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Private Bachenheimer

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As an appetizer to our forthcoming book Operation MarketGarden Then and Now (due to be published next month) we

present the story of Pfc Ted Bachenheimer (left), legendary

scout of the US 82nd Airborne Division. Already held in awe
within his own regiment, the 504th Parachute Infantry, for his
dare-devil solo infiltrations behind enemy lines in Sicily and
Italy in 1943, Bachenheimer became famous overnight during
the Holland operation of September 1944 when he took over
and commanded a large force of Dutch underground fighters at
Nijmegen a story that made headlines in the US as

The private who became a general. Three weeks later, sent on

a secret mission behind enemy lines, Bachenheimer disappeared without a trace. For many years after the war his
former comrades in the 82nd, who remembered him with
veneration, wondered how he had come to his end. Though his
remains had been recovered after the war, for nearly four
decades the facts surrounding his last days remained a mystery that is until a schoolmaster at the Dutch village of
t Harde started to wonder about the Allied soldier whose
death had been commemorated in his village since the war.


Theodore H. Bachenheimer was born on
April 23, 1923, in Braunschweig in Germany
as the eldest son in a Jewish family. His
father, Wilhelm, was a pianist, composer and
director of opera, his mother Katharina a
stage actress. He had one brother, Klaus,
who was three years younger.
When the Nazis came to power in 1933,
and with the growing persecution of the
Jews, the Bachenheimers decided to leave
Germany. The family fled to Prague, then on
to Vienna, and from there to France. By
then, Teds parents had decided to emigrate
to the United States. In 1934 the family
boarded the SS Majestic at Cherbourg and
crossed the Atlantic. They filed applications
for US citizenship and went to live in Hollywood, California, where Teds parents soon
found work in the entertainment industry.
His uncle, Theodore Bachenheimer, who
had also emigrated to the US, directed The
Waltz King, The Merry Widow and many
other successful productions. Ted grew up in
a theatre environment and it was only logical
that he would follow in his parents footsteps.
In 1941, at the age of 18, he enroled as a stu40

dent of drama at Los Angeles City College

with aspirations to become an opera singer.
Shortly after, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
and the United States entered World War II.
In early 1942, Ted enlisted for service, volunteering for the new paratroops arm. He completed the gruelling paratroopers training,
acquired his jump wings and was assigned to
the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment,
newly activated on May 1 at Fort Benning,
Georgia, under the command of Colonel
Reuben H. Tucker. Bachenheimer was in
Company C of the 1st Battalion.
Gentle and soft-spoken, his boyish rosycheeked face topped by dark curly hair,
young Bachenheimer appeared anything but
a tough paratrooper and his comrades wondered whether he would be able to endure
the rigours of combat. However, his outside
appearance belied an strong inner determination. The young trooper made no outward
display of his hatred for Nazi Germany but
he was pledged to conducting a one-man war
against Hitler.
A saddening occasion around this time
was the death of his father.

By Frank van Lunteren and

Karel Margry
In August 1942, the 504th Regiment was
made part of the 82nd Airborne Division,
transferring to Fort Bragg, North Carolina. It
was here that Bachenheimer took the oath of
American citizenship. Just before he went
overseas, on March 23, 1943, he married
Ethel Murfield (whom he called Penny), a
girl who worked as time-keeper for Douglas
Aircraft Co at Fullerton.
On April 29, 1943, the 82nd Airborne left
for North Africa, Bachenheimer sailing with
the 504th from New York harbour aboard the
troopship George Washington. Arriving in
Casablanca, Morocco, on May 10, the 82nd
Airborne spent the following two months
training and waiting for combat at Oujda
camp in the Algerian desert. In early July the
division moved by truck to Kairouan,
Tunisia, the point of departure for its first
combat mission, the Allied invasion of Sicily.

behind-the-line exploits. He went on numerous night patrols, volunteering for many of

them. He often went out on patrols alone,
never failing to come back with valuable
information or prisoners for interrogation.
There were other troopers who did the same,
but Bachenheimer used his mastery of German to develop his own unique method. On
more than one occasion, he would creep up
to a German trench or foxhole in the darkness and, keeping a discreet distance, engage
the occupant in friendly conversation in German. When he had extracted enough information from him, or had grown tired of the
masquerade, he would pull his pistol, shove it
in the startled Germans stomach and quietly
order him to come along. If the man resisted,
he would kill him. Either way, he would then
nonchalantly return to his own lines. By the
time the Sicily campaign ended, Bachenheimer had acquired the reputation of being
an extraordinary master scout.
On the night of September 13/14, the 504th
Regiment (minus the 3rd Battalion which
had come in by sea) jumped into the Salerno
beach-head, a hastily-mounted reinforcement operation that helped to save the situation for the Allies (see After the Battle No.
95). Moving into the hills overlooking the
beach-head, Bachenheimers 1st Battalion
fought a series of ferocious battles around
Altavilla, staving of German counter-attacks
and braving the heavy artillery. Relieved on
the 20th and moving round by LCI (infantry
landing craft) to the western flank, the 504th
then led the dash to Naples, entering the
scarred city on October 1. For a while, the
troops enjoyed a break from the war doing
garrison duty in the city.
For the next two and a half months, the
504th was used as regular infantry in the
rugged mountains of central Italy. On October 29 the regiment was committed on Fifth
Armys right flank in a drive across the
Volturno to Isernia and the summit of Hill
1017 which it gained in mid-November.
On December 10 the 504th was ordered to
assault Mt Sammucro and the adjacent hills
around Venafro, positions dominating the
gateway to Cassino. It was an uphill fight
against bare, rocky, 45-degree slopes, under

constant heavy enemy shelling and in dismal

winter weather. Throughout this period,
combat was mostly restricted to small local
engagements between patrols an ideal setting for Bachenheimers solo infiltrations. By
then, he had been made a member of the
504th Regimental Reconnaissance Platoon.
Part of the S-2 (Intelligence) section of Regimental HQ, it united the best scouts from all
units within the regiment.
One night, so the story goes, while roving
the dark trails of the Volturno country, he
discovered a six-man enemy patrol toiling
uphill. Sneaking up on them, he killed the
rear man with his knife and took his place.
One by one he liquidated the man in front
until only two were left. These he shot. (In
another version of this same story, the two
remaining Germans sat down near the crest
to catch their breath. Clutching a machine
gun, Bachenheimer closed in on them and
said: Sit perfectly still. You are my prisoners. One of the Germans appeared ready to
leap at him but Bachenheimer just said,
Think of your comrades.)
On November 14, Bachenheimer was with
a scout patrol of 12-14 men in a farmhouse in
the village of Rochetta when they suddenly
found themselves cornered by a heavily
armed platoon of Germans. Just before an
intense fire-fight broke out the patrol commander, Lieutenant Harold M. Gutterman,
ordered Bachenheimer to get help from the
2nd Battalion. He dashed out of the front
door, keeping close to a cemetery wall for
cover. While he was away, things at the farm
got critical. Bachenheimer returned with
reinforcements just in time to save the situation and turn the scale of battle, but by then
Lieutenant Gutterman had been killed. In a
letter home to his family Bachenheimer
wrote: They had wounded one of us and
killed my lieutenant. He is the reason we did
not celebrate. He was one of the swellest
human beings I ever knew. He reminded me
somewhat of Papa. Both neither smoked nor
drank outside of an occasional beer. Both
were very quiet and helpful, and both were
liked by everyone they ever met. It was a real
shock when I heard of his death.
On January 22, 1944, the 504th Parachute

Bachenheimer pictured prior to a training

jump at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in early
1942. Of German-Jewish descent, only
nine years before he had been a schoolboy
in Germany. (courtesy Ethel Betry)
On the first night of Operation Husky,
July 9/10, the 505th Parachute Infantry and
the 3rd Battalion of the 504th jumped near
Gela. The 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 504th
arrived the following night. Their mission
turned into disaster when friendly naval flak
shot up their aircraft, and the drop was badly
scattered (see After the Battle No. 77).
Bachenheimer was one of the unlucky ones.
He parachuted directly onto a German fortified position and was taken prisoner before
he could get out of his harness. Taken to a
German command post, he was questioned,
but his interrogators got little out of the
lanky paratrooper. His captors were unaware
that he could speak German and so they
talked freely in his presence. Standing outside the CP, waiting for transfer to a POW
enclosure, Bachenheimer listened through
the open door as German commanders discussed plans for an attack. A little later,
noticing that his guard had carelessly gone to
a latrine, he bolted away into the darkness
and escaped. When he rejoined friendly units
a few hours later, he was able to pass on the
information he had picked up at the enemy
CP. That was the beginning of his unusual
combat career.
During the remaining days of the Sicilian
campaign, Bachenheimer showed what kind
of soldier he was. It was here that he began
making a name for himself for his dare-devil,

Bachenheimers baptism of fire was the invasion of Sicily in July 1943. Captured
immediately after his jump, he escaped the same night with important tactical
information on enemy plans, which he had overheard at the command post where he
had been questioned. It was at Sicily that he established himself as a trooper who
daringly made use of his fluency in German to get information on the enemy. Here a
patrol of paratroopers cautiously advances through an olive grove somewhere in the
Sicilian countryside. (USNA)

Bachenheimers reputation with his fellow-troopers grew to almost mythical proportions during the battle for the Anzio beach-head in Italy from January 22 to March 23,
1944. Roving behind enemy lines almost daily, mostly on his own, he never failed to
bring back information or prisoners for interrogation. For most of the eight-week battle, the 504th Regiment was dug in along the Mussolini Canal in the south-eastern
corner of the beach-head. Here troopers of the 2nd Battalion, 504th, cross the canal
on January 26, when the situation was still fluid. (USNA)
Infantry participated in the Anzio seaborne
assault (see After the Battle No. 52), disembarking from 13 LCIs on Red Beach. The
regiment fought under command of the US
3rd Infantry Division on the right flank of
the beach-head, mostly along the line of the
Mussolini Canal. There was offensive fighting in the first ten days of the battle but after
that, and for the remaining seven weeks of
the campaign, it was strictly trench-type warfare, the paratroops digging in along the
canal and the Cisterna river and living in foxholes. Combat was limited to night patrols
through enemy lines and minefields. It was
during this period that Bachenheimer
became really legendary.
One night, he and a fellow soldier from the
Recon Platoon, Pfc James McNamara, left
the outpost line aided by a diversionary burst
of fire by other troopers. The two men bellied their way through the German lines, circling round to come up from behind on a
German machine-gunner. Bachenheimer
told me to wait, McNamara afterwards
recounted. I watched as he stood up and
walked towards the outpost, stopping once to
talk to the Kraut, to reassure him that everything was okay. I lay there with my stomach
flipping over, afraid even to breathe. All this
time I could hear Bachenheimer and this
Kraut carrying on a muffled conversation
like they were long-lost buddies. Finally the
talking stopped. I heard our pre-arranged
signal and crawled toward them. Ted had
relieved the surprised Kraut of his pistol.
With the prisoner between us we made our
way back to Company C.
On yet another night, Bachenheimer was
persuaded to take along three other troopers
on a patrol. Out in no mans land, a flare
went up and the patrol was raked by
machine-gun fire. The other three men, reasoning that their task was to locate German
positions, headed back to their own lines but
Bachenheimer carried on forward. Minutes
later, automatic weapons were heard in the
direction that he had taken, followed by ominous silence. His three comrades speculated
that Bachenheimer must have been killed.
However, a half hour after they had returned
to their lines, an outpost telephoned the
504th: Bachenheimer just passed here on the
way back. He has got a Kraut sergeant in
The Feldwebel in question was mortified
that he been captured by a kid ten years
Jean Paul Pallud pictured the exact same
spot, a few hundred yards south of the
Railway Bed Bridge, in 1986.

younger than me and insisted on telling the

504th intelligence officers what had happened. His men had been nervous about
enemy patrols and one of his outposts had
opened fire at a movement. Going forward
to investigate, the Feldwebel had heard a
voice call out in German Hier sind die Amis.
Wir haben Sie. (Here are the Americans.
Weve got them.) As he walked toward the
voice, its owner turned out to be Bachenheimer who had pointed a pistol at his stomach and said, Come with me or youre dead.
Bachenheimer prowled so often behind
enemy lines that he knew the names of German company commanders, where various
headquarters, supply points and medical stations were located, and even if certain officers were liked or disliked by their men.
One night, he was out again on his own
when he came upon a German soldier in a
slit trench. He sat down as usual and engaged
the soldier in conversation, telling him that
he was from a neighbouring unit. However,
when he pulled his pistol and quietly ordered
the soldier to come with him, another German, who had overheard the last remark,
raised up and shot Bachenheimer through
the left hand. The paratrooper killed both
Germans, then returned to his own lines.
On the way back he stuffed dirt into his
wound to stop the bleeding. When his battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel Warren
Williams, told him that he would be
evacuated to Naples for treatment, Bachenheimer protested so vigorously that Williams
in the end let him stay.
By now, stories about Bachenheimer were
circulating throughout the regiment. Most
were true but, as always happens with

hearsay, some stories were altered or gained

embellishing details as they went along and it
becomes difficult to distinguish myth from
One night, accompanied by a buddy who
spoke no German according to one story
he sneaked up on a German having a meal
of wieners and potatoes. The unsuspecting
German invited them to share his rations.
The three men sat eating in the darkness
until Bachenheimer told the German that he
had better eat well as he might not eat for a
long time. When the suspicious soldier
reached for his gun Bachenheimer shot him
through the throat. This story may be the origin of another one which told how he joined
a German chow line and, having finished the
meal, captured the whole group of soldiers
with whom he had been eating and led them
back to the 504th.
Bachenheimers unusual encounters with
Germans became so widely known that Stars
and Stripes, the official Army newspaper,
sent a special reporter out to get a story
about the Lone Raider of Anzio. After
crawling around the front lines for two days,
the Army correspondent filed a report that
he could not find Bachenheimer because he
was always out on patrol somewhere.
Despite his growing fame, Bachenheimer
remained something of a mystery man, even
within his own unit. A few of his buddies
were aware that his family had felt forced to
flee from Germany, but most troopers knew
little of his background. No one knew for
sure how many Germans he had killed or
how many prisoners he accounted for. The
war forced him to kill, but he did not talk
about it. If he worried about death he rarely
showed it. Once, at Anzio, he confided to
Sergeant Ross Carter of Company C that he
knew he would not survive if he persisted in
his behind-the-line forays but, so he
explained, his sense of duty and the attraction of dangerous adventure were simply too
Watching Bachenheimer apply soot and
dirt to his face prior to one of his treks
behind Germans lines, his battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel Williams, once
asked Bachenheimer: Tell the truth, Ted.
Arent you sort of scared of these missions?
Bachenheimer pondered for a moment, then
replied softly: Well, Im a little nervous
when I leave friendly lines, and have to piss a
few times, out in no mans land. But after
that, Im not bothered.
The 504th left the Anzio beach-head on
March 23 to rejoin the 82nd Airborne in
England. In June, while the regiment was
stationed at Evington near Leicester,
Bachenheimer was awarded the Silver Star
for bravery at Anzio. The application for it
had been made by the 3rd Infantry Division,
under whose command the 504th had fought,
the 3rd Divisions chief-of-staff, Colonel
Charles E. Johnson, having written up the
On September 17, 1944, the 82nd Airborne

jumped into Holland as part of Operation

Market-Garden, the massive airborne
undertaking designed to carry British Second
Army across the main Dutch river and canals
and win the war. Bachenheimer landed with
the 504th on Drop Zone O at Overasselt, the
regimental mission being to capture the Maas
river bridge at Grave and four bridges across
the Maas-Waal Canal. It was during the Holland campaign that Bachenheimer became
the most famous private of the entire 82nd.
On the first day he joined a 2nd Battalion
patrol from DZ O that crossed the Maas
bridge at Grave under fire.
On the afternoon of the second day, September 18, troopers of the 1st Battalion guarding the damaged bridge over the Maas-Waal
Canal at Neerbosch (captured earlier that
morning) saw an American soldier pedalling a
bicycle across in the direction of Nijmegen. It
was Bachenheimer. The troopers warned him
that the town was in German hands but he
reacted; Ah, hell! Im going over there to see
what the score is. (This was just at a moment
when the 82nd Division had pulled virtually all
its troops out of the city to counter a German
attack that threatened to overrun the glider
landing zones at Groesbeek.)
Shortly after, about 1600 hours, Bachenheimer showed up at the local headquarters
of the Ordedienst (OD) resistance organisation, which was located in the Willem Smit
transformer factory on Groenestraat in the
south-west part of the city. The core of this
underground group was not very large, perhaps 20 people, but the news that an American had arrived at the factory caused patriots
to flock to the factory and their numbers
swelled. At the insistence of the OD chief,
P.J. Verlee, Bachenheimer assumed command of the whole group. Making the factory
his CP, he began despatching spy patrols into
the city, interrogating prisoners brought in
by the Dutch, and passing information back
to his own HQ.
The next day, September 19, he responded

Above: Holland, September 18, 1944, and Bachenheimer comes peddling into town
on his one-man reconnaissance of Nijmegen on the second day of Operation MarketGarden. Although the paratrooper in this picture is unnamed, it is practically certain
that it is Bachenheimer. Not only is there the strong physical likeness, but the time
and place and not least the fact that he is on a Dutch bicycle all perfectly fit the
details of his entry into town. The picture was taken by a civilian on Dobbelmanweg,
which is a side street of Groenestraat. This is another strong indication that it is him
as the latter street is where the next episode in Bachenheimers career would unroll.
(courtesy N. A. de Groot) Below: A Dutch cyclist stands in for the lone rider of 1944.

The Willem Smit transformer factory on

Groenestraat, where Bachenheimer
found the headquarters of the Nijmegen
underground and which he made his
command post. The factory complex
stands unchanged beside the railway
crossing on Groenestraat.






Map showing the Neerbosch bridge (known to the Americans as Honinghutje) and the other sites of Bachenheimers time in Nijmegen.
to a Dutch request to help clear the
Nijmegen railway station from German
harassing fire. At 1630, he arrived at the station accompanied by just one member of the
OD much to the surprise of the man in
charge there, A. van Hedel, who had
expected a much larger force. Quickly the
three men hatched a plan. First, searching a
bombed-out German train for weapons, they
found two carbines, ammunition and handgrenades to arm the two Dutchmen. Next,
they sneaked to a post on Platform No. 2
which controlled the stations public-address
system. Mr van Hedel switched on the microphone and called out in German: Come on
out with your hands up, or you will all die!
This was followed by Bachenheimer firing a

few bursts from his Thompson sub-machine

gun. Amplified ten-fold, the sound thundered out from four loudspeakers, reverberating like heavy artillery. The effect was
immediate. The doors of the station restaurant flew open and some 40 German soldiers
came running out, stumbling and falling over
like in a comic movie. Bachenheimer and his
companions fired a few rounds after them.
The station was theirs.
When evening came, the Germans started
shelling the station area and the three men
had to retire. By then, the Guards Armoured
Division, leading the British ground army,
had reached Nijmegen and penetrated the
city. British tanks and vehicles had arrived at
the Groenestraat CP and they were able to

On September 19 Bachenheimer, helped by just two Dutchmen,

audaciously cleared the Nijmegen railway station, chasing off the
German soldiers inside by calling on them to surrender via the
loudspeaker system. Bachenheimer and his helpers approached

occupy the station area in force. When later

asked why he had gone on the station foray,
Bachenheimer said: Well, this was the first
time any of these Dutch saw an American,
and it wouldnt look right for the American
to run off just as soon as he saw some Germans.
When the 504th finally moved into the city
on the 20th, they found Bachenheimer sitting
in his headquarters issuing orders to his
guerillas. That afternoon, he joined his unit
to participate in the 504ths assault crossing
of the Waal river, rowing across the wide
river in flimsy canvas boats under murderous
German fire. But he was soon back at his
Groenestraat CP.
During the next couple of days, and

the station from the railway viaduct on Graafseweg and this is

the view they would have had from that direction. Although the
stations main building (behind the tower on the right) is postwar, the roofed platforms have seen little change since 1944.

In the last week of September, Bachenheimer and his army of patriots

transferred their HQ to the Agnes
Reiniera Kindergarten, further down
Groenestraat. The change had become
necessary because the Willem Smit
factory had started up again. The school
at No. 210, a protected work of architecture, is today the De Tweeling crche.
assisted by two other 504th paratroopers
Pfc Willard M. Strunk and Pfc Bill Zeller
he organised recruitment and training for the
resistance, opened bakeries to help feed the
population, set up telephone lines, and continued to organise patrols to scout out German positions around Nijmegen.
Operation Market-Garden officially
ended on September 26, but the 82nd
Airborne was to stay in the Nijmegen front
line as regular infantry for another seven
weeks. Bachenheimer continued his work
with the Dutch patriots, moving his headquarters from the transformer factory to the
Agnes Reiniera Infant School further down
Tales about an American private leading

Above: In this group photo, taken on the

side lawn of the kindergarten, Bachenheimer [3] is just turning around to talk
to P. J. Verlee [4], the leader of the Ordedienst resistance group. The other Dutch
are Watse Jansen [1], Loes Schreuder
[5], Jo van Hest [6], Jan Postulart [7],
Mies van Haeren [8], and Opperwachtmeester der Politie Broere [9]. Jan Postulart (Black Jan) was a team leader of
the Knokploegen, the underground
organisation engaged in armed resistance in the Netherlands, and he carried
out many of the spying patrols for
Bachenheimer. Most of the girls had
been couriers for the Resistance and
were now employed as typists or telephone operators. Also in the picture are
Bachenheimers two assistants from the
S-2 section of 504th Regimental HQ
Company, Pfc Willard Strunk [2] and Pfc
Bill Zeller [10]. Zeller would be killed in
action near Hitdorf on the Rhine, Germany, on April 7, 1945. (courtesy N. A. de

Due to the trees we had to take our comparison from a slightly different angle.
The houses in the background stand on Brederostraat.

A permit written out by Bachenheimer for Jan Postulart, who used the motorcycle
referred to an old Harley-Davidson for reconnaissance trips into the no mans
land west of Nijmegen. (courtesy N. A. de Groot)
an army of 300 Dutch patriots drew several
war correspondents there. One of them was
Martha Gellhorn (then Mrs Ernest Hemingway), the female war correspondent of Colliers Magazine, whose despatch is worth
quoting in some length:
His headquarters is a very small crowded
room in a former Nijmegen schoolhouse. Bill
One, who is Willard Strunk of Abilene, and
Bill Two, who is Bill Zeller of Pittsburgh
also old men of 21 work with him in this
room. They eat here and they have a neat,
small arsenal hanging on the wall. They collect their souvenirs in one corner and they
have the most fantastic list of callers every
I listened to Bachenheimer interrogating
an Alsatian prisoner and never saw a prettier
or more thorough job; next he received a
German informer whom he wanted to get
some information about German defence
constructions in the region; then, two
sergeants from other regiments who were
also engaged in collecting information came
and had a brisk argument about a patrol they
wanted Bachenheimer to send out and which
he deemed unsound.
English officers, also, arrived from time to
time, and Dutch undergrounders and Dutch
civilians who wanted to get collaborators
arrested or wanted to get people released
from jail on the grounds that a mistake had
been made. Nothing seemed to worry
Bachenheimer who is an extremely competent and serious boy, and nothing seemed to
shake his modesty. His previous training for
this work consisted of one job in America
he had briefly been press agent for a show
that failed.
Bachenheimer, who has this curious talent
for war, is actually a man of peace. As a
matter of fact, I am against war in principle,
he said. I just cant hate anybody. According to Bachenheimer it does not take more
guts to work behind enemy lines; it just takes
a different kind of will. I think it must take a
very special kind of guts, as well as a cool and
agile mind. But who am I to argue with
Articles about Bachenheimer appeared in
the New York Times and the Los Angeles
Times. The latter paper sent a reporter to
interview his wife Penny who at that time
lived with her sister and brother-in-law at
144 East Street, Fullerton. When told that
her husband had wandered into a Germanheld town on a personal reconnaissance and
formed his own army in Holland, she
reacted: Just like him. Hes always out
patrolling along, trying to win the war all by
himself. (Most of the articles appearing in

the American press exaggerated the size of

Bachenheimers underground army, quoting
the number of patriots as 300. They also presented a garbled version of his action at the
railway station, saying the Germans had
trapped him in the building and used the
loudspeaker system to ask him to give up
whereas in fact it had been exactly the other
way round!)
Meanwhile, Bachenheimer was still only a
private first class. (Actually he had been a
sergeant while in North Africa in 1943 but
been demoted to pfc before the Sicily jump.)
He had been offered promotion to sergeant
several times since but on each occasion he
had turned the offer down because the rank
would, he said, interfere with my activities
by which he meant prowling behind
enemy lines on his own. Brigadier General
James M. Gavin, the 82nd Airbornes commander, is said to have asked Colonel
Tucker why such a valuable man was still a
private. As the story goes, the General even
ordered Bachenheimer to report to him,
intending to give him a battlefield commission, but Bachenheimer showed up for the
interview wearing a jump suit, moccasins and
a knitted wool cap. In actual fact, papers
were filed in September for his commission
to 2nd lieutenant, but he would not live to
receive his promotion.
One of his visitors during this time was
Captain Peter Baker, a British intelligence
officer who was destined to become Bachenheimers companion in the final days of his
life. Baker had heard from a Resistance man
that his particular group was commanded by
an American major. When he and his second-in-command, Captain Pringle Dunn,
went to inspect the next day, they found Pfc
Bachenheimer instead who grinningly
explained: `I hope youll forgive them, Sir,
for calling me major, but thats my underground rank, if you understand me.
Bachenheimer led Baker and Dunn into
his operations room where he had a largescale map with all his private armys activities marked in crayon. We are holding the
south bank of the Waal here, he explained.
I have sent patrols as far as this . . . also I
have despatched two men across the river at
this point and I expect them to return tomorrow. Baker and Dunn were amazed. You
seem to have as much command of the situation as a general, said Dunn. Considerably
more than our generals, I hope, Bachenheimer rejoined with a smile. Baker and
Dunn left duly impressed it was Baker
who tipped off Martha Gellhorn about
Bakers unit, IS-9 (WEA) short for

Intelligence School 9 (Western European

Area) was a small joint Anglo-American
unit, an off-spring of MI9, the British secret
service branch responsible for organising
escape and evasion of Allied personnel from
enemy territory. In the aftermath of MarketGarden, the IS-9 (WEA) team in Holland
concentrated on organising the escape of
British airborne soldiers who had been left
behind north of the Rhine after the evacuation of the 1st Airborne from the Oosterbeek
perimeter. Two operations were planned:
one was a mass escape across the Rhine, an
operation to take place near Wageningen in
mid-October (Operation Pegasus); the
other a more permanent escape line across
both the Rhine and Waal rivers, to run further west (Operation Windmill). The starting point of this line would be near Tiel, 20
miles west of Nijmegen, where the Dutch
underground had already started slipping
across the river in rowing boats at dead of
night, sometimes bringing an evader or two
with them.
Major Airey Neave, the operational commander of IS-9 (who had himself escaped
from Colditz in 1942 see After the Battle
No. 63), decided to send Captain Baker
(code-named Harrier for the operation)
and Private Bachenheimer across the Waal
to set up the Windmill line. Exactly how
IS-9 was able to recruit Bachenheimer for
this cloak and dagger operation is not clear.
According to Neave, Bachenheimer just volunteered for the mission. Baker a 23-yearold, excitable romantic who fancied himself a
secret agent though he had received no formal training for it was rowed across on the
night of October 11/12. Although Neave
later wrote that Bachenheimer went across
in the same boat, it is more likely that he
crossed one night later (as Baker remembered it), unreeling a telephone line as he
went across.
Whether they crossed together or separately, both men were taken to the same safe
house, the home of fruit farmer Fekko
Ebbens. Located on the Linge river, halfway
between the Waal and Rhine, on the edge of
a tiny hamlet and set well back in the
orchards, the red-brick house could not be
seen from the road. Farmer Ebbens lived
here with his wife and mother-in-law but at
the same time the house was used for a multitude of illegal activities. Upstairs he had a
Jewish family hiding from persecution. In the
basement he had large stores of arms and
ammunition. Shot-down airmen passed
through the house. Resistance workers used
it for meetings. In the garage were half a
dozen local men and students hiding to avoid
forced labour.
For a few days, Bachenheimer and Baker

Captain Peter Baker of IS-9 (WEA),

Bachenheimers companion during the
last days of his life.




Sent out to set up an escape line, Baker

and Bachenheimer were secretly rowed
across the Waal river near Tiel by the
Dutch underground. Both were taken to
the farmhouse of fruit farmer Fekko
Ebbens (above), a man deeply involved
in many different underground activities.
stayed there, preparing further moves.
Though they had been given strict orders
always to operate in military uniform and not
leave their safe house in daylight, they disobeyed orders and went for a stroll in the village in civilian clothes, even giving directions
to two German soldiers. A Dutch traitor may
have spotted them and warned the Germans.
It made little difference because the house
they were in was already doomed. With so
much activity going on, the Ebbens farm had
caught the attention of the German Sicherheitsdienst. They had sent a Dutch quisling,
Johannes Dolron, to find out more. Posing as
a deserter who needed a place to hide, he
had spent two weeks at the farm and then
sneaked away and informed the Germans
that Ebbens was hiding Jews. The Germans
planned a raid on the farm.
Shortly before midnight on the 16th, there


The Ebbens farm lay on the Linge river, two miles north of Tiel. Known locally as De Wildt, in 1944 it was surrounded by orchards.

On the night of October 16/17, the Germans raided the Ebbens farm, arresting everyone in the house, including Bachenheimer and Baker. The farm and all its outbuildings
was burned to the ground as a reprisal measure. Today a new house occupies the site.
was a quiet knock on the door. As it happened, Ebbens was expecting a shipment of
arms from across the Waal. When he
answered the door, two Germans asked
whether they could come in to look at their
map in the light of the living room. The
deception worked. The Germans had surrounded the house. Although they came
looking only for the Jews, they trapped and
arrested ten men, including Johannes van
Zanten (alias Van Buren), the chief of the
entire Resistance district. Bachenheimer and
Baker were caught asleep in beds upstairs.
Just then the Resistance men arrived with
the consignment of arms. There was a brief
exchange of shots, in which one German was
wounded, and a few of the Dutchmen
arrested outside managed to escape. The
Resistance fighters withdrew, shifting the
arms to another hiding place.
When the Germans found their uniforms,

Bachenheimer and Baker were able to convince their captors that they were ordinary
Allied soldiers who had been cut off from
their units. Separated from the others, they
were marched away to a schoolhouse in Tiel
which was in use as a German battalion CP.
Here, to their surprise, they were offered a
drink of red wine and a sandwich by the
battalion commander and his staff.
Next morning they were put in a truck

which already contained Mr and Mrs Ebbens

and the other arrested civilians and was
guarded by a dozen soldiers. A half-hour
journey brought them to a village near
s-Hertogenbosch full of German troops
where there was another headquarters.
Bachenheimer and Baker were told to dismount, the others were driven away. They
were interrogated in turns for several hours
but gave away nothing.
The arrested civilians met different fates.
The captured Jews were sent to a concentration camp. Van Zanten bluffed his way out
by claiming that he was just an innocent
neighbour who happened to be on a visit.
He and Ebbens wife were released. Farmer
Ebbens took all responsibility on him. The
Resistance, desperate to help him, even
tried to purchase his freedom but to no
avail. Together with four others, he was
shot by a firing squad at Renswoude on
November 14. The Ebbens farm was plundered and burned to the ground. (The
rumour that careless behaviour by Baker
and Bachenheimer had caused the raid led
MI9 later to make an official investigation
into the affair. Ebbens death aroused much
resentment from the Dutch after the war,
leading to another inquiry.)
Early on the 18th, Bachenheimer and
Baker were taken to a POW transit camp at
Culemborg, from where they and 30 other
captives then marched 30 miles to another
POW camp at Amersfoort which contained
about 250 prisoners, many of them airborne
troops from the Arnhem battle.


Below: Johannes Dolron, who betrayed

Ebbens to the Germans. Planted by the
Germans, he posed as a Dutch deserter
from the Wehrmacht looking for a hideout. After spending two weeks at the
farm, he disappeared and reported everything he knew to his Nazi controllers.



Bachenheimers route after capture led him via stops at Tiel, s-Hertogenbosch and
Culemborg to the POW camp at Amersfoort. Put on a train to Germany, he
escaped before the train had left Holland (his second evasion of the war), only to be
caught again soon afterwards. Twenty-four hours later he was dead, murdered by a
German guard and dumped from the back of a truck in the village of t Harde,
35 miles north of Amersfoort.

On the 21st both men were included in a

train transport to Stalag XI-B at Fallingbostel, each in a different box-car. The train
left in the early evening. During the ride,
Bachenheimer and three British airborne
soldiers pried open a window and jumped
from the train. Shortly after, they split up,
Bachenheimer preferring to carry on by himself. (Peter Baker spent the rest of the war at
Stalag XI-B. He received the Military Cross,
founded the Falcon Press in 1945 and
became a Tory MP for South Norfolk in 1950
a brilliant career which ended in ignominy
when he was sentenced to seven years
imprisonment for financial fraud in 1954. He
died in 1966.)
Sometime on the 22nd, the Germans must
have recaptured Bachenheimer, but when,
where and how is completely unknown. That
evening, a Wehrmacht truck was driving
from Harderwijk to Oldebroek when, about
2100 hours, it stopped on Eperweg, the main
road past the village of t Harde, in front of
the house of the De Lange family. Two shots
rang out, but the inhabitants of the house
were too scared to look out to see what was
happening. The following morning, German
soldiers found the dead body of an Allied
soldier by the side of the road. It was
Dutch officials carried out a post-mortem.
They found Bachenheimers name and army
serial number on his dog-tags. For some
unexplained reason they identified his uniform as that of a lieutenant in the US Army
Air Force. They established that he had been
killed by two bullets, one through the neck
and another through the back of his head.
Among the few personal items found on the
body was a silver ring with the inscription Ik
hou van Holland (I love Holland). That same
day, October 23, Bachenheimer was buried
in the De Eekelenburg General Cemetery at
Oldebroek, a Dutch minister, the Rev. Koolhaar leading the ceremony.
Exactly why Bachenheimer was shot
remains open to question. Although there
are no witnesses to confirm it, the story is
that he was killed by a guard in the truck
after he hit the man in another attempt to
Meanwhile, Bachenheimers friends in the
504th knew nothing of all this. They had
heard nothing of him since he had crossed
the Waal at Tiel. To them, the master scout
appeared to have vanished without a trace.
When the 82nd Airborne finally left Holland
after 57 days of combat, on November 13,
Bachenheimer was still listed as missing in

Above right: The memorial cross to pilot Bachenheimer, erected by the inhabitants
of t Harde immediately after the war. (G. Thuring) Above right: In 1980, during the
35th anniversary of the liberation, local school pupils wanted to know more about
the Allied soldier remembered in their village. Three years later, headmaster Albert
Visser (right), finally identified Bachenheimer as the legendary airborne scout. In
1984, the cross was replaced by a Star of David. (A. Veldman)
The Dutch locals at t Harde never forgot
the incident on Eperweg and, shortly after
the war, erected a memorial cross at the
exact spot where the American soldier had
been found. As they knew not better than
that he had been an airman, the cross
referred to Bachenheimer as pilot.
In April 1946, his remains were recovered
from Oldebroek, and reinterred at the US
military cemetery at Neuville-en-Condroz in
Belgium. In April 1949, at the request of the
family, the remains were repatriated to the
US and given a final resting place at Beth
Olam Jewish Cemetery in Hollywood, California. Ethel Bachenheimer remarried in
1950 becoming Mrs Kenneth Betry. (She still
lives in Hollywood today.)
On March 3, 1952 in the Royal Palace in
Amsterdam HRH Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands presented a posthumous Dutch
Bronze Cross to Bachenheimer for his

exceptional bravery at Nijmegen. The award

was received by the American Ambassador
on behalf of Bachenheimers widow.
For nearly 40 years, the facts surrounding
the last days of Bachenheimers life
remained unknown to the airborne veterans
(many of whom still remembered him with
awe). The mystery of what had happened to
him was only unravelled in 1983 when Albert
Visser, director of the Petra Primary school
at t Harde (whose pupils had asked him
about who this man Bachenheimer had
been) discovered that the shot airman still
commemorated at his village was in fact the
lost 504th paratrooper. In 1984, at the instigation of Father Gerard Thuring of Groesbeek-Bredeweg (an accomplished historian
of Market-Garden), the cross on Eperweg
was replaced with a Star of David. Every
year on May 4, Dutch Remembrance Day, a
wreath is laid at the memorial.

Bachenheimers grave at Beth Olam Jewish Cemetery in Hollywood. General Gavin,

wartime commander of the 82nd Airborne, paid homage to Bachenheimer thus: His
bravery was, beyond question, of an exceptionally high order. Bachenheimer stood
out more from the venturesome form his bravery took than because of the bravery
itself. (H. Klsters via G. Thuring)

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