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Latife Ceyda İRKİN

Latife Ceyda İRKİN

Çanakkale, 2021
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ISBN: 978-605-70345-0-2
Cover Design: İbrahim KAYA
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1. INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................7
2. AQUACULTURE ...........................................................................9
3. HISTORY OF AQUACULTURE ...............................................12
5. AQUACULTURE IN TURKEY .................................................18
5.1. Carp [Cyprinus carpio, Linnaeus, 1758] ..................................23
5.2. Clam [Ruditapes decussatus, Linnaeus, 1758/ Ruditapes
philippinarum, Adams & Reeve, 1850]...........................................25
5.3. Mussels [Mytilus edulis, Linnaeus, 1758/ Mytilus
galloprovincialis, Lamarck, 1819] ..................................................29
5.4. Oyster [Ostrea edulis, Linnaeus, 1758/ Crassostrea gigas,
Thunberg, 1793] ..............................................................................31
5.5. Atlantic salmon [Salmo salar, Linnaeus, 1758] .......................34
5.6. Seabass [Dicentrarchus labrax, Linnaeus, 1758] .....................35
5.7. Sea bream [Sparus aurata, Linnaeus, 1758] ............................37
5.8. Sturgeon [Acipenser baerii, J. F. Brandt, 1869] .......................39
5.9. Trout [Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum, 1792] .......................41
5.10. Turbot [Psetta maxima, Linnaeus, 1758] ...............................43
7. ECONOMIC PROFITS OF AQUACULTURE ........................45
8. THE FUTURE OF AQUACULTURE .......................................48
9. BIOTECHNOLOGY ....................................................................51
11.1. Sex control ..............................................................................63
2|La tife C eyda İRKİN

11.1.1. Feminization ....................................................................64

11.1.2. Masculinization ................................................................65
11.1.3. Sterilization ......................................................................66
11.2. Chromosome manipulations ...................................................66
11.2.1. Triploidization..................................................................68
11.2.2. Tetraploidization ..............................................................71
11.2.3. Gynogenesis .....................................................................72
11.2.4. Androgenesis....................................................................75
11.3. Gene Manipulations ................................................................77
11.4. Spermatozoa DNA Damage ...................................................78
11.5. Cryopreservation of gametes ..................................................79
11.6. Hybridization ..........................................................................81
12. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................82


Figure 1. The ancient Egyptian people used nets to catch fish................... 14

Figure 2. International examples offer US a blueprint for aquaculture
regulation in 2020 ....................................................................................... 17
Figure 3. Fish Aquaculture In Turkey Fish Farm ...................................... 20
Figure 4. Carp [Cyprinus carpio, Linnaeus, 1758] .................................... 24
Figure 5. Clam [Ruditapes philippinarum & Ruditapes decussatus] ......... 26
Figure 6. Mussels [Mytilus edulis & Mytilus galloprovincialis]. ............... 29
Figure 7. Oyster [Crassostrea gigas & Ostrea edulis]............................... 32
Figure 8. Atlantic salmon [Salmo salar] .................................................... 34
Figure 9. Seabass ....................................................................................... 36
Figure 10. Sea bream [Sparus aurata] ....................................................... 38
Figure 11. Sturgeon [Acipenser baerii] ..................................................... 40
Figure 12. Trout [Oncorhynchus mykiss]................................................... 41
Figure 13. Turbot [Psetta maxima] [Anonymous, Access: 31.01.2021]. ... 43
Figure 14. Positive effects of aquaculture .................................................. 46
Figure 15. Stages of aquaculture ............................................................... 47
Figure 16. Future of aquaculture ............................................................... 49
Figure 17. New scientific trends Biotechnology ........................................ 55
Figure 18. New trends of aquaculture: biotechnology ............................... 59
Figure 19. Sex control in fish is done by applying different methods ........ 65
Figure 20. Masculinization ........................................................................ 66
Figure 21. Chromosome manipulations ..................................................... 67
Figure 22. Triploidization .......................................................................... 69
Figure 23. Tetraploidization ...................................................................... 72
Figure 24. Gynogenesis ............................................................................. 73
Figure 25. Androgenesis ............................................................................ 76
Figure 26. Differnet DNA damage of sprematozoa ................................... 79
Figure 27. Cryopreservation of gametes .................................................... 81
Figure 28. Hybridization in Char of the Genus Salvelinus [Salmonidae:
Salmoniformes], [a] male, [b, c] female....................................................... 82
4|La tife C eyda İRKİN


The aquaculture sector has gained an important place in nutrition as it is an

affordable and high quality protein source and has become a rising sector
among food products, especially since the 1990s. Demand for seafood, which
is an important resource in meeting people's quality protein needs, is
increasing day by day. The lack of an increase in aquaculture has made
aquaculture a sought-after option.

Benefiting from the latest scientific studies with educated human resources,
following international developments closely and benefiting from advanced
technologies of many countries are the basis of the rapid development of
aquaculture in the world.

Biotechnological applications in the field of aquaculture include chromosome

manipulations, sex control, gene transfer, DNA damage and cryopreservation.
Biotechnological methods applied in aquaculture provide a positive effect on
growth and reproduction rates in living things, and provide a negative return
in the emergence of conditions such as disease and DNA damage. In the
breeding environment, healthier and more productive individuals are obtained
and the genes of the endangered species are taken under protection. Effective
use of biotechnological methods in the field of aquaculture as well as in farm
animals will contribute to the positive development of the sector and the
country's economy.

In the light of these requirements, it was decided to prepare this book in order
to contribute to the literature. During my studies, I owe my endless thanks to
my friends Dr. Şamil ÖZTÜRK and Lecturer İlhan ÖZDEMİR, my family,
who confronted all difficulties with me, who believed and supported me
unconditionally in every moment of my life.

Dr. Latife Ceyda İRKİN

February, 2021, ÇANAKKALE
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Aquaculture is the whole of activities include the cultivation aquatic

organisms, including fish, bivalves, crustaceans and aquatic plants.
Aquaculture has become a growing sector fastly that has noticeably improved
in recent years. Global fish production has increased rapidly especially in the
last forty years, contributing significantly to the amount of fish required for
the consumption of the world population. The decrease in natural stocks and
the increase in interest in fishery products for healthy nutrition play an
important role in the aquaculture sector to reach this position. Problems in
food demand and high prices will be one of the most important problems we
will face in the future. Aquaculture contains important nutrients for global
food obtaining and malnutrition. Furthermore aquaculture has a key role in
rural economies by creating new job areas. Therefore, to meet the increasing
demand for aquaculture products in years, aquaculture production should be
increased [1].

Biotechnology is a widely used method in health, agriculture, food and many

other industrial fields, using living organisms and building blocks.
Biotechnology, which has a great potential in terms of contribution to
agricultural production, has become increasingly important in the field of
aquaculture in recent years. Biotechnological applications in the aquaculture
field include chromosome manipulations, sex control, gene transfer, DNA
damage and cryopreservation. Biotechnology makes a significant contribution
to the development of aquaculture, fisheries and the food industry. The
growing aquatic products and the decline of habitats are encouraging
researchers to increase the production of aquaculture and popularize
aquaculture with biotechnology. Biotechnology allows scientists to define and
combine the characteristics of fish and crustaceans to improve production
8|La tife C eyda İRKİN

quality. While biotechnological methods applied in aquaculture provide a

positive effect on the growth and reproduction rates of organisms, they show
negative effects on the occurrence of diseases and DNA damage. With
biotechnology, healthier and more productive individuals are obtained in the
breeding environment and the genes of the endangered species are taken under
protection. Effective use of biotechnological methods in livestock as well as
in the field of breeding will contribute to the positive development of the
sector and the economy of countries [2].

The success and development of biotechnology, but the biology, diversity,

breeding, physiology of organisms through manipulation, it may be possible
when a broad research and knowledge base is available in such areas. The
benefits of technological advances cannot be fulfilled independently from
basic research. Biotechnological programs must be integrated into a research
and must not go beyond the set program in order to be successful [3]. Today,
biotechnological applications used in aquaculture are one of the most
frequently used methods both in academic institutions. Biotech-based studies
include a wide range of applications from microbiology to algae
biotechnology, from aquaculture to aquatic diseases, from fish breeding to
product development. On the other hand, priority is also given to applications
related to biotechnology in the solution of the problems caused by climate
change, which has made its effects felt significantly in recent years. Since
aquatic and aquatic organisms are the common subject of interdisciplinary
studies, they allow researchers working in different disciplines such as
biotechnology and molecular-based studies to collaborate.


Aquaculture is the cultivation of fish and other aquatic creatures in a

controlled or semi-controlled manner for food, stockpiling, ornamental, hobby
and scientific research [Çelikkale et al., 1999]. Aquaculture is growing sector
and currently accounts for 50% of fish population as food. Aquaculture also
means a kind of breeding process to increase production, such as breeding,
feeding, protection from predators, and regular stocking. Breeding also refers
to the individual or institutional ownership of the stock grown [4, 5].

Aquaculture types include fish farming, shrimp farming, oyster farming,

seafood farming, algae and ornamental fish farming. FAO defines aquaculture
most directly affected by climate change’s impacts. Activities such as algae
cultivation are part of mitigating climate change, other types of cultivation
have negative effects such as nutrient pollution or disease transmission to wild
species [5]. Approximately 580 aquatic organisms are representing a rich
genetic diversity. Aquaculture is carried out by both producers in developing
countries and multinational companies. Consuming fish is part of cultural
traditions and has an excellent nutritional profile in terms of health benefits.
Seafood is a very rich food source in terms of protein, vitamins, minerals, fatty
acids and micronutrients. Aquatic plants such as seaweed also have an
important place in the aquaculture industry in terms of their nutritional and
industrial uses. Approximately eighty percent of aquaculture production
consists of animals such as herbivorous, omnivorous fish and mollusks. Based
on the dynamic performance of the last 30 years and production from fishing,
it is inevitable that the aquaculture industry will grow day by day [1].

In the name of a sustainable aquaculture strategy, the farmers should recognize

the fact that they gain a fair financial gain from the farm, ensure the equal
sharing of benefits and costs, create financial competence and job
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opportunities, ensure that sufficient foodstuffs are accessible for individuals,

manage the environment for the benefit of future generations is extremely
important. The ultimate aim here is to develop the full potential of aquaculture.
With the increasing income source, societies are enriched and consist of
healthier individuals. Fish farms are much more diverse than terrestrial
livestock farming. This is because, as there are many species to be put into
production, each one has a separate characteristic structure. Some species need
a seawater environment, some need fresh water, others brackish water.
Although migrating fish such as salmon enter fresh water to spawn, they have
to pass into sea water during juvenile and growing periods. While these
conditions create a need for fresh water incubators to produce eggs from
salmon, it becomes necessary to provide a marine environment for growth.
Many species can adapt to different temperatures. Tropical fish are unlikely
to survive unless their habitat is artificially heated. Carnivorous fish such as
snakes [Anguillidae sp.] And sea bream require a large amount of animal
protein in their diet. This situation differs according to omnivorous and
herbivorous species. The differences that occur in the early stages of fish's life
cause changes in their nutritional needs [5].

Different preferences of different species sometimes allow species to live

together in the same environment [polyculture]. The opposite is the
monoculture where one species is considered. Sometimes the culture medium
is shared with the agricultural area [eg using rice paddies or duck ponds]. Fish
farms obtain eggs from mature rootstocks during the production period. The
species is then pre-grown by completing the larval stages and finally sent to
the market. Alternatively, this chain can be shortened in different ways. It is
possible to raise the offspring of the species that cannot be raised in the culture
environment by catching from the natural environment. It is even possible for
migrating fish to be made juvenile in the culture environment and released to
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the nature and then to be caught by taking advantage of their instinctive return.
This situation is called as culture origin fishery [6].

In areas where regional conditions prevail, the diversity of fish farms varies
extensively. This situation can be organized to require extensive, mesocosmic
and intensive cultivation and their subcultures. Fish farming in industrial
countries with a developed market economy is affected by some or all of the
following. Use of suitable units at every stage of production. High stocking
amount in order to obtain the product to be put on the market at the maximum
rate from the established volume or the production area used. Use of
scientifically formulated feed that can meet the nutritional needs of the species
in pellet form High level of automation usage in operations such as feeding,
grading and harvesting. Ensuring that the production is brought to the market
stage by using eggs obtained from rootstock.

Undoubtedly, one of the most important problems of mass is nutrition. An

average of 140,000 children are born every day around the world. It is
estimated that the world population will exceed 10 billion in 2030. World
aquaculture production increased rapidly after World War II and reached from
20 to 65 million tons in the 1970s. Oil crises and global economic recession
that occurred in this period put a brake on this rapid increase. In the 2000s,
this number reached the 130-140 million band with the increasing use of
technology [hunting + aquaculture]. Approximately 30% of this figure is
obtained from aquaculture. When the increase continues in this way, it is
estimated that the fishery products obtained through aquaculture will be equal
to the amount of fishery products obtained by hunting in 2020, and this figure
will double in 2040 [7].

6% of the protein used by the world population is met from fish consumption.
Total animal protein is obtained from fish at a rate of 24%. Despite the
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increase in the amount obtained through breeding, different reasons arise in

the increase in demand from hunting stocks [8]. Due to the use of the
efficiency of the natural stocks in the world at maximum capacity, the demand
for obtaining fish from the natural environment cannot be retarded. Societies'
understanding of the nutritional value of fishery products and having high
feeding criteria for increasing population The 200-mile Exclusive Economic
Zone advertisements caused restrictions on fishing, and offshore fishing has
turned into an increasingly expensive economic activity. Marine pollution and
intensive fishing from the environment have damaged natural stocks and some
species have faced the danger of extinction. This situation made it necessary
to reinforce these stocks. The increase in market prices as a result of the
increase in market demand and the decrease in natural production made
breeding attractive. Societies that have become accustomed to fish culture
have started to demand fish not only during fishing seasons but also
throughout the year. Constant demand depends on the species' habitat and
natural conditions. Therefore, the production put to the market is seasonal. In
farming, the lives of the living creatures and environmental factors are largely
under control. Depending on all these variables, developments in biology,
engineering and genetics increase the quality and quantity by solving the
problems in aquaculture [9].


The first farmed species is known as cold-water salmon. The first salmon
hatchery was established in Germany in 1741, and the breeding of this species
has increased with the developing culture systems since this date. The
situation indicated by the decrease in the fishing tonnages seen both in our
country and on a global scale is that the natural fish stocks in our country and
the seas of the world have decreased considerably. Considering the
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 13

importance of fish in human nutrition and the increasing hidden protein deficit
in the world; The role and importance of fish produced in fish farms and
aquaculture at this point emerges [10].

The first records of aquaculture was seized in China in 2000 BC. However, in
recent excavations, there are documents showing that aquaculture was first
discovered by the Egyptians. BC In Ancient Egypt The figures showing
people taking tilapia [Tilapia sp.] Fish out of the pond around 2500 BC are
present in the tomb paintings, and fish drawings were found on the wall
decorations [Fig. 1]. Again BC. It is known that controlled oyster [Ostridea
sp.] Cultivation was practiced on the shores of Japan in 2000. Extensive
marine farms on the other hand, for the first time in BC. It emerged in the 6th
century. Species belonging to shellfish cultivation BC It was tested in Greece
in the 5th century. Studies of sea bass [Dicentrarchus labrax], sea bream
[Sparus aurata], mullet [Mugil sp.] And oyster [Crassostrea gigas] cultures
are found in ancient Rome BC. In 475, Fan Lai presented the first information
about carp [Cyprinidae sp.] Breeding. There are findings that the Greeks had
intensive studies on oyster culture in the 100's BC. At the same time, fish
farming is mentioned in the Bible. In the Roman period, aquaculture studies
on the coastal area emerged. These techniques form the basis of those
currently used in Italy. In the last periods of the Roman Empire, the traces of
aquaculture disappeared until the breeding of freshwater fish in central Europe
in the 12th century. In the middle ages, carp species stocked for consumption
throughout the year are encountered in the aquatic environment around castles
and monasteries. Firstly, the cultivated species depends on the salmon
[Salmonidae sp.] found in cold waters. The first salmon hatchery was
established in Germany in 1741 and the breeding of this species has increased
with the developing culture systems since that date [11].
14 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

Figure 1. The ancient Egyptian people used nets to catch fish

[, Access; 02.02.2021].

The first practices of marine fish farming began in Indonesia around 1400.
During this period, milk fish [Chanos chanos] juveniles were stocked in
coastal ponds. It has continued for many years to raise this fish in the rivers
that are connected to the sea in Java island, without entering the environment.
Individuals consuming dense algae clusters formed in the aquatic environment
continued their development. Later, the fertilization of the ponds increased the
feed density in the environment and a new era began. In the following years,
modern fish farming was started as a result of external feeding efforts. Even
today, the methods applied years ago are still valid. In the 15th century, large-
scale extensive aquaculture [valliculture] studies can be found on the Adriatic
coasts. The religious ban on eating meat on Fridays has led to the development
of fish farming in European culture. In the 19th century, the crustacean culture
became up-to-date once again and spread in the western Mediterranean and
Adriatic. Developments in marine fish farming began with the introduction of
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yellow tail [Seriola quinqueradiata] fish into breeding in Japan in the 1960s.
In the later period, coral [Pagrus major] and tuna [Thunnus thynnus] breeding
were discussed extensively. Modern aquaculture in fish and oysters began
some 30 years ago. Many Mediterranean countries have taken part in this
development. As of today, Northern Europe has made progress in salmon, and
in the 1980s, Mediterranean countries introduced sea bream and sea bass
farming to the economic system. Italy has become a leader in the market with
its traditional valiculture methods. Aquaculture has improved significantly in
many countries compared to the agricultural sector [12].



Hunger caused by malnutrition continues to be an important global problem,

especially in rural areas or developing regions [13]. Today, societies are faced
with the obligation to provide food and livelihoods to a population of more
than 9 billion, while struggling with population growth, the negative effects
of climate change and environmental pollution. Since 2016, the record has
been broken with 171 million tons, 88 percent of which is presented to
consumption, with increasing aquaculture production, more accurate hunting
and decreasing waste. With these production figures, it corresponds to the per
capita consumption of 20,3 kg of fisheries. This is a positive approach by FAO
in terms of achieving a goal without hunger and malnutrition [13].

According to FAO data; Production through fishing in the seas peaked at 86.4
million tons in 1996, and showed a relatively stable course in the following
years. In recent years, the total production of marine and inland water fishing
has been around 90 million tons. Aquaculture production is continuously
increasing and shows the fastest growth among all food products production
16 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

[13]. World aquaculture production was 172.7 million tons in 2017; 92.5
million tons [53.6%] of this production was obtained from hunting and 80.1
million tons [46.4%] of it was obtained from aquaculture. While 80.6 million
tons of hunting production in 2017 was obtained from the sea and 11.9 million
tons from inland waters, 30.6 million tons of aquaculture production was
obtained from the sea and 49.5 million tons from inland waters [5]. China has
the largest amount of hunting production [16.6% in 2017], followed by
Indonesia, India, the United States of America [USA] and the Russia. Ten
countries, which hunt over two million tons, accounted for 56.8% of world
hunting production in 2017 [5]. FAO fisheries statistics contain data on more
than 1,680 marine species. However, 25 main species represent almost 42%
of the total fishing. More than half of these species are small pelagics whose
production fluctuates greatly due to environmental impacts [13].

In 2017, China [46.8 million tons], which is the country that grows most
aquatic products [excluding aquatic plants and non-food products], provided
58.4% of the world's total production alone. China respectively; India,
Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh followed suit. The top ten producers
realized 88.9% of the world aquaculture production in 2017 [5]. In 2017, 53.4
million tons of world aquaculture production was fish [66.6%], 17.4 million
tons mollusks [21.7%], 8.4 million tons crustaceans [10.5%] and 0.9 million
tons is composed of other aquatic organisms [1.1%]. On the other hand, the
production of aquatic plants [mainly seaweed] reached 32.9 million tons in
2017, of which 31.8 million tons [96.6%] were obtained through cultivation.
It is stated that the number of people directly engaged in aquaculture business
worldwide is 158 million and the vast majority of them live in developing
countries. It is estimated that 38 million of this number work in aquaculture
and more than 120 million people live dependent on fishing activities [fishing,
processing, trade]. It is assumed that 56 million of those employed in fishing-
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 17

related jobs are women and mostly work in the processing sector and in small-
scale fisheries trade [14].

Figure 2. International examples offer US a blueprint for aquaculture regulation in

2020 [, Access; 02.02.2021].

Aquaculture represents one of the most commercially traded products of the

world food industry. Exports of fish and fishery products obtained from sea
and inland waters are very important for the country's economies, especially
for many countries as in island countries. Most of the world aquaculture
production in 2016 [approximately 35% of live weight] was traded in
international marketing channels. The value of world aquaculture exports
reached 143 billion dollars in 2016 [13]. In 2016, approximately 71% of the
total aquaculture imports were made by developed countries. The USA and
Japan together accounted for 25% of total imports. Imports by the European
Union [EU] represented 39% of the total world imports [if trade between
member countries is excluded, this rate corresponds to 25% of world imports].
The EU still remains the world's largest market. China is the main exporting
country, followed by Norway, Russia, Vietnam and the USA. Developing
18 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

countries play an important role in these exports [Fig. 2]. The share of
developing countries in total fishery exports in 2016 is approximately 53% in
value and approximately 59% in quantity. The net export value of fisheries
products of developing countries increased from 17 billion USD in 1996 to 25
billion USD in 2006 and 37 billion USD in 2016. These figures are also
significantly higher than other agricultural products such as rice, coffee and
tea [13]. Salmon and trout have become the most important traded products in
terms of value since 2013 and accounted for approximately 18% of the total
value of fishery products subject to international trade in 2016. The other main
product groups of the exported species were shrimp species with
approximately 16%, demersal fish with 10% [eg cod, haddock, etc.] and tuna
with 9%. China is far ahead in both sides of foreign trade [13].


Seas around Turkey is part of the Mediterranean water system. But these seas
differ from each other in terms of ecological, geographic, geomorphological
and meteorological features. The difference between the Black Sea and the
Mediterranean is more pronounced. This situation is reflected in species
diversity and abundance when evaluated in terms of fisheries. Turkey's annual
aquaculture production varies according to the year due to the fluctuations in
fishery production, water resources between the years 2010-2018 between the
years 537-704 thousand tons of aquatic products were produced. Similar to
world production; Turkey's aquaculture continues to increase aquaculture
production and increases the share of the total production culture. The
aquaculture production in Turkey stood at 628 631 tonnes in 2018, 35.3% of
the marine fish production, the 9.9% other seafood, constituted 4.8% of inland
fisheries and aquaculture products 50%. While the production made by
hunting was 314,094 tons, the aquaculture production was 314,537 tons [15].
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 19

Turkey Statistical Institute [TSI], according to data of the fishery products

made by fishing showed fluctuations since 1989, overall the last 20 years in
landings of catches of decreases, it is seen that the undulating but relatively
stable trend exhibited in recent years. Turkey hunting in the hunting of seafood
production in particular has a lot of important marine fish. In 2018, 90.4% of
the total fishing production was obtained from the seas, and 70.7% of the total
fishing was marine fish fishing. The prices of small pelagics such as anchovy,
sprat, sardine, seafood such as white sand mussel, sea snail, pearl mullet, silver
and silvery pond fish, which are mostly hunted in inland waters, are generally
low. Depending on these species, although the amount of hunting products is
higher, their value is lower than that of aquaculture products. Depending on
the increase in production in aquaculture, the total value of aquaculture
products increases every year. Production figures are analyzed across Turkey
when the majority of anchovy fishing in marine fish species, sardine, horse
mackerel, bonito and it appears to form species such as sprat. In the period
after 2000, anchovy fishing has constituted a large part of the annual marine
fishing production, which varies from year to year, such as 40-75% [15] [Fig.
20 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

Figure 3. Fish Aquaculture In Turkey Fish Farm

[, Access; 02.02.2021].

The fluctuation in aquaculture from year to year is due to the change in the
fishing of migratory marine fish such as anchovy, sprat and bonito, which
constitute the vast majority of fishing. The fishing of these fish depends on
many environmental factors such as the biology of the fish and the water
temperature, and the amount of catching varies from year to year. The
important bottom fish in hunting; haddock, red mullet and turbot fish.
Demersal fish production is much less compared to pelagic fish [15]. The
production of crustaceans and mollusks is also important in seafood fishing,
which is mainly composed of marine fish. In 2018, 21.8% of the total seafood
fishing production was made up of the other seafood group other than fish.
The species with the highest production amount in this group are white sand
mussels and sea snails, both of which are caught in the Black Sea. Most
hunting is done anchovies in Turkey, sprat, bonito, mackerel, whiting, all in
some kind of white clams and sea snails production, some in fishing in the
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Black Sea when it is taken into consideration that fished in the Black Sea, the
majority seems to have a very important place. In the period after 2000, 70-
80% of the total seafood fishing was provided from the Black Sea. Most of
the anchovies and sea snails are caught in the Eastern Black Sea, almost all of
the sprat are caught in the Sinop-Samsun region in the Eastern Black Sea, and
the whole of the white sand mussels in the Western Black Sea. Particularly
depending on the anchovy and sprat production amount, 57% of the amount
of fish caught in the seas in 2017 and 37% in 2018 was obtained from the
Eastern Black Sea. The share of the Western Black Sea in the production of
other seafood other than fish was 73% in 2017 and 77% in 2018 with the effect
of the production of white sand mussels. The most caught species in inland
fisheries are pearl mullet and carp. While carp production has decreased in
recent years, there has been an increase in the production of silverfish and
especially the silvery crucian fish, which is an invasive species [15, 16].

The share of manufacturing in total aquaculture in Turkey, aquaculture

production which stood at 10% in the early 2000s, in 2005 20%, up to 25% on
2010 levels by 2017 in%43,8, while in 2018 50% has reached. This
development is similar to the development of aquaculture in the world. While
hunting production has fluctuated from year to year, aquaculture production
has increased every year after 2002. While farming was carried out in inland
waters before, in recent years, aquaculture has increased rapidly. Initially,
aquaculture was carried out in inland water resources in soil and concrete
pools, and later in net cages in inland water and seas. Mesh cages, which can
be set up in a short time, allow production in large capacities. Having more
production areas than inland waters, the share of marine production has
increased in recent years, reaching 66.6% in 2018 [15].
22 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

While trout is the most grown species in inland waters, sea bass and sea bream
production stands out. Trout production increased after 2002 and reached 128
thousand tons in 2013. Trout production has been around 110 thousand in
recent years. Sea bream production increased slightly after 2002, after a steady
development period between 2005-2012, it increased again and reached the
level of 76.7 thousand in 2018. Sea bass production, which has been
increasing every year since 2002, was 116.9 thousand tons in 2018 [15].
Aegean Region provinces are seen to be prominent in aquaculture. 2018 year
of aquaculture production 69% was provided from the Aegean Region. The
provinces with the highest share in aquaculture production are respectively;
Muğla [36.6%], İzmir [23.9%], Aydın [6.5%] and Elâzığ [5.7%]. Sea bream
and sea bass production and therefore marine aquaculture, respectively;
Muğla, İzmir and Aydın are in the first place. In trout production and therefore
inland water farming, respectively; Muğla, Elâzığ and Tokat are in the first
places. The fisheries sector is one of the most important sectors in Turkey's
exports. Turkey's export value is increasing every year. Parallel to the
developments in aquaculture production and export of aquatic products
processing technology in Turkey is also seen a significant increase. In the
period after 2000, the increase in exports continued, and imports, on the other
hand, showed a partially fluctuating and partially stable course. In terms of
quantity, imports in 2010 (80.7 thousand tons) were considerably higher than
exports (55.1 thousand tons), while exports in the following years were always
higher than imports. Looking at recent years in terms of monetary value; it is
always seen that the export value is much higher than the import value.
Fisheries exports, which was 27 thousand tons in 2002, increased to 177
thousand tons in 2018, from 97 million dollars in value to 952 million dollars.
In the same period, the import of fisheries; While it was 23 thousand tons in
2002, it reached 98 thousand tons in 2018, and the monetary value of imports
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 23

increased from 19 million dollars to 189 million dollars. When the export-
import balance in 2018 is analyzed, it is seen that exports are 79 thousand tons
more than imports and 763 million dollars more in monetary value [TUIK,
2019]. The most important export items are the bluefin tuna fish, which are
caught with trout, sea bream and sea bass obtained through aquaculture, and
then reared in net cages and have high commercial value. Exports are made to
many countries of the world. In 2018, exports were to 81 countries, and 60%
of exports were to EU countries. The most exported countries are the
Netherlands, Italy and Russia [15].


Around a hundred different species are currently farmed in aquaculture around

the world. Some examples of animals farmed in aquaculture illustrate the wide

5.1. Carp [Cyprinus carpio, Linnaeus, 1758]

C. carpio is a species originating from Asia and Eastern Europe. The Romans
consumed carp. Carp farming in Europe began in the Middle Ages. Carp is a
species that can easily adapt to breeding systems. It is a living thing with a
wide ecological spectrum that is tolerant of water quality and temperature. It
prefers slow flowing and still waters. It is an omnivorous species; feeds on
zooplankton and aquatic plants. The original species is known as "scaly carp"
with a large and regularly spaced array of scales [Fig. 4].
24 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

Figure 4. Carp [Cyprinus carpio, Linnaeus, 1758]

[, Access: 27.01.2021].

Carp is mostly reproduced in hatcheries. When the larvae hatch, they are taken
into shallow tanks rich in plankton. Initially, the amount of plankton,
vegetation, and benthic invertebrates of the pond is sufficient to feed. Then
the creatures are usually fed with coarse grain meal or feed mixes. In the
autumn the ponds are cleaned and the fish are moved to a deeper pond [winter
pond]. During the coldest times, their feed intake decreases considerably and
their activity decreases. The following spring, the carp are transferred to
summer pools. In the spring of their third year, carp are now taken into
marketing pools. It feeds on food from the natural habitat, but is supplemented
with grains [17].

Carp is harvested in the fall [before frost]. It is marketed according to its size.
Since the carp is usually sold before Christmas, it is kept in clean, fresh water
for several weeks. Thus, its taste is improved. At other times of the year, an
increasing amount of carp is harvested. A mature carp can weigh up to 30 kg
and measure up to one meter in length. However, the marketing size is 30 to
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 25

50 cm long and about 1,5 kg-3 kg in weight. These criteria last about three to
four years in European climatic conditions. Carp can be grown in monoculture
and polyculture [with other desserts such as pike, catfish or silver carp] also
integrated with agricultural activities. Pools where carp are raised are
important in increasing biodiversity, landscaping and flood protection. The
majority of carp production is provided from farming. 80% of the world's carp
production is obtained from China. Other producers are Indonesia, Vietnam,
EU, Russia, Bangladesh and Brazil. The largest producers in Europe are
Poland and the Czech Republic [18].

5.2. Clam [Ruditapes decussatus, Linnaeus, 1758/ Ruditapes

philippinarum, Adams & Reeve, 1850]

R. decussatus, which is commonly found in Europe, is grown in the Atlantic

coast and the Mediterranean Sea of France, Spain, Portugal and Ireland. R.
philippinarum, known as Japanese clam, is found in Indian Ocean and the
Pacific Ocean [Fig. 5]. This species has been known for the past 30 years along
the European coastline from England to the Mediterranean. It is the most
produced species in Europe and has a settled population in certain regions.
Unlike some other bivalve species, this species has two separate sexes. In the
spring, breeding can be carried out artificially with high temperatures and
abundant food. Oysters extract organic matter and plankton from the
environment by filtering them with two siphons [19, 20].
26 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

Figure 5. Clam [Ruditapes philippinarum & Ruditapes decussatus]

[, Access: 27.01.2021].
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 27

In Europe, the vast majority of both European and Japanese oyster seeds are
harvested from their natural habitat. In addition, thermal shock ovulation is
also produced in hatcheries where stimulation is performed by the addition of
sperm. After fertilized eggs are filtered through the net, they are kept in
different containers until they become larvae. Oysters feed on microalgae until
they undergo metamorphosis. European oysters can be grown in a control
feeding system with microalgae. Also, they can be grown in mesh tanks on
culture trays. In Italy, this species are mostly grown in wooden frame covered
with plastic mesh. In Ireland it is grown in net pocket on trays around low
spring tide areas. Oysters must be classified to ensure the size of species. The
aim is to prevent competition for food that will cause smaller clams to grow
more slowly. In order to grow European oysters, regular maintenance of the
substrate is required. Algae and predators [crabs and sea stars] should be
abolished and the substrate should get enough oxygen. It is essential to
maintain a proper oyster population. Japanese oysters are especially grown in
tidal areas protected from extreme conditions. But some oyster pools can be
used to produce oysters. Before fertilization, the area should be prepared and
cleaned in such a way that predators are away. Oysters are covered with a net
that helps protect them from predators. A seeder that plows the nets and sows
the seeds at the same time has been developed in Europe. Nets should be
cleaned regularly to protect organisms from contamination, siltation, and the
entry of predators. Depending on the habitat carrying capacity, oysters can
reach a size of about 40mm in about two or three years. Clam seeds are wild-
collected in Europe and Japan. In addition, seeds can be produced in hatcheries
where ovulation is stimulated by an increase in thermal temperature,
increasing the amount of sperm in the environment, or peeling. Fertilized eggs
are drained and kept in different pools until the larval stage. Clams are fed
with microalgae until they undergo metamorphosis. European oysters are
28 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

grown in nurseries with the help of a controlled feeding system with micro
algae. Another alternative mode of production is to grow in mesh containers
on culture tables. In Italy, Japanese oysters are grown underwater in wooden
frames covered with plastic mesh. Nurseries in Ireland consist of net bags on
coffee tables around the tidal parts [21].

European clam breeding requires regular maintenance of the substrate.

Mosses and predators should be removed from the environment and sufficient
oxygen should be present in the substrate. It is very important to provide a
suitable density. Japanese oysters are grown in areas protected from excessive
wind, waves and tides. Also, ponds are used to grow oysters. Before seeding,
the environment should be properly cleaned. The environment should be
surrounded by a net that will help protect the oysters from predators. In
Europe, a machine that drives nets and sows seeds at the same time is used.
Nets should be checked and cleaned regularly to prevent siltation and the
penetration of predators. Depending on the conditions of the environment,
oysters grow to 40mm in about two to three years.

China provides 98% of the clam production all over the world. Other
manufacturers are EU and Korea. It can be counted among the major
producers from Italy, Portugal, France and Spain in Europe. Production in
Italy is carried out in lagoons in the northeast Adriatic and in the Po river delta.
A controlled stock management regime is used here. Trade with Europe is
very limited, except for imports from South Korea to Spain and Portugal.
Small-scale intra-European trade is carried out from France and Italy to Spain
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5.3. Mussels [Mytilus edulis, Linnaeus, 1758/ Mytilus

galloprovincialis, Lamarck, 1819]

Mussels can be found in various habitats with wide tolerances [temperature

and salinity] to fully submerged regions in tidal zones [Fig. 6]. They feed with
phytoplankton and organic matter by constantly filtration of water. For this
reason, they prefer water rich in plankton. Water quality is very important in
farming. The larval period of the mussels is a mobile period that allows high
fertility and wide spread. Mussels produce larvae that move by currents,
usually between March and October. In less than 72 hours, the larvae become
large and unable to swim. They cling to the environment and their
development is provided in this way.

Figure 6. Mussels [Mytilus edulis & Mytilus galloprovincialis]

[, Access; 02.02. 2021].
30 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

Mussel farming is the largest shellfish activity in Europe. The first farming is
in France in 13th century by planting with wooden piles. Farming started with
blue mussels [M. edulis] on the Atlantic coast, and continued with
Mediterranean mussels [M. galloprovincialis], which were grown on the
Atlantic coast and Black Sea in Spain in the following years. Two species are
widely found in natural habitats. Cultivation begins with the collection of
mussel seeds from the natural environment and placing them in selected rope
nets. Ropes are collected and transported to sheltered growing areas on the
shores between May and July. The most common cultivation methods in
Europe's coastal areas are:

• Ropes [especially Spain, the Mediterranean, Ireland and England]-

Mussels are attached to ropes vertically in a fixed or floating structure
in water. Long ropes are used in France, Ireland and Belgium
• Piles [known as 'boats' in France]-In this method rows of wooden piles
driven into the lower tidal zone is used. Three to five meters of
collecting rope or pipe filled with larvae is wrapped and attached to the
stake. The net is laid over the structure to prevent mussels to fall out.
• Plots [Netherlands, Ireland and UK]-Juveniles are spread out over
shallow water plots in sheltered areas. The product is harvested at the
end of 12 to 15 months.

Worldwide, 95% of aquaculture is mussel farming. China and Europe are the
largest mussel producers, others are Chile and New Zealand. Mussels are
produced locally in Europe. Chile and New Zealand supply mussels to Europe,
and frozen products used in the processing industry are supplied to Europe.
Intra-European trade is worth about half the demand in Europe. Exports are
made from Spain, the Netherlands and Denmark. The European mussel market
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 31

is divided into sections with various prices and market periods. Exports to
Europe are smaller, especially to Switzerland and Russia [13, 23].

5.4. Oyster [Ostrea edulis, Linnaeus, 1758/ Crassostrea gigas,

Thunberg, 1793]

Today, the indigenous flat oyster [O. edulis] culture is produced in limited
quantities in Europe. Exploitation and diseases have caused the species
became extinct. C. gigas, is native to Japan were carried to Europe in 1970
[Fig. 7]. Thanks to rapidly development and adaptation to various
environment, Pacific coated oysters are n the most grown species worldwide
nowadays, including Europe. Its population in nature began to increase in
northern Europe, causing pollution in coastal areas. Oysters are
hermaphroditic and they can change sex. First, a male individual is formed
and then they mature as a female. Reproduction occurs depending on the
temperature and salinity of the water. Before settling, the larvae are located in
the pelagic areas and are dispersed by currents. They then change
morphologically, assuming the juvenile forms of bivalves. Oysters feed by
filtering the water.
32 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

Figure 7. Oyster [Crassostrea gigas & Ostrea edulis]

Access: 27.01.2021].
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 33

Production begins with the collection of oyster larvae from the natural
environment. Collectors placed at important points are used to collect the
larvae. When the larvae reach a few millimeters in length, they are removed
with collectors and ready to be grown. However, most larvae are obtained
from hatcheries. Sea-based facilities are established for this production. As the
water temperature rises, oysters begin to release their gametes. The larvae are
placed in a closed circuit tank system and fed with algae as food. When the
larvae are about to settle on a surface, solid substrates are placed in the tank.
The method of growing oysters depends on both environmental conditions
[tidal range, water depth, etc.] and traditional conditions. Oysters are produced
as a "bottom culture" on the Atlantic coast of France. Oysters are placed in
netted plastic bags found in coastal areas. The "bottom culture", which is made
by leaving oysters on the shore or under low water, is not used much today. In
Spain, unlike France, oysters are cultured with the "hanging culture", which
is the way they are grown on a rope. This method is more suitable for non-
tidal waters or open sea environments. Another method, 'deep water culture',
consists of embankments where oysters can be placed up to ten meters deep.
After approximately 18-30 months, oysters reach the desired size. Harvesting
method depends on the type of culture. Cultured species are harvested by
removing the bags with the help of tripods, except for the dip method. In
bottom culture, the grown species are harvested using rake or dredging [if
water level allows] when the tide is low. Worldwide, cultivation accounts for
97% of the total oyster production. China is the largest producer with 80% of
its total production, followed by Korea, Japan, the USA and Europe. Europe
is self-sufficient when it comes to oysters. Intra-Europe trade is very limited.
France has the largest market share in Europe [24, 25].
34 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

5.5. Atlantic salmon [Salmo salar, Linnaeus, 1758]

Atlantic salmon [S. salar] is found in rivers flowing to Europe's North Atlantic
coast. Anadrom is one of a kind. It spends the first few years in fresh waters
and migrates to fresh waters to breed. However, they mostly live in sea water
[Fig. 8]. Spawning takes place between October and January. The eggs are
released into gravel beds and fertilized. Fertilization takes place in oxygen-
rich waters. Most of the fish die after spawning. Larvae feed on their own
reserves for four to six weeks. Later, the larvae feed on insect larvae. The
babies, called "Parr", usually live in fresh water for an average of two to five
years between March and June until they adapt their physiology to sea water
and go through the smog process they migrate to the sea [26].

Figure 8. Atlantic salmon [Salmo salar] [

salar-atlantic-salmon, Access: 27.01.2020].

The hatching technique for Atlantic salmon was first applied to stockpiling in
the United Kingdom in the 19th century. However, in 1960, adult salmon
produced in floating cages was introduced to the market for the first time in
Norway. The first part of salmon farming takes place in freshwater.
Propagation of Atlantic salmon is under strict control. Eggs are taken from the
female individuals and fertilization takes place with the sperm taken from the
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 35

male individuals. Fertilized eggs are then placed in incubation tanks. The first
stage after fertilization takes four to six weeks until the larvae suck the egg
sac and become parr. The second stage is taken to parr fresh water tanks [or
floating cages in a lake] where the time required for smoltification is one to
two years. The fry are then placed in a floating cage and released to the sea.
The time required to reach market size [2-5 kg] is two years. Salmon are
carnivores. They are fed with fish meal and fish oil pellets. These feeds
contain additional ingredients such as vitamins, mineral salts and carotenoid
pigments. Worldwide, its culture accounts for two-thirds of the total salmon
production. 93% of the main species grown are Atlantic salmon. The main
producers of Atlantic salmon in 2009 were Norway, Chile, EU and Canada.
Only Atlantic salmon is grown in the EU. The EU imports 80% of the demand
from third world countries and 20% from Norway. Imports from China are
increasing day by day. Stuffed and frozen Norwegian salmon is produced in
China. The main importer countries of Norwegian salmon are Sweden and
Denmark. These two countries act solely based on central location and have
started to re-export especially to EU markets [France, England, Germany and
Poland]. This particular role of Sweden and Denmark explains why the value
of intra-EU trade is as important as the value of imports. Raw material from
Norway is processed and imported in Poland and Germany. This situation
contributes to intra-EU trade. The export price from EU to ABY is not
considerable [27].

5.6. Seabass [Dicentrarchus labrax, Linnaeus, 1758]

European sea bass [D. labrax] is found throughout the Mediterranean, Black
Sea and North East Atlantic from Norway to Senegal. They can live in waters
up to 100 m depth, in estuaries and in brackish waters in coastal lagoons.
Young fish, especially seasonal migrations form flocks. This species feeds on
36 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

crustaceans, mollusks and fish. In the Mediterranean, males reach sexual

maturity in three years and females in four years. In Atlantic, this period can
be listed as four and seven, respectively [Fig. 9].

Figure 9. Seabass [Dicentrarchus labrax] [,

Access: 27.01.2021].

Sea bass is grown by traditional methods where fish are allowed to enter
lagoons. The entry point of the fish is closed after a certain period of time, as
in the "valliculture" used in Italy and "esteros" used in southern Spain, and the
fish are confined inside. Imprisoned creatures are fed naturally until they are
harvested. In the 1960s, Mediterranean researchers developed intensive
breeding methods involving complex incubation techniques. Running a
hatchery requires many technical and trained personnel. Hatcheries usually
operate independently and sell the larvae to the farms. The reproduction of sea
bass can be completely controlled at the facility. The fertilized eggs are
collected in the spawning tank, and the hatched larvae are placed in the
hatchery tanks. Then the larvae are placed in rearing tanks. After the larvae
feed on the sac residues from the eggs, they first feed on micro algae and
zooplankton, and a special food containing some artemia. Live feed can be
produced in the hatchery. Within a month or two, the larvae begin to get used
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 37

to the artificial feed and are now taken from their first food to the cutting tank.
Later, the fry are transferred to the feeding unit with pellets. They can be
transported to farms after two months. Mostly fish are grown in floating cages
[Mediterranean and Canary Islands]. In other farms, sea bass is produced in
tanks using a recirculation system that generally controls the water
temperature. Some facilities use traditional extensive and semi-intensive
methods. Sea bass can be harvested when it reaches a weight of 300-500 gram.
This situation may take a one or two year depending on the water temperature.
The main production method for D. labrax is aquaculture medium. More than
10% of the total sea bass production in the world consists of those grown in
culture medium. The EU is the largest producer of sea bass with 80% above
the second producer [Egypt]. Greece has the largest share in the EU, followed
by Spain. Very little export is outside the EU. The majority of imports from
third countries comes from Turkey. Importers from Turkey is Italy, Greece
and the Netherlands. In Italy, imports meet local demand. However, Greece
and the Netherlands prefer to export to other EU countries. Because intra-EU
trade is very important for economic balance. At this point, Greece has
assumed the role of the biggest exporter in Italy as the biggest importer. It is
followed by England, France, Spain and Portugal [18, 28].

5.7. Seabream [Sparus aurata, Linnaeus, 1758]

Seabream [S. aurata] in culture is the only species grown in large quantities.
It is widely cultivated in the Mediterranean and is found in abundant herds
along the East Atlantic coast from England to the Canary Islands [Fig. 10]. It
takes its name from the characteristic golden line between its eyes. It can
survive under difficult conditions in the sea and up to the brackish waters of
coastal lagoons. It is generally found more on rocky or sandy ground. As an
exception, they can also be found in sea meadows. During the spawning period
38 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

[October-December], those who are ready to spawn migrate to deeper waters.

With the arrival of spring, the offspring come to the coastal and river mouths.
This species is hermaphrodite. In the first and second years of their life, they
begin to develop as a male and in the second and third years as a feminine
individual. They prefer mollusks, crustaceans and small fish as food [29, 30].

Figure 10. Sea bream [Sparus aurata] [, Access:


Traditionally, sea bream is heavily grown in coastal lagoons and brackish

waters of northern Italy ['vallicoltura'] and southern Spain ['esteros']. It has
been successfully reproduced in the 1980s. Systems that provide intensive
rearing [especially sea cages] have been developed. For this reason, this
species has become one of the important products of aquaculture in Europe.
Originally, breeding involved catching young individuals. However, most of
the production today comes from the offspring obtained from technologically
highly developed hatcheries with the help of qualified personnel.
Hermaphroditism requires correct rootstock management. When adults are
laying eggs, they prepare by controlling daylight [photo-manipulation] and
temperature. Fertilization usually takes place with the female's eggs close to
the surface. Fertilized eggs are transferred to the incubation tanks where they
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 39

hatch within 48 hours. After three to four days, the larvae consume the egg
sac and begin feeding. Before training, they are fed first with micro algae and
zooplankton, then with artemia and finally with high protein feeds. In coastal
lagoons, sea bream is often bred with mullet, sea bass and eel species. They
grow naturally in cages or semi-closed systems where natural food is
supplemented with feed. In intensive production systems, sea bream is fed
with commercial feed in tanks located on land or in sea cages where the
majority of its production is located [Mediterranean and Canary Islands].
Individuals who reach the market size after 18 months on average are made
ready for trade. Most of the sea bream fish are obtained from aquaculture. The
EU is the largest manufacturer in Turkey and is followed him. The largest
producer in the EU is Greece. Spain follows Greece. Trade between the EU
and third countries is very limited. On the other hand, intra-EU trade is
important. Greece is the largest exporter compared to Italy, Portugal, France
and Spain [31].

5.8. Sturgeon [Acipenser baerii, J. F. Brandt, 1869]

The species belonging to the family Acipenseridae are Siberian sturgeon,

Tuna sturgeon, European, Sterlet sturgeon, Common sturgeon and Adriatic
sturgeon. Many sturgeon species are threatened with extinction [Fig. 11].
Dams, whose populations cut the migration route, are decreasing day by day
due to overfishing and pollution. For this reason, sturgeon farming has
positive effects not only for obtaining meat and caviar, but also for restocking
and preserving these species. One of the widely grown species in Europe,
Siberian sturgeon [Acipenser baerii]. The first breeding systems in Siberia
were used in the Soviet Union in the 1970s. The first samples were sent to
France as part of a scientific cooperation program [32, 33].
40 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

Figure 11. Sturgeon [Acipenser baerii] [, Access:


In the breeding of the Siberian sturgeon, females lay eggs throughout the year.
Therefore, by controlling the water temperature, eggs can be obtained from
December to May. Siberian sturgeon is raised in artificial channels, circular
tanks, pools or cages. They are carnivorous creatures. They feed on feeds
containing fish meal, fish oil and vegetable extracts. The average production
period of sturgeon is 14 months and it is produced with an average weight of
650-700 gram. Their harvest is done with nets. Caviar production of sturgeon
is quite costly. Because Females cannot produce eggs until they are seven
years old. During this period, they are grown in tannins containing fresh water.
In previous years, females were killed and their caviar was taken in this way.
However, in recent years, techniques have been used to get caviar without
killing the living creature. In this way, production becomes easier and the cost
is reduced. Global sturgeon farming is carried out at very low levels due to
stock depletion. Agricultural activities have outstripped fishing. Water
accounts for 85% of the total production in Chinese sturgeon farming [34].
Other producers are Russia and the EU. To obtain caviar to preserve Siberian
sturgeon stocks. This species is bred in Western Europe. Although statistics
on caviar production are not entirely accurate, The value of caviar in sturgeon
farming is over 80%. Italy and France are the main caviar producing countries.
Thanks to the developments in aquaculture EU gets significant income in
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 41

exporting caviar to third countries. Most of the intra-EU caviar trade is from
Italy to France, Germany and UK [33, 35].

5.9. Trout [Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum, 1792]

There are many colored spots on the skin of rainbow trout [Oncorhynchus
mykiss]. It is one of the most important species grown in fresh water [Fig. 12].
It was brought to Europe from the Pacific coast of America at the end of the
19th century. Today it is grown in many EU countries. Rainbow trout is a
species that can withstand extreme conditions. It has a wide tolerance range.
It can be found in different habitats by making the transition from freshwater
to salt water. But their main habitat is lakes. Reproduction occurs at
temperatures below 21°C. Growth and maturation period varies according to
water temperature and feeding amount. Under normal conditions, trout mature
at the age of 3-4 years. They are carnivorous creatures. They should be fed
with foods rich in protein. They reach 350 grams within a year and their weight
reaches 3 kg at the end of two years [36].

Figure 12. Trout [Oncorhynchus mykiss]

[, Access: 31.01.2021].
42 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

Larvae have yolk sacs for feeding after hatching. They get their first food from
this pouch. The pouch is sucked once and the larvae get their energy from
there to swim to the surface in search of food. The fry must be fed with small
pellet feeds [special feed] containing protein, vitamins and fat. Feeding is done
manually to ensure a balanced diet early in the rearing. The fry are then fed
with small pellets until they reach 30 grams of weight. Young fish reaching
50 g and 8-10 cm in size are transported to rearing units, either to floating
cages in lakes or to tanks. These tanks, usually rectangular, are made of
concrete and operate in two techniques: flow path, in the form of an open
system through which river water flows from the units through a channel; or
with a closed system in the form of recirculation, providing water circulation
in the tanks and working with a recycling logic, or a partial recirculation
system. The biggest advantage of recirculation is that the water temperature
can be controlled throughout the year, thus limiting the waste going to the
environment. In addition, trout farming can be done in floating cages in the
sea, low salt waters of the Baltic and sheltered waters. In the Scandinavian
fjords, the west coast of Scotland, and in Ireland, trout farming in seawater is
done following a salmon-like diet. This explains why trout meat grown with
this system is pink in color. When the fish reach its commercial weight, trout
is collected by net and traded. In the year 2009 the main producers worldwide
EU, Chile, Norway was ranked as Turkey and Iran. Today, almost all rainbow
trout production in the EU market is provided by aquaculture. The vast
majority of EU trout needs are provided locally. The main producing countries
in Europe are Italy, France, Denmark, Germany and Spain. Turkey imports
mainly [freshwater portion size trout] and Norway [large sea water for trout
fillets] and are the main importers took place in Germany and Sweden. The
EU exports trout especially from Denmark to countries such as Russia and
Switzerland. In trade within the EU, this export is equal to half of the total
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 43

supply. Among the permanent countries of the market, Poland, Denmark and
Sweden are the main exporters; Germany and Finland are the main importers

5.10. Turbot [Psetta maxima, Linnaeus, 1758]

Turbot [Psetta maxima] is a flat creature in terms of body shape with eyes
located on the upper part of its body. It is quite common on the Atlantic coast
of Europe, but less common in the Mediterranean [Fig. 13]. It is found at the
bottom of sandy and muddy waters, which can be from shallow sections to a
depth of 100 meters. It can imitate the ground color it is on very well. The
spawning period is from May to July in the Atlantic and from February to
April in the Mediterranean. At the end of about two months, with the increase
in development, the right eye shifts to the left. This species is a carnivorous
creature. Juveniles feed on mollusc and crustaceans. Adult individuals
consume smaller fish and cephalopods.

Figure 13. Turbot [Psetta maxima] [Anonymous, Access: 31.01.2021].

44 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

Turbot cultivation started in UK in the 1970s. And then France and Spain
started the cultivation. Although turbot is also grown in other EU countries,
Spain's Galicia region is the main producer. As with sea bream and sea bass
larvae, shield larvae are also produced in technological facilities that require
qualified personnel. Controlled breeding is carried out under disciplined
conditions. Rootstock individuals are kept in concrete tanks, at low density,
under certain light and temperature conditions, and are fed with specially
formulated moist feeds. These procedures make it easier to get eggs all year
round. Eggs are pelagic and are placed in incubation tanks in the time that
elapses until the larvadave hatches. Larvae are grown in semi-dense systems
[five larvae per liter] or dense systems [twenty to forty larvae per liter]. When
their mouth structure becomes clear, they begin to intake zooplankton and
artemia. Phytoplankton is also added to the tanks. Commercial artificial
feeding is performed at the end of the second month. Up to 4 months of age,
the offspring are fed with dry feed and weigh 5-10 grams. The juveniles are
then taken into larger tanks in size so that they can reach a weight of about
100 g for the pre-fattening period. The enlargement process is carried out in
circular or square-shaped tanks with a black background that can pump open
circuit seawater. The upper part of the tanks is partially covered to protect
living things from excessive sunlight. Individual density should be between
20-40 kg per square meter. To a small extent, this species can be produced in
recirculating aquaculture systems [RAS]. It takes about 26-30 months for the
fish to reach a commercial size of 1.5-2 kg [37].

Turbot cultivation has started in China with rootstock individuals imported

from Europe. Before the start of production in China, turbot production was
only seen in Europe. According to FAO data, China produces approximately
60,000 tons per year. EU production is around 6,000 tons per year. Within the
EU, Spain is the main producer. Recently, developments have been observed
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 45

in Kalkan production in Portugal. Domestic trade of shields produced in

Europe is carried out from Spain to France, Italy and Portugal. This domestic
trade covers half of the EU aquaculture production [38].


Aquaculture, which is among the agricultural production activities, has shown

a great development especially in recent years and is the fastest in the world.
It is one of the developing sectors. Undoubtedly, for the aquaculture sector to
reach this position; reduction of natural stocks and increasing demand for
seafood for healthy eating plays an important role. Aquaculture in industrial
countries with a developed market economy is under the influence of some or
all of those mentioned [Fig. 14]. Among these, the use of units suitable for the
purpose during the production phase, the amount of stocking high enough to
make maximum use of the established volume or the production area used, the
use of scientifically formulated feed that can meet the nutritional needs of the
species, the use of high automation in operations such as feeding,
classification and harvesting and using the eggs obtained to bring the species
to the market stage. It has been known for a long time that seafood has an
important share in human nutrition. While aquaculture production was mostly
done by hunting in the past, today hunting and breeding are almost close to
each other. Population growth, excessive or unconscious fishing and
environmental factors have unfortunately led to a decrease in natural fish
stocks and even the risk of extinction of some species. Experts also state that
although natural resources are limited, some measures have been taken over
time, but today the production obtained from nature through hunting cannot
be increased more and that the increase in aquaculture production can be
closed by aquaculture. Aquaculture is a sector that continues to grow around
the world. Aquaculture production has increased 12 times worldwide with an
46 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

annual average increase of 8.8% in the last 30 years [13]. It is launched by

FAO as the fastest growing and continuously growing sector among all food
sectors. Turkey is also in question in a similar situation. Turkey's aquaculture
production showed a fluctuating exchange with hunting reputation over the
years shows a steady increase in aquaculture production.

Figure 14. Positive effects of aquaculture [

do, Access; 02.02.2021].

The total production of marine and inland water fishing in the world has been
at a relatively stable level, around 90 million tons in recent years; however,
aquaculture production is constantly increasing. World aquaculture
production was 172.7 million tons in 2017; 92.5 million tons [53.6%] of this
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 47

production was obtained from hunting and 80.1 million tons [46.4%] from
aquaculture [5].

According to scientific researches, it is estimated that investment in

aquaculture will increase further in the coming years, the amount of
aquaculture obtained through aquaculture will be equal to the amount of
fishery products obtained by hunting in 2030, and in the long term,
aquaculture production will surpass hunting production. The importance of
the world's seas and inland waters is increasing day by day and shows
aquaculture as the sector of the future. However, it is necessary to protect and
planned use of water resources with environmental precautions for
sustainability [1].

Figure 15. Stages of aquaculture [

insights/perspectives, Access; 02.02.2021].

According to the evaluations made by FAO, it is the fisheries sector of the

sector that has shown the most development in the agriculture sector in the
last 10 years. The main factor in the rapid increase of aquaculture is the
48 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

increase in the demand for food, especially for protein-based food, primarily
with the increase in the world population and also in per capita income.
Considering the projection of the population of 7 billion to reach 8 billion in
the next 20 years, it is inevitable that the demand for fisheries will increase.
There is a huge problem in the world of fisheries resources and their
management. Some of these are legal administrative control-supervision
problems, and some of them are problems arising from the inability to manage
the fishing fleet effectively. The increase in the digital and technological
capacity of the fishing fleet in developed and developing countries has brought
serious problems in the sharing of limited living resources and fishing
revenues. Fisheries authorities state that sustainable production is possible if
resources are managed in line with effective management plan. It is expected
that aquaculture production will continue to increase in the future and its share
in total production will increase. Aquaculture exports will continue to increase
in parallel with the developments in aquaculture production and processing
technologies. It is estimated that fishing production will be adversely affected
and hunting production will not increase further due to possible reasons such
as pollution of water resources, deterioration of habitats, increase in coastal
areas, climate change, hunting pressure and decrease in fisheries stocks. For
this reason, the basic principle of fisheries today is to continue the current
production. In order to benefit from aquaculture resources effectively in the
future, it is necessary to focus on measures to ensure the protection and
sustainable use of resources [Fig. 15] [39].


Aquaculture is a sector that continues to grow around the world. Aquaculture

production has increased almost 12 times worldwide in the last 30 years, with
an annual average increase of 8.8% [13]. The aquaculture industry is
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 49

introduced by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization [FAO]

as a rapidly developing and constantly growing sector among all food sectors.
In the aquaculture sector, production is carried out through hunting and
aquaculture. As the emerging technologies in the world in the last century in
Turkey's growing population and demand for animal products, which
increased the pressure on fishery resources. As a result, the fact that fishing
resources are not infinite, although they are renewable, have been faced. There
is a big problem in the world of fisheries resources and their management.
Some of them are legal administrative control-audit problems, some of them
are caused by the inability to manage the fishing fleet effectively. The increase
in the digital and technological capacity of the fishing fleet in developed and
developing countries has brought serious problems in the sharing of limited
living resources and fishing revenues. Fisheries authorities ensure sustainable
production, if resources are managed in line with effective management plans.
They state that it is possible.

Figure 16. Future of aquaculture [

aquaculture, Access; 02.02.2021].
50 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

Many factors such as climate change, changes in environmental factors,

destruction by humans in habitats, population growth, excessive and
unconscious hunting can adversely affect natural fish stocks. Although some
precautions are taken against this situation, it has been adopted by the
stakeholders in the sector that the production made by fishing will not increase
more and that the increase in production can only be achieved by aquaculture.
Undoubtedly, one of the most important problems of mass is nutrition. 6% of
the protein used by the world population is met from fish consumption. Total
animal protein is provided by 24% from fish. Despite the increase in the
amount obtained by breeding, different reasons arise in the increase in demand
from hunting stocks; Due to the use of the yield of natural stocks in the world
at maximum capacity, the supply of fish from the natural environment cannot
meet the demand. Marine pollution and intensive fishing from the
environment have damaged natural stocks and some species have faced the
danger of extinction. This situation made it necessary to reinforce these stocks.
The increase in market prices as a result of the increase in market demand and
the decrease in natural production made breeding attractive. Societies that
have become accustomed to fish culture have started to demand fish not only
during the fishing season but throughout the year. Constant demand depends
on the species' habitat and natural conditions. Therefore, the production put to
the market is seasonal. In farming, the lives of the living creatures and
environmental factors are largely under control. Depending on all these
variables, developments in biology, engineering and genetics increase the
quality and quantity with each passing time by solving the problems in
aquaculture [Fig. 16] [40].

In the evaluations made by the FAO, it is stated that the sector with the most
development in the agriculture sector in the last 10 years is the fisheries sector.
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 51

Considering the main factors in the rapid increase in aquaculture, the increase
in the world population and the per capita income also increases the demand
for food, especially protein-based food. Considering the projection of the
population of 7 billion to reach 8 billion in the next 20 years, it is inevitable
that the demand for fisheries will increase. In the 2050s, in order to feed the
increasing world population sufficiently and in a balanced way, the world food
production It is stated by experts that it will need to be doubled [41].

In terms of food value, animal foods are of great importance in human

nutrition. In addition to being a good source of protein, seafood contains
vitamins A, D, B and K, calcium, phosphorus and many rich minerals. This
situation is seen as a factor that will affect the increase of fisheries production.
The high domestic and foreign trade volume of the fisheries sector and the
utilization of unused water resources and bringing them into the economy are
other factors that trigger the increase in fishery production in the world. Due
to the limited land availability and the increasing environmental stress factors,
the concern that the increasing world population will not be adequately fed in
the near future is increasing. Aquaculture, which plays an important role in in
nutrition, creates important opportunities in the subjects of nutrition of people,
raw material supply to the industrial sector, employment, contributing to rural
development, high export opportunity, more effective management of natural
resources and the conservation of biological diversity. Its importance is
increasing day by day [42].


Using living organisms and their building blocks, biotechnology is widely

used in health, agriculture, food and many other industrial fields.
Biotechnology, which has a great potential in terms of contribution to
52 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

agricultural production, has become increasingly important in the field of

aquaculture, especially in recent years. Biotechnology covers studies that use
biological systems, living organisms or parts of them to develop and create
different products. With the development of genetic engineering in the 1970s,
due to the possibility of making changes in the genetic material [DNA] of
organisms, research in many areas such as biotechnology and human health,
plant production has continued. Any technology based on living organisms or
biological systems is a brief description of biotechnology. Biotechnology is a
technical way of understanding and changing functions in human, animal and
plant cells. Biotechnology has made significant progress in medical fields,
especially in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. Biotechnological
products, which are getting stronger day by day in the world pharmaceutical
industry, were 10% in the pharmaceutical industry in the past, but now it is
close to 20%. Biotechnology, cell and tissue biology culture, molecular
biology, physiology, genetics, microbiology and biochemistry, as well as
computer engineering, is the name given to technologies used in
pharmaceutical and medical fields to develop animals, plants and
microorganisms with DNA technology. However, it is thought to have an
effective potential on electrical and mechanical engineering. Briefly,
biotechnology is a technological method used to develop plants, animals and
microorganisms with DNA technology and to obtain new materials that do not
exist naturally or are not produced as much as we need [43].

Biotechnology genetic engineering methods, in which the desired products are

obtained with ideal methods and techniques through living tissues and organs,
are used by biotechnology as a tool. If we give examples of this technology,
which is aimed at increasing human comfort today, we can list as follows:
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 53

-Use of genetic products to treat and prevent various diseases such as cancer,
AIDS, leukemia, Mediterranean anemia,

-Protein production for growth retardation, infectious diseases, spinal

cord repair and repair of damaged brain cells,
-Transforming bacteria in dirty water into creatures that can clean the
-Transferring some special genes in a living thing to another living thing
to produce more,
-Increasing the production of properties beneficial to human health such
as insulin production, changing the genetic structure of cells with DNA,
-To become more durable and more efficient thanks to gene changes in
-Reducing the environmental impact of industrial processes such as
textile paper and chemical products,
-Soil treatment, waste gas and polluted air, waste water cleaning, and
the evaluation of other waste-like wastes can be given as an example of
biotechnological studies [44].

At the same time, steps have been taken to develop antibiotics that fight
pathogens for human health.
Biotechnology is a biotech-based method that uses cellular and biomolecular
stages to produce technologies and products that help protect the quality of
life and the well-being of the planet. Microorganisms have been used for over
6,000 years to produce and preserve foodstuffs such as bread and cheese.
Modern biotechnology provides products and technological methods to
combat diseases, reduce our damage to nature, obtain nutrients, use sufficient
and clean energy, and have safer and more efficient industrial production
54 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

In order to improve our planet, biotechnology uses our genetic material and
the remedies inherent in nature to improve and guide our living conditions.
For this reason, reducing the amount of infectious diseases, increasing the life
expectancy of children, reducing serious life-threatening problems affecting
human health globally, developing individual treatments to minimize health
risks and negative effects of diseases, developing more sensitive methods to
diagnose diseases and It is the fight against serious diseases and daily threats
that emerge in parallel with today's technological developments. Microscopic
plant products are used to produce biocatalysts such as enzymes, yeasts and
other microbes using biological processes such as biotech, fermentation.
Biotech helps feed the world by:

It regulates chemical production processes by 80% and more, lowering the

temperature for cleaning clothes and providing $ 4.1 billion in savings per
year, increasing production process efficiency for more than 50% savings in
operating costs, to reduce the use and dependence on chemicals from

Using biofuels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reducing water use and
waste generation; and

With the utilization of traditional biomass waste products reaching 100%.

With biotechnology, the insect resistance and herbicide tolerance of crops are
increased, facilitating their use with more environmentally sustainable
production practices. Biotechnology helps feed the world by: higher crop
yield, reducing the use of agricultural chemicals required by crops, reduce
pesticide use and use of biotech crops that allow it to reduce plowing of
agricultural land, developing high nutritional value crops, to produce food free
of mycotoxins and toxins, and its oil content, which will help improve
cardiovascular health, allows crops to be harvested [45].
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 55

Figure 17. New scientific trends; Biotechnology [

tech-in-biotechnology, Access; 02.02. 2021].


Biotechnology is a technology field that includes technologies and

technological products developed by the use of concepts and operating rules
that form the molecular basis of living organisms or living things. Traditional
biotechnology, which has a history equivalent to human history, has gained a
brand new meaning and importance thanks to the scientific advances made in
the fields of molecular biology and genetics in the last fifty years. For this
reason, biotechnology, or modern biotechnology, together with information
technology, is one of the technologies expected to make the most important
contribution to the welfare of humanity in the 21st century. Traditional
Biotechnology and Modern Biotechnology are considered as different fields
in many aspects. Traditional biotechnology is a saturated and established
technology, modern biotechnology; It is a technology that is open to
innovation, has unlimited potential despite its rapid growth, but is strictly
dependent on basic science research and infrastructure in "molecular biology".
Modern biotechnology has reached a point that can deeply affect the
56 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

traditional agricultural economies of countries, especially with transgenic

plants. The applications of modern biotechnology in medicine continue to
grow with significant contributions in the protection of human health, which
is too valuable to be measured by economic data. The second economic
product group that is expected to hit the country gates in a few years will be
transgenic animals. Transgenic microorganisms, on the other hand, will play
an important role both as "cell factories" and in waste treatment [46].

Modern biotechnology will increase economic efficiency in animal husbandry

and industrial production, while increasing foreign dependency in countries
that are lagging behind in science and technology. On the other hand, modern
biotechnology, in its unconscious and uncontrolled application, carries some
risks in terms of environmental protection and biodiversity. Another risk that
cannot be ignored is the use of modern biotechnology as a means of economic
and military warfare for non-peaceful purposes. In addition, there is not
enough information about the effects of genetically modified organisms
[GMOs] and GMO products on human health, especially in the long term. For
the aforementioned reasons, it is necessary to take urgent biosecurity measures
related to modern biotechnology, make the necessary legal regulations, and
more importantly, "control systems" should be put into effect in terms of
following the laws. However, attitudes and measures on modern
biotechnology should not be limited to legal regulations on biosafety. For the
control systems required for the follow-up of legal regulations, staff who are
experts in modern biotechnology and control laboratories should be
established. In the long run, in terms of the welfare of the people of the country
and the development of the national economy, timely investments in "modern
biotechnology" would be an appropriate decision. On the other hand, in some
societies and in our country, some negative reactions have started to occur
against some applications of modern biotechnology. This opposition to
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 57

modern biotech products is a selective opposition. For example, while there is

no negative reaction to GMO products such as hepatitis B vaccine and
interferons produced by recombinant DNA technology, which are used for the
protection of human health and for therapeutic purposes, negative reactions
are observed as well as positive reactions to herbal-derived GMO products
produced with the same technology. There could be many reasons for this
different attitude. One of these reasons is the suspicion about unwanted
biological consequences as a result of the release of some biotechnology
products to the environment. Another issue of doubt is the possibility that
modern biotechnology products taken as food may harm human health. This
precautionary approach to some biotech products needs to be taken seriously,
preventing practices that pose a clear danger to biosecurity, and minimizing
risk [47].

On the other hand, the losses that may arise from biased opposition to modern
biotechnological applications and products that do not pose a risk should not
be ignored. Therefore, the benefits and known and foreseeable risks of modern
biotechnology should be explained to the public in a balanced and impartial
manner. The informed society will thus be able to consciously make its own
choice. On the other hand, it is possible for all parties interested in modern
biotechnology [especially producers, scientists and consumers] to unite in
middle grounds in a dialogue environment based on good intentions, unbiased
and honesty. The most basic requirement for this is that discussion platforms
based on accurate and complete information can be created. Although
biotechnology has been a frequently mentioned concept in documents related
to science and technology policies for the last thirty years in our country, a
national identity and concrete accumulation has not emerged in both basic
science and research and development [R&D] studies and industrial
applications related to biotechnology. In parallel with this, necessary legal
58 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

regulations and investments in control systems in biosecurity issues were also

ignored. We believe there are two main reasons for this situation. The first and
main reason is that basic science studies, which are the most indispensable
condition for developing and applying modern biotechnologies, and the
technical infrastructure and trained manpower required to carry out these
studies are at a level that can be ignored in our country. The second reason is
that national resources are not transferred to the necessary investments in this
field and the limited resources transferred are used inefficiently. However,
biotechnology in many ways, is a technology that can be performed for Turkey
and the realization condition. There is also an attractive market for modern
biotechnology products in Turkey. Modern biotechnology studies, which did
not receive the necessary attention in our country, made significant progress
in developed countries in the same period, and new biotechnological products
were developed and marketed first in the health sector and in the last decade
in the agricultural sector. Transgenic animals over the next 50 years, animals
from human tissue transfer, such as use in medicine of embryonic stem cells,
biosecurity and be followed strictly the bioethical terms and practices should
be regulated by law, it is next to Turkey's agenda. The concept underlying this
understanding, which is new for our country, is as follows: “Application
without conscious research, without conscious application there can be no
social welfare”. The meaning of this concept for the subject of "biotechnology
and biosecurity" is as follows:

- The development of modern biotechnology is only possible with the

development of research power in molecular biology and obtaining
industrially applicable results.
- Modern biotechnology can only contribute to social welfare by taking
biosecurity measures at every stage of the work [48].
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 59


Aquaculture constitutes an important protein source in human nutrition in the

world and in our country. However, it is known that in recent years there has
been a crisis in fishery products from hunting. Especially overfishing and
increasing pollution have led to a rapid decrease in aquaculture in natural
resources, and the maximum amount of fishery products obtained by hunting
has been fixed around 90 million tons. Many of the valuable fish species have
reached the verge of extinction, while fishing productivity has declined. The
population growth rate shows that in the near future, if there is no rapid and
sufficient development in aquaculture production, the contribution of fishery
products in human nutrition will decrease. Countries have become more
important to aquaculture in order to ensure sustainability in meeting the
demand of the increasing world population [49].

Figure 18. New trends of aquaculture: biotechnology

[, Access; 02.02.2021].
60 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

The first biotechnological application in aquaculture, 1980's began with the

use of synthetic growth hormones in the middle. In this first application, fish
given growth hormone showed two times more weight gain than normal fish.
The next application is by injecting genes into fish eggs to produce natural
growth hormone. With the use of growth hormone in aquaculture, there has
been a significant increase in the amount of product taken from the unit unit
and a shortening in the production period.

Obtaining the desired result in aquaculture; It depends on the application of

innovative management techniques, the ability to control the entire production
cycle of the cultivated species, to have a good genetic structure of the
rootstock individuals, to control diseases effectively and to prevent
contamination, to know the optimal physiological, environmental, nutritional
conditions for growth and development, to provide quality and sufficient
water to the production environment. Thanks to the development and
application of these factors, aquaculture has developed very well in recent

As in other sectors of agriculture, the aim of aquaculture is to obtain a bigger

and healthier product in the shortest possible time, in the most efficient way.
In achieving this result; Using better feed and growth hormones, paying
attention to health conditions, reproductive technology and genetic
engineering practices are used [Fig. 18] [50].

In aquaculture, biotechnology contributes to obtaining more products at many

different points; It decreases the age of sexual maturation, increases the
growth rate of organisms, egg production and survival rate in the larval stage.
Genetic engineering; It increases the resistance of the cultured creature to
diseases, the efficiency of conversion of feed into meat and the quality of
meat. As it is known, epidemic diseases decrease profitability significantly in
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 61

aquaculture. Long-term use of antibiotics to prevent such epidemics leads to

the development of resistant bacteria in the environment and a residue
problem in the product. Genetic biotechnology in the prevention of diseases,
traditional selection in the development of resistant individuals and molecular
biology in defining the characteristics of pathogens. At the same time,
genetically developed vaccines are used to protect fish against diseases. The
highly sensitive new molecular techniques developed can reveal viral, fungal
and bacterial pathogens without any clinical symptoms of the disease.
Biotechnology contributes to finding solutions to some environmental and
technical concerns related to fish feed. Today, the protein source of fish feeds
is fish meal. Intensive use of fish meal in feeds; It has some disadvantages
such as being expensive, stability in the market supply, and eutrophication in
the aquatic environment with the phosphorus level it contains. To eliminate
these concerns about fish meal, biotechnology is being used to produce plant-
based protein sources that can be used in fish feeds; wheat, canola and canola
oil are used in fish feeds. Biotechnology is also used to destroy the compounds
in the plant that may be harmful to fish, and enzymes that help the best use of
phosphorus in feeds containing vegetable protein are produced in this way. As
a result, biotechnology can meet the ever-increasing need for animal protein
by realizing the change that can be described as the "blue revolution" in
aquaculture. Biotechnology as the "blue revolution" in aquaculture It is in a
position to meet the ever-increasing need for animal protein by making the
change that can be described. Biotechnological applications in the field of
aquaculture include chromosome manipulations, sex control, gene transfer,
DNA damage and cryopreservation. Biotechnological methods applied in
aquaculture provide a positive effect on growth and reproduction rates in
living things, and provide a negative return in the emergence of conditions
such as disease and DNA damage. In the breeding environment, healthier and
62 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

more productive individuals are obtained and the genes of the endangered
species are taken under protection [51].

Today, biotechnology is also a tool that contributes significantly to the

development of aquaculture. The increase in the world population and the
excessive demand for aquaculture, whose importance as a source of animal
protein is increasing day by day, causes biotechnology to become widely used
in the field of aquaculture. Common form of biotechnology use in aquaculture
is hybridization, monosex, and genetic manipulations used to breed sterile
[triploid] fish. The Monosex population has some favorable advantages in
breeding: In many cultivated species, females grow faster than males and are
less aggressive. For this reason, the female population is less stressed, hence
healthier and more resistant to diseases. Because of these features, all female
populations are preferred in the breeding of many species. However, the fact
that all female populations spend most of the energy they get during sexual
maturation on gonad development leads to a decrease in meat yield.
Individuals are sterilized and energy is not wasted on reproductive activities.
The development of cold storage [cryopreservation] technology, which is used
only in male gametes among biotechnological applications, allows the
gametes to be preserved for a long time. Frozen gametes provide flexibility to
aquaculture breeders, especially when the breeding season is short or the male
individuals are low [52].

The common use of biotechnology is hybridization, genetic manipulations

used to breed single and sterile [triploid] fish. The monogamous population
has some favorable advantages in breeding: In many cultivated species,
females grow faster and less aggressive than males, so the female population
is less stressed, hence healthier and more resistant to diseases. Due to these
characteristics, all female populations are preferred in the breeding of many
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 63

species. However, the gonads account for most of the energy that all female
populations receive during sexual maturation. Its spending on development
leads to a reduction in meat yield. Individuals can be sterilized so that energy
is not wasted on reproductive activities. Biotechnological methods applied in
fish culture can be divided into three headings gender control, chromosome
manipulation and gene manipulation [53].

11.1. Sex control

Various techniques are used in breeding to produce single breed or sterile

populations. In order to ensure unisexuality in fish; sterilization,
hybridization, gynogenesis, androgenesis, polyploidy and gender
transformation techniques are used [Dunham, 2004]. Sex control in fish is
done by applying three different methods. Early sexual maturity of one or
both of the sexes and its consequence; Gender control practices are carried out
due to negative changes in growth, feed utilization rate, behavior, health, body
and meat color [54]. A variety of techniques can be used in breeding to
produce single or sterile populations. Single sex, sterilization, hybridization,
gynogenesis, androgenesis, polyploidy, sex transformation can be given as
examples [55]. Since embryonic development in fish occurs outside, breeders
can achieve phenotypic sex by adding anabolic steroids to water or feed. In
the early embryological stage, an embryo phenotypically does not have
ovaries, testicles, or reproductive systems that contain both characters, and
therefore neither female nor is male. During this period, the embryo contains
the embryonal building blocks of the testicles and ovaries. At this stage, the
embryo is called "totipotent". Because during this period, the embryo can turn
into both a male and a female. A certain period of embryological development
[this a chemical marker comes from one or several gene sequences, and this
marker tells to which sex the totip component will transform the tissue. When
64 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

this occurs, the fish becomes phenotypic female or phenotypic male. After
that, it is impossible to change the phenotypic sex except for radical
techniques such as surgical intervention. If the fish absorb or swallow anabolic
steroids during this period, the development of totip component cells is
ensured [56, 57]. Sex control in fish is done by three different methods. These
are feminization, masculinization and sterilization [Fig. 19].

11.1.1. Feminization

Feminization is performed by applying 17β − Estradiol in the first feeding of

the offspring. Other oestrogens [ethyl-oesradiol] are also used for
feminization, but oestradiol and oestron are not a preferred steroid as they are
naturally found in fish. It is reported that oestradiol is generally more effective
than oestron in gender change [58]. Various oestradiol levels and application
periods are used for feminization. A hormone level of 20 mg in one kg of feed
is sufficient for feminizing many salmonid offspring. The most important
point in all applications is that the offspring receive sufficient hormone
starting from the first feeding, throughout the sexual differentiation period.
This period is probably 50 days after the first feeding at 10 ° C in salmonids
[59]. Johnsone et al. [1978] [60] obtained 89% female, 9% male and 2%
hermaphrodite individuals as a result of feeding the rainbow trout by adding
estradiol to the food. Again Johstone et al. [1979] [61] reported that they found
99% female and 1% hermaphrodite individuals in their study by adding 17-
Estradiol to the feed at the rate of 20 mg kg 1 in their study on spring trout. In
Salmon farming, all female populations are produced to eliminate males that
die after maturation [62] [Fig. 19].
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 65

Figure 19. Sex control in fish is done by applying different methods [63].

11.1.2. Masculinization

In the indirect sex reassignment method, since functional male [XX]

individuals are needed to obtain fully female individuals, androgen hormones
such as 17α-methyltestosterone should be introduced into the bloodstream of
fish that have hatched and have consumed the food sac. By adding this
hormone to the food in certain proportions, it is possible to ensure that the fish
larvae that have consumed the food sac consume this feed or to bathe the fish
larvae by adding the hormone to the water [53, 64]. Progeny testing is
unnecessary in rainbow trout sex-changed. Although sex-transformed male
individuals [XX males] have a sperm canal, sperm retrieval from these fish
should be done by cutting the testis. The color of the sexed adult fish is darker
than the others. Again, the sexed fish usually has only one testis and is larger
than the testes of the normal male and is able to produce sperm as much as the
testes of the normal male [57].
66 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

Figure 20. Masculinization [65].

11.1.3. Sterilization

Sterile fish production in aquaculture is possible by changing the chromosome

numbers. It is produced by applying one of the environmental shocks to the
eggs shortly after fertilization. The valid sterilization method for
triploidization and radiation applications is triploidization. The purpose of
sterilization is to ensure that metabolic energy is spent on growth rather than
gamete development. As a result, negative effects of reproductive activity in
fish on growth, survival and meat quality can be prevented [66].

11.2. Chromosome manipulations

Creatures that reproduce with males and females develop from fertilized eggs
formed by the fusion of germ cells belonging to their parents. Germ cells
provide the link of parents with the next generation. The most important asset
of a germ cell is the chromosomes that carry heredity factors from generation
to generation. Homologous chromosomes of the same shape and size, one
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 67

from the mother and the other from the father, separate from each other as the
gametes are formed, and each gamete goes to one of each partner. With the
merger of male and female gametes, the spouses come together again and the
chromosome numbers remain constant between generations [Fig. 21]. There
are various manipulations performed for different purposes against meiotic
and mitotic events during chromosome division. These manipulation
processes; gynogenesis, androgenesis, triploidization and tetraploidization
techniques. There are various environmental shocks used to alter chromosome
numbers. These; temperature shock [cold or hot], hydrostatic pressure,
chemicals [Colchicine], Cytochalasin B [Cytochalasin B], N2O [Dinitrogen
monoxide]. The most efficient of these methods is pressure shock [54].

Figure 21. Chromosome manipulations [, Access;

68 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

11.2.1. Triploidization

Normal spermatozoa are the main target in the triploidization technique using
to produce sterile fish. Infertility can be achieved by producing triploid by
environmental shock immediately after fertilization [55]. Providing triploidy
can be achieved by blocking the second meiosis division and keeping the
second pole cell after fertilization [66]. Hot or cold shock, hydrostatic pressure
and chemicals such as colchicine, cytochalasin B, N 2O are used in the
shocking performed during triploid application. Triploids can also be
produced from tetraploid and diploid coupling [54]. In aquaculture, triploid
fish sometimes exhibit significantly better survival rate, growth rate and feed
conversion rate than diploids. In addition, since there is no gonad
development, the energy to be spent for gonad development is spent on growth
[67], but these features do not show themselves until the beginning of sexual
maturation. Arai and Wilkins [1987] [68] applied shocks in Salmo trutta at
different temperatures, at different minutes after fertilization and at different
times, and different triploid ratios were obtained [Fig. 22].

100% in 6 minutes shock application at 32°C 10 minutes after fertilization; In

10 minutes of shock application at 29°C at 5, 15 and 30 minutes, success was
reported as 88.2%, 90.9 and 81.8, respectively [68]. Triploidization
applications are used for the production of sterile individuals in salmons
whose cultivation is common and offers many practical advantages for the
aquaculture industry. At the same time, barren fish retain their bright silvery
color and accepted as a higher quality by. Triploidization may also prevent
post-breeding mortality and poor meat quality in salmon that reach sexual
maturity. In addition, sterile salmons produced by triploidization are
morphologically the same as diploid fish when they come to adult dye and are
produced under intensive culture conditions.
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 69

Functions are normal. Research has shown that male triploid fish mature and
produce gametes, but these sperms carry aneuploid chromosome complements
and are far from the ability to give viable offspring. Triploid females are
infertile and have a few immature bodies in their ovaries, which are mostly
connective tissue egg cells are found [53].

Figure 22. Triploidization [

manupulation, Access; 02.02.2021].

There are several methods for identifying triploids:

• Determination of the chromosome number of triploids.

• The size of the cells and their nuclei [the most commonly used red
blood cell that is the size of the erythrocytes].
• Investigation of erythrocyte core volume and analysis of cell density
[Coulter using a counter].
70 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

• Determination of DNA content in the erythrocyte nucleus by flow

• Using electrophoresis.
• Histological analysis of gonad tissue.
The final division of chromosomes in the egg occurs immediately after the
sperm penetrate in fertilization. In this process, the polar cell in the egg is
prevented from being discharged after fertilization due to the environmental
shock effect. Fertilization with haploid sperm produces an egg containing
three groups of chromosomes. Embryonic development begins in this egg
produced. However, in such eggs, chromosomes are not evenly distributed to
the poles. If the juvenile obtained from a triploid egg carries the XXX
chromosome, sterile females are formed, and if they carry the XXY
chromosome, male individuals that can reproduce are formed. Briefly, most
of the studies on triploidy are based on the principle of sterility and better
growth of triploid homogametic sex [59].

Determining triploidy levels

Chromosome numbers were examined to determine triploidy levels. With this

match, chromosome preparations were made and chromosomes were stained
with Giemsa.

Chromosome preparation

For chromosome preparation, the method suggested by Thorgaard and Disney

[1990] [67] is applied. For this purpose, 0.1 ml of 0.1% Phytohemagglutinin
M per 10g body weight of the fish was injected intramuscularly [i.m.] and left
in well ventilated aquariums at 12-14oC and kept for 45 hours. At the end of
this period, 0.01 ml, 0.2% of colchicine was injected from the anus of the fish
weighing approximately 5 g, and kept for 4.5 hours in well-ventilated
aquariums with a water temperature of 12oC. At the end of this period, the gill
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 71

and anterior kidney tissues of the fish were removed and 35 minutes at 0.56%
KCl at 180C. has been suspended. Treatment with freshly prepared cold
Carnoy fixative [3:1 methanol: glacial acetic acid] has been. The slides
washed and dried with distilled water are kept at 0 oC, and then taken with a
pipette without any temperature loss and placed at a height of 35cm. It was
distributed thoroughly on the slide.

Giemsa painting

For this purpose, Giemsa staining method suggested by Denton [1973] [69]
was used. According to this; slides after chromosome release, Giemsa 5%
prepared with Sorenson phosphate buffer solution [1/15M pH 6.8] at room
temperature for 30 min. It has been painted.

Calculation of triploid yield

Triploid yield [TY]; calculated by the formula below.

TY = Life from fertilization to free swimming x TO [%] /100 [70].

11.2.2. Tetraploidization
The purpose of tetraploidization is fish production process with four
chromosomes. Also, when tetraploid fish are crossed with diploid fish, triploid
individuals can be obtained. After fertilization of a normal egg by an active
spermatozoa, individuals with 4N chromosomes are obtained by shock during
the first mitotoic division. The fertilization rate of diploid females by
tetraploid males is lower than normal males. This is the case with the diameter
of the spermatozoite. Therefore, it is more logical for tetraploid females to be
fertilized by diploid males. However, tetraploid production is not easy, but
tetraploid production has been achieved in rainbow trout [55].
72 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

Figure 23. Tetraploidization

[, Access;

11.2.3. Gynogenesis

Gynogenesis is a technique that allows all individuals to carry XX

chromosomes, in other words, to obtain a female individual, as a result of
fertilization of a normal egg with inactivated sperm. The nucleus of the male
germ cell that penetrates into the egg during ginogenesis is genetically inactive
in the egg plasma and the development of the embryo is controlled only by the
maternal inheritance [71].

Mature eggs of the ginogenetic species do not take action to form the embryo
when there are no male germ cells in the environment. Therefore, in
gynogenetic reproduction, male germ cells must be found to activate mature
eggs for success. The aim in ginogenesis is the production of related lines and
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 73

single-sex populations. Spermatozoids whose genetic material is destroyed are

used in fertilization of eggs in gynogenesis. -Rays, X-rays and ultraviolet
[UV] are used to neutralize the genetic material of spermatozoids. Ultraviolet
is the most preferred among these because it is cheap and useful [72]. Since
the hereditary material of the sperm is destroyed, it can be used in fertilization
of eggs in sperm taken from different fish species. To activate the eggs,
artificial reproduction using sperm with UV radiation is required, and then
physical or chemical shocks are required to restore the embryo's diploid state.
These shocks prevent nuclear division by destroying the microtubules.
Haploid in cases where environmental shock is not applied embryos are
deformed [53].

Figure 24. Gynogenesis [

manupulation, Access; 02.02.2021].
74 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

Since the inheritance material of the sperm is destroyed, the sperm taken from
different fish species can also be used for fertilization of the eggs. To activate
the eggs, artificial reproduction using sperm with UV radiation is required,
and then physical or chemical shocks are required to restore the embryo's
diploid state. These shocks prevent nuclear division by destroying
microtubules. In cases where environmental shock is not applied, haploid
embryos become deformed [53].

Two different methods, mayoginogenesis and mitoginogenesis, are used in

such studies.

Mayoginogenesis occurs by inhibition of the outflow of the second polar cell.

The egg is fertilized by spermatozoa whose chromosome material has been
eliminated. After a while, it is subjected to shock in order to prevent the
emergence of the second polar cell, and thus meiotic ginogenote embryos with
two sets of chromosomes are formed [73].

Mitoginogenesis produces completely homozygous progeny because it is

carried out by inhibition of the first mitotic division after genome duplication.
By using this breeding method, after two generations, homozygous related
lines of genetically similar fish can be obtained [53].

Gynogenesis was one of the established techniques used to produce all type
of female diploid offspring in aquatic organisms. Other than triploids,
gynogenesis also proved as one of the methods for monosex culture for
enhancing the aquaculture production. This method has been successfully
applied to produce all type of female fish. UV irradiated sperms were fused
with the unfertilized egg to produce gynogens larvae. Then procedure were
continued by cold shock, chemical shock or pressure shock to retain the
second polar body from extrude out of to induce diploid gynogens. Overall,
gynogenesis was identified as successful approach and it can be applied in
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 75

fishes, marine shrimps, and molluscs species such as oyster, abalone and
scallops in order to produce all fe-male gynogen products which further
enhance and increases the aqua-culture yield production. With improvement
of the gynogenesis method will increase the hatching rate, survival rate and
quality of the gynogenesis larvae in the future [74].

11.2.4. Androgenesis
Studies on induced androgenesis are carried in since 1989 with the aim of
producing viable androgenetic nucleocytoplasmic hybrids. In dispermic
androgenesis, the diploid status of androgenetic individuals is achieved by
fusion of the chromosome sets of two spermatozoa. If the spermatozoa
originate from different males, the level of heterozygosity in a given
androgenetic individual will be similar to that upon usual hybridization. If the
spermatozoa originate from the same male, the coefficient of inbreeding is 0.5.
When developing this method, it was taken into account specific features of
fishes, such as the presence of several micropyles in the egg, which allows
simultaneous penetration of several spermatozoa, and physiological
monospermy implying the absence of mechanisms blocking the involvement
of supernumerary spermatozoa in development [75].
76 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

Figure 25. Androgenesis [

manupulation, Access; 02.02.2021].

Androgenesis, unlike ginogenes, is the genetic factor of the egg. After the
material is eliminated, fertilization and embryo development continues from
the chromosome set of spermatozoa [76]. When the androgenetic zygote
undergoes the first division, it is shocked and cell division is inhibited. Thus
in individuals possesses the chromosome sets from the father [77]. In the
fertilized egg, the nuclear DNA coming from the mother is successfully
destroyed by ionized or ultraviolet radiation [58]. For example; trout [67],
sturgeon [78], carp [79]. Since self-replicating chromosomes come from a
single set of chromosomes, they are highly related and 100% homozygous.
The mortality rate in such fish is high, because any mutant recessive allele is
revealed [53].
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 77

11.3. Gene Manipulations

The process of transferring specific gene sequences of specific length to the

structure of deoxyribonucleic acid [DNA], which is the basis of genetic
material, using genetic engineering techniques, is called gene transfer [80].
Transgenic organisms are obtained by transferring a foreign gene to the
genome by gene transfer techniques. Transgenic organisms are defined as
those carrying a recombinant gene belonging to another organism in their
genome [81].

The first experimental study showing that gene transfer can be done was
carried out by Griffith in 1928. In the experimental study, it was determined
that non-pathogenic pneumococcus bacteria acquired pathogenic
characteristics when they were placed in the same environment with
pathogenic pneumococci that were killed by heat, and the idea that genetic
material transfer is possible was put forward for the first time [82]. Avery et
al. [83] determined at the end of their study that DNA, which is the genetic
material, can be transformed, in other words, gene transfer is possible. In
addition, rapid developments in recombinant DNA technology increase the
importance of gene transfer technologies day by day. Gene transfer;
Microinjection is performed by viral vector technique, embryonic stem cell,
cloning and electroporation methods.

Gene manipulation is a molecular technique where one or more genes are

transferred from one animal to another. A gene transfer is made from one
species to another to create a transgenic organism. Goal; bigger and better
growing, better to feed transforming to meat, disease resistant, low oxygen
level resistant individuals. For example; some fish species contain a protein
that allows them to survive at the poles. When this gene is transferred to other
fish, they become resistant to cold water [84]. There are two basic techniques
78 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

for transferring fish genetic material. The first is microinjection; genetic

material is injected into the newly fertilized egg. However, this method is quite
time consuming. That's why researchers use the electroporation method. In
this method, the transfer of genetic material or DNA is performed by using an
electric current into fish embryos [85]. Fish are living materials that are very
suitable for transgenic animal studies, because a single female fish produces
thousands of indistinguishable eggs, depending on the species, the eggs have
external fertilization, are tolerant of macroscopic manual intervention,
standard micromanipulators are used in microinjection and the injected
embryos do not require complex manipulations as required in mammals. In
addition, although DNA is injected into the cytoplasm, the DNA integration
rate [10-70%] in transgenic fish is quite high [86].

11.4. Spermatozoa DNA Damage

DNA, serving as the information carrier, draws attention more importantly

and widely than RNA. In organisms and most phages, DNA forms a
characteristic molecule. DNA, which takes an active role in heredity, is always
found in the nucleus and sometimes in other parts of the cell, and forms the
basis of the hereditary material in organisms [87].

Different levels of damage occur in DNA due to various internal and external
reasons. The main ones of these damages in DNA are; Chromatin structure
disruption, DNA bases oxidation, mismatch and suppression of tubulin
polymerization, chemical change of bases, chromatin structure anomalies,
DNA chain breakage, DNA-DNA, DNA-protein crosses and DNA mutations.
Biotechnological methods such as cell gel electrophoresis, tunnel method,
measurement of spermatozoa chromatin structure and 8-hydroxy 2-
deoxyguanosine are used in order to detect these damages shaped in
spermatozoa DNA [88] [Fig. 26].
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 79

Figure 26. Differnet DNA damage of sprematozoa [Herráez, 2017].

11.5. Cryopreservation of gametes

Preservation of fish gametes is of great importance in selection programs

applied in fish farming. Because the breeding of the same type of fish in the
same environment and conditions throughout generations causes the loss of
genes that are scarce in the current population and a decrease in
heterozygosity. This decrease in genetic variation limits the potential of the
existing fish stock to be used in future selection programs, which manifests
itself as low survival rate, low growth rate, reduced feed conversion
efficiency, increased risk of disease and increased mortality in juvenile fish
[89]. Cryopreservation of tissues and cells from the 1700s It is a technique
that has been applied since. Scientific and modern live cell freezing studies in
the sense, in 1949 Polge and colleagues discovered the protective properties
of glycerol, and the first frozen cell was spermatozoa. In this sense,
cryobiology; It has increased its importance as a science that studies the
freezing of cells, tissues, organs and organisms, and better understanding of
the functional properties of frozen and thawed cells has led to the development
of cryobiology [90, 91]. Today, the cryopreservation technique is routinely
80 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

applied in preserving sperm, embryos, tissues and cells, and researchers

specializing in aquaculture especially work on the freezing of fish semen [92].

Cryopreservation technique for the first time in the field of aquaculture

Herring [Clupea harengeus] eggs in 1953. It has been applied to fertilize with
frozen semen and is successfully used in many fish species today [89]. The
most important purpose of cryobiology in aquaculture is to create a sperm
bank or gene pool belonging to the cultured species. Since the species taken
into culture have less chance to live in nature, it has become a necessity to
control their genes by applying the cryopreservation process. In addition,
cryopreservation process is applied in order to protect the genetic diversity of
the species existing in nature. Generating a gene pool by applying
cryobiological methods allows the preservation of genes and is a necessity in
hybridization, genetic manipulation and stock enrichment programs [92, 93]
[Fig. 26].
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 81

Figure 27. Cryopreservation of gametes

Access; 02.02.2021].

11.6. Hybridization

Hybridization is the acquisition of new individuals by matching different

genera and species. The main purpose of the application of this technique by
fish farmers is to ensure that superior features [compliance with environmental
conditions, growth, feed evaluation, disease resistance, high meat
productivity, etc.] is the production of individuals in which it is brought to the
fore. Commonly, offspring show better characters than their parents [94, 95].
The first studies on hybridization were mostly on Salmonids, but these species
did not provide commercial advantage in terms of sedation. However, thanks
to the advancing biotechnological techniques, studies on the prominent
features of these species are continuing [95]. However, hybrid individuals
used in breeding are not common. Inter-species hybridization studies on
82 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

Salmonids in our country, matching Alpine trout [Salvelinus alpinus] with

brook trout [Salmo trutta fario] [96] and Black Sea trout [Salmo trutta labrax]
with spring trout [Salvelinus fontinalis] [97]. The survival rate of the hybrid
eggs obtained by matching the Black Sea trout with the source trout is low,
and the hatching time is similar to the source trout. It was determined that the
net meat yield is higher than the source trout [98] [Fig. 26].

Figure 28. Hybridization in Char of the Genus Salvelinus [Salmonidae:

Salmoniformes], [a] male, [b, c] female [98].


Many factors such as climate change, changes in environmental factors,

destruction by humans in natural habitats, population growth, excessive and
unconscious hunting can adversely affect natural fish stocks. Although some
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 83

precautions are taken against this situation, it has been adopted by the
stakeholders in the sector that the production made by hunting will not
increase more and that the increase in production can only be achieved by
Hunting production fluctuated from year to year showed Turkey aquaculture
production has increased every year since 2002. This development is similar
to the development of aquaculture in the world. Turkey increased from year
to year the share of total fishery products in the aquaculture production in 2017
to 43.8%, in 2018 it increased to 50%. In parallel with the developments in
aquaculture production and processing technologies, there is a significant
increase in aquaculture exports. In the period after 2000, the increase in
exports continued, and imports, on the other hand, showed a partially
fluctuating and partially stable course.

Despite the current level and fluctuation of the fishing production in the waters
of the country, the fact that some fishermen have been hunting in Georgia and
Mauritania in recent years, and the significant increases in aquaculture
production and exports are important indicators for the development of the
sector. However, when the current production and foreign trade amounts are
compared with the population of the country; it is seen that especially
domestic consumption per capita is below the world average. Production and
consumption will provide a further rise in the available potential in Turkey.

Self-sufficiency ratio and import dependency indices are used to measure the
size of self-sufficiency of countries. Both of these indices measure how much
of the total supply in a country is met externally through domestic production
or imports. In addition to these, the exportability index can be used to show
how much of the production is exported. Using these indexes together to make
an overall assessment, despite several shortcomings With respect to the
84 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N

aquaculture industry in Turkey; Turkey in general seems to be in good


The ecosystem approach to fisheries targets in Turkey, fisheries and

environmental data must be provided on an ongoing basis. The amount of
hunting of marine fishes in Turkey and value as an important place anchovies,
sprat, small pelagics like mackerel and sardines, tuna species, swordfish,
pompano and large migratory pelagics such as bluefish, mullet, mullet, pasha
mullet, the whiting, baccalaureate and demersal species such as turbot and
other seafood stocks such as white clam, periwinkle and shrimps should be
continuously monitored using marine surveys, biological sampling and
landing data.

The stocks of important fish catches in inland waters, especially pearl mullet,
silver and silvery crucian fish, should be monitored routinely. Policy
recommendations for sustainable management should be developed by
determining the stocks of species such as eels and leeches within the scope of
CITES. With the non-target fishing methods and gears used in Turkey and
determining the percentage of the total amount of game hunting species
research into and reduction of rejects must be performed.

In inland fisheries, studies should be carried out for hunting and fishing
efforts. Breeding studies should be carried out in order to increase production
efficiency in species such as trout, sea bream and sea bass, which are widely
grown. Besides species widely grown in the culture of the species found
naturally in the waters of Turkey, aquaculture production through the
dissemination of research breeding species were cultured in conditions must
be improved. Studies should be conducted to reduce the prices of feed used in
breeding and to use alternative feed ingredients.
A Q U A C U L T U R E a n d B I O T E C H N O L O G Y | 85

Aquaculture equipment and technologies and environmentally friendly

breeding techniques should be developed. Development of domestic vaccines
should be supported. Research and development studies should be carried out
in the fields of expanding the processed product range, producing and
marketing products with high added value.

Obtaining data on the socio-economic status of the fisheries sector and policy
recommendations should be developed in the light of this information. Some
physical and chemical water parameters that show the change in water
resources should be continuously monitored. Researches should be conducted
to protect the traditional structure of small-scale fisheries, to collect scientific
data on the sector and to ensure sustainable management of the sector.

Due to the limited land availability and the increasing environmental stress
factors, the concern that the increasing world population will not be
adequately fed in the near future is increasing.

Aquaculture, which plays an important role in in nutrition, creates important

opportunities in the subjects of nutrition of people, raw material supply to the
industrial sector, employment, contributing to rural development, high export
opportunity, more effective management of natural resources and the
conservation of biological diversity. Its importance is increasing day by day.

Thanks to the biotechnological methods applied in aquaculture, growth and

reproduction rates are increased in living things, as well as a decrease in the
occurrence of diseases and DNA damage, healthier, more productive
individuals with the desired characteristics can be obtained and the genes of
the endangered species can be preserved for years. The effective use of
modern biotechnological methods in the field of aquaculture as well as in farm
animals will allow the sector to develop considerably and will make a
significant contribution to the national economy.
86 | L a t i f e C e y d a İ R K İ N


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