specified)
Set gillnets(anchored)
Drift nets
Encircling gillnets
Fixed gillnets(on stakes)
Trammel nets
Combined gillnets-trammel nets
Gillnets and entangling nets (not specified)
Gillnets (not specified)
Stationary uncovered pound nets
Fyke nets
Stow nets
Barriers, fences, weirs, etc
Aerial traps
Traps (not specified)
Handlines and pole-lines (hand operated)
Handlines and pole-lines (mechanized)
Set longlines
Drifting longlines
Longlines (not specified)
Trolling lines
Trolling lines (not specified)




Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

Mechanized dredges
Harvesting machines (not specified)
Source: Nedlec (1982)



Based on the position in water column where they are operated, trawls are classified into bottom
trawl and midwater or pelagic trawl. Based on the opening of the mouth they are grouped into
beam trawl where mouth is kept open by means of a rigid wooden or steel beam (Fig. 5); otter
trawls where otter boards are used for horizontal spread of trawl mouth (Fig. 6). Depending on the
number of boats used there are one-boat trawl (Fig. 6; 8) and two-boat trawl or pair trawl or bull
trawl (Fig. 7; 9). Based on the number of trawls operated from a single vessel, there are double
rig trawl system where two nets are operated from outrigger booms (Fig. 10); triple trawl system
where three nets are operated at the same time (Fig. 11) and quad rig system where two nets each
are operated from two out rigger booms (Fig. 12).

Fig. 5. Beam trawl

Fig. 6. One-boat bottom otter trawl

Fig. 7. Two-boat bottom otter trawl

Fig. 8. One-boat midwater trawl


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

Fig. 9. Two-boat midwater trawl

Fig. 10. Double rig trawl

Fig. 11. Triple rig trawl

Fig. 12. Quad rig trawl

2.1.4 Dredges
Dredges are dragged gear, with an oblong iron frame with an attached bag net, operated
on the bottom usually for collecting shellfish. They are either operated from boat or in
shallow waters by hand (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13. Dredge


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

2.1.5 Hooks and Lines (actively operated)

Fish are enticed by edible or artificial bait or lure which simulates the appearance and movement
of the natural prey, and are finally held by the hook concealed in the bait or lure. The hook is
connected to a line or snood. The fish is also held by the piercing action of hooks or jigs passing
Important types of hooks and lines which are actively operated are pole and line (Fig. 14) which
are either worked manually or mechanically; jig lines which are operated either manually or by
powered jigging machines for squids attracted by light (Fig. 15) and troll lines operated for
predatory fishes with hooks having natural or artificial baits, trailing behind the running vessel
usually in the surface layers (Fig. 16).

Fig. 14. Pole and line

Fig. 15. Squid jigging

Fig. 16. Troll line

2.1.6 Lift nets

Lift net consists of horizontal netting panel or a cone-shaped bag with the mouth facing upwards,
which are submerged and lifted either manually or mechanically to filter the fish in the overlying
water column.


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

There are shore operated lift nets which are operated from stationary installations along the shore
(Fig. 17) and boat-operated lift nets which are operated from one or several boats (Fig. 18).

Fig. 17 Shore-operated lift net

Fig. 18 Boat-operated lift net

2.1.7 Falling gear

Falling gear is cast over the area where fish is available, then gathered and lifted to collect the
fish. Many of the artisanal fishing gears such as cast net, cover pot and lantern net belong to this
category (Fig. 19).

Fig. 19 Cast net

2.2 Passive fishing gears

Gillnets, entangling nets, traps and many of the hooks and lines fall under the category of
passively operated fishing gears.

2.2.1 Gill nets and entangling nets

Gill nets are rectangular walls of netting kept erect by means of floats and sinkers and positioned
in the swimming layer of the target fish, which catch the fish by holding them in the mesh by


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

Depending on method of operation gill nets are classified into drift gill nets, set gill nets and
encircling gill nets. Drift gill nets are operated in the surface layers and drift with the current
either separately or with the boat to which it is tethered (Fig. 20). Set gill nets or anchored gill
nets are fixed to the bottom or at a distance above bottom by means of anchors or ballast (Fig.
21). Fixed gill nets operated in the shallow coastal waters are fixed by means of stakes and the
catch is collected during low tide. Encircling gill nets are operated in the surface layers in coastal
areas. After encircling the fish, noise and other vibrations are used to drive the fish towards the
net so that they are either gilled or entangled.

Fig. 20 Drift gill net

Fig. 21 Bottom set gill net

Based on the structure, there are simple gill nets with a single wall of netting supported by floats
and sinkers and triple-walled nets called trammel net (Fig. 22). The trammel net generally
operated as bottom-set, has two outer walls which are of larger mesh size and a loosely inner
wall is of smaller mesh size. The inner wall intercepting a fish approaching through the large
mesh on the outer wall, forms a pouch after passing through large mesh on the outer wall on the
opposite side and hold the fish securely. In the combined gill net-trammel net lower part
fabricated as trammel and the upper part as simple gill net.
Entangling nets loosely hung single or multi-walled netting held vertically in water by floats and
sinkers, which catch fish entangling rather than enmeshing. Nets are usually attached end to end
to form large fleets.

Fig. 22. Trammel net


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

2.2.2 Traps
Traps are passive fishing gears with enclosures to which the fish are lured or guided and
from which escape is made difficult by means of labyrinths or retarding devices like funnels or
constrictions. A wide range of traditional fishing gears is grouped here.
Pots are cages or baskets made from materials like wood, wicker, metal rods, wire netting and
reinforced plastic, designed to catch fish, crustaceans or cephalopods by enticing them with baits
or shelter spaces (Fig. 23). They are provided with one or more entrances of appropriate gape.
They are usually set on the bottom singly or in series connected by ropes and position marked by
Stationary uncovered pound net called set nets in Japan, are large nets, anchored or fixed on
stakes. A leader net is kept at an appropriate angle to the swimming direction of migrating fish
schools so as to guide them to enclosures with retarding devices and closed at the bottom by
netting (Fig. 24).

Fig. 23 Lobster pot

Fig. 24 Set net

Fyke nets used in shallow waters consists of a cone-shaped bag of netting with ring shaped rigid
structures to maintain cylindrical shape of the net body and is provided with wings to lead the
fishes into the bag. The fyke nets are fixed to the bottom by stakes or ballast and are operated
separately or in series. Stow net are conical bag net operated in shallow waters and estuaries
where tidal currents are strong. The mouth of the net is kept open against the current by means of
stakes driven to the bottom or by means of floats and ballast (Fig. 25).
Barriers, fences, weirs and corrals are trapping enclosures made of indigenous materials and
operated in tidal waters (Fig. 26).
Aerial traps are systems in which fish like mullets, which jump out of water on disturbance and
flying fishes, attracted by light are caught in floating enclosures or rafts. Verandah net and boat
operated aerial traps are examples in this category (Fig. 27).


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

Fig. 25 Stow net

Fig. 26 Corral

Fig. 27 Aerial traps

2.2.3 Hooks and Lines (passively operated)

Fish are enticed by edible bait or lure and are finally held by the hook concealed in the bait or
lure. The hook is connected to a line or snood. They are operated either singly or in large
Important types of hooks and lines which are passively operated are hand lines operated in the
small-scale sector and long lines where a large number of hooks are attached to the mainline by
means of branch lines.
Long lines when set in surface and midwater with freedom to drift with the current are called
drifting long lines (Fig. 28); when set close to the bottom are called bottom-set long lines (Fig.
29); when set vertically, they are called vertical long lines (Fig. 30); when combining the
properties of bottom and vertical long lines they are called bottom vertical long lines (Fig. 31).

Fig. 28 Drift long line

Fig. 29. Set long line


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

Fig. 30. Vertical long line

Fig. 31. Bottom vertical long line

2.3 Miscellaneous fishing gears

2.3.1 Fishing without gear
Gathering of animals by hand picking or by simple implements such as shovels, picks or knives,
with or without the support of diving equipment; and fishing by using trained animals or birds
such as cormorants are included in this category.

2.3.2 Stupefying methods

Stupefying methods include the use of poison or under water explosives to paralyse the fish.
These methods are prohibited in responsible fisheries.

2.3.3 Grappling and wounding gear

Sharp implements such as clamps, tongs, lances, bow and arrow, harpoons and rifles are used for
catching fish by wounding, grappling and killing.

2.3.4 Electrical fishing

Effect of pulsating electric field on fishes such as first reaction, electrotaxis (anodic attraction),
electro-narcosis and electrocution are utilised in electrical fishing equipment. Effect of electric
field is also made use of in other fishing systems such as trawls and hook and line to enhance
fishing efficiency.

2.3.5 Harvesting machines

Sophisticated, modern systems like fish pumps which are used to mechanically transfer fish
attracted and concentrated by light in the proximity of the vessel; mechanical dredges which
make use of hydraulic jets and conveyors or suction equipment for harvesting molluscs; and fully
automatic long line systems in which every step in the shooting and hauling operation including
baiting and removal catch are automated, could be included in this category.

3 Basic principles of fishing gear design and construction

Fishing gears have generally evolved on a trial and error basis and until recently, only empirical
approaches have been used to determine design parameters rather than analytical procedures.


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

Design and development efforts based fish behaviour, engineering studies, system analysis and
model studies taking into consideration resource conservation, ecological and economic issues
have been taking place in the recent decades. With the development and wider availability of
synthetic gear materials, recent advances in vessel technology, navigational electronics, gear
handling machinery, fish detection methods and fish behaviour studies, large-scale changes have
taken place in the design, fabrication, operation and catching capacity of modern fishing gears
such as trawls, purse seines and long lines. Widely used traditional fishing gears such as
entangling nets, hook and lines and traps have also benefited by way of design upgradation and
efficiency improvement in the recent years. New innovative fishing systems such as electrical
fishing, light-assisted fishing, FAD-assisted fishing and fish pumps have also been developed and
accepted in different parts of the world. Design process for fishing gear has been greatly
influenced in the recent years by the resource management and conservation, environmental
safety and energy efficiency imperatives.

3.1 Principal mechanisms of fish capture

Principal mechanisms used in fish capture are (i) filtering e.g., trawls, seines and traps; (ii)
tangling e.g., gill nets, entangling nets and trammel nets; (iii) hooking, e.g., hand line, long line
and jigging; (iv) trapping, e.g., pots and pound nets; (v) pumping, e.g., fish pumps. Main
behaviour controls used in the fish capture process are (i) attraction, e.g. bait, light, shelter; (ii)
repulsion or avoidance reaction, e.g. herding or guiding by netting panels as in set nets and
trawls or sweeps and wires as in boat seines and trawls.

3.2 Fishing gear design

Design process involves a divergent phase when analysis of the situation, statement of needs,
specifications, standards of operation and constraints are spelt out; a transformational phase
which includes generation of design ideas; and a convergence phase during which an evaluation
in terms of objectives of design, utility and economic viability, prototype development, testing
and evaluation takes place (Fig. 32). A preliminary design thus generated is further refined based
on additional information through an iterative cycle until final design is adopted.

3.3 Model testing

Model testing is increasingly used for design evaluation of the existing commercial fishing gear
designs with a view to optimise their design parameters and for development of newer designs. In
model testing, a scaled down model of the fishing gear is tested in a flume tank in order to study
its behaviour and estimate working parameters. Principles of similarity are then used to assess the
dimensions, specifications and characteristics of the full-scale version based on model studies.
The fishing gears are further evaluated using full-scale version through statistically designed
comparative field trials with a gear of known fishing efficiency and operational parameters are
verified through gear monitoring instrumentation and underwater observations.


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

Fig. 32 Design process

3.4 Factors affecting fishing gear design

Important factors which influence the design of fishing gears are (i) biology, behaviour and
distribution of target species; (ii) fishing depth, current and visibility; (iii) sea bottom conditions;
and (iv) other factors such as the scale of operations, size and engine power of fishing vessel,
energy conservation objectives, selectivity and resource conservation objectives.

3.4.1 Biology, behaviour and distribution of target species

Choice and design of fishing gear is greatly influenced by biological characteristics such as body
size and shape, feeding habits and swimming speed; behaviour in the vicinity of fishing gear and
during capture process; spatial distribution and aggregation behaviour of the target species.


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

Body size and shape determine the mesh size required to enmesh and hold the fish in gill nets
and the mesh size to retain the target size groups of the species with out gilling in the trawls,
seines and traps. Body size is also related to the tensile strength requirements for the netting
twine in gill nets and hook size and lines in hook and line. Body size is again directly
proportional to the swimming speed (Bainbridge, 1958; Sambilay, 1990; Videler, 1993) which is
a significant attribute to be considered in the fishing success of dragged gear. Feeding habit of the
target species is more important in passive fishing methods like hook and line and traps where the
fish is attracted by the bait, and in the active fishing methods like troll line used for catching
predatory fishes.
Consideration of the swimming speed of the target species is important particularly in the active
fishing methods like trawling, seining and trolling. Fishes are known to sustain a cruising speed
of 3-4 body lengths per second for long periods without fatigue and burst speeds of 10 body
lengths per second for short duration. During burst speeds reserve energy supplies in the fish
muscle is used up. Fish in front of the trawl mouth will be eventually caught if the trawling
speed is greater than the cruising speed of the fish. Behaviour of different species might vary
when they turn back into the trawl. It is reported that flat fish and cod turn back in the horizontal
plane close to the bottom; whiting turn back at a level higher than this and haddock rise and turn
at a still higher level. Such differential behaviour makes it possible to separate the different
species using separator panels inside the trawl. Selective capture of the slow moving crustaceans
providing opportunity for the fast swimming non-target finfishes to escape, could be possible by
controlling the towing speed and minimising the longitudinal length of the trawl net.
Behavioural differences between fish and crustaceans and size differences between them, could
be used in the design of selective trawl designs. In such designs rigid grids are placed at an angle,
before codend. Small sized prawns move through the grid into the codend while fish and other
non-target species are deflected by the grid and are released through an escape chute. Such
devices are sometimes called Trawl Efficiency Devices as they reduce the sorting time and thus
increases the efficiency of operations. Protected species like turtles are allowed to escape in a
similar way using Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs).
Large mesh trawls and rope trawls, in which front trawl sections are replaced with very large
meshes or ropes in order to reduce drag, make use of the principle of repulsion or herding to
guide the finfish into trawl codend. In the conventional trawling systems, herding effect by the
otterboards, wires and sweeps and sand-mud cloud created by the boards on finfishes in between
the boards, is made use of to improve the catch rate by increasing the effective sweep area. Long
leader nets placed in the path of migratory fishes guide them into large set nets operated in Japan.
Tendency of some fishes to aggregate towards light is used in squid jigging, light-assisted purse
seining and dip net operations. Behaviour of fishes like tuna to aggregate around the floating
objects, is utilised successfully in FAD-assisted purse seining.


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

Catching efficiency is maximised when the vertical opening of the trawl mouth, vertical
dimension in gill nets, and the catenary of the main line of the long line with branch lines and
hooks, coincide with the vertical range of the layer of maximum fish abundance. Hence
knowledge of the vertical distribution of the target species could be used to optimise the
horizontal and vertical dimensions of the netting panels in gill nets, main line catenary in long
line and mouth configuration in trawls. Some species of fish are sparsely distributed either singly
or in small groups and thus exhibit a pronounced patchiness, while some others form dense
schools. Sparsely distributed scattered fish are more efficiently caught by passive fishing methods
such as gill netting and long lining, where as schooling fishes are effectively caught by purse
seining and aimed midwater trawling.

3.4.2 Fishing depth, currents and visibility

Hydro-acoustic pressure increases approximately at the rate of one unit atmospheric pressure (1
bar) for every 10 m depth. Buoyancy elements used in the deep sea fishing gears such as deep
sea trawls, gillnets and bottom vertical lines have to be strong enough to withstand the high
pressure at the fishing depth. Compressible buoyancy elements that are simple light and cheap
can only be used in surface operated gears such as seines and surface gillnets as they absorb
water and loose their buoyancy in deeper waters.
Prevailing strong currents in the fishing ground may restrict the choice of fishing gears to
longlines and gillnets which are less affected by currents. Light levels at the fishing depth could
influence the fishing success, as vision of fish is affected by light levels. In passive fishing gears
such as gillnets, visibility of netting panel adversely affects fishing efficiency. Visibility is again
negatively indicated in hook and line operation while in light-assisted jigging controlled lighting
plays an important part. Visibility is also important in effective herding during the capture
process in trawls and in large pound nets and trapping enclosures where leader nets are used.

3.4.3 Sea bottom conditions

Rough sea bottom conditions limits the operation of most of the fishing gears close to the ground
except handlines, vertical longlines , bottom vertical longlines and traps. Trawling on rough
bottom requires special rigging such as bobbin rig or rock hopper rig, improvements in trawl
design to minimise gear damage or loss and selection of appropriate otter boards.

3.4.4 Other factors

Choice of fishing gear and their design features will also be influenced by the scale of
operations, size and engine power of fishing vessel, energy conservation objectives, selectivity
and resource conservation objectives, catch volume requirements, operational and handling


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

requirements of the gear, prevailing weather conditions, skill required for fabrication,
maintenance and operation, material availability, local traditions and economic considerations.

4 Fishing gear construction

Fishing gear materials are either of textile origin such as netting, twine and ropes or of non-textile
origin such as floats and sinkers, hooks and jigs and sheer devices. Most of the widely used
fishing gears such as trawls, encircling nets, gillnets and entangling nets, lift nets, falling gears
and many of the trap nets extensively use netting panels as a restrictive barrier in their design and
construction. Notable exceptions are longlines, handlines, squid jigs, troll lines and some of the
pots and creels. Most commonly used netting materials have a quadratic or diamond shape when

4.1 Shaping of netting

Each netting panel used in the construction of fishing gear can be derived from one or more
sections of particular geometric shapes such as rectangle, trapezium or triangle each with a
uniform mesh size and twine specifications (Fig. 33 & 34). The shape of these component pieces
constituting the netting panels is achieved by increasing, decreasing or maintaining the number
of meshes in the N-direction or T-direction. This is done by shape cutting the pieces from
machine made webbing.

Fig. 33. Basic trawl design illustrating constituents of netting panels


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

Fig. 34. Design of a 29 m shrimp trawl

4.1.1 N-cut, T-cut and B-cut

Three types of cuts viz., N-cut, T-cut and B-cut are used to shape the netting (Fig. 35)

(i) N-cut through both the twines at one side of the knot advances by one mesh in the
N-direction. If the knot in N-cut is undone , the mesh is opened. Hence it has to be
stabilised in a seam or mend. This is also called point-cut or P-cut.
(ii) T-cut through both the twines at the top or bottom of the knot, advances by one mesh
in the T-direction. The knot in T-cut when undone gives a clean mesh. This is also
called Mesh cut or M-cut.
(iii) B-cut through one twine at a knot advances by half a mesh in both N and T
directions. The knot in B-cut when undone forms a fly mesh or dog-ear. This is also
called Bar cut. B-cuts in the same direction forms an oblique taper in which the
number of meshes in the N-direction is equal to that in the T-direction.


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

Fig. 35. Types of cuts used to shape netting

4.1.2 Taper ratio

Netting sections required to make up the gear panel are cut according to precalculated taper ratio from the machine made netting.
Taper ratio R : Mt / Mn,
where Mt is the number of meshes in the T-direction and Mn is the number of
meshes in the N-direction.

4.1.3 Cutting rate

Cutting rate is regular repeated cycle of N-cuts; T-cuts; B-cuts; N-cuts and B-cuts; or Tcuts and B-cuts made in the correct proportion to obtain the required taper ratio. Based on
taper ratio cutting rate is calculated as given in Fig. 36
In order to keep the taper cut even, the number of B-cuts and N-cuts/T-cuts in each
cutting cycle should be reduced to the smallest possible integers. The N-cut and B-cut or
T-cut and B-cut as the case may be should be mixed uniformly, maintaining the correct
taper ratio to obtain the smoothest taper possible. Netting usage can be economised by
careful planning of the cuts of the complementary pieces used in gear construction. Table
2 gives cutting rates for various common taper ratios.


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

Fig. 36 Calculation of cutting rates

4.2 Hanging
Actual shape of a mesh or netting panel is determined by the process of hanging it on to a rope
Hanging coefficient, Eh = Hung length of the netting / Fully stretched length of the netting
Resultant vertical hanging coefficient, Ev = 1-Eh2
Hung depth of a panel of netting in meters is given by
where (1-Eh2)is the resultant vertical hanging coefficient;
n is the number of meshes in depth and m is the mesh size in mm
Effect of different hanging coefficients on the shape of netting and mesh opening is illustrated in
Fig. 37. Hanging or mounting of netting is illustrated in Fig. 39.


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

Fig. 37. Effect of different hanging coefficients on shape of netting

Fig. 38. Illustration of mounting

4.3 Assembly of netting

The various constituent pieces of netting panels prepared by shape cutting, are assembled by
either joining or seaming. Joining requires braiding an extra row connecting the two panels.
When the edges to be joined has the same number of meshes and same mesh size, joining is made
mesh to mesh. When the two pieces to be joined has the same stretched width but different mesh
size, additional or take up meshes in the panel of small mesh size are interspersed uniformly
among the meshes of other panel.
In seaming one or several meshes on the edge of each panel re joined together by lacing. In trawl
fabrication, seams are used for assembling the corresponding pieces of the two panels to e joined
longitudinally. It is generally done by taking up 3-6 meshes on each edge of the trawl panels,
using double twine, seizing by half hitches approximately every 50 cm, after 4 or 5 passages
through meshes. Fig. 39 shows pictorial view of a fully assembled two panel demersal trawl.


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

Fig. 39 Pictorial view of a two-seam demersal trawl

5 Design drawings and specifications of fishing gears

5.1 Design drawing
Design drawing of the fishing gear should provide all information relating to the
size, shape, material and construction using recognised nomenclature and symbols, in
order to permit the construction of identical fishing gears from the same drawing. In the
design drawing net panels are drawn to scale according to theoretical hung length and
hung depth.
Hung length of the panel in m = Mt.m.Eh.0.001
Hung depth of the panel in m = Mn.m. (1-Eh2) . 0.001
where Mt = number of meshes in T-direction
Mn = number of meshes in N-direction
m = mesh size in mm
Eh = horizontal hanging coefficient
(1-Eh2) = vertical hanging coefficient


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

Table 2: Cutting rates

Netting panels not drawn to scale are marked accordingly. Ropes, floats and other rig items are
generally not drawn to scale. All measurements are given in SI units. Larger dimensions are
expressed in m to the nearest 0.01m and smaller dimensions in mm to the nearest 1 mm without
specifying units.
According to ISO (1975) recommendations, dimensions in length of netting panels in trawl and
seine net designs, are represented as fully stretched length (Ev = 1.0) and in width as half
stretched length (Eh = 0.5). In gill net and entangling net designs, length is drawn according to
the length of float line. Depth is drawn according to the length of gavel lines, if they are present
or according to the fully stretched netting in depth (Ev = 1.0). in surrounding net designs such as
purse seines and lampara net, length is drawn according to the length of float line and depth
according to the fully stretch netting in depth. For designs of traps, pots, dredges and lines and
for rigging and auxiliary components of the design of all gear designs perspective drawings and
projections are used to represent the design details.

5.2 Specifications
Specifications and details given in the design drawing for nets may include:

Twine : material; size in R-tex; construction;

Rope : material; size in R-tex or dia


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation


Netting panel: number of meshes in T-direction on upper and lower edges; number
of meshes in N-direction on either side; cutting rates for all tapered edges; mesh size
in mm; hanging coefficient; special features such as colour and double selvedge


Joining methods


Float line length in m


Lead line length in m


Side line length in m


Ground rope construction


Otter board: type; dimensions; weight


Rigging: connecting ropes; hardware components; floats; sinkers


Scale of drawing


Title indicating the class of design


Vessel: Loa; hp


Target species


Origin of design

5.3 Estimation of weight of netting

Information on weight of netting is required for ordering netting requirements and for
determination of underwater weight of netting for rigging purposes.
The first step is to have the complete design drawing including specifications. Every net is
composed of a number of sections of particular geometric shapes such as rectangle, trapezium
and triangle each with a uniform mesh size, twine size and material specification. Length of the
twine used in each of the netting sections are estimated as below:
Lt = K.[((Mt1+Mt2)/2).Mn].2m.10-3
where Lt = length of twine used in m
Mt1 and Mt2 = number of meshes in width along top and bottom edges
Mn = number of meshes in depth
m = stretched mesh size in mm
K = correction factor for length of twine used in a knot.
= length of twine used in a mesh / 2m


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

Correction factor K is usually within the range of 1.1 -1.5, depending on twine diameter/mesh
size ratio and type of knot in knotted netting and is equal to 1.0 for knotless netting. From the
length of twine thus estimated weight of the netting panel is determined as below:
Weight of the netting in kg, Wn = Lt.R-tex.10-6
where Lt = length of twine in m
R-tex = linear density of netting twine (
Alternatively, if tables of weight in grams per square meter of fictitious area (stretched length x
stretched width) for particular specifications of netting are available, the weight of netting panel
in grams could be estimated by multiplying it with the fictitious area of panel in sq.m. Fridman
(1986) has given such tables for polyamide netting.
Weight of netting in seawater, Wns = Wn .(1-(1025/d))
where d = the specific mass of the netting material in kg.m-3
Wn = weight of netting in air

6.0 Further Reading

Andeev, N.N (1962) Handbook of Fishing Gear and its Rigging, Israel Program for Scientific Translations,
Bainbridge, R. 1958. The speed of swimming of fish as related to the size and to the frequency and
amplitude of the tail beat. J. Exp. Biol. 35(1):109-133.
Ben-Yami, M. (1994) Purse Seining Manual, FAO Fishing Manual, Fishing News Books Ltd., Farnham:
416 p.
Bjordal, A. and Lokkeborg, S. (1998) Long lining, Fishing News Books Ltd., Farnham: 208 p.
Brandt, A.v. (1959) Classification of fishing gear, In: Modern fishing gear of the world (Kristjonsson, H.,
Ed), Fishing News Books Ltd., London: 274-296.
Brandt, A.v. (1984) Fish Catching Methods of the World, Fishing News Books Ltd., London: 432 p.

Boopendranath, M.R. (2009) An overview of fishing gears and their design and construction, pp.
31-66, In: Handbook of Fishing Technology, CIFT, Cochin
Brandt, A.v. (1984) Fish catching methods of the world, 3rd edn., Fishing News Books, Farnham, UK: 418
FAO (1975) Catalogue of small-scale fishing gear, Fishing News Books Ltd., Farnham, 191 p.
FAO (1975) Catalogue of Small-scale Fishing Gear, Fishing News Books Ltd., Farnham, 191 p.
FAO (1978) FAO Catalogue of Fishing Gear Designs, Fishing News Books Ltd., Farnham: 159 p.
FAO, 1978. FAO Catalogue of fishing gear designs, Fishing News Books Ltd., Farnham, 159 p.
Fridman, A.L. (1986) Calculations for fishing gear designs, FAO Fishing Manual, Fishing News Books
Ltd., Farnham: 264 p.


Fish Harvesting Systems for Resource Conservation

George, V.C. (1971) An Account of the Inland Fishing Gear and Methods of India, Spl. Bull. No. 1,
Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin: 68 p.
Hameed, M.S. and Boopendranath, M.R. (2000) Modern fishing gear technology, Daya Publishing House,
Delhi, 186 p.
Meenakumari, B., Boopendranath, M.R., Pravin, P., Thomas, S.N., and Edwin, L. (2009) (Eds.) Handbook
of Fishing Technology, Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin: 380 p
Misund, O.A., Kolding, J. and Freon, P. (2002) Fish capture devices in industrial and artisanal fisheries
and their influence on management, In: Handbook of Fish Biology and Fisheries Volume 2:
Fisheries (Hart, P.J.B. and Reynolds, J.D., Eds), Blackwell publishing, UK: 13-36
Nedlec, C. (1982) Definition and classification of fishing gear categories, FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 222 Rev.1:
51 p.
Sainsbury, J.C. (1996) Commercial Fishing Methods: Introduction to Vessels and Gear, Fishing News
Books, Farnham, UK : 192 p.
Sambilay, V.C., Jr. (1990) Interrelationships between swimming speed, caudal fin aspect ratio and body
length of fishes. Fishbyte 8(3):16-20.
SEAFDEC (1986) Fishing Gear and Methods of Southeast Asia Vol. I: Thailand, Training Department,
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centre, Samutprakarn: 329 p.
SEAFDEC (1989) Fishing Gear and Methods of Southeast Asia Vol. II: Malaysia, Training Department,
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centre, Samutprakarn: 338 p.
SEAFDEC (1995) Fishing Gear and Methods of Southeast Asia Vol. III: The Philippines, TD/RES 38,
Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centre, Samutprakarn: 341 p.
Videler, J.J. (1993) Fish swimming, Chapman and Hall, London. 260 p.


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